#Fluffy Shigaraki
dira333 · 11 months
Hurts to be away from you - Shigaraki x Soulmate reader
For my Follower Celebration - Soulmates can't be physically away from each other or it hurts
This is the first time I write Shigaraki and I hope I did him justice
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Shigaraki doesn’t know when he notices the owl for the first time.
He’s not too knowledgeable about birds but shouldn’t owls be bigger? 
“Kurogiri.” He calls out for his colleague, “Come here.”
Impatiently he waits for the other to join him only to have the bird fly off the moment Kurogiri steps up to the window.
“Never mind. You were too slow.”
The Owl is there again, sitting on his windowsill and blinking at him.
He opens the window and waits. The bird does not move. 
“Are you a spy?” He asks the bird, glad that he’s alone for once. Their new hideout is small and he hates when he has no space for himself.
The owl blinks and makes a low sound, hopping closer towards him.
The movement is sudden enough to scare him and his hand flips up, fingers outstretched, Quirk ready to go.
The Owl turns its head sideways, looks at him without blinking and drops off the windowsill, flying off soundlessly.
Heaviness settles in his bones as he watches the animal leave and he huffs angrily. 
He’s not getting sad about a dumb animal!
It doesn’t matter where they are, the Owl’s always able to find him.
He should tell the others, make sure it’s not someone spying on them with a mutation quirk, but he can’t bring himself to do it.
Instead he throws bread crumbs out the window or builds a make shift nest out of stolen socks. 
He calls it Mon, like his childhood pet dog. Holds his hand out in the hopes that it will loose it’s fear and move closer, let him pet the smooth coat of feathers. 
He feels calmer when the Owl is in his line of sight, feels content to sit at the window and talk the animal’s ear off. 
There’s something so human about the way it looks at him, blinks at the right moments.
But this is the real world. Where no good things last.
From the day you turn eighteen, pain is your constant companion.
For some people it’s a dull headache or a knot in their stomach, but you can feel the absence of your soulmate in your bones.
You would curse it, if it didn’t make finding him so much easier.
When you’re up in the air, your true element, you can feel the pull and let it direct your movements.
You feel a bit weird watching him from the safety of the trees or the windowsill, but you have no idea how to approach him, even less when you realize who he is.
Your soulmate is a villain. 
And the more you learn about him, the clearer it becomes. He’s not just any villain. He’s THE Villain.
“Ha, Mon. Are you hungry?” Shigaraki places a handful of breadcrumbs on the windowsill.
You eat them, careful of his movements.
Ever since the first time he talked to you, he hasn’t threatened you with his quirk again, but you’ve been born careful, shy, anxious.
Shigaraki keeps talking, telling you about his days. 
Slowly, he stretches out his pointer finger, trying to lure you toward him.
Today, you comply and press your small bird body against his finger. 
Shigaraki falls silent, as he slowly, carefully, rubs his finger against your feathers.
Behind Shigaraki, a door opens.
“Shigaraki? We’re ready to leave.”
You jump back to the edge of the windowsill, eyes on the green skinned Mutant that’s standing in the door.
Shigaraki huffs in annoyance.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming. What heroes are in the vicinity?”
“Some Owl Dude and-” You don’t stay to listen any longer. There is only one Pro Hero with an Owl Quirk and that is your father.
You might be too weak to be a hero but you won’t let anyone hurt your father if you can help avoid it.
You wonder if you’ll ever grow used to the pain. 
It’s been months since you’ve last met Shigaraki, since you left him to warn your father.
You had made that decision with a heavy heart and heavier bones, guilt and desire pulling you back while determination drove you forward. You couldn’t and wouldn’t let anyone die.
But your wings are still missing some feathers from where his Quirk reached you on your way out of the city. You’re lucky you’re still alive. The City isn’t.
It’s over. 
The war has been won, All for One has been defeated.
And even though it seems a cruel joke, Shigaraki is still alive, tied to a bed in a hospital.
It’s a precaution, Deku had told him the first time he visited. People are and will be afraid of him for quite some time.
Deku visits him daily, if only to sit with him for a few minutes and tell him about his grandmother, the weather outside, or other mundane things.
“How are you feeling?” He asks everytime he visits. “Does anything hurt?”
“My bones.” Shigaraki confesses grumpily. “No matter how many painkillers we try, my bones hurt all the damn time.”
Deku cocks his head to the side in a way that has become familiar.
“Have you met your Soulmate yet, Shigaraki?”
“My Soulm-, Dude, have you forgotten who I am?”
“I haven’t. But… I don’t know if you’ve been taught that, I thought it was common knowledge, but there’s a certain pain that you feel whenever you’re away from your soulmate. The closer they are, the less it hurts.”
“What?” Shigaraki laughs. “You’re kidding, right? No way that’s true.”
Deku lifts up his hand and wriggles his fingers. “Everytime I am away from Ochako my fingers start hurting. Didn’t realize it was her for some time because my hands were broken so often, but once you know, you know.”
