#Grandpa! Sammy Lawrence
harveyb-wabbit92 · 9 months
Valley, sees her grandfather inspecting a peach: Wait, you can still eat?
Sammy: What kind of question is that?
Valley, flustered: I just thought... Cos ya d-don't have a mouth.
Sammy: What are you on about? I have mouth.
Valley: Hm?
[Sammy moves his mask aside as Valley watches aghast as a smile like slit slowly forms on his featureless face revealing a gaping maw full of shark like teeth, she then watched with morbid curiosity as her grandfather eats the entire peach in one go before spitting the pit out.]
Valley, stares at Sammy stunned:....
Sammy: ....What?
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inkylegacy · 2 months
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shoutout to @ichaisme for seeing just the last panel and going "oh its a The Cage parody!"
that's way funnier than what i was originally going to draw, so here's Sammy and Henry doing a little prison break
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BATIM Sexyman Competition Masterpost
note! these are randomly generated pairs!
vote for your saddest, wettest inkiest, most thirsted- whatever makes a sexyman a sexyman, vote! calling the himbos and himbiciles of the studio, take your picks!
WALLY FRANKS VS HENRY STEIN -> WINNER: HENRY STEIN (80% sorry wally stans... i voted the funky janitor too)
may the sexiest man lose win
loser has to clean my room
aka silent protaganist vs person who should not be allowed to talk but wont shut up GO
prophet vs savior time :3
crusty old men ew
congratulations to all our losers :D winners will be declared sundown tomorrow (when i get back online lol)
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grumpyhedgehogs · 5 years
These Kids These Days with Their Ink Machines
Summary: In which Henry is much too old for this and decides to go home. Surprisingly, this course of action works out well for pretty much everybody.
Notes: I just realized I never cross-posted this on tumblr so here you go. That being said, my Henry is definitely Grandpa!Henry rather than Dad!Henry. He's old and tired, and he wears a bushy beard and ugly sweaters when he shows up to fight demons. As you do. As I said in the tags, only some past violence and very (very) light gore that is depicted in the game. Still, if you are uncomfortable with talking about past murders, steer clear. Otherwise, enjoy! P.S.: The working title of this was: Henry Saves Everybody By Being Old And Grumpy
Henry is standing knee deep in ink and God knows what else when he makes up his mind. It’s a decision he should have made before turning on the Ink Machine, before coming to the studio, hell, before opening Joey Drew’s blasted letter.
It’s a decision he makes, simply, over the ominous creaking in his knees.
“All right, that’s enough for me,” Henry says, and turns right back around to get in the elevator again. In the corner, Boris tilts his head and twitches his nose questioningly. Henry pats him reassuringly on the shoulder.
“No need to worry, Boris.” He sighs and scrubs a gnarled hand through his hair. “I’ve just come to the realization that I’m much too old for these shenanigans.”  
Boris perks his ears and wisely does not agree to Henry being old. Smart wolf.
“Come on then, let’s go talk to Ms. Angel about these ridiculous requests of hers.”
Boris decidedly does not like that plan.
“Come now, little errand boy, you can’t have collected my hearts so easily, could you? Maybe I’ll just have to take yours inst-”
“That’s enough of that nonsense, miss. Please come out here now, I’d like a word.”
Alice doesn’t reply for a moment but Henry can hear a faint indignant squawk before the intercom cuts off. After some time, the doors beneath the “She’s Quite a Gal” sign slide open just a crack. He can see her unearthly eye peering out at him. Her halo glows above her, casting Alice’s face into severe shadows.
Henry is far too tired to come off as half as terrified as he suspects Alice wants him to be.
“Excuse me?” Alice’s tone is dangerous and soft. “You think you can wander into my web and tell me what to do? The more you fight, little fly, the more pain-“
Henry levels an expression he used to use to get Joey to do what he wanted at her. She shuts her mouth with an audible click; after a moment Alice seems to be at a loss as to how to proceed, so Henry feels it safe to step in.
“Now, I need you to listen to what I’m saying, young lady.” She twitches, but his fatherly expression stops her from retreating. “I am much too old for all the hullabaloo that’s going on around this place. I figure if I keep going like this my heart’s just going to plum give out. My doctor told me I have to take it easy these days, you know?”
“Uh,” Alice replies, dumbfound. What is going on? This is not according to plan.
Henry stuffs his hands in his pockets and blows out an exaggerated breath. “Now, I’m thinking we’ve only got a few options here.”
This is the first time he’s heard Alice sound hesitant. “Options?”
“Well yes, as to how we’re all getting out of here,” Henry replies blithely. “Now, I do have a van, on account of never getting rid of it when my kids grew up and went off to college-remind me to show you some photographs, I’ve got them around here somewhere- so I can take maybe five? That’ll fit me, you, Boris of course, and three others. Maybe I could take the Butcher Gang? Hm, but I’d rather like to collect Bendy and Norman myself, I mean someone has to keep an eye on them. Sammy too, for that matter. I know there’s at least one company van left in the parking lot, and it looked like maybe it could still run if we jump started it- do you know how to drive?”
“What,” says Alice. The doors creak open more, revealing her in all her stained glory. Behind Henry, Boris cowers back, pulling his ears down over his eyes. She feels sick vindication at his fear slip through her veins like poison; but Henry doesn’t move.
“Do you know how to drive?” He repeats. “It’ll be much easier to get out if two of us could drive.”
“You-I- you want to leave…”
“…With us?”
“Yessiree Bob.”
“That-That’s so stupid!”
Henry tilts his head at her. “Why?”
“We-I- everyone’s trying to kill you! We’re monsters.”
He looks distinctly unimpressed. “That’s a terrible argument, because I don’t agree with your self-assessment. Besides, I’m sure we can work things out with a nice, rational conversation later. Maybe over hot chocolate, that makes everything better. Now, are you ready to go?”
“But,” Alice glances around uncertainly, a little desperate. She feels like she’s grasping at straws here, like she’s trying to hold onto thoughts that slip through her fingers like water. Boris isn’t cowering anymore. “But why?”
“Oh honey,” Henry says, reaching out arthritic fingers to push her hair out of her face. Alice feels the cold husk in her chest thump once, twice, hard. “Did you think I’d leave without you all?”
Alice only looks a little out of place, standing between himself and Boris. After all the stuttering and wavering she did when he explained their escape plans, the wolf has lost a good bit of that unhealthy fear of the angel.
Not that Henry can blame her. Poor thing has been cooped up all alone in her tower for too long. And who knew how Joey had treated her before that. Young woman just needs some rest and a good talking to, to get her head on straight.
Henry figures he’s retired; he has enough free time on his hands to help with that.
“So, I think I heard Sammy rambling about a few floors up,” He says conversationally as the cage slides into position. “Shall we?”
A few Searchers flop and scramble forward before he even steps out. “None of that now, please,” Henry makes his tone sharp and authoritative. The Searchers stop, motionless. It looks like they turn their heads towards each other for a moment, before looking back at the animator, sightless and bewildered.
Henry looks at Alice. “You know these little guys more than me. Do you think there’s any way to help them out?”
The Searchers perk up at that. One face plants into Henry’s right knee and wraps its arms around his pant leg.
“I-“ Alice falters for a moment, wringing her hands. The sight softens Henry’s expression and Alice seems to find her voice. “I don’t think they can leave the Ink Machine. And they-they’re in pain. The voices in the ink…”
“Oh.” Henry tries to ignore the lump in his throat. All the pain Joey had caused-how much of it could have been avoided if he had been here to talk Drew down? “They’re hurting, aren’t they? And there’s only one way to stop it.”
Alice nods and shuts her eyes for a moment. Boris trembles, but pats her quickly on the shoulder. Memories of being in the ink were never good. “We’ll have to shut down the Machine.”
Henry nods, and gently passes his palm over the Searcher’s formless back. “I’m sorry, little buddy. It’ll be okay soon.” The Searcher nods and turns back to his friends, seeming to communicate soundlessly to them.
Two more Searchers wrap themselves around Henry’s knees before allowing them to move forward. Boris watches quietly as they faded back into the ink puddles.
“Sammy Lawrence, you stop that right now.”
Sammy jumps, fumbling with the paint brush and bucket of ink in his hands. Henry stands a few feet behind him, flanked by Alice and Boris. Sammy tries not to flinch at the sight of the angel. It has been a long time since he last saw her.
“Sheep!” He exclaims, preparing himself to leap forward.
“No.” Henry snaps, and Sammy deflates. “Now, that is no way to treat your workspace, and I‘d have thought a man as meticulous as you would be ashamed of such behavior.”
“I-I-”Sammy splutters for a moment, “I am doing this for my Demon Lord, so he knows that I serve him-“
“Hogwash,” Henry snorts. “You’re still just as overdramatic as usual, Sammy, although the man I knew at least knew how to retain his pride.”
“How dare-“
“Now listen here, and listen good,” Henry interrupts again and good God of the Ink, the old animator never knew when to leave well enough alone did he, “I’m taking all of us out of this hellhole and I don’t want to hear any complaining. There are going to be a few rules, in fact.”
“What,” Sammy says, as Alice giggles unexpectedly. Boris bumps his shoulder into hers and grins. She’s not half as intimidating when she’s smiling, Sammy realizes vaguely.
Henry takes no notice of their childish behavior, and wags his finger at Sammy instead. “There will be no praying to demons, singing of hymns or giving sermons on this trip. You are not to antagonize or make the others uncomfortable with your worship and you are to tell me when you are upset instead of using idolizing Bendy as a terrible coping mechanism. And no calling anyone sheep. That’s just weird, Sammy.”
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, sheep-“
He cuts himself off with one glance at Henry’s expression. Alice leans forward conspiratorially. “The Dad Look only gets worse, Lawrence. It’s best just to give in, trust me.”
“Huh,” Sammy says, feeling his ink receding from where it dripped down his mask. Henry smiles at him from over his spectacles. “Well then. Alright, Henry.”
Norman Polk was never a very loud man, which made his screeching as a projector monster just plain uncharacteristic, in Henry’s humble opinion.
“Oh, will you stop that racket,” Henry says, and the Projectionist obediently pulls up short before barreling into him. Ink still splashes onto his chest, though, and Henry mourns the loss of his favorite orange sweater. “Really Norman, what has gotten into you?”
“IIIInnnnkkk…” Howls the speaker in Norman’s chest.
“Alright,” Henry concedes, “That’s a fair point. Would you like some help with that?”
The speaker hums confusedly, increasing in pitch until Henry claps his hands over his ears. “Just a nod or a shake, please!”
The hum stops before- “Hennn-Hennn-rrr-eee?”
“Yes, old pal,” Henry says, “what say you we get outta here? You look like you could use a vacation. Or retirement, as it were.”
The Projectionist rears back, its light blinding Henry and for a moment he thinks maybe he misjudged this, that he’s going to get a face full of claws on behalf of someone who used to be a good friend-
The light dims, the Projectionist hunches back down, and his mechanical head dips twice. Before pulling back, Henry reaches out and lays his hand alongside the projector. The metal is warm. “Good. Let’s go home, then.”
The Butcher Gang huddles around a flaming barrel at the back of the toy warehouse, where the elevator doesn’t reach. By the time Henry has cleared all the stairs to get down there, he’s breathing a bit too heavily. He leans back on the banister and feels Boris place a worried hand on his shoulder.
“I’m fine, son,” Henry tells him, wincing a little and rubbing his chest. “Just not as spry as I used to be. Give me a minute.”
Alice is back to wringing her hands. “Did I- I made this happen, didn’t I?”
Henry levels a look at her over his glasses. “Don’t take responsibility for things out of your control. Father Time did this to me, Ms. Angel. And the war. Although I suppose the ink fumes I inhaled all my career didn’t help my asthma. Don’t get old, kids.”
“We can’t,” Sammy says helpfully. Henry would reply, but the Butcher Gang is approaching cautiously.
“Well now, who do we have here,” Henry says, opening his hands welcomingly. “Let an old man have a look at you three.”
The Butcher Gang veritably break his heat. Every one of them look in pain or misshapen, even worse than Alice or Sammy. Alice and Sammy don’t have fishing poles in their necks or wooden limbs. Alice and Sammy can speak.
Still, Henry didn’t hold title of Head Animator at the studio for nothing. “Well, this’ll take a good bit of work, I can tell you that. But all in all, I think it’s quite salvageable, don’t you? We’ll have to collect some ink to take home with us, but I think we can fix you up in no time.”
Edgar’s stitched together lips mouth the word ‘home,’ and Henry feels a twist in his chest. He smooths his fingers of Barley’s head and smiles kindly. “Yes, kiddos, home. You wanna get out of this place with us? I’ve got my own fireplace.”
Soon, Henry is swarmed by tiny toons all trying to climb into his arms. Henry laughs, kneeling and wrapping them all in a hug. They remind him not in small part of his own children when they were young. So eager to please, and so excited for a new playmate.
Boris catches Charley under the armpits and heaves him up onto his own hip. After a moment, Norman follows the wolf’s lead and swings both Edgar and Barley onto his broad shoulders. The toons shuffle a bit, glancing worriedly between the stairs back to the elevator and Henry. Alice holds out her hand to help Henry up from his position on the floor, and Sammy takes his other side with ease.
“Now, now,” Henry says, trying to keep a stern face, “you’re going to make a man feel old with all your fussing.”
The crowd that spills out of the elevator as it reaches his floor is not at all what Bendy expects to see when he rounds the corner. It’s a mess, a tangle of limbs and stumbling and loud screeching. Bendy stands stock-still and watches it all unfold out of the doors like a clown car. It’s almost awe-inspiring.
“What are you doing, you’re going to hurt him, hanging onto him like that,” says a voice Bendy is startled to realize is Alice, “you know his back is bad-“
“I’m not holding onto him, Barley is, he won’t let go of his sweater- come on, sheep-uh, kid, we’re trying to get out of here it’s super cramped-“
“M-mmyyyyy fff-ff-fooooottt-“
“Alright, alright everybody, settle down.” Henry’s voice booms. Bendy has never heard –doesn’t remember hearing from his time of being ink on a page, staring up into those warm eyes, wondering what he’ll do next, which adventure will his creator send him on- the animator speak so loudly. “Single file, and no stepping on anyone’s toes. That’s it now. Watch the inkwells, we don’t want to make another trip for those.”
When Boris sees him, he yelps and points wildly in Bendy’s direction. Strangely enough, he seems excited, rather than scared.
Henry finally pops into view, dusting himself off and running a hand ruefully through his ink-stained beard.   “What’s that now, Boris?”
Bendy steps forward; he feels that old anger, that hatred for the traitor who left him here, left him to be tormented by the likes of Joey Drew, who didn’t even care to look back, rise to the surface.
Henry levels a look at him over his glasses, mouth pulled into a tight, thin line and sighs at him disappointedly. Bendy stops. Bendy stares. Bendy tells himself he is not intimidated.
“Uh-oh,” Sammy mutters from behind Norman somewhere, “I remember that look.” Norman nods.
“Hush, you interfering miscreant,” Henry says, and although his expression doesn’t change, his voice is warm. It’s surprisingly warm still when he addresses Bendy. “Now, what in heavens are we going to do with you, hm?”
Bendy feels the ink on his spine bristle into spikes. Alice shuffles like she wants to step back, but glances at Henry, and stays. On his other side, Boris plants his feet and pulls a lead pipe from out of nowhere. Norman looms, protective and hulking, behind Henry.
“Oh would you all be terribly disappointed if we left the posturing for the teenage boys?” Henry sounds exasperated. He steps forward, towards Bendy and Bendy- doesn’t know quite what to do. No one has ever come toward him, after all. They mostly run away screaming. His spikes recede.
Ink drips down over his (confused, anxious, hateful, hopeful) grin as Henry says, grandfatherly, “Would you let me have a look at you, son?”
Bendy almost backs away as Henry steps up to him, but he is a fearsome ink demon who has taken the lives of any who stepped foot in this hell. He does not run away from old men in ridiculous sweaters.
Henry reaches up, up, up and gently, oh so gently, lays a wrinkled palm just at the edge of his grin. Bendy can’t -won’t- read the warm look in his eyes. “Well, it has been a long time, hasn’t it old friend? I missed you.”
His palm is warm, and rough, and reassuringly heavy. Almost against his will, Bendy lowers his head to Henry’s level, looks at him from inches away, and sees Henry for the first time.
