parsheliii · 1 year
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I love when CCs do cosplay of their own character, yesterday Roier did it and I wanted to show some other CCs with their cosplays
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catboybiologist · 7 months
Hey, transfem who has only started to like her body about half a year ago here
As someone who takes a lot of pictures of themselves, do you have any resources/tips for angles or something that accentuates feminine features?
Also in regards to having a somewhat normal facial expression, like my eyes look so weird in every picture I take bc I don't know where to look
This response ended up WAY longer than I expected, and I think Imma add it to my pinned post- thanks for pushing me to talk about this! I don't think I'm really an expert here, but if people want to leave more advice in reblogs and comments, please do.
So when I say "I had two years of femboy experience before transferring to the related (and potentially overlapping) but separate field of trans womanhood" I'm only like... half joking. Selfie angles took a fucking wild amount of time for me to figure out, and guess what? The pictures I post are usually 1-3 in a set of about 20 that I take at any given time. I'm still unhappy with most pictures I take, you just gotta take a lot of them, and figure out for yourself.
That said, I think I have gotten a lot better over time. Behold, the first selfie I posted on reddit (warning for kinda cringe but I know y'all fuck with that):
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(Damn, my thighs look good when I properly shave, gotta do that sometime)
(btw I'm 23 in this pic so feel free to simp if you so desire)
And another early one:
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This was still selected from a bunch that were horrible, but you can really tell that my face is basically just covered in fabric entirely. My eyes look very dead in both. Compare that to:
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^this one is still pre-transition, so don't blame the estrogen.
So what are my specific tips? Well, the classic "selfie angle" is from above. This angle certainly helps, but why? Personally I've found that its far less about angles are far more about lighting. Since most lighting is overhead, taking selfies from above means that you'll have a well lit face in those standard lighting conditions. Notice that in both the early selfies and the later one, the camera is actually positioned below my height level, and there's still a noticeable facial difference between them. The reason this is possible is good, forward lighting. Generally, you want a soft light source to be vaguely behind the camera, shining onto your face- but make sure its not too close, or too bright. This will ensure that harsh shadows don't artificially make your features look much different than they actually are.
Another thing that cannot be understated: DISTANCE between yourself and the camera, especially if you're using a phone camera. There are several reasons for this- notably, it'll help make the background be framed more pleasantly, as well as prevent the camera/phone itself from shadowing your face. But there's also a massive, insidious reason this happens- all phone cameras have some degree of fisheye to their lens to increase the field of view while still using compact optics. Multiple lens have helped a bit, but its still a problem on all of them. Higher end phones will algorithmically correct for this, but they also add a TON of other postprocessing "beautification" in ways that are sometimes completely invisible (insert entire rant here about how this is a deceptive marketing tactic to make a brands phone cameras seem better than they actually are). Sometimes, these edits are way off base. But I digress. The fisheye is killer because it takes any slightly more prominent feature and bulges them out, including the nose and chin. Conversely, recessed features, like eyes and the sides of your cheeks, are going to be less emphasized. Moving further away from the camera significantly reduces this. If you can get a small phone tripod and take selfies that way, it'll alleviate this. Unfortunately my living space is not large atm, and I have less motivation to bother my roommates in the common areas and use their hallways for picture taking, so this has been a little lacking in more recent selfies. It's also just a lot of work for a couple quick selfies, so its hard to do right- but it genuinely makes a world of difference.
Otherwise, my advice about eyes would be that your eyes show your overall facial expression, even if you're covering your mouth. Most of my pictures are taken while smiling slightly under the mask, and it shows in the eyes. If I want a scarier looking picture, I'm stone faced or deliberately make my entire face angrier, and you end up with the "glaring directly down the camera wanting to kill you" face. Referring to the pictures I just posted- the first two are both dead faced under the mask, whereas in the last one, I'm doing a smug, sultry smirk. The eyes then reflect that.
Don't focus on specifically trying to open your eyes wider. Change your facial expression and just let them be how they want to be in relation to that. Eye position should fully commit to looking straight into the camera, or be fully distracted with something else, imo (including the screen of your phone, if you're doing something like a mirror selfie). If you're taking a mirror selfie, look at the camera lens as it's reflected in the mirror. A HUGE takeaway is that cameras, especially phone cameras, straight up lie to you. They don't work the same way as the human eye, and have to compensate for that- but they'll never be a completely faithful representation of what you look like. Don't let your ego be affected by how you look in pictures, when all is said and done.
And of course, experiment, experiment, experiment! Figure out the lighting you can get in the space you have available, and the angles that work for you! Don't be afraid to delete selfies you don't like! Show off your style and your features in the way you want to! There are no rules for what's attractive, this is just what I do and you should develop your own style!
I guess I'll take this with both femboy and trans tags bc the selfies are pre-HRT
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
For anyone interested in long-term residence in the supernatural fandom, please have some observations I’ve made over the decade I’ve been here. Take it or leave it as you will, but I’ve found all of this info useful over the years I’ve been here.
I wrote this yesterday, and it achieved its mission of identifying the sort of folks who would react negatively to it (i.e. a lot of block lists have been updated), so now that it’s been edited for content, it’s going under a cut (because that is how we do things on tumblr in general, unless we have a deliberate purpose for annoying readers with excessively long text posts) for the sake of people who actually do care about the fandom and its history. If that’s not you or your reason for being here, then keep on keeping on with your own thing, I guess. For those who are interested, there’s a lot of fandom resources some of us have been building for years that you might enjoy knowing about.
First off, I’ve been informed by a few friends who’ve read through this for coherency’s sake that it sort of reads like a *shakes cane from porch* fandom grandma complaint, but honestly... I earned this rocking chair and goshdangit imma rock now. So apologies for any “back in my day” vibes or faint aroma of tiger balm this post might give off. Then again, it’s loosely based on a similar post from 2012 so like... time is a flat circle anyway I guess.
1. There is no such thing as “tumblr famous,” unless you’re referring to the hilarious and delightful fic of the same name (please go read it, you will cackle). Posting Hot Takes for imaginary Clout™ on this site is kind of pointless in the long run. Sure you can post solely for the sake of stirring shit and getting notes, but the majority of the folks who do aren’t long term residents of the fandom. They’re just tourists moving through our little beach town for spring break. If you’re actually intent on moving to this corner of the fandom for an extended stay, please bother to really feel out the permanent residents and understand the culture and general mood of the neighborhood. It bears no resemblance to whatever’s going on across town where all the bars and beach parities are happening, and those loud, drunken revelers are, again, gonna disappear back to their regular lives or on to the next party eventually. That doesn’t mean the fandom is dying, it’s just evolving.
(funny how I had several comments implying that I’m just trying to keep the fandom from evolving with this post, because I sincerely do want the fandom to continue on for years to come, and that is impossible without evolution. We can evolve without self-immolating, though. mostly i included point 1 for an excuse to push ancient but hilarious fanfic on you.)
2. Once you post something here, it’s been unleashed to the fandom winds. You never know where it will end up, or who will comment on it or add to it. Remember that time Misha tweeted the link to the Epic Cockles Love Story post? No? It was wild. That was 2012. They all know we’re here, and how to find us if they want to. Please don’t take it to their doorsteps.
Obviously if someone is being a dick on your posts, please feel free to block them, but the whole entire point of this site is to engage people with your posts. Being big mad that someone reblogged your post with comments or supporting evidence, or happy headcanons or “HECK THIS IS GREAT BECAUSE (insert personal story about their experience or whatever else made them Feel Things about your post)” is frankly ridiculous. If your goal is to avoid any sort of engagement with your posts, then maybe try instagram instead. From what I understand, there is a SPN fandom presence there, and nobody can tarnish your original posts with unwanted commentary. But the ability to reblog with additional commentary is a FEATURE of tumblr that builds community through conversation. Otherwise we’re all just talking to ourselves in a vacuum, and that’s what actually kills fandoms.
(and for the folks who just want to blog how they want to blog and don’t want people to engage on their posts at all, please feel free to block anyone you want, as well... nobody wants to step on your toes, but most of us also don’t want to walk on eggshells wondering if this post is one of the “do not add comments for any reason” sorts of posts, either. This is a huge fandom and most people can’t even begin to keep track of every creator and their url du jour, and what their personal rules might be regarding interaction with their content. Including a “please don’t add comments” note at the bottom of your posts-- and not in your tags that won’t even show up on reblogs, but in the actual body of the post-- would sincerely help avoid any awkward or unwanted interactions, too. At the end of the day, you are in control of your own fandom experience and the block button exists.
For the record, I block zero fandom blogs (which is why I posted this, I wanted it to reach a wide scope... refer to the opening paragraphs as to why).
3. Since this post was partly inspired by a tag I left on that post going around about how “previous tags” mean fuckall on this site (which you can read here), just a reminder that if you like someone’s tags or feel they add value to the post, part of the Peer Review structure of tumblr encourages you to PASTE THEM INTO A REBLOG. If you do this, then at least credit the person who actually wrote the tags! Don’t just copy someone else’s tags into your tags on your reblog of the post without credit either. They were not YOUR tags. (I have had this happen to tag rambles I wrote and someone else got credited with them on a subsequent reblog and it is FRUSTRATING). Just... don’t even bother to write “previous tags” because WHAT PREVIOUS TAGS?! Nobody is gonna bother to chase back the chain of reblogs trying to find where the mystery tags came from, friendos. That way lies madness.
(for the record, since some folks seemed to focus on this point solely, writing “previous tags” on a post isn’t inherently a BAD thing, but for anyone who actually is here for more than one-off shitposting, then it’s sort of a pointless thing in the long run. This wasn’t intended to suggest people who ARE here for one-off shitposting are bad or “doing it wrong,” but for people who might actually want to preserve that hilarious joke or insightful comment. People delete posts and entire blogs all the time around here. Links break. I get that the upcoming generation just shrugs at that and moves on with their lives, but heck... you don’t have to accept that all entertainment is disposable if you don’t want to. There’s a bizarre sort of nihilism plaguing us all about the impermanence of pretty much everything that feels like something we should be fighting against rather than buying into wholesale, even in our escapist entertainment. I’m just exhausted by the complete loss of joy in community.
Yes... yes it isn’t really that deep, but bigger picture in the state of reality we’re all entirely disillusioned with, are we supposed to just give up on everything, including the things we cling to because they bring us a tiny spark of hope that we’re not all just trapped in this dystopian nightmare and things might actually be worth living for?
*peanut gallery clinging to burnt husks of peanuts in a barren peanut field* but this is how we have chosen to cope
Okay... you do you... I feel bad for you but if that’s the case then this post is NOT FOR YOU. AND THAT’S FINE. I honestly do not care if you don’t care! I mean, I’m sorry anyone has to live in a world that drives them to that mindset, but I understand. This post is for anyone who might look at their lives and their choices and think “no wait, I unironically enjoy this and want more from the experience of that enjoyment than I’m currently feeling.” Everyone else can continue with their lives as usual.)
4. CONTENT THEFT IS NEVER OKAY. PERIOD. Things like “credit to the artist” or tagging gifs or images you found on pinterest as “not mine” isn’t actually credit. If you can’t source an image or gif set, DO NOT POST IT! We don’t REPOST (i.e. save an image and then create a new post with it as if it was our own creation). We REBLOG (click the little square arrows and reblog from the actual creator). That goes for gif sets, fanvids, screencaps, meta, fic... everything.
(hopefully everyone here already understands this one, but I felt compelled to include some “these are stupidly obvious” reminders anyway, since this is ostensibly some sort of advice column. This is the equivalent of the warning label on your toaster reminding you not to use it in the bath. Like... duh...)
