#Jai x Jey
ucetheones · 1 year
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
Cold Water
Jey Uso was separated from his birth family at a young age, what happens when he runs into his twin brother, randomly one day?
Will his existing relationship with Jai, his best friend of eleven years fold under the pressure of trying to find his place with them?
*the story will be better than the description, I promise!
"When was the last time anybody hugged you?"
The question was simple, one the average person could easily answer. But for Jey, it felt like cold water had been dumped all over his body. It felt like someone had pushed him out into the winter air without a jacket, because he hadn't been hugged in a long time.
Jey wishes he could say he was last hugged yesterday, or even a week ago, but that wasn't the case. 
Instead, he said nothing, he just rolled his eyes, kissed his teeth and tipped his head back. "Not everybody has mommy and daddy there to coddle them." 
That wasn't Jey's voice. The tone was softer, but always firm.
It was Jai, as usual. They were always the first one to defend Jey, or divert attention away from him. He was always thankful for them, they had a quick tongue and never backed down.
Jey could easily defend himself, he could quickly remind his friend he grew up in the system, having been separated from his birth family after a freak incident. However, he always chose to say nothing. It was easier than bringing down the whole room.
Besides, Jey aged out of the system with Jai a few months ago. It sucked never being adopted, but Jai was there too. Just as alone as Jey, but never one to show how deeply it stung.
While they ended up in the same foster home, their situations were drastically different. Jai had been abused by their birth parents for years before finally being freed of them. 
Their foster parents were nice, thankfully. They'd only been separated twice since they met.
They'd both been in less than ideal homes in their lives, but the last family they found themselves with had been kind, and inviting. They even helped Jey and Jai find a place to stay after their 18th birthdays, not to mention they stayed in constant touch with the pair.
There was a loud 'bang!' before anyone could respond to Jai. 
Jey was more than glad to grab his stuff and Jai, using the distraction to extract his best friend and himself. 
The sound was just one of the other wrestlers in training having hit the mat a little too hard. Everyone should've been accustomed to the sound by now, but it could still be alarming. 
As soon as the fresh air hit his face, Jey was tipping his head back with a small smirk. "Ten bucks says Hawks doesn't last another month."
Jai clicked their tongue, their shoulder bumping into Jey's. "Man, you know I agree with you. Why would I take that bet?" Jey gives a soft shrug, throwing his arm around Jai's shoulders, "A month is real specific, what if he only lasts another week? You just lost ten dollars!"
Before Jai can respond, Jey's body is tugged away from them, a soft 'oof' leaving the taller of the two. Jai is by his side immediately, though when they glare up at the mystery person, their eyes almost immediately widen.
"Um, Jey? Why is your face looking at me?" Their question falls on deaf ears when the person who bumped into Jey speaks, 
One look at Jey confirms Jai's suspicions, though he looks equally as confused as they feel. 
"I'm Jey." He points at himself, his brows pinched.
Jai breathes a deep sigh, their hair falling in front of their face as they do. 
"Are you fucking stupid, Jey? Seriously?"
Twenty minutes later finds them in a cramped booth at a random diner near their training center. Jey is gripping Jai's thigh for dear life, as the guy who they've learned is named Jon, or Jimmy, munches on a plate of lukewarm fries.
He spent about ten minutes trying to convince Jey they were related, but given the fact they were clearly twins, Jai and Jey both felt it was unnecessary. 
Jey had a dozen questions, but there was one question he couldn't let go of.
"Wait, why you here now? You said y'all lived in Florida, so how you end up in Ohio?" 
Jimmy merely shrugged, "wrestling, man. I start training next week." Jey and Jai share a look, which has Jimmy visibly confused.
"What's with the faces?"
Jey chuckles softly, his grip on Jai's thing loosening, "Us too, actually. We moved from Indiana a few months back." 
"We? Y'all a couple?"
Jai can feel their cheeks dusting red, and given the way Jey's fingers twitched against their thigh, they knew he was just as taken aback by the question. 
"Nah, not at all. We're just really close. Been a duo since we were about seven years old!" It was the practiced answer, the one Jey and Jai gave to anyone who asked.
Because it was true, they weren't a couple. They'd always skirted around it, but neither were willing to risk the years of friendship under their belts for a relationship that might not work out. 
Jimmy looked suspicious at the answer, but he held his hands up placatingly and took a sip from his long forgotten soda.
"You wanna know what's funny, Uce?"
Jey wanted to point out this entire situation was hilarious, but he just shook his head and motioned for the other to continue. 
"Our family is wrestling royalty in the WWE,  so the fact you gravitated towards it without knowing is like…destiny or somethin'. 
Aye, but now that I found you, we can be a family again!" 
It was like destiny, and Jey wasn't sure if it was ironic or something else.
He was taken from his parents at the age of three, the reason is still mostly unknown to him. He spent his childhood being put through the ringer, hoping one day his family would return and sweep him away. Hoping they'd save him from the hell hole that was his life growing up.
No such rescue ever came, but his 18th birthday came and went and now the universe decided to drop his twin brother into his lap. A twin he never would've known he had if he hadn't ducked out of practice earlier than usual. 
Years of crying himself to sleep, wishing for his mother's warm touch, coupled with dreams of fleeting touches he'd only known for a short while, were just supposed to be washed away because his twin brother found him, accidentally?
Yeah, right. 
Jai seemed to sense his discomfort, and immediately shook their head. "You gotta give him time, he doesn't even know y'all. I'm his family, you're a bunch of strangers to him."
Jey wanted to wince at the ice lacing their tone, but he couldn't help but agree. Jai had been his only real family. He didn't even know Jimmy, or his parents. It would take more time than Jey was sure anyone would be willing to take.
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void-detective · 2 months
Worth More ☝️
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Author note: I've been meaning to write these two for awhile actually just never had the push till now. So anon, this is for you! Also I will not even try to replicate how Jey talks (don't know if it would come off wrong). This is for all my samijey lovers, I see the appeal and I'm here for it! Also sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Word count: 2,637
Warning: mild/reference to Kevin and Sami, comfort, confessions, first kiss, and family drama
Summery: After being reunited with Jey thanks to the Judgement Day, Sami begins to contemplate some very glaring problems with his friendship with Jey. And without Kevin around he has a lot less people he's close to for comfort after losing to Bron Breakker.
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Sami has always been a loyal man no matter the person, whether it be returning the favor to Dragunov or going out of his way to help former allies or people he aligned himself with. This was especially the case for Kevin Owens and now Jey Uso. He could recall the Bloodline days like yesterday, a distant painful memory of what was.
He could remember how hard and long it had taken to form a trustworthy spot within the faction as an outsider. Especially when it came to Jey who was the only one (aside from Roman secretly) who had refused to accept him as part of the group. His twin brother was chill and easy to chat with but Jey was always so closed off and stoic as his baby brother like he was afraid of letting anyone but family in.
What had begun as Sami wanting to be part of something to connect to people in a way that he hadn't been able to do since Kevin began doing other ventures, then it all began to bleed into the truth of the dynamic. The verbal abuse, the manipulation, and the ego of the Tribal Chief. The chained leashes of everyone in the Bloodline to be kept in line by the ever dominant force that was Roman Reigns. It was like a minefield. Anything, even something as small as a hint of attitude or questioning could get you tipping on the edge of the Chief’s wrath.
Everyone was on edge even with the laughs and good times shared between the group because of the ever lingering threat of the Tribal Chief’s temper and pushing your luck. If he even sensed you were becoming too comfortable within the family he was pushing the boundaries ensuring his own power stayed.
What was worse was Sami felt stuck at the time from fear of his wrath and not wanting to lose that meaningful connection he had created within the Bloodline. It was a cycle of manipulation and guilt that even for someone like the Canadian, it felt to hard to push back from. What he feared more for though was losing Jey.
Jey had become a close friend once the heat had settled and he had accepted him as part of the faction, even becoming closer to him then his older twin Jimmy.
What had started as a friendly companionship started to drop down beyond casual touches and lingering glances. It was something he knew well from his relationship and former partnership with his best friend Kevin. The line between his platonic feelings began to step over to a dangerous sentiment of love.
However these newfound feelings were teetering on the edge of danger with the dynamics of the Bloodline not only because he was an outsider but because Roman was fiercely protective of his family. Or that's how he painted the picture but he knew better than to believe the manipulation played by him now that he had begun to see his true colors.
Roman was power hungry and willing to treat his family with calculated gaslighting and deceit. Everything was subtle but it sent the message of who held the reigns (pun unintentional) and the atmosphere started to feel suffocating for Zayn and Jey.
Even with Romans abusive ways, Zayn kept his friendship with Jey closely knitted like something he was needed to protect at all costs. It went between keeping Jey in line the more he began to snap back in frustration at Roman and being the other man's rock. And in return the younger twin had reciprocated those protective gestures especially during the interrogation between him and the Bloodline where Sami nearly got struck by a Samoan spike.
Following Tribal Court he had snuck into SmackDown to give his thanks to him for the save and during their brief exchange he had thrown in a playful but sincere ‘I love you’ towards Jey. At the time it had been platonic but then he heard the Samoan return the sentiment back. God if he wasn't already smiling like an idiot he felt his heart do a leap and grinned knowingly when he caught Jey's subtle reaction to his own slip up.
Though come Royal Rumble of 2023, it had all culminated into a full circle.
Years and months of abuse and manipulation from Reigns had pushed Sami to do the one thing no one else in the Bloodline wanted to do. Defy the Tribal Chief.
In the heat of the moment Sami had been pushed and pushed till he could no longer take the bullying or the sight of his best friend motionlessly cuffed at the mercy of this tyrant. In his emotional outburst he had snapped and within the moment Roman turned his back..he had swung on him.
The attacks from the Bloodline still lingered like an irreversible trauma to his psyche but one thing engraved in his mind was that Jey refused to indulge or even look at the vicious beating of Sami. Should the Canadian have felt angered by the lack of help? Maybe in other people's eyes, but in his own eyes he had pushed a domino effect in hopes of breaking his friend out of the abuse of the family dynamic.
Each attack from everyone had felt like a knife to the heart from the brainwashing and hold over the Head of the Table had over everyone in his family. But in the end he knew making himself an enemy of the Bloodline was what was best to push Jey to start breaking away from his cousin.
To protect two men who meant the absolute world to him.
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After his fallout with the Bloodline his interactions with Jey had become less frequent aside from sparse backstage moments but what he was more happy about was watching his friend gain such a cult following. It filled him with joy watching how much the fans had grown to love him and how Jey had come into his own since the days of the Bloodline.
With Jey on the same brand as him there were more chances to get time to make sure the other man was doing fine. It still worried Sami that Jey was still catching his footing as a singles competitor now without the backing of his family in his corner. He tried to give comfort in small gestures of reassuring words and keeping other people on SmackDown from being upset due to the past Bloodline association.
Not to mention his best friend Kevin wasn't entirely fond of Jey sticking around which he could understand considering his and Sami's past with the Bloodline. But as always he played peacemaker making sure Kevin didn't get aggressive with Jey being around. His friend could be unpredictable and it wasn't easy to regain his trust (as ironic as it sounds).
However things between them were complicated and got even more so when Kevin ended up being traded to Raw while Sami was left without his best friend in his corner. And to top it all off he had to watch Jey tag team with Cody like they were buddy buddy in the way Sami had been with the other man. Internally he was seething, struggling with his feelings and the sight of someone else being so close and friendly with Jey when he had tried so hard to get him to be his friend.
..Wait as he,,jealous?
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July 19, 2024, SmackDown
During one of his interviews Sami had paused among hearing a commotion somewhere backstage and began to move off to the sound of the problem hoping Bron hadn't gone after someone again. No wait..he recognized that gear.
Sami quickened his pace and discarded the championship with no second thought as he after the Judgement Day who were attacking Jey. His motions were quick in driving them off as he went after JD, quickly slamming the other man into the table out of anger before Carlito moved to tug his team mate from the Canadian.
Once they were out of sight he turned towards Jey placing a hand on his arm and his other on his chest as he steadied him. “You alright, uce?” Zayn questioned the familiar term slipping like it used to back in their Bloodline days.
“Yeet.” Was all he managed to get out the other man but with his frustrated motion over his head, he could tell Jey was far from alright.
Oh they were going after Judgment Day for this.
And they made good on their team up even without being a tag team officially they had an undeniable chemistry that went beyond a casual pairing up. They worked well off each other like a well oiled team and made good work of the Judgment Day within minutes.
Once the bell rang Zayn was quick to slide into the ring as he got in his knees checking on Jey still laying on the canvas. He felt Jey grabbing at his back as he held him and carefully helped him up with a hand casually brushing his waist as they stood. He leaned heavily into the other man's body feeling disoriented and old feelings resurface as Jey held him close to himself.
