#Good FriendsTM
marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
Do you know anything about how queer women/sexual and romantic relationships between women were seen during the 18th/early 19th century, particularly in France? Im asking cuz I know that rumors of Marie Antoinette having sexual relations with her female favorites were used in propaganda against her, so I felt curious about how ppl in pre-revolutionary viewed lesbians; was it seen as "perverted" and just as taboo as male homosexuality?
So, as I understand it- and pre-revolutionary France is not my primary era, keep in mind -it was lewd if sexuality was involved. If people could imagine that they were just Super-Good Devoted Chaste FriendsTM, that was less likely to be looked down upon. However, contrary to some pop history sources, people WERE aware that sapphic sex existed. And even actual Super-Good Devoted Chaste Friends could find themselves accused of it if one or both parties became unpopular with the accuser. When those parties were both public figures...it could get ugly.
That's why claims that a famous historical figure was queer have to be taken with a grain of salt if they come exclusively from that figure's enemies. It sounds rather homophobic to say "it was just slander," but it's not necessarily that the historian thinks having gay sex is a bad thing- it's that the accuser probably did, and therefore might use the idea to damage someone's public reputation. If there's no other evidence, as with Marie Antoinette, it's not considered a credible claim of homosexuality for that historical figure.
tl;dr- Devoted friendships verging on romance between women good; sexual relations between women either titilating (for men) or Bad. And sometimes the former was used as "proof" of the latter if someone wanted to slander the parties involved
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kerryweaverlesbian · 2 days
It does annoy me to see those shippy posts that are like lists of activities "that we do platonically" (with the implication that it's not platonic). But actions aren't ever inherently romantic. I could sleep in the same bed with someone and brush their hair and kiss them and have sex with them and hold their hand when we walk and snuggle on the sofa with them and make them packed lunches with cute little notes of how I hope they're having a good day and get a cat together and plan a life together. And they could be my best friend with no romantic attachment required. It's about intent and what you decide together that your relationship is, right?
Which is not to say "them in the [fictional media] aren't gay stop making everything about that they could be Just FriendsTM", because in the fictional media there is (probably) framing of the actions in a romantic light demonstrating romantic intention and feeling. And if not in the media itself, whatever fan works are being created for them would. But merely listing actions as romantic without that framing...it's not the same and to me it reads as devaluing platonic relationships as a whole. Which I'm sure is not the intent!!
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electric-bluejay · 5 months
You're cool and I'd like to become like FriendsTM with you but our venn diagram of interests doesn't overlap very much and I can never think of a good excuse to initiate conversation
OMGGGG hi <3 I'm not good at initiating conversations either!!!!!!!!!
what kinda stuff are you into?
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ritasaysrelax · 2 years
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Character Information*
Rita Jacobs / She,Her / 28 years old / Lounge Singer at ‘Snake Eyes’ Casino & Bartender at ‘Mount Olympus’
Rita is your resident ‘here for a good time, not a long time’ gal and you’ll be lucky to really know anything about her. She’s super charming, very friendly and is totally friends with everyone! Um, just not close friends. You know how it is...
Grew up in New York city, living there for the majority of her life before bouncing around. She had roots there- real, deep, connections- and then she left. And decided to never do that again, thank you very much!
Ended up in Redwood Hollow after drifting for what felt like forever. There was something almost comforting about just how homey, ‘know your neighbour’, it is here. It feels like she could really be a part of something- if she wanted to.
Loves to dance and kiss pretty people before never calling them back! She was really just trying to chill out and look hot, to be perfectly honest. Never dwell too long on things that might hurt her feelings- the usual stuff.
When Halloween happened and she got a batch of the Bad PepsiTM, it gave her a big ole dose of existential crisis. She knew everybody, she had so many friends (right?) and she had people that cared about her (right?). She let people care about her and know her, right? Wrong.
So yeah, we’re just kinda going Through It in this Chili’s tonight.
Extra Links*
Intro Post - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/paigescxlly/rita-jacobs-the-brains-beauty/ - RP Blog: https://paigerambles.tumblr.com/tagged/c:%20rita%20jacobs - About
Wanted Connections*
Exes / ex hook ups - Rita is (of course, itsa me!) bi-bi-bi! And just #badatlove so would love to have some ex-almost relationships. They could have had it all! Or maybe they brought out the worst in each other? Or maybe they used to hook up but things got complicated or they might actually be good friends (think Mark Sloan x Callie Torres).
