#Finn watches supernatural
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strawberrryangel · 1 year
love love LOVE when dean’s inner child comes out. a.k.a. the real dean that is underneath layers and layers of Dean Winchester. he is so so precious to me.
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samlover4evr · 1 year
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dude finn wolfhard was so small when he was on supernatural
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 months
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🚫W A T C H E D🚫
It was pretty decent. It felt like the cartoon show back in the day. Not relying on Gozer. I think the cinematography would've been better with Jason Reitman, but it was good movie.
I still think Afterlife was a perfect "time qap sequel".
I really hope this leads to a new cartoon series or some kind of expansion to the story that doesn't rely hard on the film continuity.
Like "Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters" and some of the IDW comics.
Cartoons deserve to be imaginative like this. 🤷🏻
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queersatanic · 3 months
(A Case Against) Identifying with Satanism in the Modern World
First, let’s make sure there’s no misunderstanding.
Most Satanists do not worship or even believe in a literal, supernatural devil. It is absolutely not the norm for Satanists to abuse or ritually harm children or animals; if anything, less than the general population, even. Satanists do not have much institutional power or influence in the world; most of what you hear along those lines eventually ends up being thinly-veiled antisemitism, frankly.
So who are Satanists, really? Mostly we’re just regular folk with some religious trauma.
If you’ve been raised by Christian reactionaries and particularly if told that you personally are evil because you have typical intrusive thoughts and human feelings, it’s going to mess you up. Or maybe you have an understanding of your own body, gender identity, and/or sexuality that your Christian family and church disapprove of. It can be quite natural to abandon trying to live up the expectations of those who will always hate you. When you notice that family members can justify abuse, rooting for genocide, and calling rank cruelty the way of heaven, it’s not surprising if you are one of so many who echo Huck Finn in saying, “All right then. I’ll go to hell.”
When you have watched those who say they are of-God make for years a convincing case that Satan is the logical and compassionate choice, why would a thinking, caring person not say, “Yes, I am of the devil. Be Gay, Do Crime, Hail Satan”?
Yet you should resist this temptation.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/N watched the four Mikaelson brothers form a tight circle around him as they all moved around him, eyes fixated on him. He swallowed and smirked. "You know to anyone else this would look quite lewd. Four brothers surrounding one guy. It's like a supernatural gangbang. Do I just drop my pants now?"
"Don't be, crass." Elijah said.
"I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for that later, Darling." Kol winked.
"Brother Kol, please keep your mind clear." Finn said.
"This is about training you, Luv. To combat the enemies of my family and me." Klaus said.
"Well, your enemies list is longer than Kol willy."
Kol was the first to strike. He speeded towards him as Y/N thrusted out his hand as Kol went flying back from an explosion aimed at his chest. His neck hit a nearby tree with a sickening crunch as he fell to the floor. Finn and Elijah came from both sides of his side vision as he held his hands out in a stop motion. Both brothers were suspended by telekinesis until Y/N moved his hands and their necks snapped.
Klaus sped behind him and hand his arm around his neck, wooden stake pointed at his chest. "Checkmate, Luv. You're dead."
"Not yet." In a whisper he disappeared from Klaus's grasp as he looked around. "Come on out, Y/N. Cowardness wouldn't save you from the enemy." He walked around the forest until the wooden stake was ripped from his grasp as it floated towards Y/N's hands. He smirks as he throws the stake back at Klaus, who easily catches it. "Was that supposed to be your plan? Give me back the object that can kill you?"
"That was the plan." He waved his hand and suddenly Klaus's hand staked himself in the chest. He looked at him before Y/N snapped his neck too. "Wow, that was easier than I thought." He teased.