He is old- older than Joey Drew was when Bendy ripped his heart out, older than Sammy was when he became what he is, older than Alice ever was. And he is tired- Bendy can see it in the corners of his eyes, the way his back won’t straighten like he has an awful weight on it, the way his knees are forever bent just a little. And he is terribly, horribly sad.
“Joey really did a number on you, huh, buddy.” Henry says, and he is so quietly miserable, like he’s seen into Bendy’s (non-existent?) heart and shares his sorrow, “I never should have left you alone. I’m sorry, pal.”
Henry’s trembling fingers slip through the ink on Bendy’s face, slicking it away, and Bendy’s eyes see the light of day for the first time in thirty years. His first real sight, not plagued with ink, is his Creator’s solemn, hopeful smile.
Bendy feels like crying.
So he does, loud and quaking and right there in front of so many in the middle of the place he has been tortured in for years, where he’s killed so many for what they have done to him. Where he cannot- will not- kill his last Creator.
Henry pulls him forward, tucks his chin between Bendy’s horns, and rubs his back.
“It’s okay Bendy,” he hears Henry murmur, “You’re okay now. We’re gettin’ outta here, all of us. We’re going home. It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.”
Bendy curls around his Creator, clutches him close, and doesn’t let go for a long time.
Bendy shows them to the Ink Machine. It is, predictably, based near Joey’s old office. The last few yards, the hallway is lined with Searchers, all watching, sightless, as Henry follows the Ink Demon to where all of this began.
Henry and Bendy step into the Machine’s room, but Alice and Boris stop at the threshold. None of the others seem intent on coming with, so Henry smiles and nods understandingly.
This ends how it was started: with him and Bendy.
At the side of the room, connected to the Ink Machine with thick wires and tubes, is a simple switch labeled “POWER.” Joey was never one for subtlety, Henry ponders, faintly amused.
Before he has taken even a step towards the switch, Bendy lays a light hand on Henry’s arm. He holds up a terrifyingly large syringe filled with ink, and gestures toward Henry, then toward Joey’s office, then to the syringe and back to Henry.
Henry gets it. “Oh no, my boy, I’m much too old for that attempting to obtain immortality nonsense. Having bad knees for eternity? Count me out, thanks. Let’s just get this done, shall we?”
Bendy nods and lets out a low growling hum. Together they cross to the switch. Together they grasp it. Together they end the Ink Machine once and for all.
As it turns out, Sammy can drive still. Allegedly.
“I was the best driver here, Henry.” Sammy says, incredulous.
“You were the flashiest driver here,” Henry corrects as Norman nods vigorously, “and that car of yours was a deathtrap.”
“Beulah,” Sammy supplies wistfully, “I wish she were still around. But that doesn’t mean I can’t get us out of here and back to your house. I’ll even be following you! Easy-peasy.”
“Do you even have eyes? I don’t believe you can see the road, no matter what you say.”
“I can walk without bumping into things can’t I? It’ll be fine. Besides, it’s not like we have that many options here.”
Henry glances around; Alice is missing an eye (he can totally fix that, he’s already mentally set aside an inkwell for her), Boris is a wolf and it is questionable if he even knows what a car is, Bendy has six inch claws, the Butcher Gang is much too short and have between them only three or four defined eyes, and Norman- Norman is a projector.
He sighs. He sucks it up. He sends a quick prayer to anyone out there.
“Fine. But I’m gonna be having Alice check on you in the mirrors the entire time, got it?”
Sammy bounces on his heels and his mask moves as if he may be smiling.
Henry tugs on his beard once more and says, “Alright, here’s how we do it; Bendy, Alice and Boris are with me. Norman and the Butcher Gang will fit more comfortably together in the van with Sammy. Any questions?”
“Yes,” Alice says, raising her hand like they're in school. “How are we going to get the van running? It looks dead.”
Henry hadn’t thought of that passed the usual “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” reasoning.
“That,” he says, deadpan, “is a good question Ms. Angel.”
There’s a crash behind them. Henry spins, heart in his mouth, to see Norman pulling haphazardly at the wires connected to the back of his head.
“Norman!” Henry leaps forward, almost tripping over the curb before Bendy catches him around the waist. “What in the blazes are you-“
Paying no heed, Norman shoves his wiring into the van’s battery and flips an unseen switch on the back of his own head. His projector light dims a moment and then-
The engine sparks, trembles, and turns over.
“Huh,” Alice says faintly behind Henry. Boris whines happily.
“That’s convenient,” Sammy sounds cheerful, “all aboard then, right Henry?”
The drive out to Henry's home is a long one. He chats idly with Alice on the way, ignoring Boris's cold nose poking into his neck. The wolf's ears flap in the wind from the open window, but Boris is loving the smells of the outside world, so Henry doesn't have the heart to roll it up just yet.
"Who is this?" Alice asks, fingers brushing over a worn photo of his late wife in his wallet.
"Linda," Henry sighs with a bittersweet smile shot at her before turning back to the road. "My wife. She was a gem."
"She's very pretty," Alice murmurs softly.
Henry reaches out blindly, and smiles when her fingers wrap tightly around his. Her hand is cold, but that's alright; he's warm enough for them both.
"She was a spectacular woman. She would have wanted to save you just as much as I do. You would have loved her."
"She's-" Alice falters and Boris whines sadly, pressing his nose more firmly into the crook of Henry's neck from behind. "She's gone?"
"Human nature, honey," Henry says gently. "I'm alone now, but that's alright. I've made my peace with it."
Boris whines again. Sammy's lights flash in the rear-view mirror.
"You're not alone anymore, Creator," Alice says quietly. Henry squeezes her hand, catches Bendy's eye in the mirror, and grins.
"I guess not, huh?"
Bendy smiles back, softer now, content. From out of thin air, in the darkness and out of sight, his hands pull out that strange syringe. He turns it over in his fingers, watching his Creator lead them to safety, and contemplates immortality.
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Day 11 of Goretober (Unofficial) 
Sammy sat in the break room eating his lunch it was just him and a few others namely Joey, Tom, Henry, Norman, and Wally the others either home sick. Or taking care of other business so the six of them mostly either worked on other stuff or in the case of Wally goofed off. The other possible reason the others didn’t come in was because of the weather which from how it looked outside looked like it was gonna be a bad one. But, Sammy just figured it was just cloudy out and didn’t think too much off it that way until a loud boom of thunder was heard. Causing him to jump and tighten his grip on his cup knuckles turning white as he started to shake. Before they heard another loud boom once again almost causing him to fall from his chair in response as he started to shake.     
        The others looked up in response to this as the rain started to pour on to the roof of the studio Wally the first one to speak “sounds like a doozy” he said to them. Getting a small hum of agreement from Norman “figured my knee was aching earlier only does it when it’s about to be a bad one” he tells them. Joey stood up for a moment “better make sure the windows to my car are closed, don’t want to have wet seats again” he tells them before grabbing his umbrella and heading out. Wally followed him to check both his and Norman’s windows too while Norman went back to the projection booth to relax and have some alone time. That left Henry, Tom, and Sammy in the break room to finish eating or in the case of most trying to not go into a full panic attack.     
         That didn’t last long as Joey and Wally came in quickly the janitor going to get Norman while Joey got the other three. Telling them what was going on something about it getting terrible and the possibility of a tornado. Tho it would be unlikely the man wanted to be on the safe side and have everyone at least be in the lower areas of the studio. Making it down they saw Wally and Norman lighting some candles just in case which had been a good thing. Because as soon as Sammy made it down the power went out leaving them in the dark with nothing but the flicker of candlelight. The sudden darkness and the storm didn’t make the music director feel any better as he waited with the others for it to pass. All of them settling down on some blankets and pillows Wally and Norman had brought down along with a chair for Norman to rest in due to his knee.     
        Sometime later everyone had passed out everyone but Sammy who was still awake unable to sleep due to the storm as he’d flinch now and again. Tears welling up in his eyes trying to hold back a sob only to fail that too when he suddenly let out a loud scream. Which was due to a really loud boom of thunder hitting other head as he scrambled into a corner in response to this. The scream woke the others up as Wally and Tom scrambled for their flashlights finding them and turning them on quickly. Joey sat up “is everyone okay I heard a scream?” he asked to them looking around before he heard the sobbing coming from the corner. The others heard it too and took a moment that it was Sammy who when a light was shined on him was in the corner knees drawn up to his chest crying. His small frame shaking as he whimpered out “m-make it stop...” his voice breaking in response as Tom went over to check on him already understanding.    
          Getting closer he knelt down to him “Sammy...Sam...little lark?” he asked in a gentle tone using his nickname for Sammy. Getting the other's attention for a moment as he looked at him a scared look on his face only to fly into the man with a loud boom of thunder was heard. Tom gave a small sigh and just hugged him close rubbing his back over and over doing his best to calm him down. Nearby both Wally and Henry were looking for something Wally another blanket for Sammy and Henry some earplugs figuring they’d help. Wally found a blanket after a bit and brought it over giving it to Tom the man thanking him as he wrapped it around the smaller male. And Henry who gave over some earplugs “these might help a bit” he tells Sammy as he gently puts them in his ear. Before standing up and along with Joey and Wally started to rearrange their sleeping arrangements making it so they’d be sleeping in a circle of sorts. With him, on one side of Sammy and Tom on the other while, Wally slept on the other side of Tom and Joey him. Norman would stay where he was at again due to his knee being sore at the moment but would monitor things in case Sammy woke up again. Once that was done the other three men laid down while Tom gently leads Sammy over the two of them laying down.       
       Everyone passed out after some time again as did Sammy who was curled up against Tom the man holding him tightly. In a protective brotherly embrace showing that no matter what he would make damn sure the younger male was safe from the storm. 
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
Oh! Oh! Oh! *claps hands like a seal* What happens when (or since it doesn't really happen often) or rather WHAT IF, what would happen if Susie was mad at Sammy? And it's like the kind of mad where she'd give the silent treatment? Because she's too mad to speak.
((Sammy would get what she’s doing almost instantly, and give her the silent treatment back. This works pretty well until they get to the studio. They work in the same department, if they refused to talk to each other that would probably cause some trouble with production. Norman would get mad that they’re acting so childish and he’d sit them down and force them to talk out their problems so they can all get back to work. Legit, he drags two chairs into the hallway and they’re not allowed to leave until they sort their stuff out or he’s gonna yell at them. They’d try not to get sappy or dramatic with him standing there, but… Susie is very emotional. They’d get to the ‘im sorry, i love you’ part and she’d just be sobbing into Sammy’s shoulder. They’re both a lil embarrassed but happy its out of the way. Never mind the fact that Norman left the door cracked open on accident and the entire band was listening in on their drama, its out of the way.))
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corruptimles · 4 years
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Updated the TSV cast lineup! I redrew and fixed a couple characters, added a few, and still had to leave out a couple such as Bertrum, the giant hand, and one more transformation silhouette 
Character heights in detail below the break (subject to change*): 
Henry Stein - 5′7
Sammy Lawrence (ink) - 6′0
Bendy - 3′0
The Projectionist ~ 6′4 - 6′7 (tends to slouch) 
Stagehand - ??
Malice Angel ~ 5′7 - 5′9 (unstable form) 
Fallen (Malice) Angel ~ 6′6 (inconsistently alters form)
Ink Demon ~ 6′9 - 7′0 (inconsistently alters form)
Sillybendz ~ ??
Joey Drew - 5′10
Jack Fain (ink) ~ 3′6 (unstable form)
Grant Cohen (ink) - 6′0
Wally Franks (ink) - 5′11
Cerboris ~ 6′9
Russel (ink) - 6′1
Erhart (ink) - 5′9
Allison Angel - 5′4
Thomas Connor (ink) - 6′1
*I’m bad with numbers, aware these are mostly average or shorter, there’s honestly probably a chance some people were taller as humans than ink creatures too because of the whole “half turned into a toon” thing so there’s that. Henry is still small grandpa tho so that’s consistent 
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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I posted 5,863 times in 2021
691 posts created (12%)
5172 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.5 posts.
I added 10,183 tags in 2021
#bendy and the ink machine - 2510 posts
#batim - 2506 posts
#star wars - 1409 posts
#the clone wars - 923 posts
#sammy lawrence - 618 posts
#henry stein - 469 posts
#funny - 447 posts
#humor - 447 posts
#bendy the dancing demon - 428 posts
#the bad batch - 426 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#just distance yourself dude enjoy the good side of the community instead of seeking out the drama your mental health will thank you for it
My Top Posts in 2021
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The Ink Demonth Day 7: Colossal 
UHM. WELL, HE SURE IS BIG AND ANGRY! So...Out of Bounds has a fun twist on boss encounters... This one is still the scariest.
117 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 21:36:32 GMT
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So, my good pal @british-hero (aka @lost-on-kamino) commissioned me to draw this godawful "Who Killed Hannibal" meme, starring Palpatine and Echo...
This is what she sent me after I completed this monstrosity:
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Truly I suffer for my craft. And by craft I mean shitposting.
162 notes • Posted 2021-12-16 22:01:38 GMT
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So yesterday I got a special commission. The commissioner in question requested that I create a Sammy Lawrence Shitpost to attack present @inkdemonapologist​ with. As I was given free reign, I may have gone a liiiittle mad with power.
Never the less, have this glorious disaster! I’m so (not) sorry Shazz!
162 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 18:17:26 GMT
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Once upon a time, that locket brought him some comfort...Now it only made the loss of his humanity all the more painful.
Sometimes, in a studio of nightmares, you need a bit of time to think and a soft grandpa to tend to your wounds.
180 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 22:54:46 GMT
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See the full post
583 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 19:40:56 GMT
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inkabelledesigns · 3 years
Sam and Jan’s Apartment - Nightmares are Reality Sims
So as of late, I’ve had a LOT of ideas brewing for yet another Bendy fic, and in some of my planning for it, I’ve built one of the locations in the Sims 4 to use as reference. It’s been busy at home, and I needed this to relax, so I’m glad I took the time to do that briefly. You may have seen my previous post about Nightmares are Reality, but if you haven’t, here’s the short version: Samantha Lorenzo from 2021 and Sammy Lawrence from 1946 wake up one morning with their bodies switched, and now both have to embrace the other’s friend group to not only find a way to get back, but also stop the inevitable fate of the studio staff as shown in the novel Dreams Come to Life. There’s angst, there’s fluff, and it get pretty rough, but there’s so much to play with for this story. 
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Come with me, and let’s dive into Sam and Jan’s apartment!
So first, we gotta talk about Sam and Jan themselves. Samantha is the curly haired one, and Janet is the one in the hat (she wouldn’t be caught dead without one). Unfortunately the Sims does not allow me to change heights (and I don’t have a mod for it), but imagine for me if you will that Jan is significantly shorter than Sam. I did not have a ton in mind in the way of colors for them, but together their wardrobes have a LOT of red and black, with a little white and tan thrown in. I have Sam with the lifetime goal of being a successful author, which falls in line with her love of storytelling in modern media. Jan on the other hand is a songwriter and musician that’s still trying to find her path. The two met in college and graduated not too long ago, and now they’re both hunting for work (which Janet has part time when the fic begins). 
In addition to them, we have their cat, Figaro (named after the cat from Disney’s Pinnochio, Sam is a nerd like that).
Now, we move onto their apartment!
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I chose the 1020 Alto Apartments lot for this, which came with the condition of the Romantic Fireplace that I can’t remove. But I added on Home Studio and Great Acoustics so they could bump up their skills a little easier. This is my first time playing with a lot challenge, and that is Spooky, which makes it so ghosts will come over now and again, which scares the crap out of both of them. And uh, funny story...
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The ghost of Joey Drew was the third one to come, and he was VERY angry when Sam met him. X’’’D I did not see that coming, but now I kinda want to make more Bendy ghosts just to see if they pop in. Would you guys be into that? I mean Depths Henry is a ghost, so I probably SHOULD make him. 
At any rate, let’s look at the layout. Bear in mind, I am not phenomenal at building houses, much less apartments, but I think this worked out. 
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It opens up into the kitchen, which is filled with all the essentials (these ladies are big on their caffeine). Currently I headcanon that Sam cooks while Jan cleans, but Jan is the better baker out of the two of them. Sam also likes to have fresh ingredients, and while I can’t do a window box on this lot, I can have some indoor vertical plants.
