#For reasons stated above
mountaincryptid · 2 years
So I was tagged by @jackredfieldwasmyjacob to share this receiptify thingy for the last month
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Nothing says 'my Les Mis obsession is back' like the fact that everything except for #7, #9 and #10 is on my Grantaire/ExR playlist that specifically only consists of songs in Polish, and #7 is the French version of the Epilogue from Les Mis (AKA the superior one; Il viendra le jour glorieux où dans sa marche vers l'idéal / L'homme ira vers le progrès du mal au bien du faux au vrai / Un rêve peut mourir mais on n'enterre jamais l'avenir // Joignez-vous à la croisade de ceux qui croient au genre humain / Pour une seule barricade qui tombe cent autres se lèveront demain >>>> that part in English or all other translations)
#9 I discovered completely at random when I was looking for something else. It's one of the two versions available on Spotify of a satirical anti-war song that was written in 1931
and #10 I don't have to explain
I'm not tagging anyone this time, the terrifying ordeal of being known is too much this time and the less people see this, the better sjdkfkglgh
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a-mel0n · 28 days
This stupid "Your Name" Bucktommy AU won't leave my brain, and while I don't have enough faith in my writing skills to actually write the damn thing (and it would be my first fanfic... ever?? and that's a project that seems a bit too big for me lmao), I DID write down what I'm picturing some of the "rules" Buck and Tommy have for each other while in the other's body. Mostly just for fun. (Because Tommy would be switching in 2006, the iPhone does not exist yet, so all of his notes are written in an actual physical journal. All of Buck's notes would be on the Notes app of his phone)
TOMMY: 1) Evan, stop running into burning buildings when you don’t have to while in my body. If I wake up in a hospital bed for the fifth time this month, I might actually lose it.
its part of the job to save as many ppl as possible. also u don’t even feel the pain when i get injured in ur body.
You’re right, I don’t. Unfortunately, the pain from having a wooden beam fall on you doesn't just magically go away when we swap. Just... be more careful? Please?
fine. i’ll try and keep ur hospital visits to a minimum.
2) Can you stop flirting with people on calls? Or at the very least give them your number and not mine? In the last week alone my contact list has nearly doubled because you keep giving people my number. 
dude its not my fault you’re more popular while i’m you. just think of it as me being ur wingman! how u dont have a girlfriend is beyond me btw. hot chicks love firefighters and ur a good looking dude
Jesus Christ, Evan. For the last time, I’m single by choice.
3) Don’t shower while in my body
already dont
4) Don’t go to the bathroom while in my body 
5) In fact, unless you’re at work, don’t change any of my clothes while in my body. 
6) Do you really need to spend so much of my paychecks on cooking supplies? I have enough pots and pans already. 
whats the point of a pantry if its half empty. be thankful ur getting actual food now via my leftovers instead of the utter tragedy that was the state of ur fridge when we first started swapping places.
7) Don’t make a scene while at work. 
your boss sucks ass and his stupid orders are going to get people killed. im not gonna listen to him if hes making bad calls while lives are on the line
8) Don’t pick up the phone when my dad calls.
got it
BUCK: 1) quit going to eddie’s basketball pickup games. he keeps inviting me while i’m in my own body and its getting harder and harder to come up with excuses as to why i can’t go. it's kinda awkward.
I thought you’d be more grateful, Evan. You’re the coolest guy on the court when I’m you. 
2) are you making movie references when ur me? bc chim keeps asking when i got so “cultured” and the other day maddie asked when i watched the princess bride. 
You haven’t seen the Princess Bride? I’m leaving you a surprise for tomorrow. Check your couch when you wake up. 
did you spend my OWN money on a dvd??? i don’t even own a dvd player. i own every streaming service imaginable.
3) keep the finger guns to a minimum?? idk why you do them so much but both hen and chim have said smth abt it
4) if u get a call from someone called connor or kameron on my phone just let it go to voicemail its personal stuff and i'll deal with it
Evan, you could have told me you agreed to be a sperm donor yourself. Finding out because Connor and Kameron showed up at the fire house was more of a shock than finding out over these memos would have been. 
they did what?????
