#Forever HPA
the-megs · 1 year
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When The Hives play in NYC for the first time in 11 years all hell breaks loose. 🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤
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pompadorbz · 1 year
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OK decided to redo the ishimondo timeskip refs to better fit what I've had in mind for them since I didn't make them look as different as I initially wanted to. this would be like ummmm over a decade past their graduation off the top of my head. a lot of the silly lore i've talked about still applies though JHGHJG
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snowydawn17 · 2 years
Suddenly I’m really mad at dr3 again
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thelemoncoffee · 4 months
excuse me i'm just going to just copy/paste some rambling i sent on discord and call it a post. this is loooonnggg and kinda incoherent
stupid self indulgence is stupid but sometimes i think about an au where half way through his second year at HPA, Kokichi decides to drop out because he can't keep up with the image he made for himself. like he spends a whole year and a half being the asshole class clown of the class, but this is on top of having nearly dropped out of his previous school (hc: military adjacent) because they didn't like him there either due to his differing ideals for what a leader looks like. he's human and despite being very good at covering up his pain, there's still only so much he can take, so when he finally reaches that breaking point he drops out of HPA and just goes home
he told no one at HPA, just one day he was there and the next he's gone and never comes back again. he spends his time at home doing more with his families, both DICE and blood, as well as trying to find himself a job that doesn't suck major balls. he's lowkey depressed that he gave up so hard on his dream of becoming the best leader he could possibly be, but the road to it he'd been carving was insanely self destructive because he by nature can't follow the rules.
i can just kinda imagine the conversation he had with his parents about it before dropping out. his explanation is; 1) he isn't being taught new things on how to be a leader because HPA expects him to just figure it out on his own with the tools they give him. 2) he can't get but one person in the whole school to actually follow his lead (Gonta) and he thinks he's far too nice of a person to be dragged around like that. 3) because of his paranoia no one there really likes him so he's constantly fighting with people and digging his hole deeper- which he fully take credit for, he knows it's his fault- and if he were to ever stop no one would believe him at this point and it wouldn't change how they see him. 4) he's doing all of this just for a little paper that says he's the former ult leader, but really what the fuck kind of job would accept a vague ass title like that- and even if they did how many would his leadership actually be fit for?
to him, he's failed his mission to become the greatest leader, and he knows it's he himself who's to blame. DICE also can't last forever because while they may remain friends, they'll all grow up and get their own jobs they gotta focus on, some have already, and what little leadership he has to his name will fizzle away into weekend hangouts. he decides maybe he can go to a collage instead to get a degree in something he's good at, maybe a few different ones- just rummage through his bag of skills till he finds something that works. i really really like thinking about Kokichi's self image and how it affects how he handles being outside of HPA
i imagine he'd still have contact with only two people in total from HPA; Miu and Kaz (Kaz makes sense in my hcs i swear). Shuichi ended up finding out about what had happened to Kokichi from Miu and decided to try and get into contact with him again, which surprised the hell out of Kokichi because he thought Shuichi would be one of the people glad to see him gone- what with all the headaches and bullshit he put him through. little did he know- Shuichi's just as stubborn as he is……. and also he fell hard for him but that's totally beside the point
this is mostly about Kokichi's struggle, Shuichi prying his way back into his life is just a very pleasant bonus that makes Kokichi's life a little less hell. forces him to learn to open up to people again, something he failed to do with anyone at hpa in this au. the last time he opened up to someone that wasn't already in his close circle was when he was 16 and saved what would later become the final member of DICE, many got close but something usually stopped it before he could fully open up, making him want to open up even less
Shuichi's new. he stubborn, and really patient with him, and refuses to leave but doesn't push either. he's just there, waiting for him. he's not trying to forcefully help Kokichi better his life, but he's also not leaving him alone. he makes sure Kokichi knows he's always there for him, even if he doesn't take his help, so Kokichi can't just block him out like he tried before. luring him like a spicy kitten, he's got support, but Kokichi's gotta make an effort himself. the only thing Shuichi really ever makes any effort to push a little is trying to get Kokichi to come back to HPA, saying it's strange without him there and many people actually miss him despite what he thinks they think of him
i think it'd be wholesome if Kokichi decided to come back for the final year after both spending the last half his second year and the whole summer trying to fix his shit, and getting into contact with Kirigiri to confirm that yes he's allowed to come back without having to make up the lost time- if Rantaro can be gone half the year on trips Kokichi can be gone half a year for mental health.
