#Fictional characters in everyday shenanigans
1w1wbigher06fan · 3 months
Optimus Prime:*struggling to open a jar of pickles*
Ratchet:* looks over at said prime struggling, looks at Jar in questions and opens it with one servo*
Optimus: what the f——-
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tropinano · 1 year
A Descriptive List of Celtic Fiction Podcasts
Reminiscent of fiction podcasts like TMA, Jack of All Trades etc... If you enjoy anything horror-comedy, general horror or narrative podcasts check these out!
note: Thank you for the reccommendations! I've added them to the list.
Middle:Below by Tin Can Audio - A horror-comedy about a fella called Taylor, he can travel inbetween the regular world and the 'middle' realm, and seems to be the only one...until!! He has banter with a charismatic ghost man called Gill and has a pet cat named Sans(?). Good sound quality and fun times.
The McIlwraith Statements by Ghostly Thistle - A monologue narrative about Sarah McIlwraith, recounting her mysterious involvement in the famous 'IPP' study. Dark academia vibes. The narrator has an absolutely lovely voice and accent!
Caledonian Gothic - Descriptive like HFTH, storytelling but the serious tone borderlines silly. If you like I Have Seen Niagara, you might like this! States it's true crime, true stories, but also promises magic and narratives aswell.
Neighbourly by Matthew O.K Smith - A horror anthology podcast about a creepy neighbourhood and the residents within. Stunnin' narration, with really good stories. I got pretty far in and it uploads every Monday. Great stuff.
The Switchboard by Hog and Dice Productions - A 'daily radio show' horror podcast set in a LIGHTHOUSE. HELL YEAH. It's got some funky sound design and some good stories. Both this and Neighbourly have lovely Dublin accents, and nice stories as usual.
Petrified by Peter Dunne and Liam Geraghty - An award-winning horror anthology podcast with very captivating and realistic dialogue. Unsettling and uneasy feeling it gives me. Main guy Teddy from the 'Dead Air' prologue is defo northern! I want to emphasize the realistic dialogue, it's great. Haven't heard him yet, but this podcast also has CECIL BALDWIN acting in it. Give it a shot!
In Darkness Vast by Hammergrin - A sci-fi podcast with some characters with funky names like Doombuggy, Earthfrank and Nervejump. Wolf 395 vibes, Nervejump is a silly AI lady up to shenanigans. Has some fun voices and sound design. Don't know much about it but it's made in Cork!
The Outside Tapes by Liam Brett and Evan Daly - Classic casette tape horror drama. Alfie Greaves is a journalist investigating a bizarre series of events that are all somehow connected. I love Alfie's voice because he has the same accent and inflection as me so it's very lovely to listen to! He is investigating deaths, so it seems to be a nice mix of Magnus Archives and Death by Dying.
Seren by Robin Howell - A short sci-fi about Seren flying through the stars to terraform a new planet. Going by the trailer, it sounds great! Some Cymraeg right off the bat. Great stuff. Gives off some melancholy vibes, and has a funky spaceship AI voice.
Gather the Suspects by MadeUp Audio Productions - A groovy-opening theme mixed with a promising murder mystery. Set in Wales "during a very boring apocalypse". Promises relatable characters, procrastinators, mystery and humour.
This Foul Earth by John Tucker - A comedic, easygoing series (from what ive heard so far) in which everyday Welsh people describe a story they believe deserves to be archived for future generations. Clever writing and good vibes!
as always if youse have anything to add rb and pop it in the tags, these are all very underrated and theyre all quite good and high quality! have a good evening yall
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laidee-flegman · 7 months
the 12 days of Christmas journaling prompts
Seasons greetings everyone! To celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season I'm going to be uploading journaling prompts everyday for 12 days all surrounding Christmas, starting with todays!
What's your go-to Christmas movie, and why does it give you all the warm fuzzies?
If Santa had a smartphone, what emojis do you think he'd use to describe his Christmas Eve adventures?
Describe your ideal winter wonderland – snowflakes, hot cocoa, and all that jazz.
Share a childhood Christmas memory that still makes you grin like a kid on a sugar high.
If you were in charge of the North Pole, what quirky updates or improvements would you make?
Write a letter to your future self, reflecting on this Christmas and your hopes for the next.
What's the weirdest, most unexpected Christmas gift you've ever received? Spill the peppermint tea!
Create a Christmas playlist that perfectly captures your holiday vibes. Bonus points for dance-worthy tunes!
Imagine you're a mischievous elf causing harmless chaos in Santa's workshop. What kind of mischief would you make?
What's your secret weapon for surviving awkward family gatherings during the holidays?
Share your favourite Christmas recipe – whether it's a classic or your own quirky creation.
If your pet could write a letter to Santa, what do you think would be on their wish list?
Describe your dream Christmas tree – lights, ornaments, and all the trimmings.
What's your strategy for tackling holiday shopping without going totally Grinch-mode?
If Christmas characters had social media profiles, what kind of posts would they share? #FrostyTheSnowmanSelfie
Write a short story about a magical, unexpected Christmas adventure you'd love to experience.
Share a cringe-worthy holiday moment that still makes you laugh. We all have 'em!
If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Create a Christmas-themed bucket list for the season. Check off as many as you can!
What's the most bizarre Christmas tradition you've ever heard of? Would you give it a go?
If you were in a Christmas movie, what would your character be like, and what wild shenanigans would they get up to?
Reflect on the year and jot down three things you're grateful for – big or small.
Share a Christmas joke that never fails to crack you up. Laughter's the best present, right?
Describe the perfect Christmas morning – from the smell of pancakes to the sound of ripping wrapping paper.
If you could invite three fictional characters to your Christmas dinner, who would they be and why?
Write a letter to Santa outlining your good deeds and maybe a few… not-so-good ones.
What's your favourite way to give back during the holiday season? 'Tis the season of giving, after all!
If you had a Christmas-themed superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
Share a heart-warming holiday quote that inspires you to spread good vibes.
Reflect on one goal or intention you have for the upcoming year. How will you sleigh it?
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amielbjacobs · 11 days
I am so intrigued by your WIP. I love spies and Cold War shenanigans (in a History 101-level "wow look at the far-reaching effects nuclear proliferation had on geopolitics" way) and GAY SPIES are the best spies.
So I have a question that I hope makes sense: what nonfiction books have you been using as references that you would recommend to someone who is intrigued by your concept and hyped to learn more about the characters/setting/story, but isn't well-versed in that area of history?
Thank you so much!!! I'm really interested by your WIP too. I looked through the character pages and I think Arthur Royston is my favorite . . . which is a surprise to exactly no one who knows me.
This is my favorite kind of question! I had so much fun researching this book and I love to recommend books.
The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government, by David K. Johnson. This is probably the most iconic book about the issues I cover in my story - at least for the US side.
Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington, by James Kirchick. Although my story isn't set in Washington DC, it was really helpful to me to have a sense of everyday gay life in the seat of US power. There's a lot of granular detail here that's very useful to a writer.
The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia, by Orlando Figes. This is one of my favorite books for getting a sense of what it was like to actually live in the USSR during the period when Mirsky was coming of age. I felt like I had a decent basic understanding of what the US was like in the 1950s, tho of course I still had to do research on the details, but I really only had the broadest sense of what the USSR was like going into this project.
The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin's Secret Service, by Andrew Meier. This is definitely one of the more accessible and narrative books on my list - more journalistic and less academic. It's beautifully written. I used it mostly as inspiration for the character of Henry Brand, the traitorous CIA agent in my book.
A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal, by Ben MacIntyre. I didn't draw on this book very much as a source because I read it very late into the development process, but it's an incredible read, beautifully written, gripping, very accessible. It also covers a lot of the same territory as my book.
Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia, by Dan Healey. This one is very academic but I can and I will recommend it at every turn. It has SUCH fascinating stories in it, and I love learning about early 20th century trans and queer people, especially living in such an isolated and oppressive society as the USSR.
Red Closet: The Hidden History of Gay Oppression in the USSR, by Rustam Alexander. This one is an unfortunate mix of trying to be accessible and trying to be academic, but once again I find the stories in it to be utterly fascinating.
Honorable Mentions:
You asked for nonfiction, but I also drew heavily on the fiction of the era - especially since my book is partly about spy fiction. I got a lot of inspiration from the James Bond novels (particularly regarding the sensibilities of the era) even though my book is very un-James-Bond-y, and the works of John le Carre.
I can also recommend some comp titles of modern books that have similar vibes to mine . . . or, of course, if you'd like to learn more about my book, you're welcome to send me asks or come into my DMs! It's actually a complete manuscript, so you can even read it if you'd like - though I might extort you for feedback if you do.
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realmyths · 4 months
what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it? what genre do you primarily favour? what are you top five universes to RP within? what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
My URL is (loosely) based on lyrics from Florence & The Machine's song "Daffodil", especially the line "made myself mythical, tried to be real." I sorta spun that one around in my head, came up with realmyths, saw it wasn't taken and voila! LOL I chose it because I think the line (and the URL) fit the majority of my muses, in that, even though so many of them are larger than life (mythical, sometimes literally) they do their best to remain as down to earth as possible (real). At least, that's how it fits my view of my muses. It also works in that they are (within their own canons) living, breathing mythical/larger than life beings. So it sorta has that meaning as well.
I tend to favor sci-fi/fantasy/modern fantasy, as you can probably tell from my muse selections lol. But I do love a good mystery and historical fiction/period drama now and then.
