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Now you may be wondering, "Ivy, why are you posting a photo of a half empty bottle of cleaning liquid?"
Well! That's a fun story! Because you see! This bottle was supposed to be full, but instead it leaked on all of my other shopping and rendered some of it unusable/inedible! And I have spent the last hour cleaning all the bottles and cans and packages that were in the same box as this stuff, and then cleaning my floor! And let me tell you! Purple cleaning fluid! Is very sticky! And I! Am at! The end! Of! My! Rope! :DDDD
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acotarxreader · 3 months
Healing Hands
Azriel x Reader (Devlon's daughter)
Synopsis: A new suitor in your life interrupts your friendship with your three best friends at Windhaven. The budding healer in you finds yourself breaking more hearts than healing.
Warnings: Angsty angst, fluff, descriptions of injury and cleaning injury. Blood and bruising city.
A/N: Hehe this is just a silly little will-they-won't-they taking place towards the end of the boyos time at Windhaven.
(Alternative title for this was Flutter lol)
“Woah what happened to you?”
“Fucking Devlon, fucking surprise drills” Azriel stomped inside your minuscule cabin, a mile or so from Windhaven where your childhood friends were coming to the end of their training. Your wings hung in their usual state, bumping the front door closed behind Azriel as he threw himself down on the couch. He flexed his cracked hands into small fists at the sight of your clipping scar while you retrieved your box of medicinals.
“Poor Illyrian baby” You teased, sinking into the seat alongside him, scarlet dripping from deep in his hairline, to slip past his split open lip and his bloodshot right eye.
“Just fix it”
“A please would go a long way” You jerked his chin towards the light to inspect his injuries. 
“Hands” you ordered, they shook slightly before being steadied by yours, you inspected his splintering knuckles, your thumb slipping over his now well-over decade-old injuries decorating his skin for the rest of his life. Hazel eyes softened at the loving action until you returned his hands to his lap and reached for the mixture of alcohol and herbs to soak on balls of cotton wool. You kneeled on the couch cushion, tilting his head down to attempt to find the source of the stream of blood.
“YNN, on your knees for me? You’re such a tease”
“Careful Az or your eyes will be a matching set” You shot back with a smile, the mouth of the wound coming into your view, you leaned in further, tilting his head downwards as you inked the mixture slowly into the cut.
“You know you're basically forcing my head into your chest now right?”
“Are you complaining?” You squeezed the cotton ball tightly, the liquid free flowing into the cut, releasing a hiss from Azriel, his hands gripping your hips into the burn. The cotton ball soaked the majority of the blood into its fibres until you replaced it with a fresh victim. 
“Don’t cross the healer/patient relationship line Az” You grinned, prying one of his hands from your hip to hold the cotton down. You swiped a cloth across the drying blood before sitting cross-legged across from him after retrieving something else from your bag and pulling him closer to you to look at his swelling orbit. 
“This was just an excuse so you could spend the night looking into my eyes wasn’t YNN” He grinned until you flickered a small fae-light directly into his eye causing him to flinch away from you. 
“Well your pupils are fine” He shoved you back as you laughed in almost hysterics, his body now hovering the length of yours, a hand above your head to support his weight. 
“No need to fix my eye now that you’ve blinded me” 
“You're right, we should fix your lip though” You lightly catch him by the chin, dragging him down closer, him willingly going, dropping the cotton pad he held. Your faces were mere inches away now, Azriel believing he was about to have some of his dreams come true. He slowly closed his eyes but you quickly reached for another soaked cotton pad and pressed it to his lip. Azriel half howled from the surprise and accompanying pain, shooting up straight, a leg on either side of you while patting his lip dry.
“An odd way to say thank you but I accept” You smirk, his hands reaching to your sides as he had you pinned, tickling you mercilessly leaving you caught between a scream and laugh.
“Truce! Truce!” You called out as he beamed down at you, only stopping once you had begun to turn purple. You smiled up sweetly at him before the sound of a rusty lock shattered the peace in the cabin. Azriel leapt from you, shooting down to hide behind the couch as the latch on your front door lifted. You stuffed the used cotton pads behind the couch cushion as your father allowed Summer air to whip through the cabin. 
“Evening sweetheart” You smiled up at his greeting as he rolled his head along his shoulders. His eyes landed on the open case of medic supplies on the coffee table, a brow raising. 
“YNN you know I don’t like you messing around with that stuff”
“But I’m good at it” 
“It doesn’t matter, not the way to secure a useful match, playing around with things we leave to the professionals” He sighed, picking up a ball of cotton, the minuscule drop of blood threatened to betray you, you could practically feel Azriel holding in his breath behind the couch.
“Okay Father” you dipped your head, resulting in a small smile growing across Devlon’s face at his wallflower daughter. 
“YNN, have you given further thought to the offer of courtship you’ve received” Your eyes darted back to him before he strode back over in the direction he came from, you felt the gentle press of a shadow around your ankle, only for you to softly brush it away with your other foot. 
“Perhaps you’d enjoy this male’s company, it would certainly be a better use of your time than those three males I see you sneaking off with”
“Surely there is no better than a High Lord's son” you quipped, him spinning back to you, rage flashing across him before disappearing again. Azriel bit hit tongue from behind the couch, the sheer thought of you with his brother threatening to rise a laugh from him.
“There’s better than that High Lord’s son” You could practically feel the heat radiate from the other side of the couch at the disrespect towards Rhysand. You gave an obedient smile before standing to close the distance between you and your father, hoping he wouldn’t sense the quietly boiling Illyrian. 
“I will consider meeting with this match Father, now please rest, I’m sure those surprise drills were rather taxing to arrange” 
“Quite” He nodded, moving across the cabin before his hand hovered on the door handle that led to the hallway of bedrooms. 
“How did you know about the surprise drill?” His eyebrow raised like the heat in your cheeks. 
“Umm it’s a Tuesday...every fifth Tuesday you have your surprise drills” You offered. 
“Quite right-” he laughed, air returning to your chest “-perhaps I should move things around if even a female can work it out, no doubt some of my cadets have it twigged as well. Goodnight Sweetheart, clean up that mess and head to bed” He passed through the door with a smile. Azriel stayed hidden until the click of Devlon’s door met his ears, your shoulders slumping down. 
“So little YNN has a suitor” He teased quietly, hoping to cover the simmering jealousy as it rose through him. You just rolled your eyes as you packed a small care package for Azriel to use on his wounds. 
“Well, who is he?”
“Leave it Az”
“No no, you have to tell me” he whispered, gratefully taking the small package you made for him. 
“He’s no one, he finished up training last year and is doing pretty well for himself, Rhy’s father has even taken notice of him”
“Rhy’s father notices me”
“Yes but he notices him for good reasons” He threw a cotton wool ball at you before heading back towards the door. 
“Make sure you wipe down your hands and apply the cream I gave you”
“Yes boss” He gave a mock salute to you, hand resting on the door handle.
“Do you think you’re going to agree to meet up with this so-called Mother’s gift to Illyria” you chuckled at him, resting your arms behind your back and rocking from one foot to the other. 
“I don’t know, maybe, I’m not getting any younger, my wings are ruined, why not add my future to the list” Your sad smile caused a twinge in Azriel’s heart. 
“Marry me then” he teased.
“I don’t want to marry you” he rolled his eyes at your toying, suddenly releasing the handle of the door to push you flush into the coat rack with a gentle thud. You let out a slight sexually charged whimper at the sudden control he was taking and he smirked. Damn it, you thought. He was inches from your face once again.
“Yeah, I thought so” he winked before releasing you, revelling in the little victory you just granted him while you cursed yourself.
“I think I will agree to meet him” You tried to regain control as Azriel allowed more air to flutter into the apartment. He didn’t reply, afraid he’d shown you too many cards already.  
Try as you might, Devlon stayed persistent with you with regards to meeting this male. Surprisingly, he wasn’t as terrible as you had assumed, Cal had a somewhat medley of opinions similar to your fathers but also to your friends. More importantly to you, he introduced you to the world outside the war camp, bringing you to Velaris for the first time, an easy place to fall in love with. You learned quickly that if you agreed to meet with him, more often than not the courtship would lead you out of the Illyrian mountains, your deepest desire. With more and more time away from the camp, more and more time away from your friends coincided, not going unnoticed by the trio. Azriel believed he’d lost you to the dashing soldier when really you were enamoured by the city of starlight while still able to keep a healthy distance from Cal’s advances under the guise of proper etiquette. It had been almost three months since Azriel had heard of the potential match your father was in favour of, his moody behaviour being sent on overdrive ever since, his two best friends being tormented by the increasing edge to their friend. 
You wandered home through the camp on your usual route after a rendezvous with Cal, blushing as you walked thinking of the way the music on the streets of Velaris made you feel. 
“Your cheeks are the same colour as my ribs” Your head spun towards Cassian, leaning against a post of a training ring, the Autumn night air beginning to give over to the Winter bite. 
“Cass” you rushed to him, hugging quickly to evade any eyes that may still be lingering around so late at night. 
“Surprised you still remember my name YNN” He teased with a slight edge of annoyance, your hand ran over his cheek, his eye swelling slightly to match his lip. 
“What happened?” 
“Ehh surprise drill, the Blood Rite will be in a few months, all the practice we can get is needed” He said softly, pulling your hand from his face, you swished your bag from your side to dig through its contents. You passed him a pouch of homemade lotions and potions to help soothe his splintered face. 
“Thanks, YNN, I got out fairly unscathed in comparison to Rhys and A-”
“I’m not that ruined” Rhysand’s laugh met your ears, one of your favourite sounds but the sight of him quickly ended any ounce of joy you held. 
“Rhys…” It was as though he had been torn asunder by wolves, even his clothes shredded.
“You two are coming home with me right now. My fathers meeting with yours Rhys, I’m not leaving you two to die of infection before you have a chance to kick all their asses at the Blood Rite” You didn’t give them much of a choice, the two Ilyrians following you home, under the guise of accompanying a lady safely home. 
You had patched together what you could of your friends, finding the return of comfort in their company that you had missed so deeply. 
“It seems rather early still for Blood Rite drills” You mused, offering Cassian a large cup of fragrant floral tea as the two warriors lounged on your couch.
“Drill? It wasn't a-” Cassian stomped down harshly on Rhysand’s foot to silence him, the action immediately alerting you, Cassian exhaling deeply as an accompanying roll of his eyes travelled his face. 
“Spill, now” you ordered Rhysand.
“Well…Az has been kind of… temperamental, we decided on temperamental didn’t we Cass?”
“I voted for raging asshole but whatever” Cassian sank further into the couch, pressing a medicinal-soaked cloth into his eye as it threatened to close. Your hands found your hips, glaring down at your friends like scolded schoolchildren. 
“Anyways, he’s been picking a lot of fights lately which is fine, it’s how he should work through his feelings but this time…this time he kind of decided to take on a whole fleet of Ironcrest members all very eager to receive their stripes, all by himself, we got to him just in tim-” Cassian sighed again through Rhysand’s confession, slightly annoyed that Rhysand had forgotten their deal to not tell you. 
“-Where is he?”
“YNN, I don’t think you should g-”
“Where is he?” you chewed out, not welcoming negotiations, the two brothers sharing a worried glance.
“-YNN we’re not children-”
“That’s not going to work on us-”
“He’s at Rhys’ mother's house!”
“Cassian!” Rhysand scolded, returning the stomp of a foot from early.
“She’s fucking scary when she does that!” Cassian exclaimed, a hand landing on his now bruising foot. You shot away from the two of them, quickly changing into a looser top and trousers. 
“Bunch of 24-year-old babies” You muttered, filling your bag with fresh supplies. 
“It’s not our fault you’ve driven him crazy” You stopped on the threshold of your home, turning your head towards another one of Rhysand’s confessions, tilting your head daring him to continue. 
“C’mon YNN, you’re off fluttering about with some hot shot, forgetting all about us, you're not around to rein him in lately so he's bound to go off to his own devices to distract himself”
“I do not flutter”
“Fine, let's go with galavant-”
“-I would say whore around but-”
“Cassian, inside thoughts” Rhysand warned, your hand leaving the handle to storm in front of the two Illryrians again. 
“I think you all forget that in a couple of months, you’ll be gone, off to be unleashed on the world, with one another. I’ll be here, I’ll always be fucking here, broken wings to match the broken dreams of escaping this hellhole while the rest of you go on and live your fucking lives without me. So please, forgive me for seeing an out no one else could provide me and fucking taking it” You snapped out, stunning the two males into silence, moving quickly with a heavy foot out the door. 
“And for fuck sake take your feet off my coffee table!” You shouted back, slamming the door behind you in a fit of rage. Cassian's feet returned to the ground, both men brought down a few pegs with their new awareness of their ignorance. 
Your rage could melt through the first fall of snow that began to glitter on the roofs of the war camp. Your heavy treading split the mud apart as you landed outside the haven provided to your friends. Your hand found the hidden key, letting yourself in, practically taking the door off the hinges. 
“YN? What the fuck?” Azriel groaned, attempting to sit up on the couch, his muscles screaming at the movement as they fought to stay attached to the bone. 
“No, you don’t get to talk right now!” Your feet pounded the floorboards and right through Azriels ears. 
“Where the fuck do you get off thinking it’s my fucking responsibility to regulate your emotions?!” You couldn’t stop the rage-fueled truth flying from your mouth.
“I-I don’t do that” he winced out, a hand wrapping around his torso to keep the muscle tying his ribs together from giving up, his feet landing shakily on the floor to sit up on the couch and face you properly. 
“Save it! Dumb and Dumber already told me about your recent…outings. What the fuck is wrong with you!? Alone!? They could have killed you!” You couldn’t seem to bring your voice back to its normal register, slamming your trusty bag of lifesaving ingredients down on the small table in front of Azriel. 
“Don’t pretend you all of sudden care about that! What? Has your prince charming turned back into an Illyrian frog like the rest of us?!” The blood coating his lip ran freely as his equally sharp tone reseparated the skin. 
“Shut the fuck up, give me your stupid hands” You sat on the coffee table, his knees touching yours as he slipped his hand to you with caution, your thumb tracing over the scars of his childhood as they always did while you inspected hands. Despite your current temper, the action gave comfort to Azriel that all was not lost between you both. 
“There’s a duck on the sink” You said oddly bitterly.
“Wha-ARGH FUCKING HELL!” You relocated his thumb back into its socket, his hands snatching back from you as they attempted to flex away the pain again. You pulled his face closer to yours, a particularly deep laceration decorating across his eyebrow. 
“Fucking idiot” you murmured, pulling thin threads of fabric that you began to coat with a sticky substance. 
“Bedside manner could use work”
“Shut up” You chewed back, Azriel’s shoulders sinking. Despite the nature of the visit, if he was honest with himself, there was an element of him that loved this one-on-one time, the first in weeks. He winced as you ran the strips on either side of the incision, using the tension to pull the skin back together where his healing powers would aid the knitting together. 
“Right. Shirt. Off. Now.” You ordered, removing yourself from in front of him to quickly fill a dish of water and elixir at the sink, returning to your starting point. Azriel fought the urge to shriek at the movement of his arms. You exhaled, helping him to pull the fabric from his skin, revealing the mottling covering his chest and abdomen. 
“Some of these are older” the first time your voice had softened since your arrival, your fingers lightly brushing over the blotches of winter palette in front of you. His eyes traced the lines of your face as it dipped to inspect his dappling. 
“It’s been a tough time recently”
“Who’s fault is that?” You gave a breathy laugh, running some thick creams over the fresher bruises before dipping a cloth into the dish and running it down his face to remove the dried blood. 
“Mine” He gave the gentlest of smiles that you returned, meeting his eyes for the first time since you arrived. 
“Good answer” You found yourself grinning, the boiling rage seemingly sinking to a simmer as you stood to retrieve a fresh shirt for Azriel to shield himself in. 
“You’re going to have to start getting better at taking care of your wounds for when you leave Az” You gestured for him to lift his arms as you pulled the surprisingly soft cotton down around him again, the bruising having happily drank the serum you applied. 
“Not if I steal you away with me” he laughed as his head popped through the collar, his body jolting slightly with the movement. 
“Ah to be your nurse”
“To be my partner in crime as you always have been” His soft words ceased all heating of your rage as you found your familiar spot next to him on the couch, the snow now beating down on the windowpane. 
“I wish I could Az but as you know my only way out of here is in a bright white dress or a casket, some might say those are the same thing” Your hand found the side of his cheek before tangling slightly in his hair as he leaned into the touch he missed so much. 
“You know those aren’t your only choices, we’ll come back for you YNN” He fought the rising salty mixture threatening his eyes, your hand slipping from his face to find your lap. Azriel grimaced as he turned his body to face you, his hands held yours as you often held his, his thumbs tracing the backs of your hand.
“And am I to wait and hope you don’t find another female for your group”
“Mor is not gonna like that comment” You laughed, pushing him back gently, regretting it as he recoiled his tender muscles. 
“There is no other you YN but we understand if you can’t wait for us, your survival is more important than our pride” his soft smile met your hands with a gentle kiss, your wings dipping at the action. 
“So you’re telling me if I chose to accept to marry Cal you’d be happy with that”
“Yes” he gritted out.
“Liar” you laughed wholeheartedly.