Shigaraki considers that for a moment, tries to push away the thought of how ridiculous that sounds. There have been moments where his bones didn’t hurt, he knows that. 
There’s movement at the windows and he looks, hoping against everything that it will be his little owl, his Mon. But it’s a Sparrow that’s ignoring them as it picks seeds from the little birdhouse.
“You like birds?” Deku asks. 
Shigaraki snorts. “No. I just… There was an owl that used to visit me.”
“Ah, yes.” Deku nods with a look on his face that has Shigaraki frowning.
He opens his mouth to ask about it when the door opens.
“Midoriya-san? Visiting time is already over.”
“Oh? I’m sorry. Tomura, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”
“I won’t die if you skip one time.”
Deku smiles. “But just to make sure I’ll be here tomorrow anyway.”
It’s late and Shigaraki can’t sleep. He doesn’t like taking sleeping pills and he’d forgone the painkillers today, already knowing that they wouldn’t work on the pain settling in his bones. 
He tosses and turns until he notices movement in front of the window.
When he moves out of the bed he realizes with a start that his bones have stopped hurting. When did that happen?
Outside the window, almost invisible in the darkness, sits the little owl.
“Hey Mon.” Shigaraki whispers and presses his hand against the cool glass. “Missed you.”
The bird pushes itself against the glass as if trying to cuddle into his hand.
“Can’t open the window.” Shigaraki tells it. “That’s forbidden in case I could try and hurt myself. But they stopped tying me to the bed, so I guess that’s progress. Where have you been? Do owls migrate to warmer climates?”
The little owl ruffles its wings, stretching one of them into the direction of a distant streetlamp. He notices the new, shorter feathers right away.
“Did you get into a fight?” He asks, unable to keep the worry from slipping into his voice and watches the owl move it’s body as if it’s shrugging its shoulders.
Months go by. 
They allow Kurogiri to stay with him.
They move the two of them to a different wing of the hospital into something that could be a rather nice apartment anywhere in the city if not for the locked windows and the buttons next to the door to alert a doctor if needed.
“About the owl…” Shigaraki starts one day when Deku’s done telling him about the progress he’s making on the new reform for handling dangerous Quirks. 
“Yeah?” Deku’s shoulders are relaxed but his tone is tense.
“It’s a shapeshifter, right?”
“What makes you think that?”
“I talked to some other people about your soulmate theory and everyone agreed that it was true. And as a human and an animal cannot be soulmates, it has to be a shapeshifter.”
Deku nods slowly. “She’s your soulmate then?”
Shigaraki’s unable to speak as the truth settles in. Some part of him had still been in doubt, but Deku’s face is as open as always, telling him more than he can handle at the moment.
“Would you like to meet her?”
Shigaraki looks down at his hands in his lap, clenching and unclenching.
There are a million things he wants to ask, but it feels wrong to ask Deku instead of you.
“Tell you what…” Deku leans forward in his chair. “I will talk to her. If she wants to come, I’ll bring her with me. One less decision for you to make.”
That night, the owl doesn’t come. Shigaraki stares out the window into the night and allows himself to succumb to the pain in his bones, telling himself to get used to it. 
He’ll be happier in the end if he doesn’t set himself up to get disappointed.
He knows who you are the moment you step into the room.
It’s in the way you move, how you hold yourself up. It’s in the way you wring your hands and hide behind Deku until he steps away.
“I’m going to get us something to drink.” He grins. “I’ll be back in a second.”
“You came.” Shigaraki says because he doesn’t know what else to say. 
“I…” You take a seat on the chair next to his bed, ass on the edge as you wobble around. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.” He gives back and watches your eyes move up to his eyes before they turn back to the floor.
“I told my father… about you. Had to, because he didn’t want to leave Deika City.”
“You were there?”
“Yeah…” You wobble some more, worrying your lip between your teeth. “Got hit by your quirk. But only a little.” You rush to add. “It wasn’t that bad, I just couldn’t fly after that for a while.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay-”
“It’s not.” Shigaraki stares out the window, trying to keep himself from looking at you. Even your reflection is too pretty to be in a room with him. 
“I did a lot of things that were terrible and that I cannot take back. I don’t know why you would even meet-” He stops abruptly when a single shaking finger is stretched into his field of vision. 
Your hand is outstretched, your pointer finger curved. 
It’s a faint memory but it reminds him of the one and only time he got the owl, you, to come close. 
Without thinking, he leans in until your finger touches his cheek. You move it softly, caressing his skin. Your eyes are locked on to his and he wonders what you see in them. Yours are filled with a softness he doesn’t deserve.
But when you move your fingers to cup his cheek, he can’t help but lean into it.
“Midoriya-san has told me that you got a second chance.” You don’t blink as you speak. “I want to be part of it if you’ll let me.”
It’s a new year, a new apartment. 
The windows aren’t locked anymore and there’s another bedroom for Spinner who might get to start work soon.
Three times a week Shigaraki gets to take classes to retake his high school degree and so far he has learned that he likes math and hates geography, doesn’t mind languages and can’t get enough of art. 
