#Jimmy is a stranger to Jey
ucetheones · 1 year
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
Cold Water
Jey Uso was separated from his birth family at a young age, what happens when he runs into his twin brother, randomly one day?
Will his existing relationship with Jai, his best friend of eleven years fold under the pressure of trying to find his place with them?
*the story will be better than the description, I promise!
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
The question was simple, one the average person could easily answer. But for Jey, it felt like cold water had been dumped all over his body. It felt like someone had pushed him out into the winter air without a jacket, because he hadn't been hugged in a long time.
Jey wishes he could say he was last hugged yesterday, or even a week ago, but that wasn't the case. 
Instead, he said nothing, he just rolled his eyes, kissed his teeth and tipped his head back. "Not everybody has mommy and daddy there to coddle them." 
That wasn't Jey's voice. The tone was softer, but always firm.
It was Jai, as usual. They were always the first one to defend Jey, or divert attention away from him. He was always thankful for them, they had a quick tongue and never backed down.
Jey could easily defend himself, he could quickly remind his friend he grew up in the system, having been separated from his birth family after a freak incident. However, he always chose to say nothing. It was easier than bringing down the whole room.
Besides, Jey aged out of the system with Jai a few months ago. It sucked never being adopted, but Jai was there too. Just as alone as Jey, but never one to show how deeply it stung.
While they ended up in the same foster home, their situations were drastically different. Jai had been abused by their birth parents for years before finally being freed of them. 
Their foster parents were nice, thankfully. They'd only been separated twice since they met.
They'd both been in less than ideal homes in their lives, but the last family they found themselves with had been kind, and inviting. They even helped Jey and Jai find a place to stay after their 18th birthdays, not to mention they stayed in constant touch with the pair.
There was a loud 'bang!' before anyone could respond to Jai. 
Jey was more than glad to grab his stuff and Jai, using the distraction to extract his best friend and himself. 
The sound was just one of the other wrestlers in training having hit the mat a little too hard. Everyone should've been accustomed to the sound by now, but it could still be alarming. 
As soon as the fresh air hit his face, Jey was tipping his head back with a small smirk. "Ten bucks says Hawks doesn't last another month."
Jai clicked their tongue, their shoulder bumping into Jey's. "Man, you know I agree with you. Why would I take that bet?" Jey gives a soft shrug, throwing his arm around Jai's shoulders, "A month is real specific, what if he only lasts another week? You just lost ten dollars!"
Before Jai can respond, Jey's body is tugged away from them, a soft 'oof' leaving the taller of the two. Jai is by his side immediately, though when they glare up at the mystery person, their eyes almost immediately widen.
"Um, Jey? Why is your face looking at me?" Their question falls on deaf ears when the person who bumped into Jey speaks, 
One look at Jey confirms Jai's suspicions, though he looks equally as confused as they feel. 
"I'm Jey." He points at himself, his brows pinched.
Jai breathes a deep sigh, their hair falling in front of their face as they do. 
"Are you fucking stupid, Jey? Seriously?"
Twenty minutes later finds them in a cramped booth at a random diner near their training center. Jey is gripping Jai's thigh for dear life, as the guy who they've learned is named Jon, or Jimmy, munches on a plate of lukewarm fries.
He spent about ten minutes trying to convince Jey they were related, but given the fact they were clearly twins, Jai and Jey both felt it was unnecessary. 
Jey had a dozen questions, but there was one question he couldn't let go of.
"Wait, why you here now? You said y'all lived in Florida, so how you end up in Ohio?" 
Jimmy merely shrugged, "wrestling, man. I start training next week." Jey and Jai share a look, which has Jimmy visibly confused.
"What's with the faces?"
Jey chuckles softly, his grip on Jai's thing loosening, "Us too, actually. We moved from Indiana a few months back." 
"We? Y'all a couple?"
Jai can feel their cheeks dusting red, and given the way Jey's fingers twitched against their thigh, they knew he was just as taken aback by the question. 
"Nah, not at all. We're just really close. Been a duo since we were about seven years old!" It was the practiced answer, the one Jey and Jai gave to anyone who asked.
Because it was true, they weren't a couple. They'd always skirted around it, but neither were willing to risk the years of friendship under their belts for a relationship that might not work out. 
Jimmy looked suspicious at the answer, but he held his hands up placatingly and took a sip from his long forgotten soda.
"You wanna know what's funny, Uce?"
Jey wanted to point out this entire situation was hilarious, but he just shook his head and motioned for the other to continue. 
"Our family is wrestling royalty in the WWE,  so the fact you gravitated towards it without knowing is like…destiny or somethin'. 
Aye, but now that I found you, we can be a family again!" 
It was like destiny, and Jey wasn't sure if it was ironic or something else.
He was taken from his parents at the age of three, the reason is still mostly unknown to him. He spent his childhood being put through the ringer, hoping one day his family would return and sweep him away. Hoping they'd save him from the hell hole that was his life growing up.
No such rescue ever came, but his 18th birthday came and went and now the universe decided to drop his twin brother into his lap. A twin he never would've known he had if he hadn't ducked out of practice earlier than usual. 
Years of crying himself to sleep, wishing for his mother's warm touch, coupled with dreams of fleeting touches he'd only known for a short while, were just supposed to be washed away because his twin brother found him, accidentally?
Yeah, right. 
Jai seemed to sense his discomfort, and immediately shook their head. "You gotta give him time, he doesn't even know y'all. I'm his family, you're a bunch of strangers to him."
Jey wanted to wince at the ice lacing their tone, but he couldn't help but agree. Jai had been his only real family. He didn't even know Jimmy, or his parents. It would take more time than Jey was sure anyone would be willing to take.
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kolakoke · 1 year
Kolakoke’s masterlist
here is all my masterlists
I write short imagines but hopefully soon I’ll make longer ones🙏🏾
I’m black and plus size but I write for all people unless said otherwise
Some of these don’t have links because i need to know who to put or haven’t made the masterlist yet
Stranger things:
older teens 
younger teens
The bloodline
the Judgement day
NXT(tell me who I should put on here!)
RAW (tell me who I should put on here!)
SMACKDOWN (tell me who I should put on here!)
youtubers: (tell me who I should put on here!)
YT boys
YT girls
harry potter:
harry potter girls (tell me who I should put on here!)
harry potter boys (tell me who I should put on here!)
MHA boys (tell me who I should put on here!)
MHA girls (tell me who I should put on here!)
Black clover:
BC Girls (tell me who I should put on here!)
BC boys (tell me who I should put on here!)
Karasuno  (tell me who I should put on here!)
Nekoma (tell me who I should put on here!)
Aoba Johsai  (tell me who I should put on here!)
Shiratorizawa   (tell me who I should put on here!)
(I lowkey need to rewatch the anime😑)
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issdisgrace · 6 months
A place where one offs and discontinued characters collect
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Nicknames slashers would call their s/o by
Random SFW & NSFW hcs
Reward for good behavior
With a s/o that uses humor to cope
Tall dom a/o
Nicknames slashers would call their s/o by
Random SFW & NSFW hcs
Their s/o getting hurt and requiring medical attention
With a s/o that uses humor to cope
My lil racoon
Nicknames slashers would call their s/o by
Random SFW & NSFW hcs
With a s/o that uses humor to cope
Breakfast in Bed
Good boy
The start of his and his metal heads bf realtionship
Turn of events
kink list
Lingerie I think they would wear
NSFW alphabet
Lingerie I think they would wear
Being a nervous mess around his boyfriend
Lingerie I think they would wear
Lingerie I think they would wear
Lingerie I think they would wear
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bookuce · 4 months
Change My Mind
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days, they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it. 
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book uses actual names of wrestlers. Josh is Jey, Jon is Jimmy, Trinity is Naomi, and Alina is Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events (matches, storylines) could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE OR REPOST MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAAANKS. *
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
Wedding days were always hectic. When Cassie got married, it seemed like everything that could go wrong was going wrong. It rained on the day of her wedding, and it was outdoors. Lucky for them, they were able to find another venue nearby to get married. Though it wasn’t the dream wedding she had planned, it was unique to them—making the day even more special. Today’s wedding was sunny, not a cloud in the sky. The only issue now was that the hairstylist who was supposed to do Tasha’s hair today had to cancel—sick kid, she says. 
Finding a credible, available hairstylist in the metropolitan of Atlanta on short notice would be challenging, but lucky for Alina, Cassie was in charge of that. Alina was in charge of making sure everything stayed on schedule. With a clipboard tucked beneath her arm, she and Josh walked towards the Gentlemen’s Hall, where Michael and his groomsmen were. “I’ll come get you when I’m through talking to the decorators.” She says as they cross the yard to a small white house on the side of the winery.
“You do not have to worry about me,” Josh starts. “I’m a big boy; I can handle myself.” He promises. They stop on the porch steps, Alina now turning to him.
