steddiealltheway · 1 year
After the bats, Steve gets a bit self conscious about his scars, and starts going on less and less dates because he doesn’t know how to explain them to girls.
He’s hanging out with the fruity four when he starts complaining about it. Eddie snorts and says, “Imagine how I feel.”
Steve cringes and apologizes because everyone knows he got the worst of it.
Robin starts suddenly laughing maniacally, and they all look at her. Nancy asks what she’s laughing about.
Robin jokes, “Well the solution is right in front of you. Just date each other.”
Nancy joins in laughing with her, but Steve and Eddie eye each other. Steve had never thought a gaze could hold more than words until he sees the way Eddie is staring at him.
In all honesty, Steve wasn’t just missing all the physical stuff that comes with a relationship. Well, he was definitely missing it, but more importantly, he was missing the way it felt to have someone that loved him so unconditionally. In reality, he had only had the illusion of that before, but it had been nice. And it was especially nice to care for someone so deeply that it felt like his life had a whole new purpose - to make them happy.
The more he looks at Eddie, the more the laughter from the girls becomes white noise. He thinks that he could treat him that way. Hold him as if he’s doing it for him and not for himself. Call him to wish him a good morning and good night so he could be the first and last thing on his mind every day. Also, to give himself a reason to wake up and a calming voice that can lull him to sleep.
Maybe it would work. Even if Eddie’s not a girl, he thinks he might be able to overlook that. Especially with the beautiful depths of his brown eyes and the big, soft lips of his and that adorable nose even though it’s not a button nose like Steve usually likes. Honestly, Eddie is beautiful in his own way, and Steve knows he isn’t immune to it especially in large doses.
So, he shouldn’t even begin to consider the thought. Fake dating or sort of dating Eddie is completely off the table.
But Eddie’s staring at him, eyes scanning over him and settling on his lips in a way that makes Steve’s heart thud so hard he thinks everyone in the room might be able to hear it.
Okay, maybe the dating stuff isn’t completely off the table, but there’s no way he’s bringing it up first. He nods at Eddie once and looks away trying to signal an end to whatever discussion / consideration they just had. But he can still feel Eddie’s eyes linger on him the rest of the night.
A few hours later, three of the four are leaving Steve’s place with Nancy offering Robin a ride and Eddie lingering behind a bit. Steve’s been overly aware of his presence since Robin’s whole dating each other suggestion.
What makes it worse is that Eddie is also aware of what his presence does to Steve and keeps shooting him knowing looks and winks. Until now.
Now, he hovers in Steve’s doorway and watches as Nancy and Robin pile into a car and drive off. Then, he takes a few seconds before turning back to Steve saying, “Tell me I’m not the only one considering Robin’s idea, please.”
Steve thinks about it for a moment before he takes Eddie by the wrist and pulls him back inside, closing the door behind him.
“I’m not saying like… actually dating,” Eddie says, the confidence from earlier all but evaporating into thin air as he fidgets anxiously with his rings. “I mean like… we’re just each other’s rock or something. Hell, if you just let me flirt at you and tell me things are going to be okay, then I’m fine with that. You can look at it as practice while you regain your confidence with the ladies or whatever. Just…” Eddie trails off, and Steve thinks he knows exactly what he means.
He finishes Eddie’s thought out loud, “It’s hard going through everything we did without someone to hold us and tell us it’s okay to feel scared sometimes. I mean… it’s one thing to have friends, best friends even, but… they get girlfriends and while you’re their platonic soulmate, their actual soulmate always comes first a little.” Steve sits back on his couch and runs his hands over his face. He hadn’t meant to project about Robin and her relationship with Nancy because he’s happy for them really. He’s just jealous that he doesn’t have what they have.
And really, he knows that friendships are everything, and Robin is his everything but… he sighs. Sometimes it would be nice to be held and kissed and get lost in someone else so deeply that everything else disappears.
Maybe that’s just Steve though. Always running from relationship to relationship for something he’s never able to find.
The couch shifts next to him, and a hand slowly comes up to Steve’s pulling it away from his face, and intertwining their fingers together. Steve’s heart skips a beat as he turns to stare at his and Eddie’s hands together. Steve talks without really thinking, “I know relationships aren’t everything. Friendships are really what makes a person whole, and you can’t get everything out of a relationship but… I really want to trial run this thing with us. We can call it speed running to more than best friends or something.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows. “That sounds like friends with benefits.”
