the-golden-comet · 2 days
✨🏴‍☠️OC Questionnaire Tag🏴‍☠️✨
Thank you for the tag, @corinneglass ! ✨
My questions:
What is your defining trait?
What toxic thoughts do you struggle with?
What is your purpose in life?
Your question:
What is your favorite thing to eat?
What is one of your lifelong goals?
Do you have any fears?
Answering for Peter from Peter Hart
1. What is your defining trait?
Well….a notorious pirate, aye? The mates say I haven’t got a fearful bone in my body, so that’s a close second.
2. What toxic thoughts do you often struggle with?
Oft when I have trouble sleeping, and Benjamin is lying on my chest in his gorgeous slumber, I think up every possible scenario where I could lose him….and strategize out of every single one. On the worst nights, I almost see red with how angry I make myself….but I remember the man in my arms, his warmth…that gentle smile resting on his face. And I calm myself.
3. What is your purpose in life?
A pirates purpose, aye? To be free to sail the seas, plunder for loot, drink to our merry hearts’ content of course. To do so with my crew, my husband….is a life I would trade not for anything in the whole world.
Tagging (no pressure): @autism-purgatory , @wyked-ao3 , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @fortunatetragedy , @mundanemoongirl , @idkmybffjaden , @jev-urisk , @froggy-pposto , @gioiaalbanoart , @madi-konrad , @brigidfromthecelts , +open tag! ✨
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librosdehistoria · 4 years
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La Gran Guerra (1914-1918): Historia militar de la primera guerra mundial, de Peter Hart. ➡️ Link en Bio con todas las recomendaciones del perfil ⬅️ Sinopsis: «La Gran Guerra ―escribe Peter Hart, investigador del Imperial War Museum de Londres― fue el acontecimiento más importante del siglo XX». Fue la primera guerra que abarcó el mundo entero: millones de hombres murieron en combates en los que por primera vez se usaban aeroplanos, tanques, submarinos o gases asfixiantes. Cayeron imperios, surgieron nuevas naciones y nuevas ideologías; el mundo entero cambió. Hart, autor de una serie de libros de investigación sobre las grandes batallas de la guerra, considerado por los especialistas entre los mejores en su género, ha realizado ahora la primera historia militar completa de la guerra en todos sus aspectos y en todos sus frentes. Una tarea que se ha basado en las colecciones de documentos y manuscritos que conserva el Imperial War Museum, fundado en 1917 para reunir toda la documentación acerca del conflicto; pero a la que Hart ha aportado además su conocimiento de los planes, las personalidades y las ideas de los hombres que dirigieron los combates. Este va a ser, sin duda, un libro de referencia indispensable sobre la historia dela Gran Guerra. Editado por @editorialcritica #librosprimeraguerramundial #librosrecomendados #libros #libroshistoria #librosdehistoria #guerramundial #iguerramundial #igm #lagranguerra #peterhart #historiaenguerra #historiacontemporanea #historiaparatodos #europaenguerra #elmundoenguerra #lahistoriamola #megustalahistoria #somoshistoria #serhistoria #primeraguerramundial #mejoreslibrosdehistoria https://www.instagram.com/p/CHmtjWmBunX/?igshid=1b0mwc8lv87sm
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summerfrazier · 7 years
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Un USA @PeterHart
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
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Yes. The answer is yes.
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the-golden-comet · 20 days
If you ever think your novel is “too cringey” to publish, just know that I passed review with “Schrödinger’s Sodomy” in my text. You’re fine.
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the-golden-comet · 12 days
✨OC Questionnaire Tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @willtheweaver !
My Questions:
How do you think others perceive you?
What is the one food you will not eat?
What was the craziest thing you did as a child?
Your questions:
What was the hardest choice you ever had to make?
Is there someone in your life you can’t be without?
How often do you dream, and are they pleasant, lucid, or nightmares?
Answering my questions with Peter from Peter Hart
How do you think others perceive you?
Depends on who you mean, mate. My crew and I are like family. Anyone else? I guess a bit wary…fearful in my full uniform, to a downright target in parliament. I’ve made great reputations at some ports, and others…not so much. I’m pretty notorious, aye?
What is the one food you will not eat?
Can’t be too picky out at sea, but the food’s gotta serve a purpose. Food that doesn’t fuel, doesn’t give energy, is just a waste of time and jaw work. As a child, I hated my spinach. I’ve grown a palate for it now, considering it’s rich in iron and nutrients.
