#Falu red
2000ghosts · 1 month
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july 21, 2007
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hautecouturehues · 9 months
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awooyoo · 24 days
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should i post my 3D models here as well? 👀
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belligerentbagel · 1 year
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wishing wells and magic spells and everything between  can you tell me what it’s like?  or how it’s going to be? 
witchsona week!
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talesofadragon · 1 year
𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬
Synopsis: The world was not created in colors to be lived seldom in white, black, or even gray. This is what Y/N believed, and she resolutely refuses to be told otherwise. But when a night at the city’s most prestigious nightclub triggers a series of misfortunate events, Y/N’s world of hues is thrown off balance, colliding with a stranger whose eyes may be blue but his world is a handful of shades too dark.  
Pairing: Mob Boss!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mature scenes. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 2.8K
Chapter 1 - Flat White | Varicolored Schemes Masterlist
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𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐖 York’s gateway to damnation.
Celebrated as the epitome of New York's nightlife, the club stood tall as a beacon of ecstasy. Its alluring neon lights and captivating fire displays worked their magic, casting a spell on anyone who entered. Not to mention how the bartenders' artistry in concocting sinful drinks and the hypnotic rhythm of the music had the power to transport patrons to the very edge of heaven's precipice.
Everyone loved Purgatory. Everyone except Y/N. She harbored not even a modicum of affinity for the newly inaugurated business. In her rather abashed opinion, Purgatory was a breathing disaster. The crimson walls reminded her of Christian Gray’s outrageous BDSM room, and the obsidian marble bar sparked memories of Voldemort’s reign of terror. Yes, black and red were colors that went well together, but the falu red walls were anything but flattering when the amber lights glided over them.
It was outrageous how long the waiting list was for a place as distasteful as this. Though the only redeeming factor, to some extent, was the quality of the drinks. But the bartender seriously needed to draw the limit for those who callously consumed alcohol as if they were born in Russia and had gained supernatural immunity against vodka’s kicks and punches.
Three guys had already attempted to take Y/N to the bathroom, which was a despicable shade of merlot, for a quick shag. And only one of the three walked away without the promise of a kiss from her pepper spray because he had been pulled by the ear by whom Y/N assumed was his girlfriend.
And to top it all off, Yelena, Y/N’s best friend, had disappeared somewhere in the crowd and wasn’t answering any of her texts. Feeling exasperated, Y/N retrieved her phone from her pocket. If Yelena continued to ignore her text messages, then it was time to make a call. Maybe the incessant vibration of her phone for a solid minute would finally capture Yelena's attention. The phone rang five times before Yelena finally picked up, and to Y/N’s misfortune, her friend didn’t sound alone.
“Please tell me you’re not on the phone with me while having sex with some guy.”
“I am not on the phone with you while having sex,” Yelena replied indignantly. There was some shuffling from her end of the line, audibly heard from the lack of blaring music. “I’m getting pizza with some people I met at the club.”
“You’re what? With who? And you didn’t think to tell me!”
“I’m telling you now.”
“How considerate of you,” Y/N seethed, gripping her phone tighter. She was already speeding out of the club, pushing her way through the drunken herd. “You couldn’t have informed me of your plans when you ditched me forty-five minutes ago?”
“No, because I didn’t have any plans forty-five minutes ago. I just had them five minutes before you called.”
Y/N inwardly groaned. Now that she was outside the club, she was certain that Yelena must have heard her. She forcefully yanked on the car door handle, hastening to insert the key into the ignition. "Seriously, Yelena? I can't believe you abandoned me for a group of strangers!"
"Hey!" Yelena chided. "I didn't ditch you for them. I ditched you for pizza."
“Luigi’s Pizza.”
“Luigi’s! That’s all the way across town. Are you sure it's a good idea to go there with people you just met?”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to be talking on the phone while driving?”
“You’re on Bluetooth speaker right now,” Y/N fired back. She was starting to get visibly irritated.
“Good for you. Lock the doors while you’re driving, and keep the pepper spray close to you.”
Is she seriously going over a road safety protocol with me right now? Y/N thought. “You’re with a bunch of strangers. In a car that’s not your own. Going to goddamn Luigi’s at four in the morning! And you’re lecturing me about safety?”
“Yes,” came Yelena’s answer. Her tone was a perfect mix of exasperation and incredulity. “Besides, they should be more afraid of me than I will ever be of them.” Y/N couldn’t argue with that. “Now, let me focus on the road, птичка.”
“Are you really the one driving, Yel?” Y/N asked.
“Of course I am. You’d think I’d let some stranger drive me to Luigi’s?”
Y/N couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was such a quintessential Yelena remark. She was just about to caution her friend to stay safe when the call abruptly disconnected, leaving behind a resounding beep that filled the ensuing silence. She had to applaud Yelena for her dual role as both a nuisance and an entertainer.
Deciding not to bother and call again, Y/N focused on getting herself home. Fifteen minutes away from her house, she turned on her blinker and took a right turn. Unaware of the glass shards on the road ahead, Y/N let out a shriek when a loud popping noise flooded her ears. Her hands tightened their hold on the steering wheel as realization dawned on her: something was awry with her car. Its movements became increasingly hesitant, raising her anxiety levels with each passing moment.
