#Girl child sponsorship
vjm001 · 1 year
Kanya Atmnirbhar Abhiyan an inititative by Vishwa Jagriti Mission for empowering poor girls in the society
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poojalate · 6 months
Sponsor a Nanhikali: Empower Girls' Education | Nanhikali
Discover rewarding Education sponsorship opportunities Foundation. Support underprivileged girls' education through individual donations and empower their futures. Sponsor a child today!
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planindiango1 · 8 months
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Plan India is continually striving to advance children’s rights and equality for girls thus creating a lasting impact in the lives of vulnerable and excluded children and their communities. As a step in this direction, we have been organising the National Conference on Plan for Every Child (P4EC).
The Plan for Every Child (P4EC) National Conference organised by Plan India in solidarity with national and international efforts focusses on reaching out to every child in difficult circumstances, especially girls and young women in building their agency and leadership to achieve SDGs. P4EC has been a unique conference every year bringing experts from all over the world to the table to bring diverse perspectives and present solutions to the complex issues related to child protection, health, education, participation, violence against girls, equality, early childhood care, sexual and reproductive health and so on.
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Following up from this stream of posts on 04/03/2024, the Palestinian protestors of the zionist occupation forces sponsorship event - which was successfully shut down by protests - managed to put out some videos of the verbal violence they were faced with.
TW: islamophobic language, threats of genocide and child-killing.
Zionists in Montreal are intentionally hitting people with their cars and feeling emboldened to beat on Palestinian girls and announcing their desire to wipe out all Palestinian children. Do not remain complacent, attitudes and behaviour like this cannot continue to fester and be bolstered by public institutions like Concordia University.
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applcrumbl · 10 months
I see the way you look at her.
Pairings: Peeta Mellark X Reader Warnings: Y/N uses she/her pronouns, talk of cheating, talk of murder and death.  Author’s Note: Y/N is kind of a dick in this but that’s so slay purr for her
Summary: Peeta returns to District 12 after the 74th Annual Hunger Games to a girlfriend who wants nothing to do with him. 
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The air in District 12 was thick with tension as the Reaping day unfolded, casting a shadow over the usually quiet town. The nervous energy in the square was palpable, each child from from age 12 to 18 lined up as though they were being put to death by firing squad. In a strange way, they were. Dressed in their finest garments, the kind that they would be proud to have on television, yet praying that their names were never called.
Y/N’s name was in the bowl 20 times this year. 15 as tesserae, for the grain and oil her family so dearly needed to survive, and the rest for the age she’d turned earlier that year. There were boys with twice as many in the other bowl. Her neighbour, Gale, at 18 years old, had his name in 42.
Yet, with only 5 slips of paper, Peeta Mellark was called. His eyes bore into hers as tears threatened to fall. She watched him hug Effie Trinket, clad in her Capitol Extravagance. Katniss Everdeen, the girl she’d played with since youth, stood with him.
Truthfully, she’d moved on from the shock that her lover was going to die quite quickly. He certainly was more likeable than the rest of the tributes, But there was not enough money in the entirety of District 12 to provide the sponsorships he would need to stay alive. Peeta was strong in build, but would never be able to hurt someone, let alone to the point of murder.
She sat with a group of girls in the square, watching Caesar Flickerman on the large screen.
"Well, there is this one girl. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I can remember.” Peeta says, “But I’m pretty sure she didn’t know I was alive until the reaping." 
Furrowed brow, she listened intently to his words. Who else would he be talking about, if not his own girlfriend? If not herself.
“She have another fellow?" asks Caesar.
“I don’t know, but a lot of boys like her," says Peeta.
Alice Walker, one of the girls who sat with Y/N, turns to look. “Thought you an’ him were going steady?”
“We are.” She replies—confusion as to why he was talking about her as though she were someone else.
She turns back to face the screen. Eyes trained on Peeta, looking the same as ever - only cleaner and in nicer clothes. He still wore the silver ring she’d bargained for at the market. His 15th birthday gift - She had put her name in the reaping another time to afford it.
“So, here’s what you do. You win, you go home. She can’t turn you down then, eh?"
“I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning...won’t help in my case," says Peeta.
“Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystified.
"Because...because...she came here with me.”
From the moment of Peeta’s admission, she secretly hoped that he’d die in the games. As much as she wanted him to come back alive so that she could kill him herself, she also wanted nothing more than to see him suffer.
Everything she’d done for him. Everything she’d been put through for him. All for him to be in love with Katniss Everdeen. She stopped watching the games after that.
That didn’t mean she didn’t hear all about District 12’s star-crossed lovers and how they won the Hunger Games by means of their love. She stayed far away from the train station, and its once-dull platform, now adorned with makeshift decorations crafted from whatever materials the citizens could salvage. She stayed far away from his family’s bakery, and his shiny new home in Victor’s Village. She stayed far away from any place where the boy could find her. But, that did not mean that he did not try.