It felt like the first real win in the weeks of his friends and allies constantly getting wrecked by a certain hot tempered wrestler.
As soon as the thought came and his guard slipped he turned right into a spear by Bron who had seized both men being distracted to attack Zayn yet again. While Bron slid out the ring he noticed Jey quickly moving to his side sending the other man a look they made Sami's heart race.
August 5, Monday after SummerSlam
The loss of his Intercontinental Championship still stung like a loss he hadn't felt in a long time. It made him feel a sense of failure even if he had already asked for a rematch. He was frustrated with his own inability and couldn't shake the loss from his mind.
That was till Jey came over.
Each word of encouragement and Jey pressing to boost his confidence like how he had done for him so many times within the Bloodline and after he had broken away from them. The conviction and belief in Jey’s voice made Sami light up and their usual banter came as natural as ever.
“Me and you? We got some unfinished business with the Judgement Day Uce, you can be a double champ man.” Jey kept poking him and grinned like an idiot as he gave Sami a knowing look. Oh. Did he remember the frustration he had when he was with Cody as tag team champs?
The thought brought a small smile to Sami's face almost subconsciously.
“Yeah, you like that huh?” The Samoan asked with a knowing look and chuckled lowly almost husky with a teasing undertone.
The tone and way Jey put that had went straight to Sami’s core and he swallowed, composing himself with a firm nod. Their familiar handshake followed after the banter as they chuckled among each other.
“God, I missed you.” Sami admitted with a softer tone and gingerly touched his friend's arm with a warm smile. “Thank you Jey.” He wasn't sure what he'd do without Jey by his side now that Kevin wasn't around as much with different brands and Randy.
“No problem, uce just returning the favor if you know what I mean.” Jey playfully hit him in the chest with the back of his hand as he chuckled out in amusement but his tone held a level of sincerity that made his heart flutter.
The quiet that followed wasn't awkward but more so soaking in the familiar presence of each other after so long of being apart.
“So..” Zayn began slowly as he moved himself back and forth on his heels, turning his gaze back to Jey who quirked a brow in curiosity. “You want to go to Waffle House after this?” He grinned widely as he nudged him in the arm with his own.
“You asking me out on a date, man?”
“What? No i- I was just saying-”
Sami's embarrassed sputtering and attempts to back pedal were met with a loud laugh by the other man who rolled his eyes. His face felt so hot and his heart drummed like he had been asked the most embarrassing thing in his life.
“C’mon Remi don't be coy with me, man. I see the way you look at me I ain't blind y'know?” Jey teased good heartily and stepped closer to him with furrowed brows. “My only question is if you're gonna keep running from it.”
The clear challenge from Jey had Sami staring, feeling like he was gaping at him like a fish out of water. He had been so sure his feelings for Jey were subtle and passing friendly not enough to arouse any suspicion, but here he was stuck with the truth. Jey knew. And worse of all he was stuck in place feeling like his whole world was reeling.
Jey moved till he was right in front of him and grabbed his chin gently making him tilt his gaze back towards him. “Tell me the truth man, I know you well enough by now don't I?” He scoffed with a frustrated look as he squeezed his chin giving him an expectant look.
Sami felt a blush dusting his cheeks as he blinked trying to register the touch and words in a jumble of emotions. He paused feeling his heart pounding in his ears and his old emotions flooding back like a dam about to break under the pressure. Fuck it.
Without thinking twice about the consequences he reached out gently pulling his hand off his hand down and moved his own hands to cup his cheeks. He watched the puzzled look pass into surprise as Jey caught onto the move but made no move to try and stop him from what he was about to do. That gave him the push he needed to close the distance between the two of them.
The kiss was tentative to test the waters but became more passionate the longer they were locked in the moment. Sami could feel Jey relaxing into the kiss and slowly reciprocating the affection with his own need matching his. The pent up feelings and months of pining, pretending they were nothing beyond friends felt just as painful as Jimmy's betrayal to him. Eventually he placed his hands on Sami's hips pulling him flush against his own body while his free fingers threaded through curly ginger locks.
Sami felt Jey shiver upon skin to skin contact when he flipped a hand under his shirt and he reached up gently, slipping the ‘Yeet’ glasses off the other man's head. He slipped them folded in his pocket and reluctantly parted as they breathed heavily, staring at each other. His heart racing from his own bold move and the fact his affection had gotten reciprocated.
“What? You think I wouldn't feel the same? I thought you knew me better than that, Uce. Plus I will take that Waffle House offer.” Jey gently untangled his fingers out Sami's locks and patted his chest with a cheerful grin. “You're paying though man.”
Zayn let out a genuine chuckle feeling his heart swell as he grinned with him feeling excitement wash over him like a pleasant sensation. He reached up and put on the Yeet glasses doing the motion with his arms which got a laugh and playful shove from Jey.
“Shut up you idiot.” Jey shook his head wrapping an arm around Sami's shoulders and pulled the other man along with him to leave the arena.
It was the best date he had in years.
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plaidpajamallama · 2 days
(You scared me ) RHEA RIPLEY X JEY USO
Chapter 2
Rhea closed the bathroom door behind her.
She turned on the shower on the highest setting.
She took off her clothes and got in the hot water. hit her skin.
She tried not to think about the fact that she was sharing a room with Jey.
The thought of sharing a room with Jey
gave her butterflies just looking at him. gave her butterflies when he touched her,
even if it was just a hand on her shoulder, or when he helped her up
when he looked her in the eyes. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t
just think about Jey made her skin hotter than the water that was hitting it.
That was all she could think about her whole shower.
After a while, she turned the water off and grabbed a towel to dry off.
She put on her clothes, a band tee, and some black sweatpants.
She walked out of the bathroom to find Jey sitting on the edge of the bed watching TV.
He looked at her, looking her up and down
before he stood up, going over to his suitcase, and getting some clothes out.
Rhea slowly sat down on the bed. Her leg still hurt after what Liv did. She let out a hiss as she sat,
which got Jey’s attention. He turned around to look at her. You ok?
Yeah, it’s just my leg; it still kind of hurts, she says as she rubs her leg.
Jey stood up and walked over to her, may I?
He says, looking down at her leg, Um, i mean, yeah, just be careful.
Ok, tell me if it's too much. As Jey said, he kneeled down
to be level with her leg. He looked at her, asking for permission.
Rhea nodded her head. Jey rolled up her pants leg.
The cold air hit her leg, still a little wet. Jey slowly touches her leg.
Rhea sucked in a breath. Jay stopped and looked up at her. I can stop,
he said with concern in his voice. No, it’s ok; your hands are just cold.
Jay let out a chucker and continued; his hand wasn’t cold at all;
his hand was hot on her skin. He started at her calf
every time he moved his hand. Her heart skipped a beat.
He started to move his hand up, looking up at Rhea to check.
Rhea gave him another nod. Rhea couldn’t speak;
there was a lump in her throat. She leaned her head back a little bit.
Jay started to move his hands up to her thigh.
She leaned her head back up. You ok? Jay asked
Yea, but don’t you need to still take a shower? She asked,
Oh yeah, I forgot. Jey says as he stands up and grabs his clothes off the bed
and walks towards the bathroom.
As soon as she heard the door shut,
she fell back on the bed, letting out a quiet fuck,
bringing her hands to her face,
and letting out a loud sigh just sitting in her thoughts
for a minute before grabbing the remote
to find something to watch to get
her mind off what just happened
Jey won his first single championship! And dom gonna be in a cage above the ring at bad blood!
Sorry if I missed spelled anything I hope you like this chapter 🖤
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magicalbuttertarts · 2 months
I have decided to do a prompt list.
I was plentyoffandoms on here before, and deleted that account and all my writing with it.
I am now just writing for wrestlers.
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Pick a number from one category
The wrestler of your choice.
If you wish for the wrestlers real name to be used or just their wrestling name.
If the reader is m, f, or a member of the lgbtq+. Or if it is another wrestler
Please be 18+
Send to my ASKs.
Once picked, it will be crossed out until I write it & then it will have a link to the story, with the requested ship next to it.
These won't be very long. A few hundred words.
Guidelines are here for my requests, including for this prompt list.
Please let me know if you wish to be added to the tag list for this.
Prompt list is from here
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A: Vanilla
Heavy kissing/Heavy Makeout - Judas Icarus x f/Reader
Dryhumping/Clothed sex - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
First Time - Nick Wayne x dom! f/Reader
Oral Sex
Doggy Style - Gabe Kidd x f/Reader
Rimming - Sami x Bottom!Jey
With Toys - dom! Julia Hart x f/Reader
Multiple Partners - The Noise x f/Reader
Trying a new Position
Anal Sex
Phone/Video Sex - Mariah May x f/Reader
Face-Sitting - Sami x Jey
Mutual Masturbation - Judas Icarus x f/Reader
Requester's choice. - Austin theory and grayson waller x f/Reader
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B: Romantic
Extensive talking during foreplay/sex
Body worship - Darius Martin x dom!f/Reader
Suprise visit at job/work/etc
Overly romantic gestures.
Romantic lighting/decor - Tonga Loa x f/Reader
Romantic music playing during sex
Taking a trip.
First "I love you" - Grayson Waller x f/Reader
Tantric sex - Jey Uso x ?
Slow sex - JJ Gale x dom! F/Reader
Heavy eye contact - Travis Williams x f/Reader
Spooning - Travis Williams x f/Reader
Hand holding during sex - JJ Gale x dom! F/Reader
Requester's choice - Grayson Waller x f/Reader
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C: Goofy
Dared to have sex
Laughing during sex - Nick Wayne x f/reader
With food - Grayson Waller x f/Reader
In costume
Giggly sex - Orange Cassidy x f/Reader
Comical roleplay
Oral sex under kitchen table - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Failed lap dance/strip tease - Judas x f/Reader
Watching porn & making fun of the scene
Distracting other person with sex - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Ridiculous dirty talk in public - Judas Icarus x f/Reader
Finding out partner writes smut & acts out their favourite story. - Liv Morgan x f/Reader
Sexting gone wrong
Birthday sex
Requester's choice
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D: Hardcore
Rough sex - Tate Mayfairs x f/Reader
Cumplay - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Intense roleplay - Tama x f/Reader
Pegging/strapon - Hey x?
Sloppy, dirty sex - Sami x Bottom!Jey
Jackhammering - Dan Moloney x f/Reader
Breath play
Double Penetration - Roman Reigns x Tama Tonga
Spanking - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Cock/vagina worship (plz specify)
Object penetration
Squirting - Dan "Drilla" Moloney x f/Reader
Face-fucking - Luke Jacobs x f/Reader
Requester's choice - Gabe Kidd x f/Reader
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E: Kinky
Fetis fulfillment - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Sensory deprivation - Action Andretti x dom! f/Reader
Extreme bondage - Jey Uso x f/Reader
Dom/Sub - Tama x f/Reader
Play Party - Darius Martin x f/Reader
Knifeplay - Damian Priest x Reader
Humiliation - f/reader x the elite (bucks & kenny)
Orgasm denial - Judas Icarus x dom! F/Reader
Begging - Sami x Bottom!Jey
Aftercare - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
Safeword used - Dan Moloney x f/Reader
Requester's choice - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
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F: Situational
In elevator - Tama Tonga x f/Reader
At work
Knowing someone can hear - Gabe Kidd x f/Reader
At movie theater - Wheeler Yuta x Daniel Garcia
In a restaurant
Against a wall
In a car -Darius Martin x f/Reader
Public transport - Anna Jay x dom/f/Reader
Shower sex - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
In front of a mirror - Connor Mills x /Reader
On a specific holiday (requester's choice) - Tonga loa x f/Reader
At a partner's parents house - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
In a bath tub - Liv Morgan x f/Reader
Requester's choice - Nick Wayne x f/Reader
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jeysamores · 1 year
The Baby Project - ch.1
.synopsis: It’s towards the end of your senior year, and only one more quarter of classes to go. If you thought it would be peaceful then you’re completely wrong because your health teacher decides to give you a simulation project and partners you with your longtime crush.
a/n: This work took A LOT of time to write mostly because of school and colleges, chapter 1 is not long but chapter 2 will be, so I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it! much love - jey
paring → Sunghoon x f!reader,
wc: 1.7k
warning(s): swearing, mature themes, Yuna bitching Jake, Jakes hitting kink, rest is tbd 
next l mstl
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“3 more months and I’m out of here.” you think to yourself, looking around the cafeteria full of some of the most annoying people you’ve met in your life. You had a love-hate relationship with being a senior in high school, one of the benefits being that you could sign yourself out of there whenever your bitch of an English teacher or really anyone, got on your damn nerves. But one of the things that sucked this year and the past 6 years was the only boy you’ve ever liked since 7th grade never even talked to you. 
Well, he talked to you once, but it was just a polite ‘excuse me’, and even from that small interaction you found yourself screaming inside and ranting about it to your closest friends everyday for a week straight and them being the supportive best friends they are, supported your delusions for 6 years straight. 