Top 5 universes to RP within: 1. fandomless fantasy/sci-fi-I feel like it's interesting to have characters who are mythical/immortal beings interacting with everyday people, or other supernatural beings. It's just something I have loads of fun with. 2. Doctor Who - I feel like the nature of the show means there are so many possibilities for threads. Obviously I currently have the 13th and Redacted Doctors, though I'm also planning on giving Persephone (and probably other muses of mine as well) a Doctor Who verse where she's a companion. IDK why but that's long been a dream of mine. I just need someone's Doctor muse to volunteer lol. I also plan on adding more Doctor Who canons and maybe an OC? I just love the show and the world created within it. 3. Bridgerton - What can I say? I love a good period drama. And Bridgerton has tons more diversity than the average period drama. I love all the muses I have from the show and might add some OCs or more canons in the future. 4. The Witcher- shoutout to @okruchlodu because I adore our Yen & Ciri threads. Overall, I really enjoy RPing all of my Witcher muses. And feel the world is an intriguing one. 5. GOT/ASOIAF - What can I say? I love Daenerys & Arya, especially in the books. And I love bringing them to life within that world. So I had to mention it, even though I don't have as many threads going as I'd like to lol. Honorable mention goes to Arcane, and a shoutout to @ferinehuntress, @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd for being lovely lovely humans and keeping my Arcane muses, particularly Vi, active. I do truly love the world of the show, and while I am not yet as immersed in it as the others mentioned above (s2 where are you? I feel like once it comes I'll get a ton of muse lol) , I still feel connected to it and that's in large part due to our threads. So thank you <3
What universes have I never considered writing in? Hmmmm...probably fandom-wise, Stranger Things & Supernatural because I tried to get into ST twice, and failed. And as for supernatural, I once watched all of s1 & half of s2 and bailed. So I'm just not super into either show. That said, I wouldn't say no to RPing with muses in those fandoms, because I believe in the creativity and ingenuity of the RPC and that muns here could bring their characters to life super well and make me interested. So...yeah. As far as fandomless/general settings go, anything that's super normal is a no go for me. I feel like I struggle to make threads (and writing in general really) interesting when all that's happening is....regular life, you know? Like a thread where no one's supernatural, no sci-fi shenanigans, no mystery, we're not in the past, etc. would just not work for me, because I'd struggle to keep it interesting for both me and my RP partner. So there are no coffee-shop AUs in my future lol. Though I never say never. hahah.
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moviemunchies · 1 year
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How do we make the Hunger Games more intense? Welp, we make our protagonist live through it AGAIN and also there’s an active rebellion going on!
Hooray for teen dystopian fiction!
After winning the 74th Hunger Games together (an unprecedented victory; usually there can be only one winner), Katniss and Peeta have to go on a victory tour of the Districts. Because the reason they won is because they played up the star-crossed lovers angle, they need to keep pretending to be madly in love for the Capitol’s media. This puts considerable strain on their relationship with each other, but also with other people–Katniss’s hunting friend Gale reveals his romantic feelings for Katniss, for instance. Katniss is also suffering PTSD from the Hunger Games themselves, which makes everyday life incredibly difficult.
And also! Resistance to the Capitol is growing, and they want to use Katniss as a symbol! After all, she stuck it to the Man during the Hunger Games, right? But that also means people are willing to risk their lives in front of her during the victory tour.
But it gets worse! Because President Snow, wanting to punish Katniss for stirring up trouble, decides that for the 75th Hunger Games, they’re going to pit past winners against each other! Katniss is the only living female victor from District 12, so she has to compete again! But there’s something going on with the other competitors that she doesn’t quite understand…
This installment feels very much like it took a lot of what was key in the first film and amped it up to eleven. Which makes sense–this is a good idea for a sequel! The Games themselves are not as large a part of the actual runtime, which I also think works. There’s a lot more going on than the Games themselves–that’s just a screen for the brutal regime of the Capitol, a gladiator show that they use to entertain and beat down the masses. 
But they’re also inescapable? The Hunger Games cannot be forgotten. Not just because Katniss has PTSD, but also because they are a huge part of the system! It is a screen, but it’s a horrible, damning screen that shows how messed up everything is. It permeates every part of Katniss’s life, even though she wants to get away from them. Even when they aren’t literally forcing her to participate in the Games again, she has to keep thinking back to her time in the Games because both the Capitol and the rebellion used her time there as a symbol for something.
When the Games aren’t there, they’re there. It’s an interesting dynamic.
Now I don’t think that Katniss’s relationships with Peeta and Gale are as fleshed out as they are in the books. I’m not sure how I feel about that–on the one hand, it’s a shame, because fully-rounded characters are always nice, and we haven’t had enough time with Gale to really get the full range of how he feels about Katniss, and how she feels back, and how this relates to the whole thing with Peeta. Liam Hemsworth does quite well with what he’s given, though. 
On the other hand, the fact is that the love triangle shenanigans were one of my least favorite parts of the books, so I am not exactly crying about its absence here.
Because of the way this story’s structured and done, not only are new characters introduced, but you have reason to care about most of them. The problem with the original is that you know almost all of the other competitors are going to be killed. This one has you realize there’s something weird going on right away. You’re also fully introduced to a couple of political figures who will undoubtedly be important and complex when we see how it all plays out.
[I suppose President Snow IS in the last one, but we get much more of him here in direct interactions with Katniss.]
If you enjoy the first film, this one should scratch your itch for more. It’s not directly about the Games as much as the first one was, because now Katniss is coming to terms with how the Capitol works and her role in it. The rebellion takes center stage by the end of this installment, indicating that the conclusion is going to be more about that than the Hunger Games, and I look forward to that.
[I think turning the third book into two movies would be a good opportunity to expand on the rebellion and how it works, and its history, as I felt that the book didn’t do as good a job on that. I strongly suspect that it does not do that though, and it’s just following the trend set by Harry Potter of dividing the final installment into two parts.]
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
The Text x Context of Haruhi Suzumiya, Part I
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Welcome to Text x Context, a new Beneath the Tangles feature that explores light novels on a multi-volume scale!
With the old Light Novel Club, each post dealt with only one volume at a time and there were often long gaps between posts on the same series, meaning it could take a very long time indeed to get through a series, leading to disjointed volume-by-volume analysis and discussion. The goal of Text x Context is to tackle multiple volumes at once, be they from the same series or from across several different series that share some key attribute. This way, we will be able to detect themes, arcs, and other contextual facets that span multiple works and that might otherwise be hard to spot when reading a single volume.
Without any further ado, let’s get started! And what better way to kick off this new project than with the first four novels of the famed Haruhi Suzumiya light novel series, especially since today is Haruhi’s birthday! I do believe she would approve (even if none of us are aliens, time travelers, or espers).
Check out our initial discussion below. We’ll conclude this first Text x Context a week from today!
Genre • Characters: Haruhi Suzumiya • Kyon • Mikuru Asahina, Itsuki Koizumi, & Nagato Yuki • Who is the protagonist?
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Just what genre is this story exactly?
Jeskai: I’d call this a “high school paranormal mystery-comedy.” Start with the setting and characters of a high school romcom. Drop the romance and replace it with The X-Files. Genderswap the lead roles so the “true believer” is the girl and the skeptic is the guy. Done. (Okey-day, I know it’s not quite that simple, but I think my point stands.) It’s actually a pretty interesting concept.  
Twwk: Okay, as someone who used “Mulder” in his usernames all through high school, I’m [NOT? the next sentence reads like a concession, which means this first sentence should be a critique.] feeling the whole comparison to The X-Files. Haruhi Suzumiya definitely feels like a paranormal mystery romcom.
Gaheret: I once called it “a romantic comedy of the Evangelion era”. I agree with the above, and I also think that, at its core, Haruhi is a romantic comedy with existential themes, and some science-fiction, mystery, fantasy and parody thrown in for good measure—whatever the concept it’s exploring happens to need. That’s more or less what Neon Genesis Evangelion did with its mecha lore.
sleepminusminus: Although it’s not slice-of-life in the traditional sense, I still want to call Haruhi that, because the backdrop for all the extraordinary occurrences is an ordinary school setting, and some of the arcs can tend toward slice-of-life. I’m thinking specifically about the short stories in book three (The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya), where the focus is less on plot development and more on vignettes of Haruhi-adjacent shenanigans.
Or maybe it’s just because at the time of this discussion we’re in the thick of the Summer of SoL series at BtT? Slice-of-life is just on the brain, I guess. Anyways, I’d probably say Haruhi is a slice-of-life science-fiction comedy. I hesitate to call it a romcom, because the romance features in Melancholy and then sits on the back burner for the rest of the volumes. It’s like with Hyouka. Chitanda and Oreki definitely have a thing going, but the show is more interested in everyday mysteries and character analysis than their budding romance. Similarly, the Haruhi series, in my view, is more interested in its science-fiction setting and Haruhi’s shenanigans than Haruhi x Kyon.
What are your thoughts on the exceedingly quirky characters?
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Haruhi Suzumiya
Jeskai: I think Haruhi is an acquired taste. I once tried to read vol. 1 of this series, but quickly dropped it when the title character turned out to be such a jerk. I later powered through the anime and found her somewhat more palatable. She was even more likable in the spinoff that seems to have been inspired by the altered universe of Disappearance. And finally, I read these four volumes and she continued to grow on me. When she’s not being a horrible person, she’s an entertaining mix of silliness, wit, and childlike curiosity. She’s also got some subtle tsundere vibes, where she’s actually a bit more caring than her usual cavalier bombast would lead you to think. Sometimes she’s a bully who could be the mean girl antagonist in a lot of more conventional high school romantic comedies. However, her desire for something wondrous, something beyond the mundanity of the world as we know it, makes her deeply relatable. By the end, I found that Haruhi reminded me a little of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s mischievous, godlike entity known as Q.
Twwk: First of all, it makes me so very happy that Haruhi has grown on you! She’s an all-time favorite character for me. I think tastes have changed over time, but when I first watched the anime (I didn’t read the light novels until much later), I found Haruhi to be a perfect blend: she’s high energy and rude, but rarely to the point of being obnoxious, and has a tenderness to her that is stronger than other famous tsunderes like Asuka. She’s a bit more mysterious to me in the light novels, a character more frequently talked about, giving her that goddess aura that the novelist is going for.
