#Flora Fauna Merriweather and Maleficent
my-plastic-life · 8 months
Today is not only Kansas Day - it's also the 65th anniversary of one of Disney's classic movies - Sleeping Beauty! Yes, Barbie isn't the only blonde beauty turning 65 this year lol. On Jan. 29, 1959, Sleeping Beauty was released. So I'll be sharing photos paying tribute to one of our classic Disney princesses. :)
Up first - the 65-year-old question: the pink dress or the blue dress? Which dress do you prefer? I like them both, so it's hard to pick a favorite lol
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Briar Rose on her sweet 16th:
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Meeting Prince Phillip:
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"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream."
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A crown to wear in grace and beauty:
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Aren't those little fairy dolls cute? I didn't realize they made them until about a year ago, and I found them in a big Sleeping Beauty gift set that included Aurora, Phillip, Maleficent, and Samson. I searched and found the fairies by themselves, but that price was almost as much as the entire gift set, so I got the latter lol. The fairies are vital characters in this movie!
From left: Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather:
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Did you have a favorite fairy? I loved Merriweather as a kid, and her chasing the crow always cracked me up!
"Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say!"
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Speaking of that spinning wheel, let's not forget that this movie gave us one of the most popular/iconic villains of all time - Maleficent. She has quite the fan base, even from before the live action version in 2014.
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Happily ever after (dancing in the clouds with the dress changing colors):
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Fun Facts:
~ Aurora’s pink vs. blue dress debate in the movie was also a debate among the filmmakers. They decided to put their argument into the film.
~ Speaking of Aurora’s dress, despite the fact that she wears the blue dress the majority of the time, her doll form - along with promo images and other merchandise - is most often featured wearing the pink variant. This is speculated to be because when the storybook closes at the very end of the movie, the dress is pink (two of the three fairies are changing it from pink to blue during the final dance number), which made it “official.” There is also speculation that, since Cinderella had been released a few years prior, and she was also wearing a blue dress (and was blonde as well), Disney wanted Aurora to be different.
~ Aurora has the least lines of any Disney princess. She has a total of 18 in her entire movie. In fact, she speaks less than any other main character in a Disney film apart from the mute Dumbo.
~ Aurora’s prince, Phillip, was the first Disney prince to be given an official name (the two previous princes were both referred to as The Prince and/or Prince Charming).
~ Aurora was the last princess to be created before Walt Disney’s death. He passed away in 1966, 23 years before the next princess (which would be Ariel in 1989).
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Y'all ever notice something tiny during a rewatch of a childhood movie?
I was rewatching Disney's Sleeping Beauty and I actually paid attention to it (instead of just having it on in the bg or whatever) and I noticed how Aurora hesitates before touching the spindle
She's deep under a thrall and yet she hesitates
And it's because she managed to hear the voice of a person who raised her say, "Don't touch anything!"
And it's not Flora or Fauna's voice that she hears; it's Merriweather's—you know, the one who always got dismissed and talked over by the other two faeries?
And it works so well that Maleficent actually has to reapply the thrall, "Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say!" (And she sounds annoyed af that she has to pull Aurora back under)
Like idk what it is exactly about it but it makes me emotional and it's my favorite little detail in that film
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emyluwinter · 2 years
I just realized something. So you know how in sleeping beauty the 3 good fairies gave aurora 3 gifts. Flora gave beauty, Fauna gave song and Merriweather gave sleep. Malleus seems tied to the 3 gifts by fixing the stadium in chapter 5 (SONG) and he restored Vil's youth in chapter 6 (BEAUTY) and so I have the sinking suspicion that in chapter 7 he's going to give someone the "gift" of sleep. Thoughts?
Hello, honey!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Ha ha.Welcome to the Big Brains Club!
OOOOOOOH. My dear, I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS! And all this is just my guess.
To be precise, Merriweather was supposed to give "happiness", but due to Maleficent's intervention, she had to change the "curse of the great witch".
Technically, she could not "remove" him, but only changed the conditions to avoid the formal death of the princess. What is very interesting, it turns out that someone's spell used for the curse can be changed by a third-party magician?Or magic contains a formula that, with proper strength and experience, can be changed.This is very intriguing! I hold on to the statement that magic is similar to complex formulas that magicians need to either visualize or clearly represent it when using magic. Remember the same sigils. (Yes, I have read Atelier of Witch Hat many times) If the formula is made incorrect, the spell will not work as originally planned.
