#Freelance Content Writing
theadvertizr · 1 month
Content Writing Company | The Advertizr
Elevate your brand with top-tier content from a leading writing agency. Boost engagement and drive conversions today!
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seancurry1 · 9 days
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Welcome to Inkspiller. Before we go any further, I want to be clear about one thing: this is not, and never will be, a copywriting course. There are enough of those. You don’t need another course slapped together by someone who completed a course themselves six months earlier. If all you do with what you gain from this newsletter is create another copywriting course, I’ll consider the entire endeavor a failure and close up shop.
Fair enough. What is this, then?
This is a newsletter about building a freelance copywriting career from a guy who’s been compensated for his writing since 2008, and who’s been successfully doing it freelance since he was fired from his last full time job in 2016.
Why are you doing it?
There is a lot of bad advice about freelance copywriting out there. If you’ve found your way here naturally (ie, if you don’t know me personally), then you’ve probably seen it. Starting a freelance copywriting career is hard enough as it is without having to sift through mountains of nonsense grifter BS to figure out which advice is actually worth listening to.
Who is this for?
What frustrates me the most about the majority of copywriting courses available today is how permanently they can turn aspiring writers away from this. If you’ve already paid over a grand to “gurus” and you still can’t figure out how to sign a client or keep them longer than one or two projects, you’re going to call the whole thing a wash and move onto something else.
That breaks my heart! I adore writing, and I value the independence my freelance status grants me over everything else in my professional life. I’m able to be at home and raise my kids, help run our household, and see friends. I’ve traveled more than I ever thought I would, funded a wedding and a house purchase, and paid off a lot of debt. I own my home, my income, and my time, and every time some huckster asshole tricks another newbie into forking over $500 in exchange for a Discord invite and 20 hours of watching someone talk into a webcam while screen-sharing a Google Doc, that path to independence gets closed off for someone else. That sucks.
I’m launching a professional newsletter about copywriting, Inkspiller!
Click to read the first issue, This is not a copywriting course.
And sign up at https://inkspiller.email/ to get these issues in your inbox every week.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hey! I work as a freelance content writer/copywriter as well. I had to stop working because of academic pressure, but the pay in my country is peanuts, and I have always wanted to expand globally. I would really appreciate it if you could share some tips on how you started getting clients and how did you build your agency? Thanks!!
Hi love! Some high-level tips are below:
Intern/Apply to remote internships to get clips/experience
Create an Upwork account to get entry-level work/testimonials to get some client portfolio work and to help build your professional reputation
Always be on the lookout for leads, do your research, and craft a thoughtful/useful pitch for the client/publisher. Send work samples/share how you can help them. Follow up – remember rejection is part of the job, it's a numbers game
Start your own blog to show off your skills/build credibility in the writing world/your field
Save all of your quality-work to use in your portfolio. Always have a portfolio ready in PDF format and as a direct link that's mobile-friendly available when pitching clients
Utilize LinkedIn, your university connections, build your network, request informational interviews, and don't be shy to ask for letters of recommendation or referrals
When you do get a client whose honest and integral, show up and do your best work and submit it on time. If you can't for whatever reason, request an extension/notify them of the delay ahead of time
Perfect your craft, continuously read about your industry, and sharpen your skills. Show up with a business owner, not employee, mindset. This might be different when you're doing contract work for an agency where they might have their own contracts, set a budget, etc. But, when working with smaller, independent clients, ensure you have your rates, terms, general business practices, contracts (see a lawyer about this one), onboarding process, client questionnaire, payment method, etc., all set up for your client to acclimate to when you're ready to sign them. Remember, your clients are your customers, not your employers. It is a partnership, not an unequal power dynamic – you are the talent, not the direct report.
Hope this helps xx
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quinnharperwrites · 1 year
Writing Intro! <3
Hi! I'm new to writeblr--while I'm here I'll probably post things I write for fun or events, if there are any.
I'm also trying to gain experience with writing content as well as copy so that I can become a freelance writer. I'm a student, so I want to help out with college tuition (and maybe start investing). I hope to surround myself with writers so that I can discover the topics I like, as I took a break from writing for a while. Some things that I have written in the past include Shakespearean sonnets, alternate endings, and short stories. I'm also well-versed in academic-style writing, such as essays like literary analyses, synthesis essays, rhetoric analyses, arguments, research papers, and responses to prompts.
I look forward to meeting new people and learning along the way!!!
EDIT: I recently released chapter one my WIP, so you can check it out here if you want!
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amanitaphalloides · 8 months
guess who got laid OFFFFFFFFFF
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ciaralavelle · 1 year
New gigs on Fiverr!
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finalshaper · 2 days
This might be pretentious if me but like. plz don’t call my fics “content.” Don’t say you’re “consuming” them. Don’t call me a “content creator.”
I am an artist. Not a corporation mass producing things to be consumed rapid fire. I am not a team of people homogenized under one studio banner making copyrighted professionally produced “content.” I am not an influencer on tiktok paid a fortune to promote some dropship project or something. I am one guy with a laptop and a world in my head. I do not create out of obligation or work or anything of the sort. I am a guy making out of passion. Creating, shaping, developing.
Calling my art “content” implies some mass production to it. There isn’t. These things take forever and I don’t even think I’m going to have part 1 of my major project done by the time this year is over. I am just one guy.
Saying you “consume” my art invokes the image of voracious locusts descending upon a field and leaving it barren in the blink of an eye; no stopping to think or process what you’re looking at. Just consume, devour, an unending yawning void where my merits and labours aren’t recognized because you’re treating it the same as something with a budget produced en masse. You’re treating it as something to chew through and shred rather than a solo freelance project by someone bursting at the seams with immeasurable passion.
