gentlemancowboy · 6 months
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Gayest Dean Moment Not Involving Cas Number 4 ➼ Aaron Bass
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ressq · 4 months
instead of arguing about the morality of depicting billy boy as a nazi in official garb, we should be talking about him being injured.
his outfit is dorky as fuck you cannot tell me that he would even understand anything about nazism. i bet he stole that shit and is wearing it because he thinks it looks cool 😭 he wouldn't know how to draw a swastika...
also has anyone tried drawing him as an officer yet? because it's canon in the book and i like to think he talks shit about alex with georgie and dim (GEORGIE IS ALIVE FUCK YOU)
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
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demonsfate · 4 months
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feisaru · 1 year
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Turns out I never posted these shitposts from years ago here despite how tumblr-esque they are? Here you go
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
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Considering what a notorious non-reader Trump is, Hitler makes up a disproportionate amount of his lifetime reading.
It's doubtful that Trump read even all the books which were ghostwritten in his name.
Trump biographer: Trump didn’t write any of his books
And almost none of his classmates at Wharton seem to remember Trump. For all we know, Daddy Fred Trump bribed people to do Donny's academic work while he hung out at McDonald's.
Many of Trump's Wharton classmates don't remember him
Many classmates made similar remarks, pointing out that the Class of 1968 yearbook does not even have a picture of Trump. Instead, his name is listed at the back of the yearbook under “Seniors Not Photographed.”
Perhaps the Wharton Class of '68 should consider themselves personally fortunate that Trump ghosted the campus when they were there.
It would be fun to read any surviving examples of Trump's papers or essays from his college years. If they are comprehensible and not unhinged then he probably didn't write them himself.
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
They shouldn't let me write Merlin because I would have Merlin realize he's a class traitor and kill Uther before the opening credits were done rolling. and then Arthur would get his shit together too and also kiss Merlin. and then I guess the show would just have a tolerable ongoing plot for the first time ever, with dynamic engaging goals and growth for characters that were finally likeable, and......
Actually, I take it back: the only reason I would not be an ideal choice for the head writer of Merlin is that the show ended like a decade ago, and it would frankly be poor business sense to hire a new writer at this stage.
#merthur#bbc merlin#merlin#merlin/arthur#arthur/merlin#original#merlin would have called the cops at stonewall#arthur would have been one of the cops#it is the worst queer metaphor on television#uther pendragon#king uther#arthur pendragon#uther may be played by certified DILF Anthony Head but he is basically medieval hitler and merlin is like... the ultimate bootlicker#it's a Bad Look.#bbc merlin really said 'respectability politics? way better than gay rights actually uwu'. the cw has had some appalling centrist messaging#but this is truly an ode to preserving the status quo of an authoritarian regime it is WILD#i hate centrism more than conservativism at this point. centrism is cowardice and white complicity and it stinks to high heaven#if you ever watched merlin and thought 'yo wtf morrigan is right!' - you were right! she is! merlin is the bad guy actually!#merlin is a gay man so in love with the son of the country's fascist dictator that he is willing to doom the every other queer person#but the appalling thing is that the writers of the show seem to see no problem with that at all! that's the real problem#like i LOVE an irredeemably shitty character but not if the writers think they've written a charming hero...#anyway go listen to the Bait [queerbait] podcast ep about merlin i adored it#cuz I hadn't thought about Merlin in years and then I listened to that podcast episode and was like OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT SHOW#they are very funny podcast gals#it's bad for business to hire writers after the show has ended. you can trust me I'm a business boi.
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librarian-computer · 5 months
I need you to see this propaganda picture from WW2 my modern history teacher put in a presentation we're supposed to use as notes
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Bro what on earth- they look like caricatures 💀
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funnuraba · 8 months
Anyone who tries to tell you that fandom used to be chill before Kids These Days came along is lying to you, because I've been in the trenches going through old zines from the very beginning of organized science fiction fandom in the 1930s, and let me tell you, it was the autism Thunderdome. They were calling each other Hitler, getting into physical fights, writing into letter columns suggesting that other fans kill themselves.
