#beta the raptor
ask-the-toy-box · 2 years
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jurassicsickfics · 4 months
Happy 2 years Jurassic World Dominion!!!😁🎈🎉🎊🎆🎇
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swan2swan · 5 months
Okay, so far, for the Camp Cretaceous masterwatch:
Watch CC 101-103
Watch the first flashback of CC104
Start Jurassic World, end when Claire leaves the control room OR when she drops off at the Indominus Paddock OR right before it cuts to Owen
Resume Camp Cretaceous, watch Dave and Roxie's scene
Watch Jurassic World until Indominus escapes, pause right before Claire reenters the control room
Watch until ACU deploys, pause before Hoskins and Barry talk
Return to Camp Cretaceous, pause when Darius gets knocked out
Watch Hoskins and Delta, pause at the end of the scene
Return to Camp Cretaceous, finish the episode
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reginaldubel · 6 months
What do you like most about the Raptor Squad from jurassic world? What if the four had a team attack?
THE RAPTOR SQUAD? man i love them for alot of things but to start off the most obvious one i think its their individuality
i remember going thru the behind the scenes stuff and noticing the tiny little individual details in their models- the fact that delta and charlie have more prominent crests (like the jp 3 raptors) and blue and echo dont,
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i also noticed some slight changes in texture between them (echo and blue)
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echos (left) muzzle is slightly rougher than blues around the ridges which i think is because the official artbook (idk if it was that) of the movie stated that echos DNA is filled with bearded dragon- another thing that i like about them which is having different DNA gaps filled in- you can see how blues ridge is smooth as hell instead !
check out echos scar too ^^
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this is because blue and echo fought for dominance over the group but echo obviously lost and had to get jaw surgery or something, but its little details like this that i also like
they seem to have different personalities judging by their body language, and im pretty sure some site also said that delta is actually the oldest while charlie is the youngest (could be blue being the oldest though, i really dont know their lore is scuffy)
lastly to not make this too long i obviously love how they have so many colors going on due to the different DNA gaps, while other raptors usually looked the same in a group. if im not mistaken blues DNA has black-throated monitor, delta's im not sure and i dont think i remember, echos bearded dragon and charlie the green iguana ^^
and about the other question- i wouldve loved if they lived on so the other movies had them together, maybe they couldve had a team attack with the atrociraptors- i dont know, wouldve been cool i think, i already expected blue to fight red somewhat due to the merch but guess not :/
really bummed out they just all got killed off like that, they have so many unique things going on, and it sucks how little echo was shown in the movie imo not just cause shes my favorite but her colors are the most unique besides blue- not even her merch gets it right smh
i mean just look at her man
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myfishei · 1 year
be quiet the baby dragon is sleeping now
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okay we have GOT to change Beta Team’s name.
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violet-phoenix-nebula · 7 months
So, somebody told me that people who enjoy omegaverse fanfic would probably be more inclined/willing to check out my Blue/Owen fic even though it's not omegaverse.
So, here's my post detailing said fic. If you're an omegaverse writer/reader, could you consider giving this a try? For obvious reasons, it's not up the alley of most people who read regular fics.
Brief detailing of why under the cut.
Basically, it's the penis-in-cloaca sex. Understandably, people who like standard human × human sex aren't super willing to read that. And I'm trying to build more of a story too, but at the end of the day the first chapter is just sex.
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spinoskingdom875 · 10 months
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Thanksgiving is back. It's time to be with our families and be thankful and blessed for what we have. Our loved ones, football, and the Food! While we enjoy our feast, the Raptors are having a feast of their own. A giant turkey they hunted down, and somehow got cooked for some reason. They began tearing the bird up and serving the meat to one another. Blue tears off a drumstick for her daughter and sliced off a slab for herself. Red tears himself a drumstick and begins chomping on the meat. Beta munches happily on her drumstick, then notices a slab of turkey meat drop to the ground. Echo hurries over to pick it up with her mouth. Then, Delta ran up and slams her jaws shut on the slab. The two vicious predators glared at each other and started tugging the meat, as Beta watches on beside her mother. She continues eating. Another hand rips through the flesh and grabs two big pieces. The Big One gives one slice to Charlie, and they began sinking their teeth into the ripped poultry. They both smiled as they eat their pieces of meat. The raptors all gobbled down the gobbler, chomping and munching the tendered flesh, their faces covered in gravy from the bird. They enjoyed their little Turkey feast in the jungle. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Go spend time with your family, stuff your faces, and enjoy the games. But also remember to be thankful for everything you have in your life. Have a good one now! 🦃🍗🍽️ NOTE: Don't re-upload my Pictures anywhere without my permission, please. Thank you.
