#Griffin why have you hurt us like this
gdn019283 · 23 days
Merlin is the embodiment of “I quit.”:
“I should resign… I said I should resign.”
“Do you think I sit around all day doing nothing?! I haven’t had the chance to sit around and doing nothing since the day I arrived in Camelot! I’m too busy running around after Arthur, and when I’m not running around after Arthur, I’m doing chores for you, and when I’m not doing chores for you, I’m fulfilling my destiny. Do you know how many times I saved Arthur’s life? I lost count. Do I get any thanks? No. I’ve fought Griffins, witches, bandits; I have been punched, poisoned, pelted with fruit, and all the while, I have to hide who I really am, because if anyone finds out, Uther will have me executed! Sometimes, I feel like I’m being pulled in so many directions, I don’t know which way to turn!” (a classic)
“I think it was a bird.” “That? That was definitely… A woman, screaming.” “Why couldn’t it have just been a bird?” “It’s never just… A bird.”
“No, I don’t really fancy it.”
“Yes, and maybe one day you will magically transform into a prince. But since magic is outlawed, that will probably never happen. Come on, let’s go.”
“A man who’s alright does not pace, Gaius.”
“Nothing ever good happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. No one in their right mind would go there.” *get attacked by bandits* “NOT SO SECRET, AFTER ALL!”
“Maybe we should wait until it’s light.” “Or we could do it now, whatever it is that we’re doing. In the dark, when it’s incredibly scary and dangerous.”
“Not every day a servant gets to write the prince’ speech.” “*leaves*”
“Go ahead, I’m probably going to die anyway.” “Right, so that gives me, what? A one in forty chance of making it?” “So I’m not probably going to die. I’m definitely going to die.”
“Percival! That is a sword, it does hurt!”
“I take it you didn’t come all this way just TO SMASH MY FAVOURITE POT!”
“Say that again!” “WHY?! HAVE YOU GOT ALE IN YOUR EARS?!”
“So… Your step-mother’s a troll.”
“You’re threatening me with a spoon?🤨”
“Yes, it’s almost like having to work😁.”
“I’m enhancing it… For comfort, and ease of use.” “I’m just saying that… The belt is… One hole shy of perfection!”
Give my man a break, or another job💀.
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1for5 · 4 months
paige bueckers x uconn student!reader
with caitlin clark, aubrey griffin, nika muhl, and emily engstler
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CHAPTER 3: Somebody Elses
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Playing: Somebody Else by The 1975
Y/n was greeted by the blue mood lighting accompanied by house songs as she steps inside the joint dorm of the UCONN Huskies. Everyone was either dancing or laughing around with their companions.
Y/n headed to the kitchen, looking for either Ice, KK, or Paige (and she hopes she does not see Paige first). Unfortunately for Y/n, the latter came to life. Paige saw Y/n and approached her, along with the Shirley Temple she had been drinking.
“Hey baby, I have been waiting for you, you didn’t seem okay after the game.” Paige held your hands, and brought you to a more quiet corner of the dorm. “No, I am okay, don’t worry Paige. We’re here to celebrate your win.” You gave her a weak encouraging smile, which the basketball player reciprocated.
After a quick small talk with the “couple,” Paige was approached by a group of friends, and to no surprise, Mia was part of that circle. They all seemed to have fun, creating jokes and sharing stories. A while after, Y/n excused herself.
Y/n felt suffocated, not being able to talk to Paige genuinely and alone. She wanted to spend more time with her.
As she was passing by all the people dancing and drinking, Y/n got stopped by none other than Ice and KK. “Woah woah woah, what’s wrong?” Ice asked, knowing how Y/n looks when she is not feeling the best. “Oh no I’m alright, just looking for Paige.” Y/n stated the white lie, actually wanting the opposite of what she said—staying away from Paige.
“Then we will look for her! Follow us Y/n.” KK grabbed Y/n’s arm on her right, while Ice’s arm on her left. “No no no no no no, it’s okay! I can do it myself.” Y/n panicked.
“Girl, we are already here, it’s okay. Let’s look for your girl.” KK said, starting to walk around dragging Ice and Y/n alone. Y/n just nervously chuckled as a response.
After about 15 minutes, they all still haven’t seen Paige. The trio was about to give up (thank heavens, Y/n thought.) “Where is your girlfriend, I swear we have been looking for her for a whole hour!” KK exaggerated, getting quite annoyed that they have not found their teammate yet.
The trio then headed to a more quiet corner, near the doors to the bedrooms. “You guys I swear, it’s okay that we don’t find Paige.” Y/n sighed, but Ice cut her off when she started to hear the voice of the person they were looking for.
“Mia, I don’t know what you want. You broke up with me for someone else then you come back running?” Paige was heard complaining from the other side of the door, her and Mia were talking inside Paige’s room.
“But why the hell are you with someone who hurted me?” Mia was heard shouting. “I didn’t even know you guys were friends! You are the one dating someone who I then cared about from another basketball team!” Paige said, having a fuming tone.
Ice and KK were both looking at Y/n, both with concern and surprise. “Damn, Mia is after your girl!” KK stated. “Hey what’s up Y/n? Are you and Paige okay? Why is she even talking to Mia?” Ice asked and held your arm.
“Guys it’s okay, I think we should go, it seems like a private conversation.” Y/n shrugged, just wanting to get out of the dorm. “It is not okay! That’s your girlfriend!” KK felt shocked that those words even came out of Y/n’s mouth.