“I know,” She says, glancing towards the door. “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.” Josh knew none of the men outside of Michael; he and Michael had only spoken a handful of times. 
“I’ll be fine.” He assures her. They exchanged stares for a moment before Alina slowly began to nod. 
“Okay,” She breathes, moving up the steps. Josh was close behind, his hand reaching out to open the door for her. Blaring music poured out of the house, with loud laughter following behind. She walks in, instantly greeted by the smell of cigars mixed with expensive cologne. She fans her hand in front of her face, looking at the Eight men peering up at Alina with grand smiles on their faces. A chorus of whistles would come in for the woman, but she ignored them. She was too distracted by the fact that the air was too damn thick in this room. “Damn, can y’all breathe in here?” She asks, making a face of disgust. 
Josh stood close behind her, his eyes scanning the room. For someone who interacts with strangers on a daily, he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. He wouldn’t admit this to his girl; she hoped he’d make friends with these men. For her, he would try. After all, they’ll have to get used to him being around for a long time. He wasn’t going anywhere. “It’s to keep the ladies out.” Samuel, Michael’s brother, says, making the men laugh.
“You’re doing a great job then.” She mutters. “Y’all need to make sure yall have this smoking shit wrapped up soon though. Tasha will throw a fit if she smells anything but cologne on y’all.” She says, pointing at the glass of liquor in Michael’s hand. He glances down at the glass, a slight grin on his face.
“I can’t calm my nerves?” He asks.
“With one drink.” She tells him. “You can get fucked up after the wedding. I don’t care what happens after, as long as my best friend is happy.” She tells him, earning a few groans from the men.
“Can always count on you to keep us in check.” A man says, his eyes finding Alina’s. There was a flirty grin on his lips while he spoke, his eyes trailing down her body. Josh notices the look, his brows furrowing slightly. She would peer over to that man, an unreadable expression on her face. She’d take in a breath, reaching behind her to grab Josh’s hand.
“This is Josh. I’m leaving him with y’all.” She points her index finger at the men, allowing it to go around the room. “Play nice.” She says before turning to her man. “Be nice.” She whispers to him. Before he could say anything, she leaned in to peck his lips. “Love you.” She says.
“I love you too.” He replies. With a wave, she spares the room one last glance before exiting the house. Josh watched as Alina left before turning his attention back to the men in the room. They were all quiet, staring at him. “What’s up?” He greets them with an upward nod of his head. Michael steps forward, his hand open for a dap up. Josh would close the gap, their hands coming together for the greeting and hug. 
“Make yourself comfortable, man,” Michael says, pulling back to look at him. “You want anything to drink? We got a cigar left.” He says. Josh shakes his head at the cigar offer. He didn’t care much for cigars. 
“I’ll take a glass, Uce.” He says, moving to sit in an open seat next to the man who eyed his woman. Josh and the guy briefly exchange glances before he returns his attention to Michael. The groom turned to the mini-bar behind him, pouring Josh a small glass of bourbon from the decanter on the counter. When he finishes pouring his glass, he turns to pass him the drink. Josh takes it, saying a small thank you to him. 
“No problem. Let me introduce you to everyone.” Michael says, lifting his hand. He points to a guy seated in a red recliner seat. “This is my little brother, Sam,” He moves on to the next. “My fraternity brothers, Calvin, Malcolm, Shawn, Kenny, Nate, and Theo.” He finishes, ending with the man sitting next to him. There was something off about Theo—Josh could tell, but he wasn’t sure what it was just yet. 
Josh nods once at everyone, giving them a slight smile. “Ay, nice to meet y’all.” He says. 
“So you and Lina, huh?” Shawn asks.
“Yeah, she’s a great woman,” Josh confesses. “I’m lucky to have her.” He adds. The eight men in the room looked after Lina, always ready to protect her. She was like a sister to most of them.
“How long have y’all been together?” Theo asks suddenly. Instead of looking at the man who asked him such a question, Josh glances down at the glass in his hand.
“A few weeks,” Josh answers. “We’ve been friends for two years, though.” Theo hums at the answer. Michael and Sam would exchange glances at the interaction, the brothers sharing some unspoken agreement. “How do you know her?” Josh asks. 
“Ex-fiance.” Josh becomes incredibly still at the answer. “Dated all through college, engaged for two.” Theo finishes. In the two years Alina and Josh have known each other, she had never mentioned that she was engaged. Josh swirled the brown liquid in his glass before bringing it to his lips for a sip. Michael and Sam both knew this conversation was going to happen eventually. It didn’t cross Alina’s mind that it would happen today. Josh was for sure going to bring it up to her later.
The brown liquid warmed Josh’s chest, causing him to clear his throat slightly and clench his jaw. He sniffles before turning to look at Theo. “I didn’t know she was engaged.” He says. Theo and Josh watched each other in silence for a bit.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you.” He says.
“Must’ve not been important,” Josh replies, his gaze becoming cold. Theo continued to stare at Josh, a faint grin on his face. The room became silent while everyone watched the two men tied to Alina McLemore stare each other down. The grin on Theo’s face made Josh’s blood pressure rise. He could feel his body warming by the second, his ears getting hot. 
Kenny’s eyes flickered between everyone before he leaned forward on the sofa he sat on. “So, Josh, what do I gotta do to get a few tickets to Smackdown?” He says, pulling Josh’s attention from the man next to him. Theo stands to his feet, walking to the kitchen. Josh’s eyes would flicker in his direction before moving back to Kenny.
“Nothing, what show you looking at?” He asks, giving him a grin. 
“Y’all got a show coming to Savannah later on.” Kenny answers.
Josh answers with a shrug of his shoulders and shakes his head. “It’s done. Just text Lina when the time gets close, and we’ll make everything else happen.” He instructs him. Theo walks back into the room, sitting down next to Josh again. 
“So you’re a…wrestler?” Theo asks, chiming into the conversation.
“Yeah, I fight,” Josh says, looking back at him. It was a subtle warning to the man next to him. Theo peers over, a smile coming to his face again. Warning received.
“And you and Lina work together?” He continues. “Wouldn’t that complicate things?” He asks, insinuating the relationship was due to fail. Theo was on a mission to piss Josh off to the point of no return, it seems. These are typical ex-boyfriend fiancé shenanigans. Josh and Theo would begin another stare-down before Josh looks away from him. Slowly, he put down his drink. He didn’t need that anymore. 
“You want to elaborate, Uce?” He asks, turning his entire body to face Theo. Samuel and Michael looked at each other once more before the youngest brother stood. He glances at his phone before glancing over at Josh.
“I think the DJ just got here. Josh, you want to come with me to grab him?” He asks.
Without breaking eye contact with Theo, Josh stands to his feet. “Yeah, I’ll go.” He says, finally looking away from the man. He looks over to Sam before heading out the door. Sam points at Theo.
“You’re an asshole, I hope you know that.” He says before following the man who just left. Fresh air hit Josh like a ton of bricks, making him close his eyes and gather himself. He wasn’t going to get out of character today. He will be on his best behavior, but that Theo character? Ooh, he ought to kick his ass. Alina had some explaining to do. “Ay, let’s go,” Sam says, appearing beside the man. They’d stepped off the porch together and headed towards the pavilion where the reception was taking place. “I’m sorry about that, man. Theo’s a jackass.” He says.
“It’s all good,” Josh says, his eyes fixated on the ground. “I’m sure he was just looking out for Alina—trying to see if I’m a good guy.” That’s what he planned to tell himself. Theo wasn’t grilling Josh because he was jealous and wanted his ex-fiance back. No, he just cares about her a lot. It’s not because he still loves her—he just cares about her like he does. Yeah, that’s it. Delusion is the solution. 
What he doesn’t see is the expression of concern on Sam’s face at his words. If he would have noticed, there was no telling what he’d do. Sam looks down at the ground briefly before looking off at the vineyard. “It’s not my place to speak on that,” He says finally. “But to my knowledge, Lina ain’t paid that man any mind in years. She just tolerates him because he’s in the friend group.” He explains. Lina is notorious for putting distance between herself and others when she doesn’t want to talk. Josh knew it firsthand. There had been plenty of times she had ducked and dodged him when she was upset. 
“I get it,” He sighs. He had nothing to worry about, really, but still. Four years is a lot of history to have with someone—especially when you almost married them. “I’ll have to ask Lina about it later,” Josh says.
“Ask me what?” Sam and Josh stop walking, their eyes meeting the woman standing on the steps. Alina had just stepped out of the side doors of the winery when she spotted Josh and Sam walking towards the pavilion. They hadn’t noticed her yet, but she spoke up when she heard her name. 
“About your ex-fiancé.” Josh says immediately. Sam looked away from her, his hand going to his neck. 
“I’ll get up with you, bruh,” Sam says, tapping Josh on the arm. He rushes off towards the pavilion, not wanting to be in earshot of that conversation. Alina glances down at the ground. She tucks her bottom lip in between her teeth before taking a deep breath.