“At least he looked at me when asking me to move, and at least it was me who he asked to move. See? That means he thought about me. I told you that’s my man.” That was your mindset ever since that interaction, and you were set on using junior year to make a move. You weren’t sure on why specifically junior year but that’s besides the point because the real point is you bitched out every time you planned on making a move. 
And now it’s almost the end of senior year, and no action involving him what-so-ever. Soon you’re just gonna have to face reality and realize that Park Sunghoon would never like you, would never look your way ever again, never talk to you ever again, and would definitely not be the person waiting at the end of the altar for you, later becoming the father of your 3 children. 
“You’re literally gonna be single forever if you keep acting the way you do about this boy y/n. It’s not that hard, go up to him and say what you want.” Yuna has been saying the same shit for over 3 years now and throughout those whole 3 years, you never once listened to her. 
Even with your friend’s help, you just can’t (and won’t) get yourself to make your body move in his direction and actually talk to him without possibly embarrassing yourself, which you most likely would if you were to ever step foot in his direction.
“Y/n, spark a conversation, be flirtatious, pull your boobs out of your shirt for gods sake. You’re making it seem like such a hard task.” Felix says, sounding a little aggravated by this whole situation since he just wanted to eat his lunch in peace without having to hear the whole "y/n is in love with Park Sunghoon but is a little bitch about it” bullshit. Hearing it for the past 6 years was already enough for him.
“Why her boobs though?” Winter asks while trying to suppress a laugh. 
Felix turns to winter, “Can you leave me and my choice of words the hell alone please? And I don’t know it just came out. Also don’t even think you’re off the hook either miss, because your little ‘secret crush’ on Jay is NOT unnoticeable.” Felix is now targeting poor Winter about the small crush she’s had for about a year now. Everyone knows that Winter obviously likes Jay, who the hell in the friend group didn’t know. “Wanna know how I know, because..well I just know, and the facts that I have are completely true.”
"When can I hit him?” Usually to get Felix to shut the hell up Yuna resulted in violence. Yuna just didn’t want Winter being embarrassed by how obvious it was, especially since Winter wasn’t the person to talk much about a love interest, let alone the type of person to actually talk and socialize.
“I don’t like him so leave me alone, go get an actual girlfriend for once in your life. You’re all over y/n about Sunghoon but look at you.” says Winter, scowling down at the sandwich in her hand before shoving a good amount of it into her mouth and taking a bite. That was the most Winter talked the whole lunch period, but not the first time she said some rude shit to Felix.
You can’t even remember when Felix started hanging out with you 3 girls. According to the man himself, apparently it was at Jake Sims 14th birthday party, and Yuna punched him in the stomach and then proceeded to smash his face into the cake and called him a dooshbag right after. Felix being the dumbfuck he was -and still is- thought it was so badass that he started following you girls around, attempting to be in the group. And he just stuck ever since. keyword; apparently.
But despite all that, the birthday story regarding Jake Sim getting bitched was actually true. And despite Yuna letting Jake know that he wasn’t shit by handing his ass to him at his own party, they’re actually dating. It’s a secret though, everyone thinks they’re some type of enemies with hella sexual tension. Speaking of the devil, here he comes right now.
His tall frame came into view, that sly smirk started to appear on his face which was sculpted by the gods btw. Those lips that Yuna is literally obsessed with but acts like she’s not slowly forming a smile when he sees her. it’s really mind blowing how they hide their relationship so well. 
Jake said the exact moment he knew he liked Yuna was when she bitched him at his party. He said that when he finally got up and wiped the cake out of his eyes while still groaning in pain, he thought that was the hottest thing ever and began getting on her nerves even more hoping she would hit him again because he “liked how it felt.” Jake also went on to tell us that this was the point in his life where he figured out he liked being hit, in a kinky way. Why are there so many outcomes from this party?
“Hey Yuna, you know that instead of sitting on that hard chair you could just sit on my dick? All you gotta do is ask love.” The smirk on his face said that he was trying to get something out of her, but his eyes showed nothing but love and adoration when looking at her. 
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE SIM!” Yuna shouted, pushing him away. It worked, he got what he wanted, for her to touch him. And even though it really sounded like Yuna wanted him out of sight, her eyes were telling him something else, something you weren’t going into detail on because it’s obviously some freaky shit. It was a daily thing for Jake to do this at lunch, come to your table for a little show for the public eye and to see his secret girlfriend. 
Once Jake was gone Yuna looked from felix to winter and back down at her phone still trying to suppress her smile, "why do you even sit here with us, shouldn’t you be with Chan?” It’s true, where was this guys babysitter?
“Also, y/n has the rest of this year and possibly more to tell Sunghoon how she feels since they’re going to the same university. I think you should take your time.” Winter said before shoving the remaining piece of a sandwich she held in her hand into her mouth. Winter is the only person in the group who doesn’t pressure you into doing stupid shit like telling THE Park Sunghoon that you like him even though she knows it’s kind of long overdue.
“Well y/n, if you die a lonely virgin, it was never my fault.” Felix's laughter was soon cut short when he started yelling in pain and holding his right arm. “WHAT THE FUCK YUNA!?? why do you punch so hard!? I’M BRUISING! DO YOU SEE THE BRUISE FORMING?! I COULD’VE DIED!!! MY ARM COULD’VE FALLEN OFF!”
“You deserved it so stop screaming like a bitch.” One thing about Yuna was that no one was allowed to talk shit about her girls unless it was her who was talking shit (which she didn’t do). She was very protective of you girls, especially when it came to Winter since most of the time she wouldn't say anything back to Felix’s stupid jokes. 
Apart from the library, you found lunch to be a peaceful environment even with the constant never ending bickering between Yuna and Felix. You should’ve chosen the library today instead of your lunch table.
Looking at the time shown on your phone screen you realize that it’s almost time for class and you still had to go to your locker which was conveniently 2 lockers down from Sunghoon’s to exchange some books. “The bell is about to ring guys.” 
As you’re gathering your books your eyes wander a little and land on a silver haired boy talking and laughing with a group of other boys surrounding him. His perfect side profile, those moles that accentuate his face, that jawline. God that perfect pointed nose, you know many things it could be used for. His laugh that you can practically hear even from a mile away. 
Sad how he wasn’t really social with other people that weren’t in his friend group, and apart from him the whole friend group was hot. The school considered them to be the prettiest boys to ever walk these halls. They all looked like models, something so delicate and capturing which should be held in a museum.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you quickly finished packing up and let the girls know you’re ready to go, which was a lie because you wanted to stare at Sunghoon for as long as possible. But you have all next period for that.
Yuna starts smiling which lets you and Winter know she’s up to no good. Looking up and straight at felix and loud enough for the next lunch table over to hear she shouts “Whatever, BYE VIRGIN! let’s go girls.” All three of you walked away from the table laughing at Felix’s dumbfounded expression and trying to clear up the accusation.
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taglist @voidbeomgyu @cha0thicpisces​ @heeseungsbabymomma​  @zomyy  @rikisly​ @sjakewrld @bellebear @ocean-minho @isylvr​ ​ @notrosemary ​  @classygirlsthings @asyleums​ @levi-09    @hajimalagooo​ @lvufran​  @jhopesucker​ @lunacrtk​ @vivibelov3d
© jeysamores 2023 - please do not translate, copy, or plagiarize my work on other platforms as your own!!
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89 notes · View notes
stoptalkingwithme · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀gang gang gang everyone!!
kpop / k-rock (not a top, just a list):
⠀ateez, xikers, cix, nct & Lucas, wayv, day6, the rose, the volunteers, wave to earth, shinee, o.o.o, monsta x, class:y, purple kiss, block b, bnd, woojin, wetter, lucy, txt, kardi, oneus;
khh / krnb:
⠀nafla, mokyo, dpr ian, huh, dvwn, code kunst, big naughty, jay park, zico, løren, pH-1, skinny brown, kid milli, don malik, bloo, blasé, roh yunha, sik-k, haon, d.ark, groovyroom, colde, bryn, damini, jiwoo, yanghongwon, simon d, loopy, owen, jey, yerin baek, ash-b, omega sapien, goopy, ash island, giriboy, zior park, gemini, woo, tabber, youngji, sion, 0wave, balming tiger, chillin home, cherry boy17, millic, fleeky bang, chu seo jun, chwvin, eaj, maddox;
chanmina, versailles, gulu gulu, 告五人, xaaxaa, lamp, plastic tree, lil ghost 小鬼, tessa violet, exist†trace, lana del rey, beabadoobee, Lexie Liu, cavetown, KUN, 莉莉周她說, Lücy;
pinterest: wurette
8 notes · View notes
zed-air · 6 months
CKUA - In Our Neighbourhood: 2024 (part 1)
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>> Listen via CKUA OnDemand
In Our Neighbourhood is CKUA’s weekly exploration of Alberta’s eclectic soundscapes. Kickstarting the weekend with two hours of songs, singers, stories, and sounds spanning the province, it’s an upbeat mix of unpredictable and essential tracks for your Friday night.