5) don’t talk to my parents
6) No rule about undressing? 
dude idc. i’m not gonna stop you from taking a piss in my body if u need to. as long as you like. don’t have sex with someone while you’re me? oh wait hang on i DO have a rule about undressing
Wasn’t planning on it, but good to know. 
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Fasching with König
Because today is Faschingsdienstag, I just had to write something for him on that day! Today is the only day I can post this, afterwards I'll have to wait over a year again! Fasching is an Austrian holiday that is essentially the last day before fasting for 40 days, so people go all out with food and drinks and festivities, they even dress up in costumes! It's not nearly as fancy as what some other countries have, but it's tradition! Besides, who am I to say no to a Krapfen with König!
Mentions of alcohol, but König is Austrian, so what did you expect?
First off, he hates going to the city during that “holiday”, there are far too many people, the crowds are way too big and it’s too loud for his liking as well. The only reason he’s taking you to the city on that day is so you can experience more of Austria with him. At least that’s what he tells you, in reality he just really wants to go eat a Langos or two and drink a few beers. No one would judge him for that on Fasching, there are crazier bastards out there than him. He’s never been a fan of Fasching, not even when he was a kid. The only reason he looked forward to that day was because he could go home from school earlier than usual. But other than that Fasching had always irritated him. He was never one for playing dress up either.
He couldn’t say he was surprised when you came up to him, demanding for the two of you to dress up as something. The most König would do on his own would be to put on a pair of bee feelers on top of his head, but he would never consider putting on a full costume. Not only was there a chance people would stare at him, but he’d feel awkward as well. Besides, which place would actually sell a costume in his size? Not a common one. You’d need to be a bit annoying for him to put on more than just bee feelers. He’s more willing to play dress up with you as long as you put on something as well, though, even if it still wouldn’t be anything too fancy. If he can find one, he might put on a Winnie the Pooh onesie, but only because it’s somewhat comfortable, somewhat warm and because there are weirder people than him out there.
He’d hate seeing the Faschingsumzug, but he’d tolerate it just for you so you can see all the wagons together and comment on all the costumes. The music is far too loud, there are people surrounding him on every side and he still hasn’t had a single drink yet. Tragic. You might wanna hold onto his arm before you’re being swept away by the crowds. Although König usually isn't one for PDA, in this case he’d prefer to keep you close. It keeps him a bit calmer and you’re not getting lost in a city or town you barely know. You can drag him around all you want, though, he’ll comply, even if he might roll his eyes a bit whenever you wanna go take a closer look at some of the other costumes and wagons. However, get ready to be dragged to one of the nearest stands for a few Langos. They’re not amazing, nothing special in the slightest, but they’re not bad either. He’ll pay for them, naturally. You can choose between a regular Langos, a Toast Langos or even a Käsekrainer Langos. König will likely have eaten all three due to his massive appetite, but you’re more than welcome to take a bite out of them as well.
Once it’s finally getting a bit later and the masses are starting to disperse, that’s when König will be a bit less grumpy. He gets to finally go to a bar with you and drink to his heart's content, his highlight of the day. You can drink whatever you want, from soda to Pago, from Spritzer to Jägermeister, he’ll always go for a few beers. While he might seem a bit grumpy at first, once he’s had his first beer he’s a bit more cheerful, König just really hates big crowds. However, he got to spend another day with you, which is all he could ever want. While you’re sitting at the bar he might take out a few Krapfen for the both of you to enjoy as well. Might joke about getting some Heringsschmaus with you the next day, even if you don’t like fish. It’s tradition, it’s part of the Faschingszeit, but that doesn’t mean he’s a big fan of it either. No, he much prefers the Krapfen you can eat during Fasching. Not big on fasting, he loves beer and meat too much to give up either of those things and won’t even do so if you ask him to. He’s a simple man, he knows what he wants and he knows what he likes. You can pry his Schweinsbraten from his cold dead hands, and even then he’d put up a fight.
