#Fluffy Kreations
melynafoxclaw · 29 days
Not Sure I Wanna Be Here Long! by Melyna Foxclaw Via Flickr: NEW Tasha Mod from Fluffy Kreations! Find it on the MP now! BLOG & CREDITS Sektor 2: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Favoletta/147/56/641
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kaizenkhaos · 4 months
Harringrove Lovefest: The Back Up Plan
The 10th of February's prompt I chose is The Back Up Plan ^^ The boys are going to Prom. But their dates are sick, so.....maybe they should just go with each other ^^ Next fics will be the 13th and 14th :D Enjoying seeing peoples' content so far. Hoping to look at more over the next few days ^^
Prom was one of those stupid traditions which schools seemed to have where people had to dress up, dance. Felt like they had to choose a partner. Stressed out. Be the best dressed. Be the best full stop.
Or maybe Billy was just feeling bitter about it because his date was sick.
He'd spent several hours getting things just right. His hair, his suit, his cologne. Something not too strong but with the familiar smell the girls now associated with him. He was in a suit. Shirt button up in a fashion that felt foreign to him. He even had one of those stupid flower things on his lapel. A bright red carnation. Apparently it signified love and stuff. Whatever, he'd just liked the look of it. He'd even got a matching one for his date. Being sick was a valid reason and he knew that but there was something about going to prom alone which felt….not great. They'd expect him to walk in with a date. He'd had so many people ask him and now he was stuck alone. Anyone in their right mind would have gotten a date by now or be going with friends. Something else Billy didn't really feel he had. It wasn't as if he could pick up the phone and call someone. No chance he was calling Hagan; he'd not appreciate a third wheel on his wagon tonight. If he didn't go, people would talk. If he did still go, people would talk, and he wasn't staying here dressed to the nines. That was his decision made for him.
"I'm going to the prom."
No answer, just as expected. These days, that was better than the answer he could get, so he took it and walked out. Ready to bomb away in the Camaro and forget Lacey. Maybe someone would sneak in a 'beverage' and this night would be better than he thought it would be. School was almost out for him. What were they going to do? Expel him? Heading past the Harrington household, Billy was surprised to see Harrington's BMW still parked out on the drive. Slowing down, he took a glance and realised it wasn't just the car that was there; so was Harrington and he was getting out the car with flowers. Running his hand through his hair before heading back to the house. Had he just gone out to get flowers for his date? When he returned alone, Hargrove knew that wasn't the case, so rolled to the side. Cut the engine and got out, leaning against his car as Harrington was about to get in his own.
"Buying flowers for yourself Harrington?"
He could feel the look Steve gave him without being able to properly see. That withering look, the eye roll and here it came; that stance where hands went on hips and he knew he was in for a bitchy response.
"They're for my mom. Why? You wish they were for you?"
Billy laughed, casually reaching in his pocket for his smokes. Seeing right through Steve's lies. For his mom…. Maybe now but he knew originally, that was not the idea.
"You on the bench then?"
He saw the slight shift. The stiffening and knew he'd hit a nerve. Harrington didn't have a date!! Now how's that for a turn up for the books. King Steve didn't have a Queen for his carriage.
The way the guy didn't speak for a moment and leaned on his own car, the door open, like this conversation was soon going to be over. As far as Steve was concerned anyway. Billy was in no hurry to leave.
"She got sick. The flu or somethin'." He shrugged as if it either didn't matter or he was pretending to not be bothered. Could be either, hard to tell. But Billy smirked regardless. He'd not expected Steve to be so open. Perhaps….it would be fun to toy with him but clearly King Bee here wasn't in the mood and Billy for once didn't fancy getting into a fight. Going home with a bruiser would just get him more. "Funny that," Billy started, staring down at his cigarette before looking up at Steve who was clearly listening. Eyes set on the blonde as he leaned forward a little. "That's exactly what my date said too. You think perhaps we've been stood up and they're going together?"
It was a joke but he could see the cogs whirring in Steve's head. A laugh brought it crashing down and with a sneer, Steve got in his car. Wrong move. "Wow, really touchy Harrington." He made no effort to move his car, which was partially blocking the drive and headed up it. Uninvited with the chance of Steve trying to bump him but he didn't care. Steve however seemed to realise this and instead sat in his car, clearly displeased about his unexpected guest and rival turning up at such a time..Or perhaps anytime.
"Well how about this amigo," Billy said, now leaning against the BMW as Steve wound the window down. Still stony faced but at least he'd not put the foot on the gas.
"Looks like both of our dates are either actually sick or have ditched us. Their loss man. But we're both dressed to the nines and ready to go. So how about it?"
"How about what?"
Billy shrugged, as if what he's about to say is nothing.
"We just rock up together. Show Hawkins how it's done."
The truth was Casey, or Laura or whatever her name was hadn't been Billy's first choice to Prom. Reality sucked but in this hick nation of a town, going with a girl was as natural as taking a piss. But going with a guy….not only would it be the talk of the school but the talk of the town, and as soon as that talk got back to his dad… It wasn't worth thinking about. But now said guy was sat smart and still stone faced next to him in the Camaro, it was hard to not think about all the things that came to mind when he was alone and the house was silent. Steve had been the one he'd really wanted to go to the prom with. But he'd pretend that he was just doing the guy a favour. It was just a back up plan; once they got to prom, they'd go their separate ways and that would be that. Billy would offer to take him back or he could get a cab, he didn't care. Really….. He wasn't thinking about post prom….he wasn't thinking about….
"I'm surprised you're not blasting us with that music you listen to…."
The softness of Steve's words managed to cut through the silence and Billy blinked. He was right; he'd not even done his usual routine. Slam on the gas, slam on the tunes.
"Seeing as you ask so nicely…."
The music flicked on, Billy laughed as Steve visibly winced at the volume but he wasn't in the mood for being a total asshole. So he turned it down just a notch. The radio was just finishing one tune and going onto the next. Boston's More than a Feeling. Ironic. He didn't show it though. Maxine must have been messing with the station again. Next time she was in the car, he was going to mess with her.
Metallica started to blare out instead. Four Horsemen, definitely an improvement. No sappy rock in this darn car. Not whilst he has the King Bee looking like he'd eaten wasps next to him.
"How'd you get into this?"
It's a question that Billy wasn't expecting at all. Ever. Steve being interested in his music taste. Was he feeling okay?
"Mom got me a radio when I was little," he started, gripping the wheel a little tighter on mentioning his mom. Not who he wanted to think about, but again, he wasn't going to be an asshole. And Steve actually sounded interested. There wasn't that bitchy tone to his question. "I was just messing around with it and on came Sabbath. Black Sabbath, you know Ozzy Osbourne, Tommy Iommi…. Paranoid. I was hooked man. Never changed the station after that. Now when Metallica started…."
