grim-faux · 8 months
X6 _ The Fiercest Hunter
First _ A Small Quiet
It was one of those sort of times. The rain of the Pale City wasn’t falling heavily as it did other times, but the steady dripping and plopping pellets and the sound of water plinking gave the city a sort of mood. It wasn’t that hard to see through the roads and endless city blocks stretching forever, but that could be part of the problem too. The pods of Viewers had gone elsewhere, and their eerie presence wasn’t missed, but somehow the sound of rain made the city feel that much more expansive and empty. A forever realm of winding streets, dark hallways, and rooms upon rooms that went nowhere.
What other way would the city be?
Viewers used to clustered into narrow alleys to watch the televisions. Most times they barreled into whatever was in their way, usually getting caught inside buildings after slamming into a wall enough times. Either they collapsed from crushing the face in (more than it already was), or they found and opening and tumbled into the rooms. If enough stampeded around, they could bulldoze a brick wall.
Mono aimed his eyes towards the mist swirling above the highest skyrises. The falling rain obscured the clouds and it made him feel like if he got high enough, he might be able to walk upside down on the mist. Or maybe, there was a world above the mist, and it was solid enough he could wander on it safe from the icy roads he scurried through.
That was a silly thought. He gave his coat and hat a shake, casting off some of the swollen droplets sagging on the edges. He had a lot to do before going back to the alley, and he shouldn’t leave the Thin Man alone for too long.
Wandering along the broken concrete, he evaded the heaps of ruble from the building face high above and the sogging mounds of garbage. He couldn’t find a way through the wall on this side, but if he got to a clear spot maybe the Thin Man could teleport there and find an opening. The Thin Man didn’t need a lot of help finding his way around, he went wherever he wanted. Mono just made everything was safe and no monsters lurked.
A Viewer crashed into the pavement just as he was crawling out from under a slab of cement. It startled Mono into shuffling backwards on his toes and hands, a tinge of static bristled in his spine. Or that was the frigid water sploshing his whole body.
He huddled there for a while, shaking and feeling more soaked than sitting in the drilling rain during the worst storms. The Viewer clicked and gurgled, one arm bent at an unsettling angle beneath its hip, and it was knotted like a bedsheet rope. One eye in the folds of its malformed face glared at him, it had a strange red tint in it.
Carefully, he shuffled around the inert body and stayed far out of the other arms range. The Viewer was quiet and unnaturally still, but it was stupid to be careless. Once he was safe enough away from it, he did pick up a rock and chucked that at the body. Still nothing. Good.
The middle of the road was splint by a narrow crack, it wasn’t large or a problem even without a teleport. He lunged to the other side and hurried over to a short set of steps leading up to a door. Unlike the other side, most doors and stairs stayed intact and the brick was solid. He climbed up one set of steps and pulled a crate over. Unsurprising the door was locked, the base was rotted and panels frayed away, but a bunch of ruble had been crammed into the opening.
It was the same with the other stairways and doors. If he found an unlocked door and entered, he was met with too much clutter for safe navigation. He didn’t want to get trapped, and worst he didn’t want to get separated from the Thin Man again.
He worried about the Thin Man and waiting in the alley, doing nothing. When Mono returned from a scout, he might poke his hat – mushing it onto his head – stare at Mono and say nothing, except eat smoke. If he tugged on the man in the hat, he brushed him away. No speek. Just scooting Mono away, or not looking at him. It was making Mono more anxious. Did the Thin Man stop? Was no move? Like cold children?
Some children never laid down for stop. They could sit upright forever, even when the last traces of light faded from their eyes. All kids knew not to bother children that stopped. If children couldn’t move, then they stayed where they were.
With the creeping alarm chasing him, Mono returned to the place he left his Thin Man. At least a chain-link fenced kept stuff from wandering on this side. It was easy for Mono to slip through the narrow opening on the floor, and race to the place where the man and his hat waited.
He rushed to the Thin Man’s side and grabbed onto the tail end of his suit jacket. High above, a thread of smoke wound away from the tip of his burn stick. That didn’t mean anything, he saw the stick swirl its wispy white enough times while it sat abandoned on a table (he knew better than to chew on the burning ones). He couldn’t find the dark eyes in the shadow of the hat, and the face didn’t twitch. He tugged harder on the suit, grumbling at the man and his hat.
“Hey. Psst.”
At least a hand did move to nudge him away. No speek. Just move him.
“You.” He snagged the hand by the wrist and held on with every fiber of is being. The static buzzed through his bones, he wasn’t sure if that was how it always was or if the Thin Man was angry at him again. “Am have. Go. C’mon.” The hand lifted and shook him like he was oozing mud that wouldn’t drip off. “Up. Y’up.”
The air coughed out of him when the other hand latched onto his waist. He kicked his legs and wriggled, but couldn’t squirm away. Even his mighty arms failed to anchor him when the fingers applied pressure, and with a firm tug he was snapped off. He was prepared for another wriggle match, but the hand popped open and his feet pads slammed to the concrete.
This time he sprang over to the man and his hat, shoving at his hip. “Hey. Okay?” He stared up at the Thin Man, but nothing was offered to him. The tallest monster in all the city simply tucked his arms over his middle and stayed put. Like a pouty child. Mono would be infuriated, if he wasn’t so conflicted about this state.
He did his best to comfort his Thin Man. He reminded him how important he was, how Mono would protect. He made sure to tell him that he was Mono, and he was the best child that looked at him and kept. He tugged on the crisp jacket, or pushed his face into his side. Sometimes he reached up to the hand draped over the Thin Man’s middle and pet his fingers. No biting. His Thin Man needed so much reassurance.
But again, the hand brushed him away.
He tumbled backwards and fell flat on his back. Rather launch back into his efforts, he sat up and stared at the tall figure hunched over. These moods usually passed like nothing, but they didn’t last like this.
Before leaving his Thin Man, he inched over to his hand and patted his fingers. “Am scout. Shhh.”
No reaction. Nothing.
They came from the other direction of the alley, the ground wrecked by cracks and splints that tore through the cement and made the high buildings arch sharply. It was quiet with the dome wilted above, only a few fat drops slapped onto carboard shelters built by travelers and other rubbish cast from the windows. His feet swatting against layered papers sounded so forlorn. No noise but the prattling rain, no televisions chattering with the scrambled images flashing knives or big water. Just lonely rain, his soft steps, and the walls stretched around him.
Some of the cracks he could climb down into, rain water collected in the bottom and sloshed around his knees as he wandered. It was stifling and even colder with the gravelly walls glaring back at him, sometimes he was slipping among the narrow crevices to keep going and find a space where he could climb up. The water stung when it hit him, maybe loaded with grit from the sides. Pebbles and chunks of rocks would plunge into the water – one smacked into his hat, but the cushion protected him from any serious harm. It reminded him to be alert, even if monsters could find him down here he could still get buried by whatever was up above.
In one of the under channels he was crawling through, fierce splashing made him flinch back and wait. In the gloom, he couldn’t see anything and definitely not anything crashing into the shining surface of the water. The water rolled and frothed for a bit, then calmed down. Mono held on a bit longer, focus on the walls and possible shifting. When nothing finally happened, he waded forward in the water.
Something smacked against his shin!
At once the water was a foamy mess. He toppled over, and a slimy mass flopped onto his lap. Another beamed him in the shoulder, nearly knocking him out.
It didn’t take him long to realize what the thing was. A fish! A big fish! A lot fish!
Mono caught his hat before it got thrown aside, and fumbled to get onto his feet. This was a challenge with the fish – he didn’t know how many – kept smacking into his knees. Instead of get all the way upright, he lunged at one of the flashing fins sweeping through the waves. Missed! His sleeves gurgled as the water surged up his arms. Without wasting a second, he pounced for another vague shape hurtling through the water. Water gushed up his nostrils as he nearly got the flailing creature pinned, it sent a wave cascading across his face as it bucked beneath the water. The panic sent the other fish into a frenzy, in all the confusion and onslaught he couldn’t bury in fingers into the hard scales. The rapids became too much and he was sent rolling, the fish he had pinned catapulted him out of the water.
He snagged the hat before it could get away and slapped the sodden thing back onto his head. Without pause, he sprang at vague swells on the water. Somehow swinging his arm under the surface, a fish slapped against his palm. He managed to grapple with the powerful tail and haul backwards, at the same time crawling to his feet. This didn’t last long and the aquatic beast wretched from his grip. He tried to reclaim it, but very nearly collided with one side of the jagged wall.
Spearing himself through the water was cumbersome with his coat dragging at his back, or wrapping up around his ankles when he made a sharp twist left or right. He didn’t know where the fish might have come from, but they could easily slip away before he realized with how the water was kicked up. All the thrashing cut at his feet too, bits or rock and granite sliced at his toes as he fought the murk for a hold of some slick body. He cut his knuckles when he jammed his hand down, unaware that a crop of rock was right beneath the surface.
After only a few moments – which felt like ages – at last, he crammed his arms against one of the fish and shoved his entire hand into its gill. Of course the fish wracked its body fighting with getting snared, and having something jammed into it. But Mono locked his arms together and heaved himself up from the water. The arm through the fish gills locked over its snout, and he dug his fingers into the soft lip. His other arm looped under the fins, and with his prize secured he squeezed back under the low cement ceiling he first scooted through.
The fish still fought, beating against his knees with every ounce of its strength. Six would have fought him for it! He managed to keep it locked in his embrace, his splintered nails serving the most vital function by shearing through the soft fish lips. It was not getting away.
He used the fish like a ski board, its body helped him to climb through the narrow gaps he would have had to go over before. This was the best to happy with the dreary rains. He knew the Thin Man would like the fish, everyone liked fish. It was how he showed Her how he was great with sharing and providing.