“You set me up.” He says, pointing at her.  “You knew damn well that man was in the wedding party, and you ain’t say a damn thing.” He says, louder than he should have. Some of Tasha’s relatives had walked by, their eyes now on the couple. Alina glances around them before reaching to grab his hand. “Nah, man.” He pulls his hand back from her grasp, causing her eyes to widen.
“Can we not do this here?” She says through clenched teeth. She snatches his hand up, now pulling him inside the winery. They’d march through the halls of the old building, her eyes darting from left to right for an open room. When she finds a room, she pulls him into it, closing the door behind them. 
Josh leans against the desk, his arms clasped tight in his lap. “I should’ve known something was up with his ass the moment he looked you up and down.” He says, shaking his head. “If I would have knocked his ass through the wall,” He gestures to himself. “I would have been in the wrong.” Alina rolls her eyes at his words, moving to stand in front of him. She grabs his hands, unclasping them to fill with her own. He allowed her this.
 “Me and Theo haven’t been together in over ten years.” She explains. “We don’t see each other, we don’t talk to each other. He doesn’t know me anymore, Josh.” It was true. Who she was at twenty-two was not who she was now. She has grown and lived an entire life since then. 
“Shit, I didn’t know strangers look at each other like that.” A mix of jealousy and insecurity was getting the best of him. Even if it’s been ten years, there’s still something there. He saw it with his own eyes. Delusion has reared its ugly head to work against him.
Alina drops his hands, taking a step back. “Alright,” She chuckles. “You can go home.” She says, moving towards the door. “And I don’t mean my house; cross that state line.” She wasn’t about to argue with someone who wasn’t trying to listen to her. 
She spins around. “Don’t Lina me! You just accused me of having feelings for someone who cheated on me. That man got a woman pregnant behind my back and defiled my trust! He broke his promise, Joshua! I don’t give a damn about that man! I love you!” And there it was, the truth he wouldn’t allow her to speak. “That man—hurt me!” She says, her voice breaking. There was a lump forming in her throat, a sign that sobs were soon to come. “And you’re hurting me right now. I–I don’t have time for this right now. I don’t—.” She was not about to ruin her makeup over him. 
“Lina, I—.” He starts once again. Before he could finish, she had already run out the door, leaving him alone in this office. “Shit.” He hisses, running his hands over his face. 
He fucked up.
A/N: Welcome to the Chaos! There are two parts to this chapter! So be on the lookout for the next half of it soon! I would like to attach what Theo looks like!
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His name is Lance Gross for those who don't know him! Fiiiiine actor. Anywho, if you need an idea of what Alina's bridesmaid dress looks like, it's a spaghetti strap brown satin dress ruched on her left hip. I don't have a picture bc I imagined this lmao sorry
🏷️ list: @thesamoanqueen @whatdoeseverybodywant @headoftheetable @mzv11 @southerngirl41 @yana3sworld @wanderingreigns @wrestlingprincess80 @siriuslycee @vebner37 @astridxxxxxx @alichesmi @tshepisho @scarlettnoir01 @brokenglassslippers @reignsboy19 @sayyestoheav3nn @cyberdejos2 @empressdede @sisinever @truefant4sy @paigereeder @tbmotw @fearlesschimera @venusesworld @usoholic @sageispunk @bebesobrielo @jstarr86 @vibessonvibes @issahyland 
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ccscocoapuffs · 8 months
My Character List KINKTOBER 2024
HEADCANONS Slashers Engagement rings PT.1 Slashers Engagement Rings PT.2 Slashers Engagement Rings PT.3 House of the Dragon Engagement Rings
Eddie Munson NSFW Alphabet
Steve Harrington NSFW Alphabet
Johnathan Byers NSFW Alphabet
Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet
Robin Buckley NSFW Alphabet
Negan NSFW Alphabet
Dean Winchester NSFW Alphabet
Demon! Dean X Reader Smut
Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
Castiel NSFW Alphabet
HORROR Vilmer Sawyer NSFW Alphabet Gabriel May NSFW Alphabet
Tiffany Valentine NSFW Alphabet
Stu Macher NSFW Alphabet
Billy Loomis NSFW Alphabet
Randy Meeks NSFW Alphabet
Thomas Hewitt NSFW Alphabet
Adam Faulker-Stanheight NSFW Alphabet
Amanda Young NSFW Alphabet
Mark Hoffman NSFW Alphabet
Caught- Mark Hoffman Smut
Mark Hoffman Plus Sized Reader Headcanons
Dwayne (Lost Boys) NSFW Alphabet
RDR1 Jack Marston Soft Smut
Bill Williamson NSFW Alphabet
Johnny Silverhand NSFW Alphabet
Late Again- Johnny Silverhand Smut
Lady Dimitrescu NSFW Alphabet
WWE Roman Reigns NSFW Alphabet
AJ Styles NSFW Alphabet
Dominik Mysterio NSFW Alphabet
Jey Uso NSFW Alphabet Tama Tonga NSFW Alphabet Tama Tonga Smut Jimmy Uso NSFW Alphabet Rhea Ripley NSFW Alphabet CM Punk NSFW Alphabet Solo Sikoa NSFW Alphabet House of the Dragon: Aegon Targaryen NSFW Alphabet
Arthur Morgan Playlist
Tiffany Valentine Playlist
Marko Thompson (Lost Boys) Playlist
Dwayne Stephens (Lost Boys) Playlist
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Playlist
Amanda Young Playlist
Bo Sinclair Playlist
Vincent Sinclair Playlist
Karl Heisenberg Playlist
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juceynightmare · 1 year
dating 101 (18+) part 28 - cody rhodes x reader
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my masterlist
dating 101 (18+) masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x fem!reader, roman reigns x fem!reader, austin theory x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing
genre(s): college!au, slow burn, fluff, angst
|| previous part || next part ||
if y/n didn’t dig herself a deeper hole yesterday, she certainly had breached earth’s core at this point. with her head tilted down and austin chuckling under his breath, y/n desperately tried not to make eye contact with roman who was sat at the table conveniently right behind austin and directly in her eyesight. the tension was so thick that y/n swore she was feeling lightheaded from lack of oxygen.
“can they hurry up with the food?” she whispered, feeling scared that they were trying to listen in on her and austin’s conversation.
“how about i lean over, give you a nice kiss, and really give them something to talk about?” austin teased her, biting back a laugh when she flipped him off.
it was austin and y/n day, much like how they used to have in high school whenever they didn’t want to deal with their parents being all lovey dovey in front of them. although cody and ted wished they could have accompanied them when they invited them to join in, cody had a midterm that day and ted made plans with another friend group in between his classes. that left y/n taking austin everywhere around town, showing him all her favorite places and stopping by a few stores downtown to window shop. eventually, they grew hungry and decided to grab lunch at a quaint little hawaiian barbeque restaurant. y/n just hadn’t accounted for the fact that there was a chance that she’d end up seeing roman while she was out with austin.
“do that and i’ll actually kill you.” she grunted, locking eyes with austin and catching his playful gaze.
“i’m sure cody would get to me first.” he mused. just then, another number was called out by the workers and the two of them checked their receipt. “i’ll get it.” austin offered once he realized it was their food, quickly snatching the receipt off the table and getting up before y/n could even process that it was their number that was called out.
this also meant that the barrier between her and roman was gone, and y/n wished she had grabbed the receipt first before she checked if it was their food. she was instantly met with the sight of roman, jimmy, and jey all staring at her as if she’d grown a second head. and suddenly, jimmy was nudging roman and roman was standing up. but before roman could even take a step towards y/n, austin was quickly returning with their food.
austin sat himself back down in his chair, clearly having seen the way roman was just about to invite himself to the table and take austin’s spot. he took their food out of the bag, opening each container to check their contents before setting y/n’s food in front of her. “and your spam musubi, m’lady.” he continued, setting another smaller container in front of her along with her can of passion fruit hawaiian sun. he hummed happily as he handed her the utensils and set the bag aside so that he could open up his box. austin waited until y/n took her first bite before he did. a smile that he was unable to hide crept up on his face as he finally got food into his system, and the same smile reflected on y/n’s own features.
but the failed attempts at hushed whispers behind him were beginning to irritate him. although he had found it humorous at first, austin wasn’t a stranger to times when y/n was visibly uncomfortable. suddenly, austin set his utensils down and turned around in his seat to face the men. “can you just cool it for one day? she’ll talk to you later. but right now, i’m just trying to enjoy a nice lunch with my step-sister.” he asked them, catching a glimpse at their embarrassed expressions before turning back around and being met by y/n’s shocked one. “eat, baby. they’ll stop talking about us and assuming shit if they know what’s good for them.” he addressed her as he pulled up the sleeves of his shirt as a “subtle” warning to the men.
it seemed to work, because when jey stood up to get their own food and returned with them, the other men seemed to slip back into their own conversation that wasn’t focused on who y/n was with. y/n visibly relaxed, her tense shoulders easing out against her frame as she happily began to eat. “thanks.” she muttered in between bites, and this time, austin was biting back a laugh at how she was practically inhaling her food.
he forgot she had a tendency to stress eat.