My works are meant to be savoured. Thought about, meditated on. Analyzed. Seen for its intricacies more than anything.
Righteous Wrath, for example, is deep. It may be a destiny fanfic but it’s here to make a statement, to propose a philosophy about violence and cycles. I’m trying to make every character, especially our main, deep and something to analyze especially how his characterization ultimately returns to canon. There’s themes to pick through and symbolism and things that happen, very very vile things, that are meant not just to shock (to which that is ultimately secondary) but to illustrate my world and my intentions and the psychology of my characters. I’ve put months of thought into it.
I am just one artist, one singular lone operative, tackling this solo. Words like “content” and “content creator” and “consume” feel like an insult to this. I do not have a team.
I’m just one guy.
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msfcreativemedia · 6 months
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"Blog Posts / Articles"
©️ @msfcreativemedia / M.Freiberger
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moj-chhe · 12 days
Maybe I should start a proper blog
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yusuke-of-valla · 3 months
Jesus fucking christ apparently Kotaku's editorial staff have decided they're deprioritizing news in favor of guides and also rumor they're expected to write 50 guides a week so clearly whatever fucker made that decision has never written a guide before in their life
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jacsumnerwrites · 1 year
Feeling stuck when it comes to creating content? Here's a simple guide to streamlining your content and SEO strategy with pillars and clusters.
Struggling with content creation? Learn how pillars and clusters can help streamline your content and SEO strategy.
Life’s busy, right? I don’t know about you, but I feel it’s getting busier by the minute. You know there are soooo many things you ‘should’ be doing. Your ever-expanding to-do list is a testament to that. When you’re busy juggling daily tasks, the struggle to create consistent, valuable marketing content can be a burden. Especially high-quality content that connects with your ideal customer and…
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View On WordPress
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thepedanticbohemian · 10 months
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Hello! Hope you're doing well! Do you have any tips or advice for someone who doesn't know what they want to do in life?
Do you have any suggestions for jobs that don't involve traditional 9-5 s or losing privacy (like social media may result in)?
Hi love! I'm sharing my Tips For Self-Discovery & Mastering Personal Branding in the hyperlink. For additional resources, I recommend checking out these 3 Post+ posts:
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Build Your Personal Brand & Self Concept
Femme Fatale Journal Prompts: Questions For Self-Reflection & Growth in 2023
Femme Fatale Secrets: How To Master Your Shadow Self & Embrace Your Dark Feminine Energy (Journal Prompts)
Some entrepreneurial jobs that aren't being an influencer and allow you to keep your privacy include:
Virtual Assistant
Ghostwriter/writing e-books and courses, blogs, running interest or industry-focused social accounts, etc. with a pseudonym
Graphic designer
Coder/Programmer, Developer (like Website building)
Social media manager/strategist
Selling your photography, art, or designs online
Videographer/Video Editor
Reselling (clothes, shoes, homeware, etc.) and flipping items/property
Publicist/Marketing specialist
HR professional
Legal consultant
Data analyst
Business consultant
Project manager
SEO expert
Data analyst
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quinnharperwrites · 11 months
A couple days ago, I hit 50 followers. I've only been here for a month and a half, so all of this is crazy to me.
I decided to set up an event with 60 questions. The first 30 are from a book edition ask game by @iknowitwontwork. The final 30 questions are from a new wip development ask game by @writingonesdreams. If you've been seeing me around your dashboard, then you probably know about my new WIP, The Isles of Blirrosia, which I'll be using for questions 31-60.
To play, just send me an ask with the number to whichever questions you want me to answer.
Do u prefer a standalone or a series?
Your fav genre?
Your least fav genre? why?
A book which had a tv adaption that was better than the book itself?
Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
Your fav book trope?
Your least fav book trope?
the best protagonist u have ever seen in a book and why?
If u were stuck on an island and could only have three books w u what would they be? (series would be counted as one cuz as i said so)
the worst book u have ever read?
the best book u have ever read?
a book/book series u wish u could read for the first time ever again?
ur fav author( if u have any)?
an overrated book?
an underrated book?
the book that made u fall in love with reading?
a book to get u out of a reading slump?
a book with a strong female protagonist?
a book u came across randomly but ended up loving it?
do u prefer audio books or e-books?
hardcovers or paperbacks?
a book that u hated at first but now love it?
a book u used to love but now hate?
a book genre u haven't read? why?
a book that had u bawling ur eyes out?
ur fav quote from a book?
a 'fanfiction' trope that u like to see in books?
the last book u read? did u like it?
do u annotate ur books?
give any 3 book recs to ur followers!
What's the log line for your wip?
Describe the plot in one sentence
Describe your wip badly
Describe the main characters
What are the main themes?
What kind of readers would be fans of this wip?
What are the main emotions of this wip?
What are the vibes/aesthetics of this wip?
What are the genres of this wip?
Describe the tropes present in this wip
Any characters you had to cut?
inspired this wip
Do you like working on more wips at once?
Where will the wip start?
What do you like about this wip
What do you find frustrating about this wip
What are you worried about in this wip
What are your goals with this wip
Describe the setting of your wip
Describe your favourite location
How would you describe your WIP’s narrative style? (1st person, 3rd person, multiple POVs, single POV, alternating chapters, etc.)
Do you know your OCs personality types (ennegram/mbti etc)
How would you describe your writing style
What is the most important question to answer about your characters
Name the three most important things for you to plan
What do you still need to plan?
Look for three images which best showcase the overall aesthetic for your WIP
If you could pick three songs to capture the feel of your WIP, what would they be and why?
Books or series or movies influenced your writing style the most?
What stories are the most similar to yours / comp titles?
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chsalm · 6 months
click here to download videos:
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