Climbing up from the depths of a crevice was much trickery than he thought, given he had a massive fish speared on his arm. By unlocking his fingers from its lips, he could mostly use his other arm to pull up and the fish helped keep him from knocking into the jagged rocks with his chest. Climbing down was so much easier. But thinking about sharing with the Thin Man made it all worth it.
He clambered over the edge, adjusting his grip on the fish and holding into the gummy lip. It took more effort to get traction under his feet, he scrambled over plastered flyers practically cemented to the ground. He rushed to crouch and crawl under a pile of crushed furniture and slipped when he tried to break into a run on the other side. Keeping his balance became a struggle with the fish renewing its flopping. He perched on top of his catch until it wore itself out, then resumed his trot. He didn’t get far before the fish went wild, its whole body writhing as he fought to keep his balance while inching across a section of concrete between mounds of garbage.
Somehow! The fish knocked his feet out from under him, they both went down. With all the thrashing and wriggling, the fish tore free of his grip and went skidding across the ground.
On the other side of the trash pile opened another crevice, with crushed furniture dangling over the side. No-No-No! Mono scrambled after his catch, managing to lock his fingers into its fins. It wasn’t enough to overpower the frenzied creature, and the tail walloped him the face in three rapids successions before he relented and leapt away from it. The mean fish went flopping towards the crevice—
And disappeared forever.
Mono was still reeling from the harsh assault on his face, his face buzzing in the worst way, and warm liquid ran down his lips and chin. He rubbed at it and sniffled. That hurt.
Despite how angry he was about the fish being a jerk, he wandered over to the edge and peered down. Nothing was below but darkness. How far did the crack go down? It didn’t matter, he wasn’t going to risk falling into the depths of the city for a terrible fish. He was sure it would’ve tasted like mud.
Giving a hiccup, he swiped the warm wetness off his chin and turned away. Who needed a stupid fish? Not him. He could find better food for the Thin Man – no bird, he didn’t like bird. As he navigated the cavernous trenches of the alley, he wondered about better things. Like what he could find for the Thin Man to cheer him up. He liked the book. But books were heavy, and he didn’t always like the ones Mono could drag around.
But first he needed to check on his Thin Man.
Right where he left him. Like Mono knew he would be. He raced over to the hunched figure and clambered up onto his side, then onto one long arm. The Thin Man began uncoiling, but Mono stumbled onto his chest and grabbed him by the front of his suit seam.
“C’mon. We go. Up. Up.” He held onto the coat when the fingers slipped around his soggy body and tugged. “No. Y’up. Up. We.” With a firm yank, his gunky fingers snapped loose. He growled and wriggled in the hand holding him firmly, not setting him down or doing anything but keeping him up and out of the way. He couldn’t do anything for the Thin Man if he wasn’t allowed to go around and search.
“Down. Down.” He beat at the hand with his fists, not really doing anything. It did make him feel better. He couldn’t lean far enough over to bite. “Want… down. Lemme.” He hissed when the Thin Man pinched his face with his thumb and forefinger. “No. Y’hurt.” It wasn’t really hurting, but he didn’t like his head griped and his thrashing restricted. It was too confining. The Thin Man still wasn’t great with soft.
“What happened here?”
He stopped wriggling and tried to look away from the eyes gleaming beneath the shelter of the hat. A bubbly snort got out of him when he tried to swallow. “Leggo.” He pawed at the fingers, but the Thin Man did whatever he wanted. “Down,” he whimpered.
“How did you manage this?”
Mono ducked his head down when the Thin Man shifted his hand around his shoulder and secured him better, then slipped his other hand beneath his feet. He didn’t mind sitting on his palm, as long as he could tuck his head down and hide his face. In all the excitement for his fish, he didn’t realize he lost another hat. Lost a dumb fish AND another hat.
“Let me see.”
The static buzzed in his ears. Mono didn’t want to look at the Thin Man. He shook his head, while burying himself into his knees. The terrible sounds came out of him, despite his biggest effort to hold them in. What was wrong with the Thin Man? He didn’t bother with anything Mono did to make him happy, unless red marked up his face, or arms. Or anything else Mono was trying to bandage and hide away. The memories brought another rattling sound from his mouth, all smothered by him burrowing into himself. His shoulders wouldn’t stop quivering.
Sure, he fussed over Her. But She was bad about taking care of her hurts. She rather limp around for a long time, before he managed to pounce her and fix a messed up foot.
But Mono was great at wrapping his hurts. He never had anyone that would do that.
“L̶o̸o̵k̶ at  ̵M̷e̸.̵”
He shook his head behind his legs and tightened more into his ball. That didn’t shield him from the prying fingers that nudged into his ribs and pulled him out of his safe coils. The typical custom of prodding and pinching, tugging and turning went on. Mono knew by now fighting this didn’t work, so accepted the detached examination. Like he was some sort of puzzle to figure out. When finally satisfied, the Thin Man flipped him over to face him and rubbed a scratchy sleeve against his nose.
“Y̷o̴u̴ ̵ D̸o̷ not seem  ̶T̸h̶a̷t̷ ̵ D̵a̵m̸a̵g̸e̴d̴.̴ ̵There is no need for such D̸r̷a̴m̴a̵.”
Mono sputtered at the itchiness dragging on his nose. He tried getting away, but the Thin Man kept his free hand locked around his ribs while finishing with scrubbing at his chin. With no other option, he turned his eyes away and watched the brick wall rising behind the Thin Man glistening with the rivers of rain. It was better than trying to avoid the shining eyes scrutinizing all the things Mono did wrong. Like make… po-tent’shun work. Or whatever.
“You are bleeding quite a bit.” Mono did like the thick smoke smell on the sleeve. It was overpowering and made his eyes water, but not in the bad way. “I do not comprehend how you tumble into these S̷i̷t̶u̸a̴t̸i̴o̸n̴s̷.̵ I would suspect that you….” The crackling voice trailed off. Mono snuffled, every time he exhaled a fresh warm wave slipped down his cheeks.
“Does it hurt T̷h̶a̴t̷  ̴M̸u̷c̸h̷?̵”
Mono closed his eyes and shook his head. The Thin Man moved him, and he whined a pitiful sound that didn’t sound much like a brave kid. The soft fabric of the Thin Man’s jacket met his face, and it felt very soothing on his sore and bloodied nose. Firm but careful fingers pressed into his spine and forced him to unroll his limbs a bit more, until he could knit his arms into the folds of the jacket and its creases. Another soggy sound spilled out of him. He was such an idiot. Losing the fish. That would’ve made everything better.
“Shush-shhh-shh…” fizzled the static in his ears. “It will get better. The bleeding will stop and you will feel better. It does not look bad.”
He didn’t care about the hurt or all the copper filling his nose. He lost the fish for the Thin Man. It was going to make him happy and they would share it. Who let food get way? Six fought him when he couldn’t catch the fuzzy animal. But a fish? It didn’t even flee. It fell into a stupid crack. Like an idiot boy.
“Do your breathing. It will help.”
He had so much to do for the Thin Man. This wasn’t the time for being silly and dawdling over a hurt. The roads were brimming with danger, and he still hadn’t found a pathway that went anywhere – not through the roads, or through a collapsing buildings. If he tried, he might still have a chance of finding his way back to the creak and dragging out another fish. The Thin Man hadn’t gone anywhere in forever, he had to eat something other than smoke. But when he tried to squirm away the Thin Man held him.
“I want that B̷l̵e̵e̸d̵i̸n̴g̵ ̵ under C̶o̶n̸t̶r̶o̸l̸ foremost.” Mono grumbled under his breath, but the Thin Man wouldn’t listen. “That feistiness can W̶a̸i̵t̴.̶ Indeed. You are F̸e̷a̸r̷s̷o̶m̸e̷.̵ Whatever shall I do with you?”
The way his Thin Man made that speek… it sounded sad. He didn’t know why he thought that, it was the same creaking hum he always used that made Mono feel especially small and silly. Maybe it was the way the static prickled under his skin, the way it did when some lost thought bothered the Thin Man. Like how Mono couldn’t make powers work, and the Thin Man’s outline sputtered or flashed.
“Am wrong,” he murmured, on impulse. The crackle of static mingled with the prattling rain dancing on minced cardboard and fliers. It filled his ears like cold bubbles and silt.
“You are N̶o̸t̶ wrong. You are just….”
For ages he waited, his hands tightening on a seam of the suit lapel. The fingers worked on his back, unknotting the kinks in his muscles with delicate threading. He rubbed another coating of blood off on the Thin Man’s suit, but he never got whatever speek was had.
Mono was just Mono, and that was a problem for the very tol man.
He wanted to tell the Thin Man how much he did, how hard he worked to make everything safe. The long scouts he did in drafty rooms, how he tricked the worst monsters or found the best hide places for shelter. He collected all the best treasures in rooms, shiny things and interesting trinkets, or bones and boxes of wrapped food. The Thin Man liked wrapped food. Why was everything wrong for the Thin Man? Was it for powers? Them not work? Mono tried. He did work when the Thin Man wasn’t around. Eventually, he would surprise his Thin Man.
This wasn’t that time. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready for the Tower, and he wasn’t ready to show the Thin Man how great he was.
“Are happy… t’Mono?” The static softened to a dull hum in his ears, and he tightened his fingers more into the suit lapel.
“Am I̴ ̸ H̸a̸p̸p̶y̴ to Mono?”
He sighed and rubbed his nose. The blood was sticky and pulled on his upper lip. “Have keep Mono? To happy?”
“N̶o̴t̸ ̶ R̵e̸a̷l̴l̷y̸.̴” A careful finger smoothed the hair on the back of his head. “N̶o̸t̴h̴i̴n̷g̷ you could do will W̵i̸l̸l̷  ̵E̸v̵e̸r̷ ̴make me H̴a̵p̸p̷y̸.̶”
Mono snorted and snapped his face up to those gleaming eyes. “Am make do. For work. Mono will.” For his credit, the Thin Man’s expression was flabbergasted. Good! He should know how much this was for Mono and how resolute he was for this mission.
