#FNAF Oneshots
bloodlustngore · 10 months
Safe space - Vanessa Shelly
Another Vanessa fic? I’m hyper-fixating atm so it’s to be expected.
In the middle of writing a Vanessa x fem!reader smut so for now you can all have another fluff one (with a tiny bit of suggestiveness). Kinda want to get these all out before my hyper-fixation on Vanessa stops but it’s probs not gonna for a while as I’m also replaying Security Breach rn.
Also sorry if this one is shit lol or doesn’t make sense half of these I write sleep deprived.
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Summary: Vanessa comes home, stressed. She just wants comfort from Y/n.
This is a Vanessa x fem!reader one-shot :)
God, this might shift and patrol was stressful. Vanessa found out that her father employed another security guard...she was worried and she also had to go meet him, and check up on how he was doing.
Vanessa just wanted to sleep, which was unusual for the blonde, because she rarely could...mostly she just wanted to be at home with her girlfriend, her safe space. She was relieved when she could come home, it was four in the morning and she knew her girlfriend would be asleep.
It had been pouring it down with rain tonight and luckily Y/n convinced Vanessa to wear her long water proof coat. But that still didn't stop her much from getting her hair wet a bit, since she forgot to put the hood up.
Locking the door behind her and getting in her routine habit of checking all the rooms downstairs at home, everything was locked. Vanessa did this because she was scared that something could happen to Y/n...considering Vanessa' father is William Afton, after all. Vanessa knew he could easily use her girlfriend against her. And that's why she was scared to get too close to someone but it was too late now, it had been since she first met Y/n two years ago.
Her father hadn't threatened her with Y/n yet...but it was still a possibility if she didn't do as he asked, anymore.
Vanessa headed upstairs after putting her coat away and took off her shoes, if she didn't Y/n would have her head. Leaving her bag down stairs but she still took her gun with her, in case. Y/n had one to...because she knew what she'd gotten herself into getting close to Vanessa.
The blonde stripped off her cop uniform, and threw in an old t-shirt with lounge shorts. Taking her hair out of the pony tail and into a messy bun instead. She glanced over at Y/n who was fast asleep, as she turned the lamp on at her side of the bed.
Crawling into bed, Vanessa turned off the lamp, cuddling up to her girlfriend and wrapping an arm around her stomach, protectively. Suddenly Y/n stirred awake, turning over to face Vanessa. "Nessa, you're home" she smiled tiredly, her eyes slowly opened.
"I'm glad you're back. I missed you." Y/n' voice was a bit groggily from the fact she's still tired and just woke up. "I missed you too baby, it's been a hell of a night. But we can talk about it in the morning." Vanessa paused as she kissed the tip of Y/n' nose.
"Okay. C'mere" Y/n chuckled, tiredly. Vanessa was already so close to her as it is, until the blonde understood what Y/n was after, she closed the gap between their faces and kissed Y/n' lips. The kiss was soft and full of passion, then Y/n kissed back making it sloppy due to her tiredness.
Vanessa was so tempted to get on top of Y/n but she stayed at the side, kissing her. Knowing that if they started this now, there would be no sleep for either of them for a while. Their kiss continued, breathing heavy, Vanessa made Y/n moan into the kiss slightly when her hand squeezed her inner thigh, prompting the blonde to deepen the kiss with her tongue.
Vanessa pulled away eventually, both women's chests heaving, a strand of saliva connected until they broke apart. "As much as I'd like to continue Y/n, we need to get some rest."
Y/n chuckled "yeah you're right." Pausing to check her phone "fuck me it's four a.m."
Vanessa smirked at her girlfriend "tempting..."
Y/n rolled her eyes "cheeky. But you need rest, babe."
"Fine. Goodnight Y/n. I love you."
"I love you too Nessa" she kissed her softly, wrapping her arms around Y/n once again, feeling happy that she's in the company of her girlfriend, and that she gets to cuddle with her for the rest of the night...or early morning.
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vikkirosko · 1 year
Headcanons/one-shot for Withered Bonnie with an older kid (11-12-13-14) that comes into the parts and service room, and instead of being scared by him she just smiles at him, stating that it is her favourite animatronic since childhood. (turns out reader knew Bonnie from when he was active and functioning and is not scared of his appareance now).