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owlcomics101 · 5 months
”Clever Y/N…” Task force 141 x Velociraptor hybrid!reader Head cannons
Warnings: SFW (I am a minor), fluff, blood, language (cussing), mentions of animal abuse/violence (I do not condone), reader is gender neutral
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gif credits: @Deshi Basara
Writers note: If this gets 100 notes I’ll make a series out of this like my fox hybrid one
Context/backstory: Jurassic world AU; The park had been long lost abandoned for over a decade now. What was once a park full of creatures of old was now the ruins to a new world. You were an experiment. A human with the qualities and characteristics of a Raptor. You had the raptor feet, legs, tail. Claws, eyes, and teeth. The task force was sent to Isla Nublar. Back to the old run down park to retrieve a weapon, but little did they know that the weapon was you.
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Price: You see Price as your Alpha. The moment you two met you knew who was in control. Price. He’s the only man you will ever willingly take orders to. The only man you’re afraid of. A muzzle was a common occurrence for you. You were notorious for biting and teething anything you could get your jaws upon. Especially the task force members. Price is the most patient with you about this but this is a problem that needs to be fixed. He either muzzles you or distracts you with a bone like you would do for dogs.
“Ay!” Price pulls you away from his arm sleeve.
“What did we say about biting Y/N?” He glares at you. You immediately stop what you were doing and turn your attention to something else. “No biting ya muppet.”
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Soap was the one to break through to you. He never saw you as a weapon, you were just someone trying to survive. Find your place in the food chain. Soap always kept you calm and grounded even in times of danger or a threat to you and the others. Not even Price could calm you like Soap can. He was pretty laid back with you and let you do about whatever you wanted. He didn’t mind the nipping and teething as long as you were gentle. He was the one to help clean you after missions, including your teeth.
“Oi let’s see those pearly white’s.” Soap says as he gestures for you to open your mouth. You do as asked and he rests his hands on his hip proud of his work.
“Now there’s a smile!”
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Gaz: Gaz is your trainer. Price thought it would be good practice for Gaz if he was your trainer. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two about teaching and be in Price’s shoes for once. You obeyed, but only when food was involved, otherwise Price would have to come down to motivate you to listen to Gaz. The training did well, you were a massive help on the field, but Gaz can’t help but feel bad about it all. You being a ‘weapon’ of massive destruction that he was in trusted to train. It held quite the pressure on him. He’s afraid he’ll turn you into the monster everyone thought you were.
Gaz watches you tear into one of the punching bags, he couldn’t help but picture the stuffing as intestines and flesh being tore out. He could see the cotton stuck in your teeth as blood dripping down and running off your chins
“Y/N! I think that’s enough for today…”
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Ghost: You see Ghost as a beta. You sometimes take orders from him but only if you feel like it. The more irritated he gets with you and more and more you resist his commands and his attempts of control over you. You always snuck up behind him and he didn’t even need to call out to you because you were always there…He wasn’t sure what Gaz has been teaching you but the cold look in your eyes tells him that Gaz wasn’t the first to train you…You wear a head set around your head and neck so he could see out of you and see what your doing. Soap likes to call it Ghost’s “Nanny Cam.”
Price walks into the common room. “Has anyone seen Y/N? I told you all Y/N is not aloud outside unaccompanied!”
Ghost looks over to Price. “Y/N is eating Soap’s cookie stash.”
Soap jumps up wide eyed. “My cookie stash!? Ghost why didn’t you look at your nanny can sooner!?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
The Birdcage
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Jurassic Park: It's Ironic, by Meig of A-Dinosaur-A-Day
What follows is a retelling of the Jurassic Park story, mainly based on the 1993 film, with portions of the original novel used to supplement the story. The main point of divergence occurs when the park is unable to find workable nonavian dinosaur genetic material for cloning, since - as in the real world - dna degrades much too rapidly. Instead, the park consists only of extinct dinosaurs that can be brought back - birds from the last 2.5 million years. What happens after that is, as Ian Malcolm would say, an emerging pattern.