WHICH IS POSSIBLE….will it give a chance that someone will be able to rewrite Malleus' spell if he uses his power to the fullest?But this probability is small. A curse, as well as a blessing, as far as I can understand correctly, require the observance of certain conditions. And if these conditions change, the ultimate goal is likely to be changed.
In the introductory lines of Malleus at the announcement of the game, there is the phrase "I'll show you a true happy ending"
Please forgive me if I may not be accurate in phrases, due to differences in languages. (Because translating from Japanese to English and then also into Russian will definitely play a role that can change the meaning of words.) Add to this that I use a translator.
There are a huge number of analyses, theories and guesses who will be cursed. Because looking at this huge sh*t…Forgive this huge spinning wheel that Malleus carries with him as a staff. (Boy, if it's made of wood, it's already heavy enough!If you add all these mettalic parts to it, then you won't even need magic to kill someone with this thing!)
We can safely say that this action will definitely be in the history of Chapter 7. Namely, a scene with a finger prick and the imposition of a very powerful curse. I don't know if anyone knows A. Chekhov's phrase "If there is a gun hanging on the wall in the first act of the play, it will definitely shoot in the last one"
This principle is also called "Chekhov's gun"
The principle of dramaturgy, according to which every element of the narrative should be necessary, and non-essential elements should be removed; there should be no elements in the story that deceive the expectations of the audience by never playing a role in further events
So what do we see? We are literally given information about the hostel of the Diasomnia bit by bit. Even the feeling creeps in at times as if we are hiding this information on purpose. As if they want to present something big. And definitely tragic and with the presentation of a serious topic. Because we are nearing the Final!This story.
Who will be cursed and how it will be served so far we can guess. But!There are certain "targets" for this development.
Silver will also have to play a very important role. Because as some players might have noticed, he and have Yuu /The prefect has parallels. It is possible that Silver has something similar to Yuu in terms of the fact that their power is associated with dreams. Yuu - sees what will happen next in dreams. Over time, their dream studies give a clearer picture of the future event. Someone is talking about the theory of the time loop, but I tend to think that Yuu has the gift of foresight like Merlin. Silver, for example, can walk in other people's dreams?We were never told what he "sees" in a dream. There is a theory that Mickey saw Silver in Yuu's absence. Which might be a good explanation. With sleep, there are also many parallels or meanings as lethargic or many others. If you think about Silver, there's even less information than I can remember right now….
Don't forget that Idia and Ortho will be involved in this chapter! Which intrigues even more! This pair is very strong magicians. And it is quite possible that Idia will be a local psychotherapist with a lecture on how to accept that everyone's time is not infinite and the life cycle ends sooner or later. And no matter how hard the loss is, no matter how you resist it, it's impossible to change even with such powerful magic. So that Malleus could "grow up" in this regard. That despite all the strength and power, even he has something beyond his control.
It is quite possible that something may happen to Yuu and Malleus will have to use this trick with a dream and a curse.
(Can I remember for a moment that Malleus was one of those characters who did not use magic on a student without magic and generally treated them quite kindly?Thank you.)
One more moment!
If you remember, the three fairies had certain color palettes. Which lead me to think about the composition that CAN be used in the plot.
Flora is Red. Fauna is Green. Merriweather - blue (light blue?)
And now remember the main characters. Their stones, or elements of clothing or the whole palette as a character. Red is our Duo Adeuce. Green - Diasmonia. And blue are the Shroud Brothers.
I'm sorry, I can talk about this endlessly. But these are just my guesses, so we are just waiting for the announcement of the chapter. I think it will happen in December.
Because as far as I understand, the Twst EN server is very keen to catch up with the Japanese. It would be very logical for one of the final chapters to be released on both servers. Or in the English version a little later to keep up with the main plot.
By the way, I said "one of the final ones" for a reason. Because as far as we all know well, there are not 7 dormitories
….there are 8 of them.
All dormitories have their own history, which means that the last chapter will not be Chapter 7. And the eighth…
By the way, if you flip the figure eight, you will get an infinity sign.
Oh, how much symbolism can be taken from this!
In addition, Maleus may well not be the "main villain" of the whole story. You see, it may be so…that someone is pulling the strings from afar. From a safe place, seeing the whole picture in your palms clearly and clearly. Waiting for the fruits of the seeds planted by him to ripen.