Opening theme music: “Strange Displacement” by Layten Kramer
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(138) 2024-01-05 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Listener recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Shaky Hands • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 18:05
Fog • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:08
Stars Still Dying • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 18:12
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:19
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:22
Last Song • Vic Ruggiero & Jory Kinjo • ______ • 18:26
Five Years In The Slammer • The Rembetika Hipsters • HOLD YOUR GROUND, V 1-4 • 18:30
Messy Child • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:34
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:37
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:40
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:43
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:48
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:51
Down the Middle • The Bobby Cairns Legacy Band • PLAY IT FORWARD • 18:54
Neon (That's Why) • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 19:00
I Did It All For You • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:06
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 19:09
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:13
Athene • The Velveteins • ______ • 19:17
It's Not The Same Anymore • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 19:21
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:25
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:28
Space • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 19:33
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • ______ • 19:37
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:40
Young Love • Vissia • YOUNG LOVE • 19:43
Progress • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:49
Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 19:53
(139) 2024-01-12 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:01
Ralph Wiggum • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:04
Winter Money Blues • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:07
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:18
Everything • Celeigh Cardinal • EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ALL • 18:22
Never Gonna Not • Mike Clark (Alberta) • ______ • 18:25
Come On Into My Kitchen • Kirby Sewell • THE BLUES FOUND ME • 18:32
One Too Many • Peter & The Wolves • WORTH THE TROUBLE • 18:41
Shot Out From A Cannon • Punch Drunk Cabaret • ______ • 18:43
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:47
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & T.C.B. • 18:50
Stay Cool • The Melisizwe Brothers • ______ • 18:57 ^^
Range Delivery • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:00
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 19:07
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:10
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 19:14
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 19:17
Crop Circle • Baby Jey • CROP CIRCLES • 19:24
Fantasy • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:28
Virtual Insanity / Canned Heat • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:33
Petite Histoires • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:38
Road To Las Cruces • Corb Lund • COVER ART • 19:43
Whatever Helps You • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:47
Soul Seeker • Jesse Northey • ONION KNIGHT • 19:50
So Long • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:53
(140) 2024-01-19 - 18:00-20:00
Home • Tim Isberg • COMIN' HOME • 18:01
Church Of The Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • DYNAMITE AND 'DOZERS • 18:06
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:10
TV Blue • Skinny Dyck • PALACE WAITING • 18:14
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 18:17
Chasing Horizons • Kit Johnson • UGLY TRUTHS • 18:20
Still Calls Me • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:24
I'm Okay • Kimberly MacGregor • I AM ON MY OWN • 18:28
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 18:32
More • Micah Sage • MICAH SAGE • 18:35
Baby Blues • Doug • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 18:38
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • MAGNOLIA BUCKSKIN • 18:43
Luke W. Milwaukee • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 18:47
Old Enough To Know • Neil Mac • LEAVES FROM THE FAMILY TREE EP • 18:50
Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 18:53
Atacama • Panqueque • ______ • 19:00
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
If I Were You (Close To the Groove mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:08
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:13
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:16
In it to Win • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 19:19
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:23
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 19:26
Drifting • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:29
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:33
Never Gonna Happen Again • Andy Eichhorn • SATELLITES & SECRETS • 19:36
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 19:40
I Can't Wait (Clean) • Miesha and the Sparks • ______ • 19:44
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:47
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:50
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:53
(141) 2024-01-26 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
^^ Donor and/or listener recommendations/requests
Lift You Up • Ayla Brook & The Sound Men • DESOLATION SOUNDS • 18:01
Winter Lining • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 18:05 ^^
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:09
Glass Airplane • The Static Shift • ______ • 18:17
Peace Forever • Crystal Eyes • RADICAL SOFTNESS: THE SPLIT • 18:23
Hold And Console • Billie Zizi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:27
Open Book • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:30
Not My Business Either Way • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 18:35
Telephone • Vailhalen • ______ • 18:38 ^^
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 18:40
Artificial Light • Uncanny Valley • FEVERING STARE • 18:44
GRLSROK • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 18:48
Stargazer • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 18:51
Top of the World • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:53
Wintering Hills • Liquor Mountain • EAST DOOLEY EP • 18:58 ^^
Lotus • Wild Coulee • BIRD TO A BREEZE • 19:04 ^^
Asheville • Von Bieker • ______ • 19:08 ^^
Before It's Too Late • Justine Giles • ______ • 19:13
Long Haul • John Wort Hannam • LONG HAUL • 19:17
Brown Paisley Cowgirl • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 19:22
The Simple Man • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 19:26
Saved • Alfie Zappacosta • ______ • 19:30
He Perdido el Centro • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:34
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 19:38
The Uranium War • nehiyawak • COVER ART • 19:42 ^^
Morning Light • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:46
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:48
Frenetic • Good Information • ______ • 19:52
(142) 2024-02-02 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:02
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:05
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:09
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:15
It Ain't Easy Being Blue • Donald Ray Johnson • THESE BLUES: THE BEST • 18:19
Blue Star • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 18:24
Where Are My Blue Eyes? • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 18:28
The Devil is a Blue-Eyed Man • Celeigh Cardinal • STORIES FROM A DOWNTOWN APT • 18:34
Lovers in a Dangerous Time • Martin Kerr • BETTER THAN BRAND-NEW • 18:37
Last Song • Vic Ruggiero & Jory Kinjo • ______ • 18:42
Take Me Higher • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:45
What You Say • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:50
Get Down • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 18:53
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:59
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 19:04
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 19:08
One Too Many • Peter & The Wolves • WORTH THE TROUBLE • 19:12 ^^
Winter Money Blues • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:16
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:21
Ego • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:24
Paralyzed • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:28
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 19:32
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 19:35
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:40
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:45
Look Around • Judy Singh • A TIME FOR LOVE • 19:51
If You Look Away • Barry Allen • 1970 MOLTEN 45 • 19:53
Carpenter • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:55
(143) 2024-02-09 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
~~ Featured content
Going Home • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:02 ~~
Walk On Through • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:05
Conditioning • Lynn Olagundoye • COVER ART • 18:09
Keep in the Middle of the Road • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 18:14
Cruisin' • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:19
Stop And Go • Kirby Sewell • GIRL WITH A NEW TATTOO • 18:22
So You Know My Thoughts • Cantoo • MINT RECORDS - HOT HEROS 2 • 18:26
Cool Scorpio • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:32 ~~
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:38
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 18:42
Circus • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:45
Take It Or Leave It • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 18:51
Black Everyday • Arlo Maverick • SOUL MERCHANT • 18:54
Rent Free • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:00 ~~
Shooting at the Moon • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:05
I Hear Them Calling • Rae Spoon • ARMOUR • 19:08
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:12
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:15
Holiday (Map of the City) • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 19:19
Crazy Legs • Pete Turland • BEST OF PETE TURLAND • 19:23
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 19:26
Beatles medley clip (1976 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:32
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:38
Since You Been Gone (Live in Studio) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:40 ~~
One More Time • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:46
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:51
Tijuana Sunset • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 19:55
(144) 2024-02-16 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:02 ~~
Conditioning • Lynn Olagundoye • COVER ART • 18:05
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:10
If Walls Could Talk • Donald Ray Johnson • TRAVELIN' MAN • 18:16
My Babe • Mike Clark • FOREVER PEOPLE • 18:20
Back Where I Started • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:24
Half A Heart • T. Buckley • MILES WE PUT BEHIND • 18:27
Distant Whisper • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:33
All the Days • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:36
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:40
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:46
One Way Ticket (ft. Emily Powers) • K-Riz • ONE WAY TICKET • 18:52
On Track (feat. Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 18:58 ~~
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:03
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 19:06
Love Overdue • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:09
Ernesto • Baby Jey • BEST WISHES • 19:12
Paradise (ft. Cayley Thomas) • Astrocolor • PARADISE • 19:17
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:19
Radiation • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:22 ~~
Just Our Luck • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:26
Promises • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:30
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:34
Midnight Kid • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:36
Neither Love Nor Money • Michael Rault • ______ • 19:39
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:44
Be Careful • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:48
Looking for Tomorrow • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 19:50 ~~
Hedgehog • Ginger Beef • GINGER BEEF • 19:54
(145) 2024-02-23 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Nerve • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 18:02 ~~
You Got Me • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 18:05 ~~
Hello • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:08
Everything • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:12
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:15
When The Stars Align (Ft. K-Riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • LO FI FUTURE • 18:18
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:23
Queen (ft. Riwo) • K-Riz • ONE WAY TICKET • 18:28
Hope That • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:32
Why Don't You Know • Mitchmatic • IT'S PROBABLY RAINING • 18:36
Space • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 18:41 ~~
Hopes Up • Justine Tyrell • ______ • 18:44
Grim Reaper • K A R I M A H • ______ • 18:48
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:52
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:58
Somebody That I Used To Know • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:04
Famba • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 19:09
Kure Kure • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 19:13
Awakening • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:18 ~~
How You Gonna Live... • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 19:22
Sweet Chamomile • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:29
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:33
Record Store (feat. J-Live) • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:36
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:41
Alive • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:45 ~~
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:49
The Fall • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 19:56
(146) 2024-03-01 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
The Devil In You • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:02 ~~
Care • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:04
Tap Me On the Shoulder • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 18:08
Rose Coloured Frames • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:13
Set Yourself Free • Martin Kerr & Celeigh Cardinal • GRATEFUL • 18:16
The Chelsea Hotel Is Closed... • Emet • ______ • 18:20
Does Anybody Live Here? • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:23
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:29
Hide It Away • Amy van Keeken • IN DREAMS • 18:33
The Gondola Ride • Wilfred Kozub • THE LAST VIBRATIONS OF SUMMER • 18:36
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:39 ~~
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:45
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 18:49
The Words I've Said Before • Doug Hoyer • ______ • 18:54
Cheatin' & Lyin' • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 19:02 ~~
Stoke That Fire • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:05
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:08
Pleasant Solutions • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:13
Smoke Rings for My Rider • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:18
Travelin' Man • Donald Ray Johnson • TRAVELIN' MAN • 19:21
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:26
Foolmaker • The Camie Leard Band • FOOLMAKER • 19:33
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:38
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:41
Impossible • David Ward • IMPOSSIBLE • 19:46
You're Still On My Mind • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 19:49 ~~
Inni • Jessica McMann • INCANDESCENT TALES • 19:53
(147) 2024-03-08 - 18:00-20:00
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • THE WAR • 18:01
Hide Forever • Selci • A SOFT PLACE (EP) • 18:04
Impossible Things • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 18:09
Tossed In A Tempest • Shona Rae & The Bona Fides • BURNIN' UP (EP) • 18:19
Nanton Wind • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:23
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • ______ • 18:28
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:29
Starwalker • Asani • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 18:33
Hopelessly Devoted • Fawn Wood • KAKIKE • 18:36
I Watch The Sun Come Up • Billie ZiZi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:40
Who's Foolin' Who • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 18:45
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:48
Together • Jan Baker • IN GOOD TIME • 18:55
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 19:01
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:06
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 19:09
Music is My Medicine • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 19:13
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:17
Save Me • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:23
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 19:26
My Wom • Vissia • WITH PLEASURE • 19:29
My Baby Just Cares For Me • Krystle Dos Santos • KRYSTLE DOS SANTOS • 19:33
Stay With Me • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:36
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 19:40
Call on Me • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:45
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:49
Anticipating • Shumaila Hemani • MANNAT • 19:55
(148) 2024-03-15 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
Here Come The Cossacks • Millenia • BRATTYA • 18:01
Whiskey In The Jar • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:05
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:10
Willie Reilly • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:15
Grease and Gasoline • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:19
Galway Girl • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 18:22
More love than Money • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:25
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:31
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:35
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:37
Metelytsia • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • ______ • 18:44
Peaches & Cream • Red Hot Hayseeds • RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 18:47
Is There Anybody Out There? • Sean Holowaty • TSYMBALY • 18:50
Foggy Dew • Osyron • ______ • 18:56
Last Kiss • Coeur De Pirate • TRAUMA • 19:03
El Viejo • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:10
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:14
Summertime • Denis Frigon • ______ • 19:17
That's How She Goes • Sonny Mac • SONNY MAC SINGS • 19:21
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 19:24
All of Me (w/ Mallory Chipman) • Hutchinson Andrew Trio • THE SENATOR • 19:27
Black Magic Woman (2012 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:36
Bridge Over Troubled Water • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:43
Petite Histoires • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:48
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:52
Flyby • Celtara • SINGLE • 19:55
(149) 2024-03-22 - 18:00-20:00
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:01
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:03
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:06
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:09
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 18:15
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • ______ • 18:18
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:21
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:25
Grandpa Was a Bushman • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:30
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:33
Talk to Me • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:38
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 18:42
Everything Fades Away • Sam The Living • ______ • 18:47
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • DANCING WITH SUE • 18:51
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • ______ • 18:54
King of the Road • Stickel & Son • ______ • 19:01
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 19:07
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:11
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:15
Sleep for a Liftime • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:19
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:23
Unfortunate Love • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:28
Grim Reaper • Karimah • TR/GR • 19:32
Inside Your Love • K-Riz • INSIDE YOUR LOVE • 19:36
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:41
Room with a View • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 19:45
I Can`t Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 19:50
Frenetic • Good Information • ______ • 19:54
(150) 2024-03-29 - 18:00-20:00
Livin' on the Road • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:01
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 18:04
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:07
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:13
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:17
Girl In The Crowd • Jr. Gone Wild • STILL GOT THE JACKET • 18:20
Bad Bad Man • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:23
Heather's Medley (2012 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 18:28
Start a Fire • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 18:36
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:40
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:43
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:46
Everything Fades Away • Sam The Living • ______ • 18:50
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:53
Keep Dancing • Suzanne de Bussac • SHIVER STORIES • 19:01
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 19:08
The Games Gets Hot • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:12
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:15
Grocery Store • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 19:19
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:22
London Destroyer • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:25
Sleep for a Liftime • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:29
Luke W. Milwaukee • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 19:34
Yip Yip • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:37
Harder Stuff • River Poets • RIVER POETS EP • 19:40