Then the Thin Man snapped his head back and crackled with a screechy timber. If not for the Thin Man technically being ‘happy’, Mono would be devastated. He still didn’t feel great.
“Oh for the Tower, T̸h̶e̶ ̶ S̸p̵e̴e̸k̷ ̴ you M̶a̵k̷e̶.̴” The Thin Man lifted him up higher and studied his face. Mono always hated being so close to the Thin Man’s face, and being restrained so tightly. But the intense inspection never stopped until the Thin Man was done being curious.
“The bleeding has stopped. That is good. Do you feel better?”
He had no worthwhile response, lest the Thin Man fall into another giggle fit. “You are not happy. H̷m̷m̵?̵ ̷ That is T̵o̴ ̴ B̵e̸ ̵ E̷x̵p̶e̷c̶t̷e̸d̶.̵”
His feet met the icy pavement and a whirlwind of frigid air seeped into his soggy coat. “Am Mono. Have you.”
“And that there I̶s̴ the  ̴P̸r̶o̷b̸l̶e̸m̸.̸” The Thin Man uncoiled from leaning back against the wall, his silhouette glimmered as his posture adjusted into a kneel. “When I am G̶o̴n̷e̸—”
“N̸o̶!̶ ̶” Mono shut that down and threw himself at the knee braced to the cement ground. “No! No leave! Not gone. N̸o̶! Am keep! For Mono. Am have’oo. Mine! Mine! Mono s’keep.” He shouldn’t be so loud. Noisy children die. That was law.
But he couldn’t help it. What did the Thin Man no understand? He knew. He knew the Thin Man didn’t like him, and never wanted him around. He promised himself, those mistakes wouldn’t be repeated. He didn’t need the constant reminder.
“Am keep,” he burbled, while pressing his face to the Thin Man’s leg. He couldn’t be close enough. He couldn’t keep him long enough. But this moment was everything. The rain prattled on the walls, the harsh gale sliced across jagged corners. The static hummed softly in the back of his head. That was the best noise.
“N̴o̴t̴h̴i̸n̷g̷ lasts forever,̵  ̸C̵h̶i̸l̷d̵.̵”
Mono nodded against the dry fabric. The Thin Man was always dry, he always smelled of smoke (the good kind), the crackly noises felt good purring in his ears. But the Thin Man would not be his forever. Still, he would never let the Thin Man forget how much he was wanted.
Careful fingers coiled around his shoulders, but there was no pinching or indifferent scrutiny. He was pressed to the Thin Man’s boney shoulder, and the edge of his jaw settled beside the back of his head. The warble of static crowded out the sounds of icy rain, it felt like the whole world was caged away and it was just him and the Thin Man.
“For a L̷i̶t̷t̸l̷e̶ ̶ W̸h̵i̶l̶e̴ longer, you will have me,” the voice vibrated through his mind.
“Mm hmm,” he murmured, and nestled into the tight embrace. As if the Thin Man thought he would dissipate into the rain if he released him. That was a wonderful thought. “Important. See?” The Thin Man rumbled a sigh through his tiny chest. He should be scared. He should be worried that the Thin Man could forget to do soft, and might crush him.
He didn’t care.
“Y̶e̶s̵.̸ I see.” A dizzying sensation rushed through Mono, and soon after he felt the gentle rock of the Thin Man’s movement. His steps snapped across the high stretching walls around them, until the alley faded away. Then it was only rain dazzling the streets.
“I̵  ̷S̶e̶e̶,̵” repeated the Thin Man’s wistful speek. “You are a silly little child. Yet, here we have each other. Is that not something?”
Mono did his best to nod and grumbled. “Im’port-ant. S’why.” He smiled when the Thin Man chuckled against his shoulder. For once, that was a good noise.
“Yes. Very important.” The Thin Man shifted his face away from Mono, but the wide rimmed hat kept the rain from pelting his head. “And There Will Come Soft Rains. Mono? Would you like a story?”
He suspected this was coming. The Thin Man had other children to look at and visit, after all. But Mono’s eyes were already slipping shut, his thoughts cradled in the hammock of familiar smells and sensations of the Thin Man lulling into a quiet state of nothing thoughts with his warmth and presence.
“Mm,” he hummed.
For a listless spell, the Thin Man tried to describe something of a place with food and warmth that was called an hearf – it was a fire that was caged, and if tended well would keep a place dry and cozy. The ones that tamed the fire were called nomes, but that was as far as Mono got before the noises of static blurred in the dark space of his mind. None of the dream haunts that lurked in the cracks of his doubts awaited, instead, he was bundled in rags and left on a couch. It was very similar to a time forever ago, when the Thin Man first caught him and left him alone.
This time, the Thin Man was waiting for him. Very softly, the back of his fingers glided across Mono’s side. He knew Mono was awake, but didn’t hurry to rouse him or demand anything. He stayed, doing the company and giving Mono a chance to bask in this fleeting comfort.
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witch-sweets · 8 months
I've drawn to much ansgt lately so here's some dadcher fluff
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They had a long day of adventure they need rest
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perfectlyoongi · 2 months
trying to write some !BTS for when im on vacation. dw, my loves, i wont let u dry
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5 notes · View notes
brainfuzzz · 2 years
Old Truths Ch. 10 "Freedom Part 5"
Yep, another Crocodile learns that he's Luffy's mother fic because why not? Also, I'm making him the Snake Princess before Hancock because I'm already in Crocomom hell so why not pile on more to it, right? Expect a reunion with Dragon as Crocodile goes on a journey for the truth and eventually finds peace.
Despite most of the children being young and small, Crocodile struggles to hold three of them in his arms. A new shock of pain shoots down his spine with every step. The wound in his right shoulder from where the Celestial had stunned him is still fresh with no signs of healing. Eventually the children’s weight becomes too much, and he must let two down and force them to run on their own. The last one he holds tight in his arms. It’s the boy who had rested his head in Crocodile’s palms. He holds the boy tighter, placing a hand to the back of his head as the boy’s thin arms wrap around his neck. His tiny bony body shivers from the cold rain. Crocodile wishes he had kept Doflamingo’s coat. He can hardly believe that happened only earlier today. Sitting in that restaurant with him and his pirate crew feels like decades ago now.
            It wasn’t too hard to sneak the kids past the marines. Most are frantic as several of their ships struggle to stay afloat. It must be the aftermath of Dragon’s fight. When they are finally running through the empty streets, its then that Crocodile realizes that he has no idea where they are going. He thinks of the Kuja Pirates still hidden away somewhere in the city. He could take them there. He glances around, trying to make out the names of streets, hoping he could get his bearings enough to find the way back to the hotel they had planned on staying at.
            They turn a corner as the rain finally starts to let up. Crocodile runs a hand over his head to smooth his soppy wet hair. A few of the children cough and wheeze, their weak bodies are not used to running in the cold rain. He realizes that most don’t even wear shoes. He forces himself to focus on the matter at hand. Get them to safety and then get them proper clothes and food. They take another turn before Crocodile comes to a sudden stop. A few of the children bend over with their hands on their knees, trying desperately to catch their breath. Crocodile’s gaze is stuck on the large man blocking their path as his marine coat billows in the wind.
            The Vice Admiral slowly approaches him and his group of terrified children. Crocodile holds a hand out, trying to corral them behind him. Garp stops a few feet away, his eyes staring down at the kids before meeting Crocodile’s eyes.
            “I can save you or I can save the children. Pick one.” His voice is sharp and low. His light natured behavior gone.
            Crocodile stiffens, lets the words register before snapping, “The kids of course, you sick fuck!”
            Garp’s face doesn’t change for a moment before cracking a smile with his head tilted down.
            “Good. I was going to save the kids either way.” He slips a hand into his pocket, but his shoulders stay tensed. Crocodile frowns. What was that? A test? Crocodile doesn’t budge, keeping his hand protectively in front of the children.
            “How do I know you won’t just turn them back over to the Celestial?” Crocodile narrows his eyes, not moving away from the children. Garp looks down at the wet cobble stones beneath his feet, shame spreading across his face.
            “I’ll make sure they’ll get to Dragon and his people.” his voice is so quiet that Crocodile barely heard it. Crocodile swallows, glancing at the kids. They stare at him, their eyes silently pleading not to let him take them. They’ll never look at the Navy the same after this.
            Crocodile turns back to Garp before he changes his mind and takes off with the kids himself. “So, what? You take the kids and then cart me off to jail?”
            Garp stares at him with dark empty eyes, “No.”
            Crocodile shifts, a chill racing up his spine, “Then… what?”
            “I take the kids and leave. I report them as missing. Nothing else.” He pauses but doesn’t look away. “An order was sent out, overruling all others. Sengoku has been personally assigned to capture you. Only you.”
            The rain that had let up now slowly begins to trickle back down. It’s as if the wind has been knocked out of him.
            He blinks, struggling to find the words, “Me? Why me?”
            “You tell me.” Garp finally tears his eyes away. He steps towards the children. Their tiny hands grab at Crocodile in a frenzy, snapping him out of his daze. He turns, sees their wide teary eyes. They’re speaking all at once but it’s all the same. Don’t let him take us.
            Crocodile kneels, drawing them in close and says, “Listen to me. This man is going to take you to someone named Dragon. He has no eyebrows and a grumpy face. If he tries to give you to anyone else, you run. Run like hell and look after each other.”
            They’re still pleading for him to stay but if what Garp says is true then they would be safer away from him. The little boy in his arms clings to him even tighter, his tiny body still trembling but not from the cold. It takes everything for Crocodile to peel the child from his arms and hand him over to the giant girl. He looks into her eyes as an ache stretches across his chest. It’s not fair what’s happened to them. They don’t know who to trust and are more scared than a child should ever be. He thinks about running. Taking the children and making it to the Kuja pirates and going to Amazon Lily.  