By some stroke of luck, Y/N managed to park her car on the side of the road. Taking a few moments to collect herself, she focused on calming her racing thoughts. Without delay, she activated her emergency lights and cautiously stepped out of the vehicle. As she rounded the car, her gaze immediately landed on the deflated tire.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Frustration surged through Y/N as she swiftly retrieved her phone and dialed Yelena's number. The phone rang twice, briefly fanning the flames of Y/N’s hope, before the call abruptly ended. Trying once more, she stomped her feet on the road in frustration when it went straight to voicemail. "Goddamn Luigi’s! And goddamn you, Yelena Belova!"
When Yelena had invited her to Purgatory, Y/N didn’t think that she was going to be balancing on the edge of hell, her grip on sanity hanging by a thread.
She glared at her flat tire, her eyes wandering to the glass shards a couple of feet away and then to the dark sky above her. It was way too early for this shit. And while yes, Y/N did have a spare tire in her trunk, she had no idea how to change it. So, she did what any sane person would do in such a situation. She yelled out in frustration and kicked the goddamn thing.
After releasing her frustration, she got into the car and settled in the driver’s seat. Locking her doors and making sure her pepper spray was close by, Y/N started googling a 24/7 roadside assistance service. As her search results loaded in a flash, a sudden knock on her window stole her attention from the glowing screen, drawing her gaze to mesmerizing blue eyes on the other side of the glass.
Startled, Y/N jolted in her seat, instinctively leaning away from the window. However, her initial fear quickly transformed into astonishment as she focused on the man standing on the other side of the glass. He motioned for her to roll down her window, and she complied. Although the window only opened partially, leaving only a small gap, the stranger didn't seem to mind.
"Hello, ma'am," he greeted with a hint of a smile. His poised voice and penetrating blue eyes sent shivers down Y/N's spine.
She cleared her throat, trying to mask any hint of trepidation. "Hi," she replied, her voice steadier than she felt inside.
“I saw that you have a flat tire. Can I help you in any way?”
Y/N hesitated, glancing between him and her phone, unsure of how to respond. She waited for a moment, attempting to appear nonchalant, before replying, "Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather call for roadside assistance."
"At four in the morning?" He tilted his head slightly to the right, and Y/N felt a nervous gulp rise in her throat. She couldn't tell if it was his chiseled jaw or his imposing gaze that unsettled her. "If you get a hold of them, it might take them an hour to get here. I can fix your tire in five minutes."
Y/N gnawed at her lower lip, torn between the convenience of accepting the stranger's help and her initial hesitation. She glanced between him and the road, contemplating her options. Did she really want to stay locked in her car for an entire hour, or did she want to get home quickly and rest in the comfort of her own bed?
"Besides a spare tire, I don't have a repair kit or anything," she admitted, her expression now tinged with a hint of hopelessness. While she was willing to accept the man's assistance, she feared that it might not be enough to get her back on the road.
The stranger's lips twitched, forming a reassuring smile that strangely comforted Y/N. "Don't worry about that. I've got you covered." His words seemed to carry an air of confidence that put her at ease.
Nodding her head, Y/N reached out to open the car door. The stranger fell back a step, extending a hand to help her out of her car. She cautiously accepted it, surprised by the softness of his touch and the delicate gesture.
As soon as she was out, he let go of her hand. Though his touch was polite and fleeting, Y/N found herself needing it to anchor her when she finally focused on him. She couldn't help but be struck by his height. Despite having to lean down to face her window, he easily towered over six feet.
Blinking owlishly, she fiddled with her keys before pressing a button to open the trunk. When the stranger passed her to grab the spare tire, she noticed him motioning for the two men in the black car behind her. She bristled, eyes wary. Her shoulders immediately relaxed when one of them fished out the tire repair kit and handed it to the stranger.
“Here you go, boss,” the man with brown hair tied in a bun said.
He straightened his black blazer, offering a brief nod in Y/N's direction. She eyed him curiously, following his light steps. Turning her attention back to the blond man, she couldn't help but feel intrigued. "What's your name?" she inquired.
He looked up at her, his piercing blue eyes meeting her gaze before he replied, "Steven. Though most people call me Steve, ma'am."
"Y/N," she clarified, introducing herself while absently placing a hand on her arm. Partly rubbing away the intrigue that slithered through her body and mostly attempting to conceal the areas her short mauve dress exposed.
“Y/N,” Steve enunciated. His delicate and euphonious words were a stark contrast to his intimidating stature. He studied her, regarding the way she shifted from one foot to another. She bit down on her tongue, ready to react in case of any abrupt movement. To her surprise, Steve shrugged off his jacket and extended it to her. “Would you mind holding on to it? I wouldn’t want to get it dirty.”
“Sure.” Her voice came out breathless, caught off guard by his request. She took the jacket from Steve’s hand, noting how he moved his fingers around to avoid brushing hers. The action was both welcome and disappointing because, despite Y/N's guarded demeanor, she couldn't help but feel drawn to Steve's enigmatic presence and the subtle grace with which he moved.
“You can put it on.”
Steve laughed slightly at Y/N’s oblivious state. He regarded her as she hugged the piece of fabric close to her body, noting the way the faint street light glided over her soft features. “It’s cold. And if you insist on standing in the open road, I’d feel much better if you kept yourself warm.”
Y/N's fingers clenched tightly onto the fabric of Steve's leather jacket. The warmth that surged through her body in response to his words was palpable, yet she masked her emotions with caution. "It's alright," she responded carefully. "Thank you, but I really don't need to."