He looked at Steve, expecting to see glazed eyes and was shocked to see the opposite. Engaged, looked like he was actually listening, interested to hear Billy talk. Strange. Get a grip.
"When we get there, don't expect me to stick around. Happy to give you a lift back but…."
"Yeah yeah." There was the bitch again, Steve looking out of the window. Hands gripped loosely on his trousers. Billy couldn't help but gaze at him before he drew his eyes back onto the road and the school which was rapidly approaching them. Steve looked….great. As always. Not a hair out of place, a fancy suit and no doubt his shoes would be like a mirror. Maybe so shiny he'd done his hair in them. He was wearing some kind of cologne; Billy had gotten a sniff earlier and had tried not to fixate on it. It suited him and all Billy could think of was how he could get close enough to smell all the undertones. Maybe him wish that he'd just gone with his own old familiar. He missed smelling like himself.
The party had already started when they finally walked through the doors, a mere nod before Billy's plan played out. Steve disappearing to wherever and Billy scoping the scene. Looking for Hagan and Carol but also any girls which had been on his list of dates to ask and perhaps should have been his choice other than Lacey, Macy…whoever she was. Hagan and Carol were holding part of the drinks table to ransom, some of the younger students side eyeing them as Tommy stood there, leaned on the table with no intention to move. Carol in his arms and trying to steal his drink; she had one of her own but when did that ever stop her? Billy was tempted to join them, but noticed a couple of girls over at a quieter part of the table. Where the finger food and whatever the school had provided was. Food at a prom, well wasn't that something? Guess the school knew some of the students were likely to be drunk or get drunk no matter what they did and at least this way, they could line their stomachs first. The two girls smiled as he approached, him keeping his distance but nodding to them. Clear that he was ready to give them attention if they wanted it but would move away if they didn't. Billy may be many things, but sleazy? Wasn't his style.
"Looking fine there ladies. Real nice."
"Thanks Billy," one of the girls chimed, the other blushing as she glanced at where his buttons would usually be open but currently weren't. Maybe he should change that. The open shirt look after all was his style and if the teachers didn't like it, well, like with the drink thing. What were they really gonna do? "You're looking mighty fine there too," the other girl chipped in, her looks even more obvious than her friend's as she checked him up and down. Clearly looking what she saw as she began to lean forward a little. Crossing his ankles and angling her body in his direction. After a while of mindless chatter, it became clear the girls were happy with a two for one offer and like hell was he going to turn that down. A few dances later and Billy was out for now. Lacey, Macey whoever was no longer on his mind at all as he finally spied the drink table being quiet and not crowded by increasingly rowdy students. Time to go out for a smoke, grab some fresh air and get back to the girls he'd been dancing with. That lovely pair of ladies who were eager for his attention and he was very happy to give them both. But now, a drink or…maybe a break first. A space on the wall near the table had also come up so that was where he headed to instead.
He'd not been leaning very long when he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. Only moving slightly but like they'd been there for a while, and he'd not noticed them arrive at all.
Where did he come from? Leaning against the wall with still not a hair out of place, Steve sipped at whatever was in the cup before holding a second one out to Billy. What was….
"For the ride. And don't worry, I checked it. It's not spiked. It's from the clear bowl. The others though…yeah I'd be careful."
He wasn't gonna ask. He knew that Steve had taken a sip and he wondered what side his lips had touched before pushing the thought aside and downing the drink. Some kind of weird non alcoholic punch. But he had to give it to whoever in the school had made it; it actually didn't taste like shit.
"Been thinking of me Harrington? Ain't that sweet."
The look Steve gave him had 'Bite Me' written all over it. The jock turning away to look over the dance floor again. Oh, how Billy would certainly bite him if he got the chance. Sink his teeth right into his….
"So, not totally sucked for you then or?"
"If you mean, have I made up for my date ditching me? Very much so." Billy grinned, his eyes trailing from Steve's neck to his face as the other teen looked over at him.
"How's your game been?"
Steve shrugged, the now empty cup lingering in his hand as he pushed himself away from the wall. Looking for somewhere to put the cup.
"Gimme that."
Before Steve could protest, Billy swiped it, pressing it into his own before tossing them on the ground next to him. They'd get picked up later by someone.
"Come on man. There's no way you've been out on the bench."
"Nope," Steve responded, popping the p in that obnoxious way he did but Billy didn't care. Too busy staring at the pretty boy. He already knew Steve had been busy, but the way he was reacting was like he wasn't interested. Either in the girls or the event itself. Steve had game and yet wasn't using it. Most girls here would more than happily grab any bit of attention from him. Instead he was here. Looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.
"I need a smoke." Billy glanced over at Steve before shrugging. "They're in my car."
Billy glanced over at him, the smoke from his cigarette curling up into the air as the statement hung between them. The pair were stood by his car, the party a little distance away. Not like either of them cared.
It took Billy a moment to remember the conversation on the ride here. He'd cut off mid sentence but Steve was now determined to get it out of him. Wasn't gonna let the subject drop, and Billy appreciated it. People didn't really take an interest in him. More the aesthetics. More the charm and the car. His music? It came with him but rarely did anyone treat it as a part of him other than himself.
"The Kill 'Em All album man. What an album. That opening, the riffs…." Right away Billy felt himself drifting into his happy place. A content smile as he sucked on his cigarette. Harrington bathing him with that look again. The same one as the time before.
"The Four Horsemen. Motorbreath. Metal Militia. Just the entire album man. If you ever wanna know what I'm talking about, get the album. I know you're more a Toto kinda guy." He snorted, glancing at Steve who is blowing smoke to the side and rolling his eyes.
"But I think even you might be able to appreciate it if you gave it a try."
"Do you have it in the car?"
"It's only the CD I was playing on the way here," he grinned, stomping his cigarette butt into the ground and fishing out his keys. Was he dreaming? Steve actually wanted to listen to it?
Well he wasn't gonna let this opportunity go.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd sat back in his car and listened to an album like this. And it had been even longer once he'd had someone to do it with. They didn't talk, it felt like they barely even breathed as Metallica reverbed around the car, Billy glancing at Steve now and then. Expecting any moment for the show to drop and for him to tell him to turn it off. But he didn't and even more surprisingly, he was sat there listening. Like, not rolling his eyes or spacing out. But sat there, relaxed. His eyes on the radio then the dash as his fingers tapped away to the beat.
It's everything Billy didn't realise he'd wished for.
It was in-between tracks when Steve finally broke the silence. But it wasn't to ask about the music. It was about something very different.
"Why didn't you ask?"