“He is a suitable match” he managed, his hands fixating on your delicate palms against the stark contrast of his own blood betrayal.
“I think you're a suitable match for me” You finally admitted out loud, the words had never left your mind before but now they floated out there in front of you for him to hear. 
“I am not suitable for anyone” His hands slipped from yours, landing back in his lap, his hazel eyes fixated on them as the cracked knuckles attempted to fuse together again. 
“It’s not your job to regulate my emotions YNN” You laughed lightly, pulling his hands back to yours.
“I’ll regulate the stupid ones and that my love is a stupid one” A soft shiver shot down through Azriel’s spine at the term of endearment. 
“YNN, I am going to climb every mountain they put in front of me until I am worthy of you”
“Az, you’re worthy now” You leaned across the space between you, the taste of slight metallic and iron meeting your lips as you met him. Warmth transversed the air around you, the action healing something cracked in your soul and something in Azriel’s he thought had long died. 
“Looks a lot like fluttering to me” Rhysand laughed from the doorway, separating the two of you quickly, Cassian limping to his side, snow-covered. 
“How come that wasn’t offered to us in our care plan?” 
“You called me a whore Cass, you’ll get nothing and like it” You laughed as they closed the door behind you, Azriel a little more than annoyed at the interruption. 
“He what?” Azriels stiff neck shot towards his friends, Cassian lifting his hands in a truce. 
“Easy Az, another stupid emotion is showing” You smiled.
“I have no regrets, I’m team Az” Cassian settled into the carpeted floor across from you both. 
“By the looks of it, so is YNN now” Rhysand called from the kitchen, searching for snacks. He returned with a dragon trove amount of snacks, happy to see his family healing together as one again. 
“Cassian and I are sorry for what we said YNN, jokes aside”
“Aw no not jokes aside” Rhysand clipped Cassian into the chest with an orange, the four of you laughing. Azriel’s hand folded neatly into yours, and as always your thumb traced soothing circles over his scars. 
“I’m going to speak with my father tomorrow, his lead healer, Madja, is looking for an apprentice and Devlon won’t be able to refuse his High L-” you leapt from Azriel’s side, practically crashing Rhysand into the plush fabric of a well-worn armchair. 
“Sorry sorry!” You quickly added as Rhysand groaned into the weight you were putting down on his still-healing body. 
“See, whoring around” Cassian quipped, one of Azriel’s shadows nipping him with more precision than an orange. 
“No white dress or casket required while we’re around YNN” Azriel beamed from behind you.
“You’re rescinding your marriage proposal from Summer” You fake offense, finding your spot next to him again. 
“Only if you don’t accept it” he laughed. 
“Ugh cauldron boil me, are we going to have to deal with this for our last few months” Cassian whined.
"I'm hoping the rest of our lives" Azriel received more groans from your two best friends. 
"I think I preferred when you were a raging asshole"
"Too bad Cass" you grinned, Cassian pressing his face into a pillow to shield his eyes as you Azriel pecked your cheek.
The remainder of the night was wrapped in overwhelming familial familiarity. The four of you catching up on the months of escapades you had missed from one another during your absence, Azriel’s head resting in your lap where you swirled your fingers in his hair, his hands resting on your legs, wishing the end of this moment would never come.
Whatcha think?
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vixensp1ce · 6 months
fem!reader, uni au
There's a stranger in your bed, and he's fucking you better than any of your boyfriends have before.
Veritas Ratio pistons into your abused cunt, puffy and raw from his tongue, fingers, and cock. It's slender but long, almost elegant in shape, reaching so deep into you that you're nearly satisfied by him bottoming out alone.
But you're not so easily filled. And it's part of the reason why you're out on town, having finally freed yourself of your previous boyfriend, looking for a good dick to get fucked by.
But no one told you a stranger's dick would be this insane.
"Giving up already?" Everything Veritas says manages to sound judgemental and disappointed. You squeeze tighter around him, whimpering as your pussy protests, but he doesn't even crack an inch. "Slut."
He has you crumpled, exhausted, every muscle twitching from your past orgasms, and still he shows no sign of stopping.
"Can't even cum for me." Those long, deft fingers release their grip on your hair. You lurch forward with a whine of relief - at least until his hand creeps down to your cunt.
"Don't- please- ah, ah, ah~"
He rubs harsh circles into your clit. Sparks rush up into your belly, slamming you shut on his hard, hard dick, the knot ready to snap.
He groans, one of a limited range of sounds you've heard from him this night, and if it was even possible, his strokes get even faster. "Don't, my ass. Make me cum, you little bi- hrrrrrrph."
The knot unravels. "Veri, Veri, please, ah, please-"
A syrupy warmth spills out over your back, and his scent fills your nose again. You whimper, legs trembling, flashing hot and cold as your pussy spasms emptily from your orgasm.
Finally, he lets go. You collapse shakily, turning over.
He's hunched over you, purple strands concealing his expression as he ducks his head to catch his breath. There's a full moon high in the sky, and even the streets have gone quiet on this Friday evening. Or Saturday morning.
Veritas lowers himself slowly onto the mattress next to you, the only indication that he'd ever exerted himself the sheen of perspiration on his forehead. His amber eyes pass impersonally over you, roving over your room as if it were his.
That was how he typically was, you'd learnt. Veritas Ratio was indifferent, coldly analytical towards the softer parts of humanity. Even in the club, he hadn't had much to say about anything except "It's too loud in here."
He was an architecture major something-or-other, handsome in the same way his blueprints were - all flat planes and sharp angles. Veritas had been eyed by a number of girls all over campus (and professors too, so it was rumoured), but his chilling attitude toward each and every one of them had spoken its own message.
Then you'd gone out with some course friends to a club. His liquid amber eyes flashed blue, green, pink under the club lights, digging into the flesh visible just above your thigh-high boots, and you'd decided, hey, why not?
His phone buzzes insistently somewhere in the room. Veritas sighs impatiently, climbing over you to rummage for his possessions. You're too sore to move much and the sudden loss of warmth stirs up an unwelcome hint of disappointment.
You listen to him move around your room for a moment. Warm breath on your ear gives you reason to turn over.
"I have to go now," he says, face inches from yours. You jump in surprise, clutching your blankets to your chest.
"Already?" Maybe you should have expected it. "Do you need a shower first?"
He hesitates. "...That would be nice, thank you."
You wave a hand lazily in the direction of the bathroom, watching him go. "And raise the door up before you latch it!" you call after him.
You hear the brief sounds of struggle, then Veritas manages. The sound of running water starts shortly after.
You let yourself lie for a moment longer, then groan and get up. The sheets and laundry would need to be washed, the house cleaned, and your work for school still needed to be tackled.
You're in the kitchen, doing the dishes, when you hear the front door open and shut.
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k3n-dyll · 5 months
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On A High [Sevika Drabble]
||Men, minors, and ageless DNI
Masterlist | Divider Creds | Palestine Links!!
CW: 18+, wlw, not proofread, dom!Sevika x fem!reader, oral (S!recieving), drug usage (Shimmer), squirting
A/N: "You've written a drabble and a fic about Sevika fucking readers face and squirting all over it already!" Hey, maybe it's time to consider I'm projecting my desires onto you! Hope this helps! <3
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Sevika, high on a more experimental dose of Shimmer, pushing you down to the floor of her office because she can't force herself to wait any longer. Her flesh hand is wrapped in a tight fist around your hair as she shoves your face into her pussy without much regard for your airway. Ever since she injected it, she's been heated, and taking down the dumbasses that had tried to smuggle a supply of the glowing purple liquid drug out of the factory to sell for themselves wasn't enough to calm her down.
She was just meant to be testing it out. It was a much smaller dose than she normally takes - barely half a vial, and yet she can still practically feel her own blood coursing at rapid speed through her veins. Each muscle in her body feels tense, the tips of her fingers are buzzing and it's all she can do to not start clawing at your scalp just to push your face harder against her dripping cunt, guttural grunts and moans escaping her throat through bared teeth
"C'mon baby, there you go....fuckin' take it, jus' like that" "Look so good strugglin' to breathe - fuck"
You try your absolute best to keep up with her, but her thrusts lack a true rhythm, her hips bucking back and forth against your tongue, which you eventually just leave flat and tense on the surface of your bottom lip. Deep down she knows she's probably hurting you a little, and she can hear how much of a struggle you're having in your attempts to take a full breath but she can't stop herself if she tried, and she knows how much you like being used.
"My little fuckin' toy, aren't you?" She taunts from above, her brows knit together in almost anger the longer it takes her to just fucking cum already. Though it hasn't been much longer than it normally takes, it feels like it's been an eternity to the point where she's on the brink of tears. The irritation only makes her go harder, sliding her cunt against you, forcing your nose to bump up so nicely against her puffy, impatient clit over and over again.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon, fuck, please"
Of course, the first time you hear the woman break down and beg for something is when she isn't even begging you. Instead, she's just begging her own body to let her get there. There's no sense of broken pride within her, no feeling of lost dignity, just the insatiable need to let go.
And when she does, it's fucking explosive.
Her thighs shake, then tense up hard on either side of your head, abs flexing, toes curling against the floor. She can barely keep herself upright, her wobbling forcing you to bring your hands up to her ass to help her stay in place. Sevika isn't normally a loud one but at the moment she can't help it, damn near whimpering in pure ecstasy as her juices squirt out all over your face in light bursts.
Sevika looks down at you, breathing still ragged and heavy and she just laughs watching the makeup run down your wet face. Her grip loosens around your hair and her irises transition back to their normal silver tint as she calms down, breathing out a sigh of utter relief as she feels her once tense and overwhelmed muscles relax.
Her body officially gives out, flopping down on her desk chair, taking a moment to gather herself before lazily patting her still twitching thigh.
"C'mere, let's get you cleaned up, hm?"
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Wanted to put out more Arcane stuff since I feel like I've been more focused on my TLOU girlies lately
Reblogs are appreciated | Taglist: @archangeldyke-all, @delinthecut @sevsbaby, @half-of-a-gay, @porcelainmystery
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ivysangel · 7 months
Honey clings to your fingers, viscous and sticky, stringing every time it touches itself. Lines of liquid gold run down the curves of your hand, streams of goopy liquid pooling in your palm and flowing down your wrist in a few collective lines. You plunge your thumb back into the honey pot, the thick substance clinging to your skin instantly, and you bring your hand back up again, the honey only stagnant for a second before it starts its descent down your arm.
A large hand, strong and veiny, grabs your wrist. An unrelenting grip bringing your hand forth to him. He presses your thumb to his lips, smearing the sweet substance to and fro, to the corners of his mouth and back, leaving translucent liquid behind when he catches your thumb between his teeth, grazing the appendage and scraping it clean. A guttural groan sounds in the back of his throat, and you know that means he likes it.
"'s good, huh?" you watch the way his eyes flutter as he lets the rest dissolve in his mouth, ecstasy written all over his features. An emotion he only exhibits when he's eating good food or fucking you. "Yeah, really good." His voice is hoarse as if the honey absorbed all moisture from his larynx and left him in need of a glass of water, ironic given its effectiveness in soothing sore throats. "Thirsty?" you hand him a cup filled with cucumber water, a palate cleanser. "Real sweet," he says before tipping his head back and downing the drink. "But I liked it. What's next?"
Your eyes peruse the board of half-eaten sweets and treats in front of you, searching for one that was untouched. The beech wood board, previously a nice light beige, is stained a multitude of colors. Splotches of deep reds and purple form puddles where you had put the berries, frosting is streaked across the entirety of the board from the multiple unfinished slices of cake, chocolate chips and sprinkles from cookies lay scattered on both the countertop and floor, spoons and forks that were only partially licked clean can still be found near their designated desserts. Cubes of angel food cake half-dipped in chocolate and tooth-rottingly sweet marshmallow squares sit on napkins, drying out more and more by the second while long-forgotten brownies soak up various fruity jellies and jams, having been discarded with no regard for keeping flavor profiles separate.
It was a nightmare to look at, an even bigger one to clean up, and if anyone else had been the cause of this mess, you wouldn't have even begun to entertain the idea of letting it get this bad, let alone cleaning it up. But it wasn't anyone else, wasn't just some random stranger; it was Jason, and to you, spending weeks curating the perfect Valentine's gift to satiate his sweet tooth was a testament to your love for him. Who cares if you have to break out the good cleaning supplies.
"Hmm," you do one last once over, nothing catching your eye that hadn't already been touched, "I don't think so." unintentionally, you start to clean up, collecting dirty forks and spoons for the dishwasher, stacking empty bowls on top of each other to toss in the sink. "What a shame," he mumbles, appearing beside you seemingly out of thin air and taking the utensils from your hands before setting them down haphazardly right where they started. You look at him with confusion, silently inquiring about his undoing of your work, and you open your mouth to verbally ask but are stopped by the wolfish grin adorning his face and the way he begins to lift the hem of your shirt up. "d'ya think we got anythin' else," he asks, moving in closer, eyes locked on you like a predator with prey. "I'm still hungry."
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
cleaning day
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summary: cleaning day with connie
cw: fluff
word count: 1.6k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
you loved saturday’s. it was connie’s day off and you had the whole day to get things done around the house. right now you were in the kitchen washing the dishes that were used to make breakfast. the smell of weed and cleaning products dancing in the air as you dried your hands off to go wake up your sleeping man for breakfast. connie was knocked out in the bed, laying wildly on his back in nothing but boxers and his gold chains sprawled out on his chest. he looked so peaceful, but today you were going to put him to work. you lightly tap his inked chest, blunt sitting between your lips as you watching him stir awake. “get up nigga, and hurry and eat your breakfast because you helping today.”
you balanced the blunt in your mouth as you spoke. standing with one hand on your hip while the other held onto a broomstick. connie stared you up and down. you looked so sexy when you were bossy. booty shorts squeezing your ass while your breasts peeked out the bottom of your loose crop top. your pretty pink scarf wrapped around your long knotless braids. the sight of you made his junior twitch in his underwear. “hellooo. boy i know you hear me. wake that ass up.” before you can tap him again, connie lightly smacks your hand away.
“i’m up mami damnnn.” his voice was so deep in the morning, making you contemplate whether you should continue cleaning or just say “fuck it” and spend the day in bed with him, but you quickly came back to reality. you already did that last saturday and you refused to let it happen twice in a row. plus, you hated cleaning on sundays. sundays were supposed to be days for you and connie to relax before having to go back to work on monday, and you fully intended on spending the entire day binge watching criminal minds with him.
“go eat” was all you said as you turned around to start sweeping the kitchen. before you got too far, connie gave your ass a hard tap, eyes practically glued to the sight of it jiggling from the contact. “and good morning to you too sexy”. you feigned indifference as you left the room, but your stomach was really doing flips. connie was just as sexy as can be at all times of the day.
by the time you finished sweeping the kitchen, connie was finishing up the rest of his plate, still in just his boxers as he puts it in the sink. “ima wash it later” he says quickly before you can complain. he knew you like the back of his hand. “aight well since i’m done sweeping you can mop this floor” connie nodded to your demand, walking towards the cabinet to grab some cleaning supplies before walking to the closet to get the mop. “unt uhh what you using to clean the floor?”
connie looked at you with a confused face, feeling that you should already know his product of choice. “you know i only use fabuloso mami.” he replied, holding up the container full of purple liquid with a smile. every time connie mopped an area, he used wayyyy to much product. a simply bottle of fabuloso should last at least a week and a half before you have to start watering it down, but when connie gets to it he can use up to half the bottle in a day.
the smell reminded him of when he was younger. the sound of old merengue music softly waking him. before long, his mom would bust into the door, fussing at him over how dirty his room was. she’d eventually have him get up to help her clean around the house. the smell of lavender fabuloso wafting into his nose as he would clean basically every part of the house with it until the end of the day. “ven aquí, chico loco. ayuda a mamá a hacer la cena.” his mom would say, apron on as she lightly shoved the wooden spoon towards him. “vale mamá”.
“don’t use too much baby. you be using damn near the whole bottle on just the kitchen” your voice coaxed connie out of his thoughts. “vale, mami” he mindlessly says before shooing you away. “i-i know i’m doin’ baby. and gimme my slides” he says, staring down at your small feet fitting loosely in his huge slides.
you raise an brow at his words before kick them off your feet towards him, waking to your room to get your slippers. as you slide your feet into your much better fitting slippers, you hear the music in the living room change, your 90s r&b being switched out for some of connie’s favorites. you were going to protest until you hear the familiar lyrics of one of connie’s favorite songs booming through the speakers. ashing your blunt, you made your way to the source of the music.
la vaca by mala fe played loudly in the living room as you listened to connie say the begining lines word for word. “ yo que estaba durmiendo en mi sabrosa cama. y me llaman para este tremendo tema, ah, ja, ja. c’mere mami dance wit me” connie only really loved this song because when you first met him you bragged about knowing a lot of spanish music.
you were embarrassed to say the least when the only two found in your playlist were suavemente and la vaca. connie didn’t judge though, singing both of them word for word in front of you to show that he knew them as well. he eventually taught you a bunch of songs he knew to widen your horizon. you smiled as you quickly made your way to him, holding each of his hands in yours as the two of you moved around quickly to the song. loud giggles can be heard as you watched connie get more into the song.