And yes….you understand correctly.
I'm talking about Director Crowley.
He is a Phantom Blot. We saw his initials on the merch being sold. And this is definitely not just an important detail.
Well, we can only wait for what awaits us next~
Thank you more for the question and for giving me your time!
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jasminedragonart · 2 years
Hmm, any hot takes on old old Disney, something like Sleeping Beauty?
You've stumbled upon a favourite of mine.
Okay, so, I love Sleeping Beauty. I don't understand the criticism around it. OR why they had to try and girlboss it up in that horrible Maleficent thing they did (I stopped watching halfway through). It's just such an interesting movie to me.
First off, the visuals? Beautiful. I love the art style. I love the squares, I love the muted colours. I love how the characters are drawn and Aurora's whole everything. I love how they animated her dancing and her round fringe. She looks great, so well done to those animators.
I feel like we should do this in chronological order so let's start with the old storybook thing at the start. It's great. It's a homage to the fact that this is not an original idea. That Disney is merely retelling it, it's not the one and only and it's a story. It's great. Also, the book detail is so pretty. I was ecstatic when I saw Disney had released a notebook that was the old Sleeping Beauty book. I had to have it.
Moving onto the movie. Aurora. I love that she's named after the goddess of the dawn. It's so interesting because the goddess Aurora also has a tragic life. She falls in love with a mortal who is granted a wish. He wishes for immortality to spend his life with Aurora but he didn't wish for eternal youth, meaning he ages and ages and never dies and it's just so tragic. It's also a story of time passing, which mirrors the story of sleeping beauty. Philip is aging and adventuring while Aurora is frozen in this eternally youthful sleep. Very symbolic. Props to whoever named her Aurora.
Also she was born at dawn, how cute is that for a homage to the goddess Aurora.
Onto her name day (christening?) So, little Philip. His name is very interesting because it means horse loving or fond of horses and he's fond of his horse in this film. like he talks to his horse. He's a horse girl at heart. I like how they show him being a kid. No love at first sight. He sees this baby and is like, yuk, what is that? He's even more horrified at the thought that he might have to marry her someday. This is great because it doesn't set up that they're destined to be together. Like he's literally a kid here and it's good. I liked it. I also like that he's in red, that's his colour, that's how we know it's him. Red= danger, passion, love. All of which he goes through in this film.
Let's push Philip to the side and focus on the fairies. So, the girlies arrive and we have Flora, Fauna and Merriweather. Again, lovely names. Their colours are interesting too. Red, again, for Flora. Then there's green, but it's a very natural green so we associate her with nature. Then there's the blue, again, the colour of the sky, very natural very good. They're all quite nice colours, not too harsh on the eyes. Their gifts are interesting too. They give Aurora grace, joy, a musical voice, beauty and a serene temperament. Basically making her into the perfect girl. They want her to have an easy life so they give her gifts to help her. I like that they're there too. It shows that the royal family hold them in high esteem. Or they hold the fae court in high esteem. They're on good terms, they've been invited to bless the new princess.
Which makes me question Maleficent. What is their relation to her? I think it's interesting that she expected an invite, which she rightfully should have had. She's about the same level of fae as the three fairy godmothers. Maybe even higher. She should have been invited whether she was in the bad fae court or not. The fact that she wasn't just tells me that the royal family was maybe asking for trouble. After all, they're familiar with the fae court, they know not to mess with them. So why would they snub this high up fae? Could there be history (I'm not even thinking about Maleficent, don't even try and bring this up with me) maybe with the other three fae who might have told the royal family not to invite her?
Who knows. Either way, she does kind of have a point when she curses Aurora. I'm not condoning it, but, again, the royal family should have thought this through.
Anyway, we're in the woods and we're back with Philip. It's interesting that it's one of the fairies gifts that attracts Philip. Remember they gave Aurora that lovely voice. They're the reason Philip hears her and wants to speak to her. They're the reason they're discovered. Irony? Yes.
Also can we talk about her name Briar Rose? Love that. Mainly because the reason Philip has such a hard time getting to Aurora is because he has to cut through thorns later in the movie. Thorns that could be from Rose plants.
Also, Philip deserves his happy ending. He didn't marry Aurora because he had to. He met her, not knowing who she was, fell in love with her and married her for who she was. People saying it was too fast. You don't know that. You don't know how much time passed between Aurora waking up and them getting married. It could have been months, a year. We don't know. It's ambiguous.
