#Game puzzle
starstabberzirc · 1 year
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Toying with a mechanic where you gain access to the Tips & Hints screen using Public Libraries scattered around the Map Screen, except first you have to renew your library card by returning some overdue items. Just head back to Zirc's place (a "before" scene he rents for cheap from a company that makes infomercials for home organizing systems) and fight the bugs for the missing books! Or wait. Should they be books at all?
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destined-productions · 7 months
I am a solo indie dev trying to overcome my anxiety and actually let people know my game exists. It is a cute physics based game where you are the level.
I love making this game with passion and I am so excited to share it with the world, but somehow I need to let the world know. Unfortunately the way steam works is the more wishlists the more visibility, so if you are interested it is super appreciated :)
Wishlist on steam or visit the website to find out more mightymarbles.com
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alpha-beta-gamer · 1 year
Viewfinder is a mind-blowing perspective-based puzzle adventure that does things you won't believe are possible!
Read More & Play the Beta Demo, Free (Steam)
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mlclpuzzles · 9 months
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PZ419 - Sewing Alphabet
500 pieces; 26.625 x 19.25 inches
An illustration of an overflowing general store selling and advertising a wide variety of merchandise.
Illustrator: Krista Hamrick Series: Something's Amiss! Company: Puzzle Twist #: 614399101684
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Not to be self congratulatory but a classmate was doing a study for one of his game design classes and asked if I’d be one of his participants. I like him so I said yes and he had me do a questionnaire and then set me up in front of Street Fighter.
He had me with set parameters and told me to just fight it out so I did. I watched his eyebrows go up when I finished but he couldn’t comment until the end.
He asked if I played Street Fighter regularly and I said no. I told him I played stuff like Bloody Roar, Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat and Smash Bros growing up socially, but it’s never been my genre.
He asked if I would be more interested to play Street Fighter after this test and I said no.
He started quietly laughing when I finished all the questions and I said, “What? Did I do poorly?”
“No. You finished the fastest out of anyone I’ve tested. You’re also the oldest and have the least interest in this genre of game, it’s just really funny.”
I told him my best friend growing up had consoles but I didn’t. He got to play and practice regularly so he tended to be better than me as a baseline. But. If I won he’d get so furious that he’d turn the console off and we could do what I wanted instead, so I developed an aggressive button mashing technique that has served me well.
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prokopetz · 17 days
I've discovered that I can solve logic puzzles like nonograms and word searches not only faster, but with a demonstrably lower error rate as well, by putting video game boss music on in the background, which I'm pretty sure proves human cognition is bullshit.
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meigsbrainrot · 3 months
game changer is like. the legal version of what the joker would do.
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gallusgalluss · 1 month
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a light oh so bright
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lovely-v · 1 year
Me before completing the forest temple: okay I get that ocarina of time is fun and nostalgic for people but it’s a bit of a stretch to call it one of the greatest video games of all time
Me after completing the forest temple: By revealing that Link is not a Kokiri, but a Hylian, the game effectively strips him of his humble origins amongst a group of people that already fail to recognize him in his adult form. Thus, kokiri village instantly becomes a location that is no longer Link’s home in any sense, exacerbated by the fact that the game now loads up in the temple of time instead of Link’s bedroom— he is a stranger in the only place that has ever been familiar to him and he is depressingly reduced to his destiny alone. However, the subsequent introduction of the time travel mechanic, which allows the player to travel from the horrific apocalyptic future back to the idyllic past of Link’s childhood, gives new meaning to the idea of this “destiny”. In effect, Link is not a stock “chosen one”, but a protagonist who consciously decides to fight onwards. Link’s dual existence as a child who knows the grim future and as an adult who was powerless to stop disaster gives a sort of desperation to his character, because while it brings the player relief to revisit the Castle Town that is populated by cheerful villagers instead of lurking zombies, the story can only be progressed through the acknowledgement of reality — the decision to make those seven years pass again. Therefore, both the player and Link as a character must be proactive in their heroism and make the conscious choice to struggle onwards despite the darkness that permeates—
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daftpatience · 15 days
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my three puzzle solving boyfriends
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sassyminnesotan · 2 months
The Professor Layton games are very funny on many levels but I think the funniest part how they've set up this quaint world full of whimsical characters and then every game we get some more genuinely dark and tragic backstory for our mild-mannered main character.
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Like, oh haha, this bland looking dude has a kid sidekick and lives in a world of Scooby-Doo logic. He's also a master swordsman who has lost half the people he's ever cared about in a number of deeply traumatic circumstances.