Katniss once spoke to her in the woods, explaining that it was all a rouse for the Capitol. Y/N only believed it because Gale had told her the same thing before. Katniss pleaded with her to speak to Peeta and allow him to explain. If not for her own sake, then for his. “I can’t even look at him Y/N. But he shouldn’t be alone right now”
She wondered how a victor of The Hunger Games could be so desperate for company. 
It took a lot of her pride to walk to Victor’s Village that night. The air was crisp, and the stars overhead seemed to bear witness to the storm of emotions raging within her. Unable to quell the turmoil in her heart, she found herself standing outside Peeta’s home.
It was the first time that she’d seen him. A glimpse through the front window into the warmly lit kitchen. He was baking again, decorating a cake, much like he would have been before the games. Except now, he was thinner, his eyes more sunken, hands shaking as they pressed fruit into icing. 
Taking a deep breath, she approached the door. Knocking gently, the sound echoed through the quiet night.
"Y/N," Peeta said, his voice soft with a hint of regret. "I didn't expect you."
She met his gaze, searching for answers. "We should talk."
He nodded, stepping aside to let her in. The air inside was thick with the scent of freshly baked bread, a familiar comfort that felt oddly out of place given the current circumstances.
They settled in the living room. The fire roared, illuminating the large room in an orange glow. The walls of the ground floor were taller than the height of her entire house. And one of the multiple sofa suites was bigger than the bed her brother slept on. There was more luxury in a singular room than in any 5 buildings in the seam. 
She sat, conscious of the room she was taking up. It felt like she would be whipped for even being near. Peeta sat more comfortably, the silence stretching between them like a fragile thread. The girl took a deep breath, ”How are you?”
“Where have you been?” Peeta interrupts, “I’ve been looking for you since I returned.”
“Can you blame me?”
Peeta hesitates a moment. “No.” He admits, hands wringing together, “It was for show, Y/N. For the cameras and the Capitol.”
A curt nod. Her expression remained stoic as she processed Peeta's words. The room felt heavy with unspoken tension, the crackling fire doing little to dispel the cold atmosphere that had settled between them.
"For show," she repeated, her voice flat. "So, all of it—the love, the sacrifice, the pain—it was all just a performance?"
Peeta looked pained, his eyes desperately searching for understanding in hers. "Yes, entirely. Katniss and I, we played along to survive. It was the only way."
“It was not the only way.”
“I never wanted it to be like this.”
“You could’ve fought. You could have-”
“I couldn’t kill her. And I couldn’t watch her die.” Peeta interrupts.
A bitter laugh escaped her lips. “But you could lead the careers right to her.” She deadpans, “And you did do that, by the way”
His shoulders slumped, guilt written across his face. "I never wanted it to be like this. I wanted us both to make it out alive. But they wanted a love story, and we had to give it to them."
“You don't get it, Peeta. You don't get what it's like to watch the person you love be in love with someone else, pretend or not.” Y/N shook her head, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "It was so embarrassing to hear about your 'epic love story' broadcast to the entire nation. Have people question me every single day about what happened between us.”
Peeta scoffs, standing up from his seat and pacing to the far corner of the living room. His hand rubbing his face, he forces out a laugh at her words.
“You had some uncomfortable questions forced your way, Y/N” He starts, “I was reaped for The Hunger Games. They are not the same.”
The room falls silent, save for the roar of the fire and the gentle hum of the lights.
“I did what I did, not to stay alive.”Peeta admits, “I couldn’t care less if I died in there, My family wouldn’t either-”
“That’s not true.”
“It is. But that’s not my point.” He breathes, “I needed to stay alive so that I could come back to you.”
Y/N remained seated, her eyes fixed on Peeta as he spoke. He turned to face her, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I needed to survive, not for the Capitol, not for the cameras, but for us. I wanted to come back to District 12, to you.”
She couldn't deny the sincerity in his voice, but the wounds ran deep. Having spent the latter half of the last 5 months hating his guts, she couldn’t forgive him easily. Hearing that he’d done it for her only made her feelings more scrambled.
 "Love is more than a performance, Peeta. It's more than a show for the Capitol.”
He took a step closer, his expression filled with regret. "I thought we had a better chance of making it out together than I ever would have alone.”
“But now you’re in it for life. After your victory tour, do you seriously just expect that you’ll be able to just ‘break up’? People who have suffered together like the pair of you have, don’t just call it quits.”
“We’ll figure it out, I just need time.”
Y/N leans back in her chair, eyes still trained on the broken boy before her. She tears them away to try and stop the tears that threaten to fall. “I saw the way you looked at her.” She admits. “I understand that you went through a lot together, but- But, you never looked at me like that.”
Peeta's eyes, full of remorse, met hers. He reached out, as if to touch her hand, but hesitated, fingers hovering in the air.
"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, his voice filled with regret. "But in that arena, survival seemed like the only option. It was never about choosing her over you."
He lowered his hand. "I know I messed up. I can't change the past, but I want to make things right, Y/N. I want a chance to prove that I can be the person you need."
She shook her head, a mixture of frustration and sadness in her eyes. “I think you need time to figure it out by yourself, Peeta”
"Give me time," he pleaded. "But give me time to figure it out with you.”