“pero ven acá tú, ¿y cuál es tu plan? ¡ay señorita! ven para-” he was so cute, but the two of you had a lot to do today. “okayyyy papa let’s get back to work” you cut him off. the need to get everything done today overpowering your yearning for some fun. “we can dance tomorrow if we get this done now.” connie frowned at your statement, not wanting to stop just yet, and before it ended, he quickly let go of you to add a song to the top of the queue. “un momento, mami…un momento…” connie mumbled his echo as you rolled your eyes, quietly waiting until you heard another familiar song begin to play.
you made a confused face as you begin to question your boyfriends choice. “you wanna clean to this? it’s softer than what we usually listen to.” connie takes your hand in his, placing his other palm in the middle of your back. obsesión by aventura playing softly around the house as he spoke. “we clean later. we bachata now.” he whispered calmly, the corner of his mouth slightly lifting as you looked up at him. you started smiling ear to ear as he moved your body to the music. this song always reminded you of your first date with connie.
he was driving you home, hand tangled in yours as the song quietly played through his speakers. you had no idea what was being said, but you liked it. you watched as connie sang along to the lyrics, much deeper voice portraying his own version of the song in a different pitch. he was so handsome. connie noticed you tapping your fingers to the beat on your thigh as he pulled into your driveway, instantly coming up with an idea for you to enjoy the song in a deeper sense.
“thanks for tonight, i had a great time boo.”you smiled before trying to leave the car, but before you can open the door, you were haulted by his hand squeezing yours. “of course hermosa…but it’s not over yet.” you watched connie exit the car, making his way to your side before eventually opening your door for you. “come on out mami. i wanna show you sum.” you take his outstretched hand as you exit the car as well.
“boy what you about to do?” connie shushes you before reaching into the car to turn the song up louder. “you dance?” before you could reply, you found your hand already in his with another strong hand in the middle of your back. “i-i don’t know how.” you panic, but you’re quickly soothed by connie lips on your forehead. “don’t worry i’ll teach you. just follow me.”
the two of you ended up dancing with the song on replay for about an hour, getting the hang of it within the first twenty minutes or so. before he let you go, connie made sure to walk you to your door, planting a light kiss on your lips. he looked into your eyes one more time. “ima see you friday, yea?” you look away, getting shy from the kiss. “mhm friday.” you haven’t forgotten the song since that day. labeling it as the song that started it all for the two of you.
“cmon hermosa just one dance.” connie whispered, gently pulling you from your thoughts. instead of fighting with him, you let the music take you as you looked into his eyes. muscle memory kicking in as you repeated the same steps he taught you that night. you knew the two of you weren’t going to finish cleaning today, but you didn’t care. feeling glad to dance the rest of the day away with the man you love. plus, there was always sunday.
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piratefishmama · 10 months
I Wish | Part 1
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The trailer was quiet when he pulled up into the loose gravel driveway; Wayne probably already off to work.
With his bag in hand, he hopped out and trekked through the snow covered stones up to the door, unlocked it and stepped through. He kicked his dirty boots against the doorway to loosen the snow caking them, took them off, and trudged through to his room, throwing his bag onto the edge of the bed as he walked through.
It fell to the floor almost immediately.
It made a sound. A harsh clink of a sound that rattled his brain, had the memory of a bottle full of liquid rushing to the forefront of his mind from the depths it’d hidden itself in.
Not where it’d come from, just that it was there.
He’d bought things that could be ruined by liquid. The intricate scarf, the dice bag he’d gotten for free, even the wooden mug might have been marred by a glittering liquid of unknown consistency.
In a panic, Eddie rushed forwards and gathered up the bag, immediately pulling it open and rifling through for any sign of disaster, only finding the purchases he remembered, and the mysterious little paper bag that he’d forgotten.
“What the...” he mumbled, before pulling the paper bag out and placing his bigger bag back down on the bed. “Where the hell did you come from?” Another soft mumble to himself, he did that a lot when Wayne wasn’t around, and as usual no answer came.
With a small frown pinching his brow he reached into the paper bag, and pulled out the little bottle within.
It was warm in his hand, the warmth tingling his fingers, eyes locked on the gentle swirl of the galaxy within it, marred only a little by a smudge on the otherwise clean, coloured glass. Just a smudge, just a tiny little smudge, he wouldn’t care usually, it was a pretty thing he didn’t really remember buying, probably just something he’d picked up along the walk through.
It didn’t matter, the smudge, something he would have usually ignored, was annoying him.
It shouldn’t be there, that weird little smudge, couldn’t even place what it was, it was just... a smudge. A bit of dirt. Maybe some dust. No idea where it’d come from, was it always there? He didn’t remember. Barely even remembered buying the thing, but it was annoying regardless.
He’d never felt compelled to clean before yet there he was, unable to think of doing anything but pulling his sleeve over his palm, and rubbing that stupid little smudge until it disappeared.
Only that wasn’t all it did.
The bottle shook, it sparked, electricity danced along the thick glass surface, wind seemed to blow from no actual source, Eddie dropped the bottle with a startled “the FUCK?!” A reflex that he couldn’t help but do when he saw the electricity, he dropped it, it rolled under his bed, and suddenly his room was filled with a glittering purple smoke as if some kind of bomb had gone off, the smoke billowing out from under his bed on all sides until he couldn’t see his bed anymore.
Until he couldn’t really see much of anything.
His hands reflexively covered his eyes to protect them from not just the smoke, but the glow that’d slowly begun breaking through the clouds.
He rushed to open a window, open a door, do something to clear out the smoke, but it didn’t budge, it didn’t move from his room, swirling slow around the bedroom like the galaxy within the bottle, filling his room until he could see nothing but the deep purple smog, and the glow at its centre.
Then all of a sudden, it vanished. Or rather it was sucked inwards, all that smoke, the glittery purple smog and the glow at its centre rapidly caved in on itself, revealing at that centre… a man.
A lone man sat atop his bed. A… well Eddie didn’t really know how else to describe him other than… golden, man.
His skin sun-kissed to a point where it shimmered in the light of the overhead bulb as if he’d been airbrushed with a dusting of golden glitter and decorated with a nights skies worth of constellation-like moles. His thick, full hair was a dark brown with honey gold highlights, it was tied at the back, the loose ponytail long enough to brush his mid-back with short layers around his nape to hide where the ponytail began.
He was dressed in clothes not dissimilar to what Eddie had seen at the Faire, loose fitting fabrics, no real fineries to speak of, just… peasant garb, his cream, long sleeved shirt a deep V neck with a thick thread loosely criss-crossed over the opening, the deep V revealing a dense patch of hair across his chest, darker than that on his head.
His pants were some kind of cotton material, loose but practical, and around his waist was a red fabric wrap.
He didn’t wear shoes. He wore no jewellery besides a simple band around his forehead made of silver, and a twinkling rose-gold anklet tightly clasped just above his ankle, with a lengthy chain tail that appeared long enough for it to clasp a little looser if the wearer desired.
The man turned his attention, his hazel-green eyes to Eddie, and smiled.
“She gotcha, huh?”
Eddie blinked once, then twice, and then promptly passed the fuck out.
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He came too not on the floor, but cushioned by what felt like the couch, something that was confirmed when he lifted his head to take stock of his surroundings. He didn’t… remember what’d happened though, did he fall asleep? It was dark outside, had he laid down and just… fallen asleep out in the living room? Did he—
“How’s your head, big guy?” Eddie startled, sitting up straight he was slammed by the memory of the man on his bed, whacked right round the head by the memories of glowing purple smoke, glitter, of galaxies in forgettable little bottles.
He was sat there, in the middle of the room, on the carpet, his legs crossed in front of him just. Watching him with wide unblinking, downturned eyes. Impossibly golden. Beautiful.
“Stephan, Genie, The Crone sold me to you, although you probably don’t remember that last bit, they never do.” Did that answer any of his questions, yes and no, it both did and did not. “Listen, to cut things short, you attended a festival, right?”
“Uhm… a Faire, Renaissance Faire.”
“Renna—okay whatever, it’s a kind of festival though, right?” Eddie wordlessly nodded “okay, so you got grabbed by The Crone. She’s a sorceress, she goes from festival to festival, grabs some unsuspecting human, and sells my bottle to them. Then you forget it happened until you get to somewhere safe, something reminds you of the bottle, you see the smudge, rub the bottle, and poof, out I come. It’s fool proof.”
“… What’s fool proof?”
“What I just—the process, Eddie, what I just told you, the process, her process, everything she does, it’s completely fool proof, it’s never failed.” Now, Eddie never claimed to be stupid. In fact he loudly declared at any opportune moment that his academic career was simply marred by the looming ghastly shadow of his fathers’ behaviour. That he’d have been fine, he’d have passed with flying colours in all of his subjects had his father not been a great heaving pile of shit, with a stench so vile it marred all future generations in the eyes of Hawkins residents.
Yet this? Whatever the fuck this was? Beyond him. So far beyond him he felt dwarfed by how lost he was before it all.
“Uh…” so eloquent. What were words? Wait— “how do you know my name?”
“You opened my bottle.” As if that answered everything, thankfully the man realised that it didn’t, because he rolled his eyes as if so very put upon, and continued “It’s part of the magic, the person who opens my bottle, becomes my master, I know my masters name, that’s just the way it is. Plus I may have snooped.” Eddie frowned “Oh c’mon you were out for two hours, of course I snooped! You had notebooks open on your desk, ‘property of Eddie Munson’, that’s you, yes?” He already knew it was him.
He wasn’t lying, opening the bottle gave him just enough knowledge of the opener to have an awkward and stilted conversation with them once they realised they weren’t dreaming. Or in Eddie’s case, once they woke up.
“Mhm, Genie.” ‘Stephan’ nodded his head affirmative. “We are the embodiment of magic.” He said with a flourish of his hands.
“G—Genie… Genie? Like… three wishes, Genie?”
“Genuinely wish I knew where that comes from, no, Eddie. Genie, yes. Three wishes? No. Unlimited wishes. You have my bottle, it’s yours until you either accidentally kill yourself, someone kills you, or you voluntarily wish me back to the bottle. Disclaimer because this has happened twice now, forcing me back into my bottle relinquishes your ownership of it, and I return to The Crone to be sold anew. If you tire of me, you simply need only wish me back to my bottle, and I will go. You will not get back whatever you paid for me, that is what you used to forge the contract.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, accidentally what myself?” And contract?! What contract?! “Someone kills me?! What?!”
Had he wandered upon some kind of fae? No surely they didn’t exist. But then Genie. Or maybe insane homeless person who broke in. It wasn’t like he was dressed in ‘fine garbs and jewels’ like Genies usually were, right?
“Kill yourself. Or someone kills you yes. Second disclaimer, irresponsible wishing can and will cause death. If you can catch it before you perish, you can retract it no harm no foul, however you have to speak your retraction, you have to wish for your retraction. The dead do not speak, Eddie, and they certainly do not wish. Same goes for someone killing you. I would tell as few people as possible about me, humans are greedy and they don’t understand how the contract works. You can’t just steal my bottle. Upon your demise I will return directly to The Crone, she will sell my bottle to another unsuspecting human and the cycle will start anew. You cannot steal a genie, but thieving humans do not know that.”
“Okay can I wake up now?” Surely he was still unconscious, surely he was dreaming, he had to be, genies didn’t exist, magic didn’t exist, he’d been playing D&D long enough to know things like magic didn’t exist. He was not about to become one of those people who swore blind that things in D&D were real.
He wasn’t. He wouldn’t become one of them.
“You’re not dreaming, I can pinch you if you like?” Eddie pinched himself, hissing a sharp ‘ow’ immediately after “or you can pinch yourself, whatever.” ‘Stephan’ shrugged his broad shoulders.
“Why aren’t you dressed like a Genie?”
“How many Genie’s have you met to know what one dresses like?”
“Touche. Can you prove it?”
Stephan smiled at him, all teeth, his eyes twinkling with amusement, and maybe magic. Handsome. He was handsome. Unfairly so really, Eddie was trying very hard to ignore it. “Your wish is my command, Master, you need only speak it, and it shall be done.” He was failing to ignore it. “What do you wish of me?” He was really failing to ignore it.
But what could he wish for? Something big enough that it couldn’t possibly be faked, something fantastical enough that it’d prove Stephan was what he said he was, something completely and utterly unexplainable by anything other than real genuine magic. Something completely life changing in every way shape and form.
Something— “I wish my band, Corroded Coffin, was world famous.”
Part 3
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ Captor & Captive 🦍
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Check out Parts One💉 & Two🔥!
⚣🦍 A/N → The final installment! Fair warning. For those who read the original version, this one is going to be completely different. With my updating and revising the previous parts, this is the ending I originally pictured but decided to not go with at first so I hope you all enjoy it. As mentioned in the last part, the full NSFW version will be posted to Patreon. WARNINGS: MALE INTERSEX READER. Canon-Typical Violence. Bondage & Gagging. Manhandling/Rough Treatment. Emotional Feelings. Some Comfort&Fluff Vibes, etc! All NSFW warnings will be on the full version.
⚣🦍 Summary → The moment has arrived. Conner's finally got you where he wants you and is ready to tear you apart from the inside (literally). However, a timely arrival from your friends could offer itself as a last chance to escape his grasp before he is able to claim his prize. Are your teammates up to the challenge though with the Kryptonian's increased strength and full powers?
⚣🦍 Words → 10.2K
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ Full Version 🦍
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Today was really not your day.
How you ended up in this situation? No one knows, but what or who could you have possibly angered to have something like this happen to you? No punishment in the world you imagined could be as bad as that time you got in trouble for acting out in school and they called your dad.
He could be a frightening man when he wanted to be.
But nope, this outweighed that by so much. And the day started out normal as usual.
Well, as normal as possible for a young superhero with pyrokinesis who was part of an elite team of other young superheroes and vigilantes.
Usual shit, you know?
You woke up, got out of bed, and ate breakfast with your dad before running (flying) off to your university. Classes were boring, you and your buddies acted like goofy idiots all day, and you burned a few kids on the ass for being assholes to other students. 
At the end of the school day, you made up an excuse of why you couldn’t hang out with your friends before rushing off to the abandoned photo booth/zeta gateway in an alleyway of your city to meet up with your team. The second you got there, Batman called you all into the mission room to give details of Professor Ivo’s newest schemes before sending you all off in the bioship to discover what he was up to.
Arriving at the abandoned warehouse where Ivo was sighted, it wasn’t long before things had gone from calm to chaotic. The dusty and dirty building was filled with a bunch of brand new boxes that contained an army of laughing MONQI robots, Ivo’s annoying little robotic henchmen.
It was a trap, one you realized a little too late when you got nabbed by a couple of the laughing androids. Superboy came to your rescue only for you to realize the set-up was for him when he got injected with a purple serum. After you got your bearings, you managed to trap Ivo and take out the last androids, but Conner was out clean, and you had no idea what they had done to him. 
Red Tornado was able to deduce what the mysterious liquid was when Conner woke up after you all returned to Mount Justice and he began acting very aggressive and animalistic towards you. Let’s just say your scent was ‘desirable’ to him, and he was very keen on keeping it and you to him as long as possible along with other things. Details aren’t needed, but from many of his actions, the wind-controlling android figured the Kryptonian was injected with a hormone-boosting solution.
Its intended use was for him to turn into an angry, instinct-driven savage and kill you and your friends. Thankfully, you knocked the vial out of him before it could be fully administered, but his instincts were still amplified. Only instead of a murderous beast, he became the superhero version of a horny and aggressive brute dead set on fucking you stupid.
Thankfully, your friends and mentors intervened and managed to get you away from ‘Caveman Conner,’ as you dubbed this new persona. However, he did not make it easy for them at all as apparently, that serum made him extremely possessive as well, leading to him holding you captive on his shoulder like a potato sack while fighting your friends and mentors like they were world-class villains for attempting to get you away from him. 
Whether that was a Conner trait before the injection or one that was created after was something you didn’t think about though, considering he acted nothing like this when he was with M’Gann.
This entire ordeal led you to discover Batman’s apparent insurance policy for the Kryptonian, in case he or Superman were to ever go rogue. It made you wonder if the superhero had backup plans like that for all the other members of the league, your meta and magical teammates, or even you.
As far as you knew, there wasn’t anything that could counter your powers as long as you weren’t extremely cold. And it wasn’t like there was a member in the Justice League who shared similar abilities to you that Batman could test something out on. But, of course, as cruel fate would have it, the Dark Knight did indeed have an insurance policy for you which Conner had discovered and taken advantage of after shutting off the electricity and luring you to the garage hangar when you and he were alone after everyone had left out.
With the power and communications off in the Cave, your powers nullified and the dark-haired boy’s own amped up since he apparently unlocked his full Kryptonian abilities due to the effects of the serum, you were trapped inside, defenseless, and at his mercy.
Not only had he forced you back into the Cave after you almost escaped, but he smashed the panel that controlled the garage hangar door rendering it completely useless before proceeding to handcuff and gag you while giving a pre-show of his intended plans.
Now, you watched in anxious anticipation as the Kryptonian carried you down to the hall to wherever with plans to ruin your body for his own carnal pleasure.
Yep, normal shit.
Okay, you knew where you went wrong now; you got out of bed.
The tight pressure and soreness in your abdomen had become like a throbbing sensation with every step Conner took that would slightly cause a repeating push against your waist from your position on his shoulder. You did your best to keep your body upright to avoid the very familiar feeling of blood rushing to your head and swimming around in your ears, but it seemed Superboy was taking his good ole time and your upper body strength was getting weaker and weaker.