Either way, Philip goes to hell and back to free Aurora. He fights chaos itself and restores order once more.
Also, if we can circle back to Aurora. The fact she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel? I love it. It's such a mundane tool. It's a tool she, a princess, might never have had to use, and yet her parents feared so much for her life that she was sent away and all the spindles destroyed. Yet the curse still prevailed. The magic created one. Her curse is inevitable. No matter what they did, no matter where she was, that curse would have got her. It just shows that nature, that the faes, are stronger than anything man could do.
It's great.
I just. I love this movie.
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angelofstarlight · 2 years
Who everyone is the reincarnation of
Riddle: Queen of hearts
Trey, Cater, Deuce, Ace: Card guards
Leona: Scar
Ruggie: Shenzi, Banzi and Ed
Azul: Ursula
Floyd: Flotsam
Jade: Jetsam
Jamil: Jafar
Vil: Evil Queen
Rook: Huntsman
Epel: Snow White
Idia: Hades
Lilia: Flora, Fauna and Merriweather
Silver: Aurora
Malleus: Maleficent
Crowley: Diablo
The teachers and students not mentioned are not reincarnations. I will be making a series based on their opinions of Galaxy and what they think of her.
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avionvadion · 2 years
I have to ask: Was Eleanora intentionally an inverse of Aurora or pure coincidence? I just realized today that she's got like 3 guardians in Divus, Poma, and Lilia, her curse is like the inverse of the curse Maleficent put around the castle (since the thorns grow inside her lungs), and rather than trying to kill her, Malleus is trying to save her from the curse. Either way, I only realized it when my brain went: drawing of Divus, Lilia, and Poma as the 3 good fairies.
I meannnn not… totally intentionally?
I might have mentioned this before, but the curse was mostly inspired by the spell in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell where those who came into contact with the fae were unable to speak about it because an invisible rose in their mouth was silencing them. Though it has been pointed out to me that the curse functions a lot like Hanahaki Disease.
I was building up the plot as I went along, (I generally make things up as I go, lol, though I do make a lot of notes for stuff I want to happen) and by the time I thought of Maleficent and Ellis’ story that was when the real Aurora/Eleanora parallels began to happen. Lowkey I think she has some Cinderella parallels as well, especially with recent chapters and the upcoming ones.
Divus, Poma, and Lilia as the three good fairies is absolutely hilarious though and I love it. 🤣 Poma would be Flora, Lilia would be Fauna, and Divus would be Merriweather. He’d just wear black instead of blue.
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aberooski · 3 years
Y'all I am 🤏 this fucking close to writing a Chazz & Atticus Sleeping Beauty au.
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disneyprint · 3 years
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Sleeping Beauty, 1959
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Sleeping Beauty is a work of art
Next time I hear someone trash Sleeping Beauty for not being progressive or feminist enough, I’ll blow my top off. It’s a wonderful matrimony between the ballet musical score, and the stunning artwork that’s a mix between medieval mural and painting and 1950s poster art. It’s beautiful, the story isn’t its main attraction, but the way it is told. 
That said, The Good Fairies deserve more credit as the movie is basically theirs. They are well rounded, flawed, older women who are funny, endearing and captivating in their balance between dimwit and wisdom. On top of that, the movie gave us Maleficent - the mistress of all evil who put a curse on the infant princess simply because she felt slighted that she wasn’t invited to the christening; the pettiness level we all aspire never to reach but inevitably will. I haven’t watched Sleeping Beauty in years, and now that I have rewatched it, I understand why I loved the movie so much as a child.
 Is the story Oscar worthy? No. But it’s the medium, and the way it is applied, that gives it its charm and poise. It’s a timeless masterpiece of an animated film that focuses on just that - the animation as an art form. 
Sleeping Beauty is a work of art.
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violetrose-art · 4 years
Maleficent: Flora, Fauna, Merriweather? This may sound odd, but I have been invited to a ball on Mt. Olympus tonight and I was hoping... you three could help me prepare.
Flora: Us? Help YOU? That is probably the strangest and most unorthodox thing I've ever heard you say... But I love doing makeovers. Let's do it!
Merriweather: Let me do her hair! Let me do her hair!
Fauna: I've got nails!