🐰 Withered Bonnie x teen fem!Reader platonic Oneshot Favorite animatronic since childhood 🎀
After the changes took place in the pizzeria, Bonnie felt unnecessary. He, like other animatronics who used to be the stars of the pizzeria, became unnecessary. Most often he was in the "Parts and Service" and only at night had the opportunity to walk around the pizzeria. He was alone most of the time, until one day you came to a room inaccessible to visitors. You were a teenager who was usually too bored on the rides, but you weren't going to break anything. You were looking at the room with curiosity until your gaze fell on Bonnie. He saw you perfectly and expected you to hurry away so as not to look at the disfigured animatronic for too long, but you didn't leave. You looked at him with a sincere smile, and then squatted down in front of the sitting animatronic.
"Hi Bonnie"
You weren't afraid of him, on the contrary, you looked as if you had been looking for him for a long time and finally found him.
"I didn't think you'd be here, it seems you've been badly battered"
You were smiling softly, as if he was an old friend of yours.
"I probably look stupid right now... But I wanted to tell you that you are my favorite animatronic... I remember you performing on stage before when I was younger... I really liked you then and even now, those animatronics who are performing now are completely different from you... Even now, you're still my favorite animatronic."
You didn't know how Bonnie was pleased to hear that. He was mutilated, they didn't even try to restore him, his appearance repelled visitors, but your words were sincere. You really admired him, because Bonnie gave you a lot of wonderful childhood memories, and external changes could not change that.
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thesoulbox · 10 months
I needed to make a beckory oneshot, it's what society wants, therefore they shall recieve 😔 I sort of just wandered around when it came to writing this but I like how it turned out. If you'd like to see more please feel free to ask!! My requests are always open! <33
Anyways, enjoy the gays that don't know how to gay😔!
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xarology · 8 months
Springtrap playing hide and seek with you - whether you like it or not. He knows how god awful these camera's are and will use that to his advantage. You're hands are shaking as you switch the cameras, thinking you lost sight of the robot that's going to kill you and you see him! Hiding in the corners of the shadow, shoulders bobbing as if he's laughing and giggling at you (he is). He's such an absolute tease because this is the most fun he's had in 20 years.
The fears even worse when you opt to go outside your office to look for him when you can't find him at all. He makes sure you're in the depths of the building before switching his game to cat and mouse. take a wild guess at who's who
It takes a while for you to notice that he never ends up catching you. Thinking back on it, there were lots of times where he could have. Part of you can't tell if you're good or if it's dumb luck. You decide to test what would happen if you,,, stopped running??.?. lo and behold, nothing happened! It was awkward the first couple seconds as he stands there awfully close behind you. his jig is finally up!
You still play his games when you're in the mood for it. It's really elevated your friendship (? if one can call it that). If it takes too long for you to play again though he'll start to walk down the halls of your office lol needy guy
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angeygirl · 9 months
(Kicks down inbox door)
Can you do Elizabeth and William having a tea party? Or do I need to come back with a better writing prompt??
Gladly :D
[This is a semi-good timeline, William's downfall isn't imminent, but Mrs. Afton has died and he's struggling to keep things together on his own]
William Afton found himself slumped on the couch after work. It’s not that today had been a particularly hard day, or that last night had been a particular late night, but one can only take so many hard days and late nights without feeling a blow to one’s sanity. He was tired, sure, but more so because of bad news and not specifically because of effort on his part.
Business hadn’t been very good, animatronics had been breaking down for seemingly no reason. One of the pizza ovens catching on fire didn't help. With employee morale suffering it was up to him to keep his chin up and show everyone that things would turn around soon. There didn’t seem to be anyone to tell him the same.
He watched the afternoon sunlight play on the wall. It was odd to be home so early, but frankly he had run out of reasons to stay late. He could have helped Henry with repairs but after being scolded by customers over errors that had not been his fault, he just didn’t have it in him. So there he was, slumped back and staring at the wall, a feint wave of nervousness thrumming through him and preventing him from a much needed nap. “A cup of tea would do some good.” He muttered. It was too early for whisky.
A set of little footsteps scampered into the living room. He didn’t look to see who it was, but the sudden little girl on top of him made herself quite clear.
“Daddy!” Elizabeth called. “Daddy I finished cleaning my room!”
He straightened, or tried to, at least. “Did you now?” The request had been less about the necessity, and more about keeping Elizabeth from being underfoot for a few minuets while he tried to stop his head from spinning.