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oh-allie · 2 months
(this is very not well written i was EMOTIONAL and SOBBING when i was typing this i will revise it later)
he is NOT stupid. (despite what @euphoric-ghoul says.......) his brother is a genius, 12 phds, got a huge grant, made a perpetual motion machine which is impossible- but despite that, stan is still not stupid.
you cant compare him to his brother, since theyre both very intelligent in their own ways. it takes smarts to fend for yourself after getting kicked out fresh out of highschool, hes a con man, and its shown throughout the series and books that hes acutely aware of what hes doing and what is happening around him.
its a classic street-smart and book-smart situation. although ford is definitely street smart after surviving 30 years in the multiverse.
theyre made to parallel eachother, fords weaknesses are stans strengths- take their social skills. although its played for laughs, stan knows how to talk.
but i hate it when people consider their highschool selves to be the same person now that theyre in their fifties. not only would that be crazy even if they were normal, did you not watch the episode where their entire lives change??? highschool stan was irresponsible, and highschool ford couldnt talk to a girl. those people are completely different from the men who dealt with the supernatural and were left to fend for themselves alone.
anyway this was all for FINN... @euphoric-ghoul WHY WOULD YOU SAY stan is the "stupid one" and ford is the "smart one" IM ACTUALLY GONNA FIGHT YOU WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN BUDDY...... leave my GLORIOUS KING alone....
for context i was talking to finn and he MISCHARACTERIZED my two glorious twins.....
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: This feels like I wrote an entire series, but it was simple headcanons, which I've found to be oddly fun to do from time to time
After everything that happened with her aunt Dahlia and her giving up everything for her family to live their best lives (without her). Can you imagine how surprised she is to find out that you two are mates; the girl is baffled beyond baffled. She doesn't pursue you when she learns the truth. If you two are friends and she has feelings for you, she'll begin to pull away a bit which leads to you confronting her and asking why she's acting the way she is because it feels like things are weird and you don't want to deal with weird. You have a hard time making friends or finding people who can tolerate you. One awkward conversation later, you two share a kiss and are on a date. I mean, if you consider you watching her practice a spell while she tries not to blush too much as a date, there you have it
Before his mother forced this life of eternal damnation onto him even if it was due to losing his youngest brother. There is one thing he never anticipated finding... you, his mate. If anyone had told him mates were real and he would meet his soon, he'd probably think you were insane. And that's saying a lot since his life has been revolving around the supernatural since he was a child. Meeting you certainly helped him through this new life, but it didn't do much when he finds himself daggered at the hands of his brother. Knowing you were out there on your own dealing with him family drove him crazy, but he didn't know you asked to be turned to live with him (imagine his surprise when he awoke nine hundred years later and found you). After talking with you, he can't imagine living without you and thanks his lucky stars for you
When his memories came back of how he harmed Tatia, he was less enthusiastic about pursuing another female. But Davina made a friend in you (because you helped her bring Kol back) and that was the end of it. It didn't trigger that you two had met years ago until he saw the three of you enjoying breakfast together. His memories came flooding back to him and he realized that you weren't in your original body yet, hence where his younger brother got the idea to do so, trying to find the doppelgänger. You two slowly began bonding and then came the hardest time in your relationship, he lost his memories, his mind would never let him forget your face. He never knew until he and Klaus were at their end, but his brother admitted your death to him and explained that's why he has an ache in his heart. A werewolf had gotten you while you were protecting Hope. He never got to admit how sorry he was for hurting you, not until he saw you standing there, waiting for him with Hayley by your side
He didn't believe it for a second, thought it was a hoax; thought it was something the witches cooked up to blackmail him. But the more he saw you, the more his heart raced and the more his need for you grew stronger. Not to mention the fact that his wolf didn't help, the voice calling and wanting him to take you for his own so they can claim you as theirs. He knew he was dangerous and that's why he did all he could to stay away from you in the beginning when he ever so slowly begins to accept that your fates are tied to one another. There was no way he'd let you be put in danger due to his issues or because you're associated with his family. After you manage to protect Hope and yourself while defending him and his name, he thinks maybe his family wasn't lying when they said you two were fated mates, destined to be together (perfect for one another eve). He was more than hesitant to try and form a relationship with you. You had to be the one to take the step and make things right and stop the aches n both your hearts