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lumiereswig · 4 years
disney character asks
snow white: do you believe in romance?
pinocchio: what's the biggest lie you ever told?
cinderella: what's your biggest dream in life?
alice: what was your favorite childhood fantasy?
peter pan: were you afraid of growing up?
captain hook: do you have any irrational fears?
sleeping beauty: have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
flora, fauna, and merriweather: what are your best 3 traits?
maleficent: have you ever cursed anyone? (or wanted to?)
roger & anita: do you have any pets?
cruella de ville: what's your particular vice?
madame mim: do you believe in magic?
mowgli: what are your bare necessities?
thomas o'malley: city or country?
robin hood: steal from the rich to give to the poor? or capitalism is doing just fine, thank you?
winnie the pooh: who was your childhood best friend?
ariel: what would you never give up for love?
ursula: what would you definitely give up for love?
sebastian: do you sing or play an instrument?
flounder: describe your best friend!
belle: what is your favorite book? (or books?)
beast: do you have a temper?
lumiere: how do you spend time with your friends?
cogsworth: are you early, late, or on time?
mrs. potts: favorite way of comforting yourself?
aladdin: what would you steal if you had the chance?
jasmine: where do you want to travel to?
jafar: what do you wish for?
simba: what's your favorite animal?
nala: did you have any childhood crushes?
timon & pumbaa: what do you do to relax?
pocahontas: do you have a purpose in life?
quasimodo: what's your favorite thing about who you are?
frollo: are you religious?
esmerelda: i've actually never seen hunchback. is it a good movie?
hercules: would you want to be famous?
hades: what's your favorite season?
the muses: what's your favorite type of music?
mulan: do you believe in honor?
mushu: have you ever broken a rule for the greater good?
kuzco: what's your personal style?
yzma: what animal would you want to change into?
kronk: what's your favorite thing to eat?
milo: do you speak any languages?
kida: what's your favorite period in history?
lilo: do you believe in angels?
stitch: do you believe in aliens?
nani: what have you worked really hard for?
rapunzel: how do you keep yourself busy when you're alone?
flynn rider: what nicknames do you have?
tiana: what's your dream job?
anna: do you have siblings? what's your relationship like with them?
elsa: what magic ability would you want to have?
kristoff: what's your ideal partner like?
hans: what could you never stand in a partner?
olaf: what traits do you like most in your friends?
vanellope: share a funny quirk you have.
hiro hamada: what useful thing should you invent?
baymax: what would be your superhero name?
judy: what's one thing you would change about the world?
nick: what's one thing you would never change about the world?
moana: what makes you a hero?
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ineffablebooklover · 3 years
Woo! this took longer than expected. I’m super sorry, school has been piling up so maybe promps will come every week or two. Thanks for your patience and support :)
anwyas, lets get into this!!! I‘ve been excited for this prompt, a Sambucky Sleeping Beauty AU. There’s just so many places to go with this. So without further ado:
Bucky Rose
a Sambucky Sleeping Beauty AU
“In a far away land long ago lived a King and his fair Queen. Many years had they longed for a child and finally, their wish was granted.”
People came from near and far to celebrate the birth of the child Alaric, their heir to the throne. Everyone except a certain brunette who lived deep in the forest and was discarded by all but one.
So the party was held, people came bearing gifts, and so did three fairies, who gifted beauty, curiosity(that hopefully led to smarts), and-
BANG! With a neon flash and a swift ‘whoosh’, the air staled and breaths were held. Maleficent, the horned fairy in the woods, stood before the kingdom. She chuckled, maleficently.
“Ah yes, so sad my partner couldn’t make it today. Alas, I see neither of us even got an invitation?” She feigned a pout at the king.
“You and your… your… you’re not welcome here!” The king stuttered out.
Maleficent scowled for real now, turning her attention to the baby. “Ah, how cute,” she said in a tone that in no way alluded to ‘cute’. “A sweet little boy who will one day become king. Say, do you expect any heirs?”
The king growled back at Maleficent.
“Anyways, gift time!” Maleficent cackled.
Before anyone could say a word, she looked at the baby and pointed a long, slender finger at the child.
“You may flirt but you shall never find a girl who you love as she loves you! Hah! And when you turn 16, you shall prick your finger on a spinning wheel and fall asleep until a true love's kiss, blah blah blah. Okay well farewell everyone! Good luck!” She smirked, winked, and then she was gone.
Murmurs scattered across the room. How was a true love supposed to awaken the prince if the prince would never love a girl? The king was horrified. No wife meant no heirs that weren’t out of wed-lock. He would have no bastard as an heir.