Get It Right • Doug Hoyer • DREAM LIFE • 19:43
Baby Blues • doug. • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 19:48
Tell Me Something • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:52
Sardasht • Morteza • ON THE EVE OF A THOUSAND TUNES • 19:55
(151) 2024-04-05 - 18:00-20:00
Tear It Down • Major Love • MAJOR LOVE • 18:02
Cartagena • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:06
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 18:10
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:13
Rambling Bones • Ben Sures • LIVE AT THE YARDBIRD SUITE • 18:19
Don't Be Cruel • The Carolines • THE CAROLINES • 18:23
Mystery Train • Pete Turland • PETE TURLAND AND THE RENTAL CATS • 18:26
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:30
Aphrodite & Me • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 18:36
Is There Anybody Out There? • Sean Holowaty • TSYMBALY • 18:39
Kalyna • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 18:43
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:46
Walk The Tweed • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:52
Foggy Dew • Osyron • SINGLE • 18:59
Dead End Street • Southbound Freeway • FROM THE 1968 PACE LP • 19:05
See the World • Barry Allen • 1970 MCA 45 • 19:07
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:10
Station • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:14
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 19:19
Famous Blue Raincoat • Mallory Chipman • RAGS AND FEATHERS • 19:23
Last Two Dollars • Donald Ray Johnson • THESE BLUES • 19:28
Funky Hokey Pokey • ADEQUATE! • ADEQUATE! • 19:35
Tonight • Mouraine • ______ • 19:39
Two Moons • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:43
Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 19:47
(152) 2024-04-12 - 18:00-20:00
Doorway • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:01
Hold And Console • Billie Zizi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:04
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:07
No Wrong • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:12
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:16
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:21
Easy • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:26
Think of You (Clean) • Tanika Charles • ______ • 18:32
I Can`t Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 18:37
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:41
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:45
Hi-Fli • Dragon Fli Empire • INTERMISSION EP • 18:48
Save Me • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:51
F-Man • Up And Over Trio • UP AND OVER • 18:54
Keep On • Marcus Trummer • ______ • 19:01
Tell Me What You're Thinkin' • Secondhand Dreamcar • ______ • 19:07
Back to My Home • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD LP • 19:12
Mineral • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 19:15
Clambake! • The Ramblin' Ambassadors • ______ • 19:20
Range Delivery • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:23
Polka From L'viv • The Kubasonics • BIG BEET MUSIC • 19:27
Went To Pick Mushrooms • Millenia • BRATTYA • 19:30
Better Times Ahead • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 19:34
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 19:37
Catching Flies • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:41
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:44
Big Sunglasses • Dylan Farrell • BLUES BEFORE • 19:48
Bloom • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 19:52
Butterfly Sneezes • Aagtive • BUTTERFLY SNEEZES • 19:56
(153) 2024-04-19 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser edition, pt 1)
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:06
Backsliders • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:09
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & T.C.B. • 18:15
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:19
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:24
Back Where I Started (At The Bottom) • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:29
Flamingo • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:36
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:39
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:45
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:49
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:52
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:01
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
One Time Asking • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 19:13
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 19:15
Easy Steps • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:24
London 1969 • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:28
Rawhide • Boots & The Hoots • BUCK OR TWO BUCKAROO • 19:37
Scream, Holler & Howl • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM, HOLLER & HOWL • 19:40
I Won't Be There • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:44
Call on Me • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:52
De Mi • Audrey Ochoa • AFTERTHOUGHT • 19:55
(154) 2024-04-26 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser edition, pt 2)
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:03
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 18:07
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • SITTING, WITH UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS • 18:14
Wild Azaleas • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 18:17
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:26
(I Think) I Hit My Limit • Ayla Brook & The Sound Men • DESOLATION SOUNDS • 18:30
Aunt Lucy • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:38
Maggie's Farm • Bill Bourne • FREE RADIO DANCE BAND • 18:42
Stay • Justine Vandergrift • ______ • 18:50
One Day Closer • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:54
Springtime • Jan Baker • IN GOOD TIME • 19:02
The Storm • Celtic Fusion Illusion • THE STORM • 19:11
Galway Girl • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 19:16
Father's Shoes • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:23
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 19:26
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 19:33
Paintbrush and a Palette • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:37
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:44
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 19:51
Seems to Me (Instrumental) • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:54
(155) 2024-05-03 - 18:00-20:00
Mourning Tonight • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 18:01
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:05
Stole My Money • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:08
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:15
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:18
What You Say • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:22
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:25
Gone Too Long • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:28
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:32
Holiday (2012) • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 18:35
Run • Von Bieker • WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME? • 18:42
Chasing Memories • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:46
I Just Wanna Drive • Amy Bishop • JUST LIKE HER… • 18:51
If You Hear Me In Your Sleep • Mikayla Bortscher • ______ • 18:56
Sister Summer • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:03
London 1969 • The Lovebullies • SOMEWHERE • 19:07
Small Town Dance • Greg Herman • ______ • 19:11
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • DANCING WITH SUE • 19:15
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:18
Navajo Rug • Ian Tyson • ALL THE GOOD 'UNS • 19:23
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • ______ • 19:26
Good Natured Man • Amy Nelson • EDUCATED WOMAN • 19:30
Yellow Flower • Meadowsweet • ______ • 19:37
Before It's Too Late • Justine Giles • ______ • 19:41
Hobo Shower • Boots & The Hoots • III • 19:45
All That I Can • Ann Vriend • ANYBODY'S DIFFERENT (EP) • 19:50
Elevated • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:53
(156) 2024-05-10 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS IN THE AFTERNOON • 18:01
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:04
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:07
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:10
Call Your Friends • Scenic Route To Alaska • ______ • 18:16
Good Life • Colleen Brown • ISOLATION SONGS • 18:19
Alberta May • Allen Christie • ALLEN CHRISTIE • 18:23 ^^
Nothing To Hide • Of Candor • ______ • 18:27 ^^
I Take It Back • Bailey Sutton • JUST FOR FUN • ______ • 18:32
Somewhere in the Rubies • Ian Tyson • LIVE AT LONGVIEW • 18:36 ^^
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:40
Good Natured Man • Amy Nelson • EDUCATED WOMAN • 18:45
Burn It Up • Jory Kinjo • STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS • 18:50
Marilyn • T. Buckley • FRAME BY FRAME • 18:55
Falling (Into You) • ZENON • ______ • 19:01
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 19:07
It Takes Practice • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:10 ^^
Sister Summer • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:12
Grandpa Was a Bushman • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:15 ^^
Happy Is How I Feel • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:19
Catch Myself • The Goddamsels • WAYWARD DAUGHTER (EP) • 19:23
40 Days & 40 Nights • The Doll Sisters • OFF THE EDGE OF THE EARTH • 19:27
How Many Days Until Tomorrow • Matt Masters (w Kendel Carson) • ______ • 19:32 ^^
Open Book • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 19:38 ^^
Into The Night • Geist • HURRICANE GOLD • 19:41
All Your Love • Ghost Woman • GHOST WOMAN • 19:45
Want For Nothing • Michael Rault • MICHAEL RAULT • 19:47 ^^
Grim Reaper • Karimah • ______ • 19:50
Neon Vaci • J.Alpinist • VHS DUBS • 19:54
(157) 2024-05-17 - 18:00-20:00
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:01
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 18:04
Pick it Up • The Fast Romantics • PICK IT UP • 18:08
Mountain Standard Time • Major Love • LIVE, LAUGH, MAJOR LOVE • 18:12
Everyday • Mercy Funk • FEEL GOOD • 18:18
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 18:23
Reasons • Swear By the Moon • AT RIVERDALE RECORDERS • 18:29
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:33
A Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • ______ • 18:45
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 18:47
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 18:48
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 18:51
Whisky Waltz • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:56
Of Roses • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:03
London 1969 • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:09
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:13
Train Bridge • Charlie Jacobson • TRAVELIN' • 19:16
Both Sides Now (live) • Joni Mitchell • LIVE AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1970 • 19:21
The Rubble • Justine Vandergrift • YES RIGHT OK • 19:25
Walk Until • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:28
El Camino • Cristian De La Luna • SABES • 19:38
Rhythm Chante (feat Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • THE DRIP • 19:42
Sonrisa Eterna • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:46
9 to 5 • Dolly Parton • DOLLY (BOX SET) • 19:52
Good Vibes • Jim Findlay & Mingmei Xu • I SEE • 19:55
(158) 2024-05-24 - 18:00-20:00
Two Strike Foul • J.R. Shore • TALKIN' ON A BUS • 18:01
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:05
Blue Shadows • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:09
Drownin' The Memory • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:15
Bear Hug • I Am The Mountain • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 18:18
Paper Thin Hotel • Nadia • STRANGE SONG • 18:22
Two-Bit Suit • John Wort Hannam • TWO BIT SUIT • 18:27
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:33
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:36
Isolation • Counterfeit Jeans • JUNIOR CAPITALISTS • 18:40
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:45
Into the Dark • Robin Cisek • DELICATE MINDS • 18:48
Falling (Into You) • ZENON • ______ • 18:51
Woodland • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 18:56
Few More Hours • Hangman Pencil Co. • AS DARK AS IT SEEMS • 18:59
In Emerald • Wyatt C.Louis • CHANDLER • 19:04
Left In June • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 19:07
In the Pub • Trembita • IN THE PUB • 19:11
Went To Pick Mushrooms • Millenia • BRATTYA • 19:16
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:19
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:23
Summer Child • Ghostkeeper • MULTIDIMENSIONAL CULTURE • 19:27
Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • ______ • 19:32
El Viejo • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:35
Stay With Me • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:39
Beautiful August • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:44
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:46
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:51
The Tail Of A Lion • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 19:55
(159) 2024-05-31 - 18:00-20:00
++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:01
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:04
Runner • Jed and the Valentine • AWAKE • 18:07
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 18:10
Whatcha Gonna Do • Suzanne de Bussac • ______ • 18:13
Good Bread • Electric Religous • ______ • 18:18
I Can't Wait • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 18:21
Chase the Sun • Lab Coast • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:24
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 18:27
Ink on Paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • ______ • 18:30
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:34
Sayonara • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:37
Don't Disappoint Me • Ruth B • MAYBE I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN • 18:41
Sunshine • Tzadeka • HALF THE PAIN IS HALF THE WORK • 18:45
Gold • Mouraine • IN SEARCH OF GOLD • 18:48
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:51
Moving On • Uyemi • BUTTERFLY EFFECT • 18:55
The Valiant Thieves • Pop Goes the World • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 19:00
My Lover And My Ghost • Lucas Chaisson • TELLING TIME • 19:04
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:08
What Are You Gonna Do With Yourself • Astral Swans • STRANGE PRISON • 19:11
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls in Rhythm • ______ • 19:15
You Don't Need the Limelight • ______ • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • ______ • 19:19
True Love Leaves No Traces • Nadia • STRANGE SONG • 19:23
Famous Blue Raincoat • Mallory Chipman • RAGS AND FEATHERS • 19:27
The Chelsea Hotel Is Closed Until Further Notice • Emet • CARLIN'S FARM • 19:32
More • Micah Sage • ______ • 19:35
Roots That Go Deep • Laura Vinson • VOICES ON THE WIND • 19:39
For Mitch • Herky Cutler • LOVE IS LIKE A CHICKEN • ______ • 19:42
Allen Saved the Radio Station • The Bownesians • THE BOWNESIANS • 19:46
Some Things Never Change • Matt Andersen • ______ • 19:50 ++
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 19:53
(160) 2024-06-07 - 18:00-20:00
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:04
The Cardplayer • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 18:08
Forsaken • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:11
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:16
Into the Dark • Robin Cisek • DELICATE MINDS • 18:19
Adventure Island • Brother Octopus • SERENADED THROUGH SEAWEED • 18:23
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:30
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 18:33
There • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 18:38
Burn It Up • Jory Kinjo • STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS • 18:41
For the Long Run • Major Love • LIVE, LAUGH, MAJOR LOVE • 18:48
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:52
Fast Fashion Fascist • L'omelette • ______ • 18:56
Time, Love & Tenderness • Osyron • ______ • 19:01
Groove (w/ Mariya Stokes) • Adequate! • ______ • 19:08
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:11
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:14
Take It Or Leave It • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:19
Simple Math • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:23
Just Our Luck • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:27
Albatross • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 19:31
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 19:35
Lost • doug. • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 19:39
Oh, The Wind Will Blow • Doug Hoyer • WALKS WITH THE TENDER AND GROWING NIGHT • 19:43
Ivory Eyes • Cantoo • CANTOO • 19:47
Goin' Gone • Kat Danser • GOIN' GONE • 19:51
Nisis • ASKO • ______ • 19:55
(161) 2024-06-14 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Get It Right • Doug Hoyer • DREAM LIFE • 18:04 ~~
I See/ Icy Water • Cris Derksen • THE COLLAPSE • 18:08
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:12
Sea Of Hearts • Ellen Doty • COME FALL • 18:20
Take a Step • Aladean Kheroufi • BEAUTY BEYOND GRIEF • 18:23
Crop Circle • Baby Jey • CROP CIRCLES • 18:25
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:29
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:34
Like a Movie • Crystal Eyes • THE SWEETNESS RESTORED • 18:37
Quickly • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 18:40
To Fall In Love • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 18:44 ~~
Few More Hours • Hangman Pencil Co. • AS DARK AS IT SEEMS • 18:50
Church of the Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • QUEEN'S HOTEL • 18:52
Nipawakan • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 18:56
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:00
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:05
Ivory Eyes • Cantoo • CANTOO • 19:09
Days Like Today • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:15 ~~
Get To Know Lonesome • Skinny Dyck • GET TO KNOW LONESOME • 19:19
I've Roped Myself Into a Rodeo • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 19:23
Yip Yip • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:25
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:29
Hocus Pocus • Ginger Beef • GINGER BEEF • 19:31
GRLSROK • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 19:35
Julia • The Fast Romantics • AMERICAN LOVE • 19:39
Upside Down • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:42
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:45 ~~
Time Stops • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:50
Don't Tell Me Riddles • Vissia • A LOT LESS GOLD • 19:52
Freddie Freeloader • Amos Garrett • JAZZBLUES • 19:56
(162) 2024-06-21 - 18:00-20:00 (National Indigenous Peoples Day)
~~ Featured content
Tommasso • Nehiyawak • NIPIY • 18:01
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:05 ~~
Your Cheatin' Heart (Dance Remix) • Dean Boucher • SWEET MEMORIES • 18:09
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:11
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • ______ • 18:17
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 18:19
Celebrate • Asani • LISTEN • 18:23
Reputations • Sister Ray • COMMUNION • 18:28
Good Enough • Sofa Gnomes • THE CLOSEST • 18:31
Hunger Strike • Shane Ghostkeeper • ______ • 18:35
Jim Cuddy • Troy Kokol • LONELY GHOST • 18:39
Taking It Over • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:44 ~~
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:48
Ego • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:51
Nikawis • ASKO • NIKAWIS • 18:55
Journey of Life • The Bearhead Sisters • UNBREAKABLE • 18:59
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:04
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:08
Take the Long Way Home • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:13
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:17
Travelling Kind • Terry Morrison • WOLF WILLOW AND ALBERTA ROSE • 19:19
Shimmy Shake • Sewepagaham • SPLASHING THE WATER LOUDLY • 19:23
Got It Bad • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 19:25
Paralyzed • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:30 ~~
Futureproof Design • Comaduster • HOLLOW WORLDS • 19:34
Woodland • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 19:41
Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 19:42
Lied • Jessica McMann • INCANDESCENT TALES • 19:45
You Serve No One • Real Cardinal • ______ • 19:47
Hard Skin • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:49 ~~
Pelagic • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 19:53
(163) 2024-06-28 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests
Hold the Line • Osyron • ______ • 18:02 ~~
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:05
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:09
Back Where I Started (At The Bottom) • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:14
Sayonara • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:17
Never Gonna Not • Mike Clark • ______ • 18:20
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 18:27
Before We Had Sarah • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:30
Left In June • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 18:34
Thong Song • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 18:37
Tonight • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 18:42 ^^
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:47
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • RECORD STORE / FLI BEAT PATROL • 18:51
Sleeping in a Grand Piano • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 18:56
Time, Love & Tenderness • Osyron • ______ • 18:59 ~~
A Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • LEVITATE • 19:06
Wild • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 19:09
Coming Back To Me • Ellen Doty • EVERY LITTLE SCENE • 19:12
Joshua • Aladean Kheroufi • STUDIES IN A DYING LOVE • 19:15
Don't Waste Your Love On Me • Celeigh Cardinal • BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES • 19:20
In My Dreams • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:23
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 19:27
Freedom Ain't the Same (feat Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • THE DRIP • 19:30
One Foot (feat. Karimah) • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 19:35
Whisky Waltz • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:39
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:44
Battle of the Thames • Osyron • FOUNDATIONS • 19:48 ~~
Neon Vaci • J.Alpinist • VHS DUBS • 19:55
• • • 
>> Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener/donor recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
• • • 
Focusing on home-grown talent. An eclectic all-Albertan playlist, with the best and brightest our province has to offer taking center stage. New releases… familiar favourites… we’ve got it all. Sidle up to our local jukebox and make yourself at home. The folks are friendly and the music’s good in our neighbourhood.