Wasn't that just the question. One that Billy'd thought about. Had danced on his lips but been drawn back in. Had played on his minds but felt just like a fantasy. And finally it was out there. Billy didn't think he'd feel any different but the relief he felt to hear it? He couldn't describe it. It felt like a massive rock had been lifted off his chest and he was finally free but even that didn't cover it.
"You grew up here right? Do you really need to ask?"
He could see that Steve got it, even before he replied. The way there was a flicker across his face before Steve looked away. He knew Billy couldn't have asked him. And that neither of them….
"It's so stupid. Like why do we have to choose a girl and make both people miserable instead of just…."
"Being able to ask. Yeah I know. Fucking stupid man. Would have been easier in Cali. Maybe…. I dunno."
"And what would we have done in Cali?"
The smirk he knew Steve knew very well appeared on Billy's face and hands on the wheel, he glanced over. Pulling out a white carnation from his door and putting it on the dash in front of Steve.
"Well I could tell you Harrington. But I think it would way more fun if you just found out…"
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sickpaella · 2 years
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Backdrop: .PALETO. IJO-88 Ears: [HP] Lynx ears Hair: Dura B90 Weapon: + {egosumaii} + Dark Harvesting Scythe Outfit: AVEC TOI - Ruby Pants AVEC TOI - Vesper Blouse & Corset Shoes: Kottr GOGO boots Tail: FK* Talice Tail
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Die traumhaft wollige Begegnung
Der Anfang einer erotischen Geschichte
Episode 2, Teil 2
Ich schaue mich um und sehe einen zweiten Eingang.
Am Türschild steht Michelle Louis. Meine Hoffnung steigt wieder und ich drücke auf die Klingel.
Nach einiger Zeit öffnet sich die Tür und ein blonder lächelnder Engel in einem schneeweißen Fuzzy und Fluffy Angora Jumpsuit mit riesigem weiten Cowlneck, so dass die nackte Schulter herausschaut, steht in der Tür.
„Hallo Alex, ich freue mich dich zu sehen. Ich hatte schon die Befürchtung du kommst doch nicht.“
Sie kommt näher und schenkt mir eine herzliche Umarmung, gleich umgibt mich ihr betörender Duft und ihr Fluffy Jumpsuit mit dem riesige Colwneck berühren mein Gesicht und gleich stellt sich wieder das das wohlige Gefühl ein.
Sie sagt: „Komm doch herein, wie ich sehe hast du heute einen wunder schönen Mohair Sweater an.
Er steht dir ausgezeichnet, ich stehe auf Männer die Wolle tragen.“
Ich antworte „Vielen Dank, du siehst auch wirklich zauberhaft in deinem Outfit aus. Hier ein paar Blumen und ich habe Wein mitgebracht.“
Erleichtert, dass ihr der Sweater gefällt, trete ich ein.
Sie sagt: „Ziehe doch bitte deine Schuhe aus und wenn du magst auch deine Strümpfe es wird dir gefallen.“
Ich denke ok, warum nicht.
Sie führt mich in ihr Wohnzimmer, ein modern eingerichteter Raum mit dezentem Licht und schönen Details, an den Wänden hängen schönen Bildern von Models in Wollkleidung, Schränke mit Büchern über Wolle und einigen Woll-Dekostücken. Im Hintergrund läuft dezente Musik.
Auf dem Boden liegt ein hochfloriger Wollteppich, Im Raum steht ein breites Sofa mit Pelzdecke und ein Stapel Mohairdecken, sowie ein halbfertiger roter Mohairsweater, am Boden vor dem Sofa ein dicker Pelzteppich, davor ein flacher Tisch und zwei Sessel.
Neben dem Sofa ein großer Korb mit weiteren angefangenen Strickwaren und ein Berg an Wollknäulen.
Sie sagt: „Setz dich, ich hole eine Vase und Gläser“
Glücklich und gutgelaunt setze ich mich, mit den Händen fahre ich über die Pelzdecke und streichle den angefangenen Sweater, meine Füße graben sich in den Pelzteppich und wieder das wohlige Gefühl und bei dem Gedanken an den Abend regt sich bei mir wieder spürbar etwas.
Michelle kommt mit Knabbereien, drei Gläsern und den Blumen in der Vase zurück.
Ich denke: „Warum drei Gläser, hmm schade ich habe mich auf einen schönen Abend zu zweit gefreut.“
Michelle schenkt ein und sagt: „Falls du dich über das dritte Glas wunderst, ich habe meiner Freundin Bescheid gesagt, dass du heute vorbeikommst. Mit ihr betreibe ich den Laden, sie ist echt nett und wird dir bestimmt gefallen.“
Ich denke: „Naja, hört sich ja doch gut an.“
Michelle setzt sich dicht zu mir, wir stoßen mit dem Wein an und führen eine anregende Unterhaltung über unsere Wollleidenschaft und unsere Vorlieben.
Michelle sagt: „Ich muss dir mal zeigen woran ich gerade arbeite“
Sie lehnt sich über meinen Schoß um an den Korb hinter mir zu kommen. Gleich um gibt mich wieder ihr betörender Duft, sie streckt sich und bewegt dabei auf meinem Schoß hin und her. Jede Bewegung und Berührung von Ihr lost bei mir ein Lustgefühl aus, und mein Penis fängt wunder bar an zu pulsieren. Ich habe das Gefühl, sie macht es mit Absicht was mich noch mehr antörnt und inzwischen müsste sie den anschwilenden Penis bemerken.
Doch schade, sie rutscht wieder zurück auf Ihren Platz und Zeigt mir ihre neue Kreation mit einem riesigen bestimmt ein meterlangen Fuzzy Rollkragen.
Fortsetzung Folgt.
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furrykinks · 2 years
FK* Scare Tail Textures
FK* Scare Tail Textures by Fluffy Kreations Via Flickr: Happy Halloween!!!! Month!!! Coming out with spooky, scary, trick or treaty tail textures that work with all of Fluffy Kreations Tails! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making them!!!! Marketplace: marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FK-Halloween-Tail-Applier/24... SPPOOKKKKYYY BOOOoo
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capybira · 2 years
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drunk words, sober thoughts
carlos madrigal x gender neutral reader
summary: carlos gets drunk at a party and shares a moment with y/n
genre: fluff?? kinda??
WARNINGS: mentions of nsfw (no lemon/smut), getting drunk
Music rang through your ears as you and Miarabel moved your body to the beat. The Madrigals have held another party, and you were having fun, as usual.
You and Mira were having fun, holding each other by the hand and shimmying around, enjoying the lively atmosphere, when a pelican randomly flew down from the open ceiling (imagine if casita opened it’s casitussy okay it’s an open ceiling because i said so) and landed on Mira’s shoulder.
