#Fred Graham
hphmmatthewluther · 7 months
Weekend With the Grays - Day 1: Back at Winbourne
Here we go! Thanks to @endlessly-cursed for organising this lovely event, and for the wonderful character of Prim! This also features a mention of Malcolm, who belongs to @gaygryffindorgal, Helen, one of @camillejeaneshphm 's wonderful characters, and the mention of one of their others....
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A small black carriage being pulled along by a single Abraxan thundered through the trees, the mighty stallion seemingly knowing where to go on instinct. Inside the carriage, a young man with bright scarlet hair tinkered and fidgeted with a collection of gears and cogs with a thin golden screwdriver. The woman sitting next to him placed her hand on one of his own, hers just about larger than his.
"Dear, it'll be alright, I promise." Helen Graham said to her husband, smiling down at him. She too had red hair, though hers was more orange. "We're here to celebrate, not to mourn or worry." she reminded him, her voice still retaining a Louisiana accent.
Fred sighed, leaning back on his seat. "I know, I know...I just wonder if he knows that."
"He's not your responsibility." Helen said, sharply. "If he does show up tonight, he knows full well that he's expected to be Merry."
"That's just the thing, though." Fred put the gizmo he was working on back in his pocket as the trees started to clear. "The grief hasn't dimmed his wits. He knows he's being unreasonable, but it's as if he physically can't help it. It must be driving him mad."
"Well, maybe this would do him some good. If Prim can't get him smiling again, no one can." Helen declared, as the huge estate very quickly appeared out their windows.
"I do wish you wouldn't jinx it like that, dear." Fred said, chuckling in spite of himself.
"I'll jinx you in a minute. I'm not having you both moping about, alright?" Helen said, a smirk on her face as the Abraxan pulled in outside Winbourne.
The pair got out, Fred checking the time on a gold and scarlet pocket watch of his own design. "Just on time, I think." He observed, putting it back in his pocket.
Helen leant forward and look at it before he stuffed it away, noticing a small hourglass at its center. "Don't tell me you put one of your Time-Turners in there?" she asked, incredulously.
"It's not a Time-Turner...it's also a Time-Teller, see?" Fred replied, that full grin returning to his face once more. "Come on, we ought to find our hosts."
They walked up the steps towards the gates, Fred pointing out things that caught his eye as they moved through the snow, Helen doing very much the same. It helped that Helen was able to use her Ancient Magic to keep the snow off of them, and Fred was able to slow down the snowflakes so they were suspended in time, very slowly completing their descent. Soon, though, they made it to the front doors, and the one on the left opened to reveal the Viscountess of Winbourne, Primrose Gray herself.
"Prim!" Fred exclaimed on impulse, earning him a raised eyebrow and laugh from his wife. At this point, of course, they had all known each other for years, and were used to Fred saying what came from the heart almost instantly. "...I mean, ah, Good evening, Lady Primrose. It truly is a pleasure to see you."
Prim smiled at the both of them. "Good evening, Fred, Helen. It is always wonderful to see you both. How was the journey? Not too snowy?"
Helen smiled a little and nodded. "Not for us, of course, or our Abraxan." she said, gesturing to the large horse. "A gift from Baroness Osada. She's got...quite a few equines back in Poland."
"I'm sure she does." Prim nodded, looking back briefly into the warm interior of the building. "Well, please, come right in, Malcolm will show you where you can put your coats."
Helen, who to this day had not acclimated to the British winter, nodded rapidly before following Malcolm inside. Fred took a step forward too, but paused. Prim stopped as well, looking over to him. "Something the matter, Fred?"
In his years dealing with it, Fred had found that he had developed almost a sixth sense when it came to telling where ancient magic was nearby. And he felt a very familiar source of it walking through the snow behind him. "...I do believe that's Mr Doherty approaching the gates."
Fred watched as Prim stepped outside, still a little shell-shocked that Atticus had even bothered to show up. Then again, at times the man now shuffling through the night looked like a stranger. His green eyes lacked that brilliant shine he had whenever he came up with a brilliant idea (or any idea for that matter), and his clothes seemed to flow around him, shifting in and out of the darkness. But what really surprised Fred was the fact that on his best friend's head, covering his jet-black hair, was a hat.