He has good days and bad days and days that are worse. 
His bones hurt in the morning and there’s no painkiller that could help with that, but each day he gets to open his window and watch you flutter in.
“Mylady.” He offers you his arm when you've shifted into your human body. “Do you want to go take a walk in the park?”
Your eyes gleam as you take it, lean into him. “With you? Always.”
He can deal with the shadows of his life if you keep bringing in the light.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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vaguelyaperson · 2 months
as much as i understand shigaraki's death, narratively speaking, i'm also so goddamn tired of society needing martyrs.
what made me fall in love with shigaraki is that he's an excellent villain. all his character development built towards him becoming a more competent, driven, effective villain. he became an incredible symbol of fear just as deku became an incredible symbol of peace. this is who he was, in entirety. there is nothing else shigaraki could be.
when shigaraki told izuku, in his final moments, to pass on the message to spinner that "shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end," it really emphasized how it would have dishonored him to be vegeta'd, as it were.
shigaraki made it his mission to tear down hero society. this was his noble mission. this is what made him a hero to the league of villains. because he saw the systemic evils, he saw the evils that hurt his friends, and sought to destroy it all.
there's something to be said about trying to change someone who doesn't want to change, but for shigaraki, it was more than just trying to rehabilitate him from mass murdering. because to him, and the league of villains, what he was doing WAS the right thing. to tell shigaraki not to destroy would be akin to telling deku not to save. "you may not understand, but that's what makes me the villain."
there was a binary choice here: either he'd be left free to complete his mission and destroy everything, or he'd be stopped, permanently.
Izuku, by reaching tenko's heart, but ultimately stopping shigaraki, was choosing the only third option he had: declaring that he would not let all of society be destroyed, but not without promising that he'd do everything he can to reform it here on out.
shigaraki destroys. deku saves.
that's it. that's the bnha narrative in its most basic foundation. horikoshi did not fail to tell that story.
I think what ultimately fucking sucks about this ending is that it's too realistic. society often DOES need a martyr - or often martyrs - to realize that they fucked up, that they let an evil persist too long. they need a shocking enough tragedy to point to and swear they'll never let it happen again. society needs to be rocked to its very core before people can be motivated to get their heads out of their asses and work together towards reforms.
and that in itself is an evil, that people can't see how much harm they're causing or condoning without some horrific tragedy.
i think we're all mad at horikoshi for failing to follow through on the story because we didn't WANT the realistic ending. we wanted the hopeful one. the against all odds one. we didn't want another story about society using the image of martyrs to get its shit together. because we already know that story. and we're so so so tired of it.
especially when we know it only leads to a temporary peace.
because people forget. they put in enough reforms to feel good, and then get comfortable and ignorant again. when does that cycle end? when can we finally notice the evil in time to PREVENT it? so that everyone, 'heroes and villains,' get a happy ending?
I think our anger with the bnha ending is good. we want different - not just in fiction, but in real life. we're willing to hope for different. we should hold onto hope and fight for different.
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lesinquietes · 1 year
But can you imagine bringing like, Shigaraki home to meet your family/chosen family? Oh my god 💀
He’d stroll in, slouched over, with with his hands in his pockets, barely making eye contact. He’d offer your mom/mother figure a short “hey” in that gravelly smoker’s voice of his. No handshakes. If your dad/father figure tried to get one out of him, he’d give him five (or four ig because dusting your loved ones is off limits) super casual like and walk over to park himself on the couch.
If you have a sister or a brother, Shigaraki isn’t talking to them unless they have something good to say. He doesn’t like fake shit. He also doesn’t like to be bored, so they better figure out what he’s interested in before they even try to speak with him. Of course, with a bit of playful nudging into his rib cage, he’d be sure to change his tune a little — just to make you happy. But he’s not fucking talking about the weather, no matter what.
And holy fuck, if your family cooks a nice meal, it better be perfect because our boi is very opinionated. He’ll do his very best to reign it in for the sake of sparing feelings, but don’t expect him to say the meal is delicious or anything. He will mutter a soft thank you, though, even if it doesn’t taste the greatest. He remembers what it’s like to be starving on the street; since then, he appreciates every morsel of food he gets.
That said, he doesn’t fuck with dessert unless it’s his favourite.
When it comes time to leave, he’s not quick to leap up from his place on the sofa. He waits for you to lead the way to the door, so as not to pressure you. He knows your people are precious to you. He won’t say it, but he doesn’t want to rush your visits with them because he loves seeing you light up with life when you see them. It’s clear that you miss hanging around here all the time.
