#Gladion x Protagonist
Hi! I’ve been following you for a while now (since before you started working on sisterhood). I love the concept you have for Sisterhood a lot. I’m just curious about what shippings you like since I feel like I know some of them but not all of them (and I know how shipping can change over time). If you feel like talking about them, I would love to hear about them!
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I've accumulated a vast assortment of pairings the past several years, particularly due to being a multishipper (but not a polyshipper-). However, for each protagonist there is usually what a friend of mine refers to as an "endgame" love interest: the one who I feel resonates with her personality most.
For example, the pairings related to Leaf are Conflictingshipping (Green/Blue x Leaf) and LeafStoneshipping (Brock x Leaf). The former is the "endgame" pairing for her. As for the latter, I actually concocted the name myself.
(There are a number of pairings I've been left with the solemn duty of bestowing a name upon, in actuality-).
An additional detail to keep in mind is, for anyone else who may be reading; the ages of several characters are altered in the universe of Sisterhood, meaning everyone involved, including the female protagonists, is a young adult.
Kotone, her "endgame" pairing is SoulSilvershipping (Silver x Kotone). Silver is truly the only person she has a romantic relationship with, although he is rather prone to experiencing jealousy when other male characters, such as Hibiki(Ethan) and Morty, are in her presence.
Haruka also has two paths of romance before her in the forms of HoennChampionshipping (Steven x Haruka) and NewRivalshipping (Wally x Haruka). What can I say? She has a type, and it's nerds. Haruka couldn't care less about the former's status and money, and she isn't so shallow that his looks would instantly capture her heart.
Hikari has no love interests to speak of in Sinnoh, but under the alias of Akari while in Hisui, she has quite a few options! Wieldershipping (Volo x Akari) and BrilliantDiamondshipping (Adaman x Akari) are the main contenders, but additionally... I also am somewhat partial to CandyTruffleshipping (Melli x Akari), for humor related reasons.
Ferriswheelshipping (N x Touko) is Touko's "endgame" pairing. Similarly to Kotone, she has no other love interests. However, Cheren does harbor romantic feelings for her during the course of Black and White's main game before eventually moving on and finding happiness with Bianca.
Technically, Mei has two and a half love interests? Initially, LiveCastershipping (Curtis x Mei) was intended to be the "endgame" pairing for her, but I gradually grew more and more fond of Hue and his one-sided affections. And to elaborate on the "two and a half love interests", Kyouhei(Nate) is sort of one, but... it's... it's complicated.
Serena is another protagonist who has a sole pairing associated with her, which is Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena). And yet, I also can't consider Calem her "endgame" love interest. I don't dislike him, but... he's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi. So perhaps Legends: Z-A may introduce Serena to her perfect beau?
Despite how frequently she teases and torments him, Mizuki's main love interest is Gladion. Although I do also enjoy some Malasadashipping (Hau x Mizuki) on the side. Regardless of whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, Hau is an important part of Mizuki's life in Alola now.
Gloria has two tsundere boys battling for her attention and affection. Not that Bede and Avery would admit this without raising a fuss. I haven't yet decided which will be her "endgame" love interest, so I suppose DressedInPinkshipping (Bede x Gloria) and Barriershipping (Avery x Gloria) will also be competing for my approval!
Juliana has the most love interests out of all the protagonists thus far! A grand total of four! HerbaMysticashipping (Arven x Juliana), Dipplinshipping (Kieran x Juliana), Tracksuitshipping (Drayton x Juliana) are the primary pairings, but Grusha does occasionally show interest in the academy's Book Wurmple as well.
There are also various pairings in Sisterhood which don't involve the female protagonists. Some include the male protagonists, such as Red possibly becoming a couple with Misty, while others are composed of non-player characters, one of my favorites being Surveyshipping (Laventon x Cyllene). The professor and captain are married in this universe, as a matter of fact!
And because the world of Pokémon is always expanding, this means there should always be more pairings! Legends: Z-A is soon to be upon us, after all! But hopefully not too soon.
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
Everyone is like "omg I love gay rivals to lovers" except for the Pokemon fandom, for whatever fucking reason (ignoring originalshipping and preciousmetalshipping). Like literally no one likes any of the gay rivals to lovers ships outside of those. If they DO, it's het. Like, you NEVER see cutebonesshipping. You never see cheeryfairyshipping. You never see clingyshipping. I don't even know what Arven x Florian is, because no one ships it, they usually all self-ship with Arven or ship Juliana with Arven (and it's very obvious Juliana is their self-insert). Like, I don't understand why?? I guess I could understand clingyshipping, because clingyshipping is very friends/rivals to lovers (they are both at the same time). But with the other two it's like?? They both have the asshole with the not asshole formula that originalshipping and preciousmetalshipping have. I guess maybe, okay, it's not protagonist x your rival, but they're clearly rivals to each other (because neither Hau nor Hop are asshole rivals to the protagonist).
And if you only do like protagonist x rival, like, I do not even SEE Bede x Victor or Gladion x Elio. I DO see Bede x Gloria and Gladion x Selene far more often, though! Like, there's nothing wrong with it, I guess? It's just. I wish shipping for the rivals in the Pokemon fandom was more popular, gay-wise. The only times it is popular outside of gen 1-2 are het-wise, and even then, it's usually glaringly obvious that they're not writing the female protag/rival, and are instead just writing themselves into the relationship.
And like, nothing wrong with that, but for the LOVE of God, just make a new character/OC. There is a difference between the official protagonist of the game and YOU. Just ship yourself as the protagonist with whatever character rather than saying "yeah this is the canon protag (is clearly a self-insert)" because it isn't fair to fans looking for content of the actual protagonist character x other character. Like I'm not saying don't have headcanons but I'm saying you cannot go (this is an example) "This is my Juliana! She is just me but inside the game" Juliana is NOT you just make your own self-insert for the game, like you play as your name in the game and customize the character. Rather than pretending that customization is Juliana just call it yourself.
Get into self-ship! For the love of god! Self-ship is fun and cool! But the official canon protagonist =/= the player character! This is an issue I see in so many fandoms! It's okay to have headcanons, of course!!! But there is a difference between headcanons and just having the character be YOU but in the game!
TLDR; Gay rival ships outside of Gen 1-2 are not popular in the Pokemon fandom which really bothers me because it seems like they should be. Even when it's the protagonist x their rival, it still isn't popular, but oftentimes you see that the het version of this ship is more popular. Ignoring personal preference, this is often frustrating because it's clear that the female character is just being used as a self-insert, in which case the person needs to understand that protagonist=/=player character and just make a self-insert and get into self-ship because it clogs the tags (whether on Tumblr, Ao3, or other media site) since you're not actually portraying the protagonist, you are portraying you.
Why the hell do I care about this it doesn't even matter and this is INCREDIBLY stupid I am getting off my soapbox now
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tsubasagirl · 2 years
All Yours (NSFW! Gladion x afab!Reader)
18+!!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! Gladion and reader are aged-up 18 year olds (unlike the canon ages where Gladion is 13-16 and the protagonist is 11), therefore they are consenting adults. I don’t intend to write anything illegal here… Also this is my first time writing actual smut, and I’ve been imagining/fantasising about this one-shot(?) for a long time now. There is another smutty Gladion x afab!Reader (possibly a sequel to this one) that I’ve also had in mind for a while, but I guess we’ll see how this one goes first. Enjoy this whopping 4.3k word long, bitter-sweet/angsty, first time [uh-oh word] one-shot(?)…
Oh and a bonus sketch dump at the end, altho it doesn’t exactly relate to the story and it was drawn over 2 years ago (it’s very self-indulgent; I felt too ashamed and kinda afraid to share it anywhere, especially there being the controversial opinions on self-inserts and all… probably gonna be a tumblr-exclusive art post ahehe…) Of course, there’s just naughty stuff and swearing in here, but nothing extreme to leave a warning about (Also again, as I’ve said with my previous fanfics, feel free to give me any constructive feedback :))
It’s been around a year since I became the champion of Alola, and a year since Gladion became the Aether Foundation president. We also started dating shortly after we claimed our respective roles. We were both often busy doing our own thing, but every once in a while, we would meet up to spend quality time together. Otherwise, we would try our best to get in contact with each other during the little free time we had.
However, from the past few months, Gladion has gotten much busier with his duties as president, so our brief catch-ups via text and phone calls became less frequent, up to a few weeks ago where he stopped contacting me all together. Of course, I’m also busy with my own duties as champion, but as time passes with zero response from him, my mind has been getting more clouded with his absence. It’s for the best if I don’t nag him and let him focus on his work. I’ve also been refraining myself from going to Aether Foundation to check up on him in person, although occasionally, I’ve been asking Wicke on how things have been with him. It was always something like “He’s had to deal with several different responsibilities everyday.” I would also tell her that I trust her to look after him in the meantime, but even so, knowing how reckless and dedicated Gladion is when it comes to accomplishing his goals, I bet he hasn’t been eating or sleeping much…
It’s been almost three months since I’ve last seen him in person. I’m normally content with just texting or calling him regularly, but not being able to play with his soft blonde hair, not being able to stare deeply into his eyes, not being able to melt into his touch — I miss it all so much. I miss him so goddamn much. Whether you wanna see it as deep love or borderline obsession, it’s almost impossible for me to live on normally without it lingering in my mind 24/7.
I mostly have it all together, but it doesn’t help that I’m ultimately just a teenager who tends to get very emotional, sometimes feeling a certain fiery sensation that can’t easily be put out. Every once in a while, when I’m all alone in my room, my mind is completely cluttered with Gladion — I can only visualise his sharp emerald orbs, hungrily eating me up from head to toe, his rasp voice uttering my name with delight, his warm arms wrapped around my form as I immerse into his scent, knowing that he is mine and that I am his — I lose myself in my fantasies of him. Caressing my breasts and fondling their peaks, letting my essence almost soak my bed, massaging my pearl and sliding digits into my folds. It would be sensual at first, but the pace would soon hasten as I think about him more, imagining that it’s him playing with my body, fucking me with his fingers, teasing me with his tongue, satisfying me with his shaft. I want him. I want all of him. I would cry out for him, longing for his love and yearning for his attention.
Now, it’s come to the point where I have a day all to myself… except I have no idea on what to do... How did I end up here? Not mentally but physically standing here in front of the route 8 motel… I’m a mess. I probably look like a fool, having no proper business here, only in sandals, board shorts and a loose tank.
This is where I first met him outside of battle. I just barged in, only to be scolded to get out. What did I even expect back then? Everyone can agree that Gladion comes off as intimidating, and yeah, I was a little frightened when he scolded me, but I also can’t help but chuckle at the memory of that brief encounter. Remembering that moment where you looked miserable after Guzma defeated you, and you muttering how lonely you were… I wish I had met you sooner.
I… didn’t think much into visiting here, huh…? Don’t really have anything else to do… My Pokémon are resting back at home for all their hard work, so it’s just me here at the moment. I hesitantly step into the motel lobby.
I’m greeted by the owner with a gentle smile. “Welco— Oh! Champion [y/n]! What brings you here today?” I nod and smile weakly at her. “Hi. I… just wanted to check something in one of your motel rooms. Do… do you remember the blonde boy who had stayed here up until a year ago?” I stand kinda awkwardly as she thinks for a moment. What am I doing? “Oh, him! The boy who stayed here for two years? My, he sure was a mysterious one. Do you know him?” She looks at me curiously. I stammer, “Y-yes. I don’t know if you know, but from when he left, he’s been really busy taking care of his family business elsewhere, and… he also happens to be my boyfriend, ahehe…” The woman’s face lights up and slightly blushes. “Awww young love! I’m happy for you two.” I scratch the back of my head shyly and blush at the statement. “Thank you, I-I guess… Since he’s been so busy… he… he asked me to come here to find s… something for him… something that he may have accidentally left behind when he was staying here.” What kind of stupid request is this? “Is that so?” She asks with slight confusion. “I don’t recall any lost objects in his room after he left, unless I didn’t check properly.”
She offers the key for the room to me. “No one is staying in there at the moment, so you can take a look in there. I trust that you won’t make a mess in there haha!” I grab the key from her hand and nod, “thank you kindly.” Just as I’m about to turn around and walk out, she suddenly says, “um also, you… don’t look too well. Are you feeling okay?” I pause for a moment, a little caught off guard. Before I put any thought into it, I retort, “I… I’m fine, thank you. Just a bit tired from all the matches I’ve been having lately. It’s… also quite hot today so I probably look a little sweaty haha…” Her concerned expression remains unchanged but she replies, “o… okay… I hope you find the lost thing for your boyfriend. Say hi to him for me.” I only nod in response with a weaker smile. Jeez what is wrong with me?
As soon as I close the door behind me, I stumble my way hastily to Gladion’s former room a little too quickly, fumbling the door handle to unlock it, and bust inside before anyone else sees how much of a mess I am right now. The room is silent and empty. Of course it is. I look around slowly yet frantically, feeling slightly light-headed. Is it the heat, or am I just really tired? What… what am I doing here again? My eyes find a mirror to the right of the room, reflecting my pathetic, slouched posture. God I really do look awful.