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There isn’t much of a separation between living room and kitchen, but this is the living room! Some stuff is for playing with (since I actually play with my households now and then), like the dancefloor, but others are for actual use. They use a record player to listen to jazz and other music, and the furniture would be all mismatched like that (they were broke college kids, gotta sit on something, right? probably got it from a bunch of garage sales). The photo setup is something they use, but it belongs to their friend Vincent, which brings me to the first bedroom.
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I haven’t made these two as Sims yet, but Sam and Jan have another duo living with them, Jess and Vincent, who are a couple. Jess is a makeup artist who often experiments on her friends, and she hopes to get into the makeup and wardrobe side of the cinematography scene. Vince on the other hand is a photography and film guy who’s an absolute sweetheart. Those two share this bedroom (Jess had more of a say in the decorating, Vince is pretty easygoing about the aesthetic). 
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I had to make sure there was a special corner for Jess’ makeup stuff, she’d want space to move around. The mirror is also something she loves, and they all borrow it a lot. Why?
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Because of this creepy room nextdoor! X’’’D So I just learned mannequins are a thing, and I can dress them however I want, so I put some in this pretty much functionless closet. (Though the two masculine ones have been glitching in a way that turns their heads a little at certain angles, and it creeps me out a LOT) This is the cosplay closet, which mostly Jess and Sam use, but all four of them have some numbers in here. These four are a cosplay group, mostly for Bendy, but for other fandoms too. Jess likes going as Twisted Alice (heavy special effects makeup, go figure), Vincent likes Henry and Joey (he likes scruffy nerds and suits), Janet dresses as Jack Fain (though she’s also done some gender bends of other characters), and Samantha (as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now) is right there as the Sammy for their group. If I can ever learn how to work with custom content, I would love to have a cosplay for each of them on these mannequins, but we’ll save that for later. These nerds are absolutely the types to play around with cosplay photos and tiktok videos, I’m sure they duet often. XD
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We have some bathrooms, which are pretty self explanatory, but then we have Janet’s room. She is big on the posters and loves having her instruments right there and ready to play. She plays guitar and piano, but I may have her pick up violin down the line. Both of them have the geek trait and are prone to playing videogames more often than not, but Jan is mostly found playing her music. 
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We have a small corner of the hallway for the cat. And then last but not least: Sam’s room.
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This is Samantha’s creative space. Much like my space, when she’s working, it gets messy. She loves turning on some jazz while she writes, and while she’s crafting. I gave her and Jan the knitting supplies, since I don’t really know how else to simulate sewing for these characters, and they also have some clutter. Sam has one additional mannequin in her room, and she’s into figures, so there’s one of those on the desk. Her closet and bathroom are pretty simple, but that closet is gonna be really important when we get into the story, you’ll see why later.
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As always, I have their Sims up on the gallery, along with the apartment, in case you want to play with them for yourself. Just note: because of how apartments work in this game, it’s uploaded as a room, so you’re going to have to fill some walls in and add doors if you want it to work like an apartment would (and you can totally turn it into a house if you want to, you don’t need to have 1020 Alto if you wanna use this). Just search for KatAlystDesigns in the Sims 4 gallery! I’ve also uploaded a few other houses recently, including the DCTL cast for my BATIM mermaid collection, and Buddy’s mother and grandpa. 
I had a LOT of fun putting this together last night, and it’s given me a much better idea of how I want to work with things for this narrative. Bear in mind, Sammy’s the one who’s gonna have to live here and put up with it, so having these details established is gonna help me to make the fic go smoother. I may tweak some things, like actually using upper cabinets in the kitchen (which I always seem to forget about), but we’ll see. XD Either way, this was a good exercise.
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I hope you’re all looking forward to exploring these two and their story as much as I am! As a quick final note, I actually have a blog set up for Nightmares are Reality to mimic the one Sam has in the fic, and I’m thinking of using it as a somewhat RP, somewhat fic and content delivery system for the story, so if you’ve got thoughts on that, or stuff you’d like to see, do let me know! Here’s wishing you are all wonderful day!
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oldshowbiz · 3 years
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Kliph Nesteroff: You did a special called The NBC Follies of 1965. 
George Schlatter: That became the Steve Lawrence Show. The pilot was called The NBC Follies and it featured Steve Lawrence, Jill St. John, Juliet Prowse, Nipsey Russell and Dick Shawn. It got picked up and we did one season from New York. 
It was the last black and white series on CBS and, as such, was doomed to fail. All the big variety programs on television at the time - The Andy Williams Show, the Dean Martin Show, Perry Como’s Kraft Music Hall - were already broadcasting in vibrant color. Then came the Steve Lawrence Show in black and white. It looked like an anachronism. 
CBS thought they were hiring a romantic balladeer, but Steve Lawrence was basically a comedian who sang. He was one of the funniest guys ever – truly. All the comedians loved being around Steve because he was hilarious offstage. We had guest stars like Frankie Avalon, Lucille Ball, Bobby Darin, Phyllis Diller and Sammy Davis Jr, but we initially had trouble getting guests. Everyone felt they were too big to be on a show hosted by some young lounge singer. 
Most episodes of the Steve Lawrence Show opened with a filmed location sequence. ENG cameras were coming into use for the first time. Prior to that it was a pain to shoot on location because the cameras were huge and weighed a ton. We used two young cameramen that were at the forefront of the new technique - David and Albert Maysles. The Maysles Brothers had made a great documentary about the Beatles coming to America. It was done in a minimalist, cinema verite style and it was extremely effective. I figured we could use that technique to make up for the fact that the Steve Lawrence Show had no budget and no color. 
For each sequence we filmed Steve and his guests taking some offbeat mode of transportation. We had Louis Prima on a gondola in Little Italy, Liberace and Phyllis Diller zooming through traffic on a rickshaw. We did a Nashville themed episode with Grandpa Jones, Minnie Pearl and Johnny Cash riding a stagecoach down Broadway. On another episode the Maysles followed Jackie Gleason on a train ride from Manhattan to Miami. We fastened cameras on the back of the train and filmed it speeding down the track. We see footage of Gleason eating and drinking and carrying on. A Dixieland band played festive music while the June Taylor Dancers danced up and down the aisle. CBS complained about it. They said the sequence was too sexy. We had Frank Fontaine getting drunk and Steve Lawrence asking Gleason about his favorite comedians. 
To kick off the first episode we had Lucille Ball and Steve riding an elephant through Shubert Alley. The city scheduled us to film at two in the morning so that the streets would be empty. We were setting up our equipment at midnight and then all the theaters emptied out and there was this massive crowd. I thought, “This would look great on camera. To hell with it - let’s shoot it now.”
��Steve and Lucy got on the elephant and we shot them singing “Together.” We got the film, but the police shut us down. It was a mob scene with hundreds of people all around us. The cops made us sit inside Sardi’s until they sorted out the charges. The NYPD ticketed us for unlawful assembly. The next morning the new CBS president arrived in town and saw it mentioned on the front page of the paper. He was furious. “I hired Steve Lawrence to be a romantic balladeer and you’re turning him into a low burlesque comic! Why is our biggest fucking star riding an elephant?”
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mlovesstories · 4 years
Their Promise
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Summary: YN runs into a royal, the royal runs into YN. 
AN: I am so excited for this.  I hope you like it as much as I do! Brad means Charlie BRADbury. Thanks to my love @cherryblossomflowers​ and also to @supernatural-jackles​ for the inspiration and advice. 
Words: 6800
Warnings: cussing. Injuries, death
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“Please welcome Prince Dean Winchester!” He walked out onto the stage at the gala, raising money for those who had been burned by fires that ravaged their country in the previous weeks.  
“Thank you for joining me tonight.  We all know why we are here.  Please, let’s do what we can to help the families that need it the most right now.  Enjoy your evening, and let’s see those checkbooks!” Dean laughed.  “Good evening.” He raised his glass of apple cider and so did the crowd below him.  
“Cheers,” they all said.  
Prince Dean interacted with the crowd to gain their attention for the cause.  Being a professional at conversation, he made everyone comfortable and relaxed. In a way, it was a façade.  Dean was those things, but he had to work hard to maintain them consistently.  
“Your Highness, the king wants to see you.  Please say good night to your guests,” his main security guard prompted him. 
“Okay.  One second.” Dean stepped back on stage and announced his departure.  The security team guided him from the event back to his family’s palace. 
“Hi, Dad.” Dean saw a distraught look on his father’s face.  King John Winchester hugged his son at the bottom of the stairs as his son came in. “What’s wrong?” He was baffled by his dad’s gesture.  
“Your mom. She was in-” 
“DAD!” Prince Samuel ran into the room, disheveled and breathing hard. “Security said there was an emergency.  What happened?” 
“Your mom, she was in a car accident…. She didn’t make it. They won’t let me go see her.” John started crying.  Sam and Dean looked to each other before trying to catch their father as he fell to the marble floor in the foyer on the home.  His boys were overcome with emotion as well, tears falling onto each other and their clothes.  Dean held his dad and his brother, fulfilling his natural role in the family.  What were they going to do without her?  As John straightened, he explained, “Security hasn’t let all of the leaders know yet.  The crash was just outside the gates, so hopefully that will stop the news from spreading before it needs to.” The three leaders wiped their eyes.  
John went on to describe what had happened in more detail.  
“Your mom’s driver wasn’t paying attention and crashed into a wall.  Mom was impacted immediately. I can’t go to her.  I want to see her.” 
“I know, but we can’t.  When things like this happen leaders can’t be in the same location.” Dean reasoned, relying on his royal duty handbook.  
“She’s my wife,” the king responded, trying to justify going to see his love.  
“Sir, can we escort you to your room?” One of the butlers looked to the oldest Winchester.  The three royal family members stood from the ground.  
“No, thank you, Rupert.  I need to be with my boys.” 
“Yes, Your Highness.  You will be needed in about an hour to meet with authorities for next steps.” He bowed. 
“Thank you, Rupert.  You are excused.” 
“Yes, Your Highness.” The butler bowed again and left the room.
Dean changed from his tuxedo into jeans and a tshirt. The tuxedo represented so many things that he hated about being part of the royal family.  He was angry and very emotional.  Taking it off was shredding a skin he used only when needed. 
Before the three realized how much time had gone by, security came to address the family.  
“Your Highness, Princes Winchester?”
The family looked up from the couches they were quietly sitting on, staring at nothing. 
“Yes?” Dean looked to Benny, his favorite of the security team. 
“King Winchester, we would like to take you to her. The appropriate people have been notified.  She is at the hospital.” 
“We’re going too.” Sam interjected, almost defensive.
“Sam, at ease.” John put a hand up to calm him. “Thank you, Lafitte.  We will be right there. Please let the team know we need to put ourselves together.  We’ll be ready in five minutes.”
Hurriedly, the three men grabbed jackets and shoes before being taken to a private hospital room.  Mary lied on the bed, motionless.  The color was gone from her body.  
Sam gasped looking at her. 
A doctor walked in behind them and gave them an update.  He explained how the accident rattled her body and killed her.  He asked if they would like a moment with her. 
“Please,” the husband whispered. 
“Yes, sir.” The doctor left the hospital room.  Security provided three chairs for them to sit with her.  
“Oh, Mary,” John sighed sadly.  
After a few moments with the queen, Benny stepped in the room.  
“It’s time to say goodbye, we need to move you so that the news is not aware of her death yet.”
“Benny…” Dean groaned.
“I’m sorry, Prince Winchester.” 
“Give us one more minute,” Sam stated.  Benny left the room and guarded the door. The youngest walked from his chair, squeezed her hand, and said goodbye. As the royal family left, a sheet was pulled over Mary’s body.  John, Dean, and Sam were escorted out of the building and back to the palace. 
The next morning, the queen’s death was announced to the world. The family grieved as they had to remain professional and well… royal. Exhibiting their somber faces but no tears, they made their statement to the news outlets. 
“She was a great leader, mom, and wife.  We will miss her greatly.  Please pray for our family as we process the loss of our great Queen Mary.” John ended his announcement on the palace balcony. The security team guided them back inside.  
A few days later, the environment was very stiff. 
“Sir, we need to make some arrangements for her funeral,” their most respected assistant talked with John.  “Everything is picked out, we just need to go over everything one more time.  While we do that, why don’t you rest? Have you eaten anything in the past two days?” Charlie rubbed his arm. 
“No, I haven’t, Brad.  Can you send up some crackers and water to my room? I’m not very hungry.”
“Yes, of course. RUPERT!” Charlie yelled for the butler over the noise of the staff.  “Get some crackers and water for the king, please, and maybe some fruit too. Bring it up to the master suite, please.  Check on the princes as well.  They haven’t eaten either.” Charlie walked with King John as he got closer to his room.
“I’m sleeping in guest bedroom one.” He abruptly stated, a glossy expression covering his face.
“Of course, sir.  I’ll send Rupert here then.  He will be with you momentarily.” 
He turned to look at his assistant. 
“Will you miss her, Charlie?” John dropped the formalities, as she was more than an assistant to him. 
“Oh, yes sir.” She weakly smiled.  “But it isn’t my job to be sad.  My job is to help you with this and fulfill my duties.” Charlie took a deep breath. 
“She loved you.”
“And I loved her too.” She almost broke down, but she felt she needed to keep herself together for professional reasons.  “Go rest, King Winchester.  Rupert will be here in a moment with your snack.  And for the love of Chuck, please eat it,” she winked. 
“You’re bringing Chuck into this?” He laughed. “Just because he beat me at the writing competition once does not mean he is an almighty god or something.” 
“Sure, Your Highness.” Charlie grinned wryly.  “Rest,” she pushed him toward the door of the guest bedroom.  “Sleep if you can, okay?” 
“I Chuck swear,” he smiled.  John entered the room, happy to be alone and in a room that didn’t remind him of his love.  After he ate a few bites of his food, he fell asleep. 
The Winchester Family put on brave faces as they went through the royal duties and attending events because of their mother’s death. Being in their twenties, Dean and Sam tried their best to act as grown up as they could, but they knew all of the procedures and politics of Mary’s death was a lot to handle. 
“Let’s go,” John stood behind his boys, motioning for them to walk to their back door. 
“Why do we have to go? We said goodbye to her in front of everyone already.” Sam groaned. 
“They want to see us at her grave site. It’s on the property and will take five minutes. One last thing, Sammy.” John felt bad for his sons. Yes, they were adults, but he didn’t want them to face this at such a young age. 
They did as they were expected, having news outlets taking photos of them standing and looking at her headstone. 
“I’m going to take a nap,” Sam led the way back to the palace.Tired from having to put on a brave face, he wanted to have his own space. 
A few hours later, the king told his sons they would be flying to Lawrence, Kansas.
“Why?” Dean rolled his eyes. “Haven’t we been putting on a face long enough? Why do we have to travel the world and pretend mom didn’t just DIE?” He started to stomp away. 
“”I AM THE KING, AND YOU WILL TREAT ME AS SUCH!” John growled. Dean stopped, forgetting formalities. He turned back to his dad. “You know I don’t expect you to bow at my every whim, but I am your father and the king of Genovia.” 
“Sorry,” he looked away from the king.
“We are going because we are having a private memorial with just your mom’s family. Grandpa Samuel is too old to travel, so we are going to him.” 
“Don’t we hate him?” Sam looked at his dad. 
“No,” John laughed. “He’s just rough around the edges. He doesn’t like me because he thinks I made your mom become a royal,” he put a finger up, “but I didn’t. It was completely her choice to enter this family. We leave tomorrow. Pack your things tonight so that Rupert can put them in the car.”
The boys stood in their places taking in what was happening. When John saw they were not doing as told, he glared at them. 
“You’ll have plenty of time by yourselves on this trip. Go get your things in order,” he turned and left the room.
The next day, they flew to Kansas. Both princes were quiet, but John didn’t ask why. He knew they were tired and frustrated. 
“Why don’t you both go take a nap?”
“Fine.” Dean moved through the plane with ease. The other two Winchester men heard a crash and his body hit the bed. 
“No, thanks.” Sam turned to look out the window. 
After they landed and arrived at Samuel’s home, the three Winchesters were surrounded by security. 
“Benny, some space, please.” King Winchester stated flatly. Benny heard the tone in his voice. 
“Boys, cars only.” He watched as the team walked toward the vehicles that they had arrived in. “Two around back and two in the front.”
