#Food blogging
pianokantzart · 6 months
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He he he he he he he
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mayakern · 1 year
did anyone else have this cookbook as a kid and if so did you make any of the recipes
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i tried to make the sugar quills when i was 11 (not sure why my parents let a grade schooler handle hot sugar but it was after the divorce so these things happen) and they were fine, if a bit misshapen
but in high school my brother and i made the enormous crocodile (pictured on the cover) and let me tell you: it was much worse in person than you'd think based on the photo
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aiorecipes · 10 months
Indulgence in Every Bite: Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta
Tonight’s culinary adventure led me to the heart of Italian cooking with this irresistible Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta. The fusion of rich cream and the zest of garlic creates a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. Comfort food has never been so elegant. Join me in the kitchen, and let's create something beautiful together. Recipe link in bio!
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equalseleventhirds · 9 months
friends. romans. not romans. whoever u r. listen. listen 2 me and this life hack.
buy capers (if u like the taste. if not then rip and sorry. i like them very much.)
trader joes has a p big jar of 'em for like, $3. they are delicious and will last forever also will make you feel like u r fancy and eating a proper meal somehow.
fifth night of buttered noodles bcos u have nothing else? toss a few capers on there.
putting fake bacon bits on toast bcos it's basically like a breakfast? capers. (also toss all that under the broiler for a hot second. careful not to burn.)
eating scraps of cheese in the middle of the night bcos u hyperfocused on a project and no longer have frozen burritos for emergencies? add capers. now practically charcuterie.
got those frozen burritos again? capers on 'em. for funsies. inauthentic but fancy as fuck.
(while ur at it, get one of those squeezy bottles of lemon juice. yes i know it's not as good as fresh lemons. but sometimes you will forget about your lemons and they will go bad right when u remembered them for a dish ur halfway through cooking, and then where will u be? squeezy lemon juice. plus it's fun to add to things and feel fancy. 'really brightens up the whole thing' you can say about your cheese scraps with lemon juice.)
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angchongyicritic · 3 months
Simple Tips From Ang Chong Yi To Make Foods Taste And Smell Better
Food is one of the reasons a lot of people live. Diversity, aesthetics, and taste in foods are very important to people of all cultural backgrounds. Even tiny amounts of ingredients can change things in all kinds of foods. So, if you want tips from Ang Chong Yi to improve the taste of the foods you cook, read this article. He explains some easy cooking, seasoning, and preparation suggestions to help your ordinary cuisine taste better. If you want to know more about how things in foods interact, read Ang Chong Yi Talks About The Harmony Of Flavors And Taste Sensations.
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Don’t Prepare Garlic And Onions In Advance
It is advisable to chop the onions and garlic at the final minute because they release powerful aromas and sharp scents that can become overwhelming. Soak chopped or sliced onions in a solution of baking soda and water. Then, make sure to rinse them well before using them to lessen the pungency of onions for raw applications. 
Don’t Seed Tomatoes
Don't seed tomatoes when using them for a meal where too much moisture may ruin the dish. This is because the majority of the flavor is in the seeds, and the surrounding flesh acts like excess moisture. 
Keep Fats Tasting Fresh
Your cooking might get off-flavor due to the rancidity of lipids found in butter, oils, and nuts. To help slow down this process, reduce their exposure to light and oxygen. Keep nut oils refrigerated, butter and nuts frozen, and vegetable oils in a dark pantry.
Only Strike When The Pan Is Hot
It's important to take your time preheating most sautés because the temperature of the cooking surface will decrease as soon as you put food on it. Wait for the oil to shimmer when cooking veggies. When frying protein, it's best to cook it until the oil begins to emit the first faint clouds of smoke.
Bloom Spices And Dried Herbs In Fat
Add a little butter or oil to the pan and sauté the ground spices and dried herbs for a minute or two before adding liquid to bring out their flavor. Add the spices to the pan's fat after the veggies are almost done if the recipe calls for sautéing aromatics. After ten minutes of baking, turn the loaf over using parchment paper.
Add A Little Umami Or Savoriness
Toss in a spoonful or two of soy sauce to your chili, or sauté some chopped anchovies with your veggies in a soup or stew to add that unique taste.
Incorporate Fresh Herbs At The Right Time
Hardy herbs give off a nice flavor and provide a less intrusive texture. So, fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, and marjoram should be added to recipes early in the cooking process. Basil, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, chives, and other delicate herbs should be saved for the very end to preserve their vibrant color and fresh flavor. 