5. Close kin of item 4 is SOURCE YOUR SHIT. 
(for 100% disclosure purposes, I specifically discussed this one in this specific way because of an influx of anon ask messages I received in the wake of the finale. Literally the inciting incident for creating this entire post was what I can only assume was a joking ask about a comment Misha made at a con years ago. Someone actually bothered to take the time to type out those sentences to me. I have no idea what they were expecting in reply, or what could possibly motivate them to send this comment about something so entirely random from, again, several years ago. Just a joke? No idea, but whatever... it got me thinking that there might actually be people who are new to the fandom who MIGHT actually care about the fandom history, and maybe they just don’t know where to go for that info, or how to even begin searching through 16 years of history for things they might actually find enjoyment in, rather than just hauling random out of context garbage out on main and pointing and laughing about it now. People are actually allowed to care about things. It’s not cringeworthy to actually care about things, and you are not alone in actually caring, and there’s this whole big room over here full of people who are thrilled to share in that with you. This post is intended FOR THOSE PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY, so if that is not you, please just continue walking by.)
Yes, I know lots of y’all are new around here right now, but dredging up stuff from years ago that fandom has completely debunked and presenting it as TRU FAX again is just exhausting. We’re not trying to be party poopers, but seriously, we have seen it all and are mostly done with extinguishing bags of flaming dog poop on our front porches for the umpteenth year in a row. I’ve seen a lot of posts that have the same tone as “I saw Goody Proctor dancing with the devil” or “I heard kylo ren has an eight pack” and just... the information is there for anyone who cares enough to find it.
This goes double for “why is nobody talking about this thing I just discovered while watching the show for the first time?!” And, oh hon, we have talked it all into the ground over the last fifteen years. We’re happy you’re discovering it again, but I promise we talked about it plenty when the episodes originally aired. We have such a rich meta history that lots of us have worked really hard to preserve. I encourage you to seek it out, if nothing else than as historical artifacts. The way we have discussed the show has been a 16-year evolution. People have written literal doctoral dissertations on this show. Your shitposts are fun! We love reliving our own experience through fresh eyes, and seeing your wonder at experiencing it all again for the first time! But y’all didn’t invent this fandom in the last six months, either.
Meta Sources and Minerals provided by our friendly neighborhood fandom archivist, @lets-steal-an-archive
Academic books and articles about SPN 
A collection of Meta Essays going back to s1 and organized by topic (all of this has happened before, all of it will happen again)
SPN Heavy Meta Archive (s1-3)
Mel’s Dreamwidth archive of meta (s1-12)
Oranges8hands Dreamwidth archive of meta (s1-15, with many similar entries to Mel’s... though ymmv on viewpoint in a lot of these too)
Anyone remember Fandom Wank? Not the concept but the actual LJ... No? Okay have a link to SPN topics that ended up there. Through 2013. We have seen so much... including several fandom containment breaches.
for all your art sourcing needs, please see @theroadsofararchive, the repository for so much fandom art.
need to find a gif of something? canonspngifs is a vast repository of gifsets of the entire series. If the gif you want to use in your post happens to be the first gif in the gifset, in the tumblr gif finder thingy just paste the permalink to that post from canonspngifs (which is easily searchable by episode, character, location, situation, quotes, and sometimes even color and clothing items the actors are wearing... it’s really well organized, especially for tumblr >.>) and the first gif will be automatically linked with credit to the gif creator attached. It makes life easy that way. It’s also convenient when trying to remember something specific but can’t remember what episode it’s from. I’ve used the site to jog my memory before going to the superwiki armed with more specific search results to find episode quotes and references. Or sometimes I just scroll through all the nice gifs for fun, too.
Need a screencap of something and know exactly which episode it’s from? Try Home of the Nutty. You might not find the exact screencap you’re looking for, but they have a complete set of caps of every episode, and it’s an incredibly useful resource for quick reference checks and the like. Just give pages a chance to fully load before clicking on the next one. The site is easily overloaded, but it’s still free to use (and again, with credit... Pretty much every screencap on my entire blog is from HotN unless otherwise credited).
As you can see, this is a fandom built on preserving our history. You absolutely are not required to engage with any of this if that’s not of interest to you, but I can only assume that there are people who would be interested in it if only they knew it existed and how to find it. Well, now they do.
6. A few more notes on tags, and how they work on tumblr. The first 20 tags on your ORIGINAL posts are searchable sitewide, so if you want to be able to find something again, tag that thing first before going on general tag rambles. The only place tags on reblogs are searchable is on your own blog. So you don’t have to put 50 tags trying to get a post seen if it’s a reblog. You’re just spitting into the wind at that point. If you have a filing system for finding things again, then by all means add those tags (again, in the first 20, so they’re searchable), but you don’t need to tag a reblog “destiel” and “deancas” and “dean” and “cas” and “dean x cas” or whatever. Pick one for your personal blog’s filing system, that’s all you need.
(this was only added because tagging and searching on this site is so very broken... I get that a lot of folks don’t care about ever searching their own blogs again for anything, so this one only really applies if you do often find yourself trying to find old posts. If not, then it’s not really relevant.  It took me years to work out a decent tagging system, and at the beginning of my time here I never thought I’d end up camping out here for a decade and falling this deep into the fandom, and I regretted my lack of consistent tags only years later when I realized I actually wanted to be able to go back and find specific old posts again. So... for anyone who wants to err on the side of caution, working out a sensible tagging system really helps if you’re here for the long term. I personally tag content by episode, because some of my other general tags are so large as to be practically useless as a search term. But whatever system you choose to file stuff on your own blog, it really only has to make sense to you. And again, if this is pointless advice for someone who has no intention of settling here for the long term. Please feel free to ignore it. I just wish someone had explained it this way to me ten years ago and saved me the hassle of retroactively tagging something like 30k posts... especially now that using the mass tag replacer is the fastest way to get your entire blog deleted... oops? so yeah, don’t use the mass tag replacer either >.>)
7. Tags on Tumblr DO NOT WORK LIKE TAGS ON TWITTER. If you @ someone in the body of the post, it will show up in their notifications (if they’re the sort of person who even checks their notifications... not all of us do. For the record, I generally don’t...), but putting actor or ship names in the tags on a tumblr post does absolutely nothing. It’s not the same as tagging the actor’s twitter account in a tweet. Nobody’s getting notifications about you tagging a post about Jensen here as “Jensen Ackles.” There is a difference. Please learn it. (and don’t take headcanons and ESPECIALLY RPF or otherwise explicit art or fic from tumblr to twitter and tag the actors in it. That’s just... not okay.)
(I have seen the pearl clutchers getting all in a huff about the mere existence of RPF or even explicit content of fictional characters if it doesn’t meet their purity standards, but tagging those things allows people who don’t want to see it to actively avoid that content here. Nobody has a right to tell people their fictional content shouldn’t exist at all, or that creators of that fictional content somehow deserve harassment or threats for having dared to create such “immoral” content, won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children... and no... you do not do that here. Don’t be the problematic behavior you wish to ban from the world. Learn to use tags to protect yourself from, as i have attempted to emphasize here, fictional content you are personally upset by. That’s a you problem, not a problem for the creators of potentially upsetting content that they tag appropriately for.)
8. General formatting stuff: If you’re writing long text posts, visually break them up so people aren’t faced with one long wall of text. The enter key is your friend. Also, if you put long text posts under a Read More break and send people to your blog to finish reading, please ensure that your blog is actually visually accessible (tiny text, or light grey text on a dark grey background, or a visually busy background might be aesthetically pleasing to you but nobody can actually read it. Loads of folks won’t even try. Which is great if you don’t actually care whether people are able to appreciate your content or not, but something to at least consider if you *do* actively want to encourage engagement with your work. Confirm how your blog looks on both mobile and desktop and make sure it’s actually functional in both, too).
And since I mentioned that most of my experience on fandom tumblr has been in the SPN fandom, here’s a bit of a reminder for folks who are new around here. With the reminder that I have been here more than a decade and still feel like a newbie myself sometimes...
This is an OLD FANDOM. There are many, many people who have been at this longer than some of you have been alive. The average age for creators in this fandom is older than you think (I think of my friends in their 30′s as young’ins okay? okay). With that understood, you are responsible for the content you consume and are exposed to. Curate your experience. Ship and let ship. YKINMKATOK. Don’t deliberately expose yourself to content you find upsetting for whatever reason. Tags and warnings are your friends, not targets for you to attack in some sort of purity war. People will ship things you do not like (or in specific ways you do not like), will say things you do not agree with, and will find their happiness in things you abhor. That is not your concern. Find what you do like, and support and engage with it, and ignore (or block, or unfollow) the rest. Tumblr has a feature that lets you blacklist tags so the content you’re trying to avoid won’t appear on your dash.
Remember the paradox of tolerance.
It is not your job in fandom to police how other people enjoy the fandom. It’s not *my* job to police how *you* enjoy the fandom, UNLESS your enjoyment is in actively harming other real human beings in the fandom. If you don’t like their take on the character or the show or the plotlines or their ships or anything else, you don’t need to engage with their posts at all! The necessary corollary to this is that clarifying misunderstandings or correcting factual misinformation is not “policing.” 
(this is where the peanut gallery reminds me it ain’t that deep, and I plead with them to put down the social media and find just one (1) thing to actually believe in in this godforsaken life, find something other than disdain and cynicism and spite to live for. If those things motivate you to find a larger cause for yourself, then great, use them to your advantage, but use them to find something that makes you a better person or brings you a modicum of joy and connection to your fellow human beings despite living in a dystopian hellscape of a world)
I have seen a lot of posts lately that are founded on the sort of authority that comes with “I watched through tumblr for a few months and then watched the last three episodes of the series” and as such are just... missing the larger context of the entire show, and are unfounded entirely in canon. I 100% appreciate the new enthusiasm for the fandom that we’ve been living in here for years, and it’s wonderful to see new people enjoying the thing we love. Your headcanons are valid, you are valid, but recognize that your headcanons aren’t canon. All of us finale denialists have accepted this in some measure, so we feel you. We truly, truly feel you. But regarding actual canon, we have a resource for that: the Superwiki. Learn it, live it, love it, as Metatron would say.
(which you could discover he said in 10.17 Inside Man, thanks to the superwiki! accept no substitutes!)
(and again, there have been people who have been involved in fandom for years who haven’t engaged with canon in years, either! You can play in this universe however you choose, BUT FOR PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT CANON AT ALL, WHICH I AM AGAIN POINTEDLY SAYING MIGHT NOT BE YOU, READER, AND I’M NOT SUGGESTING YOU ARE WRONG FOR NOT WANTING TO ACTUALLY ENGAGE WITH CANON, but if you DO want to engage with canon, please have some useful resources. Why do people feel personally attacked by being presented a list of helpful resources? Absolutely baffling.)
(also: words have definitions. “Canon” is a specific thing, meaning in this case “the finished media product that aired on television.” Anything beyond those limits is secondary canon (think: john’s journal, which is not canon but canon adjacent at best...), word of god (i.e stuff said by the writers and showrunners), or headcanon (which includes actor commentary-- they may have helped create the show with their acting choices and whatever, but they are not in control of the story overall). If there’s something you dislike about actual canon, you can reject it and supplement it with your own theories or preferred outcomes-- that’s basically what fanfic is-- but that doesn’t make your theories canon (much to all our dismay, that’s just not how any of this works. This is not to invalidate how anyone engages with the show or the fandom, just trying to clarify what seems to have been a source of unintentional misunderstandings. Your theories do not have to be “canon” to be legitimate interpretations.)
