#Folk Witch
hagoftheholler · 1 year
Something I feel like people getting into folk magic need to understand, for many people of many backgrounds, is folk magic started as a means of survival. It was struggle magic, and it is still struggle magic.
Where I'm living now and where I'm from, people planted by the signs to ensure their crops wouldn't go bad before harvesting. People used ocean water to soothe joint and muscle pains when they got old. People studied the native plants for medicine and were mindful to only take what was needed. People did little rituals and minded their grannies' words to keep their good luck. If they didn't know how to do something (or couldn't), they went to people who did.
Learning folk magic to reconnect with ancestral traditions from before your time is valid. Learning folk magic to connect with and work with the land is valid. There are many valid reasons to take up folk magic. Still, understand that folk magic is survival, and folk magic is community.
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witchescollection · 1 month
witchcraft ask game
except it's actually real fucking specific and possibly shadow work in disguise idk
What are your opinions on AI in Witchcraft?
How do you feel about pop culture deities?
Opinions on fantasy depictions of witchcraft/paganism?
Thoughts on Astral pregnancy?
Do you think witchcraft is a religion or a practice? Why/why not?
What do you think of Aleister Crowley?
Opinions on Wicca?
What do you think of the divine feminine/masculine archetypes?
Do you think they're should be a set period before someone becomes a full-fledged witch?
What do you think of Gerald Gardner?
What are your thoughts on odinism?
Do you think witchcraft is inherently political?
Do you think you can hex/curse/jinx a deity? Do you think you should?
How different do you think your gods are from other religion's gods? What work have you done to deconstruct that?
Do you believe in spiritual psychosis?
How do you feel about TERF witches?
What is your moral code? How do you justify that?
Do you wish paganism were more organised?
Do you think it's okay to have a sexual relationship with a deity? What about romantic (i.e. godspousing)?
Do you research ex-pagans viewpoints with an open mind?
Have you ever been in argument/sent hate to another witchcraft blog? What was the story? Do you still think you were right?
Do you believe in closed practices?
Do you believe in cultural appropriation?
Outside of the online space, where do you get your resources from?
What makes someone a real witch?
Are you a real witch?
Are you confident in your beliefs?
What do you think happens when we die?
Why are you a witch? What need does it serve?
What do you think is a scam in witchcraft?
What post have you seen recently that makes you wanna scream?
What's your hottest take in the witchcraft space?
Do you move out of fear or love?
Please feel free to reblog, and send me an ask <3
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folkandbooks · 11 months
Folk witch tip #2
Someone did you dirty but you don’t want to get down into the nitty-gritty? Instead of hexing or cursing, bless them.
Bless them to learn their lesson sooner rather than later. Trust me, life lessons hurt.
Ooooor, you can bless the people around them to see their true nature.
You’ll make them pay for sure ✨
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thesorceresstemple · 11 months
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📷 Gritchenwitch
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daught3rofyahweh · 6 months
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♡ Grimoire Ideas for the Folk Catholic Witch ♡
~ Spiritual Warfare
~ Biblical Herbs
~ Biblical Crystals
~ History of the Christian Pentagram (I have a post on this that might be helpful!)
~ Knot Magic
~ The Rosary
~ St. Benedict Medal
~ Old Folk Remedies (medical, protection, etc.)
~ Catholic Holidays
~ Prayers
~ Classes of Angels
~ Psalms and how to use them
~ Levels of Heaven
~ The Archangels and how they can help
~ History of Folk Magic
~ Christian symbols
~ History of Jesus Christ
~ Rundown on Veiling
~ Meditation
~ Facts about Exorcisms
~ Things Demons Hate (to use in spells and rituals for warding)
p.s. this research will go along with the exorcism stuff, look up what they hate according to exorcists.
~ Facts about The Church
~ The Seven Deadly Sins and How to Avoid Them
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witchboxco · 11 months
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 1 year
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adobealmanac · 3 months
The magic of scissors ✂️
There are many often negative superstitions surrounding scissors, from the Indigenous idea that using scissors during a wedding will cause the groom to become impotent to the notion that breaking a pair of scissors is a bad omen of arguments and distress in the home. However, in colonial New Mexico there was a vastly different notion, that being that scissors can be a positive and protective amulet.