The room hung heavy with silence, the fire that danced in the hearth was slowly dying. It was the kind of silence that spoke volumes, as Y/N distanced herself from him, each footstep on the plush carpet seemed to amplify the quiet. 
“I should go,” she says.
“Please don’t.” He begs. 
Y/N hesitated, her hand resting on the doorknob. She wanted to turn around, to look into Peeta's eyes and find a glimmer of the person she had once loved. Yet, the fear of more disappointment held her back.
"I need time, Peeta," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, “We both need time. Alone.”
Peeta remained silent, watching her silhouette against the doorway, his expression a portrait of heartache. He wanted to reach out, to bridge the gap, but he didn’t.
“If you love someone, let them go.” He whispers, allowing her to open the door and walk down the snow-covered stairs. The hinges closed with a soft thud, and Peeta was left alone.
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rashfordxbruno · 1 year
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"Today, we female fans of Manchester United are demanding that the club to abide by their duty of care towards their female fans and employees and demonstrate a zero tolerance approach towards acts of violence against women by refusing to bring Mason Greenwood back into the squad."
"The situation is clear - taking Greenwood back legitimises and normalises sexual assault and domestic abuse. It tells other players, and the men and boys that look up to them, that abusing women is acceptable, without consequence, and won't affect you or derail your career."
"It also tells us, as women, that we don't matter. It tells female MUFC employees that their employer is happy to make them work alongside an abuser, and tells hundreds of thousands of female fans that supporting the team we love involves supporting men who abuse women like us."
"It tells us that our safety doesn't matter, our experiences don't matter; that the 1 in 4 women who experience domestic abuse and/or sexual assault in the UK don't matter. It tells us that men who make the club money matter; not us, our fellow fans, mothers, sisters or daughters"
"The club has launched all sorts of initiatives in recent years to allegedly promote inclusivity and diversity at the match, but "All Red All Equal" means nothing if the rights of those who have perpetrated gender-based violence are more equal than those who have lived through it"
"We know there are currently multi million pound PR firms spinning narratives to go along with his potential return. "Repentant father who has turned his life around and just wants to support his partner and child." "Young genius who made a mistake but deserves a second chance.""
"Threatening your partner with sexual violence isn't "a mistake", it's deliberate, targeted abuse. The lockdown parties and police warnings were apparently "a mistake", getting dropped by England and sent home from camp for breaking the rules was also apparently "a mistake"."
"The problem here isn't a player who has "made a mistake", it's a player who has consistently demonstrated an attitude of extreme arrogance, entitlement and exceptionalism; and who has shown nothing but disregard and contempt for what it means to represent this great club."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone does so while in the position of power and privilege Greenwood is. If you want to play at the highest level at the biggest club in the world, your behaviour will be held up to the highest level of scrutiny, accountability and expectation."
"The decision of senior management at MUFC regarding Greenwood's return will tell us fans everything we need to know about their ability to run this club, and about whether they have any genuine willingness to listen to, engage with, and support fans on issues that matter to us."
"Is this club for them just a vehicle for commercial success, trophies, sponsorships and revenue? Or do they genuinely share our vision of Manchester United as a great institution that exists as a place of belonging and community for those who care about its values and traditions?"
"We are calling on the club to do the right thing. For their fans, for their employees, for the millions of young boys and girls across the world who look up to our players as heroes and role models, and the millions of women whose lives have been blighted by violence and abuse."
"To the decision makers at the club, remember; this goes beyond football. This decision is a reflection of you, your morals; of who you are as individuals, and as humans. Will you stand with abusers, or with the abused? History will judge your choices. Make sure you choose well."