***I am setting this section apart, and did make a separate post of just this following information, because this is where we go from being relatively chill about different parts of fandom choosing to interact in different ways and you do you and blog however you want, to “hey can everybody please understand that the way you are interacting with this specific material might be harmful for specific legal reasons, and stating that you do not care about the consequences of your actions does actively make you the asshole here...” Okay, now that we have that understood:
The spnscripthunt collective has been steadily acquiring new scripts (which are posted in full on the superwiki for everyone to enjoy, for free). The language around how some folks are talking about these scripts is... concerning. For very real legal reasons, actually, and not because we’re feeling precious about the collection and don’t wike it when meanies use them in shitposts.
-First off, these scripts are not “leaks.” They are all verified and legally purchased (or gifted, in some cases, but still acquired entirely above board. we didn’t whack anyone over the head in a back alley for these scripts, or swipe them out of someone’s trailer on set).
(in case anyone was unaware, these scripts are the copywritten protected property of Warner Brothers. So yes, how we use them and share them with the fandom could have legal repercussions. We present them as a collected resource of fandom history which SHOULD fall under Fair Use doctrine, but this is untested legal water. Insinuating that the scripts are somehow not entirely legally obtained, or that posting them for public access involved less than 100% transparent and entirely legal transactions is incredibly concerning.
Once again for the peanut gallery, if you don’t care about any of that and are just having a good time with it, at least be mindful of the work and expense a large group of people have gone through to acquire and present the content you’re all too eager to exploit for cheap thrills. Some of us do actually care and are not exactly comfortable with the fact that others don’t seem to care about burning it all to the ground. We can’t force you to listen or behave as we’d hope you might, but at least be aware of the potential consequences of your actions. All we’re asking is for you to not be the douchebag who sets the whole neighborhood on fire with your illegal fireworks display. Is that too much to ask for? more on that in a second, first... a psa)
-If you see a script for sale and are unsure if it’s legit (or believe it might already be freely available in our collection), please feel free to ask us for advice. Our goal is to make as much of our fandom history available to the entire fandom, and we absolutely do not want anyone shelling out money for stuff you can already find for free.
(seriously, we’ve seen a bunch of resellers cropping up selling printed versions of the scripts we bought and uploaded for everyone to enjoy free of charge, or scripts that are otherwise of dubious origin. We’ve been at this for years now and know what’s actually out there. We don’t want anyone to fall for a scam if we can help it)
-Also, the usual reminder that the scripts we acquire ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE FINAL SHOOTING DRAFTS. In fact, the majority of scripts in our collection are NOT. Changes are made daily to scripts, even during filming. Comparing a Production Draft (white pages, effectively the first “final draft” of what usually becomes a series of drafts before filming wraps) to a much later revision (say... green or goldenrod revisions, several of which we DO have in our collection for comparison) and how those earlier drafts often differ wildly from the aired version versus how similar a much later green draft is to the aired version, for example, can teach you a lot about the television writing process. The link above to the superwiki scripts page has a nice little explainer about how this process works.
Differences between our posted scripts (many of which are white drafts, aka FIRST complete drafts, which will likely go through multiple rounds of revisions before filming even begins) and the aired version of the show are not all “acting choices” or a director or editor just cutting whole scenes on a whim. It’s insulting to everyone involved in production to suggest that’s the case.
(and yeah, fine... whatever, make any sort of posts you like regarding how those changes came about, but at the very least understand that it’s not actually the truth about how any of this works. Don’t care that that’s not the truth and want to make the posts anyway because shitposting is fun and that’s the extent of your sense of humor? FINE! You’re entitled to do that! But at least you DO know the truth now, and hopefully so do the people who engage with your posts. Deliberate ignorance isn’t cute, smooth lions notwithstanding)
There’s probably a whole other post to be made on fandom tagging etiquette, but again I don’t really use the tags enough to know what’s going on with that whole situation. I’ve also probably left a lot of stuff out, so please feel free to add things I’ve overlooked.
Thanks also to @trisscar368 and @thayerkerbasy for help compiling this, too. They were kind enough to escort me through the park to feed these pigeons. Now I need to take them out for ice cream. :’D
So I guess welcome to the neighborhood. Make yourself at home, but like... try not to trash the place while you’re here. Some of us live here by choice, lol.
381 notes · View notes
My Ships!
Hey guys! So currently it's late at night and I wanna write something to help me sleep. So here I am on my phone quickly writing out all my ships down so you guys can see what a loser I am lol.
Now feel free to discuss your opinions, but dont start any ship wars or bash anyone's ships, alright? Cool! So here we go! Each ship will have a short explanation as to why I ship it. And they are in order from favorite to least, though my least favorite is still one I like.
Ishimondo-This is my biggest comfort ship. I love enemies to lovers so much and these two idiots are just...such a beautiful tragedy.
Saimota-Can someone say bromance? Like please they were flirting so hard it hurts. They are dating your honor.
Saimatsu-Please the way she was able to motivate him? Even after death she helped him improve. They had such chemistry from the very beginning.
SakurAoi-Yeah yeah Sakura has a bf whatever. But they technically werent dating yet cause they were waiting til Kenshiro got well. So...LES GO LESBIANS! Hina was about to commit murder suicide for her boo. Literally lovers.
HaruKaito-So even besides the fact Maki straight up confesses, I disagree with people saying they dont have chemistry. They're adorable and Kaito opens her up to people. This ship is adorable af.
Tokomaru-Similair to Kaito and Maki! Komaru helped Toko be a better person! Like I hated Toko at first, but after UDG, shes a top tier favorite. This ship is too cute.
Soudam-Again I love enemies to lovers. Idgaf if they never show romantic interest in each other shut up. They're beautiful bastards, both of them.
Fuyupeko-...do...do I really need to explain? Just play the second chapter again lol.
Hinanami-Im not a big fan of Hajime. In fact hes my least fave protag. But I think the way they interact and the way he is around Chiaki is too fucking cute.
Sondam-They had the more obvious chemistry in the game, and I love Sonia with Gundham. They fit each perfectly, having similar interests. Plus how sad she was when he died? 😭
Kiiruma-Ok so they're a perfect fit right? Kiibo was one of the only ones to even care when Miu died, and Miu seemed to care about Kiibo. Yeah because she could upgrade him, but I feel theres more there!
Naihiro-Now this is a rare pair. I think the two of them are very cute and soft boys, so they relate to each other. Theyd be a very sweet couple.
Akanidai-Nekomaru literally died to protect Akane, and took two bazookas to the chest for her. They were inseparable. Case closed. They cute.
Daiyakure-Another rarepair. It's hard to ship Hiro with people cause you'll get hit with the "hes 21 and they're underage" argument. But with Daiya Oowada, you can say hey, fuck you! Theres literally no interactions between them. It's almost a crack ship. But I love it more than I should.
Naekure-Another Hiro ship, but this one can be justified by saying they start dating after they escape the game and they know they're both adults. I think Makoto would be a decent balance to Hiro's...everything.
Togakure-Same logic as with Makoto as to when they get together. Byakuya would be able to deal with his idiot enough to calm him down slightly. Plus it would be a funny contrast.
Ishikure-Ok now this is a bit harder to explain. I see it more as they were dating before the mind wipe, and in survivor aus theyd date again. I just think Hiro being the only one to care about him after ch 2 is sweet and that the two would be cute.
Hagekureon-Same reasoning as with Taka;Hiro and Leon were dating before the game and/or they date in survivor aus. I think the two idiots together would be an interesting combo, like with Ishimondo.
Naegami-Finally, back to well known ships!😅 So Byakuya clearly cares for Makoto even if he tries to hide it. He'd be a good partner to Makoto, if not a bit tsundereish.
Kuzusouda-Fuyuhiko was like the only one to try to curb Kazuichi's simping, and they have a nice friendship in the anime(from what I've seen and heard, havent seen all of it😅)so I think Fuyu would be able to help Kaz accept himself.
Asakure-Once again, getting together after game. My friend put it as "the two idiots getting together. Its cute." And hes not wrong lol Despite Hina being slightly smarter and the fact she bullied Hiro a bit in game, I can see them working off each other nicely.
Goshi-Firstly I just love the striking difference in their heights. It's funny as hell to me lmao. But secondly I think Gonta's sincereness and kindness could eventually break through to Ryoma and help him realize he isnt unlovable, and he is worth something.
Twobuki-I just think Ibuki's constant praise and lowkey flirting with Twogami is adorable, especially given his...size. Usually people would make a character like that completely unlovable, so the fact she was seen doting on him so much is adorable.
BandAid-Now I normally dont ship killers and victims. It just doesnt feel right to me. But given Mikan was more or less brainwashed into doing it, i kinda give this ship a pass. Plus i think Ibuki could help her be more confident in herself and stop letting others use her.
Soapies-I dont really like either of these characters, thus why its last on the list, but I think Mahiru is the only one who could "tame" Hiyoko, for lack of a better word. She could help her stop being a bully and actually open up to others. Plus they both care a lot about each other. It's cute. Its sweet.
So that's my list! It might grow, and if it does I'll reblog this post to add onto it! Feel free to give your opinions on it, but remember: no ship wars!
Alright imma go pass out now! Good night guys! Lol
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Aight, Imma say this right now
👏Having👏good👏friends👏is👏 important!👏
Important for your self esteem.
Important for your mental health all together.
If you're comfortable inviting you friends over and they don't trash your place/clean up after themselves, they're good friends.
If you can laugh with them and not feel guilty, they're good friends.
If they're not only kind to you, but to other people too, they're good friends.
If you trust them enough to talk about your feelings with/ vise versa, they're good friends.
If you come out to them and they still respect you, they're good friends.
If they feel more like a family than your family (aka found family friend group), they're good friends.
If you're comfortable being your best authentic self around them, they're good friends.
Real friends don't drag each other down, they pick each other up.
Reblog this for all to see
Feel free to add more
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minalblood · 3 years
Ok this isnt my usual way of doing things cuz... Well, tbh i dont really care enough to actually make a post bout most things, id just rather reblog shit, but I've now seen several posts comparing the Loki finale with spn's and just... Where?
Spn ended as a show with one of the most hopelessness inducing shit I've ever seen, taking a character thats been consistently seen as at the very least depressed and killing him off with a 'that's what his happy ending looks like' plastered on it, another character who's whole ark was reconciling with himself about who he is only to make him essentially cut half of himself out for a kid and also still be unhappy, and a third who's whole thing was learning what free will is and that he too deserves free will only to have him go back to obeying orders in heaven. It was absolutely against everything the show had portrayed for 15 years, including in the actual season this finale was a part of.
Loki is an on going show (s 2 confirmed), but even if it hadn't been, the shows main narrative themes remained true to the end, Loki did in fact grow as a character, the shows ultimate plot is about free will, tackling also the fact that free will means shit will also happen, its not only roses and happiness and Sylvie stuck to her actual goal and achieved it, aka killing whoever was behing the TVA. Loki's goal throughtout the show wasn't killing the Time keepers, it was having the free will to write his own life story and he's done and doing exactly that, sometimes that means shit happens, no characters died needlessly in my opinion and as I've said, in no way did it go against its own themes that it established initially. Not to mention the fact again that it's ongoing!
