suffarustuffaru · 11 months
about reinhard choosing to support felt as the next king...
ok so i was thinking about it again lately and i wanted to talk about this bc reinhard Makes the choice to support felt in the royal selection, and i think its interesting bc reinhard seems like the complete Antithesis to felt’s goals being to Destroy the Current System of Lugunica. reinhard is specifically the sword saint, meaning he’s been. psychologically brainwashed and conditioned since he was a child to obey the kingdoms orders otherwise there will be Grave Consequences. reinhards whole Thing is that he HAS to obey the government. he barely has any wriggle room for choices of his own because he HAS to play his role. because of his power, he cant even go into other countries without explicit permission AND the collar of submission, which diminishes his powers somewhat but is also an Extremely harsh reminder of his role as the “monster who kills monsters”... like the government LITERALLY has him on a leash with a collar that goes around his neck.
but then reinhard decides to support felt - the royal candidate that Very Much wants to destroy the government and redo it all from scratch. if felt wins, she’ll be crushing the very system that has reinhard and all earlier generations of his family in a chokehold. even if he doesn’t Fully achieve freedom with felt winning, he’d still be More Free than he is now with the current state of lugunica, especially when felt cares for him and wants the best for him. of course reinhard wants to support her. the system failed his family, and it also failed felt and so many other innocent people. even though reinhard is forced into his role as a hero, at his core he’s also just someone who Wants to help others and save people. that’s why he agrees with felt - or at least, that’s my theory on his personal thoughts regarding supporting felt to be the next king. because reinhard KNOWS that as the sword saint, his choice of candidate is going to have a lot of weight to it. and then he chooses FELT. over all the other candidates.
and. on a slightly off topic note but. felts goal is to start over the whole country from scratch. you could Also say she.
wants to start over from zero.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 5 months
Alright. Gonna set down the feed and plug the thing.
New year, new habits!
I write this travesty!
The site is in constant need of repair, so are the characters, and so is the author (me). Part 1 is steampunk, and in Part 2 we've gone diesel. It starts with a hate crime, this is not for the faint of heart, but it does get quite funny in places. The absurdity is a coping mechanism!
I've got to break my website later so I can try to fix it, but there's a new instalment this week so I'll give people time to read that, if there's any takers!
Known Readers: 2 (hi 5th and Kith!); 1st Goalpost: 10?
If you're reading, check in with me. My hit counter is buggy AF and I moved the comments offsite, to Tumblr. I won't know you're there if you don't say hi!
Known Supporters: I'm burning my Patreon to the ground because they annoyed me, give me some time to set up someplace else! 1st Goalpost: 5?
If you WANT to support, go ahead and let me know that too. I'll be working on a subscription basis in the future - you'll only pay when I publish!
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kayas-kosmos · 1 year
Introducing Ludwig Striker - The King of Hearts.
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Before reading about Ludwig, here is a link introducing the webcomic he is from (called Flowerpunk) if you are interested in learning about this world.
So who is Ludwig?
Ludwig Striker - AKA the "King of Hearts" - is a man who has devoted his life to protecting the most vulnerable people in society and lifting those up who have been crushed by the system. The city of Wyrdon, his home, has been afflicted with a horrific supernatural plague known as "the rot" which threatens to turn all of its citizens into maggots. Because of the Government's total incompetence with managing the plague, riots and civil disobedience are increasingly common and the police force has responded with increasingly punitive measures to quell the growing civil unrest.
In light of this chaos, a small faction known as "The Lovely Anarchists" came to be. At first it started with just a few people, that being Ludwig, his mentor Bruno and a handful of others. Their mission was simple, start creating a counter-society built on compassion, cooperation and wellbeing. Fight the growing cruelty of the world with radical love. Their methods would be based off the principles of mutual aid and direct action, helping those who needed it directly rather than trying to work through a broken system. Their symbol became iconic within the city, the black heart hugging a red heart, the anarchists protecting those who needed it the most.
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The anarchists took over an abandoned powerplant known as the "Heliomatrix" and made it their squat. Over time, more and more individuals joined the squat and it quickly became a haven for street scientists, artists, creatives, environmentalists and the queer community as a whole - a multicultural melting pot that championed the uniqueness of those who has previously been pushed to the margins. The upper levels of the heliomatrix bloomed with beautiful permaculture gardens from which the anarchists could harvest a sustainable food source. Word quickly spread of this tiny patch of paradise in the decaying hellhole, and the anarchists fell under threat from far-right terrorists and the police. To make matters worse, they started grabbing the attention of the mainstream news outlets who accused the anarchists of being nothing more than violent thugs and organised criminals, painting a massive target on their backs. They needed a community defence team to protect their home.
Ludwig started training under Bruno to become part of community defence. Eventually, Bruno would take him out on different missions, be it ousting fascist street gangs, protecting protestors or providing aid to those who needed it. Ludwig also became avid at gardening... no, not that kind of gardening. The type where someone performs daring parkour feats in order to reach the high-up bio-generators across the city and take cuttings of the magic-producing plants inside. These plants are essential for staving off the rot, and the anarchists steal the technology to make it freely available for everyone to use - an act that enrages the big corporations who are trying to control and commodify the world's few remaining magical elements.
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A lot of people take one look at Ludwig and immediately get the wrong impression. Despite his rather threatening appearance, Ludwig is a big-hearted softie who wants nothing more than the best for everyone. He prides himself on being open with his feelings, although some people are easily rubbed the wrong way by Ludwig's complete lack of a filter. Despite how loud, obnoxious, goofy and deliberately annoying he can be, his energy is contagious and it's hard not to at least crack a smile in his presence. Generally speaking, he's just a fun guy to be around, and if he knows you're hurting on the inside, he will be there to comfort you.
At the beginning of the Flowerpunk webcomic, Ludwig makes a chance encounter with the shy and gentle-hearted Kimi Hopper. The two immediately start forming a strong friendship, that eventually blossoms into something greater... ;)
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With his new found BF, the two are going to go on a crazy, romantic adventure, one with magic, monsters, and ANARCHY!
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Hope you all like this character! He has taken over 2 years to develop and I can't believe how far he has come.
Also for those who are interested, here is all of the original concept art for Ludwig way back from 2020. This guy went through a LOT of redesigns. Hell, I even had to look up all of the different types of mohawk there are! Stuck with the rooster cut, of course :)
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Also he used to have two greyhounds whereas now he just has one. She's called Earwig. She's an ex-racer who Ludwig rescued after her trainer cruelly abandoned her.
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Here are some much more recent goofy doodles I've been doing of the guy. Still trying to get the hang of drawing him consistently (and without drawing his head too small due to having a giant mohawk!)
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And my personal favourite:
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If you want to know what type of punk he is, he's a mix of anarcho-punk, queercore punk and has some solarpunk elements there, too.
And before anyone points out that he's an anarchist who calls himself the "king" of hearts, this is purely an ironic joke, haha.
If you would like to support the development of this character and the Flowerpunk universe as a whole, please consider sharing this post or donating a Ko-Fi, it would help so much. I will set up a Patreon eventually.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this!
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niishi · 11 months
people who "hate the Marines bc they're cops" cool cool. valid. now try to actually comprehend what oda is trying to tell you. he didn't put the effort he did into the Marines and the world building and storytelling around them only for every influential moment they have to be ignored bc "acab". there is a difference between reality and fiction... shockingly enough..... a lot of fiction is trying to tell you things that reality doesn't allot the time for. it's so easy for there to be a good and a bad. a black and a white. I'm autistic and even I know that's not sustainable thinking.
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finitevoid · 1 year
If I have any kind of pet peeve when it comes to fanfiction I otherwise like it’s that i find it so irritating when fic involving poly relationships goes out of its way to “couple” two of the people involved off. ie stuff like “these two are closer than the rest” “if they were forced to all break up, these two would stay together” like I just find it antithetical to shipping something polyamorous at all. at that point why do you not just write monogamous fic where they’re all just good pals or whatever. and maybe it’s because I grew up with my aunts and uncles in various polyam relationships and so it was very normalized to me at a very young age but I still think it’s ridiculous how much people seem to struggle with the idea that two people having a Different relationship from their other partner(s) doesn’t necessarily mean it’s Closer
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shallow-wordsalad · 1 year
OC: Ashley Cotterill - "Vox Viridi"
Premise: A young woman, the victim of terrible circumstance, is disfigured and disabled by a world that's been far crueler to her than she ever deserved. Still, she remains unbowed, and retains hope and optimism for people and her future. Nature powers; ASL-speaking, nonverbal; homeless. Mature themes, light delivery, meant for modern fantasy or superhero fiction.
TW for content involving her: abuse, violence, body dysphoria.
Appearance: Ashley is a petite girl of a modest 5'4" height, though one would be hard-pressed to identify her gender or much else about her at a glance. Wrapped in loose clothing, two layers of coats, and unlaced boots, her silhouette is inflated by her choice of protective and warm clothing above anything that one might call "fashionable" or "cute" or even "entirely intact." For lack of shape, one might inquire upon her face for identifying features, and would be stymied just the same through different means. A muddy bandana, once either red or white and now a mottled mix of browns, covers all above her brow but a tangle of long and matted blonde braids, interwoven with dandelions and baby's-breath. Her eyes are completely hidden behind what appear to be a pair of costume-shop goggles, cracked in one tinted lens and the strap thrice-replaced and re-fitted. Her nose and mouth are hidden behind a make-shift gaiter made of what was probably once a black shirt, if the two-thirds of a band logo is any signifier. As if even that were revealing too much, a long scarf - the only clean source of color on her apparel, a charming block-stripe of emerald green over forest green - is wrapped wide around her face to stave out the chill of bitter seasons no matter the time of year. Hands, which one will take great notice of as she speaks her language of gestures, are covered in a pair of well-worn women's gloves, leather lined with fur. Most curious about her, and likely what one would use to identify her after giving up on picking her face or figure out of a crowd, is the corona of flowers and grass at her feet wherever she stands. Constantly springing to blossom, withering away, and rising again in a steady, abbreviated demonstration of the life-cycle of small plants.