A Hat. If it were any other gentleman of the period, nobody would have batted an eye. In fact, it was what gentleman were expected to wear. Yet, here he was, in a hat, walking into Winbourne. Hell must have been as cold as it was outside that night. Fred wasn't sure what to do, but perhaps that was why he wasn't the one hosting. Atticus looked up at Fred and Prim, his expression unreadable. Lady Primrose kept the door held open. "Good evening, Atticus," she said, as the wind howled, the moon appearing briefly in between the clouds. "Welcome to Winbourne. Please, come in, you look frozen, poor thing."
Atticus blinked, clearly not having expected that. Fred recognised the expression now. It was the look he'd always give Lillian whenever she caught him out on a flaw in his logic. "...Thank you, Lady Primrose." he said, almost out of social etiquette. Good evening to you, too." And with that, he was up the stairs and walking into the house. Fred came in afterwards, followed by Prim. In a weird way, he had almost expected the cold to follow Atticus through into the house, but with Prim and Malcolm showing them to a cloakroom to drop off their cloaks and bags, Fred felt a small amount of warmth returning to him.
He looked over to his best friend. Maybe he felt it too.
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filmjunky-99 · 1 month
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t h u n d e r h e a r t, 1992 🎬 dir. michael apted
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Round Two
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Defeated opponents: Green Day
Formed in: 1970
Genres: rock, glam-rock, hard rock, pop-rock, pop, disco
Lineup: Freddie Mercury- vocals 
Brian May- guitar 
John Deacon- bass 
Roger Taylor- drums 
Albums from the 80s: 
The Game (1980)
Hot Space (1982)
Flash Gordon (1982, movie soundtrack)
The Works (1984)
A Kind Of Magic (1986)
The Miracle (1989)
Propaganda: “HAVE YOU SEEEEN THEMMMM???? these men never lost their looks as they aged. smoking hot 20 somethings to smoking hot 40 somethings. in their own words, "we was glam" and "we were all stunning". all four had impeccable style choices 99% of the time, from leather jackets and wraps to monochrome to undone blazers and ties to brightly coloured /everything/. Deacon changed his hair style every few years and even in just tshirts and booty shorts, never missed. Roger had a sleazy mullet and sunglasses for what felt like forever, hot Persian dad, did not miss. Brian forgot how to fully button shirts. bell bottoms. same hair for 50 years. no misses. even after Freddie got sick and started wearing makeup and had to grow a beard to cover up, MAN NEVER FUCKIN MISSED. he was beautiful to the day he died. and thats not even touching on the leather daddy look from the early 80s.king shit. we love wrinkles and laugh lines in this gd house. if they don't sweep I’m blowing this whole website up we was glam”
“a few years back i was obsessed with these guys and i would find it hard to not have a crush on all of them. in the 80s especially brian was GORGEOUS.. BEAUTIFUL”
Earth, Wind & Fire
Defeated opponents: Midnight Oil
Formed in: 1969
Genres: R&B, pop, funk, post-disco
Lineup: Maurice White - vocals, kalimba, drums, percussion
Verdine White – bass, backing vocals
Philip Bailey – lead vocals, conga, percussion, kalimba
Ralph Johnson – percussion, backing vocals, drums
Roland Bautista - lead/rhythm guitar, vocals
Larry Dunn - keyboards, synthesizers, minimoog
Andrew Woolfolk - flute, saxophone, percussion
Fred White - drums, percussion
Johnny Graham - lead/rhythm guitar, trumpet, percussion
Albums from the 80s:
Faces (1980)
Raise! (1981)
Powerlight (1983)
Electric Universe (1983)
Touch the World (1987)
The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire, vol. 2 (1988)
Visual propaganda for Queen:
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meear · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Fred and George literally tried to murder another student for trying to take House points from them
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Like I know we apparently don't give a damn about NPCs in Harry Potter, but it's insane to me how no one acknowledges how fucking vile the Weasley twins were
(unrelated but it's also very funny how self-righteous Fred and George acted over Percy being a "git" and how they were convinced of their own moral superiority because they were on the good side, when I'm convinced Percy would never have done something so horrible)
Same goes for Harry and Ron mind you. The level of apathy and cruelty they demonstrate is CRAZY like they legit do not give a fuck. And yeah, I wasn't much better than them as a teenager when it came to people I didn't like, but surely that is something that should be addressed by the narrative?? By anyone? Hermione gets like 0,5 brownie point for suggesting that maybe they should tell someone (YES??) but considering she does jackshit about it that doesn't exactly endear her to me
Despite how many times Slytherin is said to be the evil house while Rowling glorifies the Gryffindor House (and she absolutely does, there are many examples in the books), the murder attempts between the two houses have been pretty one-sided (Fred&George to Montague and Sirius to Snape, not to mention the Weasley twins and Sirius were both 100% unapologetic.