“Thank you,” John smiled. 
“I get to come in and sit on this guy’s couch.” 
“No. I stay or the whole security team surrounds the house.” 
John chuckled. 
“Boys.” Samuel nodded from his recliner. “Just so we are clear, you are not royalty in this house. You are my son-in-law and grandsons. When is the memorial service for my daughter?” He looked at John. Charlie stepped in. 
“Tomorrow at noon.” 
“Who are you?” 
“I’m… a friend trying to help the family keep their calendars going through this difficult time. My name is Charlie, and I think you raised a wonderful woman. Excuse me while I take a moment.” She stepped outside to take a walk in the backyard.
“Is she one of your little minions that makes everything perfect for you?” Samuel said passively. 
“Hey!” Dean growled. “She is our friend and mom’s assistant. Leave her out of this.”
“Dean, it’s fine. Samuel, we need three guest bedrooms. Is that okay or would you like us to go to a hotel? The boys can take one room, the security team and staff needs one, and I need the third.”
“Fine, Winchester,” Samuel groaned. 
“If you don’t want us here, let’s go home.” Dean stared at him. 
“Get your ass out of my house if you talk to me like that. Or I’ll send you to one of the rooms like a little boy!” 
“Samuel,” John calmed him. “Boys, take the room with the two beds. Please pull out the air mattresses from the closet for Benny, Charlie, and whoever else needs one.” 
“Charlie can be with us. Not that she doesn’t love you, Benny. She loves us more though,” Dean grinned. 
“I will be on the couch by the entrance, but thank you, King Winchester. The extra room can be for the guys outside. I’m Benny Lafitte, Mr. Campbell. Head of security. It’s very nice to meet you. Don’t mind me. Please continue as you would.” 
“Right…” Samuel huffed. 
The princes walked up the stairs and did as told. Not wanting Charlie with a bunch of guys in the same room, Sam put a small air mattress between the two beds. They were very protective of her. 
“Dean Winchester, why am I sharing a room with two princes instead of the staff?” Charlie raised a brow. She loved them like brothers, but it still surprised her. 
“You want to be in a room full of dudes who we don’t even know the names of or do you want to be with us?” 
She hadn’t really thought about it. Charlie saw the caring nature in both of them, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. 
“Fine, but keep your hands to yourself, Winchester,” she smiled knowing he would never do any such thing.
“Hands off, promise,” he smirked. “Let’s go. Time for bed. Even you, Missy.”
Charlie started, “I have to finish up the-“
“We will carry you up the stairs if we have to, Brad,” Sam grinned. 
She grabbed her backpack and went up the stairs. As they followed her, she said, “Fine, but don’t complain when I have to pee every two hours from drinking so much water to keep up with you guys.” She could hear Dean’s eyes roll. 
“Bed, now,” he responded. 
“Yes, your majesty.” 
The boys did NOT have a lot of alone time in Kansas.  Dean needed out. 
“Dad, I’m going to New York!” Dean yelled obstinately at his father. 
“No, you are not! You are the prince! You cannot galavant across the United States!” 
“Watch me!” Dean pounded down the steps of Samuel’s house, Benny following. “You better stay here Benny, or I swear-“
“FINE- be back at the palace in two weeks. AND BRING BENNY WITH YOU!” John shouted out the front door. “That’s an order from the King!” He gritted his teeth. 
Dean rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, come on, Benny.” 
The two drove to New York with hats, sunglasses, and winter clothes as to not be recognized. 
“You’re a real asshole sometimes, you know that?” Benny glared at his friend and prince. 
“Leave it alone, Benny.” 
“I’m not driving you to New York with an attitude like that!” Benny punched the gas of the town car. “And where in the world are we going to park this thing?” 
“We’ll figure it out! And don’t tell me how to talk to my father!” 
“You’re running away, and you know it!” 
“I need a second to breathe, man! I’m tired of being somber! I’m tired of the cameras and people asking me about my mom’s death! It’s been two weeks, how do they think I’m doing?” Dean pounded the dashboard. 
“Fine, but don’t be an ass!” Benny shouted. “I am not going to die protecting you just because you want to do something erratic!” 
Dean hadn’t thought about it that way. He was putting others’ lives in danger. He sighed, calming himself. 
“I’m sorry, Benny.”  
“Now, shut up and let me drive.” 
When they arrived in New York, they gave the car to the valet and checked in under a fake name. 
“I’m going to go hit the bar-“ Dean started. 
“No, you’re not. I’m in charge. King’s orders, remember?” 
“Benny, don’t.”
They dropped off they’re few belongings in a two bedroom suite. 
“Yes. I’m ordering drinks for the room.” 
“Benny, come on!” 
“Just for tonight. Get settled, and tomorrow we’ll go out.” His bodyguard tried to reason with him. 
“Fine, but I l’m getting hammered then.” The prince stated his argument defiantly.
“Whatever, Winchester.” 
Benny ordered food and drink for them both, a soda for him and some brandy for Dean. 
The next morning, Benny woke up to the prince groaning. 
Hung over.
Benny rolled over and sighed. He stood and got dressed before checking on Prince Dean. 
“Lafitte! I hate you.” Dean stayed as he saw his security enter his room. “You let me get drunk, and now I feel like crap.” 
“You’ll live.” He grinned. “Drink some water.” 
Dean slowly felt better throughout the day. 
“I’m not getting drunk tonight. Remind me what happened today when I want to get drunk again.”
“Yes, Prince Dean.”
“There is a matinee I want to see at 4. Can we go, bodyguard?” He laughed. 
“Hat, sunglasses, and hair messed up. But yes.” 
“YES!” Dean became excited like a small child. 
A few hours later, Benny looked Dean over before they left for the show. 
“Be good,” his bodyguard groaned. 
“You know I’ll be on my best behavior,” the prince grinned. 
“Go,” Benny turned him toward the door. “I will bring you back right here if you don’t keep a low profile, you hear me?” 
“It’s going to be fine, ya grump.” 
“Let’s go before I change my mind.” 
Dean enjoyed the show, but Benny scanned through crowd over and over. The prince put his hand on the arm rest and felt a hand already there. 
“Oh, sorry, miss,” Dean smiled when he saw a beautiful woman. “I didn’t know-“ he stopped. 
“It’s okay.” She grinned. 
For the rest of the movie, Dean was a statue. He tried to catch up to her after the movie ended. He tapped her shoulder, she turned around. 
“Are you from a vending machine? Because you are a snack.”
Oh, you idiot. Dean cringed at his own words.
“Wow, smooth.” YN smiled. 
“That was dumb, I’m sorry,” Dean ran a hand over his face. “You’re- youre YN LN,” the prince jumbled his words. 
“Yeah…” she rolled her eyes internally. 
Another chump. 
“I love your show. Your character is strong, and independent. And beautiful.” Dean’s cheeks went red. 
“Well, thank you.” 
“Do you want to get a drink? I’m free and it’s early. No leading on, I promise,” he said seriously. 
“Oh my-“ she realized who he was. Dean knew it too. 
“Never mind.” He tried to pass her. 
“We met once,” YN stated. He turned around. “There was a gala a few weeks ago-“ 
“You were in Genovia?” His eyes widened. 
Benny stood off to the side, frustrated that YN recognized the prince. 
“Yeah. I guess I made the rich list or something. You were a great host.” 
“Obviously not good enough since I wasn’t paying attention to you,” Dean sighed, angry at himself. 
“What are you doing here? Isn’t this a little… normal for a prince?” 
“Can we move this along? For everyone’s safety?” Benny looked between the two of them.
“Would you mind coming to my suite, I don’t want to be recognized. I promise I will keep off.” 
“Sure. As long as your dog stays down too,” she turned to Benny and laughed. “Come on,” she took his hand. YN let him lead the way back to his hotel room.. 
YN was nervous as she had never met any world leaders before. What she didn’t know was that Dean was even more nervous. They both wrung their hands together and Dean’s knee didn’t stop bobbing up and down. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Prince Dea-“
“Please,” he put a hand up, “just call me Dean.” 
“Okay… Dean.” YN smiled. “Why are you in the city?” 
“I needed to get away, honestly. With what happened with my mom, I just…” he stopped. 
“Needed to breathe.” 
“Right.” He nodded. 
“I get that. You’ve probably been surrounded by everyone asking about it. Being anonymous is probably a dream for you.” 
“Eh, sometimes. I don’t mind being in front of people. Everyone knowing my business isn’t fun.” 
“I understand.”
“You mean you don’t want other people to know you wore a purple scarf at a dinner with a friend who you used to be frenemies with?” Dean chuckled. 
“Exactly,” she eased. 
“Wine?” Dean asked. “Benny can get room service.” 
“Benny is not your butler, I’m sure.” YN grinned. “But yes, that would be lovely. Rosé if you don’t mind.”
Sticks up for herself and lets me know what she likes. Yes, please.
“I will order it then,” he smiled. Dean got on the phone and ordered the wine.
“Wow, you did something so normal!” YN cackled. Dean took a moment and then laughed with her. 
“People don’t know that I do normal stuff all the time.” 
“I’m sure you do, I’m just giving you a hard time.” 
Over the next few hours, both of them laughed and realized they had a lot in common. 
“Prince Winchester, you have an early morning tomorrow,” Benny interrupted. 
“Right,” YN excused herself. “So do I. Thank you, Dean. Sleep well.” 
“You too, sweetheart.” 
After she left, Dean turned to Benny. 
“You ruined my date!” 
“Go to bed.” Benny crossed his arms. “It’s late.” 
“Are you my father?!” Dean squared up to his bodyguard. 
“You’re halfway drunk and you were about to make a fool of yourself.” 
“Whatever,” the prince rolled his eyes. “I’m going to bed.” 
Dean only slept because of the wine. He woke up remembering his evening with YN LN. 
“Did I get her number?” He ran into Benny’s room. 
“You ass.” His bodyguard groaned and rolled over. “No,” Benny growled. 
“DAMMIT!” Dean retrieved the paper and saw himself on the front page. “BENNY!” 
His bodyguard jumped out of bed. He saw the photo. 
“We need to go home. Now.”  
“But I met a girl, and-“ 
“No. Get your crap. We need to go.” 
Dean heard his phone ring. 
“Dad.” He sighed. Dean answered the phone. “I know, I know, Benny and I are on our way home.” 
“Good. We’ll see you in a few hours.” 
They hung up. 
“I hate you.” Dean stated to his bodyguard. 
“Come on, time to go home. Be thankful she isn’t in the photo too.” 
“Good point.” 
YN saw the photo in the New York Times. 
“He got spotted.” 
She tossed the paper on the table. 
“Poor guy,” YN’s mom said at breakfast. “The prince needed time away and then he was recognized.” 
“Yeah.” YN hid the fact that she had seen him the night before. 
She wondered if she would hear from him, especially since he was probably trying to hide.
He tried to find her and contact her, but she didn’t have any personal social media. He knew her publicist ran the pages, not her, and he had reached out but no response. Dean became discouraged. 
YN felt dismayed that she hadn’t heard from him, and she didn’t want to seem desperate. 
“I have to go, Mom.” She grabbed her things. “I’ll be home in a few weeks.” 
YN took her passport and put it in her bag. 
“Be safe.” 
YN landed and saw a friend waiting for her. 
“Hi,” she said quietly. “How are you?”
At the palace, Prince Dean stared out the dance hall window.
“Your Highness?” Charlie stepped into the room. 
Dean turned toward the family’s assistant. 
“Hey, Charlie.” 
“Your Majesty, can I be frank?” 
“You know you can.” He grinned. 
“You need a hug.” Charlie looked at him sincerely. 
Dean laughed, not expecting that to come out of her mouth. 
“That obvious, huh?” 
“The last few months haven’t exactly been easy.” Charlie walked toward him. “Come here,” they sat down on a couch off to the side. He slouched until he was comfortable. She wrapped her arms around him. 
They sat there quietly. A few minutes later, she looked down to see him asleep on her lap. She smiled. 
“Dean?” Sam rounded the doorway when he saw Charlie and Dean in the dark. 
“Shh… he finally relaxed.” Charlie looked at the younger prince. 
“Oh. Okay.” Sam stopped. 
“Come here, you lug.” 
 Sam started to walk toward her. She motioned for him to sit.
“Lie on the other side.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. Since he was so big, she leaned into him. 
After some time, they all fell asleep. 
“DEAN! SAM!” The king’s voice bellowed throughout the halls. He checked the dance hall and found three of his favorite people asleep. John stopped, taking in the scene. He saw Dean snuggled into Charlie and Sam against her. Benny arrived next to the king.
“We need to go in an hour.” The bodyguard started toward the three of them. 
“No, leave them. We can be late. They haven’t relaxed like that for months.” 
“Charlie is on duty, sir.” 
“Leave them, Lafitte. That’s an order. That is evidence that she does her job right there. Don’t disturb them.” King Winchester said lowly. 
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Benny bowed slightly and left the room. 
“Boys, Brad,” the king walked into the dance hall a half hour later to wake Charlie and his sons. 
“Huh?” Charlie’s eyes opened. “Oh, sir! I’m so sorry! I-” 
“Got my boys to sleep? First time in two months.” He smiled.  “You’re fine.” 
“Boys, wake up.” Charlie tried to move but was squished between the two.  
“Dean, Sam.” John said deeply.  “Come on.” He tapped them both to wake up.  
Dean moved first.  
“Oh, hey, Dad. Sam. Get up.” 
Once all three were awake, they got ready for guests to fill the hall.
Charlie ran her fingers through her hair, straightened her outfit, and made sure the boys were ready.  
“You’re bossy.” Dean smiled. 
“It’s part of the job description.  Come on, hurry up!” She left his room and knocked on Sam’s door. “Sam, time to go!” She heard a low “Be right there!” 
The ball was their annual get-together.  Known throughout the country as the best party of the year, Dean and Sam knew to be on their best behavior and smile while others felt bad for them losing their mother.  No one knew, but Dean was aware that he would probably cry later from the facade he had to put on.  
“Thank you all for joining us this evening.  Please partake in food and drink to celebrate the new year!” King Winchester shouted to his guests.  Raising his glass, he cheered with the crowd and drank the entire glass within a few seconds.  
The Winchester Family greeted and interacted with what felt like a thousand people. They were all becoming tired when a young lady walked confidently to Dean. 
“Hello, Prince Winchester. May I have this dance?” 
Dean didn’t care at this point. He didn’t realize how cunning she looked… but Charlie and Benny did. They looked to each other as to say that they would be watching her closely. Charlie saw the lady’s hand go lower and lower on Dean’s back. The assistant could tell he was tensing. She stepped in. 
“Prince, can I have a few minutes? A dignitary donated a large amount of money to your organization and would love a photo with you.” Charlie carried her clipboard and smiled to his dance partner. 
“Of course. Excuse me, miss.” As he walked away, he thanked Charlie. “Brad, she was driving me crazy! She was so... handsy!”
“You’re welcome, Your Majesty.” 
YN landed on her friend’s guest bed. 
“Thanks for letting me stay here. I’d much rather stay here than a hotel. The production people are lovely about where they were going to have me stay, but I’m so glad to see you.” 
“Of course.” Eileen signed, her hearing getting worse. 
Dean went to bed after the party. His schedule was cleared for the next day by Charlie so that he could recover from the party. 
“Thank you, Brad,” he hugged her before going to bed. “You always look out for me.” 
“You know it. Go to bed,” she turned him toward the door and lightly pushed him to enter his room. “Good night, Prince Dean.” 
”You suck.” 
“Go!” Charlie laughed. 
“‘’Night, Brad.” 
“And cut!” The director yelled to the cast. 
“Ugh,” YN sighed. She wiped her tears from the hard scene. 
“Again, please! Great job, YN!” 
“Winchester!” Benny ran up to the oldest prince as he was about to exit the back entrance of the palace to a car waiting.  “Where in the hell are you going without me?” 
“Stop following me around!” Dean turned to face Benny. “Just leave me alone!” 
“Dean,” Charlie said quietly as she walked up to the two.  “Just take a breath.” She put her hand up. Dean dismissively turned back toward the door.  She cut in front of him. “Just stop for one second.  I know that the last few days have been hard.  Why don’t I go with you? Benny can stay here.” Dean looked at her.  He saw her seriousness and sweetness. 
“Okay.  Lafitte, stay here.” The prince looped his arm through Charlie’s and then walked out of the door.  