You also tried to keep your mind off the ache and tingles running up and down your arms as they rested against your back with the metal of the cuffs weighing them down. The Kryptonian chuckles at your futile efforts to escape his hold, with your weak squirming and struggling as he continued fondling the soft flesh between your legs with the same hand holding your thighs against his chest.
He loved the sounds of your muffled whines and cries, feeling like the most powerful person in the world as you were virtually helpless and at his mercy. You would not enjoy the boost to his ego that was guaranteed to happen, especially after his little preview of your night in the garage hangar which you prayed to whatever deity watching that the cameras throughout the base were powered down to and didn’t catch any of that on tape.
The last thing you needed was your friends reviewing the footage and seeing you get violently fingered against the wall and splashing a mess all over the floor.
Speaking of which…
Kal, M’Gann, and Zatanna had left on a walk around Happy Harbor almost 20 minutes before you decided to pack your things and head out. Your fight with Conner, including his little pleasurable fun with you had to also have been at least 20 minutes itself. So, if you were doing the math right, it’d been almost a little over an hour since they had left. What, did they decide to make a stop in Gotham too? 
What the hell were they doing and why weren’t they back yet?!
Who were you even kidding though? Conner virtually made sure there was no way to get back inside the base without him knowing about it. And of course, if they did manage to make it inside, he’d be alerted well in advance and have time to do whatever with you before going to deal with him. 
Of course, you could fight or melt your way out, but with this stupid cooling bracelet on your arm, that wasn’t happening either. You were trapped inside Mount Justice and the only way you were leaving was if the Kryptonian allowed you to.
Why was that low-key kind of hot though?
Despite how embarrassing this whole ordeal felt, you couldn’t deny how erotic all of this was. If it wasn’t for the emotional mess this would eventually lead to, you would have played the role of the innocent and helpless virgin, ahem, victim from the beginning, no questions asked.
His possessive attitude, treating you like the most valuable piece of treasure in the world and not wanting anyone else to have it. The aggression and dominance in how he handled not just those who dared try and take you from him, but how he dealt with you and your ‘bratty’ behavior.
What’s that purring sound?
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Suddenly, Conner came to a stop. You tried your best to turn and see where you were before everything moved in a fast blur as the dark-haired boy turned to look at the two companions that were following behind.
“Stay.” He commanded in a gruff tone.
Wolf nodded at your captor, before planting himself right next to the door you were facing, Sphere going to the other side of it. The Kryptonian entered the room shortly after.
It was dimly lit by the red emergency lights of the Cave, and as the door shut behind you two, it became even harder to tell where you were. However, when you saw a few piles of clothes, some workout equipment, and a bin of tools in different areas, you quickly found the answer: Conner’s bedroom.
Well, at least he was considerate in choosing a more private place this time to have his way with you.
A part of you was excited at the thought of getting to have sex with your crush. But, the other side where logic and rationality were still speaking kept you apprehensive. When all was said and done and Conner (hopefully) came back to his senses, where would you and him stand?
You didn’t want to risk losing your friendship with the Kryptonian if it turned out he didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for you and this was some sort of anomaly. How could you both even work on the same team together if there was an awkward air between the two of you?
He walked across the room before you felt yourself being nudged up, one of his arms coming up to your back as he gently lifted you off his shoulder and deposited you onto his bed, a slightly relieved feeling running through you from the release of pressure on your abdomen. It was a surprising change of pace from the rough antics you were used to.
Conner brought his face directly above yours, staring into your own pupils with an expression that made you feel as if you were in trouble, which considering the previous events, you probably were.
What you didn’t expect was for his hand to rub down the side of your face in a soft caress, his calloused fingers somehow feeling soft to the touch. His eyes slowly traveled across your face, seemingly taking in every detail they could while you definitely did not snuggle your face into his hand.
You know what, you could have this moment. Just for a little bit.
Your soft whimpers were the only sound that was heard as the Kryptonian stared at your shiny, wet eyes before he leaned back up while his hands moved down to the front of his pants.
This was it.
The moment you fought so hard to avoid had finally come. You couldn’t deny the many parts of you that felt excited, the anticipation at knowing you were about to get something you’ve wanted for so long. Well, a part of something at least.
You could recall times when Conner and M’Gann were still dating and you’d feel jealous at the sight of her lips upon his. The Martian getting to touch and caress the Kryptonian in ways you thought you would never be able to. It was a bittersweet thought.
In the end, you did get to have something she may have never had (at least to your knowledge), but at what cost? When all was said and done, and the serum was fully out of Conner’s system, who said he would still see you the way he does now?
He could end up resenting you for tempting him with your desirable scent. Of course, that would in no way be your fault, but it was still a possibility. 
Just as much as it was possible that he actually may feel some sort of feelings for you. It would explain why he was attracted to you out of everyone else, especially M’Gann, and why he’d act so aggressively when anyone else would try to take you away from him.
It was a nice thought, but in your mind, it was highly unlikely.
Just as he was about to unzip his pants, the sound of mechanical whirring and things powering on hit your eardrums. Your sight was blinded for a quick moment by the sudden return of the ceiling lights, illuminating the room where you could spot more details and items you couldn’t before.
‘Someone turned the power back on.”
It would seem Conner had the same realization given the enraged look on his face as he looked around the room. He hopped off the bed, you watching his tensed muscular back as he marched to the door before yanking it open and leaning out. He stood there for a few seconds before turning around, the look in his eyes even more irate as he stomped his way back over to the bed which could mean a lot of things, but more than likely one.
Your friends had returned.
The realization brought immediate relief to your body, but you didn’t have much time to celebrate as the Kryptonian lifted you into his arms in a bridal hold. You fought back as hard as you could with a renewed fight and energy.
Your goal wasn’t necessarily to escape this time (though it was still your end objective), but more so to create as much noise and commotion as possible to alert your friends to your location. And though he’d probably never admit it, the Kryptonian had a much harder time holding you still as he walked you over to his closet which was surprisingly tidy, unlike the rest of his room.
He had to keep your legs still with you kicking wildly while placing you gently on the ground in the closet. When you were fully inside, he gave you a stern look. His way of telling you to be quiet or else.
You had no plans to adhere to that warning. The second he closed the door, you swung your body around as best as you could and started kicking your legs against the door only to almost get singed by the red blast of the Kryptonian’s heat vision.
He was searing the door shut like he did with the garage hangar door to keep you trapped inside, and more importantly, keep anyone but him out.
You’d almost forgotten about his upgrade in power with the serum unlocking his full Kryptonian abilities. Now, not only did he have super strength and invisibility, but he could fly, had full x-ray and heat vision, and inhuman speed.
Your friends had no idea what they were about to walk into. Even though you held your own against Conner for the most part, it was easier to try to escape than fight him head-on, and that was when he just had his normal abilities. It’d be almost suicide to try and fight him if he was fully equipped, which he was in more ways than one…
Hey! No dirty thoughts!
You could hear him zapping his bedroom door closed, creating two fortified barriers in the event someone managed to figure out where you were. Even if you kept kicking and knocking yourself against the wall, all you’d do is manage to hurt yourself. 
The only one who’d be able to hear you was Conner with his super-hearing which you’d bet money was enhanced as well from the serum.
Trapped once again and left in darkness, the only hope you now had was that your friends could subdue Superboy long enough for them to find and free you. Potentially, with all four of you, there could be a good chance of taking him down or if need be, calling Batman to find out where his supply of Kryptonite was.
‘C’mon guys, don’t fail me now…”
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“Do I even want to know what that mess on the floor is?” Zatanna asked, pointing to the wet ‘spill’ on the floor and pieces of clothing scattered near the wall.
“Probably not. What I want to know is why the door panel was not only smashed to bits but the entire door welded shut and the power shut off.” Kal said while inspecting the crumpled piece of machinery.
“Who do you think could’ve done this?” M’Gann wondered.
“I have my suspicions, but we won’t know until we check the medical wing or at least find Y/N if he’s still here.”
“I’ll go check the mission room and see if the Zeta Tube logs show any transports to his city.” The Martian volunteered.
Kal instructed her to go in stealth, just in case whoever did this was still here and watching them. He and Zatanna started searching the different halls and rooms, hoping to find something, anything that could help them figure out where their friends were and what had happened.
When they reached the medical wing, Kal's suspicions were confirmed the second they spotted the empty medical bed.
“Great, so if this was Superboy’s doing and he still has the serum affecting his mind, there’s no telling where he could be.”
“What if he followed Y/N home? Red Tornado said Conner was focused on…mating with Y/N. If he left before or right as he was waking up, he could’ve followed after him.” Zatanna said, a visible disgust coming over her face at the mention of the mating part.
“Then, why was the door blocked and the power off? He couldn’t use the Zeta Tube if the power was down. And would he even know how? Red Tornado said Conner's mental thinking was reduced to that of a primate. I’m not sure how much they knew about computers and gateway technology back then.”
The two turned around to see M’Gann flying up to them with a distressed look while holding something in her hand. She was breathing hard while checking her surroundings before she looked at her two teammates and whispered something they couldn’t hear.
“Huh? Say that again.”
She huffed before checking behind herself. When whatever she was checking for was clear, she turned back and leaned closer, this time speaking a little louder but not loud enough for them to understand.
“I’m sorry, we still can’t hear you.”
The Martian girl rolled her eyes before they went wide with realization.
Kal and Zatanna covered their ears in shock before giving an annoyed look to the green martian, “Yes, we can hear you, which ow, by the way.” Zatanna retorted.
‘Good. Sorry, and don’t speak out loud! He can probably hear us. Use the mental link.’ She instructed.
‘What are you talking about? Who can hear us?’ The sorceress asked, now also using the mental link as well.
‘Conner! He’s still here, and so is Y/N. When I went to the mission room, I checked the gateway logs and found the last transport going out to Y/N’s home city failed due to a power outage. Plus, his backpack was sitting next to the console.’
Kal and Zatanna's eyes both went wide as they looked at each other with realization.
‘Okay, kind of a smart move on his part. What better way to keep your captive from escaping than to lock them in an indestructible powered-down fortress?’ Zatanna said before something down the hall caught her eyes.
‘Indeed, a bit too smart for my comfort level. But, then why would Y/N seal the doors shut? He’s the only one who could weld it to the wall and floors like that.” Kal pointed out.
‘Maybe Y/N managed to escape and melted the doors to keep Conner from escaping.’ M’Gann suggested.
“Um, guys…”
‘Possible, but why was the panel smashed and why didn’t he come to find us?”
‘Guys! All legitimate concerns, I agree. But, we’ve got bigger problems!’ Zatanna shouted over the mind link before pointing towards the entrance to a very shirtless, very pissed-off Kryptonian.
They barely had time to react when Conner charged at them. He swung a punch aiming for Aqualad but only managed to hit the ground before they each ducked out of the way.
‘M’Gann, try and establish contact with Y/N now!’ Kal commanded while pulling out his water bearers to create twin swords.
‘Y/N? Can you hear me? Y/N, this is M’Gann!’
Not even a second later, they heard your voice screaming into the link, ‘CONNER HAS HIS FULL KRYPTONIAN POWERS!’
It prompted them to look up just in time to see Conner shooting his heat vision at them. Zatanna muttered a defensive spell that blocked the crimson beams from hitting Kaldur just in time while they turned and decided to run back towards the garage hangar.
‘Thanks for the warning,’ Zatanna said in the link.
‘No problem. Conner locked me in the closet in his bedroom and he used his heat vision to sear both the doors shut.’
‘That won’t be an issue for me. I can use the teleportation spell I used to get us inside.’
‘Alright then. Zatanna, you go and free Y/N. M’Gann and I will do our best to hold Conner off as long as we can.’ Kal said just as they reached the hangar. They heard a shattering sound and an angry scream, meaning Conner broke through the shield. Zatanna muttered a spell before she blinked out of sight with a small shimmer of light. 
Just as she disappeared, Conner came flying around the corner looking more angry than before. Things were about to get serious.
The sorcerer appeared right in the middle of Conner’s bedroom, taking a moment to collect herself before she looked around the messy room.
“Ugh, boys…” She muttered before rushing toward the closet. “Y/N, are you in there?” She asked.
All she heard was muffled sounds and screams in response. She uttered another spell that would force the doors to fling open while hearing your warning screams in her head all too late before she got the shock of her life.
“OH MY GOD!” She screamed, before covering her eyes at the sight of your bound naked body.
The embarrassment you felt right now definitely exceeded what you felt earlier when your friends had to first rescue you from the Kryptonian. In your defense, you tried to warn her before she opened the door, but the girl didn’t listen.
You could hear her uttering another spell under her head before a new tank top and pair of shorts appeared on your body. When the dark-haired girl confirmed you were indeed clothed, she knelt down to untie the gag off your mouth.
“Not one word of this to the others,” You said the second you could spit the torn piece of your old shirt out.
Zatanna helped you out of the handcuffs before helping you to your feet. It took you a minute to get your balance back since you hadn’t been on your feet for a while with Conner always choosing to carry you every fucking where on his shoulder.
“What took you all so long?! Conner freaking shut off the power and trapped me in here, and then basically molested me in the garage hangar. He was just about to get his grand prize before you guys showed up. My therapist is gonna be banking off this for the next year.” You all but shouted while trying to get the cooling bracelet off your wrist.
“Okay first off, TMI. Second off, we would’ve been back a half-hour ago but we were stuck outside trying to figure out why the door wouldn’t open. Now, we know why. Speaking of which, why didn’t you just blast him or fly away and come get us?”
“Oh, you don’t think I freaking tried that?! Conner waited to surprise me with his new powers just as I got out and then as a bonus, decided to slap one of Batman’s insurance policies on me. This freaking cooling bracelet is blocking my powers, and I don’t know how to get it off!” You groaned while trying to pry the thing open.
“Ugh, hold still,” Zatanna said while grabbing your wrist.
You heard her speaking backward again before you saw the blue light on the bracelet suddenly turn green before it snapped open, falling to the ground. Just as earlier when Conner first put it on and you felt a rush of cold air, the second it was off, a familiar heat spread over your body as you conjured two fireballs in your hands.
“Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you?”
“No. But, if you order me my favorite takeout for dinner, I’ll consider it all forgiven.”
Just as you both began to make your way to the door, you could hear M’Gann calling out to you on the link.
‘M’Gann, what’s wrong? I just got Y/N and we’re about to be on our way back.’
‘Don’t. Conner’s on his way to you now. Get to the mission room and use the Zeta Tube to get out of here. Kaldur took some hard hits. He wasn’t as harsh on me as he was on him, but I think he figured out our plan.’
As soon as she said that, the door was blasted off its hinges as the Kryptonian made his way through. When he saw you weren’t in the closet anymore (pun not intended) and that you were free of your cuffs, you immediately knew you were in for it by the vicious snarl he let out.
Thankfully, you had no plans of letting that happen.
He pointed his finger at you before pointing at the ground in front of him, reminding you of earlier when you first broke out of his hold. When this entire mess began…
You moved Zatanna behind you while staring at the Kryptonian in his blue eyes, formulating a plan in your head.
‘Zatanna, when I give the signal. Teleport us to the mission room.’ You instructed.
‘What about Kal?’
‘M’Gann will take care of him, I’m sure. But Conner won’t even waste his time on him. He’ll be too focused on chasing after me.’
Just like earlier, Conner could somehow tell you were up to something. You were counting on the hopeful fact he hadn’t noticed you were free of the cooling bracelet, which was met with joyous truth as he reacted too slowly to you blasting your own heat vision right into his eyes as you did earlier.
He shouted in pain while you yelled “NOW” to Zatanna who immediately grabbed your hand while uttering the spell. However, he recovered faster this time than before and immediately tried to charge at you in hopes of snatching you back before you could get away, but was too late as you both blinked away, popping into the mission room in a flash of light.
“Nice one,” You said while immediately running for the console and punching in the coordinates for your city.
Just as you finished typing, you heard an animalistic growl from behind you, turning to see a flash of white fur before you were suddenly knocked to the ground. A pair of snarling teeth were in your face as you felt Wolf’s paws on your body while Sphere held back Zatanna from trying to help you.
“Ugh, I forgot about you two.” You groaned.
He must have sent them here to hold you off, probably knowing if you managed to get free, you’d try to transport your way out of here since the garage hangar was blocked.
Out of patience at this point, you mentally apologized to the canine before letting your body be consumed in flames to force him off your chest. Yet again though, as the day was proving over and over, you couldn’t catch a fucking break.
The moment you were off the ground, Conner rushed in and immediately charged for you. One second, you were standing free and ready to make a break for the teleporter, the next you found yourself slammed against the wall with him gripping both your arms while he pressed himself against you to prevent you from moving.
A familiar rush of cold air spread over you, the Kryptonian not wasting any time slamming your good ole wrist jewelry back on.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” You snapped while Conner had his arrogant smirk before tossing you back over his shoulder, not bothering to cuff your hands while making his way to the Zeta Tube.
“Zatanna, a little help!”
“I’d love to, but I’m kind of busy not becoming a bowling pin right now!”