The girl stopped trying to strangle him and sat next him, beaming. Her smile faded when she saw his face. “Are you ok? Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad, sunshine.” He tried to force a smile for her.
“You look sad.”
He dropped his head back against the couch. “It’s nothing. Just… just busy.”
Elizabeth looked like she was thinking hard. “Are you busy now?”
“No. If I was busy I wouldn’t be staring at the wall.”
She brightened. “Does that mean you can play with me?”
“That all depends on how long until-” As if to answer before his sentence was finished, the sound of a small boy calling for help sounded down the hall. William heaved a sigh and went to check on Evan. Nothing was wrong, but the little thing was awake and decided he was done with sitting in his crib alone. Michael was spending the afternoon at a friend’s house, but that friend had no interest in the younger sister, and no one wanted to deal with a toddler. William also did not want to deal with a toddler, but he had no choice. While Evan was set up with a bowl of apple slices to keep him busy, Elizabeth looked up at her father hopefully. He only noticed because she had gone several minuets staring at him without breaking attempted eye contact.
He tried to stifle his sigh. “Is something wrong, love?”
“Daddy can you play with me?”
“Play what?”
That wasn’t a ‘no’. Elizabeth darted to her room and came back with her arms full of pink plastic dishware which she began to arrange on the table.
“What’s all this then?”
“We’re having a tea party!”
“You can’t put tea in plastic cups, sunshine. It’ll damage it.”
“It’s not real tea, daddy. It’s pretend tea. Everyone knows that.”
“Funny you suggest a tea party,” he said, crossing his arms in mock concentration. “I could go for a cup myself.” He leaned down to her. “Do you know how to have a real tea party?”
She thought a moment. “You need guests. And… everyone dresses up fancy, and there’s lots of tiny cookies!”
William nodded. A memory he had not fully blocked out drifted into his mind. It was the image of a rose garden in spring. The rest of the yard had gone wild, or died. He didn’t know because he wasn’t permitted to look. The guests were lots of ladies his mother seemed to hate, yet insisted on hosting anyway. He was never allowed in, of course. But he had watched from his window many times. At the time, he was more interested in the frogs and dirt, but no one would want a ‘sick little nuisance’ wandering around anyway. He shook the picture from his head before it had the chance to turn painful.
Despite his little daydream, Elizabeth had continued rambling on about what would make a tea party perfect, and ended with “but we can’t get all that, not right now.”
“Maybe not, but we can do something with what we have.” He got up to root around in the pantry for a secret stash of sweets his own trio of nuisances were not tall enough to see. If he was going to have a tea party, even just to humour a needy 7 year old, he was going to get real snacks out of it. “You can have pretend tea any time. You can only have real tea with me.”
Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled seeing the little tin of cookies. “Where did those come from?”
“Now, now. These are for special occasions.” They weren't, but he didn’t like the idea of having to share. “Can you get the kettle out and fill it up?”
The little girl nodded and scampered to the cupboard. Evan had been nibbling his apple slices and didn’t seem to be paying any attention.
Why was he doing this? Was it only because he wanted an excuse to break open the cookie jar? Maybe. But seeing Elizabeth happy was probably the best thing to happen to him all week. William watched the kettle while Elizabeth kept peppering him with questions.
“Did you do this in England?” She asked.
“Do what?”
“This! People from England like tea but you don’t. Why?”
“Coffee wakes me up better.” He hoped he would not have to explain further. He did.
“Boys don’t like tea parties, do they? Was it different there?”
“Well, boys weren't allowed in. Besides, the kind of tea party you like is very different then back home.” He had not meant to say ‘back home’ but it came out anyway. Was that house his home? Or had he only called it that because it was so much better then what came after? So much better then the basement...
William's thoughts and Elizabeth's questions were cut off by the whistle of the kettle. He opened the latch and reached for the cupboard. “Sunshine, can you get a blanket to sit on? Proper tea parties are usually held in the garden. Well, we don’t really have a garden, but it’s a nice enough day.”
She nodded and obediently went off in search of a blanket. Evan was not done with his apples, but looked up expecting to be taken out of his high chair. William stroked the downy hair. “I won’t be having you wander around with hot water right here.” He said, and set the tea brewing.
“Found one!” Elizabeth called a few minuets later.
“Excellent timing.” The tea was just about done.