Final Thoughts
These tips can seem simple but greatly improve the taste of your foods. If you want more food related tips, Follow Ang Chong Yi - Food Blogger and Critic in Singapore and learn his professional tips.
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arcadialedger · 8 months
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Was given the biggest portion of fettuccine alfredo I’ve ever seen in my life and my Italian- Sicilian ass was like:
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jennamacaroni · 10 months
sumbitting two jams (peach and apricot, made from fruits from my own trees) to the county fair this year like the grandma i am 👵🏼
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master-of-47-dudes · 9 months
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Spaghetti with homemade meatballs and tomato basil sauce. Deeeelicious!
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honeyedsunlight · 6 days
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honeycombhank · 9 months
I haven’t done any baking in quite a long time so today I decided I would make something sweet..
I couldn’t decide between a cobbler or a crisp..
So I decided to experiment using both kinds of toppings!
I used two different recipes and made a cobbler biscuit topping and then a crisp topping from another recipe that is more oaty and used cinnamon as well.
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I’m really proud of how it came out!
Blackberry, Raspberry and Peach cobbler/crisp haha
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what-marsha-eats · 4 months
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sentientcave · 2 months
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Hi we made honey cruller donuts yesterday. Went really well with coffee this morning.
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flockofdoves · 10 months
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made a really good lamb stew :)
used this recipe and its worked really well. ended up boiling down the liquid a bit at the end to make it thicker but i think it would be fine as it was when it comes to leftovers i just really wanted it thicker now. also used bone in bigger pieces of lamb instead.
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angchongyicritic · 4 months
Ang Chong Yi - Reasons for choosing a plant-based diet
If cancer prevention is something you need to consider, start with your diet. When it comes to reducing the risk of cancer, you should think in terms of diet instead of food. And a plant-based diet is the best when it comes to lowering the risk of cancer.
A plant-based diet doesn’t mean you can’t consume meat. A plant-based diet means most of the foods in your meals are plants, such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Nuts, seeds, and beans are also included in this diet.
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Ang Chong Yi talks about the health benefits of a plant-based diet in this article. If you are interested in the ethical side of going vegan, read Ang Chong Yi - views on ethical reasons to choose Plant-based foods.
Here are some reasons to eat a plant-based diet:
Plant foods and diet supports your immune system. 
Nutrients that are necessary for life are rich in plants. Your body's balance and the health of your cells are maintained by the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants found in plants. So, a plant diet allows your immune system to stay healthy.
Plants provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fend against illness. Eating a plant-based diet helps to boost your immune system's ability to fight against infections and microbes.
A robust immune system is crucial for lowering your chance of developing cancer because it can identify and combat cell abnormalities before they become diseases.
Plant foods reduce inflammation.
  The unavoidable nutrients found in plant food support your body in reducing inflammation. They eliminate pollutants, processed foods, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins.
All these so-called free radicals that can upset your body's balance are captured by the antioxidants found in plant foods. So, it's crucial to follow a plant-based diet and pay attention to your body's signals about what foods are best for you to reduce inflammation.
A plant-based diet keeps you in optimal weight range. 
Hormone imbalance and inflammation are brought on by being overweight, and obesity causes so many other diseases.
You eliminate a lot of the things that cause weight gain if you eat a plant-based diet. You're also on the right track to losing weight if you include exercise.
Plant food options are high in fiber. 
All foods made from raw plants contain fiber. Fibre gives the plant its structure, and increasing your fiber intake will boost your health greatly.
A plant-based diet helps your gut recover, which makes it easier for you to absorb the nutrients that strengthen your immune system and lower inflammation from food. In addition to being excellent for gastrointestinal management, fiber can balance blood sugar and decrease cholesterol.
A plant-based diet prevents all types of life-threatening diseases. 
Eating a plant-based diet has several advantages beyond lowering your chance of cancer. A plant-based diet has also been demonstrated to lower the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some mental health conditions. 
Final thoughts
Following a healthy plant-based diet also lets you enjoy other foods linked with problems. If you are responsible for your diet and want to explore something tasty, read Indulge Your Desires: Global Sweet Treats Explored by Ang Chong Yi.
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celebritieswithemmab · 3 months
What is Robert Pattinsons "Little Pillow"?
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Photo from MEL
And, most importantly, how did Robert Pattinson attempt to monetize it?
