#Godzilla: dominion
averagemysticchaos · 5 months
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"The King and the Dragon of Light"
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A fun little crossover idea based on a scene in comic book, Godzilla: Dominion.
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endominator · 1 year
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Tiamat deserves more love
So have a Tiamat doodle
Second version is inspired by ClevzX 's Tiamat design
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monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Titan History: Tiamat
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we find ourselves once more turning to the most recent Titan crisis, dedicating today's instalment of "Titan History" to a beast that has many people talking; the queen of the depths, Tiamat.
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(Pictured above: An artistic piece depicting Tiamat on the mainland, created by former Outpost 53 operative Dope Pope)
Monarch Database File: Tiamat
Monarch Designation: Titanus Tiamat
Length: 847 feet
Weight: Unknown
Nature: Bio-Ultraviolet
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
Designated as "Titan 019" in Monarch's database, Tiamat was a colossal sea serpent, vibrant coloured scales and a bioluminescent frill granting her an almost hypnotising appearance as she cuts through the water. Those who studied her in Monarch Outpost 53 note her impressive ability to mimic the sounds of human voices. Though incapable of perfectly replicating speech, many of the outpost's staff recount being haunted by the sounds of her "Titansong".
The full extent of her abilities show Tiamat to be a true force of nature. She can blind opponents with a yellow phosphorus ink that manifests as a form of acidic breath, she possesses electrogenic cells that can manipulate electrical energy to such an extent that her storms can boil the ocean and generate steam trails that can be seen from space. Her underwater superiority rivals even that of Godzilla, able to generate maelstroms capable of dragging other Titans to the depths.
Prior to her final encounter with Godzilla, Tiamat was also shown to be capable of absorbing and generating massive amounts of energy through a natural radiation hotspot in the Arctic Circle, achieving an "evolved" state similar to what Godzilla would go on to gain for himself prior to engaging the Skar King and Shimo.
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(Pictured above: Speculative artistic rendition of how Tiamat and Godzilla's Hollow Earth brawl in 2020 would have looked like, courtesy of Drew E. Johnson)
As is the case with most Titans on record, little is known about what Tiamat may have been doing prior to her containment by Monarch and awakening in 2019. It is known that, at some stage, Tiamat claimed a subterranean lair within the Hollow Earth as her domain, killing its previous occupant (an apparent ancestor to Kong), as well as various other Titans that attempted to rob her of what was her's. Drone exploration into this lair revealed a Titan graveyard of those likely slain by Tiamat, a Titanus Jinshin-Mushi Prime scattered among the remains was of particular note to Monarch.
At some stage, Tiamat would temporarily vacate this lair and make her way to Stone Mountain, Georgia, where she would later be contained by Monarch for further study.
Tiamat was part of the Titan legion awakened by Monster Zero in 2019, later pacified by the ORCA. Like most, she was not present for Godzilla's claim as Alpha Titan. She returned soon after to the lair she had claimed. Toward the end of 2020, Godzilla entered the Hollow Earth and, while Monarch are uncertain of the exact details, presumably fought with Tiamat over possession of the lair. As Tiamat was later observed leaving the Hollow Earth in search of a new home, it is clear Godzilla had emerged victorious.
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(Pictured above: Drew E. Johnson's full-body sketch of Tiamat, part of a collection of drawing Titans he had been assigned to study)
Sometime before 2027, Tiamat would claim a natural radiation hotspot in the Arctic Circle, the largest known source on the planet, as her domain, resting within a particular glacier absorbing energy and building up her strength.
In 2027, while absorbing radiation to build his own strength for the coming conflict with the Skar King and Shimo, Godzilla hunted down Tiamat to her Arctic domain and attacked the glacier she was resting within to draw her out. Following a brief battle where both Titans seemed evenly matched, Godzilla fired a blast of atomic breath that tore through Tiamat's body and dismembered her. Godzilla then retreated into the glacier himself as Tiamat's remains floated to the surface.
And there you go! Following news of her death, some in the public have expressed outcry over Godzilla's decision to kill her, noting that it seemed to break his pattern of only killing those who were an immediate threat to the balance of nature, and positing that Tiamat was simply keeping to herself and not being a threat.
While we cannot speculate how Godzilla truly thinks, what's done is ultimately done. Much as is the case with Scylla, this is all we can report on Tiamat unless either new findings come up or another of her species emerge.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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Godzilla vs. Scylla
(In a Nutshell)
Scylla: I has fixed my mistake!
Godzilla: Yes, but before that, you has made a mistake.
Scylla: But I-
Godzilla: And many mistakes before that.
Scylla: Wait! I have not-
Godzilla: Many many many many...
Scylla: Actually, I have-
Godzilla: MANY mistakes before that!
Godzilla: So, I still has to erase you.
Scylla: Why?!
Godzilla: You cannot guarantee you would not make a mistake again.
Scylla: But I would not.
Godzilla: But you might.
Scylla: But I would not.
Godzilla: But you might.
Scylla: But I would not.
Godzilla: Oh, we can go round and round! Let's do it again!
Scylla: But I would not!
Godzilla: But you might!
Scylla: But I would not!
Godzilla: I love this!
Scylla: ...
Godzilla: ...
Scylla: ... BUT I WOULD NOT!!!
Godzilla: AHHH!!! BORED NOW!!!
-|| RIP SCYLLA ||-
💐 2019-2027 💐
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lisanees · 17 days
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ericmhe · 1 year
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I stared at most of her panels for a while trying to figure out how she was colored until I gave up and decided I'd do my own thing with the basic colors. Feel like it turned out relatively well.
Honestly it's a little annoying after just how hard I worked on that Ghidorah trying to make it one of my best pictures ever and then I put a lot less effort into this and it looks this neat. Oh well, that's manual art for you.