Thanks to beta readers @plokool, @killdeercheer, and @otussketching! Thanks to logo artist @i-draws-dinosaurs for the killer logo! Happy 30th anniversary of the Jurassic Park film!
Fic Chapter Masterpost
Prologue: The Peck of the Raptor
Robert Muldoon had seen much in his forty-odd years on planet earth. A pride of lions tearing into the carcass of a giraffe. An elephant kicking an African leopard into the air. A swarm of hyenas attempting to hunt the wildebeest, only to flee in panic from their hooves. Nile Crocodiles and Hippos fighting over river space, with no obvious winners. Wild dogs hunting him, with coordination and planning he wouldn’t have believed if he hadn’t seen it for himself. Indeed, if someone were to have asked Robert Muldoon if he had seen everything nature had to offer, he would be tempted to say yes.
At least, until today.  
It was a simple transfer operation. Take the new asset from the hatchery complex to their permanent enclosure. Introduce them to their new flock members. Try to not drown in the torrential rain, to hear each other over the violent wind. Remember that humans are warm-blooded and no matter how much the rain soaked to the bone, warmth would return. Go home in time for dinner.
The thought now, of course, made Muldoon snort out loud, though of course no one could hear him. Flock was the moniker the higher-ups had chosen, ages ago, but he knew flocks. This was no flock. Better, really, to call this grouping a pack. Not that it mattered. After this, Muldoon was certain of his course of action.
He had to recommend termination.
Everything had happened so fast. The loud calls of the other assets, anxious for their flock member far away. The container, raised to the pen entrance. Locked in, safety verified. The animal was silent, but they usually were during transfer. Muldoon had chalked it up to fear or hesitancy, though it was odd that it wasn’t calling back to the others. All workers were in their proper positions, so he called for the gate to be raised. And then, before he could register any of it, the asset had rocked against the container, shaking it loose. It managed to reach out, grab onto Jophery’s hand – the scream chilled Muldoon down to the marrow – and suddenly there was no more Jophery, apart from his second hand, grabbing for dear life to the side of the container. On instinct, Muldoon grabbed his hand, and pulled as hard as he could. Jophrey was still screaming, the other workers were shouting and scampering, alarms were blaring from the cage, a gun or two going off pointlessly. The asset, still, remained silent. It didn’t even bite, or claw, or crunch, or tear.
All it had to do was peck – at the temporal artery
Peck again – at the leg – near the femoral –
Peck again – on the neck – blood was everywhere –
A final peck, Muldoon couldn’t even see where, there were feathers and limbs and blood and screams and –
Jophery went still.
Only a few more seconds, and the asset was also down, multiple tranq darts sticking out of various places. Muldoon hadn’t even had a chance to insist on lethal ammunition, but there was no point now. The asset was neutralized. No one was in immediate danger. The alarms were still blaring, and Muldoon was starting to lose his hearing from it, as loud as it was in his ears. But he couldn’t undo Jophery’s grip – it had been so strong; it didn’t even need rigor mortis to lock in – and he found that the slippery blood oozing from Jophery’s neck and face down the arm weren’t helping matters. But Muldoon had been hired for this position for a reason – a few, actually – and he managed to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and remove the hand from his.
Now he was walking, slowly, to his employer’s office, tracking mud and rain and blood down the hall with him. People were running, talking in hushed whispers, angrily arguing. He didn’t much care for these lab rats who never entered the tropical sun, never mind interacted with the very things they were working on. Even now, when their concerns should be one and the same, he heard mentions of rehabilitation, modification, and genetic integrity – worries from individuals who did not have blood on their hands refusing to dry in the humid air. So antiseptic they had removed their own humanity.
Muldoon couldn’t wait any longer. The image of Jophrey’s clouded eyes hung in his mind as he shouted into the hallway.
Ray Arnold stuck his head out from the control room, eyebrows raised over the rims of his glasses. “Hammond isn’t here. Shouldn’t you be getting cleaned up?”
“We have to shut it down.”
Arnold sighed, “You know he won’t do that, Robert.”
