#FUCK this job
nerfpuncher · 5 months
Emerie exactly 8 seconds after getting a disapproving look from Echo:
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theodoretheninja · 9 days
So my boss gave a 20 minute speech about accountability before he left 4 hours early. He's salary so he doesn't have to clock on or off. I may call his boss and ask why we're understaffed so badly today and why our boss didn't care enough to work the rest of his shift. Feel like I might see some accountability that way...
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ladybugsbadluck · 2 years
just a few thoughts on tangerine
tangerine is a fucking brat. he's a brat, no way around it. he's an angry, anxious mess that is anxious cause he's angry and angry cause he's anxious. he's determined and sassy and strong-willed and stubborn and mouthy. man, does he talk back. he's such a brat. and it's obvious Lemon is one of the only people he trusts.
which is why it is so shocking, to me, how quick he was to let Ladybug free from the threat of the chopsticks (his will that could only be from the strength and determination of a bottom) and get close to him and befriend him. he trusted ladybugs input and plan SO fast. he protected him, tried to warn him about the Diesel, and still, STILL, even AFTER Ladybug accidentally shot him, he was trying to warn him, to protect him, to not let whatever happened to Lemon, happen to the one person he had left on this train. he was so worried, and yeah, annoyed, but not angry like he would have been if it were someone else that he hadn't come to trust. not one threat against Ladybug's life, just a warning of protection.
why? is it to honor his, what he thought was dead, brother's judgement? or is it because of what he himself saw in Ladybug?
I think Tangerine would be annoyed once he woke up in the hospital, and even put up a front of anger, but he'd definitely be relieved. Relieved that the Diesel hadn't killed his brother and relieved that the diesel hadn't killed his...well, hadn't killed,
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comfymoth · 11 months
AND i don’t care that i’m missing the lore today EITHER. because i’m a brave sensible person who knows i can just watch the vod, and it’ll be okay, and i Won’t miss watching my mutuals liveblog and freaking out together i won’t care at all. i don’t care i’m missing the halloween lore.
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babygirlrage · 1 year
One thing that sucks about working a fast food job is having people order in the drive thru 20 items for 2 separate orders each and then complain about not being able to add 5 more items to a third order.
And then being screamed at by everyone behind them who was waiting in line.
And then leaving drive thru to work front counter only to be screamed at by the customers in lobby.
And my reward for this? $15/hr for everyone who works there.
I walked out earlier that day because I was running both drive thru and lobby all by myself on top of covering a co-worker's shift for the 3rd day in a row this week and the 5th week in a row.
I returned an hour after I left because my GM asked me, very nicely, to and I honestly feel like I should have committed to my decision to leave.
What is the point in working if I am by myself and the ONLY CASHIER in the morning on the weekdays!?
I am amazed by my own insanity and genuinely upset that I'm constantly being taken advantage of by my work, co-worker, and by the customers simply because of my work ethic.
Just wanted to get this off my chest because this is cheaper than therapy and people will be direct with me here.
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duskycervitaur · 10 months
Having the wrong kind of people in positions of power such as something as simple as assistant manager in a gas station, can seriously fuck up any kind of good employee you had that is now under that thumb of power. I used to love my job, some days I still do when said people aren’t around for a couple of days. But gosh..when they’re back and saying ugly shit about you and your work ethic..it makes you want to give them the only kind of employee they so wrongly expect out of you. Leaving me feeling incomplete in my work that supplies my means of living…I want out. I just want to be appreciated for the hard work I do that leaves my already aching young body broken at home. Is that too much to ask?
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the-august-one · 2 years
So I just read a status that said, "Remember, if you work retail, the day before black Friday is the most hilarious day to quit."
To which someone commented, "That, or just turning your phone off and not going in. Those panicked phone messages make great keepsakes."
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indagonightmare · 2 months
Company won't pay my earned PTO time so that's why I reblog MCR fanart on company time :3
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ana-rends · 3 months
i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed i'm not hungry i'm just stressed
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puddintrucks · 4 months
Today is my last day at this job. I'm so glad to finally be moving up to a position that's local, compensates me fairly, and is the work I actually want to be doing. Good riddance to this place that undervalued me and hardly ever recognized me for all of my hard work. And a hardy fuck you to my boss who harassed me continually for using my PTO and for not thanking me legitimately once until the very last thing I did for her. I hope my new job will go better and be a better fit for me and utilizes what I bring to the table. I can't wait to be free. I will miss my coworkers and my union and some patrons but on the whole goodbye shitty job that squandered so much of me. Here's to the future.
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emdotcom · 4 months
This job has me so fucked up. I swear it feels like I went to bed an hour ago -- it has been 12 hours.