"I insist," Steve countered, his gaze carrying an air of authority. She found herself yielding to it, unable to resist. As soon as she placed the jacket on her shoulders, her nose embraced the dizzying scent of sandalwood and bourbon. She dug her hands into the jacket’s pockets, feeling at ease in Steve’s presence. “Do you live far?”
“Fifteen minutes away,” she replied.
Steve was currently engrossed in adjusting the new tire, and Y/N took the opportunity to quietly observe him. Her eyes traced his skillful fingers as they gripped the tire, and she found herself captivated by his blond hair and the strands that fell gently across his eyes.
“New Yorker?”
She shook her head. “I actually moved here a couple of months back. I’m from Washington.”
“Really? That’s where I met Sam,” Steve remarked, gesturing towards the car parked behind them where the two men sat. Y/N’s gaze shifted to the tall, black man with a laid-back expression, whom she identified as Sam. “Him and Bucky, the one beside him, are my best friends.”
“Didn’t the one with the man bun, uhh, Bucky, call you boss?”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah, it’s definitely a long story,” he admitted, leaving the details unspoken. After a brief pause, his curiosity turned toward Y/N. “What about you?” he inquired. “Made any friends here?”
“Not much,” she hummed. “Except for a best friend who decided that forgoing a slice of Luigi’s pizza in favor of keeping me company would be sacrilegious.”
The roaring of Steve’s laughter was welcome in the dimly lit road. For a moment, he forgot all about fixing the tire, letting his attention fall on Y/N. His voice was full of mirth as he spoke, “Luigi’s is a godsend. Tell her to try the Brooklyn special. It’s my favorite.”
“Now I know what to get you as a thank you for your services.”
“Don’t you worry about that, doll.” Steve flashed her a winsome smile, and she just knew that the goosebumps on her skin were not caused by the crisp wind around them. I’m just glad to have crossed your path.”
As Steve spoke, Y/N watched him deftly dust off his fingers and tidy up the tools. The five minutes seemed to pass all too quickly, much to Y/N's disappointment. He efficiently organized everything back in its designated spot, and when she tried to lend a hand, he kindly gestured for her to stop with a raised hand. Meanwhile, Bucky stepped out of the car and retrieved the kit from Steve, who was now carefully placing the old tire in Y/N’s trunk.
“I really can’t thank you enough for this,” YN expressed sincerely.
Steve closed her trunk, leaning against her car with a radiant grin. “It’s no problem at all.” He fished out a card holder from the pocket of his jeans and offered it to Y/N. “If you ever need anything, or you lose your friend to Luigi’s and find yourself in need of someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to give me a call. Even if it’s at four in the morning.”
Y/N's gaze fixed upon the card, her eyes gliding over the elegant golden letters delicately engraved on the sleek black paper. The minimalistic design caught her attention, showcasing only the essential contact details. It held a certain allure, an understated elegance that piqued her curiosity.
“Thank you,” she found herself saying. She wished she could say more, but the whole encounter had left her astounded. It was a wonder her brain even managed to form two words.
Reluctantly, Y/N observed Steve nodding his head as he bid her goodbye. He took his place in the back of his car but didn’t motion for Bucky to move. It took her a moment, perhaps a moment too long, to grasp that he was waiting for her to safely settle in her own car before he would depart.
Immediately, Y/N jumped in her car and turned it on. She waved at Steve as he passed by her car and went on his way. Suddenly, a realization struck Y/N like a striking lightning bolt. Two thoughts reverberated in her mind with newfound clarity.
Yelena’s unexpected disappearance turned out to be far more favorable than Y/N had initially thought. And to add to the intrigue, Steve had not only left her with his phone number but with his jacket and an open invitation to call him whenever she wanted. The weight of these revelations settled upon her, igniting a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
The day was shaping out to be a good one. Or so she thought.
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: ̗̀➛ Read Chapter 2 | Morally Gray
Series Taglist: @crazyunsexycool
From a "one shot" that was not supposed to exceed 6k words to a series, here's to hoping I make it a good one. Thank you for reading this! What are your thoughts so far?
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full-blown-idiot · 1 month
Salt water laps at boots, steadily higher as the tide draws; and wind wills it. Muddy hues mindlessly scour- not truly looking, but observing, as the storm throws spray. He's all but salt crusted, the dark pigment around his eyes pulling tight as saline dries, eyes a permanent squint. He hadn't bothered to scrub his boots prior to walking down the docks- the evidence of his trials plastered there, on black leather.
Blood, and mud. Debris that swirled into the water, as he haunted the ocean's edge. It was not something he'd grown accustomed to, this aching wanting that he so greedily hoarded- back curled to inner hate.
He didn't know how long he sat, as it began to drizzle and the water licked up his midcalf- as though ravenous to pull him in. Or how long he stayed there, for his legs to hurt, and his back to pinch when it straightened.
He 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 to spy that circling fin; and a mask of falu pulchritudinous familiarity. So akin to his own- and with great blue hues beneath; analytical and unimaginably intelligent. Sharp nails and teeth he'd only spied that one fateful day- sharp enough to dissect with bare movement of the jaw.