“This is the third worker.”
“Yes, but –“
“Third. If you think officials across the water will ignore it at this point, you’re out of your god-damned mind.”
“People die on construction projects, Rob. All the time, in fact.”
“Their corpses don’t usually come back littered with peck marks.”
“We’ve managed all crises up to this point. Hammond insists on moving forward with this asset.”
“All because his impossible pet project didn’t work out, we have to insist on these uncooperative, murder-minded –“
“They’re no more murder minded than a lion or a wolf.”
“Says someone who has never interacted with any of them.”
Arnold sighed, fidgeting with his tie. Muldoon had moved to face him directly, but Arnold continued to look at his computer screen, the lines of code reflected in his glasses.
“I’ll talk to Hammond. If we can’t even get them in the enclosure, maybe it is time to pull the plug.”
“Finally,” Muldoon spat out, “Thank you.”
“Uh-huh.” But Arnold was already back at his computer, not even facing his torso towards Muldoon. So Robert turned and walked back, through the hallway, muddy bloody footprints showing his short journey down the hall and back.
It was time to call up another family.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 months
For Eternity, Chapter 3 (Alastor x wife!angel!OC)
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Alastor x Angel!Wife Oc (Isabel) Rated: Adult - this fic contains content inappropriate for minors. Chapter Warnings: None
@impulsivethoughtsat2am Was darling enough to beta <3 Many thanks, Dearheart.
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord. And my friend runs a Alastor Fic Community
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
“What the fuck is that?” Vox leaned toward the TV, watching the broadcasted battle.
“Probably just another exorcist,” Valentino waved it off, taking a long drag off his cigarette, “Off to find an easy kill.” 
Vox split his attention between the unfolding battle and the countless security cameras he had throughout the Pentagram. Once he had a glimpse of her, he knew she was different. She wore an elegant dress, simple, clean, white. It made her stick out like a sore thumb. 
It was obvious she was an angel. It was equally obvious that she wasn’t one of the warriors who had plagued Hell on an annual basis in the past. She was delicate with large white wings that looked more like those of a dove than the raptor’s wings of the killers plaguing the hotel. 
“Val,” Vox’s volume surged for a moment to get his partner’s attention before he continued in a normal tone, “Look at this…” 
Isabel tucked her wings tightly against her back, throwing a discarded blanket around her shoulders to cover them as best as was possible. The last thing she wanted to do was to draw attention to herself. Her heart pounded in her chest as she wandered the city, hoping to be overlooked in the bustling chaos.
It had been hours and her feet hurt. She was no closer to knowing where to even start searching for her husband or who to ask. It took everything in her to push down the panic as she finally let herself lean against a rough stone wall and see her surroundings clearly for the first time. 
No one looked human, though some looked nearly as human as she did. The vast majority looked nothing like they would have in death, having extra body parts, fur or wildly colored skin. 
It occurred to her that she probably wouldn’t recognize her Alastor down here. The realization that even if she found him, she would never see his face as she remembered it crushed her heart. 
Would his warm brown eyes still sparkle with mirth?
Would the loose curls in his soft hair still make it difficult to tame?
Would his skin still look like he had been toasted by the sun against hers?
Would she know his ever present smile when she saw it?
Would she know him when she saw him?
It wasn’t as if she had escaped change in death either. Her hair was lighter, looking more like spun copper than the warm brown it had been in life. Likewise, her eyes were a rich amber. She had skin that was warmer in death than it had been in life, hardly the rich toasted color of her Alastor’s but warmer still than the icy pale skin that had been so quick to burn in the summer sun. 
Then there were the wings, large, plush, and full of feathers. While many could pull their wings inside them, she could not. They dominated her features, insisting on being the first thing anyone ever saw when she walked into a room.
Would he know her if he saw her?
Tears stung at her eyes as she realized how hopeless the situation was. How do you look for someone when you didn’t know what they looked like? When you didn’t know what name they could go by? Or where to even start?
Part of her heart whispered that it would have been better to just stay in Heaven. If she had given up on her Alastor, she could have moved on. 
She never would have given up on him, though, even if she wanted to. She had spent decades waiting and hardly found any moments of anything more than fleeting happiness. If it came down to it, she’d rather a final eternal death if such a thing was even possible and nothingness over just sitting and waiting for him or worse, knowing she would never be with him again. 