‘That’s my cue! Sorry y/n, Antonio needs me.’ Mirabel smiled apologetically. You nodded a ‘no problem’ and waved goodbye to her as she hurriedly followed the pelican, squeezing through crowds of people to find her cousin and do whatever he needed help with.
Alone on the dance floor, you decided to check out some refreshments and snacks. Dinner was an hour or two ago and you’ve been dancing ever since, you need a few power snacks and a couple drinks to keep you through the night.
You rocked your hips to the beat, smoothly shuffling towards the kitchen so you wouldn’t catch too many people’s attention while they were dancing. Walking amongst a whole herd of dancing people is weird and awkward.
A colourful punch fountain was on the kitchen table, along with plastic cups. Casita greeted you by moving a few times on the counter, welcoming your presence. Thirsty from all the dancing, you decided to help yourself. Grabbing a red plastic cup, you tilted the opening towards the punch fountain and the colourful juice poured heavily into your cup like a river. You were about to take a long awaited sip when you heard a tiny hiccup from behind you.
You turned around to a red-faced Carlos.The top three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and his maroon rauna is now dyed an ugly yellow due to the amount of drinks he’s probably drank throughout the night. He’s drunk.
‘H-hey y/n.’ He hiccuped, flashing you a dorky smile. He is definitely not himself. ‘Dios mio Carlos, you’re drunker than a skunk.’
You’ve never seen Carlos Madrigal drunk before.
‘Whatchu u-up to?’ He hiccuped again, accompanied with a loud burp which made you visibly cringe. His face was red from all the alcohol he drank. His curls were messy, and he couldn’t even stand straight. Carlos’ legs were wobbly even though he’s standing still. The only thing keeping him from not toppling down is casita using its floor tiles to nudge his shoes and keeping him balanced on the ground.
Carlos had a cup in one hand, and beverage stains all over his garments. It was a horrid sight, but you had to admit it was kind of cute. The way he hiccuped and tried to focus while talking to but failing miserably made your heart- If Abuela saw this she’s going to MURDER him.
Carlos was about to take another sip of whatever he had in the plastic cup, but you quickly stopped him by standing on your tiptoes and snatching the drink from hand as he waved it higher so you wouldn’t be able to reach it. ‘Such a party-pooper y/n…’ he frowned, slurring his words as he tried to grab for his cup back which is now (thankfully) out of reach.
‘Carlos, that’s enough.’ you sighed as you threw the cup in the nearby bin. Even casita expressed disappointment , moving its window frames and expressing a frown.
‘Give me my d-drink backkkk y/nnnnn…’ Carlos whined, stumbling towards you. Lord, he’s so out of it. ‘You’ve had enough to drink tonight.’ you said firmly, frowning as you had one hand on his chest to prevent him from crashing onto you. ‘How did you even get alcohol anyway? I thought the Madrigals cared about their reputation so much they didn’t allow alcohol here.’
‘I m-met some pe-people.’ Carlos said in between a yawn and a hiccup at the same time. ‘They’re c-cool.’ Good lord. Thank god the kitchen was empty and no other guests were here. You prayed that Dolores wouldn’t hear all this and tell people. You didn’t want Carlos to get in trouble.
‘Getting drunk isn’t cool, Carlos.’ you furrowed your eyebrows. This was gonna take a while. ‘No y/n, you’re not cool. You’re stupid, give me my drink back this is so not cool!’ Carlos shook his head like a toddler, throwing a tantrum. This was hilarious, but also not since you knew he’d get in HUGE trouble with Abuela (and Pepa) if they found out their 17 year old son met some rookies and got drunk at a family party.
You decided to take matters to your own hands, pulling Carlos closer to you as you took his arm and hovered it over your shoulder. You placed your arm on top of his, and wrapped your other arm around his waist, steadying him as casita tried to help using the floor tiles.
‘Alright Madrigal time to get you to bed.’ You groaned, lifting him up slightly as you tried to walk him out of the kitchen and to his room. Carlos was taller than you, so it was no surprise that he was heavy. You grunted at his weight, maybe people are heavier when they’re drunk.
With the help of casita, you miraculously managed to help Carlos upstairs and nearly got to his room. Carlos kept losing his balance along the way, crumbling onto the floor like a sack of potatoes whenever you loosen your grip around his waist a little. The boy kept bumping into walls, giggling as he did so and purposely bumping into the opposite way as if they were trampolines.
‘A-lmost t-t-there-‘ you exhaled loudly. Carlos’ weight was really starting to dawn on you. Casita stopped helping you at one point. No surprise it was also sick of this bullshit. You were tired on one hand, but happy on the other since you get to be so close with Carlos. Your bodies were basically attached to each other throughout the entire process, as if playing some sort of three-legged-man game.
You never really thought about your feelings for Carlos until now. He’s always been a sadist, laughing at your misery and never opening up to anyone. This was the first time you’ve seen him so wild and free, as if his cold persona was just a mask and he took it off completely. And perhaps it was also his sadistic and cold personality that made you interested in him. But of course, you’d never tell him. He’d laugh and bully you for it. He’s teased you so many times about dumb things you’ve done, so it’s kind of fun to have some sort of blackmail material against him.
Lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t realise your grip on Carlos’ waist loosened again. He tripped all of a sudden, causing you to trip as well, both of you falling onto the floor, bodies colliding right in front of his room. Thank god you two were finally here. Now you can leave him alone and go back to the party-
Being on top of you, Carlos placed his palms firmly against the ground next to you and lifted himself up, arms wobbling as he did so. You were scared he was going to lose his balance and smush your chest, so you quickly steadied him with your arm. Your legs were in between his as he half-kneeled beside your thighs. You felt your face flushing red as his beer-filled breath exhaled onto you. It smelled disgusting, but Carlos being on top of you made up for it.
The light from his magic door allowed you to see his face clearer. Carlos had beads of sweat all over his forehead, and his messy hair was blocking half of his eye. His entire face dangled in front of yours, and you didn’t know how to react. He looked beautiful as ever, even when he was drunk as fuck.
‘Carlos… we’re already h-‘
You were cut off by Carlos slapping one hand onto your mouth, muffling your words. Now the upper part of his body was only balanced by his knees and one wobbly arm. This is dangerous.
‘You’re prettier when you stop talking, tonto.’ Carlos grinned smugly. Oh the things you’d do to slap that look off his fa-
Carlos took his hand off your mouth, sloppily brushing away strands of stray hair from your face, and cupped your cheek. It fit perfectly in his palm. Your heart was beating so fast at this point you thought you died and came back. This was reality and you couldn’t believe it, but you know Carlos was drunk and all of this meant nothing.
You were cut off by Carlos pressing his lips onto yours, the taste of bitterness reaching your tastebuds. So this is what alcohol tastes like. You stayed put, Carlos kissing you and borderline grinding on you with the lower half of his body. It felt good. It felt natural. You wanted this moment to last forever.