Personality: In brief, Ashley is a sweetheart with the stubbornness of someone who has survived the world's many attempts on her life. Where many grow cynical, exhausted, and weathered by life's many trials, guarding themselves against pain and disappointment as scars accumulate, Ashley decided long ago to do the opposite. Each time life takes something from her, the compassion and joy within the wellspring of her soul either finds a new home or concentrates further on what remains. Every moment she's alive is a gift, and one she - like an excited child on their birthday - shares with everyone around her. Attempts at dissuasion from her hidden smile find no foothold. Sour words are met with a shrug and a kind response. Only attempts at direct violence will make her stop trying to be your friend, and even then you will make no enemy of her - she'll simply leave. When you next see her, it will be with renewed willingness to talk should you want to. She is ever a survivor of hardship, and that includes her infinite love of life and hope for the future surviving into tomorrow.
Abilities and Skills: Granted some degree of power over plants and fungi by the ineffable and voiceless force of Mother Nature, Gaia, or whatever one wishes to deem the very will of the planet, Ashley has the supernatural ability to grow plants with her touch - direct or indirect. It's a power she can suppress to some degree, but never fully silence, and when allowed off its leash, can turn a parking lot into a garden in less than an hour. Focus and knowledge would allow her to create specific, individual plants or fungal growths. On the more mundane side, Ashley is extremely talented in the field of urban survivalism. To endure and thrive through city life without a home, one needs to know how to hide from unwanted company, how to climb fences and evade pursuers, where and when to find edible food and useful objects, and how to make a home and comforts from what you find. The combination of the above trades lead Ashley to a clumsy, home-made version of botany and herbal remedies as well. Ashley's burgeoning knowledge of plants and their compositions does give her a steady means of providing food, psychedelics, disinfectants, and mild painkillers to herself and others in need, though one'd be better off with a pharmacy and administered medication than the self-taught and ad hoc home treatments. Out of necessity after losing her ability to speak, Ashley learned American Sign Language, and can act as an interpreter for deaf people in her company. Finally, though it's rarely useful for much, Ashley's light-footed and lighthearted lifestyle has made her a skilled dancer.
Likes: Flowers, the outdoors, dancing, upbeat music, loud metal music, cooking, parkour, being social, hugs, girls with long legs, guys with beards, applying flower symbolism to people's lives, giving people sign names, giving people the warm-fuzzies, summertime, mornings, vague spiritualism, the color green, and rain.
Dislikes: Small dogs, large reptiles, being called "Ash", alleyways, police and criminals both, the smell of tobacco, gloomy and/or downtempo music, feeling exposed, cynicism and negative-thinkers, being filmed, being comforted by others, people who assume she is helpless, winter, particularly dark nights, being alone, the color grey, the government (Anarchy!), smartphones (they are government tracking devices!).
Relatives: No known living relatives.
Age: 20+; She hasn't been counting for a long time.
Sex/Gender: Cisgender Female
Race/Ethnicity: Human, Irish-Italian-Anglosaxon-American mutt.
Birthday: April 22
Favorite Food: Bread
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raytorosaurus · 11 months
i do appreciate when frank does things that smash right through the cognitive dissonance inherent in maintaining belief in the fanon version of him though <3. i don't know who needs to hear this but frank iero is not a 5'4 bisexual anarchist/leftist punk with the one-dimensional personality of a kicked puppy and never has been...he is literally some white cishet hardcore kid from new jersey who is a very cool and lovable dude. he's great! but he is also not always gonna behave the way zillenials on tumblr who want to fuck him and/or look like him expect him to because he's not a fictional character in real life 😭
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grymoria · 1 year
Rant: Hot Topic needs to stop
Ok, I understand that the store is called Hot Topic, meaning they will make clothes based on the latest pop culture. But to make a jacket and a backpack based on a character that is literally Anti-capitalist is fucking ironic.
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Hobie aka Spiderpunk would not approve of this. He would rather for y'all to make the jacket by thrifting and DIYing. He would rather for y'all to steal this from a Hot Topic instead of buying it. Being Anti-capitalist and an Anarchist is common within the punk subculture.
So if you're a fan of Hobie, then show your love for him by making your own Battle Jacket based on his by spending as less as possible. Don't support these multi-million dollar companies. They're just using the character for profit because he's popular.
Edit: Hobie being a fictional character isn't the point. The point is that he's a punk and like I said it's common within the punk subculture to be anti-capitalist and an Anarchist. So for Hot Topic, a company that is almost worth a billion dollars, to make pricey items based on a punk is literally against what the subculture stand for.
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andrromedaaa · 8 months
I wanted to say it for a pretty long time and give my statement in it. Hobie is fun character for sure and he’s fictional, you can interpret him as much as you want BUT we need to discuss about something.
And it’s about him being an European teenager in late 70s. I know how it sounds but mentality of European person is different due to the things around them. Y’know, British person would say biscuit instead of cookie or film instead of movie. British person would react in different way at some situations than American. Let’s just see what was going on in Europe back in the 70s. There was a communist bloc — Warsaw Pact — USSR; or let’s just say communism.
I don’t understand why you think Hobie would be a communist WHEN there were countries near him literally struggling because of it. There is a difference between being a punk and anarcho-punk. Yeah I know he has anarchist symbol on his vest but there is many factions of it. And I also know that in his universe, in UK, there is capitalist totalitarianism, so for sure his anarchism stands for overthrow government in revolutionary ways.
So wouldn’t it be a good lesson for all Europeans? That radical capitalism and socialism is bad? And from both, people were literally dying? If you really want to understand Hobie’s character from atsv at some point, you need to know some European history. Communism was killing people in Europe and y’all think Hobie, kid from this continent, would be blind at something that is going on near him? People were shocked because the torture that Winston Smith from ‘1984’ experienced was happening in soviet bloc, literally in real life, not only in the book.
First wave of punks that was in 70s, and punks were huge individuals back then. It was difficult to synthetically present their views. In general, punks, whose initial premise was the absence of any ideology, evolved over time into a socio-political movement directed against institutions that (as members of the movement believed) limit human freedom and independence. It would make sense in Hobie’s universe since he is also from the country with corrupted government.
I am European myself. I live in Poland, post communist country, so it was destroyed by communism and it is still struggling at some point because of that sad part of history. I hate hearing that Hobie would be a communist, knowing that he lives at the times where there was USSR. Y’all need to learn about punk subculture in UK more and history. Sorry, not sorry.
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theresattrpgforthat · 10 months
i want to destroy the god king and begin an anarchist uprising. culminating in participating in the aftermath building a new world
You and me both buddy. Let’s get started.
THEME: Destroy God
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Dethrone Skeleton God, by emmy verse.
In this gmless role playing game you will set out on a journey to find and dethrone the aforementioned god. You will need some d6s, a d12, and some writing materials.
This game pulls a lot of inspiration from some pretty stellar games, including No Stone Unturned, EXTRACAUSAL, Trophy, and Blades in the Dark. You will play racing against three Fallout Tracks, which track the collapse of the material world, the immaterial world, and the Skeleton God’s Power. When all tracks are full, the game is over, and you narrate how the world ends.
If nobody in your group wants the burden/responsibility of running a game, this game is an excellent option as it is both GM-less and lightweight. It’s only 16 pages long and covers creating location elements and exploring them as a group. Everything is collaborative, so if you’re interested in games that let you come up with a story together as you go, you might want to check out this game.
Dead Gods, by Trollish Delver Games.
After the Cataclysm of Heaven it all changed. Murdered gods fell from the sky, sundering the land and casting their sacred relics about the world. From the woodwork crawl Warcults, scavengers of god-relics to further their own twisted gains. The Eternal seek power over death itself. The Order of the Stars seek relics to unlock god-like omniscience. The Pale Druids imbibe relics to acquire power over nature itself. The Black Maw will create a new, hungrier god under their control. 
Pick up a lovingly-designed weird cult and pit them against your friend in a desperate effort to grab a sacred god-relic in this miniatures skirmish game. Each player will control a number of different kinds of war cult members, and there are 4 war cults to embody in the upcoming skirmish. Great for PvP and lovers of combat, but if you want narrative you’ll want to pick up something else or mostly RP it out. You can also check out Unholy Scavengers, for more relics, more scenarios, more models - more more more!
Karanduun - Make God Bleed, by makapatag.(@makapatag)
Karanduun is a modern Filipino Epic RPG about worthless heroes dismantling God, whatever cycle of oppression that must be.  Inspired by modern Filipino folklore and culture. You play as young heroes who must make their legend known and become a legendary Karanduun by making God (whichever oppressive system and tyrant that is) bleed.
Lovers of Kill Six Billion Demons will probably get a big kick out of this game. The god Batala is already dead, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for some rebellion of your own. There are demons, corrupt angels, and other Kings of the Earth to defeat, in a post-American world inspired by the Philippines. If you’re looking for some narrative play, this game has got you covered, with rules inspired by Exalted 1e and PbtA. You can check out the physical version of this game on SoulMuppet’s website!
Skorne, by Dreaming Dragonslayer.
You are renegades, part of mankind’s insurrection against SKORNE who is devil prince, commander of demon rulers and their armies, and the darkness that reigns. Overthrow the evil Tyrants. Free chained captives. Fight to the last man.
Part of the NSR movement, Skorne is inspired by media such as Berserk, MORK BORG, and games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. The game itself is only 4 pages long, with a really interesting system for character creation. You roll for your abilities and then use their values to determine your starting kit. The language in the game is also great for putting you into the fiction, such as the instructions found for character name choice:
“In the beginning, give thy renegade a name, though it will not save them.”
You want gritty and dire circumstances? You want to kill demon princes? You wanna play a game with random tyrant generation? This is for you.
Extreme Meatpunks Forever, by Sinister Beard Games.
"In the beginning, there was meat. A decaying chunk of flesh from a dying god, hurtling through the void of space, thousands of miles wide. A million eyes, a billion hands grasping for purchase against nothingness itself.  This is where we live.”
EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is a tabletop roleplaying game where you’ll play as a gang of queer antifascists in a strange place called Meatworld. Spinning through space on the screaming corpse of a dead god under the glow of an absent sun, the people of Meatworld harvest its flesh to make their technology.
Embody your queer rage and kill fascists in meat-mechs in Extreme Meatpunks Forever. A PbtA game, this option is narrative-heavy and allows you to pick from some pretty metal weapons, including (but not limited to) Excellent Seasoning, A Bit Stick What Has Shrapnel In It, and Deathfucker Cannon. In your downtime, you can kiss your friends and work to heal and deal with your trauma. If you want a game that feels metal and also presents you with extremely punchable enemies, this is your game!
Other Recommendations
If you want some more recommendations you can also check out the Attack and Dethrone God Jam on itch.io, or my Revolution recommendation post.