He 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 the blood to alert him- whoever he was. Wanted to see yet again, that dusty grey, slice through the water toward him. His heart- and his freakish mind, so attuned to this- being, this beauty, that could tear him to pieces if he wanted. A heavy sigh, had boots scuffling against wood, as he arose; soaked feet and stinging eyes, to make the trudge back, turning from the view. Missing, the trilateral shape that sluiced lazily towards the dock.
And he likely wouldn't ever have known, if it wasn't for the wet thud that sounded; slapping against wood with finality that had him rounding; to be greeted by ghoulish red features, and perhaps the biggest mackerel he'd ever lain eyes upon, artfully skewered through the eye, on an imposing metal tipped spear.
@s0fter-sin <3
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kermit-ydafrog · 4 months
This is a Teenager Y/N x Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Story!
Skintone = (S/t)
Eye Color = (E/c)
Hair Color = (H/c)
Hair Length = (H/l)
Hairstyle = (H/s)
Birth Country = (B/c)
Vacation Country = (V/c)
Height = (H)
Age = (A)
9 Deadly Rings
It was another night at the dorms of 9 kids who we're best friends since they we're young
They we're having a sleepover tonight before there other friends depart for there birth country
It was 2 Days before they all leave for there little vacation at there birth country
Y/N: I am going to miss you guys so much!
Y/N is a (M/F/They) and is (Age) and is wearing a Grey Hoodie, Black Pants, Grey and White Rubber Shoes and a Backward Cap
Y/N skin is (S/t) while there hair is (H/l) (H/s) and is color (H/c) and there height is (H)
Y/N is going back to there home country at (B/c) as they leave the Philippines which is where they we're living because there (Parent) is a Filipino while there other (2nd Parent) is from (B/c) and wanna have there vacation there to meet there other relatives
Zara: Yeah same here dude but hey let's make sure the we get to text each other once the day is done so we can keep each other updated
Zara is a 16 year old female who is wearing a Black hoodie with a white shirt underneath, Grey Checkered Pants, Black and White Fila Shoes
She is also 4'10 in height, Has Brown Apple Cut Hairstyle, Warm Beige Colored Skintone and Dark Brown Eyes
Zara is living in the Philippines and so she will be staying behind alongside with her younger Brother John
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John: Agree but hey have a nice vacation guys and Ofcourse stay safe
John is 15 year old Male one of Zara's siblings who is always seen wearing Black and Green Shirt with an opened Blue Jacket, Black Shorts and Blue sandals
John's height is 5'3, Has a Black Long fringe Hairstyle, Golden Skin, Dark Brown Eyes
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Miko: Welp I guess I have to see you guys the next 3 Months!
Miko said Happily
Miko is a 16 year old female but her pronounce is They/Them, They are always seen with a dark red shirt with Blue jeans and black boots
Miko's height 5'1 have Black long low ponytailed hairstyle, Honey skintone, Black eyes
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Leiz: I'm gonna leave this DAMN country with STYLE BITCHES!
Leiz said in her sassy attitude as always
Leiz is a 16 year old sassy Female who wears a White tank top with long sleeves that only reveals her shoulders, Blue Leather Short, Cyan Heels and is seen wearing Black glasses
Leiz's full name is Leizanne but it was shortened to Leiz, Her height is 5'1 and has black long loose wavy hair, light brown eyes and Warm Ivory Skin tone
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In the background there you could see Judas having her head on Kurt's left shoulder crying softly...
Judas: I'm going to miss you so much
She cries and sniffles...
Kurt: Don't worry my angel...will see each other soon and don't forget that I will always call and text you everyday, night, before and after breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and dinner I promise
He said softly holding her and rubbing his hand on Judas's back softly
(We always have that one friend with a partner in the friend group even if there still like 14-16 👍)
Judas(Female) and Kurt(Male) are both 16 years old(Kurt being older by 3 Months, They both have Black short hair, Judas has an Apple cut medium hair that went to her neck while Kurt has a Quiff hairstyle
Judas has a Pale Ivory Skintone, Freckles and her height is 5'1
Judas is also wearing a Falu Red Sweater, Dark Blue Leather Jeans, She also has a yellow spring duck hair pin, wears rose pink crocks and also has Kurt's Black Hoodie wrapped around her waist
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Kurt has Natural Warm Undertone Skin and his height is 5'3
Kurt is always seen with a white shirt underneath a Red unzipped Jacket, black pants and Blue Nike's Brand shoes
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Nathasia: Sanaol(Slang word for "I wish everyone has one)
Nathasia's Height is 4'8, She's a 17 years old Female, She also has a Golden Warm Undertone Skintone, Black medium puffy apple cut hairstyle and Dark Brown eyes
Nathasia is always seen wearing a Brown Sweater with a Middle Finger imprinted on it saying "Fuck you" which was gifted by Zara from Nathasia's Birthday, She is also wearing a Black Leather Pants and black and White sneakers
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And lastly there was a girl who is named Aira at the circle that the kids made on the floor around there only purple circled carpet
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Aira is a Shy 16 year old Female the youngest of the group by months and her height being 5'0
Aira has a Porcelain Cool Undertone Skin color, Dark Brown Eyes, A black Curly medium hair in a low braided style and is wearing a a white long sleeve sweater, light blue leather Jeans, Plum colored Ballet shoes with a bow on the tip of it, and lastly a pink bow hair pin on her head
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And this is where the story starts...