“I gotta ask you something, Winchester Numero Uno.” Before they entered the vehicle, he huffed at her. “Where were you thinking of going?” 
“Anywhere.  I’m pent up, and I need to get out.” 
Charlie asked the driver to take them somewhere Dean didn’t hear. He didn’t care.  
The prince stared out the window of the town car as they went to the unknown destination.  
“Dean,” Charlie whispered. 
“What, Brad? What? How can I help you? Along with the thousands of others who have been asking me questions lately.” 
She smiled.  Charlie knew he was frustrated. 
“I was going to ask if you wanted some sour candy.” She chuckled. “But I can keep them for myself…” she took out the bag and reached into it.  He snatched it out of her hand and ate a piece before she knew what happened. “HEY!” His assistant punched him in the arm.  
“Best question I’ve been asked since you asked if I wanted a hug.” 
“‘Cuz I’m awesome.” Charlie grinned. 
“Where are we going?” 
“My old stomping grounds.  No one will recognize you here, and it’s late so no one will see me either.  Let’s go.” After the driver parked, the two exited the car.  She took his arm and huddled against him because she was chilled.  
“Why are you always cold?” 
“You didn’t exactly give me a second to get ready to go out, dumbass. You were throwing your little tantrum.” 
“I’m sorry, Charlie-”
“I’ll live.  Come on.” She practically dragged him into a restaurant with no one in it. The shop owner smiled and Charlie asked for her regular order. “I’ll order for you, Winnie.  I know what you like.” 
Taking a seat, he looked around.  Dean smiled at the nickname she used to make sure they weren’t found out. 
“Winnie, really?” He laughed as Charlie sat down to wait for their order. 
“I can’t call you Dean, you know that.  Will you relax?” 
“Oh, crap.” Dean saw a group of people walking toward the door of the restaurant.  
“Switch me.” Charlie stood up and had Dean sit to face away from everyone.  She handed him her hat, and he put it on. 
Everyone ordered and slowly left the room.  Charlie encouraged Dean to eat, but he was nervous about being recognized. While trying to remain calm, someone bumped him with her hip. He turned out of instinct. 
“Sorry,” she quickly stated. 
“It’s okay,” he responded. “It’s-” he froze. “You.” 
“Dean?” YN whispered. 
“What are you doing here?” Dean looked at her confusedly. 
“Guys, move it along.” Charlie stated urgently. 
“Here,” YN scribbled her number on a napkin. “Facetime me later,” she smiled. “Good to see you. Nice to meet you…?” 
“Charlie, assistant extraordinaire.” She shook her hand. 
“Goodnight, Dean.” YN whispered again, trying to respect his anonymity for the moment. 
Dean raced through the palace to find his brother.  He knocked on his brother’s door. 
“It’s Dean, open up!” The older one pounded on the door again. When Sam opened the door in his pajamas and messy hair, Dean took a breath. “I found her!” 
“It’s 3am and we have to fly tomorrow for… whatever it is.  What in the hell are you talking about?”
“YN LN.  The actress! She’s in Genovia!” 
Dean walked into Sam’s room and shut the door.  He sat in one of the chairs close to the bed. 
“She didn’t say.  Charlie took me to this place and we were eating.  She was with a group of people.  YN accidentally hit me with her hip, and she recognized me when I turned around.  I got her number.” He beamed. 
“This couldn’t wait til morning?” Sam sighed. 
“You know how much I wished I could’ve gotten her number the first time, come on, man! Be excited for me!”
“I’m excited for you, now get out,” Sam rolled his eyes. 
“You two better be in bed!” They could hear Charlie say on the other side of the door.  
“The ruler of the roost has spoken,” Dean smiled. “‘Night, Sammy.” He left the room to find Charlie with her arms crossed.  “I’m going, I’m going…” She pinched his ear and dragged him toward his own room. “OW!” 
“You promised me that you would go to bed after we got home, mister.  GO.” 
The prince chuckled.  
“Good night, Brad.” 
“Sweet dreams, Prince Dean.” 
The next evening, Charlie stomped into Dean’s hotel room.
 “Have you called her yet?” 
“Huh?” He stared at the TV. 
“YN!” She kicked his feet off the ottoman. 
“What is wrong with you? You manhandle me like I am a child!” Dean stood and walked into the restroom, shutting the door. 
“Oh, don’t be a baby.” Charlie smiled. “You’re grumpy because you’re tired.” 
When Dean was finished, he walked out to wash his hands.
“I haven’t called her yet. I’ll do it tomorrow when I have more time.” 
“You never have any time, you’re a prince,” Charlie plopped herself down on a chair.  
“Will you go away? I’m tired. You’re always telling me to go to bed.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” She stood up and walked past him.  
“Brad,” he grabbed her wrist. She stopped and eyed him curiously.  “Thanks, little one,” he kissed her hand.  She rolled her eyes.
“Lights out, five minutes.” Charlie grinned. “‘Night, Prince Dean.” 
After arriving home, Dean paced back and forth in the living room. 
“Call her.” Charlie said seriously. 
“You aren’t helping.”
“I saw her number.  I can call her for you if you like?” Charlie grinned wryly. “You have five minutes or I will do it for you.” 
“You are such a dick.” He huffed at her.  
“Hurry, we have that leader dinner thing in an hour and you need to be changed.” 
Dean walked into his room and sat down.  He pressed the facetime button and called YN. 
“Oh- my-” YN stuttered. “Hi, Dean.”
“Hi, beautiful.” 
She blushed. 
“I don’t have a lot of time because… royal stuff, but I wanted to say you looked amazing the other night.”
YN laughed. 
“I was in sweats and a t-shirt, Prince Dean.” 
“I know,” he raised a brow.  “So what are you doing in Genovia?” 
“A movie.” YN shrugged. 
“So your wonderful face will be on a screen near me sometime soon?” He giggled at his joke. 
“Lame…” she rolled her eyes sarcastically.  
They talked for a bit about little things.  Dean liked her even more. He heard a knock at the door. 
“I need to go, it’s time for me to get ready.  Sweet dreams, YN.” 
“Prince Dean, please get ready, you need to be there soon.” Benny stepped inside. 
“I’ll be ready, thanks.” 
Dean and Sam hiked themselves up the stairs and away from their guests, loosening their ties. 
“I’m exhausted, good night bro.” Sam passed Dean to go to his room. 
Dean didn’t hear Charlie walk up behind him. 
“Dean,” she started.  When he didn’t turn around, she faced him to read his expression.  Charlie saw tears about to fall. She took his hand and walked him into his room and shut the door.  “What happened?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Sure.  That’s why you could barely get in here without crying,” she looked at him kindly. 
“It’s nothing.  I think I’m just overwhelmed.” 
“You know you can talk to me.” Charlie rubbed his back. 
“Thanks, Brad.” 
“We need to talk about YN, but you should relax.”
“Nosey,” he chuckled. 
YN and Dean talked more consistently and she visited the palace on one of her days off. 
Sam was walking through the living room when he saw her. He raised a brow, confused. 
“You must be YN,” he walked to her and shook her hand. 
“Prince Winchester, nice to meet you.” 
“Move along, Sasquatch. YN and I are going to watch a movie,” Dean walked in with popcorn. 
“Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet you,” Sam smiled and left. 
“Your country is beautiful,” YN sighed, happy.  
“It’s not mine, but I understand what you mean.  It’s gorgeous.  Like someone I know.” 
“Scruffy?” YN laughed, pointing to the dog. 
“Close, but no. You ready to watch this movie? Get comfy.  It’s kind of long, but totally worth it.” 
YN ended up falling asleep against Dean.  They woke up the next morning to King John’s bellowing through the palace. 
“DEAN! I need you!” He saw Dean and YN on the couch and touched his shoulder.  “Son, wake up,” he said gently. 
“Huh? Oh. What’s wrong?” Dean tried to sit up without disturbing YN. 
“It’s Sam, he was hurt. He’s fine, but he stepped outside and was hit with a stun gun.  Security caught the guy, but-” 
Dean raced to the in-palace infirmary. He threw the door open to find Sam with his shirt off and two marks on his chest. 
“I’m fine, Dee.” Sam huffed. 
“Where is this person, and can I pummel him?” 
Sam started to laugh but stopped when he realized how much it hurt. 
“No,” their dad walked in.  “He’s a jerk, but he’s looney.  He didn’t understand what he was doing.”
Dean dismissed his father’s remarks. 
“Sammy, are you okay?” 
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” 
“Good,” Dean knocked his hand against Sam’s and left.  
“Is Sam okay?” YN rose from the couch.
“He’ll be okay.”
“Maybe I should go,” she weakly smiled.
“No, you’re fine.  My dad is taking care of everything. Sit down,” he collapsed on the couch and motioned for her to sit down. 
“Okay,” YN sat down.  
They continued to date in secret so that they wouldn’t be in the public eye.  Once they had become serious, they were ready to be seen in public.  
“You ready to do this?” Dean changed his shirt from a button up to a polo.  
YN took a deep breath. 
They went to a tennis match. In front of people. Together.
The couple could feel everyone’s stares and glances.  
“Are you still happy we did this?” Dean looked down at his girlfriend. 
“I think so. People would have found out about us anyway, I guess. I’m ready to go, can we?” She looked to their bodyguard. 
“Of course, ma’am,” Benny motioned for her to walk toward him and up the stadium steps.  
“I’m tired, that’s fine with me.” The prince moved so that she could step in front of him and walk to Benny.  
“Thank you, Benny,” YN took Dean’s hand to lead him up the stairs behind Benny.  The crowd murmured.  “I don’t know if I will ever get used to that.” 
“Eh, part of the life now, princess.” Dean grinned. 
“Shut up, Dean!” YN whacked him with her purse. The crowd giggled. 
After they went back to the palace, they turned on YN’s movie that she had shot in Genovia over one year previous. 
She looked over at Dean to see him wiping away a few tears that he barely let out. 
“Honey,” she took his hand. “What’s wrong?” 
“You died, sweetheart.  I don’t ever want that.” 
“I died in the story, not in real life. Come here.” YN opened her arms to him.  He snuggled in next to her.  “I’ll be with you until the end.” 
Forever Friends (Everything):
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  @supernatural-crazed-girl
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl  @super100012  
 @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​ 
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​ 
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​ 
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ 
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​ 
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​ 
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101A
@thevelvetseries​ @jennawinchester152a​ * @samsgirl93​ *    @supernatural3002​ *
@tmiships4life * @breereadsthings​ * @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ *
@a-magey​ @vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ @fallen-wolf22​
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 8 months
{Valley, Audrey, Henry and Bendy are fighting off vampires, things were going fine until the alpha vampire showed up and gave them an ass kicking. Things were looking pretty bleak... When suddenly, a car with barbed wire and wooden stakes strapped to it's grill crashes through Valley's front window! Impaling the alpha vampire through the chest killing it. A tenseness fills the air as everyone waits for the driver to exit the car; everyone was expecting Tom or Alison but to their shock it was...]
Audrey, Henry, Bendy and Valley: SAMMY?!
[Everyone gawks as Sammy quietly steps out of the car, he inspects the dead vampire then calmly walks over the fridge; opens it grabs a can of cherry coke cracks that open and takes a drink as his stunned granddaughter takes cautious step towards him.]
Valley, nervously: Granddad?
Sammy: One thing about living in this town your grandmother and I never could stomach; all the damn vampires!
{Sammy then closes the fridge and heads to his room while everyone stares at him in disbelief.]
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anathewierdo · 4 years
Call of the Ocean Chapter 4: Not Mr. CEO
Pairing: CEO!Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Mermaid!Reader
Word count: 5147
Chapter summary: Dean is back in Kansas. Complications arise even more with his father and he can’t quite remember ever being so tempted to punch him in the face.
Series summary: CEO of Winchester Auto Dean Winchester has had enough of the office life. With his father keeping him from what he wants to do, which is work on the plant floor, Dean decides to leave for a quiet life. In Matagorda, Texas, he finds something he never thought he would, a chance encounter with a mythical creature.
Call of the Ocean Masterlist
A/N: I am drowning in assignments already and it’s not even September. And I am currently listening to Monty Python records to not lose my mind. Please send help :D This series is a collaboration with @flamencodiva​. Text dividers were made by @talesmaniac89​
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Dean heard the alarm blasting in his ear. With a groan, he placed a pillow over his head and began swatting to find his alarm clock. It flashed three am, and Dean realized that he needed to make the twelve-hour drive to Lawrence. Throwing the covers off him, he sat up and got off the bed. Grabbing a duffle, he moved around the room grabbing enough clothes for at least five days. He made sure to pack his suit in a garment bag. He was on his way to take a shower when a thought crossed his mind. Was what he saw last night real? The dream he had didn't make it any better. 
Climbing into the shower, he cleaned himself. Making sure to pick comfortable clothes for the drive, he then made his way to the kitchen to make himself a quick breakfast. Munching on his toast, he couldn't help but look out the window into the dark morning. Grabbing his mug, he walked out and down the stairs to the shore. He closed his eyes and took in the sound of the crashing waves. As he took in the sea air, a picture flashed in his mind. The lavender tail splashing in the water. 
Shaking the image out of his head, he took one last look and made sure to pack everything in his car. He checked all the fluids before climbing in and driving towards Lawrence. 
Twelve hours later
Even with a few stops made along the way, Dean made sure to try and make it to Sam and Jess's by five-thirty that afternoon. Parking the car, he got out and stretched. As he made his way to the trunk to retrieve his things, he didn't notice Sam walking out and leaning over the porch banister.  
"Didn't think you'd make it, Jerk," Sam smiled as he pushed off the banister.
"Hey Sammy," Dean chuckled as he closed the trunk with his things in his hands. Walking up to Sam, he enveloped his brother in a hug. "How are things?" 
"Well, the usual, Cas is helping with the paperwork you left behind. I looked over some contracts to make sure everything is in order." Sam rubbed the back of his neck, "had to intervene in a meeting in HR yesterday, but it was just to smooth over a contract…" Sam cleared his throat, "Dad asked me if I heard from you."   
"So is Jess making dinner?" Dean tried to avoid the subject of their father. "How long have you been with her again?" 
Sam seemed to glow at the question, chest-puffing up a little bit, a goofy smile forming on his face at the thought of how long he and Jess had been together. "Four years and counting. We didn't have enough time to make dinner, but there's a new steakhouse downtown and Jess told me the burgers are pretty good."
"Oh… an outing for dinner," Dean cleared his throat. "Just show me where my room is, and I'll wash the car smell off me." 
As Dean walked farther into the house, he paused when he saw Jess. 
"Hey short stack," he called to her before pulling her into a hug. "How are you doing?" 
"Taking care of your brother, like always," Jess smiled at him. "How was the drive?"
" It was good," he smiled back, "the place you suggested better be a good burger place. I say this only because I did stop for burgers back in Oklahoma and let me tell you, their burgers were awesome." 
 "Have I ever let you down when it comes to food, Winchester?" Jess sassed as she placed her hands on her hips. 
"Well, that restaurant with the tiny, expensive as hell food says different" He sassed right back, only to cower under the stare of his brother's girlfriend.
"That happened one time. Name another," Jess dared him. Dean decided to just let it go. Jess nodded approvingly. "That's what I thought."
"I'm going to take a shower and get dressed," Dean rubbed the back of his head. "Am I in the same room as always?" 
"Yeah," Sam piped in, "Up the stairs and the first door on the right." 
“Okay, I'll see you guys in a bit then," Dean made his way up the stairs and into the room. He shed his clothes and took a quick shower. Once he was done, he grabbed a pair of dress pants and a simple button-down shirt, opting to lay down on the bed for a bit and let his thoughts wander. The lavender tail flashed in his mind. He had tried to think about a creature that could have such a color on their fins, he even tried to google 'freaky purple sea creatures' in one of his pit stops, but nothing came up. The only thing that came up was ugly sea creatures, but none of them had the purple fins he saw. 
"Dean?" Sam's voice echoed through the door, "Are you okay in there?" 
"Uh… yeah, sorry, just give me ten minutes, bitch!" Dean smirked as he pushed himself up off the bed and put on his shoes. He gave himself a once over through the mirror near the door, nodding satisfied at his appearance 'good, but not douchebaggy', he thought.
"Okay, we will wait downstairs for you, jerk," Sam called back and walked away from the door (most likely going back to Jess)l.