So, despite how uncomfortable family dinners make him, he supposes he can suck it up every once in a while for you.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
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*washes tomura’s hair in the meta liberation army arc the moment machia begins his three hour nap*
he loves having his hair played with, and despite his blood fizzing with adrenaline + lungs burning with exhilaration, the thrill fades to a dull, dim tingle the moment your fingers sink into those silvery-blue tufts, his ruby eyes slipping shut as fingertips massage gentle circles into his scalp and scrub sweat and dirt and grime from his roots.
he never stumbles into full unconsciousness, that tingle now nothing more than a gentle kindling slumbering but smoldering deep behind his ribs, laying in wait to catch fire again, to be reignited by the spark of danger or aroused by the enticement of victory, the flame subdued but still alive, keeping him in a constant state of semi-alert.
but the reprieve your touch offers is enough to reinvigorate him some, to restore an adequate amount of energy to him so that he can fight again, and fight well, until his next pocket of rest is reached and he staggers over to you, usually fluffy strands stringy and matted with salt, scraggily stuck to his neck and cheeks and temples, and flops his head down in your lap with a heavy sigh, a nonverbal demand to do it all over again <3
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kyo-kris · 6 months
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: fluffy, comfort
TW: Dysphoria, reader is depressed, transphobia, reader likes to dress himself with "girlie" outfits
A/N: Used "you" and "M/n" (male name, dont ask me) to reader
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You felt so handsome with your "girliest" outifts from your closet, and it was like this. A lot of people respected you the way you were, but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for some commentaries about your clothes, "you identify yourself as a man but dress like a girl? You are just confused" is that you most hear from their mouth, when you don't asked their opinion at all.
But you feel uncomfortable, who wouldn't? Feeling guilty, suddenly feeling ugly and not yourself anymore. You didn't want nothing but stay in your room, just listening songs, just doing whatever you needed to forget all their words. You didn't even want your boyfriend there.
Shigaraki was busy with his plans, and you would feel guilty for opening up about this. He was already busy; it would just add more weight to his burden, wouldn't it?
Shit, you were thinking too much. These weren't just simple words from people you didn't want to hear; they brought up a whole history that you had decided to hide and just live in peace, comfortably.
Shigaraki missed you, you weren't even replying him back, he was worried, on his way, but he was. Telling you that he was on his way to your apartment, but you didn't see the message, you were just looking at the mirror, trying to find something interesting on you. And crying.
Well, it was in that state that Shigaraki found you. Crying and refusing yourself to look at the mirror again.
"Hey, M/n...?" He looked at you, raising an eyebrow and getting closer to you
"M/n...come here" His voice was harsh but soft and calm, he carefully puts you on his arm, without touching you more than 2 fingers each hand, he was being extremely carefully bevause of his quirk.
You didn't know what to say, you had nothing to say, just hugged him like it was the last time, crying with your head buried on his pale neck. He squeezed softly your body on a hug too, carefully as always.
Some minutes more and you were catching your breath and the tears were no longer coming out, you calmed down and your head slowly returned to face the villain, your villain.
"Better?" He still had his calm but hoarse voice that you love so much. You couldn't help but smile before replying when listen to his voice and him being soft.
"I am. Thanks, Shiggy" You look at his red vivid eyes
"Do not" He squinted his eyes in disapproval at the nickname. You would never give up calling him that or the other nicknames you had for him.
You just laughed and went to silence for some seconds, looking at him, and going straight and softly to his mouth. Giving Shigaraki a sloppy kiss, finishing with some pecks and smiles.
This just calmed your whole soul from whatever you were thinking about yourself.
"You wanna about the state I found you?"
He looked at you, ready for listening whatever you wanted to tell him. You decide to open up yourself, he was your boyfriend at all.
You sigh amount of times while tell him about the whole situation, how this sometimes just hurts you inside. He listens carefully and with his full attention to you.
"You know you don't have to hide anything about this from me. I would shut them up in my own way. You know that." You laughed at his violent way to dealing with things.
"I know, I know" You smiled
"And you look... Gorgeous with the outfits you choose. You are really stylish, and you know isn't only me that thinks that about your style. M/n, you will always be respected on L.o.V regardless of the way you want to dress." Shigaraki just had so much struggles to look at you, but his words were honest, you knew that.
You cried so much that you wanted to right now, but couldn't, so you just smiled ear to ear and hugged him, your arms on his neck. His time to buries his head on your neck.
"I love you" You said on his ear. And you could hear an "I love you too" very lower, but you could hear.
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Notes from Kyo ♡ : Have a great day, afternoon, night, midnight, mi amores. Remember that you look amazing, whatever you dress doesn't makes you invalid. You are amazing and doing a great job being who you are. Remember that your fav character is absolutely proud of this strong person you are. I love y'all.
Let me know any character you want me to do and what about! Just read my fixed post. XoXo O_o
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kenjicopy · 10 months
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Pedido pessoal Meu lugar
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I was planning to finish this on Tomura's birthday, but I got Sad™, anyways here, have a couple rehabilitated villain lads going to UA.
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Date Night.
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Read At Your Own Risk
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Everything had to be perfect. There was no room for any kind of mistake, at all. The area had to be cleared well in advance, Tomura did the recon himself, making sure to keep an eye on heroes in the area and look into their patrol routes. The only person aside from Kurogiri to know about this area was Giran. He helped scout out this place for him, after all.