*Ex #1 - @rangerbuzzlightyear *Ex #2 - @chelsea-katz
#Ghosted - they talked and it was epic but then the sun came up... Basically, these two really did vibe and it toed the line of being something #real so, naturally, Rita had to disappear faster than you could say ‘hey, here’s my number’.
Past Connections - so, they knew each other before Redwood! Either in New York or wherever Rita was drifting around. Bonus points if she conned you out of your wallet or at least a few martinis- I’m imagining fake names and a very convincing backstory about being with the band, or something.
Flaky FriendsTM - either they’re both a mess and could try harder or Rita is always bailing on your character. After the #poising incident, Rita is now trying to make amends and reconnect with them.
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
'Take a drunk girl home, let her sleep all alone.mp3′ - (not actually gender specific) but Rita helped your character home one night from the lounge or bar, or maybe they were both just out and about. She held their hair back when they threw up, listened to their drunken rambles and made sure they didn’t fall asleep in their shoes. 
‘Take it outside, pal!’ - Rita caught you on a bad night but you were causing just even trouble she had to toss you out of the bar! Maybe now things are awkward or there’s a grudge! Maybe the memory of that night hasn’t quite come back to them until... 
‘You only call me when it’s half past five’ - so this can either be for your character at Rita or vice versa! But they never really hang out under normal circumstances. They only ever call them when they need a ride home or are feeling lonely, or are being a mess. They tell them secrets and pretend they never kissed. Still, either one of them still keeps picking up the phone.
Taken Connections*
Nani Pelekai - bestie but in the way she knows that Nani already has #1 besties. @themanagerisavampirex
Mary Gibbs - #1 girlies! If she has time for anyone, it’s Mary @itsmarygibbs (@magicaladamlegrand for Adam’s knowledge!)
Alice Little - Rita was getting closer to Alice after their re-appearance, checking up on them and bonding. Until it all went wrong on Halloween... Rita didn’t mean to keep secrets from Alice, she just wanted to know that they were okay. Now it’s all messed up. @xalicethewonderx
Arista Neptune - Rita definitely wanted to start a flirtationship with Arista which has now spiraled into the potential for something more...more- which is very scary. Finds herself thinking about her and her sunshine disposition way too much. @aristaneptune
Morgan - Morgan is just a ray of sunshine, Rita loves to catch up with them whenever they can for a good time and gossip. @mxmorganmorph
Oz Borror & Hayden Bodaway - her respective employers at her two jobs. @ozborror-highroller , @haydenbodaway
Patrick Patterson - did you know Rita had a roommate? Well, souprise! @patrickpattersxn (also @paxtonpatterson and @itspersephxne I feel like this can give us some shenanigans too!!)
Iridessa Sol - thinks she’s an absolute babe!!! @iridessa-sol
One character from the open tag you would like to see taken / added to the Most Wanted page: Shinda Proud!!
One Character you want to see a bio for in relation to this specific character: I would love- love- to have a Dodger!! There would be angst. There would be feeling! There would be history!!
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dont-u-know-it · 11 months
Fuck.. I’ve had a crush on one of my best friends for a while and for so long I’ve thought it was one-sided and that she was just naturally flirty with everyone. She IS, but not to this degree. She has been giving stronger and stronger hints for the past few weeks and now I’m pretty sure she just straight up told me that she wants to be more than friends. I have already decided for myself that we can’t be a thing because of her frankly horrific attitude towards certain things and people. My sister also doesn’t like her at all and that is kind of a deal breaker too.
Shit.. like, I’ve never been in this kind of situation before. As in it is theoretically possible because I’m actually attracted to her and I do really like (most of) her and we are really good friends and I don’t want to ruin that in any way. I really really like our relationship as it is now because it is fun and playful and a bit flirty but not enough for it to be anything else that that. I’ve had a couple guy friends with crushes that I’ve turned down, sure, but they are guys and I’m a lesbian so that would never work anyway.