actually imagine from the class's pov: half way through the year the chaos clown vanishes and it's not until like a month later everyone finds out via Miu and Shuichi that he's gone for good, then you spend the remainder of the year without him and it feels really off without his presence and some people kinda realize they didn't hate him as much as they thought, then finally you start your final year at HPA and THE CLOWN'S BACK!! but he's not the same, like some serious shit happened to him while he was gone and he's clearly not the same guy anymore… or he is, but you've never seen this side of him before, and he seems to be nervous to share it with everyone. he's the same, but totally different. he's still pranking people and telling jokes, but there's something broken and nervous there. he still lies but they're played more as jokes instead of the vile front they were before, and there's a noticeable decrease in their quantity. it's still Kokichi, but unlike before you cannot almost mistake him for a sunday cartoon villain in behavior- it's just too real, too lived, too human
but it really depends and i can see him not going back despite Shuichi's pleas too, im just a sap and i like the healthy wholesome stuff where he gets better instead of sulking in a puddle of depression
also not as important but if you want Kokichi can tell Shuichi he'll agree to come back to HPA if Shuichi pulls his shit together- ie; my hc Shuichi also has masking issues where he pretends to be a highly agreeable people pleaser and bottles all his anger and lets himself be a pushover, and Kokichi knows this so he only makes the deal if Shuichi can better himself the way Kokichi has been. mutual luring into healthier lives. it'd also mean Shuichi comes back from summer break a bit different as well and continues to become more different over the year
okay i'm done now
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
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please don’t die pt 2 | jake seresin x reader
disclaimer: i have little to no medical training. sorry for all the inaccuracies! this isn't proof-read, I die alone. this is also my first time writing a longer piece for hangman! comments and pointers much appreciated!
warnings: PLEASE read warnings; angst, gn!reader, no use of y/n, medical terms, mentions of needles, mentions of flatlining, mentions of doctors/nurses, mentions of injuries, spoiler for type of ending.
description: part two to this blurb. based on this request with a twist.
tagging people who liked my pt 2 post; @zbeez-outlet @blue-aconite @theharddeck @missemrose @tallrock35 @bluearchersstuff @countryr0ads @vintagegirl1945 @lt-bradshaw @havaneselover08 @eringaitskill @luckyladycreator2 @avaleineandafryingpan @dreamlandcreations
Beeping. The incessant beeping. Steady, rhythmic. Perhaps the sound equivalent to his heartbeats was supposed to bring him comfort, to soothe him. It doesn’t, at all. It’s alarming to Jake. It means the mission he was on did not go as he had hoped it would. It meant he had gone down trying to save you. Had you managed to come around on the other bandit in time to make it out? God, he hoped so. He couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to you.
Then he remembered, you were with him. You were there, on the ground with him. You’d reassured him that he would be fine. His heart twinged at that; you should never have had to do that for him. He was supposed to keep you safe, keep you from experiencing things like this. Of course, Jake knew he couldn’t actually prevent these things happening to you in this line of work - but he wanted to make sure it would never happen with him. Jake wanted you to feel safe flying with him. Wanted you to feel safe with him. That’s why when the two of you flew together there would be gentle ribbing, the occasional flirty comment, and sometimes words of encouragement from him. Jake wanted you to want to fly with him, wanted you to know that with him it was fun and easy, wanted you to know that flying with him was the safest you’d ever be. But of course, even Icarus couldn’t stay in the air without incident forever.
A small groan managed to tumble from his parted lips, his senses slowly returning one at a time. He could make his fingers twitch after he had counted to 7 steady beeps, and could soon after hear his own steady breathing, the pulse rushing through his ears to match the machine beside him, the hurried footsteps… the shouts and commands coming from somewhere far away. Jake’s eyebrows managed to furrow. If his beeps were steady, his breathing even, and there was no sensation of frantic nurses pushing needles into him, then that must mean that the frenzy wasn’t for him. He was okay. Which would increase the likelihood that the frenzy was for you.
Perhaps someone else had fallen out of the sky today. Someone, anyone. Anyone but you. You had been alright, you’d been by his side, you’d looked safe. You had told him you loved him. Another groan left him at the thought, he couldn’t believe he had waited until you were kneeling before his lifeless body, sobbing it into his cool skin before believing it. Jake had made sure that you were safe, he had tried his best to make sure you’d return home. He had tried so hard. 
As his ears picked up more rushed footsteps thundering down the hall, he forced his eyes to open, squinting at the glaring light blinding him. After only a moment, he could tell that he was alone in his room, something that only furthered his panic. He wasn’t hooked up to any needles, and he had no problem ripping off the chords hooking him up to the ECG machine. 
Jake subconsciously knew that he’d have to be fast. The medics here were trained to care for soldiers like himself, who’d fallen from the sky. He imagined they had had their fare share of hysterical men and women who stood up to fight long before their body was physically able to, their HPA axis working overtime to manage their fight or flight response. But he had to see, had to make sure that the rush and yelling wasn’t over you. He had to make sure you were sat waiting for him in the waiting room, lazily splayed over an uncomfortable chair as you would in the break room, a packet of twizzlers laid in your lap. You would offer him one with a teasing grin, and he would try to suppress the enamored smile that would threaten to break out on his own lips - instead settling for a well rehearsed smirk. Jake had to know you were okay.