It was better to act, that’s what he had always said. It was better to take the risk. It was better to step forward. It was better to do something. 
“And what do we have here?” The voice was male, perfectly smoothe and welcoming, “What’s a little bird like you doing crying on the street?” 
“Oh,” Straightening, she scrubbed the tears off her cheeks. Crying in the open in Hell probably wasn’t a good idea. 
“Excited about the extermination’s cancelation?” 
Looking up from the dirty sidewalk, her eyes followed long blue clad legs and a slim torso. Across his chest rested long arms, crossed as he leaned over her slightly. Broad shoulders blocked out some of the street and a… flat screen TV? Blocked out her view of the roofs across the street and the sky. 
There were a lot of strange and unique bodies in heaven, some that could be a little unnerving to look at until one got used to them but not a single person had a television atop their shoulders. 
A soft slap sounded far too loud in her ears as Isabel clamped her fingers over her mouth, forcefully holding in the scream that had tried to escape. Under his digitized gaze with one eyebrow raised, she struggled to pull herself together.
One deep breath. Two deep breaths. Three. Slowly she pulled her fingers from her face and tested her voice. 
“Oh-ho!” He sounded like he belonged presenting some show, something flashy. “You must be new here, Angel. Yes! The Extermination- our used to be annual slaughter by the Heavenly powers above. Lucky for you, it you just missed the show.” 
“Slaughter?” She struggled to make her brain work. Did he know what she was or was Angel just a pet name form his time, like sweetheart or doll from eras past? 
“Yes, slaughter!” A dinging cacophony of noise sounded from the strange man. “They come down here, send anyone they can catch into their final death and go back up to Heaven’s gates to celebrate a job well done.” 
“Final death?” 
The digital face clearly broadcasted his amusement as he laughed, “Oh, you are just too dear. Come along, it’s dangerous on the streets for someone like you.”
“Like me?” She didn’t really see any reason to not follow the man. He seemed safe enough at least. The reality was she had to trust someone, with no food, nothing to drink and no understanding of how the world of Hell worked. 
The reality was that she was in Hell now. Could she really trust anyone to really be safe? On the other hand, if her Alastor was truly down here then maybe the bar for falling was a lot lower than she and some people could be trusted. 
“New here.” The man tilted his screen down as he lead her to a sleek car and opened the passenger door. 
“I didn’t catch your name, Sir?” She hesitated in front of the open door. It’d been decades since she’d ridden in a car, not since her life and leaning against the back of the seat with her wings behind her sounded uncomfortable.
Vox ushered in into the car, disregarding her hesitation with a firm hand, speaking at the same time. “Where are my manners! The name is Vox and I’m you’re new best friend.” 
Nerves danced in Isabel’s stomach as Vox navigated the streets easily as they sat in silence. The rough streets gave way to smoothe concrete and gleaming glass in no time at all. It felt cold in a way that she couldn’t explain. 
“So, dollface- Do you have a name or should I just keep calling you Angel?” 
His voice drew her eyes to him. It was unnerving looking at his face at an angle, it was too thin and too flat. If she could help it, she’d only ever look at Vox from a fairly head on angle, she decided. 
“Isabel,” She hesitated for a moment longer, “My name is Isabel and yes, I’m… new here.” 
The fancy car pulled up in front of a large building that gleamed, reflecting the lights that seemed to be everywhere in this area. People milled around and shops everywhere sold tech or clothing, everything appearing to be only of the highest end. 
“Wait there,” Vox said, stepping out of the driver’s side as she looked for the door handle. “I’ll get it.” 
A gentleman, she mused. Her Alastor would never let her open her own doors either. In the best days of their marriage, that sweet time when their love had been fresh and exciting, she would sometimes rush to try and open a door before he could get it for her. Their laughter would ring out, drawing disapproving eyes at the display of childish glee. 
Vox held his hand out for her, light reflecting off the claws, highlighting how sharp and dangerous they were. After a moment of hesitation, she slipped her fingers into his palm with a whispered word of thanks. The palm of his hand was soft. Strong fingers gave way to sharp metal talons wrapped around her hand, holding her securely. 