Gaheret: Ever since the first arc of the anime, Haruhi became a special character to me, and she remains so in the novels. I like how terrible she is at the beginning, absolutely disregarding everything but her own ideas and her own enjoyment, and her slow-burn redemption arc conveyed to us through small changes. Through romantic love and an unlikely hope, she gradually becomes capable of making greater and greater sacrifices for those around her. I like her initiative, her relapses when she’s jealous, and how her hope and her despair are portrayed. And her attempts to change herself and the world really speak to me.
sleepminusminus: I definitely agree with Jeskai; I sympathize with Haruhi’s desire for wonder and for the transcendent. I loved that scene with Haruhi and Kyon by the train tracks, where she tells the story about the baseball game and feeling insignificant in the crowd. That’s where she felt most real to me: like a teenage girl genuinely struggling with finding herself in a world that feels so suffocatingly mundane and meaningless.
That’s probably the only thing I like about Haruhi, though. I think she’s obnoxious, and even after reading these four volumes, I don’t see the tenderness that Twwk is talking about (unless it’s the scene I described above), though I can see small moments of growth, like her asking for people’s plans before forcing everyone to come to the Christmas party. Not to mention her uncomfortable interactions with Asahina, which almost made me stop reading at times.
Interestingly enough, I liked her better in the anime than I did here, if only because she definitely had a softer edge in the Disappearance movie, with her alternate-reality self and her care for Kyon.
Jeskai: I think Haruhi’s tsundere tenderness was most apparent in how she camped out in Kyon’s hospital room when he was injured, only to bombastically insist it wasn’t because she was worried about him or anything.
Twwk: I have an anime figure of Haruhi—it’s of her from Disappearance, complete with sleeping bag to pose near Kyon’s bedside. It is apparently a game-changing scene for many of us.
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Jeskai: Kyon brings to mind other droll, cynical high school boy narrators like those in Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki and Oregairu, except less fun. He’s downright aggressively passive throughout most of the first three volumes, repeatedly going out of his way to insist that he’s helpless and has no choice in whatever is going on. Much like the ancient Israelites, Kyon is constantly murmuring and complaining, and it gets pretty tiresome. Haruhi is pretty unlikeable at first, but as I kept reading I found myself deciding Kyon is actually even more obnoxious (though the fourth volume did go a long way toward redeeming him). The Kyon of the first three volumes reminded of American president / imperialist / adventurer Theodore Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech (1910), and not in a good way. It’s a long speech, but a famous part of it includes the following:
The poorest way to face life is to face it with a sneer. There are many men who feel a kind of twisted pride in cynicism; there are many who confine themselves to criticism of the way others do what they themselves dare not even attempt. There is no more unhealthy being, no man less worthy of respect, than he who either really holds, or feigns to hold, an attitude of sneering disbelief toward all that is great and lofty, whether in achievement or in that noble effort which, even if it fails, comes second to achievement. A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticize work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities—all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority, but of weakness.
That’s exactly who Kyon is. I said before that he reminded me of other high school boy narrators, but the big difference is that for most of the first three volumes, he isn’t witty, but rather just a kid trying unsuccessfully to be cool and clever and coming across as a whiny loser instead. Haruhi, for all her faults, is at least seeking something, trying to accomplish something, aspiring rather than just giving up and going with the flow like Kyon does. She is much closer to Roosevelt’s “man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive…” This difference is why, after three volumes, I liked the unlikeable Haruhi more than I did Kyon.
But then I read that fourth volume! Kyon finally acknowledges that he has agency. He admits to himself that he is Haruhi’s willing accomplice. He admits that he’s having fun and stops grumbling as much, or at least limits it to genuinely distressing situations. He gets quite literally bloody down in the arena. I still can’t quite say I like Kyon as a character after the fourth volume, but Disappearance did convince me that he has more potential to be interesting than the first three volumes let on. I wonder if he retains this character growth in subsequent volumes of the series.
Twwk: I love Kyon. I like all the main characters of the series very much, but Kyon is among my all-time favorites. His sass is just unbelievable, and I find it really, really funny, particularly because Kyon knows that he’s a loser but talks and thinks quite high and mighty until he’s pushed back down, usually by Haruhi. So he gives these grandiose asides that I often find quite witty, then realizes or is forced to realize that yeah, he’s just a normal dude.
I don’t know enough about light novels to really trace the impact of Haruhi Suzumiya on future light novels, but I can’t remember many featuring a “Kyon type” before this series, while we see so many nowadays. And though I’m partial to Oregairu’s Hikigaya, I still find Kyon to be the most entertaining of this type. He carries the narrative with his personality and humor—I would read a regular romcom with him as the lead—and is, I think, the perfect character to be the “normal” one experiencing all these unusual people and phenomena: he’s dry enough to add humorous reactions to all that’s happening, “weak” enough to let Haruhi trample all over him, and at heart, kind enough to try to protect Haruhi and his world, even when his only real power is the power of sass.
Gaheret: I also like Kyon a lot. I think he’s comedy gold, and I would say that he’s more like Shinji than Hikigaya. He reminds me of self-satisfied noir protagonists like the narrator of Out of the Past. All in all, Kyon is very similar to Haruhi, only he is trapped by his own passive, complicit attitude. Like her, he’s pretty awful at first. The things he does and the things he allows are beyond the pale, and he is incredibly dishonest with himself (and us), but he manages to be at the same time a believable, normal person. And yet, beneath the endless stream of small talk, comparisons he’s proud of, cynical reactions, and ridiculously erudite references, there is a hero in the making, and much like with the rest of the characters, Disappearance shows us a truth that was always there.
sleepminusminus: JeskaiAngel hit the nail on the head (also, I loved that comparison to the Israelites). Kyon’s great with his snark and grandiose speeches and dry humor, but he’s also continually cynical and downright lecherous at times, which really put me off. But I’d say that the visible change comes two volumes earlier, in The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, where he gets annoyed at his friends for talking down on Haruhi’s efforts to make a success of the cultural festival. That’s one of the first times that he supports Haruhi on his own terms, rather than convincing himself that he’s just being dragged along.
Overall, Kyon’s a difficult character. He longs for the extraordinary but resigns himself to the ordinary, dreams up lofty ideals but lacks the courage to believe in them, recognizes his hypocrisy but lingers in apathy, and spends his time navel-gazing rather than opening his heart to the world and the people around him. He calls himself powerless to change his circumstances when he’s clearly capable of doing so. In many ways, he manifests the sin of acedia: the sin of willingly refusing to engage actively with the world, instead preferring idleness and despair.
And I find myself relating to that. It’s easy to see the brokenness of the world and close yourself off, convincing yourself that you don’t have the power to change things because you’re tired of the struggle. It’s easy to make peace with your idleness, even at the same time as you hate idleness in other people, because it’s just hard to put up a fight. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your inward gaze when engaging with the world runs the serious risk of pain or loss or disappointment. So while I don’t like Kyon’s character, I can see where he’s coming from.
Also, I’ll just throw out there that Kyon is much more fun in the anime. The boke-tsukkomi routine he does with himself is just funnier when spoken than when read.
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Mikuru Asahina, Itsuki Koizumi, Nagato Yuki
Jeskai: I’m going to deal with all three of these at once because I think they share a major trait: Kyon doesn’t describe them fairly. I felt like I never really had a solid grasp on their motives, goals, or personalities, except for little hints. I don’t trust Kyon’s narration because of how one-dimensionally he tends to describe all characters besides Haruhi. Koizumi is always smiling. Asahina is always cute. Nagato is always emotionless. It’s not that the characters themselves are actually one-dimensional, but Kyon’s depictions of them are mostly flat, even when the characters’ actions and words imply they have more depth than he is acknowledging. The most obvious example of this is of course Nagato in vol. 4, where Kyon finally recognizes that she’s more than just a robot devoid of personality. I got the sense that there was also more to Koizumi and Asahina than Kyon’s stock descriptions would have us believe. In the end, I’m inclined to say these three characters are the biggest mysteries of the story. What really makes them tick? What are they really thinking and feeling, beyond the outward, superficial qualities that Kyon emphasizes?
Twwk: And that’s part of the charm of the novels—we know there’s more to the characters than what first meets the eye or what Kyon sees in them, but how much more? At the point we’ve left off, Asahina and Koizumi could potentially be antagonists for Kyon. This all feels a little like a silly Steins;gate: who do these characters become in the future? I don’t quite remember what I felt when first reading about Nagato’s self-sacrificial fight against Asakura, but it seems that by this point, she’s the character we know most about. Her motivations seem clearest and she is perhaps most supportive, though all three are proving to be good friends to Kyon (probably).
Mikuru, though, is my favorite—and probably because we get two in one. The “adorable” (as Kyon describes her) high school Mikuru is fun, but taken together with the wise, strong adult she becomes, her character has an added dimension that makes her more interesting. I think I may be the only Haruhi fan, though, that would pull for Mikuru ahead of Nagato when it comes to having Kyon’s affections.
Gaheret: Like Haruhi, those three are some of my favorite anime/LN characters ever. Tanigawa does many things well with them, but the thing I’m more impressed about is his foreshadowing. By Disappearance, we know that Yuki Nagato and Itsuki Koizumi have secrets that are hidden in plain sight, and each of them is quite compelling on its own. The three of them have very intriguing backgrounds and stories that we literally cannot imagine. How cool is that?
Koizumi’s jealousy towards Kyon and the fact that he likes Haruhi, put a spin on everything he has felt and done since he received his powers three years ago. I love how, as Jeskai mentions, we come to perceive that our narrator is being unfair to him. Even if Koizumi has a sometimes flawed way of thinking, he is a hero that sacrifices his chances at a normal life on a daily basis to save the world without any reward. Which is exactly what Kyon mentioned that he wanted to be himself in the first chapter. So maybe these two are just jealous of each other.