            Then he thinks of Dragon. If Crocodile runs, then Sengoku will go after him instead. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the piece of paper Doflamingo had given him with his number on it. Crocodile stares at it. He blinks, swallowing a knot growing in his throat before crossing out the number and flipping it over to quickly scribble a note and folding it.
            “You’re stronger than you think Be brave.” He wants to say more, give them some encouraging words that could sway them into feeling like they can take on the world, but he can’t. Instead, he stands and steps back, letting Garp stand in front of them. Crocodile hands the paper to him. “Give this to Dragon.”
            Garp nods, taking the paper and slipping it into his coat. “Fine.”
He turns back towards the kids as Crocodile warns, “Hurt so much as a hair on their heads and I’ll kill you.”
Garp grins but says nothing else before leading the kids down a different street.
            Crocodile stands alone, letting the cold rain wash over him. He’s trembling but not from the cold. Sengoku is coming. His heart pounds against his chest. When he had faced Garp he had felt excited. Part of him knew he wouldn’t die, that he’d find a way to get away before anything drastic happened. But this time it’s different. This time he’s not so sure. He places a hand on his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. His fingers slide up until they’re touching the cold metal of the collar still latched around his neck. He presses his lips together, his eyes closed as he musters the courage to do what he’s about to do.
            He moves fast. This city is large, but it won’t be long before Sengoku is able to find him. He needs weapons, lots of them. He races down a street until he spots a group of marines standing around a small temporary base they’ve set up between an alley. Crocodile coats his arms in armament haki and attacks fast, taking them down before they’re able to fire a single shot. His hands shake while gathering as much explosives and guns as he can carry and even coming back for some heavier weapons.
            If he even has a shot at surviving this, then he needs to control the battlefield. He’ll need every advantage he can get. He finds a wide street with mostly abandoned shops and decides this is as good a place as any and begins setting up. His eyes frantically scan over the buildings, trying to cultivate a plan of attack, a strategy that could mean life or death. When everything is in place, he pauses. It’s not enough.
            He runs down a different street until he spots a firework store. He’s not sure how they’ll work in the rain, but they’ll have to do. He breaks the shop window and steps inside, his feet crunching on the broken glass as he fills his arms with as many fireworks as possible.
            When he’s returned to the street and finished setting up the last firework, he steps back. His heartbeat pounds in his ears as he takes in his work. The wound in his shoulder aches from the constant moving and toting of heavy weapons but he ignores it. This is as good as its going to get. He slings a rifle over his shoulder and starts towards the tallest building at the end of the street. He kicks the door down and climbs the stairs until he’s reached the roof entrance. The once heavy rain has turned into a light drizzle as he steps out onto the ledge, taking in the city. The dark clouds hang low in the sky with thunder rolling overhead. Lightning is striking in the distance, illuminating the city in bright bursts. Even with the thunder and lightning, he can hear the marines tearing through the streets. He closes his eyes, taking slow controlled breaths.
            When he finds a sense of calm, he opens his eyes and lifts his right hand and fires off the first flare.
            It takes three flares before he spots Sengoku. He’s racing towards him at an unnatural speed. Crocodile lowers his arm and aims the last flare at him. It misses, of course but there was no harm in trying. Crocodile turns and starts down the stairs. When he steps out into the street, he pulls the rifle from his shoulder and waits.
            Sengoku rounds the corner and Crocodile opens fire. Despite using a bow and arrow most of his life, he’s an excellent shot with a rifle. But that doesn’t mean much when up against someone like Sengoku. His movements are insanely fast. If he hadn’t spent his entire life honing his observation haki, his eyes wouldn’t have been able to keep up. When he fires off his last shot, he jumps back just before Sengoku can land a blow. His fist crushes the road where Crocodile had just been standing. Crocodile stands a few feet back, grinning as he tosses his empty rifle to the side and unholstering two pistols.
            “Funny, just earlier today I was thinking about how much I’d like to beat you into the ground.” Sengoku stands, cracking his knuckles with narrowed eyes.
            Crocodile smirks and lazily lifts his left pistol up against his shoulder, “Don’t try to be cute, Sengoku. With a face like that? Just doesn’t sit well.”  
            Sengoku’s face flushes and clenches his fists. Crocodile shoots first, moving before Sengoku can reach him. He’s moving back, never turning away from Sengoku. But he’s getting closer, his attacks getting harder and harder to dodge. Finally, Sengoku lands a punch, sending Crocodile flying back. He lands on his back, skidding into the dirt only worsening his wounded shoulder. Crocodile moves his jaw; glad it’s not broken while trying to get his head to stop spinning. The pain in his left cheek stings like a hot iron but it doesn’t stop him from propping himself up and grinning, blood staining his teeth. They’re between the flower shop and the boarded up café.
Sengoku stalks towards him. “I’m going to wipe that grin off your filthy face.”
Crocodile gives a laugh and pulls out a detonator. Sengoku’s eyes go wide but it’s too late. Crocodile hadn’t planned on getting caught in the blast, but beggars can’t be choosers. The two stores erupt in a beautiful explosion as debris and shrapnel spray in all directions. Crocodile shields his face with his arms while bracing himself for impact. He hisses when something sharp slices through his side. The back of his throat stings as he chokes on the dust in the air. When things have settled enough, he forces himself to move, coating his entire body in haki and takes this moment to attack. He ignores the screaming pain in his side and shoulder and lunges towards Sengoku, who is still trying to recover from the blast. Crocodile swings his leg, hitting Sengoku’s head.
Sengoku stumbles forward, his face pointing towards the road. Crocodile winces and jumps back with a hand pressed to his side. When he had struck Sengoku, it had sent an eruption of pain down the left side of his body. When he pulls his hand back, its coated in blood. He sucks in a pained breath and reapplies pressure, gritting his teeth to keep from moaning. A single line of blood drips down the side of Sengoku’s face as he lifts his head. His dark eyes are zeroed in on Crocodile. He grits his teeth and starts to move again but Sengoku delivers another blow.
“You’re only delaying the inevitable!” Sengoku yells as he slowly walks after him. Crocodile crashes through a store window. Shattered glass sticks into his right side and covers his face with deep cuts. He manages to push himself up, letting out a pain husky breath. His palms are left bloody from the glass beneath him. He stares down at his left leg where a large shard sticks out. Holding his breath, he pulls it out, struggling to swallow a scream. When he’s able to stand, he stumbles out of the broken window and falls against a crate. Beads of sweat roll down the side of his face as he pants, the pain making it hard to breathe. Then he notices what he’s hidden behind the crate and gets a burst of energy. He grits his teeth and swings a heavy rapid fire gun around, only pausing long enough to catch Sengoku’s expression before firing.
This time, Sengoku is the one running from his attacks. The bullets tear through everything, leaving a trail of destruction behind it. His trembling legs bulk beneath him as he struggles to keep himself and the gun up. The pain from his bleeding thigh and side is nauseating. When he squeezes the trigger again and hears a click, he lets the gun drop to the ground, nearly toppling over in the process. He leans on the crate one more time, taking slow pained breaths. He glances down the street where a potted fern sits.
Just make it past that. He tells himself. Just to that point.
Pushing himself from the crate, he limps further down the street. Sengoku steps out from the dust and debris practically unscathed by any of his attacks. Crocodile chokes out a laugh, but this time at himself. He knew winning this fight would be a long shot, but to lose this badly was nothing less than an insult. He grits his teeth, ignoring the tangy iron taste coating his tongue and keeps walking, leaving a trail of blood behind him. When his legs give out, he falls on his hands and knees, sweat dripping down his nose. He lifts his head and realizes that he can see the ocean from here. He spots a ship leaving the harbor with a dragon figurehead crawling down the sides of the bow. A smile spreads across his lips as he drops his head. Even though he’s never seen Dragon’s ship before, he knows.
They made it out.
“With all the arrogance you displayed earlier, I was expecting more of a fight.” Sengoku’s steps are getting closer. Crocodile digs into his pocket, wincing at every new surge of pain racing down his leg with every shift and fidget before he can pull his lighter out. Sengoku’s footsteps come to a stop just behind him. He flips it up and lights it before throwing it towards a fuse peeking out from behind the fern. He drops down, covering his head. He prays the fuse isn’t to wet to light just before the first firework shoots off hitting Sengoku in the chest.
The street lights up in a rainbow of color. Some shifted and fire in different directions, some shooting straight up into the air, but most are aimed directly at Sengoku. Crocodile knows this won’t kill him. But with luck he’ll be able to use it to get away. He musters the last of his strength and forces himself to his feet. A firework streams past grazing his shoulder. He ignores it and keeps moving. An explosion of light bursts to his side causing hot embers to spray into his face but he doesn’t stop moving. Sengoku is screaming something, but he can’t hear it over the whistling and crescendos of the fireworks. When he finally breaks through the line where he had lined the fireworks, he stops, panting for air. He coughs, his throat burns as if he had inhaled an ember. Even though the fireworks are still going off just behind him, the sound is muffled with a distinct ringing in both ears. When he lifts his head, he freezes. The Celestial Dragon from before stands further down the street, laughing and flailing his pistol. Crocodile notices smoke coming out of the weapon as if it had just been fired. Then he slowly lowers his eyes to his stomach and finds a red stain quickly growing. Hands are grabbing him before he can fully register that he’s just been shot.
He doesn’t remember being thrown. He doesn’t remember smashing through three buildings. He blinks up at a wooden ceiling as bricks and rubble fall around him. He coughs, feeling warm liquid spill over his lips.
“You’re determined, I’ll give you that.” Sengoku’s voice cuts through his haze. He stands over Crocodile, a smirk across his face.
“… won…” he has to shift so that his lungs can get enough air to speak.