"The Risk Takers/Chapter 1"
The kids laugh as they talk and talk, tell jokes, be goofy and cuss at times or talk dirty at times too and just laugh it off
🟠Leiz🟠: And I was like BITCH get to fucking ugly ass face out of mine if not I'll call the 1950's police to take back there old junk
🟢Zara🟢: Damn Bruh, was that really necessary???
She laughs
🔵Kurt🔵: Leiz your so fucking cold
He said jokingly
🟠Leiz🟠: Don't hate the Player, Hate the Game
⚪Y/N⚪: Yeah well I hate (Unlike Game), I think it's shit and unoriginal
Almost everyone look at Y/N and then suddenly...
🟠Leiz🟠: I didn't say literally
Leiz roll her eyes playfully and everyone chuckles
The friend group Continues to talk until...
🟢Zara🟢: So...what countries we're guys born in again? And so where are you guys going to have a vacation to?
⚪Y/N⚪: Well I'm going back to my home country at (B/c) for awhile and then soon enough I'm going to (V/c) for maybe...2 months I think?
🟠Leiz🟠: My Birth country is at England and I'm going to have a vacation at Japan~!
What about you Aira?
She said smirking while swinging her hair to the side
🟡Aira🟡: I'm from Italy and I'm going to France for my Uncle's Wedding
🟢Zara🟢: Tell your Uncle I said "congrats!"
⚪Y/N⚪: What about you Miko?
🔴Miko🔴: Well I'm from South Korea and I'm going to Japan to see the Cherry Blossom Trees!!! Eeekkk!!!
She said excitedly
🟣Judas🟣: Sanaol, Well I'm going back to Mexico to visit some family members and will be going to America for a vacation
🔵Kurt🔵: I'm having a vacation at South Africa and also I'm literally born here in the Philippines can't you tell?
🚫John🚫: Why does that sound so racist???
🔵Kurt🔵: Come to think of it, it kind of is oof, sorry
He said casually after realizing what he just said
⚫Nathasia⚫: Well I'm born at England but when I turned 3 I was moved here in the Philippines because if my mom and then soon enough met my Bestie
She said while nudging her elbow to Zara
🟢Zara🟢: You got that right
⚫Nathasia⚫: And I'm going to be having my Vacay at USA also at Washington
🟣Judas🟣: I guess me and Nathasia are going to have a full on 2 girls night
Everyone complain saying "That's so unfair" or "Favouritism much?" In all teasing way making Y/N laugh at how almost everyone except Aira gang up on Nathasia and Judas
⚪Y/N⚪: What about you Zara? John?
Everyone turned to the Siblings
🟢Zara🟢: Well we're born here in the Philippines and our parents we're planning to go to Japan to see the Cherry Blossom Trees too!
She exclaimed happily
🔴Miko🔴: Oh my gosh same! Let's go!
⚪Y/N⚪: Aww that's so cute! A little Big Brother and Younger sister bonding time
She squeeled like a Chihuahua
🚫John🚫: Shut the fuck up
He bonk Zara's head
Your so loud
🟢Zara🟢: Oh fuck you
⚪Y/N⚪: When are you guys even born?
🟢Zara🟢: Dec 14
🚫John🚫: April 22 and 2 years younger
⚪Y/N⚪: Oooh
After awhile the kids got bored and decided to play a game which they made themselves which they called "The Grey Acts" it sound stupid but they prefer it that way especially the fact they called there gang "The Risk Takers" they're really bad at making group names
The Game is simple...
All they have to do is go and sit down in a circle around there round purple Carpet in the middle of there room...
They pick a fandom they like and pick a character and each of them start to write an event of some sort on a paper and put it in a hat and shuffle it
In each round one of them will grab one paper in the hat and everyone in the circle will roleplay that even in the character they choose
And Ofcourse everyone gets a turn to grab a paper themselves after each round
This time they all decided to go for the 7 Deadly sins but they added Heaven in it so it could be more interesting
They all then vote each other to be who is who
Aira was immediately voted for Heaven/Angel because she was mostly to be the mother or well caretaker of the whole bunch
Y/N and Zara was Pride even though this is way too humble for there own damn good and just shows everyone that they should be themselves and don't care about what other people think badly of you because you are just ✨💕AMAZING💕✨
John was Wrath when even though he has patience to not go on and turn on Hulk mode and destroy something and everything in his path by giving them a 3 chances before he blows a fuse
Judas was Gluttony when she's really have an amazing schedule of her diet...Talk about early dieting at this age
Kurt was Greed when this motherfucker is spoiling his girlfriend 24/7 and the fact he always put some of his change in charity boxes like bruh chill we get it your rich don't have to flex on us that you get to put Php100 on the fucking charity box 😭 butt then again his really generous
Nathasia was Envy when she's way too much chill with what she has to the point she can get creative with it like the dude uses there plastic bottles as vases and even uses some old recyclable newspapers to make a damn good Cosplay mask to the point she sells those damn stuff at school for Php15-Php20
Leiz was Lust because the girls is a dirty minded bitch which everyone just agreed and Leiz herself too...proud even but she Ofcourse only do that with her close friends just to goof off but when it comes to strangers she is shy and if someone did that to her she won't hesitate to slapped them
Miko was Sloth when the dude always put her assignments, projects, quizzes, exams and Chores first before even hanging out with them like bruh Sanaol
And so the kids then formed a circle around there Round Purple Carpet and put there shoelaces strings in a line in between each of them except Y/N and Zara who we're both are roleplaying as Pride
The group then decided to put and pulled out a book they found at the beach last month ago from there field trip in the middle to be more creepy and edgy or what not for the game
The book was old, rusty and had this some kind oval shaped mirror in the middle of it with metal scale of a snakes surrounding it and the book itself as aesthetic designs of it
The containment of the Book has ripped pages, burnt pages and is written in a strange Language which the group hought was a book made by a Tiktoker for someone to find it and keep it as a souvenir or what not for themselves
The group had decided to pull an all nighter since there was no classes tomorrow since it's the weekends
And so then...