Edit: yes, I was intentionally and graciously omitting Harry's attempt towards Draco in HP6 because even though using an unknown spell was unbelievably stupid, Harry had no idea Sectumsempra would do that and he felt awful about it + Draco did try to Crucio him. I'm watching you, though, Harry. You got over it a lil' too quickly when Ginny defended you.)
Well, Crabbe did try to kill the trio in HP7 , though 1) it was in the context of the war, they weren't exactly students anymore, but most importantly 2) the event is treated with the appropriate amount of horror for the situation
I think it's really fucked up that no one seems to find it a problem or even remember it but hey that's just me!
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iambellarose1816 · 2 months
My Top 5 couples 🥰🥰
1. Helsa ❄️🔥 (They will always be no.1 even tho they aren't canon, and they give me the enemies to lovers vibes 🤭)
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2. Duncney (The producers of this show fucked them up from Season 2, kinda pissed me off tbh. Like they were the best couple in Total Drama 😭)
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3. Red Crackle (Why didn't they make them canon, the only thing we got was the playful banter and friendship 🙄)
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4. Fraphne (I seriously don't see anything wrong here. The producers knew what they were doing 😌)
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5. Jurdan (Take a gun and shoot me, they are just perfect and hot af 🔥😍😍)
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 4 months
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hannshines · 1 year
My FlintWood Dynamic
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so-much-for-stardust6’s masterlist! 🫶
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hey guys! i’ve finally made a masterlist so it’s easier to find my stuff!!
feel free to request anything and i’ll try my best to write it!
here’s my about me as well!!
the ☆ symbol means it is smut!! so bare with me as almost everything is 😭
limp bizkit imagines:
Brother’s Best Friend- Wes Borland ☆
Janitor’s Closet- Wes Borland ☆
Stress Reliever- Wes Borland ☆
Shower- Wes Borland ☆
Body Paint- Wes Borland ☆
blur imagines:
Halloween Party- Graham Coxon ☆
Stressful Day Off- Graham Coxon ☆
Embarrassing Confession- Graham Coxon ☆
Quickie- Damon Albarn ☆
Birthday Festivities- Graham Coxon ☆
You’re My True Love- Damon Albarn
You’re My True Love Pt. 2- Damon Albarn
I Still Love You- Graham Coxon
Bathroom Rendezvous- Damon Albarn ☆
I Will Never Forget You- Graham Coxon
red hot chili peppers imagines:
Best Friends Or Lovers?- John Frusciante ☆
fall out boy imagines:
High School Reunion- Patrick Stump ☆
Secret Love- Pete Wentz
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josefksays · 1 year
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Six Degrees of Separation (1993) dir. Fred Schepisi
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 month
Whatever happened to Graham Montague? The HP world will never know.
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hphmmatthewluther · 6 months
Weekend With the Grays - Day 3: The Gazebo Cocktail Party
Thanks once again to @endlessly-cursed for organising this and for Prim! Thank you also to @camillejeaneshphm for Helen, Noah and Lillian, @catohphm for Danny, and @mjs-oc-corner for Bella!
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"Oh, Atticus, get under here with us." Fred insisted, his arm around Helen's as they walked the Gazebo with the others. Atticus turned around to face him, still looking despondent, and shook his head.