In the midst of lock-down, when nobody (including celebrities) had anything to do, Robert Pattinson was stranded with nothing but three t-shirts and access to a little corner store. He was supposed to be temporarily staying in a London flat during the filming of Batman, which he starred in (as Batman). Yet in the wake of COVID-19 closures across the globe, he had been stranded with little food other than what the producers would send him according to his regulated Batman diet. Attempting to make productive use of his time, Pattinson decided to try a business concept he had come up with the prior year. He had recognized a gap in the market for fast-food pasta, and says that he “...was trying to figure out how to capitalize in this area of the market, and [he] was trying to think: How do you make a pasta which you can hold in your hand?” Let's not speculate on if this question should ever be answered, or the grammar in which it was asked. Because Pattinson attempted to answer it, and I think we can agree it would have been better off left as a concept rather than a tangible object.
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Photo from Glamour
Behold: Piccolini Cuscino
(Italian for "Little Pillow")
According to GQ, at the start of his entrepreneurship journey, "he went so far as to design a prototype that involved the use of a panini press, and then... set up a meeting with Los Angeles restaurant royalty Lele Massimini." This meeting had little success, and Massimini was, thankfully, unimpressed.
Back in 2019, my dad had an idea to create brownie-ice-cream popsicles. He created a ton of prototype batches, much to the enjoyment of my brother and I. His idea was, I can assure you, much tastier and a much more viable concept. So how come he never got a meeting with Los Angeles restaurant royalty? Because he never played the sparkly, blood-lusted love interest in a teen film.
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When you have the sort of stardom that comes from helping create over 300 million dollars in profit, you have a lot working for you. You have an insurance to these types of connections. Fortunately, for the good of society, these connections don't ensure a product launch.
Pattinsons unsuccessful meeting in 2019 did, sadly, not deter him from further cuisine pursuits in 2020. In May of 2020, he recreated this pasta phenomenon in his interview with QC magazine. After reading the instructions for creating one of these Picconolo Cuscino dishes, I'm sure you'll agree the world is left much better without it.
Do not try this at home.
breadcrumbs or cornflakes
pre-sliced cheese
tomato sauce
half a burger bun
Other items:
aluminum foil
latex gloves
Put on gloves (it's about to get messy)
2. Cover pasta with water in a bowl and microwave for 8 minutes.
3. While cooking, create a bowl-shape out of aluminum foil, and cover with crushed up cornflakes or breadcrumbs.
4. Cover with sugar.
5. Place cheese slices on top
Allegedly, Pattinson used nine packs of cheese for this.
6. and then cover with more sugar.
“It really needs a sugar crust,” -Robert Pattinson
7. Cover with tomato sauce.
8. When pasta is finished microwaving, dump it on top of your creation.
At this point, Pattinson says there is "...absolutely no chance this is gonna work. Absolutely none,” But keep going anyways.
9. Pour more sugar on top of the pasta.
10. Hollow out your half of the burger bun, and place it on top.
Before this next step, take off your latex gloves. Pattinson didn't, and it did not go well.
11. Take your lighter and burn a fun design onto the top for aesthetic quality points.
Robert says “I’m just gonna do the initials.…” meaning P.C., for Piccolini Cuscino. The interviewer, Zach Baron, at GQ, says "at this point, he accidentally ignites one of his latex gloves, which promptly melts onto his palm." So take extra caution. This part could hurts
12. Wrap your pasta concoction in more aluminum foil, creating a type of ball.
13. Place the pasta ball in the microwave for ten minutes.
At this point, if you've done this correctly, the microwave should shark, catch on fire, and shut down the electricity, just as it did in the GQ interview.
I don't recommend eating. Robert Pattinson didn't. He figured it was best left ignored, and thats precisely what he did.
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He says, “I’m really trying to sell this company... I’m doing this for my brand.”
As of 2024, there have been no official mentions of a Piccolini Cuscino fast-food business. Let's hope there never are.
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jennamacaroni · 8 months
Top five kinds of ramen go
my favorite bowl is from ramen tatsuya in austin, which is a pork tonkotsu. it has the thin noodles and i always get an extra marinated jammy egg
love a miso or spicy miso with chicken
straight up maruchan packet, chicken flavored. when i'm sick or hungover there is nothing more comforting to me personally
that same austin shop also has a hatch chilie miso bowl during hatch chili season which is sooo good
tsukemen with like a really thick broth and thicker squiggly noodle so they get nice and saucy
but lbr i am an equal opportunist when it comes to ramen. any. all. ramen forever no men only ramen
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