Although I don’t think that Kyon and Nagato fit together, she is my favorite character in the franchise. What we learn about the evolution of her feelings shows us the care with which all her small progressions have been depicted up to that point. Her becoming slightly angry, humorous, bored, friendly or lovestruck; her being surprised by these responses and reacting in small ways with the emotional resources that she has—all these things are a joy to watch and read about. Meanwhile, Kyon’s ignorance concerning her main motivation in Disappearance makes this story subtly tragic.
Lastly, I would say that Asahina’s dilemma is shown to us in the first Tanabata story. Only there, do we really learn how useless she feels, how confusing it is to receive instructions she doesn’t understand and is afraid to fail in carrying out, and how it all works out from the perspective of the older Asahina. I fully agree with Twwk that this comparison elevates her from a good character to a great one. Details like her being surprised that the ocean is salty, or the specific things she has (and hasn’t) told Tsuruya, are just so intriguing!
sleepminusminus: Kyon’s unreliable narration simultaneously fascinates and frustrates me. I agree with Jeskai: he’s stubbornly unfair to the other characters, which does add intrigue, but at the expense of getting me to actually care about them. As Gaheret said, I literally can’t imagine their backstories—but that’s more confusing than enticing to me.
But at the same time, it reminds me of that article Jeskai wrote a while ago about Tearmoon Empire‘s unreliable narration and what it says about Mia herself as the one whom the narrator fixates on. Why does Kyon speak so harshly about the others? What does he really think about them? What would they look like narrated from a more sympathetic perspective? So I can definitely see the appeal there.
Not too much to say about Asahina or Koizumi, though I appreciate Twwk and Gaheret’s perspective on the dynamics between Asahina’s teenage and adult selves—it’s something that I didn’t notice but that really deepens her character in my mind. And like Gaheret, my favorite is Yuki; I wish we had gone one volume further this time around so we could read the light-novel version of the Endless Eight.
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Who is the protagonist of this story?
Jeskai: I thought I knew the answer to this question, but then Disappearance threw me off. I’d argue that for the first three volumes, Haruhi is the protagonist. In those volumes, I think you could replace Kyon with a snarky third-person narrator (a la Tearmoon Empire) without changing the story. He comments on what happens, but he doesn’t drive the plot. He’s the Watson to Haruhi’s Sherlock Holmes (or Hastings to Haruhi’s Hercule Poirot, if you prefer), narrating the tale without being the central character of it. In fact, considering how no one criticizes, opposes, or goes against the will of Haruhi as much as Kyon does, I think there’s a case for calling him the *antagonist* of the first three volumes.
But then I read the fourth volume. With Haruhi’s “disappearance,” Kyon becomes a real protagonist! Being the only one who understands that reality has been altered forces Kyon to really step up his game. For once, he must act on his own and can’t just go with the flow and be dragged around by the other four main characters. He is forced to make a real, meaningful choice about what he wants. Kyon previously dropped hints of protagonist-ism (like when he figured out Koizumi’s murder mystery scheme), but he displays greater character growth in the fourth volume, admitting that he had been too passive and unfairly critical of others. And in taking responsibility, he becomes a true protagonist in his own right, standing beside Haruhi as her peer, if not her equal, in the protagonist role.
Twwk: I agree that Kyon is the protagonist of the fourth volume and that Haruhi would be of the first three. But overall? I think it’s too early to tell. Is it Kyon that’s going to grow and learn and possibly save the universe? Or will Haruhi be the one who grows most considerably and ultimately makes a good decision for the universe? I would still tend toward Kyon, with perhaps his saving of Haruhi (and the world) in volume one a precursor of a larger future event. But we shall see…or we maybe won’t. I don’t think this series, unfortunately, will ever receive a proper ending.
Gaheret: For my part, I think it’s Kyon. Haruhi is a co-protagonist, but it’s his desires and worries that really move the plot forward. This story is completely different from Haruhi’s perspective because she is unaware of the supernatural plot. She can only try to instill hope blindly, but he is the one that may understand the situation and make the big decisions.
sleepminusminus: 4/4 for Kyon. What sells it for me in the first three books is a quirk of the storytelling. Kyon will often say things in the narration that the other characters respond to! Maybe it’s just a quirk of the English localization, but there are no quotation marks a lot of the time, and the other characters are still responding to his mental dialogue. Kyon’s telling the story, so Kyon’s the center of the conversation, even when he doesn’t explicitly say anything. Also, the previous discussion about Kyon’s unreliable narration supports this point. Decenter Kyon and the story would be significantly different. A lot more straightforward—and probably a lot duller.
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We’ll finish off the discussion next week when we ask meaty questions like, Why is Haruhi rebelling, and dig into the fun stuff too, like comparing the franchise to Evangelion! See you then!
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murder-melod · 1 year
I often have wishes and daydreams, about a lot of things. But they all generally fall in to a category of me being a race that isn't human, living in a world or realm that doesn't have or doesn't strictly follow or require mortal mindsets and rules,and just having some job of high purpose that has great influence on others around on me or atleast those i care about. Sometimes I will be a vampire in those daydreams, sometimes a earth golem, sometimes a demigod, sometimes I just wish to be a nocturnal human in a nocturnal human society without any prejudices and discrimination etc. Sometimes my daydreams will take me so far to places where I would help my favourite fictional characters,or the ones that have suffered the most or unjustly in my opinion. Etc. Etc. Living here on the internet and in my fictional world to me is life,I know for some other people,they wouldn't consider that life, they would consider that denial and delusion. But even if real life and real world were in a better more tolerable state or perfect,I would still go to internet and my fictional world. Nommater how terrible or great the real life is,I can still go to the internet and my fictional world,and more or less everything will still be 50% great,50% fun and 50% bittersweet tragic. Real life is just one I have to live at this point to stay alive,it doesn't mean much to me whatsoever,i would say I only care about my family, friends, people getting rights they lack and should have in real life,but that's about it, everything else in real life is meaningless to me. I have grown numb to tragedy,pain and a lot of other things in real life,they happen so often,and half of the time because of corrupt selfish politicians,at this point it's expected everyday world shenanigans. Ironically,tragedies in fiction of my world and my fav franchises actually emotionally wound me, because those worlds are filled with characters I actually care about, people i would love to meet and befriend,or even help if they need it. Whenever something great happens there I cheer for it as of it were real and when something sad happens there I cry for it just as much. Real life and most of humanity and society, only ever disappoints and troubles me and others I love,to me there is no point in emotionally getting attached to real life and it's events if it will constantly be shitty and out of our control. And what do I do when I die? Heck if I know,I don't care,I will wonder if there will be afterlife or what afterlife will be like if there is one,but ultimately I don't care if I die,i do wish that when I do die,i won't ever have to live in real life anymore, whatever comes or doesn't come after it,will be much more welcome then whatever I really have to expirience rn.
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xaracosmia · 7 days
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name / alias: Payton age: 23 pronouns: they/them ooc contact: bethjohanssen (tumblr) or cospayton (twitter) other characters in XC: Parker Davis, Jimmy Smith, Adder, Zenirith
name: Wolf age: 35 pronouns: he/him series: Future Man (TV) canon point: Directly after escaping Haven app triggers: drug use/abuse, unsanitary (food)
“He’s a demolitions expert, come fashion icon, come celebrity chef, come politician, prince, poet, and thief. He doesn’t just survive, he thrives. With little time for remorse and even less time for the losers who simply don’t get it… Which is everyone not named him! This wolf is at your door, blowing your mind AND your house down… And you’re thanking him for it!” 
-Susan Saint Jackalope on The Diecathalon, Season 100.
Wolf is a strange man. A lover of violence, death, gore, and destruction… Yet also soft and gentle. A good father to his fake child and a wonderful chef with a delicate, masterful hand in the kitchen. Despite often being underestimated as “just the demolitions expert,” Wolf is smart, cunning, a hell of a public speaker, and surprisingly charming in his own “Wolf” ways.
something your muse struggles with:
Wolf assimilates to new identities a little too well. If you put him in a role, whether he initially likes it or not, he will grow to accept it as his new life and even grow attached. Despite not being “his” family, he was hard-pressed to be pulled from his cluster (polycule) in the NAG as he had grown to love them like his own. In other time travel escapades he’s often the one to blow their cover as well, inventing sliced bread years before it should have existed.
your muse’s greatest strength:
Wolf is both resilient and extremely quick to pick up new skills, languages, and tactics to aid with the mission or everyday life. He can pick up new skills like nobody’s business, such as learning the fictional language Na’vi in mere hours.
Born in 2127 to poverty in a post-apocalyptic Earth, Wolf was raised in the slums of society. In his future, “Biotics” are a subsect of humans who took a super cure for all diseases created by scientist Dr. Elias Kronish. Those who didn’t take the cure were cast out of society and into the sewers, starting the Biotic War.
Joining the resistance against the Biotics, Wolf was one of the top fighters and demolitions expert alongside his commander, Tiger. Using a time travel device, the resistance sends back a training simulator to the 2000s disguised as a video game. This simulator is extremely complex, only able to be beaten by the one they would come to see as their saviour. Travelling back in time to 2017, Tiger and Wolf find their saviour, a lowlife janitor and certified gamer who beat the game named Josh Futturman. Luckily enough, he’s willing to help in his own way revealing that the very same creator of the super cure they’re trying to stop just happens to be his boss, Dr. Kronish. 
Time travel shenanigans ensue, bouncing between 1969, 2017, 2023, and 1985. During all of this Wolf finally gets to live for the first time, discovering the tantalizing tunes of Corey Hart, volleyball, comradery between men, beer, and cooking. Wolf took to cooking like nobody’s business, going from a man who ate rats and cats as sustenance to making a souffle that rivalled a Michelin chef.
It’s in 1985 that Wolf leaves the resistance life behind, deciding to live as a normal man for once. With the help of a new friend, Blaze, he opens up Wolfhart’s, an immersive dining experience where he would kidnap unsuspecting diners and bring them to DIE…ne. He brings them to dine. Wolf says food tastes best when mixed with the adrenaline of thinking you may genuinely be at the end of your life. It was a hit, instantly blowing up and becoming the talk of Los Angeles. Celebrities, politicians, and socialites alike would all clamber for a taste of Corey Wolfhart’s cooking.
