#God Hypnos
noxeauu · 1 year
Hypnos children Headcanon
They are always tired (logic)
They either suffer from insomnia or just sleep for three days straight and still feel tired
They sometimes visit the dreams of the demigods that haven’t came to the camp yet
It cost them loads of energy
They can chit chat with their friends in their dreams when they’re away
They rarely participate in the capture the flags
When they do, hope you don’t cross one. They would make you drop sleep.
The most advanced one, and really experienced ones can stay for a few minutes in a gods dream. It’s very fast and hard
They have great relationships with the kids of Nyx and Thanatos.
Other campers come to them when they have problems sleeping
If you are friend with a Hypnos kid, and you woke up from a nightmare, they will gladly let you come into their sacred place. Their bed. To sleep with them.
At first they seem lazy. And they are, mostly
When he can, Hypnos come by and greets his kiddos in their sleep.
He doesn’t really care if Zeus prohibit it. It’s in their dreams, how can he check that ?
Their ADHD already make them insomniac, for some, so it’s not uncommon to them to just not sleep for a few days.
They will eventually fall asleep, in the most strange places.
You can encounter a sleeping Hypnos kid almost everywhere, as if they can sleep on command. On the training area, on their meal, in a tree,…
Do not wake them, or you’ll have nightmares for quite some time !
Their sleep is sacred
Almost every kid has some sort of mark around their ears. A mole, a birthmark, .. anything !
Cause, you know, Hypnos is said to have a pair of wings near his ears.
Those kids are one of the most calm and understanding cabins. They will never judge you based on your fears, sexuality, gender or anything like that
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stormbornedivinity · 5 months
As a narcoleptic, I wonder if Hypnos loves me or hates me.
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archer-vale · 4 months
Don't look away. Slow, deep breaths... The air is thick with his scent. You've always loved the smell of men. The heavy odor forces you to relax. Your thoughts slow. Accept the natural pull. Sink to your knees...you know where you belong.
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underworldhadess · 6 months
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Hypnos & Thanatos by ofensky
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raventriquolist · 5 months
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kenchann · 3 months
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hypnooooooo00s and than
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confused-theist · 1 month
Do you think Hypnos relishes in cradling newborns, asleep more often than they are awake?
Do you think Morpheus smiles at lucid dreamers as they explore his realm, mesmerized and delighted by the beauty of it?
Do you think Hypnos runs a gentle hand through your hair as you nap away a headache?
Do you think Morpheus shapes a child's dream after their favorite bedtime story, just to bring them joy?
Do you think Hypnos holds you in his arms just a bit closer when someone tries to wake you but you still need more rest?
Do you think Morpheus watches encouragingly as you lay in bed in the morning, trying to remember what you dreamed about?
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literallyjusttoa · 1 month
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Hey guys crazy idea but like Artemis and Apollo are Dipper and Mabel right? Right? Yeah I got carried away big time but like I think Gravity Falls + Greek Mythology is a banger idea so it's fine.
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bpdbeehive · 2 months
I made a list of every single Greek god ever
Keep in mind some of these may be different from what you know because they have multiple different stories
Eros- god of love, passion, and fertility
Tartarus- god of darkest part in the underworld
Thalassa- goddess of the sea
Phanes- god of creation, new life, procreation, fertility, and light
Caligine- goddess of creation
Gaia- goddess of earth
Erebus- god of darkness and shadows
Nyx- goddess of night and darkness
Pontus- god of the seas
Hydros- god of water
Uranas- god of the heavens and sky
Achlys- goddess of the death-mist, misery, sadness, and deadly poisons
Aether- god of light and the upper sky
Ananke- goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity
Chaos- god of the void
Cronus- god of time, fate, justice, and harvest
Caelus- god of the sky
Coeus- god of the North, intelligence, and resolve
Hemera- goddess of daylight
Hypnos- god of sleep
Nemesis- goddess of vengeance, retribution, and rightful fate
Thalassa- goddess of sea
Rhea- goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, comfort, and good living
Oceanus- god of freshwater
Tethys- goddess of fresh water and nursing mothers
Hyperion- god of heavenly light and watchfulness
Theia- goddess of sight and vision
Lapetus- god of mortal life
Crius- god of constellations, stars, and the south
Phoebe- goddess of intellect, prophecy, and the moon
Themis- goddess of justice, law, order, and divine will
Iris- goddess of rainbows
Mnemosyne- goddess of memory
Zues- god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, and law and order
Demeter- goddess of the harvest, agriculture, and fertility of the earth
Poseidon- god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Hades- god of the underworld and the dead
Hera- goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth
Apollo- god of sun and light, poetry, healing and disease, justice, archery, music and dance, prophecy and truth
Artemis- goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and passion
Ares- god of war and courage
Hephaestus- fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, metalworking, craftsmanship, sculpture, forges, and metallurgy
Hermes- God of wealth, trade, thieves, and travelers
Athena- goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Dionysus- god of wine, festivity, and theater
Hestia- goddess of domestic life, home, and hearth
Hecate- goddess of magic and necromancy
Aeolus- god of the wind
Asclepius- god of medicine and healing
Eris- god of discord, jealousy, and strife
Pan- god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, fertility, spring, and theatrical criticism
Eileithyia- goddess of childbirth, birth pains, and midwifery
Enyos- goddess of war, violence, and bloodshed