“no worries. some people just need to learn to mind their own business, you know?” austin replied, this time purposely keeping his voice low so that they couldn’t hear him. he knew that if they had heard what he said, they most certainly woulnd’t be getting out of the restaurant without a confrontration.
“i don’t even know what i’m going to say to him before our lab tomorrow. like, oh hey! yeah, it’s not you, it’s me.” she huffed out as austin handed her a napkin, quickly thanking him before wiping her mouth with the napkin.
“see, that phrase only works if it’s not you, though. i don’t make the roles, i simply enforce them.” austin said, watching as she struggled to open up can before finally reaching over and opening it for her. “god, are you this worked up over it? you’re stuffing your face like crazy and you can’t even open up a can.”
“yes!” she said, rather loudly because it earned them the stares from the other patrons in the restaurant and not just roman, jimmy, and jey. she looked around with an embarrassed expression and waited until everyone went back to their own meals. “sorry. as i was saying, it’s not exactly a comfortable and easy conversation to have.” she muttered, taking a long sip from her drink the same time that austin drank his water.
they had fallen back into their own rhythm easily. y/n was talking to austin as if the centerpiece of her worries wasn’t sitting just directly behind him. in that moment, it was just y/n and austin in the world, and although they may not be out in a random field staring up at the stars and talking about their worries in life, somehow the hawaiian barbeque restaurant seemed to transport them to that place.
austin shrugged his shoulders, setting down his cup before picking up his utensils again. “rip off the bandaid. always easiest that way. besides, it’s not like you’re hesitating about who you’re choosing. it’s pretty obvious who you’re going to pursue.” he told her, his tone bordering an ‘i told you so’ manner that had y/n wanting to reach over and smack austin.
“well, yeah but i don’t feel good about leading him on. it’s not like i meant to do it, you know? i’m just stupid.” she muttered, wiping down her hands before reaching for her spam musubi. “want a bite?” she asked, holding the food out for austin.
he leaned over, taking a bite before sitting back in his chair. he chewed his food, and watched as y/n seemed to delve deep in her own thoughts. he spoke after swallowing his food, “we’re not having this same conversation, y/n.” he went back to eating his own food, muttering lowly, “impact matters more than intention. but you can’t change anything about that either. you just have to learn from it, baby. and i know you. you’ll bounce back from this, you’ve come back from worse, and this time, you have cody.”
she smiled apologetically at austin, reminding herself that maybe she was getting a bit repetitive with her own thoughts. she was just thankful that austin didn’t seem to mind still reassuring her in the end, no matter how many times he had to hear it. the two continued to eat their food, moving on from their previous conversation and simply taking the time to catch up now that they were both sober. eventually, their food was done but neither of them moved from their seats, leaning against their crossed forearms on the table to lean towards each other and continue their conversation.
she was so enamored with her conversation with austin that she hadn’t even realized roman, jimmy, and jey had all left soon after they finished eating. jimmy and jey had tried to wave their goodbyes to her, but roman had simply tugged them away before y/n could even look in their direction.
her phone buzzing was what cut their conversation short, and one glance at her phone let her know that ted was calling her. she showed the contact to austin, who nodded his head as if letting her know to answer it, before sitting back in his seat and fishing out his own phone so he could scroll through social media while she took the call.
“hello?” she answered, pressing the phone against her ear.
“you and austin done eating?” ted asked. there was an odd tone to his voice, one that y/n hadn’t ever heard before. he sounded as though he was trying to stay calm and collected, but y/n could just tell that he was bottling up something like anger.
“yeah, we’re probably going to head back to the dorms after this and nap. i’m about 5 minutes away from a food coma. why, what’s up?” she asked, already beginning to put her trash into the plastic bag. austin followed her, his eyebrow cocked up in question at her words.
“stay away from roman.” ted warned her.
she was taken aback by ted’s sudden words. she expected this type of behavior from cody, but ted? there wasn’t a reason for ted to be telling her to stay away from roman - after all, ted wasn’t the one that was involved in their drama like that. it was as if ted could feel her confusion through the phone, and answered her next question before she could even ask him.
“cody asked randy if he said anything to him while blackout drunk. it’s pretty bad and you need to be told everything in person.” ted sighed, still trying to stay calm and collected over the phone.
“i’ll fucking kill him!” cody’s voice suddenly rang in the background, and from what y/n could only assume by the ruffling sounds over the phone, cody had pulled the phone from ted. “sweetheart, you won't believe the shit i just fucking learned. i'm going to shove my foot so far up roman's ass for thinking he can just pull this shit on you.”
her mouth hung open in shock, and before y/n could even let her confusion be known, ted was already back on the phone. “don’t worry about that for now. knock once you’re here and we’ll tell you everything. it’s cool if you bring austin along. love you.”
before she could even say bye, the call was already over and y/n was left with staring up into austin’s concerned gaze. she was so captivated by the strange phone call that she wasn’t even aware that austin had thrown out their trash for her and was standing up beside her.
“everything alright?” he asked her, holding his hand out for her to take and guiding her out of her seat once she did so.
“the boys have something to tell me. they said you could come along.” she answered.
austin simply nodded his head, making sure they didn’t leave anything on the table or their seats before he was already leading y/n out of the restaurant. “let’s go, baby. sounded pretty bad from all the yelling i heard over the phone. best we get there as soon as possible.”
|| next part ||
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smuts-whore · 1 year
part 2 to Choose
Warning: Smut, cheating, angst
~Got carried away hope you like it~
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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned picking it up to see who the fuck was calling me at this time. My eyes widened with the name that came across the screen. (Jey<3.) Jey and I have not talked since the night I chose Jimmy over him which was 2 months ago. To say I missed him was an understatement. I missed everything about him. Yes Jimmy is great but Jey was different. I walked downstairs so Jimmy didn't wake up.
"Hello", I say answer the phone craving to hear his voice.
"Y/N can you meet me by my house" he asked over the phone with a raspy voice.
"Jey its 3 in the morning and Jimmy-" I started to say but got cut off my him saying, "Please I need to see you right now."
I sighed and said,"I'm on my way."
"Thank you baby girl and please be safe", he said hanging up.
I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door being really quiet. As I drove to his house I got anxious. I don't know what he wants but I couldn't resist going to meet him. I know it's wrong but he's not a stranger to me. All I know is that I'm sticking to my word and nothing is going to happen between us. I pulled up to his house and got out, walking to the door.
"Stand your ground. You love Jimmy. Nothing will happen while you're here", I said to myself knocking on the door.
He opened the door and I said "Fuckk".
He was in his boxer with no shirt and you can see his print very well. I bit my lip eyeing him up and down. So much for standing my ground. He moved aside so I can walk in. As soon as I walked in I felt arms around my waist. I inhaled his scent and it almost sent me into overdrive. I jumped out of his arms turning around.
"What's up Jey? What was so important that I had to get out my house to come meet you" I asked acting like I had an attitude.
"I miss you baby. I haven't talked to you because I couldn't. I can't sleep. I haven't been sleeping, it's hard without you next to me" he said holding my hand.
My breathing got heavy as my mind raced as my heart fluttered. This is not supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to feel like this. Jey is my past Jimmy is my future.
"Jey I got to go. I can't do this", I said taking my hand back walking towards the door.
"I'm not asking you to have sex with me. I'm asking you to come lay with me. Please so I can get a little sleep", He said rubbing my arm gently causing me to catch goosebumps.
I said,"Fine Jey but this is the last time and don't think about trying anything".
He nodded his head as I took off my jacket, Walking upstairs to his room. I laid in his bed first and then he laid. He turned off the side lamp and snuggled close to me. My back was against his and he held me closely, scared he'll never be able to do it again. He rubbed his fingers in soft circles on my hip. His touch felt so good that my mind went fussy. I felt kisses on my neck and I couldn't help but moan.
I don't know what he does to me. It's like I can't resist him anymore. My body was his for the taking. His hand that was on my hip was now on my thigh.
"Can I touch you mama? Make you feel good" he asked gripping my thigh coming very close to my wet heat.
"Please. Please Jey touch me" I begged, not being able to stand the tension I was feeling anymore.
He gladly gave me what I wanted sliding his hand into my shorts rubbing my clit slowly but passionately with heavy pressure. I moaned, turning on my back so he had easier access. He inserted two fingers in me while his thumb was still rubbing my clit.
"Oh my god. You must have a spell on me or something", I said grabbing the arm that was in my shorts, keeping it in place.
"No baby trust. I'm under your spell," he said as my back arched up off of the bed.