If you’re interested in what happens after you end the world, then I recommend my Post-Apocalyptic Community Building recommendations!
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reiisheresart · 2 months
tbh i just dont want the dsmp to be remembered in infamy for being just a server who had criminals on there. it was so much more than just a minecraft server to me, and if it means that im the only dsmp fan lying around, so be it. i like the lore. i LOVE the characters.
i dont care if some of the cc's are assholes/just vile people, im fully separating the characters from em, because, y'know what? the characters aren't the cc's, they're fictional.
i think im gonna plan a lil project, yknow, just to send a "farewell", well, not for me, im still gonna be here lmao, but to the people who're leaving/left the fandom permanently.
to make the memory of the server not tainted by whoever was exposed for doing something vile, to make the memory of the server alive.
it's to make it less bittersweet, and more happy. im happy you were here, im happy you had those memories here. don't be sad or frustrated because it's over or some shitty cc's, be happy because it happened at all. be happy for all the experiences you had in this community.
that server was purely driven by fanworks, you made that server happen, you were apart of its success, you made that little song a whole symphony. and i wish you well on your future :)
also, kindly fuck off if you'd like to hate on dsmp or mcyt in general because of creeps, this server wasn't only here because of them, it was the fanbase, the songs, the animations, the art, the fanfiction.
there was a story here, tons of lore throughout hundreds of hours of livestreams on twitch. a story about war, about broken friendships, about nations falling them rising back up and then falling again, about a man wanting control, about a child soldier, about an anarchist, about so, so many things.
so many former fans that have a superiority complex where they deem themselves "better" than people who left later or are still here just because they left. you arent better than any of them, you need to learn that. you just left earlier, you cant just call yourself better than any of them.
im so sick of hearing those fucking jokes with minecraft or dsmp youtubers as the punchline, this is why so many dsmp cc's distance themselves from it. not every minecraft youtuber is a terrible person, what about grian? what about tommy? what about joel? what about scar? what about lizzie? what about tubbo? are they all just bad people apparently because they're minecraft youtubers and/or associated with the dsmp or other servers? no, they arent.
have a more open mind.
WS supporters and dream team stans also kindly go fuck off (support victims btw). i support shelby, alice, niki, lexie, caiti, andi, and freddie, get out of my page, this isnt a safe space for you. get off, go on.
just be happy you were here in this beautiful community to begin with :D
anyway, on a lighter note
here's a lil info about my lil project: everyones gonna have new designs / outfits for it !! :D / its an animatic thing lol
(im a lil excited abt it buttt im keeping it under wraps lol)
have a wonderful day :)
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sailoryooons · 1 year
Obsidian | Series Masterlist | myg (m)
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☾ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
☾ Summary: You remember everything. The first time you radiated at garnet, feeling the power of the jewel rushing through you. Remember the energy pulsing at your command. And you certainly remember the face of the man who ruined your life. Then there’s Min Yoongi, the Chaotic who is the key to your revenge. 
☾ Total Word Count: 10,020
☾ Genre: Urban fantasy, criminal/syndicate, strangers to lovers, angst, eventual smut
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence and death, graphic depictions of blood and dismemberment, violent crimes, criminal enterprises, anarchist themes, semi-intense world building, sexually explicit content, explicit language, morally grey characters, themes of revenge and angst. This series is about people who are criminals and taking down a criminal empire that does not benefit them. They are not always good people. Dead dove do not eat.
☾ A/N: This series is inspired by The Greenbone Trilogy by Fonda Lee and Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Masterlist | Ask | Playlist | Tag Lists
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→ Min Yoongi dies. Agust is born.
One: The Tangerine Thief
→ An emerald caste destroys your bar. Enter Agust D.
Two: A Whispered Name
→ You want to learn more about Agust. You learn his name whispered in smoke.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 3 months
Too Distracted. Weird day. No Feed. Just Plugging the Thing!
New instalment is up! (And somewhat apathetically-formatted, I still didn't fix "related posts." I'm sorry. I'll get it at some point.)
And this, of course, is the thing I plug:
Current known readers: 3 (hi!), 1st Goalpost: 10?
Current supporters: 2 (hi Kith and 5th!), 1st Goalpost: 5?
And I'm depressed that I can't foment lasting societal change because I'm not the sort of person society values and wants to hear from, so I'm probably gonna leave it like that today. That's not all that's goin' on - I got medical and social stuff too - and my head's not in the game. Probably just gonna stare into the void until it's time to get some dinner and maybe talk and get my thoughts better organized for later. Or drink. Or both, both is good. The spouse and I both had a rough week, drinking and talking is good!
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kwanisms · 1 year
02:22 — c.san :: Carnival of Lies
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»» ateez masterlist ««
➥ anarchist!San × fem!Reader summary: in the city of Neo Seoul in the year 2073, a group of bikers turned anarchists outlaws have decided to go through with a life changing heist. The plans have been laid, the timeline set, all that's left is to say goodbye but San never expected it to be this hard. wc: 10.9k genres/themes/au: angst, smut; fantasy, science fiction, cyberpunk, dystopian, western, & biker gang themes, anarchist!Ateez, outlaw!Ateez; non idol au, dystopian au, cyberpunk au warnings: ANGST AHEAD (you have been warned lol), adult dialogue, female reader, the characters break the laws of their society, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife @luvsooby @thesolarplanetarysystem @salty-for-suga @devilsmatches @dmnspiit @simeonswhore @yangracha @seonghwalover @atinypurr @aikyubi
ateez taglist: @2hodefender @cixrosie @pyeonghongrie-main @flowerboykun @sanjoongie @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @mlysalt @cinnamoon-belle @briannabk22 @is4b3ll3s @hyukssunflower @vampiirose @0325tiny @ateezstanforever @justiny @jeongwangjessmina @lacie220900 @aaaaajonghooooo @dementedaly
special tags: @thelargefrye
join my taglists! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED.
a/n: part of the Operation Outlaw : Before the Boom collab with several of my friends and fellow @cultofdionysusnet writers. We conceived this idea when the first teasers were dropped for the Outlaw comeback and we've been talking and working almost around the clock about it, tossing ideas around until we weaved together an intricate story set in the near future. Thank you so much for reading and please check out the other writers' pieces which can be found on the collab masterlist here! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. Adult content divider made by @cafekitsune and banner made by me. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All my works ©️ kwanisms
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smut warnings: possessive!San, sub!Reader, grinding/dry humping, use of pet names (baby, baby girl), sex photos/video, nipple play, fingering, dirty talk, finger sucking, oral (f receiving feat pussy drunk San), unprotected sex (use condoms), creampie, San is in love and highkey possessive but the reader loves it. I think I got all the warnings but if I missed any, please let me know!
Glancing at the clock, San saw it was almost 100 and looked back down at his food. From the front seat, he could hear the faint sound of racing music as Wooyoung and Cardinal sat in the front seats, playing some sort of rhythm racing game on their phones.
“You two really like that game, don’t you?” San asked, making Wooyoung glance up. Cardinal let out a triumphant cheer as her character passed Wooyoung’s and crossed the finish line first.
Wooyoung let out a groan, throwing his head back against the headrest.
“That doesn’t count, he distracted me!” he whined. Cardinal smirked at Wooyoung before responding as if she were speaking to a baby.
“Awww it’s okay Woo,” she cooed. “Maybe next time.”
Cardinal put her phone away and glanced back. “Hand me one of those boxes,” she said, pointing to the food Yeosang had delivered only moments ago. San, who was already digging into his own food, set his utensils down and grabbed an unopened box, handing it to Cardinal who thanked him and took the fork he offered as well.
Wooyoung watched as the pair dug into their food. “What is that?” he asked, eyeing the food in Cardinal’s box. She held up the box for Wooyoung to sniff and he backed away. “What is that?” he asked again, albeit a little more disgusted.
Cardinal rolled her eyes and continued to eat. “You’re so dramatic.”
Wooyoung climbed into the back to sit beside San, grabbing another container and opening it, giving it a sniff as well. “Blech,” he said, closing it. “Of all the places Yeo could have gotten a job at, he had to pick the worst place in the district,” he scoffed.
San’s brow furrowed. “Don’t knock it until you try it,” he replied, picking up a plastic fork and digging into the noodles. Wooyoung pretended to gag, making San roll his eyes. “See,” Cardinal said, drawing both their attention. “What did I say? He’s dramatic.”
San nodded as Wooyoung shrugged and moved back up next to Cardinal reaching out to tickle her side. The sound of her giggles filled the van until she tried, and failed, to sternly tell Wooyoung off.
While San and Cardinal ate, Wooyoung pulled his phone out again and started up a new game of whatever new noisy musical rhythm game he’d downloaded.
“Have you heard from Joong?” San asked as he picked up his cup, taking a sip and turning his head to look at the back of Wooyoung’s head.
The younger man paused his game, still staring at his phone, no doubt reading something on the screen. Next to him, San could see Cardinal holding her phone, smirking at Wooyoung while Wooyoung typed something back.
San waited for his friends to answer but when they didn’t after a couple minutes, he spoke up again.
“Yo, Wooyoung!” he said, a little louder this time. Wooyoung nearly spun around in his seat. “What?” he asked, looking mildly shocked, like he’d been caught doing something. Cardinal tried to keep from laughing as she went back to eating her food.
“Did you hear me?” San asked, suspicious of his friend’s shifty behavior.
Wooyoung shook his head. “No, what did you say?”
San sighed, resisting the urge to chew his best friend out for not listening to him. “I asked if you’ve heard from Joong,” he answered, waiting for Wooyoung to answer him. “Oh,” Wooyoung said, shifting in his seat. Cardinal spoke up for him.
“Yeah. He said to hang tight for a bit. He’s checked in with everyone else and we’re all good to go,” she answered. “He contacted me earlier.”
San nodded as Wooyoung glanced back down at his phone, thumbs tapping away as he typed something quickly, throwing a glance at Cardinal who immediately checked her phone. If San wasn’t suspicious before, he definitely was now.
“Hey, uh,” Wooyoung said suddenly. “I’m not trying to sound like a dick here, but could you like… leave?”
San stared at his friend with a deadpan expression before turning to look at Cardinal who avoided his gaze. ‘Seriously?’
“Leave?” San asked, voice void of any emotion. “You want me to leave?”