He initially planned on using you as leverage since he knows his brother cares about you (whether it was platonic or not). But then, there was this little spark you had and not just because you managed to shock him with your powers, to escape from him and his mother. After that he knew he had to know you, someone who is genuine friends with his half-brother and can take care of themself in they ever needed to. That one hell of a keeper and there was no way he could let you go. So, yeah, he's going to try and become your friend (only after you reject him when he asks you to go out on a date). Then when Davina tried to help him return to his body, she came to you and knew you'd be able to help more than anyone because working alone isn't enough. No one, supernatural or not, cannot deny the bond between mates. You two confessed to one another once he came back from the supernatural purgatory, in his original body, and that was that
After watching her brother kill almost all her lovers and ruining any chance she had at a love life, she found it hard to believe that she was offered a chance at having someone fated to be hers. Someone her brother couldn't kill without causing her severe harm. She loves too hard and fast, she knows that, but she can't help it. Now that mates are thrown into the mix, she is a little hesitant at starting something with you, but she also knows how you are (being allies with her family helped her learn more about you). Then when her siblings find their mates and watches how happy they are, she can't help but basically run into your arms and confess that she feels the bond too and wants to start a relationship with you (and if you hate Elena, that's such a bonus for her)
When she lost her parents and her Uncle Elijah, she never imagined anything good would come into her life. Always believing herself to be cursed and imagining loads of misery would continue to come her way even as she genuinely tries to let good things into her life. Then you came into play, and she was floored. First off, you're the most good-looking person she's ever seen, Landon does not compare whatsoever. But it also is more of a reason for her hesitation when it comes to interacting with you or her just trying to get to know you. You knew right away who she was to you, another reason why you wanted to talk to her, figure out how you would fit into her life. You started to pursue her, not ready to give up even as she continuously turns you down, waiting until she'll accept you. After some time, she decided to try and have her own epic love like her parents and uncle Elijah did. She doesn't regret it
After learning the truth about her family, she didn't expect to hear that mates were a thing. Then as soon as she stepped foot in New Orleans, imagine her surprise when she met not one but two wolves who continuously looked out for her. She manages to bond with one of the two wolves right away, slightly alarmed at how easy it was to spot you in your wolf while she is out in town. Then came a full moon where she met Jackson, who may or may not, have known who the wolf was and told her, about you and your back story or the bond you two share. Unfortunately for her, you were cursed differently. Only when you find your mate on a full moon and they accept you, will you be able to turn into your human form again. She searched three moons before finding you and she thanked her bloodline for giving her someone so, well, you. You're more than she could have ever known
With everything she went through before and after learning about everything witch wise, finding a lover much less a mate was the furthest thing on her mind. After she came back from the other side and was dealing with the ancestors' punishment, you entering her life was more a blessing. Which is something she and Marcel can easily agree on. Then you put in the effort to learn about her, just as she starts to find herself, accepting everything she's done and what the other witches keep doing to her; you stay by her side is what's kept her together. She would never admit it out loud to you but ever since you had entered her life, it was more of a blessing than anyone even realized. She continues to thank her lucky stars every day once the two of you are together. You are more than she could have ever imagined, and she'll do whatever she can to protect you because there's a lot that goes on in town
After Klaus pulled his siblings out of town after the fire and the Mikaelson's thinking he was dead, losing Rebekah... he never thought he'd get the happy ending he wanted. But then, he was out at his favorite bar, trying to charm the pants off Camille (yet again) and you waltzed in, changing his life for the better. He never knew why his heart was so full and pounding so hard until Elijah told him. Finding out that mates were a thing? He was... safe to say pleased because like the man who treated him like a son always said, a king must have a queen (or king, in some cases). And you, my dear, are his royal highness lover from now until death and that could take a while. He will always do whatever he can to give you whatever you want to keep you happy and satisfied. He wants you to feel like you can rely on him for anything and everything, which kind of makes him look like a sugar daddy with all the new things he buys you
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artful-peculiarities · 3 months
Watching Supernatural and I get jumpscared by FINN WOLFHARD???
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andreal831 · 5 months
So, I'm just gonna come out and say it: Despite probably only being planned in S4 - the idea of the Hollow and it's very elusive presence being the mastermind behind the Originals and it's history is actually engenious!
(Keep in mind, I'm talking as if I'm inside the universe - not as a viewer looking in. Also, fair warning, I alternate between "The Hollow" and Inadu since they are the same person.)