Four years later though, Wolf was lost, missing his resistance commander and friend (and also that weirdo small guy Josh), developing a pretty terrible cocaine addiction. In turn, his cooking turned stranger and stranger with maggot risotto, batwing fritto miso, and more. When that still didn’t satisfy his “itch” he started an underground fighting ring, but nothing gave him quite the “kick” that fighting did. 
Dejected, addicted, and desperate Wolf travels back to 2017, meeting up with Tiger and returning back to Josh to finish the mission they all set out on years prior. A lot of violence, a few bombs, and a grand finale later the time travel trio successfully killed Kronish, mission complete! Tiger and Wolf return to 2162 to live the life they dreamed of, breaking their time travel device with one final jump.
Now in 2162, their world is different from what they hoped. Two societies exist, one that rejects technology and scrounges for scrap, and another of people clad in spandex jumpsuits who believe their leader will take them to “MARS.” Wolf gets ushered into the scrap society, the New Above Ground, and mistaken for a wheel-maker named Torque. Despite his protests, Torque’s cluster (his polycule) insists that Wolf IS Torque and just has “sand brain” from being “kidnapped for two years.” Despite the unforeseen circumstances Wolf thrives in this new environment, becoming one hell of a wheelmaker and eventually running for (and winning) the political office as “Supreme Overlord Torque.”
In time (see: months) Wolf reunited with Josh and Tiger, learning that “MARS,” the utopia promised, has been a ploy to kill and trap humanity in a virtual eternity of AI design. Through even more time trio shenanigans involving a nut allergy, brain touching, and a time loop, the gang gets to annihilate this AI once and for all, saving the citizens of this timeline. However,  before they can revel in their victory a duo of time cops appear to whisk them away without question.
Welcome to 3491, Time Jail!  To serve out their punishment the time trio gets sent into a deadly Wipeout-style gameshow called the Diecathalon. Day in and out Josh gets fatally injured early on while Tiger and Wolf complete the deadly obstacle course with little to no trouble. At day’s end, Josh is brought back from the brink using future medicine while Tiger and Wolf’s memories of the previous day are erased. It’s torture for Josh and after a month of this ceaseless, eternal torture he manages to lead an escape, steal a time machine, and the trio go on the run.
While on the run, the trio finds a time rift that leads them to a land out of time and space by the name of “Haven.” Populated by dozens of famous historical figures it seems like a proper utopia. With time though, each member of the gang begins to lose their memories of their lives before Haven and even of their lives mere days ago leading them to spend ten thousand years unaging in this eternal nightmare. This drives Wolf to madness, living thousands of years unaging in a shed filled to the brim with conspiracy boards and the writings of a madman. Through the power of friendship (no, literally) the gang finds each other once more and memories come flowing back, leading to them figuring out how to break this endless cycle and return to Earth to finish their mission once and for all.
In that blip to Earth though it seems Wolf ended up displaced somewhere else. Will he assimilate to this new cosmiae like every other world before him? Only time will tell!
inherent abilities:
Trained Soldier
Spending most of his life on the frontlines, Wolf is a soldier through and through. Dense enough to dent the floor if he jumps and strong enough to throw an adult man like he weighs nothing, Wolf is a formidable foe in battle.
Specifically, Wolf is a demolitions expert specializing in all things that go boom.
Celebrity Chef
Everything Wolf touches is gold. Even a microwave meal seems to be gourmet in the hands of Corey Wolfhart.
A small-ish metal box that can strap across a person’s chest. In it is a bunch of tiny, marble-sized bombs he has taken from biotics he’s killed.
Child’s Pencil Drawings
A series of hand-drawn pictures of various stick people and scenarios. Some are labelled with names like “Lugnut (Me!)” or “ Papa Torque.”
Vial of Cameronium
Neon green substance in a test-tube-like vial. Used to power time machines, but utterly useless without one.
Best of Corey Hart cassette tape
Self explanatory. Includes songs such as “Sunglasses at Night” and “Never surrender.”
Non-working home AI Sigourn-E
From James Cameron’s mega-mansion and famously put out of her misery by Wolf
Can be fixed, just not by this guy.
starting ability: N/A 
starting item: Gobulator
Sorry that literally every future man app XC has gotten is so long and convoluted. The show is worse, this is condensed.
Simultaneously begging people to watch this show and begging them to stay far far away
Wolf :)
discord id: corey.wolfhart passcode: my bad, guys.
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influencermagazineuk · 11 months
The Best Sitcoms That Keep Us Laughing: A Look at the Top Comedy Series
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Sitcoms, or situational comedies, have been a staple of television entertainment for decades. These light-hearted shows provide us with endless laughter, relatable characters, and memorable moments. In this article, we will explore some of the top sitcoms that have graced our screens, bringing joy and laughter into our lives. From classic favorites to modern gems, these comedy series have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. "Friends": One cannot discuss sitcoms without mentioning the iconic series "Friends." This beloved show follows the lives of a group of friends living in New York City and has become a cultural phenomenon, known for its witty writing, lovable characters, and unforgettable catchphrases. "The Office": Based on the British series of the same name, "The Office" takes a mockumentary-style approach to showcase the hilarious and often absurd dynamics of office life. With its ensemble cast and brilliant improvisation, this sitcom has become a fan favorite and a source of endless quotable moments. "Parks and Recreation": "Parks and Recreation" takes us on a comedic journey through the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana. Led by the incomparable Amy Poehler as the energetic and ambitious Leslie Knope, the series offers a delightful blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and an ensemble cast of quirky characters. "How I Met Your Mother": With its unique storytelling format, "How I Met Your Mother" follows Ted Mosby's quest to find true love as he recounts his adventures to his children. This sitcom combines humor, romance, and an intriguing narrative structure that keeps viewers engaged throughout its nine seasons. "The Big Bang Theory": "The Big Bang Theory" offers a hilarious portrayal of a group of socially awkward scientists and their interactions with the world around them. This long-running series is known for its clever writing, geeky references, and endearing characters that have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. "Seinfeld": Considered one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, "Seinfeld" follows the misadventures of comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his eccentric friends in New York City. The show's observational humor, memorable catchphrases, and relatable everyday situations have made it a timeless classic. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine": "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" combines comedy and crime-solving as it takes us into the world of the 99th precinct of the New York City Police Department. With its diverse cast, clever humor, and heartwarming moments, this sitcom has garnered a loyal fan base and critical acclaim. "Arrested Development": "Arrested Development" revolves around the dysfunctional Bluth family and their misadventures after their wealthy patriarch is arrested. This critically acclaimed sitcom stands out for its sharp writing, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable characters portrayed by a talented ensemble cast. "Cheers": Set in a Boston bar, "Cheers" is a classic sitcom that revolves around the lives of its colorful staff and patrons. Known for its witty banter, memorable characters, and catchy theme song, the show created a warm and welcoming atmosphere that made viewers feel like part of the Cheers family. "Modern Family": "Modern Family" takes a mockumentary-style approach to depict the lives of an extended family, showcasing the trials and tribulations of everyday life with humor and heart. With its diverse cast, relatable storylines, and a perfect blend of comedy and heartfelt moments, this sitcom has garnered widespread acclaim. Sitcoms have the remarkable ability to bring laughter and joy into our lives. Whether it's the timeless charm of "Friends," the workplace shenanigans of "The Office," or the family dynamics of "Modern Family," these sitcoms have become beloved favorites that continue to entertain audiences of all generations. With their witty writing, memorable characters, and relatable situations, these top comedy series have left a lasting impact on the world of television and will continue to make us laugh for years to come. Read the full article
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kozumekinnie · 2 years
The Concept of Moving On II | Various x GN! Reader
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Various Characters x Gender Neutral! Reader
Fluff; SFW
Mentions of Momo x Jirou
This is a choose your ending fan fiction
WC: 0.9k
A month when you thought you lost every shred of happiness that you had..
It’s already been a month since he broke up with you,
A month since you stopped caring about him and your friend
You didn’t really mind anymore, you continued your daily shenanigans without interacting with them. Though everyone has been kind and checking up on you almost everyday.
One Monday after class, you were re-organizing the notes you took down when you heard a knock. You thought it could just be Sero asking for notes but what surprised you, was Jirou, with a pack of cookies. ‘Be the bigger person’ you reminded yourself, you let out a sigh and said “Oh, what brings you here?” you didn’t even give her a smile.
“I wanted to talk to you, may I?” Jirou said, handing you the cookies she brought.
“Sure, come in” you said, gesturing to her to come inside.
You sat down on your bed as she sat by your study table. She looked up at you, fidgeting with her hands then she looked up to you and said “I respect you, I came here to talk to you about… him.” You stayed silent and she went on, “after you two broke up, he tried courting me. He made efforts to ask me out. But I refused, it wasn’t right for him to leave you out of the blue just for me and I couldn’t be with him knowing that you’d be hurt… plus... I - I’m with Momo.”,
Your eyes widened, “Oh sweet God, I’m not mad at you. I appreciate you coming here and telling me, especially since you had to tell me about you and Momo. "It must've been hard to handle the pressure of needing to come out because of this." you walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she stood up and hugged you.
“I hope we can be friends again, I couldn’t handle you and I not getting along,” she said. You gave her a pat on her back and pulled away to look at her.
“Since when were you together hmm..? You’re both sneaky, we didn't even notice.” you teased.
She let out a chuckle “2 months, we’ve been really great and I hope when we tell everyone they’d be happy for us” as she was fidgeting with her earjack.
You sat back down and took a bite from the cookie she gave you, “so what about Denki?”
“Well, he had it all when he had you,” she replied.
