#Greenhouses Australia
ecolifehouse · 5 months
Eco Greenhouses Australia offers sustainable solutions for gardening enthusiasts, providing eco-friendly greenhouse structures nationwide.
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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THE GREENHOUSE (2021) dir. Thomas Wilson-White Grieving the death of her mother Lillian, Beth Tweedy-Bell wakes one night to find a portal to the past in the forest surrounding her family home. Swept away by visions of her idyllic upbringing with her three siblings and two loving moms, Beth becomes mesmerized by the past, unable to see the dangers that lie ahead. (link in title)
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nando161mando · 4 months
In February, Exxon Mobil sued the U.S. investment firm Arjuna Capital and Netherlands-based green shareholder firm Follow This to keep a shareholder resolution they sponsored from appearing on the agenda of its May 29 annual meeting. The resolution urged Exxon Mobil to work harder to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of its products.
The company's legal threat worked: Days after the lawsuit was filed, the shareholder groups, weighing their relative strength against an oil behemoth, withdrew the proposal and pledged not to refile it in the future.
Yet even though the proposal no longer exists, the company is still pursuing the lawsuit, running up its own and its adversaries' legal bills. Its goal isn't hard to fathom.
"What purpose does this have other than sending a chill down the spines of other investors to keep them from speaking up and filing resolutions?"
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 month
In South Sumatra, conservationist Pungky Nanda Pratama is dedicating his life to conserving what is left of Sumatra’s rainforest.
He is thrilled to hear the call of the rare white-handed gibbon, a species that mates for life, which he describes as “super romantic”.
To show how many endangered species live in this rainforest, Pungky and some friends set up a camera trap project to photograph passing animals. Their footage includes the Sumatran Clouded Leopard, Sun Bears, and Asian Golden Cats.
Indonesia’s iconic wildlife relies on the health of these tropical rainforests.
The area where he is walking is supposed to be protected but already there are signs of open canopy due to illegal clearing, probably for coffee plantations. Palm oil and rubber is also grown in this region.
Pungky is working with local government agencies to collect protected flora from cleared land. Head of conservation for Region I, Martialis Puspito Khristy Maharsi of the Natural Resources Conservation Centre (BKSDA), says extinction is a real threat for some species.
Another threat is poaching for the flora and fauna itself.
Rescued plants are transferred to a large, purpose-built greenhouse. Here it is rehabilitated and propagated. There are about 5,000 specimens here, including hoyas, orchids, aroids, nepenthes and ferns. There are also ant plants (Myrmecodia tuberosa), which have a symbiotic relationship with ants: they provide habitat for ants to nest in their bulbous roots and receive protection from the ants who attack predatory insects.
Orchids such as the critically endangered primrose-yellow slipper orchid are often poached by orchid hunters, despite being protected by law internationally. By propagating through tissue culture, the team hopes to reduce pressure on the plant and return them to the wild.
The urge to collect exotic plants has fed this illegal trade in rare plants.
To help empower local communities on the front line of habitat loss, he works in schools to teach children about the plants and animals living in nearby rainforests. He teaches in 9 schools, some a six-hour walk from the nearest road. He says conservation is not a one- or two-year plan, but a lifetime plan to get communities involved and help find other ways to support their families.
He hopes that people will come to understand that humans depend on nature more than nature depends on us.
Featured Species:
White-handed gibbon (Hybolates lar)
Mitered leaf monkey (Presbytis melalophos)
Featured Plants:
Bulbophyllum sp.
Ant plant (Myrmecodia tuberosa)
Swain’s Coelogyne (Coelogyne swaniana)
Primrose-yellow slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum primulinum)
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are-u-kitten-me · 6 months
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bandcampsnoop · 1 year
I've been a Native Cats (Hobart, Tasmania) fan for quite some time. Their sound is truly a unique one - Julian Teakle's instruments and Chloe Escott's inimitable vocals. They were really the forerunners of a sound popularized by the more well-known acts like Dry Cleaning or Sleaford Mods. Apparently "the title of the album is drawn from the rules and principles David Thomas wrote for his band Pere Ubu."
I've also mentioned bands like The Cool Greenhouse and Woven In when discussing The Native Cats.
This is their first LP for Chapter Music (Australia). Speaking of Chapter Music, they've added a single from The Apartments on Bandcamp. You can listen below.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Adam Morton, Climate and environment editor
The Guardian
Aug. 8, 2023
Energy giants reject Australian Conservation Foundation’s infrared video investigation which claims gas leaks and venting at dozens of mines and facilities
Infrared cameras reveal more than 100 gas leaks across fossil fuel sites in Australia – video
Climate-heating methane gas is leaking or being vented from more than 100 places across 35 fossil fuel sites in Queensland and New South Wales, according to an investigation by environmental organisations.
The Australian Conservation Foundation commissioned the US-based Clean Air Task Force, a global nonprofit, to use new technology to monitor if methane was leaking from coalmines and gas facilities owned by energy giants Santos and Origin and pipeline company Jemena.
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas with more than 80 times the global heating impact of CO2 over a 20-year period when released into the atmosphere.
The two groups released infrared videos on Tuesday that they said showed gas escaping from a range of infrastructure and mines. The organisations said the videos were recorded over a four-week period in which they visited 80 sites to take a snapshot of Australia’s fossil fuel infrastructure.
They said they found:
At least 25 visible leaks or venting places along major Jemena pipelines in the Darling Downs and in New South Wales between Newcastle and Wollongong.