They spread the blanket out on the back porch and carefully set out a pair of mugs. Evan was supplied with a sippy cup and some juice. Elizabeth dressed herself up in a plastic tiara, and William put his sparkly work tie back on.
It was nice, he supposed. The weather was clear and Elizabeth was overjoyed to have time with him. Evan was too busy wandering around the back yard and throwing sticks to be paying any attention. Most 3 year olds are not expected to have very good party going manners, according to Elizabeth. This was most clear in the way the little boy toddled up with leaves in his hand to show off.
Sure, business was probably going to suffer until they sorted out the marketing, or until Henry got those glitches in the animatronics ironed out. But for once, William was able to remember he had a life outside of work. Maybe this was important too. He was glad that if Michael had to miss out, it was a ‘dumb girl thing’.
Finding ways to appeal to all of them was getting harder as interests evolved. And, as much as it tugged at his the back of his mind, it just wasn’t possible to give each one of them as much time as they needed. Even now, he wasn’t able to fully focus on Elizabeth, and he suspected she noticed how often he kept glancing around to make sure Evan wasn’t putting dirt in his mouth. All the same, he hoped she appreciated this. When his thoughts wandered back to his negligence, a happy yap, usually accompanied by a poke or playful touch, brought him back to the present.
Evan very nearly did get away with eating a rock if Elizabeth had not darted over to tell him how impolite it was. When the tea was drunk and the sun began to set, William tucked the remaining sweets back in his secret part of the top shelf. Michael came home not too long after.
For reasons William could not explain, he was glad to have all three of them there at supper with him. Somehow all of them together felt... oddly whole. He had been making little effort to do more then keep them all alive in the two years he had been raising them alone. He couldn't do more then that. Not without feeling like he was going to crack and that all that pent up poison would leak out and cause him to do something drastic. But somehow, this little rest sparked some form of affection he had been close to forgetting.
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thestars-shinebright · 2 months
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"I so badly want to say, 'would you like a cup of tea?' But... You know how it is." - Asgore, Undertale.
Hey guys! It's the Desk of Asexuality here, and this is my intro!
I use she/he/they pronouns, and I'm asexual (if that wasn't already clear, haha)and biromantic! You can call me Luna, Dave, Matthew, or Alto! My main interests are Undertale, Deltarune, the SCP Foundation, and Five Nights at Freddy's!
I'm here to write one-shots and such for my fellow asexuals, as I've noticed that the internet doesn't have much for people like us (and by that I mean almost anything and everything is sexualized). :(
[[This is NOT gate-keeping!! Allosexual people are allowed to read my works and interact with my page!!!]]
I do take requests! Don't ever be afraid to request something or ask me a question! I'm always open for communicating with you guys!
I write:
Canon X Reader
Canon X Canon
Family Figure
Angst (occasionally)
I write for:
Undertale (No AUs though, sorry :()
Friday Night Funkin' (Although the only mod I will write for is the Hex mod, as it is the only one I am familiar with :))
Pico's School (A more niche, and quite frankly, controversial game. I will make it clear now that I do not support or condone anything that occurs in the game.)
Five Nights at Freddy's and the books surrounding it.
Gravity Falls
That's Not My Neighbor
Psychocuties/ПСИХОНЯШКИ (I am aware that this source of media and its creator are considered problematic. The same statement made for Pico's School stands for this as well.)
SCP Foundation (The SCP Foundation is a very extensive universe, and while I love it sooooo much, I'm not familiar with very many characters. The list of characters I'll write for is listed below. The list will hopefully get longer as I do more research :))
Dr. Agatha Rights
Dr. Alto Clef
Professor Kain Pathos Crow (only platonically!)
Dr. Charles Gears
Dr. Jack Bright
Dr. Theron Sherman (If Dr. Sherman has stated that he is uncomfortable about such works being written about his character, let me know, and I'll take him off of my list!)
SCP-166 (only platonically!)
And maybe a few other things I might've forgotten, haha!
Keep in mind that "fanfiction for asexuals" means that asexuality is applied to the reader and the character if it is a Canon X Reader situation. The requester can ask for as much emphasis on asexuality as they wish, but it won't be a huge deal or take up most of the plot. The whole point in this page is to write fanfiction and such with a lack of sexual content for those who are uncomfortable with it, like me, and for people to feel like they're seen, even if just a bit, because I know lots of asexuals out there wish they were represented more.