Once it was deemed safe, and he could be there without worry, then he would put his plan into motion.
First of all, the place needed to be cleaned up a bit, and any other person who knew about the place would either be bought off or threatened, just so they wouldn’t interfere. Not only that, it’d probably be best to get at least some food in the place…
After all, he wanted his first official date with you to go well.
You had been in the League as a medical assistant for some time now, having gone to school for years, and yet never able to complete your doctorate. You were nice to him, and he liked having you around. You two often went on trips to get things for the League; food Toga wanted, booze for Dabi, and oftentimes you’d snag a game for him, as a gift.
You talked to him, you played games with him, you helped heal his wounds and scolded him when he got too hurt…
You made him feel fuzzy inside, and he didn’t really know how to handle it. But, he wanted you to know, figured it’d only be fair if he was honest with you on how he felt about you- You seemed to reciprocate everything, so this should be fine, right?
He didn’t have time to dwell on it, which was probably for the best, so that way he didn’t back out of it like he had done many times before. When he wanted to ask you to dinner, he instead asked you to go on a run to get some food. When he wanted to ask you to have some drinks with him, he instead told you to go off and find some new recruits. When he wanted to ask you anything, he was always a coward and couldn’t.
Not this time though, he had put too much effort and resources into this to back out now- It’s not like he could pawn it off as a new base of operations for everyone…
Sat at the bar, his knee bounced in irritation and anticipation at your arrival from your most recent store run… What was taking you so long anyway? It was just supposed to be a run for snacks… His anxiety calmed down when you came in through the door, huffing with some bags in your hand. You offered him a smile, and he was more than thankful for Father to hide his red face. You were just so pretty, it was unfair… Maybe he could do this some other time-
“Tomura, you said you had something to ask me after I came back?”
Fuck. It was now or never.
“This evening… We’re going out, dress casual…”
You quirked your eyebrow, “Oh? Like- on a run? Well I just got back from one, couldn’t you have asked for what you needed before-”
“No. Not on a run. Just- Just do what I asked….”
With that, he left the bar faster than he probably should’ve, his hand flexing and unflexing as he fought off the urge to scratch. Why did you have to ask questions? Couldn’t you just do what he told you with no questions? Fuck- Then again he was vague- Ugh! You made everything so difficult!
It was especially stupid to be brushing his hair out of any knots or tangles. He hated brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant too, he looked like an idiot for doing all of this stuff for you. Throwing on the nicest clothes he owned (a clean t-shirt and pants), he made his way downstairs. You were in cute civilian clothes, a face mask on to hide your identity. Smart. You were always so smart, and pretty, and- Focus!
You noticed him standing there and smiled behind your mask.
“Ready boss?”
He nodded, moving past you without a word. You followed, like the good subordinate you are. Thankfully you were mostly silent, making comments here and there- Updates on your findings for new members and places that you’ve been staking out for new supplies.
The corner he turned he spotted it, the sanctuary he had been working on just for this. He opened the door for you, ignoring your teasing remark about him being a gentleman, and as you walked in he slipped in behind you to turn on the lights.
Doing so illuminated an old arcade, some games powering on slowly as they stood there in the entry-way. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight, and Tomura could feel his stomach tighten in anxiety, one of his hands moving to scratch at his neck. Was this the wrong move? Was this a bad idea? Maybe he should’ve just made some picnic, it would’ve been easier-
“This is super cool Tomura, where did you even find this place!?”
That caught him off guard, his scratching slowed.
“Giran found it… Thought it’d be a nice place to… Hang out…”
He had to act cool, so far you liked it.
“That’s awesome, do any of the games work?”
With that, he let out a calm sigh. He showed you which games worked, showed you where you could get coins to use, showed you some of the games he’d already started playing. Your smile warmed his heart, your cute giggles ran through his entire body, swelling his heart with pride. You enjoyed it, you liked what he did for you!
… He was happy.
For the next few hours you played games with him, told him about your favourite games outside of the arcade, and you two bonded even more. You were observant though, maybe too much so for your own good. During a playthrough of a fighter, you spoke up.
“So, when will the others be allowed to come here?”
Tomura clicked his tongue, “What do you mean?”
“Well, this is a nice place to hang out, I’m sure we could have them come here too.”
He grumbled at that, immediately hating the idea.
“This place isn’t for them, it’s for-”
He had to stop himself, with that you got some hits in on the game.
“For what, Tomura?”
He stopped playing, and you noticed after getting him down to half-health.
“I don’t want anyone else here because this is our spot.”
He went back to playing the game, offering no other explanation as his character started beating yours, easily winning the round. He noticed you stopped fighting, but when he looked at you, he knew he was in for it.
You had the cheekiest look on your face, a grin so wide he was shocked it wasn’t a full smile by now. You were slightly flushed, and very clearly curious.
“Why is that, Tomura~?”
He hated the teasing tone in your voice, rolling his eyes and focussing on the game again, starting a new round.