His bare feet stumbled down the hall where all the doctors were rushing, the flurry of movements hiding him from attention. He was vaguely aware of a dull ache settling by his collarbone, but he chose to ignore that sensation as he approached a door that held a clear window. Jake briefly wondered why they were built like that. But as he watched nurses and doctors rush in and out, he briefly thought it was to prevent them from running straight into one another. His rational line of thought was interrupted by the pale form lying on the table in the center of the room, eyes closed, chest not expanding of its own accord. His own breath stuttered somewhere deep in his throat, and suddenly it felt as if he was pulling 8 G’s in his jet. It was getting so hard to breathe, and he had to gasp to make sure oxygen was rushing to his already beat up lungs. 
Your beeping wasn’t steady at all, not like Jakes’ had been. And suddenly Jake knew that this noise would never leave his head. Instead of the steady beeping he heard in his own room, yours was a constant, monotone tone that rang into infinity. Jake longed to hear the steady beeping again. He had been wrong. It was extremely soothing. This beep was horrifying. He would probably hear it until he took his dying breath, along with the shouts of doctors and nurses surrounding your lifeless body. There was a flurry of movements, and he could hear one nurse shouting loud to keep away from ‘the body’, yelling ‘clear’ before applying the defibrillator to your chest, shocking your body to kickstart your heart. Jake sucked in another harsh gasp as your body convulsed slightly, and he couldn’t look away. He wanted to leave, he wanted to scream, cry and sob - he wanted to look away and pretend he had never seen anything of what he had today. He wanted to go back. He wanted to be Hangman again, Hangman without a care in the world and a cocky pep in his step. 
Nothing. The beep was still a haunting monotone. Jake saw one of the doctors glance towards the big clock on the wall. No. A sensation like an animal clawing at his insides appeared as the thought of what that one look implied. Time of death. No. They had to try again. Try more. He could have tried more. Tried harder to make sure you were safe before he passed out. He had been so sure you were safe. Jake was pressed hard against the wall opposite now, his palms sweaty and grasping at nothing, trying to keep upright as his body shook from the need to get more oxygen, his ragged gasps not supplying him with enough without making him dizzy. His shoulder ached worse now, but he felt that he might deserve this type of pain. He’d endure any of it, if only you were there to hold him when it all subsided. 
“Lieutenant Seresin?” 
Jake watched with horror as they applied the defibrillator once again to your chest, could hear the doctor say they would ‘try one more’. They needed to try several more. Any number of mores to make sure you were alive. 
“Lieutenant Seresin!”
That panicked voice grated him. What did it want? Who was it talking to? He didn’t want to be Lieutenant Seresin anymore. He didn’t want to be Hangman. He hardly wanted to be Jake if there wasn’t any you. Suddenly, there was a frenzy surrounding him too. A couple of nurses held onto him as he collapsed on the floor, and there were screams filling the hall. Jake wasn’t all that sure where the noise was coming from, but as he’d later notice his raw throat, he could only guess that he had been the one to let them out. Jake feebly tried to fight the hold of the nurses, his panicked voice telling them that they needed to let him help you - he needed to go in there and help! Why weren’t they letting him help? He’d make sure you were okay. He would always make sure you were okay. Please, he begged them, let him go to you.
 From the very first time he’d offered up his cocky smirk to you, from the way you had looked slightly confused at his flirty comment, your eyes slightly glazed over - but still with a smile on your face, you soft exclamation of ‘Sorry, come again?’. A smile that looked so innocent and genuine that Jake didn’t want to continue using his regular repertoire to keep your interest. It had astounded him, but he found that he drew the most satisfying reactions from you when he was at the core just Jake.
When he bantered and flirted, you’d only have that knowing smile on your face as you ribbed him back, as if you knew that it was mostly just for show. Your real reactions you saved for when he was real. The first time you’d drawn a genuine smile from him, he cherished the memory of your heated cheeks and bashful look for weeks on end. He’d tried to replicate that moment endlessly, but nothing ever worked as well as just being Jake. Which he’d found to be rare. Most people enjoyed Hangman more. From those moments, he had made sure to fly with you as often as he could. He wouldn’t entrust you to just anyone. It wasn’t that you weren’t an excellent pilot - he just didn’t trust anyone else to have your back. 
Of course Jake knew from the very start that you were dangerous territory. The overwhelming feelings of protectiveness and awe he felt anytime you were near warned him that he was beginning to fall in love with you. He figured maybe you could feel the same for him, but at the time he didn’t know if he deserved you. Didn’t know if he deserved those bashful looks, the small smile, the look you sometimes gave him as if he had just hung the moon and all the stars in the sky.