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aizawas-dryeye · 4 months
🍉!!please read if ur curious about more ways to help those in gaza!!🍉
im taking inspiration from mutuals and those i follow to participate in @ficsforgaza please go follow them and read more about their organization and PLEASE spread it
ill be doing the wip sponsorship AND taking requests, all u have to do is send me a screenshot proving u donated to any fundraiser supporting the palestinian people (not directly to me) and make sure to let me know which wip to add to, or whatever request u may have
for every US dollar, ill write 100(ish) words, and cap it off at 1000-2000 words
theres WAY more information on ficsforgaza’s blog so please please follow them to stay up to date on gaza
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honey don’t feed me i will come back (astarion)**
tags: smut, reader has a vagina but no pronouns, dom!astarion, blood drinking, biting, penetrative sex, dirty talk, name calling (dear, darling, love, pet, sweet)
summary: astarion invites (begs) you to come to his tent for a little fun
untitled (astarion)**
tags: ascended!astarion, mean!astarion, yandere!astarion, gn!reader, vampire!reader, biting, blood drinking, ANGST BITCH LIKE WOW, unrequited love, smut, name calling (love, whelp, darling, bitch), degradation
summary: your fate is simple: to be utterly possessed, controlled, and used by your reborn lover
eden (halsin)**
tags: gn!reader, mating season, abo adjacent, ruts, knotting, vague description of genitals, loss of virginity, penetrative sex, so much cum, size difference, halsin big, possessiveness, breeding
summary: losing your virginity to halsin
break me, bite me (toji fushiguro)^^
tags: DEAD DOVE, reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, noncon/rape, knotting, lowkey hunting, blood, bunny!reader, wolf!toji, he hits u like once, size kink, dirty talk
summary: being lost in the woods is dangerous business, especially for such a tiny bunny. let the hunt begin
nursing on a poison (leon kennedy)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, vendetta!leon, erectile dysfunction, lowkey mediocre sex, riding, masturbation (p and v), pls he is so annoying and awful, toxic!leon, he thinks about smacking you, hair pulling, sadism, alcoholism
summary: whiskey dick is a real thing and leon is proof, annoyingly so
mirror mirror (shouta aizawa)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, fingering, dirty talk, mirrors, pet names (baby, honey) teasing, no sex
summary: you made the mistake of insulting yourself in front of your boyfriend
lipstick lullaby (gojo satoru)**
tags: f!reader, sub!gojo, sleepy sex, slight somnophilia but not really, desperate bby gojo, "just the tip", unprotected sex, pet names (baby, babe, good girl), m mommy kink
summary: gojo is spoiled beyond words, but you’re to blame. you just can’t say no to your baby
glint (leon kennedy)^^
tags: DEAD DOVE, noncon/rape, mentions of child abuse, good ol catholic guilt (i was raised baptist so please be patient lmao), he covers ur head with a pillow, crying
summary: pt 2 of shiny
stuck on a little hot mess (nanami kento)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns, drinking, cheating, nanami is married with kids lmao, could be considered dubcon bc hes ur boss and also alcohol, age gap, blowjob, he calls u kid, GUILT, reader is a bitch, he fucks u in the guest bedroom
summary: nanami swears you were sent by the devil himself
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i dont have many rules for requesting fics but my hard no’s are:
• scat
• feeding
• pregnancy (does not include breeding)
• minor aged characters
• graphic gore/death
i also write for several fandoms such as:
• resident evil (pretty much only leon oof)
• jujutsu kaisen
• baldurs gate 3
• haikyuu
• my hero academia
• attack on titan
• marvel
• supernatural
• the umbrella academy
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again please go to @ficsforgaza to learn more and consider donating if u can and ill write pretty much whatever u want! it doesnt just have to be x reader either, i also do ships! (excluding leon)
thank u so much for reading all this
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xxvalkyriesxx · 1 month
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Flying Changes: Masterlist
An Equestrian Nessian Fic.
Nesta Archeron was once of the most decorated equestrians in the world. From world titles to Olympic medals to being featured in big sponsorships, she became the IT girl in equestrian. 
Until she wasn't. After a major accident at her third Olympics, Nesta was rushed to the hospital waking up nearly a week later to find out her horse didn't survive the fall. Her glimmer of hope dissolved and spiraled into depression as she drank, went to rehab, rinse and repeat.
Until she went too far. After being charged with her second DUI, the judge decided not to send Nesta to prison. Instead she must complete 375 hours of community service while on probation at the House of Wind Therapeutic Ranch.
Cassian Valyrian was honorably discharged from the military last year. The once esteemed ranch ran by his adoptive mother now falls to him. With the new job in his old town, he believed he'll be able to mange.
Until he met her. Now Cassian and Nesta must work together day in and day out as she must stay with him at the ranch until her probation is lifted.
Authors Note: (Please read to know content warnings)
Thank you to everyone who showed support for my little nessian idea I posted about last week. I immediately went to work plotting several chapters and seeing what kind of story this could become. So far I've been very happy with the outcome. My goal is post once a week, but I can't promise an actual schedule at this time.
Something I also want to highlight that is Cassian, Azriel, and Mor are going to be rude to Nesta within the first part of the story. Outside of Rhysand, no one has met Nesta. They all know her by proxy through Feyre. So they don't have the best judgement on Nesta and her character. It may seem a little silly to bring up, but I wanted to reassure you just because they're asses at the start doesn't mean they'll be asses for the entire story.
Before moving forward I did want to highlight some of the content warnings that will be mentioned and discussed in this story. The biggest being alcoholism, child grooming, and SA. Majority of these topics are in the past but will come up. The grooming/SA will not be featured until a bit later. I will be making warnings per chapter to keep everyone up to date on what to expect.
Read on AO3
The Horses
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Enjoy a quick little snippet below the cut
A man, a tall man, stood in the doorway. His long hair in a half up half down style as he leaned against the frame. The wheels of the truck became distant as Nesta looked up at him.
“So, Nesta Archeron. We finally meet after all this time. Welcome to your new home.” He stood inside, ushering her in.
“Prison is more like it..” 
“I can get orange jumpsuits if you think that would make you feel better, however I don’t think orange is your color.”
Nesta scuffs, the insult nailing her. She glared daggers at him.
The man moved on, walking down the hall before turning around to face her. “I’m Cassian. Your warren, if we want to stay on the prison theme.” 