If I am writing for Canon X Canon, there will simply be a lack of sexual content, because I know that Canon X Reader is what a lot of people might come for and look for an emphasis of asexuality in. Canon X Canon things I write might mention a character being ace here and there, but it won't really be a huge deal.
Also! Most one-shots, headcanons, etc. won't be all colored up like this unless requested for, so don't worry! :) It'll only be like this maybe if I'm just posting something outside of requests, fanfiction, etc.!
I usually write in the third person, and I do not refer to the reader as "you". I apologize if that drives any of you away :(
I hope that my writing can be consistent, and I stay active! Sorry if I do become inactive. TvT
Have a wonderful day!
"To my people, I am a hero... To you? I'm the bad guy!!" - Chaos King, Deltarune.
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imagine--if · 7 months
When will you be open for fnaf? I wanna request a matchup but I'm scared
Lmao don't be scared 😂
I haven't actually attempted match-ups for fnaf; do you mean the movie or the game series?
I have a few requests left for Mike Schmidt to catch up on and then I'll be open for more, no worries 🙃
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wxckedwxrld · 9 months
➪𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚’𝒔
➪𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓
➪𝑳𝒂𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓:𝑺𝑽𝑼
➪𝑷𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔
➪𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒔
➪𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
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salvy-deldroid · 1 year
Fuck everyone and everything I'm switching over to FNaF and Creepy pasta AUs and Headcannons now [along side writing one shots and shit] :skull:
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redskull199987 · 11 months
Plzz write fnaf Michael x femreader! It starts like a fluff and then smut👀
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request Word Count:2.4k Warnings:Angst to Fluff to Smut, this got way angstier than i thought SOWWWY- but I promise, fluff ensues, Smut ensues, so MDNI/18+, Movie Spoilers Summary:After you finally return from work, a few surprises await you at home…
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Your day had been slow. Agonizingly slow. Time seemed to go by extra slow today and by the time you finally left your office, it had felt like you had spent a week there, instead of a day. But as you slowly made your way towards your car, your mood lightened, as you remembered what would await you at home.
Your loving Boyfriend and his even sweeter little sister. 
The little family you had built over the years always managed to put a smile on your face and especially after the whole drama at that Pizza Plex, you were even more grateful for what you had.
You slightly shook your head, trying to avoid thinking of those memories. The things you had seen, while Mike and You tried to save his sister from the dead children. You hoped that they got what they wanted…and that the Monster who created them had gotten what he deserved.
Your mind was about to wander back to the memory of the springlocks violently stabbing into his chest, as a knock on your car window quite literally pulled you out of your thoughts.
A quiet gasp left your lips, as you looked outside to see who had knocked. Much to your relief, it was only your coworker, who wanted to wish you a good night. You quickly uttered your goodbyes, before finally starting the car and making your way back home.
By the time you arrived, the sun had long since disappeared behind the horizon. You quickly parked your car next to Mike´s before moving towards the entrance. 
You didn't bother turning on the lights in the hallway, as you dropped your bag to the floor and kicked off your shoes.
Before you could call out for Mike and Abby, you heard someone running towards you and as you realized what was happening, you quickly duck away, stumbling backwards.
Just in time to avoid being hit by the bat that was swung into your direction.
“Mike!! It's me!! It's just me!!”, You quickly yelled and reached for the lightswitch.
As the hallway was suddenly illuminated by the dim gleam of the ceiling light, you could make out the figure of Mike in front of you. He was breathing heavily. With the bat still in his hand, he was towering over you. He just looked at you for one more second, before finally realizing what was happening. He quickly dropped the bat, a hand flying to his face, covering his mouth in disbelief of what he had just done.
“I´m sorry…”, he mumbled, dropping to his knees,”I'm so sorry. I thought…I thought it was..that it was o-one of t-them..”
Your heart broke at the sight in front of you. You quickly pulled Mike into your arms:”It's okay, Mike. I´m alright. They're gone now. They're gone.”
You gently kissed his temple, as you saw that he tried to suppress his tears. You knew that he was having a hard time dealing with the gruesome events. It had left scars on him. Both physically and mentally.
“I´m sorry..”, he muttered once more, pulling you closer to him. You only kissed his forehead again and mumbled sweet nothings into his ear until he had calmed down again.
You gently cupped your boyfriend´s face and gave him a soft smile. To your delight, he returned the smile and leaned forward to quickly peck your lips.