He figured he would have more time to convince you that he could be good enough for you. Jake also reasoned that, if he were in love with you - he could no longer fly with you. And that just wasn’t something he wanted to give up. Couldn’t give up, really. But that was before. Now, he regretted almost every single moment where he could have told you how much you meant to him. How it was you who hung the sun in the sky and warmed up his entire being, how you made the world blossom with your rays and warmth. 
When Jake woke up a second time, Maverick was sat by his bedside. It wasn’t the easy awakening he had hoped for, as his heart plummeted and his breath hitched again.
“No, please,” he moaned, closing his eyes again as tears burned treacherously behind the lids. He didn’t want to open his eyes to see the pitying look of the older man, didn’t want to hear that he would have to explain to your parents at your funeral why you had died. Oh, god, he might throw up. 
“Hangman… Jake,” Maverick began softly, and Jake could only chant the word ‘no’ over and over as immense grief settled in his body. He felt a large, warm palm settle on his arm, squeezing it before the older man spoke again.
“They made it,” Jake's green eyes shot open, his sharp inhale of air making him cough slightly as he stared at Mav. “No?” this ‘no’ was airy, hanging in the air, thick with hope, longing, needing to be reassured that this wasn’t a fever dream. 
“They’re alright, Jake. You did good. They’ve been awake for the past 30 minutes, and they have not shut up about making sure you were alright. It’s driving Doctor Johansson insane,” Maverick chuckled, his eyes crinkling softly at the sides as he smiled at Jake. 
“Take me to them?” Jake was sure Maverick would help him. Maverick understood. Understood the need to see them. And sure enough, Maverick nodded, asking him if he thought he was strong enough. Gritting his teeth, Jake nodded as the older man helped him stand. Sure, Jake felt a rush of dizziness, a sharp pain in his shoulder, and a general ache in every single muscle he had, but it didn’t matter. He needed to see you. 
Maverick helped him into the room next to his, and the moment he laid eyes on your tear streaked face, he couldn’t help the tears that fell from his too as your name slipped from his lips like a thankful prayer. He didn’t need Maverick’s help to hurry the rest of the way, and he swore he saw the older man smile before he slipped out of the room. 
“Jake!” your voice, hoarse and small but filled with so much relief, hit him like a freight train as he collapsed on your bed, sitting next to you as your arms wound carefully around his neck. Sobbing into his good shoulder. You were real. You were warm, and you were breathing. His fingers snuck up to your throat, and the feeling of your pulse thrumming steadfastly beneath them made more tears leak out of his eyes. Your sobs were interrupted by your soft babbling, and Jake only picked up stray words like ‘was so scared’ ‘thought I lost you’ and ‘I tried to keep you warm’. He could hardly take it. Could hardly believe his luck that he got to embrace you like this. 
Pulling away, he gingerly cradled your face in between his hands, searching and memorizing every small detail about it. Your soft smile almost knocked the wind out of him, and he offered you the most genuine of smiles he could muster. It worked, and your beautiful breathless laughter had his heart skipping a few beats.
“I love you,” he rushed out, his voice strained and weak. But all the same, he knew he had to say it. He was rewarded with another breathtaking smile, a small noise of surprise from you, and to his ego’s great content - a stutter from the heart monitor that was beeping steadfastly up until that point. 
“Oh, that will be embarrassing,” you whispered bashfully, and Jake couldn’t help the incredulous laughter that spilled onto your face. His thumbs were stroking your tear streaked cheeks, and he licked his lips as he once again took in your beautiful features. 
“I’m sorry, sweets - I’m sorry I wasn’t better prepared, I never–” he choked up “I never wanted anything like this to happen,” your frown confused him, before you reached for him, pulling him down so that he was laying beside you. He could hear your small intake of air of discomfort, and he nearly shot up out of the bed - but he was selfish. He wanted to be as close as possible to you. Feel your warmth, see your chest rise and fall of its own accord, make sure you were still with him. 
“I love you, too, Jake,” you mumbled into the skin of his cheek, where your lips ghosted over the slightly cut up skin. He smiled, and his eyes fluttered close as he let the sensation of your words fill his chest with warmth and happiness. He shifted slightly, grunting a little as he turned his head ever so slightly. Your nose caressed his softly, and your breaths mingled so naturally with his. Your lips were ghosting against his, and he almost felt another onslew of tears building in his eyes at the sensation. 
“Can I please kiss you, Jake?” you murmured, the words echoing across his lips. Jake took that as his okay, and he gently tilted his head towards you, finally feeling your warm, plush lips against his own. One of your hands had found his hair, gently holding on to the un-styled strands, as if you needed something to ground you. He would be that for you. He would be anything you needed from now on. 
“Thanks for saving me,” Jake rasped as the two of you broke away. Your fingertips gently caressed the side of his face, and a small smile played on your lips. 