Finally to touch on what people are really complaining about (the more vocal post I've seen circulating, I've no doubt some people just genuinely didn't like it and thats fine) which is the Sylvie/Loki thing. Ok lets discuss. Firstly, if it's not ur thing that's entirely fine, its not mine either, but to claim it's a problem for u cuz it's, as Ive seen multiole people say, heteronormative is hella problematic to me since it seems to erase the fact that both characters by their own words are bi/pan. That's shitty. Number 2: 'if Sylvie was male presenting they wouldn't have gone there'... Now while I do think Marvel/Disney wouldnt likely have the balls, I still find issue with this statement since it feels very... Sexist to me. I dunno what exactly about it, but it very much reads like y'all would not complain bout the pairing if Sylvie was male presenting more so than a dig at Marvel/Disney and that is not cool with me. And finally, C the selfcest thing as incest stand-in. Ok so I get that selfcest aint for everyone, which again, fair point if u just dont vibe at all, but the actual issues people seem to have is less with it being selfcest and more that its not mlm, which is highly hypocritical. Now to the people who do just dislike it for being basically incest, ur perogative, ur view , but I'd've hoped that the whole multivers aspect of this show could've made it clearer that while they are variants of each other they are not actually the same person. Also also since the spn parallel is what began this, to the spn fans I ask, how tf can y'all not see this, the multuple versions of Sam and Dean alone should have you realize it's someones history, experience, surroundings, accuaintances that mould a person. We don't even know for sure if they share parents! Its a dif universe they've been born in, oddly enough that means they couldn't be more physically different, even if they may share some personality traits or some history between them. Again, i dont ship it, it feels awkward to me based on their interactions, but that doesnt mean imma say some bullshit bout incest just cuz I dont like the idea. Fact is they're not actually related and, as an aside, the would u fuck ur clone talk has been around for ages with little issues about incest because its already covered in the meme as is the pollar opposite.
Ok this was rambly and well, hopefully some of my points have been made clear. To end I just wanna say I do look forward to season 2, I can't wait to see Mobius and Loki reacquaint now that we have a Mobius that doesnt remember/know Loki it'll be a nice juxtapose to their relation this season (yes i ship it, whatever) and also also wanna see what's gonna happen with Kang overall and with Sylvie. She wasn't having a good time there.
Edited below:
So quick add, I just realised why the comparison fucks with me so much more than other shit and it's cuz it reduces both finales to shipping, thats why it annoys me, it essentially undermines Loki's whole arc and reduces it to shipping and it also undermines just how bad spn ended and why its bad since it also reduces it to a ship. Neither are bad or good because of a ship being canon or not on its own and seeing this comparison makes it seem very much like thats the reason spn ended bad and equally makes Loki ending bad because of course it would if the ship didnt go the way you wanted it. But thats not the way to measure a show like Loki or Spn, or at least def not the only measurement to apply for the end conclusion.
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reggies-eyeliner · 4 years
Rules for Requesting and Asks!
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
(or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D
1. Soulmate/Normal Matchups (Closed)
What I Ask of You:
You can be as detailed as you want, or you can just make it the bare minimum, do whatever is easiest for you, my dear :D
Just try to include enough about you so that I know which result/outcome would make you the most comfortable
I might be a bit dismissive, so I’ll send you a notif for when I get the ask! Anons are also 1000 percent welcome :]
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Oh, and I won’t match you with Willie or Alex unless you’re also a dude, but I might match you two has best friends!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom
Yes, over 500 (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
Example of Matchup: Hi! Can I please have a matchup for a male character in Julie and the Phantoms (besides willie + alex)? I’m an INFP-T, 5′4″, Aries, and I’m also very annoying haha. I like writing, dance, and singing-- usually, I write a lot of fantasy novels and I want to be an author when I grow up! I also really like baking desserts, particularly brownies, and I also like to make mocktails if I ever get the chance. I love reading, John Green books especially, and I’m usually the funny person in the group to lift everyone’s spirits. Thank you so much :)
2. Band and Song Matchups (Closed)
These are definitely one of the most fun things to do! You can ask for this to be included in your other matchup, but a quick summary of it would be:
Send me your description, but this time add your physical description as well!
A few of the extra-curricular activities you do
Send up to 8 emojis describing your personality and aesthetic (haha it sounds weird but please trust me on this XD)
Your favorite JATP song
Your favorite genre, and/or your fashion style
And wabam, that’s it!
I’ll reply with who I’d see you as in the band, and what song you would be in Julie and the Phantoms. Seems ridiculous, but heyy ya know XD
3. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Reggie x Cowboy bootes but ya know (...that’s actually not a bad idea-)
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
4. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333</p>
4. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3</p>
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
(OPEN) Rules for Requesting and Asks:
Heyo, you beautiful little bean! Before I start the rules and all that jazz:
<Hugs!> (or shoulder pats, if you don’t like them hehe)
So: Rules. Oh boy. I’m not a fan of rules-- rules feel like it’s just “blah blah blah, do this, not that, blah blah” so Imma try to make these as easy as possible for y’all who are excited to ask >:D For Julie and the Phantoms requests, please view: @reggies-eyeliner!
(alphabetical order):
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Carmen Sandiego
Harry Potter
Julie and the Phantoms (@reggies-eyeliner)
Mystic Messenger
Percy Jackson and The Olympians
She Ra and the Princess of Power
Tangled: The Series
The Chicago Typewriter
The Dragon Prince
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Promised Neverland
The Umbrella Academy (I just started watching xDD)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders
1. Matchups
What I Ask of You:
Please, please, please try to keep it at one fandom per ask!!!
I’ve been doing a lot of Legend of Korra and Avatar: The Last Airbender asks, but my brain doesn’t function that way to keep at it for two fandoms. It’s hard to stay focused at two fandoms and stay with it and stay dedicated
Luckily, you can send requests for as many fandoms as you want, but my description will only be at most 50 words ^^
Yes, I have dedication issues. This is why I’m only in love with fictional characters and not real people xD!
Please try to be as respectful as possible in your ask 🥺🥺🥺
I’m not asking for you to worship me or scream at me with thank you’s, but just don’t scream at me for taking too long. Try not to curse every two words because I’m trying to keep my brain *jazz hands* holy
No, jkjk it’s just that there might be younger users reading over these xDD
Try to include:
I literally don’t care!! I want you to feel as free as possible while writing yours. Talk about anything you want. I don’t care if you speak of you and your passion for eating raw cookie dough (but same lmao), or if you hate almond milk. Just talk about whatever you want!! I’m here to make people smile and nothing else, sugarcakes! d;
What You Get in Return:
Over 500 words worth in writing per each fandom 
Yes, over 500 per fandom (it hurts like heck but it’s *throws skittles* okay)
A gif/fanart piece per fandom
You’ll get yours back either: Within 3 days, if you only requested only one fandom and you were very nice hehehehehe , three days if you wre still hecking amazing but I was busy, or it can go to AT MOST, AT MOST I PROMISE around 18 days if I’m having: an exam week, a pinned post, getting a lot of asks, or yours was really complicated and my brain exploded
At times, it may never come if *cough* TUMBLR EATS IT
I will also throw you fifty virtual hugs and skittles
And yes, every ask comes with a thousand hugs, compliments, and shoulder pats!!
A bunch of dating headcanons
If you put in your name, yes, I can customize ;D
What the person I matched you with does when you feel down
How they support you
How you support them
90 percent of it is mainly me rambling about how sweet everyone who asks is, but what can I say? Y’all are precious as heck
2. Headcanons, Imagines, Blurbs, Scenarios, Full Stories
I’ll write for any “X READER” that you request 
Literally anything
Angst, major character death, if you’re sad, I GOTCHU
Request for as many characters as you want!!
I don’t write NSFW :,) Please find another amazing blog for that
I’ll write everything else
No, like everything else ever
Okay I won’t write like a Mako x Box fanfiction but ya know
It doesn’t just have to be a character insert, it can be anything else!! I really don’t mind :]
What word count you want (or you can write that you’re chill with anything)
Your gender
Which POV you want it in
And I’ll send you what date I can get yours in!
3. Customized Asks:
I have never done this before, so this is kinda new!
Put in a lengthy and concise description of yourself-- it should be a lot more detailed than a matchup. Include your personality type, a lot about your personality, anything you want to add, but make it worth it!! Write A LOT about yourself!! Also, be sure to include your name.
Once you have the full thing, private-message me (please make sure you have an account!!) and I’ll send you my Tumblr asks email so you can send your description (or, send it in the submit form or asks, if you’re okay with it being public).
In return, I write you a reader insert with your real name (not y/n hehe) and make it customized just for you. I’ll make it perfect (or try to,) with your personality, your height, your likes, your interests, and your name so that it’s built just for you and no one else!!
The best part??
That’s right! A customized ask that goes from 3,000-10,000 words that should come within three weeks! Instead, all I ask is for some support in any way 🥺🥺🥺 It can be through reblogs, (remember: REBLOGS> LIKES d;), a simple follow or shoutout, or even just a thank you. I’m only here to make people happy!! Thank you so much if you do plan on supporting <333
3. Random Asks/Advice
Scream at me. Vent whatever you want to me. Ask me to help with your math homework. Your ELA homework. Ask for love advice. Tell me about what you did this morning. I LOVE, LOVE GETTING THESE ASKS!!
I love it when people come to me not just for asks and such, but just to tell me about their lives or to ask me quetsions!! And I bet a lot of other creators do, as well! So please support them <3
I’m sorry that this was a bit long, but if you read the full thing, HIGH FIVE >:3
Thank y’all so much!! Stay safe ^U^
To know which ones are currently in my ask box, press “keep reading!”
The Legend of Korra:
- The Krew playing Among Us with a reader
- Bolin with a s/o who works out
- Bolin x f!reader (ft. Brotherly Mako)
- Krew x singing!reader
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- AtLa matchup for short brown-haired girl
- The Gaang playing Among Us with a reader
- Sokka x insecure!female reader
-  Zuko x partially deaf reader
- How the Gaang would comfort you (blurbs+headcanons)
- Gaang x crying!reader (guys are you okay let me give you a hug)
- Gaang x suicidal!reader headcanons (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
Boku No Hero Academia:
- Kirishima x stressed out!reader (GUYS ARE YOU OKAY)
- Class 1A Among Us headcanons
- If Class 1A had TikTok headcanons
- Deku x insecure female reader (KWUDHKWUDHWUIHDUW GUYS)
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Tumblr media
I made it to 400 followers!! Again, I'm so grateful for each and every single one of you! I never thought I'd make it this far if I'm being honest. So THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ To celebrate I thought I'd make a little writing challenge. You don't have to participate but I'd be awesome if you did! 
Rules (please read them all)
You don’t have to be following me, but that'd be very cool
Please reblog to help signal boost
Send me an ask or a message with which prompt you want along with the character. You can have AS MANY PROMPTS AS YOU WANT AS LONG AS YOU DO THEM ALL! (The same prompt can be used only twice) 
Tag: #Mels400challenge and @criminal-cookies
You can write for ANY Marvel, Star Wars, or Sherlock character as well as Actors/Celebrities
It can be any type of fic; social media au, drabble, oneshot, series etc (if it’s multiple parts/series it does NOT need to be fully completed by then, it just need to be submitted and in progress by then)
You can interpret the songs however you like (lyrics and/or tone)
Please let’s keep this APPROPRIATE (i.e nothing underage, derogatory, against will, inc*st, p*do etc) (I’m open to nsfw but please tag to warn people)
Add read more if it’s longer than 500 words please
Please tag accordingly and use trigger warnings!
Due date will be Cinco de Mayo, May 5th (fair amount of time so l can read them all)
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me or send me a message!!