            “What was that?” Sengoku grins. Crocodile mumbles the words making Sengoku laugh. “Sorry, couldn’t quite catch that.”
            Crocodile struggles to say it again so he waves for Sengoku to come closer. Sengoku frowns but steps over a pile of rubble and leans his ear down.
            “I… said…” Crocodile wheezes just as Sengoku hears it.
            Tick… tick… tick…
            “I won.” Crocodile lunges forward wrapping his arms around Sengoku, pressing the explosive collar against both their necks. Sengoku lurches back, desperately trying to get Crocodile off him, but Crocodile refuses to let go. He wraps his legs around his waist and uses everything he has left to keep himself stuck to the admiral. Sengoku stumbles back out into the street while failing to pull Crocodile off.
            Tick… tick… tick…
            Sengoku begins punching at Crocodile’s head, ribs, and back. Crocodile bites down into his own arm when he hears the snap in his ribcage. Hot tears swell in his eyes as the rain begins to fall harder than ever. He’s never feared death before, but as he clings to Sengoku his mind begins to wander. He thinks of Amazon Lily. They’ll hold a funeral for him even if they don’t get his body back. But as he blinks away the tears, he knows that no one will mourn him. Instead, they will mourn the position that he held until it can be filled again. He thinks of his mother still sitting in his childhood home, staring out the balcony. He imagines them telling her that her only child was killed. He imagines her smoking her pipe as if nothing had happened. As if he had never existed. He lets out a strangled cry when Sengoku punches his head and warm sticky blood spills over his left eye. He digs his fingernails into his arms until he draws blood.
            Tick… tick… tick…
            Then, out of nowhere, a gust of wind blasts down the street causing Sengoku to stumble. Before he can get his footing, something moves so fast that Crocodile could only make out a blur. Suddenly, accompanied by the booming crash of thunder, a powerful force hits Sengoku so hard it causes Crocodile’s arms to break apart, letting him go. Sengoku’s body flies back into a building as Crocodile falls. It happens so fast that he doesn’t even register when he’s been caught in someone’s arms. His head spins when he feels himself being lowered gently to the ground. Blinking away the rain and tears, he stares up at a familiar face.
            “Don’t move.” Dragon’s eyes are dark and focused. His hands are moving just below Crocodile’s vision, but he can’t bring himself to look away from his face. As if looking away might make him disappear. Then there is an explosion, and it takes a minute before Crocodile realizes it was from his collar. He blinks, lifting a hand to his throat and only finding tender flesh. He lifts his gaze back to Dragon.
            “Why… didn’t you… leave? You… moron!” It takes everything just to speak. His words come out in wheezy pants as his lungs fail to fill with air. He wants to shake Dragon in frustration, but he can barely lift his hand to his shoulder. Dragon’s face is dark.
            “Shut up!” The harshness in his tone makes Crocodile freeze. Then his expression softens before he pulls his cloak off and wraps it around Crocodile’s shoulders and pulls the hood over his head, protecting him from the rain. Dragon lifts a hand to his cheek, rubbing his thumb carefully across Crocodile’s scarred face. “You’re my friend. What other reason do I need?”
            All at once, something shifts. As if the walls Crocodile has built over the years have melted away. Fat tears build in his eyes as Dragon’s callused hand radiates a warmth Crocodile has never felt before. He finds himself letting his face rest against his palm. He can’t bring himself to speak, this time due to a knot forming in his throat. He drops his head, not wanting to cry in front of him.
Dragon lowers his head and murmurs, “Just hold on a little longer. I’ll protect you.”
The warmth of his breath against Crocodile’s ear makes a chill run up his spine. Crocodile nods, unable to meet Dragon’s gaze. Heat spreads throughout his body and face as his heart begins to race. Does he have a fever? He’s never felt anything like this before. He manages to lift his hand to his chest feeling his heart pounding like a drum. When he’s able to bring himself to look at Dragon again, he pulls his hand away to stand. Crocodile has a sudden desire to pull his hand back and press it to his cheek as something stirs in his lower stomach. Dragon turns and stands at the center of the street, watching Sengoku climb out of the rubble.
“Dragon.” Sengoku narrows his eyes as he fully recovers from Dragon’s attack. Crocodile didn’t think it was possible, but his heart begins to beat even faster as an image of Dragon beaten and bloody flashes across his mind. He wants to tell Dragon to run, but even if he could speak it was unlikely that he would hear it over the wind. Dragon says nothing as he slowly rolls his sleeves up to his elbows. For some reason this sends another burst of heat through Crocodile’s body. Sengoku frowns deeper. “Do you really think you can beat me?”
“I have no intentions of fighting you, Admiral. Not today at least.” Dragon closes his eyes as the wind grows even stronger. Crocodile grabs onto his cloak, desperately trying to keep it from blowing away. He’s so worried about the cloak that he almost misses Sengoku struggling to keep himself from blowing back. But there’s nothing he can do. A small tornado forms behind Sengoku making it impossible to get away. One second the Admiral is there and the next… gone.
Dragon’s shoulders relax and as if on cue, so does the rain. The tornado disappears as Dragon turns and faces Crocodile, a warm smile spreading across his lips. Crocodile feels himself returning that smile. Until there is another gun shot. This time Crocodile feels the bullet pierce his skin. Dragon’s face twists into an expression of horror and rage as Crocodile struggles to let out a scream. Blood spills over his lips as he falls forward. He had forgotten about the Celestial Dragon.
A foot hits the side of Crocodile’s head as the Celestial’s voice screams, “You ruined everything! Do you know who I am? To you I am a god—”
Dragon punches the Celestial across the street. Crocodile watches as he lies motionless on the ground, no longer able to move. The Celestial’s nose is bent to the side as blood gushes out and down his chin. He’s clearly never taken a punch before and even in Crocodile’s near comatose state he takes some satisfaction at seeing the worm writhe in pain. He’s so wrapped up in his broken nose that he hasn’t even noticed his precious air bubble has popped.  
“If you’re a god,” Dragon’s words come out in a low dangerous rumble. “Then that must make me a god killer.”
“What?” the Celestial pushes himself back in frantic movements, dirtying his pristine white robes. “Who—who are you?”
“Monkey D. Dragon.” Dragon stands over him, his fists clenched so tightly that a vein bulges in his forearms.
The Celestial’s eyes grow wide, “Did you say… D?”
That’s all the Celestial is able to say before Dragon strikes and Crocodile slips into unconsciousness.
When Crocodile wakes, bright beams of sunlight are washing over him. It takes a moment before he realizes he’s on the Kuja Pirate ship. He doesn’t move at first, even now his body is aching in tremendous pain. He starts with wiggling his toes. He winces. Bad idea. He tries his fingers and when no shooting pains spread up his arms, he goes a step further and lifts his left hand. His arm and fingers are bandaged but other than that, its fine. It takes more encouragement to inspect the rest of his body. His left leg is bandaged tightly with a tourniquet. His abdomen and right shoulder are bandaged as well, along with his right arm being stuck in a sling.
He forces himself up, biting back a cry of pain from his first gunshot wound. That damned Celestial. Then he remembers Dragon and heat floods his face. Is he okay? What happened to the Celestial? Did Sengoku come back? He needs to find out but before he can even attempt to maneuver off the bed, the door to his room swings open and one of his crew steps in. She carries a tray filled with clean bandages and ointments. When she sees Crocodile sitting up, she gasps and nearly drops the tray.
“Snake Princess! You’re awake!” she rushes to Crocodile’s side as he sighs and stares at the wall.
“It would seem so.” He shifts, trying to find a more comfortable position. There isn’t one.
“Snake Princess, please, you should be lying down. Your injuries were grave.” The woman tries to ease him back down, but he refuses.
“How did I get back to the ship?” he asks when the woman finally gives up on trying to get him to lie down. She sets the tray on the bedside table and frowns.
“It was horrible,” she begins preparing the bandages as she speaks. “This horrible looking man carried you through the city to us.”
“What? Dragon?” Crocodile stares directly at the woman for the first time. This makes her flinch.
“I… didn’t catch the man’s name.” she says, her fingers hesitating as they work. Crocodile opens his mouth to ask more when voices come from outside the room.
“… you are not welcome here. You must leave nyow!” Granny Nyon’s shrewd voice nags.
“And I told you that I’m not leaving until he wakes up.” a deep rough voice snaps back. Crocodile’s heart pounds against his sternum as it suddenly becomes hard to breathe.
Crocodile can stand it no longer. He begins to maneuver himself off the bed when the door to the room opens. He freezes as Dragon steps into the room. He stops, their eyes locking on to each other.
“You’re awake!” Dragon moves to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed. Crocodile’s face burns hot. His fever must have returned.
“You’re here…” Crocodile is breathless.
Dragon opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted when Granny Nyon bonks him on the head with her cane.
“He must leave!” she says, getting ready to bonk him again. Dragon rubs the top of his head, frowning at the old lady.
“Enough,” Crocodile’s voice is authoritative and makes both the woman and Granny Nyon take notice. “All of you, out.” And then much softer, “… Dragon can stay.”
Granny Nyon looks as if she has been turned to stone but is able to snap herself out of her shocked state. She eyes Dragon and Crocodile suspiciously before slowly following the other woman out of his chambers. When they are alone, Crocodile can hear his heartbeat in his ears.
Dragon turns to him, “How are you feeling?”
This makes Crocodile scoff, “Great. Planning on going for a jog later.”
Dragon grins as Crocodile’s stomach does a flip. Dragon leans on his knees, “You can’t scare me like that though.”
“What?” Crocodile arches a brow. Dragon digs into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. It’s the note Crocodile had written him.
“Take the children and leave. I will distract Sengoku long enough for you to get away. S.” Dragon reads before frowning at him, “You could have come with them. We could have gotten out of there together. You didn’t have to face Sengoku alone.”