“And lucky you. You get the fourth floor all to yourself. Enjoy, Nes.” Then he walked off, not bothering to help Nesta.
“My name is Nesta!” She called out after him followed by mumbling a few curses under her breath.
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So there's this ex-racer, right? He had a lovely career, won races, got sponsorships, etc. and now he's happily retired. He's seen his miles (heh, miles) and now he'd gone to the countryside to calm down. Well, he's living great on his own, his own little house, his own (still fast) cars, his own little town. Well, in his little town he stumbles into this sweet man at the grocery store, literally stumbles into him, and by god its like a fanfic. When he falls he drops his things, grabbing the toned arms of the taller man. when he looks up, damn is he hot. He's got this lovely salt and pepper hair, some smile lines and far too many worry lines too. The taller man chuckles and liftes the racer from himself, crouching down to pick up the groceries he dropped in the process. The racer doesn't even realize the other man is talking till he registers the silky smooth voice in his ears, and the hand on his shoulder, and the mans face a little too close to his own. Once the racer finally realizes what happening, he flushes and takes everything, scurrying away a blushing mess.
He thought thats the last of the other man he'd be seeing definitely not in his dreams no when the racer stumbles into the man again at the library, with the mans child. A sweet young girl who challenged his knowledge on racing and cars until he outed himself as an ex-racer. Then, he saw the man again with his child at the coffee shop. At the arcade. The bowling alley. He continued seeing the two until he saw the man by himself at the gym, and damn he was a lot more toned than he originally thought. The ex-racer talked to him and was able to officially plan a date no he did not giggle like a teenage girl when he got home.
Eventually, after a few dates when the man was walking the ex-racer home, the man walked the racer to his doorstep, and placed a rough hand on the ex-racers cheek, somehow cupping it softly.
"I had a lovely night, Fenton." The ex-racer said, fluttering his eyelashes.
"I did too, McQueen." Danny said, leaning in for a kiss.
i hope you all hate me as much as i hate myself :)
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maysrinn · 7 months
the xanthos storyline with the girl from the seam is so interesting!! :0
do you think coryo would refuse from interfering at first in order to “teach” xanthos a lesson, kind of like how sejanus’ dad did with marcus?
I can see xanthos getting frustrated when asking for help and both parents being hesitant when it is literally the same circumstance of how they met.
Thank you so much!! ✨3✨ 🙏
The storyline isn't fully fleshed out yet, so I apologize if any parts don't seem to make sense. However, I wanted to ensure that Xanthos gets some well-deserved attention too. He's much more than just the forgotten middle child, after all!
Xanthos is begging his dad to use his powers to rescue his girl, but Coriolanus is acting all tough, using her as a life lesson for his son. It's like Xanthos can't catch a break, just like late Sejanus. Coriolanus keeps shutting down his son's requests for help, no matter how many times he asks. On the flip side, Lucy Gray steps up, offering to mentor her for the interviews and guaranteeing sponsorships if her husband doesn't come through. Coriolanus argues that unlike Lucy Gray, who won her Games “fair and square” and then fell for him, it's a whole different story. Their love story had everyone hooked after the games, thinking it was something written in the stars. They argue for quite some time until Coriolanus warns Xanthos that if they try to get his girl out of the Games, the public might not react well, threatening him with riots in the districts and Capitol. At least, that's what he makes him believe.
It would add an intriguing twist if Coriolanus were to offer Xanthos the chance to persuade him about his aspirations concerning the "seam scum" by appointing him as her mentor in the weeks leading up to the Games. Under this arrangement, Xanthos would be her sole mentor, with the usual Capitol replacement Mentor being provided for the boy, given that Lucy Gray is no longer mentoring. It's a deal: Coriolanus will only assist his son emerges victorious as he once did.
Lucy Gray doesn’t like this at all and wishes she could do more for her son 🥀
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ladylooch · 9 months
(When you start writing again)
Is there a time where Emma sticks up for Lexi since she’s more of the sweet kindhearted out of the two
The way we all know Emma is the fierce one 🤭
“Be right back.” Timo smooches Emma and Lio quickly before he disappears into Carl F. Bucherer watch company. Nico and him are working on a sponsorship deal, so they are picking up their custom watches before heading back to Jersey for another hockey season.
Emma and Lexi know sparkling, glass enclosures and little fingers don’t mesh well. So they are opting to stay outside in the mountain sun with the littles.
Currently, Lio and Lucie have their noses pressed to different glass belonging to the next storefront. Inside is colorful displays of candy.
“Mama, can we go in?” Lucie asks.
“We have candy at home from grandma and grandpa. You don’t need more.”
“But I want it.” Lucie says matter of factly.
“We don’t always get what we want.” Lexi says gently, smoothing Lucie’s fly aways coming out of her pony tail. Little eyebrows fold together over inherited brown eyes.
“You’re mean! Daddy would let me!” Lexi pauses, pursing her lips. She glances into the store where Nico is laughing at the counter with Timo and the store clerk. They have been out most of the morning and afternoon. Lucie had begun showing signs of overstimulation a little bit ago, but Nico wanted to stop to avoid another trip into town.