For this challenge, because I’m latina and the due date will be Cinco de Mayo, if you would like to write in Spanish or incorporate anything of the hispainc culture I’m 100% okay and open with this!! Some songs might be in spanish (most of what I listen to lol) so if you would like to use the translation of english I’m all for it!
Dialogue Prompts:
“Well this didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to.” “You think?” (@aesthetical-bucky​ w/Bucky)
“Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.” (@mushyjellybeans w/Bucky)
“If I tell you I love you will you make me pancakes?”
“Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window.” (@nekoannie-chan​ w/Steve or Rumlow) (@itsunclebucky​ w/Bucky)
“I hate that I still love you.”
“My biggest regret was loving you.” (@letstalkaboutsebbaby​ w/Bucky) (@asadmarveltrashbag​ w/Bucky)
“I wish I was wrong about you, but I’m not. I never am. Not when it comes to you. You haven’t changed at all. You never do.” (@constantaking​ w/Bucky)
“Donde hay humo, hay fuego.” “English.” “Where’s there’s smoke, there’s a fire. In this case, right behind you.”
“En boca cerrada no entran moscas.”
“Échale ganas.” “What?” “I can’t translate that.” (@godofplumsandthunder​ w/Bucky)
“There’s nothing sexier than a bomb suit, let’s be honest.”
“Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”
“I’ll always be here for you.” (@disaffectedbarnes​ w/Bucky)
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.” (@yougottakeeponkeepinon​ w/Pietro)
“Every time I look at you, I think I fall a little more in love.” (@justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​ w/Surprise)
“You’re the only person I’ve ever actually wanted to spent the rest of my life with.”
“Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it.” (@imma-new-soul​ w/Bucky)
“Is this movie too scary for you? You said the only things that scare you are capitalism and something called Mothman, which I’ve told you thousands of times does not actually exist.” (@tenderlybarnes​ w/PeterxMj)
“I’m getting a divorce” “WE’RE NOT EVEN MARRIED.” “How would you know?”
Movie Quote Prompts:
“No, (name), you are under arrest for being a complete and total fuckhead.” -Mac, Super Troopers
“Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?” -Foster, Super Troopers (@becausewhyknotme​ w/Sam)
“I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.” -Dom, The Fast and Furious
“We just went from the middle of the ‘most wanted’ list to the very top.” -Brian, Fast Five
“We have a hulk.” -Tony, The Avengers
“I’m with you til the end of the line.” -Bucky, CATWS
“Anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they’d like to disclose? I’m open to suggestions.” -Tony, CACW
“I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy.” -Natasha, Avengers Endgame
“An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.” - Cobb, Inception
“You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” -Eames, Inception
Tagging who might be interested: @becausewhyknotme @katbtracy @imma-new-soul @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writing-for-hours-on-end  @this-kitten-is-smitten @aesthetical-bucky @agentpeggybarnes​ @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky  @wemisshim3000 @dianadov @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @ilovetomatoes3000 @sebbbystaaan @disaffectedbarnes @heyiamthatbitch @asadmarveltrashbag @thorfanficwriter @i-burnt-the-pages @babiiface95​ @letstalkaboutsebbaby​ @mypassionsarenysins​
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ficsxreaderr · 4 years
Music to my eyes [2]
Pairing: Single dad!Bucky Barnes x reader. (Modern day AU)
Summary: As a simple worker at a record store, there’s so much you want to do in life yet, which doesn’t involve a serious relationship and much less a relationship with a guy who’s a father. Once you meet Bucky Barnes you’re not sure you can live up to that anymore.
I am sorry that this part is so short but good things are coming I promise!
Requests are open. Tagging for a permanent list and this fic are open.
Reblogging and feeback are welcome and appreciated!
Series masterlist | Masterlist
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Tuesdays are sale days at the store, which obviously means they’re crowded days, and even if many people would differ, you love watching people spending their money on things as valuable as records. It’s fun to see couples walking in and buying CD’s for each other, and it’s even better when someone comes in completely clueless about music and you can instruct them about what to buy for themselves or for a gift.
Talking to a customer about the importance of buying records from the year they were published, someone pokes your shoulder, and by the insistent and almost annoying way they’re doing it, you know it’s Sam.
“Sam, I’m busy—” You turn around quickly, but stop talking as you lay eyes on a tall brunette standing beside Sam. “H-hi,” You stutter. “Can I help you?”
“Y/N, this is my friend Bucky, the one I’ve been telling you about.” Sam gestures on his direction. Slowly, you offer your hand and he gives it a firm shake. Now, Bucky swears that day, in that moment, he felt electricity running up his arm and through his body as he locked his eyes with yours for the first time. Fuck, Sam was right, you are gorgeous.
“Nice to finally meet you.” You finally smile at him and he mirrors you. The way his lips curl up mesmerizes you, you’ve never seen a warmer look on someone’s face.
“Sam has talked a lot about you, it’s good to finally see you.” His deep voice quickly catches your attention and you give Sam a quick glance, to which he responds with a nod as he walks away discreetly after telling your former costumer he’d be taking on from there.
“So, do you need help finding anything?”
“Um, well, it’s been a while since I’ve bought a record or a CD, maybe you can recommend something.” He puts his hands in his jacket pockets, giving you a smirk.
“O-Of course, I can do that.” You nod, but you realize you’re actually unnerved by the way his eyes softly caress your features. “Follow me.” You don’t know anything about him, except for what Sam has told you, so figuring out what kind of music he might be into will not be so easy. You get to the Hard Rock section, surely something almost anyone would like and it’s not like he knows nothing about music, but he let you pick something for him.
“I’m sure you know them,” You say, handing him Perfect Waves by Rush. “But if you don’t own that album, you definitely should.”
“Um, I’ve only heard of them, but not enough.” He takes de CD in his hand. “I’ll definitely give it a try.”
“Oh, and if we’re talking about the 80’s, then The Cure is a must.” You say, a bit more excitedly, leading him to a different section the store likes to call 80’s forever.
“Oh, I know them, I just don’t own any CD’s. Do you have, um, The Head on the Door?” You stop beside the stand and look at him with excitement.
“Yeah! We do, and I love that album, too!” You respond, earning a chuckle from him. “I prefer Disintegration, though. I know it’s their best known record but it is just brilliant.” You add after finding the album he asked for.
“I’ll have to agree on that, so I’ll take both of them, then.” He smiles and lets you find the second one, but you miss the way he stares at you with glistening eyes as you’re so concentrated in browsing through the CD’s.
“Here you go. Any other recommendation you’d like?”
“Um, sure, I’d like to take a couple more. Enlighten me.” You chuckle and nod, then lead him around the store telling him about a bunch of artist he didn’t know about, and he talked about some you didn’t know before. Unconsciously, you forgot you had a store full of people that apparently Sam was taking care of on his own. But he knew exactly what he was doing. Bucky has a great sense of humor, something Sam’s friends have to have if they’re going to deal with him for a long time; he is very smart and you just learned he’s a Physical therapist and without noticing, he made you talk about the back problems you’ve been having.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, sometimes I forget the pain.” You shrug. He’s got six CD’s in his hands right now, you’ve never sold so much that easily.
“No, come on, pain is not nothing. If you want help, I’m here for you.” He gently pats your shoulder, earning a chuckle from you. Before you know it, you’ve exchanged numbers and he made you promise you’d give him a call for at least one session. Time flew by talking to him, it was all so fast that now the store is rather empty, with just a couple of people at the cashier being attended so nicely by Sam. Internally, you thank Sam for being so considerate with you.
Walking with Bucky to the cashier, he finally says,
“Thanks for the help, Y/N, I’ve had fun talking to you.” You step behind the counter and he hands you the CD’s for you to scan them.
“I’ve had fun, too, Bucky, you can always come back if you need to update your collection.” He rests his elbows on the counter, waiting for you to finish.
“Only to update my collection? Can’t I come to say hi some other day?” His words make you stop instantly, clenching your hand around the code scanner and you blink rapidly.
“Um, sure, of course you can.” You nod, hopefully not too eagerly. He smiles at you and you want to slap yourself for reacting the way you did. You finish scanning his purchases, and as you hand him the bag, he asks how much he owes you, and hands you the money after you tell him.
“Thanks again, I’m glad we met.”
“You’re welcome.” You nod. “Me too.”
“So, what do you think of Bucky?” Sam says as you’re getting ready to close for the day.
“Uh, I think he’s great, actually. It took you long enough to bring him over.” You reply, putting some records back in place.
“I saw a lot of smiles from afar, is he that funny?” Sam asks as if he’s surprised.
“He’s very funny, and we have some things in common. I didn’t know he’s a therapist, that’s so cool! He practically forced me to call him for a session after I told him about my defective back.”
“Did he?” Sam quirks up an eyebrow, and you hum. “Wow that was great progress for less than one day.”
“Come on, I don’t want to get ahead of things. He’s nice and we had fun but that’s it for now.”
“You know, we already made plans for Friday again, this time you’re coming, right?”
“I guess.” You shrug, making two words hide your excitement of seeing Bucky again.
“Want to grab dinner? I’m starving!”
“Sure, you’ve earned it tonight.” You wink at him and he laughs, knowing he’s achieving his goal of setting you and Bucky up.
| Tagging some members of the fam I think might enjoy this (feel free to ask me to remove your tag)
@sebbbystaaan @chloerinebarnes @stuckonjbbarnes @mushyjellybeans @honeyvbarnes @babblingbonky​ @mrwinterr @valkyriesryde​ @mypassionsarenysins​ @imma-new-soul​ @livyourextralife​
Fic taglist: @eliza5616​
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simsadventures · 4 years
Sim’s 1K Celebration
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Hey guys! I recently reached an unbelievable milestone, 1 000 followers. I can’t thank you all enough for (hopefully) liking what I’m posting and sticking with me and my rants.
To celebrate this huge thing for me, I thought I’d yet another writing challenge, but this time, you will be the ones writing. If you’d like to join, please, keep on reading.
you don’t have to follow me to enter this writing challenge, but I wouldn’t be mad if you did (*wink wink)
below, there is a list of tropes from which you can choose
each person can choose up to 2 tropes
each trope can be chosen by multiple people, so you don’t have to worry if there is a blogger already next to the trope, you can still write for it too
you can write for whichever fandom you’d like
no words limit, if you want to share a 100 word drabble, or 6 000 oneshot, it’s up to you (if it’s a part of a series, please, let it be the first part of a multi-chapters series)
please, provide your fic with suitable warnings, I don’t mind about them, just so that people know what they’re getting into (it can be as dark as you’d like, a/b/o, or anything else, just please, put it in the warnings)
send me an ASK with the number of the trope and your chosen character or at least fandom (please, no anonymous <3)
tag me in whatever you decide to post, and use the hashtag #sims1kcelebration
Deadline: 1st March 2020 (if you need longer, please contact me and we’ll figure something out, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way)
Each submission will be reblogged on my page and I’ll create a master list for all your writings so that people can easily access them.