. “Then he would have come after all of us. I couldn’t risk the kids getting captured again. Besides, he was only after me.” Crocodile’s fingers fidget with the edge of the bedsheet when Dragon gives a warm soft smile. Then Crocodile asks, “What happened to the kids?”
“My old man found me when I was on my way to find you. They had found one of my agents but apparently someone told them that they could only be given to a man with a grumpy face and no eyebrows,” he eyes Crocodile who holds in a laugh. “I took them back to my ship and had my people take them away. It’s the reason it took me so long to find you.”
“Then they’re safe.” Crocodile rests back against his pillows. “What will happen to them now?”
Dragon frowns down at his hands, “Those who were taken will be given back to their families. The fishmen and mermaids will be taken to fishman island. One of my men knows the queen there. She’ll make sure they’re taken care of. Unfortunately, most kids are sold into slavery by their parents. They’ll stay with us. We’ll give them a home until they’re old enough to go out on their own.”
Crocodile frowns at him, “You aren’t making child soldiers, are you?”
Dragon gives a laugh, “No, but if they do grow up and decide to join the cause then that’s their choice. I do plan on teaching them how to protect themselves if nothing else.”
Crocodile sighs. It could be much worse, and he doesn’t have any clear answer. They sit in silence for a moment, listening to the creaks and moans of the ship as it sways with the waves.
After a while, Crocodile speaks, “What happened to the Celestial Dragon? Did you kill him?”
There’s a pause before Dragon says, “Yes.”
Crocodile smiles. Good. Then he glances at Dragon and presses his lips together.
“Is it true that you carried me through the city?” he meets Dragon’s eyes.
“Yeah. What was I supposed to do? Wait for you to get up and walk yourself?” Dragon gives a lopsided grin. Crocodile stares down at his hand again, a strange ache fluttering in his chest.  
“Thank… you…” it barely comes out as a whisper.
Dragon tilts his head. “What was that?”
Crocodile’s face burns as he struggles to say it again. “Thank… you…”
Dragon blinks, “What?”
“Thank you!” he says it too loud this time. He can’t bring himself to look at him.
Dragon laughs, “Never thought I would hear those words from you.”
“Yeah, well, it’s the first and last time. Don’t get used to it.” Crocodile would have crossed his arms if he could.
The day went on. Sometimes Crocodile and Dragon would talk about the day and everything that had happened, and sometimes they would sit in a comfortable silence. They were both exhausted from the day and found themselves dozing off from time to time. Dragon would sleep with his head propped on his arms as he sat in a chair and leaned on the edge of the bed. Crocodile would get weird urges to touch his hair when he slept. Granny Nyon never strayed far. She wore a very suspicious expression every time she entered the room. Crocodile made her leave every time.  Eventually it became nightfall. They had just had dinner. Crocodile could barely eat a mouthful while Dragon ate enough for ten men. Crocodile settled against the mattress, feeling the pain meds finally kick in. Dragon spread his arms out in a deep stretch before suddenly leaning over Crocodile. Crocodile freezes as Dragon’s scent washes over him. He smells of dirt, sweat, and the sea air and yet Crocodile somehow finds it intoxicating.
“There,” Dragon says when he sits back into his chair. He had leaned over Crocodile to open his window. Crocodile stares out at a night sky full of stars. Dragon leans his arms on the mattress and stares out. “I love to star gaze.”
“I never noticed them much before.” Crocodile mumbles, his head light, probably from the meds.
Dragon lets out a relaxed breath and tilts his head on his arms to stare at Crocodile. Then, for the first time, he says, “Come with me.”
Crocodile arches a brow, “What?”
“Come with me. Join the revolution.” He says, never dropping his relaxed smile.
Crocodile shifts slightly and shakes his head. “Get your head out of your ass.”
Dragon gives a soft laugh, “I’m serious. You could come with me.”
Crocodile thinks about it for a minute. Leaving with him and living as a revolutionist. He shakes his head again, “I don’t like taking orders from anyone.”
Dragon shrugs. “Suit yourself. But if you change your mind, find me.”
Crocodile says nothing else. They soon fall back into an easy silence and slowly fall asleep while gazing out at the stars.  
Read full story HERE on AO3!!!
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theredonexx · 2 years
For Red and Duck when those two gay mfs wake up:
How did y'all sleep? Is it any different?
We slept alright, ducks a little pissed because i didnt go to sleep until like 6am.. Its pretty different actually, we have a lot more uh- feeling? (*he yawns*) Skin is weird. It was a bit overwhelming for me at first, but im pretty used to it now, its kinda nice. Duck's being even more clingy then before, i dont even know if he's awake, hes just about glued to me with his face buried in my chest...-🧣
(Muffled grumbling)-🦆
(*hes laughing quietly*)-🧣
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lucabyte · 6 months
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Taking pride in One's own appearance.
#you people are becoming my guinea pigs for my finally learning how to communicate information via comics. a thing ive needed to practice at#also BLEGH. YUCK. andrew hussie was right candy makes you sick. this is a little too saccharine for me. yeesh. let me get back to the meat.#isat#isat spoilers#in stars and time#in stars and time spoilers#isat fanart#in stars and time fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#doodlebyte#'let me get back to the meat' i say eyeing something similarly sickly in my sketches. at least it's mildly tormented as a counterbalance...#you people have no idea how much im having to stay my own hand. oh i can draw miserable nudity but the most basic of fluff? visceral#anyway i dont know the logistics of picking up a glass eye or where loop got money (besides pilfering from siffrin) & ive previously drawn#sif with a vague blank middle-grey eye as either being scarred over or a blank occular prosthesis put in quickly at the nearest town#i dont know that they'd have a glass eye during the game but considering prosthesis are reccomended to keep the skull etc from deforming#id imagine it would probably come up postgame as something to do now theyre not on a time limit trying to save the country#plus i assume that having it gouged at by a sadness wasnt exactly a clean wound by any measure#all this to say. idk i just wanted to get some information across in comic form to Test my Abilities#and we're far enough down now to say my absolute most wretchingly sweet fluff headcanon that actually inspired this#which is that i think siffrin gets into the habit of not wearing the eyepatch around loop so they kinda match.#and as a signifier to the other that they're letting their guard down around them. vulnerability etc.#just kinda wearing it around their neck so they don't lose it
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90ekz · 1 year
idk the idea of katsuki helping you out of all your clothes and massaging you till you’re a puddle on the floor is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫
just imagine his pretty little eyes being so glazed over with want, him wanting nothing more than your body on his.
things had been so rough recently, you deserved this right? that’s all you could tell yourself as he rubbed circles into both sides of your waist, secretly loving the way your face twisted up in embarrassment.
“that feel good?”
the quiet shlick of the oil against your almost-naked body only served to made his cock strain against his boxers. he imagined your pussy clenching around his cock making those same sounds, and just how loud you’d be.
katsuki couldn’t help but coo when you were trying so hard to keep quiet.
“‘s fine...”
he wasn’t satisfied with that, he knew he could make you feel better than that, right?
with a new determination, katsuki looked intently for any sounds he could pull out of those pretty little lips. he pressed and massaged every kink he could find, pants steadily getting tighter.
when he reached your lower back and pressed deep, he was pleased to hear a choked whine slip out.
you hid you head in your hands out of pure embarrassment, and oh, how katsuki hated that.
“‘dunno why yer hidin’. ‘s cute.”
the more desperate sounds he got out of you, the harder his cock got. after a while he couldn’t help himself, and pressed himself flush against your backside.
you tried to turn around to question the sudden friction, but your head was pushed back down onto the silk pillow cases.
“uh uh, keep that head down f’me. y’know i’m not done yet.”
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chuluoyi · 2 months
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womp womp~ who is ready for another angst joyride with zayne?😗
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breannasfluff · 18 days
Danny is halfway through wrapping his chest when someone gasps.
“Babypop? Who the fuck did that to you?”
Danny whirls, one hand holding the bandage roll and the other gathering ectoplasm in his palm. Ember stands, guitar missing, and stares. Glancing down, Danny registers that he’s mostly naked, his new burns on full display.
His eyes flare green and there’s an angry echo in his voice when he says, “What’s it matter to you?”
“That’s serious shit, dipstick. Did a ghost do that to you?”
“No. Now get lost.”
“You aren’t scaring me into leaving.” Ignoring the warning glow of energy, she walks closer.
Danny’s breath hisses between his teeth, ghost sense triggering too late. He’s cornered, vulnerable, and in pain. Ember isn’t getting the hint. 
He hurls a ball of ectoenergy, aiming just to the left of her foot. “Leave me alone, Ember.” 
This, finally, stops her and she stares back, eyes wide. “Ghosts didn’t do that to you. Humans did. Danny…are you safe at home?”
First Lancer and now Ember? Why can’t people just leave him alone? “I don’t want to talk about it!”
Ember raises a hand and he flinches on instinct, memories of Maddie getting ready to slap him overlaying the present. And then it’s just the ghost again, face crumpling. 
“Oh, babypop.” Rather than pulling back, she sits on the floor, hugging her knees. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Read the rest here!
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doublxpresso · 2 months
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「Your absence」
page 13 - 14
beginning << page 11 - 12 < . > page 15 - 16 [END]
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A cold winter day, and for some reason Howdy is unusually fluffy and Barnaby loves it
NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND i think about them w/ winter coats So Fucking Much its not even funny-
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sleepyminty · 6 months
So the new ordeal call 2 leak and uh
Oh no
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Ooh noooooo
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ssentimentals · 2 years
change your mind {hong jisoo}
pairing: joshua x fem!reader
prompt: 'oh, darling, you have never been spoiled, have you?'
warnings and general tags: nsfw, smut (minors dni! please), teasing, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), praise, body worship, only consensual sex in this blog; featuring gentle and loving joshua and you know me guys, pov switches here from his to yours cause constant narrative is not for me
'all boys are the same.'
these words rang in joshua's head as he drove you home. you said that during monopoly game, amidst playful banter between you and soonyoung; no one paid attention to those words but he did. the bitterness of your tone did not go unnoticed by him and he needed to know the reason. your relationships with him had a rocky start but first month passed by seemingly good and joshua was happy. but were you?