Let's start with the fact that thanks to Inadu, we know werewolves are just cursed witches cut off from their magic with interesting loopholes (such as the Unification Ceremony) - everyone from TVD should've called it because it's ALWAYS a witch creating a new supernatural species! The even bigger factors come from: why killing triggers the werewolf curse (Inadu was murdered - by her mother), the history that combined werewolf abilities were once divided and needed a witch-like ceremony to come together, the story of how Inadu's bones were kept/used until she got her body back, and the very idea that - unlike vampires - werewolves are a bloodline curse allowed to reproduce. If I'm not being clear, the story of the Hollow correlates a lot with werewolf lore. My only headcanons are that werewolf venom became a thing as a result of vampires being created - a natural defense with a supernatural twist - and wolfsbane is a weakness because she died in a field of wolfsbane. With the fact that werewolves existed 500 years prior, that's half a millennia of history that's got lost, destroyed, or spread out in time (since you don't watch Legacies: Long story short, a Shunka Warakin - a creature Ioway Native American mythos that hunts werewolves - made an appearance. Liberties aside, that essentially says werewolves had a rival predator/there were so many werewolves that a creature like this came into existence), and that's not forgetting how much that loss was furthered by Klaus & Elijah engineering The Sune & Moon Curse to lift his own - imagine how many werewolves died listening to following that crap. So, thanks to The Hollow, we have an entire lost-to-be-rediscovered lore for werewolves. Who knows, maybe the Fated Mates in typical werewolf novels might have some truth in them as well😁.
Next, New Orleans. The very idea that The Hollow is a corrupted, evil soul capable of dark and impossible feats says so much. For starters, her very presence and influence can turn good people into evil-doing followers. If I had to go back, let's start with Xavier Dumas (Jackson's grandfather and the guy who murdered Elias and Brooke Labonair - my HC names for Hayley's parents if you don't mind). It was bad enough he was already upset with Elias for trying to make peace with Marcel, once the Hollow sunk her hooks into him, she used him to get access to one of her remaining remains and when he was of no use, he was left to accept his crimes as a disgraced wolf. Next, we see Vincent and his then not-evil-wife Eva dealing with Marcel's hold on the witches. When Vincent started practicing its magic with Eva - who took it a step further, Inadu started to influence them and their bodies. But for whatever reason, Vincent stopped practicing but Eva was already in her grasp. Now fast forward. I'm sorry, but did no one ask why a twenty-something witch was able to overcome an Original's possession over her body? Not even Alaric and Tyler were able to do it when Klaus possessed them. Like, that's badass as hell, but now that we know about Inadu and her thing for sacrificing witch children, it's very likely now we witnessed the first acolyte of the Hollow's cult through Eva and we just didn't know it - and considering she'd already had killed witches for her, the juice she got for empowering Inadu came into play in the form of gaining her body back from Rebekah. (I also have a theory Finn was corrupted by Inadu's leftover essence on Vincent - explaining his different behavior as Finncent vs in his own body, but nobody's ready for that talk😝). Now, let's move to the last group, the Ancestors. The very fact she was impressed by them and how it connects to the Harvest is interesting if you wanted to say the Harvest was created to give power to the Ancestral Well and keep The Hollow imprisoned. The killing of young witches, the passing on power to super-witch that Davina went through in S1, coming back not quite right but more to the Ancestors' cause? The very fact of all that the Ancestors knew about Inadu's origin story says they knew what she was and was capable of since the beginning and when the connection was destroyed in S3, in all good intentions, Vincent let a very bad cat out of the bag for Davina.
Lastly were Inadu's abilities. Compared to many others in the TVD Universe, not only was she a master at possession, she was able to practice magic in a vampire's body - which no one has done before, bring somebody back to life after having their heart ripped out, alter her blood to be toxic to a vampire, telepathic moral corruption, create corporal illusions capable of physical attacks, crushing hearts from the inside... honestly, The Hollow was a full package of feats that shouldn't go underutilized. I even say she didn't even need to feel scared when she had her original physical body back because she already had a plan and Hope - being her blood and easily located, helped by the fact she fears her - only says she knew things would work out. My only regret is that if done right, Inadu would have followed Hope into Legacies because she'd be the Boogeyman only she can face.
Most people hate Inadu for writing reasons and some hate her for being the reason the Mikaelsons were divided. But in the case of the latter, isnt that what made her a successful villain? A villain's job is to stop the heroes or antiheroes (the Mikaelsons) from getting what they want. The Hollow was a villain so powerful, so menacing, manipulating from the background while the living were clueless in their own troubles that inadvertently added in bringing her to power so she could be an active threat. TO was all about being a family and sticking together and she gave them no choice but to separate if they didn't want Hope possessed again. So technically, in life and in death, the Hollow is a successful villain as she kept the Mikaelsons apart and got to Hope in the end. Essentially an inevitable that did what no one else could do.