The queen took his arm. “Dear... what are we to do?”
The king nodded solemnly. “It is horrible, I know.”
“If he sleeps for so long he will practically be dead!” The queen cried.
“Oh, right. That,” the king replied. His mind was still focused on the whole ‘no-wife’ part.
“Perhaps Maleficent is trying to kill him... oh this palace isn’t safe anymore Stephan!” The queen realized. And with that, the baby Alaric was hurried out of the palace in the middle of the night to be taken care of by 3 peasant women in the woods. Even his name was changed to Bucky Rose, so Maleficent wouldn’t find the boy.
For all his life before the slumber, Bucky Rose had wondered. He was inventive as an infant, a curious child, and turned out to be quite the troublesome teenager.
His days has been long, yet limited to the small square of woods he lived in with his three godmothers. So whenever a fair maiden were to waltz into his neck of the woods, he was indeed very inquisitive.
But, like the curse had stated, he loved no girl like she loved him. And he never did. He had talked to his god-moms about it, and all they did was shake their heads, for they had no answer to give him, only the fact of the spell.
Bucky soon taught himself the word ‘loophole’. It came with a boy his age, a childhood friend, who had grown big and strong, a proper farmhand, maybe even a soldier. Bucky had loved no girl, but Bucky had loved Steve in a much grander scale than mere friends would.
When he had told his god-moms, as he told them everything, they had realized that this was what the curse meant. But they were happy that Bucky had found love in his heart. They knew he was not incapable of love, for he loved them so, but they were glad to know his heart reached out to another, and perhaps he wouldn’t be so alone.
But when Bucky’s life turned up-side down, and when he pricked his finger on the spinning wheel at 16, Steve had left for a girl in town, one by the name of Peggy.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. How exactly had the prince pierced his flesh to a spinning wheel? Well, let’s start one day before his 16th Birthday...
“I shall make a cake!”
“And I’m making a royal coat!”
“And I’m using magic because I know neither of you are useful without it!” Merriweather shouted at them.
“No! Magic!” The two shouted from below.
Bucky, leaving the hassle of the house as if he has heard nothing, called out his departure to his godmothers.
“Be back by lunch dear!”
“I will!” Bucky shouted back, then ran out of the house with the hope of picking some berries in the woods, but also the hope of seeing him again. He sighed as he walked through the pathway, bouncing around through the forest, humming a happy tune. He would be 16 tomorrow, and his godmothers seemed to be making a great deal about it.
Bucky wandered around the forest, thoughts of Steve’s pure heart and charming smile warming Bucky's heart more than a thousand hugs would.
A splash cut through Bucky’s thoughts like a falcon diving into water. Bucky swiveled around, speed-walking towards the pond. Steve never fell in the pond. So who…
A young boy had fallen into the pond, his horse on the side of the water’s edge.
“Who’re you?” Bucky asked in an accusatory tone.
The boy looked up, dark eyes wide. He was young, dressed propper, had deep brown skin, and was not in a good mood. The boy glared at his horse. “Samson! What was that for?”
The ‘Samson’ in question just nickered. Bucky looked the two up and down.
“What are you two finely dressed gentlemen -gentlehorse in your case- doing out here?” Bucky asked.
“Well what does it look like we’re doing?” The boy snapped back. “We‘re stuck with having to go to the prince’s Royal sweet 16!”
Bucky was shocked by this. “The prince is turning 16? But we don’t even know who the prince is!”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Yeah well that’s why it’s stupid. I don’t even wanna be here. Some guy I don’t know is getting a birthday party and didn’t even have cake.”
‘This boy is quite… interesting,’ Bucky thought, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at the kid. “Look, it’s gotta be fun, I mean it’s a Royal party! You’re lucky you even get to go. What are you, a prince?”
The boy nodded. “That’s Prince Sam to you!”
Bucky scoffed. “Yeah there’s no way I’m calling you that. Come on kid, let’s just get you to the palace and then go get ready to celebrate a birthday party.” He offered a hand, and Sam took it, standing with a huff. Soon he was on his way, Bucky wondering how strange the boy was. ‘He’s just a rich kid, whatever.’
Bucky sometimes wished he could be royalty. Especially with his birthday lying on the same day as the prince, it was getting annoying having to squish down his hopes. He was adopted, and the king and queen knew who their son was. Anyways, he had Steve. That was enough. Even if Steve didn’t show up today.