You don’t know what happened but the next thing you know, you and Carlos were making out. His kisses became more sloppy and aggressive, his groin continuously nudging onto your lower stomach. Your fingers were entangled in his hair, tugging it whenever you felt like doing so. His arm that originally kept him from falling onto you was now on the floor, interlocking his fingers with yours as his other hand continued to play with your hair and caressing your face softly yet aggressively.
You were getting into the makeout session as much as he is, touching tongues with him and enjoying every second, when you felt Carlos’ hand accidentally slipping through your shirt and gripping your bare waist, sending shivers down your spine. Savouring the moment for one last second, you hastily pulled away, turning your head to the other side so Carlos’ lips wouldn’t come in contact with yours. You saw at the corner of your eye that even he himself looked shocked, but the look on his face seemed to express satisfaction.
Seems like he was more sober after the so called ‘makeout session’, since he got off from you when you squirmed from underneath him. A blushing mess, you quickly helped yourself up from the floor, smoothing your clothes a little as you shoved Carlos into his room, shutting the door immediately. What the fuck just happened?
‘NO. We’ll talk about this never. Nope. Have a good night! Goodbye Carlos.’ you cut the boy off from the other side, rushing down stairs, still panting from the makeout session. You can’t believe you just did that. You can’t believe Carlos just did that. What’s worse is that you enjoyed it. Hopefully Dolores didn’t hear anything.
You rushed back downstairs and let out a sigh of relief as you saw a smiley Mirabel walking towards you, waving as you waved back.
‘H- Woah there y/n what happened to you?’ Mira cocked an eyebrow in amusement as she saw your messed up hair and crooked clothes. ‘Oh it was nothing, I just, um, got involved in an arm wrestling competition.’ You lied, laughing awkwardly while trying to comb your hair with your fingers. ‘I hate to do this Mira but I actually have to go, I’m drained.’ you smiled sadly. ‘No worries y/n, see you at school!’
You and Mirabel hugged each other goodbye as you quickly rushed out of the casita, avoiding everyone’s gaze. You can’t believe what happened tonight. Now you’re gonna have to deal with something worse than a tornado: your feelings for Carlos. But hey, at least you have something to blackmail him now.
A/N: wow hello first fic on tumblr and it’s already spicy€*>*~¥|*\ i hope you liked this one, might write part 2. hopefully this reaches the correct audience🙏🏻
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99liners · 3 years
it is you — m. shintaro
pairing: midorima shintaro x female reader
genre: angst (i should get this 5 lettered word tattooed on my forehead) fluffy fluff.
words: 2.326
request: carinacassiopeiae said: Okay, so i can only request a scene, but the details and whatnot are up to you! MC/reader is overwhelmed with stuff and she can only handle so much before she falls unconscious. And like midorima is with her when she passes out and he desperately tries to reach out and catch her before she hits the ground. Like idk, this gets me ugh *O* Thank you so much 💚
taglist: @knb-kreations​ @carinacassiopeiae​ 
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your eyes fluttered open slowly, you had woken up from your rather deep slumber a few moments ago but the absolute silence of the environment coupled with the smell of sanitizer in the air troubled your thoughts. this is not how your apartment smells like; it smells like yesterday’s dirty laundry, shintaro’s new bandage roll, his shampoo’s residual scent on his pillow. yeah that’s how your apartment smells like paired with the sound of the local traffic, the gentle noise from the bell of your newly turned teenager neighbor’s bicycle, certainly not deafening silence.
if someone took a look at your features, they would know you were perturbed and uneasy. the moment your eyes opened, they found themselves enclosed inside a white monotonous room filled with medical equipments, one of which was connected to your arm, pumping saline in.
takao was sitting on the chair near the window when he noticed your figure stirring and walked over, “thank god, you are awake. you had us worried.”
your eyes took in takao’s presence, still not sure why he was here or why you guys were in a hospital in the first place, “takao-kun, what happened?”
“you collapsed, thankfully shin-chan was nearby so he brought you here immediately.”
“i collapsed? when? where is shin-tan?” your voice felt so hoarse.
“he went outside to freshen up and asked me to stay with you. don’t worry, i will get him,” he offered you a soft smile.
you smiled back slightly, “thank you.”
takao nodded curtly before sliding the door open and walking out. he was gone for barely a minute before your boyfriend entered the room, visibly disheveled.
“are you okay?” shintaro asked rushing towards you.
you tried to move to a sitting position on seeing his worried expression, you have never seen him in such a disarranged state. 
“no. don’t get up, you need to rest,” shintaro shook his head, his hands on either of your shoulders pushing them back where they were.
“what is happening?” you asked finally, still wondering when did you collapse.
“why did you not tell me?” shintaro asked sitting down on the stool beside your bed. he ignored your question because he does not want to live that moment again, you collapsing on him. he never wants to go through that again.
“tell you what?”
“that you were overburdened at work.. i-i could have taken some days off and helped you around maybe.. why?” there was a certain vulnerability to his voice which reflected in the green ocean of his eyes. you were both glad that you were someone he could show this side to, but also overwhelmed because no one wants to see their s/o in such a condition.
however, he was correct, you were extremely overburdened at work and it certainly was not helping that you were the only assigned member for a huge project that your firm recently bagged. everyday you walk into your office thinking of seeing more members working on it but you are met with only the sound of your voice echoing in an empty conference room. your seniors told you that they would assign more people under this project soon but they kept slacking off on the promise where you were forced to take matters in your hands; sending official mails to your co-workers trying to pique their interest in the project but that did not help either. at the end of the day, you were alone and the due date was only approaching closer more than ever.
it is not the first time that you have been under such pressure, frankly speaking, university was more demanding with its constant assignments and exams but you guess after some time, a person only seeks for some peace in life.
back at home, things were not that great either. you loved midorima shintaro with your whole heart and could not be happier when he decided to play basketball professionally after university. you supported him wholeheartedly but what you were not ready for were the frequent trips to the states for matches. he would be gone for weeks on end and we all know how much of a vocal person shintaro is. there are more chances of kuroko dunking a basketball than midorima shintaro becoming vocal about his feelings or needs.
its not like shintaro did not miss you, cause miss you, he did. he missed you immensely to the point where he had returned from airports late at night after packing up everything in a fit and rushing there to fly back home to you. he wants to be in your warmth, he wants to watch you getting ready for work everyday, your wet hair fresh out of the shower splashing some water droplets on his face when he would walk towards the washroom to take his shower, he would groan softly and you would giggle at him but you both know how much he loves it. and yes he yells through the bathroom door every time he notices you have finished his body wash again, his special lucky body wash. 
he often finds himself thinking of quitting, but he cannot expect you to pay for the household expenses alone. he wants to give you the life you deserve and leaving his livelihood for that was certainly not the solution. also the fact that basketball is what gets him out of bed everyday, played a huge role.
you, on the other hand, have grown accustomed to this side of your boyfriend, you know his tsundere tendencies since your first month together, back in freshman year. you know he does not get affected by your actions of affections. every now and then, mostly on the weekends, you would complain about the overdue assignments while sitting on the couch with a tub of ice cream and he knows you can handle it, it is just your way of letting loose for a change. it is a habit you retained till now, while shintaro’s reaction to your actions is also what he has retained over the years which often renders him unable to see through your actions or understand what you are actually trying to say.
over the years your whining has changed from jokes to actual call for help, although you deny it too but they were, in fact, call for attention. work was only getting hectic and you always came back to an empty apartment, silence prevailing thickly like it wanted to choke you.
