#crackship ask games
endlessly-cursed · 11 months
I have to ask for the crack ship: Gareth and Primrose ✨️
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These two would take English society by storm and look hot in the meantime 🥵
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Ship bingo let’s go
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tippedarrows · 24 days
Ohhh, I have lots of ships like Gabriel X Fred (I call them Frebriel usually), and none of them make sense tbh, For example Hadrian X Gabriel (yeah, I have A LOT of Gabriel ships because I love dis man), just imagine how Gabriel gonna try and help Hadrian become a better person, because he's super sweet and stuff and Hadrian just cannot help but feel weak for this man. And then New Order finds out and Jesse tries to hold Ivor back because "Jesse! Lemme go for gods sakes Gabe doesn't know who he just befriende- WDYM YOU ARE DATING!?" I think it'll be hilarious to see how everybody thinks Hadrian helds Gabriel hostage while it literally other way around and Warrior simply wants his bf to be with everyone as good as he is with him.
This ship is kinda the same as Jesse X Aiden or Axel X Aiden expect Gabriel is sweet, sweet and dumb while Hadrian is.. well.. Hadrian? If that makes sense in some way. Silly me, but thanks for reading all this stuff<3
I've previously talked about Frebriel here earlier, so I'll primarily focus on Hadrian and Gabe.
Gabrian... Hadriel...??
Everyone freaking out is the funniest thing ong. IVOR THINKS GABRIEL IS INSANE. Jesse's like.. ivor deep breaths... GABRIEL YOURE INSANE
And Hadrian, still cocky as ever with an arm around Gabriel like, " What, little man? You couldnt happen to be .. *jealous* of us? Why would I ever date anyone else! Gabriel here isn't a loser! " And gabriel knocks hadrian on the head with his sword like shut up you fool!!!
Hadrian is Gabriel's fool. Gabriel is Hadrian's winner. His star. His number 1! His BOYFRIEND! HAHA TAKE THAT HADRIAN'S THE REAL WINNER AND HE'S GOING TO BRAG TO *EVERYONE!!!!!!*
Gabriel watching Hadrian rant to himself about definitely not morally correct things and just "uhuh. Yes. I bet. Wait wait no wait back up I didnt just agree with you. "
Gabriel has Hadrian on a kiddie leash. Hadrian *loves* the attention he gets when Gabriel takes him into public. Of course it's all Gabriel's publicity but did you know Hadrian is DATING that idiot? Ha! That's right, back up!!!
Hadrian is such a jealous type too... His soft boyfriend should watch out! ;)
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catindabag · 6 months
What happens when crazy old lady Lucy Gray and Katniss meet each other will they have some kind of singing of test like the rainbow songbird vs the mockingjay and in the zoo is there at least one rabid raccoon squirrel hybrid living there now
Oh, Panem, Horn of Plenty! Katniss “Nepo Baby” Everdeen will literally bow down before Lucy Gray and her grumpy husband, Panini Panlo when D12’s local ✨girl on fire✨ finally meets them in person.
Also, Panini Panlo will probably scold Katniss for stealing her little sister’s only opportunity to compete in Panemvision. #justice4Prim #primcansingbetterthantheswamppotato #antivolunteer #fightforbuttercuprights
At least poor Peeta can finally learn how to bake “real” bread from Peepaw Pan Pan and crazy old lady Sheaf the Chief.
As for the rabid raccoons and feral squirrels, they’re still the sacred creatures of the Capitol (and all of Panem after Felix Ravinstill became the “regent” President). So by law, it’s illegal to cage, hunt, and/or kill them no matter what they do to you or your family. Moreover, the rabid raccoons are also being protected by the Ravinstill Capitol Act 7070.
However, R.C.A 7070 does not apply to those who officially identify themselves as wannabe “werewolves” (Nero Price and Brandy) because of the ongoing controversial feud between the two groups.
Lastly, as for the Capitol Zoo, it’s now fixed and running like a real “functioning” zoo since Gaius Breen became the head of his family.
And as long as you ignore the ✨Bichon Frisé Puppy Paradise Enclosure✨, it’s totally worth your time and money.😉
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Non-canon ship/crackship ask game!