The Game Begins...
End Of Chapter 1...
That's all for now! :D
I wanna see if anyone likes it before I continue this series :b
Thank you for reading in advance! 💕✨
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3scapethevoid · 11 months
I'm a pyromaniac and an aichmomainiac..
I found a flag for pyromania (which I don't like), but I can't find one for aichmomania.
So here's what I created.
My pyromania flag:
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[Flag ID: A flag with six horizontal stripes, the colors in order being light gold, cantaloupe, whiskey, earth, espresso, deep brown. End ID]
What is pyromania? an obsessive desire to set fire to things.
Aichmomania flag:
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[Flag ID: A flag with six horizontal stripes, the colors in order being pale slate, smokey grey, black cow, pale carmine, falu red. End ID]
What is aichmomania? an obsession with knives. may also have an obsession with sharp objects, depending on the person.
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[image ID: A⁴spec+ flag in a black box, next to a longer black box with text reading "DNI; queerphobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, xenogenderphobes, racists, ableists, sexists, intersexists, neophobes, anti mspec gays/lesbians, anti-conflicting labels, anti-kink allosexuals, transids (except transgender), TERFs/Exclusionists, ace alienators, 'ace and aro = same', endophobes" end ID]
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gendertarot · 4 months
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Invicircstream / Invistrecent: An inviane identity that can only be described by this specific version of Strength, by Madam Clara. This card is found in the 5-cent Tarot and the Alleyman's Tarot. This may be used on its own, or as a gender, aldern, or any other aspect of identity.
[ID: two rectangular flags with 5 horizontal stripes. The stripes from top to bottom are falu red, dark sand, medium grey, darker sand, pale gold. In the middle of the first flag, there is a Strength tarot card. The card depicts a seal standing upright on an armadillo's back. The seal is balancing a red and gold striped ball on its nose. Overlaid on the seal is a banded ouroboros in the shape of a figure 8, which itself is overlaid with the word Strength. The background is a pale brown starburst, with flowers in each corner of the flag. Dangling down from the top corners is a flower garland. Written in a circle around the seal are the words control, discipline, helplessness, and insecurity. At the top of the flag is the roman numeral 8, which is overlaid with a banner with the word self-mastery. At the bottom of the flag is a banner reading weakness. End ID.]
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 10 months
Helping Love | Klance Omegaverse Information
Book is created and published on my Wattpad account SeraphimFawn-fallen
ABO Systems for different planets: Depending on the planet, leader, and rules, a members of that species will go through what is known as a presentation like a series of tests and trials and once the tests come back with results will show what that person is with the three titles. A for Alpha, B for Beta, and O for Omega.
There is a percentage for which is mainly known in the universe and there is a low rate of conceiving for pregnancy’s depending on the title of the person. There is a high amount of Alphas making them between common and uncommon, there is a middle amount of Betas often times an even amount to Alphas making them also common or uncommon, then finally the last of the System is Omegas. There is an extremely low amount of them in the universe for multiple reasons, the main few involve killing, death at giving birth to a pup, slavery, and of course using the Omegas body until they die so the rate for them is nearly several hundreds while Alphas and Betas are in the millions.
The percentage for the ABO System is an average of below: Alphas: 6.19 M (Million) Betas: 8.32 M (Million) Omegas: 643 H (Hundred)
Omegas are rare in the universe because of the treatment they receive because of their title. Omegas are considered toys, a pet, or in worse cases an incubator to produce pups. Because of their treatment the rate for an Omega is extremely low and those that present as an Omega often lie to protect themselves, Male Omegas however are the most rare and due to their title status it’s unlikely to present as an Omega much less a Male Omega. All Omegas of either gender are able to get pregnant, there are things to keep in mind and those are safety but due to the circumstances most Omegas often don’t live past their 30’s because of treatment. A title is everything to someone, it tells if you’ll succeed in life or you’ll die in life. Betas are normal and either get the same treatment as Alphas or the same treatment as Omegas depends on how they act or what option they choose and Omegas are pregnant for 5 months.
A pup is a child. And a litter is a bunch of kids.
Aura reading Colors:
The Colors of Auras around a Person (Lance’s Survival Tactic): White: Normal Dark Black: Untrustworthy Gray: Dead Amethyst: Fear Green: Disgust Areolin: Happiness Pink: Flustered Red: Anger Charcoal: Lying Chrome Yellow: Truth Cool Black: Trustworthy Coral Rose: Troubled Dark Orchid: Embarrassed Orange: Guilty Falu Red: Jealousy Flame: Betrayed Rosso Corsa: Hostile Sacramento State green: Ashamed
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eldorr · 1 year
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Top Row: Style 1 with symbol (left) || Style 2 with symbol (right)
Bottom Row: Style 1 without symbol (left) || Style 2 without symbol (right)
Chronofluid: Your perceived age changes. Coined here by chronosian-info.