I reached in his pants pulling his dick out. I stoked it to the same rhythm as his finger inside me. He rolled his head back groaning in pleasure. I couldn't take it anymore. It quickly became too much and before I knew it I squirted all over his fingers and inside my shorts.
"Oh my FUCKKKK", I said as my body shook uncontrollably as I continued stroking him. Due to my orgasm I accidentally squeeze him tight.
"Oh my GOD Y/N. SHITTTttt", he said as he combusted on my hand as his back arched slightly.
"I'm sorry baby", I said coming down from my high, realizing what just happened.
He kissed my forehead and said,"Don't be sorry mama."
I woke up in Jey's arms. I smiled and turned around grabbing my phone. My eyes widened at the time. Me and Jimmy had a family brunch at 11:00 and it was 10. I jumped up trying to figure how I'll be able to go home and get dressed in time.
"What's wrong baby"Jey asked sitting up rubbing his hand over his face.
"We have the family brunch in an hour and I won't have time to go home get dressed and be there on time", I said freaking out.
"Hey hey. Breathe. You have a sundress in my closet. Go take a shower and get dressed. You can leave and go to the brunch and I'll arrive late. I'm always late anyway" he said kissing my temple.
I kissed him before going to take a shower and changing. I left as Jey went in the shower. As I was in the car my phone rang and I answered it because it was connected to my radio.
"Hello", I said since I really could see who it was.
"Baby are you okay. I called you all morning trying to see what happened. I thought you left me" Jimmy said as I heard the hurt in his voice.
"I'm sorry baby. You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you. My sister had called and she needed help with the baby. Her and Roman could not get him to stop crying. I would never leave you baby," I said feeling my heart break on the fact that I have to lie to him.
"He said okay. So are you gonna meet at the brunch. I have a surprise for you", He said with excitement.
I said"Yes sir I am on my way. I love you baby."
I hung up and drove to brunch.
~At brunch~
We have been here for two hours, laughing and having a good time. My family and Jimmy's were here since that's basically the family.
"I have a quick question. Where did you get that sundress from because that ass kinda looks fat in it", Solo said, making me laugh and Jimmy threw something at him.
Jey rolled his eyes at Solo comment then smirked at me. I winked at him before going back to the conversation. Jimmy got up and grabbed my hand taking me to the front of the tables.
I looked at him confused and he said,"Thank you everyone for coming this means a lot to me. Y/N, baby being with you for this long has been the best thing to ever happen to me. You are my world, I cannot live without you. I know I've done some wrong and so have you but we power through it and make each other better. I need you, Y/N my beautiful baby. Will you marry me?"
I looked at him on his knee and immediately knew my answer.
"Oh my god yes. Of course I'll marry you", I said going down to kiss him.
He put the ring on my finger and kissed me as our families cheered. I looked in the corner of my eyes and saw Jey walking out. I excused myself and ran to go meet him.
"Jey, where are you going", I said barley catching up to him.
"Go meet your husband Y/N you don't need me anymore I've it pretty clear how I feel about you but I end up on the back burner", he said turning around.
"Jey I told you how I felt and nothing has changed. I love you but I'm in love with Jimmy. Last night was amazing even though we never actually had sex and I don't think I'm ready to let that go yet", I said holding his hand.
Jey smiled and said,"I've never messed with a married women before."
We laughed while walking back in so I could show off my ring.
~6 months later~
Jimmy and I are 3 months married and it's been fun. Right now I am at Jey's house straddling his lap kissing him. Since I am fully clothed Jey put his arms under my shirt massaging my breast. I moaned into the kiss, rubbing his chest. Jey's alarm went off telling us it was time for me to go home to my husband.
"Five more minutes please" he said kissing my neck.
I got off him and said,"No sir. I have to get home and cook so my husband is fed. He gets home in an hour."
He groaned and we walked out together going downstairs. When we made it to the living room I jumped at Jimmy sitting on the couch.
The mad expression on his face made my stomach turn.
"I came to spend time with my brother and I saw your car outside. I came to the door and it was unlocked so I came in and sat here until y'all would have come downstairs", he said not looking up once.
My heart stopped and I started saying" Jimmy baby-".
"WHY CAN I NOT GET YOU AWAY FROM HIM! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME Y/N. ALL I EVER DO IS LOVE YOU," he screamed walking up to me. I have never been scared of Jimmy a day in my life but right now I was second thinking that. His screaming caused me to flinch.
His expression softened but his glare never left my eyes.
"You wanna be a whore. Imma treat you like one", he said carrying me upstairs to Jey's room.
He threw me on the bed and I looked behind him to see a very confused Jey behind him. Jimmy wrapped his hands around my neck kissing me hard and sloppy. I moaned, rubbing my hand down his back.
"Show me how you fuck her", he said moving his lips off me.
Jey said,"W-what?"
"I said for you to show me how you fuck her. Y'all eager to do it any other time. Show me what's worth sneaking behind my back" Jimmy said pushing Jey on top of me.
"Ain't gotta tell me twice" Jey said undressing me groaning at the fact that I didn't have on panties under my skirt.
"Were you bare for me or him", Jimmy asked rubbing his hand through my hair.
I kissed his wrist and said,"For you when you get home papa."
"Papa", Jey questioned hearing the pet name I call Jimmy.
Jimmy laughed and said,"Oh you never got upgraded to papa yet? Must not be that good if you're still on daddy".
"Wanna bet", Jey said, entering me on the slick.
I moaned loudly as his thrust sped trying to prove his point.
"Oh my god. Deeper daddy please", I moaned, scratching at his back.
He groaned at the pain which was mixed with pleasure pretty well. His hand came down and started rubbing my clit at an inhuman speed and then changed his thrust to match his fingers.
"Watch this little thing she does", Jey smirked at Jimmy as I felt like my body was going to explode.
And that's exactly what happened. I squirted all over Jey's fingers, dick, and stomach.
As my body spasms I hear Jimmy saying,"So that's why you been sneaking behind your husbands back. You like to squirt."
I moaned and said,"Please baby I need you. Please."
"Now you want your husband to fuck you. Move aside baby bro let me show you something", Jimmy said switching positions with Jey.
He flipped me over and entered me with a hard thrust making me jolt forward with a gasp. He pulled my hair fucking me into the bed. I gripped the sheet in my mouth to stop the pornographic screams leaving my mouth. I took Jey in my hand stroking him while his brother fucked my brains out.
"You like this huh slut", Jimmy said rubbing my clit.
The pleasure was so good I started twerking my ass back on him.
"Fuck you feel so good mama", he said rubbing your clit faster.
"Can I cum papa? PLEASE", I screamed gripping Jey a little tighter causing him to moan and twitch in my hand.
"Go ahead and cum for papa."
That's all I needed to hear I came so hard around Jimmy my vision went black.
When I came back to reality Jimmy was cleaning me up with a wet towel. I didn't even know they both came as I was in oblivion.
We all laid down in the middle and them on each side of me.
"Is it wrong for me to want both of you", I say breaking the silence.
They looked at each other knowing that they couldn't have me without the other.
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crxssjae · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
It's Thursday in 2am since I'm at the eastern time area, so 🤫 let's pretend it's Wednesday, okay?
tagged by @imabillyami! Thank you and you're amazing!
Currently editing the first scene of Something About You chapter one (in case some of you didn't know, it's a samijey/jeysami multi-chapter romance fic with a friends to lovers and slow burn), which is only a little bit of it and Jey's POV side. Ngl I wish there's a strangers to friends to lovers trope (probably not there).
Only warning I'm give is the language because Jimmy is cussing.
Editing in progress:
"Aight, aight, aight! Y'know what time it is: pick a choice!" Jimmy exclaimed, hands gripped on the steering wheel with a goofy grin.
Shenanigans between him and Jimmy never fainted whenever they road somewhere in different places. Can be times the car vibrated and revving in the background; no exchanges, just focused on what needed to be done for their wrestling careers. Though Jey is used to the humors his brother made while being a bit annoyed, he will never rid the fun on what Jimmy do.
His spirits lifted up; from the smiles, through laughter between them, including their bickering match. Both are brothers for a reason, but sometimes, Jey's expression can falter to boredom at any time.
Questioned himself before, but never a simple term of why at the end.
Jimmy Uso is trying, so is Jey himself. Once again, sort of. He is not helpful.
"Here's the catch: which is worse? Gettin' our ass beat when there's a singles match for each of us?" Jimmy asked, his face scrunched with a wince of cringe. Jey's expression also mirrored the slightest, no blame between resurfacing. "Not every week... but okay. Or gettin' yo' face smashed with cake in mine and Naomi's wedding day?"
no pressure tag: @jeysbvck, @wrestlezaynia, @wrestlingprincess80, @afterdarkprincess, @harmshake, and those who wanted to do this also. If some of you already did this, feel free to ignore.
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afterdarkprincess · 1 year
Aftershocks Part 2??? I guess???
Look idk what happened, but I didn't do any work today and instead I wrote this.