Wooyoung nodded, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“Uh yeah. I hate kicking you out of the van, like this, you know that but—” San sighed heavily, closing his takeout container and setting it aside. “Sure. Fine,” he replied flatly. Had he been looking at them, he would have seen the apologetic looks on both Wooyoung and Cardinal’s faces.
“Just… please don’t squishy my food or ruin my pallet,” San grumbled, Wooyoung grimacing as San grabbed his jacket. “Sorry,” he replied as San opened the back of the van and hopped out.
He shut the door, stopping briefly to pull on his red leather jacket.
“Nah,” he said as he moved around to the driver’s door. “It’s cool.”
Both Cardinal and Wooyoung gave him apologetic smiles.
“Get it, or whatever,” San added as he raised his fist for Wooyoung to give him a bump, Cardinal blushing furiously. “I’ll be back before 500,” he added before setting off, leaving Wooyoung and Cardinal in the van.
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San wasn’t one to let Wooyoung talk him into or out of things easily but he had his suspicions about Wooyoung and Cardinal’s relationship since day one and this just confirmed what he already assumed.
San walked around the corner, taking back alleys and streets, not wanting to run into anyone he didn’t want to see. His walk took him just past the customs shop where he saw Yunho working on a bike. San walked over, Yunho looking up as he approached.
“Hey,” Yunho said as he set the wrench in his hand down and picked up a dirty shop rag.
“What’s up?”
San looked around before looking up at Yunho.
“Where’s Jongho?” he asked. Yunho rolled his eyes. “Probably somewhere with Raven where there aren’t cameras,” he answered with a smirk and San immediately understood his meaning, a smile forming on his face.
“Why are you here?” Yunho asked suddenly.
“Woo and Cardinal kicked me out of the van,” San answered, shrugging as he tucked his hands into his jacket pocket. “So I’m taking a walk,” he added.
Yunho nodded, watching San carefully.
“I’d take a ride but someone has my bike,” he added. Yunho laughed sheepishly. “Hey, Joong wanted me to make some last minute adjustments,” he said, holding his hands up before he gestured for San to follow him. The two walked to the other side of the garage where Yunho pressed a button, lowering the garage door.
Once shut, he opened another door and allowed San to enter before following him.
“You want to take her out?” Yunho asked as he locked the door and flipped a switch, fluorescents flooding the room with bright white light.
The room had no windows and was an extension of the garage where Yunho worked on the motorbikes. The ones the city outlawed three years ago. San nodded. “Actually, yeah,” he said as he walked past the seven other bikes until he came to his.
It was an older Kawasaki model originally manufactured from 2006 to 2038. A Ninja 650 that San had a hand in completely customizing with Yunho’s help. San looked over the custom paint job, extra parts he had installed with an exceptional fondness.
The paint had been touched up and new decals applied with only the expertise and care that Yunho showed. “It should be ready for tomorrow,” Yunho explained as he moved to unchain the bike from the others.
“You can take her for a spin but make sure to bring her back before 400,” he said as San moved to mount the bike, running his hands over the handlebars.
“You listening to me?” Yunho asked as he placed the lock back on the chain. San nodded. “Back by 400,” he replied. “Got it.”
“Anything else?” He turned his head to find Yunho smiling at him, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Have fun,” he replied before tossing the keys over and pushing a button on the wall to open the small garage door. San put the key in the ignition and started the bike which came to life with a roar and settled into a loud purr.
He turned to look at his friend. “She sounds fucking amazing,” he called over the idling engine. Yunho waved him off and without another word, San put the bike in gear, turned off the brake, and let off the clutch.
He carefully rode the bike out of the shop into a slim alleyway and turned to head away from the city center. As soon as he was clear, Yunho shut the garage and San took off, driving down the alley as carefully as he could.
He knew if he rode on the main streets, he would be spotted by authorities and he didn’t want to deal with that so he stuck to the back streets and alleys as he moved further and further from the center.
As he continued, the buildings grew shorter in stature, the electronic billboards replaced with old painted ones as he drove further into the edge of town.
He didn’t know where he was going to go initially but as he headed further and further away, growing more and more bold, his mind was made up for him.
The diner.
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Neo Seoul was built on top of the former city, new skyscrapers reaching high into the clouds, all state of the art made of glass and metal. The older brick buildings were slowly replaced until only the old buildings stood in the outskirts.
San never much liked the city, finding it congested, full of fake people, and the adverts didn’t help. He hated how commercial everything was. He hated everything about the city. Not just on the surface level but deep down, it was corrupt, almost like a rotted core, working its way out, killing the organism from the inside out.
As San reached the outskirts, he slowed his bike, pulling up to the diner and parking the bike out back behind the building where he knew it wouldn’t be spotted. San removed the key and got up, making his way around the front of the building and entering through the front door.
The diner was a cliche and niche place, styled after a diner from 1950’s America and serving the same fare that one would find at such an establishment. San looked around as he entered, greeting one of the servers who rolled past him on roller skates. Another part of the charm and atmosphere of the diner.
San took a seat in the booth at the back of the room, ignoring the looks from some of the other patrons as he sat down.
A different server rolled up to greet him as San grabbed a menu from a small metal holder at the end of the table against the window. “What can I get you?” she asked, forcing San to look up. She was younger, possibly college age.
“A cherry coke please,” San answered as he looked back down to gloss over the menu. “And maybe a cheeseburger,” he added. The server jotted his order down on her table. “Fries okay?” she asked to which San nodded.
“Coming right up,” she said as she rolled away, leaving him alone for a moment before she returned with his drink. As she turned to roll away, San quietly stopped her. “Is Cherry here?” he asked softly.
The server’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing.
“Uh, who’s asking?” she asked, looking at him suspiciously.
“Could you tell her Cola is here,” San asked, ignoring the confused look on the poor girl’s face. “She’ll know what it means.”
The server nodded slowly before skating away and behind the counter. She glanced back once before disappearing into the kitchen.
San had only been to this place a couple times before. It’d been a long time since he last visited. The interior was exactly the same.
The same red top tables with silver legs and matching booths line the front wall of the restaurant. A tall bar separated the kitchen from the restaurant with red bar stools that swivel on the spot. A swinging metal door with a round window separated the bar from the kitchen.
Caddies with condiments including sugar and creamer sat at the end of the tables, accompanying the metal menu holders under large picture windows with white blinds.
San was staring out the window, having spent the last couple minutes staring at the bubbles in his plastic cup clinging to the sides when he heard someone approach.
“Your cheeseburger with fries,” a familiar voice said, prompting San to look up and smile as he found himself face to face with quite possibly his favorite person.
You smiled as you set his plate down in front of him. “When Sango said Cola was asking for me, I was a little shocked,” you said as San looked up at you. “Haven’t seen you around here in a while.” The smile on San’s face fell.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said softly. You smiled at him with that same bright smile you always gave him. The radiant one you reserved only for puppies and him.
“It’s okay,” you replied. “I’m sure you’ve been quite busy.” San nodded slowly. You had a way of always leaving him speechless.
Ever since meeting you on the playground in primary school, San was shy and soft-spoken around you. Not that he was particularly loquacious to begin with. He’d always been more of an introvert but it got worse moving to the city with his family.
He was the new kid and even though he had his older sister, she was more preoccupied with her friends and her own life than with making sure San was okay. He kept to himself most of that first week. Until he literally bumped into you on the playground.
He’d been playing by himself in the jungle gym when some of the older boys kicked him out of their fort. San decided to use the slide to escape and that was how he accidentally mowed you down into the wood chips.
The other kids were quick to check on you but you were much tougher than San expected, even with the nasty scrape on your knee. He apologized profusely, expecting you to yell at him or cry for the teacher but you surprised him yet again by crouching down to make sure he wasn’t hurt.
You introduced yourself shortly after and an unlikely friendship was started.
Where San was shy and quiet, you were loud and friendly with everyone.
The entire class liked you. Including San.
Your friendship continued into junior high where San discovered he had feelings for you. It started when one of your fellow classmates came up and asked you to go to the movies.
A jealousy San had never experienced before erupted from his stomach and settled in his chest and you blushed and politely turned the guy down, saying your father wasn’t allowing you to date until high school.
San then made it his mission to keep the other boys away from you, partly for your father’s sake but also for his own.
He didn’t want to share you with anyone else.
He was possessive in that regard.
In high school, you started paying more attention to your appearance, wearing makeup and spending more time with your girl friends but you always made time for San. His feelings only got stronger and stronger.
San never mentioned his feelings for you, too afraid to ruin your friendship.
It wasn’t until your last year together that San finally confessed, assuming you would go off to college while San got a job and he would probably never see you again.
He was shocked, to say the least, when you reciprocated his feelings and kissed him, murmuring something about him taking long enough. Since then, it had been a slow but steady pace until San joined the underground resistance, something he kept secret from both his family and from you.
As far as you knew, he worked at a mechanic shop.
He would try to see you as often as he could between actually working and devoting time to the small rebel biker gang he joined.
Whatever free time he had, he tried to devote to you but it was difficult when he lived deep inside the city center while you lived on the outskirts of town. As he became more involved in the resistance, he saw you less and less.
So, rare moments like this he always treasured.
“You got time?” San asked, looking up at you while you checked your watch.
“Let me finish getting my food out and I’ll come back for my break,” you replied with a smile. San watched as you skated away before starting to dig into his food.
It was only a few moments later when you returned and sat down in the booth with him, sipping on your water while you talked. You told him all about what had happened since the last time you saw one another, occasionally stealing his fries.
San listened with rapt attention as you spoke animatedly, telling him stories about your life at home, where you were living, your neighbors, anything you could think of.
You had just finished telling him a story about one of your coworkers when you cleared your throat.
“Ben proposed to me.”
San, who had been taking a sip of his drink sputtered and coughed.
You leaned forward, looking concerned but he waved his hand while he coughed a few times before clearing his throat. “I forgot you were dating him,” he murmured, sounding a little dejected. You noticed immediately.
“Yeah. It was so sudden. I didn’t expect it,” you said with a nervous chuckle, bringing your hand up to brush some of your hair back. San followed your hand but surprisingly didn’t see a ring.
“I don’t see a ring,” he commented, picking up the last of his burger and taking a bite. He didn’t miss the way you avoided his gaze, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth briefly. “I actually said no,” you finally whispered.
San looked up from his plate, finding you already looking at him.
“Why?” He asked softly, holding your gaze. You shrugged your shoulders. “It didn’t feel right,” you replied just as quietly. “But you love him?” San asked.