You didn’t have time to throw back a witty remark before you felt yourself lifted and tossed into the open portal. The familiar tingle you always got when using the Zeta passageways came over but was stronger this time. Probably because your body was colder than its normal temp from the cooling bracelet, so it had more of an effect on you.
When the flash of light passed through your eyes, you found yourself inside the photo booth in the alleyway of your city. Knowing Conner would be right behind you, you figured one last-ditch attempt wouldn’t be too worthless. Maybe you could find a place to hide or catch someone’s attention to give you a hand.
Yeah, of course. Just grab the next random person’s attention and let them know a super-powered caveman Kryptonian is after your sweet little hole, and you need help escaping in their Toyota Prius or Nissan Altima even though he can move faster than the car.
Real smart idea. 
Well, actually the Altima may not be a bad thought. Those fuckers never obey the speed limit.
The moment you exited the photo booth, it lit up again with your captor promptly exiting and smashing the booth to pieces, preventing your friends from being able to follow behind.
Because why fucking not?
You barely had a chance to turn around and run before he had you back in his grip, his smug look returning to your sight before you were lifted into a bridal hold with him taking off in the air.
‘Oh, god, I’m so fucked…’
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The sound of waves crashing against land was the first thing you recognized when Conner finally landed somewhere. A salty sea smell assaulted your nostrils as you looked up and took in the deserted beach. The city lights in the distance added some illumination on the dark shore as well as the shine from the moon in the clear sky.
You could remember countless times when you’d come out here at night whether with friends or just yourself to fool around or listen to the sounds of the waves. It helped you relax, helped you think. It was where you made some of your biggest revelations and decisions, like when you first discovered your powers.
Ironic a person with pyrokinesis first thought was to run to a place filled with water. Actually, maybe it was kind of smart. If something went wrong, like you accidentally set yourself on fire, you had a quick way to put it out.
There were a lot of great memories with this place. It was comforting. It was peaceful…
He brought you up to a lone standing tree before setting your on your feet positioning you between it and him leaving you no place to move. He held your waist tight in his hands while pressing himself against you, staring down deeply into your eyes.
The shadow around his face made his strong chin and jaw look more prominent, but more than ever, his blue eyes seemed to shine brighter than the ocean right behind you two as he stared down at you with an adoring gaze.
Wait, adoring?
“Co-Conner? Is that you? Like, actually you in there?”
He stared at you quietly, his usual frown in place which only made you more nervous until the corners of his lips turned up into an all-familiar cocky grin, immediately putting you on high alert.
“Well, depends on your definition of ‘actually me’, but if you mean am I back to a regular state of mind, then yeah, seems so.” He responded.
“I- uh, I’m sorry, huh?” You stammered, words slowly escaping your mind.
“Think I can get a couple rounds in before the others show up?” He asked while taking a hand and palming around your stomach.
Bitch, what?
“Hold the fuck up!” You exclaimed, your hands fully planted on his chest as stared down at you with an amused raised eyebrow. “The hell you mean was that enough?! Were you actually conscious of everything this entire time?”
You may have sometimes been a little naive, a bit clumsy, and you often ran your mouth before you thought about what you were saying, but you were no fool. Boo-Boo was nowhere on your birth certificate last time you checked.
So, when Conner’s lack of confusion and surprise at the current ‘circumstance’ you were in failed to show, assumptions were made on your end. And they were not good, not in the slightest.
“Conner whatever your fucking middle name is Kent, I swear to whatever deity is listening to me right now, if you don’t explain what the fuck is going on right now, this whole beach is going to turn to glass in the next 10 seconds. Because if you’ve been playing games this entire time, pretending you were in some primal state of mind just to make a fool out of me, you’re going to realize that Batman is not the only one who has different ways of kicking your ass. And I promise you, that if-”
Your rant ended in a sudden ‘mmph’ sound when he pulled you into a sudden kiss. Out of all the times the hero managed to shock you into silence, this has to be one of the most surprising and satisfying ones.
There was a latent level of shock in your body, your wide eyes reflecting this, but the soft feel of his lips had them closing and you giving in to him within seconds. Despite his initial rough approach, there was a tenderness in the way he kissed you.
Before you even knew it, your lips were dancing right along with his. There was passion and longing in that kiss, leaving you more confused than 10 seconds prior.
The way he held and treated you was definitely different. The possessive grip he had around you didn’t falter at all. But, there was a newfound gentleness in his touch, like you were a prize to be cared for. Even if that was what you technically were earlier when he was in his conquest mode, this was not the same as that.
In those moments earlier, you were the kind of prize meant to be conquered. Here in this moment, you were rather something treasured.
Before long, your human lungs started giving you their red alert. Conner broke away the kiss not a moment later as if he already knew before you did. Your lips chased after his though, and he chuckled at your reaction before lifting a finger to your chin to tilt your head up toward him.
“Does that explain enough for you, or do you need a little bit more demonstration?”
Despite the blush written clear across your cheeks, there was a small smile appearing on your lips, as you took a few seconds to process what was going through your head and heart.
Satisfaction, physically speaking.
Nerves and adrenaline.
Ultra flamboyant giddiness.
Completely normal.
Yet, that nagging little voice in the back of your mind got louder with every fluttering heartbeat that pumped blood and butterflies throughout your veins.
What did this all mean?
“Hey,” You heard the Kryptonian speak, noticing the concerned look on his face, “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” There was a nervous tone in his words, almost vulnerable if you were listening hard enough which would be very different compared to the stark, smug confidence he showed you whenever he managed to toss you on his shoulder or dig himself inside your guts. Even before this serum fiasco, he may have been standoffish at moments and quiet, but rarely had you ever heard him talk like he was afraid of being hurt.
You felt for him in that moment, you really did, but you were also at risk of being hurt. And, rather than sit there and pretend like everything was clear and simple, you had questions that needed answering. For your own sake, and quite frankly, your own sanity.
“Conner, I-” The words seem to get stuck in your throat, with you trying to find the right thing to say, but what that exactly was couldn’t form a clear sentence in your mind. So, out of options, you just babbled.
“I don’t know what the heck is going on right now, and truthfully, I rarely ever do know what’s going on. Uh, wait, what was I saying? Oh right! This morning, we were friends, nothing more, then the warehouse happened, and started acting like a caveman and treated me like your prey or prize or whatever, not like it wasn’t super hot, because it definitely was and I shouldn’t have said that. Either way, you’re confused! No, wait, that came out wrong. I meant you’re confusing and I’m confused. Either way–
Conner shouting your name with a slight squeeze to your ass was an effiective way of shutting you up. Rude and hot, but effective nonetheless.
“I know. I was aware of everything going on.”
Now, that had you wordless.
“Well, actually, not everything. And I wasn’t in control of my actions at all. Well, not completely. Okay, now I’m confused.”
“You and me both.” You muttered under your breath. He responded with a light growl and a pinch to your ass.
“I’ll spank you.”
“Like you haven’t already done worse.” You said back with a challenging tone.
A stubborn grunt was let off before he gave you another small thrust as punishment for your smart quip, pulling a light whine from you. You could feel his cum dripping out of you slowly since his dick kept you plugged and everything inside, which you had a slight feeling he was doing on purpose.
“Alright, before any more smutty shenanigans ensue, can we talk about what exactly this is, and more importantly, why this even happened in the first place.”
Conner let out a sigh, looking down at you through his eyelashes before leaning down and giving your neck and shoulder light kisses. The giddy feeling in your stomach almost managed to cloud your rationality, almost being the keyword.
“Hey, don’t try to distract me.” You chastised him with a slight slap against his naked arm.
“I’m not distracting, I’m just enjoying the moment.” He said while giving you a few more light kisses.
Eventually, he moved you both over to the sand, setting you both down a little bit closer to the water while sitting you in his lap. However, you suddenly found yourself missing the warm contact of his skin pressing against yours.
When he finally had you both in comfortable positions, you resting against his chest and him nuzzling your hair, the intense beating in your heart that you had become used to from the day’s excitement had gradually started to slow down. You felt yourself nuzzling into his embrace more than you would admit out loud, but the man was comfortable.
After a few beats of silence, you heard Conner clear his throat. Though you didn’t want to move from the warm spot, you’d rather look the Kryptonian in the eyes as he explained himself. For your own sake.
“I was aware of what I was doing,” He started, which had your chest tightening and a sullen look appearing on your face which he noticed, “Only after you guys subdued me the first time, and like I said earlier, I still wasn’t in full control of myself.”
You could feel the confusion start to return to your mind, but rather than start rambling again, you just nodded to him to signal you were listening and let him continue.
“When I first woke up from the serum, Tornado was right. I was completely out of my mind and acting on pure animalistic instinct. All my senses were amplified even more than they usually are with my powers and all. So the onslaught of different smells and scents triggered me and I was about two seconds away from trying to kill you all, then I caught your scent out of everyone else’s, and the next thing I knew, you were all I could think about.”
Huh, nice to know you were what was stopping the team’s arguably most powerful member from murdering you all by just smelling good. Something you never thought you’d be thinking in your life, but there was a first for everything as they say.
“It started as a general curiosity, since at the moment, all my mind could think prior was anger and murder. But, of course, curiosity turned to excitement, and let’s just say I suddenly only had one goal in mind.”
“Doing me in front of friends?”
“I’d rather call it ‘mounting my claim.’ You know, animal terms and all that stuff.”
You rolled your eyes at his corny joke, before going silent again to let him continue.
“But, yes, for a lack of better words, all I could think about was shoving my dick inside you. You just smelled so good in that moment, you always have, but, the serum just suddenly made your scent feel almost irresistible to me, and all I could think of was capturing you in my arms and not letting anyone take you from me. Granted, I might have gone a bit far.”
“A bit? You call slinging me over your shoulder for half an hour while you leap, run, and fight our friends going just a bit far? Not to mention you choke-slamming Wally against the wall and damn near strangling him.
“Okay, one, you enjoyed that. I have the dried evidence on the shoulder of my shirt to prove it, spanking and all so don’t try and deny it.”
He got you there. Blushing cheeks (face and ass) and all.
“Second, I told you. Animal state of mind. In my head, I claimed you as my mine, and everyone else was a threat to that. What animal have you ever seen not defend their territory?” He asked, which you had to admit, he got you there as well.
Also, why was that kind of hot?
“You know I can still smell your arousal right? And the fact that you are in my pants and covered in my scent is not helping.” He said, to which you noticed the familiar feel of his throbbing organ below you wanting more action.
“Mind your business.”
“You’re currently sitting on my lap half naked while wearing my pants and covered in my sweat and cum. I think it’s safe to say you are my business at the moment.” He responded while tightening his hold around you.
Seriously, where did he get this smart (and hot) mouth from? That serum had to have more side effects than noted. But, you weren’t easily defeated in the sass factor. Conner may have you beat when it comes to raw strength and physical force, but wordplay? That was your forté.
“And who’s exact fault is it, that I’m even in this position?”
“Dr. Ivo.”
“Okay, well, after him.”
“Batman and Red Tornado for not making sure I was properly secured before leaving.”
“Okay! After them!”
“The others for not showing you the backdoor out of the Cave.”
“There’s a backdoor?!”
“Yeah, you didn’t know? M’Gann showed it to everyone on their first tour of the base. The garage hangar is considered the front door, and there’s a back door just in case. You didn’t think we’d only rely on the vehicle hangar or the Zeta Gateway if we had to make a fast escape did you?”
“I- … No comment.” You sighed in defeat, Conner chuckling at your tone while rubbing your back. You’d be having a word with your friends later when you got back to the Cave. Many words…
“It’s okay, I really didn’t give you many options either way. And even if you did manage to make it out the back, I would’ve just followed right behind as you already know.” The Kryptonian reassured you, which reminded you about the nagging question in the back of your mind.
“So, on that note, I’m assuming when you said you were aware of your actions, it was then?”
It was his turn to sigh after you asked your question, immediately knowing where this was heading.
“Yes. After Batman knocked me out with the Kryptonite, the serum lost some of its effect on me, but not as much as Red Tornado predicted. Kryptonite doesn’t just weaken my abilities, it affects everything in me, including my immune system. By the time I woke up, I was still very much under its influence, but I was slightly back to myself and could think and focus on more things other than sex and fighting.”
It made sense. You remembered the moment during your fight with Conner in the vehicle hangar when you realized how convenient and well-planned everything seemed. It was truly when your doubts and insecurities about everything started taking root, thinking all of it was just some game with you in the end being the actual loser.
Now, the time to find out if you lost was here, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
Some would think that paying attention to Conner’s actions and words before this, would negate some of those concerns in your head, but, as life has proven many times in the past, things aren’t always as they seem.
But, that doesn’t mean it’s always in a bad way though…
“So, you were awake then, huh? When Wally and I were talking in the medical hangar…”
He looked down at you at that moment, his eyes softening as if he could sense the growing mental and emotional turmoil in your head and chest. You wanted to focus on his words, and his words only, but it was hard with the way you could feel him pulling you in closer, doing his best to comfort you as much as possible.
It was the fact that you couldn’t tell if it was for making you feel better in the moment to alleviate your worries or cushion the eventual blow that you were expecting to come soon.
“Yes, I was. I was actually up that entire time. The Kryptonite did weaken me enough to where I couldn’t react or respond like I would’ve if I could, but I wasn’t asleep or unconscious. Truthfully, after Batman and Tornado had left and it was just you and him in the room, I was planning to just surprise you both right there. Incapicate Wally in any way I could, grab you, and run for one of the exits.”
“What stopped you?”
All day, you’d been subjected to prideful smirks, arrogant grins, and cocky looks from the Kryptonian. An annoying, but definitely attractive sub-trait of his overwhelming confidence and stalwart courage. So, seeing his blushing cheeks and undeniable shy look on his face had you sitting up very suddenly.
Conner didn’t like it since it meant you could see his face more clearly, and unbeknownst to you, you were further away from him, and he liked the feeling of you cuddling against his body.
“Why are you blushing?” You asked, not letting him pull you back in his arms like he tried. It helped you were sitting on his still very erect penis at a slightly awkward angle which limited his movements. One wrong move, and he’d be in a very uncomfortable position.
“Would you stop it?” He pleaded, clearly already uncomfortable with the metamorphic spotlight that had been placed on him.
“Answer the question, and I will.”
“I thought actions spoke louder than words.”
“And suddenly, I can’t hear. Answer.”
“How will you hear the words?”
“I’ll read your lips. Answer the damn question.”
You were staring into his blue eyes by this point, fully waiting for your answer. The Kryptonian looked right back into your own before his hands grabbed the sides of your head, pulling you into another smashing kiss like the one against the tree earlier.
This was similar but still very different from the previous one. He wasn’t trying to shut you up (considering you weren’t even talking), but merely trying to communicate the words he couldn’t bring himself to say. Ironic how he has no trouble expressing how he feels in any other scenario whether it’s his anger about a mission or irritation with an order from Batman or your comrades, but this has him fumbling.
Yet, you were not complaining about how you moved your lips against his, bringing your hands around his neck. You could almost physically feel everything he was pouring into the kiss, and it was mind-numbing, to say the least.
Once again, your human lungs reminded you of their need for oxygen. Thankfully, Conner did the work for you and pulled away from your lips with you chasing after them. He placed another light kiss on them though, while opening his eyes to your closed ones, enjoying the pleasant view in front of him.
When you opened yours back up to him, he smiled at you, placing another peck on your lips while finally scooting you back closer to him, and re-adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.
“Does that answer your question?” He asked. Though there was no trace of sarcasm in his tone, you could still spy it in his face with the humorous glint in his eye.
“Maybe. I might need another one though just to be sure. I always like to double-check my answers.” You responded with your own smile.
He laughed at you before feeling himself nuzzling his face into your neck, taking in your scent which you now could admit was actually very comforting. Still weird, but you’d grown used to it by this point.
Your doubts had been quieted, and you felt you could trust his words without second-guessing or overthinking, something that was not an easy feat to do. That’s why when a few moments of silence passed, you decided to ask one of the other questions that had been nagging in the back of your mind.
“How long?”
“Since you joined the team. I was never good with my feelings, let alone expressing or even understanding them. It took some time for me to figure out what they were, and when I did, I was nervous and scared that you didn’t feel the same about me. I knew you liked guys, but I didn’t know if you liked me. And, even if you did, I didn’t know if you would like me for… well, me. So, I stayed quiet.” He admitted, immediately knowing what you were asking.
Thinking about it from his perspective, you could see his reasoning and why he chose to hide his feelings. If you were in his shoes, you’d probably do the same. However, it was clear neither of you was good at picking up signs considering he missed all the ones that showed you were into him. Not that you were trying to, but there were moments where it was plainly obvious, enough for Wally to pick up on them which led to him finding out.
Idiots in love, the both of you.
“When I heard you and Wally talking in the medical wing, and his little teases and performance, it was all the confirmation I needed. If it wasn’t for that, like I said, I probably would’ve just waited for the right moment to snatch you away from the others and find a way out of the Cave without alerting them. But, after hearing that conversation, I figured why not make it a little bit more challenging and fun. Didn’t expect you to put up as much of a fight though. Glad I had insurance.” He explained, his typical smirk returning to his face while he marveled at the accessory on your wrist.
Hold it.
“Back up. You mean to tell me you trapping me in the Cave, fingering me in the vehicle hangar, and locking me in your closet was all for fun and a challenge? I’m nervous to ask what your ideal idea is for a first date.” You stated. He gave you an unimpressed look while nudging his still-hard member against you.