Although König loves spending time with you, he will be glad once Fasching is over and once you finally voice the thought of going home. He’s tired from all the people and the alcohol makes this situation only slightly better. Even so, despite all of that, he’s looking forward to the next holiday, proper or not, he can spend with you. Due to him having drunk some beers, he’ll likely stay in bed a bit longer the next day. A perfect opportunity to snuggle up to him for a bit. Afterwards you can discuss what you would like to eat together.
#cod#cod x reader#könig#konig#könig x reader#konig x reader#I was so unhappy when I had to go through town today and there was no way through so I had to go around town to get home#I was so incredibly pissed about that#but hey my father made Gulasch today! and he put a blueberry quark strudel in the oven! it was so creamy and good!#so food wise today was amazing for me!#I even wore some cat ears at wok. the other apprentice and me were the only ones who “dressed up” today which was a shame#even though he only wore devil horns and that's it so nothing big either#but there are people who dress up entirely! but you barely see couple's costumes here. I saw none today in all honesty#I saw a lot of ladybugs though! a few bees! piglets! sunflowers!#it's a colorful festival! but a lot of people drink on this day so not a lot of them will be at work tomorrow! good#the only reason König would love this holiday would be because of the beer#you guys don't understand just how much alcohol Austrians drink we're far far above the EU average#the state I live in is far above the Austrian average as well my father told me today#so yeah we drink lots and lots of alcohol. beer for the most part but Spritzer is also really popular. Spritzer is superior though#beer is just disgusting and gross. I've tried it once and it was so bitter. but this is coming from someone who likes Jägermeister haha#I didn't get a Krapfen today though which is so incredibly sad :( Maybe some other time but it won't be a Faschingskrapfen :(
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rainybraindays · 9 months
I don't like making posts like this, I don't like opening my blog up for people to come and harrass me but oh my god, why does the fandom allow posts like this to get away unscathed?
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You don’t have to like Marina. I'll never claim that. You can like or dislike whoever you want.
But I do wonder, if Marina was played by a white woman would we get nearly as many posts like this? Would everyone be as okay with it? Would we have been so quiet about the fact that Ruby Barker was harrassed for this role? Or would there be way more people defending her? Would she suddenly be sympathetic when now shes not?
Why are we all so okay with taking this character with a nuanced story, put in a horrible situation with almost no options and turning her into a villian?
Like did we watch the same show? Did you miss the bit where she doesn't want to find a husband at all and only starts when she thinks shes been abandoned, which she only believes because she gets a forged letter saying she was? Did you not see Portia slap her? Did you not also watch a man old enough to be her grandfather being forced on her?
Lying to Colin wasn't okay, I'm not defending that, but literally tell me what her options were?
The man she loves is dead, but she doesn't even know that she thinks he abandoned her, so she can't reasonably assume Phillip will take responsibility when his brother won't. The only people Portias interested in introducing to her are those she wouldn't introduce to her own daughters. She can't reasonably think Colin will be open to her as a wife since shes pregnant becausethats not the norm. But Colin is, he says he would have married her even knowing. And Colin also doesn't view Marina as a villian, in season two hes sad yeah, but he’s also guilty because he doesn't think she deserved what happened.
This is a nuanced messy situation but no one wants to look at that.
Like you all make it very clear you view her as a whore, because she did a very normal thing and had sex. You all view her as a manipulative snake of a person, when if she was even the Whistledown article wouldn't have been a stop for her because she would have tried to get out of it. You conveniently forget that she almost killed herself in an attempt to abort her children because of her mistreatment post Whistledown article because that takes away from the idea you've concocted that shes some villainous bitch.
But then you turn around and want Penelope to have sexual knowledge that she realistically wouldn't and canonically doesn’t. You praise her for her Whistledown work even though it keeps hurting people she loves and shes lying about doing it.
This is weird, posting about how you can't wait for a character to die, and how you hope the death is - lets be honest here- humiliating, is a bizarre thing to do.
Its even more bizarre to do that, tag the character, and then also tag two ships that really the post really isn't about.