Grabbing his wallet, keys and phone, Dean ran his fingers through his hair and walked out of the room, catching a glance of the back of Sam's head as he went down the stairs. The trio made their way to Sam's Charger and frowned. 
"Would rather be driving my Baby," he mumbled. 
"Don't be a baby," Jess chided, "you'll survive this, Dean."
Sam couldn't help but grin at the way his girlfriend put his brother in his place. Driving down the road, he made his way to the highway and towards Kansas City. He only hoped that Dean wouldn't be too mad at him that their parents found out that he was back home. Sam shifted in his seat as Jess reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Dean found himself looking out the window, his thoughts still on the mystery of the purple tail. 
Sam arrived at the steakhouse and helped Jess out of the passenger seat. Dean climbed out, adjusted his blazer, and smoothed out his hair. Walking with Sam and Jess, he followed them inside and froze when he saw the back of his father's head. He reached forward and pulled Sam back. 
"What is HE doing here, Sam?" Dean hissed. 
Sam ran his fingers through his hair, "Sorry, I may have mentioned to Mom that you were staying with me and she got the restaurant out of me... I'm sorry. I didn't know they would join us." Sam gave Dean an apologetic smile. "Just focus on Mom." 
"Sam," Dean sighed but rolled his eyes when their father, John, walked towards them. 
"Well, I'll be damned. For a moment, I actually thought you had lied to your Mother, Samuel." John snickered, giving Dean a fake smile and a rough handshake.
"John, not here, please," Mary came over and placed her hand on his shoulder. She turned to Dean and offered him a small smile before she smacked his shoulder, "A phone call would have been nice, Dean." 
"Sorry mom," Dean rubbed his shoulder before leaning in to hug her and kiss her cheek. "I'll make sure to call you when I head back to Matagorda." 
The hostess interrupted before anybody could say more and guided them to their table. A couple of candles served as the centerpiece, and an ice bucket with a champagne bottle was waiting for them. 
Sam took out a chair for Jess, and John did the same for their mother, and soon enough, they started eyeing the menu. Dean tried to ignore the looks his father was shooting his way. He looked over to his mother and cleared his throat. 
"Is grandpa still mad at me?" he smiled at her, knowing that his grandfather knew he needed space. 
"He's okay," Mary smiled softly, "he asked a couple of times if we knew anything from you, but I don't believe he's mad, hun."
"Well, I bet he'll be glad when he sees me at his party," Dean had opted to order the ribeye steak with fries and took a sip of his whiskey. 
"Would have been better if you didn't run away from your problems," John grumbled as he took a sip of his own whiskey. 
Dean barely managed to stifle a laugh. 'Wow,' he thought. "I guess so, Dad, but I gotta say, this whole 'running away' thing? It's really working out for me." 
"Oh, really? And what do you do all day?" John leaned in, "you get up and work on the Impala all day. You get your hands dirty. You know you shouldn't be doing that. You don't have to work on the factory floor anymore, it is a waste of your talent. Your place is in the office." 
"John… this is not the place to discuss this," Mary hissed at him. 
"Dad, Mom's right, not here," Sam interjected as Jess gave Dean an apologetic smile and took a sip of champagne. 
"It's okay," Dean smiled, "At least I know how to do more than just sign and push papers all day." Dean cut into his steak and took a bite, "You should really dig in before the food gets cold, Dad." 
The table fell into an awkward silence as everyone continued to eat their food. Dean felt his father's eyes on him as he took bite after bite of his steak. In a desperate attempt to cool things down, Sam and Jess tried to make conversation about the food, the restaurant itself, even their thoughts on buying another house. Still, to no avail, the elder Winchester was set on silence and glares directed towards Dean.
"Dean, you bought a house in Texas?" Mary smiled at her son, "Or did you rent it? I might have to go down and visit either way." she held his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
"I bought it," Dean cleared his throat, "it's good property right on the coast overlooking the ocean." he took another sip of his whiskey. "Perfect for peace and quiet." 
"Oh, now I need to see it," Jess gushed as she looked at Sam. "It sounds like a very wonderful place." 
"There are a few things I need to fix," Dean beamed. "Going to rip out the carpet and put in some laminate wood panels on my own." Dean pushed his empty plate away and smiled when they ordered dessert. 
He took another sip of his whiskey before taking a bite of the pie he ordered. 
"So, you wasted your money on a fixer-upper instead of buying a house that is already perfect," John grumbled as he sat back in his chair.
"Yup," Dean said proudly, snapping the 'P' at the end. He was determined not to let his father's comments get to him. "I'm going to make it my own, literally build it into an awesome place."
"And let me guess," John drawled, "You are going to do it all yourself." he rolled his eyes, "What is the point of us having money if you are going to live like someone below their means?" John shook his head, "I helped build the company with your grandfather so that you wouldn't have to lift a finger!" 
"And I respect you for that, Dad," Dean tried to keep things from getting too far, "but working behind a desk, trapped in an office, that's not me." he shrugged and held on tightly to his whiskey glass.
"Your grandfather and I need someone who can be behind a desk, Dean," John slammed his fist on the table. "You need to grow up and be thankful for the fact that you don't need to lift a finger to work. All you have to do is make sure the company is running smoothly, and the people we hire to work on the floor are qualified to help keep the company running."  
Dean had had enough. "I said no, Dad! Thanks, but no thanks. I'll pass. Get someone else to do it, you have a lot of people in your ranks -hell, even Sammy would do it great!"
"Don't pull me into this, Dean!" Sam warned. "And I am happy being the lawyer for the company… besides… I have an announcement to make… well, we have an announcement to make," Sam held on to Jess's hand. 
"We're engaged," Jess pulled out her left hand to show them the engagement ring on her finger. 
"Oh my…" Mary put her hand to her mouth and squealed in delight, "Congratulations! This is amazing! We can plan and get everything ready… oh, you have to tell me what you have in mind," she rambled. 
"Now, that is good news!" John smiled before frowning at Dean, "if you had stayed with Cassie, or were able to satisfy her needs, you would have been married by now." 
 "I'm really no expert, Dad, but as far as I know, you don't stay with someone who cheats on you. Things were fine with Cassie. It's not my fucking problem if she decided she wanted someone else." Dean pushed his chair back and looked to his brother, "going to take a cab back to your place. Congratulations, I mean it. Mom, it was good to see you, I'll see you again at grandpa's party." 
Dean walked over and kissed both women on their cheeks before walking out of the restaurant. He barely made it out into the street when he heard Sammy behind him.
"Dean! Wait up!" Sammy put a hand on his shoulder, and Dean couldn't decide if his brother was concerned or just felt pity towards him. "There's a spare in the pot next to the dog figurine on the porch. Text me as soon as you get there, okay?"
"Thanks, Sammy. I wish this would have ended differently. I am really happy for you and Jess." he hailed a cab and climbed in, giving the cab driver Sam and Jess's address.
Dean had made it back to Sam and Jess's house, ready to raid their liquor cabinet and sit in the backyard. Grabbing the spare key from the hiding spot, Dean made his way inside, grabbed the whiskey bottle from the liquor cabinet, and made his way to the backyard to sit by the pool. He wished he was back in Matagorda, in his new home staring out into the ocean as the moonlight reflected off the water's surface. The sounds of the waves crashing onto the rocks. Dean twisted the top off the bottle and chugged for a bit. The amber liquid burned his throat just a bit.  
As the buzz of the alcohol hit him, Dean could almost hear a voice calling to him. 
'Dean,' the voice sang, it was almost angelic. 
He looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. But there was no one there. Closing his eyes to take a deep breath, a flash of purple scales filtered through his head. Why couldn't he get the image out of his head? Besides, there is no such thing as a fish with a purple tail, right? Dean shook the voice out of his head and continued to drink from the whiskey bottle. Already in a drunken stupor, he made his way to the outdoor fridge for a bottle of water. 
"Dean?" Sam's voice echoed through the house, "Dean, you okay?"  
"Huh?... Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. When did you guys get back?" Dean hollered, the sound of his baby brother's footsteps getting closer until his moose of a brother had taken a seat beside him.
"I know Dad was an ass tonight, Dean," Sam sighed, "It gave him no right to shove Cassie in your face, though." 
"Well, he did," Dean snorted as he grabbed the bottle of whiskey and took another sip. "Besides, the house I bought… figured it might be a summer thing, you know… nothing permanent, a nice getaway for when I want to… get away." Dean sighed. 
Sam nodded "So, what? You're gonna go back and forth every time you and Dad butt heads? Gonna keep working for him until you decide to take a vacation?"
"Didn't say it was the smartest idea," Dean joked, "But I also don't want to abandon Grandpa's company," Dean ran his hand across his face. "I mean… that company started out as a single garage. Then Grandpa got the idea to actually make and fix the cars there. I mean… He worked his ass off to get us what we have today and… honestly, Grandpa's the one who had me start working in the garage when I was ready." 
"I get that… but do you really think you can handle it? No, no, don't look at me like that, that's not what I mean. What I'm trying to say is… I get that you feel like you gotta stay -even if your only reason for it is Grandpa. And you're more than capable of working behind the desk like Dad told you. Hell, maybe you're the best…" Sam chuckled, "but like you said, that's not you. Do you honestly believe that you're going to hold on? Even if you manage to get away from time to time?"
"What choice do I have?" Dean sighed as he looked at the moon, reflected on the surface of the pool. "You know… this might sound crazy, but at the same time… I don't want to leave that house. I kind of want to open up my own garage down there." Dean smiled. 
"So do it, you idiot!" his brother exclaimed. "Think about it! You've been saving up, right? Or maybe you can get a small job- hell, I'll loan you whatever money you need-"
"You are not going to loan me anything! You got your own bills to pay, man," Dean interjected. "But you're right, I do have money saved up and I also have the trust fund that Grandpa set up for us. I think I can start off small from the house and then once I get enough people, I can buy a rundown garage I saw there," Dean looked at his brother. "Think Grandpa would be okay with that?" 
"Even if he wasn't, I don't think that should stop you," Sam put a hand on Dean's shoulder, making sure his older brother was paying attention. "You deserve to be happy. In whatever way that comes. Run the numbers and if by some chance you're short of money, get a job down there, or I don't know, you'll figure something out… Just make sure that whatever you do- stay or leave, it's because you want it, not because us assholes in monkey suits convinced you. Okay?"
"Yeah, you monkey," Dean messed up Sam's hair and laughed. "I had a bizarre dream last night, though," Dean decided to take a drink of water. 
"Yeah? Planes or witches?"
"Shut up, bitch, I'm serious. I was swimming in the ocean and," Dean shook his head, "I saw this purple tail pass by me," he licked his lips. "I swim up to the surface and look around to see if anyone was near me and then this voice just called my name." 
"And…?" Sam tilted his head at Dean, "aren't you a little too old to be having a wet dream?" 
"This wasn't a wet dream, Sammy," Dean punched his shoulder, "I don't know what it was but ... earlier that night, before I went to bed I– I thought I saw the same purple tail in the water." 
"Okay, I think you had one too many drinks," Sam chuckled as he helped his brother up. "Mom wants to have lunch with you tomorrow. Just you and her, no Dad," he helped Dean inside and up the stairs to his room. 
"Dunno if that's a good idea, Sammy" Dean fell onto the bed face down. 
"Too late. Already told Mom you're going."
"Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaimed into the pillow. 
The next morning, Dean let out a loud groan as the light shone into the room. He grumbled and placed the covers over his head. Dean hated what happened last night, but he knew his father would be expecting him to at least make an appearance into the office. He was just about to fall back and get a few more minutes of sleep when a loud banging came from the door. 
"Rise and shine, Dean! You need to get up, Jess and I made breakfast for you." Sam called through the door. 
Dean groaned and punched the pillow. So much for trying to sleep in today.
"We made bacon!" Sam smiled as he heard Dean scrambling to get dressed. 
"You need to lead with that next time," He gave Sam a pat on the shoulder as he raced down the stairs and smiled at Jess, "Why did you agree to marry Sam again? I mean, he is a gawky, nerdy giant." Dean kissed her cheek as she handed him a place full of bacon eggs and pancakes, but mostly bacon. 
Jess laughed. "He's pretty good… besides, somebody has to keep him from crashing and burning, Deano."
"Yeah, I guess," Dean chuckled, "Just don't let him become a workaholic! He needs Sammy fun time!" Dean wiggled his eyebrows, making Jess laugh. 
"Shut up and eat your heart attack on a plate, Dean," Groaned Sam while he leaned to kiss Jess. 
Breakfast was pretty nice, the three of them falling into a pleasant conversation. And Dean got to finally know how Sam got the courage to finally ask Jess to marry him. When the food was done and the dishes were cleaned, Dean thanked Jess for the food one more time. 
"I am going to take a shower and get dressed. I guess I'll have to wear a monkey suit for today," Dean grumbled.
"Unfortunately, I need to head in now. We're meeting with a potential client they think they can play hardball," Sam chuckled, "So the contract is going to be ironclad." 
"Good for you. You grab that client by the balls, Sammy, show them not to mess with us!" Dean smiled.   
"Well, I'll take a guess that you will be there around 10?" Sam took a sip of coffee from his travel cup. 
"You know me," Dean sighed, "actually I might head out now and see the guys at the garage." 
"You should," Sam paused for a moment, adjusting his coat, "you know what? You better go. Cas and Benny won't stop asking where you went and if you were gonna come back for Grandpa's party."
"I will, promise," Dean winked.
"You stupid sonofabitch! Where were you?!" Dean barely had a chance to brace himself before the punch landed on his shoulder. "The last thing we heard was you following your ole man back to the office, and suddenly you just up and left! Wait until Cas sees your face. He almost thought you wouldn't make it to Samuel's birthday."
"None of your damn business is where I was, Laffite" Dean laughed, then pulled Benny into a hug "Christ, I actually missed you savages."
"We missed you too, brother," Benny gave him a pat on the back. "I still have your coveralls in the locker room. We got a new engine to be tested out." 
"Sounds good," Dean smiled, "I'm going to head up to the office first, and then I have lunch with my mom. Later, Benny." Dean smiled as he made his way to the elevator, adjusting his tie and fixing his coat. 
Pushing the button to the executive floor, he ran his fingers through his hair. He frowned when the elevator made a stop at the Human Resources floor. Rolling his eyes, he shifted to the side and waited to see who was coming in. He was surprised to see Sam but not surprised to see his father, who was followed by a young woman with long brown hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes. Her pencil skirt was tight around her hips and her high heels gave her legs length. 
"Morning," Dean mumbled. 
"Well, it must be that hell has frozen over that Dean has graced us with his presence." John adjusted the cuffs of his shirt under his jacket before fixing his tie. "Ms. Braden, this is our CEO, Dean Winchester. Dean, this is Ms. Lisa Braden, your date for your grandfather's birthday party."   
When the elevator doors opened, Dean pushed his way through and marched to his office, ignoring the calls of his father as he slammed his office door and locked it. 
"Motherfucking asshole!" Dean growled as he shook in fury. Running a hand across his face. He was about to think about leaving and going back to Texas when a knock came on the door. 
"Dean?" Sam's voice called through the door, "Dean, open up, please. I promise Dad's in his office." 
"Fuck," Dean grumbled, unlocking the door to let Sam in but not staying to open it. He was pacing his office, clenching and unclenching his hands. He didn't even look up at Sam as he came in. "Fucking hell!" Dean all but screamed. Sam didn't flinch, though. He had seen the Winchester temper first hand from both of the males he grew up with.
"He had no right to spring that on you," Sam closed the door behind him and sat on the couch. "That was a shit move. And you are within your right to turn her down and tell her no." 
"And look like an asshole? Fuck, he did this on purpose!" Dean growled. "Why can't he just fucking leave me alone?"
"Because he's ambitious and you are the legal heir to the company?" Sam shrugged before seeing the look on Dean's face and sighing, "Or he's an asshole who doesn't realize that he is pushing you away with all the bullshit he's doing?" 
"I'm thinking he's just a fucking asshole!" Dean swept an arm across his desk, knocking papers to the floor. "This has nothing to do with being ambitious!"
"Dean calm down please," Sam hissed, his own temper rising, "I am sick of being in the middle of you and dad all the fucking time! I feel like bashing your heads together sometimes!" 
"I don't even know who this girl is or where she came from," Dean leaned against his desk. "For all I know, she could be like some bitch that works for that spawn of Satan or something."
