#Finding information on Google
needtricks-blog · 2 years
Mastering Google Search: Effective Techniques, Tricks, and Tips
Mastering Google Search Effective Techniques Tricks and Tips. Google is one of the most widely used search engines, and it provides access to an enormous amount of information. However, with so much information available, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently. (more…) “”
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spiritofsnows · 1 month
So our dear collective acquaintance @gallusrostromegalus has this in the authors notes of chapter 9 of The Power Of Friendship And This Gun I Found:
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So I, a sweet unsuspecting soul, bounced over to duckduckgo to Experience this, for surely it could not be that bad
It's got teeth. It's got teeth in it's claws. There's fucking molars in there
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ribbononline · 7 months
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frye fits i might as well share since i doubt ill do anything w em
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t4tails · 3 months
ok this game has so many glitches or just fuck ups in general compared to its predecessors its a little funny. the worst i got in city was getting stuck in a wall once but here theres just inexplicably jack ryder tied to a table by an evil preacher despite the fact that i have already completed that mission and saved him
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onebizarrekai · 4 months
I sort of feel like once walkthrough websites made the transition to being wikis they all went downhill. like they got rid of all their information that's actually clear and concise and easy to find, and now everything links to incomplete wiki articles and it's a struggle to find proper specific guides. maybe I'm just having a very specific experience with zelda
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wasabikitcat · 7 months
I had this realization a few days ago when reviewing what we know about Gaster while theorizing about the mysterious Valentine from the newsletter and idk if other people have pointed this out yet, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it:
I don't think Gaster's disappearance has anything to do with Core.
The Core is only mentioned in relation to Gaster once, in this dialogue from one of the Gaster followers:
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This dialogue is why most theories and fanon built around the idea that Gaster fell into the Core, which for reasons unknown to us erased him from existence. But I'm now pretty convinced that this is a red herring, because it doesn't actually say Gaster fell into the Core. It says he made the Core, and that he fell into his creation.
It does not say that this creation is the Core.
The dialogue is written in a way that leads you to assume the creation he fell into was the Core, but that doesn't really make much sense considering the rest of the dialogue.
The dialogue says "they say he created the Core," which implies this is second hand knowledge, but then says with certainty "One day, he fell into his creation." Why do they know for sure he fell into "his creation," but only knows he created the core from what others say?
If you talk to the follower again, they say "Will Alphys end up the same way?" Why would Alphys also fall into the Core? As far as we know, Alphys doesn't maintain the Core; if I remember correctly, a few monsters at Mettaton's hotel are stated to work in the Core, so wouldn't this follower be more concerned that those monsters will end up like Gaster and not Alphys?
And another question that I think fanon has just ignored due to the assumption it was something we don't yet know about, but I am now wondering about: Why would falling into the Core erase Gaster from time? When traveling through Hotland and viewing the Core in the distance, Alphys says this:
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And while this dialogue may at first seem indicative that the Core is more mysterious than a normal geothermal power generator (and it is in some ways), remember: Alphys didn't build the Core. Alphys doesn't understand how the Core works, not because it has some unnatural property that could erase people from space time, but because she didn't build it. Not only does this mean that the Core is likely just a power generator that utilizes the lava in Hotland to produce geothermal energy and convert it to electricity, it also means that Alphys doesn't work on the Core, because she doesn't know how it works. So why would the Gaster follower worry about Alphys ending up like Gaster if she doesn't have any involvement with the Core?
Additionally, that Gaster follower is the only one to mention the Core in relation to Gaster. In fact, one of the other followers says something that could be interpreted as actively contradicting his erasure being caused by the Core:
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This follower says "his experiments went wrong," and doesn't mention the Core. Why would Gaster be experimenting with the Core? And if he was, we don't know anything about it.
But you know what experiments we do know Gaster was working on, because it's literally one of the only pieces of dialogue we have from him?
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And do you know what other creation was presumably made by Gaster, as Alphys is unfamiliar with it's operation? That is also a creation that was actively being used in experiments, which Alphys is continuing to perform herself? Experiments that are directly involved with something we already know can alter time and space? A creation that is located in one of the most mysterious areas in the game with several oddities in it that are straight up never explained, multiple fourth wall breaking moments, and a couple explicit references to things we believe are associated with Gaster? A creation that suspiciously resembles in appearance the form of a character who canonically can alter time and space, not to mention resembling the thing that's literally called a GASTER BLASTER???
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#ignore the crusty spriters resource gaster blaster. google images is useless when it comes to finding actual gameplay screenshots.#anyways I may be completely out of the loop and everyone already knew this. but also the whole Core thing was basically accepted fanon#back in the day. and i only just realized it probably is a misinterpretation like less than a week ago#im not sure the determination extractor is the creation he fell into. but i think the creation he fell into is related to the extractor#also when looking up stuff for this i came upon the information that the tree man may be referenced in the true lab#when you enter the room filled with fog and try to inspect things it mentions a tree and a man.#not to mention the true lab being the debut of everyman of course.#and whatever the FUCK is up with the memory heads. who have a suspicious connection to phones btw.#actually Gaster has an incredibly suspicious connection to phones. like the spamton thing obviously but his presence seems to fuck up phone#the memory heads. the garbage noise in the dark world. hell GRANDPA SEMI is even directly related to phones.#considering one of the only two places he is mentioned is in a list of characters to have phone call events in the code of the demo.#also the art book mentions that the phone itself was originally a character. which kinda ties into the unused video game content theme.#this doesn't have much to do with this post im just rambling now.#anyways tl;dr i am now a 'gaster did not fall into the core' truther#undertale#deltarune#ut/dr#ut/dr theory
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grunge-mermaid · 7 months
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why does pinterest think i'm interested in baby skin rash????