Like why is Polin tagged? Because they're both mentioned? This isn't a polin moment. You don’t talk about them at all in the meat of the post. Why is Philoise tagged? Because she's an 'obstacle' for them? They haven't even met, they aren't mentioned at all, they have nothing to do with this.
And on top of tagging these things you say "don't try and defend her to me" which why would we you clearly wouldn't listen. You follow that with saying "If you like her you probably suck" and claim to have tagged this as anti marina when you didn't. You put this in her main tag and then added "death to marina".
Theres no respect to your peers in the fandom, and clear disrespect to people who do like this character and are actually willing to engage with the character beyond fanon portrayal. Because thats what this is its not even taking her at face value anymore.
You wonder why people dislike this fandom, specifically the polin side of it, and do things like this. We as a community need to improve because stuff like this isn't uncommon, this is just one of the most blatant I've seen.
I'm going to be entirely honest if you follow quotegirl19, or don't see the issues with Marinas portrayal and treatment by the fandom this is not the blog for you.
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willow-p012 · 2 months
I think that girls with opposing world views and opinions on what it means to love and be loved, with very different relationship experience and who both chase "warmth" through either sexual or romantic means should be able to kiss
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scrawnytreedemon · 11 months
While I intend this blog to remain a largely news-free space due to the constant hellstate of the world, let me be clear that I stand in full support of both the Palestinian and Jewish peoples who are currently experiencing relentless hate and suffering in these horrid times.
I am disgusted at the number of people, especially "progressives" on this website who have used this situation to spread both Islamophobia and Antisemitism. This goes double if you dared to reblog those "punch nazis/fascists <3" and "[x] are welcome here!" posts while in the next breath spreading dangerous fucking narratives that kill people.
So many people in online political spaces evidently see this as nothing more than a case of picking "sides", when ultimately what matters is supporting the oppressed against fascist governments and militias, wherever they are.
Common people will always have more alike with each other than their leaders. This is not a novel concept. Your activism should always be motivated by love and compassion first, and hatred second. If you use your beliefs as an excuse to find an acceptable target to vent your hatred towards regardless of the actual material outcome, you are no fucking activist.
You're a bigot.
#current events#antisemitism#islamophobia#scrawny rambles#scrawny speaks#again i have not been saying much both for the fact that this blog is meant to be a quiet place#and that i do not consider myself to be a reliable source of serious information and/or morals#but regardless i have been watching i have been taking note#i see you i hear you#and while i am currently in no position to materially help right now#the moment i can i will#i don't like signalling this kind of thing because i want it to be evident in how i *act*#but as this cannot be taken as a given i will say this:#you are welcome here. i am so sorry the world is hateful and vile and i wish i could wipe it all away.#you and your folk did nothing to deserve this and you are right to be scared. and i wish to give you my love.#fascism and genocide are not things to be taken lightly. bigoted 'jokes' are vile and dangerous. human life is what's at stake.#we are heading into a wave of hate that has the potential to repeat history in the worst way imaginable. get a fucking grip.#i'm unlikely to address this further as again. reasons stated above. but i wanted to make my stance clear.#it is late as fuck and i'm pissed. people who should know better miss the fucking memo completely.#i'm fucking glad i unfollowed a popular blogger when i did because look what they're posting now. antisemetic 'jokes'.#i really wonder how common this shit truly is. how many people get away with cloaking themselves as 'progressive.'#or perhaps they genuinely think they are. cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. fuck them regardless. scum.#you are no progressive. you are a bigot. a leftist bigot is a bigot regardless of how 'revolutionary' you posture to be.#anyhow apologies for any errors. again. it's late. hope you guys are doing well <3
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ineed-to-sleep · 10 months
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Hate that I found this scene kinda hot
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
Absolutely obsessed this evening with the European nations trying to rank themselves in order of precedence as the Pope did in 1504 and imagining which nations in particular would have absolutely rankled at their placement and who was above them:
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Spain and France forever switching places in the 16th century depending on how fat the Habsburgs were at that moment, the argument of France being the eldest daughter of the church and yet unable to ever get a leg up on the Holy Roman Empire, and England arguing that they should be equal to Portugal were all rejected.