'wanna stay the night?' you asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. 'it'll be easier, your dorm is too far from here.'
joshua swiftly parked the car, nodding. evening at your friend's house went great and he didn't want to ruin that atmosphere with his uneasy questions, but he knew he'd grow anxious if he won't ask. 'can i ask you something? it's about what you said during the monopoly.'
he followed you to your house, smiling at the way you instantly move to the kitchen to make him his favorite tea. 'is this about all boys being the same?' you asked and chuckled at his surprised face. 'i noticed how you tensed up after that one.'
joshua listened closely to your previous experiences and tried not to let it show how angry it made him. he didn't blame you for thinking that all boys are the same, because hell, if he dated some of those douchebags he'd probably think the same too. his heart ached for your troublesome experiences and yet he felt so grateful for the way you opened up, how you decided to take a chance on him. he took your hands in his, giving them light squeeze. he only wished he could erase all those bad thoughts and let you see that he is different.
like reading his mind, you whispered: 'i know you are not them, shua. i know you are different, that's why we are together now.'
'and it makes me so happy.' it was important for him to say this, to let you know this. your small smile for an answer made him braver: 'i'll show you how different it can be, all of it.'
'all of it?' you asked teasingly, leaning closer. it was meant to be a joke but his breath hitched. 'everything?'
'everything.' his words felt like promise on his tongue. 'if you let me.'
your eyes softened and he leaned in, pecking your lips lightly. 'i-' you stopped and gulped. joshua waited patiently for you to continue. 'i trust you. and i'd let you cause you'd never hurt me.'
your faith in him squeezed at his heart painfully. 'never,' he agreed readily, because that is out of the question. he'd hurt himself instead but never you. 'let me take you to bed.'
'how official,' you giggled but then turned serious. 'gonna make love to me tonight?'
'adoringly and with consent.'
your laugh filled his heart with happiness that he learned to associate with you - no one else made him feel this way. you two haven't went beyond simple make-outs and he was excited to take it all to the next level. deep inside he was angry as the way other people made you fell - how could they? how could they think only about themselves? how could they lose their chance to be with you and make you feel good? well, he was not planning on repeating their mistakes. when he kissed you all over and gently laid you on the bed, he felt his hands trembling a bit at the fondness in your gaze. i trust you. your words ringed in his ears as he undressed you without a hurry, peppering kisses on each revealed portion of your skin.
'tickles,' you murmured when he reached your sides and joshua smiled. 'i'm almost naked, aren't you going to take off your clothes too?'
'later,' joshua promised, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. 'you first.'
and he had meant it. your pleasure came first and foremost and when you gasped in surprise, when he kneeled, he knew he was moving in a right direction. 'gonna take my time with you,' he whispered, caressing gentle skin of your inner thighs. 'will worship you the way you deserve.'
his kisses moved form your knee to your hip and then went down to the inner thigh, making you quiver with anticipation. his hot breath over your core sent electricity running down your whole body, tension coiling at the pit of your stomach. you almost wanted to joke about him being so laser focused but then all thoughts rushed out of your head, when he leaned in and licked a fat stripe from down to the center, rendering you speechless. your knees turned in on their own and joshua hummed in agreement like getting cages between your thighs was absolutely fine by him. enthralled by your response, he began enthusiastically eating you out. a man on a mission, joshua did not let you a second of rest - he dove in, slurping noises so loud that tips of ears burned in shame. your hand covered your mouth but joshua didn't agree with it: he blindly reached out for your elbow and pulled. 'let me hear you, dear.'
you blinked at his hoarse voice, looking down. chin glistening with your juices, joshua stared at you with dilated pupils, hunger evident on his face. this never happened to you. joshua looked like there's no other place he'd rather be right now and no one ever paid this amount of attention to - 'how do you like it?' his question caught you by surprise. 'you can ride my face if you want.'
everything inside you turned upside down. you squeaked at this idea and shook your head, not being ready. joshua smiled reassuringly and leaned in to kiss your navel. 'no worries, we won't do anything you don't want to.' he looked down, smiling. 'so wet for me. are you close? do you want to come?'
'yes.' your voice sounded so high-pitched that you grimaced. fire at the bottom of your stomach burned so intensely, you weren't sure you'd hold on for any longer. 'please,' you added as an afterthought.
that made joshua's smile turn into a smirk. 'such a polite princess i have, how lucky i am.' noticing twitch in your body, his smirk only grew. 'you like being called princess?'
shame coursed through your body but you couldn't deny it; you were sure your whole face was red but joshua only cooed lovingly at you and dived back in with 'then my princess will come.' gripping the sheets, you moaned loudly at joshua doubling his efforts. his tongue circled your sensitive and swollen nub, sucked on it until you started to move away, not bearing this clash of sensations. he held on your hips, not letting you move and sucked harder, groaning when you tried to push your thighs together, coming with his name on your lips. with a loud exhale, you melt into the bed, breathing heavily. you felt joshua moving but couldn't move, only reacting when his face appeared above yours. he stared at you lovingly, moving hair out of your forehead.
'that was amazing,' you breathed out sincerely.
he smiled. 'that was only the start, sweetheart.' at your widened eyes, he frowned. 'you want to stop?'
'no, i just-' you gulped with your dry throat. 'i thought that you know, now we'll just-' you made vague gesture with your hand.
joshua's face broke into a pity. 'oh, darling, you have never been spoiled, have you?' at the lack of your answer, joshua leaned in, rubbing your noses together. 'let me take care of you.'
his fingers danced on your skin until he reached your clit, smiling at your sharp intake of breath. he stared at you like you are one of the wonders in this world, like unraveling you is an honor. 'you are so beautiful,' he whispered, slowly entering one finger in. your back arched instinctively and he placed a kiss on your forehead. 'so gorgeous.' he moved down, leaving open mouth kisses on your neck and collarbones, all while experimentally moving his finger in and out. 'so lovely.' his lips closed around your nipple and you gripped his hair, moaning. he continued assaulting your breast and added second finger in, scissoring them inside. all of your sense came alive, body sensitive after the first time. realizing that joshua liked you being vocal, you started to moan shamelessly, moving your hips a little to match his movements. head clouded with arousal, you barely registered his whispers, his words of devotion and appreciation spoken into your skin in hopes to tattoo them there forever. joshua moved to another breast and you tugged at his hair, when he added third finger. tension inside your body was about to snap and you wanted to warn him but instead what came out from your mouth was a loud shout as you came for the second time. joshua didn't stop his fingers and rode your through your orgasm, smirking at the aftershocks, your body twitching in his hands.
'you did so good,' he praised, lightly slapping your swollen clit. 'took my fingers so well, love, just like i knew you would.'
'you..' you gasped, opening your eyes forcefully. 'you thought of this?'
'you have no idea how often,' he confessed, staring into your eyes so you could see that he's being honest. 'and dreams fade in comparison to reality.'
sweaty and tired, you looked up at him, unable to believe that you managed to score someone like that after all of your failures. maybe this was universe's way of making it up to you? 'this is unreal,' you murmured, unafraid of sounding weird.
joshua's smirk faded into a gentle smile. 'it is.' he slowly inserted two fingers inside you again. 'you are such a dream.'
he moved and only then you felt his hardness; you gasped and wanted to address this but joshua shushed with you a kiss. without a word he moved you to the lay on your side, plastering himself to your back and lifting your leg a little. 'it won't hurt at all,' he reassured, guiding the tip inside of you. 'right, princess? you are all relaxed and wet, all ready for me, right?'
those words made you unclench and you melted on his chest, nodding eagerly. you were tired and sated but desire to feel joshua inside you overpowered all of it. 'please,' you repeated again and joshua groaned lightly, tucking his face in your neck. 'please, shua.'
instead of answering he slowly filled you up to the brim, moaning with you at the feeling. you clenched around him, hissing at him bucking his hips instinctively. you moved, delirious on the sensations of finally having him inside. it felt too good to be true, your eyes rolled back to your head when he moved his hips experimentally. your loud moan startled even you and joshua chuckled into ear, gripping your leg tighter. 'that good, darling?'
you didn't reply. your mouth opened in a soundless moan as he started to move, short thrusts targeted right at driving you insane. his lips on your neck sucked little bruises and you obeyed when he ordered you tot ouch yourself. circling your clit, you kept moaning his name at every single one of his thrusts, spurring him on. lost in a haze of pleasure, you didn't register his curse words or the way he angled your body for a better access - he used your body the way he wanted and you were absolutely okay with it. whispering sweet nothings into your ear, joshua's hips did a wonderful job of bringing yo to the edge alarmingly fast. you jolted with each thrust, fingers fastening their pace at your clit - 'josh,' you called, whimpering. 'josh, i'm- too much, i'm gonna-'
'clench around me,' he asked and you quickly did so, making him groan. 'that's it, doll, keep doing that.'
wanting to be good for him, you continued to clench, bringing your orgasm closer and closer. when joshua's pace turned erratic you wailed, coming undone and trashing a little in his hold. he held you tight and came after few more thrusts, slipping out of you and spoiling the sheets. trembling, you moved fully to the side, sighing at joshua's kisses all over your back. 'you did so good, darling.' he praised, caressing your body. 'want to go to the shower or-'
'if you think i am capable of moving then you're underestimating yourself,' you cut him off, knowing he is smiling without having to look at him. 'i can barely feel my legs.'
'but that's good, right?' he leaned over you, making you look up.
there was an unhidden worry in his gaze that tugged at your heartstrings. there was no one like him, you knew. and he was nothing like all other boys. no one will compare - that you also knew. 'very good,' you confirmed, smiling at his sigh of relief.