My head whips to the bed in front of me. My body automatically flops upon it, slightly bouncing, face first. I groan loudly. I’m such an idiot. I peak one eye to lazily look around the room again. Looks slightly dusty in here. Seems like no one has been here for a while, yet I kinda feel at home. I’m already engulfed by the scent of the bed. Is it just me, or does it smell like him? Am I going crazy? He hasn’t been here it’s been a year of course it’s clean and not fresh with his scent.
I feel a bit more calm as the scent throws me into a trance. I unconsciously release a moan as my hands grip the sheets tightly. It’s like his scent has fully enraptured me. God, I’m hopeless. I tear up, kicking my sandals off my feet and bringing my legs close to me. I don’t care that I’m messing up the sheets at this point. I miss him so fucking much. Before I know it, one of my hands is deep under my shorts and underwear, feeling myself. Not only am I wet with tears but squirming out of horniness. His scent is intensifying the sensation. “Fuck,” I whimper, picking up the pace with my rubbing, “G-Gladion…”
I continue to play with my clit for a few minutes, when I hear creaking from a few rooms down outside. I jolt up and quickly rub my hand dry on my shirt. Crap, my shorts look slightly damp. Hope it just looks like sweat. The door creaks ajar as an oh-too-familiar face peaks from behind it. I briefly freeze in place, gawking at the surprise visitor. He opens the door slowly as he stumbles inside with slight hesitation and possibly shame in his eyes. I suddenly bolt towards him, almost tackling him against the wall as I throw my arms around him in the tightest embrace.
“GLADION! WHAT THE FUCK!” I cry out, sobbing into his shirt. He has one hand rubbing my back and the other caressing my head. He mumbles into my hair, “I’m so sorry, [y/n]. I… don’t think I can give you a good enough of an explanation for being away from you for so long…” I look up at him, feeling like a complete mess but finally whole again, my vision blurry with my overflowing tears. I fight the urge to slap him for making me feel this way, feeling internally destroyed to see how guilty and tired his own face looks. I dig my fingers into his scalp and grumble, “I’m… sorry too… for overreacting like this…” I shove my face into his chest again, engulfing his actual scent this time, “I… I just missed you so fucking much.” He embraces me tighter, stuttering, “you have every right to react this way. I decided to stay away from you so I could focus on my work, yet somehow we still found our way to each other again.”
I pull away and grab his hands, looking up at him again. “Why… why are you here…?” He grasps my hands tenderly and replies, “Wicke forced me to take a day off, and I found myself not knowing what to do, so my only idea was… to come back to where I kinda first started… dunno if that sounds weird…” His thumb rubs onto mind, looking a bit off to the side nervously. I stare blankly for a moment, then giggle, “hehe, funny enough… me too actually… I also have the day off today and didn’t know what to do. Next thing I knew, I found myself wandering here in hopes I could… see you?” Gladion stares back, wide-eyed for another moment, then chuckles, “well… what a turn of events.” We both laugh nervously but happily, and embrace each other once more. It feels like it’s been such a long time since either of us have been this happy, despite how stupid this situation is.
I tug his hand as I guide him to sit beside me on the bed. We stare at each other in awe, feeling kinda refreshed for the first time in what seems like in ages. “So… how’s everything at the foundation?” I ask, slightly swinging my legs back and forth. “Things have been really busy and strenuous, of course. However, I think I’ve gotten kind of a good hang of operations now,” Gladion explains as he briefly looks off into the distance,  “and better news — from what I heard from Lillie, she’s only been getting much stronger as a trainer, and mother’s recovery has been going really well,” he rambles with excitement in his eyes, which I can only adore helplessly. “I’m glad things are getter better for you,” I say with a smile. He looks back at me, “…how about you?”
My body gets fluttery all over from the sight of his cute face. God how I missed seeing it, it drives me crazy in love sometimes. “Still going strong as champion!” I smile widely as I playfully flex one of my arms, “there’ve been some tough battles, sure, but I’m still the best! Although, I’m curious if you’ve thought up of some new battle tactics yourself, President Gladion.” His face flushes but he can’t help but beam proudly for me and remarks, “[y/n], you know that I don’t like to be called president… but that’s my champion. As expected of you to remain undefeated.” We’re both grinning from ear to ear as we intertwine our fingers. His face suddenly drops as he looks down and lifts our hands off the bed. “Why is it… slightly damp here…?”
Shit. I quickly retract my hand in a panic. My face heats up more. “Um… um you know how miserable I was b-before? Yea, yea, I was… laying here, sobbing like a baby f-from how much I was missing… you…” Gladion stares at me in confusion, retorting, “but… you were sitting right here, and… wouldn’t your head have been on the pillow…?” More panic. My eyes constantly dart between his face and my knees as I ball my hands upon my legs. I can’t think of any other explanation…
“You… you know as teenagers, w-we start feeling particular emotions w-we didn’t feel as kids? Y-you know, puberty and hormones and s-s-stuff…” I stutter uncontrollably. It clicks in his mind almost immediately, evident as his eyes widen and the red in his face deepens. We both look away, equally as embarrassed. God just kill me already. I avoid eye contact with him as we sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. Eventually, I stand up and start making my way to the door. “It was really stupid of me to have come here in the first place I’m so sor—“
Gladion grabs my wrist. I look back, slightly teared up with shame. He has a serious look in his eyes, staring deeply into mine but still blushing furiously. “Are… those feelings still there…?” His rasp voice huffs. My face couldn’t be any hotter. He couldn’t look any hotter. Fuck. I only slightly nod in response. His voice hitches, “d-do… do you want… me… to relieve those feelings for you…?” My face gets hotter. We stand there for another moment in silence. I nibble my lower lip and nod again.
He pulls me slowly onto his lap as we both sit on the bed again. His hot breath tickles my skin as I look down into his emerald orbs. “You… aren’t the only one who’s been feeling these sorts of feelings, you know…” He caresses my face with one hand and grabs my ass with the other, “I also touch myself when I can’t get you out of my head.” My mouth slightly waters and my heart starts to race tenfold. “And now that we’re together for the first time in ages, I feel like this is the only chance I can have you all to myself.” The fiery sensation overwhelms my whole body again, and I purr, “I’m all yours, President.”
Our mouths latch upon each other, where neither of us hold back any of the hunger that’s been stirring up from the past few months. Our tongues claim every inch of each other’s caverns while our hands slither tenderly yet clamber desperately along each other’s forms. My straddling core shifts rhythmically upon his hardening member, making him grunt and making me moan, soon pulling away to gasp for air. Our hot breaths mix as a thin string of saliva drips on his chin. One of my hands is tangled in his bangs, while the other is raked in his scalp. Our chests heave heavily, foreheads touching. My vision is hazy but I’m still entranced with his orbs.
I sit up to lay on the bed upon my back, dragging him down with me. My hands fall back on both sides of my head, and my legs lay flat with my knees tight together. His aroused expression becomes more nervous and embarrassed, but still huffing with hunger. He hastily slips his shoes off, then pins his hands by my head, legs apart while kneeling with my legs between them. A different kind of tension overcomes the room.
“Um… this… is my first time,” Gladion mumbles, eyes slightly shaky. I bite my lower lip, stammering, “m-me too. I t-trust you with all my heart though. Just… be gentle…” His throat swallows with a big gulp. Slouched over me, he slowly tugs the straps of my top down over my shoulders, revealing my bra. I almost bring my hands inward to cover myself, suddenly feeling ten times more self-conscious. He slightly retracts his hands, also self-conscious about what he’s doing. Fuck my heart is beating like crazy! I take in a deep breath before I awkwardly reach behind me with both of my hands to unlatch my bra strap. His hands lower again to slowly shift the bra up to reveal my bare breasts. I swear, our faces couldn’t be any redder at this point. His hands cramp up, and we freeze for another moment. My breath hitches to break the silence, murmuring, “y-you can do a-a-anything to them…”
Gladion takes in another big gulp, and leans down slowly. His clammy hand hovers over one breast for a moment, then grabs it as gently as possible. A small squeal escapes my lips, making us both jolt in place. I suddenly stutter, “It’s ok! They’re really sensitive, b-but you can keep going.” He briefly sucks in his lips and nods, before proceeding to massage it. Oh my god this feels completely different from when I touch myself holy shit! I attempt to muffle my audible delight as he plays with it more, fascinated by its soft touch. He soon grazes a thumb over my stiff peak, making me release another squeal. With curiosity in his gaze, he starts fondling it, and his other hand grabs my other breast with more enthusiasm. My hips squirm more, as I fail to repress a gasp. My skin is tingling from his hot breath, burning as his eyes examine my hard buds as his fingers fondle them more roughly.
He finally takes it into his mouth, sending a whole new, electrifying sensation throughout my body. FUCK! He sucks it rhythmically, picking up the pacing with his other hand. My whole body is a squirming mess, and I stop trying to hold my moans in. My hand holds the back of his head as he licks my bud frantically. “Yes, yes! That’s it! G-Gladion!!” I gasp with delight. He quickly switches to my other breast to eat it up like there’s no tomorrow, other hand crazily playing with the freshly sucked breast. I’m practically hyperventilating, as my grip tightens in his scalp. In between licks and sucks, he sloppily growls, “I fucking love how you say my name!”
Without a warning, my lower back arches violently as my essence leaks from my shorts. Gladion pulls away, as I quiver and pant uncontrollably, my vision hazy again. “I… I… I j-just came,” I whimper, “b-but… I want you… inside of me.” He’s speechless, now less red with a new sense of confidence written in his face, but still nervous as hell. I push myself up to remove my top and bra, as he sits there, still in a daze. “But first,” I mutter, tugging his shirt as I eat him with my eyes, “I also want to see you… undressed…”
Gladion’s face suddenly drains, looking down to the floor for a moment. “Uh… okay… j-just for you… but just so you know,” he looks back at me hesitantly, “my body isn’t a-anything impres—“ “I don’t care about how you look!” I retort, grabbing his shoulders with reassurance. “I love you, no matter how vulnerable you may feel. No one is perfect. As I said, I trust you with all my heart. I… just hope you return those feelings…” He cups my face to kiss my forehead, then mutters, “O-of course I do… I’m… just nervous…”
Trying not to hesitate, he slowly pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor, revealing his lean form. I stare in awe. I know that he’s a bit self-conscious about how pale he is… but he’s brave for doing this… He looks into my eyes again, mumbling, “now that I’ve seen your breasts, you… probably want to see my… dick… right?” I nod almost way too enthusiastically, feeling my face flush and my heart racing again. “J-just to see and… maybe t-touch… I can s-s-suck it another time…” I stammer, hands tightening into fists on my knees.
His eyes widen, and an unexpectedly huge smile spreads upon his face as he suddenly pulls me into a tight hug. “Fuck! Stop being so cute my heart can’t take it!” My whole body goes limp as I watch him swing his legs off the bed to unfasten his pants. Pulling them off, only in his underwear now, it was now visibly obvious how hard he is. I quickly cover my mouth with the back of my hand. “Fuck” is all I mutter. I’m already hard again. With hunger in his eyes, he remarks, “make it quick so I can get inside of you.” Before I can even process how hot he sounded, he finally pulls off his underwear, his member springing out with a slight bounce, with a few droplets of pre-cum dripping from its head.
Now I’m the once who’s fascinated. Although I can’t see Gladion’s face as I take a closer look at it, I can sense him burning up from this sudden exposure. He reaches over to the dresser next to the bed as I stroke it, making him shudder. I snap out of my entrancement when I hear him tearing a packet open. The serious fire from earlier is in his eyes again as he stammers, “y-you can’t play with it today, but you can put this on f-for me.” I can only gawk as he hands the condom to me and stands his boner upwards. Not at what he’s holding, but just over the situation we’re about to get into…
I take a deep gulp as I place the condom on top and roll it on. I lay on the bed again, nodding to invite him to remove my shorts for me, which he does with ease. He desperately removes my soaked underwear and spreads my legs open, briefly examining my lips as I part them with my fingers. I gasp, unable to hold back my excitement. No more foreplay — I want to feel you inside me right now. He positions his member and slowly sinks it into my entrance. We both moan loudly, then he mutters, “fuck it’s so tight and hot! I’m already so close!” I pant heavily, “me too…” I intertwine my fingers with his on both sides of my head, “you… can start slow… then pick up the pace when you can’t hold it in anymore.”