At least 10 leaks or venting places at coal seam gas wells owned by Origin.
Methane being released from at least four of Santos’ seven coal seam gas wells in NSW’s Pilliga/Bibblewindi forest.
The claims were immediately rejected by two of the companies named. Origin and Santos said they had checked their gas wells after the claims were raised this week and found no leaks. Santos said a routine leak detection inspection last month by the NSW Environment Protection Authority also found no leaks.
The researchers did not suggest the companies were acting illegally, or that they were hiding emissions deliberately. They said they were concerned there was a systemic problem that was not properly regulated.
They said the videos lent further weight to previous studies that found the amount of methane released into the atmosphere was higher than reported. Data released by the International Energy Agency has suggested methane from Australian coalmines and gas production could be more than 60% higher than federal government estimates. Methane has been estimated to have caused nearly a third of the 1.2C increase in average global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution.
The Australian Conservation Foundation’s lead investigator, Annica Schoo, said the organisations had used thermal technology to detect the gas leaks. She said it showed the Albanese government needed a plan that required companies to measure and report on methane emissions properly, install technology to cut methane emissions and rehabilitate abandoned mines.
“The plan should require companies to find and fix leaks as soon as they can,” she said. “The fact is, we just don’t know how much climate-heating methane is leaking from coal and gas in Australia because the regulations are so weak and underreporting is rife.”
Australia has signed up to a global methane pledge to cut emissions by 30% in the decade to 2030.
The researchers said the videos were shot using optical gas imaging technology, which uses a filter to visually record methane’s infrared energy.
Théophile Humann-Guilleminot, an infrared thermographer with the Clean Air Task Force, said the methane leaks he saw in Australia were “on another level” compared with seven other countries in which he had worked. He said he was particularly shocked by Origin’s Talinga and Condamine gasfields.
“In times of heated debates on energy cost, seeing all this gas wasted and supercharging climate change is deeply worrying,” he said.
Read more.
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isoetiks · 2 years
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Floating platforms
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agents-of-behemoth · 7 months
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southcarolinawoman · 1 year
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Glass Greenhouse
Wouldn't it be nice to have a place to grow your own fresh veggies year-round, no matter what the weather is like outside? With a Winter Gardenz glass greenhouse, you can do just that! Our greenhouses are made with high-quality materials and workmanship, so you can be confident that your plants will be well-protected from the elements. And because they're made of glass, they'll let in plenty of sunlight to keep your plants healthy and happy. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, a greenhouse from Winter Gardenz is a great way to get the most out of your gardening efforts. So why wait? Get started on your very own year-round garden today!
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
[ABC is Australian State Media]
While Australia debates the merits of going nuclear and frustration grows over the slower-than-needed rollout of solar and wind power, China is going all in on renewables.
New figures show the pace of its clean energy transition is roughly the equivalent of installing five large-scale nuclear power plants worth of renewables every week.
A report by Sydney-based think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) said China was installing renewables so rapidly it would meet its end-of-2030 target by the end of this month — or 6.5 years early.
It's installing at least 10 gigawatts of wind and solar generation capacity every fortnight.
By comparison, experts have said the Coalition's plan to build seven nuclear power plants would add fewer than 10GW of generation capacity to the grid sometime after 2035.[...]
Smart Energy Council CEO John Grimes, who recently returned from a Shanghai energy conference, said China has decarbonised its grid almost as quickly as Australia, despite having a much harder task due to the scale of its energy demand.
"They have clear targets and every part of their government is harnessed to deliver the plan," he said.
China accounts for about a third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. A recent drop in emissions (the first since relaxing COVID-19 restrictions), combined with the decarbonisation of the power grid, may mean the country's emissions have peaked.
"With the power sector going green, emissions are set to plateau and then progressively fall towards 2030 and beyond," CEF China energy policy analyst Xuyang Dong said.[...]
The world's largest solar and wind farms are being built on the western edge of the country and connected to the east via the world's longest high-voltage transmission lines.[...]
Renewables have a "capacity factor" (the ratio of actual output to maximum potential generation) of about 25 per cent, whereas nuclear's is as high as 90 per cent.
So although China is installing solar and wind generation equivalent to five large nuclear power plants per week, their output is closer to one nuclear plant per week.[...]
To "firm" or stabilise the supply of power from its renewable energy zones, China is using a mix of pumped hydro and battery storage, similar to Australia.
"They're installing 1GW per month of pumped hydro storage," Mr Buckley said.
"We're struggling to build the 2GW Snowy 2.0 in 10 years."[...]
The China Energy Council estimated renewables generation would overtake coal by the end of this year.
The CEF's Xuyang Dong said despite the country's reliance on coal, "having China go green at this speed and scale provides the world with a textbook to do the same".[...]
"In China they decide they're going to do something and then they go and do it."
15 Jul 24
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Can't wait for him to claim a bonus for achieving net zero emissions next year!!!
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are-u-kitten-me · 6 months
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ecorusaus · 2 years
Looking for quality greenhouse kits in Australia? Buy affordable, fine quality and modern greenhouses online from Eco R Us. Give your plants an early start in a conducive environment and see your garden grow abundantly. Our horticultural structures are ideal for your commercial gardens, homes, patios, and even verandahs — wherever there is space constraints. To know more about us and our services, visit https://www.ecorus.com.au/collections/greenhouses-1 NOW!
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humanfist · 2 years
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