The sweet moment was interrupted as the voice of Abby grabbed your attention. The young girl came running into the hallway, calling out both of your names. Your smile got even bigger as she quickly came over to you, giving you a short hug, before starting to ramble about what she had drawn today and that she wanted to show you all her artworks. You happily nodded at everything that she said. 
“Alright Abbs.”, Mike suddenly said, interrupting his sister and affectionately patting her head,”You can show her tomorrow. It's time for bed now.”
The little girl pouted for a moment and turned back to you:”But I wanna stay up and play with you.”
You gave her a mischievous smile:”I tell you something. If you promise me to go to bed now, I will play and draw with you tomorrow the entire day. And I'll make your favorite Dinner, hm?”
Abby´s face lit up in anticipation. She quickly nodded and said good Night to you and Mike, before disappearing into her room.
Mike only looked at you with admiration,”How do you alway do that?”, he asked, as the two of you also made your way to your shared bedroom.
“It´s a secret”, You grinned and let yourself fall down on the bed. A satisfied groan left your lips, as you finally felt the stress from work dissolve into nothing but hot air.
You watched how Mike pulled his Hoodie over his head and throwing it to the side. Now only left in his T-Shirt, he flopped down beside you, propping his head up on his arm and looking down at you. He didn't say anything for a few seconds, just looking you up and down, before he slowly lifted his hand and gently grasped your cheek. You gasped quietly, as he suddenly leaned forward and connected your lips in a sweet and tender kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled back again. You looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed, as he leaned his forehead against yours.
Finally, Mike opened his mouth to say something, but after a few seconds of silence, he closed it again and he opened his eyes. You looked at his dark orbs and almost lost yourself in all the emotions, he was trying to convey only with his gaze.
“It's okay.”, you affirmed, “I know. You don't have to say anything, Mike.”
The boy only smiled at you and it was a genuine smile. One, that you rarely got to see.
Without another word, Mike suddenly sat up, pulling you with him and into his lap. You gasped loudly at the sudden change of position, which gave Mike the chance to put his mouth back onto yours.
This kiss was different. It was passionate, hungry even. He groaned lowly as he pulled your body tighter against his. Your hands pressing up against his chest, while he explored your Body with his.
“Mike..”, you warned him, as he started to kiss your jaw, your skin burning like fire everytime his lips touched you.
“Your sister…”, You mumbled again, but you and him both knew that it was already too late, that you were already at his mercy, the gaze of yours just as hungry as his.
“We'll be quiet.”, he finally answered, as he pushed you off his lap and onto the mattress. You watched how he now also pulled his Shirt over his head, before leaning down to kiss you again. You moaned against his lips, as you felt his cold hands wander under your sweater. He squeezed your hips tenderly, while making it his mission to let you drown in his kisses. As he finally parted to help you out of your clothes, you immediately missed the feeling of his lips pressing against yours.
Quickly you pulled your sweater over your head, discarding it on the floor. Mike only admired you for a few seconds, his gaze wandering all over your Body and you felt heat rising to your cheeks.
“Don't look at me like that.”, you mumbled and gently put your hand over his eyes.
Mike only chuckled at your antics,”Like what?”, he asked, acting all innocent and letting your hand remain on top of his eyes.
After a few seconds of Silence, you slowly pulled your hand back and his eyes went back to look at you.
“Like that.”, You croaked, looking away from him.
“But why?”, Mike teased, pulling you closer to his body by your hips,”I love what I am seeing.”
Upon hearing his words, you looked back up at him. his eyes held no ounce of doubt. He was a hundred percent sure.
“I love you too, Mike”, You smiled and quickly pecked his lips. Mike only returned the smile,”May I?”, he asked, mentioning towards your bra.
You quickly nodded and mere seconds later, your bra joined the heap of clothing that was already on the floor.
Mike´s lips quickly latched onto your breast, as his hand gave the same attention to the other. With a moan, your head lolled back in pleasure.
“You like that, hm?”, Mike mumbled, as he pushed you back down on the bed. You weren't able to form a coherent sentence anymore, so you just nodded.
“Please, let me have you.”, he urged, his hands wandering to the hem of your pants,”Let me make you feel good.”
“Mike please..”, You finally pressed out,”I need you..Need you inside of me.”
That was all the confirmation he needed, before finally pulling your pants down, alongside your panties.