“Yeah I was so stupid to give him all my attention, I’m okay now. No plans on going back” you stated.
Jirou stood up and said “Guess the player lost huh, lost every chance. You know, one day he’ll be begging on his knees for you.” She laughed, causing you to also burst out laughing.
“He doesn’t deserve a happy ever after”.
When Jirou left, you went back to studying. Happily this time, knowing that you can still rely on your friend and even support her on her new relationship. With someone who wasn't the person who caused all this.
‘Dinner’s ready’ popped up on your screen as Deku texted you. You set aside your stuff and went down greeting everyone, you saw Denki and Jirou talking outside. ‘She’s finally turning him down,’ you thought. You sat down with Ochako and Deku with your eyes still looking outside. Suddenly Momo went out and slid an arm on Jirou’s waist, Denki looked shocked and scratched the back of his neck, then he apologized and went inside with the two following.
“We need to tell you something,” Momo announced. The dining area was quiet, anticipating what she’d say.
“We've been together for a while now, I hope you accept us,” Jirou said nervously.
The room’s silence broke when Sero said “hell yeah, I win now pay up” facing Kirishima who was reaching in his pocket. Momo and Jirou looked at them confused.
“We sorta bet on whether you two were dating or not.,” Kirishima explained.
“Well you two seemed fruity anyways, I’m glad you felt comfortable telling us.” Mina cheered.
“I agree, come and eat with us,” Tsuyu suggested.
Everyone felt happy, comfortable, and at home. Except for Denki who was alone in the living room, he didn’t eat until Bakugo offered him a plate, “eat up, how dare you not eat when I was the one who cooked for tonight.”
You felt a hand on your shoulder before you could press the elevator buttons. Looking behind you, you saw Denki, “Y/n” he spoke, “can we at least try-”
You cut him off. “No Denki, I’m not some backup plan that you can come back to whenever your main plan fails. Goodnight.” You walked straight into the elevator as it slowly closed on Denki’s shocked and sad face. ‘Lmao’ you thought. ‘Today was eventful’, you flopped down on your bed, sleeping at ease without any pain in your chest.
It was the next day and the bell already rang. You went from talking to Tsuyu and Aoyama to sitting down beside Shoto. Aizawa walked in and announced, “as you can see we’ll be having a summer festival here in UA, no students will be required to prepare since the school already hired booths and stalls for it. You don’t really have to plan out anything so this day will be a rest day to everyone, goodnight.” and proceeded to sleep in his sleeping bag.
You were about to rest your head down and place your headphones when:
Various/Harem (on hold)
Note: all endings are different. Plus, everyone’s healing time is different so it’s not really a rushed relationship with others when u didn’t date Denki for that long.
Please point out any mistakes I have made! My messages are open, I am willing to edit :))
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
❆ henlo jas i have come to give you appreciation:
Y’KNOW! when first getting into DL, Ruki was like?? not a FAVOURITE, but not a character i didn’t like either. i didn’t particularly think to much of him. UNTIL—
i read your portrayal of him. FOR SOME REASON— the way that you write specifically. the way you convey his character. wonderful. spectacular. is so?? compelling?? DEF DRAWS A PERSON IN.
so now everyday i wake up like “ooooo i wonder what shenanigans rooks is gonna get up to on the dash.”
First I just want to say thank you so much for your kind words, from the bottom of my heart. T_T Writing has always been a passion of mine to some degree, but before this blog I never wrote much of anything fictional. In fact, the last time I did any kind of roleplaying was probably 10 years ago if you exclude this blog, so I totally thought it would flop due to my rustiness LMAO. Instead, I made so many wonderful friends on here including yourself and I could not be more grateful for it. Every day I'm trying to improve my language and technique and it's been such a blast exploring that through, hands down, my favorite comfort character of all time. It's definitely entertaining for me to think of how he would react to certain situations, interact with all kinds of people, and problem solve his way out of things. 🧩
WARNING: MAJOR RUKI SIMPERY AHEAD because I just don't know when to stop I guess.
Okay someone stop me because I know I'm going to go on a long Ruki spiel that no one asked for—
Honestly, being indifferent to Ruki is a pretty reasonable conclusion to arrive at for the standard DL fan, assuming you have not read all of his routes, drama CD's, tokutens, etc. like most people probably haven't. The anime only shows a glimpse of his character that doesn't even do him justice, and his first route (MB) barely scratches the surface as well imo. I'll try to keep this short since my Ruki simpery is off the charts, but the breadth of his character for me stems from Dark Fate and Lost Eden which, I assume, most don't really delve that far unless Ruki is already one of your biases.
Basically what I'm trying to say is—I think you flatter me too much because I kind of just take everything I know about his character + how I envision him to act in my head and just… write from there, I guess. HAHAHA. Truth be told I was convinced when I made this blog, people would think my portrayal of Ruki is too exaggerated (which, ngl, he totally is for my own entertainment LMAO) or too sadistic for his own good. BUT violence and torture aside, it's one of my goals of this blog to spread my love for the character and make other people see why he is so dear to my heart.
Too often have I seen people mistake Ruki for someone who is overly serious, dull, or no fun at all. But to me, that couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who plays through his routes would know that he has some of the biggest snark and sass I've seen of ANY OF THE DL BOYS. Seriously, the cutting edge this man has… OOF. IT HITS HARDER WHEN HE'S ALREADY INTELLIGENT AND KNOWS WHERE IT HURTS MOST TOO. Yes, he is strict, stoic, maybe a bit too aloof for most people's tastes, BUT HE'S ALSO SUPER WITTY, SURPRISINGLY CHARMING, AND HE JUST SOMEHOW GIVES OFF THIS JUXTAPOSING AURA OF "I WANT TO RUIN YOUR LIFE" + "I WANT TO PROTECT YOU AND CARE FOR YOU" and I jUST—GFHFGKHFG okay you can argue probably all of the boys give off that kind of vibe??? But still??
The whole backstory of Ruki being the eldest who leads his brothers despite knowing he is the forbidden choice who should not be chosen, [SPOILERS CROSSED OUT] despite the person he respects so much being the same reason for his own trauma and downfall , and being arguably the most closed off, cold-hearted of all the boys eventually opening up to you and being vulnerable around you? IT DOESN'T GET MORE REWARDING THAN THAT.
It's the reason why I make him quite the sadistic vamp and try to add a cutting wit as sharp as his own fangs in every single reply I write. That's what I take from his character and luckily for me, being someone who knows a lot of idioms and ambiguous sayings with room for double meanings, there is so much for me to work with to go above and beyond the Ruki you would read in say, an English translation of his dialogue, if that makes sense? Probably most of what I'm saying right now doesn't register unless you have Ruki for brains like I do but bottom line is: I love this man too much for my own good that I had to make a blog of him portraying him the way he practically lives in my head rent free.
And you don't know how elated I am that it's more than just the inner fangirling of a crazed Ruki lunatic. I'm so happy that others like this portrayal of him as much as they do... It all feels so surreal to me.
So, yes, when you mention Rooks and his shenanigans... I ask myself the same thing every day too when I first wake up. I wonder what my man will encounter today and what other crazy madness he's gonna stir up on tumblr dot com HAHAHAHAHA. I can only hope it is entertaining for all who happen to stumble across it and dedicate the time to read my posts. T_T <3 Thank you for enjoying the character thanks to how I write him. It means more than you know.
And please take care of yourself as well, Whin. I see how hard you work and it doesn't go unnoticed. We all need breathers from writing even if it's a fun hobby, or so I like to tell myself.
Thanks for coming to my simp talk.
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orderlysorrow · 3 years
Extreme Dinosaur episodes/fan fiction/ comics/whatever I would enjoy.
They go to see the newest movie Jurassic Park, but the Raptors happen to also choose the same theater. They decide to form a shaky truce. Shenanigans ensue:
The Raptor lose their mind at the Velociraptors and scream bloody murder (in delight) when they own and stalk the humans
Stegz say, "Inaccurate" while pointing, throughout the movie, but enjoys it all the same
T-Bones shouts at the humans to get away most the time.
Bullzeye and Spike spill all the popcorn everywhere
Stegz gets invited by a paleontologist to talk giving an eyewitness account of his life of the past. The Raptors find out and, insulted, crash it. The scientists are chill the whole time and don't act like know-it-alls.
An everyday life episode that focuses on T-Bone and what he does.
He has had little character development. While I can imagine what the others would do after capturing the Raptors, T-Bone kinda feels like he would be lost without a enemy to fight.
The Raptors discover Barney exists and are enraged at the misrepresentation of dinosaurs. When the Extreme Dinosaurs goes to rescue the studio, Bullzeye hesistates.
"Guys, you don't understand, Barney's a dweeb. Like, even kids make fun of him"
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
A Different Kind Of Love…
Wonwoo: Chapter 3 (Save Your Tears)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, fluff, cheating (again, sort of), FOOD mentions, Mood Swings. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: Here it is friends! A chapter with almost complete fluff. Who would’ve thunk huh? Anyways I hope you guys like the chapter. I had quite a bit of fun writing it for some reason…
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Mostly domestic ☁️ & barely any 🥀
A Different Kind Of Love… Master List
Chapter 3: Save Your Tears
It had been exactly three months since you had been marked by Wonwoo and finally completely integrated yourself into your new pack. You hadn’t seen or heard from Song since that night, but you still felt VERY uneasy about the whole situation. People didn’t just get together the way you and your mate did and get a sweet happy little ending.
Wonwoo and you were doing great personally though. You now slept in the same room, ‘slept’ together, and just all around loved each other. You were starting to have a hard time remembering what life was like before you had gotten attacked by that angry mob now that you were with him. He made time stop and fast forward all at once. Everything seemed to go on forever and yet so quickly when you were with him. And you loved every single second of it. Even if you had a hard time showing him that sometimes.