“Doesn’t matter…”
“It does to me.”
“Because why!?”
He started getting frustrated, and you noticed that, before you sighed.
“Sorry Tomura I just… I dunno, I thought that maybe you uh…”
You were barely playing the game, your smile fading from your face.
“Maybe you felt the same way… I mean you’re always so nice to me, we hang out more than any of the League and I… I think you’re cute… Maybe I’m just delusional, but I really do like you and your silence is not helping, I just- I-I don’t know I-”
The game was well forgotten behind them, neither of the characters moving as Tomura looked at you. You barely caught his eyes as you blinked away some anxious tears, before Tomura slowly and gently took your hand in his.
He stayed silent, unsure of how to word what was going through his mind.
What was he even supposed to say? Admit to you that he loved you and everything you did? Tell you about how often he dreamt of you? Tell you how much he hated seeing you get flirted with, how often he wanted to just grab you and kiss you in front of everyone, how badly he wanted to see you beneath him-
His hand shook a bit as he held onto yours, being sure not to keep too tight of a hold onto you. You two sat there for a few moments, your own anxiety far away now as you leaned into him silently.
You two were mostly silent for the rest of the date, and as the two of you walked back, you gently took his hand in yours again, smiling to yourself.
“This was great… Thank  you, Tomura…”
He grunted, mumbling a simple “no problem”, and you smiled even more.
When you returned to the hideout, you stopped in front of the door. Tomura stopped next to you, looking down at your intertwined hands, before looking at you. You smiled, leaning in and kissing him.
His eyes widened, his face turning a bright red.
You giggled again, winking. “Maybe next time I can take us on a date!”
He grumbled again, nodding.
You smiled, going inside. He stayed outside for a short minute, taking in a deep breath before smiling ever so softly.
He did it.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @daniidil @223princess
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vibeechecker · 6 hours
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st4rrysam · 3 months
The League of Villains' hideout was unusually quiet that evening. Most of the members were out on a mission, leaving you and Tomura Shigaraki alone. You sat beside him on the couch, your heart pounding in your chest. The two of you had been dating for a few months now, and he had quickly become the most important person in your life.But there was something you needed to tell him, something you had kept to yourself for too long."Tomura?" you began, your voice trembling slightly.He looked up from the game he was playing, his red eyes softening when they met yours. "What's up?"You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "I need to talk to you about something important."He paused the game, giving you his full attention. "Alright. What is it?"You hesitated for a moment, your hands shaking. Shigaraki noticed and gently took your hand in his, his touch surprisingly gentle. "You can tell me anything, you know that."You nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "I... I need to tell you something about myself. Something I've been hiding."He squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Go on."You took another deep breath, meeting his eyes. "I'm trans, Tomura. I'm a trans man."There was a brief silence, and you anxiously waited for his reaction. But instead of confusion or rejection, you saw understanding in his eyes. He leaned in closer, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek."Thank you for telling me," he said softly. "That must have been hard for you."You felt tears welling up in your eyes, a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I was so scared you wouldn't understand, or that you'd see me differently."He shook his head, his thumb gently brushing away a tear that had escaped. "You're still the same person I fell in love with. This doesn't change anything."You couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Thank you, Tomu. It means a lot to hear you say that."He pulled you into a gentle embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively. "You're part of my life now. I love you for who you are."You buried your face in his shoulder, feeling a sense of peace you hadn't felt in a long time. "I love you too, Tomura."He held you a little tighter, as if to reassure you that he wasn't going anywhere. "If anyone gives you trouble about this, they'll have to deal with me."You laughed softly, feeling lighter than ever. "I'll remember that."The two of you stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. In that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you could face them together. Shigaraki had your back, and you had his. And that was all that mattered.
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mcfanely · 2 years
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Subdue by B_O_M_B
Instead of rejecting his master's influence, Shigaraki melds to the quirk and it's strange sentience wholeheartedly- accepting it's desires as his. Theirs.
When Shigaraki awakens more powerful than ever, he realizes something is different. Activating ‘search’, Tomura looked out over the expanse of desolation he had created- seeing an all too familiar glimmer that caused a smile to break across his face. Surely, fate was playing right into his hands.
“Found you.”
And what they want, is to finally take their little brother back under his control.
Once and for all.
In honour of the most recent season and episode, and the amazingness that is Shigaraki, all of you guys better go and read this fic by @fluffybirb18 - if there's a time to pick it up, it's following this episode!
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vicaridoo · 10 months
Decided to draw Shigaraki in my style :)
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ohitsjustgen · 1 year
It was around 2:50 a.m and you were sitting in the main room of the LoV's base reading a book while everyone else was chatting and having fun. Suddenly Tomura, who's been fighting heroes all night, comes into the base with a bruised body, a bloody nose, and a black eye. He stands at the door in shock, not because everyone can see that he is bruised and badly beaten, but because it showed YOU specifically how weak he is. Shigaraki who begins to breathe heavily with lidded eyes, runs past everyone to rush to the only place that makes his feel safe; his bedroom.