He slowly pushed your thighs apart and started to kiss up the inside of your calves, but never quite touching you where you desperately needed him.
“Mike please.”, You whined again, while trying to keep your voice down. But your eyes widened in surprise and you tried to suppress the loud moan that made it´s way up your throat, as Mike suddenly pushed two fingers inside you without a warning. His tongue joined mere seconds after, as he ate you out like a man starved.
Your hand wandered to Mike´s hair and you gently pulled and pushed at his head as he was working you closer to your release. You could already feel that coil form inside you and after only a few more seconds, it snapped and with a suppressed moan, you came against his mouth.
As your heavy breathing started to slow down again, Mike finally looked back up at you, the desire in his eyes bigger than ever. He quickly latched his lips on yours again and you could taste yourself on him as he kissed you hungrily.
Your hands now wandered towards his sweats and as you grabbed his already hard member through his pants. He groaned lowly, closing his eyes in pleasure.
Quickly, you pulled down his pants, leaving him now also bare in front of you. Without a second thought, you grabbed his length and gave him a few experimental pumps. That seemed to do the trick on him and you watched how Mike´s brows furrowed, as he melted against your touch.
“Wanna be inside you..”,he mumbled against the skin of your shoulder. With anticipation, you lined him up with your entrance and looked back up at him. Mike was looking at you questioningly. And as soon as you gave him a small nod, he finally pushed inside of you.
You grabbed onto his biceps, as the pain slowly dissolved into pleasure. Mike slowly started moving in and out of you, grabbing your hips tightly. You suppressed a moan by sinking your teeth into his shoulder. Not to pierce the skin, but hard enough to leave a mark.
You could hear Mike mumbling incoherent words into your ear, as he picked up his pace, desperately trying to push you over the edge again.
“Mike..”, You moaned, feeling yourself coming closer and closer to the sweet sweet relief and as you looked back into his eyes and saw the adoration that he had for you, you were done for it. You clenched around him and came all over his cock. Mike followed soon after, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm.His thrusts got slower and sloppier and he finally pulled out of you, his breath still heavy against your skin. He quickly kissed your temple, before getting up. After a minute, he returned with a damp cloth and a water bottle. With a smile still on his face, he gently cleaned you both up, before slipping back into bed with you.
You chuckled, as he nuzzled his head into your neck, his stubble tickling your skin. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled his body closer to yours. His warmth engulfing you fully.
“Good Night, Mike.”, you smiled and gently kissed his cheek.
“Night.”, he replied with a yawn.
It didn't go unnoticed by you, that he didn't use his pills to fall asleep today. Or the recording of nature sounds. He didn't even look up at the Poster of Nebraska, that was now hanging over his bed again.
Looking at your beloved one last time, you smiled once more before finally closing your eyes and letting sweet sleep engulf you.
Your eyes snapped open and within a second, you were sitting up on the bed. Your gaze wandered to the door, where loud knocks and shouts were being heard. After a few seconds of trying to understand in which century you had woken up in, you realized where you were and the events of last night returned to you.
“Mike?”, You mumbled quietly and tapped your boyfriend's shoulder, who was laying next to you,”Mike??”
With a groan, he finally looked up at you and before you had the chance to say something, he tumbled off the bed due to leaving too much over the edge.
You couldn't suppress the chuckle that left your lips as you leaned down to check on Mike.
“Morning.”, You smiled, as you realized that he was fine. You quickly leaned down to peck his lips, which immediately seemed to wake him up more.
Your sweet moment was interrupted, as you heard Abby banging against the door again.
Mike let out an annoyed groan before getting up and putting his pants back on.
“In a minute, Abbs!”, he yelled back and the banging on the door finally stopped.
“We have a lot to do today.”, you said as you finally got up too and started to get dressed.
Mike only looked at you in confusion:”What do you mean?”
“Remember how I made Abby go to sleep yesterday?”, you chuckled and softly kissed his cheek before walking to the door. Pushing the handle down, you were immediately greeted by the sight of Abby who grabbed your hand and pulled you towards her room to show you her drawings.
Mike could only look after you with a tender smile on his face. How had he gotten so lucky?