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auroradcrp · 1 year
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the following faceclaims have been accepted. you will receive the link to the discord in your messages when we open!
aespa. karina winter
ateez. san yunho yeosang mingi wooyoung
blackpink. jennie
bts. jungkook
enhypen. jay
exo. chanyeol sehun kai
got7. jaebeom
itzy. chaeryeong
kep1er. xiaoting
le sserafim. yunjin
monsta x. changkyun
mamamoo. wheein
nct. jaehyun taeyong
red velvet. yeri
seventeen. wonwoo mingyu
stayc. seeun sumin isa
the boyz. hyunjae younghoon
twice. nayeon
zb1. matthew ricky
soloist. zitao jey
0 notes
promovnf · 1 year
oi mod, pode disponibilizar alguns prompts e mwfc pls?
Boa noite, meu bem! Claro que sim, vamos lá:
Female: Jennie, Rosé e Lisa - Blackpink; Momo e Nayeon - Twice; Yeji e Ryujin - Itzy; Karina e Ningning - Aespa; Somi - Solista; Isa - Stayc; Xiaoting - Kep1er; Joy e Seulgi - Red Velvet; Kwon Eunbi - Solo; Minju e Hyewon - ex-Iz*one; Chaewon e Yunjin - Le Sserafim; Yena - Solo; Jinsoul, Chuu e Heejin - ex-Loona; Luda e Seola - WJSN; Go Minsi - Atriz; Krystal - Atriz; Chaeyeon e Jueun - DIA; Yeeun - CLC; Tsuki - Billlie; Nana - ex-After School; Taeyeon e Tiffany - SNSD; Chungha - Solo; Chaeyoung, Jiwon e Saerom - Fromis_9; Miyeon e Minnie - Gidle; Siyeon, Sua e Jiu - Dreamcatcher; Sihyeon e Aisha - Everglow; Yujin - Ive; Ahin - ex-Momoland; Suzy - Atriz.
Male: Changkyun e Jooheon - Monsta X; Hyunjin, I.N e Felix - Stray Kids; San, Mingi, Wooyoung e Seonghwa - Ateez; Jungkook e V - BTS; Yeonjun e Beomgyu - TXT; Keeho e Intak - P1Harmony; Hanbin - Solo; DPR Ian - Solo; Jey - Solo; Jay, Jake, Sunoo e Sunghoon - Enhypen; Juyeon e Hyunjae - The Boyz; Jay B e Jackson - GOT7; Woodz - Solo; Taeyang, Rowoon e Hwiyoung - SF9; Bobby - iKON; Jaehyun, Ten e Taeyong - NCT; Kai - EXO; Mingyu, DK e Vernon - Seventeen; Mino - Winner; Eunwoo e Moonbin - Astro; Seunghun e Hyunsuk - CIX; Sejun, Byungchan e Seungwoo - Victon; Jun - A.C.E; Kino e Yanan - Pentagon; Jooyeon - Xdinary Heroes; Young K - Day6; Junseo - WEi; One - Solo.
Muse foi um aluno modelo durante todo o período escolar. O currículo perfeito deu lugar a um comportamento agressivo, muitas faltas, e total negligência com os estudos ao iniciar o curso na universidade. O pivô da drástica mudança foi a influência de novas amizades envolvidas com o grupo responsável pelos ataques à reitoria da universidade, onde a sua principal motivação era ir contra todo os preceitos de sua criação religiosa.
Muse A e Muse B são irmãos de pais separados, ambos cresceram em realidades completamente diferentes. As personalidades e ideologias opostas entram em conflito quando o ex-casal resolve matricular o segundo filho do matrimônio na mesma universidade onde o primogênito estuda, em uma tentativa de aproximá-los outra vez.
Os pais de Muse resolveram forçar o filho a ingressar na universidade após um período turbulento da relação entre os três. O filho problema ia contra todos os ensinamentos do casal conversador, e até então aquele castigo os parecia suficiente. Contudo, o caçula da família estava pronto para causar ainda mais conflitos, dentro e fora do campus.
Muse era uma garota completamente diferente das outras meninas da sua idade. Desde jovem, era muito quieta e reclusa, por mais que tenha feito de tudo na adolescência, coisas inclusive inimagináveis para a pouca idade que tinha, porém, nenhuma daquelas aventuras a satisfez. Passou a comparecer às missas de domingo na igreja do bairro e começou a almejar seguir aquela vida; sentiu o chamado para se dedicar à Teologia e seguir como freira. Porém, algo acontece durante o curso e ela começa a se questionar se está no caminho certo.
Muse é filha do prefeito de Daegu, criada dentro do conservadorismo da família. É bastante inteligente e possui um grande senso de justiça, o que vai contra o que pai idealizou para a vida da garota, que desde que entrou na universidade, está cada vez mais engajada em atividades políticas, principalmente estudantis. O homem tenta abafar de todas as formas tudo o que a garota faz, uma vez que vai contra todas as falcatruas que acoberta dentro do seu gabinete e sua própria gestão.
Disponibilizamos 5 prompts que achamos que pode dar uma forcinha! Esperamos que tenha ajudado você. 💕
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Looking for a neutral name? I’m thinking about names right now. Let’s make a huge list of gender neutral names! They’re all below the cut and I encourage suggestions! (Many spelling variations are not included because those are up to the user to decide.)
Please know that there is a very long list under Keep Reading!
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keysgrave · 2 years
Wrestlers I Write For
I write for both aew and wwe now!
* indicates my favorites to write for
Keep in mind I usually only write female or gender neutral reader as they are easiest for me
I'll also write certain ships(I added those at the bottom
Kenny Omega
Adam Cole
Adam Page
Chuck Taylor*
Kris Statlander*
Cash Wheeler
Dax Harwood
Kyle O'Reilly*
Orange Cassidy*
Nick Jackson
Matt Jackson*
Ricky Starks
Eddie Kingston*
Powerhouse Hobbs
Kip Sabian
Ruby Soho*
Buddy Matthews
Malakai Black
Daniel Garcia
Jamie Hayter*
Toni Storm*
Austin Theory*
Johnny Gargano*
Drew McIntyre
Roman Reigns
Jimmy Uso*
Jey Uso*
Shayna Baszler
Indi Hartwell
Seth Rollins*
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Dominik Mysterio*
Rhea Ripley*
Damian Priest*
Finn Balor*
Dakota Kai*
Iyo Sky (Io Shirai)
Naomi (idk if she still counts as wwe tbh)
Alexa Bliss
Liv Morgan*
I will not write for any of the following
Sammy Guevara
Tay Conti
Anna Jay (it depends tbh, I'm willing to just not alot)
Jake Hager
Chris Jericho
Bryan Danielson (I dont like writing for him sorry)
Darby allin (I dont like writing for him)
CM Punk
Max Caster
The Miz
Dexter Lumis
Hook x Danhausen (hookhausen)
Trent x Chuck (best friends)
Dax x Cash (FTR)
Orange Cassidy x Chuck Taylor
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Could you sort them out in the fandoms. 🙃
sorted requests under keep reading tab. added four more! prob add to this list!
SOA; So I saw your doing kinktober. Maybe you could do some with Jax.Just not sure which kinks would work with him. Maybe he’d like to called daddy. Idk [TUMBLR]
Sex with food- Evan Buckley [WATTPAD]
Handcuff sex - on Buck or Eddie where reader is LAPD like Athena pls [WATTPAD]
Criminal Minds:
Orgasm control-orgasm control with spencer reid? [WATTPAD]
Office sex-Hotch [WATTPAD]
Chicago Fire;
For KinkOctober could you do sexting for Matt Casey where the reader is stuck at Med for a night shift and Matt is home alone. Thank you and your work is amazing [TUMBLR]
DDLG/MMLB -Jay Halstead or Kelly Severide or Stella Kidd or Leslie Shay[WATTPAD]
Okay office sex with Matt Casey as you have his favorite lace bra and panties hidden underneath your doctor scrubs [TUMBLR]
praise kink -Kelly and Casey [WATTPAD]
squirting & Praise kink -Kelly and Casey [WATTPAD]
bondage - Kelly and Casey [WATTPAD]
finger and thigh riding - Kelly and/or Casey [WATTPAD]
First time- With Casey please! I think Matt would be super sweet and gentle if he knew it was their first time. [WATTPAD]
Dom/sub- Jealousy or jealous sex?-Daddy kink- Sexting-Using jay Antonio or Adam 😍 please and thank you - Or kelly and cases ❣😁 [WATTPAD]
Chicago Med;
You teasing Connor in your skimpy bikini on your honeymoon for sex in hot tub or jacuzzi in Kinkoctober [TUMBLR]
Connor Rhodes and for KinOctober begging and degrading kin for Dom and Sub, where Connor is the Dom and the reader is a sub[TUMBLR]
Chicago P.D;
Could you please do a jay halstead one with pegging or cockwarming, or both lol! [TUMBLR]
DDLG/MMLB -Jay Halstead or Kelly Severide or Stella Kidd or Leslie Shay[WATTPAD]
Roleplay -Adam Ruzek [WATTPAD]
Office sex-Jay Halstead [WATTPAD]
Dom/sub- Jealousy or jealous sex?-Daddy kink- Sexting-Using jay Antonio or Adam 😍 please and thank you - Or kelly and cases ❣😁 [WATTPAD]
7For the kinkoctober can I please have ice play with Finn balor.[TUMBLR]
hi, I’m the anon who requested Roman regins x reader x Seth Rollins. I just realized I submitted without a plot. I was thinking that they are in a polynomial relationship and it’s their s/o birthday so they decide to cherish them and show them how much they love them. Hi! Can I please request Roman Regins x Reader x Seth Rollins for Kinktober! Double Penetration with edging, begging, praising, bondage, squirting, and eating out. (if it’s to much you can eliminate some :) [TUMBLR]
Roman and sub reader where sub disobeyed one or several of daddy’s rules. Of course daddy has to punish reader. Well not sure it’d be much of a punishment [TUMBLR]
voice kink - damian [IG]
hot tub sex -damian [IG]
Threesome- Buddy Murphy & Alexa Bliss[WATTPAD]
Choking -Jey Uso [WATTPAD]
Degrading- Charlotte [WATTPAD]
Pregnancy – Roman Reigns [WATTPAD]
The Tribal Chief breeding and mirror sex [WATTPAD]
Threesome- Can you do this one with Seth x reader x Becky lynch [WATTPAD]
Eating out-Heel bayley [WATTPAD]
Office sex-Can you please do office w/ Triple H 😫 [WATTPAD]
Cock warming- Roman reigns please [WATTPAD]
Sex tape-roman pls [WATTPAD]
Strip tease-jey uso [WATTPAD]
Roman Reigns: locker room sex that turns into hotel room sex [WATTPAD]
Car sex with Damian Priest [WATTPAD]
i been WAITIN for this one… TURN IT UP ight imma ask for some damian smuts with (get ready) edging, begging, dom/sub, teasing, bondage, daddy kink, spanking, squirting, dirty talk, doggy style, orgasm control, fingering, eating out and overstim.-ofc not all in one but yk the gig. i rarely see any love for damian so when i get the opportunity, i have to [WATTPAD]
Daddy kink-Seth Rollins [WATTPAD]
Lingerie-jey :) [WATTPAD]
Booty call- roman [WATTPAD]
Mirror sex-roman <3. [WATTPAD]
Begging-jey , roman , elias [WATTPAD]
Praise Kink-roman [WATTPAD]
Pegging-Could you please do this with Seth Rollins and the reader Thank you [WATTPAD]
Praise Kink-Roman [WATTPAD]
Begging-jey, Jimmy, roman [WATTPAD]
Daddy kink-Roman [WATTPAD]
Eating out-Roman [WATTPAD]
Cock warming-kyle o’reilly [WATTPAD]
Sex games-jey uso [WATTPAD]
Office sex- roman reigns plss [WATTPAD]
Hot tub sex w/ Kyle O’Reilly [TUMBLR]
Threesome w/ Charlotte Flair + Becky Lynch [WATTPAD]
Group sex -undisputed era [WATTPAD] -i put this in wrestlers because 2 of them are in aew]
Riding him-buddy murphy [WATTPAD]
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void-detective · 23 days
Jhea and my toxic Punkintyre yaoi, I've been fed well
From the bracelet kissing, force feeding the beads, that heart broken look breaking the bracelet, Drew yet again climbing a table to get to his man, DREW YET AGAIN SAYING NO YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME AND IF I CANT HAVE THE WORLD TITLE NEITHER CAN YOU, Drew's obsession with being punk's his one interest going as far to break the one thing punk loves just so he can KEEP that attention on himself because no he's mine mentality,, the cmjf levels of toxic lovers spilling blood and going crazy for each other's attention because they need to match each other's freak
Jey eye fucking Rhea at the end and looking for her approval while she gives Damien shit eating grins over how he agreed to help them,,her singing his theme and running to save him from Liv,,the months of tension now that Dom is out the picture,, Jey trying to impress her while acting like the dorky dumbass he is,, also Jey being like don't disrespect Mami to Bron, also can't tell me that if Jimmy wasn't against Jey he would be his brother's hype man and wing man for getting Rhea
God I love Raw.