Gladion nods and starts to thrust very slowly. I’m struggling to keep my eyes open while the fire in my core consumes me, but now I can truly see how his eyelashes flicker shut, his lips parted while huskily breathing, sweating but flushing with passion — my fantasies of him pale in comparison to his actual aroused expression. As he huffs heavily, I moan melodically, “holy shit you feel so good!” The pace of his thrusting gradually picks up, increasing the volume of my moans, and our clammy hands grip even tighter. “I love you so fucking much, [y/n]!” He growls into my ear, sending sensations from my face to my bucking groin. “Keep saying my name, I fucking love it!!” I gasp monstrously, wrapping my legs around his hips as the other end of his cock frantically rams into my ass. The euphoric ecstasy reaches its highest peak as he slams into me for the last time, making us scream each other’s names almost simultaneously. I feel it spasm inside me as he almost collapses upon me. We gasp loudly for air, my eyes scrunched with only stars in my vision. Holy… shit…
After Gladion collects his breath, he slowly pulls out and turns us both over to lay on our sides. The bed is soaked in sweat, and our lower areas are drenched with my essence, but neither of us care. He stares at me dreamily and whispers with a smirk, “well… did I relieve your feelings…?” I sloppily link my arm with his and giggle, “no shit you did hehe… you being here was enough but you really brought it all… must be a new tactic you came up with.” He chuckles and brushes stray hairs from my sweaty face, seemingly satisfied with his work.
Other than the sexual tension we had, it seems like neither of us can take the actual heat anymore as we roll on our backs away from each other, laughing. We lay in silence for yet another moment, when I’m struck with another dumb idea. “What if… we stayed here for the night…?” I suggest, turning my head to look back at Gladion. He pouts as he thinks about it, then turns his head to me and says, “fuck it why not? Who’s gonna stop the most powerful people of Alola?” We laugh again.
Eventually, we both get up clumsily to clean ourselves off in the bathroom. We then decided to hang out until evening, and have our first sleep together without a care in the world. We can deal with the mess we made in the morning anyway…
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As the bottom right text says, Forgive my horny ass idk whether to be proud (of these drawings) or ashamed (fucking a fictional character)
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purpleluckystar · 1 year
I love you Pokémon shipping posts omg such cute chibis too! I’m also soft for lonashipping and wondering if you have any more general headcannons on Gladion x Selene / moon
Thank you so much! :D As for more headcanons for those two, well:
• Their first impression of each other wasn't the best. Gladion thought of Selene as naive (like Hau), and while she was strong he underestimated her potential a lot. As for Selene she was wondering who this emo-wannabe who just insulted her friend was. • Of course that didn't last long, at least on Selene's part. She quickly caught on the fact Gladion was concealing a lot of kindness under that tough exterior, and that he wasn't that happy being sort-of part of Team Skull, and it was simply due to a lack of choice. The fact he was so worried about Cosmog and Lillie is what really made her like him. • As for Gladion, his genuine appreciation for Selene started when she stood up for him against Guzma. And I like to believe, if we take the "silent protagonist" part aside, that she had some strong words for Lusamine as well concerning her treatement of her children (even if she brushed her commentary aside like "Whatever, worm"). • After everything is over, Selene tries to visit Gladion at the Aether Paradise as much as possible. She also insist to help him clean up the mess left by Lusamine after he takes over (if we go by SM's continuity), and they also battle as much as possible to test their strength. Gladion slowly comes up to realize that, yes, you can battle AND have fun doing so. • He finds himself looking forward to their next battle together. Not to challenge his own strength like he used to, but simply because he enjoys having Selene around. That's when he realizes "Oh shoot, maybe I do like her..." Of course he pretends nothing has changed between them because that boy is emotionally constipated but you know who watched this same boy grow and who can quickly catch the subtle changes he tries so hard to hide? Wicke. • Wicke, who also likes Selene because she's been so supportive to both Lillie and Gladion, and who can see how much a positive influence she's on Gladion. So one day she approaches the boy after Selene left Aether Paradise et casually says "You know, you should take her on a real date some time." • And of course he'll deny everything, red-faced, because Selene is not even his friend and yadda yadda, but Wicke just laugh and simply tells him to at least invite the girl to meet him elsewhere than on Aether Paradise. She can handle the work on her own for a day. • That's how, one evening, Selene recieves a call from Gladion asking her to meet him in Malie City. There is no Pokémon battle this time; he just wants to see her and hang out. She immediately understand he's asking her on a date and she's like "FINALLY"! • BECAUSE ALL THIS TIME SHE WAS DROPPING HINTS SHE HAD A CRUSH ON HIM FOR ARCEUS SAKE! • Visiting Aether Paradise so often just to see him? Enjoying battling with him so much and telling him so? Helping him with some of the cleaning up because she wants to? Throwing compliments on his way everytime she has the chance? And he still didn't get the memo until now?! She's not mad but come on man! • Anyway that's how they ended up on their first date :)
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silkhy-john · 6 months
I can’t believe I didn’t see this when it came but I’m HERE NOW OKAY. Toxic Bolt.
- Koga was a gym leader first and when Surge came to Kanto and got a post as a gym leader; Koga [and Sabrina] did his orientation and whatnot
- Koga gets embarrassed by Anzu cause she starts calling Surge ‘dad’ when it’s clear they’re into each other and not doing anything about it
- They finally get together in Unova (PWT) cause the Indigo League has them room together (Lance denies any involvement but he was a shipper)
- Surge spends the whole week leading up to Koga’s retirement/promotion party wearing shades cause yes, he was very much crying about it
- Koga has a thing for Surge’s boots. Surge has a thing for Koga’s mask.
- There was a betting pool amongst the gym leaders about how long it would take for Koga and Surge to get together. Sabrina was disqualified because of multiple factors; Erika won all the monies.
- They talk to each other about their traumatic pasts and go on the greatest revenge quest Kanto and Unova’s underbellies have ever seen. Sabrina and Anzu are involved of course.
- They retire early and relocate to Two Island (/Knot Island) cause it’s a place with no ties to their past (unlike Johto, Kanto, Unova)
- Koga starts a traditional medicine store, same thing as whatever’s going on in Cianwood, except he also teaches. Surge starts a small gym cause why not. They’re right next to each other.
- they decide to get married and it’s the sweetest thing ever (in terms of timeline, Red and Green get married way before them, and so do Lance and Bruno)
- honeymoon in Alola; they get invited to the battle tree; Koga meets and loves-hates Grimmsley, Surge meets and is incredibly amused by Ryuki.
- the end? I wish I threw in a bit more Sabrina but I can always do that another time
- Red x Green: I really like that all their canon interactions set them up for major pining and slowburn
- Lance x Bruno: headcanon that everyone knows Lance and Bruno are a thing except Lance himself. They even live together
- Morty x Falkner: Headcanon that Morty and Walker’s ghost (Walker is Falkner’s dad) are doing their best to help Falkner past his feelings of inadequacy compared to his dad’s legacy
- Gold x Silver: I think I’ve talked about this before: I think their dynamic is Gold chasing Silver and when they both realise why (love), it’s Silver who chases Gold
- Archie x Maxie: they really really like the protagonist; they’re basically the protag’s second set of parents (game canon specifically)
- Ruby x Sapphire: idk where to start, but if you’ve read PokeSpe you definitely understand
- Flint x Volkner: I headcanon that they break up for about two years and Palmer (whom I believe is Volkner’s dad) constantly calls Flint ‘Volkner’s boyfriend’ even though they… aren’t
- Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: I really like their dynamic in PokeSpe. Whether you read it as platonic or romantic or something else, they’re just… great for each other
- Marlon/Brawly: they only ever get to see each other in summer. Headcanon that one of them moves, but I’m not sure who.
- Drayden/Alder: this is a bara thing. That’s all I’ve got to say.
- Black/N: wherever N goes, Black will always find him and N will always let him. They only ever really get to stay together when they’re much older.
- Sycamore/Lysandre: I like it cause in my mind it’s a doomed, enjoy it when it lasts kind of romance. They’re ignoring a lot about each other to be together, and it’s sad to to watch. Also Bara.
- Shauna/Yvonne or Xavier: I just think it’s funny how Shauna drops the most ‘I’m smitten’ lines on the balcony at the Parfum Palace and then it just… never goes anywhere
- Gladion/Hau: I feel like they really bring out the best in each other, noticeably more than any other ship I’ve listed. Also, the fact that THEY are the sun and moon parallel amongst the human characters is really really neat.
- Kukui/Guzma: they have a very special understanding of each other. No matter where they are in life, I think they’ll always have a special place in each other’s hearts. This is accounting for Kukui being married, btw.
Haven’t played Gen 8 or 9 or interacted with much media from there, so I have nothing to say in that regard.
Thanks for this ask, and sorry again for seeing it super late.
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franstastic-ideas · 1 year
oh! 22, one and four for the writer game if you don't mind?
22. Care to share any future WIP ideas you have lined up?
Aside from WOWW which I've spoken of at length already, the stories I'll most likely turn my focus to afterwards are:
The as of yet unnamed Conflictingshipping (Leaf x Green/Blue) fic that details their falling out (it's entirely Green's fault) and eventual reconciliation three years later.
Adamantine Dreams, a story that's somewhat of a companion piece to WOWW which centers on Adaman's feelings for Akari. Adaman plays a rather important role in WOWW, so this story features his perspective on those events and what led up to it.
A story composed of scenes exploring the relationship between Volo and Akari before LA's postgame. Scenes I can't manage to squeeze into the flashback portions of Act II of WOWW.
1. Is there a favorite character or title you enjoy writing for the most?
Volo - Due to the vast amount of ambiguity that surrounds him. Canon neglected to give a proper solution to his story and his fanon portrayals deeply dissatisfy me, so it would seem I have little choice but to take up the task myself.
Akari - My universe's incarnation of Akari could be described as cold, something that really hasn't been attempted in fan works, at least to my knowledge. Of course, that makes the moments where she shifts into a warmer persona more special, I think.
Mizuki - She is an absolutely horrid little creature who clowns on Gladion and loathes Green with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Her dialogue has been a joy to plan.
Juliana - Her personality came to me clear as day, and so early into the game too. She's the perfect student to the point she's developed a bit of an obsession with the letter 'A', but can become so lost in her studies that she forgets to eat sometimes...
4. Where did you get your inspiration from?
Nobody will write the stories I want to read, so I have no other choice but to write them myself.
I have extremely specific interpretations of several characters in Pokémon, particularly (but certainly not limited to) the protagonists. These girls mean a great deal to me; I've grown up alongside at least half of them, and now I feel as though the time has finally come to share their stories with the world.
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duthea · 2 years
What are the other protags like?
Since I've already talked about the gen 1-5 protags here, I'll talk about X, Moon and Sword!
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X is a girl who moved from Viridian City to Kalos, and decided her goal is to become the most stylish girl in all of Kalos. Inwardly, she's pretty insecure, but she's a believer in "fake it 'til you make it" and has gotten really good at pretending she's the most self-confident person you've ever met. She loves fashion and clothes, but had a long period in her childhood when she was unable to dress how she really wanted, because she just... couldn't rack up the courage. Also she's trans, which of course played a part too. (Fun fact! I didn't originally intend that, but after looking over her backstory and everything, I realized a lot of it seemed to fit, so I figured I might as well make it official. I sometimes realize a character I've created is trans years and years after originally making them, so any of my OCs could honestly be trans without me knowing yet. I guess they gotta come out to me too.)
Her main rival is Trevor, who she just can't get along with, but she becomes instant besties with Y (Calem) who she feels like she's on a similar wavelength with. She's also friends with Silver from before she left to Kalos, and they still talk to each other and visit each others' Animal Crossing towns. (Yeah AC exists in Pokemon world, don't think about it too hard)
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Next is Moon! She's got a twin brother named Sun, and at first glance they seem like the same person in two bodies: Equally excitable, precocious, and use a lot of similar phrases. They're both gay and develop crushes fast, and tease each other about said crushes. But as their Pokemon journey begins, they start going their own ways and developing differently. One difference between the twins is while Sun is usually impulsive and quick to act but regrets his impulsiveness afterwards, Moon is slower to act, cautious at first, but once she decides to do something after thinking it over she does it full steam, not looking back.
Moon got a crush on Lillie from basically the moment she met her. She also met Red and Green early on in her journey and asked them to mentor her as a Pokemon trainer.
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Here's their family tree, btw, since I happened to have it drawn. Their father works as a scientist in the Aether Corporation. By the way, their surname, Akasha, is the fifth classical element in old Indian cosmology, similar in concept to Aether. Lillie and Gladion are also twins in this AU (because I thought they were twins when playing the game ._.,), so the Aether twins and Akasha twins kind of mirror and contrast each other in some ways!
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Finally, Sword. Sword is an unflappable-seeming girl who grew up in the Crown Tundra. She's got an obvious scottish accent and a tendency to make jokes with a deadpan tone and a straight face, as well as say anything else with a deadpan tone and a straight face. She's not really all that big on the Pokemon League Challenge, but since her best friend Hop is so excited about it, she decided to become a Pokemon Trainer and join in too.
Sword's parents are divorced, and her dad is Chairman Rose, who's far too busy to have time to spend with his daughter, so their meetings are often awkward. Also, Sword's mom has been spending more time with Peony, Rose's brother, and it seems like they might be getting together, so their family tree is going to be a bit complicated ^^; (yeah I decided to give Rose maximum divorce energy in this AU. it just fits) The fact that Sword is Rose's daughter is usually kept hidden from the media, so nobody around them really knows about it unless told. So when Bede tells Sword that he's practically already adopted by Chairman Rose, Sword just goes 'oh ok then' and starts calling him her brother without explaining why, which annoys the hell out of Bede.