I guess this is the classic trope of “two lesbians flirting with each other and none of them dare take the first step so nothing happens and now they’re in a weird limbo between a romantic relationship and Good FriendsTM”
This is stressful and confusing and I don’t like it but at the same time at least it brings about some sort of finality to it all and that should mean less stress, right?
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
,, how funny would it be if i made sylvester be monogamous,, and just be Really Good FriendsTM with his partner's S/Os,,,
pure "yeah this is my husband and those are his 2 boyfriends. what the fuck do you mean him giving me heart-eyes and flowers for my birthday mean hes into me, hes just A Nice Guy like that! jesus, people these days,," energy /j
maybe that'd explain his inability to have more than 1 romantic S/O per au LMAO
It’d be so funny, bestie. I think it’s hilarious.
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
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Excuse you, that is Adrien’s comfort Marinette whom he likes to hold very closely. For comfort. 
for Day 2 of @adrinetteapril Hold Tight
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Part 2 of the 911 characters as Justice League!
Green Lantern Eddie Diaz!
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nightlilly0110 · 2 years
Love how in The Owl House they didn’t present Willow’s team as “oh my god these people are pathetic we only have a few hours to Get Good and we will bond as Best FriendsTM when we lose” but just straight out of the gate went “hey don’t judge people by your first opinions of them and also they’re not required to be doing everything flawless every second of the day.”
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beeistrying · 3 years
The crows as high school students (1/7)
( I’m from the UK so this is more based on 6th form in my school, idk what it’s like in other places )
The Crows
- they aren’t ‘ the popular friendsTM’ but they’re the most well known group
- this is mostly because of how weird a group it is.
- they don’t seem to have ANYTHING in common. Most of them don’t even have any classes together.
- and people have seen them fighting often ( mostly someone VS Kaz ) although it seems pretty playful and lighthearted teasing these days as opposed to the previously heated arguments.
- they all travel to school together in some way or another. Usually Kaz and Inej, Jesper and Wylan and Nina and Matthias. Although Matthias has this people carrier ( Jesper calls it his Milf Mobile ) and sometimes they all pile in if they spent the night together.
- they all wear little crow enamel pins on their uniforms.
- they all eat lunch together on the roof, much to the confusion of the entire student body . ( students aren’t allowed on the roof. No one has even definitively seen them up there but a few people have seen one or two of them disappear over the edge of the roof )
- takes some weird ass subject combo. Like maths, English, biology and business.
- takes extra classes outside of school because they hate fun.
- top of the class in EVERYTHING
- uses he/ they pronouns. Jesper gave him little a little pronoun pin.
- he made head boy. No one is remotely surprised by this.
- immaculate uniform. Still wears his gloves every day but no one asks about it since the last person who asked ‘ accidentally’ fell down three flights of stairs.
- somehow has access to literally every single room/ block in the entire school. Is he a music student? No. Is he allowed to use the really fancy, upper student only production equipment? Yes. They can and will sit in the staff room to do their work.
- he isn’t a teachers pet but he is a favourite. They’re quiet, polite and do all their work on time.
- that’s not to say he’s not trouble. He just doesn’t get caught.
- the students know though.
- but he’s pretty helpful as long as you pay him so no one ever tells ( even if they did teachers wouldn’t believe them )
- absolutely still trips people with his cane but only when they deserve it. Or they take the last croissant from the canteen.
- they have an elevator pass but he doesn’t use it most days ( only when his leg is bad ) they let Nina borrow it.
- he’s weirdly popular? He doesn’t actually have many friends but he’s school famous. That person that so many people have a crush on or want to be friends with but realistically would never approach because he’s scary and intimidating and they heard he broke someone’s leg once.
- there’s a good bit of heated debate on what he’s actually like. Some people think he seems too quiet and polite to be violent or really scary, and the most he does is sell homework answers. Other people say he’s secretly terrifying, just good at not getting caught. He’s really mysterious.
- he photo copies his homework before he does it, fills in the extras with like 60%, 70% or 80% right answers, then sells them to classmates who didn’t do theirs at different price points depending on the % of right answers they want.
- they bring hot coffee into every single class somehow. It’s not even in a thermal cup. It shouldn’t be possible but he has it every single class. ( people find this quite pleasant actually, the rooms he uses always smell like a coffee shop. Teachers tried to tell him off for it but he didn’t stop and they just gave up )
- they use a black satchel thing for his books instead of a backpack.