“You don’t need that,” Vox tossed the blanket she kept over her wings to the ground. Someone rushed to clean it up but Isabel hardly got a glance of them before she was pulled along by Vox. He didn’t so much as glance back at the man rushing to clean up the blanket or the man who slipped into the driver’s seat to park the car. 
Holding her hand up, the way he lead her into the building looked more like parading a newest toy than leading a guest to onlookers. Reporters and paparazzi lined the sidewalk, held back by ropes and large beasts in suits, yelling questions and snapping pictures. 
In the back of her mind, alarm bells sounded faintly. Who has a red carpet walk set up at all times? Was this staged? Why?
“And what brings you and your pretty little wings to Hell, little bird?” Vox leaned down at her, grin cutting across his screen as they crossed the modern lobby and entered the elevator. The building was peaceful in contrast to the clammer of noise outside. 
“Oh, you know, the usual.” Isabel was torn on how much, if any, she should tell Vox. How much could she trust him?
“You can trust me, Isabel.” Vox’s eye seemed to move with his words and she did want to trust him. “‘The usual’ for an angel ending up in Hell is mass slaughter. No offense but Doll, you don’t look like the mass murder kind.” 
“Angel?” She tried to put on a face of surprise. 
“You didn’t think you could hide what you are here?” Vox laughed but there was an edge to it that she didn’t like. “What brings you here?”
“I-” She hesitated again, looking at his too flat digitized face as the elevator moved up higher and higher. 
“You can trust me!” Vox insisted and she relaxed a little more each second, “I’ve done nothing but help you, riiiight?” 
“Right,” Isabel took a deep breath and shook her head. She had to trust someone and he was right, he had done nothing but help her. If not him, who? “I’m looking for my husband. He… He never joined me in… up there.”
“You sacrificed Heaven to be with your husband?” Vox laughed, “They’re not going to just let you back, I’m sure.” 
“If I’m with him, it’s worth it.”
“And if he moved on?” Vox put on a face of concern. 
“I’ll let him go, I guess and figure out how to make my own life. At least I’ll know.”
 She wasn’t sure she would actually be able to move on or make a life independent of Alastor in truth. That wouldn’t be his problem though and she wouldn’t make it his if someone new had taken their place at his side. Or if he didn’t want anyone at his side at all anymore. 
They’d been apart for decades and people remarried. They did that in Heaven, surely the same could be said of Hell. He even could have remarried in life for all she knew, she had died young and Alastor could have had many years with a new bride.
He could have had a full life with someone else. Kids. A family. He deserved all of that, if he had wanted it. 
“Who’s the lucky hellion who has an Angel willing to fall for him?” Vox sounded uninterested as they exited the elevator on an upper floor. “Maybe we could work out a deal, I’m a powerful man you see and I’ve got a way of getting information.” 
“You’d be willing to help me?” Isabel’s heart swelled. 
“Sure!” Dinging noise sounded from Vox as his smile widened from the bored smirk that seemed to be his baseline. “We’ll work out the details but first, who’s the lucky lad?” 
“I’d be ever so grateful for the help,” Isabel rested her hand on his arm as she spoke her earnest gratitude, unaware of the dangerous game she was playing. “His name is Alastor, he-”
Lights flickered and died in the hall. Vox’s screen garbled before going blue. Though the moment was brief, only a few short seconds really, it had Isabel’s heart racing. Warning bells rung in her mind. 
And then, Vox’s face was back with his confident smile. “Alastor you say? Quite the uncommon name!”
“What was that?” Isabel stepped away from Vox only to be ushered back to his side by a hand on her mid back.
“Oh, just a power surge. The grid here is unstable, a hellish problem for a hellish realm. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.” 
That felt like a lie but she had no real reason not to trust him. Well, no reason except that he was seemingly a powerful man in Hell.
Vox led her into what looked to be a large lounge room. It looked nice enough, though she didn’t personally ever evolve her taste in decor beyond her life. The modern look always felt so cold to her. 
“Wait here, I’m just going to jump out and have a word with my partners, see what we can do. Make yourself comfortable.” 
Tag List: @preciousbabypeter, @catticora, @alastor-simp, @alastorthirsty
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ygobigbang · 4 months
Announcing the completion of YGO Mini Bang 2024~!