Evrynomi- water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Psyche- goddess of the soul
Hedone- goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Dolos- god of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery
Senectus- god of old age
Oizys- goddess of misery, grief, anxiety, and depression
Moros- god of doom
Momus- god of satire and mockery
Tmolus- god of Mount Tmolus
Nereus- god of the sea
Phorcys- god of the sea and the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the waves
Ceto- goddess of sea monsters and other marine life
Eurybia- goddess of power over, and mastery of, the sea
Eurus- god of the east or southeast wind, fall, and storms
Aergia- goddess of laziness, idleness, sloth, and indolence
Eos- goddess of dawn
Astraea- goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision
Boreas- god of the north wind, winter, storms, ice, snow, and cold
Chione- goddess of snow
Orithyia- goddess of cold mountain winds
Zephyrus- god of West wind
Notos- god of South wind
Euros- god of East wind
Hesperos- god of the evening and the evening star
Morpheus- god of dreams and nightmares
Pasithea- goddess of relaxation and rest
Icelus- god of nightmares
Phantasus- god of dreams that feature inanimate objects
Aigaion- god of violent sea storms
Achelous- god of fresh water
Alpheus- god of the Peloponnese
Clymene- goddess of fame and renown
Eurynome- goddess of water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Idyia- goddess of knowledge
Metis- goddess of wisdom and cunning strategies
Styx- goddess of oaths and the River Styx
Helios- god of the sun
Selene- goddess of the moon
Atlas- god of strength, endurance, astronomy, and navigation
Prometheus- god of fire, forethought, and crafty counsel
Astraeus- god of astrology and stars
Pallas- god of witchcraft
Zelus- god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Nike- goddess of victory
Via- goddess of force and power
Perses- god of destruction
Asteria- goddess of falling stars, nocturnal divination, and the connection between the heavens and the earth
Leto- goddess of motherhood, childbirth, modesty, and fertility
Eirene- goddess of peace
Dike- goddess of fair judgment and law
Persephone- goddess of grain and agriculture
Alatheia- goddess of truth
Asopos- god of the river Asopos
Ate- goddess of blind folly and ruin
Britomartis- goddess of hunting and fishing
Elieithyia- goddess of childbirth
Eirene- goddess of peace
Ersa- goddess of the dew
Eunomia- goddess of good governance
Harmonia- goddess of harmony
Hebe- goddess of youth
Hephaistos- god of smiths
Eunomia- goddess of law, governance, and good order
Kairos- god of opportunity
Aglaia- goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, adornment, good health, and the glow of good health
Lakhesis- goddess of life and fate
Phasis- god of the river Phasis
Despoine- goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries
Macaria- goddess of a "blessed" death
Melinoe- goddess of ghosts, nightmares, and propitiation
Zagreus- god of rebirth
Ploutos- god of wealth, riches, and abundance
Albion- god of the sea
Tilphousia- goddess of vengeance and justice
Phobos- god of fear, panic, flight, and rout
Pothos- god of sexual longing, desire, and yearning
Anteros- god of reciprocal love
Himeros- god of sexual desire and unrequited love
Hermaphroditus- god of effeminacy, androgeny, and hermaphroditism
Rhodos- goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes
Priapus- god of fertility
Erichthonius- goddess of earth
Tyche- goddess of fortune, luck, prosperity, chance, and fate
Horkos- god of oaths and the curse that befalls those who break them
Epione- goddess of soothing pain
Hygieia- goddess of hygiene and cleanliness
Panacea- goddess of universal remedy
Aceso- goddess of healing and wounds
Iaso- goddess of recuperation from sickness
Machaon- god of surgeons
Pandia- goddess of the full moon, dew, and youth
Telesphoros- god of recuperation
Enyalius- god of soldiers and warriors
Phosphorus- god of the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star
Triton- god of the sea
Carpus- god of fruit
Bia- goddess of force, power, might, bodily strength, and compulsion
Narcissus- god of vanity
Cephissus- god of the Cephissus river
Ismenus- god of the river of the same name
Eucleia- goddess of good repute, glory, and honor
Eupheme- goddess of good omen, praise, and acclamation
Euthenia- goddess of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Philophrosyne- goddess of friendliness, welcome, and kindness
Euphrosyne- goddess of joy, good cheer, mirth, and merriment
Hephaestus- god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Delphin- god of Dolphins
Aristaeus- god of beekeeping, cheesemaking, olive growing, and hunting
Electryone- goddess of the sun and morning
Circe- goddess of magic
Silenus- god of forests, wine-making, and drunkenness
Triptolemus- god of agriculture
Lyssa- goddess of rage, fury, and rabies
Soteria- goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and protection from harm
Leucothea- goddess of hope
Palaemon- god of harbors and sharks
Pasiphae- goddess of witchcraft and sorcery
Perses- god of destruction and peace
Phaunos- god of the forest
Maron- god of Maroneia
Astraeus- god of stars and planets
Limos- goddess of famine, starvation, and hunger
Benthesikyme- goddess of ocean waves
Amphitrite- goddess of the sea
Kymopoleia- goddess of violent sea storms and storm waves
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months
Rb to give your deity a liddol kiss kiss on the nose as a thank you for everything :)
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xx-amphibian-puke-xx · 5 months
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archer-vale · 4 months
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Just give in, bro. Stop fighting it.
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underworldhadess · 9 days
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Bust of Hypnos by James Pittendrigh Macgillivray, 1900.
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zu-is-here · 5 days
What happened to Greek gods au?
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Praying to God
After defeating the warrior, the former god of dreams illusions plunges him into a deep sleep, which the mortal is determined to emerge from.
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….anybody done this yet?
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kenchann · 4 months
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me and my lil guy 💤🩸
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