“can you cuddle me babe?” your eyes lit up when you saw shintaro coming out of the shower a week ago, the towel around his shoulder sustaining the water droplets free falling from the tips of his hair.
“i have a match in california,” shintaro informed you softly, opening the closet to pack his clothes.
you were sitting on the bed, propped against the pillows with your laptop, “what do you mean?”
“i did not tell you? sorry, the practice matches have been tiring. think i forgot.”
the playful smile on your lips was long gone, you did not want him to cuddle you, you needed it. right now you were not sure anymore what you needed; a cup of ramen, a bottle of whiskey or a fifteen-hour nap. the bags under your eyes were only becoming prominent, the purple lines visible on your troubled face. your face lacked the general charm and your boyfriend could not bother to care.
you nodded turning your attention to the laptop, “okay.”
shintaro hummed in reply as he continued with his packing and left soon after his cab came. it was the first time you did not see him off on the doorway, hell you did not even look at him when he informed you that he was leaving.
and he should have known better at that moment, he should have known that he was leaving you at a very low time in your life which you did not deserve considering your never-ending ocean of love for him, your support for his dreams and passion never wavered and yet he was leaving you to play a match in another country. he should have taken out his phone and informed akashi that he was not going to join them, i mean, he was not the only prodigy of vorpal swords and they would have fared just fine without shintaro but if only he had those thoughts on time. 
in reality, he had not, which brings us to when he came back to japan a week later. he walked in the apartment, tired from the jetlag. you were standing in the kitchen, your figure was slouching over with your hands on the stove counter which seemed to be supporting your balance.
“y/n, i am home,” shintaro chimed, he wanted to set some things right. he dropped his luggage near the couch after taking off his shoes and headed over to you only to you hug you from behind but what came next, knocked the air out of his lungs.
he expected you to be angry at him, upset even and maybe scream at him for a while but your body fell back on his like paper, weightless. panicked, he tried to balance you before settling down on the floor with your head on his lap. he moved your hair away from your face and realized you had passed out. 
and he was not there for you when you needed him the most. with shaky hands, he called the ambulance first and then called up the rest of vorpal swords. takao was the first to rush to the hospital followed by kise and akashi.
the doctor finished your check up soon and administered a few medicines through injections after the nurse hooked you up on saline. shintaro watched quietly, tears threatening to pour out any moment now.
“she over worked herself.”
shintaro turned to the doctor when he realized the latter was talking to him only.
“she will be better in a week, just keep in mind not to pressure her too much,” the doctor nodded, walking out.
shintaro kept staring at your lifeless body, now that he notices, he can see how skinny you have grown, your bones were almost protruding out of your skin which felt tight and tensed even in your current sleep induced state. before he knew it, tears already had started spilling out. he wiped them away swiftly and looked for takao.
after instructing the dark-haired boy to stay with you in case you wake up, he hurried out of the hospital. he walked inside a side alley, trying to keep himself together desperately but he could not stop his tears as he wept with the rain.
the next morning, shintaro was awakened by akashi who told him to freshen up and eat something. shintaro had fallen asleep on the stool beside you, his head lying on the bed near your hand.
he went out to freshen up, keeping takao with you as the guard again, followed by you waking up.
you let a sigh you did not know you were holding in, shintaro looked like he had been crying, his eyes had turned red near the corners.
“tell me. why did you not call me?” shintaro asked again, his voice lacking the usual stoic tone. 
“because you never see it shin-tan. i am tired, i am constantly tired and i just want lay in your arms sometimes but you are busy and i am always just trying to accommodate you.”
“and what about me accommodating you? who said its a one way road?”
you sighed, arguing with him was useless. not like you guys have never had this argument before, it was going to end up the same way; him making promises he would not be able to fulfill.
shintaro took off his shoes and climbed in the bed beside you, it was a one-person bed so you moved as much as you could to give him space. the action itself was preposterous and the fact that it was midorima shintaro doing it, really was above logic.
“what are you doing?” you craned your neck at him.
shintaro pulled your figure close to his, his arms wrapping securely around you, his chin resting on top of your head, “i love you so much, y/n. i am who i am, where i am all because of you and i see everything. i swear i do although i am really bad at showing it but please teach me, teach me to be better for you.”
“i love you as you are..” you mumbled, inhaling his scent, the familiar homely feeling taking over your senses. yes sex is great but this is what you truly crave.
“no. stop doing this to yourself, teach me to be a better person for you and i swear i will be the best you want me to be,” he left a trail of kisses against your hairline till he lined up with your temple and scooted down to kiss your forehead, his hot breath fanning on your nose.
“y/n i have to lea-” takao walked in and stopped mid sentence on noticing the scene in front of himself. no, it is not just you who finds this action shocking, everyone who knows shintaro, does.
“oh my god, this is a gold mine!” takao chuckled taking out his phone and taking a photo of you two cuddling on a hospital bed, to send it in the group chat.
“do you want die?” shintaro turned to takao, affixing his glasses with his index finger.
takao rushed out immediately after bidding you goodbye.
you giggled at the duo, they really were the best of friends.
“hey, what is your lucky item today?” you asked looking over the room to see some absurd figurine.
“right here in my arms. it is you, it always has been you,” shintaro breathed out, his nose nuzzling against yours. 
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟣. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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on haizaki and teammates
(this is just a very fluffy and happy fic to make up for all the depressing fics i’ve written about haizaki. it’s set in my very own kirihaizaki au - an au wherein haizaki joined kirisaki daichi high, rather than fukuda sogo. also @knb-kreations :D)
Haizaki wants to punch them - his teammates, that is. He wants to punch them a lot, and with force. But he doesn’t, partially because he knows they’d punch him back (and it would hurt much more), and partially because he respects his seniors (just a little) and likes them too (sometimes, maybe).