You shook your head. “Not like that. Not enough to marry the guy.”
San picked up his cola and took a drink before speaking.
“He seemed like a great guy,” he noted, noticing the way you shrugged.
“He is,” you replied. “But I don’t want to marry him,” you added.
“It felt wrong.”
San tilted his head as you stole another fry from his plate.
“Felt wrong how?” he asked, watching you shift in your seat, avoiding his gaze.
“He’s not…” you said softly, trailing off. “He’s not what?” San’s voice was barely above a whisper now. You looked up through your lashes at him.
“He’s not you.”
San’s heart hammered against his chest as you held his gaze. There were so many things he wanted to say but he didn’t know where to start.
Before he could respond, a voice called out.
“Y/N, your break is over!”
You sat up quickly, glancing over to who San could only assume was your boss. “Sorry, Sherry!” You called and got up quickly.
San reached forward, grabbing your hand gently.
You looked down at his hand and then back up to meet his gaze.
“Can I see you after your shift?” He asked, holding your gaze with his intense stare. You hesitated before nodding. “I’m off in an hour,” you replied. “I’ll meet you here.”
Without another word, San let go of your hand and you hurried around the counter, offering another apology to your boss.
The other server came by to take San’s empty plate.
“Anything I can get for you?” She asked with a smile.
“Coffee,” San answered. “And a slice of pie. Whichever you recommend.”
The server nodded before skating away and fulfilling his order. She came back shortly with a white ceramic mug and a carafe of coffee, pouring him a cup and then skating away.
San grabbed some sugar and creamer, adding it to his coffee until the color was unrecognizable as coffee. Shortly after, the server rolled by, dropping off his pie. It was a slice of apple with a small swirl of whipped cream on top.
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San ate in silence, checking his watch and scrolling through his phone as the minutes ticked by. He was finishing his third or fourth cup of coffee when you appeared in your jacket and without skates, calling goodnight to your coworkers.
San had already paid his tab before you clocked out and stood up as you approached him. “Shall we?” You asked, smiling at him. San returned the smile and let you lead the way out of the diner before leading you around the building to where his bike stood, paint shimmering under the dim lamp light.
San picked up his own helmet and handed it to you. “I only have one,” he explained as you took it from him. “It should fit.”
You put the helmet on as San swung one leg over the bike, sitting and taking the handles and keeping it steady so you could climb onto the back. Only once you were situated, did San turn the key and the bike roared to life.
He felt you wrap your arms around his waist, holding tight as he put the bike into gear. The bike lurched forward, making you shriek as San cackled before actually releasing the clutch and pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.
The ride was full of only the sound of the engine and the wind whipping.
San noticed a dark, desolate park as he turned into yet another empty street and slowed his bike, pulling into the small parking lot, rolling into one of the spaces before cutting the engine and parking the bike.
You removed the helmet and shook your head as San waited for you to get off.
Carefully you climbed off, making sure to push down the skirt of your diner uniform. San took the helmet from you and hung it on one of the handlebars before turning to you.
“Aren’t you afraid of someone stealing it?” You asked, nodding at the helmet. San shook his head. “Not really,” he replied, taking your hand and leading you through the park. The two of you walked on the paved path, hand in hand as San asked more about your life lately.
He wanted to address what you had said at the diner but decided he would wait to bring it up. He didn’t want to pry too much but he also wanted to know what you had meant and if you had actually meant it.
“I actually had a reason for coming to see you,” San said suddenly, causing you to look at him. “Oh?” Your voice sounded equal parts curious and confused as the two of you continued to walk.
“I have this… job,” he said softly.
San always made sure not to tell you too many details about his work. About the work he did for the resistance. He didn’t want you to be a target or to be too privy to any sensitive information, mainly for your protection and that of his crew.
But this job was different. It was big. There was a chance he might not see you again for a long, long time and he wanted you to be aware of that.
“Yeah,” he answered. “It’s a big one,” he continued. “Bigger than any I’ve ever done.” You nodded as he spoke, enjoying the warmth of your hand in his. “And this job might…” you glanced up as he trailed off.
You pulled him to a stop. “Might what?” You asked softly. San hesitated before finally looking at you. “It might force me to leave town or go into hiding for a while.” Your eyes widened. “Which means I may not see you again for a really long time,” he continued. You listened silently as he spoke.
“Which is why,” San said. “I want to make the most of tonight.”
“I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go away.”
You let go of his hand, moving to pull him into a hug, eye shutting tight as his arms wrapped around yours. “I care so much about you, Y/N,” he said softly. “I want you to stay safe which is why I keep this life separate but I’m also selfish and I want to be with you.”
You nodded, understanding where he was going. “If I could just be with you without this complication, I would in a heartbeat,” he continued. You looked up, smiling as you fought back tears. “Then just be with me tonight,” you answered. San cupped your cheek, gazing into your eyes lovingly.
Pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, he took your hand again and resumed walking around the park, following the path.
As you walked around a curve in the path, San noticed a dancing light and looked up. About twenty to thirty feet from where you both stood was a rather large house, the backyard behind a black wrought iron fence. In the backyard, was a large swimming pool where the light was coming from.
San glanced down at you, waiting for you to see it too. When you did, you glanced up at him. “No,” you said, shaking your head. “No San!” You hissed as he dragged you along, heading for the fence. “This is illegal!”
San snorted as you reached the property line. “And so is owning a motorbike,” he added. “Since when have I ever cared for the rules?”
You shook your head, unable to hide the smile on your face. “It’s only illegal in the city,” you reminded him. “Still illegal,” San answered. He looked around for a moment before scooting past you to a stone pillar at the end of the fence.
“San!” You hissed again as he carefully found his footing and started to climb. “San, we’re going to get caught!”
He looked down at you, bringing a finger up to his lips. “Not if you stay quiet,” he whispered before continuing to climb. He scaled the pillar with ease, carefully hopping down into the backyard before moving to the gate and unlocking it, opening it slowly and only enough to let you in.
The owners of the house clearly had money and took very good care of their lawn, if the pristinely cut grass, stone tile patio with an outdoor dining set and grill and well maintained pool and covered hot tub were anything to go by.
San walked over to the pool, kneeling down to stick his hand in it.
“San, what are you doing?!” You whisper yelled at him as he started to kick off his shoes, pulling his socks off and tucking them inside his shoes for safe keeping.
He shrugged off his jacket and started to undo his pants before turning to look at you.
“You gonna just stand there?” He asked as he undid his belt and pants, pushing them down, making you giggle as he kicked his jeans off and jumped into the pool in his underwear with a splash. “San!” You hissed as he surfaced.
He pushed his hair back before looking up at you. “Come on,” he said. “Live a little, Y/N.” You huffed out a sigh, glancing around before taking off your own jacket and kicking off your shoes and socks.
San turned to swim away as you shimmied out of your dress and quickly discarded it before stepping off the side of the pool into the warm water.
When you surfaced you started swimming towards San who grinned mischievously at you. “You’re insane,” you murmured as you met him near the side of the pool.
You felt one of his arms snake around your waist, pulling your shivering body against his warm one. “You followed me,” he whispered, eyes dipping to look at your lips before pulling you closer, his own lips meeting yours.
It had been more years than you could remember since San had last kissed you and it still made your heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
His lips moved softly against yours until you felt his tongue against your bottom lip, begging for permission. Your lips parted, sighing as his tongue slipped past them and moved languidly against your own tongue.
Your arms went around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss, making him groan against your mouth. “Did you mean it earlier?” He whispered, breaking the kiss to look at you through heavy hooded eyes. “When you said you couldn’t marry Ben because he’s not me?”
You nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “Yes,” you answered.
“It’s always been you San. I’ve never wanted anyone but you.”
San let out a groan, pulling you back in for another kiss.
Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he pinned you against the side of the pool, both hands holding you up. You gasped against his lips as you felt his cloth covered hard length rut against your lace covered core. His lips kissed across your cheek before brushing against your ear.
“I want you so bad,” he murmured, his breath hot and heavy against your wet skin.
He grinded against you again, groaning in your ear.
A sudden bright light filled the area and you both quickly looked to see one of the flood lights had come on. “Shit,” San cursed, pushing you towards the ladder.
“Go, go!”
You climbed the slippery ladder as quickly as you could, hurrying over to your clothes as San followed, snatching his own stuff and leading you to the gate as the back door of the house slid open and a deep booming voice threatened to call the police as you both darted out the gate and through the park in just your underwear. San ducked behind the jungle gym, pulling you under with him.
The two of you waited for a moment, listening but could only hear the sound of your own heavy breathing. You placed your hand over your chest feeling the pounding of your heart. San, who had his eyes on you, suddenly burst into quiet laughter. You turned to look at him.
“What is so funny?” You demanded incredulously. “We almost got caught!”
“We did get caught,” San answered. “But wasn’t that a rush?”
You glared at him as he started to pull on his clothes. You quickly started to dress as well, pulling on your dress and trying to ignore the feeling of San’s eyes on you. You were pulling on your shoes when San finally poked his head out of your hiding spot and looked around.
“I think we’re okay,” he whispered, leaning back in to look at you as you tied your apron back on. “Come on,” he said, nodding his head and stepping out from under the jungle gym. You followed hesitantly, looking around before finally stepping out and standing up straight.
“Can we agree to never do that again?” You whispered, brushing your skirt off.
San turned to face you, one of his hands moving to your waist as he backed you up against the jungle gym, his face inches from yours. He rested his other hand against the hard plastic structure.
“Don’t tell me that wasn’t exciting,” he said softly, moving the hand on your waist up to take your chin gently. “Getting caught skinny dipping in a strangers pool isn’t exciting, San,” you whispered as his thumb moved, brushing over your bottom lip.
“It’s reckless.”
You let out a tiny gasp as San pushed himself into you, his erection pressing against your thigh. “I didn’t mean the pool part,” he whispered, leaning in and brushing his lips against yours. “San,” you murmured, your hands grabbing his jacket.
“Yes?” He hummed, nuzzling his nose against yours.
You hesitated, uncertain if you should continue.
It had always been like this, a game of push and pull when it came to you and San. You’d push for more and he’d always pull away. He’d push you to try new things and you’d pull away. Quite frankly, you were getting sick of it.
It was time to change things.
Your hands tightened on his jacket, pulling him even closer.