After an early celebration of cake, presents, and lots of laughs, Bucky’s godmothers suggested they go for a walk. The evening sun was appearing, the lovely color grazing over the castle in the background. It really was a lovely sight.
“So… where exactly are we going?” Bucky asked.
His godmothers exchanged a glance. “We’re heading to the palace. To celebrate the prince’s birthday tomorrow,” was all Merriweather said. Flora and Fauna shot her a glare.
“Oh,” was all Bucky said. He was hoping to spend his birthday with his godmothers, or at least go somewhere fun for his birthday, but the stupid prince had to have his birthday on the same day as Bucky, so Bucky tried to suck it up as he frowned at the grass between his toes.
“Bucky...” Flora looked at Fauna as they tried to raise Bucky’s mood, but stopped short. Any more, and he would know.
Any more, and his life would change.
Any more, and he’d know before he was supposed to.
Any more, and-
“What’s with all this tension?” Merriweather groaned. “Bucky, you’re the prince!”
---end of Part 1
that was part one! I hope you peeps enjoyed! Stay tuned for more :)
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amethyst-geek · 4 years
What if instead of the gifts of beauty and song, Flora and Fauna gave her superpowers instead? We all know Merriweather would also give her a superpower (in fact, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what she was planning to do in canon before Maleficent showed up). 
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historian-in-pearls · 3 years
Cinderella, Alice, Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather, Maleficent, Cogsworth, Nala, Esmerelda, Yzma, Kronk, Elsa, Nick 🌹🌻🌷🏵💕❤🌺
Ahhh, thank you love!!
cinderella: what's your biggest dream in life?
I'm hoping to be a museum curator, but mostly I want to be at peace with myself and with my life. I'm not there yet. But someday.
alice: what was your favorite childhood fantasy?
Flight. I wanted someone to come take me away from everything. I loved the Peter Pan story in all its iterations--I wanted to be whisked away to Neverland.
flora, fauna, and merriweather: what are your best 3 traits?
I'm kind, smart, and tenacious. Those are my favorites.
maleficent: have you ever cursed anyone? (or wanted to?)
Never have and never would, but I understand the feeling.
cogsworth: are you early, late, or on time?
Perpetually early, because I'm always terrified of running late. It's an ADHD thing: I don't have a good grasp of time, so I wildly overcompensate because otherwise I'd ALWAYS be late.
nala: did you have any childhood crushes?
Oh gosh...the boys from Hanson. SUPER embarrassing. And Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre but that's slightly more acceptable.
esmerelda: i've actually never seen hunchback. is it a good movie?
It's beautifully done in a lot of ways, and I love Esmerelda, but I still don't think it's great subject matter for children. I was nine when I first saw it, read the book right afterwards, and was subsequently scarred for life (the book definitely doesn't end the same way, kids).
yzma: what animal would you want to change into?
A sparrow.
kronk: what's your favorite thing to eat?
OATMEAL. Oatmeal is the best food. It is perfection.
elsa: what magic ability would you want to have?
Teleportation! Being able to blink myself around the world would be amazing. I just want a coffee afternoon with my best friend, and she lives halfway across the country.
nick: what's one thing you would never change about the world?
Babies!!! Babies are absolutely perfect.
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dreadart · 4 years
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Today’s Prompt was #Hydra … and while she isn’t a proper Hydra… I figured a dragon is pretty close! This one is part of my "How to Train Your Stitch" series, in which legendary dragons teach Stitch some bad-ass skills (in this case, Stitch is getting "Roasting lessons" from the master, Maleficent!) Yes, they are roasting marshmallows! If you're sharp eyed, you'll be able to spot Flora, Fauna, & Merriweather waiting for their turn, and the raven flying in the distance 😉 She is available as a print RIGHT NOW on ETSY! Link in bio and go to the “Dragons” section! - Happy Drawlloween, everyone!! - #MabsdrawloweenClub, #drawloween, #drawlloween #inktober #drawing #art #halloween #illustration #artist #sketch #draw #drawthisinyourstyle #sketchbook #drawings #painting #horrorart #ink #inkdrawing #artwork #drawingart #drawingchallenge #halloweenart #tintubre #drawingsketch #drawingpen #drawingtime #drawingoftheday #artistsoninstagram #spooky https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8EL-Wjpxn/?igshid=16jkbvhirhxrj
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