"Well, her boss is Nick Pellegrino, but he is the president and CEO of Lucifer Industries. He is called Lucifer by his employees and business partners. Lisa is his Vice President of sales. Her dad is the owner of the archangel engine that grandpa has had his eye on for the new models. But you and I both know that that company has had its fair share of bad press." Sam explained. "Look… it's a harmless date to Grandpa's birthday. You show her around and make nice, and you can cut ties with her like you've done with all the other chics you've been with since Cassie." 
"Sam, that's not how these things work," Dean sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Look, just for once, shut dad up and take this girl to grandpa's birthday, then cut all ties, okay?" Sam shook his head, "I should -" 
The door opened suddenly as a bald man stepped in. He seemed to be around Sam's height, but he was built like Dean. His brown eyes searching the office, taking note of the papers on the floor. 
"Not even one day back and you are already pissed," Samuel raised his eyebrow at his grandson, "are you too pissed to say hello?" 
"Hey, grandpa," Dean sighed. "Didn't know you were here."
"Well, when I hear you have decided to take a sabbatical and then find you here… it makes one wonder what's going on," Samuel walked in and looked to Sam, "Sammy, go back to Legal. I need to talk to your brother." 
Sam gave him a smile before turning to Dean, "Mom said to meet her at the Bistro on Main," he gave a short wave before leaving Dean's office closing the door. 
"Now that we are alone," Samuel sat down and crossed his arms. "Why don't you tell me where you ran off to." His grandfather gave him a soft smile. "And what is going on in that head of yours?" 
"I found a place in Matagorda, TX," Dean explained. "I'm thinking about starting my own auto shop there and just...distancing myself."
"Hmmm," Samuel nodded his head, "Is it a nice house?" 
"It's perfect. Right on the water and everything." Dean smiled softly.
"Well," Samuel got up and walked up to him, "You have your work cut out for you." He placed his hand on Dean's shoulder, "What do you need?" 
"Nothing really," Dean ran his fingers through his hair. "I guess I just need to break it to the family that -" 
"Dean, we need to… oh, Samuel, I didn't realize you were here," John walked all the way in and looked at Dean. 
"Hello to you too, John. If you don't mind, I'm having an important chat here with Dean," Samuel gave John a look, "whatever you need to say to him, I'm sure it can wait a few more hours."
Dean tried to hide the smile that crept onto his lips, "Gramps, why don't we head to the plant floor? There is a new technique I want to try out, Benny has everything all set up," Dean placed a hand on Samuels's shoulder and let him walk out first. As Dean passed John, John grabbed Dean by the arm. 
"I am only going to say this once," John whispered, "You are going to take Ms. Braden to your grandfather's birthday. You are going to wine and dine her and make sure she agrees to our partnership. Is that clear? Or that house in Matagorda you just purchased… well, let's just say you might not have anything to go back to. Is that clear?" 
"Crystal," Dean gave him a thin-lined smile before shrugging him off. Following his grandfather, to the elevator, he sighed, "It looks like I have a date for your birthday." 
"Let's forget all that," Samuel put an arm around his shoulder. "Now, you need to tell me about this house you have, and when do I get to come over?" 
Dean smiled as they walked into the elevator, the door closing behind them.
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The Secret Boyfriend | for the @deanandcasbingo​
Rating: G Warnings: None Tags: Marriage, Engaged Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sharing a Bed, Road Trips
“Dean? Why did Sam send us separate invitations for his and Rowena’s wedding?” Dean can hear his boyfriend’s keys clatter as they land on the glass table next to the front door and the rustle of paper which is undoubtedly the sound of Castiel shuffling through the mail.
“I’m not sure,” Dean admits with a frown, pulling his t-shirt down over his torso and meeting Cas in the living room. Cas takes one look at Dean’s old sweatpants and worn t-shirt and grins.
“You got the day off?”
Dean laughs and plucks the stack of mail from Cas’s hands, dropping it unceremoniously on the coffee table as he pulls his boyfriend into a kiss. “Yeah, Benny covered my shift since I covered for him when it was his anniversary. I figured we could spend the day relaxing and then go out to dinner later. Maybe look at rings?” Dean tentatively suggests, his nerves quashed the minute Cas’s arms wind around his neck. 
“Sounds perfect. You haven’t told your family yet?”
Dean shakes his head, smiling and brushing his thumb along Cas’s jaw. “Wanted to keep it between us, just for a little bit. And I don’t really want to take attention away from Sammy, with him and Rowena newly engaged and all.” Dean winces. “Is that, uh… okay?”
Cas laughs and kisses him gently. “Of course it is, Dean. It’s sweet that you don’t want to step on your brother’s excitement and it’s not like we’re in a rush to get married. I think we’ve both been acting as though we’ve been married for quite a while, now.”
“Suppose so,” Dean agrees, shaking his head with a smile. “According to Charlie, we’ve practically been married since we laid eyes on each other.”
Cas grins, fingers playing with the shorts hairs on the back of Dean’s head. “She isn’t wrong.”
“Maybe not,” Dean muses, hugging Cas against him tightly. “It is our anniversary, I think we’re entitled to being extra ‘gross and lovey-dovey’, as Meg says.”
Cas hums, breath ghosting over Dean’s earlobe as he presses a kiss just below his ear. “Later. Right now, I’m taking you back to bed.”
Dean bites his lip, chuckling. “Lead the way, love.”
“You really want to tell them the week of your brother’s wedding?”
Dean shrugs as he zips his suitcase shut. “It’s not like either of us are gonna make a big deal about it. We’ve already agreed that we don’t want an engagement party or a big, expensive wedding. Hell, we haven’t even set a date yet.” He brings Cas’s hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the simple silver band nestled on his finger. The small jade embedded right in the center catches his eye and he grins as he glances at his own ring. It’s the same as Castiel’s, but with a small aquamarine gem rather than a jade. Unconventional, sure, but it fits their relationship perfectly and Dean’s so happy he feels like he could burst. “Besides, I don’t want to hide how excited I am. Not from my family.”
Castiel smiles widely and pulls Dean into a kiss, sighing happily against his lips. “I love you so much.”
Dean laughs. “Do you? I never would’ve guessed.”
“Oh, shut up,” Cas mutters, shaking his head and grabbing his suitcase. “C’mon, we’ve got a nine-hour drive and I still need coffee.”
Dean smirks, grabbing his own suitcase. “Yes, sir.”
The drive to Lawrence is uneventful, thankfully. He and Cas jam out to the classic rock stations and they make it to the Winchester house by dinnertime. Mary welcomes them in with tight hugs and Dean nearly starts drooling when he smells roast chicken.
“Dad’s making his roast chicken? Hell yeah!”
“Language,” Mary chides, smiling and shaking her head as she turns to Castiel. “Good to see you again, Cas. I trust Dean’s treating you well?”
Castiel smiles. “A gentleman, as always.”
“Good,” Mary says with a grin, ushering them inside. “I hope you boys don’t mind sharing the pull-out, rooms are kinda tight at the moment.”
Dean waves a hand at her. “We’ll make it work. Grandma and Grandpa Campbell are here already?”
“This morning,” Mary confirms. “Go set your stuff down, dinner’s almost ready.”
Dean leads the way through the house, Cas following close behind. They leave their suitcases by the couch and head for the dining room, greeting Dean’s father and grandparents.
“Dean! Glad you made it safely, man,” Sam says, pulling his brother into a tight hug.
“‘Course I did, Sammy. Couldn’t miss everything as your best man, now, could I?” Dean grins and hugs Rowena tightly as Sam moves on to hug Cas. “Hey, Ro. Can’t believe you agreed to be married to him.”
Rowena smirks, glancing at Sam. “He has his uses.”
“High praise,” Cas comments with a grin, settling into the seat next to Dean once the greetings are out of the way. “Thank you for letting us stay, Mr. and Mrs. Winchester.”
John waves off the thanks. “Least we could do. You boys had an okay trip?”
Dean grins. “It was great. Way better than flying.”
They’re halfway through dinner when Sam brings up their invitations.
“So neither of you filled out the plus one section.” 
Dean raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t realize we needed to.” 
“Oh! You didn’t if you’re not bringing anyone.”
Dean and Cas exchanged a confused glance but before either of them can ask, the conversation’s already moved on.
“What was that about?” Cas murmurs as they’re climbing into bed that night. “Why would we fill out the plus one section when they sent us both invitations?”
Dean shakes his head. “Not a clue. That was super weird.”
“They… know we’re together, right?” Cas asks with a frown.
Dean snorts. “Of course they do, love. No way they don’t.” 
Cas seems to accept that answer and snuggles against Dean’s side with a pleased hum. “I love you, Dean. Goodnight.”
Dean smiles softly and presses a kiss to Cas’s forehead. “Love you, too.”
They’re so busy the few days before the wedding that Sam’s weird invitation mention is entirely forgotten. Dean’s fully in best man mode, helping prepare the last few things for the wedding the following day. He, Sam, Rowena, and Rowena’s maid of honor all head for the hotel that night. Dean’s staying in the groom’s suite with Sam, so Cas is left at the Winchester house by himself, as much as Dean hates it. He’ll see Cas at the reception, he can spend a day without pining for his fiance.
Sam’s a mess the morning of his wedding. He’s concerned everything is going to go wrong, he can’t find Rowena’s ring, and he forgot his shoes at the house.
“Sammy, breathe. I’ve got Rowena’s ring right here.” He pats the pocket over his heart. “Alright? I’ll call Cas and have him bring your shoes, it’s not a big deal.”
Sam takes a deep breath and nods. “You don’t think he’ll mind?”
“Not at all, man. Go work on your vows, I’ll give him a call.”
Sam nods, though Dean can see just how relieved he is. Sam retreats into the bedroom, so Dean hangs around the sitting room and calls Cas.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas answers. Dean can hear the smile in his voice and it makes Dean smile.
“Mornin’, love. Sleep okay?”
“I did. How’re things going?”
Dean chuckles. “Well, Sammy’s freaking out about almost everything. Probably just some pre-wedding jitters, nothing to worry about. I have a huge favor to ask.”
Cas laughs. “I figured. What’s up?”
“Sammy left his shoes at the house. I know it’s a bit of a drive, but if you wanna just bring your stuff, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you getting ready here.”
He hears shuffling on the other end, something he can’t quite make out the origin of. “Where would I find his shoes?”
“Bench at the end of the bed.”
More shuffling and then a small, “A-ha! Got them. I’ll grab my suit and be there in less than an hour.”
Dean grins. “Perfect. Drive safe, love. See you soon.” He tucks his phone away, knocking on the bedroom door. “Sammy? Cas is on the way with your shoes. He’s gonna chill here and get ready if that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks, Dean.”
Cas arrives forty-five minutes later with Sam’s shoes, which Dean quickly passes to Sam before pulling Cas into a soft kiss. “Hi, love. Missed you.”
Cas grins and kisses him again. “Missed you, too. Let me just change and then I’ll leave you two to do… whatever else you need.”
Dean hums, slipping his arms around his fiance’s neck. “Kay. Save me a dance, hm?”
“We’ll see,” Cas answers with a laugh.
Dean chuckles and shoves Cas gently. “You’re an asshole. Go put your suit on, bathroom’s over there.”
Sam’s back in the sitting room by the time Cas steps out in his suit, tie in hand, smiling at Dean sheepishly. Dean smirks and shakes his head. “I really need to teach you how to tie a tie. 
Cas grins and tips his chin up so Dean can tie his tie, murmuring, “Maybe I just like having you this close.”
Dean grins and drops a soft kiss to Cas’s nose as he straightens his tie. “There. All set.”
Cas gives a pleased hum. “I’ll see you both later. Congratulations, Sam!”
Sam smiles nervously. “Thanks, Cas. See you later.”
The wedding goes off without a hitch. With pictures done, the wedding party heads into the reception. Sam and Rowena come in last and launch into their first dance, a gorgeous, choreographed piece the two of them have been working on for months. Once finished, the DJ calls for all couples to join the newlyweds on the dance floor, so Dean turns to Cas and holds out a hand. “May I have this dance, Mr. Novak?”
Cas grins and allows Dean to lead him to the dance floor. Dean sweeps Cas into his arms almost effortlessly, arms settling around Cas’s waist as they sway slowly to the music.
“Your family is staring at us,” Cas murmurs. Dean hums and pulls him closer, leaning his head against Castiel’s. 
“Don’t care. I am surprised they didn’t ask about the rings, though.”
Eventually, the song ends, so he and Cas head back to their table. They’re sitting with Dean’s parents and grandparents near the head table that Sam and Rowena are sitting at. Cas collects their glasses and heads for the bar to get refills, which is when Dean’s family pounces.
“So, you and Cas are pretty close,” Mary chances, raising an eyebrow at Dean.
Dean snorts. “Yeah, guess you could say that. He’s…” he shrugs, smiling. “He’s my best friend.”
“ Just your best friend?” Grandma Campbell prompts. Ah, so someone had noticed the rings. Dean grins.
“Well, actually, we didn’t want to draw any attention away from Sam and Ro’s day, but we’re engaged.”
He looks around the table to find his entire family dumbstruck, which is… weird.
“Uh, don’t you think that’s kind of… fast? I mean, when did this even happen?” John asks, face pale.
Dean frowns. “Well, uh, we’ve been officially engaged for about three months, but we’ve been talking about getting married for about a year, now.”
Sam and Rowena apparently wandered over without Dean noticing and Rowena grins at him. “Congrats, Dean. You two are adorable. Sickeningly so, in fact.”
Dean laughs. “Yeah, we’ve heard that before. Thanks, Ro.”
“Hang on, you and Cas have been talking about getting married for a year ?” Sam gapes at him.
Dean’s more than a little confused, at this point. “Uh, yeah? Why do you look so confused? This ain’t exactly outta left field.”
Grandpa Campbell scoffs. “The hell it ain’t, boy. How have you been talkin’ about getting married for a year?”
Dean frowns. “Well, we want to adopt in the next few years and it’s way easier to do that if you’re married, so…” he trails off, though his family still looks confused.
“So, what, you two are just gonna raise a kid together? What if you meet someone you really want to spend your life with?” John asks. 
Dean scoffs. “Cas is the one I want to spend my life with. I thought you guys were okay with me being bi.”
“Son, what does you bein’ bisexual have to do with you an’ Cas marrying just to adopt a kid?”
Dean blinks at them. They can’t really think… can they? At least Rowena looks just as confused as Dean feels. “It’s not just to adopt a kid. It’s been long enough, we may as well make it official as far as the government is concerned.”
“It’s been long enough?” Sam repeats, looking absolutely baffled.
“Yeah,” Dean answers slowly. “Cas and I have been together for seven years, kinda seems like marriage is the next step.”
His grandfather shakes his head. “So, what, you’ve been roommates for seven years, so you’re just gonna get married?”
“I’m sorry— roommates ?” He looks around at his family, raising his eyebrows at Rowena. “Do you have any idea what the fuck they’re talking about?”
“Not a wee clue, dear,” Rowena answers, brows furrowed. 
“Cas and I have been dating for seven years. Y’all know that.”
His family looks absolutely baffled, which is disheartening. Cas chooses that moment to return with their drinks, though he seems to sense the tension between them since he just sets their drinks down and sits quietly.
“Uh, no, sweetie, we didn’t,” Mary says softly, eyes locked on Castiel.
“We… seriously? We sleep in the same bedroom at our apartment, you guys have stayed over!”
“We assumed Cas used his bedroom as his office. None of us ever snooped in there,” Sam says sheepishly. “Wait, hang on.” He turns to Rowena. “You knew?”
Rowena scoffs. “It’s quite obvious, dearie. I thought you were all well aware, not blind as bats.”
“That’s why you sent us separate invitations,” Dean says as it dawns on him.
“Yes, I thought that was odd, but Samuel here insisted.”
“And why you asked if we were okay sharing the pull-out,” Cas says with a laugh, glancing at Mary. “I thought you were asking if we objected to the pull-out, not sleeping in the same bed.”
Dean scoffs. “You can’t be serious. Sam, I kissed him in front of you this morning!”
Sam gapes. “Uh, no, you didn’t. Not when I was paying attention, anyway.”
Rowena snickers. “Dean calls him ‘love’, that isn’t exactly platonic.”