Send me an ask with two or more characters that in canon are not romantically involved, and I'll tell how I think it would be if they were dating. It doesn't even need to be characters that interact much or even are from the same universe, I still have to come up how I imagine it would be if they dated.
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sephirthoughts · 2 months
I wish you would write a fic where... actually, I don't got anything weird. I've just been thinking about Rude/Sephiroth domestic fluff lately because I think Rude is probably a skilled cook and Sephiroth wants that normal life and he could wield a broom as well as he does Masamune. I don't have anyone to tell this to lol
HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! Alright, this is probably not exactly what you had in mind, but it is the madness that came from your ask, so if anything, it's all your fault. Enjoy! 😂
“What are you doing?” 
“Sweeping the floor.”
“You swept in here three times, today. You’re taking off the varnish.”
“I think this is vinyl.”
Sephiroth pouted, but he knew better than to argue with Rude when he was speaking his native language and using a wooden spoon to point, so he retreated from the kitchen, broom in hand, to seek out another spot in the house that he hadn’t polished to a blinding shine, in the past few hours.
Maybe the upstairs closets? He wavered for a moment, then decided he may as well give the whole place an extra once-over. Better safe than sorry.
With his silver hair pulled up into a martial ponytail, and his weapon-calloused hands wielding a mop and feather duster like twin blades, he whirled through the living room, dining room, entryway, stairs, hallways, bedrooms, and all associated closets, in a blur, hellbent on eradicating even the tiniest molecule of intruding dust from his domain. 
A large, fluffy, white cat was impolitely awakened from a nap, during this maelstrom of domestic activity, and made her displeasure known by violently assailing the feather duster, from atop a bookshelf. Otherwise, the operation suffered no serious setbacks.
Thirty-three minutes later, Sephiroth had scooted the last of the area rugs back into place, and was standing back, imbibing deep satisfaction from his well-ordered house. Then his stomach let out a loud growl. 
Much like a member of a big-cat species, his ability to move at superhuman speeds demanded superhuman energy, and after the burst of activity, he was ravenously hungry.
It didn’t help that Rude was saturating the air in the house with the beguiling, come-hither aromas of meat and fat and spices, piquant and savory and ever so enticing, wafting from the kitchen to brush coquettishly against Sephiroth’s olfactory nerves.
Compelled by forces far stronger than himself, he slunk back into the kitchen, where he sidled up behind Rude and settled his hands on his hips, looking over his shoulder at the big, bubbling pot he was stirring. “What is all this? It smells wonderful.”
“Pozole, elotes, sopas, beans, rice, and tortillas,” Rude said, pointing at each pot, pan, and covered dish, respectively, as Sephiroth’s hands slid lower. “Don’t think I don’t know exactly what you’re doing.”
The hands stopped where they were. “Who? Me?”
“Don’t you try that, ‘who me’ shit. You always turn into a slut when you want food. You and that cat, both.” 
The cat in question, who had, indeed, padded into the kitchen after Sephiroth, to see if any treats were to be gotten, plopped down on her ample haunches and set about having a bath, like she had no idea what they were talking about. 
By way of reply, Sephiroth nuzzled the hollow behind Rude’s ear and then bit down on his warm, tawny skin, just hard enough to dent it, but not actually leave a mark. 
“No biting,” Rude scolded. “Use your words.”
“Starving,” Sephiroth groaned, against his neck. “For real, this time. I’ve got mere seconds left to live.”
“Tch,” Rude smirked. “If you have energy to bitch, you’ll survive till dinner.”
“It’s too late. I’ve died,” Sephiroth intoned, slumping heavily against him. “Have me buried at sea.”
“Dinner will be ready in a minute. If you go set the table, we can start eating sooner.”
This incantation miraculously resurrected the recently deceased Sephiroth, who sprang back to life and hurried away, tripping over the cat in his haste.
“Damn it, Cloud, stop trying to kill me all the time,” he admonished the deeply offended furball, who’d already had her nap and her bath interrupted by this dubious character, and was now being picked up and kissed on the head, of all insufferable indignities.
“I can’t believe you named the cat Cloud,” Rude groused. 
Sephiroth was the picture of innocence. “What’s wrong with Cloud? I think it’s a good name.”
“Yes. She’s white and fluffy, like a cloud.”
Rude arched an eyebrow. “Then explain why the dog is named Zack.”