Part 1
Post Summerslam Tribal Combat SamiJey
AKA why the fuck Sami didn't help our boy
Earlier that evening-
Sami paced wildly in the locker room. He could barely look at the actions taking place on the monitor, Kevin stared at it with fury written all over his face.
Kevin had no love lost for the Usos but no one deserved a beating like this from their younger brother.
Sami’s heart raced in his chest. Someone had to help Jey, someone had to even the odds. Everything in him was screaming to run out there, to protect Jey.
He could hear the crowd begging for Solo to stop as he sent his older brother crashing through a table.
It was the same feeling he had when Paul handcuffed Kevin to the ropes back at the Royal Rumble. The helplessness and pain of watching someone he loves be broken down and beaten. He couldn’t sit idly by, and this time it wouldn’t mean betrayal to someone else.
At least not exactly.
“I know what you’re thinking of doing, and I just wanna say I do NOT agree with it.” Kevin’s voice cut through the thoughts racing in Sami’s head.
“I can’t not go out there, Kev. I couldn’t do that to you and I can’t do that to him.” Sami ties his hair back into a bun, mentally preparing himself to head out there.
Kevin shook his head, “What is it with you and him? I’ve known you for decades and he hated your ass like 6 months ago.”
“I don’t know how to explain it man, but I have to do this.”
“Well I’m not gonna mop your face up after Roman busts it again. Or Solo. Or Jey.”
Sami laughs, “Noted.” Clapping a hand on Kevin’s shoulder as he passes, Sami moves to exit the locker room and head to Gorilla position.
As he heads out the doorway into concrete clad hallways, he nearly runs into a quick moving figure clad only in black. Sami’s hands come up to touch the strangers arm, make sure there’s no harm done.
“Sorry Pal, didn’t see you there.”
The figure turns and stares at Sami’s hands before looking up and locking eyes with the redhead.
His face is covered with a black bandana, hood thrown over his hair, but Sami Zayn has spent enough hours with Jimmy Uso to know those eyes anywhere.
And they are dark, bags under them as he stares wordlessly into Sami’s eyes.
Sami pushes in closer, looking over his shoulder, “What are you doing here?”
Jimmy pulls down the bandana, eyes blazing. “What are YOU doin’ here, uce? Thinking you gon’ play the hero, huh?”
“Jimmy, I can’t just let Jey get beat like that, I-“
“And why not? He told you he don’ need you no more! We don’t need you no more!”
“I know he doesn’t need me, but I still… care about him!” Something else almost slipped out, something Sami’s barely been able to process. But that doesn’t matter now.
Jimmy’s eyes narrow in rage, “Of COURSE you do, didn’t matter none when it was my ass on the line but when it’s JEY the honorary uce comes runnin back.”
“That’s not true-“
“Ain’t you listenin? It don’ MATTER. This is family business, you have no part in this! I gotta do what I gotta do and this’ll be over.”
But why does his face look so dark and conflicted?
“Jimmy, what do you have to do? You’re going to help him, someone has to help Jey.” Sami knows he’s not blood. He was reminded of it every day for months how could he forget? Maybe Jimmy was right, but he couldn’t walk away without knowing someone was in Jey’s corner.
“Yeah, Uce,” Jimmy chuckles. “I’m gon’ help him.”
Something doesn’t sit right. “Are you sure? I could-“
“Man what is WRONG with you? He don’ WANT you no more.”
The words stung. Like a super kick to the face.
How could Sami ever compare to Jey’s brother? His twin.
Distantly the crowd roars. Sami prays it’s momentum for Jey.
He dips his head, “Okay. I-I get it. Please, just.. help him.”
Jimmy doesn’t say anything else, just adjusts the bandana to cover his face again and pushes Sami back towards the locker room.
Kevin looks over at him as he enters the room. “You come to your senses, did you?”
Sami shook his head, “Something like that”
“Well, whatever it was, looks like he didn’t need you anyway.” Kevin gestures to the screen, unaware of the salt he just rubbed into a wound.
But sure enough, Jey had gained some steam. Solo was down, put through the announce desk, and Roman looked rough.
He watched, heart full with pride and a small glimmer of hope. Maybe things would be different with Roman dethroned. Maybe they could go back to the way things were before.
Jey set up for the Uso splash, and Sami wondered idly why there hadn’t been any music queued up yet. Surely Jimmy had made it gorilla by now, why hadn’t he come out?
Jey stood over Roman now, stunned and out cold from the splash.
Suddenly Jey’s leg goes out from under him.
And there stands a figure in black.
Jey looks up in confusion, recognition, then the grief and hurt of betrayal.
Sami is frozen in shock.
“I gotta do what I gotta do and this’ll be over.”
The match ends. Roman’s disgustingly familiar music plays, though there’s no showboating this time. The tribal chief looks tired and worn, and shows no pleasure in the result.
The wiseman of course is beside himself spouting validation to Roman.
Jey remains in the ring.
The cameras don’t much care for privacy, and the naked grief on Jey’s face is open for anyone to see. His face is wet with tears and sweat.
He clutches his arms to himself and makes no move to leave the ring.
Sami fears that he’s injured, but knows deep down that Jey is going through something worse than an injury.
How could Jimmy have betrayed his brother? His twin? Why?
Sami’s thoughts raced, replaying his conversation with the older twin earlier, every interaction both on and off camera for the last few years.
Nothing about it was adding up, Jimmy wanted out of Roman’s grasp as much as Jey.
A flash on the monitor caught his eye, pulling him out of his head. Some officials were in the ring now, medical looking Jey over for signs of injury.
Jey’s face remained skyward, staring unseeingly at the lights above while Adam Pearce called his name.
Jimmy’s reasons didn’t matter right now.
The urge to see Jey with his own eyes was strong, he just needed to feel that beautiful tanned skin under his fingertips for a moment, to know he was okay.
Jimmy might have been right. Maybe he hadn’t lied about Jey not wanting to see him. And if Jey chewed his ear off or super kicked him again, Sami would take that. It would be worth it.
Next time (If I keep writing, who knows???) what will happen when Sami finds Jey??? Cute shit probably!!!
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ucetheones · 1 year
What Had To Be Done
Realistically, Jey knew Jimmy was correct when he said things had to be this way. He knew his brother was right, but that didn't change the fear that gripped Jey's heart when he thought of the fate that lay before him and Jimmy for turning on Roman, and ultimately Solo.
While, it was Jimmy who did the deed, it was Jey who was forced to deal with the fallout. It was always like that. 
No, no, no, no. Jimmy was right, wasn't he? The way Roman treated them wasn't right. Jimmy had done the right thing, he had done what Jey failed to do years before.
Jimmy was trying to protect Jey, the way Jey tried to protect him. 
Jey had tried to protect Jimmy, hadn't he? He'd folded to Roman's will to keep him, and Solo safe, right?
In truth, Jey could no longer remember. He could no longer remember his intentions when agreed to stand by his cousin, despite the man tormenting him since they were children, Jey stupidly believed his cousin had gotten better with age.
He hadn't. If anything, Roman got worse. And he continued to get worse.
It didn't help that Jimmy, Jey and Solo had backed up his behaviors for the past few years. It didn't help when Roman would laugh with them anymore, it didn't cut the tension or blur the lines between what was storyline and what was real life. Because it had always been real life to Roman, the rough hand he treated his cousins with hadn't been for the sake of the cameras, he hadn't grown out of making Jey feel worthless.
There was no more "Joe". Maybe there had never really been a Joe, or maybe Joe, and Roman had always been one in the same, and Jey was blind to the signs that his cousin was never going to care about him the way a cousin was meant to.
Maybe Jimmy was right, Jey was too much of a bitch to see that he took Roman's shit for far too long. Maybe Jimmy was right to take the reins on this. 
Jey isn't sure he would've had the gall to pull the trigger on their family. Even if that family member has used his body in ways no person should ever have to experience. Even if that person, whose blood is the same as yours, never really cared for you as an individual.
Blood doesn't mean much when the blood in question has left you lying in a pool of your own blood, having split you apart after beating you down with unrelenting fists. Blood doesn't mean shit when they've emotionally, physically, and sexually taken advantage of you. 
Jey remembers the first time Roman used his body for his own enjoyment, it was after his and Jimmy's 13th birthday party. Jey had eaten way too much cake and just wanted to lay down, Roman insisted he accompany his cousin lest he be sick on his way back to his room.
Looking back, Jey was stupid for agreeing. He was stupid to ignore the way Roman's hands slid from his shoulders, down, down, down, down. 
If you asked Jey, he was stupid for allowing it to happen several times after. He was stupid for believing after years of separation, Roman would no longer want that. 
But, if you asked Jey, he would also say he doesn't regret taking the abuse since it meant Jimmy and Solo remained in the dark about just how disgusting Roman could be. They were no strangers to a slap, mush or even a punch, here and there. But neither of them would ever know the terror of feeling your insides ripped open sans prep or lubricant, because Jey bore that cross for them. Roman gave him his word, and surprisingly enough, he'd stuck to it all the years following.