Became moot following the Reformation ofc, but even now, I bet some of them still get into stinking arguments about something as benign as who gets to enter a room first.
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what if baz had pulled his shit together in fifth year and launched a surprise kiss or a confession of undying love on simon? how do you think simon would have reacted? please write another gorgeous 10k on this
I have actually wondered this, but never got far because I would think "Baz would never do that" and call it a day. I mean, the guy is rolling around with Simon, worrying about whether he can convert someone with "so much saliva" because Simon would just not get his tongue out of Baz's mouth, and he's still reluctant to open up (emotionally, not his mouth, clearly that's not an issue). He's like "Perhaps I'll kiss Simon before dying, since I'm dying anyway" and he's still not kissing him! he's like "I'm going to do it... right now... totally going to do it" and it's Simon beating him to the punch. He's like someone standing in front of a pool, contemplating jumping in, but he's just not jumping until he's literally pushed.
First of all, we can't even begin to define what Simon would do without first defining what Baz is doing.
In fact, I'm considering as I think about how to answer this... Baz notes Simon is taking his cues from him after sex (he was also taking cues during sex, and actually he goes on to do so in most aspects of their relationship) but hasn't Simon always been taking cues from Baz? I think this can tie into his lack of autonomy, his lack of understanding of his feelings, and his familiarity with hostility. He understands anger. It might be the one feeling he understands the most. So when he meets Baz, he's like "this guy hates me?? well I guess I'm gonna hate him too >:c" "he's DISGUSTED by me?? well, I think he's a creep who only has two (2) emotions! >:c") (yeah, I imagine him making that face). If something changes on Baz's end, and he externalizes it and/or communicates it to Simon (as opposed to just thinking it while giving away nothing), Simon would continue to take his cues from him as well.
However, to have Baz in 5th year, or to know that it's even an option to not see him as a villain, would probably have been too much for Simon, Too confusing. Too destabilizing. If such feelings are already too much for his 18-year-old self, what chance does 15-year-old Simon, at the height of his angsty teenage dumbasery, have? (to be clear, I don't think he's a dumbass for not understanding his feelings, or that he's one in general, I think he's a dumbass for telling everyone who would listen that Baz is a vampire. Like, what did he think it was going to happen to Baz, if he was believed? Fucking nothing, because he wasn't using his brain). (Also: part of the reason it drives me insane when people don't get Simon wasn't into Agatha is that I think Simon not being in love or attracted to her is actually crucial to explain why they get together. As in, not having those feelings [among other things] is precisely why he dated her – not feeling those things made it all feel deceptively “manageable,” even if that created other problems. His feelings for Baz are too much for him, too intense and overwhelming, hence why he's regularly losing his shit around him [unable to leave him alone] even before he identifies them.)
On the other hand... does Simon actually grow, mentally and emotionally, between 5th and 8th year? Or does he stall in a particular place until he's forced out of it, kicking and screaming, his growth only made possible once he "gets off the map" with the events of CO? I wonder this because, well. Maybe the reaction of 15-year-old Simon wouldn't be too different from how he reacts at 18. When we meet him, he's still on the same type of “delusional bullshit” he would have been at the ages he was in some of the memories he shares. He's still clinging on to the thoughts and feelings of his 11-year-old self when he should know better. Maybe it's just not possible for him to grow at all, while he still lives under the structure that allows him to not process things and to just do what he's told, until he's pretty much forced out of the structure.
And this takes us back to Baz. A confession from him would certainly murder Simon's structure. But how does Baz say it? how does he show himself? Is he vulnerable? Is he in pain? Is he letting Simon in? I mean, when Simon catches him in the catacombs, Baz gets on the offensive. He's confrontational, he's not being "clear enough" in what he's communicating to Simon, so Simon doesn't know how to react. And when Simon is lost, he defaults to the familiarity of anger. But had Baz been clear in "I'm thinking of my mom and feeling like a monster and sad and suicidal" Simon would have completely changed his tune. In some ways, it does get to some part of Simon that Baz is sad in very concerning ways, even if he doesn't get anything else, which is why he's unable to go back to the catacombs. It's why he keeps hearing that song...