What was the craziest thing you did as a child?
Oh Gods, haha. I was always a little rascal. Do you mean the constant pickpocketing? Or when I had to spend a night in irons, and I tried to sneak through the bars? Officer Ralph wasn’t too pleased about that one….OR…do you mean the time I built a raft and sailed the sea for two days looking for the Fabled Isle of Gold, getting caught in a storm, washing ashore, and getting found by my father and The Phoenix Gang?….Aye, I think that one takes it. I was quite the rapscallion. My poor mother; no wonder she was so hard on me. I must’ve caused those gray hairs to come a little early…
I’m (no pressure) tagging @fortunatetragedy , @autism-purgatory , @wyked-ao3 , @tabswrites , @alinacapellabooks , and @thatuselesshuman , but I’ll also keep the tag +open for whoever else wants their OCs to answer these questions ✨
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the-golden-comet · 8 days
✨Character Voice Tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @paeliae-occasionally !
My prompt is: Just killed someone, feeling good.
Your prompt is: Are you calling me a liar?
I have an old sketch from Peter Hart that matches this dialogue! I’ll put the sketch below the cut because of blood spatter 🩸✨
Peter: Ah, right. That let off some steam.
Benjamin: ….P-Peter you just shot this guy….!
Peter: Oh, aye? Maybe “this guy” shouldn’t have cornered you with a knife to your throat, then.
Benjamin: Oh m-my God….
Peter: …Are you alright, love? Here: Turn away before you faint from the sight, Benjamin. Are you hurt?
Benjamin: I-I don’t think so…I-I can’t stop sh-shaking….
Peter: Let me see your neck….mmm, good. You’re alright, Benjamin. You’re safe now. I’m glad you’re not hurt. If even a single drop of blood left your body, I’d’ve riddled him full of so many bullets that his body’d be poisoned with lead.
+open tag! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 16 days
✨🌈 Happy Pride Month from Peter and Benjamin!! 🌈✨
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You’ve probably seen them as my profile header, but I wanted to make a post specifically for pride month. It’s because of my friends, my husband, and my family that have all supported me that I could bring myself—and by extension, my Hart—to life. 💖
And now, with this fantastic community, I wanted to thank everyone for being such wonderful supporters of my crafts.
Everyone deserves to love who they are. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own skin. Everyone deserves to be the person they want to be. ✨🌈✨
You are valid, you are welcomed, and you are beautiful inside AND out. 💖✨
Please, never stop being the wonderful souls you are. The you that is you, deep down, is a beautiful being waiting to soar high, feeling the warmth and welcoming sun on your back and the air beneath your wings.
Never stop being you. You are loved. Thank you for being who you are. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈💖✨💫
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the-golden-comet · 11 days
✨Personality through a quote tag✨
Thank you for the tag, @willtheweaver ! I haven’t done this one yet, so it should be fun! ✨
My prompt is: Trying to leave a party early
Your prompt is: Eating something that you don’t like, but not wanting to offend the person who made it.
Trying to leave a party early
Peter Hart
Benjamin: ….fucking hell. I’ve had enough of this tomfoolery.
Davey: Haha, that’s good fun, aye? Mmmm…best be….w-wrappin’ up soon. These ol’ bones gotta get some rest.
Jacques: Um, Capitaine…it may be time to….?
Peter: (is the one who started the party) Aye, Wuzzat? Ehm…hold on….(fumbling with knives in belt) I may be…apt for a lie down soon….🥴
Benjamin: …My God, Peter….(sigh)….let’s get you horizontal before you hurt yourself.
Peter: ….I’ll get YOU Horizontal~
Noah: (just fucking leaves)
Ali, trying to coax him back: Wait, hold on sadiq! Hey, wait up! Don’t you at least want to try the cool cup game? Noah!! (ends up leaving with him)
Tagging (no pressure): @fortunatetragedy , @autism-purgatory , @wyked-ao3 , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @honeybewrites , @paeliae-occasionally , @theverumproject , @thatuselesshuman ,
@leahnardo-da-veggie , @just-emis-blog , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , @zackprincebooks , @lychhiker-writes , @billybatsonmylove , @froggy-pposto , +open tag for anyone else! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 11 days
✨OC Interview Tag ✨
Thank you for the tag, @paeliae-occasionally ! ✨
My questions:
Where is home for you?