“Luc.” Lexi murmurs, getting down to her daughters level.
“Hmph.” Lucie grunts, crossing her arms dramatically over her chest. A big fat, pouty lip pulls her jaw out.
“I need you to use kind words to express your feelings.”
“I can’t! You’re too mean to me!”
“I am not being mean. I am allowed to set a boundary and say no. You have some at home. You can have a few pieces after dinner.”
“THAT IS SO FAR AWAY!” Lucie yells.
Emma Meier watches the exchange silently, knowing not to interfere with another parent.
“Lee.” Emma calls her son away from the window. Lio hasn’t asked for any candy, but Emma wants to do what she can to diffuse the situation. “You want to help mama with dinner tonight? I need someone to rip the basil.”
“Yeah.” He grins, then wraps his arms around her neck. Emma lifts him up. Lio wraps his whole little body around his mama. She sways them from foot to foot, scratching his back with her freshly manicured nails.
Across the sidewalk sit two, observing old women with looks of disgust.
“See this is why Nico should have married a Swiss girl. Americans raise their children to be brats.”
Emma’s ears perk. She glances at the two women on the bench then back to her sister in law.
“Luc. I understand you’re upset-“
“No! I want it! I want it! I want it!” Lucie screams. Lexi’s cheeks begin to flare red as others on the sidewalk stare while they walk by.
“We don’t…” Lucie begins to slap at Lexi to make her stop talking. “No.” Lexi grabs Lucie’s hands, to cease the slapping.
“Owie!! Lucie screams
“Child abuse happening right in front of our eyes.” One of them tisks.
“What is wrong with you?” Emma snaps. Both women’s eyes widen in shock. They clearly thought their muttering wasn’t loud enough to hear. “You should be ashamed of yourself. We are Swiss. We are supposed to be welcoming of other cultures and women should support other women. Her daughter is have a difficult day. She is not a bad parent. She is also not hurting her. She is trying to keep them both safe.”
Lexi looks up at the tone of Emma’s voice. Lucie huffs exasperatedly as Lexi releases her now still arms.
“Take deep breaths for me.” Lexi focuses her attention back to her daughter. Frustrated tears fall down Lucie’s cheeks. But she pulls in a shuddering breath in conjunction with her mom.
“A Swiss mother wouldn’t let it get to that level.” The other one scolds.
“My brother is lucky to have her as his wife and the mother of his child. Swiss women have treated him worse than that American.”
“Those lose women from his younger years would have been better parents than this. This type of parenting is despicable. Look at how well behaved your boy is. That is true Swiss breeding at it’s best.” Emma wants to vomit at the breeding comment. Her eyes narrow further as she steps closer to the bench the two old bats are sitting on. Her parents raised her right, but she knows when to throw down for her family.
“Keep talking and you’ll find out how impolite this Swiss girl can be. Better yet, why don’t you find a different bench to park your fat asses on? That one is starting to sag in the middle like your foreheads.”
“Emma?” Timo calls behind her, surprised. She whips around.
“Hold Lio. I need to kick some ass here.” Timo takes Lio, looking at Lexi.
“I don’t know. It’s all been in German.” Lexi shrugs. Nico is kneeling down with her by Lucie. “We are having a tough time with the word no.” Nico cringes.
“Yeah, we heard her screaming in the store.”
“Great.” Lexi looks down, feeling her throat closing in. She may not understand Swiss German but she clearly heard American enough times to know they were shameful towards her.
“It’s okay,” Nico pulls her into his body to give her a kiss. “Hey, I think we are going to head home.” He turns to Timo, catching Emma stalking toward the women across the way. Emma hikes up her jeans and pushes her sleeves forward, expensive, Cartier bangles clinging together. If she had earrings, they all think she would be taking them off right now. “Emma.” The tone of Nico’s voice is stern. “Let it go.” Emma glares.
“You’re too pretty for jail, baby.” Timo reminds her, a smirk on his face. He is so hot for his wife right now. He wants to head home too, put Lio down, and let her ride out that explosive energy on him.
“Learn a lesson in decency before you step outside next.” Emma finishes. She turns on her heel and comes back to the group. Lexi meets her gaze.
“Thank you.” Lexi has no idea what they said and she doesn’t care. But watching Emma stand up for her makes her bubble with affection.
“Nobody talks about my sister like that.”
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planindiango1 · 8 months
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Donate for girl child | ngo for children in india
India is home to more than 424 million children, the highest in the world. Millions of these children do not have access to their rights. 3 out of 5 women have not completed school/ their education. 1 in 4 women are married “before they are 18years or when they are still a child”. 4 in 100 children die before celebrating 1st birthday due to malnutrition and due to lack of access to quality health services. 12.9 Million Children from the age group of 7-17 years are engaged in child labour.
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f0point5 · 8 months
So I too wondered what the Esteban/Pierre drama was and I DUG deep a few months ago. The primary rumor is two parts.