Though, now…now that Jimmy and Jey were no longer under Roman's thumb, it meant for the first time in over twenty years, Jey was free. Jey was free, so did that mean Roman would go back on his word? Would he turn his aggression onto Solo, since Jey, and ultimately Jimmy, weren't an option?
The answer to that question came in the form of Roman all but breaking Jey's hotel door down, banging relentlessly on the wooden barrier. 
The usually quiet corridor was filled with the sounds of an angry Roman.
Jey was almost afraid to let him in. 
Fuck it, he was afraid. It'd be the first time he's seen Roman since Saturday, and based on the way the elder rapped at the door, he wasn't in a good mood. 
Not that Jey expected him to be.
With shaky hands the male opened the door, swallowing thickly when his eyes met Roman's own, immediately finding the anger that burned brightly in them.
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kolakoke · 1 year
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strxwberry-milku · 5 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐝 𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 ?
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 @trc-punzel ✰part3 of the Gif euphoria series
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Roomate!Jimmy x Reader x Twin!Jey
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You always had a thing for twins…
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Daddy k*nk , Gagging , Cream Pie , Spitting
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Looking for cheap apartments were really hard to find especially when you just recently moved into Las Vegas. For the past couple of weeks you have been staying in a motel browsing the internet in search of an affordable apartment . It was now night time, and even though you were tired and exhausted you still decided to keep doing your research. Low and behold you found yourself a perfect apartment with everything you needed in it,the only slight problem was that you’d be sharing it with a complete stranger….. you would deffo have to pad lock your room or sumn cause you can’t trust people nowadays. Being sneaky and shi you opted to find out who you were sharing your apartment with, so you searched up this app called “ roommate finder”.
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Typing up the apartment complex info that you’ll be moving in too, it was able to spot the resident you would be staying with. “ So his name is Jimmy huh ?” you smirked and kept on scrolling through the pictures he added unto the website . “ He’s so fineeee Lord help me” you took a deep breath as you could feel your cooter mama starting to get a bit wet, laughing at your own stupidity you closed your laptop and sat it aside on your bed side table and proceeded to go to bed since tomorrow would be an eventful day seeing as though ur moving in with the roomate.
“ Thank you so much ” you smiled to the man who helped carry your luggage up to your apartment door, “ No problem Miss ” the man called “Jerry” presuming from the name tag clipped onto his milky, white shirt, he smiled and then turned around to head back to his truck. Taking a deep breath you finally examine the exterior of the building infront of you.
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( pick which one you like )
Smiling you pick up the keys from your back pocket and push it into the key hole , rotating it to the right , the door slightly opens signifying that you can go in. Upon entering, you see…..
“ Ay! Yo Uce! pass me the salt real quick” I say and continue to stir the pot of spicy, authentic Jamaican soup I made. Just as Jey was about to pass me the salt , I hear the front door squeak open. Halting my movements I quickly turn around attempting to catch whoever was brave enough to enter this house , knowing damn well I got my strap on me . ( boy please 🙄) I make eye contact with this very pretty woman “ Damn she sexy asf” I thought in my head ;forgetting that a complete stranger was in my house, biting my lip I futher study her curvaceous figure . I could deffo tell she keeps up with her maintenance because her skin was flawless and glistened like gold in the sunlight , not a single imperfection to be found and her long pink bow decorated nail set , sat perfectly on her delicate fingers.
“ And who tf is you ?” my brother rudely interupts. Visbly taken back from his sudden outburst she meekly responds “ I’m Jimmy’s new roommate…” Poor thing , she must have to be confused and have the wrong Jimmy because from what I know of, the app that I have on my phone ( Roomate Finder ) hasn’t notified me of any new incomers.
୨୧ JEY’S POV ୨୧
I had to laugh because ain’t now way this bitch gon come up in this house and claim to be my brothers new roomate when he doesn’t even have one , she must be drunk or sumn, though now that I’m looking at her properly she does look kindaaa…..Sexy . “ Bitch, get tf out!, you ain’t nobody’s roommate “ I said harshly as I place down the salt on the kitchen counter and hastily make my way towards her shy form. Now you can say that I’m a bit of an asshole for shouting at her ( ya think? 🙄) but what would you do if a random stranger randomly came inside your family’s house ? the same thing right ? mhmm thought so .
quickly grabbing my brothers arm , I drag him back “ Chill out bruh , clearly this is a misunderstanding ” I said and sat my brother down on one of the high top chairs around the counter . Turning my attention back towards her I gesture her to come inside. “ Jimmy are you dumb ? she could be a murderer for all we know !” Jey whispered aggressively making sure to keep a close eye on her every movements . “ Relax, I got this” I say and leaned back onto the fridge . “ Sooo you said you were my roommate. Is that correct?” I questioned with a straight face.
୨୧ YOUR POV ୨୧
I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this.Why is this man acting slow ? and who tf is that other midget shouting at ? anyways lemme keep my cool. “ Yes I just recently moved into Las Vegas about four weeks ago, I found a perfect apartment , which is this one and saw that I would be staying with a roomate , so obviously I had to check that I’m not bout to be living with some mad person, No offence” I paused and made eye contact with the man supposedly named Jimmy . He chuckled a bit “Nah it’s fine, I understand ” Smiling at his response I continued my story. “ Being noisy and shi I browsed the internet until I came across this website called ‘Roomate Finder’ and typed up the name of the apartment I would be staying in, I saw most of your pictures pop up and information about you, You seemed kinda cool and not weird so i decided to take the risk and live here.” There expressions were nothing short of confusion, I wanted to laugh so bad.
“ Hollup, lemme see sumn real quick ”…..
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imabillyami · 6 months
Soo I stumbled upon your Fic "The Taste of Freedom" it's so so good! I obviously like Samijey so this Fic was really something!! It doesn't just get you hot & bothered but makes you feeeel (which I love)! You write the two of them and their interactions soo so well!! I really enjoyed it 😊😊 (helps I'm a sucker for Sami pouring out his attention on Jey and Jey just soaking it all up and wanting more). The whole thing was emotional but humorous too 😁 I'm so glad you added Kevin & Jimmy there, my favourite most unserious yet serious characters 😂
Anyway I wrote this post because I just wanted to encourage you with your writing and hoping you will continue to keep writing!! (especially Samijey 😆 but writing in general)
Also I'm fairly new to tumblr so for now this is the only way I reach out on tumblr, I'm not followed or being followed. For right now it's just comfortable this way while I find my way around here, but honestly feel free to tell me to stop spamming you this way in your "Ask" section (I'll totally understand) I've done this to a few other poor souls on here too 😅 (I won't be offended)
Hi new anon friend!!
You have no idea how happy your message made me!
Seriously, I woke up to this and it's the highlight of my week. I read this and soon enough had tears streaming down my face. It has been one of those weeks and your kindness to a total stranger means the world to me!
Please keep "spamming" my ask box all you want. Honestly, it's one of my favorite things and I'm loving it! And if that's your preferred way of communication (for now)? Go for it! Spam away! I'll be delighted by every single message I receive. (Also: welcome to tumblr, happy you're here!)
I'm so so so so happy you enjoyed that story and the way I write the characters and their interactions. I have the biggest smile on my face right now, cause honestly? That's what every writer wants to hear, I think. So thank you so much for taking time to come to my inbox and write this lovely message!
I'll definitely keep writing them, don't even worry. I'll always keep writing in general too. I'm working on some Samijey stuff lately, but for now, if you haven't already, feel free to check out my other stuff over on AO3 / check my fic masterpost here on tumblr and/or check my "my fics" tag for some previews and snippets of upcoming stuff (sorry, I turned this into a bit a shameless self promotion oops).
I hope you'll stick around and continue to read my stuff, but even if you don't, just know that your message and your kindness mean a lot to me and already made my day!
Hugs to you anon!
(P.S.: I freaking love koala bears.)
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ccscocoapuffs · 2 years
Hiiiiii! Wanted to make a list of everyone I write for and let everyone know I do take requests.