Seto’s probably the only person in the last five years who’s told Haizaki that he’s intelligent - even if just as an offhand “you’re too smart to use that brain of yours on cheating”. Of course, Haizaki still cheats (a matter of habit and pride, if nothing else). But, when the team studies together for the end-of-term exams (Hanamiya insists on it; they need good grades to keep playing, though the scores come naturally to most of them), Haizaki works just a little harder on the practice questions that Seto gives him, not because he cares that much about doing well, but because there’s a slight, bemused grin on Seto’s face after Haizaki finishes the work quickly, as he says “that fast? Not bad at all.” It’s small and measly praise, but Haizaki still blushes when he hears it. And it’s the type of praise that helps a guy fall asleep at night.
Or, sometimes, Furuhashi comes to the roof - where Haizaki wastes away his lunchtime, or can be found bunking a class - and orders him to help out with the gardening club. Haizaki’s the only first year member, and not by choice; the only reason he signed up was because no one else dares to, and he was told he had to join something. And frankly, Haizaki hates plants. He hates the way they just hang their miserable little leaves, and droop their heads, and just with that Furuhashi’s grumpy gaze softens, like he’s talking to a bunch of children. He hates how Furuhashi orders him to chat to the plants, as the second year checks the humidity of the air and the pH of the soil: how he’s just stood there awkwardly (with a plant or two in his arms; Furuhashi uses him as a temporary shelf) talking about how someone pissed him off the other day, how his class has been told they’ll be doing a group project soon (few of his classmates actually speak to Haizaki), how he saw a hot chick the other day and how she was real damn hot, and how his teacher’s getting on his case recently.
“The next time she shoves her ugly mug in my face,” grumbles Haizaki, with pink flowers, from the plant in his arms, framing his face, “I’m going to swing at her. Who does she think she is? I don’t even cause that much trouble.”
Of course, the plants never reply, but, every once in a while, Furuhashi does - and Furuhashi’s not that bad at advice.
“Talk to Hanamiya about her. He’s good at stopping that kind of thing.”
“Yeah, but, I don’t want to be asking for favours. I can deal with it on my own.”
“You’re part of the team. Take advantage of it.”
Sometimes, when he’s lost his after-practice good mood the minute he sees that his older brother’s home, Haizaki thinks to himself that maybe Furuhashi is what a sibling is supposed to be like.
Of course, Haizaki’s not that close to his teammates - but that applies to his relationship with his brother too. And his brother doesn’t invite him to shoot a couple hoops in the local park, or to play games together. That’s what Hara does instead, often Yamazaki too. It’s the three of them crammed in Yamazaki’s bedroom, all of them yelling at Mario, Luigi and Peach (Haizaki is bullied into playing as the latter) as the pixels speed past the finish line. Then when Yamazaki loses, they play fighting games instead, talking to one another as if they’re soldiers, and it’s only when Hara comments on how ridiculous they all sound, that Haizaki realises that he’s been participating in this idiocy too. But it’s fun. They share pizzas afterwards, and Hara wraps his arm around Haizaki’s shoulder, and Yamazaki says that the first year gaming ability is improving (“you stick with your senpais, and you’ll get even better”).
Yamazaki has a mirror in his bedroom. It’s never quite clean, but it reflects enough of Haizaki’s smile, in those after-school evenings, for the boy to look down at his greasy fingers and at his cheerfully arguing teammates and to think that, maybe, he can call them friends after all.
During matches, Haizaki goes on last to play. In part, it’s because he still hasn’t quite grasped how to slot into the spider’s web (it requires a lot of team work, and his years at Teiko made that a bitter subject), but Hanamiya also likes having Haizaki on last to absolutely obliterate the opposition. To make them realise just how talented the next generation of Kiridai is. (Granted, this next generation is just one man - but, in the captain’s words, “you’re enough. You’re just want I needed”). It’s usually in the last quarter than Haizaki gets called in.
“Oi, Shou,” the captain calls, “you’re on.”
Furuhashi strolls off the court, nods at Haizaki as he walks past. Hara slips beside Haizaki and grins, “do us proud, Shou-chan.”
Haizaki doesn’t like nicknames. That’s an understatement. He despises them (particularly ones using his first name, though there’s no option currently for a nickname with his last name. There’s already a ‘Zaki’ in the team, and ‘Hai’, for a man who says ‘no, fuck off’ a lot, just sounds stupid). But he doesn’t mind the nickname as much, when it’s being said by his senpais. Because there’s something different about these teammates of his.
Haizaki’s not quite sure what exactly is it. He just knows that, when he’s on the court representing Kirisaki Daichi, he gets shivers running down his spine. They’re the kind of shivers you only get when you truly love a sport.
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kalamitis · 7 years
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OC Aesthetics 25/? - CamRhell (@rhellacious‘s OC Rhell, and my Cam!)
“There you are!” Cam jolted awake, blinking in surprise as Rhell came into view. The smaller girl was panting, her deep brown eyes worried as they looked them over from the doorway. It was clear she had run there, in the way her usually pressed shirt was untucked and unruly, like Rhell had gone through a wind tunnel.
“Did you run all the way up here?” The drummer asked, sitting up gingerly in the hospital bed. “Rhell. I’m on the sixth floor, the elevators have been down-”
“Are you okay?” The other dancer wasn’t listening, instead hovering nervously just at the edge of their bed, eyeing the leg they had held up in a sling, its new yellow cast bright against the otherwise bland color scheme of the room. “I heard you fell off stage-”
Wordlessly, Cam opened their arms, and Rhell wasted no time in climbing into the bed with them, careful to not to jostle their injured leg as the drummer wrapped their arm around them, her oldest friend resting her head on their shoulder. 
“I’m okay.” Cam said softly, running their fingers through her hair. “It’s just my foot, and I don’t dance anymore, so as long as it’s not my pedal foot I’m good.”
Rhell said nothing, her fingers tightening in the fabric of their hospital gown, tickling the drummer’s side as the dancer shifted closer. Quietly, the nonbinary sighed, tilting their head to look down at their girlfriend.
“Hey.” They said, not continuing until the girl looked up at them, leaning down to press their lips to hers softly. “I’m okay.” They whispered softly, opening their eyes to meet Rhell’s.
“Okay.” their girlfriend was slightly flushed, but settled down against their shoulder with a worried half smile.
Maybe that’s what love was, Cam thought, eyes closing softly, fingers gentle in Rhell’s hair. Maybe it was having someone who would always come running.