Your words failed you as San stared at you, lights from the city behind you shining over his face, reflecting in his eyes like stars. “Yes?” he asked, a smile threatening to spread across his face. Instead of answering him, you decided action was the best course to take and reached up, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
San responded immediately, one arm moving to wrap around your waist, holding you steady while the other moved into your hair, lips parting and deepening the kiss. You moaned, the sound muffled by his mouth as he greedily swallowed the sound. You only broke apart needing air but as soon as you gasped down a couple breaths, San’s lips were back on yours, his hand moving down to your hip.
His hand moved around, grabbing your ass before moving down to lift your thigh to his waist. “Wait,” you mumbled, breaking the kiss. San gave you a perplexed look, certain he’d done something wrong.
But when you replied “not here,” he took your hand, leading you over to his bike. You put the helmet back on and climbed on before he started the engine and backed up a couple feet.
Once in gear, he pulled out of the space and turned the bike around, heading onto the street and followed your instruction to your apartment. The ride only took a few minutes and soon he was pulling into the alley between your building and the butcher shop next door.
San turned the engine off and put the kickstand down before getting off and helping you up. You removed the helmet and decided to bring it with you up to your apartment rather than leave it with the bike.
You had just reached your floor when San stopped you. “Wait,” you heard him say softly. “What about…” his voice trailed off, eyes still looking at your face.
“Ben stayed at the old apartment,” you answered, knowing what he was getting at without even saying anything. “This is my apartment. I live here alone.”
San nodded, allowing you to continue down the hall. You unlocked your door, allowing San into the apartment before shutting the door behind you and locking it again. You pulled your jacket off, hanging it up as you set your keys on the kitchen island while San took a quick look around.
It was a small studio apartment, the bedroom separated by a cube shelf you probably put together yourself.
The front living room and dining room area was small with only a loveseat, coffee table, and media console. The kitchen was also small with a tiny kitchen island where your sink was. The bedroom area was where your queen size bed and desk were.
You had removed your shoes and socks and were untying your apron when San turned back around to look at you. Looking up, you were met with his heated gaze. “What?” You asked as you untied your apron and set it on the counter.
San crossed the apartment, pulling you against him, lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. From there, it was a mess of stumbling, tugging his clothes off until you both tumbled onto your bed, San trapping you beneath him.
Along the way from the kitchen to your bed, he’d lost his jacket and shirt, leaving him in his jeans and a white tank. Your skirt had fallen up as your legs wrapped around his waist, exposing your black lace panties.
You let out a moan as San leaned in, kissing up your neck as he rolled his hips against yours, grinding his erection into your soaked panties.
“Fuck,” you heard him hiss.
“I should have done this a long time ago,” San groaned, lips moving across your cheek. “San,” you gasped as his hips rolled against yours, pressing his hard cock against your core. “Say that again,” San whispered in your ear, grinding into you again.
“Say my name like that again, baby.”
You moaned, his name slipping out as he rutted against you again. His movements sped up, grinding against you repeatedly. “S-Sannie,” you whimpered, one hand moving to his shoulder as the other gripped the hair at the nape of his neck tightly. San groaned into your neck as his head fell.
“Oh god, that’s even better,” he grunted.
Whines and mewls left your lips as San continued to grind against you, grunting into your neck until you finally spoke up, your voice a little more hoarse than you intended.
“S-San,” you tried to catch his attention. When he didn’t seem to hear you, you tried again.
“San,” you said a little clearer. “Wait, wait, stop,” you continued, tapping his shoulder.
San lifted his head, stopping instantly and fixing you with a perplexed stare.
“W-what? What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes searching your face.
You reached up, cupping his cheek. “I don’t want things to go too far—”
San bowed his head with a groan. “I’m so sorry,” he started apologizing.
You shook your head as he started to push himself up. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions,” he continued but you sat up quickly, grabbing his arm. “No, San,” you answered. “It’s not that.”
He stared at your hand on his arm before his eyes traveled up to meet your gaze.
“You didn’t let me finish,” you added.
San relaxed in your grip as he waited for you to speak.
“I was going to say that I don’t want things to go too far before we’ve properly had a chance to explore things,” you said as you watched him, waiting for his reaction. “Explore things?” He repeated your words back to you, which you confirmed with a nod.
“What does that mean?”
Your cheeks burned but you spoke with as much confidence as you could muster.
“Explore… each other.”
San’s eyes widened as your words sank in. “Explore each other?” He parroted, his lips pulling into a smile as you nodded.
“Sorry for interrupting you!” He said excitedly as he quickly threw himself onto you, pinning you against the mattress.
You let out a giggle as he peppered kisses all over your cheeks before taking your lips in a soft kiss that quickly turned heated. “God,” he murmured, lips moving across your cheek.
“I love you so much.”
Your eyes shot open and you were met with his intense stare. His face was full of nothing but adoration as he looked down at you. Your cheeks burned under his gaze and you quickly pushed him over, rolling so you were on top of him, straddling his hips.
He looked surprised as you leaned over, pressing your lips to his. “I love you too,” you answered, squealing when he pulled you tightly against him.
“This needs to come off,” he pouted, tugging at your skirt.
“Then take it off me,” you challenged. San raised an eyebrow and was quick to sit up, wasting no time as he pushed the cheap material up and watched in awe as you finished the job, pulling the dress off with ease and tossing it to the floor.
His eyes left your face, trailing down to take in your lace bra, his hands moved carefully against your skin, up your sides to cup your breasts over the material. You ran your fingers through his hair, keeping your eyes trained on his face as he continued to explore.
He reached behind your back, glancing up once as he mumbled a simple “may I?”
You nodded, breathing heavily as he undid the clasp on your bra and just as swiftly, pulled the straps down your shoulders and discarded the item with your dress. Your cheeks burned as he saw you for the first time.
You’d dreamt about this moment more than once but now that it was happening, you were feeling many emotions all at once. Love, lust, anxiety, fear, self consciousness. Would he like what he saw? What if he didn’t?
Your concerns were quashed when San spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Have I ever told you how fucking beautiful you are?”
Your cheeks burned more as you pulled your bottom teeth between your teeth, shaking your head. San carefully took the back of your neck in one hand while cupping one of your tits with the other, the palm of his hand warm against your sensitive nipple.
“You are,” he confirmed. “So fucking beautiful,” he added as he pulled you into a kiss, lips moving against yours as he parted them, his tongue slipping into your mouth. The hand on your chest squeezed, kneading your breast gently.
San pulled back, looking up at you with glossy eyes. “Lay back for me, baby,” he murmured, voice laced with desire. You carefully leaned back until you were lying on your back, San moving to kneel between your thighs.
He took your hands, moving to pin them over your head against the mattress. His lips met your collar, peppering light kisses over your skin, up the side of your neck.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy taking my time with you,” he whispered in your ear.
He let go of your wrists as he sat up. “Keep your hands there,” he ordered, his own hands moving to undo his pants and belt. You watched as San unzipped his jeans and pushed them down, kicking them off and tossing them off the bed.
Next to go was his tank, joining his jeans in a pile on the floor, leaving him in his underwear and the necklace he always wore. The same one you gifted him many years ago.
He leaned over, kissing your stomach before moving to slide his thumbs under your panties and as slow as possible, pulled them down, sliding them down your thighs before finally discarding them on the floor as well.
You looked up at him as his eyes raked over your body, taking in all the things he’d never seen before. He rested his hands on your knees and pushed your thighs apart, ignoring the blush that crept across your face as you watched him eye up your glistening sex.
You’d only ever been intimate with one man but it wasn’t the one you wanted and now that you had the man you truly wanted to be with here in your apartment, you were going to make the most of it.
“Like what you see?” You whispered, drawing San’s attention. He met your gaze with a smirk. “More than you know,” he admitted, leaning over to kiss you. “I just want to memorize every detail,” he mumbled against your lips.
“Take a picture,” you whispered. San pulled back to give you a shocked look. “You’re serious?” He asked, which you nodded in response to. “Yes,” you answered. “Take a picture of me. Then you can look at it whenever you want to. Remember every detail until we see each other again.”
San groaned before moving to grab his phone from his pants. He quickly unlocked the screen, opened the camera app and snapped several pictures. He set his phone aside and dove back in, pressing kisses to your chest.
“San,” you breathed, your fingers combing through his hair as his lips brushed against the soft skin of your breast. “Hmm?” He hummed in response, looking up to meet your eyes in a soft gaze.
“I want you,” you whispered. He let out a small huff, his hot breath fanning across your skin. “I want you too, baby,” he replied. “I’m just taking my time with you.”
Without giving you a chance to answer, you felt his wet tongue run over your nipple before taking it in his mouth, making you moan loudly. He was gentle but still firm, tongue swirling around the sensitive nub before suckling softly.
Another moan slipped out as you felt his fingers skimming down your stomach and between your thighs. He pressed them against your wetness, groaning against your chest as he pushed one into your waiting hole.
“So fucking wet for me already?”
You whimpered as he carefully curled his finger against your walls before adding a second, pumping them slowly as his tongue continued to swirl around and run over your nipple, fixating his attention.
“S-San,” you whined, thighs trying to clench around his waist but unable to do so. Your walls fluttered around his fingers as he fucked and stretched you open. With the addition of a third finger, your arousal was starting to seep out of your hole, spilling onto your sheets.
“Such a greedy girl,” he murmured, his voice barely louder than the wet squelching of your cunt trying to suck his fingers back in. “Can I record this?” He asked softly. You nodded instantly. “Record whatever you want,” you gasped as he curled his fingers.
San sat back, continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you as he reached over to grab his phone. He opened the camera app and pressed the record, aiming the lens between your thighs as his fingers pistoned in and out of you.
Your slick shined in the flash as he lowered the phone to get a closer shot.
“That’s it baby,” he rasped, looking up from the screen of his phone to your fucked out expression. He moved his phone to get a shot of your face before moving it back to your pussy.
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” He cooed, fingers curling inside against your sweet spot. “Y-yes,” you moaned. “M’gonna cum, Sannie.”
Your thighs trembled as your high approached but just before you toppled over the edge, San stopped, pulling his fingers from your cunt. You whined in protest as he chuckled. Making sure to record, he brought his soaked fingers to your lips.
“Open,” he ordered. You did as he asked, lips parting enough for him to shove all three fingers into your mouth. “Clean them,” he added, keeping the camera on your face as you licked and sucked his fingers clean.
“Good girl,” he cooed, pausing the recording. “Here,” he said, handing the phone to you. “I want you to record me now.”