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Henry Creel/001
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Horror: Bubba Sawyer Vilmer Sawyer Tex Sawyer Jedidiah Sawyer Michael Myers (OG or RZ! version)
Brahms Heelshire
Thomas Hewitt
David (lost boys)
Dwayne (lost boys)
Paul (lost boys)
Marko (lost boys)
Tiffany Valentine
Amanda Young
Mark Hoffman
Mickey Altieri
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Ethan Landry
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
Corey Cunningham
Cooper Adams (Abbott) Gabriel May Jason Vorhees
Video Games:
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Jack Marston (Aged Up aka RDR1 version ONLY)
Dutch Van Der Linde
Bill Williamson
Kieran Duffy
Charles Smith
Micah Bell
Lenny Summers
Javier Escuella
Sean MacQuire
Johnny Silverhand
River Ward
Judy Alvarez
Panam Palmer
Kerry Eurodyne
Chris Redfield
Leon Kennedy
Alcina Dmitrescu
Cassandra Dmitrescu
Bela Dmitrescu
Daniela Dmitrescu
Karl Heisenberg
Donna Beneviento
Lucas Baker
Higgs Monaghan
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Shane Walsh
Aj Styles
CM Punk
Damian Priest
Drew McIntyre
Finn Balor
Ilja Dragunov
JD McDonagh
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Rhea Ripley
Sami Zayn
Solo Sikoa
Roman Reigns
Tama Tonga
House of the Dragon :
Aegon ll Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Heleana Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Criston Cole
Alicent Hightower
Game of Thrones:
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Jaime Lannister
Theon Greyjoy
Daenarys Targaryen
Khal Drogo
Viserys lll Targaryen
Gendry Baratheon Penny Dreadful: Ethan Chandler Vanessa Ives Dorian Grey Victor Frankenstein
Liv Morgan
Cody Rhodes
Ramsay Bolton
This is all I could think of I write for off the top of my head. Feel free to ask if you don't see someone's name on the list 😁
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cumxxslutt · 2 years
Lord please bless me with some fics amen 🙏🏾 , y’all I’m trying so hard but I cant no more every time I get on tumblr it’s always the same fics don’t get me wrong there all really good but I don’t wanna see the same shit every time I get on here plus wattpad is ass now so I can’t get on that and ao3…..whatever , can anyone please write some new fics . 🎀 ~ cumxxslutt ~ ps give me fic recs . 🤭💌
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Welcome to Oblivion--Ch. 3
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Chapter 3
           I woke up the first day of classes to Sonya doing sit-ups in the middle of the floor. Every time she made her chest touch her knees, she let out a grunted number and huffed a breath. When she saw that I was awake, she grinned.
           “Breakfast donuts are on my desk. Get going, girlie. You don’t want to have to wait on Dana and Ember for that shower.”
           With a grunted acknowledgement, I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I slipped into the shower stall and gave myself a few moments to wake up. Once I heard others bustling around at the sinks, I got to it. It only took three or four minutes for me to finish up and step out with a towel wrapped around my hair and another around my body.
           I hoped I could tip toe over to one of the toilet stalls without being seen so I could dry off and get changed, but no such luck. Two girls stood at the sinks—one white with platinum blond hair that was streaked with neon pink and green and one black with long hair cut through with bright red and orange. They leaned over, brushing their teeth in almost synchronous timing. The blond girl saw me as I tried to sneak behind them.
           “Morning,” she mumbled, toothbrush sticking out of the corner of her mouth. “Name’s Dana. That’s Ember.”
           “Morning,” I said quietly, trying to work my way out of their line of sight. “I’ll just…”
           Ember looked up, catching my attention with bright amber eyes. “We’ll be out of the way in a few minutes. You can use my dryer if you want.” She gestured to a bright purple blow dryer sitting on the counter. “I’d offer my flat iron, but you know… that’s kinda gross.”
           I grinned—just with one corner of my mouth, but still. “Thanks, Ember. I’ve got my own flat iron anyway.”
           “Stop flirting and get dressed!” Sonya shouted from our room. “The donuts are getting cold and I’m not going to deal with ‘Good morning, girls’ Charlotte this morning.”
           My roommate slipped into the bathroom and nearly launched herself into the shower, much to Dana’s annoyance. When the blond girl started giving her hell, Sonya simply poked her head around the curtain, stuck out her tongue, and said, “Suck it up and have a donut, Brooke.”
           The last thing I heard before I shut the door to the bathroom was Dana huffing, “But I just brushed my teeth!”
           I stuffed my laptop, a notebook, and my class schedule in my backpack along with my wallet and keys. Snatching up a donut, I waved at Sonya as I headed out the door. The hallway had a faint buzz of energy to it as people trickled from their rooms to their early morning classes. I had a nine o’clock world history and then an eleven o’clock astronomy class. It was barely eight, so I had time to actually go by the student union and grab breakfast. Sonya’s donuts were great, but I wasn’t about to rely on the sugar high to get me through my first day of college.
           The door at the end of the hall banged open as someone came down the stairs. I smiled when I saw a familiar face. Drew was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt, a messenger bag strapped across his chest. One of the twins was walking at his side, talking animatedly.
           “Morning,” I said lightly as they got closer.
           Drew glanced over, grinned. “Morning, Addy. Breakfast?”
           I nodded, then gestured to the sweet in my hand. “I’m going to be in a sugar coma if I just eat this.”
           He laughed, a deep rumbling sound that seemed to vibrate through the entire room. I couldn’t help but grin back at him. “Yeah. You can join us if you want.”
           “Sure. Thanks.”
           He introduced me to the guy at his side. This one was Jimmy.
           “You’re Roman’s cousin.”
           Jimmy nodded. “We’ll probably run into my brother in the café. It’s cool if you can’t tell us apart. Most people can’t.”
           “I bet you ten bucks I can tell the two of you apart by the end of the week,” I said, munching on my donut. The sky was bright blue as we walked toward the student union. People filed by, making tracks through the well-manicured lawns and avoiding the steps by hiking up the slope leading to the academic side of campus.
           “You’re on, teine,” he said with a grin. I glanced around Drew’s bulk, brow lifted in question. Jimmy waved his hands in the air, gesticulating wildly. “It means girl. You know? It’s Samoan.”
           I nodded, not quite sure what else to say.
           Drew’s elbow brushed my shoulder as we stepped out of the way of a crowd of people heading back to the dormitories. To the last of them, they were dressed in pajamas. I swear I saw one of them with unicorn slippers.
           “Hey, Woods,” Jimmy called, turning so he could walk backwards. One of the guys in the crowd that just passed stopped and looked up. “Imma kick your ass in Halo tonight.”
           “You ain’t gonna beat your boy, Uso. Keep dreamin’!” He flipped Jimmy off and grinned, a wide and mischievous smile. “My room at ten, bitch.”
           Drew let his large hand hover just over the small of my back, leading me away from the still gaping Jimmy. “They’re always like that,” he said, his voice lilting in a calming sort of way.
           “Is everyone here already friends?” I asked, suddenly feeling very much the outsider. The more I thought about it, the more I realized there seemed to be established groups and hierarchies, patterns and expectations. And I had no clue about any of them.
           He chuckled. “You just happened to get dropped into a dorm with a lot of people who aren’t freshmen.”
           Nodding, I blushed a little as he held open the door of the student union. Once inside, he led the way up the stairs to the second floor. The scent of bacon and sausage and maple syrup nearly made my mouth water. Once we’d passed the lady who scanned our ID cards, I nearly ran off toward the food.
           I could hear the Scotsman chuckling over the clatter of plates and flatware as I started loaded up a plate.
           History was in Garcia Hall, in a huge auditorium that fit at least two hundred people. There were people spread out all over, the largest number of them in the back of the room. I bopped down to a row about halfway and dropped into an empty seat.
           An hour later—and in desperate need of something to wake me up—I trudged back over to the student union to hit up the coffee shop and to pick up a textbook that hadn’t been on the online list. I passed Ember as she thumped a heavy stack of books on the counter, apparently having waited until the last minute to pick up her stuff.
           When it was time for astronomy, I didn’t have to look too hard to find the right building. Helmsley Hall had an observatory bubble on top. The room listed on my schedule was just barely smaller than the auditorium from my history class. But this time, empty seats were a little harder to find. I stood at the top of the room, scanning from one side of the other to find a seat that wasn’t squished between two strangers.
           “Hey, Call me Addy!”
           It took a moment for my brain to register that it was Roman’s voice. I scanned the room again, found him standing up in a row about two-thirds of the way down. His hair was slicked back and tied in a knot and he wore a well-fitted black t-shirt and jeans.  He waved me down, clearing his bag out of the empty seat beside him.
           I apologized profusely as I climbed over people to get to where Roman stood. He grinned and wrapped me in a warm hug.
           “How’s it been so far?” he asked, tucking his bag under his seat.
           “Only one other class. World History. I have the feeling it’s going to make me want to cry.”
           “That bad?” Roman turned toward me, one arm draping over the back of the seat.
           I shrugged. “That boring.”
           He grinned. “Well, I hear this class is pretty good. Jey took it last semester, and I’ve never seen him excited about school before.”
           “Ah ha,” I replied, grinning back at him. “So there’s a lab for this, isn’t there?”
           Roman nodded just as a door off to the left at the bottom of the room creaked open. A man with wild hair and a cup of coffee made his way to the podium at the center of the stage. He looked to be in his mid-thirties with a kind smile and an aura of energy.
           “I’ve got dibs on you as a lab partner, then,” I said, just before the professor started to speak.
           I couldn’t help but realize that he never moved his arm from across the back of my seat.
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