No more talking from me, and I hope you’ll like what I thought of, if you have an idea of a trope or AU that you’d like better, feel free to tell me and I can add it here to the list :)
Stranded on a deserted island ( @imma-new-soul​ MCU)
Snowed in ( @mdemontespan1667 MCU)
Two people, one bed
Neighbours ( @kneel-begyourpardon​ with Bucky)
My brother’s best friend ( @itsunclebucky​ )
Enemies to Lovers ( @mushyjellybeans​ with Bucky)
Friends to Lovers
Love Triangle ( @ironlady1993​ with Tony, Bucky, Steve)
Unrequited Love ( @ironlady1993​ with Tony, Bucky, Steve)
Medieval AU
Love/Hate relationship ( @this-kitten-is-smitten​ with Bucky)
Highschool AU
Viking AU
Fake Dating ( @waiting4inspiration​ with Ivar)
Mutual Pining
Secret Relationship ( @sebbbystaaan​ with Bucky)
Childhood Friends reuniting again in Adulthood ( @velvetwonderbucky​ MCU)
Love at First Sight
One character annoying the other just because they’re into them and don’t want to admit it ( @mushyjellybeans​ with Bucky)
Unlikely Family ( @velvetwonderbucky​ MCU)
Grumpy Jerk falling in love with the Human Sunshine ( @p8tn0lish​ with Nat)
Villain turned Hero ( @waiting4inspiration​ with Bucky)
Polyamory AU
Arranged Marriage ( @the-soulofdevil​)
Roommates AU
I hope you like the tropes and alternative universes, they are among my favourites. Thank you once again for all of you being here with me and I honestly cannot wait to read whatever you guys create.
I’m tagging few of my mutuals and friends, who might be interested (sorry if I’m bothering you) :)
@kneel-begyourpardon​ @waiting4inspiration​ @p8tn0lish​ @sebbbystaaan​ @the-soulofdevil​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @owlyannah​ 
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
✩ How I Run My Blog! ✩
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Slow As Hell, for the most part. True, there are times when I yeet replies out because me and/or my muse are ridiculously invested in a thread, or inspiration instantly strikes. However, my default tends to be Really Slow. Something I try to make prominent to everyone since I understand some people prefer to not wait months at a time for a response- which is something I often end up doing. For a variety of reasons: be it because muses are fickle, it tends to take hours at a time for me to craft replies, I literally have hundreds of threads... As a result of this, I don’t drop threads too often either? Usually, they're lingering in my drafts, and it isn’t uncommon for a hella old one to suddenly be thrust onto the dash.
Of course, I never expect people to reply to Old Threads if they don’t want to, and don’t mind either way! I just like offering a response so I didn’t just abruptly drop it. :3 But yeah, I am a very slow roleplayer and while I hope my writing is decent enough to be worth the wait, I’ve had experience interacting with others who obviously prefer things to be quick and constant. Which I am not. Not delving into THOSE experiences because yeah- They weren’t the best. lol But I just want to make it clear that my speed does not equate my interest in a thread or in interacting with others. I am just a hella slow person who wants to write about birbs. 
My replies tend to get L O N G. I am not adept at short threads, and even ones that start out as really small back-and-forth replies are pretty much guaranteed to get longer on my side within a few responses. My muses like to get introspective and I like to get descriptive- I’m talking several paragraphs before they start to talk or even get to the point where they aren’t thinking-about/reacting-to whatever your muse did in the last reply. XD I’ve noticed that my average seems to be three-to-five paragraphs, but it isn’t uncommon for me to break the double-digits at times. Of course, I never expect my partners to match length and as long as I’m given more than a couple sentences in return, it’s all good. 
Whenever I add a new muse, I often post a Starter Call for them. They tend to vary in length, but are often two-to-three paragraphs long because I’ve tried to make single sentence ones and it never seems to work out. Occasionally, I’ll throw out random Open Starters when inspiration or a random idea strikes. These starters are free for as many people to respond to as they want, and are ALWAYS open regardless of how long ago I posted them.  
My Inbox is always open and I am constantly reblogging RP and Ask memes for it. However, again I shall bring up my Turtle-Like speed because my asks do tend to snowball. Right now I have 966 asks, so it’s no surprise that sometimes they can get lost in the pile. But I have a habit of answering random ones whenever threads aren’t working or I’m in a mood for something specific that a reply won’t give, so that’s why I continuously reblog things. I like having a healthy stash of stuff to answer when needed. So don’t be surprised if an ask you forgot you even sent is suddenly popping up onto the dash. XD 
I am semi-selective, meaning that while I am willing to RP with people I am not technically mutuals with, I won’t RP with everyone. I’m not trying to discourage people from approaching or make anyone feel poorly, there are just certain writing styles that I tend to gravitate towards and click more easily with. For example, if I notice that someone’s blog is filled with a surplus of one-liner back-and-forth, uncut replies, chances are I’m not going to follow because I don’t want my dash constantly cluttered. Maybe I’ll RP if they approach and give more than single sentences in our threads, but I’m not going to automatically promise to interact with everyone. Because I did that before and honestly, it’s not fair to me or the other person if I’m not actually enjoying replying to a thread. 
I don’t take graphics or Aesthetics into consideration when it comes to following or interacting. After all, what is important is the writing and the fun. :3 
I have a tag for random things that I thought would be fun to explore- #Got The Quacking Craze || {Wishlist}
But if I have to state some specific things, I suppose that right now I’d enjoy threads in some of my AU verses. Specifically, the Siren AU for Fenton because I LOVE that fluffy fish and it’s a shame that I don’t often get to write in it. Another AU that I like is the Robo AU for Louie, and I’ve rarely used it as well. Not to mention, his negaversion Louis is a precious boi who I definitely wouldn’t mind more interactions with. Oh! It’d also be cool to have threads that take place when my muses are kids- particularly: Fenton, Gladstone, and Mark. 
Or threads that take place during College/Teen years. Again with: Fenton, Gladstone, and this time Imma throw Panchito into the mix. Some College Caballeros, perhaps? Some Fenton-still-with-his-assnugget-bf Angst? Some glam-rock-phase Gladstone dealing with the jealousy of his peers, the still-lingering guilt of having ‘killed’ his parents, and crushing on his nerdy best friend all wrapped up in the facade of Teen Drama? JNFFJKSDFNDSF... 
Honest Notes: 
As well as being slow with Replies and Asks, I am oftentimes slow with my IMs. This is nothing personal against anyone! I just get overwhelmed at times and have the memory of a potato. Which means sometimes I’ll think I replied or just flat-out forget until days later. Plus Tunglr LOVES to screw with my messages, so more often than not I’m not even alerted of them until hours upon hours later... Long story short, I really do enjoy talking with all of you and love getting messages from my friendos. Seriously, I don’t mind if when I’m flooded with them. It just sometimes takes me a bit to gather up enough energy to reply coherently.
Random Side Notes: 
My blog is pretty messy and while I’m trying to whip up bios that are more than just notes for my own benefit hastily scrawled down whenever I was in a muse-adding frenzy, lots of info about my muses tend to either be in my own head or jotted down on the random Headcanon posts I sometimes throw into the wild. XD I also have a habit of analyzing the HELL out of things when I get excited, so long-ass posts like those sometimes pop up as well. 
Speaking of excitement, there WILL be times when I gush about the star of this blog- *motions at Fenton* and everyone must Accept That. Because he is my FLUFFY SON and I shan’t apologize for loving him with every fiber of my being. X3 Sometimes I’ll go off about other characters too, but more often than not it is HIM. OOC posts are a thing too.
Sometimes inspiration comes in bursts and muses take over the blog for a day or a few- like right now, how Fenton is dominating everything. My birbs are fickle bishes and I’ve learned to just let them fight over who is going to get the attention, then roll with whoever wins. This is why I encourage people to interact with as many muses as they want and start as many threads as they’d like. That way, no matter which muse is strong or what kind of thread I am in the mood for, there’s a chance something will Work With Me. Besides, I’m always up for new threads and ideas, regardless of how many things we are juggling already. 
That being taken into account- Please understand that I oftentimes don’t know WHO the Hell I’m going to feel the muse for or WHAT threads they will be. So no rushing or nagging for replies because all that does is make my muses drag their feet. :’3 
Tagged by: @soul-heart-and-beyond​
Tagging: Whoever wants to! :3 
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annarosewriting · 5 years
Eat Your Vegetables and the Rich
I recently read an article that quoted a woman who’s a CEO of some company based in LA. I don’t remember the name of this individual nor the company but I do remember what she said when asked how she got to where she was:
“If you’re strategic about when you sleep, when you shower and how often you go to the bathroom, anyone can do it.”
Motherfucker, what.
I’m sorry, is this person REALLY telling us, the working class of America who are just trying to get by and pay our bills, that to become rich and successful in this incredibly broken system, that we have to LIMIT HOW OFTEN WE GO TO THE BATHROOM? AND PERFORM OTHER ESSENTIAL TASKS THAT KEEP US ALIVE AND WELL?
I fucking hate this culture.
This overly ambitious, hustle every day, rise and grind (fucking kill me for just typing that phrase) culture that we have created.
Society’s the one to blame for all this lunacy though. This glorification of overworking arose from the ashes of late-stage capitalism.
We’re not getting paid enough but the cost of living keeps rising because companies love money more than they love people. Pinterest, Influencers, the ultra-rich, they’ve all sold us this idea (tied up in pithy statements you can buy on coffee mugs) that we too can be as wealthy as they are if we just work. 
All the time. 
And never stop. 
We have to hustle harder, we have to be on top of our game 24/7, we can’t ever have a down moment. We always have to think of ways we can monetize the things we do for enjoyment or relaxation. Because what is the POINT of doing ANYTHING if we can’t make money off of it to survive in this inherently broken system that will destroy us all in about 20 years if we don’t get our heads out of our asses???
I fall prey to this ideology all the time. Whenever I lay down to just watch TV I have massive guilt. 
I’m actively doing things that are meant to help me relax and yet, I still get an urge to maximize this time so I can prove to whatever imaginary audience is watching me at all times that I’m always productive. Even if it’s just reblogging another photoset of Ben Hardy flexing. 
Which, in my defense, is hustling to get him to hang out with me on Thursday when I am free. Ben, if you’re reading this, I’m free on Thursday to hang out.
Working in the retail/food service/customer service world made me realize early on that companies do not give a shit about their employees. Even the Cool Hip Companies that have gyms and bring food to the office, they do not give a shit about their employees. Sorry tech bro that works 40 plus hour weeks but thinks that because the office lets you dress however you want that’s enough to make up for the fact they don’t pay you a livable wage!! Even THAT company doesn’t care about you as a person!! 
Companies only care about how little they can pay us to work ourselves to death so the three people who are making all of the money at the top can make even more.
This idea that we should always be working is so damaging and toxic. 
As Ari says, “imma need space, imma-imma need space.”
How am I expected to do my best work when I don’t ever get a break?
I had a whole day at work where I did nothing (nobody snitch on me I swear to god) but it was in that time when I was able to relax and be still that I realized where I want my career to go next.
It’s those idle moments that push me to try that barre/boxing/yoga class/personal training sessions. It’s during that time that I add to the long list of books that I want to read. It’s during those moments of relaxation that I’m able to truly appreciate how good all of Queen’s albums are.
It’s moments when I’m not doing work that I do my best work.
And work is only one part of my life. What makes me interesting is me, my personality, the activities I do outside of my job. 
Because really, who wants to hear about social media marketing. Our lives are one big social media marketing campaign so who gives a shit. 
My job isn’t the most interesting thing about me.
Nor should it be! We’ve been indoctrinated with this idea that our work is what defines us. That our productivity is what gives us purpose in this life and I’m over it. 
Quite frankly, what gives my life purpose is having dinner with my family every night, seeing my friends, planning trips, reading, dancing, running, yoga, going to museums, watching Mamma Mia (1 AND 2 obviously), volunteering, writing, trying to keep a succulent alive, pouring love into my small corner of the world and guess what? None of these things have to do with my job.
The things that make life worth living, that shine a light into the drudgery of every day work life are the things that happen outside of work. 