To give the briefest of summaries: the first convention happened in 1936 with about 9 guys, and within three years they and all of sci-fi fandom had split in two over who got to plan the cons and who was a card-carrying Communist. By 1943 they'd had the first attempted fandom cult and the first faked suicide. Two different sex offenders were exposed, one the attempted cult leader and one a major player in the Communism feud. Another sex offender was only exposed in the 21st century after his death; in the 1940s he publicly proposed to a lesbian Satanist in the pages of A FANZINE and she had to politely suggest that this was best discussed in private. Everyone kept making fun of a teenage Ray Bradbury for being a terrible writer. They would tear their own friends' work to absolute shreds in public if they didn't like it!
Two young men got to the Chicago Worldcon by stowing away on boxcars and riding in the freezing cold for 30 hours (they got an award and cash prize for doing this). All this is taking place at a time where there were maybe 50 genuinely active fans, and they all knew each other and had to pay money to mail their fights to each other. It was wild out there, my friends.
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
The hardest lesson you will learn if you are interested in learning about Nazi Germany: so may people posting content about it are actual Nazis
No seriously if anyone is starting to get into WWII/Third Reich history, it is so easy to be indoctrinated because the main message a lot of Nazis spit now is that Hitler was bad and the SS were bad, but everyone else was chill.
And it’s hard to realize the narrative they’re spitting is wrong unless you know a lot going into it.
I have been watching a dude called “TIKhistory” the last few days on youtube and something felt off about his takes, but a lot of them had at least some plausible deniability and enough factual information that I thought it was still worthwhile.
I just start watching another video from this dude with the title “The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2” which is an insane title and caught my attention. And then my answer was given by the first five mins of his video when I realized this dude was, at the least, a wehraboo, and at most, an actual Nazi.
Pretty much any non-Nazi historian agrees that Hitler started WWII because 1) he wanted to conquer Europe 2) he wanted “Lebensraum,” aka living space for “Aryans.” Where German people, with no Jewish or Roma people present, can have ample space to live.
You know why most non-Nazi historians agree on this? Because Hitler fucking said this. In his literal book. That everyone read.
WWII was declared by the Allies when Germany invaded Poland for LeBeNsRaUm. Yes, Germany never wanted to fight Britain. You know why? 1) they were white enough 2) a fucking ocean kept them apart. They wanted all of Europe + Soviet Union. That is why WWII started.
See how quick it was to get to that point? Fucking TIKhistory’s video is forty five minutes long. That’ll happen when your point is horeshit and also not true.
Hitler started WWII. All of the generals and higher ups at least knew of the Holocaust and most perpetrated their own massacres for shits and giggles. The Nazi army wasn’t really that great, they just knew how to play the cards in the circumstances they were in (they used horses a fuck ton. You don’t see it because a lot of documentaries use footage from Nazi propaganda in which they weren’t recorded). These are all basic facts for non-Nazis. So warning that if anyone you meet challenges those three facts, they probably are a Nazi
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twelfth-dykector · 7 months
"eddie... we've known each other for a long time. we can talk, and there is something i have been meaning to say to you for the last 25 years. I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!! GO AWAY AND CRAWL AWAY AND DIE IN A DITCH SOMEWHERE YOU BASTARD!!!"
deranged 80's gays you have my heart and soul.
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aceredshirt13 · 2 months
instead of fighting with fellow queers on social media for dumb and petty reasons I think the queer community should instead all agree to direct our hatred at history’s worst queers and spare each other. you want to start pointless infighting in the queer community? redirect your anger at the ghosts of Lord Alfred Douglas and Mishima. we can all come together and agree that James Buchanan needed his fellow queers to beat his ass
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weird-god666 · 10 months
Chrismaster/Swag x Chris because I love gay soldiers
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They had no right to be that cute in this ep <3
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irenic-raccoon · 10 months
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avvocarlo · 11 months
can we start making fun of religious people again they've been getting very bold as of late
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mukuharakazui · 1 year
one thing about the meta world of ace attorney games 1-3 is that you can tell whether iwamoto or suekane designed a male character based on whether 40-year-old gay men or 20-year-old straight women would find them hot. then takumi hired nuri, who came in with the steel chair that was damon gant.
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