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sourlemonadez · 9 months
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cake batter goes boom and then splat
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vikkirosko · 1 year
🦊 Teen!Michael Afton x teen!Reader Oneshot It's not your fault 🔦
You were quietly sneaking around the Afton family's backyard. In another situation, you would have come in the afternoon, through the front door, but now there was a completely different situation that required desperate measures. A few days ago, your boyfriend Michael's younger brother died and you haven't seen him since. Michael didn't come to school and his father wouldn't let you see him without telling you the reason. That's why you decided to come at night. You waited until Mr. Afton left the house and hurried to carry out your plan. You didn't know where he had to go at night, but you decided to take advantage of this situation and try to see Michael. You knew that the back door was always open, so you were able to get into the house through it. You understood that you would have big problems if someone saw you, but you couldn't stay away. You saw that the light was on in Michael's room, so you quietly went upstairs and looked into his room. Michael didn't pay attention to you, so you quietly went inside, closing the door behind you.
He turned to you sharply. His eyes were reddened from crying and he looked like he hadn't slept properly for several days. You came a little closer to him, and he turned away, hiding his face.
"What are you doing here?.."
"I came to visit you... How are you doing?..
"What do you think? I'm a murderer... It's my fault, my brother died because of me..."
"Michael... You couldn't have known that this would happen..."
"That doesn't excuse me! I shouldn't have done that! I'm to blame for his death!"
"Michael stop it!"
He froze. Michael has never heard you yell, much less at him. Looking at you, he saw how you were trembling and barely holding back tears. It hurt you that Michael blamed himself for what happened. You understood that the loss of his brother was a blow to him, especially after the death of his sister, but you didn't want him to despair and blame himself for everything. You went up to him and hugged him tightly, hugging him to you and said in a low, trembling voice.
"It's not your fault what happened..."
Michael couldn't stand it and started crying. It was hard for him and your words finally broke his endurance. Next to you, he was not afraid to show his real feelings, knowing that even in such a difficult time for him, you will be there.
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thesoulbox · 9 months
FEast on this you lil gremlins /pos!! 😔😔
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xarology · 8 months
What Libraries look like for Mike Schmidt
When his parents were still around he loved to take Abby to the library. She doesn't remember - she was too small then - but he definitely does.
Lot's of his time after school and on weekends involved taking her to group readings and activities for toddlers (babies?).
He gets lot's of unprompted advice from other parents.
It doesn't hit him that they thought he was a teen dad until much later. But he's appreciative of it anyway since he is the one raising Abby.
Carrying Abby in his arms about to leave when he spots the little section of books in the corner about planes. He can't help but stare at it a little longer. Wonder why that is!
It's definitely about Garrett.
He feels guilty at times when he's having fun with Abby, a part of him thinks that these moments should have been with Garrett. How maybe if Abby wasn't around then just maybe-
He knows these thoughts aren't healthy and he loves his sister to death, so into the vault that thought goes!
When Mike starts to work and live on his own with Abby, library visits slow down to an extremely slow pace.
No time to go but on the rare occasion that they do he enjoys to see how Abby's taste in literature changes as she grows into her own person. Gives him bouts of nostalgia and hope for their future.
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deliasmilkshake · 2 days
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Inspired by @smoljeanius, this post in particular.
IM SORRY I SAW THEM AND THOUGHT "They look like they own a black card." AND BAM
i also did this imagining they went on a date with yn tadano style and payed for everything and those bags are partially things they bought for themselves and yn but uMMM
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 10 months
went a bit feral w this one; giving house wife and breeding kink! +18 ofc
mike schmidt who just thinks you'd make such a pretty house wife for him. he talks to you about it all the time, when your curled up in your little pink pajamas on the bed next to him. how cute you'd look in a little apron when he would arrive home from work. of course you'd make dinner for him, but! before you eat he'd have to treat you of course, since your such a pretty good girl for him.
he'd spoil your rotten of course, anything you'd want you'd have. and you'd live in the nicest house, nothing like his current place. you'd have your own little vegetable garden just like you'd want.
and don't get mike started on the kids, oh you'd look so perfect with a swollen tummy, full of his child. the clothes he would buy you! and of course you'd be doted on, your every need and want given to you.
he'd whisper in your ear, late at night while his hips roughly thrust into yours.
"c'mon baby, gonna be a good girl f'me?"
"gonna get a baby in you.. fill you up, wanna see you walking around with my kids in your tummy."
and you of course would loose it, nails scratching at mikes back, hands gripping and pulling at his hair. he'd come right inside you, making sure to keep his heavy cock buried so not a drip of his cum would leave your tired and weepy cunt
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