Those very same elements appear again in the forest scene, and how does Simon respond? He kisses him. And when Simon kisses him, it's impossible not to realize he wants him. When he's touching him before this, it's impossible to not keep looking for way to touch him again...
I think, if Baz is ever telling him for the first time, it's a very painful and vulnerable thing. That's exactly what it is, in canon. Simon is breaking up with him and Baz, heartbroken and feeling like it doesn't matter, says "I love you." He adds something that's absolutely devastating for Simon ("I'm the first thing you ever gave up on") and leaves. If Baz is saying it in 5th year, I can perhaps picture it like that. I can't picture a Baz who is "pulling it together and giving Simon a love confession" because that's a different person and it makes the question pointless – under no circumstances is Baz pulling his shit together to just say it, he fears too much, he's too committed to "protect himself," even at his own expense. And again, Simon, who exists without processing, responds to what he picks up from him (or what he thinks he's picking up from him). We know how Simon responds to Baz letting his wall down and showing his pain and vulnerability. He kisses him. He shows up at his door, asking to be taken back, practically on his knees. I don't think 5th-year Baz would ever say it, but if he does, it's going to be a very painful thing that would leave Simon no choice but to feel. It would absolutely devastate him. Simon's exact reaction depends heavily on what's happening, but in general: he would be confused. It would likely affect his magic. He's never able to leave Baz's alone, I think he would be even less capable of leaving Baz's alone here. Like his reaction in awtwb, it might take some hours, maybe a whole day or two, and some conversations with other people for him to even get to a true reaction.
The more I think about it, the more I think "how would Simon react" isn't the right question, but how would you sustain this situation. I mean, the immediate reaction is probably just that pikachu reaction image (:O) but get him alone with Baz, and tell him he has permission to see him as anything other than an enemy, and Simon is already trying to touch him (and even before, he was trying to touch him via fighting). He goes from bumping him, to putting his hand on his shoulder, to firmly touching his back, to grabbing his hands in like... a single day. He escalates very fast. "He was just giving him magic in some of those" I mean, that just makes it gayer. Penny establishes the importance of magical compatibility between lovers and that Simon isn't a touchy person, yet here we are.
This is probably going to be a separate post, but as much as Baz is the one who figures out his feelings first, it's Simon who's climbing Baz like a tree lighting fast with practically nothing. He figures he wants Baz as he kisses him. He asks him to be his boyfriend before figuring out his feelings for Baz. He's saying he wants to and likes being boyfriends so much better than fighting, that he doesn't want to be enemies or on opposing sides at all while believing the war is still going on. I don't think Simon would respond negatively to Baz opening up to him because he literally never does. He responds negatively when Baz does the opposite as he's pulling out his thorny defenses and pushing Simon away. I don't think it would have taken long for Simon to be all over Baz (in a gay way, not in a confrontationally gay way, as he used to be during those years). I think Simon would be confused as fuck, as this would push him to ask questions about himself he wouldn't be ready for, but he's still engaging in a kissing session that lasts an entire night after thinking "I don't understand shit" isn't he? He's not ever doing that "but Baz is a villain, what if this is plot" bit when Baz is actually being vulnerable, as he would have to be to confess. I discard Simon going "Is he plotting??" about a confession, because the manner in which Baz would confess wouldn't leave room for that.