I am obsessed with how thorough this is.
I'll be honest that I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Inadu/The Hollow, simply because Season 4 and 5 are not my favorite seasons. But, not because I didn't like her story or the lore, simply because the writing starts to go off the rails and becomes very rushed.
But I agree, Inadu was one of the best villains in TO. And it's completely because, as you pointed out, she did what every other villain was attempting to do. She felt not remorse for it either. Don't get me wrong, I love most of the villains in TO, but the show, for the most part, would always back pedal at the end and make them "redeemable" villains. Which is why I liked Lucien, even in his last breath he did not try to be a better person. He was a villain through and through. Inadu took it even further because they don't offer any justification for her behavior. Yes, her family killed her, but because she was power hungry and murderous. She was essentially the Kai Parker of TO. And you're exactly right, people only don't like her because she was successful. They only like the villains when the villains are bad at it. Inadu had the entire city, including the Mikaelsons, running scared.
I loved that we finally got lore into the werewolves, they were such an underutilized species throughout TVDU. I'll have to actually watch Legacies if it goes into it more. I love your headcannons of how the werewolves evolved and played out. I would also add that Inadu likely added the "werewolf rage" to make them just like her. She was punished for her murderous mentality, so she wanted her family to feel how she felt, to behave as she had.
I only wish that we could have had a full season with Inadu. There was still so much to explore and a lot unanswered. She was incredibly powerful and I love that they never really defeat her. I agree, she should have gone on to Legacies. I hated at the end, Elijah and Klaus die to "kill" Inadu, but they had tried that before. I'm forgetting who it was, but Inadu was possessing someone and they killed that person and Inadu just went back to the ancestry plane and then possessed someone else. You may remember more and maybe I'm forgetting exactly why it worked, but to me, it was too easy.
I would have also loved to see the werewolves more invovled in the Inadu plot line, since it was their ancestor. But we only ever see Hayley. The werewolves completely disappeared after season 3.
I love this breakdown so much and I'm definitely holding onto it for future stories!
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y'all were right. sam should have been jack's father
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strawberrryangel · 1 year
the domestic/found family scenes we get in supernatural are the greatest comfort to me actually. when dean and sam go to sioux falls to see claire and jody and alex, and they’re all gathered at the table for dinner. when dean and sam are literally stuffing their faces full of food because they haven’t had a homecooked meal in god knows how long and jody’s cooking soothes the hurt for a little while and everything feels warm again. when they’re leaving sioux falls to head back to the bunker and jody sends them with containers of leftovers and they both get so excited and just. my heart aches.
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pollsnatural · 5 months
This poll is for me and three other people who have watched Supernatural and Glee.
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thefirstlioveyou · 2 months
The Four Types of Mike Stans:
disclaimer: this is a joke, kinda. just an observation for funsies
Type #1: The Surface Level Fan, They Just Don't Get It (Yet?): that one dude that's always like, "oh we love s1-s2 mike, but i hate HIM in s3-s4 he makes no sense at all! he was such a sweet boy what happened??"
Type #2: The Mischaracterizer: You'll often hear they say the following, "He did NOTHING wrong and shouldn't have apologized to Will," "He just doesn't know how to say I Love You and show it only because of his parents' relationship." To this fan, Mike is perfect. They'll often be a melvin, but it can occur with bylers too. Type #3: The One That ONLY Focuses on his Sexuality: Mike has no other issues than his internalized homophobia. His character arc is only about his self-oppression, and not that he canonically feels inferior and worthless and "just some nerd." Not that he struggles with being okay with what makes him him and finding confidence. (nothing wrong with being heavy focused on it, but it's when they don't see value in him as a character by himself that gets annoying)
Type #4: The One That Gets Him: This is the guy that sees Mike's importance to the overall plot, they simply just understand it. They understand and respect that he's more than a love interest, more than "Eleven's Boyfriend" and "Will's Love" and "The Useless Asshole." They understand all aspects to Mike; His sexuality, his connection to the supernatural plot, his overarching arc of overcoming forced conformity. Some are nice, some aren't
Type #5: The Finn Wolfhard Fan: They just find Finn hot and have watched everything he's in and probably alternates between those fanbases. There's a high chance they experience major episodes of gender envy from him.