- he does have a legitimate job outside of school but no one can figure out what is is.
- he knows how to drive, but he doesn’t like it so inej usually takes him on her motorcycle.
- he lives in a flat by himself. Jordie is working in Europe and Asia and sends him enough for rent and groceries, and he has a pretty good part time job ( plus all the money he makes in school ;) ) so he’s doing ok. They get free school meals but he only likes the desserts so he gives them to Nina.
- helps with organising school events. He’s really good at doing budget spreadsheets and organising things.
- despite organising the events, they almost never go to them. Recently Jesper and Nina drag the whole group along, but even then he mostly keeps to himself.
- no one really knows if he and inej are dating ( they are )
- early acceptance to Cambridge with a HEFTY scholarship.
- overall he just really needs to go to bed.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Lanyon: We are :))) the Best of FriendsTM :))))
Jekyll: Yeah :)))) Just :))) Dudes being Bros :)))
Lanyon: We are so good friends :)))
Jekyll: Like :))) Achilles and Patroclus :)))
Lanyon: Yeah :))) Really good friends :)))
Rachel, watching them while snacking on popcorn: Weren't Patroclus and Achilles lovers? 'N basically refused to ever be separated because they loved each other so much?
Jekyll: Really good bros :'))))
Lanyon: The straightest of pals :))))))))))
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
I don’t usually talk about Angel. But damn if s12 of Buffy didn’t leave me with something to say. They really fucked him over in the comics.
I mean, season 8 alone. Just. Holy shit. Making Angel - not Angelus - the main villain throughout the season. Pulling a half-hearted “he was being manipulated into it though :/”, which... I just... “here, you can have superpowers and you will get to bang Buffy” is not really... I don’t... I just...
In the confrontation between Angel and Buffy and the resulting banging, it’s really made clear that he made those choices. The ones that led to literally hundreds of dead people. He was presented with this weird premise by Twilight and he took it and he became Twilight. He chose that, that’s made clear when Twilight actually starts mind-controlling him - because that would not have been something necessary if Twilight had already been controlling his mind.
And then they set it up like Angel and Buffy are these epic actual soulmates, destined to be together by the universe itself. And you think. Okay. So we’re going with Bangel endgame then? And in such a large scale? Wow.
But lol nope mindcontrolled Angel kills Giles and will then be shipped off the series and Buffy will not be able to even look at him again until Giles is resurrected.
This bad boy can fit so much angst already. Was it... necessary to make him feel guilty for killing Giles too? I mean, yes, of course it was, because otherwise Whedon would have to make an actual choice on an endgame romance and he clearly is allergic to the very concept. And after making them soulmates, it had to be something huge and impactful to Buffy herself. So, let’s kill her father-figure in front of her eyes.
In the following continuity, everyone just... pretends that Angel was being controlled all along. And. I guess you have to because otherwise you’d have to hold Angel accountable for the hundreds of people he killed. And that’d be incredibly contradictive to the character, right?
Know what’d have solved that? Not making Angel kill hundreds of people so he can have a Buffy-paradise. It’s that easy. The choice to make Angel the guy who’d been killing Buffy’s Slayers all year long was... an objectively bad one? And let’s not dive into how ridiculous and stupid the whole “the universe wants you two to fuck to give birth to a new universe that will appear as a green lion on fire with wings”, that’s beside the point for this post. (Still had to bring it up though; seriously, just, go with an entirely different concept for s8? Save us from the ridiculousness and Angel from the character assassination. The military, Amy and Warren would have been enough villains to deal with. Didn’t need an “end of the universe” kind of stakes to begin with.)
At this point, I gotta admit I have not (yet) read the Angel & Faith comics. So I’m out of the loop on what they did for, or to, Angel. They helped him resurrect Giles, so yay on that.