Your cheeks burned as he kissed your lips and then scooted back to settle between your thighs.
Doing as he asked, you pushed the record button, keeping the camera pointed at him. Once he knew you were recording, San smiled mischievously at the camera as he pushed your thighs apart and leaned in, biting the inside of your thigh and making you squeal.
He let out a breathy chuckle, kissing the same spot.
“San,” you breathed out as you felt him kiss his way up the inside of your thigh, skipping over your sex as he kissed up your stomach and chest, stopping to look up at you from between the valley of your breasts.
“Say it again,” he murmured. “Say my name again. Let me hear who’s making you feel this good, baby.” You moaned in response, hand moving to card your fingers through his hair. “You are,” you whispered.
You felt him huff against your skin. “Louder baby,” he retorted. “I can’t hear you.”
“You are!” You all but shouted. San chuckled against your skin, nuzzling into your sternum. “You’re damn right,” he answered.
His lips kissed down your stomach as he settled between your thighs, shoulders brushing against your skin. “Don’t be shy,” he said softly but just loud enough for you to hear him. “Let everyone know how good I make you feel.”
Your fingers in his hair tightened as you felt his tongue run along your slit, his hands shifting to spread your folds before he dove in, immediately teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue before cautiously sucking on it, making your back arch off the mattress as you fought to keep the camera focused on him.
“So sensitive,” he mused, attacking the bundle of nerves with his tongue with short but quick licks, each time making your thighs shake until you pushed his head down, forcing his tongue back against your clit.
He didn’t seem to mind, alternating between sucking and licking, making your cheeks burn as the sound of his sinful actions filled the room. It was wet and lewd but only the two of you were around to hear it.
You felt his hands move, sliding under your backside between your ass and the sheets as he held you in place, his tongue lapping at your swollen nub. Your hand in his hair moved up your stomach to grab one of your tits, massaging slowly.
“S-San,” you gasped as his tongue moved down, prodding at your entrance. You felt his nose bump against your clit as he toyed with your hole, groaning against you at the taste of your essence. “You taste so fucking good,” he grunted before pulling your clit back between his lips, a lewd slurping sound eminating from him.
“S-San,” you whined, cheeks still burning as heat spread from your stomach and to the other parts of your body. “F-feels so good,” you moaned, your fingers in his hair combing through his dark tresses.
You let out a whimper as you felt two of his fingers circle your wet entrance before pushing teasingly into you shallowly. He flattened his tongue, moving his head as his fingers teased your entrance.
“Please S-Sannie,” you moaned, back arching off your bed, begging him for more.
Without word or warning, San’s fingers breached your walls yet again, sliding in with ease as his tongue continued its assault on your clit. He kept his fingers still for a moment before starting to slowly pump them in and out of your sopping cunt.
Your thighs tried to clench around him but he used his free hand to push one of your thighs away from his head, keeping it pinned to the bed as he ate you out, fingers continuing to gain momentum until they were almost pistoning in and out of you.
A tightness in your lower stomach started, feeling as if an elastic band was being pulled back, tension mounting and ready to snap at any second. “I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. San ceased all movement at once and you whined as he pulled his fingers from your pussy. “San!”
You pushed yourself up to look at him, resting on your elbow as you tried to continue filming. He pulled his head back with a cheeky grin. His chin and lips were coated in your arousal, eyes glazed over and pupils blown wide with lust.
“I was so close,” you whined as he wiped his chin before moving to hover over you, taking you in a searing kiss, tongue pushing past your lips and dancing against yours.
You groaned, tasting yourself of his lips and tongue before he pulled away, bringing his fingers up to your mouth. “Open,” he whispered, watching as your lips parted, taking his fingers in your mouth. “Suck,” he continued, groaning as you cleaned your juices off his fingers.
As quickly as it started, he pulled his fingers from your mouth and pulled you into a passionate kiss, pinning you under him as he fiddled with his underwear.
His lips kissed down your neck to your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth again, tongue swirling around the sensitive nub while one of his hands kneaded and massaged your other tit.
You moaned, fingers combing through his hair and his tongue flicked against your pert nipple.
He pulled back, blowing on your wet skin and sending a chill up your spine. His lips were back against your cheek as he made his way to your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so good you forget there was ever anyone else,” he whispered, grinding his hard cock against your wet cunt.
“Please,” you begged, meeting the grind of his hips. “Please San.”
Letting out a growl, San took the phone from you and set it aside, not even bothering to turn the recording off before he reached between your bodies, taking himself in his hand to give his cock a couple strokes, spreading your wetness along his length before pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
You reached up, cupping his cheek as he looked up to meet your gaze. “Do it,” you whispered. “I trust you.”
San groaned, pushing into your velvety warm walls. “Ssshiiit,” he hissed, breath fanning over the skin of your neck. “K-keep going,” you gasped, one hand moving to his shoulder, squeezing as he did just that, his cock sliding further into your pussy.
“You feel so fuckin’ good, baby,” San whined, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your walls clenched around him, drawing another whine from his lips, muffled by your neck. “You too,” you breathed, trying to adjust to the intrusion, your thighs squeezing around his slim waist.
“Please Sannie,” you urged, squeezing his waist with your thighs, one of your heels pushing into the back of his thigh. “Please fuck me.”
San groaned, his throbbing cock twitching in your cunt. “You can’t just say things like that, baby girl,” he mumbled. “And not expect me to go fuckin’ feral on you.”
You opened your mouth to respond but moaned instead when San pulled back quickly before thrusting into you one, twice, three times, setting a steady rhythm. Your hand in his hair moved to the back of his neck as you moved your hand from his shoulder to his bicep, squeezing gently.
“Fuck,” you hissed as he hit you with a hard thrust, testing just how much you could take. “Feels good?” He asked, lifting his head to smirk down at you. “Mhm,” you hummed, thighs tightening around his waist. “So f-fucking good.”
“Say it again. Tell me how good it feels, ” San groaned, hips stuttering as your walls convulsed around his cock again. “F-feels so fucking good, San,” you repeated. “Yeah?” San asked, his voice breathless as he watched your face contorted in pleasure.
“Feels fucking good? You like the way I fuck you?” He asked, his hips pounding harder against yours, the sound of skin slapping filling the room. “You like how I fill you up?” His voice dropped in pitch, a groan threatening to escape as he tried to hold back.
You nodded, whimpering as you felt the head of his length hit the spot that had your toes curling. “You like how my cock feels in your tight little pussy?”
You gasped as San rolled his hips, making you feel every ridge, bump, and vein. “You like that, baby?” He asked breathlessly, brows furrowing in concentration as your walls gripped him tighter, like a warm hug, enticing him to bury himself inside you and never leave again.
“Yes, Sannie,” you whined, your fingers moving back into his hair, trying to find something to hold onto and keep yourself grounded in the moment. You’d always wanted San to take you for his own. You’d been in love with the man since you were teenagers. Even when he didn’t follow the same path as you.
You never stopped loving him. Even when he pushed you away, saying it was for your safety. He didn’t want you to get hurt but when he came back, wanting to spend more time and see you more, you fell even harder.
The corner of your eyes burned with unshed tears as you felt your orgasm approaching. “San,” you gasped. “M'so close.”
San nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on your face. “I know, baby,” he answered, his voice just as breathy as yours. “Me too.”
The roll of his hips switch to a more erratic thrusting, each drag of his cock against your walls pulling moan after moan from you. “Fuck,” he cursed. “Look at me,” he growled. Your eyes opened, blinking away the hot tears that threatened to spill.
You felt San’s hand cup your cheek as he held your gaze. “Tell me you love me,” he blurted out. “Tell me.” Your heart leapt into your throat, pounding just as much as before. “I-“ you hesitated. Of course you loved him, you told him earlier but now it felt so much more intimate.
Your eyes darted between his before it finally slipped out.
“I love you, San.”
He sighed heavily, pulling you into a messy kiss that was mostly tongue before pulling back, ignoring the trail of spit that connected your lips. “Tell me,” he whispered, still thrusting quickly into you, cock ramming your cunt with renewed vigor. “Tell me you’re mine,” he continued.
You moaned, your hand moving to grab his wrist as your orgasm loomed over your head. “I’m yours,” you whimpered. “Only yours.”
San growled, burying his face in your neck as he chased his high, yours already crashing over you like ocean waves. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” San moaned against your skin. “M'gonna cum.”
“Cum inside me,” you gasped, keeping your thighs tight around his waist so he couldn’t pull away. “Fill me up and make me yours completely, San.” San growled into your neck, thrusting a few more times before he came with a groan, hips continuing to fuck you as he relased inside you, filling your cunt with his hot load.
His hips slowed to a stop until he collapsed on top of you. “Holy shit,” he gasped as you combed your fingers through his sweaty hair. San turned his head to look at you, finding you already looking at him with a dazed smile.
“What?” he asked, lifting his head to look at you properly.
“I love you so much,” you murmured, moving your hand to pull his face towards yours, pressing your lips against his forehead. “Yah,” he whined, cheeks turning peach as he tried to hide his face in your neck. “I’m supposed to kiss your forehead,” he mumbled. “Not the other way around.”
You giggled as he pushed himself up to look down at your smiling face.
His eyes darted to the side, noticing the phone with the camera still open, recording the ceiling. “Whoops,” he said, grabbing the device and pressing the stop button. You’d also completely forgotten about the phone until he brought it up.
“Did it record everything?” You asked as he set the device on the nightstand. He nodded, looking back down at you. “Yeah,” he answered softly before he took your lips in a slow, passionate kiss, lips moving softly against each other. “I love you,” he whispered against your lips. “So much.”
You kissed him back, smiling as he leaned into your kiss. You let out a series of giggles as his hands wandered, tickling your sides before shrieking as he rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him. San groaned as he looked up at you.
“Fuck, I should have made you ride me,” he murmured, hands moving up your sides and around to cup your chest. You leaned over to kiss him again. “We still have a couple hours,” you muttered, lips brushing against his. You felt one of his hands move up to your neck, cupping the side of it.
“Give me a bit to recover first,” he murmured, pressing multiple kisses to your lips.
“Then we can go again. We can go all night if you want to,” he added, looking up into your eyes. You placed your hand over his. “All night?” you asked, sounding hopeful and prompting San to nod in response.
“I’m yours until 400,” he added, noticing how your smile fell a fraction, the same sadness from before reaching your eyes. “And then you’ll be gone,” you whispered. San took your face in his hands. “Not forever,” he whispered, thumb stroking your cheek as tears welled up in your eyes.