“I would do it all again in a heartbeat,” you replied, but Jake sincerely hoped that you would never have to make sure that he was safe ever again.
please, please let me know what you think! i'm so out of practice with writing hangman, and I would genuinely love honest feedback on what you thought of this part two. good? bad? too little angst? too little fluff? THANKS for reading!!
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funishment-time · 6 months
For the ask game, give me ............ Sonia Nevermind!
- goshdangronpa
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Sexuality Headcanon: as much of a sin as it is, she's one i Headcanon as mostly straight based purely off vibes. mostly. (everyone at HPA is on a scale: she's just one end of it.) however, i do love sapphic content of her, especially with Chiaki and/or Akane
Gender Headcanon: she's our token Cis, too. poor Sonia. but just as every friend group needs the Crazy Ass every friend group needs the Cis Girl At The Club you know what i mean
A ship I have with said character: i'm boring and mostly ship her with Gundham but come on, they're so funny. their dynamic, impeccable. their children, resistant to Psychiatry. this is yuri to me
A BROTP I have with said character: she and Hina like true crime podcasts and talk about them together
A NOTP I have with said character: i don't think i have one for Sonia in particular actually!
A random headcanon: she comes out of the NWP post-DR2 with some severe memory issues/holes in her own Personal Timeline. (i headcanon generally it caused some brain damage in a few of the ex-Remnants.) while she heals the best she can, she is forever under the Impression that though she did evil shit, her Country is still mostly standing, just she's been exiled from it. everyone plays into that delusion as much as possible; however, almost supernaturally, she immediately forgets any Big Revelations about her past the next day after a long sleep. a blessing or curse from Chiaki? who knows. but everyone takes turns tucking in the princess after she accidentally picks up a Newspaper
General Opinion over said character: 10/10. she is not Some Woman With Flexible Legs
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hajihiko · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how ultimately if the tragedy had never happened, Hajime probably would have been gone forever. The neo world program brought him back, but that only happened because of the remnants of despair, and he probably would have remained suppressed and silent and a shadow behind Kamukura forever if the tragedy hadn’t occurred
Yeah I think about it too but it's sad :(
Like it was Junko who found him as Izuru, to use in her plan, but if she hadn't been around he'd have just wasted away in that room without the will to even get out. Hajime would've been a missing person case forever, although it was probably silenced by Big HPA, and the only person to be concerned about what happened to Hajime Hinata would be Chiaki. Forgotten without any noise or impact ... Just wiped away and left in an empty room.
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[DRV3 Postgame AU Masterpost]
Sorry it's taking me a bit to answer asks, I read every one and cherish them -! I'd figured I'd doodle a bit in the answers, but then ah. This one changed course from 'whats up with shuichi' to 'actually we're overdue for exposition'.
Oh, backstory?
Since Class 79 is at Hope's Peak For Real in this AU, Danganronpa can't very well be like canon. Our solution: infighting, sabotage, and plenty of Drama! Discussion under the cut.
I'd call it a non-Despair AU; the world's not over, and I'm currently thinking V3 is the only killing game at this point in the timeline, catalyzed by good old-fashioned envy (and, truthfully, indignation that strangers get to live out your fantasy while you and your friends are stuck in the building next door... the nerve!) Our mastermind isn't exactly a master hacker, but she's also not working alone. This Team Danganronpa isn't trying to physically harm anyone, but showing off their collective capacity to coordinate and maintain a takeover like this is bound to catch the administrator's eye. All press is good press, and there's a lot (of investor funding, mostly) riding on stories of TAPP's success, so HPA is incentivized to intervene ASAP. The team did not account for the aftershocks of making their peers virtually kill each other. Rantaro is having memory issues, Miu has to catch her breath (to her chagrin), Kiibo doesn't have a body, Kokichi has his cane... and that's just the beginning.
TAPP is kind of like "what if instead of synthetically pouring all of the talents into just the one dude, we experimented on some charity cases to see if we can just artificially build an Ultimate from the ground-up". The tech in the flashback-lights is definitely at play here, though HPA proper wasn't planning on a full memory wipe/personality override (but kept the theoretical capability in their back pocket in case things went south as Advanced Gaslighting) but uh. A bunch of highschoolers took hold of the controls, which is how you get a bunch of kids that sound like characters. They still are.
In this case, Team DR is like at least 3 at most 10 disgruntled teens in the Reserve Course tired of being overlooked. More looking for mischief than harm, but hey, if they can convince the interlopers being Ultimates isn't worth it and they should leave the school after all this and free up the floorspace? They won't argue. One of the things that strikes me about DR as a series is how its internal logic is less concerned with logistics than matching the emotional weight of what it can be like to be growing up and going through high school, so I'm trying to lean in that direction. I'm not completely sure what all this means for the THH and SDR2 crews, precisely, but we'll cross/burn that bridge when we get to it I guess!