What spell/ item (for non-magic people) do you use most often? Why?
Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Your questions:
Do you keep in touch with your biological family, or a found family (if applicable)?
If you were an animal, what would you be?
What is one thing you can’t leave your home without?
Benjamin from Peter Hart will be answering these three questions ✨
1. Where is home for you?
Well, certainly not back at Port Mayor. As much as it pains me to admit, I’ve….found a great family with the Golden Phoenix Gang. Out on the seas with Peter and the gang has been a much-needed breath of fresh air from my previously stuffy abode.
2. What spell/ item (for non-magic people) do you use most often? Why?
Ugh, do you mean that bloody Seeker’s Amulet? I haven’t really got a choice with that. Peter forced me to wear it. Legend has it that it only works with a noble heart’s desire….I just so happen to be the unfortunate noble sap that became the loot finder…bully for me. If I had it my way, I’d’ve tossed the damn medallion into the sea.
3. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Cold weather, absolutely. I’ve a propensity to faint at the most inopportune moments, and heat does NOT help with those dizzying feelings. In colder weather, I can at least add layers. Plus, in the frigid climates, Peter’s chest can be quite…warm, and….comfortable….o-oh! I mean, um…ahem….P-Peter does a good job at making me feel comfortable….r-right, that’s it.
+open tag! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 4 days
OC Theme Song—Part 2
Thank you for the tag @gioiaalbanoart and @katenewmanwrites !
Not gonna lie, Noah’s theme song goes fucking hard. Love Fox Stevenson ✨
Peter Hart
Tagging @alinacapellabooks , @autism-purgatory , @fortunatetragedy , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @deanwax @lychhiker-writes @zackprincebooks +open tag! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 15 days
✨Composition Analysis: Into The Ashes✨
I’m back with another Composition Analysis from my Peter Hart soundtrack, courtesy of @gioiaalbanoart ✨
Without further ado, the Titular Piece. As always, use headphones or earbuds for the best listening experience:
Into the Ashes
“Into the Ashes” was named after The Golden Phoenix. Before Peter became the captain, his father Johnathan Hart was commanding The Phoenix. Proceeding a long battle with an enemy ship, The Phoenix was nearly sunk. However, as it is named The Phoenix, it dove into the ashes and rose back from them to sail the sea again.
After Captain Hart I’s death, Captain Hart II (Peter) rebranded the vessel as The Golden Phoenix to honor his father’s legacy, while also giving rise to a new era.
This movement is in 3 distinct parts, with an overarching melody passed between accordion, flute, and strings. The meter is 6/8, to give a “rocking” feeling like the ocean. Swells in the strings represent the waves rolling over in the sea, and the deep baritone/bass parts are added because yes. ✨
At the end of each section is a little “Pirate motif” that I used in the previous analysis post, as well as a few other movements in the Peter Hart soundtrack.
The song opens with the “drums of war” (one of my favorite opens). The tambourine is heard playing both on the beat and in syncopated rhythms for extra pizazz. An accordion takes the melody on the first part, while harmonies fall to the harp and the delicious choir of men.
Then, the melody is passed to the flute for Part II. Some minor embellishments are added to the flute to mimic the rising and falling of the waves. Lots of grace notes added to put a distinct spin to the melody shown in Part I.
Then, Part III. This part was FUUUUUN 🎵
We introduce Part III with a stagger rhythm, as the waves get a little chopper, and the seafaring adventures take a more treacherous turn. The flute and accordion are paired on the melody line with strings, and even more embellishments, as they anxiously try to catch up to the impending storm of accelerandos.
The ending of the piece slows down to signify that the boat has broken out of the storm, into the calmer seas, and is ready to sail another day ⛵️✨
I hope you enjoyed this analysis! Tag list below the cut for people who may/may not be interested in this (+ or - me if you want to be added or removed 💖)
Tag list: @gioiaalbanoart @wyked-ao3 @autism-purgatory @lychhiker-writes @thatuselesshuman @theverumproject @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @tabswrites @fortunatetragedy @bookish-karina @alinacapellabooks
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the-golden-comet · 15 days
Character Voice Tag 2
Thank you for the open tag, @orions-quill ! I’ll hop aboard this for Benjamin from Peter Hart
My line is: "If you do this, you will be dead to me."
Your line is: “How did you ever think this was a good idea?”