"I am fine, thank you." he said,shivering a little. "I've got my...oh." He reached up for the hat he had worn upon arriving. It wasn't on his head, and the snow was nestling itself within his hair, giving him an admittedly quite humorous-looking salt-and-pepper hairstyle.
"You never were one for hats, Doherty." Helen chuckled, her arm raised slightly as she kept the snow off of her and her husband, "You must have gone out without it on instinct."
Atticus scowled, but relented, walking over next to Fred, and wiping the snow off of his hair with his hands. Fred happened to look over as he did so, and saw strange black splotches moving along them. "Doing more shadow magic, I take it?"
Atticus looked over at Fred, then at his hand, wiling the dark splotches to fade away. "We are all at liberty to use our powers how we like. I can experiment with mine, Helen can command the weather to be however she likes, and you can patent and sell yours to the masses."
Fred shifted uncomfortably, but Helen cut in before he could respond. "You disapprove of how we've made our fortune?"
"No. I disapprove of the fact that there aren't more controls on it. I'm glad that you've decided to have it be Ministry controlled, but I do wonder if they'll give it the attention it deserves-"
"Alright, alright, let's not get into politics." Fred said, raising his arms above his head to hush both Atticus and Helen. "We can talk about this later. The last thing we want to do is start a debate around the Ministry...at least, right now." He suggested, gesturing to the Gazebo whose steps they now climbed.
"No, I suppose that would be a disaster." Atticus said, smirking. "Thank you for letting me enjoy the use of your ancient magic, Helen." he said, moving forward and into the Gazebo to greet the others.
Fred and Helen did the same, before walking to the side and looking out over the snowy estate. "He seems a lot better now. I guess actually doing some dancing was good for him. He seemed to enjoy dancing with you, too."
"Well, I can't take all the credit." Helen said, smirking. "Prim helped as well. I overheard them talking about that plant he gave her, remember? Back when everyone kept spreading rumours about them being a thing?"
Fred nodded, leaning on the wood of the Gazebo. "That certainly was a wild time. Seemed like everyone had rumours flying around about them."
"Considering half of us had ancient magical powers, and some of us flew to France and back one night, it's not surprising our love lives were scrutinised." Helena observed, "It's why I love how you can stop time...give us a place nobody can see us. Atticus and Prim could have used that back then." She gestured over to them, as they talked to Danny Gibson and his partner Bella, who had just entered the Gazebo, Atticus looking far less standoffish than he had a few hours ago.
"Yeah...especially that time I saw them kiss." Fred said, in a lowered tone.
Helen looked down at him, incredulously. "You're kidding." she said, bluntly.
"It was just one time, don't get any ideas-" Fred began, going as red as his hair, "Apparently they'd just decided to wrap up...whatever it was they had going on, and decided to so like that...and with a plant, I guess."
Helen's smile softened. "You know...he asked me and Lillian to help him with that. He wanted to get the floriography right, and we were the ones he trusted for it. I remember it well: Zinnia, symbolising respect and honour. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we should've messed with him and sent a different message."
Fred gasped jokingly. "How awful! I can't believe you'd consider something like that!" he said, laughing.
"I suggested Yellow Hyacinths and Lavender, meaning jealousy and humility. Lillian shut that idea down quickly, though. She said nobody deserved to have Primrose Gray angry at them for no good reason."
Fred nodded, making eye contact with Atticus briefly. He smiled. Atticus smiled back, before returning to the conversation with Danny and Prim, something about how dark and creepy Ravenclaw Tower used to get late at night. "Probably for the best, then."
Helen nodded, bringing a hand up to wipe her eye. "Yeah, probably." She turned around, letting Atticus enjoy the party unwatched, as they both looked out at the falling snow, which landed on the many dormant plants on the estate, including a large bush of Zinnia flowers.
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sfigatino · 2 years
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people! (If you don't have 10, that's okee! Just post what you can! <3)
@leafweaverryn tagged me, so thank you!!!
Tagging @justmagicalgirl, @padmsanakin, @sallertiacallidus, @thelibraryloser, and @miraculouslymundane!