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Hi Everyone, Which one of these Elephants is your favorite? For those of you who are new here, these are my FuzzyKim’s, part soft and fluffy and part sculpted out of clay. I hope they make you smile. 🙂 I’m working on getting them in my Shop very soon. I have 10 new Kreations. I will be sending out an email when they are there, so please watch your inboxes. I hope you’re having a wonderful evening.💖💜 . . . . . #kimmiesclaykreaations #polymerclay #handmade #fuzzykim #fuzzykims #elephant #elephants #iloveyou #valentine #happyvalentinesday #bemyvalentine #plushie #plushtoy #softtoy #artdoll #stuffedanimal #stuffanimals #heart #hearts #collectible #collectibles #toycollector #toycollection #soft #fluffy #pink #purple #kawaii #cute #whimsical https://www.instagram.com/p/CKDCNzUA2zn/?igshid=evh6ihjegw0t
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naschkater-com · 4 years
Den ursprünglichen Ansatz in diesem Blog habe ich ja längst aufgegeben – oder zumindest verwässert – und kümmere mich nicht mehr allein um das Marketing von Süßigkeiten, sondern auch um Snacks, Getränke und alle möglichen Arten von Fertignahrung. Aber besonders der Bereich der Aromen fasziniert mich ungemein. Wo die überall auftauchen – auch außerhalb von Nahrungsmitteln – ist kaum zu glauben: in Handspülmittel, Müllbeuteln, ja, sogar in Toilettenpapier!
Umso wichtiger, dass ich mich jetzt einem Gut zuwende, dass zwar nicht gegessen wird, aber dennoch in den menschlichen Körper gelangt. Nein, ich meine nicht Lippenpflegestifte, sondern Liquids, der Verbrauchs- und Geschmacksstoff, mit dem Nutzer von E-Zigaretten ihre Geräte befüllen.
Denn ja – man kann Süßigkeiten auch rauchen! 😂
Die Liquids (im Englisch heißen sie e-liquids) führen die Fantasie bei der Kreation und Benennung von Geschmacksrichtungen zu neuen Höhen! Was es da alles für Sorten gibt! Viele enthalten Anspielungen auf populäre Markensüßigkeiten, etwa auf Oreo, Bazooka oder Drumstricks. Andere beziehen sich auf bestimmte Warengruppen wie S’mores, Cotton Candy (Zuckerwatte), Eiskrem, Brownies oder Donuts. Der Hersteller “Donut Puff” hat den Donut sogar zu seinem Markenzeichen gemacht und verkauft sämtlich Liquids in Form eines angebissenen Donuts.
Eine der exzentrischsten Geschmacksrichtungen ist sicherlich die von Dr. Fogs Donuts: The Duke aus Zimtdonut mit Vanillegeschmack und Earl-Grey-Glasur. Auch nicht zu verachten ist diese (Wort)-Kreation: “A warm fluffy Strawberry Donut in a glass of Milk”-Aroma, also auf deutsch: ein warmer, flauschiger Erdbeer-Donut in einem Glas Milch”. Warum eigentlich nicht wenigstens “warme” Milch? Mit Honig!
Ob die angepriesenen Flüssigkeiten tatsächlich auch nur annähernd das halten, was die Namen und Verpackungen versprechen, kann ich leider nicht beurteilen. Ich rauche nicht mehr und besitze auch keine E-Zigarette. ich freue mich aber über Antworten auf diese Frage unten im Kommentarfeld.
Hier einige Liquids für E-Zigaretten mit Süßigkeiten als Geschmacksrichtung
Liquid mit dem Geschmack eines Oreo-Kekses.
Bazooka! Sour Straws ICE Watermelon e-liquid 200ml
Bazooka Sour Straw Blue Raspbery e-liquid
E-liquid nach Art der Juicy Nerds mit Kirschlimonaden-Geschmack.
Sweet Spot Drumsticks 120ml eliquid
Keep It Sweet E-Liquid Sherbet Lemons
Sweet Spot Jelly Babies-Whambar-Spearmint Chews 120ml e-liquid
Liquid von Donut Puff mit Blueberry-Geschmack.
e-liquid Donut Puff Swedish Berries
Donut Puff e-Liquid: “Chocolate Cookies”
Loaded e-liquid Glazed Donuts
PJ Empire “Yummy Dohh” e-liquid
E-Juice Donuts A warm fluffy Strawberry Donut in a glass of Milk Aroma
Dr. Fogs Donuts: “The Duke”: Zimtdonut mit Vanille und Earl-Grey-Glasur.
e-liquid Loaded Strawberry Jelly Donut 120ml
Glazed Vapor “Apple Fritter”
E-Liquid Loaded Smores
Kingston Desserts Brownies+Cream e-liquids
California’s Finest Banger Creamy half vaped
e-liquid Coffee Mill Strawberry Lemonade Tea 12ml
Dinner Lady: TuckShop Sweet Fusion.
Dinner Lady: Fruits Pink Wave
Frosti Toot’s Phenomenal Brownies e-liquids 120ml
e-liquid coffee mill Swedish Berries 15ml
Drip Fried: Eiskrem-Geschmack.
Shake Drake Sweet Tangerine e-liquid
Yogurt Milk Biscuit Raspberry Puff e-liquid, 50ml
Zonk-Liquid: Cotton Candy, 100ml
OMG Fragrance Moreish Moreish-Puff: “Candy Drops” mit Wassermelone und Kirsche.
Ohm Baked Chocolate Brownie ice Cream 50ml e-liquid
Loaded Cotton Candy Pink 120ml e-liquid
  Jetzt direkt bei Amazon kaufen (Affiliate Links)
Liquids für E-Zigaretten mit Süßigkeiten als Geschmacksrichtung Den ursprünglichen Ansatz in diesem Blog habe ich ja längst aufgegeben - oder zumindest verwässert - und kümmere mich nicht mehr allein um das…
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melynafoxclaw · 1 year
I Think I Fit Right In Here by Melyna Foxclaw Via Flickr: Yes, I like it here and with my new cap, they will never suspect anything! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUTFIT Dreaming Thicket - Mushroom Cap - Milk Cap NEW @ Fungalmire @ Fantasy Faire (Ends May 8th) ZFG VALKYRIE TOP - FATPACK REBORN TOP NEW @ Frostweald , Fantasy Faire (Ends May 8th)  ZFG VALKYRIE SKIRT - FATPACK REBORN SKIRT NEW @ Frostweald, Fantasy Faire (Ends May 8th) FURRY PARTS Bunny Ears: FK* Large Cuties [XL] BENTO NEW Bunny Tail: FK* Bunny TailV2 XL [BENTO] NEW Mesh Head: //ANIMA\\ Rascally Rabbit Head - Fem - 1.1  Mesh Feet: AP: Feety Peets v1.7.3: Digi (eB.Reborn) FURRY MOD FK* AMYTHEST BUNNY MOD – BLUE --- NEW IN STORE (Fluffy Kreations) AND ON THE MP Taken at Glimmering Meadows @ Fantasy Faire 2023
Happy Faire!
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