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy any of it. Remember, I could hear, taste, and smell your arousal through everything.” He teased while nipping at your ear. 
You ignored the horny pang in your stomach from that while pretending to be annoyed, “Whatever. Well, I hope you weren;t planning to try and do me raw. Last thing I need is to end up pregnant.”
“What if I want a kid? No better way to trap you with me than with a baby.” Conner mumbled while still giving you soft kisses behind your ear and neck. 
“Then you can explain to my dad what happened if I end up knocked up. And I gotta warn ya, Kryptonian powers or not, that man is scary.” You chuckled, turning your head to look at the superhero, who would never admit that slight nervous look in his eyes at the mention of your father.
A slight laugh bubbled up your chest before you turned looking out to the sea. The feel of the cold piece of metal on your wrist became prominent and the silence and you looked down at the device, still slightly shuddering from the chill running through your body.
“How did you even know about this thing in the first place?” You asked, pointing to the cooling device on your wrist.
“Dick let me in on a few little secrets about the Bat, though he never did tell me where he keeps getting and storing all that freaking kryptonite. Anyway, when I heard you and Wally talking about Batman’s insurance plans, I figured if he had one for me, then he had to have one for every meta on the team and in the league. While you and the others were in the lounge room hanging out, I went searching through the libraries and rooms and found some of Batman’s secret compartments.” He explained.
You raised an eyebrow at that. “Hmm, so is that when you discovered your unlocked abilities?”
“Actually, no. Right when you managed to make it out of the door, I originally was just going to do the same as I did before and well… leap after you. Even if you got away, I could track you down since your scent is alluring, but definitely not subtle. Fire powers and all,” He said with a smug little chuckle.
“Yeah yeah yeah, I get it. Heat makes smell more noticeable. Gosh, you and Wally sure love harping down that tree.” You retorted with an actual annoyed eye roll this time.
“Hey, I said you still smell good. Either way, when I jumped after you I noticed instead of falling back down to the ground, I was still in the air flying. It didn’t take much for me to realize what was going on and I just flew into action, literally.”
“So the whole welding the door shut and almost barbecuing our friends?”
“Yeah, I might have overdone it on that one, but animal instincts were still in control. There was only so much I could do to hold myself back. Every time you fought against me or got away or the others intervened was another boost to my aggression and anger, prompting my hasty reactions. And it wasn’t just my instincts fueling all this. Like I said, there was a reason your scent stuck out to me the most. Your conversation with Wally just confirmed it was returned and it made me a bit more crazy to an extent.”
“To an extent is a stretch,” You muttered under your breath. Conner let out an annoyed grunt while giving you another playful nip on your ear.
“Super hearing, remember?”
You were fully aware of his ability, but, for his sake, you played along.
“Right, sorry.” He gave a kiss to your neck as a way of saying he accepted the apology. With a little time to process everything, you felt most of your questions answered. However, there was one that was remaining at the back of your mind. Probably the most pressing one to be honest.
“So, is that why you and M’Gann…”
“We broke up because I realized that there wasn’t any real spark between me and her. What started between us was curiosity, considering I didn’t know what romance and feelings and everything else was. I just went with what I saw and observed. Sometimes it was nice, many times it was confusing, and many times, it felt wrong. So, I broke up with her. She was upset about it a little and figured it had something to do with you. She was always suspicious, but never had confirmation until this happened.”
Conner pointed his fingers between the two of you, and the reminder of your earlier indecent actions had you blushing and smiling all over again. You had to admit, it was a nice feeling knowing that most of your doubtful and questioning thoughts were for nothing.
Well, it’s better to be cautious than to fall in blindly and get hurt. But, the satisfaction and happiness you felt in your chest bloomed over all of those past feelings.
Thinking about the day's events and how everything ended up happening, you had to say you were fine with how it all played out. However, you definitely would admit you imagined you and Conner getting together in an entirely different scenario. 
Saving each other on a mission, getting into an argument and blurting things out, or even just the cutesy little moments where your friends stick their noses in and try to get you together were all ideas that came to mind. This scenario however with you sitting on the beach after he acted like a caveman and chose you as his new mate was not in the tarot cards for this category.
Though, the end result had you more than satisfied; both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
If there was anything to learn from this, you should listen to your instincts more, no matter how primal they are.
“So, are you going to take this off anytime soon?” You asked, once again pointing at the wrist jewelry you were currently wearing.
Conner smiled down at the item and you mischievously before running one of his hands over the device.
“Are you going to try and fight me again? I kind of like you being defenseless and helpless.” He joked though a part of you knew he was also partly serious.
Though, now, considering all that was said and done, it was your turn to have some fun.
“Well, considering you had to take away my powers to be able to catch me, I’d say your victory wasn’t really much of a victory at all.” You taunted while tracing a finger over his chest.
You could feel the vibration from his irritated growl under your fingertips, letting you know you hit the right button. Caveman or not, Conner both loved and hated being challenged.
“I mean, to me, it says that even with your full Kryptonian powers, you needed some cheap little trinket to be able to actually subdue me. Guess I’m just that tough of a prey to catch.” You continued your teasing, sneakily taking glances up at the Kryptonian, catching his hard and lustful stares at you.
“Is that so?” He gruffly spoke into your ear.
“It would seem so, at least to me, and anyone else watching. Don’t think you can say you claimed me if you couldn’t manage to beat me fair and square. But, it’s okay, I get it. Maybe you’re not up to the challenge. Maybe someone else will come along and prove their merit without needing to cheat.”
You barely finished the sentence before the sound of the clamp opening hit your ears. That familiar rush of warmth came over you again as your fire returned to your body. While you were distracted, Conner ripped the shorts off and his pants off of him before standing you both up, now fully naked to the world, minus your shirt.
“I dare you to say that again.”
You were really in for it now.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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ken-dom · 1 year
Ken’s Glitter ✨
Ken x reader
Summary: Ken’s stuff is not like other humans’ 🩷✨
Author’s notes: I am OBSESSED with Ken having glittery cum. @purple-1995 asked me about it after this fic, so obviously I had to go into more detail with a dedicated drabble
Warnings/content: nsfw - smut, gn!reader, handjob, making out, first handjob, cum play (kinda), Ken has a penis but I guess he’s still at least part doll
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His warm and mildly sticky seed spilled over your hand, just like any other cum you’d felt against your skin.
Nothing unusual; you paid very little mind to it as you gleefully watched the effects of his back arching, toe curling orgasm and revelled in the way he cried out as though he’d just been fucked to within an inch of his life. It was just a simple handjob, though, and god, you loved how responsive he was.
It had happened fast. Gentle kissing had evolved into heavy making out and before you knew it, your hand was down the front of his jeans and he was begging you so prettily.
He wasn’t actually sure what exactly he was begging for. All he knew was that he wanted to chase the swelling sensation that grew hot in his gut, until finally he found the release he’d no idea he craved.
He tried to catch his breath enough to ask you what that incredible feeling was, and why hot liquid had spilled out into his underwear, but he didn’t get the chance because you kissed him again, hard and deep.
As you pulled away, you removed your hand from inside his trousers, glancing briefly down at his release on your fingers.
With a double take, you gasped and dropped back. Ken’s eyes grew wide.
‘What is it? Did I do something wrong?’ he breathed shakily, eyes flitting over every inch of your face in panic, trying to figure out what happened. Was he not supposed to feel it, whatever it was, that strongly? Had he hurt you?
‘No, Ken!’ You soothingly rubbed at his arm with your clean hand. ‘Everything’s fine, it’s just…’
Ken shivered at your touch, gazing at you through puppy dog eyes on the verge of overwhelmed tears.
‘Ken, your… your cum…’
He tilted his head.
‘This.’ You showed him the slick traces on your hand. ‘This is what happens when you climax, and it’s totally normal. But yours is… pink. And glittery.’
‘Is it not supposed to be glittery?’ His voice was quiet, concerned curiosity pulling at his brow. Why wouldn’t it be glittery?
You huffed a gentle laugh, delighted at the shimmer coating your skin. It was the prettiest cum you’d ever seen.
‘I think that perhaps for you, it’s supposed to be glittery, yes,’ you chuckled.
You dragged your thumb over your fingertips, feeling the slightly gooey, thick consistency of his shimmering release, smiling at the way it sparkled.
‘So… you like it?’ Ken asked nervously. He was still unsure what had actually happened to him that had felt so good and he had so many questions. But the first and most important was of course, what you thought about it.
‘Yeah. I like it.’ Your eyes flicked up to meet his. ‘And I want more.’
Ken’s eyebrows raised. ‘You want to do that again? W-with me?’
‘Yeah, of course I do! Did it feel good?’
He nodded eagerly.
‘You wanna feel like that again?’
Another nod and you pulled him by that stupidly cute pink ascot to fall on top of you this time.
‘Come here.’
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sanjoongie · 8 months
Breed! Chapter 4
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ღPairing: Song Mingi x Reader (f) x Choi San ღGenre: smut with no plot ღAu/Trope: alien!teez, s2l, established relationship ღWord Count: 2,452 ღWarnings: the alien version of shower sex, san loves your thighs, breast play, some verbal/physical instruction from san to mingi, breast fucking, corruption kink (m), penetrative sex with no barrier, bukake, alien colored cum, ღRated: 18+ MDNI ღSummary: In which Mingi is sent down to replace Seonghwa in the experiment but even Mingi isn't insusceptible to the temptations of the human female ღDedication~  @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland beta readers who melted after reading this, enjoy their sacrifice. @smallfrye for suggesting mingi's nickname for reader and encouraging me through this chapter ღChapter 3~ Experiment | Sub Chapter 3.5~ Observation | All Chapters | Chapter 5~
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You and San were cuddling post-coitus when a very tall, very intimidating new alien walked in. 
“Get up, humans. We have to start over because of you. Time to disinfect you and begin anew,” He informed you.
San pulled you close as you both stood up. “He’s…” his eyes went up and down the new alien’s body, “...big.”
“What do you mean by disinfect?” You peered up at the new alien.
He kept his eyes straight. “You were going to get refreshments but then you undid all the work Seonghwa performed so you will clean yourself and then I will resume Seonghwa’s duties.”
“And we may call you?” San put his head on your shoulder from behind you. You knew that move. He was trying to look cute
“Mingi,” The tall alien replied curtly, “Now follow me.”
You motioned for San to grab your clothes and then you followed Mingi through the alien spaceship. It was interesting to finally be removed from what was clearly some large room of observance. The stark whiteness continued in the hallways and there seemed to be no buttons or mechanics to prompt anything. And yet doors opened for Mingi. Perhaps it was a psychic thing?
“Do you read minds, perhaps?” The question came unbidden from your mouth.
Mingi sent a slanted look your way. “We do not.”
“Does the ship respond to you naturally?” You asked next.
Mingi frowned down at you. “We have inserted responder chips at birth… these questions are not in regards to the breeding mission and they will cease.”
You deflated, your naturally curious mind sad. San patted your shoulder. “All you need to know is that he’s about to fuck you, Babe.”
Mingi stiffened in front of you and then rigidly held out an arm to indicate the next room he wanted you to go in. Did he not like that word? Or his duty?
You opened your mouth to ask another question but Mingi cut you off with a sharp look. “No more questions.” He pointed to the center of the room. “Go.”
“Lowkey into you pissing this one off and see if he anger-fucks you, not gonna lie,” San whispered into your ear. 
“San, that one looks like if we piss him off anymore, he’ll just laser sword cut us in half, make an excuse to Hongjoong and they’ll go kidnap another female,” You shook your head, “No, I’m not risking that.”
San folded his arms behind his head. “Yeah, I also wouldn’t risk not being able to get fucked by him too.”
“No more speaking!” Mingi bellowed. 
With a flick of his wrist, some strange purple liquid sprayed out of a hose in the new room, covering your bodies. The spraying stopped and San looked at you with a question mark hanging over his head. You shrugged and started to rub what you assumed was soap along your body. 
San was so focused on his own body, that when he turned to ask if you could get his back, physically incapable of reaching with his arms, his eyes got a little glazed over. You were working up the purple liquid into some bubbles on your thighs. San did love your thighs. They were also very dirty from all the cum that had been dripping out of you with multiple climax’s inside of you--and San’s messy eating earlier, of course.
What didn’t escape San’s observations was that Mingi was staring--and not in the stern guard stance he had earlier. Mingi’s face had lost its hard quality and was now a little gobsmacked at you washing your body. You moved to your breasts and his mouth parted slowly. Then San had an idea.
“Babe, let me help you, you missed a spot,” San said sweetly.
You rolled your eyes. “San, if I didn’t miss a spot, the machine that sprayed--”
You gasped softly as San, softly but firmly, grasped both your breasts and rubbed his thumbs lovingly over your nipples. You whimpered at the sensitivity. 
San leaned closer to whisper, “He likes it, Babe.”
Both of your eyes slid back to the tall alien, who was currently biting down on his lip. The minute he saw the both of you looking at him, he attempted to snap back into place. “Hurry up! I’ve got a mission to complete.”
“I can help you complete it,” You chirped happily. “I just need to wash this off first.”
Mingi eyed you warily. San’s hands had thankfully moved to your waist, squeezing it encouragingly. Mingi’s wrist flicked again and another hose came out to suck off all the purple liquid. First it took care of San, who looked disappointed when it didn’t stay on his dick too long, and then it moved to you. You watched under your eyelashes when the hose got to your breasts, making them bounce with the motion of removing the liquid from you. Oddly enough, you felt pretty clean after the foreign way of ‘showering’ was finished. 
When Mingi spoke next, his voice was low and gravelly. “We should move back to the Room of Observation.”
“Wait,” You raised your hand. “You should inspect me to make sure I’m properly clean.”
San sniggered behind his hand and played it off with wiping his lips as if the machine could have possibly missed anything. 
Mingi frowned. “The ship hardly…” His words failed him as you ran your hands over your body. You even turned around, head looking over your shoulder at your ass and back. 
“Are you sure?” You turned again, cupping your breasts, looking unsure, “I don't think they're as clean as they should be.”
Mingi took a tentative step, caught between curiosity and detachment. “Perhaps I should make sure everything is in place before…”
You quickly grabbed his hand and guided it to your breast. Mingi’s face became less stoic and more open with wonder. “So soft,” he murmured under his breath. He brushed a thumb over your nipple, just like San had done before, and it puckered immediately for him.
“Ca-careful,” You whined.
Mingi’s eyes were big with worry. “It hurts?”
You swallowed, hard. Corrupting these aliens was now starting to become your kink. “You just have to be gentle. Please.”
“You could try using your mouth,” San said from behind, a shit eating grin covering his face. And sporting an obvious chubby, of course. 
“My mouth?” Mingi echoed.
“I’ll show you!” San announced cheerfully.
Mingi slid to your left side as San ambled up to your right. He cupped your breast like Mingi was and then lowered his mouth to the height of your nipple. With his eyes rolled upwards to stay locked with yours, he licked your nipple with the tip of his tongue before carefully surrounding his entire mouth around it. You whimpered again at the stimulation. And when Mingi copied him? Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
San popped off you. “See how she adores it? Doesn’t it make you want to do more?”
Oh, Mingi simply had no chance, caught between the two of you.
Mingi shook his head, almost as if he was struggling with a lust-filled mental fog. “I shouldn’t--”
“Don’t you want to fuck them?” San randomly suggested.
“Fuck…” Mingi looked beyond confused.
San’s expressions fought between excitement and seriousness. “Oh yeah, I love fucking her tits. You just smoosh them together and then you get all that softness surrounding your dick and it’s so good.”
Mingi looked at you next and you felt the weight of it. “You wanna fuck my tits, Mingi?” You asked softly.
Mingi nodded without truly understanding what he was agreeing to. You had a feeling that this was going to get him in trouble, like San had been for undoing Seonghwa’s ‘good work’ but you were too deep into this to stop. And you wanted to see how truly big Mingi was before he fucked you. If he fucked you. When he fucked you.
So you laid down and San looked at Mingi expectedly. Mingi discarded his robe absent-mindedly, eyes on how your boobs were pooling on your chest with the gravity change. Mingi was very hard and very big and you gasped. 
Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Is it bad?”
San threw his head back and laughed. He companionably clapped Mingi on the shoulder. “Oh no, my friend, she is very, very happy.”
Mingi sent many unsure looks at San but allowed himself to be directed so that Mingi knelt, knees on either side of your ribcage. San pushed down on Mingi’s shoulders, making Mingi straddle you. You reached for his cock, that bounced with the motion of San making Mingi sit and brought it flush with your chest. You pushed your breasts together as best as you could. You looked up expectantly at Mingi but he had his eyes closed, unable to handle even just the feeling of your breasts around his cock.
San pushed Mingi’s lower half forward, a gentle hand on the alien’s ass. Mingi made a choked noise, close to a whine as he was directed to thrust into your breasts. You could feel your chest and breasts being smeared with Mingi’s precum. 
“Just like that,” San coached Mingi in a low tone that was making your lower half even wetter than you already were from this scenario. “Isn’t my Babe good to you?”
Mingi opened his eyes, looking down his nose. “Human…” he whimpered.
You shook your head and tucked your head closer to your chest. You stuck your tongue out so you could catch the head of Mingi’s cock with it and it made him gasp. “Not ‘Human’, Mingi.”