And that's about it! I haven't talked about their Pokemon, but there's a rule of thumb: All of my protagonists (except Grey) have their region's grass starter. Not always as their first Pokemon, though!
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technicalshipping · 3 months
BURSTING into your ask box violently to ask about your ship with Gladion (and maybe Clemont?) I selfship with Lillie so I would love to know more!!!
Okay around this time last year I made a joke with a past companion of mine that I wanted to roleplay with that we shipped Gladion and Calem. Y'know, the male protagonist from Pokémon XY.
And it was kinda cool! We didn't flesh it out worth a shit, but I came up with the name for it that would make sense in this roleplay: setinstoneshipping(set in stone for those who can't read it as one word) or the second option below. We stuck with setinstoneshipping there.
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I have no idea what the hell to do with the ship, but I'd love to make content for it eventually. And also if anyone has ideas for thoughts about them and are interested in the ship just. Idk let me know or something??
As for Clemont, one of my favorite ships with him is Diodeshipping(Ash and him). Their dynamic was good. But I also have another ship with Clemont, that being him x Mallow! I don't know what it is, but I saw myself thinking about how they might interact with each other, even if I don't have much to work with. ^^
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thecryptidart1st · 5 years
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holy crap this blew up on insta & i forgot to post it to tumblr?
have a gladion x protagonist/sun/elio ship cosplaying/trick or treating as mchanzo. i had this made for @preetsramblings ‘s birthday :)
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clacolu95 · 4 years
Don’t Want to Let You Go Chapter 12: The One Where Gladion Finds Out
Previous Chapter: Chapter 11: The Date
Next Chapter: Chapter 13: Twenty minutes too late
As soon as his eyes open, he can feel the warmth of the sun entering through the house’s windows; He watches the room lighten up vividly, reflecting itself over the glass surface of Moon’s dining table; He senses the heavy, though comforting feeling on his chest, of the girl still resting over it, unaware of the rising sun outside of the residence… or of the heavy pounding in his chest due to her proximity.
He stares at her earnestly for a minute, tempted to tuck a strand of her hair that lies over her closed eyes behind her ear, but he decides against it, not wanting to disturb her peacefulness for any reason.
When he looks at her like this - So defenseless... so tranquil; he can’t help but think he’d much rather wake up by her side this way instead of how they had both found each other on the morning after the party.
His attention leaves her as he attentively analyzes everything around him: They ended up falling asleep on her sofa with just a thin blanket on top; The still turned on television in front of them makes him wonder how he had been able to sleep so peacefully with all that noise throughout the night. He observes the Champion’s living room, even though there’s not much to see anymore: All that’s left is her furniture; Everything else has already been arranged in cardboard boxes that he can’t help but notice have been in her living room for a longer time than a simple move to Ula’Ula should take.
She had told him about her change of location the same night he had grabbed enough courage to ask her out on a date, and he guesses she had been too busy throughout the week to carry on with her plans...
Cause why else would it take her so much time to hire a moving service and get it over with?
He senses the girl's movement as soon as she starts to wake up, opening her eyes widely as her drowsy eyes lock with his. She freezes for a moment, though he can feel her relax after some seconds of remembrance.
“Good morning…” She mutters with a vibrant blush plaguing her cheeks, breaking the contact with the blond and straightening her body up. She rubs her eyes as if trying to fight the somnolence, and he can’t help but smile lovingly at this sight of her: She has always been a very active woman, so seeing this vulnerable, lethargic state of her is not only special but also very charming. “Coffee?” She asks him after a half-stifled yawn.
“What time is it?” He questions before accepting the proposition, looking at the windows again and trying his best to determine the time of day. Her hand approaches her pokédex, turning the screen on as her gray eyes open up like saucers.
“TEN A.M.!?” She half-asks, half-screams as the numbers appear on the screen, managing to make the blond’s eyes open up as well.
“Please tell me you’re kidding…” He mutters, though his hands are already reaching for his tie, messily placed on top of the living room’s table and his shoes carelessly thrown beside the sofa.
“I’m not!”
“ Fuck ” He mutters, stretching his shirt in an attempt to get rid of any wrinkles and make it look somewhat decent “I can’t lose this meeting…”
“A meeting?” She asks with a slight hint of irony perceivable in her voice “I’ve got challenges scheduled from 8 a.m. ‘till 8 p.m.”
He stares at her, struggling to put on her shoes without bothering to unfasten them first and a faint laugh escapes him. “So am I not going to see you tonight?” He questions, watching as she runs towards her room and searches her cabinet, drawing out a clean purple sweatshirt that she quickly tosses on top of her day-before clothes.
Re-used clothes hidden, shoes in place, and hair tied up in a messy ponytail are all she manages to fix. She’s ready to go now, though his question surprises her.
She turns around to look at him, toying with the hem of her sweatshirt as she lingers in her thoughts. “Yes. I need to see you tonight…”
The blond blushes at the boldness of her comment and one of his hands travels towards the back of his neck to scratch it in embarrassment.
Once she looks at his reaction and realizes how needy her words must have sounded she turns as red as a Cheri berry. “N-no I didn’t mean it like that…!” She bites her lip, approaching him and pushing her face on his chest, too ashamed to look at him in the eye.
She feels his arms embrace her, and she loses herself in his warmth. In the softness of his touch. “There’s something I need to tell you tonight… It’s kind of important”
She manages to grab enough courage from within her to look up and stare right into his eyes, and she swears that despite his messy ponytail and his somewhat creased clothes; his sharp jawline and his intense deep green stare still make him appear good-looking.
Very good-looking.
“Okay?” He answers with a hint of curiosity but doesn’t dare to ask anything about it. He caresses her cheek with tenderness, rejoicing at the sight of the Champion letting her guard down. He had been so afraid of losing her after she had rejected him the night he finally came clean with her about his feelings; The same night in which Lillie and Hau had discovered about them seeing each other, but now, so close to her and with his feelings so seemingly welcomed he is starting to think she was just scared of giving him another chance; or perhaps even doubtful of his intentions.
“I’ll see you tonight then…” He mutters, tempted by her lips, merely inches apart from his. They both drift slowly towards each other, her hands gripping his back and his nose touching hers. They linger for a moment, none of them daring to close the remaining distance but neither to pull off from the embrace; When he feels her lips barely touching his, he’s the one to pull himself apart from the Champion.
“...I really should get going” He mumbles. He had promised her not to force her to do anything, after all. He doesn’t want to kiss her again until he’s sure she has made up her mind about him. He wants her to be sure about her feelings first; But when he starts walking towards the door her hand still grabbing his stops him.
“W-wait” She babbles, her eyes fixed on the ground in distress “I’m sorry, I know we’re both in a hurry, but I need to ask you something first…”
Gladion looks at her with confusion, nodding at her as if signaling her to go on.
“Has Lillie attempted to approach you lately?” She interrogates, her hand still over his.
He doesn’t quite know where her question is coming from, but he nods again. “Yeah, for quite some time now” He scratches the back of his head, a little ashamed at being caught up ignoring his sister “I just… Haven’t had the time to speak to her...” He stops to think if he should continue with the idea “...And I suspect it has something to do with you so I don’t know if I’m ready for her questions yet'' He finishes his explanation after some seconds of thought, trying to lock eyes with hers as if trying to find out what this interrogation is all about.
“You should talk to her first. I’ll see you tonight after you’ve…” She bites her lip “...Discussed things with your sister”
She doesn’t want to be the one to tell him.
She’s so ashamed at even the remembrance of waking up beside him after Lillie’s party that she doesn’t quite know how to explain to him that nothing actually happened that night. She hopes Lillie won’t get mad at her for passing the burden of having that conversation with his brother herself.
“Don’t come if you haven’t spoken to her…” She looks at him firmly, trying to highlight the importance of her petition with her stare, and she can tell by his sided-grin and his light chuckle that he has gotten the message.
“Okay, okay. I’ll talk to her…”
She sighs in relief.
She wants him to know what happened - or more like not happened - that night. She needs him to be on the same page as her before making a decision. Before she tells him about her move to Unova, the one that’s now happening in less than a week.
She flashes a soft smile towards him, trying to get rid of the growing fear inside of her at the proximity of the moment of truth. She approaches him again, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek before waving him goodbye.
The blond smiles, letting go of her hand and walking towards the exit; He turns around to look at her one last time, blushing at the sight of the slightly disheveled, yet beautiful woman.
“Until tonight…” He quickly waves off, closing the door behind him and leaving her alone, standing still in her empty living room.
“Yeah…” She mutters to herself “Until tonight…”
Though she can’t help the feeling of guilt that suddenly fills her.
As soon as she catches a glimpse of her challenger’s last pokémon her mouth curves into a knowing grin.
The enormous Crabominable materializes right in front of her seemingly defenseless Decidueye, but the Champion doesn’t even bother to reach out for another pokéball as she signals the arrow quill pokémon to keep going.
The grass type pokémon charges against the Ice type before it even gets the chance to protect itself, the sudden slam of Decidueye’s Leaf Blade powered up by the Grassium Z crystal manages to send the crab pokémon flying across the room and to consequently crash against the Champion’s chamber walls, knocking him out on a single hit.  
She recalls her pokémon, placing the standard red and white pokéball on her belt and stretching her arm towards the male trainer in front of her, offering him a polite handshake and a warm smile.
“You purposely left an Ice-type Pokémon last because you knew I was holding on Decidueye, right?” The challenger approaches her and shakes her hand eagerly, though as soon as he starts speaking the champion catches the slight trace of embarrassment in his voice.
“I was planning on using ‘Ice Hammer’ against it since Decidueye is a grass type…”
She looks at him pleased, content with the improvement in tactics of the Alolan natives.
“Effective attacks are great but don’t forget to consider the speed of your pokémon in your calculations” She pats his shoulder gently as if trying to encourage him to keep trying, and he nods enthusiastically.
“Thanks for the advice” The challenger voices with some newly acquired motivation as he runs towards the exit of the chamber, almost crashing with Kukui in the process “I’ll train some more and come again next month. You’ll see!”
The clashing of his feet against the stone stair echoes not only in the empty room but also inside of her head as her stomach contorts with guilt.
“You’ll see!” He had assured her enthusiastically, totally unaware that she won’t . After all, starting next week, she will be starting again in a completely new place... and someone else will be their Champion.
“I’m surprised you managed to catch up despite how late you arrived today…” Kukui’s voice succeeds in taking her out of her thoughts as he approaches her. “Could I discuss something with you for a minute?”
Her legs give up as a long sigh escapes her. “Sure. Shoot” She murmurs as she approaches the floor, crossing her legs as she sits and lets all of the weight of her upper body rest on her arms.
The Alolan -and first Champion- stares at her for a moment, clearly noticing the absentmindedness of the girl in front of him. To him, his mentor, and the man who had seen her grow as one of the most talented Pokémon trainers in the world, it’s pretty clear that something is off: She’s not normally this silent, neither this contemplative.
The professor follows her, shoving his hands inside of the pockets of his lab coat and proceeding to sit on the floor beside her, staring at her as he tries to catch her attention.
“Rough night?” He asks, making his best effort to sound dependable; And succeeding.
“No, it actually was the exact opposite…” She mutters, turning her body around to face him completely “It was the best night I’ve had in a while…”
His right eyebrow raises in confusion, not understanding at all why such a statement could mean something bad to her... until he suddenly remembers the headlines on all of the recent newspapers; The pictures on the cover of Burnet’s magazines. Once it clicks, his gaze turns soft in understanding as his fatherly facet takes over.
“Does that mean you finally agreed to go on a date with the boy?”
The Champion blushes intensely at the question; She plays with her hair with nervousness as she thinks of the best way to answer, but nothing comes out of her lips.
Kukui stays quiet for a minute, not wanting to force her to share anything if she’s not entirely comfortable with it; Once he admits defeat and starts to get up, though, he feels Moon’s grip on his lab coat restricting his movement.
“I did…” She admits all of a sudden, with her voice trembling a little and the intense blush still not leaving her cheeks. “We stayed all night chatting and watching a movie”
Her eyes are now on his, and he nods in her direction, sitting on the floor once again.
“So the news… I’m guessing he took them well?” He asks curiously, doing his best to encourage her to share her concerns with him.
“No…” She mutters, and as soon as he hears her response he arches his eyebrow in confusion “I… I mean… He didn’t take it in a bad way either… I just… Haven’t spoken to him about it…” She smiles towards him with confidence as her resolution finally turns into words “I’m going to tell him tonight…” When she stares at Kukui once again though, his reaction takes her by surprise.
“No, you’re not …?” The founder of the Alolan league blurts out in what sounds both as a prohibition and as a question. She stares at him confused, not understanding how someone as supportive as Kukui can suddenly be so against the idea of finally being honest with the young CEO.
“I don’t know why you would be opposed to it…” She now speaks defensively “I mean if you’ve been talking to Hau and he’s convinced you of stuff let me just tell you…”
“No-no! It’s not any of that!” Her mentor exclaims, getting up from the floor, the rapid movement of his hands in denial makes her notice the nervousness in his eyes.