Steve rolls the term around a bit in his head and squeezes Eddie’s hand while shrugging. “That works too,” Steve mutters.
Eddie shifts towards him and looks him in the eye. “You’ve gotta clear up what that means, man. Terms and conditions and shit.”
Steve’s eyes flicker down to Eddie’s lips. “I wouldn’t mind kissing you. Going on dates or hanging out or whatever you want to call it. Cuddling - hell, anything touching I’m fine with… with reason,” Steve says although with the way Eddie is staring at this lips and the warmth coursing through his body, he’s not sure he has a limit to the whole touching thing. Shit. He knew he wouldn’t be immune to Eddie.
“I’m good with that. Yeah, just… communication is key here, right?” Eddie asks eyes still dipping down to Steve’s lips and back to his eyes between his words.
“Communication,” Steve echoes, staring at Eddie’s lips before communicating, “I really want to kiss you.”
“Finally,” Eddie says before leaning forward and locking their lips together, his hand squeezing Steve’s but he can hardly register it because of how badly he wants to do nothing but kiss Eddie until he’s forgotten any bad thing to ever happen to him.
Then, Steve feels it. The small (big) part of his heart that’s screaming at him that he needs this to be more than a friends with benefits trial run. He needs Eddie to be his and only his if a simple kiss can ruin him like this.
He pulls away and looks at Eddie, searching his gaze and seeing something there he hadn’t seen before. “Eddie, remember everything I literally just said about the trial run and friends with benefits.”
Eddie nods in response. His hand still in Steve’s squeezes.
“I don’t want that,” Steve says and panics when he sees the broken look cross over Eddie’s face as he pulls his hand away.
“Sorry, man. I shouldn’t have-”
Steve cuts him off. “It’s because I want more than that, and you deserve more than that. Screw this trial run and all that shit. I want to date you. Like… actually date you and give this a shot. If you want to that is.”
Eddie’s tongue quickly swipes over his top lip over and over nervously as he stares at Steve. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious. God, Eddie, I can’t believe I even suggested friends with benefits like a dick,” Steve says with a groan running a hand through his hair.
“I’m the one who accepted it very willingly I might add,” Eddie says with a big smile that fades to a smaller one. “But I’d love more than anything to make this something more.”
Steve’s stomach flips and he feels absolutely giddy with joy. “Quickest trial run ever, right?”
Eddie laughs. “Thank god.”
Steve leans in and kisses him again before pulling back and saying, “Best communication ever, right? Good thinking on your part.”
“The best thinking,” Eddie says then kisses Steve again.
Steve thinks that maybe he’s finally found what he’s always been searching for (but really doesn’t want to give Robin the credit).
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javelinbk · 14 days
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greypetrel · 3 months
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"FInally someone willing to work in this place! I like you."
See? She doesn't hate everybody!
Fun in the Circle of Magi, part 1
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I promise the E makes sense when I'm done with chapter 2. It's nearly there, but I've been writer's blocked and full of imposter syndrome for a good month, so posting this is an attempt at motivating myself.
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valorieravenchild · 2 months
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Demon Nal Uncensored and high def here
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Two weeks ago, you buried me in the garden.
I wrote a short story about a lesbian beekeeper and her dead wife! check it out, if you’re so inclined.
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Continued from [x] with @mannequinentity
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Manny was trying to brush her off. To dismiss her concerns. She could tell that. He needed be aware that it wasn’t about his drinking habit (and also Nunnally was not fully aware of it), but rather about something more intangible. That wasn’t even funny what he was saying to her: --
“I wouldn’t call it the time of your life.” – she frowned while replying to him in a serious voice – “Unless screaming seemingly out of pain and in terror is what you call a wonderful experience.” – it wasn’t that Nunnally tried to be sarcastic. She truly didn’t, but Manny was behaving so carelessly in her opinion. She’d rather have him serious for once. His cheerful demenaour could not trick her. She sighed deeply.