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ask-the-toy-box · 2 years
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leoprime13 · 2 years
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Am I wrong?
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silver-trashhuman · 8 months
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intertexts · 9 months
hit my FAVORITE places in kc got SO much stuff peace & love on planet earth!!!
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artblooger19moon · 11 months
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Titanus Na Kika
Godzilla Franchise
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catulhu333 · 2 years
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Another AI art, this time drawn by Wombo's Dream AI. I gave as a basis a picture of Jurassic World Dominion's Giganotosaurus and had as a prompt both Giganotosaurus and Godzilla, resulting in a pretty neat combination of the two. (Gigagodzillasaurus?)
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monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Titan History: Scylla
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
While our inquiry into Janos Biotech continues, we return to the regularly scheduled "Titan History" series, where we break down all you need to know about the creatures we now share our world with. For today's communication, we look to the most recent Titan crisis and examine one of the casualties; the Lovecraftian scavenger, Scylla.
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(Pictured above: Scylla rampaging through Rome, prior to being confronted and executed by Godzilla, circa. 2027)
Monarch Database File: Scylla
Monarch Designation: Titanus Scylla
Height: 341 feet
Weight: 20,000 tons
Nature: Bio-Corrosive
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
A colossal cephalopod Titan that appears to have crawled out from the depths of the Cthulhu Mythos, Scylla is among one of Monarch's more recent discoveries, noted as 'Titan 024' in our database. Her discovery was recent enough that, during the construction of Monarch Outpost 55, a proper containment field for Scylla was unable to be constructed. Some of the outpost's operatives erroneously believed she was dead when they found her dormant in Arizona.
Scylla is known to us as a Titan scavenger, able to break down the carcasses of deceased Titans and convert the nutrients into a lethal waterborne bacteria. This ability led to the implementation of new protocols for Monarch's pathology teams when cleaning and disposing of Titan remains. She can also emit an incredibly dense fog-like pollutant, which she uses to feed on radiation sources or cover her while she evades an attacker, and can emit liquid nitrogen from her body. The latter ability in particular has been cited for cooling down the Antarctic ice and stabilizing global sea levels.
Scylla is also surprisingly intelligent, able to take the wreckages of ships and craft them into temporary shells for her body, and is remarkably agile in her movements, enabling her to take on opponents such as Godzilla with ease.
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(Pictured above: The Moai statues of Easter Island. It is believed by Monarch these were built by the Rapa Nui people to ward off Titans like Scylla)
Like with most Titans, not much is known about Scylla's activities prior to 2019 outside of what mythological records allow. It is known that, at some point, Scylla made landfall on Easter Island. Feared by the Rapa Nui people, they erected the Moai status as megalithic scarecrows to deter her, and presumably other Titans as well.
When Scylla was awakened by Monster Zero in 2019, she erupted from beneath Monarch Outpost 55 and made her way to Arizona's capital Phoenix, where she rampaged through the city. She was pacified by the ORCA device's activation in Boston, and was among the few Titans present to witness Godzilla become the new Alpha, bowing down to him as he roared into the sky.
Between this and her next known sighting, Scylla enjoyed a deal of popularity among humanity once Monarch's record of her went public, even becoming a trending topic on social media platform Twitter once her Greek origins were confirmed.
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(Pictured above: Artistic rendition of Scylla engaging the United States Coast Guard and Godzilla over possession of a nuclear warhead, circa. 2020)
Around the end of 2020, Scylla appeared off the coast of Savannah, Georgia in search of food. Her hunger led her to a discarded nuclear warhead, which she fought with the US Coast Guard for possession of. Godzilla arrived shortly after and successfully drove Scylla away after a short brawl. She then made her way to a frozen lake at the tip of South America, claiming it as her new territory. Like with all other Titans, Scylla then returned to dormancy, seemingly under Godzilla's instruction.
She did not stay dormant, however. In 2027, Scylla was lured to the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in India by a reactor beacon created by Skull Island trophy hunter Raymond Martin, who (as Monarch later discovered) wanted to use her to occupy Godzilla's attention so he could proceed with his plans for Hollow Earth. After feeding on the radiation there, she would travel to other locations around the world and feed there, Godzilla always one step behind her.
Scylla attacked the United Kingdom Nuclear Labs in Preston and the Aviano Air Base in Italy, feasting off whatever she could find. Her ravenous feeding had caused her to cease cooling the planet's oceans, and Monarch instead found that she was heating the areas she attacked, causing damage to the ozone layer. After an attempted trap by Monarch failed, she was finally cornered by Godzilla in Rome and killed by a point-blank blast of his atomic breath following a short skirmish.
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(Pictured above: An X-Ray scan of Scylla, part of a compiled bioacoustic database Monarch has on all Titans, circa. 2019)
And there you go! While Scylla's passing means we may not be able to learn more about her, unless new data is found or another of her species emerge in the future, we do take some pride in knowing some people out there came to embrace Scylla, rather than fear her as most would.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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Quick question:
Is Na Kika a male or a female?
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Altura: 87.27 metros
Longitud: 261.81 a 349.08 metros
Peso: 174,545 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Formaciones Rocosas de Manpupuner [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Puño de Tierra y Camuflaje] Fuego Control [Haz de Uranio] Energia Control [Escupitajo de Plasma y Hombro de cañon]
Guarida: Formaciones Rocosas de Manpupuner [Tierra:Teratoverso] Pantano Brumoso [Avatarverso]
Aspecto:Amhuluk (Book of Creatures) + Amhuluk (Godzilla Dominion)
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko
Kaijus y otras bestias: Anguirus, Baragon, Mothra, Rodan, Godzilla
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: King Ghidorah
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