These flags were originally posted April 15th, 2022.
When I originally posted this there was already a Chronofluid flag, however currently that seems to be deleted...
DO NOT tag as “transage” or “altage” I WILL hardblock you.
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[ID] Four flags, the bottom two are just the first two without the symbols, the symbols being two black arrows that "rotate" around the inner circle, the inner circle being black with a transparent clock-hands. The first style of the flags has 13 horizontal stripes, ever even number stripe is thinner than the rest. The second style of flags has 7 equal size horizontal stripes. The colors from top to bottom on the first style are: black, falu red, deep carmine pink, cranberry pink, rose pink, pale baby pink, white, rich lilac, vibrant purple, persian blue, lapis blue, bush green, almost black green. The colors from top to bottom on the second style are: black, deep carmine pink, rose pink, white, vibrant purple, lapis blue, almost black green. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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hautecouturehues · 10 months
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aetherive · 1 year
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[Image ID: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes in the following order, from top to bottom: sepia black, falu red, jasper red, redwood, pale red, redwood, jasper red, falu red, and sepia black. In the centre of the flag is a red and white playing card, with a symbol in each corner. In the top left corner of the card is a black spade, in the top left corner is a red heart, the bottom left corner is a red diamond, and the bottom right corner is a black club. /end ID]
plain text: Casitgender.
— A gender identity related to the four playing card suits.
— Ca (from 'card') + sit (from 'suit') + gender
— Coined by us. Requested by anon.
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tinkerreise · 8 months
>Making Rödfärg (Red-paint)
My captioning/translation of a video by Skansen, a museum in Stockholm. Thought it was a shame that it had no captions at all, since it's a cute little paint cooking video about the most important paint in Sweden - röfärg, Falu-rött, etc.
Translation (long):
We usually associate red cabins with the Swedish countryside, but only a few hundred years ago all houses were unpainted and grey. Here on Skansen, you can see how even bigger homesteads were without paint, like Bollnässtugan and Älvhusgården. In the middle of the 17th century timbered buildings started to be painted in red, such as the wings of Skogaholms Herrgård, built in the late 18th century. The red colour was intended to resemble bricks, which was rare and expensive to build with. During the 17th century, it was decreed that all houses facing the streets were to be painted red. Dalsbogården from Hellsingland represents a well-to-do farmstead that was painted red at some point during the midpoint of the 19th century. The paint was a way to show one's prosperity. But in the 20th century, even simple cabins, such as this one from Sörmland, were painted red. At Skansen, there are many examples of how red-paint was combined with other colours, such as green and ochre. We’ll pay a visit to Skansens paint-master Björn Andersson, and he’ll teach us how to make and paint with red-paint.
«Hello, my name is Björn Andersson, and I am the paint-master at Skansen. Today we’ll be making some red emulsion paint, or rödfärg (red-paint), as it’s commonly known as. It’s one of the most common paints, in use since the late 17th century, and we use the same recipe then as now. One point differs though: while we use wheat flour to make the paint nowadays, rödfärg used to be made with rye flour. Today we’ll be using rye.
But first we’ll add the iron vitriol, now that the water has begun boiling. The iron vitriol is vaguely light-green in colour, and it’s this the addition of iron vitriol that preserves the painted wood. One thing that you ought to think about when boiling paint like this, is to watch out for the fumes that the iron vitriol gives off. If you stand over the pot with your mouth open, it’ll turn your teeth black! Many people want to brush iron vitriol on their houses directly. You brush it on like water, and with time, it’ll turn grey, and end up looking like our houses here that are unpainted and untreated. I recommend iron vitriol to timbered houses, but not for thin wooden panels - the iron vitriol may cause the wood to dry itself apart. When you’ve added the vitriol to the boiling water, it’ll take about fifteen minutes for it to dissolve in the water before you can add the flour. Now when the vitriol has dissolved in the water, it’s time to add the flour. I’ve stirred it out in some water to prevent clumping, just like when you’re making sauces at home. When you’ve added the flour, the paint must not be allowed to boil. If it does, it might boil over for one; but flour is the thickening agent, and if you boil it, the paint will end up being thinner. Let’s add the flour mixture to the paint… It tends to stick to the bottom of the pan and burn if you don’t stir it well. After a while, the paint will thicken. When it has, we’ll add the pigment.
As you can see, the paint has started to thicken, and it’s now time to add the red pigment. When we here at Skansen make paint, and school classes come and catch a whiff of this smell, they tend to say things like.. “Wow, this smells just like macaroni!” That’s due to the wheat flour, but now we’re making paint with rye flour, so it smells more like some kind of rye porridge or rye dough… This is really just like cooking. Now when the flour has thickened the paint, it’s time to add the pigment. This is rödfärg from Falu copper mine. Today we’re making the brighter version of the paint, which also is older. The pigment comes from the slag piles. You bring the slag in, wash it, grind it up, and burn it in large ovens to bring out the red colour. In the first stage of the process, the pigment turns yellow-ochre. Burn the pigment more and it turns bright red. Even more, and it turns dark red. Finally, burn it for long enough and it’ll turn black. The pigment is, after all, iron oxide.