You were downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for all the boys, someone had to. They literally could not seem to take care of themselves even if they were grown ass men. So you kind of took on the part of den mother to them, you were the only responsible girl they had around after all. None of the Alphas had mates yet, in fact, no one older than Jihoon had found theirs yet. It was only the younger ones. And while their mates were great, they just very much acted like their wolf counter parts, which meant fun all day everyday without a second thought. So that left you being one of the few, other than Seungcheol and Joshua, who knew when enough shenanigans was enough. You didn’t mind, you liked having a big family again.
Many of the boys reminded you of your brothers. Especially Mingyu, who ate and played just as much and as rough as they did. It caused the both of you to become very close, even to the point where he felt like one of your biological brothers, he reminded you a lot of Mako. And of course, Wonwoo was absolutely delighted that the member he considered his best friend and his mate got along so much. He trusted Mingyu around you more than anyone else, so much so that he refused to even let you leave the house without either Gyu or himself by your side.
You had been having your nightmares again which was relatively normal for you. However, Wonwoo had started having them himself, which as a seer was very much not normal or good in meaning in anyway. He wouldn’t tell you what they were about, he always said you didn’t need to worry or be bothered with them as there was nothing to mention. But the way he clung to you, and the way he forced Mingyu to stay with you when he couldn’t, started having you think that maybe things weren’t as alright as they seemed…
You still just brushed it off, trying your best to just enjoy your little honeymoon bliss with your mate and continued to flip pancakes. Everything would work out. That’s what your voices said, so that’s what you believed. Soon enough, your mate had woken up to an empty bed and marched his way downstairs with a pout adorned on his face.
“(Y/N), why are you downstairs stirring batter instead of upstairs snoring in my arms?” He let out in an annoyed huff as he came to stand beside you, watching your actions with playfully narrowed eyes.
“Because Wonu, 1.) everyone will need breakfast soon and I hate that Seungcheol’s always left to be the one to do it and 2.) you take forever and I hate waiting for you to wake up. And HEY I do NOT snore!” You ranted, smacking his toned chest with your free hand in the process, the other firmly gripped onto your whisk as you made more mix for more pancakes.
You had gotten comfortable with him to the point of joking. Which not only made you proud, but made Wonwoo’s heart soar. He was glad he could coax you out of your shell a bit.
“Yeah yeah sure. And Soonyoung isn’t a little sexual deviant.” He chuckled and kissed the top of your rat’s nest covered head.
“Hey! I heard that!” Soonyoung shouted from his room in the higher portion of the house.
“Yeah I know.” Wonwoo smiled, dipping his finger in the batter you had just added some strawberry syrup to to add more flavor and plopping it directly into his mouth.
“Whatever that weird stuff is is good. But don’t think I’m still not upset that my mate left the bed without me this morning.” He assessed, sitting himself down on the counter next to you while you started pouring batter onto your skillet.
“Well get over it my love. It’s not the first time it’s happened and we both know with the way you sleep, it’s not gonna be the last. And my pancakes are not weird! They are delicious.” You declared, flipping a newly heated pancake over so it’s other side would begin to cook.
That’s something he had come to realize about you: you were always very prideful of being able to do household things well. And certain things like your hair for that matter. You always had high personal standards, though you only seemed to hold yourself to them as you didn’t care if anyone else lived up to them, just you. He chalked it up to your tribe’s old family centered traditions. He thought it was cute, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease you a bit about it.
Wonwoo smirked and bit his lip at the gratification you showed in your cooking, “They are. They’re still weird as shit though. Who puts the syrup INTO the batter?”
“I do. It makes them taste better” You insisted before you put the finished pancake with the rest of the cooked stack you had managed to create before your mate came to bother you.
“You know maybe you just don’t know how to cook.” You pointed at him with your spatula in a teasing manner.
“Maybe not” He shrugged, ducking his form down a bit to get closer to you, “But I DO know that when you’re done cooking them, you’re just gonna eat them plain like a freak.”
Just as he finished his sentence, half a dozen wolves made their way into the kitchen. You hadn’t even realized anyone other than Soonyoung was really even up yet do to you focusing all your senses and attention on your mate. That had taken you a lot of practice as, in the wilderness, you had to pay attention to everything and everyone around you.
“Mmm smells good (Y/N), what’s cooking?” Seungkwan questioned as he fought Soonyoung for a seat that was positioned closer to the food.
“Pancakes. I made loads of them” You stated, looking towards the two bickering werewolves before you and turned the stovetop off.
“And it is NOT freaky to eat them without syrup. Lots of people do it. Plus, the extra syrup’s so sugary it’s been making me feel sick lately so I would rather just eat it without to avoid it.” You spoke to Wonwoo, who had finally brought himself down from the counter and sat himself down on a chair to grab food with the other boys.
He just laughed in response to your stubbornness and pulled you to sit on his lap with a kiss to your cheek, “Whatever you say baby. I still think it’s weird to eat a plain pancake.”
It had taken you quite a while to warm up to this kind of PDA. When you first came to them, something like that would have you wiggle your way to sit alone and have to hide your burning cheeks. You’d really come a long way. Well, at least with Wonu
“Oh yeah no that’s suuuuper weird (Y/N). You may be a sociopath.” Jeonghan chuckled as he plopped another large bite of a pancake into his mouth, smiling.
“Yeah that’s weird as shit. Who the hell eats a plain pancake?” Soonyoung snickered, shoveling a whole syrup filled circle into his mouth.
“Look, what do any of you know? Most of you had never even eaten a pancake before I came around because Koreans don’t typically eat them for breakfast. So shut up!” You spit out, your feelings starting to get hurt at the constant teasing of the others.
“Who’s the weirdo eating plain pancakes?” Joshua, the American, asked from the stairs as he slowly made his was down towards the rest of the pack to eat.
“Well the Westerner thinks it’s weird so…” Chan said with a shrug and a shit eating grin.
The boys all busted out laughing, some so hard they had to hold their sides. Wonwoo started to choke a laugh back into your shoulder as you sat there and folded your arms over your chest.
“You guys suck. I try and be NICE to you and I get laughed at for my eating habits. I don’t want to have to sit here for this” You huffed, getting up from your mate’s lap and walking upstairs to your shared bedroom, closing the door a bit louder than you probably should’ve when so many people were still sleeping.
“Damn, what crawled up her ass?” Hansol, who you had stomped past on the way to your room said, finally getting himself situated in the kitchen.
Wonwoo let out a frustrated sigh before he stood up from his place, grabbing a plate of pancakes in the process. He was still trying to figure out when his teasing was too much for you. And he probably would’ve been fine had the others not decided to join in. You liked them, you did, but you weren’t as comfortable around them just yet. Them taunting you probably really upset you and he was just the dumbass who let them continue to do it.
“Me. I’m an idiot. I’ll go talk to her and see if I can get her to come back down.” He said as he begrudgingly made his way to the stairs, slightly kicking himself internally for upsetting you over something so little and stupid.
Once he made it to your bedroom door, he tried to turn the handle, only to realize it was locked.
“(Y/N)? Baby? Can you please open the door?” He whined out, not realizing he had upset you to the point of you wanting even HIM to leave you alone.
You always wanted him around you. Even when you first came to the pack, you still would rather be near him. Even when he was with Song, you still liked having him close by. Even when you were angry at him, you’d rather be angry at him with his arms wrapped around you than be angry at him alone somewhere. You never locked the door. His inner wolf groaned at the thought.
“No.” You bluntly spit out, wanting him as far away from you as possible and trying to suppress a stomach growl all in one go.
“I brought pancakes…” Wonwoo all but sung out, having heard your angry stomach and knowing damn well you would give into him if he had food.
After hearing a small groan from the other side of the barrier, he heard a little click of metal before the door swung open. In front of him was a very angry looking you, your cheeks were stained with tears and it caused a small whimper to emit from his chest. He had caused you to cry and it crushed him.
You had your hand out in expectancy as he had promised sustenance in exchange for entry. He dutifully handed you the plate and closed the door behind him. He watched as you scarfed down a full pancake in one go. Damn, you were more hungry than he thought.
“What do you want?” You sniffled at him once you had cleared your airway of food.
You sat the plate down on the nightstand before you stood and turned your attention back to your mate, grabbing another pancake and taking small bites in the process. You were never really this hungry or ate this much, but when you got sad lately, you just felt like eating. Probably not the best habit, but you weren’t that good with your feelings, you always just followed your instincts instead. They always kept you alive, and right now they were telling you to eat, so you ate.
“I wanted to apologize baby. I didn’t mean to upset you. It really was just a joke. I didn’t mean to make you cry. You’re not weird. Plain pancakes are fine. I should’ve just kept my big mouth shut.” He groveled, wrapping his arms around your small frame.
“Yes. Yes, you should’ve.” You agreed, finally swallowing the remains of your food and crossing your arms in annoyance, slightly leaning away from his touch to wipe your tears away.
You wanted him to touch you. God, you wanted him to touch you. But you didn’t want to give in so easily, because once you gave in, you knew he’d get all smug and then you’d want to punch his smug face. You wanted him to genuinely feel bad before you crashed your lips to his and ripped each other clothes off. It was only fair.
Wonwoo could smell the wetness already beginning to form between your legs. He suppressed a smirk threatening to appear on his face for getting you this worked up by literally doing almost nothing, but he knew being cocky wasn’t a good way to get you to stop being mad at him. So he stuck with his original plan: begging for forgiveness.
He easily lifted you up and secured your legs around his waist, holding onto your back so you wouldn’t lose your balance and fall, “I really am sorry. I won’t do it again baby. I promise.” He spoke as he leaned his forehead against yours with his best pout, tugging at your heartstrings.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to contain your excitement for what was about to come, but failed miserably and let a happy smile creep up on your lips. You locked your hands behind his head, giggled at him and bit your lip.
“You’re forgiven. This time. BUT you have to make it up to me.” You decided, eyes looking up for a moment in thought to tease him. He slowly started moving towards the bed that was in the center of the room before he spoke up.