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softpine · 7 months
I just remembered you haven't seen Twilight but I'm going to ask anyway! Do you know what teams your characters would be? Like team Edward or Team Jacob? Oh! Actually I'm also curious what Fandoms would they be in? I recent realized im a Bielieber
oh i have seen the first twilight movie!! i just wasn't a fan. but it was my best friend's favorite series so i do know a lot about it! was anyone actually team jacob? he's like gale in the hunger games. the only reason anyone would actually prefer them is because they're Not the main love interest (sorry to any galeheads out there...)
anyway now i want to imagine what fandoms each of them would be in, so:
🎭 caroline: well, she's a great artist and a monster fucker.. i don't think i have to spell out what she was doing online fjkjsdsj and she loved comic books as a kid, so i feel like at the start of the MCU madness she was really hype and then she got more and more angry with the state of things
💬 beth: she's written some star trek fanfiction more highly researched than her master's thesis and she loved nsync because what is a baby dyke without her emotional support boy band / comphet crushes
🎸 danny: music is the obvious answer, but i'm not familiar with musical history so i can't go into detail 😭 but his dad introduced him to bob dylan and taught him how to play guitar, then he learned piano, then he taught himself how to produce his own music from scratch. this was in the 90s btw so it wasn't very easy to learn. also he used to seriously follow skateboarding
⛅ mikaela: she loved old school country music from female artists like tanya tucker, reba mcintire, loretta lynn, etc. she's less interested in modern country but she looooves shania twain. and she's worked nights (first as a bartender, then a nurse) for most of her life, so she got really into daytime soaps
🌲 asa: he's literally the only one on this list where i'm like...... stumped. he doesn't pay attention to anything online, celebrities, music (he'll listen to whatever), movies (doesn't care), could never commit to watching a whole tv show, etc. he's very floaty and daydreamy? lmao he just doesn't have the headspace to get attached to fictional media like that
🎥 finn: we know he's always been a harrison ford fan boy and in any universe where he survives past the 80s he's a huge nirvana fan!! (if he and jules had a son, they would've named him kurt... he's deeply serious) he's also read every stephen king book that came out while he was alive. he was a big reader in general, particularly horror
🧸 stevie: canon seth rogen super fan, has seen every adam sandler movie (every last one of them) and i knowww she knows the fnaf lore... as soon as she finishes a show/movie she likes to find the weirdest fan art to terrorize her followers. also loves musicals and wants to see cats on broadway someday (a girl can dream)
🎀 elaine: she loves following celebrity news but she watches them like animals in the zoo; ie. she's observing from afar, she has no personal stake in them. she's a frequent flyer on gossip forums like fauxmoi. she was on the ground floor of lipstickgate and was SEATED for dramageddon. and she had a serious twilight phase
🎨 jada: SOMEONE on this list had to get assigned supernatural... i'm not saying it just to say it, i really think she would connect with (early seasons) sam what with the dead mom... fear of losing their humanity... having powers they don't understand... a hot girl manipulating them to use their abilities in sketchy ways... yeah. i'm sure she has favorite contemporary artists (painters specifically) that she'd be able to talk about on end but sadly i don't know anything about that world 😭 oh and she's kind of obsessed with hate-reading booktok books to feel alive
🏈 casper: sports count as fandoms and i don't want to hear a word about it!! his team is the patriots but he's kind of a fairweather fan (maine doesn't have an nfl team so he doesn't have that state loyalty factor). miley cyrus is his problematic fave forever but he's kind of a pop girlie in general
💋 coco: in high school she was a speedcuber if that gives you an idea of what we're working with here.... she grew up with pokemon, naruto, dragon ball z, she collected trading cards, etc. she still likes anime and video games and stuff, she just doesn't have the time to get invested like she used to, and it makes her sad because it reminds her of her late best friend liam. she makes time to play fortnite and minecraft with his little brother and she plays other games on twitch sometimes. has done a LOT of cosplay. she's a huge nerd basically
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moonangel022 · 1 year
Oh, I remember piece missing ice king and fionna ’s eps timeline. How about simon and fionna each other love in hidden dream. 