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This moment from season 10 really stood out for me. Because yeah. You keep setting him back. Angel finally gets his act together and falls in love with Buffy. He has sex with her for the first time and literally loses his soul. He gets sent to a hell dimension and has to crawl his way back to sanity and when he does. We. Uh. Break him and Buffy up for... honestly I don’t think there was even the most whimsical of excuses for that, but he packs it up and leaves for Los Angeles. He finally has a shot at happiness with Cordelia, he was really falling in love with her... whoops we killed her, she’s a higher being now, but also we bring her back so she can be an incubator and have sex with Angel’s son. Which also; we let him have a baby but then the baby gets stolen and raised into a dysfunctional teenager in a hell dimension. We make Angel and Buffy soulmates but we also make him kill Giles and then literally never bring up the possibility of them being a romantic couple again, even though there could have been an angle to work with there.
He’s still the same brooding, miserable sod he’s been a century ago. Because every time that the character gets even just a hint at happiness, it gets snuffed out, validating all of his fears and doubts that keep him in his brooding, sad state.
Season 12 sees him return then and... he’s... with... Illyria now? Can’t really judge how that relationship is since it happens off-screen from the BtVS comics, though I do have... doubts. What with Illyria having been Fred and... now... being Fred part-time due to magic shenannigans. Having a physical relationship with someone who looks like your old friend who died seems already questionable enough without that dead friend getting front-row seats.
Quite frankly, if anything, I was kind of expecting Angel/Faith to be the outcome of the Angel & Faith comics. What with Hollywood’s inability to have A Man and A Woman be paired up without them being paired up. Not to mention, their long history of second chances, starting when Angel quite literally chose Faith over Buffy, when Buffy was out for revenge and Angel protected her from Buffy. So while the BtVS comics were busy setting Spike/Buffy up as a happy relationship, I kind of thought that Angel/Faith would bring... a sense of happiness to Angel and be where that comic series was headed.
That he instead ended up with the ancient god that possesses one of his friends was, once again, a choice. But sure, if Illyria makes him happy. Oops, no, nevermind, season 12 sacrifices Illyria for the greater good and leaves Angel alone. Again.
And that’s it. That’s the absolute ending of things. Angel’s latest girlfriend gets banished to hell with no intel on whether or not she’ll be able to return.
I was already mad about Buffy being screwed over and denied a romantic happy ending in a separate post, but the fact that they gave Angel a romance that seems to make him happy and then banish his partner to hell before the show wraps for good is just... really messed up.
And it didn’t even happen for the sake of pulling a “whoops, Bangel endgame after all”, it’s all very vague and left in the open and everyone is Just FriendsTM and no romantic decisions are being made.
Which is usually something I find satisfying because I like to make the choices myself in the aftermath, but they’ve been taking every little bit of happiness away from Angel over and over and over again and quite frankly, I would have much rather seen him happy, smiling, in Illyria’s arms, than sitting alone brooding in the basement because Illyria got banished to hell.
I understand that the brooding seriousness is an important trademark trait of Angel’s. But... you’re allowed to let him be happy and he’d be allowed to grow emotionally. Or, at the very least, let him be happy in the very end.
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lethimrunsonia · 3 years
ooh! headcanon that all the losers individually ask bill Is Polyamory OkayTM because they all still have a little bit of that kid looking up to him Thing and he's just like ??? yeah you do you ig?? because he's a big oblivious idiot. so then they are all dating each other like yeah! bill said it was okay! and bill is just going along with it like yeah this feels right. feels good, feels like friendship.
Like are they dating him too or is he just left out cause he's a big dumb lmaoooooooooo like oh wait why do I feel like....I want to KissTm my FriendsTm what's going on.
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johaerys-writes · 4 years
Who stole the wine for the WIP asks :)
Thanks for the ask BB!! <3
Okay, I can’t be the only one that jots down ridiculous nonsense on their phone to cheer themselves up on weird days. This is just a small example of said ridiculous nonsense, where Tristan and Dorian are Just FriendsTM and someone has stolen Tristan’s wine:
One day Tristan came back from a mission, wishing for a glass of his favourite wine and a good long sleep. He went into his tent and to the chest where he held his liquor, only to find that his wine was missing. 
Angry and frustrated, he thundered out of his tent. "Which one of you stole my good wine? I don't go out into the fields and watch Cassandra kill darkspawn all day only to have you sorry lot stealing from my liquor chest. So whoever it is, stop taking the piss and bring me my wine." 