The sudden understanding that there’s something behind his response she’s most certainly not aware of makes her get up from the floor in a flash, placing herself on his level once again.
“What’s wrong?” She asks, growing desperate at the male’s silence.
Her heart misses a bit at the sight of the troubled professor. She hears him stumbling over his words; watches him alternating his gaze between the floor and the space behind her, though never on her. With a long, deep sigh, he finally starts explaining “You see how you wrote a letter for your resignation to the title of Champion?”
“Yes…?” She agrees with a small hint of suspicion still, not quite sure where the conversation with her mentor is headed. “But I mean I still have almost a week before I leave so whatever problem you have with that letter shouldn’t matter until…”
The slow but sure shake of his head in denial convinces her to stop speaking; The way he scratches the back of his head and the awkward glances he throws at her, though, are what make her start putting two and two together.
“Moon the league is an official institution with official deadlines we need to fulfill…” He continues explaining patiently, albeit a little awkwardly.
“So... what you’re trying to say is…?” Moon asks the Alolan native wearily, not entirely sure what to expect but still not able to shake off the uneasiness that suddenly takes over her body either.
“I sent it to the league yesterday” He explains dejectedly, walking one step closer to her as if trying his hardest to reassure her. “They’ll make it public today; that is if they haven’t already done it. They’re going to publish the letter in the newspaper, the television, some magazines even… You name it…”
Her calm demeanor drops as soon as the words leave her mentor’s mouth, the possible scenarios of Gladion finding out about her trip by some random source other than her own words flash through her mind in less than a second, shattering not only her plans for telling Gladion about it but also her expectations on his reaction to the unexpected news.
She can hear Kukui speaking in the background, but her mind is already too busy thinking about the worst possible scenarios to connect her mentor's words with their intended meaning.
“He can’t find out about it…” She hushedly mutters, watching as her out-of-context affirmation takes Kukui by surprise and makes him stop speaking suddenly “...Not like this at least”
"I understand it’s not ideal…” He clarifies, placing a hand over her shoulder “But the league’s official reporter is already outside of the building. He’s here to film your statement on your resignation. That's what I originally came here to tell you”
Her mind processes everything at the speed of light, or at least she attempts to. She hasn’t got much time left, after all.
“No” She seriously sentences, moving her body away from his grip and earning a confused glance from the first Alolan Champion with her action “I’m not going to film that. I’m not going to let them publish anything yet”
“Moon… It’s not really optional” His voice comes out filled with sadness.
“Don’t you understand?” The Champion speaks, and her voice comes out cracked and high pitched “If the news is already out and there’s a reporter outside then there will be reporters outside of Aether as well…!” She thinks about her words for a second, picturing an even worse scenario in her mind “That is if they’re not already there… Waiting for him”
Kukui opens his mouth to speak, though the sight of the altered Champion, so evidently on the verge of crying her eyes out by his fault, makes his stomach twist with discomfort.
“Then go. Now” And it is not a suggestion, but an order “Go fix this. I’ll deal with the interview”
The Champion’s eyes open wide at the male’s words. She doesn’t need to be told twice. She runs towards the exit of the chamber, searching on her belt for the one pokéball in her possession that would give her the best chances to get out of this situation. As soon as she crosses the entrance of the building, she recognizes the reporter that Kukui was talking about, though she passes by him quickly, without even directing him a second glance. The reporter approaches her, but she’s quicker to throw her pokéball in between them. The majestic shape of her starter pokémon appears in front of her, and as the light that the pokéball emits when activated fades, the young male is suddenly faced by the imposing arrow quill pokémon.
“M-miss Champion?” The young man mutters, shocked by Moon’s behavior and admittedly a little scared of the famous starter’s threatening stare.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not ready for any kind of interview yet” The kantonian girl speaks firmly, walking towards her Decidueye and quickly mounting on it in a purely kantonian style. The pokémon, though unused to the action, doesn’t react negatively towards the weight of the champion on him. She knows the pokémon in Alola are not used to their trainers mounting them, still, she doesn’t have the time or the willingness to wait for a raid pager Charizard to arrive, so she adjusts herself to the grass-type, holding onto its neck and hushedly murmuring in its ear “Let’s go boy” She mumbles, patting on his back a little “Take me to the Aether Island”
The arrow quill pokémon takes off, flapping its wings vigorously, adjusting itself to its new weight. Once they reach the sky and she’s able to look beneath her, she leaves out a light chuckle. Everyone and everything underneath looks like very small Joltiks. With the soft breeze on her face and the comforting grip on her pokémon, she lets herself forget about her worries for a second. It feels the same as when she used to fly alongside her father on his Dragonite, and she can’t believe how much she’d missed traveling this way.
After a second of reminiscence, though, her stomach twists again as she thinks about what’s waiting for her once she reaches Aether. She no longer expects Gladion to support her, though she begs to Arceus for him to understand the reasons behind her decision. She begs that, at the very least, he listens to her.
As soon as Gladion arrives at Aether, he is met by his assistant and branch chief at the entrance. She doesn’t look altered at all, which confuses him a little.
“I know I’m late…” He clarifies as soon as he’s at a close enough distance from the purple-haired woman “Just get me the folders I prepared yesterday while I excuse myself with the investors”
He doesn’t need another sermon, he’s had enough with the one his mother gave him the day before. The one regarding the magazines that published his and Moon’s photo and how outrageous it was that he hadn’t done anything to stop the rumors from spreading. When he looks at Wicke, though, her stare doesn’t give off disappointed vibes, but concern for him.
“Master Gladion, wait…” She pleads while trying to match the president’s speed.
He halts as soon as he gets to the elevator, quickly selecting on the panel the floor on which the conference room is and activating it with his password. He steps over the platform, followed by a very distressed Wicke.
“Master…” She lets out, exhausted, giving herself time to catch her breath after intensely following her boss's light-speed stroll across the foundation. “...You needn’t hurry this much”
He looks at her with a mixture of confusion and annoyance, though before she can speak again the elevator doors open and they reach their destination.
He walks across the highest floor of the building as fast as he can, earning the glances of some of the employees that he doesn’t dare reciprocate.
He knows he’s late. And he knows they’re probably eyeing him because of it.
“Gather the papers” He orders the middle-aged assistant that, he notices, is still struggling to match his speed “...Make three copies of each and bring them to m....”
He stops, his eyes open wide as soon as the glass partitions of the conference room come into view. There, going through his presentation along with the overseas investors, is his very own sister, Lillie.
“What th-” He pauses in the middle of the question, turning around to look at the out-of-breath assistant as she raises her hand in front of her, asking him to give her a second.
“Miss Lillie arrived here at 8:00 a.m. claiming that you wouldn’t be able to attend the meeting” Wicke explains after a few seconds “She went through your presentation and prepared everything in advance I… I thought you knew about it, Master”
The blond stares at his sister confused, though genuinely thankful deep down. He leaves out a long sigh, placing his hand over his forehead.
He can’t believe how irresponsible he’s been lately. Though then again, he can’t say he’s mad at his sister for helping him this time.
“I’m going to take a quick shower and change myself...” He speaks as a wave of relaxation hits him “Please have my coffee ready in half an hour”
“Yes, Master” The woman mutters, clearly satisfied by the Aether boy’s change of attitude.
He flashes a grateful smile towards her, warming her heart at the sight of the relaxed blond that she doesn’t get to see often.
“Wicke…” He calls for her once he starts walking towards the elevator again “Ask Lillie to come to see me after she’s done with the meeting…”
“Yes, master”
Click to Continue Reading on AO3
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imaginegladions · 8 years
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new theme!:D It's better than the last one tbh XD ummm anyways, may i request for hcs of an ice skating au?? :3
Ok so the first thing that came to mind was my favourite short program ever *cough* Agape. XD
Gladion is like… that grungy kid in class who was forced to attend by his mother.
Lusamine probably a famous figure skater who even in her 40s can still skate well enough to make it to Grand Prix Finals (like, she’s fem!Victor I realise).
And he attends classes with Lillie who absolutely can’t get the hang of doing anything on the ice without slipping.
He ends up being her support most of the time which gives Lusamine the great idea to make them skate in pair competitions.
In this AU, the beasts are probably like, these insanely talented ice skaters who take over the ice skating scene when she leaves and she loves their performances so much she forces Lillie and Gladion to copy their routines.
Of course, these beast skaters probably take steroids or something because even the girls can land every kind of quad perfectly (girls can’t do quads or even if a girl managed a quad it would be really insanely difficult). 
But, then here’s this beast who can do a quad axel.
Which is of course not even possible. No one has ever done it before.
So, Lusamine tries to make Lillie do a quadruple axel but Lillie can’t even land a salchow so when she tries to do a double axel she breaks her ankle.
This is the point where Gladion decides he’s going to do solo skating and he’s not going to let Lusamine coach him anymore. Instead, he gets a super lenient Guzma to coach him. He doesn’t go to any of his competitions but at least Gladion can compete.
Plumeria is probably his gymnastics teacher and helps him choose music that isn’t like the Mozart and Vivaldi Lusamine forced him to skate.
His Short Program would be something really sad and to the point and he’d have a face like… :[
Hahahaha, the judges grade him really high for technical but low for performance because this boy has only two emotions; anger and annoyance.
When he starts skating in the Seniors division, you and Hau enter the Juniors division.
Which means you skate for women’s singles of course so Gladion doesn’t really hear about you until Guzma decides to hand Gladion’s coaching over to his old friend Kukui while he goes galavanting to another country (for reasons unknown since well Guzma is eccentric like that).
So now Kukui coaches for Hau and Gladion and Hau is so!!! energetic!!! 
It makes Gladion want to barf.
I’m not saying he skates Shall We Skate but he totally skates Shall We Skate. He’s actually a reincarnation of Phichit Chulanont.
Then, Hau offhandedly mentions how familiar he looks and that he has a friend named Lillie that Kukui’s wife coaches in the women’s singles division like she’s named Lillie!! She’s so talented!!! Do you know her???
And Gladion is like !!!!
When did Lillie stop being coached by Lusamine???
Kukui overhears and is so proud of his wife he takes them to one of Lillie’s competitions complete with like flags and signs he and Hau can wave.
She so skates Through the Eyes of Love though.
And Gladion is like low key so proud of her he almost sheds a tear omg.
Lillie spots him probably halfway through her set and almost doesn’t properly land her Lutz because of the shock but she makes up for it with an amazing double Axle and toe loop combo.
She just gets motivated seeing her big-shot skating brother there cheering.
And just when he thinks that moment of emotional weakness is over!!! Here is you!!! Skating to You Don’t Give Up On Love!!!
He’s so impressed with your performance he doesn’t even pretend he’s leaning over the barrier with wide eyes.
He’s muttering the moves you’re making under his breath and Lillie and Hau are like giving each other Knowing Looks.
“Triple Lutz, triple toe- OH MY GOD A TRIPLE FLIP WTF”
“Gladion, you still okay?”
“Who is that?”
“Oh, [Y/N], remember? I did mention her.”
“That’s [Y/N]?!?!”
His face is just like… wow :O
When you reach the kiss and cry and Kukui starts berating you for doing quads in your junior year Gladion cuts in and he looks so awkward and you freeze up because omg that’s skating legend Gladion Virdis talking to you. YOU. PLS DON’T BE A NERD. SAY SOMETHING COOL.
both of you are screaming on the inside, arceus help you both
You idolise him a bit, mehehehehe.
“That was… amazing, actually.” He says like he’s shocked and it’s unprecedented.
It’s totally unprecedented, he is rarely shocked.
You better believe he now goes to all your and Lillie’s competitions.
He tells Guzma he’s not going to take him back as a coach and Guzma just cackles because that was his plan all along.
Guzma and Kukui watch you and Gladion pair skate like five years later and high-five each other.
All four of you take trips together and practice together and have mini competitions to see who pair skates better. Lillie and Gladion or you and Hau. 
Which triggers Gladion into confessing.
Hahahahaha, Hau get your filthy malasada stained hands off my girl no offence.
So really you guys only have Hau and Gladion’s competitiveness to thank for starting yours and Gladion’s pair skating career. 
The public finds out about your relationship because Gladion kisses you at the Kiss and Cry when you find out that you’ve won the Gold.
Which is good because you both had been planning to but you wanted to skate solo first until you get a gold before skating with Gladion.
From edgy cool songs, Gladion’s skating becomes sweeter and softer when you’re with him.
everyone loves you two toGETHER ON THE ICE OK
Couple Skating Goals.
You better believe someone writes a song for the both of you and it becomes your Free Skate song.
(You also dance it at your wedding.)
Those beasts are freaking forgotten after you and Gladion win gold in singles and then make your pair debut. Everyone follows your Insta for updates on your cute relationship.
Gladion jokingly skates to Theme of King JJ and doesn’t realise you’re filming him.
The video goes viral.
Honestly, it doesn’t even matter how much Gladion glares at you, you have the video saved on your phone and you watch it whenever you are separated because of competitions.