As you see, the pigment turns the mixture red right away. It’ll take a little while for it to dissolve into the mixture. It’s important to stir the paint after you add the pigment, since it’s so heavy that it tends to settle at the bottom of the pot. This brighter shade of red was standard before the 1950s, but since then, the darker variant beat out the brighter one almost entirely. Here at Skansen, we started making rödfärg towards the end of the 1980s, and by that point we actually had to do special orders for the brighter red pigment. Ever since we started painting our houses with this shade of red, it became more and more popular, and nowadays you can actually buy this bright red rödfärg in stores. And here in the pot, it’s really starting to look like proper rödfärg, and at this point it does not smell like macaroni or dough.
When you’re painting houses with rödfärg, you need to brush off the old paint. While modern, water-based paints are brushed on in one thick layer, emulsion paints (slamfärger) such as rödfärg need to be worked into the wood. If you don’t brush the old paint off, the paint will crack and fall off. When brushing off the old paint, it’s important to wear a mask. The pain dust contains some unhealthy stuff, so it’s best not to breathe it in. I’ll skip the mask since I’m only brushing a tiny patch on this wall, but if you’re brushing a whole house, you should definitely wear a mask. You can use a coarse brush such as this one, but brass brushes are very effective. Steel brushes may damage the wood.
You’ll want the surface to be about this clean for the new paint to stick well. Now it’s just to work the paint into the wood. At this point, the paint is without linseed oil. Linseed oil is added to all the rödfärg paints you buy in stores. It’s important that it’s 8% boiled linseed oil or less. If it’s above 8%, it’s an oil paint, and not an emulsion paint. After that, you add a bit of såpa (liquid soap). I’ll add the oil to the paint tomorrow, once it has had time to cool down. If you add the soap to the paint after it has cooled down, you might be able to avoid those black specks that tend to be in rödfärg nowadays. Let’s paint. This is the typical brush for rödfärg, but I prefer brushes with longer bristles, since they hold more paint. Saturate the brush, then it’s just to work the paint into the wood. We’ll paint two layers of paint on this house. The first time around, we’ll dilute the paint with about 10% water. Work the paint into all the little crevices like this… and as you can see, it really stands out against the old paint, which has darkened a bit. But this new paint will darken a bit too once it dries.»
50 litres of water
2 kilos of iron vitriol
2.5 to 3kg of fine rye or wheat flour
8kg of (Falu) red pigment at most 8% boiled linseed oil + liquid soap (såpa)
The end!
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swedethings · 9 months
This or That: Autumn Edition
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"Autumn” or “Fall"?
"Inte heller… Höst."
Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?
"Apple picking. Autumn is the perfect time of year for äppelkaka; och there is no better way to make one then with freshly picked local apples."
Halloween or Thanksgiving?
"I am from Sweden. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving... And we barely celebrate Halloween."
Cashmere or Flannel?
Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
"Why would anyone ever choose warm and foggy? Just thinking about that weather makes me uncomfortable."
Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?
"What is a Yankee Candle? I am guessing that is an American thing? I will have to pick a roaring fireplace. The thought reminds me of the first snow... Which happens in autumn where I come from."
Scarves or Berets?
"Scarves. What do berets have to do with autumn? This should have asked about scarves or knit caps."
Cinnamon or Nutmeg?
"Cardamom... Och cinnamon."
Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
"Reading a book. Autumn is the perfect time of year to curl up with a new crime novel och read by the fire."
Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas?
"Nightmare Before Christmas... Only because I do not know what the other option is."
Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?
"Can hard cider be an option?"
Wool Socks or Slippers?
"Wool socks. Sweden gets cold in autumn."
Trick or Treat?
"I would rather dress as a Easter witch och fly to Blåkulla..."
Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?
"For what? Both serve different purposes och are good for different things."
Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark?
"I have no idea what either of these mean..."
Plaid or Neutrals?
"Neutrals? Both? I honestly do not know."
Coffee or Tea?
"I am Nordic; och I am a single mamma with a toddler... The answer is coffee. Always coffee."
Red or Gold?
"Red or gold? Red or gold what? Just the colors in general? Red."
Blankets or Pillows?
"Blankets. I love a cozy blanket on a cold autumn day."
Cabins or Cottages?
"I grew up in a falu red cabin in Dalarna... Of course I will always pick cabin."
Scary or Spoopy?
"What is 'spoopy'? Is that some English word I never learned?"
Sweaters or Boots?
"Both. I come from a place with cold autumns. Sweaters och boots are both needed to stay warm and comfortable."
Caramel Apples or Candy Apples?
"Are they not the same thing?"
Hay Rides or Leaf Peeping?
"I feel like I am going to be the odd one when I choose leaf-peeping. I like the thought of driving around och watching all the leaves change colors."
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littlebluestars · 10 months
Tagged by @offarawaysnfuturedays-inmydreams thank you <3
Favourite colour: so many but let's go with (deep) falu red
Currently reading: Les Mis
Last song: Scandinavian Music Group - Hölmö rakkaus
Last series: I have been rewatching Maria Wern and season 9 has just started so I'm probably going to watch that next week. Also I just finished season 2 of Heder. yes I'm a fan of Eva Röse
Last movie: uuh aah I don't really watch movies but the last one is probably Wendell & Wild (2022)
Sweet/savoury/spicy: spicy
Currently working on: Someone please give me the strenght to finish my master's. But more fandom related, let's see how long I can go without any content for my nordic series before I start making it myself
I'm not tagging anyone this time but feel free to do this!
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