As the night turned colder, his wounds gotten worse. But he tried to suppress the pain the best he could. He didn't want everyone to worry about his well being, especially you. "Ugh damn, son of a b!tch this hurts." Hot tears began to run down his face like a stream. You put your ear to the door listening to see if he was asleep yet or not. You could hear the pain in his sobbing. So you knock on the door.
"Hey, shigaraki? Are you ok in there? Can I come in?" You ask symptomatically, knocking on the door with the knuckle of your index finger.
Shigaraki was trying so hard not to call your name, for you to hold him through his time of need, to feel your warmth as he listens to your heartbeat with his head on your chest. He disregarded those dearly wanted feelings. He doesn't want you to see him at his worse.
"No! I'm fine...don't come in" he said as his voice began to crack at every word he spoke. He wipes away his tears attempting to sound okay.
You sigh as you rest your forehead onto the door. "It doesn't sound like it. I just want to help you Shigi, please please, don't push me away like this" You began to beg dearly hoping for a change.
He wanted so badly to let his guard down, he wanted to accept your help but...he can't. He's too prideful to let you see and feel pity on him. He had to show that he is strong enough on his own. That he's strong enough to be a leader of the greatest league of Japan. He's determined to not let any weaknesses show. But..a small part of him wants to be comforted..protected..loved.
"Fine...you can come in..." He says reluctantly. He limps to the door attempting to unlock it. Once he arrives you hear a 'click' and he opens the door, leaning on the frame to keep himself up. You put your arm around his waist to hoist him up and bring him back to bed.
"Alright I'm going to take a look at your wounds ok? He freezes in place but he shakes his head to accept your offer. He wanted to trust you with this..with healing his wounds. He slowly removed his shirt to reveal big purple red and blue wounds. "They don't look as bad" you say to yourself. You examine the wounds and attempt to touch them slightly. The pale blue haired villain flinches at how frozen cold your hands were. "I'm sorry" you whisper apologeticlly.
"There are a couple of open wounds here, did you already put alcohol or peroxide on them?" You ask. The man shakes his head in agreement. "Alright I'll just have to put bandages on ya"
He looks down at you while you examine his wound. He looks down to see how far you are going with your process but ends up staring at you. Unconsciously you look up and see that he is looking. Quickly you look down to avoid making things awkward. He does the same.
You pull bandages from out of your pocket and unravel them. "Alright I'll have to apply alot of pressure on it so hold your breath so it won't hurt as much." He nods as he closes his eyes and tightly closes his fists, holding his breath in the process.
You finish wrapping his waist making him look like a mummy. You take an ice pack from your pocket and place a paper towel between his bruised eye and the pack. "Hold this here for a minute and I'll be back." His soft but weak hand reaches for your wrist. "Please, don't go..I need you right now, please." You reluctantly turn around and sit in the bed smiling widely as he lays down on the bed. "You know you don't have to act cool around me right, Tomura? I'm here to help you, to be your refuge, no matter what. Through sickness and in health." You rub the man's face with the back of your hand as you look into his eye lovingly. "Through sickness and in health?" He parrots. You nod. He couldn't help but to blush at your words. You were really something..he was starting to have these strange feelings when he is around you. Is it love? You were the only one who is able to see this weak and vulnerable side of him. Usually he would be.. embarrassed? Scared? Yet he feels neither. He's just happy to have you by his side. But once again that small side of him wanted to suppress those feelings..he knows he shouldn't, he can't, he won't.
"Can..can I ask you something?" The pale blue haired villain asks breaking the silence.
"Sure, what's up?
"This..this might sound stupid...or I'm just overthinking it but..do you have feelings for me..like I do for you?"
You avoid gaze with the man to shield your embarrassment.
"Yea I do...I didn't think you'd feel the same."
He holds your hand in his weak ones, gripping onto you the best he could. "Then you wouldn't mind me doing this?" Shigaraki moves your head to face him. He desperately looks at your beautiful L/C lips. He tilts his head to the side and roughly presses his lips against your own. Each smack from your lips echo in the room, filling it up with passionate love that's been built up for too long.
As you let his lips go he looks into your eyes filled with joy and asks
"Can you stay the night, Y/N?"
A/N: Sometimes you have to realize that you're not going through something alone. If you have someone to talk to about your problems then use it to the best of your ability. There are some people out here that don't have anyone to help them at all. Hoped you enjoyed! ♥️
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
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nykie-love-anime · 1 year
Day 7 ~ Gardening
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Shigaraki has a surprise for you. Quirkless AU
“Why are you digging such a small hole?” Tomura asked as he walked into the garden of your newly renovated home that you had bought about two months ago. At the question you let out a quiet giggle looking at the man you love. “Should it not be bigger?” “No Shig because I am only going to plant daylilies today and they only need a small hole and tomorrow I will ask you to help me with the roses.” You explained to your husband and he just nodded. “Okay well do you need any help now?” you just shook your head turning back to the beautiful flowers that you are busy with. “No thanks baby I will shout if I need help with anything.”