It's also important to consider whether Simon is already in a relationship with Agatha when Baz "confesses." If he is, that complicates it because even when Simon is feeling (even if he's not identifying such feelings) that he wants to break up, he doesn't want to be the one who does it. If he isn't dating her, the expectation that he should would weigh on him as well. (Worth mentioning that Simon faces dating Agatha like it's a job he has to do, and at some point it feels like a routine – you can tell in the way he forgets he's no longer dating her and immediately goes, "anyway" after remembering... one of those instances is when he's kissing Baz and he has a second where he feels bad for Agatha before remembering they're not dating anymore. Which tells you that dating her wouldn't have stoped him from kissing Baz, even if he feels bad about it). Regardless, Simon would choose Baz, because he always does (if you're thinking about Simon not going to the numpties with Baz because he just discovered he's the humdrum, I wouldn't count it. It's like in awtwb when Baz discovers the Phippa thing and literally tells a Simon who's in shambles after Smith fails to restore his magic "I'm sorry love, I know your problem is important but I'm literally incapable of focussing on anything else until I fix this" – it's the exact same thing Simon is feeling towards the end of CO). When Simon feels like he's going to lose him, he's pushed to act (WS being the exception partly because Simon feels like a burden and like Baz is with him not because he still wants him but out of duty, which changes everything). But to have them figure this out at this point would be too difficult. Too painful. (Not that not figuring it out isn’t terribly painful anyway – there’s no escaping pain here)
The thing isn't really Simon's reaction – all things considered, that might be easier to put together than what would come after, given all the external factors. The thing is the mage (and not even war, as we have established that the war doesn't stop Simon from telling Baz they don't have to fight, he just wants to be boyfriends) and perhaps Simon worrying about fulfilling expectations in ways that suffocate him, in ways he doesn't know how to fight off because he's not used to making decisions by and for himself outside of combat and survival, and you definitely don't want the cocktail of emotions this would cause when he's in possession of his crazy magic. He does figure out how to fight this, but I think Baz is right when he says they figured it out at the right time – crucially, the strongest forces that would keep them separated are gone shortly after they get together. The thing is a million things, externally and emotionally, that would come into play if they go off script. And the mage is just too alive here, as opposed to fucking dead, which is both how we want and need him to be for Simon to have a better chance at making any type of choice in his life, heal and move on. He has too much control over Simon's life. But this is about reaction, not what happens after – at that point we might as well write fanfiction (I'm kinda already are with this post, anyway)
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xiexiecaptain · 11 months
I'm once again going on the record to express my personal distaste for the word "throuple"
1) because it continues to center monogamy/couple as the default and polyam as just a slight alteration to the status-quo of relationship assumption (ie. oh its just like monogamy but with one more person)
2) just really not it, sounds-wise. Its a bad sounding word as sounds go
3) "triad" is right there and fixes the above to issues
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
I love love love the way you draw a swallow tail on Galacta <3
May I ask, would others be allowed to also draw the swallow tail or something similar on Galacta? Your comment of him needing additional help steering has got me thinking 👀
YES!!!! please draw him with the swallow tail!!!!!! PLEASE please please feed me birdlike-birdtailed galacta knight!!!!!! you can mention that my headcanons inspired it if you like but what you should reaaally do is ping me so that i can see it if you draw swallow tail galacta knight
swalltwail galtaca kinght. i'm normal about swallow taild galacta kngiht. swallow tailed galacta knight supremacy!!!
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box-dwelling · 2 months
I love the outcome of respecing the party in BG3 for my current first blind playthrough but it does mean that my experience of these characters is wildly different now. So anyway here's my list of very personal headcanons that probably only exist in my Tumblr sextyhem save because of my respecing antics
Karlach as the only person with a decent strength score keeps getting really frustrated about having to carry everyones shit about. She does it because she's a champ but it is really starting to get on her nerves
Lae'zel insists they buy ever arrow from every merchant they find because she knows she is the most proficient warrior her and will not allow her self to be under preaped to absolutely destroy her enemies
Tumblr Sextyhem and Astarion act like an old married couple in battle because they're both spell casters with similarish spell lists. It goes between bickering to sickeningly sweet comments and Lae'zel has strongly considered murdering one or both of them over it.