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blxckdragonfly · 2 years
About My Blog!
“She wore the night, gentlefriends. And all the night came with her.” 
- Jay Kristoff, Darkdawn. 
Greetings! My name is Tiger or BlxckDragonfly and welcome to my blog, those who have followed me for a while or have just followed because we have something in common. 
Here's a little bit about my blog and myself in general:
🔎 True Crime
👻 Paranormal
🎮 Gaming (Skyrim. Tomb Raider. Assassin's Creed. Spyro. Resident Evil. Fallout. Far Cry. The Witcher. Silent Hill. Mortal Kombat. Halo. Etc)
📖 Reading (Nevernight/Empire of The Vampire. Gideon The Ninth. Serpent and Dove. Six of Crows/King of Scars. Vicious by VE Schwab, Mercy Thompson. Stalking Jack The Ripper. Hollow Kingdom. The Shadow of The Gods. The Song of Achilles. The Covenant of Steel. Etc)
📺 TV Shows (Supernatural. Vikings. The Walking Dead. Doctor Who. Sherlock. Dexter. Sons of Anarchy. Mr. Robot. American Horror Story. Friends. Peaky Blinders. Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The Vampire Diaries. Ghost Adventures. Red Vs Blue, RuPaul's Drag Race. House of The Dragon, Wednesday. Killing Eve. Etc)
🎥 Movies (The Crow. V for Vendetta. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Bohemian Rhapsody. The Dark Knight. The Power of The Dog. Black Swan. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness. Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron. The Twilight Saga. Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts. Underworld. Resident Evil. Marvel: Avengers. Venom. Deadpool. Guardians of The Galaxy. Black Widow. Spider-Man. Etc. DC: Birds of Prey. Joker. The Batman. Etc. Disney: The Lion King. The Jungle Book. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Etc)
Anime (Black Butler. Tokyo Ghoul. Death Note. Attack on Titan. Soul Eater. Demon Slayer. The Promised Neverland. Yu-Gi-Oh. Pokemon. Dragon Ball Z. Spy x Family. Twin Star Exorcists. Chainsaw Man. Naruto: Kakashi. Rock Lee. Gaara. Orochimaru. Neji Hyuga, Itachi & Madara Uchiha.)
🎃 Halloween all year round
🩸🔪 Horror Movies & Manga (Friday The 13th. Nightmare on Elm Street. The Ring. Halloween. Saw. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Scream. The Conjuring. Hereditary. Midsommar. Candyman. Hellraiser. Longlegs. Barbarian. Junji Ito: Tomie. Uzumaki. Gyo. Shiver. Lovesickness. Smashed. Sensor. Deserter. Fragments of Horror. Black Paradox. Tombs. The Liminal Zone. Kazuo Umezu. Naoki Urasawa. Shuzo Oshimi. Etc.)
🎶 Music (Black Veil Brides (Andy Black). System of A Down. Slipknot. Arch Enemy. Cradle of Filth. Ghost. Motionless In White. Ice Nine Kills. HIM (Ville Valo). The 69 Eyes. Evanescence. MCR. Within Temptation. Nightwish. Epica. Delain. Amaranthe. Lana Del Rey. Ellie Goulding. Halsey. Lady Gaga. Megan Thee Stallion. Demi Lovato. Taylor Swift. Panic! At The Disco. Olivia Rodrigo. Ariana Grande. Adele. Billie Eilish. Post Malone. Diamante. Dorothy. Mothica. Florence + The Machine. Okkultist. Spiritbox. Alpha Wolf. Architects. Wage War. Northlane. Lorna Shore. Paleface Swiss. Sleep Token. Swallow The Sun. Twin Temple. Princess Goes. Corpse. Melanie Martinez. Sabrina Carpenter. Chappell Roan.)
Pro Wrestling (Malakai Black- who I met on 8.29.21 and is a total sweetheart. Brody King. Buddy Matthews. Julia Hart. Zelina Vega. Rhea Ripley. Becky Lynch. Lyra Valkyria. Tiffany Stratton. Roman Reigns. Finn Balor. Jey Uso. Damian Priest. Jon Moxley. Britt Baker. The Bunny. Bianca Belair. Darby Allin. Jade Cargill. Jay White. Hangman Adam Page.)
YouTubers: Markiplier. Jacksepticeye. Crankgameplays. Shane Dawson and so forth. And the occasional Unus Annus reblog (RIP).
Musicals/Broadway: Sweeney Todd. The Little Shop of Horrors. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Wicked
I also have a tendency to write pieces from my own stories here (Darkness Finds You-- MB & Lyra/Chris & Lycia, Medicine Man/Shadows Rise aka Katstrange) and I also reblog stuff that interests me:
🖌️ Art- Dark. Gothic. Occult. Horror. Fantasy. Halloween. Skulls. etc
History. Mythology. Urban Legends. Space. Etc
Animals: 🐅🐆🦁🐊🐍🦇🐦🐎 🦊
I hope you enjoy the stay here and it’s a delight to meet you.  And remember: 
... I’ll always love you in every universe and the house always wins. 😉🖤
x BlxckDragonfly 
HMU on Socials 👇
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
Writer Wednesday Entries
Now that my masterlist is nice and clean, I’ve been organizing lists for easy finding. This is a list of all my entries for writer Wednesday hosted & created by autumnleaves1991-blog. These can be found on my masterlist as well, under the fandom.
🌺 fic, in progress
🌼 oneshot, drabble
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The Joyous Delight of Pleasure | Ezra x f reader 🌼
Under the cover of darkness | Liam x f reader 🌼
Solatium | Ezra x Ofc 🌺
Bandits in the Wind | Ezra x ofc 🌺
Card game | Max Phillips x f reader x Veracruz 🌼
Simple Delights | Benny Miller x f reader 🌼
Solis Terra | Pero Tovar x ofc x Oberyn Soon!
+ Week 1 of Jey’s pride celebration
Opals & Sapphires | Ellaria x F reader 🌼
+ Week 2 of Jey’s pride celebration
A symbol of hope | Valkyrie x f reader 🌼
+ Week 3 for Jey’s Pride celebration
By Your Side | Fennec Shand x Black f reader 🌼
+ Week 4 for Jeys Pride celebration
The Calmness of Space | Nebula x f reader (mcu) 🌼
+ Week 5 for Jeys Pride celebration
TBA | Fennec Shand x WOC f reader 🌼
Promises | Will Miller x ofc 🌺
Solitude & Longing | Lu Fox x woc reader (Garrett Hedlund) 🌼
Not like me | Dave York x f reader 🌼
The Man In Black | Part of the Tell Me No Lies universe | Marcus Moreno x Supervillain OFC 🌺
Pancakes | Fennec Shand x F reader 🌼
The Note | Zach Wellison x reader (soon) 🌼
A date, really? | Billy x f curvy /plus size reader (skeleton twins) 🌼
New! @ writer-Wednesday page
Second chances | Marcus pike x f reader
Dreamland | Jay Castillo x f reader
The best gift | Ez Reyes x f reader
Untitled | Billy Russo x f reader
A little bit of hope 1 | Santi x f reader (ft the guys & another possible romantic pairing)
The real you | Jack Whiskey x f reader
Wrap party | ofc & Minx crew
Soft mornings | Santi x f reader / or read as OC
37 letters | Llewyn x ofc x Johnny five
Love on the green | Ezra x ofc
Let’s be rebels | Benny x GN reader
Vampire Frontier | Santi x ofc, Tf guys x ofc
No love too intimidating | F reader, bi Ezra & bi Poe
To catch a thief | The thief, ofc, Dieter Bravo
Cherry blossoms in Chicago | Carmen B x f reader
A03 - writer Wednesday list * ⬅️ (more)
I am no longer posting fics on tumblr, only previews. Read works on A03 now.
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I think this is in order 🤔 if not, sorry about that. I’ll update this as works are written.
