#Gareth Farr
whatwouldvalerydo · 27 days
Have you met my crew?
No matter the answer, please enjoy my disaster crew spread through different generations - HPHL, HPHM and HPMA.
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endlessly-cursed · 7 months
I have to ask for the crack ship: Gareth and Primrose ✨️
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These two would take English society by storm and look hot in the meantime 🥵
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lifeofkaze · 7 months
Here's a crack ship. Gareth and Selene XD chaos loading
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Now, this one was something... xD
How it happened:
Selene and Gareth always had somewhat of a healthy respect from the distance for each other. Both are unwilling to bend to rules the deem silly (which are most), and enjoy causing chaos and wreaking havoc on their surroundings (some intentional, some not so much, but hey)
They eventually were introduced after Selene had adopted Henry Lovecraft as her non-mutual best friend and invited herself to book club meetings, which became a lot more lively after her joining. Gareth enjoyed the commotion more than he would both admit or let on.
The of them began to bond when Selene's family tried tightening their reigns on their increasingly hard to control daughter, and Gareth sensed a similar kind of pressure on her shoulders to his own, their mutual understanding of each other extending beyond their graduation.
With Selene travelling the world and Gareth going rogue, she distanced herself from him. She was frequently invited to social events after he claimed his dukedom, but having a particular disliking for high society, Selene declined each and every invitation sent her way.
When she settled at Fraser Hall and took over the family company, contact between the two was renewed. Gareth had his dukedom and his son to care for, Selene was running her business and trying to raise Caitlin far from society's mutterings and rumours to the best of her abilities. Having to raise their children by themselves was the point of rekindling - and deepening - their former friendship, with Fraser Hall and his whisky cellars always a refuge for Gareth when his duties became too much for him to bear.
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slytherindisaster · 7 months
Here's an odd combo, though maybe not? Lottie and Gareth? 💙 miss you
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They're the unexpectedly expected one. I think just like with their friendship, on the surface you looks at them and you think they couldn't possibly be more different, but they have a deeper understanding of each other and the fact that they're both drawn to mischief definitely helps.
send me a non-canon ship between our characters and i'll make some content!
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that-scouse-wizard · 11 months
Ummm for Cled and Gareth, choose what you want and how many you want
Ooo okay!
Who remembers things: I imagine they both would but given Cled's often prickly nature, some don't expect him too as he rarely seems to get to know someone much less trivial or important things about them or their routine. In truth, Cled is actually very good at remembering dates or other important matters.
Who calls up the landlord when the heat's not working: Probably Gareth, Cled is a skilled blacksmith but in spite of his best efforts, he does not know how to fix any sort of heating system.
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tom--22--felton · 21 days
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#Repost @bristololdvic1766
Take an exciting peek into the rehearsals for A Child of Science before it hits the stage for its world premiere at @BristolOldVic1766 next month!
The play, written by Gareth Farr and directed by Matthew Dunster, promises to be a must-see.
📸 @helenmurraypix
@annafleischle | Set design
@angelicasets | Costume & associate designer
📆 5 Jun – 6 Jul 
📍 Bristol Old Vic Theatre
🎟️ Tickets from £10 (plus concessions)
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pers-books · 8 months
Octopolis review — Jemma Redgrave excels in a tangled, tentacled tale
Hampstead Theatre, NW3
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Jemma Redgrave as a recently widowed animal behaviourist in Marek Horn’s Octopolis. Photo: THE OTHER RICHARD
★★★☆☆ There is a third character in Marek Horn’s unabashedly cerebral two-hander who lurks in the background, forever invisible. Her name is Frances, and she is an octopus who lives in a large tank in the residence of a recently widowed animal behaviourist who treats outsiders with much the same suspicion as a cephalopod. But instead of firing jets of inky fluid, George — superbly played by Jemma Redgrave — takes refuge behind thorny bands of words, some sweary, some scholarly.
Horn mentions his admiration for Tom Stoppard in the programme notes, and like a typically over-padded Stoppard offering, this play enjoys teasing the audience with arch dialogue and nuggets of arcane insider discourse. “I think I’m losing the thread of this slightly,” complains Harry, the young anthropologist who is trying to get to grips with George’s obsession. I know how he feels. There are moments in this 100-minute drama (with no interval) where Horn and the director Ed Madden lead us down one cul-de-sac too many.
What holds your attention, even when the narrative seems impossibly tangled, is the incandescent energy of the performances. Redgrave is all fire and ice as an academic weighed down with grief who has channelled every ounce of her existence into studying the aloof creature in the tank. Ewan Miller is equally acute as Harry, who finds himself drawn into a relationship that turns on more than a theoretical dispute about whether an octopus could possibly have a soul. Anisha Field’s skeletal set and Jamie Platt’s lighting pull us in too.
Horn’s last play, Yellowfin, was a futuristic eco-drama about the ransacking of the oceans. By the end of Octopolis, you can’t help wondering whether the marine metaphor is being pushed to breaking point and beyond. I had a moment of déjà vu when Harry began to expatiate on the glories of razor clams, as there was a similar scene in this studio space just a few months ago in another two-hander, Gareth Farr’s Biscuits for Breakfast.