"It wasn't me,” said Cassandra. 
“It wasn’t me,” said Blackwall. 
"It was Dorian,” Sera replied. "He did it. I saw him walking out of your tent this morning. I'm sure he had a bottle in his pocket." 
Tristan was greatly disturbed by this news. Dorian was his good friend and Tristan knew him to be an honest man, but he was terribly fond of wine. Perhaps it was he who had dug into his secret stash. 
Tristan would have to get to the bottom of this. 
Later that day, during one of his and Dorian's officially mandated morale boosting friendship baths, Tristan said, "Dorian, my dear sweet perfect friend, did you mayhaps find yourself in my tent today?" 
Dorian, who was very cheerful that day and always looked forward to his and Tristan's friendship baths, said, “Of course, I came there earlier this morning for our officially mandated morale boosting friendship jousting session, don't you remember?" 
"Yes, yes, I remember," Tristan said, feeling quite flustered. "Did you happen to take with you a bottle of fine port from my liquor chest?" 
Dorian laughed, twirling his moustache in a very alluring fashion. "Fine port? My good man, I didn't even know you had a liking for port, and now I'm dreadfully disappointed that you would keep it from me." 
"So you didn't take it? Sera said she saw you carrying a bottle in your pocket." 
"A bottle in my pocket? That's preposterous!" 
"So there wasn't a bottle in your pocket?" Tristan looked at him very suspiciously. "What was in your pocket, Dorian?” 
Narrator Voice: There was no bottle in Dorian’s pocket  👀
I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON HERE, DON’T @ ME 😂  This was written at approximately 3am and I have no some regrets. 
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mittiemoo · 4 years
i am having a lot of FeelingsTM about mcspirk at this point in my life, please, let me show you my pain
i have extensive thoughts about what occurs at the end of the five year mission and through the first batch of trek films, right
so the five year mission is ending - mcspirk has been mcspirking for a while now, how they got together is its own separate thing that DON’T WORRY i’ll inevitably get to discussing another time, but the enterprise is landing soon and the boys are figuring out what’s going to happen next, right
and god. spock. poor, poor spock. he has a Dark Night of the Soul where the conflict between his human emotions (read his relationships with kirk and mccoy) and his vulcan upbringing and heritage and dignity come to a CRISIS POINT, and god bless spock, he just isn’t ready at that point in his life to pick anything other than All Vulcan All The Time. it hurts him, so, so much, but he is determined to go through with kolinahr, because that’s what Good Vulcans Do. 
jim is, understandably, not jazzed about this decision, but in the end i think he comes to a sad, but grounded understanding that spock is doing what he thinks is best for himself, so he lets him go. 
but mccoy. fuck. mccoy can not understand how spock could make this choice. after everything they’ve been through together, after watching them all grow and change together, after spock opened up to them and shared parts of himself with jim and mccoy that he’d never shared with anyone, mccoy can’t believe he’d make that choice. to him, it’s a complete betrayal of spock’s true nature (he’s not wrong) and he can’t accept it. mccoy confronts spock about it and it’s bad. spock is in so much pain that he can’t show mccoy, he is completely shut off from him and that is just the worst for mccoy. ‘at least tell me why, spock.’ and spock says it’s because he must, as a Vulcan, not addressing any of mccoy’s concerns about spock’s human half or their relationship or spock’s relationship with jim, nothing. 
so spock leaves on sad, but relatively stable standing with jim, but as far as mccoy is concerned the spock he knew is dead to him. the sense of betrayal and heartbreak is just too much for mccoy to take. this puts stress on the mckirk dynamic as well, jim and mccoy get in to it about spock, jim’s position being ‘he’s his own man and has the right to choose’ and mccoy’s being ‘it’s not a choice when it’s Vulcan Dignity that’s making the choice for him.’ 
it’s very sad, and very bad. 
mccoy quits starfleet because it’s all just too much for him. jim accepts the rear admiral position to stay earthbound to be with his boyfriend (so sweet), and then v’ger happens. jim gets bones back on his ship in an admirable show of pure finesse, and then, 
even mccoy, who hasn’t yet forgiven spock but has through time come to a begrudging acceptance that it is what it is, forgets his hurt and anger for the briefest moment and is just happy to see spock again
and spock gives him nothing (this scene is brutal in the movie, even without my shipping theory on top of it) and mccoy goes back to being Over It. he feels like a fool for letting himself think just for a second things might have changed. 