The first less interesting part is that Esteban’s girlfriend (or the girl he was casually dating) cheated/ended it with him for Pierre WAY back. Which like is a big deal when you’re 15/16 but it was more of a straw that broke the camels back and prevented any reconciliation.
The bigger thing was that Pierre’s family reached out to one of Esteban’s sponsors and basically stole them. It was a massive deal because they both needed it but Esteban needed it more and to approach a company and steal your kids rivals sponsorship is a very calculated move IMO.
Esteban’s family never really got over it (which I too would be angry tbh) but they also viewed Pierre as kind of caught in the middle bc his parents brokered the deal. But then the gf thing happened a year or so later and that was enough to be like “ok Pierre isn’t innocent” either and cause problems.
They can still put up with each other for casual/PR stuff (like the basketball game) bc neither of those things are relevant anymore but the underlying tension will always be there bc when you hate someone for years you don’t just suddenly get over it
Omg this is so interesting. And makes sense if this is the case.
Battle of the baguettes be battling and baguetting.
To be fair though, you’re trying to get your kid funded. Is it fair? No. But it’s not fair that there are kids whose parents could afford to pay their kid’s way through the sport when others couldn’t. Life isn’t fair. Maybe I’d have done the same thing if it was between my kid having to quit and them being able to continue. But yeah you definitely have burned a bridge after that.
I have soooo many thoughts about the decision to push your family to the brink of financial ruin to support a child’s sport, like o_O but if you’re going to do that…you gotta do it do it, otherwise what was the point?
Not even gonna touch the “he stole my gf” because we aren’t 15 😂
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mariacallous · 6 months
In January, the CEOs of X, TikTok, Meta, Snap, and Discord testified in front of a congressional committee about child exploitation on their platforms. “Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us, I know you don’t mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands,” Senator Lindsey Graham said at the time.
Despite confrontational questioning from Graham and others about how many underage users were on their platforms, and what safeguards protected them, Zuckerberg and other executives weren’t questioned about the concerning practices of some parents who manage social media accounts on behalf of their young children. A New York Times investigation the month after the hearing found that some parents, mostly of girls, were amassing tens of thousands of followers for their children by posting suggestive images that can attract predators.
Now, Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan is demanding that tech companies account for the untold thousands of accounts that place girls as risk of exploitation on their platforms, through the actions of adult account-holders.
“These corporations must answer for how they are allowing young women and girls to be exploited on their platforms and what steps they will take in response,” Senator Hassan, who represents New Hampshire, told WIRED. “Young women should be able to express themselves online in safe environments that do not facilitate the monetization of potentially exploitative content.”
The Times investigation found that parents can readily bypass the age restrictions of social platforms that bar children under 13 from having accounts. Some parents use the accounts they set up for their children to essentially monetize their daughters by putting them to work as influencers, garnering discounts and sponsorship deals or pulling in advertising revenue.
More sinisterly, some of these accounts brought in money from people seeking sexual or suggestive material about young girls, some of whom were convicted sex offenders. Some of these followers are willing to pay for extra photos beyond those shared on a girl’s social media account, or for private chats or used clothing. Times reporters examined some 5,000 accounts of young girls run by their parents.
While the Times found that some of the parents also operated TikTok accounts, the phenomenon was most prevalent on Meta's Instagram. (X was not mentioned in the Times investigation, and the company claims that its underage user base constitutes less than 1 percent of its usership. WIRED has previously reported that the platform may not have the age verification systems needed to accurately make such a claim.)
“After the disturbing revelations about predators interacting with the posts of minors and even buying their worn clothing, it continues to be clear that social media companies are failing to keep our children safe,” says Senator Hassan.
Meta, TikTok, and X did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
In a statement to the Times about its earlier reporting, Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said that the company prevents “accounts exhibiting potentially suspicious behavior from using our monetization tools, and we plan to limit such accounts from accessing subscription content,” but that parents were ultimately responsible for the accounts.
In the letters sent to TikTok, X, and Meta, Hassan is asking companies to disclose whether they were aware of parents circumventing their age requirements, whether accounts of young girls are monetized—or have ads placed on them—by the platforms, and what active measures the companies have in place to detect these kinds of accounts.
The platforms have until April 8 to offer their responses.