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We have just finished the postings for this year's YGO bang, so thank you very much to everyone from the mod team! You have all been so great, and we couldn't have done this without you!
With this completed, we will now start working on a bigger, better bang, so make sure to follow us for updates.
Below is a completed list of all YGO Mini Bang 2024 works. Please enjoy from the bottom of our hearts!
S0/Duel Monsters
Before//After by - IAmAllYetNotAtAll ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
A Day With A Girlfriend by millenniumwriter ↳ART by SaintArtemis - twitter
Checkered by mysticalflute - tumblr ↳ART by miran - tumblr | twitter
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200 by dxmichelle - tumblr ↳ART by dreamydelite - twitter
Dungeons and Discord by yugirl - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tumblr
Freefall by lysimachias - tumblr ↳ART by Otter - tumblr
Let's Make A Deal by RosalindHawkins - tumblr ↳ART by Leech - tumblr
Love, and Other Things by Beni_O2 ↳ART by Elly - tumblr
Marmalade Skies by Soryenn ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
Should I Know You? by SerenaJones ↳ART by Artnijna - tumblr
Stop and Smell the Flowers by cynassa ↳ART by Kero - twitter
A Welcome Sight by ArienElensar - tumblr ↳ART by cait - tumblr ↳ART by Schatten-Light - twitter
Again by PaulaAna - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Friendship is Stored in the Frosting by TheEvilAuthoress ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
A mirror image by Dazy_izuzai - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Colors Changing Hue by LuckyLadybug ↳ART by Alphabet - tumblr
Dew of Life by Firebull ↳ART by Kira - tumblr
if you want to be loved, say it out loud by Tenka - tumblr ↳ART by oudkee - tumblr | twitter
All The Pieces by Michio_Mokota ↳ART by Kero - twitter
And Yet All in the Sunset Shall Listen by IVMysteryNumbers - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
The Moon Man, Reporting From Earth Hours 17 to 19 by Scattered_Irises - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
Do AIs Dream of Baby Dragons? by seiyuna - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by kuppatan - tumblr
The Inaugural Solo Debut by merryfortune - tumblr ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
my eyes locked on you/after holding my breath by Wayfinder_Rinku ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Selfish Unto Death by CrimsonfireSilvermelody ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Planless Plan by Gohan - tumblr ↳ART by Ryuu - tumblr
Curse of Rose by seventhdoctor - tumblr ↳ART by Porch - tumblr
Fusion Tag by rainbowkuriboh - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tubmlr
YGO Mini Bang 2024 Ao3 Collection Here
Our biggest and warmest thank you to the writers, artists, and betas of this mod team's first event!
@4lpabet | @arien-elensar | @artnijna | @caitlin-makes-stuff | @ciescen |
@cynassa | @darkmagicians | @distortedwhite | @dreamymochapie | @dxmichelle
@iamallyetnotatall | @ivmysterynumbers | @kaiseryuki | @kira-hayashi | @kuppatan
@kuriboo | @leechysmile | @meda-princess | @merryfortune | @mystical-flute
@neoasari | @nini-the-mirror | @oudkee | @raptorbooty12 | @rymyanna
@sabellabella | @seventhdoctor | @skiel-infinity | @texasdreamer01 | @the-kings-of-games
@winkle-pickers | @worstofyam6 | @yugirl | CrimsonfireSilvermelody (Ao3) | Firebull (Ao3) | LuckyLadybug (Ao3) | RosalindHawkins (Ao3) | RheaLightning (Ao3) | saint_artemis_ (X) | Schatten-Light (X) | seiyuna (Ao3) | SerenaJones (Ao3) | Soryenn (Ao3) | Temple of Bo
We hope to see you again in the future!
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hello can I ask for multiple xenomorphs platonic hc?
Well, okay, this may be short as they are meant to be vague when I write them. So take this small concept of a group of three xenomorphs taking to a scientist darling.
Mostly because scientist/xenomorph stories are a trope I enjoy- This is not realistic without a reason, of course, but it doesn't need to be.
Yandere! Platonic! Xenomorphs
Short Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking implied, Jealousy, Possessive alien pet(s).
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As a scientist for Weyland Yutani you were put in charge of three xenomorphs.
Let's give them names.