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“I…I do not really remember, Manny. It’s much blurred.” – and so much difficult to distinguish from my own nightmares. But Nunnally was not going to talk about that. Her nightmares were not something Manny should ever learn about – “I was watching someone…being hurt…” – being tortured actually, but that was not important – “Like a spectator…unwanted or unintended…” – she wasn’t sure – “I was surrounded by evil creatures, but they seemed not to see me…” – she sighed, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes – “I am sorry Manny. It’s more like feelings, pictures that I remember…but I am almost sure you were there. Either in the crowd or…” – no! she didn’t want to finish that thought. She didn’t want to admit it that he was the one who was being tortured. Did he call her? Did he want her to come and help him? – “I was just a spectator…I couldn't help that creature…” – which was odd. Nunnally was usually able to control her environment. Her dreams. The dreams of others. She was usually the one to set the rules. This time was different. As if there was a powerful being she needed to hide from. Or who restrained her moves. She was not sure…
His next joke was a bad choice. It not only made Nunnally agitated but also made her realize something. She frowned and almost yelled: --
“S t o p  i t, M a n n y! It isn’t funny! At all! Be serious for once and tell me truth immediately. I’ll know when…when you’ll be lying!” – the electric chair. That couldn't have been a coincidence, but it was too early to tell Manny everything. He was able to pick up the elements of her dream. That needed to mean something. His joke made the pictures from her nightmare coming back to her; her eyes now wide opened in fear and terror.
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“Just who are you Manny…? Or rather what did you involve yourself in?”
“Manny what was exactly happening in your dream?” – she was going to be persistent. Manny would have to confess. Everything.
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smallcrystals · 1 year
sci twi: it begins with an "L", you know, the "L" word
sunset, flash and timber: 
sunset, flash and timber: lesbians? 
sci twi: NO GUYS WE'RE LOST 
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polypomefiore · 5 months
Your mpreg jackpel art really got my gears turning! I’m picturing this as an omegaverse au (with Epel being an omega and Jack being an alpha) where Jack goes into a sudden rut and locks himself up in his dorm room, not letting anyone enter as he’s afraid of accidentally hurting someone (I imagine that alpha beastmen become much more aggressive/impulsive when in rut than alpha humans, but thankfully Jack manages to retain a semblance of control over holding himself back from jumping at the closest person). However, Epel ends up managing to get into Jack’s room, to which they both become overwhelmed by the pheromones filling the room, which makes the situation more heated and tense. In the end, both Epel and Jack are unable to hold themselves back, and you can guess what that led to.
Two weeks later, Epel begins to feel severe stomach aches, vomits almost every morning, and suffers terrible headaches. Epel’s friends, Vil, Rook, and Jack grow concerned over his health, and so after Epel vomits during dinner, Vil takes Epel to the school infirmary where it is discovered that Epel is two weeks pregnant with Jack’s pup. Everyone is absolutely shocked, but Epel and Jack are by far the most shocked (Epel most likely felt lightheaded and passed out when the doctor told him the news). At first, they are both incredibly nervous. They were still very young to have a pup and also very unprepared for something like this. Neither of them had thought about the possibility of Epel getting pregnant when they… you know… they were both so caught up in the moment at the time that they didn’t think of it. Luckily, their friends, dorm leaders, teachers, families, and the rest of the twst cast would be supportive of Jack and Epel, with Vil (being the team mom he is) reassuring them that they are more than capable of handling this and that they have everyone to rely on for support. After much advice from their friends and teachers, Epel and Jack agree to keep the pup together while remaining as students in nrc, with their families being more than happy to help look after the pup. 
As the months pass and Epel advances in his pregnancy, he begins to feel a strong attachment to his growing pup. When he was alone or with Jack, Epel would quietly hum lullaby’s he heard his aunt sing to his little cousin and gently rub his round abdomen with Jack cuddled up next to him and pressing his ears against Epel’s abdomen, hearing the pup’s soft heartbeat and feeling their gentle kicks. Jack also grows strongly attached to his pup and thus, becomes a little worrisome and protective over Epel (which everyone found a little amusing). While many of their classmates were supportive of Epel’s pregnancy, their were still many students who would bully and pick on Epel, calling him a *dolphin sound*. Thankfully, Vil, Rook, his friends, and surprisingly even Leona had Epel’s back alongside the teachers. When he reaches his third trimester, Epel is given a comfortably sized room all to himself in pomefiore (as some of his roommates were among those who picked on him) from Vil and Rook after they manage to persuade Crowley into allowing him to have his own room to deliver his pup in, since it was common for omegas. Epel’s mee-maw would lovingly knit and sew cute little quilted blankets and plushies to send over to Epel for him and Jack to decorate the pup’s crib with, which was gifted to them by Jack’s parents during a small baby shower that Rook hosted. 