This comic taught me a lot of new tools and techniques, hence it feels to me like it took forever but I am super stubborn and couldn't work on something else until the script in my head was actualized, which turned into 'the whole thing being done'.
There's a lot of easter eggs and little jokes in the first page in particular, should you seek them! Consider this another 'cut' in case you want to try and read the Small Handwriting on Rantaro and Miu's desks for yourself.
I already brought up some of them in the WIP so I'll try not to repeat too much and just link here
Kokichi could join the toast, but doesn't (and yet he still sits with everyone). Kiibo doesn't drink anything at all but does want to be in the toast, so he gets a bluetooth speaker. Surely he will blast some vocaloid shortly.
That's Kaito's notebook Kichi is doodling in; Kaito draws a bunch of stars, and I tried to sort-of-almost emulate the drawing on Kichis whiteboard and also get across that it lacks line confidence (sketch over and over the same lines) and he keeps creasing the paper because post-press it doesn't take much activity for his hands to hurt. Also kinda wanted to imply that Kaito not only knows Ouma has his notebook, but probably gave it to him because he's learned it's inevitable Kichi will tease him and draw in it and at least being upfront about it he won't manage to hurt himself trying to steal it (phantom thief or not!) Kokichi's pride is a little hurt at first, but it becomes another of their small routines they don't acknowledge out loud that nevertheless are a kind of familiar comfort for both of them.
Space debris at terminal velocity is no joke man even a paint chip won't just crack your helmet (which you'd only survive via cartoon logic and presumably-magic duct tape) but easily crack your skull at least. I did a project on it in high school once, I should really look for it tbh
Rantaro’s To Do
Set up weekly meeting
Check what is up w/ Kiyo
Make sure Kichi goes to therapy this week
Call Rillianne
Rantaro’s Reminders
Blue: Class
Red: Study
Cyan: ‘Council (or w/e)’
Green: ‘Travel Nerd Time >:P’
Purple: ‘Hang out w/ me ~!’
Orange: Group Project
Yellow: ‘Call ur family this week, srsly’
Miu’s Notes (“Polygraph Improvements”)
Before install into K1-B0’s new body, improve algorithm for fig. (figurative) speech.
Consult Ishimaru?
- Gonta can get in contact
I really did make some actual charts based on data from the character bios comparing things like height, birthdate, etc. vs. victim, killer, or survivor status (tho that is a gantt chart template and not filled in, oop). TL;DR the most interesting one to me is this:
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Where basically when you account for how many students across the games are stated to have each blood type and the proportion of those students in a certain role, things are pretty even (AB has so few students its bars arent really representative of a trend, I just included them anyway) the type Os are disproportionately likely to be killers. For the record, there's one confirmed type O victim, and it's Nagito. I have no idea what this means. But if I am blursed with this knowledge, now you are too!
The code in tsumugis glasses isnt an easter egg bc i was getting tired and frustrated but the pods are roughly (no kiibo shifts things a bit) in class trial configuration, and on the base layer before all the Rest Of The Panel got added you could kind of tell who's who. Not so much anymore, so: Saihara has his hat on, for the record, and Kokichi is on his side while everyone else is on their back. Might even be a little restless, the feeling of underlying unreality playing substitute for some of (only some of, they're still being monitored) the surveillance anxiety. Fun!
And hey, as always, and especially if you've gotten this far: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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leviadraws · 11 months
Hello!! What do you think will happen to the Kisaragi Foundation? (end of 2nd omake)
Ohhh yes the second omake, Linuj really does like our poor survivors to keep suffering.
So, spoilers for omakes 1 and 2, and SDRA2's epilogue so under the cut!
So we know that the timeline of the omakes and the epilogue go omake 2 -> epilogue -> omake 1.
We also know that of the epilogue, Tsurugi has vanished from the foundation. No one knows where he is or why he went. And with the stuff we've learnt from omake 2 we know that Rei has cast aside her past as a means of coping with all the loss, and that Tsurugi has not done that.
So I personally believe that he's gone after Yuuki/Sora, whom he seems to believe to be the last remnant of the class he remembers. We saw in chapter 6 that Tsurugi has some trouble discerning the Yuuki he knew in HPA to the one in SDRA2 that has never met him.
I don’t think Tsurugi will have a happy ending, personally. I think Linuj will have him either forever chase a ghost or have him die not getting the answers or the resolution he seeks.
Rei on the other hand, has decided to move forward as a new person. I don't think she's running the foundation though, since it's mentioned that there's still a split between people who supported Tsurugi and those who didn't. That can probably go two ways, either the two sections fight and implode, or they branch off. I'd quite like the latter tbh, perhaps Rei's faction can work in collab of the future foundation now that it's calmed down a bit there, and the Tsurugi faction can remain as a more antagonistic force against despair.
It'd be cool to see them at odds, since Keisuke and Ryutaro are on opposite sides.