Gladion videos you skating to Still Alive while doing like a silly rap thing but it’s not even embarrassing it’s just cute and silly everyone loves it, especially the video Hau posts immediately after of Gladion’s reaction.
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ariannadi · 6 years
Finally, Just You and Me
Wow I actually managed a Pokemon fic :O In actuality I started this premise back when USUM came out but didn’t have the motive to finish it then xD
Gladion x Kira (Moon), Hau x Lillie - characters have been aged up a bit.
Can also be read on Ao3
Kira’s eyes wandered to the beachfront of Hau’oli City, a sigh leaving her mouth as she meandered about the strip. Nazo, her Mimikyu, followed aimlessly at her heels, pausing to look directly at its trainer when it noticed her disposition turn sour.
“Sorry, Nazo,” the girl said to the Pokemon with a sad smile. “Suppose my mind is just elsewhere today.”
“Kyu?” the Mimikyu responded, then nudged its head against her calf affectionately. Kira laughed and bent down to scoop the little creature into her arms, returning the gesture by nuzzling her forehead against the crooked grin that donned the Pokemon’s disguise.
Nazo had been one of the last Pokemon to join her team, but it had grown to love her far quicker than any of the others. It got to the point where the little being simply refused to be encased in its pokeball, preferring to follow Kira on foot instead.
She remembered the moment she caught him vividly, it had been at the abandoned supermarket just after Acerola’s trial. She’d had to rescue a stolen Yungoos from Po Town after that, but when Kira returned to the Aether house where she had left Lillie, that was when everything had gone south.
That was when Gladion had joined their brigade officially.
A shaky sigh left Kira as she thought of the standoffish boy. It had been just over a year now since he had departed for Kanto and Johto to become a stronger trainer, and although he had made an effort to keep in contact with her, Lillie, and Hau through video chat, it just wasn’t the same. More often than not, their late-night conversations left her heart aching, knowing it could be another year, maybe more, before he returned to Alola. He had insisted they weren’t friends when they parted ways after traveling together, but the bond that had developed between them had proven otherwise.
She missed him. Very much so.
The sudden beeping of her Rotom Dex snapped Kira out of her depressing thoughts; the conjoined Pokemon flying out of her purse and switching to the video chat screen. “A call from Lillie! BZZZrrrzzzZZZ!” it announced, before the aforementioned blonde popped up on the screen.
“Hey Kira! What’s up?” the girl asked, Hau peeking over her shoulder and waving excitedly.
“Um, not much? What are you two up to?” Kira asked in return.
“Lillie and I were wondering if you wanted to come grab malasadas with us!” Hau butted in, nearly knocking Lillie over. “We’re helping Professor Kukui at his laboratory but malasadas always have priority!”
“AND Kira,” Lillie berated him gently, causing Hau’s face to turn sheepish as he rubbed at the back of his head.
“Heh, of course!” the boy agreed.
Kira smiled to herself at their humorous banter. Ever since her best friends had begun “dating” or whatever the equivalent was for two fifteen-year-olds, they had been nearly inseparable – which more often than not rendered Kira the third wheel when they all hung out. If she were honest, though, she really didn’t mind it. Seeing them so happy together made her happy, in turn.
“You’re in Hau’oli City, right?” Lillie asked suddenly. “We’ll meet you at the malasada shop in a few, alright?”
“Sounds good,” Kira replied. “See you in a bit.”
The girl made her way to the restaurant, grabbing a booth off to the corner that would be big enough for her and her accomplices. Nazo took it upon itself to crawl into her lap, chirping excitedly when she pulled out a pouch of pokebeans and handed it one.
It only took a good ten minutes before Hau and Lillie arrived, both hurrying to her when she waved them over. Hau offered to order their food at the counter, as was expected, leaving Kira and Lillie to talk one-on-one for a bit.
“Feels like forever since we hung out last!” Lillie said, reaching over to pat Nazo on the top of its disguise.
“It’s been a week, Lillie,” Kira laughed, which Lillie just rolled her eyes at.
“You know what I mean,” the girl retorted. “With me helping out at Aether and you having to defend your title almost every day, it doesn’t leave much time for us to do stuff together anymore. Even Hau and I don’t get to do much together since he’s training to become a Kahuna now.”
“Makes you wish we all hadn’t grown up so fast, huh?” Kira said sadly, and Lillie sighed.
“Now I know how Gladion felt when he took off on his own,” she muttered. “I suppose it all worked out for the best.”
At the mention of Gladion, Kira felt her cheeks heat.
“Hey, Lillie?” she asked shyly, her tone causing her friend to stare at her curiously. “Do you… have any idea when your brother is going to come back here?”
“None at all,” Lillie answered. “I mean, he says he’s almost done with his training but you never know with that boy. Why do you ask?”
Kira wiggled in her seat a bit as she stared toward the table, her fingers idly playing with the ears on Nazo’s disguise.
“I was just… I-I was actually thinking about him earlier, and well, the thought crossed my mind. It feels like it's been a lifetime since he was here. And with you and Hau always together I just…”
Lillie studied her silently for a while, before a beaming smile broke out on her face – one that left Kira quite terrified.
“Oh, Kira…” she nearly cooed, “You have a crush on Gladion! I knew this was going to happen eventually, you two just had too much chemistry for it not to!”
Kira, having been found out, knew her face was as red as a tomato at this point. Waving her hands furiously, she hissed, “Will you keep it down? I don’t want Hau to hear, he’ll never let me live it down.”
“But it’s so adorable!” Lillie sang, ignoring the request completely. “I mean, the fact that you talk to him more often than I do rang a few bells – but for you to actually confirm it?” the girl clapped her hands together, “My entire week has been made!”
“And why’s that?” Hau asked as he approached the table, a tray of malasadas and drinks in his hands.
“Oh! Er… because… because the malasadas were ready so quickly!” Kira yelped, flashing Hau a convincing smile.
“And here I thought I was the malasada enthusiast,” Hau teased, taking a seat next to Lillie and setting the tray on the table.
“Oh, I’d say some of us are just as excited,” Lillie replied, sending a knowing look Kira’s way and earning a deadly glare in response.
When the three of them were finished eating and catching up, they made their way out onto the strip of Hau’oli City – Hau wandering ahead to let his Pokemon run around on the beach. This gave Lillie the opportunity to yank Kira aside, the aura about her entirely serious.
“Okay, you can’t just drop a bomb about liking my brother on me and expect me to let it blow over,” the girl said with a harrumph. “Are you gonna do something about it?”
“There isn’t much I can do, Lillie,” Kira argued in her defense. “Gladion is off in another region and I have duties here as Champion. Even if I did say something, it’s not like he’d reciprocate it. I don’t think he would drop everything just to come back for my sake.” Admitting such a truth made Kira’s chest tighten, but attempting to deceive herself into believing things would work in her favor would only set the stage for heartbreak.
“You may be surprised,” Lillie offered, resting a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. “Gladion cares about you a lot; both as a friend, and as a rival. The only way you’re going to find out if those feelings go one step further is if you talk to him about it. So, please consider it?” It didn’t help that her friend was regarding her with a puppy-eyed look, but Kira found herself sighing in surrender.
“I’ll… consider it,” she mumbled.
“Good!” Lillie cheered, her face becoming its usual perkiness once again, “Let me know how it goes when you do talk to him!”
“I said I would consider it, Lillie!” Kira shouted to the blonde as she bounced away to the beachfront. The girl’s shoulders sagged in defeat as she glanced downwards toward Nazo, who just chirped curiously up at its trainer.
“What am I gonna do, boy?” she nearly whispered, her chest feeling fit to burst. Her little Mimikyu was receptive, thankfully, shuffling over to her leg and nuzzling it in comfort. Kira knew the answer to her own question quite well – but, just as Lillie had stated, it would mean having to sit herself down and confront the object of her concerns directly.
It was definitely going to be her biggest challenge to date.
That night, after she had eaten dinner and her mother had settled in the living room, Kira forcibly parked herself at her desk – proceeding to open the video chat program on her computer. The cursor on the screen hovered over Gladion’s name, but Kira found that she couldn’t convince herself to click it.
“C’mon, Kira…” she muttered as she chewed at her lip, “It’s the same as calling him any other night. You can do this.” She took a deep breath, and, taking the leap, double clicked on the single word.
The video chat rang for a good twenty seconds, and with every one that ticked by, Kira felt her stomach sink lower and lower. A series of explanations plagued her all at once, each one sounding more convincing than the last.
Was he busy?
Was he already asleep?
Did he not want to talk to her anymore?
Had he… had he met someone else?
Finally, just as she was about to hang up, Gladion answered, his slightly disheveled appearance causing Kira’s heart to thunder frantically.
“Kira,” he acknowledged, his smile barely visible, “It’s been a few days. What’s up?”
It took a moment for the girl to respond, but once she did, she immediately apologized. “You were sleeping, weren’t you? Arceus, I’m so sorry. I-I can call back at a better time…”
“Nah,” Gladion interjected, waving his hand in dismissal. “I wasn’t sleeping. I just barely settled into bed, is all. I was actually kinda anticipating you calling me, so…”
“You couldn’t have done it?” Kira teased, her nerves starting to ease with their lighthearted conversation. “You do have fingers, right? Or did they fall off with all that training?”
“Ha-ha,” the boy scoffed, but the smirk on his lips remained. “I have an image to keep, y’know? What kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was calling the Champion of Alola every night?”
“I don’t know…” Kira said slyly, “Most people are crazy about the edgy types with a secret golden heart.”
“And do you consider yourself ‘most people’?” Gladion retorted, his eyes narrowing in curiosity. Kira swallowed thickly, her attention wandering away from the screen to stare toward her feet.
“I… I, er…” the girl stuttered, and Gladion chuckled.
“Stunned into silence. You know, you may have a point,” he admitted, his voice rough. It was then that Kira’s eyes returned to the screen, her gaze locking on Gladion’s and staying there.
“Glad?” she nearly whispered, and swallowed again. “When are you coming home?”
The boy didn’t respond right away, but his eyes never left Kira’s face. “The reason I left to begin with was so I could battle you properly someday. I don’t know if I’m ready to face the Champion of Alola just yet.”
“I know, it's just... you've been gone for so long, and Hau and Lillie are always together, and...” Kira trailed off, her gaze moving toward the floor once again. She heard Gladion sigh, but made no attempt to move.
“Kira, I’ll come back soon, okay? Promise.” Gladion said softly. Kira nodded, slowly raising her head to meet his eyes. “Hey uh…” the boy then added, all of a sudden looking hesitant, “I really like that clip in your hair, by the way. It looks nice on you.”
Kira absentmindedly touched the flower barrette that sat in her pink-brown hair, a tender smile rising on her cheeks. “T-thank you,” she uttered bashfully. Gladion’s responding smirk only made her smile widen.
“I um… I should probably go to bed. I’m heading to Cinnabar Island in the morning, so…” the boy explained, scratching at the back of his head.
“Oh! Yes, you should definitely get some rest,” Kira agreed. Neither made an attempt to close the video chat, however.
“Kira? I need your help, dear. I think Meowth is stuck in the trash can again,” Kira’s mother’s voice suddenly spoke from the hallway, causing the girl to jump in her seat.
“Again?” Gladion laughed. “That’s the fourth time this month. Maybe you should invest in glue or something.”
“Hush, you,” Kira hissed, then called over her shoulder, “Be right there, mom!”
Gladion was still laughing, albeit softly, when she turned to face him again.
“Suppose I’d better let you go, now,” he sighed, but his smile remained. “I’ll talk to you soon, Kira. Have a good night.”
“Yeah,” Kira replied, void of breath, “You too.”
And with that, they simultaneously ended the call.
Kira was startled from slumber early the next morning when a series of poundings sounded on her bedroom door.
“Kiraaaa! Lillie and I are here to see yoooou!” came Hau’s voice from beyond the barrier, followed by Lillie, who was tutting at him in disapproval.
The rudely awoken girl grumbled as she slumped out of bed, then threw open her door and mustered the most annoyed look possible.
“Alola, cousin!” Hau greeted, and Kira just huffed.
“I told you we should’ve waited a couple more hours,” Lillie sighed, shaking her head. “Sorry, Kira. We wanted to hang out with you today but Hau decided that meant 9 AM sharp.”
“I have title defense today, guys,” Kira yawned, stretching her arms. “I mean, I’d love to shuck my responsibilities, but…”
“Oh! No need to worry,” Lillie explained. “We told Professor Kukui we’d be stealing you away today; you don’t need to be at the league until late afternoon.”
That had Kira raising a brow. Kukui had always been insistent on her being available for challenges. Before she could interrogate her friends, however, Hau barked, “Alright, up and at ‘em, cousin! We’ll wait in the living room while you get ready!”
Groaning in defeat, Kira retreated into her room to throw on clothes and comb out her disheveled hair, clipping in the barrette Gladion had complimented the night before with a smile. She met Hau and Lillie in the living room afterward, the latter showering her appearance with praise despite it only taking a good fifteen minutes.