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After about thirty minutes you are done planting the daylilies and you decided to catch your breath inside. Maybe have a quick snack and a tea break. “Shiggy do you want something to eat.” You yelled up the stairs but you are met with his wide, red eyes that you fell in love with the first time you met him. “What are you doing?” you question as he quickly hides something behind his back making you even more curious but decided to let it go as you saw a blush starting to form on his cheeks. “Can I please get a few chocolate cookies with a peanut butter sandwich.” He ask and you nodded with a smile.
“If you need me I will be out back.” He said pointing at the backyard with a shy grin and you nodded looking up at Tomura. Quickly moving out the door you shook your head at your adorable husband going back to the sandwiches you started making. After finishing your tea you grabbed the cookies out of the cupboard you added a few on a plate and you took out a tray so that you can carry everything in one go. Once outside you are greeted with Tomura and his friends carrying white painted wooden pallets.
“No, no go back inside I have a surprise for you.” He quicky ushered you back in as he took the plate of cookies leaving the rest for you to take back inside. “I will call you in about two hours. We just have to finish here.” Shigaraki said with a smile as Dabi teased the white haired man causing Tomura to flip him off and the rest of the group laughed at their antics. “Okay fine baby be careful with whatever you are busy with.” You pointed you finger at him turning back to go into your house for the next few hours.
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“Okay Y/N it is time. You can come out now but I am going to put this blindfold on so that it can be a surprise.” Tomura said as he walked into the house two and a half hours later with a spring in his step. Quickly standing up from the couch where you have been sitting, catching up with your latest series on tv that you missed during the week because of work. “Kinky.” You teased as he finished putting on the blindfold and he let out a laugh smacking your butt as he started walking out of the house. All you could do was squeal with laughter knowing your husband will lead the way out.
“Three, two and one!” you heard yelling as Tomura took off the blindfold and you are met with a stunning view. “I know that you have always wanted a garden gazebo. So I wanted to surprise you with one today but then you started planting flowers so I knew I had to do it quickly when you went on a snack break.” He said and you looked at him with tears forming in your eyes and your hand before your mouth. “What’s wrong baby? Why are you crying do you not like it. We can always take it down.” He rushed out turning to you and all you could do was pull him into a bone crushing hug.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You said kissing him on the cheek. “This is wonderful. I am only crying because this is such a lovely surprise. I was wondering what I was going to do for shade but I love this so, so much. Thank you again.” You said this time pulling him in for a kiss and then Dabi and Twice fake gagged causing you and Shigaraki to laugh as you pull away from one another. “Thank you too guys. I really appreciate this you guys are wonderful.” You giggled out as they started blushing at the compliments.
“Aah there is something else I wanted to show you.” He said turning towards you with a grin. “If you would follow me Mrs Shigaraki.” He bowed holding out his hand for you with a cheesy grin. “Why of course mister Shigaraki. Please lead the way.” You take his hand and he walked towards the gazebo with a happy grin on his face as he quickly let go of your hand to stand on the side flipping a switch and fairy lights lit up all around the roof and edge of the gazebo. “I know how much you love this sparkling lights, even though it was a bitch to put up, I struggled because I love you so much Y/N/N.” Tomura said quietly kissing your cheek at the end.
“Thank you baby I love you so much.” You said again with a giggle at the thought of him cursing out the lights for not working with him and you pulled him in for another hug. “Come on guys.” You gestured for the guys to come closer as you pulled them all into a group hug. “Thanks again guys I really do appreciate everything you did to help Tomura today. I know he can be a bit much sometimes but I know he appreciates you guys just as much as I do.” Kissing each on the cheek you turned towards Shigaraki. “Ok well guys tonight drinks will be on me.” You said with a laugh as they all cheered.
Flipping the lights off Shigaraki turned towards you with a teasing smile. “I think you mean tomorrow. You and I will be very busy tonight.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you just giggled at the thought of christening the new chairs. “Guys come on we are all going to sit on those chairs can’t you do it in bed like normal people.” Dabi whined out and Tomura just shook his head. “We are not normal and you know it. I wanna fuck my gorgeous wife on one of those chairs tonight - well maybe all of them - and you are just going to have to live with it.” Shigaraki said to Dabi and you all but blushed.
Knowing tonight you will be in for one hell of a night filled with pleasure and pain but mostly pleasure. Who knows maybe even a little one will happen tonight. You really do hope it happens as you and Tomura would be so ecstatic as you have been trying for a few weeks now. And let’s just say the neighbours called a few time to find out if you guys are okay.
Day 6 | Masterlist | Day 8
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I can’t believe they shrouded Tomura in that white light.
It’s so pretty and ethereal.
Tomura is not innocent, but the white light giving that angelic vibe topped with Eri’s song (Eri who IS innocent in pretty much every way) just makes him seem so innocent. Idk how else to describe it.
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Izuku seeing him all shrouded in white light like this is just
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