Still, bursts of songs by David Bowie provide much-needed jolts of visceral energy. As George and Harry begin to bond, tunes such as Sound and Vision provide a language they can both understand. As it grows less and less self-conscious, their dancing expresses an intimacy beyond words.
To October 28, hampsteadtheatre.org.uk
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c0nn3x10n5 · 1 year
Hi! Ur bio says ur a producer and composer? I wanna be a composer too 😭what do you compose tho? Any examples? It sounds rlly interesting!
Hii! I'll be honest, it's been really hard for me to get back into making music so my output has basically been zero.
In terms of composition, I can't quite put a finger on what kind of music it is but I would say it's definitely...music. I feel like I'm influenced by the music that we studied during my major (Schoenberg, Xenakis, Gareth Farr, etc.) but also stuff I like and like, stuff around me? Anyway, as an example, here's a link to one of my compositions (my one starts at around 8:00)
Wish you the best on your journey to being a composer~!
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grad603macytaylor · 1 year
Week 7: Sam Hunt
Initial research on my poet, Sam Hunt, as follows.
I wanted to briefly look into this man to get an understanding of the work he does and why. He seems to be one of those 'world famous in nz' blokes, where you arent sure if anyone else knows about them but when you search their name a Stuff article pops up, alongside a link to a website that you're pretty sure isn't theirs.
To start off, the description on Sam's TEDx youtube video
Usually told from memory, the Catholic Mass made its mark on Sam too. Though he likes to call his poems "songs for the tone-deaf", Sam has happily worked with musicians -- country band The Warratahs, modern classical man Gareth Farr, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and alternative rocker David Kilgour, among others. Sam was special guest at two acclaimed Leonard Cohen concerts in 2009. In 1986, Sam was awarded a QSM -- a "quiet sober man" he claimed. In 2010, he was further festooned with honour when he was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) for services to poetry. Sam has enjoyed a burst of activity in recent years, publishing a new collection of poems Doubtless and the semi-autobiographical Backroads: Charting a Poet's Life, as well as a selection of James K. Baxter poems. His most recent book is Knucklebnes: Poems 1962 -- 2012.
His radar-like ear attuned to the Kiwi vernacular, he is able to plumb the depths that lurk in seemingly straightforward phrases. There is sharp observation in his lines; things being said no-one else can quite manage. And while the rich rumble of Hunt’s voice speaks volumes from the stage, there’s a different kind of richness to be had on the page. The poet packs a remarkable amount into each spare phrase, offering complexity of sensation while cultivating the illusion of simplicity.
Whether romantic or elegiac, he’s an essentialist, offering aphoristic, pithy phrase-making in short poems which have the clarity of classic song lyrics — all wiry, concise, snap-shut lines: the metre sure, the assonances neat, the stanzas tidy. Generating poetry from specific instances, Hunt plays artful games with syntax and imagery that tease both ear and eye. Nursing rhymes at once primal and primitive, he makes verses into charms and chants so as to invoke the land, and then there’s the interior landscape of childhood, with its lupins and sand-dunes and tree huts in pine trees.
I think of the poem not as written down, that’s just the score. And you can get to the poem by way of the score. But I hear poems. I know the voice of the poem. If a new poem is coming along, it’s like a pregnancy, different things happen at different times. For me, it doesn’t happen the same way every time by any means but a poem starts with a sound. It’s almost like I’ve recognised a voice from somewhere. Sometimes the poems land on the roof and I’m not sure whether it’s a possum or a poem! Something thumping across the corrugated iron on top of my house, and I think, what is that? 
Experiences had more to do with my poetry than any sort of marks I got for School Certificate. I remember once, my father and I were going to see French cellist Pierre Fournier at the Auckland Town Hall (who was playing, among other things, the Dvorak cello concerto which I fell in love with that night and love to this day) and I discovered a passage from my father’s chambers on Queen Street directly to the Auckland Town Hall backstage, and I ended up in the number one backstage room where Pierre Fournier was tuning up his cello for the show.
The image in the header of this site is great for me, as you can see art has been made, and even better, by a kiwi artist I looked at in high school. This is an avenue of research I'd like to delve deeper into another day.
Since splashing Sam Hunt's poems over canvas, Dick Frizzell is now moved to tears when he reads his new friend's poems, which is an interesting confession for an expressionist pop artist who admits he's never been keen on poetry.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 months
I miss my characters
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I do.
With all the chaos that is present with me right now with work, traveling and trying to find some moment of peace to write something else, I do miss my weirdos.
And I barely know what they are doing these days to be fair.
I see glimpses of them and even that.
Jonathan got a dog because he misses Lachlan and I don't know how to care for a dog, but I let him keep it because it makes him somewhat happy.
Scarlett is traveling with Phil, but don't ask me where and how and why because I cannot answer that.
Leila is hiding away at the manor from dragons or ghosts of her past and present and there's no touching her.
Angela is in her cottage that she threatened to set on fire more than once but she won't tell me why.