“As cute as that outfit is, I think we can find an even cuter one at the mall in Hau’oli City,” Lillie said, clapping her hands together. “It’s been forever since we shopped together!”
Kira cocked a brow. “And… Hau is okay with this? He’s not exactly the shopping type.”
“I can shop!” Hau protested with a pout. “But I was thinking I would hang out at the beach until you guys get finished. Then we can all grab lunch!”
“Fine by me. Just, no malasadas today. Okay, Hau?” Kira insisted, which only earned her a wide smile.
“Everyday is a day for malasadas, cousin! You should know that by now!” the boy laughed outright. "But alright. We can grab sandwiches or something."
After saying goodbye to Kira’s mother, the trio set off to Hau’oli City. Kira and Lillie headed to the shopping mall, while Hau made a hard left toward the beachfront. The girls set to work on browsing through the numerous racks of clothing, Lillie taking it upon herself to grab a selection of items for the sole purpose of Kira trying them on. Nazo turned out to be quite interested in the matter, as well, as the little creature had its own pile of various materials accumulating on the top of its head.
“Aren’t you going to look for something, Lillie?” Kira eventually asked.
“Don’t worry about me!” the blonde replied, balancing an armload of outfits. “I shop all the time now with Wicke. We’re here for you this time around!”
Kira twisted her lip, but let the matter be, knowing she wouldn’t be able to convince her friend otherwise. After trying on everything she and Lillie had gathered, she settled on three outfits – one in particular being her favorite of the bunch.
“Oh that looks so adorable on you, Kira!” the blonde said as both she and Kira observed it in the changing room mirror. The outfit consisted of a white tank top with frills around the neckline, pink capris, and pink sandals with white flowers on the buckles. Such a combination was inspired by the look and color of her barrette, and Kira ultimately decided to wear the outfit for the remainder of the day (with some heavy persuasion from Lillie, of course).
They met Hau at the sandwich shop afterward, where the boy already had their food waiting for them by the time they sat down.
“Nice clothes, Kira!” Hau said with a bright smile, offering a thumbs-up. “You and Lillie have such a good taste in fashion. Well… from what I know about fashion, anyway.”
“Thank you, Hau,” Kira laughed, ripping off a piece of her sandwich and handing it to Nazo, who sat in her lap. “Really it was Lillie who picked everything out, I just kinda gave the final word.”
“Oh, nonsense,” Lillie dismissed. “You have a much better eye for style than me. I knew you were set on something matching your barrette when you started rejecting everything that was dark in color.”
“Surprised you wouldn’t go for something dark, honestly,” Hau muttered, which earned him a not-so-subtle kick under the table from Lillie. Kira’s brows furrowed at the action, but the timely beeping of her Rotom Dex prevented her from questioning the situation further.
“Call from Professor Kukui! BZZzzzZZRrrr!” the hybrid device announced as it flew in front of Kira’s face, and a few seconds later the man in question popped up on the screen.
“Alola, cousin!” Kukui greeted. “We already have some challengers lining up at the league – are you all done catching up with Hau and Lillie?”
“Hi, Kukui!” Hau shouted, waving like mad even though the professor couldn’t see him.
“Erm, hello voice who I assume is Hau,” Kukui replied with a chuckle. “Anyway, head to Ula’ula as soon as you can, alright, Kira?”
“You got it, Professor,” Kira replied, and Kukui ended the call.
“You gonna go to Ula’ula, then?” Lillie asked with the tilt of her head.
“I’d better,” Kira responded, then started packing up her things. “If I don’t head there soon and start battling, I’ll end up being there all night.” She stood from the table, Nazo perching itself on her shoulder. “Thanks for inviting me to shop and dine with you guys,” she told both Lillie and Hau gratefully. It really was nice to be able to hang out with them like this for once.
“It was no problem! Now, go defend your title! And good luck!” Lillie cheered, and was quickly joined by a muffled Hau, who had been busy stuffing his face.
Defending her position as Champion of Alola had become like second nature to Kira at this point. She’d held the title for nearly two years and not one of her challengers had even come close to taking it away. Some didn’t even make it past the Elite Four – but Kira couldn’t blame them when the league had only just been established in the region.
Entering the domain that sat on top of Mount Lanakila, Kira headed to the platform that would take her to the very top of the league. Upon climbing the steps, she took her seat – Nazo scrambling into her lap with an excited chirp.
“Ready for this, boy?” she asked the Pokemon, who made a whirring sound in response.
“CHALLENGER APPROACHING,” the intercom announced, and Kira rose from her throne.
As was expected, all of the trainers that came her way left in disgruntlement and without the Champion title. Between Kira's Primarina, Persian, Mismagius, Lycanroc, Ninetales, and Mimikyu, it was almost impossible for the opposite to happen.
Night had fallen, and Kira was just about to head out for the evening when the intercom sounded again.
“CHALLENGER APPROACHING!” it blared, and Kira let out a long, annoyed groan.
“For real? Shouldn’t the league be closed by now?” she complained to no one in particular, then threw herself back into her seat with a huff.
But then, a shock of platinum blonde hair came into view, slightly longer than she remembered but unmistakable in appearance. When a pair of piercing green eyes followed, Kira absentmindedly stood to her feet, her heart pounding like mad as the final challenger of the night came face-to-face with her.
“Gl-Gladion…?” she breathed in disbelief, taking a wobbly step forward. The boy in question just smirked, before reaching for a pokeball on his belt.
“Champion, I’ve looked forward to our battle – trained for over a year in another region just so I could prove my worth,” he said, his voice confident. “I hope you’re ready for this.”
Kira wiped at the tears that suddenly blurred her vision, sniffling once before taking a steady breath. “You bet I am,” she answered just as boldly, and threw the pokeball containing her Primarina into the air. “Flounder, go!”
“Silvally, you’re up!” Gladion shouted in return, calling out his signature Pokemon. Silvally had been prepped with the grass-type memory disc beforehand, its trainer obviously anticipating Flounder being part of the match.
“Flounder, hit ‘em with a Moonblast!” Kira called out, praising her Primarina when it landed a direct hit.
“Silvally, use Crunch!” Gladion commanded, his Pokemon following the order and doing considerable damage to its opponent.
The battle continued for a good half-hour; Gladion having the upper hand a majority of the time but Kira managing to barely break even. He had gotten considerably stronger as a trainer since he’d been away, and it was exciting. Never had Kira faced someone so powerful and determined. It was a refreshing feat, to say the least.
Finally, the battle came down to Nazo and Gladion’s Blastoise, which was a rather surprising addition. The Mimikyu’s disguise had been busted previously, leaving it vulnerable to any physical attacks. Despite where she stood, despite the fact that she was on the verge of losing her title, Kira was completely fired up.
She managed to win the match with a timely Wood Hammer.
“You did it Nazo! You did it!” Kira cheered, running over to the Mimikyu and scooping it into her arms. She watched as Gladion soothingly patted the head of his collapsed Blastoise, thanking it for its hard work before returning it to its pokeball.
Kira turned to face her opponent, not knowing what to expect next. He had returned to Alola, had faced her and nearly won. What did it all mean for the both of them?
“Here I thought you’d be throwing yourself at me considering our conversation last night,” Gladion teased, and Kira breathed a shaky laugh. Without even realizing it, she inched her way to him, the tears from earlier making an unwelcome return. When she was but a hairsbreadth away, she fell into him, her head coming to rest on his chest and a wobbly smile forcing its way onto her cheeks. She couldn’t contain the wet giggle that slipped past her lips when she felt Gladion’s arms snugly circle her waist.
“I’m finally home, Kira.” he murmured, and she could hear the smile in his voice. Could picture it in her mind.
“You’re finally home,” she echoed, her heart feeling lighter than it had in months.
After they descended from Mount Lanakila, Kira and Gladion decided to take the bus to Malie City. They arrived just as the lights in the village flickered to life, encasing the area in a soft, green glow.
Walking side by side along the streets, Kira was tempted more than once to take Gladion’s hand, but continued second-guessing herself. They hadn’t said much to one another since their embrace inside the league, but the silence between them was a comfortable one, thankfully.
“Wanna grab some cocoa? My treat.” the boy offered at one point, and she nodded, letting him lead the way to the Pokemon Center. Kira waited at a table inside while Gladion went and ordered their drinks from the café, thanking him when he eventually made his way over and handed her a steaming mug.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet,” Kira murmured, staring into the brown, sugary liquid in her palms. “It’s just… hard to believe you’re really here.”
Gladion quirked a brow at the confession. “Is it?” he inquired, taking a sip of his cocoa. “I promise I’m here, Kira.”
Kira nodded, but sighed dejectedly. “But for how long?” she questioned, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Indefinitely.” Gladion responded bluntly, and Kira’s eyes flew upward.
“R-really?” she breathed.
The boy shrugged. “Yeah. I can’t rely on my possibly-insane mother to make sure Aether is running smoothly. I told myself and Lillie that I was going to be there the next time something went wrong. I can’t spend my life just training and running away, after all.”
Kira smirked at that. “You’re giving up on defeating me, then?”
“Psh, you wish,” Gladion scoffed. “I’m not gonna be traveling to other regions for the time being, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be improving my team when I have downtime.” He leaned back in his seat smugly, then said, “Better prepare yourself, Champion. That title is gonna be mine when you least expect it.”
Kira found herself giggling despite the obvious challenge Gladion presented. “I look forward to it,” she replied firmly, mimicking his stature.
Malie Garden had become one of Kira’s most favorite places in all of Alola during her island challenge, and that was where the pair wound up after they finished their drinks. Kira’s eyes flickered to Gladion every so often, whose sole focus was set on the scenery before them.
“Is there a reason you keep looking at me?” he asked, catching the girl off-guard.
Okay, so his attention wasn’t entirely focused on the scenery, after all.
“N-no,” Kira stammered, twiddling her fingers. “Well…”
“Kira?” her companion pressed, stopping in his tracks to look directly at her. His intent gaze was enough to cause the thoughts flooding her mind to spill forth.
“Why did you really come back, Gladion?” she questioned breathlessly, but the boy just narrowed his eyes.
“I told you, I need to-“
“Return to Aether so your mother doesn’t accidentally screw everything up again, I know. But why is it that you decided to return the day after I asked you when you would come home? Why did you decide to come back the moment I basically confessed how much I missed you?”
Gladion looked to be at a loss for words, his mouth slightly agape as his eyes searched hers.
“K-Kira…” he finally managed.
“Glad… did you come back just for me?” she implored, gathering enough courage to reach for his hand. His calloused skin was rough, but warm and comforting all the same. Kira’s breath hitched when she felt Gladion’s fingers intertwine with hers, before offering her hand a gentle squeeze.
“You sounded so sad when we talked,” he quietly said, closing his eyes. “To know someone like you wanted me home so badly? I had already contemplated returning soon, but…”
“Gladion…” Kira whispered. She squeaked slightly when the boy suddenly tugged her to him, his arms enveloping her in a hug and his head coming to rest on her shoulder. Things couldn't possibly be more perfect in that moment, Kira mused in disbelief - between where they were and what was currently happening.
“Guess you caught me, then. I'm actually a complete sap,” Gladion chuckled lightly, and Kira couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“Oh, Glad,” she sighed, bringing her arms around his neck. “You really are the sweetest, you know that?”
It would seem neither really registered the position they wound up in, for when they slowly began to pull away from one another they only ended up being inches apart. Gladion’s eyes lowered slightly as he studied Kira’s face, and the girl was completely mesmerized by the striking emerald color. She couldn’t possibly move away now, even if she wanted to.
It was when Gladion impulsively leaned forward and left a single, sweet kiss to her lips that Kira knew she was completely lost.
“S-sorry,” he breathed nervously when he quickly pulled away; but was seemingly shocked that instead of being offended, the girl in his arms began giggling like mad.
“Don’t be,” she reassured him with a beaming smile, “I-I don’t know if I would’ve ever had the courage to do that, honestly.”
Gladion’s shocked expression morphed into one of confusion. “You… wanted to kiss me?”
“Yeah,” Kira admitted, her smile shy. “Well, more like I wanted to confess that I have a crush the size of Kanto on you, but, whatever works.”
Gladion smirked at that, his hand moving upward and brushing at the flower barrette in her hair. It was obvious that he didn’t need to voice his reciprocation.
“Lillie insisted that I would be flabbergasted when I saw the outfit she and you picked out today. Should’ve known that this would be your inspiration.”
“How could it not?” Kira inquired. “You said it looked nice on me.” That’s when his previous statement really clicked in her mind. Blinking, Kira blurted, “Wait a second! Lillie knew about all of this?!”
“And Hau. Oh, and Professor Kukui,” Gladion added nonchalantly. “They agreed to keep you busy for the day while I made my way back here.”
Kira managed her most frustrated pout possible. “Oh, those little…” she grumbled, but Gladion just laughed as he looped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t be too hard on them, Champion,” he softly chided her. “We might not be here right now if they hadn’t intervened.”
She knew he was right, despite her aggravation. Even so, she would definitely be having a few choice words with her friends much later on.