Since birth you had labeled them as Subjects Alpha, Beta, Gamma.
Each has the greek symbol burned into their exoskeleton.
You considered them triplets, despite being born from three different hosts.
Once they were branded they were sent to you as their caretaker.
Congrats, now you're the parent of three aliens.
Then you grew used to the chestbursters that roamed close to you in and out of containment.
Honestly, the fact they took to you is surprising for everyone involved in the experiment.
You were scared of taking care of them at first.
Their skin is soft yet still sleek, not quite hardened.
They act like snakes and slither around you.
Sometimes they slither up your leg, your arms, or even lay on your shoulders.
That is until they get older and all three become young xenomorphs.
That's when you have to limit physical contact.
At this stage of their life... tails, claws, and teeth as considered deadly to you.
You find it strange when they chitter softly towards you, ramming into the glass for your comfort.
For example if you put your hand on the glass, they'll press their head towards it with a soft thunk.
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma prove to be loyal to you.
You care for them enough to defend them against your higher ups.
This makes them overprotective over you.
Their behavior is rather limited in captivity.
When others are around you they may act more hostile, but that's about all they can do.
Xenomorphs are rather intelligent.
There's no doubt the three would escape at some point.
When do they not?
It would be a complete surprise to you but your three test subjects are gone.
You need to be on your toes and aware of your surroundings.
This is because their next plan of action would be hunting you down.
In their eyes, you're their parent.
Not quite their Queen, but someone who took care of them.
When you aren't looking, the large xenomorphs will sneak behind you from the vents and grab you with outstretched claws.
Once escape is complete the three would take care of you the best they can.
They are adaptable so they're try to all be like you at times.
Imagine if you pet them when they were younger... so to calm you down they try to pet you too.
They'd also do the classic xenomorph chittering, clumping close to you in an attempt to keep you safe.
If it gets cold outside they may push you down then crawl on top of you.
This is an attempt to warm you, the bug-like aliens curling around you in this strange lump of shelled creatures.
Think of them similar to raptors or wolves.
They are pack animals and are hostile towards other creatures.
They do not hesitate to harm those around you.
As they've grown up around you they like more human activities.
Hugs and cuddling for example-
The xenomorphs adore each other as siblings (most likely sisters), and you as their parent.
They try to take care of you as thanks for taking care of them.
As you are technically their parent you have more free will.
For example, you may be able to go home but you'd have to smuggle them in.
They refuse to part from you.
Which means if you take them home they deem your house as the nest.
Expect resin to coat your walls and you never being alone without the aliens watching you.
It's not like they "sleep", the acid in their blood acts like a battery.
They're always up and alert.
Overall having xenomorphs in any capacity is dangerous.
The government of your planet may find out about it...
You could get hurt by them or their young...
Xenomorphs are also incredibly possessive, so good luck training your little pack of killing machines.
You're going to need it.
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dearinglovebot · 12 days
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bored. throws raptor grandmother and not-so-baby beta at you
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likesunsetorange · 6 months
What are your favorite multi chapter eremika fics
some of these may be repeats from the other lists! but these are my favs that i’ve read! (also some might not be complete)
the promised princess by @dead-dolphins was a fav even before i started beta reading for to but im def biased LOL
of raptors and hares by rabbitgoddess
i dreamed i left you by @liquorisce one of my favs favs favs
right where you left me by zeninclan a cute college/fwb/friends to lovers/second chance au!!! like it has it all technically lol
came out swinging by fevversinherhair
death’s the lover by @littlerosette eren in this one is one of my fav erens tbh
single parents au by @karizard-ao3 i’m a bit biased bc kar and me talk about it all the time but i really love this au and i can’t wait for them to finish so they can post the rest! from what they’ve shared w me i love it a lot and i have some strong opinions about some of the characters LOL
porcelain menial by @cxcassii LOVE CASS AND THIS AU!
serendipity & blood red and sweet by @strscrossed i’m biased towards serendipity bc i beta it BUT i still love it sm i love actor au’s LOL and the royalty au was the first fic i read by stella and one of my fav em fics i read before i joined the fandom!!!
yall are making me run out fic recs LMAOOO
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myfishei · 9 months
Why does everyone want to interact with beta?
It's because he's cute
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