Why am I staring at his hand? Felix thought to himself as he pulled his eyes back to his phone. With his eyes on his phone, Felix found himself still thinking about the boy’s crooked smile, bright blue eyes, and blue hair. What the heck. What am I doing? What is wrong with me? Felix panicked as the boy started walking over, eyes locked on Felix. Oh, no. He saw me. Oh, shit. The boy smiled and set a napkin down next to Felix’s coffee.
This is from Napkindling a Relationship, a Feluka fic!
Felix froze in shock and Bridgette accidentally stepped out of the umbrella. “You... you love me?” He asked as she rushed back into the dry space. “Well... Yeah, I do.” She smiled up at him. “It wasn’t in a romantic way for a while, but I’ve loved you as family for what feels like forever.” Felix’s head was spinning and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was that Bridgette cared despite his entire life going to the trash recently.
This is from chapter 4 of You’re My World, my Feligette one-shot series!
“Fe.” Claude tugged at his shoulder. “Come on, just don’t think about it. I can make popcorn and we can just watch a movie or something, but please don’t mope around in this mess.” “Hypocrite.” Felix smirked, watching Claude grin. “Hey, no, that wasn’t moping, that was coping, there’s a difference.” Claude laughed. 
Extremely self-indulgent Felaude one-shot: “Um… Yeah.”
“I know, Marinette, I know.” Luka hugged her trying to give her as much comfort as possible as they took the quickest route back to her house. “I promise you don’t have to do it alone.” “You’ll s-stay?” Marinette shivered, looking up at him with clouded blue eyes begging for anything that would make her feel better. “Of course I will. If you need me, I’ll be there for you.” Luka assured as they pushed the bakery door open. Sabine and Tom rushed to the door and hugged Marinette.
everything i wanted is my first Lukanette one-shot (I think?), though there is a heavy suicide trigger warning.
“Yet another thing you failed at.” Mime sneered. “Don’t think I don’t know, Claude. You stole my wife from me, you stole what little power you have from me. You stole from me.” He glared. “Anything you are is because of me.” Claude could barely stand by now, so stunned with everything. But he felt the anger burn up inside him, adrenaline finally kicking in. Kid Mime glared. “I didn’t steal your wife from you, she’s my fucking mother!” He snapped. “I didn’t steal anything from you, you created me! You didn’t get me to where I am, I’ve managed to get to where I am in spite of you.”
This is Nowhere Left to Go (But Up)! Trigger warning for parental abuse, but I used it to give Claude some depth and more life than ‘oh, he’s the happy outgoing one’. I really enjoyed this!
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Alix sighed. “I just... Is asexuality a bad thing? Am I a freak for being me? I mean, I know that it’s okay, cuz tons of tumblrinas and other online people are like that, but I don’t know if I’ve ever met another ace dude in real life, and Chloe told me that it’s weird and i can’t stop thinking about it.” “Oh, Alix...” Mrs Bustier sympathized. “Of course it’s not a bad thing. You are your own person and you deserve to define yourself however you’d like. No one, not even Chloe, can hold that against you.”
Asexual vent fic if I’m being honest, but I loved exploring Alix’s character and sexuality in Not My Thing!
“I just want everything to be perfect.” Alya huffed. “I mean, like, we’re moving in together, it’s a huge milestone, it’s the first house I don’t live with my parents, it’s this huge part of our lives... Of our character arcs!” “Dude, it’s not like we’re in some AO3 fanfiction and we actually have character arcs. This is real life, and you’re doing great. “Okay, fine, but say we were?” Alya pointed out. “This is like the climax of our lives, it’s a fluff shenanigan, it’s the hurt/comfort of moving out, it’s the—” “Real life.” Nino laughed. “It’s real life. And even if it was the epitome of my entire life, I’m insanely psyched that I get to spend it with you.”
*chants* DJWIFI DJWIFI DJWIFI I really loved writing I’m Already Home, it was so fun.