In brujeria and curanderismo, scissors, specifically made of iron, are seen as deeply protective objects. While often said to be protective against witchcraft, modern pagans are welcome to use them as a general protective tool. Typically open scissors are used to protect against malevolent entities and fairies, however they may be used while closed too. Cutting the cord in a cord cutting ritual with iron scissors may aid in cutting off a psychic vampire.
Some superstitions from here include cutting spider webs with iron scissors to prevent the witches in the form of guajalote (the turkey) from sucking the blood of your children. It is also common to see a pair of open or closed scissors hung above the entryway to prevent evil from entering the home. This tradition is one of my favorites, as the scissors always feel so powerful and protecting whenever I walk beneath them. They may also be placed under the bed to prevent bad dreams.
New Mexico is an interesting place for folklore such as this to exist, as we tend to be very isolated from other cultures other than our Indigenous neighbors, which causes many of our own traditions to persevere for quite some time, along with our cultures blending with that of the natives who belong to this place. While in recent times it has become easier to travel here, it is still a relatively unpopulous place, with roughly 2.1 million inhabitants spread out over 121,280 square miles. With such space and isolation comes many tales.. such as that of the chupacabra, el coco, thunderbirds, and skinw**kers. If you choose to wander into our land, do, proceed with caution. That being said, we do have some phenomenal natural wonders such as white sands and cool festivals such as the balloon fiesta in ABQ. It's worth the trek, but be prepared and be safe.
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malukeando · 10 months
mutuals continue to arrive because of my previous post but right now I am on a new search:
christopagan /christian or catholic witch
folk witch
christian/catholic sympathizer with other religions
works with angels/saints/mary/jesus
PRAYERS, someone who likes to write PRAYERS
reblog, like, say hi, I'm looking for you
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hagoftheholler · 5 months
Your local mountain cryptid is here to remind you that chances are the bad vibes you feel are a result of your dirty surroundings. When wasnthe last time you cleaned your home? I mean really cleaned it? Open the windows. Clean underneath your furniture. Scrub those baseboards damnit.
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witchescollection · 1 month
HEY if ur seeing this, its a sign to do the witchy thing you've been putting off. you know the one. go fucking do it.
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folkandbooks · 11 months
Pshh, hey. If you are in a budget or if you have to hide your practice, I have some witchy tips for you.
• You don’t need to have an altar. But if you want to, creating an altar on a wooden box is great; you can collect stuff to put in there and you can hide it under your bed.
• You don’t need crystals. Common rocks can be energised to act with a certain intention and they work just as well. You can also associate the place you got the stone/rock from with an intention, such as: a rock from a river or sea can be used for cleansing, purifying, taking energies away from you. A stone found at the property of a hospital can be used for health spells. These are vague examples, so I might make a list later on of all kinds of things you can do with mineral founding.
• Energised water is a great offering to most entities. Water holds memory and it’s easy to energise it with a certain intention if you concentrate.
• You don’t actually need candles. For many deities, an object that remembers you of them works as a taglock, an identification of the deity you’re worshipping. Besides, many spells do not need candles to work, such as: ritual baths, petitions, etc.
Have fun, and remember that your practice isn’t meant to look the same as other practitioners’. We are supposed to do things our own way, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone or anything.
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sierrawitch · 18 days
Table of Contents
Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am autumn sierra, a Goidelic (Celtic) and Eclectic Folk Magick practitioner. Here you’ll find my musings and recordings of my practice and its many facets—including history, geography, language, culture, etc. Please stay a while 🌿
Academic Articles
Menstrual Magick: The Goddess Within
Master Posts
Ogham Master Post
Celtic History & Culture
Celtic Customs: Hair
Mallacht, Géisa, Piseógs, Sugáns & Bulláns: Superstition & Cursing
Scottish Saining
What is “Celtic”?
Sacred Animals & Their Correspondances
Intuitive Magick
Rebirth Shower
Healing Doll
Journal Entries
Visualization for the Clairvoyantly Impaired
Manifestation of the Spoken Word
On Religious Guilt
On Consistency
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magpiethepunkfairy · 10 months
Gonna learn how to sew a knit and crochet for the sole purpose of making things to wrap my friends in
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oh-my-little-hearth · 5 months
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