“He’s named after the puppy I used to have, back in SOLDIER,” Sephiroth answered, with a completely straight face. 
Rude snorted out a laugh, which naturally meant Sephiroth had won the interaction. “Very funny. Go set the table, ass.”
Sephiroth put the fuming cat down and went to do as he was told. Just as the last fork was being set on the corresponding napkin, the front door banged open, and a voice announced, “Guess who’s here!”
Sephiroth cast a distasteful eye on the day-glow-red haired individual. “The Association for Homosexual Fashion Disasters.”
“You’re one to talk, Sephir-goth,” Reno retorted, taking the lollipop out of his mouth to gesture with it. “Are you seriously wearing leather pants and a band t-shirt to hang around the house?”
“These are the only pants I have, that are not currently in the wash,” Sephiroth answered, with a haughty toss of his head.
“Hey, wait a minute…that’s my shirt!” Reno accused. “It’s the tour edition you could only get at the shows! Take it off! You’re gonna ruin it!”
Sephiroth looked down at his shrink-wrapped torso. “Ah. I wondered why one of Rude’s shirts would fit me so tightly. Since he isn’t the size of a teenaged girl.”
“Look what you did! Your huge tits are stretching it all out! Mick Jagger’s face looks like it’s melting! Or…wow, that’s just how his face looks. Still, it’s mine! Give it back!”
“If you care about a clothing item, you shouldn’t leave it lying around in other people’s homes.” 
So saying, Sephiroth pulled the t-shirt off over his head, and held it out to Reno.
“What the—you can’t just—naked!” Reno sputtered, pointing the lollipop at him. “Rude! Your boyfriend is stripping in the living room!”
“Busy, take pictures,” Rude’s patently unconcerned voice called back, from the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Sephiroth had snatched the shirt away, just as Reno reached for it, and was now holding it high above his head, while the much smaller man tried in vain to jump up and grab it.
“Why am I not surprised to find you two half-clothed and fighting, like a couple of children,” Tseng sighed, as he stepped in the front door, followed closely by Elena. 
“Leave it to me, sir! I’ll defuse the situation!” Elena declared, reaching for her sidearm.
Tseng held up a hand to stop her. “When has your interference ever defused a situation? And I told you on the way here, no guns in the house.”
“R—right, sir. Sorry, sir,” Elena said sheepishly, withdrawing her hand from the concealed holster. 
“Welcome, Tseng and…colleague,” said Sephiroth, who had his hand on Reno’s head and was still keeping the t-shirt away from him. “Please, make yourselves at home. Dinner is almost ready.”
“And colleague?” Elena pouted. “Do you even know my name?”
“How rude of me. Of course I do. You are…uh…Cissnei?”
“No, I’m—” She broke off and her shoulders slumped dejectedly, as Reno nearly expired laughing. “Ugh, forget it. Enjoy your dinner, everyone. I’ll just wait in the car.” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Tseng announced, in that calm, paternal tone, that made people instinctively want to obey him. “Reno, shut up. Elena, sit down. Sephiroth, give Reno his shirt and go put one on. Now.”
Looking like chastised school children, Reno stifled his laughter, Elena went and sat down on the sofa, and Sephiroth relinquished the shirt before vanishing upstairs. 
“Hey, at least wash it first! I don’t want your stink all over it!” Reno shouted after him. Then he sniffed the shirt and his expression changed. “What the fuck, this is what you smell like?! What is that, cedar and sagebrush? And…rain? Elena, smell this!”
“Gross, I’m not sniffing some guy’s—oh, holy shit that smells amazing! He should bottle this and sell it!”
“Keep that thing away from me,” Tseng warned, as Reno brandished the rumpled t-shirt and advanced upon him. “I already know how wonderful Sephiroth smells, I don’t need a cat-hair covered reminder.”
“Oh, there is cat hair all over it. Damn it, it got on my suit.”
At that moment, Rude stepped out of the kitchen, wiping his hands with a towel. “Dinner. If you’re all finished sniffing my boyfriend’s dirty clothes, that is.”
“If I could just—one more. Yes, all done,” Elena said, letting go of the t-shirt, which Reno was forcefully tugging away from her. 