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the-lavender-clown · 2 years
I’m rewatching DS9 with my mom rn and it’s just reminding me how much I love Nog. I already forced my followers on Instagram to listen to my thoughts on him and y’all are my next victims
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Nog is a great example for us to see the Ferengis and their culture in more depth. It's so interesting to me to watch his character develop as well as Sisko's viewpoint with him. Starfleet (specifically humans) wants to preach that they're accepting of all life forms and have left prejudice behind them but it's simply not true. In TNG we know that Worf definitely experienced his fair share of prejudice for being Klingon and Data for being an android. For the Voyager cast B'Elanna faced prejudice as a child for being half Klingon and the Doctor for being a hologram. Nog is DS9's best example I think of this kind of character. Even Worf was suspicious of Nog when he joins the DS9 crew despite having been in Nog's very situation as the first of his species (which doesn't have a very good reputation either) to join Starfleet. When introduced to the Ferengi in TNG we are lead to think that they are lying, greedy, cunning little gremlins and that's not entirely wrong but it's not entirely right either. An individual person is more than their race and culture. When they first get to DS9 Nog is one of the closest people to Jake's age and who wants to hang out with him. They became fast friends and got into some trouble for pulling pranks, tho they were never really very harmful if we're being honest but it certainly doesn't put Nog in a very good light. It looks like Nog is a bad influence and Sisko is convinced he is. He tries to convince Jake to not be friends with him and even bans him from hanging out with Nog but it doesn't work because the two boys are committed to their friendship. Jake teaches Nog how to read and Nog gives him (terrible) advice on girls. They're friendship has some bumps from the cultural differences but they always make up and push through. Ben has to admit that he was wrong about Nog and about their friendship. Ben even sticks up for Rom in an episode simply because their sons are best friends. He's able to see the Ferengi in a different light. Sure he still doesn't like Quark very much but who does? Quark is important to the station tho so they have to deal with him. (I could go into Quark’s character too but this is about Nog rn.) Then eventually Nog decides to join Starfleet and since his species isn't part of the federation he has to get a letter of recommendation from a command level officer to be able to go to the academy and he asks Sisko to sponsor him. Sisko spends the episode testing Nog to see if he's trustworthy and serious about this. At the end he tells Nog he won't write the letter because he doesn't understand why Nog wants to join and he needs to understand before he writes that letter. Nog tells him he wants to join Starfleet because he knew he didn't have the "lobs" for business just like his father doesn't and he doesn't want to end up like him. His father is brilliant but he's stuck working for his brother in a bar. Nog doesn't want that life for himself and he knows that if he's goes into business like a "good Ferengi" then that's where he'll end up. But he has his father's hands and smarts for machinery as well as his uncle's tenacity. He wants to do something worthwhile with his life and in Starfleet he can. Plus he looks up to Sisko, you can't convince me he doesn't, and Sisko is in Starfleet so that's another reason he wants to join (but that’s just my opinion).That speech gets him his letter and sponsorship. He gets to live out his dream of doing something with his life. He gets to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet proving that not all Ferengi are obsessed with profit and greed. I am so proud of him for that.
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In conclusion, Nog is my brave, sweet, precious son and an incredibly complex character 💛💛💛
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liminalh-creations · 2 months
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Sleeplessly embracing Butterflies and needles Line my seamed-up joins Encased in case I need it...
my headcanon sketches/drawings of the Miyano family! (+ two terrible men who escaped my brain, just ignore them it'll be ok i promise) all are as depicted in my canon divergent fanfiction
going into this, i had the core goal of making both Akemi and Shiho not look too much like their mother, seeing as International Agent Shuichi Akai would fucking notice if the girl he's dating is visibly his own damn cousin. As such, my Akemi very heavily takes after her father; and even Shiho Sherry with her sharp nose and wider jaw is not so easy to recognise (and would've been even less so when Akai encountered her years ago, when she was a teenager).
close-ups and more commentary below!
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the parents!
Eleanora 'Elena' Serafim was quite estranged from her older sister Marianne 'Mary'. She spent most of her youth while in the UK trying to distance herself from the assertive and overreaching Mary; initially physically and with different hobbies/friend groups (in fact, El didn't have many friends compared to the very popular Mary), and later by chosen profession. Atsushi meanwhile came from underprivileged circumstances and only managed to get into higher education thanks to a sponsorship from everyone in his neighbourhood pitching together, which gave him to means to attain a scholarship co-funded between the Japanese government and a private corporation that was interested in supporting aspiring young scientists.
Atsushi and Eleanora met during their studies at Cambridge. Atsushi started with a BMed but switched to a MSc; while Eleanora was always pursuing a pure science path.
There is more to their story (between failed pregnancies and increasingly unfortunate work placements) but to expedite the report: by 1991 Elena 'Absinthe' Miyano was a Chief of Research & Development of the Black Organisation in Tokyo, and her husband Atsushi 'Madeira' Miyano her right hand, liason to the rest of the company, and in charge of the medical wing in particular. They had one daughter, an adopted science experiment, and a second child on the way.
In 1999 the two parents died in a terrible accident. The details cannot be disclosed without Black Label clearance or higher.
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the two (2) daughters!
Akemi Miyano (27 in summer 2010) inherited a lot more of her father's features, while Shiho (18 in summer 2010) takes more after her mother's side. (This might loosely apply to their personalities too, oops,,,,)
In addition to the point i mentioned above (Akai has, like, eyes and a partway functioning brain) I also thought this character design choice might contrast thesen two very different sisters in some interesting ways. If you're a reader of my silly "little" (c 280k words at time of posting) fanfic, you can see that contrast especially in this chapter :3
In terms of timeline, I've shuffled a few things around. I won't get too into things that might count as potential spoilers for my fanfic premise (lmfao) but suffice to say we're getting plenty of time with Akemi in the story. (And after that, plenty of time without her, too. huhuhuh...)
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