Victoria is crying all alone in a bar, Gods know where and she won't talk to me despite the ridiculous amounts of alcohol i promised to give her.
Jin is plotting world domination with a lot of style and sass and i can't keep up with him.
Gareth has discovered making his own alcohol and wine and also looking at stalking Gareth and Hell forbid he comes out his cellar.
Talia is fighting with herself and her past and while it's always been the case, she hates everything right now.
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yourdailyqueer · 3 years
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Gareth Farr (Lilith LaCroix)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 29 February 1968
Ethnicity: White - New Zealander
Occupation: Composer, musician, drag artist
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
I ship you with Gareth Farr, but careful with him lol and as a celeb I honestly want to see the chaos energy you and Matthew Gray Gubler would have.
Oohh I love me some Gareth 👀
Also I know close to nothing about Matthew Gray Gubler but I saw this picture while googling him and I am now convinced he is a good match for me
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that-scouse-wizard · 2 years
Happy FFWF ❤️💙
Walk me through your beautiful mind and tell me how you chose your love stories for your character.
Thanks for the ask! Warning: Long post ahead.
Okay so first, I played it safe with HPHM, putting them with canon characters.
David and Merula, I honestly loved the foil that MC and Merula are for each other in the main story of HPHM. However, it could have done with a lot more fleshing out, which is really what I wanted to do in creating their relationship.
Whether they're enemies or just rivals to lovers is up for debate but regardless I liked their at first very contentious relationship gradually developing into an admission of respect. It culminated in the two catching feelings for each other, Merula defending him and eventually the two dating. The rest as they say, is history.
Amelia and Chiara, now I tend to flip flop on this as I really do like the thought of Amelia travelling the world, taking down creature poaching operations and breaking hearts. On the other, I do like Amelia and Chiara meeting up again later in life and kindling an unspoken love for each other.
Phoenix and Erika, these two are the loosest as I haven't had much time to develop them. But, I like the thought of them being rivals to lovers, Phoenix being one of the few able to truly get under Erika's skin.
For everyone else, it's a little different, with a lack of knowledge or interest in the canon of HPHL and HPMA, I started going with OC x OC ships instead. I’m a great fan of the idea that shipping can be used to really help grow and develop both halves of the ship. So I cast my line into the great sea of OCs and see who bit first. Thus, I wound up with Leila, Gareth, Lydia (@rogueharrington), Asher  (@cursebreakerfarrier) and Hazel (@kc-and-co). Also, Valentina  (@camillejeaneshphm)
I love Reubeila being able to find a loving family in each other after experiencing a horrible home life. I love Clareth’s will they/won’t they yet there’s still a fierce sort of loyalty between them. I love Marilyd’s friendly rivalry that developed into friendship and then one of the most amazing romances. I love Asher and Robin’s angsty side that let Robin show a bit of softness in contrast to the loud, brash, goofy girl that she usually is. I love Nick and Hazel, I feel like it would make Nick more confident, and I adore the support they would have for the other’s ambitions. Luis, my Marauder’s era boy and his tragic romance with Valentina is also one of my favourites for the fact that they knew they loved each other but never quite got there.
But overall, what I really look for in a ship? Satisfaction, plain and simple. Whether they become life partners, strike out on their own or if the romance ends with a hint of tragedy, as long as it was a satisfying journey and conclusion, I’m okay with how any ship turns out.
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camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
The Duke of Grafton has landed:
Lady Coventry, a pleasure, truly. Might I ask what do you find fascinating in big parties? Royal settings tend to be uptight and stuffy half the time. Why do you enjoy this life if I may ask?
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“oh? why do i enjoy the life? well, if i had to say…it’s simply that both nothing and everything can surprise me. while consistent in its routine, the drama and intrigue speak to me in a way very few can understand.“
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tom--22--felton · 11 days
Repost from @bristololdvic1766 - Louise Brown, the world’s first IVF baby, popped into rehearsals to visit the cast of #AChildofScience.
Louise (@louisejoybrown), a proud Bristolian, spoke with the cast and shared her excitement for the show in her hometown ahead of its world premiere. 
The production tells the incredible story of the creation of IVF by pioneers Patrick Steptoe (played by #JamieGlover), Robert Edwards (played by @t22felton), and Jean Purdy (played by @megkbellamy), along with the brave women who made it possible. 
Don’t miss Louise at the Stage Talk on Wed 26 Jun when she will be joined by writer Gareth Farr. Head to our website to book your spot.
📸 @joncraig_photos
📆 5 Jun – 6 Jul 
📍 Bristol Old Vic Theatre 
🎟️ Tickets from £10 (plus concessions)
 #IVF #BristolOldVic #AChildOfScience #WorldPremiere
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I joined the orchestra in 1989, as second timpanist to Gary Brain in The Rite of Spring, and made my appearance very loudly apparent by coming in incredibly fortissimo in the quiet bit.  And I just remember the entire orchestra go [looks behind him with mouth open] WHO is that, staring at me and giggling.
Gareth Farr (NZSO)
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