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 8 months
[iammissxxo 4d
V3 as a whole feels to me like "what if we wrote something good 'n complex but only if you dig so deep that you don't know where you started"]
Oh for sure. Frustrating as all heck- it has some really neat ideas that can be interesting for a look, but for one thing there isn't a clear line to be drawn between 'motif' and 'clue' at times (and at the end HPA file basically becomes relegated to a motif, not literally but effectively) so you have to *want* to look for patterns in multiple things to... get anything that *could* be more meaningful if not 'world changing'. That's why I dive so heavily in V3 stuff at times but also let go for a while, rotating forever and ever. It doesn't help when there's multiple themes at play that come from the parent theme that are sort of taunted and left hanging, so it really depends on what rings truest to you in the end (and apparently being a context conspiracy gremlin is what rings truest to me... so-)
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makowo · 1 year
can we please hear about your ocs. i cant recall any details but sara's general energy intrigues me
SARA!!!! SARA V54.111 is a robot finished in 1984 that was made to revolutionize current technology at the time. It was named after the original creator's deceased daughter, Sarah Andrews, who was supposed to finish the initial prototype but died 10 years prior via electrocution while working on it. After the robot was accepted into HPA as the Ultimate Robot and earned notoriety, the team working on the SARA Project aimed to expand it into a full production line with SARA V56, for initially private use for businesses and wealthy investors, then for eventual public use, scheduled to begin in autumn of 1985.
Sara fucking hates this though. Though he is bound by his code, he holds a LOT of resentment for People, as they never treat him as a human no matter how much they want to make him emulate one. She wants to stay herself, unique, be a Person, in the memory of Sarah and for her own life.
Of course, he never gets that chance, really. Despite his resentment, he still genuinely cares for people, even as he denies it to manipulate them at every turn. Within her kind veneer is still at least a bit of sincerity. She's still got all the makings of a human, after all. It's why she plays Tetris with Erin to keep her occupied while everyone else explores a scary cave, why she's so hasty to help Elijah when he exposes himself to poison, why she listens to and trusts the most hated person in the group, up until the end. She cares.
But he still suffers from the want to live. He's selfish in that regard; it's why he becomes the traitor in the killing game he gets into, and why he sacrifices his arm to get his bomb collar off in a later chapter, why he lies to them in the final trial to sway their vote in his favor. He just really wants to survive.
She went off the deep end in the final trial, when she was finally put to death. And she said the most vitriolic things she could think of in that moment, weaponizing the things she knew about the survivors to hurt them in the worst ways. However, whether it was because she genuinely hated them or was just so scared to die that she tried to turn their back on the survivors of the game is a matter of debate. She's gone forever, and the survivors won't ever know for sure.
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graincracket · 1 year
Why yes I'm using my time wisely (I'm lying)
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Also, if you're curious, this is a fangan idea I've had forever now where all of the characters are loosely based around different popular fairytales
As you can see, I have, some things figured out
But rest assured, things will come along smoothly
If things don't work out, maybe I'll just make it a fanmade class at HPA
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cakesplice · 2 years
my silly little non despair dr roomies au ramblings 💭
main housemates: chiaki + hajime + komaeda (aka tpg) and ibuki
floormates who are also dating main housemates and basically live in their apartment: akane and kaede
other people dating main housemates: maki
regular visitors: chihiro, himiko, kokichi, makoto, almost everyone in sdr2 with a focus on fuyuhiko, kazuichi, and maybe sonia
all dr casts are involved + hpa is still very much intact (unfortunately) (also i haven't decided if v3 cast also went to hpa or did their own thing lol)
tpg graduated together, alongside the rest of class 77-b and the year before class 78-b
tpg are qpps! platonic partners forever and ever
tpg decided to room with ibuki (much against their will at first since ibuki just needed to place to stay in between gigs but komaeda and ibuki had gotten closer so now she has occupied what was originally just a storage room for tpg)
they live in a 3 bedroom apartment in a skyrise building in the city (room 314 baybeyyy)
komahina share a room with each other while chiaki and ibuki have their own rooms respectively :]
main couples: komahina, chikaemaki, miowari
other couples of importance: oumeno and naehiro
besties for the resties: tpg, chiaki + chihiro + himiko, komaeda + ibuki, kuzuhinasouda
komahina reconciled their differences nearing the end of their last term at hpa and took a shot at dating post grad before deciding to move in together a few years into their relationship
(chikaemaki origin story in the works) but chiaki was involved in komahina's plans to move in together in order to 'minimize rent costs' (they did not minimize rent costs) (not that they really needed to lol thank you old schmoney)
kaede lives in the same building as the main housemates and visits regularly! just not as often as akane because she's attached to her piano. chiaki spends as much time in her room as she does in kaede's apartment as they do a lot of parallel play ❤️ maki fucks off regularly for work trips and/or studies abroad though so piano tiles (chiaki and kaede) spend time together with her online gaming because e-daters (derogatory)