“And how would you like me to make it up to you baby?” He said as he began kissing your neck softly, trailing around your mate mark with a grin plastered on his face.
“Well for starters, you can fuck me senseless until I forget what I was even mad at you for to begin with.” You confirmed, tilting your head to the side to give him a bit more access to your exposed neck.
“With pleasure my love.” And with that, he fell to the bed with you in his arms, careful not to crush you in the process before he got to work on his promise.
(Updated 8/23)
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karakozakov · 4 years
Fic Rec time!!!
Hey everyone! Since I’ve been reading fics nearly everyday and of various fandoms I’ve decided to make a fic rec list. The fics are classified by the show, and include summary and details. Enjoy! 
Warning: long post
Since this post is epically long, I’ll make more posts on the fic recs. Haikyuu isn’t over and other fandoms like Kuroko no Basket and Free! are also going to have their own posts!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Four out of Six by sugamama_crowshi
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Words: 12,450 |  Language: English |  Chapters: 1/1 | Warning: Major Character Death
“I’m going to die soon.”
Daichi looked up from his reading at Suga’s sudden words.
“I said I’m going to die soon,” he repeated calmly.
The setter, who was lying on his back on the bed, rolled over onto his side and looked down at where Daichi was sitting on the floor. Daichi set down his book beside him. Suga gave him a small smile. Daichi frowned.
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not? Because it’s true?” When Daichi didn’t reply, Suga reached out and tousled his hair. “I’m sorry. I know it’s hard for you to hear me say things like that. But it helps me come to terms with it. Do you understand?”
Daichi closed his eyes and sighed. “I do.” But that doesn’t mean I’ve come to terms with it yet.
When Suga is diagnosed with cancer, it takes everything in Daichi's power to accept that within the year his best friend would no longer be alive. But that didn't mean he'd given up hope. So when Suga presents Daichi with his bucket list, Daichi does everything in his power to make Suga's last six request come true.
Kaleidoscope  by gAAmAtsU16
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 36,804 | Language: English | Chapters: 10/10
Iwaizumi Hajime thought moving to the countryside for a new life was the greatest mistake he could’ve done. Then he meets Oikawa Tooru, blind and sightless, and he teaches him that Love may literally be blind but is not limited to only sight.
cool teens don't wear skinny jeans  by ebenroot
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Words: 31,620 | Language: English | Chapters: 5/5
'He was supposed to ask Suga for his number or ask if he was busy next Friday night and if he was interested in seeing a movie or something. Instead, he said in a slightly cracking and not at all calm voice, “I think I lost my kids.”'
that fic where babysitter no. 1 Daichi loses three kids in the city, gets into a bunch of shenanigans, and tries to ask Suga on a date.
All in the Cards by Killthespare
Relationships: Kageyama Tobio/Hinata Shouyou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi
Language: English | Words: 120,248 | Chapters: 20/20 | Warning: Mature
The Card Kingdoms Stand United.
...of course, this would be a lot easier if Hearts had their King. It's too bad that Oikawa Tooru emphatically does not want the job. Meanwhile, the threat of war looms on the horizon and Hinata Shouyou just uncovered a plot that could rock the entire kingdom to the core.
When You Wish Upon a Star by emerald1963
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 31,975 | Chapters: 8/8
Hajime has no idea how this situation is even possible, but he’s one hundred percent certain that it’s all Oikawa’s fault.
Oikawa blames the aliens.
The Iwaoi body swap fic that this fandom needs, if not the one it deserves.
Fingers Crossed by SapphyreLily
Relationships: Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Matsukawa & Hanamaki
Language: English | Words: 10,608 | Chapters: 1/1
Seijou 4 Week Day 7 - Secret Agent AU
A friendly mask on, but a knife in hand, behind your back. Deception and lies. That's what it meant, to be agents.
A Twist of Faete by chatielee, crackpairingprincess
Relationship: Ushijima Wakatoshi/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 82,983 | Chapters: 12/12
As far as birthdays go, you only get a few special ones. The first being, well, the first. Then, when you hit double digits and turn 10. At 13, you're finally a teenager. 16, you can start driving. At 18, you're considered an adult.
But being traded off to a Faerie king that wants to marry him is not what Oikawa had wanted for his birthday.
Add New Contact by booksong
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Language: English | Words: 8,556 | Chapters: 1/1
"Daichi was leaning contemplatively on the sill of his open window, waiting for the icy breeze he was letting into his room to wake him up to how utterly stupid he was being. He’d always hated stories, real or fictional, about people doing ridiculous and self-destructive things for love, but now here he was, palming his smartphone idly and wondering with complete seriousness if it would survive an eight meter drop with substantial but repairable damage."
(Or; All Daichi's electronics are endangered the moment he realizes he can't get that sweet, patient, ridiculously attractive IT tech off his mind.)
the dragon, the witch, and the mistakes we made along the way by crocustongues
Relationships: Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Matsukawa & Hanamaki
Language: English | Words: 8,021 | Chapters: 1/1
An alchemist, a djinn, a fey, a dragon made entirely out of chocolate, and a human touched by the goddess Ceres walk into a bar.
And blow it up.
(or, the true meaning of the saying, nothing adventured, nothing gained).
hang out fall in love by carafin for wafflesquire
Realtionship: Matsukawa Issei/Hanamaki Takahiro
Language: English | Words: 5,689 | Chapters: 1/1
In which Hanamaki's humble medical practice is threatened by an intractable asshole a witch doctor who's just moved into the shop down the street. Medical/Witchcraft AU.
As far as Hanamaki’s concerned, and as far as bad life decisions go, setting up your witch clinic right next to an actual, proper, medical clinic is practically akin to setting up an all-you-can-eat buffet right next to a gym. Or a sex toy shop next to a church. Or a vegetable patch next to a goat farm. Or – yeah, the point is, this Matsukawa guy has totally cornered the market in Terrible-Life-Decision-Making-Skills.
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
Thanks for putting up with all the shit you do in this fandom! There’s a lot written about misogyny or whether people just don’t like Betty’s character any more because of her actions but to me it seems like the main change in her character is that she isn’t currently linked to Jughead. I’m a Bughead fan and I think that what was beautiful about their relationship was their support of each other. Betty was very wrong to kiss Archie and she should have told Jughead sooner but to ignore years Of Betty loving and supporting Jughead just because of this one action ( which she stopped by the way- this seems to be overlooked by everyone) and to say that she is responsible for his trauma is ludicrous. I don’t think these people are misogynists but i do wonder, if it had been Jughead who had behaved this way would they still be punishing him now? If Jughead is their fave character and they like Betty purely as his gf and prefer Tabitha If not that is fine but they can’t seriously blame all Jughead’s problems 7 years later on a high school kiss. You don’t need to publish this as you must be sick of trolls and apparently now being criticised on other people’s blogs but I want you know when you are out there taking the hits that a lot of support you!
you’re sweet, thank you for the kind message!💜
everything i say on here is public, doll, so i don’t begrudge anyone for reacting to it. i think some people can handle it better and more respectfully than they do but i’ve never been here to control how people do things in fandom, i share how i feel, how others feel is up to them. 
when the main change in someone’s character is her disconnect from a male main fave that directly correlates to an increase in the hate she gets, one has to ask if the influx of hate comes from a disingenuous place. 
i know people like to think i swooped down from the betty defense brigade last year to yell at everyone who had the audacity to not like her for kissing archie and that’s ridiculous. i was upfront years ago that i waited out s2 fandom wise because i saw the shenanigans from parts of this fandom. i saw the betty hate for no reason. i saw the people who bent over backwards to explain why it was cheating on betty’s part when she and archie kissed while both single in s2. i watched the sexist logic. i saw the bad arguments. i decided, in the end, that i wanted to write fic more than i wanted to avoid those bad faith takes. 
it’s not like i wasn’t upset about the cheating. or mad at the writing. but betty is fictional and cannot literally be hurt. the very real people that were getting attacked because they still liked betty despite her mistake? they could be and some of this fandom was being the very worst version of themselves over fiction. 
and the thing about misogyny or sexism is...you don’t have to be a misogynist or sexist to take part in these behaviors. we all do it. none of us are immune, including me. that’s not how that works. things are engrained in our culture, in our everyday thinking and sure, i’m more aware of it now than i used to be but i’m sure if i had to look at some of the stuff i’d have said without thinking even 5 years ago, i’d cringe now. that’s how being human goes. 
people accuse me of lots of things these days. i’ve been called a jughead hater, that i’m self-inserting as lili or betty, etc and it’s never offended me. because i know it’s not true. if anyone finds offense in the my opinions in response to anons or the trolls in my inbox, i don’t mean for them to be upset, truly. i’m only commenting on the things i’m presented with. i can’t control how others perceive it. 
we all remember the “betty punishment” fic requesting, right? the people who wanted to see her suffer onscreen, right? we all know that happened, yeah? we all saw them call her a w/hore and a s/lut, didn’t we? that she should have to watch jughead date other girls until he decided to forgive her? i know plenty of people saw that. 
so, you’ll have to excuse me if i don’t take all of the “i’m just into the idea of another jughead ship” takes dropped into my inbox seriously and in good faith. same language being used for jealous/punished betty, same names showing up. same desire to see her be alone in the name of her mental health while jughead should get someone to hold his hand through it. 
i’m sorry but i can’t pretend that some of those things don’t come off as insincere. i love betty and jughead. separately and together. i want them both to have better lives and yes, as a bughead shipper, i want them to find their way back to each other.  
that we know the response to jughead doing the same thing wouldn’t be anywhere near the same amount of outrage (look at the reaction to archie—literal crickets at times for it) is telling and i think we all know that by now, some people are just always going to only like betty insomuch as she’s connected to jughead. 
i just don’t feel the same way and i’m not going to sit here like i haven’t been around fandoms for years now with the exact same behaviors, no matter the pairing. this isn’t new, this isn’t different. i’ll see it again. so will you. so will we all. 
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