31 notes · View notes
thedjmusic · 2 years
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Defected Classics 2022-04-11
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/defected_classics_2022_04_11
DATA CREATED: 2022-04-11 TOTAL: 166 GENRE: House, Tech House, Afro House, Jackin House, Deep House, Soulful House, Funky House, Organic House / Downtempo,  Progressive House, Nu Disco / Disco
1,"Kings of Tomorrow feat. Rae - Can't Stop [Wahoo Club Mix].mp3"
2,"Franky Rizardo - Same Man - Radio Edit.mp3"
3,"DJ Pippi, Pasion Flamenca, DJ Gregory - Fatal Fatal (DJ Pippi Presents Pasion Flamenca).mp3"
4,"Chez Moon, Larse - Midnight Love - Larse's Full Moon Remix.mp3"
5,"Chicken Lips - He Not In.mp3"
6,"Sonny Fodera, Yasmin - Feeling U (feat. Yasmin) - Club Mix.mp3"
7,"Full Intention - Keep Pushing.mp3"
8,"MD X-Spress - God Made Me Phunky (Extended Mix).mp3"
9,"Dennis Ferrer, Danil Wright - Church Lady (feat. Danil Wright).mp3"
10,"Louie Vega, Jay Sinister Sealee, Julie McKnight - Diamond Life (feat. Julie McKnight) - Dance Ritual Mix.mp3"
11,"David Penn - Nobody.mp3"
12,"Flashmob - Need In Me.mp3"
13,"Kings Of Tomorrow - Another Day.mp3"
14,"DJ Gregory, Gregor Salto, The Serafim Crew - Paris Luanda (feat. The Serafim Crew) - Main Mix.mp3"
15,"Tito Wun - The Way U Do It - Doc Daneeka Remix Edit.mp3"
16,"Paul Johnson - Get Get Down.mp3"
17,"OFFAIAH, Cat Connors - Somewhere Special (feat. Cat Connors).mp3"
18,"Roberto Surace - Joys - Extended Mix.mp3"
19,"Sonny Fodera, Janai - You & I (feat. Janai) - Extended Mix.mp3"
20,"Kings Of Tomorrow - Show Me - feat. Elzi Hall.mp3"
21,"Little by Little - Bang The Box.mp3"
22,"Ferreck Dawn, Robosonic, Nikki Ambers - In My Arms - Vocal Mix.mp3"
23,"Junior Jack - Stupidisco.mp3"
24,"The Vision, Andreya Triana, Ben Westbeech - Missing (feat. Andreya Triana & Ben Westbeech).mp3"
25,"Joeski, E-Man - Clap Yo Handz (feat. E-Man).mp3"
26,"Jack Back - (It Happens) Sometimes.mp3"
27,"Lifelike, Kris Menace - Discopolis - Original Mix.mp3"
28,"MK, Alana - Love Changes (feat. Alana) - MK Mix.mp3"
29,"DJ Spen, DJ Technic - Gabryelle.mp3"
30,"Ron Hall, The Muthafunkaz, Marc Evans - The Way You Love Me (feat. Marc Evans).mp3"
31,"Oliver Dollar, Jimi Jules - Pushing On.mp3"
32,"Guti, Luca Bacchetti - Finale.mp3"
33,"ATFC, Lisa Millet - Bad Habit (feat. Lisa Millet) - ATFC Club Mix.mp3"
34,"Copyright, Imaani - Deeper (feat. Imaani) - Original Extended Version.mp3"
35,"Julien Jabre - Talking Walls.mp3"
36,"Bob Sinclar, Gary Pine - Love Generation.mp3"
37,"Sandy Rivera - Try A Little Tenderness.mp3"
38,"Bunny Mack, DJ Gregory - Let Me Love You - DJ Gregory Remix.mp3"
39,"Dualton - Formula.mp3"
40,"Sonny Fodera, Alex Mills - Always Gonna Be (feat. Alex Mills).mp3"
41,"Yousef, Hot Since 82 - Beg - Hot Since 82 Future Mix.mp3"
42,"Awa Band - Timba (Full Intention Club Mix).mp3"
43,"Pete Heller's Big Love, David Penn - Big Love - David Penn Remix.mp3"
44,"Route 94 - Tell You Why.mp3"
45,"Tensnake, Syron - Mainline - feat. Syron.mp3"
46,"Shakedown - At Night.mp3"
47,"Josh Butler, HanLei - Feels Good (feat. HanLei).mp3"
48,"Finn, Ferreck Dawn, Robosonic - Sometimes The Going Gets A Little Tough - Ferreck Dawn & Robosonic Extended Remix.mp3"
49,"Candi Staton, Larse - Hallelujah Anyway - Larse Vocal.mp3"
50,"Noir, Hayze, Solomun - Around - Solomun Vox.mp3"
51,"Fred Everything, Jinadu - Searching (feat. Jinadu) - Deetron Remix.mp3"
52,"Terrence Parker - Spiritual Warfare.mp3"
53,"Ferreck Dawn, Robosonic - In Arms.mp3"
54,"Spiller, Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) [feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor].mp3"
55,"Purple Disco Machine, Boris Dlugosch - L.O.V.E..mp3"
56,"Sandy Rivera, LT Brown, Soul Vision - Come Into My Room (feat. LT Brown) - Take It Back Mix.mp3"
57,"Guti - El Solitario - Carl Craig Remix.mp3"
58,"Purple Disco Machine, Boris Dlugosch - Set It Out.mp3"
59,"Mr. V, Miss Patty - Da Bump - Sole Channel Mix.mp3"
60,"Lee Walker, DJ Deeon - Freak Like Me - Armand Van Helden Remix.mp3"
61,"DJ Gregory, Gregor Salto - Canoa.mp3"
62,"Intruder, Jei - Amame (feat. Jei) - Long Ass Mix.mp3"
63,"ATFC, Hannah Williams - No Victim Song (feat. Hannah Williams).mp3"
64,"ATFC - I Called U [The Conversation] [ATFC's Heated Conversation].mp3"
65,"DJ Gregory - Attend 1.mp3"
66,"G Club, Banda Sonora - Guitarra G.mp3"
67,"Rampa - Everything - feat. Meggy.mp3"
68,"Copyright feat. Mr. V and Miss Patty - In Da Club [Shake Sh*t Up] [Jimpster Mix].mp3"
69,"Duke Dumont - Be Here.mp3"
70,"Reel People, Angela Johnson, Dennis Ferrer - Can't Stop - Dennis F's Falling 4 U Mix.mp3"
71,"Austin Ato, Brushy One String - Oh Mama (feat. Brushy One String) - Extended Mix.mp3"
72,"Julien Jabre - Swimming Places.mp3"
73,"Mr. V - Jus Dance.mp3"
74,"Sandy Rivera, Dario D'Attis - I Can't Stop - Dario D'Attis Remix.mp3"
75,"Jamie Jones, Darius Syrossian - Rushing.mp3"
76,"Pete Doyle, The Rock Solid All-Stars - What God Has Chosen (Jimpster Dub).mp3"
77,"Chicken Lips - He Not In - Groove Armada's Dub Reconstruction.mp3"
78,"Copyright feat. Tasita D'Mour - We Can Rise.mp3"
79,"Marc Evans - I Don't Want You Anymore.mp3"
80,"Paolo Rocco - Move Body, Move Forward.mp3"
81,"Bobby Blanco - 3am (Original Mix).mp3"
82,"Gershon Jackson, Mat.Joe, Sonny Fodera - Take It Easy - Sonny Fodera & Mat.Joe Remix.mp3"
83,"Âme - Rej.mp3"
84,"DJ Gomi, Louie Balo, Yasmeen - Glad I Found You (feat. Louie Balo & Yasmeen) - Scott Wozniak Remix.mp3"
85,"Sísý Ey, Jimpster - Mystified - Jimpster Remix.mp3"
86,"Amine Edge & DANCE, Blaze (Kevin Hedge) - Lovelee Dae.mp3"
87,"Fish Go Deep, Tracey K, Dennis Ferrer - The Cure & The Cause - Dennis Ferrer Remix.mp3"
88,"Sonny Fodera, Shannon Saunders - To Love (feat. Shannon Saunders) - Extended Mix.mp3"
89,"Junior Jack - E Samba.mp3"
90,"Tensnake - Coma Cat.mp3"
91,"The Juan Maclean - A Simple Design.mp3"
92,"Stacy Kidd - The Movement.mp3"
93,"Copyright - Wizeman - feat. Imaani.mp3"
94,"Copyright, Song Williamson - He Is (feat. Song Williamson) - Ferrer & Sydenham Inc Vox Mix.mp3"
95,"Nick Curly - Underground - Dennis Ferrer Remix.mp3"
96,"Marc Evans, DJ Spen & The MuthaFunkaz - Given Me Joy - Muthafunkaz 12" Mix.mp3"
97,"Reboot - The Frenchie Thing.mp3"
98,"Rachel Row - Follow The Step - KiNK Beat Mix.mp3"
99,"Pirupa - Party Non Stop.mp3"
100,"Daniel Steinberg - Let Me Down - Tube & Berger Remix.mp3"
101,"DJ Gregory - Elle.mp3"
102,"Rapson, Nathan Thomas - Heat (feat. Nathan Thomas).mp3"
103,"Miguel Migs, Meshell Ndegeocello - What Do You Want (feat. Meshell Ndegeocello) - Edit.mp3"
104,"OFFAIAH - Push Pull.mp3"
105,"Wallflower - Say You Won't Ever - Deetron Remix.mp3"
106,"Storm Queen - Look Right Through - Vocal Mix.mp3"
107,"Low Steppa - You're My Life.mp3"
108,"Julie McKnight - Home (Knee Deep Club Mix).mp3"
109,"Chez Damier - Can You Feel It - New York Extended Dub.mp3"
110,"Kevin Saunderson, Inner City, Kenny Larkin - Future (feat. Inner City) - Kenny Larkin Tension Mix.mp3"
111,"John Tejada - Sweat (On The Walls).mp3"
112,"Dennis Ferrer, Sagine - Bubbletop (feat. Sagine) - DF's Bubble Wrapped Mix.mp3"
113,"Copyright, Imaani - I Pray (feat. Imaani) - Main Mix.mp3"
114,"The Vision, Andreya Triana - Heaven (feat. Andreya Triana).mp3"
115,"FCL, San Soda - It's You - San Soda's Panorama Bar Acca Version.mp3"
116,"Mr. G, blondewearingblack - Precious Cargo (feat. blondewearingblack) - Vocal Mix.mp3"
117,"Terrence Parker, Reno Ka - Finally (feat. Reno Ka) - Louie Vega's Dance Ritual Mix.mp3"
118,"Mowgli, Amber Jolene - Back In The Day (feat. Amber Jolene).mp3"
119,"MK - Burning - Vibe Mix.mp3"
120,"Dennis Ferrer, Ben Westbeech - Right Thing (feat. Ben Westbeech).mp3"
121,"Mr. G - Lights - G's Out Dub.mp3"
122,"Capriccio, Jazz N Groove - Everybody Get Up - Jazz-N-Groove Dub.mp3"
123,"Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey - DF's Attention Vocal Mix.mp3"
124,"Fatboy Slim, Purple Disco Machine - Praise You (Purple Disco Machine Remix) - Radio Edit.mp3"
125,"Kings Of Tomorrow, April - Fall For You (feat. April) - Sandy Rivera's Classic Mix.mp3"
126,"Selace, Mousse T. - So Hooked On Your Lovin - Mousse T.'s Disco Shizzle.mp3"
127,"Copyright, Donae'o - My Desire (feat. Donae'O) - Noir D15 Remix.mp3"
128,"Black Motion, Xolim - Rainbow (feat. Xoli M) - DJ Spen & Michele Chiavarini Remix.mp3"
129,"Tonja Dantzler - In And Out Of My Life - Armand Van Helden Mix.mp3"
130,"Sam Divine, Curtis Gabriel, Nat Conway - Confessions (feat. Nat Conway).mp3"
131,"Osunlade - Envision - Argy Vocal Mix.mp3"
132,"David Penn, Rober Gaez - What Is House? (KoT Anthem) - Club Mix.mp3"
133,"Soulsearcher - Can't Get Enough! - Vocal Club Mix.mp3"
134,"Ed Ed - I Got (Something You Need) - Oliver Dollar Remix Edit.mp3"
135,"Kings Of Tomorrow, Julie McKnight - Finally (feat. Julie McKnight) - Extended Mix.mp3"
136,"Eddie Fowlkes - That's What I Think About.mp3"
137,"Marc Evans - The Way U Love Me.mp3"
138,"DJ Chus, The Groove Foundation - That Feeling (De Poniente Mix).mp3"
139,"Jamie Lewis, Michael Watford - It's Over - Jamie Lewis Main Mix.mp3"
140,"Bob Sinclar - Save our soul - Original.mp3"
141,"G Club, Banda Sonora - Guitarra G [Funkagenda Redux].mp3"
142,"Hercules & Love Affair - Do You Feel The Same? - Extended Club Mix.mp3"
143,"Roger Sanchez - Another Chance.mp3"
144,"Reboot - Enjoy Music.mp3"
145,"Blaze, UDAUFL, Barbara Tucker, Dennis Ferrer - Most Precious Love - DF's Future 3000 Mix.mp3"
146,"Dennis Ferrer, Mia Tuttavilla - Touched The Sky (feat. Mia Tuttavilla).mp3"
147,"Johnny Corporate - Sunday Shoutin'.mp3"
148,"4th Measure Men, Maya Jane Coles - 4 You - Maya Jane Coles Remix.mp3"
149,"Cleptomaniacs - All I Do (Radio Edit).mp3"
150,"Terrence Parker - Saved Forever - C2 Mix.mp3"
151,"King Unique - Love Is What You Need (Look Ahead) (Knee Deep Classic club mix ).mp3"
152,"Studio Apartment, Yasmeen Sulieman - Sun Will Shine (feat. Yasmeen Sulieman) - MK Dub.mp3"
153,"Una Mas - I Wiill Follow You (Full Intention Club Mix).mp3"
154,"Le Vinyl, Melohman, Javi Bora - Soul Story - Original Mix.mp3"
155,"Kiddy Smile - Let A Bitch Know.mp3"
156,"Bob Sinclar, Steve Edwards - World, Hold On.mp3"
157,"Cuebur, Marrisa Guzman - No Doubt - feat. Marissa Guzman.mp3"
158,"Studio Apartment featuring Marc Evans - Serenity.mp3"
159,"John Tejada, Sebo K - Sweat (On The Walls) - Sebo K Remix.mp3"
160,"CamelPhat, Elderbrook - Cola.mp3"
161,"The Dangerfeel Newbies - What Am I Here For? - Original NDATL Vocal.mp3"
162,"FCL, Mousse T. - It's You - Mousse T.'s Discotronic Mix.mp3"
163,"Soul Rebels - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Lunar Disco Remix.mp3"
164,"Crookers, Kym Mazelle - A Place in My Heart (feat. Kym Mazelle).mp3"
165,"The Black 80s - Give Me Something - Hollis P Monroe Mix Edit.mp3"
166,"ATFC - In & Out of My Life (Knee Deep Vocal).mp3"
0 notes