Soon the big day finally arrived, on a calm snowy afternoon, Epel and Jack were sitting on a bench outside of the pomefiore dorm when Epel suddenly felt a sharp cramp in his abdomen. At first, he thought that maybe his pup, who had become much more active during the past week, was just being their usual rambunctious self, but then he felt something go pop and his pants became completely soaked. Having read a guide on omega pregnancy, Jack immediately knew what was happening and picked up Epel bridal style and rushed back into the dorm, yelling out for Vil and Rook to call the school’s doctor and any faculty staff available to help. Epel is taken to his room where Vil and Rook are helping to lay the towels over the bed and pain relief potions, with Ruggie and Leona helping to bring tubs of warm water. The whole time, Jack refuses to let go of Epel’s hand (which he couldn’t really do anyway with Epel keeping it in a vice grip) as Epel tries to hold in his cries of pain, but lets out a few small whimpers until he can’t take it anymore and just starts cussing so loudly that the whole entire dorm hears him. After many tense, grueling hours full of screaming and pushing, Epel finally manages to give birth to a healthy little pup. Despite the pain in his muscles, Epel holds his arms straight out in front of him, pleading to hold his pup and doesn’t take his eyes off of it as one of the nurses wraps the pup up in one of the quilted blankets before handing it over to Epel. Jack sits close to Epel, looking at their little one with wonder, mesmerization, and excitement. Everyone in the room congratulates Jack and Epel, happy for the successful birth of their little one.
woah anon you should write a fic!!! i’d read it, i love fics like this sm, it’s like slice of life with a bit of spice. teen mom and dad jackpel would be so cute too sobs..but poor eppy being bullied even when he’s preg, and those nasty rumors might get to him when his hormones skyrocket sobs. i can see him keeping the identity of the dad a secret until jack found out he was being bullied and made it Very Clear to not fuck w his mate. oh maybe they could fix up a room at ramshackle so jack could sleep with epel. and protective upperclassmen are so cute, especially leona. it’d be so unexpected.
also important note all jackpel pups are puppies idc. epel’s family would think their little ears and tail are the cutest thing, while jack’s family is amazed at their pretty blue eyes they got from mama. oh jacks family would also probably fuss over epel, he’s too tiny. but epel’s family is like nah he’s a spitfire he can handle it (which he does)
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box-of-birds · 1 year
Miraculous Playmobil prototypes
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for tagging me last week @m0srael. I’ve been thinking about this for a bit cuz most of my WIPs are for anonymous fests, so i can’t really share much of that. But i did find something from an old WIP that i might continue some day. Not sure when. Anyway, here are 6 sentences. And I’ve also NOT forgotten about a tag game for once. I feel like this is progress!!
The darkness around him filled his lungs, making it impossible for any air to come in. Panic wrapped around his chest. He couldn’t breathe! He was going to die! This was it. But then, that quiet, soothing melody was back again, pushing the panic away.
I’ll be tagging some people as well @nelweensfic @owl-of-fandom @steampunkserpent27 @shealynn88 & @getawayfox. Feel free to skip this if you’ve already done this or if you don’t feel like doing it :))
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ok i’m never going to ask people who are inconveniencing me if they can inconvenience me a little less ever again
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gumy-shark · 2 years
wrote a fic! put it on ao3! proud of myself!
read it, perhaps? if you want? haha just kidding unless?
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wizardnuke · 17 days
"skibidi toilet is ruining gen alpha" do none of you people remember asdf. i remember asdf.
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frenchublog · 28 days
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kosovo miku
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bootleg-grandpa · 11 days
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"Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me. You're our hero, Stanley."
*Something something*- no matter againts who or what-Stan will always protect his bro
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