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starstabberzirc · 1 year
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Where do you find the Cursëd Sword? Well it's someplace in the Vaults of Snib, hidden in one of the tombs. Don't just go dusting off skeletons at random looking, though, look for the tentatively-named Hintboy (seen here hanging out with your HUD) to tell you where to look. You don't want to awaken the wrong skeleton
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destined-productions · 5 months
Sound on! Yesterday I posted this and you gave me feedback to improve it. So here is the new improved version!
I am a solo hobby dev from Australia making Mighty Marbles - a physics based marble game where you are the level. There is music in the game too but I turned it off so the SFX was clear!
Yesterday I posed this and got feedback the marble on plastic sounded a bit too much of a thud and the siren for the copter was a bit much so I tried to fix. Did I make it better?
If you want to find out more visit the steam page or web site. As a small indie every wishlist helps me get some visibility on steam!
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bestqualitypuzzles · 2 years
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imadhatt3r · 9 months
You know what? That one line from that Phantom Liberty ending where V can call Johnny a "big ol' softie"? They're right. They're absolutely right.
Johnny is a softie. He goofs off on multiple occasions in V's field of view despite knowing that nobody can see him, probably to his own and V's amusement. He screams on the rollercoaster and grins like crazy at V. He adores Nibbles. He wanted to check on Kerry when he heard that he was suicidal. He finally took Rogue on that car cinema date and can flirt with her in a goofy way straight out of his favorite "Bushido" movies. He has fun on the reunion concert and gives Kerry his DeLuze Orphean as a goodbye gift. He narrates that one quest like a noir narrator just to mess with V. He understands Barry's grief over his tortoise. He's respectful when watching Joshua's crucifiction. He's nice to Spider Murphy and calls her "Spider". He sheepishly apologizes to Alt in "The Sun" ending. He puffs up his chest when Denny says she misses him. He's fuming over the kids in "Talent Academy" being treated like products, probably because it reminds him of how he was treated in the military. He feels for Solomon Reed because he sees himself in him. He feels for Songbird because her circumstances remind him of V's.
And speaking of, he really loves V. He just loves them so much; He's always on watch for any danger and does his best to give them advice. He promises that he will do everything he can to cure them. He will encourage them to take a break if they're feeling sick. He will attempt the most dangerous stunts to get them to Mikoshi. He promises V to let them wipe him from the Relic and he keeps that promise. He will realize that they're his only loved one left and will ask for the last chance, and when he gets it he does everything he can to make them proud and happy. He accepts their decision no matter what it is, because it's their body and life. His worst fear is getting to live again, but without his friend/partner/soulmate/beloved (depending on interpretation) with him. He's proud to be able to call himself V's friend. He's proud of them. He's sad that he won't be able to see how V will change. He choses to stay calm and positive before he will be innevitably killed so that his beloved V will live to keep them calm and comfort them.
That whole hardass, asshole act? It's a ruse, it's a front, it's a persona he had to put on due to bad childhood, PTSD from being drafted as a teenager, seeing other teenagers die horribly around him, losing his limb and being branded with the Arasaka logo he did his best to scratch out and being tossed into a rockstar life of drinking, drugs and fans when he was likely not much older.
He might fight it, but he will never be the detached, emotionless action hero he wants to be, because that's not at all who he is! I think that his slight grin when V says it is one of relief, that he was able to show his most vulnerable, tender and gentle side to the one person he holds dear and not be punished for it, playfully teased but with clear sympathy on V's part. After decades of struggle with who he is being so different from who he wants to be, he can finally be seen for who he is, and who he would be if his life went oh so differently.
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jacqcrisis · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about the rings on Hermes' fingers. I can't. Whats the story behind those? Did he start wearing them because Charon gave them to him as a job well done? The weirdest gift imaginable to your professional associate?
Did Hermes steal them to be a cheeky bastard and got them fitted and put them on for the jokes? Did he start wearing them apropos of nothing? Just happen to start accessorizing like his professional associate? Is it part of a shared uniform? Can we see the employee handbook?
Did Charon go out and get rings commissioned to look exactly like his for not one, but two of his partner in crimes' fingers, slide each lovingly onto Hermes' corresponding digits, and then gently hold his now bejeweled hands in his own to see how they match, knowing Hermes will now carry something of Charon with him when he leaves him for his dangerous work?
I'm just. Asking. Questions. But I swear to God, if we get Charon's portrait and he has a feather or an orange ribbon somewhere on his person, I will be inconsolable for days.
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