Very minor but shadowheart changes subclasses after freeing the nightsong. I considered making her not a cleric but I need healers so. I did however use mods to give her space buns like she had as a kid at the start of act 3
The party staged an intervention about using magic for Gale. They made him respec as a monk and he is doing great at that but is not happy about it
The party, especially the meele fighters is getting very frustrated at Astarions fireball first think later attitude because it keeps fucking up the terrain this exchange happens often "Oh come on you can't just tell me not to set fires. It's what I do now. It would be like asking Gale not to hit things with his big stick" and then gale tries to speak up and everyone just glares at him
Haslin spends most of his time as a bear and it is getting Inconvenient when moving around
I am sure I'm not the only one with stuff like this so please please share them in reblogs
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ace-simp · 4 months
Whoever designed Tiamat in Godzilla x Kong ABSOLUTELY played/worked on monster hunter rise
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idk maybe I'm wrong but LOOK AT THE HEAD FINS
And as a monster hunter fan; the way they move? Kinda similar when mizutsune slides around or leaps at the player.
I could just be stupid and these are just common water themed monster attributes but tiamat looked DIFFERENT before the movie. They looked like THIS:
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It's more obvious in this second photo which shows Tiamat's designs one after another but the movie designs head fins ARE DIFFERENT.
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waddei · 7 months
follow @cloverstellar everyone based mutual fun guy overall I'd say
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caspersscareschool · 1 year
would u recommend working w kids? they are so so sillay. also leo being second oldest is very real to me and i love that your vibes for her are summer camp counselor
HI!! that's a complicated question because it really depends on who you are and what your needs are. kids are adorable and hilarious and i find their company extremely fulfilling, but they're also LOUD and EXHAUSTING, and you need to have a certain tolerance for screaming, grabbing, bluntness, and (if you work with toddlers like me) the occasional poopy situation. if you have sensory issues like me, I'd strongly recommend establishing a set time and place to recharge every day, (or even bringing headphones if you're able to) and setting clear boundaries, like "my body needs space right now," "i don't like being touched there, thank you," etc. (which also teaches them consent/setting their own boundaries as a bonus). if you've never really worked with kids before, you might look for opportunities to substitute, or even volunteer at libraries and whatnot to get a sense of how it feels for you. i feel like everyone remembers a teacher from their childhood who just hated their job and made it everyone's problem, so don't be that person. i guess what I'm trying to say is that it's important to put your wellbeing first, or you'll be miserable, and that will rub off on the kids.
personally, i love how kids are naturally curious and blunt. they will just say whatever. and it IS extremely exciting and fulfilling to watch them learn and grow in real time, because they absorb information SO FAST. it's important to be observant and patient and non-judgmental and kind, because they WILL emulate your behavior. every single day I'm delighted and surprised by one of them saying something sweet out of nowhere, supporting or comforting a friend, resolving a conflict on their own, pronouncing a word like CRUSTACEAN that's way beyond their usual reading level, or randomly asking to hold my hand or sit on my lap when they've never done that before....
HOWEVER. do not tell my employers i said this, but I'd eventually like to work with slightly older kids, like 6-8 year olds, because i feel like that's the age range where they've kind of had a chance to develop personalities and hobbies and interests (beyond favorite colors and animals and whathaveyou), and they're starting to learn how to make jokes and insult people but they just go about it in the funniest way possible. and their imaginary games have extended plotlines, and theyll sometimes just decide to write an entire comic book or movie script in an afternoon. and you can actually hold a conversation with them, wheras toddlers will often just lose interest and walk away if they don't immediately grasp something. you also have to be very direct with toddlers, which is something I'm still getting used to just because i really dislike talking down to people of any age or size. like do NOT get me wrong, i LOVE my 3-5 year olds, but i do miss babysitting 8 year olds from time to time. and age is something to consider, again, especially if you're squeamish about bathroom stuff. *shudders and stares off into the distance*
anyways that was probably a way longer answer than you wanted and just a bunch of nonsense words. tl;dr the answer is Yeah. If you want. ❤️
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
goddamnit I haven’t been chilling on my porch drinking coffee cause it’s been too hot lately but I’m out here this morning & now there’s a wasp nest being built….. I don’t want to tell my landlord because 1. I’m sooo late on rent as usual the less he thinks about me the better 2. I don’t want them to die even if they do make me nervous about being out here 😔
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