“I know what we can play! How about a little game of cat and mouse?” Chat suggested. “Just tell me where your akuma is, and we can begin the game!” “I have an idea too! What if you give me your ring instead?” The kangaroo challenged. “I hardly think I know you enough to propose!” Chat smirked. “Besides, my heart belongs to someone else.”
Movie Date, Interrupted: Ladynoir centric fluff fic with a goofy kangaroo akuma to go with @justmagicalgirl and @writerriderdirtythirties companion pieces! Bre wrote 2 sides of the love-square, Isis got one, and I did the Ladynoir one!
Claude raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you want people to think you were at Bridgette’s place?” He asked, the instinctive older brother kicking in. “I was there to help her with late night homework, but since I don’t intend to go back home tonight, I needed someone to know that I didn’t stay the night at Bridgette’s house.” Felix said matter-of-factly.  “And why is that such a big deal?” Allan asked. Felix blushed slightly and shook his head. “Because... Allegra is going to make a big deal out of it because she suspects I have romantic feelings for Ms Cheng.” Claude smiled smugly and Allan gave him a look. “Which is not true at all.” Felix rushed. 
Just Fe, Claude, and Allan hanging out and deciding to Just Do Whatever.
“You okay, crescendo?” Luka asked from the bed. Felix stood at the window, watching the traffic go through the busy streets. “Fine.” Felix shrugged, closing the curtains. “Just stalling.” “Stalling? You’re still having bad dreams?” Luka asked, sitting up. “Yeah.” Felix admitted, pulling into his spot next to Luka. “Still about your dad?” Luka asked, already knowing the answer.  “No, I’m having nightmares about cows running around and chasing me because of my cousin’s excessive milk consumption.” Felix chuckled, moving Luka’s arm so that he could comfortably lay on it, snuggling with Luka’s shoulder. “But yeah, I am.”
Felukafelukafelukafeluka *ahem* I meant to say that this is Mon Dieu, Je T’aime, my favorite Feluka fic I ever made!
Thank you for tagging me, this was cool!
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nightarcheryart · 11 months
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Thumbnails for Late Night Howls On YouTube~
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iambellarose1816 · 3 months
My all-time fave couples
1. Hans & Elsa - Not Canon (Yet) 😏 Frozen
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2. Fred & Daphne - Scooby-Doo
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3. Duncan & Courtney - Total Drama Island
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4. Nick & Judy - Zootopia (idk if they are a couple)
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5. Aladdin & Jasmine - Aladdin
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6. Wade & Ember - Elemental
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7. Hercules & Megara - Hercules
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8. Graham & Carmen - Carmen Sandiego (canonish)
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9. Robert & Helen - The Incredibles
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Edward Steichen  L’alta moda. Gli anni di Condé Nast 1923-1937
William A.Ewing, Todd Brandow
saggi di Tobia Bezzola, William A.Ewing, Nathalie Herscdorfer, Carol Squiers
Skira Editore, Milano 2008, 208 pagine, 250 illustrazioni,31,8 x 26,6 cm, Rilegato, ISBN  978-8861303379
euro 45,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Steichen era già pittore e fotografo affermato sulle due sponde dell'Atlantico quando, nei primi mesi del 1923, gli offrirono l'incarico più prestigioso e certamente più redditizio nel campo della fotografia commerciale, quello di fotografo capo per "Vogue" e "Vanity Fair", le autorevoli e influenti riviste Condé Nast di moda e costume. Nel corso di quindici anni Steichen produsse un corpus di opere di ineguagliabile genialità e si avvalse del proprio talento straordinario, accompagnato da una prorompente vitalità, per rappresentare e valorizzare la cultura contemporanea e i massimi esponenti della vita politica, letteraria, teatrale, operistica, con un occhio di riguardo per il mondo dell'alta moda. Avendo personalmente frequentato gli ambienti artistici più progressisti in patria e all'estero ed essendo un eclettico di carattere, era l'interprete ideale dell'alta moda in fotografia. Gli anni venti e trenta rappresentano il momento culminante della carriera fotografica di Steichen e tra le opere da lui realizzate per "Vogue" e "Vanity Fair" si annoverano alcune delle più stupefacenti fotografie del XX secolo.
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