Mingi’s face screwed up, the pleasure clearly getting to him. “Seonghwa chose--hhhhhhnnnnnn--something--ah! Ah!--pretty?”
You rewarded him with another lick to the head of his cock and he thrusted so sharply into your breasts that you had to adjust your hold on them. While you had been focusing on Mingi, San had been focusing on you. He knelt to where your legs were spread and was preparing to fuck you. It wasn’t fair if Mingi had all the fun, after all. 
“During our travels to your world, there was a wonderful comet that we came abreast of,” Mingi said tentatively. “My comet?”
You whined as San stretched you out. Mingi smiled tentatively, thinking that was a sign of your approval. “Perfect,” You said, clipped tone trying to not belay the situation behind Mingi.
“My Comet,” Mingi panted, “Can you.. Do more.. With your tongue?”
San chuckled behind Mingi and Mingi almost turned around to find where the male human had moved to before you quickly moved to catch the head of Mingi’s cock into your mouth. Instead of your tongue licking his slick head, you sucked lightly on the tip of his dick just before it receded and Mingi groaned loudly. The deep, cave-like voice made you clench and San fuck you a little bit harder.
You focused on keeping Mingi’s attention on you as San fucked you from behind. Normally, San was so aggressively verbal. You could tell he was holding back by the way his nails dug into the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. His strokes would slow down when he sensed you tightening around him. He knew better than to let you cum before you got Mingi to. But San was simply a stickler for making you cum first above all, because he just wanted you spoiled.
“I feel…hot…” Mingi blinked wearily, sweat beading his hairline. 
“Don’t stop,” You said encouragingly, “I promise, it’ll be worth it.”
Mingi followed his pleasure, thrusting his cock in between your tits until finally he came. You have a second to close your eyes before he spurted all over your face and chest. You didn’t get to see what kind of face Mingi made when he came but you did get to hear his higher pitched gasps as he experienced his first orgasm. And lucky for you, Mingi helped gather some of his cum off your face so that you could at least open your eyes. 
Meanwhile, once San heard Mingi’s noises of pleasure, it was off to the races for him. He fucked you as accurately as he could, hitting that spongey part inside of you to make the two of you cum at the same time. You cried out and San let out a grunt and Mingi looked down at you in confusion. 
This time Mingi did turn around and when he saw what San had managed to do--and he had failed at--he grew back to the angry alien he had been before. “You tricked me!” He accused.
San grumbled back, “The way I had to beg for a boob job and she gladly gave it to you.”
Mingi stood up and began to pace. “I don’t understand!”
“Mingi, it was a way to ease you into it,” You pleaded with him.
You absentmindedly wiped some of his cum from your face and that’s when you discovered that his cum was a lovely light blue color. Was each alien’s cum a different color of the rainbow?
It was like San read your mind. “Skittles, taste the rainbow,” He whispered before collapsing into giggles.
“Mingi, what’s taking so--” Hongjoong stood at the door, in complete shock at the scene before him. 
Mingi looked worried. “I can explain!”
Hongjoong folded his arms over his chest. “Explain why, what I assume is your essence, is all over the female human and not inside of her and the human male is copulating with her instead?!”
“San was demonstrating!” You attempted to jump in.
“And Mingi was mimicking it with her breasts. It’s a common practice; practically a rite of passage between two male friends,” San added, picking up what you were putting down.
Hongjoong didn’t look entirely convinced but with a disapproving ‘tsk’ and a curt, “Back to the Room of Observation--all of you.” It seemed like he wasn’t going to fight it.
Mingi’s shoulders collapsed inwards in relief. He sent another look of confusion to San then you. San helped you up, offering his t-shirt to wipe off Mingi’s cum as he put on his shorts. 
You shrugged after wiping his cum from you. “You scratch our back, we scratch yours.”
Mingi didn’t look less confused by that idiom. “Humans are weird.”
“Says the alien that just vacuumed us clean,” San muttered back.
You laughed under your breath. “Back to the Room of Observation for us I guess.”
“You think the grumpy one will let you fuck her when we get back there?” San elbowed Mingi to get his attention.
Mingi winced. “No. I think he’s done with our mistakes.”
You swallowed hard and loud… did that mean Hongjoong was next?
ღChapter 3~ Experiment | Sub Chapter 3.5~ Observation | All Chapters | Chapter 5~ Taglist: @hijirikaww @pyeonghongrie @flurrys-creativity @mingsolo @starlitmark @stardragongalaxy @k-pop-ology
Breed! Taglist: @tiny-apocalypse @is4b3ll3s @yourfatherlucifer @mulletjoonsupremacy @lavishloving
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leviismybby · 2 years
levi would spit in your mouth after eating his cum out of you I dont make the rules
I don't even need to tell you people that this NSFW 18+ do I? This is pure filth, sorry not sorry.
With many things in his life, Levi liked being clean, he loved cleaning but when it comes to the bedroom, there are no boundaries for him.
You're whining beneath him as his thrusts start getting sloppy and loud from how wet your pussy is. He has cum in you three times already, watched as his cum dripped out of you but it isn't enough.
"Levi..I can't...again." Your nails scrape his bicep when you feel his cock fill you up to the hilt. You're so full of him, his cock, his cum... you're barely thinking anymore.
"You can baby. You were the one begging for my cock after all yeah?" His voice is low but underlined by his selfish lust, he is aware of the danger that filling you with his cum brings but he can't stop. It feels too good to stop.
Your hips start to move against his, it's the little energy you still have left in you. Levi takes you by the waist, lifting your upper body slightly and almost curses as he sees the layer of wetness that appears around his cock from both of your cum.
"Gonna fill you up so good." His thrusts start getting ruthless, his grip on your skin will surely leave dark purple marks. The tightness of your walls tells him that you're close again and this time he is nice so he let's you cum around him.
"There we go....good fucking girl." Sweat drips from his forehead onto your stomach, you feel him twitch inside you, filling you with his cum shortly after.
You moan feeling his warm seed fill you up again, Levi stays inside of you for a little before dropping your body onto the mattress.
You're breathing heavily and Levi leans down to your cunt, watching as his cum drops down onto the mattress. Fuck. He has saved this image forever in his memory.
Levi parts your thighs wider, admiring the fingerprints that he left on your skin. "What are you doing?" You ask, eyes closed. Honestly, all you want to do is sleep but then you feel Levi's warm tongue on your pussy.
A whine escapes your lips, hips bucking towards his face, hand pulling on his messy hair. Levi growls tasting himself on you, he has no shame at this moment, if you told him that he would be doing this two hours prior, he would tell you that you're insane.
But maybe he is the insane one. His mouth sucks on your clit before he licks down to your hole, slurping his cum out of you.
Your thighs start shaking from the overstimulation, closing around his head. But Levi keeps them parted by his hands, tongue lapping at your cunt.
"Fuck Levi....please..." You almost scream as he brings you to your orgasm again, smirking against your wet folds. He loves it when you let him use you like this.
"Atta girl." He pulls back, kissing your pussy before bringing his hand to your mouth. He parts your lips and your eyes go wide when he spits into your mouth, the white liquid dripping onto your tongue.
"Swallow." He commanded and you obey, swallowing his spit, you dart your tongue out to show him and Levi smirks.
"That's my girl." He kisses you, hands tracing over your body to gently massage the areas he was rough with. It isn't a surprise when your eyes start to close, he pulls back watching as you fall asleep under him.
Poor thing, he has completely exhausted you. Pulling a blanket over you, he kisses your cheek. Sleep now because he will have you dripping with his cum again later.
Taglist: @the-milk-anon @youre-ackermine @sixpennydame @notgoodforlife @levisbrat25 @lovolee3 @laraackerman @luvjiro @levisgreyeyes @yakaaamoz
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roseluxxx · 1 year
Domestic Bliss
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Warnings: early smut, penetration, a loving husband, throwing up (later on and not in great detail), pregnancy scare, non use of “protection”
word count: 1.1k
Before Reading: established relationship, married couple who lives together, he’s showing his love language of service and is so sweet, there is a pregnancy mention at the very end and i plan on a part 2, if you don’t like that pls don’t read <3
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"Mige, please,"
you grabbed onto the bed sheet next to you, gripping the soft surface tightly as you knew you were slowly becoming cock drunk on Miguel’s relentless pace inside you.
Another orgasm was building its way up, your abused clit being overstimulated for what seemed like the hundredth time.
It's the sixth round tonight and you could feel the slow dragging tiredness creep into your consciousness. You loved it, every round and ounce of attention you received from the man who towered you made your heart skip a thousand beats, but when it was this late? You needed a break.
You grabbed the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling just harder than normal as the stream of Spanish mumbling of: "tu eres mio, tu eres solo mio, te amo, te amo mucho, " finally came to a halt.
He looked up, suddenly aware of your overstimulation. He pulled out in an instant, pushing your hair out of your face, feeling your temperature and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"Fuck, mi amor, i'm sorry. Lemme go grab you some water and let's get you cleaned up ok?”
You reached up and grabbed his hand, a lazy smile drawn on your face.
"Baby just stay, please. Just for a little, okay?" He nodded and leaned back down to kiss you temple before promising he'd grab a towel and come right back.
Miguel ran from the kitchen to the bathroom, multitasking as he filled a cup with ice cold water and wet a towel while bringing another one to dry you.
He returned, somehow having pre-cut fruit in a bowl too.
You laughed to yourself; he had definitely planned this out and had that prepared earlier today.
The wet towel was dabbled along your forehead and behind your neck, he cleaned your thighs and gently allowed the cloth to freshen your intimate area as well, a loving expression never once leaving his face.
You sat up, insisting you could put your own hair up as he handed you the fruit and placed the water on the nightstand.
"Here, mami,” his shirts were always big on you, a man with the shoulders the size of a whole kid was bound to wear a few sizes up.
Setting the fruit aside you pulled him into the bed next to you, taking the water and placing it to his lips.
"Drink, baby. You always do this like you don't need to be taken care of, too." He smiled, taking a few gulps of the liquid before turning it to you to do the same.
He looked over you, admiring his plentiful red and purple love bites scattering your skin. He could never stop looking. It quite honestly might be his favorite sight in the world.
You put the glass down, watching him pull on some boxers before cuddling up to you.
"What, I don't get underwear but you do?"
He nodded, pulling your head to his chest gently as he felt sleep slowly come to claim his time.
“Mhm, baby you don't need those," a peck on your hair, “m’ can grab some of my boxers if you want. I know you like them.”
Squinting as you felt the suns’ light practically harassing your eye awake, you immediately grasped the area next to you as you realized Miguel was gone.
You sat up, alarms going off in your head as you made a mental recheck of everything he had told you he was doing today; which was nothing.
Where was- the smell of bacon filled your senses as your anxiety washed away.
You flipped the covers and reluctantly climbed out of the warm cocoon that was your bed, turning to gather the dishes from the night before and finding them gone.
“Swear to the fucking spider gods this man is always two steps ahead,” you rubbed your eyes, stepping into your fluffy matching slippers and trudging to the kitchen.
You were met with a sight hand crafted by the gods.
The sizzling sound of bacon and the rejuvenating smell of freshly squeezed orange juice filled your senses. The one responsible, a complete marble sculpture of a man, stood with him back turned to you and soaking in the morning sunlight.
This is it. This is peak. If anything ever happened that changed this reality you might just have to end it all.
Miguel noticed your presence, smiling instantly and nodding towards the food cooking.
“Mi sol, ven aquí. I didn’t even notice you.”
You nodded lazily, coming behind him and resting your arms around his waist. Planting a kiss on his back before resting your head against it.
“Baby, why’re you up so early?”
He rubbed circles against the back of your hand, covering yours with his, “When the sun's up I'm up, you know?”
He turned around in your embrace, putting his arms around you as he took a second to maintain eye contact, “Did you enjoy last night?”
You hummed in agreement and he gave you a slow, deep kiss, smacking your ass before sending you to the kitchen island, promising breakfast will be done soon.
Not even having the opportunity to sit for a few minutes, a wave of nausea hit you like a truck. You held your stomach and rushed to a bathroom , barely having time to lift the lid before the little contents of what was left of last nights’ dinner were flushed down the toilet.
Miguel turned off the stove and rushed by your side, his hands holding your hair up.
“Baby? Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He fanned the back of your neck as you regained composure, somehow feeling instantly better now that your body did what it needed to.
You nodded, leaning on Miguel as you got up to go brush your teeth.
He pulled your arm, checking over you like a frantic parent as you dismissed his worries, assuring him you feel fine now and thanking him for coming to check.
“You’re not-“
“No. Mige’. We used protection and I'm on the pill.”
He leaned against the doorway, giving you space, “I mean.. we did take it off for the last few rounds.”
You gave him a burning glare, grabbing your toothbrush and applying the Spider Man themed toothpaste you both thought was hilarious when you found it in the aisle.
“Baby it doesn’t catch overnight like that,” you have him a kiss on the cheek, “ I’m sure it’s just my body having a reaction to how unusually rough we were last night.”
He hummed in agreement, giving you a quick kiss on the head and checking on the food. That explanation seemed good enough for him but truthfully you were worried.
It doesn’t take overnight. That’s the stuff of movies. Even if it, did you wouldn’t be feeling these results so soon. Your body was just in shock because of his roughing you last night.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave a comment or see my other Spider Verse fics here!
A/N: Ugh i caved and made a fic for him sue me
😭 Also if you wanna make a request i finally finished the ones i was working on so go ahead and give me some new ideas🤞
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sturniolobsessed · 8 months
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Warnings : smut! p in v, aggressive sex, choking, spanking, angry sex, handcuff use, anger, kissing, derogatory terms (consensual), degradation, pain kink, use of pet names, established relationship, swearing
Summary : when Chris sees what he thinks is another guy flirting with you, he gets angry and fucks it out of you
Authors note : I wrote this while sitting outside my brother’s school lmao <3
Pink is Y/n
Blue is Chris
Purple is Lucas
Y/n’s POV
I had just walked out of my local Starbucks and this boy that I used to know, comes up to me
“Omg! Lucas? How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been great thanks! I thought it was you.”
“I haven’t seen you in AGES!”
“Yeah, me neither. You look so different.”
“Good different?”
I let out a little laugh, not actually expecting a real answer from him
“Great different…”
He starts looking me up and down, biting his lip and it makes me slightly uncomfortable
I take a big swallow in and I take a small step back
As Lucas keeps talking to me, I see Chris out of the corner of my eye and it makes me feel safer
“Umm thank you..”
Lucas puts his hand on my arm and he keeps smiling at me, my eyes gazing up at him with fear
I turn my head to look at Chris again and his jaw his clenched, anger in his eyes
Chris’ POV
I see this fucking idiot that we went to school with, flirting with my girlfriend and the rage inside me bubbles
I immediately start to walk over, looking angry as ever
When I reach them, I place my hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer to me
“Hey baby…”
“Yeah. She’s my girlfriend so fucking get off her.”
I look down at Y/n and she looks really uncomfortable
“What do you mean?”
“I see the way you’re touching her arm. Don’t fucking touch her.”
Y/n’s POV
Chris grabs my arm and he drags me to the car
He gets into the drivers seat and I sit next to him in the passengers seat
He starts the car, immediately speeding off home with no mercy
My heart stops and I can tell that he is going to give me a really hard time when we get home
We pull into the driveway and I get out the car, racing to the door as he follows behind me
He pulls open the front door and, before I can react, I am pushed against the wall
He reached his foot out and kicks the door shut before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder
When we’re upstairs, he throws me down on the bed and immediately starts stripping of my clothes
After we are both undressed, he heads over to our bedside table and grabs the handcuffs
He comes back over to me and pins me down to the bed, handcuffing my hands behind my back
Chris’ POV
When Y/n is faced down, ass up in the pillow, I immediately start thrusting into her, not letting her adjust to my size
A beautiful moan comes out of her mouth and it only makes me speed up
I lean forward to wrap my hand around her neck, choking her a little
“C-Chris… please stop.”
“No. Shut the fuck up, you slut.”
I pull her body back so her back is pressed against my chest and I continue to thrust into her
I soon feel myself coming on an orgasm so I speed up even more to help get myself over the edge
Her walls clench around me and I can tell she’s about to finish
As I finish inside of her, I feel her cum all over my dick, the hot liquid running down it
“You’re so fucking hot.”
I slide out of her and lay her down on the bed, pulling her into my arms
As I lay next to her, I hear some little whimpers coming out of her and I get concerned
“Baby.. you okay?”
“Yeah just hurt a little.”
“Sorry darling… I just got jealous.”
“I’m sorry. Lucas is a fucking twat.”
I kiss her on the forehead and pull her closer
“Let’s go get you cleaned.”
Taglist : @astrolynnworld @mattsneezing @mattybswife @mattybsbitch @sturniolo0ntop @bluesturniolo333 @sturniolobessed @niastqrniolo @m2tts-slvf @sturngirls @ellaapsworld @mattsturniolosgf333 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @loud-sturniolos @sturnioloslife @sturnivoid @33sturniolo @sturnsxx @mangoposts
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marchsfreakshow · 6 months
Comforting A Murder [James Patrick March]
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Hurt/Comfort // Smut. (I guess?)
Well you did it. You finally murdered someone, but right in the middle of a mess James wants to clean up. You attempt to comfort eachother...