then the rest of the movie happens and we get to  T H I S   S I M P L E   F E E L I N G
it’s so good, but it’s also The Worst. of course jim and spock make up, they’re like, th’y’la or whatever, but for mccoy it’s just not so simple. he’s glad that spock’s finally gotten wise and has decided to maybe not sever all ties to the human experience inside his half-human body for christ’s sake, but the pain for mccoy is still there. 
jim is Very Excited to get mcspirk back up and running, but mccoy just can’t do it yet. jim is able to forgive spock with no more questions asked, but mccoy isn’t. mccoy and spock are still both Very Emotional about this whole experience - spock is grappling with what this new choice means for him and how he ever made the choice to kolinahr in the first place, and mccoy just can’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t enough for spock, and still isn’t. as far as mccoy can see, spock doesn’t know or care to know about what this did to mccoy (which he’s wrong about, spock just isn’t ready at that time to do the work with mccoy to have that kind of understanding, spock’s still Going Through It, as it were). 
so for a while, mcspirk exists in a strange, not great open triangle situation with spirk, mckirk, and Just FriendsTM spones. 
mccoy spends this time trying to soften his heart for spock - he learns over time that spock’s just doing the best he can, man, and mccoy does love him and wants him to be happy, but as the years go on and neither mccoy nor spock reach out to each other to broach this gap the Kolinahr made between them, mccoy settles in the idea that this is just how it’s meant to be (it’s not). 
then spock dies LMAO in the absolute most buckwild ‘please take me back’ move of ALL TIME, spock puts his soul in mccoy’s mind and sacrifices himself for the ship. WOW. 
and yes. with spock’s death, mccoy is just, completely devastated, because of course he thought that maybe someday they’d work things out and be together and happy again, but now all mccoy has are the wasted years spent in unspoken strife, and that SUCKS!!
but because mcspirk is endgame, ohoho, mccoy, you can bring spock back, all you have to do is risk your entire human life! 
and OH BOY is that something leonard h. bones mccoy is prepared to do!! absolutely!!!! no question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so mccoy chooses the danger and spock is back now, hooray
and after all this, after ALL THIS SHIT you know what i think mccoy has a realization.  i think he realizes he doesn’t need spock to apologize to him. the time mccoy spent with spock’s soul inside his brain gave him what he needed - the reassurance that spock’s essence is not only rational, but Loving and Good things mccoy’s always known about spock, but for a lot of their time spent together, has felt disconnected from.
and, god, after this, this is when mcspirk really starts going off
because spirk and mckirk have been relatively strong this whole time - the only unstable branch has been spones, and for the first time, mccoy and spock can be on the same page. you know, as much as they’re able to be. 
spock loves mccoy, he’s loved mccoy this whole time it’s just been Difficult, but now mccoy is able to see this without the pressure and weight of a situation that happened years ago. he’s able to appreciate what spock is doing to show his affection toward mccoy now, and they begin a slow and sweet process of courting one another that honestly, as a die-hard spones shipper since 2013, makes me sick with how great its potential is. 
mccoy isn’t worried about kolinahr, he’s not worried about how spock and jim’s connection is  ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘better ’’’’’’’’ than his and spock’s, he’s just taking things as they are, and is having a grand old time with it. 
and, of course, once mccoy is able to do this, once he’s able to get over his pain and just accept spock like jim’s been able to all this time, that’s when spock feels able to let mccoy back in, to let him see how he truly felt all those years ago and how he feels now. 
and then there’s like, whales or something, they go camping, and it’s just smooth sailing for me as far as i’m concerned. the mcspirk is locked, loaded, and not going anywhere. 
*deep sigh*
thanks for hearing me out it’s been a lot, thank you
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inbarfink · 5 years
The Wrightworth Good Omens AU is an Unstoppable Force-Immovable Object conflict between "I think it's better thematically if the Garden of Eden was Aziraphale and Crowley's first meeting" and "If I make a Wrightworth AU where they're not Childhood FriendsTM I will Eat My Own Hands"
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