Mary shrugs, looking around the table. “John and I assumed it was something he picked up from that British friend in college, Balthazar.”
Dean can feel Cas giggling silently beside him. Hell, Dean would probably be laughing hysterically if he wasn’t so confused. “You seriously didn’t figure out we were together? For seven years ?”
Sam smiles sheepishly and Rowena laughs as she pats him on the arm. “Perhaps everyone referring to you as the smarter brother was incorrect, dear.”
“Well, uh, congratulations on your engagement, then?” Mary hazards.
Dean chances a look at Castiel and the two of them devolve into hysterical laughter, doubled over with tears in their eyes. Dean’s not entirely sure if laughing is the appropriate response, but it’s better than crying or yelling.
“Wait, so when you asked Dean why I hadn’t gotten him a birthday present and he said I had but that it wasn’t family-friendly, what did you think he meant?” Cas manages to ask between giggles. 
“Ohhh, I suppose that should’ve been my first clue. Sam thought you’d gotten him a stripper,” Rowena chimes in, grinning as Sam flushes bright red.”
Dean shakes his head, laughing. “Alright, well, long story short, Cas and I have been dating since freshman year, that’s why we decided to room together for the rest of college. Then I got my job in Austin and Cas can work from anywhere, obviously, so we moved. We’ve kinda known we were gonna be together for the rest of our lives anyway so marriage didn’t seem important. Then I got my promotion last year, so we got rings a few months ago and started saving up for the wedding.”
Dean’s family congratulates them and eventually they switch topics. Dean pulls Cas onto the dance floor, shaking his head as he kisses Cas softly. “I can’t believe them.”
Cas grins. “Mm. It’ll be a funny story to tell our kids, anyway.”
Our kids, Dean thinks as he returns Cas’s grin. He likes the sound of that.
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wanderingsindy · 3 years
(It was Benny’s birthday the other day, and seeing as he’s SINdy’s best friend, I decided to write up a little one-shot for it.
Please note that this takes place AFTER SINdy and Sammy escape the studio and are trying to return to a normal life, so SINdy’s mother is here and he’s got his memories back of having been Sinclair Lawrence. If you have any questions, the ask box is always open.
Summery: Sinclair decides to surprise his best friend with his first attempt at baking, hopefully he likes it!
Warning: post-escape content, so very minor spoilers, but then again the timeline on this blog is all over the place
Benny the Stitched Demon belongs to @fullmetaldevil-blog while SINdy/Sinclair the Wandering Demon and Confessional the Sin Eater belong to me, trashboatprince, while Juliet Lawrence belongs to pretty much both of us
On with the fic!)
The loud banging of pots and pans were was stirred Sammy and Juliet from their sleep, which could only mean two things. One, someone broke into their own, or two, their son was up to something.
The latter was the most likely answer and Sammy groaned, getting out of bed to check.
He stumbled into the kitchen, waking up completely as he found the room a mess. It was like something from a cartoon, and considering the figure who was at the counter, that made a lot of sense. He found Sinclair, in his human form, stirring away at a mixing bowl, covered in flour and chocolate powder, having no idea that he was being watched.
“Sin, what the heck are you doing?” He asked, watching the boy nearly jump two feet in the air. Golden, pupil-less eyes looked over at him and the boy smiled, gesturing to his always-present sign, propped up against the coffee maker nearby.
*Today’s Benny’s birthday! I decided that this year I’m gonna make him a cake! I already let him mom know I was gonna do that, but he has no idea!* The sign’s demonic ink writing said while Sinclair looked rather proud of himself.
Juliet peeked over her husband’s shoulder, eyes wide at the mess, before noticing the sign’s writing. “Oh... oh, sweetie, maybe you should have asked before getting into stuff.”
Sinclair blinked, looking around at the mess. Flour was everywhere, he had dropped two eggs, and he had pulled out a lot of pots and pans while looking for the cake pan. *How come?* The sign read. *I didn’t wanna wake you guys up and I wanted to try this on my own! I’ve helped Mrs. Connor a few times, and even Grandpa Gingie’s let me help, but I wanted to try on my own for Benny!*
“And that’s fine, but you... should still ask, especially since you know you’re not supposed to mess with the stove.” Sammy sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Sinclair seemed to consider this, getting down from his step stool, looking sheepish as he approached with his sign. *Am I in trouble? I promise I’ll clean up the mess!*
“You’re not in trouble,” Juliet gave him a tired smile, “but you really should ask first. Come on, let’s finish this up and then we can clean up while it bakes. Are you following the instructions?”
This made the demonic boy blink. *Instructions?*
After making a second attempt at the cake, in which Sinclair learned that you actually needed to follow a recipe instead of trying to go off of memories of different recipes from different people, the chocolate cake was baking in the oven.
The boy ignored Confessional’s comments in his head about having warned him to look through the cookbooks on the counter before making any attempt at baking. He thought he had it handled, but apparently he had a lot of learning to do!
Like right now, as he watched his mother preparing a raspberry spread for the cake. She had told him that it was a tasty bonus to an already delicious treat, and having filled two cake pans, this would keep the two layers together.
A quick change from human to toon had Juliet finding her son looking like a Bendy knock-off, happily sitting on the now-clean countertop, watching her as she mixed the spread. It was still taking some getting use to, even after a few months, but she loved SINdy as much as she loved Sinclair, which was a lot, considering this was still her boy, it was just... a bit alarming at times.
“So, how are you going to give him the cake, isn’t he in another universe?” She asked as she set the bowl aside and moved to work on making the frosting, letting him help measure out the chocolate for it.
*I’m gonna personally deliver it to him!* SINdy’s sign read as he grinned proudly. *He’s got some stuff coming up on Halloween that’s also for his birthday, I think more stuff is happening then, but I want to give him this today!*
“Do you know what he has planned?”
*Nope! It’s a surprise! It always is, and I love it!* SINdy’s grin grew. Juliet was aware of Benny, having met him a few times since her lost husband and son returned to her life. He was... interesting, a living doll who also looked like Bendy, but not.
He was just as childish as Sinclair, and the two were clearly close. She didn’t really know his whole story, outside of SINdy once explaining that he had his own studio he was locked inside of and suffered years in there as well, but he escaped with his own Tom and Allison and was happily living with them.
Juliet was just happy her boy had a friend, back when he was a living human thirty years ago, he had wasn’t good with other kids. Being a selective mute didn’t help, and now with his lack of voice and relying on a demonic sign... well, it was still troublesome, but he clearly had made friends in other universes! That had to count for something.
The cakes finished and the singer had the demon help her set them aside to cool. “Now, once they’re cooled down enough, we can put on the spread and the frosting. Then you can go bring it to him, but for now, why don’t you got wash up and play.”
SINdy smiled and jumped from the counter, his form changing back to Sinclair, still covered in flour and chocolate powder as he happily ran off to get cleaned up for the day. 
Juliet smiled, watching him leave the kitchen before she let out a sigh. It’s been a few months, but it was still going to take a lot of time to get use to the fact that her once-dead son was back and was now a demon of sorts.
An hour later found Sinclair in the kitchen, carefully using a frosting bag to decorate the cake as best as he could. Despite having spent a while running around with no arms and only floating hands, he still was a bit unsteady with his artistic skills. 
Leaning back, he grinned brightly, rubbing a bit at some of the ink leaking from his eye at his little drawing. He had made an attempt at drawing Benny on the cake, which wasn’t easy with frosting, but the gesture was obvious. It had HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on it and some of the blank space was occupied by star patterns and the like.
“Looks good.” Sammy commented as he peeked over his son’s shoulder. “Now, don’t run with that, don’t want all yours and your mom’s hard work to go to waste.”
*I got it!* Sinclair nodded, getting off the stool he had been standing on and grabbed for the dish cover Sammy had gotten down from a shelf for him. He was gonna have to be very, very careful, it was glass!
He put the cover on the cake, smiling proudly as he took the dish off the counter, standing in the middle of the kitchen. He looked at Sammy and Juliet, seeing the nervous looks on their faces. With a roll of his eyes, he held out the dish and hands appeared from thin air, his mother jumping at the sudden apparition.
In Sinclair’s transformation into SINdy was still shocking, the appearance of the demon Samael, or Confessional as Sinclair called him, was something she would never get use to. She tensed up, watching as a figure appeared out of nowhere, a bit of smoke coming from the human-looking figure.
“I’ll hold onto it for him, better I do it than him, what with his rough landings.” Confessional smirked, dark eyes looking at the boy who stuck his tongue out at him.
Sinclair turned back to his parents, pouting a little, before giving a wave. *Be back soon!* 
A dark puddle of ink formed under the two demons and they sunk into it, the puddle vanishing without a trace when they entered the inky blackness.
The landing was better than expected, SINdy tumbled out of the wall of Benny’s hut, landing on the pillows under it with a little grace still intact. Confessional stepped out without any problems.
*I’m getting better.* SINdy huffed, dusting himself off as he took the cake from his companion demon, who only chuckled as he vanished into a whisp of smoke. 
Whatever you say, kid. Now, off you go, you have a cake to deliver.
SINdy smiled as he remembered why he was here and left the hut, making his way to the backdoor. He set the cake down and knocked on the door. It took only a few moments before the door was answered and he was looking up at Tom.
“Oh, hey, SINdy.” Tom greeted with a small smile. “Looking for Benny?”
SINdy nodded and Tom called for the plush demon over his shoulder. There was a muffled reply from somewhere else in the home and Tom turned back to the demon in front of him. “He’ll be with you in a second.”
It didn’t take long before SINdy spotted his best friend, rushing towards the backdoor. “SINdy!” Benny greeted, stepped past Tom to give him a hug. “Wasn’t expecting you today!”
SINdy happy returned the hug as best as he could before pulling back. *Of course I’d be by! It’s your birthday, and I’ve got you something!*
Benny blinked, before a big grin came to him. “You got me something? What is it?” 
Holding up a finger, SINdy moved and lifted up the dish, his hands holding it above their heads do Benny couldn’t peek at it. Tom moved aside to let them in, getting what SINdy was trying to do, watching as the two toons moved towards the kitchen table. SINdy set the dish down on it and gestured to it.
Quickly, his form changed to Sinclair and he motioned for Benny to get closer. “Happy birthday, Benny.” He said in a very quiet, raspy voice. It was extremely rare for the boy to speak, considering the damage done to his throat, but he considered this a good time to use his voice, after all, it was a special day!
“Aw, thanks, Sin!” Benny grinned, going in for another hug before looking at the covered treat, gasping. “A cake! You got me a cake!”
*Correction:* Sinclair’s sign read, *I made you a cake! Well, Mom and I made it, but still! Chocolate and homemade raspberry spread!*
“No way!” Benny’s eyes widened, practically shining. “Tom, can we have some of this now?”
Tom, who had been standing nearby, chuckled. “I’ll ask Allison first, no getting into it until we know what she has to say.”
“Okay.” The plush demon nodded, still looking excited, and a wee bit peckish as the tasty treat before it. “Haha, did you draw me? Your artistic skills have improved, you captured my good side!”
He got a snort from the boy next to him. *It’s a talent!* 
It didn’t take long for both Connors to return and Allison was holding a camera. She smiled, getting her son and his friend in close to take a picture of them with the cake. “Alright,” she said, looking at the photo, “you can have a slice, but don’t eat it all at once.”
The boys looked ecstatic as Tom moved to cut the cake for them, each one getting a good size piece. It didn’t take them long to dig right into it, both enjoying the delicious treat.
When they finished, the two went out to play for a bit before it was time for Sinclair to go home.
“I’ll be seeing you for Halloween, yeah?” Benny asked, rocking back and forth on his feet, still giddy from the surprise visit and cake.
*Of course!* Sinclair nodded. *Got my costume ready and everything! And if we time things right, we can trick or treat in my universe!*
“Let’s do that! Double the treats!”
*Yes! We can talk more later, but I gotta head home.* He opened the portal on the wall, looking back at his friend, his grin wide and true. *Happy birthday, Benny! Can’t wait to celebrate more of it with you!* 
It’s a bit late, but I hit a little roadblock with writing it, haha.
I hope you guys liked it! :D 
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Supernatural Crack🩹tober
Day 24 - Worst. AU. Ever
           Sam groaned, sunlight blasting him in the face and disturbing his sleep. A headache struck, rippling across his brain in retaliation for exposing his body to the morning after such intense drinking the night before. When the ringing stops, and he can crack open his eyes, Sam sees his brother standing above with a devious expression on his face. “Up and at ‘em Sammy!” he claps, wounding him further, “We got cleaning to do!”
           He scowls, “We?”
           “Okay, you got me,” Dean shrugs, “just you. Ain’t that right Cas?”
           Cas swaggers beside Dean, crossing his arms over his chest. Smirking down at Sam, “Yep. You and all the other pledges.”
           “Hell yeah, up top!” They high-five, a chorus of groans rising as Sam sees his other pledges waking from their own cocoons. In worse states than him. At least he kept his clothes, although one of his shoes is missing. He can worry about that later, when Dean isn’t giving him a list of instructions. “We want this place spotless for tonight!” he yells, rounding the room. Making sure each and every pledge is listening. “Because we’re in for some more hazing. Excited right? Let me hear you howl dogs!” It’s not good enough for him, their mimicked cries. Dean scowls, punching the wall. “I said howl, bitches!”
           “Howl!” Cas repeats, measured tone more frightening than Dean’s.
           It’s a much better result.
           “Thank you, Vice President Novak.”
           “Any time, President Winchester.”
           “Now,” Dean continues, grinning in a way Sam knows is trouble. Appearing whenever his brother thought of something incredibly devilish, humiliating, and cruel. “You’re probably wondering what we’ve got in store for you tonight, huh? I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise but… well, I’m kidding. I fucking love this part. We’re inviting some of the girls from Delta Phi Phi to show off our crop of recruits. And you wouldn’t want to disappoint them, isn’t that right Cas?”
           “Not at all,” Cas says, tongue darting out past his teeth as his pupils dilated further. Red-rimmed, still, from earlier. “These girls got the biggest tits on the campus and sleeping with one is supposed to be the best thing you’ll ever experience in your entire, miserable life.”
           “Trust him on this kids,” Dean says, “Cas knows what he’s talking about. Bagged the entire senior class of Deltas when he was a fucking sophomore.”
           “They can make or break your reputation.” Cas nods at Dean, advancing, “If they don’t like what they see… then you can kiss any hope of getting through these next few years at the top of the food chain goodbye.”
           “And any hope of marrying young or being a success in general.” Dean shrugs, “So we need you on your best behavior, not acting like fucking nerds. Once you’ve finished cleaning you’ll find your uniforms for tonight –“
           “Uniforms?” Sam asks, wincing. From his own voice, from speaking out of turn and the twin sets of glares they crush him with. He doesn’t balk. “What are you making us wear?”
           Dean doesn’t punish Sam as he expected. Like he warned the summer before Sam’s freshman year at Lawrence University. “I can’t show favoritism, Sammy,” he explained, passing the joint along while Cas nodded off at his right. “I got cred to protect.”
           “But Dean, the only reason you’re president is because of dad –“
           “Fuck that,” he says, “I got in because of dad. Just because he was the president, and grandpa was the president before him, had nothing to do with my position. I got it because I deserved it.”
           “Because you fucked the headmaster’s wife.”
           “That, too,” Dean laughed, ruffling Cas’s hair as he slipped back into his stupor. “Either way, you gotta make big moves if you’re gonna survive. Just know that if you dish big, you gotta take big. Nepotism don’t exist when it comes to hazing.” He shoved at Sam, laughing, “Now, you gonna toke or can Cas and I finish off our weed?”
           Dean smiles, warmth absent from the expression. “Good, you’ve learned. Nothing comes easy in life, boys. Translation, you’ll be wearing these while us and the girls hold little competitions throughout the house.” He pulls a pair of panties from his pockets, showing them off. Handing them off to Cas when he tires of holding them. “Which all of you are expected to compete in, upon request. Questions?” A few boys raise their hands. “Good. Grab your toothbrushes and get to work!”
           He and Cas bound up the stairs, stomping each step in an arhythmic pattern. Sam collapses on the couch, dragging a hand across his face. Breathes deep, repeating the same mantra he’s used since hazing started.
           It’s only two weeks. He’s guaranteed a spot. He’ll be president in his own time.
           And then he can crack the whip.
(Day 23 - Bunker Prom)
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