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thewickedwitchofohio · 5 months
Remind me to tell my boss I can't do random bouts of 3rd shift anymore ready to do bad things flipping sleep schedule like this
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ladybugsbadluck · 1 year
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boyfeminism · 6 months
a few months ago they replaced the tile in one of the buildings with like super fake wood flooring and the floor is so fragile you cant mop it bc water destroys it (which is a bad fucking idea for a zoo, especially for the building THAT FLOODS) so they clearly didnt take their custodians into consideration bc we didnt even know abt that until they were finished. so we have to use a shit ass swiffer and i just spent half an hour cleaning up some of the worse spots bc kids yesterday were fucking Messy and im STILL not done and i have too much shit to do to waste my time cleaning this stupid floor!!! so im not doing that fuck em <3 i'll come back for it if i must
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pdanno · 1 year
i’m just fuming over my job rn lol (forgive the rant but it’s me getting mad over labor regulations or the lack thereof)
i’m an RA (resident assistant in a university/college) and going through training. and it’s absurd the lack of labor laws or boundaries expressed. housing as an organization is cultish.
it should be noted because of special classification RAs are not typical employees, are not protected under the fair labor law standards, and if we try to unionize I don’t think there is much in the way of preventing our employer from firing everyone and hiring other broke college kids. which is particularly insidious because where you live is also then in jeopardy. and unionization is hard- most ppl in the role are always first years, a few second years and almost no third years. so ppl just leave as soon as they join. not to mention the role inherently means you live where you work, so housing seems to believe the job becomes your identity and life. there are no boundaries.
i start training at 9am, and then at 12 i don’t get a real break; i am required to eat lunch with all my coworkers and talk about things with them for the duration of lunch. if I’m lucky and get out early I might have 15-20 minutes to myself before training goes for another 4 hours. then another required meal period where my supervisor asks us questions. then some “optional” socials or “mandatory” extra training for half an hour to an hour and a half.
it is a requirement we eat meals as a team on weekends, and i didn’t even get the days off because sunday had 2 hours required meals and 3 hours required “activities.”
and then we are also expected to decorate the hall floor, make door decorations, start prepping for arrivals. all on our own time. if we do not meet expectations regarding this it’s going to be brought up by supervisors.
so today i was at required activities from 9am-6:30pm with 2 extra hours of work besides. counting meals, which I would because it’s not really free time, that’s 10.5 hour day. and i’m not getting paid until the end of the month. but it’s like 12 grand for the year bc my housing and meal plan is free plus other stuff. but it’s so not worth the emotional toll lmao. i love the people but I cannot stand the attitude to work and work ethic.
like even just, the hourly pay for on call expectations would be so different if it were fair. as of right now we do not get paid for that.we get a financial aid package (about 11k you are not spending but are also like. not receiving? personally they phrase it like it’s compensation when i think it’s distinctly just not charging you, therefore not having a profit on their end is not compensation on ours, and also that i think the role generates more value than they lose by providing housing.)
and a stipend of about $200 a month.
but please understand their expectation is that you are always always always working, in customer service mode, when you are in your living space. any time you see a resident you are not you. you are an RA . i sometimes dread going to the bathroom.
IMO fair compensation JUST IN THAT aspect would be a low base hourly pay rate for on-call (we are geographically restricted and cannot legally leave, which is usually grounds for a base on call pay. but oops this is a student position and we are not afforded those labor rights.) and higher rate when actively responding to complaints. however nope i’m just gonna have drunk teenagers try to hug me covered in vomit for 200 bucks a month thanks. plus on call is 14 hours every week. and then there’s weekends where it’s occasional 48 hour shifts. always being ready to respond to emergencies.
idk i feel like the role itself is inherently exploitative. I also understand most of my complaints are with capitalism and not like anything like too specific to my university. but god i want my parking to be covered. i don’t need to spent money on a permit for this shit. i try testing the waters and saying i think we should get parking permits and get shot down because “we are the best compensated in the state” well maybe we shouldn’t be aiming to be the best of the worst now huh? what’s wrong with wanting more?
same supervisor has complained in the past about small responsibilities being changed to make the job easier as “getting less work for more money” AS IF THAYS A BAD THING???? THAT IS THE END GOAL. everyone should always be slowly doing less work for more money- more efficiency. but not the case when you moralize work i suppose. i feel bad for him sometimes. he’s a nice person but his has drank the kool aid so thoroughly it’s unbelievable. that since he had to work x amount of jobs and burn himself out, that’s a reasonable expectation to have of other ppl? like ok sure
i am already making their lives more difficult bc i want to take care of myself and I advocate for myself. so i’ve been on the upper staff radars like 3 fucking times in one week. because i need their OH so gracious permission to take my ADULT ASS off campus to eat dinner with people that are not them. thanks for the fucking hall pass assholes. something about that feels genuinely dystopic.
speaking of, we are only allowed 14 nights off campus. like wtf. even when i am not on call i am geographically restricted? what kind of bullshit is that. it’s a huge load of it is what it is. this includes weekends btw.
i understand this is a very privileged take though. I keep the position bc it’s good for my pocket and I can help ppl. But I think it’s fair to criticize either way. im grateful for the reduced bill cause helps a lot for my debt. mental health tho… hahaha :(
The RA position is setting people up who are early in their careers, or new to professional environments, and it is telling them that these unhealthy expectations are normal and expected, to the extent that the rest of their lives they will be constantly exploited without ever realizing it. Because this job teaches them that it is both acceptable and normal. it’s bad.
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apexulansis · 1 year
Speaker Ardaka still wears his shitty raggedy rebel outfit at the council meetings and also his fur is probably unbrushed
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