I’m not lazy, don’t get it twisted. I work hard but holy fuck we all just need to C H I L L. 
Go pet a dog, take a day to not set your alarm, go eat some ice cream, watch all of Chris Fleming’s videos, talk to your parents about what they were interested in growing up, I know this all sounds like hippy dippy bullshit but GOD, I refuse to let work and “hustling” be the defining features of my time here on this earth. 
I think about death a lot, my own mainly, though I do think about Donald and all the men and women who signed the heartbeat bill’s deaths and boy does that make me happy. But when I think about my funeral, I really don’t want people to just talk about my job or my work. I want people to remember how I made them feel. I want people to talk about my spirit, how kind I was, my sense of humor, I want to make sure that I’ve left the people I love with good memories. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter how much you work. What matters is how much love and kindness you poured into the world. That’s what’s important and that’s what will always be important.
So what’s the main takeaway from all this? Well, one, I think about dying a lot which probably isn’t GREAT and two, work isn’t everything. It’s only a small part of who we are. 
Just remember: value your time, the work you’re doing is never that important that it can’t be put off till tomorrow, don’t let your job take precedence over your life, seize the means of production, let love be the main motivating factor in your life, call your mom and remember to eat your vegetables and also the rich.
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charliebradbury1104 · 6 years
Spreading the Love
Happy Friday everyone! (Eek, it’s Saturday now). We’re on week 11 of the spreadingthelove campaign and I was asked by @and-we-are-all-dead , to explain the campaign so I’m gonna do that since it’s been a while. Thanks for asking by the way and I absolutely would love to add you to the tag list , I’m sorry I don’t know your name. Okay, so here we go!!
I started the spreadingthelove campaign because I was so very tired of seeing friends, blogs I follow, and even those I didn’t, receive hate for whatever reason. Usually the hate was directed at the amazing authors that we all get our favorite fan fiction from FOR FREE, over something that they had written. But there was plenty of personal hate too, all of which is completely ridiculous and uncalled for , I think in most people’s opinions.
Anyways enough about the hate, so I wanted to do something to spread some positivety and love. Each week, every other week actually, I’ve asked for y’all to tell me who you’d like to see be the recipient(s), of the spreadingthelove campaign. It can be an amazing author/artist/blogger/just all around amazing human being. It could be someone that’s been receiving hate, or has been feeling down, but that’s not a requirement. There aren’t really any rules, just some guidelines for everyone to follow.
1) Send me an ask telling me who you’d like to nominate for the campaign and something about that person. A first name, if you know it, is a great place to start. I obviously don’t know everyone, so I need y’all to tell me about the person you’re voting for.
2) On or off anon is fine, just remember if you’re on anon I can’t respond to your message privately.
3) I’ll usually try to leave voting open for at least 48 hours. This way, I can hopefully get more people to participate and send in those messages!
4) You can vote for as many people/blogs as you like. The recipient(s), will be based on whom ever receives the most votes. We’ve had a couple of ties and y’all decided that each person should be recognized for that week, which I think is awesome !
5). My only fandom is SPN, so the campaign is meant for others in our family/fandom. I’m putting this in because I recently received an anon message saying that I should turn MY CAMPAIGN, over to a “bigger blog”, that would include other fandoms. That’s not gonna happen, and I won’t apologize for only being in the SPN FANDOM. *shrugs*. That’s just who I am.
That’s all I can think of, I hope I’ve explained it okay? So now it’s time for y’all to send me all of y’all’s votes and wonderful messages of love for our family/fandom members! I’ve cleaned out my inbox, so come on everyone, DO THE THING!! I’ll leave the voting open until 12:00 pm, EST, on Monday, July 9, 2018.
Oh wait, I thought of one more thing I wanna include.
6). After the recipients are announced, I’m gonna send that person(s), messages of LOVE, HAPPINESS, AND SUPPORT. I ask that y’all do the same. Even if you don’t know the recipient(s), y’all should send them your own messages. Plus it’s a great way for y’all meet new people, discover some amazing human beings and their blogs. I’ve made several, a lot really, new friends through this campaign.
Tagging: As always, if you want on or off this tag list just send me an ask. 😘😘
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @nightlyinsomnious @chelsea072498 @assbutt-still-in-hell @iwantthedean @emoryhemsworth @lovehelpmewrite @littlegreenplasticsoldier @luci-in-trenchcoats @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @atc74 @impala-dreamer @bringmesomepie56 @grace-for-sale @emptywithout @wheresthekillswitch @pinknerdpanda @alangel1895 @waywardnerd67 @waywardbaby @mrswhozeewhatsis @underdefined67 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @dean-winchesters-bacon @kittenofdoomage @because-imma-lady-assface @butiaintgonnaloveem @salt-n-burn-em-all @saxxxology @oneshoeshort @grace-for-sale @fandomoniumflurry @and-we-are-all-dead @deanplease @riversong-sam @rizlow1 @alangel1895 @oneshoeshort @ladywinchester1967 @sumara62-deactivated20180523 @anotherwaywardsister @wingedcatninja @notnaturalanahi @trexrambling @hannahindie @iwriteaboutdean @izawrites @ilostmyshoe-79 @impalaimagining
Okay, I’ll reblog this in a little bit with some additional tags!
Signal Boost is appreciated!
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lacrimosathedark · 6 years
I have a “call out post” for hellosandersfanders, since they’ve been so goddamn “kind” going around and “correcting” people~  I actually have them blocked so honestly it’s more of a vent and an informational post for people who are yet to block them. I’m also not tagging anyone so as to not bother them, but I use their full usernames you’ll still know what I’m talking about.
I’ll start off with the preface that most of their “call-outs” aren’t tagged appropriately. Specifically, they tag thomas sanders as well as the original basic ships. So these could just pop up when you’re looking for some Patton and Logan snuggles or some Roman and Virgil banter or anything else. Which is really fucking shitty, especially when they gripe about people tagging incorrectly. You’ll see.
In their bio and later in a post they talk about how they are saying what everyone else is too scared to say and denying that they’re a hate blog. Actually, this is their bio: “THIS IS NOT A HATE BLOG. This is a blog that calls out blogs and people that need to be called out. I'm taking it upon myself to make sure that everyone's blog experience is trouble free by setting bloggers straight.” But when you go after people, not even critiquing but full on criticizing and attacking them, that’s not a call-out, that’s hate. And here’s another thing. You can be the smartest dick in the room, but if you’re still a dick no one wants to listen to you. 
Their first post is “Call out posts to fanders who draw fusions that include Deceit: that counts as a Deceit ship and it won’t hurt you to tag it as such. Stop being disrespectful and tag your stuff appropriately.”  Saying a fusion counts as a ship isn’t necessarily the case, for one. And then says it’s disrespectful to not tag them as a Deceit ship. I know a lot of the time reblogs don’t get appropriately tagged, but if you go back to the original work, all of them are tagged for Deceit in some way, and often have said fusion in the tags (Loceit, Moceit, Princeit, Anxceit). I have never seen a fusion where the original artist didn’t tag the fusion components. And it’s well known that some people don’t like Deceit or are triggered by him in some way, so most fanders make an active effort to tag him. So that’s bullshit point one.
The next rude post they criticized cattonsanders for not tagging food and eating warnings for their compilation of the Sanders Sides characters not eating properly. But here’s the thing, while it wasn’t tagged, they said right in the post what it was, and the first frames are literally a title card saying “nobody in sanders sides knows how to eat”. And they didn’t say “hey, can you try to tag food and eating in the future?”, they said “ this is cute but you should’ve put a tag warning for food and/or eating. next time be mindful of other people.” like they have the right to scold and demand. 
Next was them commenting on people commenting on a gif: “is it really necessary to add your comments on gifsets? why couldn’t you add it on the tags?” Why shouldn’t people talk in reblogs? You aren’t obligated to be part of the conversation or say anything, you can even go back to the original post without commentary and people enjoying themselves and reblog the original post. What is so goddamn tedious about seeing people talking and having fun over content they mutually enjoy? Fuck off with your fun-sucking bullshit.
They have made a handful of comments on randomslasher/LJ’s posts as well as a call-out so I’ll summarize: They think “LJ is everywhere” is and overdone joke and finds it “grating” that people still enjoy it, they think LJ is a hypocrite for understanding people don’t like Deceit while also sharing Deceit content, they say LJ doesn’t stand for anything and is a people-pleaser, and they said people shouldn’t “worship” them because they don’t stand for anything. So, to hit all of those points, as follows; You aren’t required to like a joke but as long as it doesn’t harm anyone just let people enjoy things. You don’t have to like something for it to be good. Next, people are allowed to like Deceit. The same way people can like Moriarty or the Joker or Deadpool or any character of poor or ambiguous morality. You can like a character that’s not a great person. Being aware that he upsets people just means you tag the content appropriately, not that you have to stop liking or sharing it because it makes other people uncomfortable. LJ isn’t a hypocrite for still sharing Deceit content if they like Deceit so long as they tag appropriately, jegus fuck. And I don’t know much about LJ, but do they really have to “stand for something”? It’s their blog, not yours, and it’s for fun, it doesn’t have to have a deeper purpose. And people don’t worship LJ, but they are admired for their content and personality. But they, and many other bigger blogs in this fandom, are constantly reminding their followers that they too are just people and just Fanders. It’s not fair to dislike them just for being well-liked. That’s just petty. They then whined when LJ blocked them, essentially calling them a coward. But I’ve seen LJ discuss things with people of less than like minds, and they aren’t perfect but they’re pretty respectful. They blocked you because you’re a whiny bitch, not because you disagree with them.
Next they went after princelogical. They said Marin is just imitating Logan in how he “speaks” and it’s “annoying and fake”. That rubs me the wrong way because I have been told I type like Logan talks at times, but y’know what? I’ve been told before ever hearing the name Thomas Sanders that my writing seems cold and distant and intelligent and precise. That is how I learned to write and express myself. It’s possible, even likely, that Marin is similar, that he is similar to Logan in that way and were prior to Logan existing. And people who mimic or pretend to be the characters that they criticize, so fucking what? People aren’t allowed to explore the characters or themselves, or practice writing or getting into character like that? They also say: “He’s also very in your face about being christian, which is very offensive to people of other religion like myself.” News flash, buddy, they say right in their bio that they’re Christian. Don’t like it, don’t follow him. And here’s a thing, I hate organized religion with a burning passion. But his religiousness never does more than poke at a nerve. And he uses it as a way to spread positivity instead of hate like a lot of Christians do nowadays. And hey, that someone is personally another religion and shares it on their personal blog is not an offense to someone of a different religion, be fucking mature.
They next attacked organizeddiscord, and I don’t really know Sam so I’m gonna argue more with their points, if I make a wrong assumption about her I apologise. For context, I don’t know if she does this so imma put the first part of their comment for you to judge rather than piece it apart: “Does nothing but complain about her content not being reblogged then constantly makes posts that guilt trip people into reblogging her content, starts unnecessary drama,  and  acts mean and horrible towards Deceit fans. I don’t like Deceit too but I never act the way she does.” After that they go on to say how she is “forcing” the Virgil/Thomas ship on the fandom and how it’s disrespectful to Thomas. Look, I hate that ship too, it weirds me out, but no one is forced to read any of what she posts about it (blocked tags and tumblr savior exist for a reason) and anyone is allowed to create anything they want, that’s not forcing it on anyone. And I don’t see how it’s disrespectful to Thomas. Sanders Sides Thomas is a characters, Shorts Thomas is a character, they aren’t real. Thomas knows abut ships, he has said he thinks they’re cute. He makes jokes about the concept of sleep essentially being his wild boyfriend, and there was a joke about him sharing his bed with his anxiety, which is essentially Shorts verse version of Virgil. And guess what? You don’t have to like it for her to be able to enjoy it. She’s allowed to enjoy it. They later said she was plagiarizing when she took a text post that has been circling around, and also sourced it, and made it a Sanders Sides essentially fake quote. And they demanded she take it down. Buddy...that’s not how things work. It’s not plagiarism if you say it’s not yours. And she did the right thing in sourcing it too. But this happens all the time, are you going to attack every “fake quotes” thing ever, even just in this fandom? Because honey even you don’t have the time for that.