Peter, what are you doing?….W-why are you looking at me like that…? Oh no. Don’t you dare. I swear to God Peter, if you so much as THINK—!! !!!! H-HEY!! PUT ME DOWN—!! You will PAY—Ay, AY—HEY!! Did you just—?! Ohhhhh you motherfucker, you just slapped my arse. You are so dead.”
I will no pressure tag @autism-purgatory with a gentle request for Tors, and @fortunatetragedy with a gentle request of Sullivan, but you can choose any characters you want if you want to participate (I love these two 💖)
And I will leave this tag +open for anyone else who wishes to join! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 17 days
Find The Word Tag
Thank you for the tag, @fortunatetragedy ! Also Happy Friday to you! ✨
My words: mouth, pace, pit, cell
Your words: car, bright, stand, live
From Peter Hart, and funny enough: mouth, pace, & cell all tie together (like Benji’s wrists) ✨
Benjamin scoffed, staring up harshly at the pirate. “….You’ll hang for this, Peter.”
As if Benjamin said the magic words, Peter switched into action. He grabbed a pillow case, wrapping it in the ginger’s mouth and around his head in a makeshift muzzle. Before Benjamin could even get so much as a, “HEY!” in, he was once again muffled and bound in his own purple sheets.
“So, Peter…” Davey eyes the struggling sack suspiciously. “….about….how long did it take you to fish all this, lad?”
“Well, you see:” Peter cleared his throat. “I lied.”
Aye, I could figure that out easy enough…” The First Mate rolled his eyes. “….so, who is it?”
“Funny you should say that….” The captain laughed nervously. “….we REALLY need to pick up the pace….”
The blonde nodded to dismiss his first mate to the barracks as Davey left the young captain to help the crew load the boats and don their disguises. Looking at his father’s old wardrobe brought about a bittersweet feeling in the pit of his stomach. He missed his dad dearly, but hoped to do right by him, the men aboard The Golden Phoenix, and uphold the Hart legacy.
cell (x3)
Like clockwork, the crew readied to set sail as they adjusted the ropes around the main mast. Peter hummed a gentle shanty as he walked Benjamin to the bottom deck, where the brig was stationed. Calmly, arrogantly, he strode to an iron cell and threw open the grated door. Captain Hart threw Benjamin in, who rolled on impact amidst the damp floor. Then, grabbing the key ring from the back wall, the captain clicked the cell door shut and locked it all while whistling a jaunty tune.
Benjamin looked up at Peter with a quivering stare, his eyebrows furrowed in fear as the blonde leaned against the outside of the cell in calm superiority. Tisking at his prisoner, and twirling the keys in his finger, the pirate gloated. “Now, this is a step different from the coziness of your bed, huh?”
Tagging (no pressure): @autism-purgatory , @gioiaalbanoart , @wyked-ao3 , @thatuselesshuman , @zackprincebooks , @lychhiker-writes , @theverumproject , @tabswrites , @justabigoldnerd , +open tag for whoever else wants to join! 💫
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the-golden-comet · 16 days
Thank you for the tag, @lychhiker-writes !
More word-hunting for Peter Hart!
My words: lovely, danger, feel, smell
Your words: hope, realize, tandem, fall
A few gentle claps were heard amongst the crowd. Benjamin felt sick to his stomach as his father continued. “Though, I will be around much longer as your Duke, I will be certain that Prince Benjamin makes good by the people of Port Mayor. By midnight tonight, my son will choose a lovely lady to wed. Now…eat, drink, be merry, and married!”
The gentle pitter patters of rain turned into a heavy rainfall, which turned into torrential downpour. Peter stayed gripping the wheel as he attempted to navigate the ever-angering sea, determined to steer his crew out of danger.
Benjamin’s breath hitched as he felt a hit tear sting his cheek. The callous captain continued: “….I COULD maroon you on an island, but I feel that punishment is too cruel; a fate worse than a swift death.
smell (x2)
A few gentle tears fell down the pirate’s cheeks as he gave his mother a warm hug. She crinkled her nose at the smell of her son, but didn’t show her aversion to his odor as she pulled back. “You certainly do smell like a sailor.” She laughed gently.
Tagging (no pressure): @fortunatetragedy , @zackprincebooks , @wyked-ao3 , @theverumproject , @madi-konrad , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , +open tag for anyone else who wants to join! ✨
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the-golden-comet · 1 month
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