“The food smells great, too, partner!” Reno grinned, which expression collapsed back into a scowl, as Sephiroth reappeared, wearing the exact same t-shirt as before, only several sizes larger. “If you had Rude’s the whole time, why were you wearing mine?!”
“I just found it, now. You whine a lot, for an adult man. Are you certain you’re not a teenaged girl?”
“Wow,” said petite Elena, whose head wasn’t even level with the huge former SOLDIER’s spectacular pectorals. “I’ve never seen you with a shirt on, general. You look really nice.”
Sephiroth smiled. “That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Cissnei.” 
“I’m not—ugh, whatever. You’re welcome. Let’s eat.”
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thesnivy123 · 7 months
And as I breathe, so does she, we are breathing~
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aka i saw an OnI lore log that fucked me up and decided to stay up till 3 am drawing yuri about it
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devilsrecreation · 28 days
I FORGOT TO SEND THIS BUT I REMEMBER NOW. makuu x kiburi forthe ship bingo!!!
You evil son of a bitch I’m in/silly
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Mixed feelings….lotta mixed feelings on this one. I love it and hate it at the same time. 😭
Like I said before, it’s hilarious as a joke/crackship cuz they do act like a married couple in LSCL but canonically, keep that shit far away from me. Like it’s ONLY good as a joke and nothing else.
They do give off that divorced energy tho lmao. Kiburi’s the one that got the kids (his float) hfjfhfhd
But seriously, not really a fan of ships that that hate each other in canon yk?
Having said that, I do hc them to be married irl in my tlg actor au bc it’s funny AND ONLY THEN WILL I GENUINELY SHIP IT. ANYTHING ELSE IS 100% A JOKE
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teddypickerry · 4 months
12, 18, 34 ☺️
favorite literati scene?
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THEY WERE SUCH CUTE FRIENDS HERE UGH. why’d they have to go and ruin that 😔
unpopular gg opinion?
this is definitely unpopular but i think the love aspect of the show is wayyyy too focused on. i remember ASP talking about how viewers focus way too much on team dean, team jess, or team logan. i wholeheartedly agree. especially when (imo) none of them were the perfect option. there’s so many lore interesting parts of the show and characters as a whole instead of three bfs rory had during her adolescence. especially when just about everyone on this show deserved better.
gg crackship?
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serena van der woodsen & jess mariano i. need. to. see. jess. with. a. popular. sunshine. girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s so convinced she’s some bitchy rich blonde but gets to know her and realizes how much she’s what he’s missing!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! and yes i am writing a jess fic based on this… :)
also also also lorelai & chandler bing, paris & dan humphrey, rory & aria montgomery. but *thoseeee* are for another time (let me know).
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endlessly-cursed · 10 months
Hey Noe! For the crackship ask, how about Marigold and Sara? - that-scouse-wizard
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Buckle up, Mara has arrived into town!!! 🥵
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For the ship bingo I want to give you a crack ship so what about Jason/Wally
Bless you I love crackships
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Some of the chosen options here are because I think the comedic possibilities are near endless. Can you imagine a Jason/Wally enemies to lovers speed run? Can you imagine the whiplash Dick would be going through? Bruce’s constipation? He just barely managed to keep the speedsters away from his eldest only for JASON to wind up with one? He was NOT the child he had thought he’d have to worry about dating a speedster yet here they are.
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orangepanic · 6 months
Specific Ship Pairing
- Tenzin/The Spider Spirit (that throws them in the Fog)
- Pema/Amon
- Bumi II/Amon’s Lieutenant
- Lin/Aiwei
- Yakone/Hahn
- Yao Li/Jhu Lin
Tenzin/The Spider Spirit
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
The spider spirit is clearly in love with the Fog. Why else is he feeding her so lovingly instead of eating his captives himself? I'll not break them up for silly Tenzin.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Bumi II/Amon's Lieutenant
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
There's something delightfully tragic about this pairing. I love some good non-bender angst, and Equalist!Bumi (or even sympathizer Bumi) is to me a woefully underexplored possibility. After all, who might resent benders more than the non-bending son of the Avatar? And Lieutenant, rejected by Amon, might find himself in the arms of a second choice. This has all the makings of a fuck buddy tragedy.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I don't really see it but I'm not sure why? I think he'd be too obsequious for her, or at least outwardly so, and if he revealed his real purpose I don't think Lin is down for scheming. But she might sleep with him to piss off Suyin.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Thiiiiisssss. Oh god. I can't really imagine Yakone (as you write him) really loving anyone or at least loving them normally, and Hahn is both haughty and angry (and maybe almost died? you know, it was really unclear). This is an angst x angst hatefucking power play relationship and it's now lodged in my brain.