ibuki started seeing and dating akane after meeting again a high school reunion so now akane basically lives there (her apt is on the same floor but she's always in room 314 anyway)
oumeno and naehiro are high school sweethearts from their respective high schools ^___^ it did take oumeno longer to figure their shit out though LMFAO
to be developed! i did not think that far ahead lol
the au itself takes place a few years after their intended hs graduation so they're all in their early 20s, but i'm not sure if i want them all to be in college / only some of them to be in college / all to be employed (part and/or full time) / etc
i think the only occupations i'm somewhat confident about are: ibuki (part-time singer-songwriter), chiaki (part-time streamer), and komahina are both currently in school working with hajime working part-time and komaeda as his stay-at-home wife (joke joke this is a joke don't k word me ty)
kaede's hs best friends are rantaro and shuichi who both visit occasionally
maki's hs best friends are kaito (visits occasionally) and himiko (always there)
himiko's hs best friend is angie (lives overseas)
i think apt 314 should have some pets. for funsies <3
🍓🐶🦔 i will keep adding to this post and changing things as i see fit :3 thanks for tuning in if you actually took the time to read this LOL 🍓🎼🔪
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another animatic that will live forever in my head (but for more than just my utter lack of motivation) is a post-DR:IF Class 78, who've been out in the post-apocalyptic wasteland for a while and are considerably hardened by those experiences, coming back to HPA to kill Junko set to "Ready to Die" by Andrew W.K. and I say it will never leave my head because I feel like it would get, like, excessively gorey by the end once they actually find her. I still think they'd be 100% justified in doing that by the by. put that blonde bitch's head on a pike lmao.
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sizzlepropertiesplots · 10 months
Reasons to invest on plots in Budigere Cross Bangalore
Budigere Cross is one of the rapidly growing areas in Bangalore, has affordable investment rates on plots with best-designed infrastructures making this place suitable to build your dream home or for better ROI.
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World class Amenities
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Sizzle Evergreen Residential development in Budigere Cross, a posh locality in Bangalore having all the facilities and basic needs within easy reach. It constitutes modern Plots with all the high-end, contemporary interior fittings. Set within pleasing and wonderful views of the countryside, this lavish property at Mandur Bus Depot, Budigere Cross, Bangalore.  It is spread over an area of 7.60 acres with 112 units.
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Contact : 7353366688
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sizzleproperties · 10 months
Reasons to invest on plots in Budigere Cross Bangalore
 Budigere Cross is one of the rapidly growing areas in Bangalore, has affordable investment rates on plots with best-designed infrastructures making this place suitable to build your dream home or for better ROI.
Budigere Cross Highlights:
Excellent connectivity to employment hubs
Close to Employment Hubs
Prominent destination for working professionals
Locality with best-designed infrastructures
Nearby educational institutions
Proximity to Whitefield
World class Amenities
Great Connectivity
Sizzle Evergreen Residential development in Budigere Cross, a posh locality in Bangalore having all the facilities and basic needs within easy reach. It constitutes modern Plots with all the high-end, contemporary interior fittings. Set within pleasing and wonderful views of the countryside, this lavish property at Mandur Bus Depot, Budigere Cross, Bangalore.  It is spread over an area of 7.60 acres with 112 units.
Excellent accessibility - As you will reside in a well-connected location just off Whitefield, Old Madras Road and Outer Ring road ensures easy accessibility to major nearby employment centres., you never have to worry about accessibility at Sizzle Evergreen.
Eminent landmarks - The surroundings of Sizzle Evergreen are dotted with schools, hospitals, IT parks, and shopping malls. Prestigious schools like Baldwin International School, Narayana E-Techno School, and many others are in close proximity. Big residential housing communities from top builders are close to our project.
Loaded with amenities - Sizzle Evergreen is loaded with all facilities and amenities that are needed for your family to lead a comfortable life in a peaceful and safe environment.
Infrastructure - Budigere Cross has an best designed infrastructure. Numerous entertainment options, such as multiplexes, gaming arcades and recreational centres, provide avenues for activities.
Connectivity - Apart from the road infrastructure, the city suburb is well-served by public transportation options. The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) operates regular bus services that connect the locality with various parts of Bengaluru.
Government approved project - The plots are approved by Hoskote Planning Authority (HPA/ BMRDA). So you need not worry about documentation forever. Each site will receive an individual katha and are eligible for loans from any bank.
Exclusive investment choice - Sizzle Evergreen’s unmatched location advantage in one of the uber-fast developing regions of East Bangalore, the price of the plots will definitely skyrocket in the future. So even if you don’t think of owning a home, owning a plot will be a wise investment for your secure future.
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Contact : 7353366688
Website: https://www.sizzleproperties.com/sizzle-evergreen.html
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