They then go after theonlyjelly-iwillput-inmybelly and boy did I feel like a cat with their hairs on end when I saw them be a dick to Cole. They don’t like Cole’s shitposty humor. It’s not for everyone but a lot of people think he’s funny. And some of his crazy shenanigans come from medications or even from just being bilingual and keeping words right. The “childish talk” I find funny, and it’s not like it’s baby talk, and it can also be rather insightful. Plus even if you think he sounds stupid, here’s the thing: most people sound smarter in their native language. Cole isn’t from an English-speaking country. He is allowed to not use every word like it came out of your goddamn English textbook or some stupid novel or whatever. And the bear thing is because his username and icon are a reference to Crofter’s whose mascot is a bear. If you aren’t gonna bitch at Thomas for making so many Crofter’s jokes, then leave Cole the fuck alone for it.
They then made a call-out for what-even-is-thiss and...sadly I agree with them on this one, though I hate how rudely they worded it, so I’m just gonna copy what they said. ““Roman” if that’s even his real name, has no regards to other people’s feelings and just says whatever the hell enters that brain of his. He is so bad that other blogs have called him out. And yet he acts as if nothing has happened. No remorse or anything.” I will say one thing though; Roman, to my recollection, is a trans guy and chose his name. He’s allowed to choose any name he fucking wants. And even if that’s not his real name? It’s the fucking internet didn’t you guardian teach you not to give out personal information on the internet?
They then called out anxietys-room for not being helpful and for passing it off to followers to give advice. Here’s the thing; they aren’t professionals. They are normal people who want to help people struggling and can only do so much. And I’ve seen a number of times them pushing help lines for people who desperately need that. How shitty do you have to be to attack something so well-intentioned?
They then yelled at insanelycoolish for not putting their story under a “Keep Reading”, which they used later for their taglist. It’s a fair thing to say, long posts you don’t care to read are obnoxious. However, they didn’t ask if Finn could fix it or do something else next time. They said this: “would it kill you both to add all of these under a read more?” “you both” presumably is referring to the-pastel-peach, whom Finn was conversing with because she enjoyed his fic. But she can’t do anything, it’s not her post. Ugh I’m so sick of this dude...
This is all that’s on their account for now, but let’s circle back to their bio. No one needs to be called out for having a different sense of humor than you or liking things you don’t like. You aren’t making the fandom trouble-free, you’re causing trouble and pain and anger by attacking our friends. Maybe that’s your real intent. But either way, you have made yourself our enemy.
You have no right to consider yourself a Fander, so I hope you don’t. Thomas preaches caring and acceptance, and asking nicely for things you need. He would be ashamed of you.
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brutality-legacy · 6 years
100+ Lyric Prompts
Here’s a list of lyrics that can be used as prompts or inspiration for stories.
Feel free to add on to this list, send some of these in if you want to see them written or reblog it for yourself. Whatever inspires you!
I will be updating this periodically and will reblog the updated version!
Caught up in this madness too blind to see / woke animal feelings in me / took over my sense and I lost control / I'll taste your blood tonight
A murderer walks your street tonight
And now when I speak, I speak to kill
Stalked in the forest too close to hide / I'll be upon you by the moonlight side 
If you want survival kneel on my arrival
I am a scavenger / a vulture if you will / and if the price is right / I’m not averse to kill
Wish that you could but you ain't gonna own me / Do anything you can to control me 
I'm the queen of pain / I can make it thunder and rain / I can turn the clouds black in the sky / I can put all those tears in your eyes 
So death is coming to purge this town / I know your name / And I'm gonna hunt you down 
I don't bring forgiveness / I don't bring peace / I've come to slay you / Come to kill the beast 
So gather ye demons / It seems it's your day / I’ve sinned but I’ve paid more than 10,000 graves
The devil's gonna come when the sun go down. 
Till my final breath / There'll be dust and death 
Before I die / I'll take every soul I can into the night
He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left / We all fall down like toy soldiers / Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win / But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
Victims, aren’t we all?
This night will hurt you like never before
Awake at night you focus on everyone who’s hurt you / Then write a list of targets / Your violent lack of virtue
I admit I was wrong to let you in 
When I wake up to the sound of demons / they're always telling me that I'm no good 
What have I got to lose / when I’ve already lost it all?
Have you ever been abused by someone so brutal that it chills your soul / have you ever been afraid of your own ghost?
I'm just a creature of a broken past 
I'm doing what I can to fight this anger / I'm just a product of a living hell 
To save your life I would race to my grave 
There’s no pain I wouldn’t go through / Even if I have to die for you
Oh, dear mother, I love you / I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough / Dear father, forgive me / 'Cause in your eyes, I just never added up
Oh, dear brother, just don't hate me / for never standing by you or being by your side / Dear sister, please don't blame me / I only did what I thought was truly right 
In my heart I know I failed you 
It's a long and lonely road / When you know you walk alone 
If I could hold back the rain / Would you numb the pain / Cause I remember everything 
We build cathedrals to our pain / Monuments to attain / Freedom from all of the scars and the sin / lest we drown in the darkness within
You don't have the guts to love me like you wish you could 
I must leave you cause I know your kind / You'd wake me up just to say goodbye
And I know that's not a tear in your eye / Cause boys don't cry and neither do I 
At least I gave it a try but you had bourbon in your eyes 
I've betrayed you and it should be a sin 
One day you will understand / Why I pushed you away as I ran 
  I ain’t never been a keeper / Despicable / Love her then I leave her / And if I were you I wouldn’t love me neither 
Take my life / Just not today
Will you swear on your life / That no one will cry / At my funeral
I'm a dead man walking / Hell's at my door / I'm a shadow of the man I was before 
And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside
We are not alone / It's darkest before the hope / You and I, we're not alone
Hope is a fire to keep us warm 
I smile up to the sky / I know I'll be all right 
There is no storm we can not weather 
When you’re lost and need to be found / I will look forever 
Never knew a time / When you weren't by my side / The one thing I could always count on 
Just open your eyes / and see that life is beautiful
Just keep me close / There is no storm we can not weather 
While my roots hid deeper inside / And my leaves stay bundled up tight / I felt my faith get bigger than life / Not only did I survive / I learned to blossom
When it all comes down / when it starts to fall like an avalanche / I will be your wall / I will hold you up / Go against them all
I'll set you free when you're locked in a cell / I’ll find you heaven when you're lost in hell 
I had a dream the other night / about how we only get one life / woke me up right after two / I stayed away and stared at you so I wouldn’t lose my mind
And if we only live once I wanna live with you 
With broken words I tried to say / ‘Honey don’t you be afraid, if we’ve got nothing we’ve got us.’
I’m so into you / I can barely breath
Let’s get inside your car / just you, me, and the stars
I tried to be chill but you're so hot I melted 
Our time is short / This is our fate / I'm yours 
You asked me how long I'd stay by your side / So I answered with only just one reply / Till the casket drops
And it turns out s/he's got everything I want / but all rolled into one 
You make me smile / please, stay for a while now 
Gaze into my eyes, when the fire starts / And fan the flame so hot, it melt our hearts 
Once I'm in I own your heart 
Welcome to my cage, little lover / Attempt to rearrange with you, baby / Still don’t know your name, Miss Honey / Let’s go up in flames, pretty lady 
You’re rich and I'm wishin', um / You could be my mister, yum 
You taste like the fourth of July / Malt liquor on your breath, my, my / I love you but I don’t know why 
He had a cigarette with his number on it / He gave it over to me, “Do you want it?” / I knew it was wrong but I palmed it / I saved it, I waited, I called it 
I can't believe it / When did I start to fall for you? 
I think... oh, well, what am I to do? / I didn't know that I would fall in love with you 
I just bite my tongue / And when I want to say I love you I'll say ‘Boop’
She got blood cold as ice / And a heart made of stone / But she keeps me alive / She's the beast in my bones / She gets everything she wants / When she gets me alone 
I don't judge you love / I never have before / We make mistakes / We leave them by the door
I found love / Where it wasn’t supposed to be
Hold my arms above my head and push my face into the bed /  Cause I'm a screamer baby / Make me a mute 
Wanna wrestle with me baby? / Here's a sneak little peak / You can dominate the game cause I'm tough 
Every caress is a medicine / Bringing me to my knees 
The more we drank the less that we had on
Take the pain / Take the pleasure / I’m the master of both
Imma hold ya down until you're amazed / Give it to ya 'til you're screaming my name 
I wanna fuck you like an animal / I wanna feel you from the inside
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear / But much more for the touch of your whips, dear / You can raise welts like nobody else / As we dance to the masochism tango 
I'ma give it to you stronger / Hands up / We can go a little longer 
I'm dominant by definition / I'm turned on by your submission 
Latex, chains and whips make me hard and excite me / Come on, throw your hands up and pretend you wanna fight me
Take a last look around while you're alive / I'm an Indestructible Master of War
I know that blood will be spilled / and if you won’t then I will / My grave will never be filled / it’s either kill or be killed 
Sleep for today, but tomorrow we fight 
I am one man but I'll stand like an army of soldiers 
To bring you peace I'll go into war / Ain't afraid of the rain I trained in a storm 
The war was on its way / And we were waiting 
We'll crush our enemies / Bring them to their knees 
Wake the white wolf at the dawn of war / the end of the age is coming now
My heart it glows as you decompose
And I wonder can you hear me laughing / Cause I'm dancing on your grave 
But I want you to know / I always hated you / Hated you from hello 
Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? / I don't give a damn if you say you disapprove
I straddle the line in discord and rhyme
Sitting here at my grave side I've never been so alive
I'm your Guardian angel and a part of you's tangled 
When everyone wears a mask who's the real villain?
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention 
It’s like a dead masquerade / so come and dance with me
I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet / You thought an angel swept you off your feet 
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea 
I'm neon phosphorescent / Open like a Christmas present
And then you say I'm as cold as November 
Every chatelaine / Wants to share her reign / So come and join me in my castle 
Your blood’s gone bad / I knew it would 
I was born under a bad sign / With a blue moon in my eyes
The boy who fell into the sky / Had no one there to watch him cry / He looked at you with his empty eyes / And said, “I’m doing you a favor”
Let me know / Where I can go to save my soul
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Don't you ever tame your demons / But always keep 'em on a leash 
But my peace has always depended / On all the ashes in my wake 
Days of rust / Nights of rain  / Kingdom comes with a ball and chain 
It's strange what desire makes foolish people do 
I could be the hero / I could be the villain / It doesn’t really matter / I have the power 
I was sent to warn you / The devil's in the next room 
Keen to the scent / The hunt is my muse 
You’ll fall like a guillotine / And kneel before the queen
Am I the only one I know / Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat 
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind 
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost 
Took an oath by the blood of my hand / Won't break it 
Do you feel the hunger / Does it howl inside / Does it terrify you / Or do you feel alive
To capture a predator / You can’t remain the prey / You have to become an equal in every way
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