“No,” he murmured, kissing you softly. “Please don’t cry, Y/N.”
You tried to hold back your tears, sobs threatening to escape your throat.
“I’ll come back for you,” he added. “I promise.”
You nodded your head as he kissed you again. “You told me you love me,” you whispered. San hummed in response, pulling you against his chest, fingers combing through your hair. “I do,” he replied.
“You promise?”
San nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I promise, baby.”
“And you promise you’ll come back for me?”
San could only curse the universe for the way things worked out. If he had his way, he’d call off the whole resistance and quit it all to be with you but he was too far in. Too deep. He couldn’t do that to his crew who had become like family to him.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he nodded once more.
“I promise,” he answered, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Because you love me?” Your voice was so soft as you slowly started to drift off.
San smiled at you as you eyes fluttered shut, fingers combing through your hair gently. He’d never loved anyone as much as he loved you. It was a bittersweet love. One that was doomed to end with heartbreak.
“Because I love you.”
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It was almost a crime to leave your apartment but San knew he had no choice. Even though you looked so peaceful sleeping. Almost like an angel.
He knew he had business to attend to. He had to have the bike back to Outlaw Customs by 400 and it was just after 300. The ride back wasn’t as long but San made sure to savor every moment of it.
That was until his bike started making a weird sound.
He had just pulled into the alley when the sound started so he was able to roll the bike to the garage door and press the buzzer.
After a few moments, no doubt Yunho checking the cameras, the garage door started to open with a mechanical whirring. Yunho greeted his friend before a frown covered his features.
“Why does she sound like that?” Yunho asked as San parked the bike and cut the engine. “That’s a great question,” San answered. “It just started making it as soon as I pulled into the alley.”
Yunho pushed the garage door closing button and walked over, kneeling by the bike to inspect it. “I might need to readjust a few things,” he murmured before standing back up. “She’ll be fine for the job,” he added as San narrowed his eyes at the giant mechanic. “She better be,” San muttered.
Yunho waved his concern away. “Have I ever given you reason to doubt me?” The giant asked to which San shook his head. “Not yet,” he answered, making Yunho swear and playfully swipe at his friend.
“So, did you get everything done?” Yunho asked, not missing the sad smile that crossed San’s features. “Yeah,” the shorter man said. “Yeah I did.”
Yunho paused for a moment before placing a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. “If you want to talk about it—” San quickly cut him off.
“I’ll be fine,” he said quickly, pulling from Yunho’s reach. “I’ll see you later.”
Yunho nodded as San walked out the door into the main shop, nodding towards the shop owner, Nightowl, as he exited, Yunho not far behind.
“What was that all about?” Nightowl asked, looking over at Yunho who shrugged.
“I have no idea.”
The walk back was shorter than San remembered and soon the old van came into view. Wooyoung was still sitting in the driver’s seat while Cardinal sat in the passenger seat just like when San left.
Wooyoung was playing the same rhythm game on his phone while Cardinal looked through city maps. They both looked just as they had when San left but he picked up on subtle differences. Wooyoung’s hair was a little more wild and Cardinal was missing one of their shirts, left in just a tank top and pants.
San didn’t need to be a genius to know what happened in the back of the van and he begrudgingly opened the back door of the van and climbed in.
The stench of sex hung in the air and San pushed the blankets away from him as he settled down in his usual spot. “Where did you go?” Cardinal asked, peering over the seat to look at San as he removed his leather jacket and hung it on a hook next to him.
“Just out,” he answered quietly as he grabbed his tablet and started fiddling with it, ignoring the looks both Wooyoung and Cardinal threw his way. He missed the way they both exchanged worried looks with one another.
“You alright, San?” Wooyoung asked, glancing back at his friend. San said nothing but nodded.
He continued to tap on the screen while Wooyoung and Cardinal exchanged glances once more.
Part of San wishes he hadn’t come back. That he’d stayed with you in your apartment and forgotten the whole thing. Everything he’d worked for and helped set in motion. He would forget it all if it meant he could have a chance at being happy with you. But it wasn’t possible.
Not in this life.
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 days
Making my own post and not linking OP because, genuinely I don't want them to get harassment for this
It's to the person who made this post
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Full disclosure, for the UMPEENTH time: I don't give a rats ass about what Lily thinks about fictional characters. I used to. Then I met/knew/still know genuinely nice and critical people who hold the opinions Lily has but aren't Lily. I have friends who hate Steven Universe for justifiable reasons, same with SPOP. I personally dislike a lot of Friendship is Magic decisions and so do my mutuals like me. That's not the problem. Perhaps the reason people know OF Lily Orchard is through her -bad- media analysis, but it's not why people come away hating her, and it's DEFINITELY not the reason people are listening to the testimony of her victims and being rightfully horrified.
People talked of and about Lily Orchard for the same reason sane people clown on Mr. Enter; she's toxic and abusive. She's a bully and her 'idgaf' attitude is bad for fandoming and for critical culture. There's 'problematic' like critikal or breadtubers and then there is "lol fuck the haters who all want to r@pe me anyway, they're all n*zis anyway including the bipoc folks who I'm sure aren't real bipoc anyway. Now I'm going to police how other people take back slurs and how 'queer' is inherently offensive. I'm the REAL VOICE OF JUSTICE."
I called Lily the worst of "anti" fandom rhetoric because I mean it. She is a 'social-justice warrior' in the meanest ugliest sense of that word -ugly enough that basically everyone who's been called that by actual chuds will describe her as one. She talks over other people doing social justice, polices how other people use it, and only really cares about how it affects her. Frequently when people leave her fandom it's because Lily and her crew very cruelly shooed them away for not fitting Lily's exact interests and opinions 100%. Frankly I kind of hate that her attitude is labeled as 'radical' or 'anarchonistic' because she's 'unapologetic'. No. Real anarchists are people like decolonizetheleft or heritageposts --those two are both very blunt and quick to bite back if you throw them bullshit, but they also are not vitriolic and know that people are complex even when they post stuff other people wouldn't. Lily's not even a good call-out machine. She's nothing on HBomberGuy or D'Angelo Wallace or Shanespear. I'm still mad at her, not for SU, but how she responded to other critics of SU who told her not to joke about Rebecca Sugar being a fascist. She told them, some of them Jewish people, that they're just butthurt at her ripping and not her trying to talk over other people. I'm still mad at her for siding with a n*zi until she realized that looked bad for her and her cruelty towards other lgbtq people over how they use the word "queer".
She's been doing this for YEARS. She dropped in on old brony discourse this exact same way and it fucking sucked because, you know, people in fandom or the show itself DID do shitty things. We needed genuine help weeding out the bad actors around us; it sucked that one of said bad actors was trying to speak for us. Now imagine this but amplified to a woman with some native heritage trying to talk down how other people see and talk about THEIR cultures. It's always been a massive headache.
Britt has also been around for years though and so has all the evidence and trails left of Stockholm before Lily decided to redact it completely. Lily absolutely wrote that. She absolutely wrote cp. I was there for back when she still proudly referenced it.
"Why don't you move on and stop obsessing?"
Believe me I'd LIKE to. It's that extra element of worrying behavior that goes beyond annoyance with a youtuber like Lindsay Ellis or Quinton Reviews that has kept me always watching from the sidelines. If I be an "anti" (frankly, every proshipper I've ever met who's seen the receipts from Stockholm has the same take as me, so idk) for having 0 tolerance fictional material of children than it would be hypocritical not to hold 'one of my own' up to those standards especially when she DOESN'T own up to writing it when I know for a fact she did.
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Fuck lousy chudheads and Vaushsluts and general KFcreeps who think any of this is funny and 'just lolcow behavior' and misgender Lily while they do it. Fuck transphobes.
Transphobes, chuds and ''stalkers'' are not the people ILoveKimPossibleALot brought into her video. Op, I genuinely hope you get away from Lily's influence. You deserve better. For now though I'm putting you and anyone else who unironically stans Lily on block. I am done hearing anymore excuses for this woman's character. I can't hear that anymore than I can't hear actual bigots use Lily to besmerch others -other trans folks, other liberals, other disabled people like me. I'm done.
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
Setting all other discourse about fiction and reality aside, I really love and appreciate how book-readers have decided that SOME little fake guys are actually extremely Real(tm). Like, even in the same BOOK, there will be fictional characters where the reader agrees that the author made a series of conscious and unconscious choices about this character, and there will in the same book be a little guy who absolutely DID exist and DID sentiently do these things.
Okay you need some examples. Most of you will understand Sam Vimes/Terry Pratchett. Everyone understands intellectually that Pratchett was a writer moving his little puppets around (except that Vimes is real, actually.) Pratchett could write Vimes doing ANYTHING and readers would believe it. When you see footlong discourse about Vimes it’s always presented as if he’s a Man who Chose To Do those Things, never a well-worn literary mechanism. People respect him: Sam vimes arrested a dragon - No he didn’t!! Man’s not real! Pratchett could’ve made him do anything! By some apotheosis Sam Vimes is a real little guy.
The character who is the most real is Stephen Maturin, who is much more Real but too obscure to start with. Stephen is the most character ever. He is Irish-Catalan active in 7 different anarchist separatist movements and also serves the British empire also. He is a horrible little scientist doctor surgeon spy, he is VERY dirty, addicted to 3 drugs, plays the cello, has broken every bone, and is smelly also. He has a sloth. He is the predecessor of all “put them in a jar with a twig” blorbos, but unlike YOUR degraded blorbos, he is real, actually. Look at how I write about him. He is our son Stephen who speaks every language. At no point do we accredit Patrick O’B for coming up with any of this hard work, let alone do we accuse him of making Stephen unbelievable or inaccurate. He is a real horrid little man.
With the possible exception of Paddington Bear, who is very polite, most Meta-Real entities are consistently horrid little men. This quality (plus the fact that ACD looms SO VISIBLY and distractingly over his shoulder) may be why Sherlock Holmes is beloved but unreal. He is horrid and detailed, but not little?
As you can see, I am trying to characterise the qualities of these entities, and whether there is a spectrum of reality. Jesus, for example, feels somewhat real, with cloudy edges possibly due to translation artefacts. Gilgamesh might be, ditto. Ishmael is NOT. Lizzie Bennett is a funny one (also a rare real female) because she is not at all real, but you could 100% encounter her ghost. Do you see what I mean here.
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