Warnings: dub-con, PnV, quick fuck?, James being James.
Brb inspiring this off of ep.9 and 10. Had no ideas anymore so I figured basing this off an episode or two would help me write this.
No one's perspective
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Oh, your pretty red dress. Ruined by the darkness of fresh blood. Arms and legs decorated by splashes of someone's else liquid soul. A beautiful decorated purple gun, turned black, dripping. Eyes widened; scared, confused, joy? Your mind racing with thoughts of what others would think.
Others? Each ghost more insane than the last? They didn't care. Most, happy by your calling. Liz, your best friend, daring you to talk to someone. "Talking to James will do good my dear. I understand he is in love with the countess still, but you know he takes interest in you as well."
"Sure.." A shaky word left your brain as you stood straight, gripping onto the used gun like it was a dying breath. "But... Jesus Liz, he's so... intimidating."
"Only if you don't talk to him." She stated. You took a deep breath and a step back, staring at the now decomposing lady that you laid bare. Flesh, body and soul ripped down the middle after a shot in the head. "A wonderful killing. Just like you." Liz was never too interested in the killing around the Cortez, but the way you killed... invigorating.
" 'suppose." You undressed as quickly as you killed, picking up a purple dress. The same shape, size and glimmer as the one you had murdered in. Your body still dripping in red.
"go like that. Go and find him right now."
"like this? No. Liz no! I can't. I have to wash myself. And my gun."
She shook her head and took a small drag of her cigarette. "No. Go find him. Now."
After a long silence, you took a deep and long breath, debating whether or not you should find the prolific killer. So you agreed. Walking out of the room and leaving the open torso to bleed dry, Liz watched, maybe silently judging you. You could never tell. The still image ran in your head as you walked. The heart slowing down, and the stomach just sat there, begging to be opened so the acid could dissolve everything else.
"...James." You saw him standing there, looking bewildered. He had been slapped, in front of an open hallway. An open hallway? Why on earth...? But you whispered his name as you took a step closer, transferring your gun from one hand to the other. "James.." you cleared your throat, looking down to the ground, feeling insecure. The killer looked at you, and smiled, taking his hand off his face.
"Ah, love. You look...ravishing, and a gun? My." He started, his smirk coming back to him. Nervous and worried, a blush appeared, and your hands were shaky again. The gun was still coloured darkly, leaving little trails of blood behind you. If there was any more blood on you, you would look like Carrie, an icon to you and your deranged but silent mind. "May I ask, your kill you have come back from?"
"a lady. Insulted my dress. Shot her head, then...ripped her torso. Neck to crotch." You admitted, looking everywhere but in his eyes. Another step towards you. He took your hand and looked lovingly at the gun.
"I'm so proud my dear." A teacher, smiling widely at his student, blood smearing itself over both your hands. You stared at his hands. Such precious jewels, covered in a dark thick liquid, a gun being shared between two. A small gulp and another deep breath. "What are you nervous about?" He asked as you looked up to the open hallway, a looming darkness. It scared you, but you never showed it. You wanted to impress James, being scared would annoy him.
Oh just how wrong you were. James could tell you were scared about what could have been lurking in the hallway. What a wonderful thing to use to his advantage. "This hallway is empty my darling. Nothing exists here." He simply stated. Innocently looking back up to him and seeming like you didn't understand anything he was saying. Like you didn't believe him. "Go on. Walk in. You have your dear gun, use it if need to." Absolutely not.
But a cold hand on your back, pushing you in. It left a faint handprint on you, and James noticed, letting out a small chuckle. It rang through the looming hallway, making you shake more. Holding the gun in front of you, worriedly looking around. Then a shot. You shot something. You think. Maybe? But you turned and ran. Ran into James' chest, even if he didn't wrap his arms around you as you secretly hoped he would. "You found something?"
"I think...I think so?" Your voice was hurried, and resting your head on his chest.
"Come dear. Let's take you away from this." He placed a dead hand on the small of your back, still bloody. The blood on you was decently dried now, feeling unable to wash it off. Eyes always straight and front as you both walked. Meeting anyone's eyes would increase your guilt about the murder. Such a beautiful but meaningless kill in James' mind. Killing someone for insulting your pretty red dress? Insanity.
James' room appeared before you, and you were led into it. Cold but comforting. A room you had wanted to go into. Forever. Everything interested you. Mindlessly, you started to wander around. Leaving gentle touches over every surface. The interest you two had with each other, coming to light. Your wonder and innocence, lit up when you walked around. Going in circles, your hand loosening around the firearm you held so dear. A beautiful thing, all based on your personality. James picked it up as you stepped in another circle, staring out of the window.
Ah, the open world. Nothing you missed. Bullied for the way you worked, and how you carried yourself. You left the daylight alone and stayed in the Cortez. Liz and Iris helping you with anything you need from the open world. "Dear. You are lost again." James murmured, standing behind you. A breath? Maybe? By the crook of your neck. "Ah yes, the life outside of this hotel. You should not worry about it, my dear. You are here now. You are here forever, murdering just because?"
Words that left him, and made you shiver. "But, I want the life again."
"I understand darling, but you must understand that this hotel can offer you more. Offer you something you could not find outside." A hand, gripping the front of your neck, thick fingers finding a vein and pressing on it, hard. "The people here are dangerous, wonderful. Full of deprived attraction." A hitch in your breath as the pressure got harder and harder. The stopping of your breath and its effects on James were pressed against your back. Was he really getting hard at this? Really? Okay...
"James..." All you did was lean against him, your neck open to him again, so many possibilities, and so many things he could do to you. A low groan, maybe a snarl leaving him. His free hand exploring your side, gripping at the dress fabric and feeling the dried blood on you. Every touch felt odd like you shouldn't be enjoying it so much. But your love for James, and the way your need for him manifested as killing for him. Innocents who did nothing to you but make a snarky comment, a little joke. Why was he so irresistible to you? A killer who died nearly 100 years ago, who loves murder, fine absthine, and his students.
Wandering hands trailing down your back, pulling down the zipper. The purple fabric fell swiftly off you, pooling around your flats and the blood-covered legs of yours. All this talk and touch of murder, blood, opening someone up, it was nothing but erotica turned real to him. Such a need for someone he did not know too well. Who was he to deny such a gift? Deny the chance to make someone feel something other than rage and upset.
Such moveable skin in front of him, the way he touched and practically groped you, making you feel mindless already. Your head, silently thrown back onto James' shoulder, feeling every touch he gave. The way he gripped onto your hips, such a need and desire in him. You practically threw yourself onto the bed, but sat on your knees politely. Even when a feeling of warmth spread through you, nerves were still there and you never wanted to upset your dear so. Shy, doe eyes watching a ghost undress. A quick coyote, readying himself to catch the doe it craved.
Silence in your voices, but catching breaths, underwear ripped off of you. You were being pulled up from your knees and pushed down onto all fours. He fucked like you were going away that night. Barely any time to catch your breath as he kept going.
Fucking you like the world was ending. Your moans; loud, unfiltered, they could be heard anywhere in the Cortez. His were reserved but animalistic in nature, never giving you a break. You screamed his name, as he yelled yours. Bruises were appearing on your neck, hips and thighs.
When had the dam been broken? You wondered as you cleaned yourself up, starting to sit up. Looking over to your side, James was half-dressed already. "I will admit my darling, that blood drying itself on you truly is enchanting." He nonchalantly mentioned, walking over to where you sat. A little hum in response, looking to the side where James was not. The ghost pulled your face towards him and left a kiss on your wanting lips. Pushing yourself forward to try and kiss him again, only to be denied.
Only to be denied as he picked up that purple gun you adored.
Only to be denied as he reloaded it.
Only to be denied as he aimed it at your worrying face.
Only to be denied one last breath, one that you could've kissed him again with.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @babygorewhore @taintandviolent @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @nahoyasboyfriend @slutforgarlogan @slvt4jamesmarch @tatelangdonsweater @feefymo @fear-is-truth
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
In the morning, it's red.
Spots of crimson in the darkness behind his eyes, as he digs the heels of his palms into the hollowed-out cavities underneath his brows. He knows his eyes are there, it just doesn't feel like it.
get up
Plain red as he stares into the mirror, blinking slowly, letting himself get used to his contacts. Letting himself get used to being him. His knuckles are white around the sink, and his arm is still sore from the night before.
go downstairs
Blood red on the table. A pain to clean, but not a big deal. Nobody's home, after all, not even himself.
In the day, it's red.
Gleaming, firetruck red of glossy lockers, dented from roughhousing, covered in stickers, scribbled on with black marker. Worn and weathered from hate, fondness, indifference, love.
time for school
It's the sickly-sweet red of cold ketchup covering soggy fries, and he eats and eats and it all tastes like dust in his mouth. His friends are talking, saying things, but none of it quite reaches his ears.
which class is next? i can't remember
It's the burgundy of her hoodie. His hoodie? He didn't know at what point he'd been wearing it, when they'd started sharing it, when it slowly started staying over at her house more and more often. It's fine. She can keep it.
In the evening, it's red.
Pop-art red, that bright red of soda cans and plastic packaging, specially chosen, that sparks hunger or desire or whatever emotion you feel when you want to buy something equivalent to battery acid.
eat something, you'll need the energy
It's wine-red, or maroon, or purple-red, or whatever fucking color wine is. He knows he's been banned from the liquor cabinet, but his parents don't know he's figured out how to pick locks and he intends to keep it that way. He rolls the bottle between his hands, semi-translucent, liquid sloshing heavily, and he debates chugging the whole thing, just to feel something. Or maybe smash it, gut himself with the shattered end. But the momentum is gone, and it feels like too much effort.
just go to bed
It's neon red, the numbers on his alarm clock burning themselves into his eyes, even when he closes them he can see the seconds ticking down, like sand slipping through his fingers. He's out of time, you see, he has none at all.
At night, it's red.
It's the sky, reflecting the same color in his eyes back like a mirror, unmoving and unchanging. Or is he the one that isn't moving?
It's her hair, her head buried into his chest, breaths soft and shallow, and he touches a playful curl to his lips.
please, Aiden
It's her cheeks, and he can't tell if it's blush or blood, and when he wipes a thumb over her freckles, his fingers come back warm.
please, don't do this to me
It's his blood, thick and clogging and cruel, all the words he wants to say are stuck in it, fighting and straining helplessly, like an insect trapped in honey.
it's not fair, you can't- you can't do this-
It's her lips, and his blood stains her teeth, and the kiss is bitter. On his tongue, he tastes love.
please, please, I love you, I love you
He is dying, but his spirit feels as great and as powerful as a king.
me too
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Wail of the Silent 3/?
Prev | Next
Danny took out his phone to see where he ended up.
“Park Row?”
He put away his phone to shield it from the pouring rain and took in the ambient ectoplasm in the air. The area he was saturated in corrupted ectoplasm. The shades and spirits here were darker and full of pain. It made the other areas of Gotham seem downright sunny by comparison.
Danny couldn’t pinpoint the spirit that had let out that ungodly wail, but he was determined to find them and help. Nobody deserved to be alone with those emotions ready to burst.
Now if he could only figure out which way to go…
“What the hell is that?”
In the distance, Danny saw a glowing purple shadow. Out of curiosity, and because he’s Danny, he followed it. Danny couldn’t get closer to the shadow, no matter how much or fast he flew.
Eventually, he ended up in front of an old building that seemed abandoned. There was a horde of spirits around the building. All the spirits turned at the same time to look at Danny.
They all used their core at the same time.
Help him, the cores hummed; he’s the avenger of the dead. He protects the living. Help him move on like he’s helped us.
All the spirits disappeared, and the street got eerily quiet. Danny stared at the building. The building was full of gloom and despair, even with the other spirits gone. Danny took an unneeded grounding breath and entered the building.
In complete contrast to the outside, the inside of the building was new and clean.
The feeling of despair was stronger, and Danny gagged at the corruption around him. How did any ghost survive this way?
Danny didn’t talk out loud. He let his core hum and project feelings of reassurance and acceptance.
(The spirit felt lonely and rejected.)
Danny floated to the second floor and looked around the rooms. The first one had a bunch of computers and wrappers strewn all over the floor. Danny floated into the next room and found it empty except for a bed and closet. He went into the closet. He found a secret door and went through it. Danny found a bunch of weapons that ranged from guns to swords and knives. There was also a red helmet that looked vaguely familiar, a suit that had a red bat on it and was made of a rigid material that was obvious protection.
It suddenly clicked. This is what Red Hood, one of the Bats, wore. Fuck!
Danny turned invisible and left the hidden room. He was about to leave when the feelings got even stronger. It felt like he had been suckered punch. Danny curled into himself and tried to keep himself from crying. How did anyone, human or spirit, deal with this? It was making Danny feel like he was going crazy!
Even though Red Hood was human, he was definitely feeling these negative emotions that were probably driving the man insane.
Danny stayed invisible and decided to let his core hum.
I’m here to help, it said, where are you?
Lonely, pain, I’M SO ALONE, the spirit yelled out.
Danny followed the screams and ended up in a living room. He saw a broken China cup on the small kitchen floor, a brown liquid cooling on it.
Danny followed the pain to the couch. He was shocked back to visibility.
Before him was another halfa. How? When? Why didn’t they know about this halfa?
The other halfa was crying. For some reason, he wasn’t making any noise. Honestly, if it weren’t for the pain coming from his (stunted, corrupted) core, Danny wouldn’t know what the man was saying.
A hum came from the man’s core. The hum was full of anguish, and Danny felt his heart and core go out for the other halfa.
Danny picked up the man and put went to the bedroom. He put the other halfa down and studied him with a critical gaze.
The man was wearing a thin pair of sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He had black hair with a white streak through it. His hair was plastered to his face, from tears or sweats, Danny didn’t know. (Maybe it was both.) His eyes were an ectoplasm green that was glowing with pain. He was tall but still shorter than Danny. He had muscles that spoke of training and strength. What got Danny’s attention were his scars.
His body was littered with them, but the one that angered Danny was the one on his throat. It had obviously been a deep wound and the likely reason the man didn’t make a sound even as his mouth opened in silent cries.
He was young, maybe the same age as Danny’s twenty years. Maybe a little older or a little younger. Danny didn’t know, but even without the other halfa’s core broadcasting the pain deep in the man’s soul, Danny could tell he had been through a lot.
Danny started humming through his core, making it as loud as possible.
Safe. I’m here. You’re safe.
The other halfa responded, tired, scared. Alone, so alone. Pain, pain, pain, PAIN!
Shh, he answered, I won’t leave.
Danny started chirping, hoping the melodies he was producing mixed with the humming and feelings of reassurance he was emitting would be enough to help the other halfa down. Danny stood there, keeping sentinel over the other halfa, chirping, and humming.
The other man would answer back, and eventually, his face relaxed from his pain.
The man looked at Danny in disbelief.
Pretty, he chirped, angel?
Danny wanted to laugh. Him pretty? An angel? Never!
Friend, he chirped back.
The man signed something, but Danny didn’t know sign language. ‘What a pity,’ he thought to himself.
The man stared at Danny, and Danny stared back.
Jason was dreaming. It was a good dream. The anguish he was feeling had calmed down some. It was more bearable. And he had an angel looking over him.
The angel had white hair that defied gravity and soft, glowing eyes. He knew he should be scared (they were the color of the Pits.), but the man was emitting chirps and hums that calmed Jason down. He had light blue skin and pointed ears. There were glowing freckles on his face that reminded Jason of starlights. They even twinkled in and out of existence like the stars in the sky. Jason didn’t know if he was imagining them, but it also looked like the freckles were clustered in the shape of constellations.
‘Are you an angel,’ he signed, ‘you’re very pretty.’
“Sorry, dude, I don’t know sign language.”
Jason felt a hum surrounding him like a soft blanket.
Friend, it said, safe. I hear you.
How? He asked. Jason was mute. How did the angel understand him?
Like me, he answered back, we’re the same.
Jason gave a silent snort. He was far from being an angel.
Jason heard a chirp and looked back at the mysterious being.
Rest, he chirped, I’ll be here to keep the nightmares away.
Please, Jason chirped back, I’m so tired.
Close your eyes. Sleep.
Jason let his eyes slide shut to the feeling of safety surrounding him.
Avenger, the spirits had called him. Protector. But who was here to avenge and protect the other halfa? No one. Well, Danny was going to fix that.
Miles away, still in Gotham but far from Park Row, Crime Alley, Batman was not having a good time.
First, the Penguin had been able to see him even as he hid in the shadows. Then he was hit by a few bullets. They didn’t pierce his armor, but they hurt like hell. Then the rain started pouring. Thunder boomed, and lightning danced in the sky, wiping away any evidence Batman could use on the Penguin.
(Lady Gotham was furious at the moment. Jason’s pain was making her fuse short on her Dark Knight. Batman wouldn’t die, no, but he would be punished.)
As Batman stared out at the city of Gotham, he couldn’t shake the feeling of despair he was feeling. He couldn’t go home yet; something big was going to happen.
(He didn’t know his son was close to losing his sanity.)
He had to protect his city.
(Gotham was too angry at Batman to appreciate her knight.)
In Crime Alley, Jason, a newly discovered halfa, slept for the first time in a long time with no nightmares. Hums filled the air around him. Finally, the silence was broken.
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