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answersfromzestual · 21 days
Would you all like me to write out a post with terms to specifically use in Google/ Internet searches to be able to find information you want to look into?
I feel like the block between many of you and the information you want is just the terminology you input and how you input it into a search engine.
Let me know by liking this post.
I don't mind sharing how I navigate my searches to help you get the proper information you really want.
With love,
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zima74824 · 4 months
When watching people watch the saw movies love how curious and confused they are when John Kramer finds out who somebody is, bro you could literally look yourself up on the Internet even your address, you can literally just look up where You are and it’ll show up on Google maps literally, John Kramer would use that to his advantage. That’s one way he can find out plus he has accomplices so they gather information for him too. 
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yearning-gay · 2 months
lightly longing for more trans friends to hang with irl but i am uniquely terrible at getting to know people. that's mostly it really
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countriesgame · 9 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about the Maldives, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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redux-iterum · 5 months
Mollies can be a bit more difficult to sex than other livebearers like Guppies and Swordtails, it's highly unlikely that your store will separate them by sex. It can be done, but it will most likely be up to you to do.
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These images show the difference between the two sexes. You can pretty much use the same technique for Platies as well. Your "regular" Swordtails are fairly easy to sex as the male will have a sword-like protrusion on his tail that the female doesn't. Guppies are easy as well, unless your store has a fancy variety, males are smaller and have long flowing tails whilst the females tend to be larger and have short tails. It's likely your store will seperate the male and female guppies. For a 20 gallon though, your number of around 4-5 Mollies should be okay, just be cautious about adding more fish into the tank as the bioload of smaller tanks can get quite high very quickly. If you add any other species of fish, I'd only go with something like cories or kuhli loaches. Apologies if I sound like a know-it-all, that's not my intention. I tend to get quite passionate about these things so feel free to just ignore this ask if it offends you at all. From my understanding, you've been doing your own personal research and that's the best any person can do for their pets.
No no, this is also extremely helpful! I'll keep this in mind, and the next time I'm at the store I'll check the two tanks and see for myself if they're separated. If not, I'm not afraid to be the specific-to-the-point-of-picky customer in the name of keeping the tank baby-free. God knows I don't need to raise a bunch of fry and then desperately try to find them homes.
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bagadew · 10 months
I genuinely do not know if Google is actually getting more and more unhelpful, or if there’s some secret hidden way of using it everyone knows but me.
Like, verbatim either doesn’t work or gives me results that are even less relevant. Putting - in front of a word doesn’t actually exclude anything. I have to try and type in at least 10 different ways of phrasing the same simple question, just for it to give me something even vaguely on topic.
At this point I genuinely feel more autistic trying to deal with this site than I do in 99% of social interactions. It feels like the damn thing’s operating on its own set of rules that it won’t let me know. Google is free but it won’t tell me shit. It nitpicks through the words I type just to grab hold of the thing that will let it make a planet sized leap away from where I’m trying to get to.
Today I wanted to find out if the snowfall in the UK is slowly getting later. It feels like it hasn’t happened in December for a long time, but my memory’s unreliable so I want to check. I know the information I want is out there. It should be really easy! I’m asking for the history of snowfall from a country I know for a fact documents this stuff!
But I have been here for almost two and a half hours now and I have turned up NOTHING! This browser is convinced I only want to talk about a White Christmas, and if I try to widen the scope to the rest of the month it springs off on a tangent where the most relevant result is an American article for holiday makers claiming that it only snows in the UK between December and February. My memory may be bad but even I know this is a lie. The best I could get was when I went fuck it and tried to go to the records directly, and that was an article where the latest date mentioned was 2010, which wasn’t useful when I’m looking for the weather statistics from within my adult life.
Like, I have to be doing something wrong right??? I swear I didn’t used to spend this much time doing research only to turn up nothing. Surely it can’t be this frustrating and useless for everyone, right???
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xariarte · 4 months
twitter's advanced search function sucks and google is obnoxious with its reverse search image function...tired of remembering a random Team Canada photo and having to go down a whole rabbit hole just to find it SO
i'm just gonna archive it in here
apologies in advance for the eventual endless stream of Team Canada (and maybe some Team USA) FIBA content from me this week 😭😭
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one of my favourite past times is researching my special interests as if I don't already know all the information I'm seeing. I love googling and reading things like yep knew that yep knew that yep knew that like of course you know that you idiot you only googled this yesterday there isn't going to be anything new 😭
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sincerely-sofie · 1 year
Does anyone know what level Grovyle’s IQ is in PMD2? I need to know. For reasons.
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