Holly jolly secret part 2 
Hello, my name is Simon Petrikov.  I am recording this tape so that people will know my story. I was studying to be an antiquarian of ancient artifacts. Now I never believed in the supernatural stuff myself, just had a fascination with superstitions. But everything changed when I came into contact with this item. After purchasing this crown from an old dock worker in northern Scandinavia, I brought it home and excitedly showed my fiancee,Betty. I jokingly put it on my head, just for a laugh or something, and that's when it started the visions. I fought with them, shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real! It was the crown! I quickly took it off and saw my fiancee in front of me, looking at me with such contempt! What had I said? What had I done when I wore this crown? All I know is, I never saw Betty again. Since then, I now see the visions always I'm really scared I know my mind is changing, but I'm already too far gone to know what to do. I want people to know that if I do things, if -- if I do things that hurt anyone, please, please forgive me! Just watch over me until I can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity! And then maybe Betty, my princess maybe you will love me again. [VOICE BREAKING.] Please love me again, Betty! [CRIES.] 
simon become ice king born
I studying psychology romantic health... I feeling bad about poor simon because betty run away from him need help love each give his mind control but failed.  
he is right, he need try his control mind figure key is love but betty feel scared not want see him insane try kill people.. I know betty and simon are not health together in ep betty and king’s romson and his broken crown and hero heart and skyhook 2 (worst) and temple of mars and come along with me sad betty into glob fuse. Betty goodbye simon take crown again in fionna tv jerry. 
ice king/ simon suffer though his mind go lose sanity forever and crown keep simon live like immortal and simon’s memory sleep, he waiting 1,000 year waiting love soon arrive fionna born in his brain by prismo creation fionna.
Prisoners of Love    finn and jake fight meet ice king, ice king voice sound serious and adult and mature as Finn and jake says nerd and sexy hot. That hint simon is nerd and ice prince is sexy hot. Nuts finn and jake not know says. Ice king said marriage is a serious thing and lasts forever. Hint he reach key happiness and love in future fionna. 
When Wedding Bells Thaw 
Ice king learn old swans kiss try tell him show. Ice king say marriage is a thing that allows me to capture a Princess forever and let her live inside of me and marriage. Hint wait year few later his mind live with fionna born her world from primso the wishmaster ep 4, he ask ice king, can I store a fan-made alternate universe in your cursed dome? Ice king says  Sure, magic flashlight! You can put anything you want in there. 'Specially if it's got a hot lady. Primso says Cool. Hold still for upload. Ice king says Whoa! Fire in the hole! ( Modem buzzing ) Fionna and Cake: What time is it? Ice king says ( Laughs ).. uh past i watch saw everything I found learn about ice king has hidden romantic with her in mystery dungeon, i know that proof he says feel strong and true is fall in love fionna. but primso not know ice king has hidden romantic with fionna in dream is real. I saw notice fionna and cake episode, she say cant wait and marry him in fionna tv ep1 was ice prince. Notice he sleep take kiss with his hand self in dream with fionna in mystery dungeon.. You see!! Omg! 
Come Along With Me/ Obsidian 
Simon lose his crown magic and normal by cured glob. Simon can't remember of ice king and fionna and cake fics wait. I notice simon habit ice and use dresss old ice king in Obsidian, but I think that ice’s soul/memory is sleep. I feel miss ice king. Too fionna and cake cant remember. 
Finally time 12 year now 
Thanks Astrid love fionna and cake fanFics and reach get ice king aka simon, she question explain fionna and cake at him being unlock his mind ice king’s soul finally wake as he behave slight madness and sadness, he can't stop still mind fionna and cake for 3 day both mind and dream ice prince find fionna. Ice king/simon want find get fionna and cake out portal his brain, Because ice king vow for fionna wish want see his home OOO in bad little boy ep. Evil goose witness/know seen Simon being behave as ice king by astrid bother ask his mind wake of ice king. Nuts, I praise astrid give key his mind unlock of ice king wake! 
You seen simon smile look only fionna and touch hand each other and he protect fionna. obviously That simon is ice king’s soul person. 
But not yet simon and ice king has share memory soon and hope his new form ice prince after simon take ice crown again. Cross fingers. 
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