'let me hold you.' he moved and opened his arms, content when you cuddle to him. 'let's stay like that for a minute.'
'let's stay like that for much longer than a minute,' you argued, making him chuckle.
'forever?' he asked and you blushed, hiding your face in his chest. 'what? sounds good to me.'
for me too, you thought but didn't say it out loud. for me too.
a/n: two months of talking and it's finally here, i want to thank my persistent anxiety for not letting me leave something in my drafts unfinished :') let me know what you thought of this one! - nini
my tag list: @smalliechelle @woozionascooter @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @pearlygraysky @a-wandering-stay (let me know if you want to be added!)
link to my other works: here
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hey babe! (if you don't give me a name I'll keep calling you that)
thinking about modern Arthur who takes you horse riding so he can show you what he likes and he just be his normal arthur going all "good girl" and "that's my girl" with his mare and you just go insane for this man because WHY IS HE TALKING TO A HORSE LIKE THAT😭
You can call me babe all you want honey <33 AND FOR GOD'S SAKE. We never talked about it and this blog yet but like MISTER CLARK why did you speak to these horses like they were your fcking partners?? Not that I don't like it... Totally not searching for mares on purpose to hear Arthur praising me... HUM.
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Arthur and you had been circling around each other for a while now. A simple customer at your Café at first, you had grown fond of each other as you remembered his habits and likings (always two shots of expresso, black, plus a pile of maple syrup pancakes on mornings, and a hot dog on afternoons). He had begun to come more and more often, always finding some time between his patrols as a Ranger; his steps always bringing him back "unpurposedly" in the area everyday. One thing leading to another, you had shared numbers and started texting, shyly at first than until late at night. Sharing music, dumb photos, witty lines and, when one of you felt bold, flirty ones.
Soon enough, the need for more private time together had imposed itself on you. You were both craving for more, more than just texting, more than just chatting at the Café, in the middle of everyone and every ears of town. Arthur had pushed back all his limits by inviting you to his family ranch. He was eager to share his passion with you.
A hand on your hip, he helped you jump on the saddle of his mare, a beautiful ginger-colored creature named Boadicea. Your hands were uncertain as you hold the reins; it had been a while since you'd last been horse riding. But your anxiety stops all of a sudden when Arthur cooed unexpectedly, sending an odd shiver all the long of your back:
"Yeah, that's a good girl."
Your heart jumped at his words. Not only because of them but the way he had spoken. His voice was even lower and deeper than usual, the rough edges of it diving dangerously into the dreamiest parts of your psyche.
You blinked a few times, realizing as he was patting his mare's head that he had praised her, not you. The first seconds of surprise passed, you actually found it quite endearing. He looked like she really was everything to him; gaze filled with love. You could see those sweet little glittering fireflies in the depth of his eyes when he looked at her. Like when someone looks at what is the most precious thing on Earth to them. Or those tiny sparkles of joy and excitement when they talk to you about their favorite subject, on the verge of shedding a tear. It was pure and utter affection. How could a man taking such good care of an animal could be a bad one? There was something about all his behavior and his relationship with his mare that made you feel even more safe around him, and even more persuaded he was the softest and sweetest of men.
The afternoon passed wonderfully. Arthur never missed any occasion to put his hands on you: helping you getting down or on the saddle, showing you how to hold the reins better, how to position your back the right way... You didn't know if he was doing it on purpose, but you clearly would not complain about it.
Of course, the day ended with a long time spent grooming Boadicea. Arthur had everything needed for her, a huge box filled with a dozen brushes and at least five different types of treats. He gently showed you how to tend her mane while he fed her, letting out once again his low and loving praising:
"Thaaat's ma girl. Yeah, the best girl in the world. Who did real' good, today? Yeah, that's you! That's you, sugar!"
The good girl in question was in Paradise, weighing happily as an answer to his praise, mouth hungrily devouring the treats he was giving her.
You couldn't help yourself and chuckle slightly. Both because it was really cute, seeing Arthur like this, and because something inside you was loving to hear his voice whispering sweet things like he did, even if it was not for you. You knew, you really knew it wasn't. But God did it felt good to hear. Your heart and, you had to admit, your body was craving to hear it again.
"Wha'? You think I'm a fool, don't ya?" He asked you when he heard your little laugh. Your eyes landed on each other's face, and you noticed his cheeks had turned a tad crimson as one of his hands was scratching his neck, his embarrassment apparent and making him even more adorable than before.
"No! Not at all..." A slight grin curled your lips upward. You couldn't miss an occasion for more teasing. "I just didn't know you loved Boadicea that much..."
Arthur laughed frankly and something in your brain turned the whole World into a Paradise when you noticed that his eyes were filled with sparkles. The sparkles. The same glimmers as earlier. The deepest affection, for you, just for you, even if just for a second. His blue pupils are drawn in it, and covering you with it, dragging you in this pure joy with it.
"You jealous or somethin'?" He asks you, his chest still slightly vibrating with the end of his laugh.
"Maybe, who knows..."
"Oh, well I could call you a "good girl" too all you want, darlin'."
The cheeky bastard had emphasized it on purpose, you knew it. This time, he was the one grinning and you, the one blushing. Your ego begging you not to go any further on that road yet, you tried your best to stay cool and composed whereas it was absolute chaos in your chest and between your thighs.
"Yeah, well, don't get too cocky about it." You simply answered, trying to stay evasive about the matter. But the beautiful red sunset painting your face was displaying for his desirous eyes was betraying you.
"Yes, Ma'am!"
Arthur's grin stayed glued to his face until the very last moment you saw him. You didn't know, at the time, but a very long series of praising and sensual whispering was about to begin on that precise day.
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strxnged · 1 year
GENSHIN: # let me fasten the clasp...
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“I got you a necklace… here, I’ll help you put it on.”
ft. kaveh, lyney, zhongli. x gn!reader with hair that can sometimes be in the way.
content. physical intimacy, fluff | scenarios. 0.6k.
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“Do you like it?” Kaveh wanted to know. He was beaming almost as much as you.
You could only grin, nodding. The necklace was special. It was clear he’d picked it out intentionally.
“That seems like a yes,” he decided, correctly. “May I put it on you? I’m excited to see how it will look. If—if you don’t mind, that is.”
You nodded again, watching him carefully take the necklace from the box. He dangled it in front of your chest, gauging how it would look. Seeming satisfied by his selection of design, he brought it to your neck and leaned over your shoulder to clasp it.
Your mind went blank for a moment as his fingers traced your hair, pulling it out of the way so that the clasp could rest on the nape of your neck.
As he leaned back, he praised you—and himself—for the apparently dazzling view. “Extraordinary. It was the perfect selection.” 
His eyes flashed into yours and you found yourself suddenly very fascinated with your own chest, focused on admiring how the charm sat with the texture of your clothes, and praying the heat in your cheeks would subside.
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“Close your eyes, silly. Won’t you trust me for once?”
You finally obliged Lyney’s request, allowing your eyelids to drift mostly shut. You were still unsure about the suddenness of the occasion—Lyney had never caused you great distress with a surprise, but at the same time, it was better safe than sorry, right?
He huffed. “Come on, now. You’re peeking.” 
“I am not!” You tightened your eyes shut.
“You certainly were.” This came as a whisper in your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. You wanted to see what he was up to. You squeezed your hands into fists, bracing yourself for the unknown.
“Well, that’s done!” he declared. “Voila, my friend. Have a look.”
You saw and heard nothing different around you. Nothing different about him. It was unclear to you what he had done, but you were feeling more suspicious.
“Ah, it’s crooked…” He sucked air through his teeth, touching a light, careful fingertip to your neck.
You realized then that he had put on you a necklace on your neck, the delicate chain of which he now adjusted so that the charm hung straight in the front.
He chuckled, eyes sparkling like the sea at noon. “So, you like it?”
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“Darling, if you would turn around,” Zhongli requested, a smile on his lips. 
You did as he asked, pushing your hair out of the way so that he could access the nape of your neck. It was only as he brought the necklace around you that you thought about how vulnerable the position made you feel.
You could just hear his soft breathing and the sound of the fabric in his sleeves as he moved his arms. Everything was still as he clasped the necklace with a small clink.
There was no way for you to ignore the way his hand brushed on the bare skin of your shoulder, and the way his fingertips traced your jaw to your chin as you turned to him to boast your new jewelry.  His eyes respectfully positioned to yours rather than your chest. 
“I do believe this necklace was crafted to rest on your neck alone,” he observed.
You rather agreed, since he had been the one to put it there.
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author's note. i thought of this the other day when i was putting on a necklace i was recently given. i like to take my time when i put on jewelry because i usually get it from loved ones, and so i like to admire it and be grateful for that person lol. it makes me feel special. would be more special if zhongli were doing it up for me instead though (KIDDING)
consider reblogging if you enjoyed!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I hope this doesn’t come across as pushy since you’ve already answered the question about a Neon Void sequel, but I was wondering if you’d ever consider writing epilogue one-shots? Like instead of committing to a full story just doing some small slice of life snippets :)
There’s so much of Neon Void I just adore! And the story just ended so so perfectly, I loved every bit of it! Your an incredible writer and I’ve hung on to every word :)
Also slight tangent but the scene with still feral Leo biting Raph in fear just hurts me so bad. That his immediate response is absolute panic and regret at hurting « his red » is so so sad. This bois trauma response is gonna be insane.
all good! in all honesty, the follow up fic would just be one-shots haha. i have no plan nor desire for another long plot for Leo's recovery days. it's gunna be all about him getting some much deserved TLC hehe 🩵
and THANK YOU SO MUCH 💘💞💖! i'm so glad you like it!! and oof yes yes yes love me some feral snaps with instant regret chaser it's delicious 💞
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