Yao Li/Jhu Lin
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
I just want one good thing to happen to Yao Li and I think Jhu Lin might be it. But it feels more like she's adopting him and squishing him between her boobs before making sure he eats a square meal than like an equal partnership. Which maybe is okay. I think it's cute.
Crackship ranking
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catindabag · 6 months
How would it go if Lysistrata (the local deffo not crack dealer) met the Mayor of 9 with his ”sugar powder”?
Both of them will most likely go to jail for illegally committing “you know what” in broad daylight, but only one of them will be released/bailed out from prison/juvenile jail the next day.
Yes, of course, Felix, Coryo, Sejanus, and Festus will bail their bestie Lizzie Vickers out the next day before Mommy Anderson’s annoying ✨Capitol News Crew✨ comes in.
They’ll also leave a feral rabid raccoon as a gift for the D9 mayor in order to replace Lizzie as his new “honorary jail cell roommate” because Sheaf and Panini Panlo told them to.
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
Is there a particular reason why you ship Samarie and Oliva?
Anon you have no idea how long I've wanted to ramble on this crackship ❤️
Ok so it started as a joke between me and my friends where we were talking about Olivia doing blunt rotation and who from the termina cast should be invited for it, i said Samarie and one of them added like "for once her anxiety lessens" and i was like huh fun.
And i thought, hey with Samarie needing to be saved and brought back to the train on morning day 1 and Olivia (if she isn't the mc) not being able to leave the train area until day 2 that makes day 1 evening the prime time for them to meet because they're both in there and i doubt there's many others to talk with when the majority has left to explore the town. Which then made me realize that in this scenario Samarie gets to develop a real connection with someone that doesn't start with mind reading and stalking from her part but instead with a conversation, like a normal relationship.
This isn't to say that Samarie wouldn't mind read Olivia or become clingy, nah this is Samarie, she would absolutely still do that. Tho perhaps (emphasis on perhaps) to a lesser extent or at least trying to go about it differently? Since she saw how her ways of trying to show Marina that she cared seemed to have the opposite effect i like to think that when seing Olivia's toughts on her sister Samarie would try to stop herself from assuming that she hates her like how she assumed Marina hated her father and wanted him dead from using mind read on her.
There's also the fact that amongst the character interaction you can have after you've been tied up killing someone Olivia's is arguably the nicest one of them and she even seems conflicted about deeming the player character a monster or considering them beyond redemption after what they did, which in turn makes me think she could act in a similar manner to Samarie.
Is this accurate to canon? Most likely not, if i recal correctly Samarie tends to be less open to anyone who isn't Marina. But this is my beloved weirdgirl x weirdgirl ship and i like to imagine Samarie not ruining her relationship with a girl before it even starts
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sephirthoughts · 4 months
for the noncanon ship/crackship game how about vincent valentine and winter soldier bucky barnes
hoo boy that almost counts as selfcest right?
let's see...they could compare metal armor/arms, show off their scars, exchange funny stories from the years they spent locked in a small dark space and intermittently tortured and mutilated into superhuman killing machines, bitch about the blonde himbo overachievers they follow around…they have so much in common it's almost cheating. for their dates, they'd probably just sit silently in a room, brooding and wearing leather at each other.
the sex would be totally unhinged though
oh and their ship name would be vinter soldier
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i’ll give you an au and you’ll give me a ship except you can only answer with unhinged ships
- runaway groom/spouse with maid of honour/best man (i actually like this so you can do an unhinged ship and an actual ship)
- gotta go with the wattpad classic of, bully x the kid they bullied
- A/B/O soulmates (:
- Singer x model
- Grease AU
help why have you done this. not the abo soulmates :sob:
runaway bride unhinged: euphemia x walburga
runaway groom real: bartydora
bully x nerd: mulciber x peter
a/b/o soulmates: lucius/regulus/snape
singer x model: albus x minnie
grease: jivellus <3 (snames/ james x snape for y'all who don't know)
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