“Yeah,” Kira sighed in surrender, leaning into him with a smile. “I guess you’re right.”
She was going to savor this moment. Right now, it was just she and Gladion - just as she had wanted all along.
Likes, comments, reblogs, yadda yadda, always sincerely appreciated ^^
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swsh-sorts · 4 years
Headcanons for Mardion (Marnie x Gladion), please!
Okay but I love Gladion so much—
Also I never got to finish my pokemon moon forgive me.
The Ultimate Emo Standoff
Marnie x Gladion
Alola Exchange Program Alola Exchange Program Alola Exchange—
I guess Gladion could have chosen to explore Galar, as he had for other regions. Galar region would be an interesting choice for him. A nice change of pace that would help him relax a bit.
Gladion would naturally be distant towards Spikemuth, having remembered his time in Team Skull, but would still venture around different areas catching pokemon or meeting the Gym leaders.
On such occasion, he travels into Spikemuth to meet with the dark-type gym leader despite reluctance, and finally meets Marnie.
These two have personalities that would blend well together, with the difference of Gladion’s rather aggressive stance and Marnie’s quiet but kind one.
And they share a similar hairstyle. Who doesn’t bond over that??
They would enjoy their time together in company, as Marnie introduces him to Team Yell - a moral contrast to Team Skull, and Piers, the walking, talking emo man. Aka, her brother.
Gladion would probably even take a liking to Morpeko, considering it’s unique dynamic.
Their fashion sense is pretty similar that they’d probably shop together sometime.
At some point, Gladion increasingly gets more flustered as he spends time with her, and would often hesitate because of these newer and fast approaching feelings.
He’d remember how he felt himself weak in trying to protecting Lillie that he becomes hesitant to confess his feelings to Marnie, afraid that he wouldn’t be enough.
But Marnie would be the one to ask him on a date, cuz well who wouldn’t like this absolute bean?! She’s pretty relaxed about it too, but Gladion is about to implode.
And even if Gladion expresses his concerns for her, Marnie would just tell him that he’s enough, and that she could probably pummel anyone in their way. Especially considering she’s got the support from her brother and Team Yell.
And onto cute stuff?? Marnie does the jacket giving in this. Gladion becomes chilly? Boom. Studded leather jacket.
Gladion likes small physical affection, but Marnie enjoys verbal ones. They exchange accordingly and enjoy every moment with one another.
Marnie hasn’t ever been far from Galar, so Gladion takes that chance to show her the regions he’s been to, and all the pokemon he’s encountered and caught.
also they dye their hair to each other’s colours i don’t make the rules.
Marnie would eventually introduce him to Hop, Bede and Victor/Gloria [Protagonist]. While at first Gladion would feel a bit intimidated, he’s got nothing to worry about with Marnie’s hand in his own.
But maybe he worries a little bit when Marnie’s troop of friends use this poor sheep against a duraluDON.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
i noticed you didn't have a ship tag for serena x dawn for that fanart do you ship them? what other ships do you have for the protags? sorry if this has been asked before
I mean, I think they’re cute. The V/Palentines event in Masters brought about some really cute fanart for Serena/Dawn, and when playing through the event / seeing their dialogue in the Pokémon Center I think it’s easy to see why. I wouldn’t say I actively ship them, but I do like the art that I’ve seen and if Masters did want to set them up, I’d be down for it.
As for other ships . . . honestly I’m not too passionate about any of the protagonist ships. This is especially true for Gens VI, VII, and VIII, because with the benefit of character customization I play those games as myself, and as a result I end up wanting to adopt the characters that other people in the fandom ship the player characters with. Like for instance, when I played SM/USUM, I didn’t ship the player character with Lillie or Gladion because I was too busy wanting to adopt them both as my children instead. I understood why other people shipped the player character with Lillie or Gladion, but it wasn’t for me because I felt a desire to parent them instead, given that I’m so much older than they are. So while other players saw ship tease, I just saw myself signing custody documents for them.
That said, protagonist ships that I like well enough are:
Any combination of the Kanto Trio, including an OT3
Brendan/May (in ORAS)
Gen V isn’t listed because I see the Gen V protagonists very differently from how they’re presented by TPCi. For me, Hilda is Lea, and I ship Lea and N as a queer-platonic partnership because they’re both aro/ace, but I see Lea as the true protagonist of BW and it’s undoubtable that she and N had a huge effect on each other. Additionally, Hilbert is Blair, a shy boy who pairs well with Bianca. But that’d be too much to explain in a bulleted list, so. And while I did play SwSh as myself, I do like art I’ve seen of Gloria/Marnie and Victor/Hop, so I like both of those ships as well.
That said, gameverse ships I like that don’t involve the player characters are much larger in number:
And probably others I’m just not thinking of right now. Like I said before, I’m not super passionate about these ships, but I do like them and tend to be happy whenever I come across art for them.
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quartings · 4 years
How Pokemon could double the length of the games’ story without changing their writing style!
This will be quite a long post, so a lot of it will be under the cut!
Even though many Pokemon postgames can be really fun and fulfilling, it’s really only thanks to the battle facilities that some of them are blessed with. The postgame areas/story themselves usually feel very rushed and/or hollow. Meanwhile, Mystery Dungeon games have 20+ hour main stories that are followed up with even longer postgames adding up to over 50 hours of story! So how do the Mystery Dungeon games do it (Besides having a far superior programming and writing team)?
This is because among the three pillars of content in mainline Pokemon games, (Gym Leaders- aka distinct minibosses, new areas to explore with new Pokemon, and a b-plot) one or two of them always disappear in the postgame.
For example:
Johto: Has new gym leaders, but barely any b-plot to provide pacing, and the many new areas have barely any usable new Pokemon.
Sinnoh: Has a few new areas and a small b-plot, but no minibosses, explaining why the b-plot feels so small.
BW Unova: Has many new areas and new pokemon, but no minibosses and the Sage-finding b-plot barely counts
B2W2 Unova: The new areas are less new, the new Pokemon are less new, and none of the minibosses are mandatory. Outside of finding N again, there’s really not any b-plot.
Kalos/ORAS Hoenn/Alola/Galar: Barely any new areas, barely any new Pokemon, mostly a lot of backtracking in a condensed plot. Having more of a concrete story is nice but the lack of challenging fights makes it feel even shorter and less significant.
 IMPORTANT NOTE: This is only re-crafting the story based on using plot devices that Pokemon have already used to improve and lengthen the playthrough. If we were allowed to use plot points or creative ideas that Gamefreak hasn’t used before, then we might as well turn the story into a 200 hour Mystery Dungeon-style epic saga, haha.
So-! Let’s take a look at this reworked story, where the main and postgame both have all three pillars of storytelling!
 Main Game:
The main game will be based off Gen 5 (Stopping an evil team) and Gen 7 (Setting up a league)
Set in a region where the evil team has already won (not really post-apocalyptic and edgy, just roughed-up like anime Kanto) and is a gang that constantly terrorises the residents. Gyms have been dismantled by this evil team, and the now-jobless gym leaders are trying to protect their towns from the villains.
You get your starter from the professor to save them from a grunt.
Instead of gym leaders, you fight the evil team admins in their hideouts across the region. There’s still puzzles and the admins are type specialists, so these simulate gyms to teach type matchups.
I guess to prove that it’s still to teach type matchups, some townsfolk will say stuff like “Admin X scorched my poor Grass and Bug-types with his Fire-type Pokemon!” and “If only I still had my Water-type Pokemon with me- then I’d teach them a lesson!”
Reasons to stop individual admins can be very different to make fighting them not feel stale- Rescuing Pokemon, the Professor, unblocking routes, re-securing an important facility, protecting cargo/a VIP, obtaining an artifact, etc. One of the reasons the grunts challenge you is because they want your Pokedex. For some reason, even though it’s been a plot point in the manga and the anime, saving your mom from the evil team has never happened in the games, which I think is a big missed opportunity for creating an intense high-stakes conflict!
You learn history in this region from former gym leaders/elite four/champion maybe? Sometimes gym leaders may make you take on their old gyms to see if you’re good enough to help them stop the evil team.
You have two rivals. One is a happy and friendly rival who becomes morally swayed as the evil team affects them personally (They become evil for like one fight because Pokemon would never allow more than that) until you help redeem them. And the other starts out edgy and driven to stop the evil team, like a Silver or Gladion, but learns compassion and overcomes most of their trauma by the end of the main game.
Villainous Team Boss:
There’s a scripted unwinnable battle with the evil team boss (like with Zacian and Zamazenta) early on in the game. This’ll help you feel like the boss is real threat and a scummy person you want to beat later!
And since the best evil team bosses are shitty parents, let’s make them the parent of the edgy rival!
This villain would probably be using the box legendary you have to save in the final battle against them?
We’ve somehow never had a villain who HATES Pokemon as their motive, just ones who see them as tools, so maybe this villain or their family member was injured by Pokemon before and now they hate Pokemon and want them subjugated? And as the first trainer in a while who openly loves their Pokemon, you specifically pose a threat to this villain?
This idea mostly came from realising that you’re pretty much always a reactionary protagonist and not a proactive one. You’re not really out to change the status quo on most Pokemon games, but in this one, the status quo starts out as villainous and it’s up to you to change it! This also comes from the critique from SwSh and Borderlands 3 where your character has no personal reason to do anything and just gets dragged around by some arrogant adult giving you orders.
The postgame will then be what the main games are usually like (Beating the league, completing the dex, dealing with legendaries)
It’s been several weeks since you beat the villain, and many towns have been repaired. A proper league has been set up, and you, as the hero of the region, are invited to test it.
A handful of new Pokemon are now in old routes, and several new routes are unlocked too.
Most gyms are in towns you’ve been to before, but some are in all-new towns that were blocked off by the evil team before!
Some gym leaders are former gym leaders who have reclaimed their titles, some of them are all-new characters, and at least one of them is a redeemed evil team admin. All of them have teams of six, plus gimmicks like Raihan or many NPCs in prior games like triple battles, held items, special moves, etc, in addition to the type matchup stuff.
You get a third new rival who’s a champion from another region, wanting to try this league out. They’re friendly but really cocky like Leon- maybe they’re actually Leon, who knows?
Instead of just using the shiny charm to incentivize Dex completion, there are many NPCs who give sidequests wanting to see specific rare Pokemon, offering hints to their location, items, TMs, etc in exchange. Some of them are even mandatory mini-arcs to help space out the gyms. Think the Solaceon news people or the Unova Hip Waders. All the NPCs have names to distinguish them more.
Like in SwSh, the Elite Four is a rivals tournament with 1) Recurring Fan like SwSh’s Orbeetle Girl, 2) Edgy Rival, 3) Cocky rival, 4) Former Champion. And like in USUM, the champion challenger is your very first rival, as cliché as it may be.
Bonus Postgame:
The third bonus postgame thing mostly features what modern Pokemon postgames and DLCs are like (Short story arcs with new characters and Legendary Pokemon showcases)
You travel to a new island area where the remnants of the evil team have freed their boss and they’re trying to use Space Dragon Legendary #4 to eradicate everyone, and you and edgy rival have to stop them, with many other characters all playing a part. Maybe even Looker too!
Overall Rival Character Development:
Nice rival: Starts out nice, becomes conflicted, turns kinda evil for one fight, becomes good again and regrets it, gets closure at the Champion fight, becomes a gym leader or something.
Edgy rival: Starts out edgy, wants the sole responsibility to stopping the villains, but gets pummelled by the villains, gives up for a while, gets motivated by you, helps you stop themain villain, tries to understand how to be a normal trainer kid, tries out the league challenge, gets closure from fully helping stop the main villain in the bonus postgame.
Cocky rival: Starts out seeing you as a stepping stone, sees you as a challenge after a few defeats, sees you as a bully after a few more defeats, and becomes depressed after losing the league, finally recognizes you as a better person than them after you save the world again in the bonus postgame, and gets downgraded to both a rematch character and helpful postgame NPC in the end.
In a perfect world, there would be PMD Sky-style bonus stories to develop the rivals and other characters, but I’m trying to make a slightly plausible story so I’m not including it in the main pitch here.
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Something absolutely no one asked for, my favorite characters from my favorite games, excluding the protagonists, so when I mention Pokémon protags I mean when they’re rivals.
-Lillie, Hau, and Gladion from Pokémon Sun/Moon.
-Shauna, Trevor, Valerie, Kalem, Serena and Tierno from Pokémon X/Y.
-Brendan, Wally, Steven, May, and Zinnia from Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
-Hop, Sonia, and Leon from Pokemon Sword/Shield.
-Ryuji, Ann, and Futaba from Persona 5
-Yosuke, Rise, and Yukiko from Persona 4.
-Akihiko, Mitsuru, Shinjiro, and Yukari from Persona 3.
-Touma, Ellie, Tsubasa, and Kiria from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
-Miles, Klavier, Maya, Pearl, Sebastian, Kay, Ema, and Franziska from Ace Attorney.
-Kazuma, Susato, Gina, Iris, and Sherlock from Dai Gyakuten Saiban.
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