Y/n felt defeated, she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t feel great even from the start, and it was all suffocating her. “Guys, can we go back to my dorm? I have to tell you guys something.” Y/n asked, which the two basketball players nodded to. The trio then left Paige and her somebody else alone.
When they headed back to Y/n’s dorm, the two players sat and waited for Y/n to speak. Y/n got everyone a cup of water, and started to explain what’s going on.
“Please do not get mad at me, but.. Paige and I’s relationship isn’t real. It’s all fake.” Y/n started. KK and Ice screamed. “WHAT? What do you mean?” The basketball players were surprised. The relationship felt too real.
“It was just a way for us to get something we want. It was never serious.” Y/n continued, “Paige wanted her ex back, and I wanted Emily to stay quite far.”
“Oh honey, I can’t believe you both made me believe so hard! I thought you guys were actually into each other.” KK stated. “True! The hugs, the nicknames, and all the small sweet gestures to each other? That can’t be not real.” Ice added, agreeing to what KK said.
“Well surprise! Felt too good to even be true.” Y/n chuckled. What Paige was showing to her was too good to be true.
“And unfortunately, something has eaten me up. The whole night actually since the game.” Y/n started getting the same feeling as to when she was thinking whether her feelings for Paige were real.
“I’m quite done with this relationship. Emily doesn’t really bother me, I mean she messaged quite a lot before, but it lessened recently. And to add.. I think I’m starting to fall for Paige, but she’s close to getting Mia back. I just want this agreement to be gone because my feelings will become unbearable everytime I see her.” Y/n started to cry.
“I’ve always felt something weird whenever I see Mia, however, acknowledging that I like Paige now, seeing Mia will hurt me at least a hundred times more.” Y/n further explained. Ice and KK hugged Y/n, rubbing their hands on Y/n’s shoulders.
“Oh gosh, Paige is messing you up.” Ice started, “We are so sorry Y/n.” KK followed. The basketball players then hugged Y/n, which brought all of them comfort.
“Y/n, what do you want to do about your situation?” KK asked after the three of you got out of the hug.
“To not make matters worse, I would have to stop the arrangement now.” Y/n said. “You are right. But before that, I don’t know anything about Emily, however, you should have closure with her first before cutting the arrangement off with Paige. She was the reason you said yes from the start.” Ice explained, which Y/n nodded to.
“Ice is right you know, since Paige is already talking to her ‘somebody else,’ maybe it’s time to clear up the air with your ‘somebody else’.” KK nodded at Ice.
Y/n is now to face Emily, her “somebody else” in her and Paige’s (fake) relationship.
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stffed · 3 months
anxious confessions - chilchuck tims x male reader
a/n: spoilers for episode 22/chapter48
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chilchuck nervously fiddled with his fingers. it wasn't often that he felt this nervous. but he had just told the touden party that he had a wife and kids. he had just told you - his crush - about his estranged wife. and children.
he looked over at you. your face was deep in thought as you helped laios prepare the griffin meat. chilchuck's eyes looked over your hands and how deftly they worked the knife. he wondered what they felt like. would your hands be soft? or would they be calloused and rough? what would they feel like holding his hands?
no. he couldn't think about that. all chances of him even confessing to you were thrown out the window the minute he opened his mouth about his wife. they hadn't been together in years but you didn't know that. maybe you thought that she was waiting for him to return to the surface. it didn't matter though. his future relationship with you was doomed.
chilchuck sighed. he was glad that he got it off his chest - it made senshi open up to the group after all. but did it also close the door to your heart?
"hey. you free for a minute?"
you were stood over him. he looked to both sides, thinking you were talking to izutsumi or marcille. with a confused and slightly worried expression, he pointed to himself.
"of course i mean you, dummy," you laughed out. it made chilchuck's heart pound. "it's nothing horrible, i think. just a quick chat."
"oh, okay then." chilchuck stood up and followed after you.
you walked a bit away from the group. it was far enough that they couldn't hear your conversation but not far enough that you would be in danger. how funny would it be if a baby griffin just swooped down and snatched up chilchuck so he didn't have to suffer through this conversation? and how funny would it be if that was what he was praying for?
"so," you sat down in the snow. if it weren't for the fact that you were overheating with embarrassment then it would have chilled you to the bone. "i've had this on my chest for a while and i think it's best if you know. i was going to tell you before we left the golden dungeon but things happened, i guess. uh, basically... how should i put this...
"i have feelings for you? and it's not any hateful feelings, don't worry. whenever i'm with you i feel happy? there's this warm feeling inside, as cliche as it sounds. and i don't like the idea of us being apart. so when you said that you had a wife, it did hurt because what if i break up a happy marriage? you have kids after all. but i knew that if i didn't tell you then i'd regret it for the rest of my life; i'd probably leave the island and live in exile just to avoid that shame. i just wanted you to know so you could reject me and go back to your wife and i can book the next boat off-"
before you could continue your self-deprecating confession, chilchuck surged forward and captured your lips in a kiss. his arms wrapped around your neck as he relaxed into you. out of reflex, your hands grabbing his waist. you kissed him back. all thoughts of exile melted from your head as they were replaced with images of the future: the two of you in a house, lounging around together; fighting side by side against monsters in the dungeon; kisses hidden from the other party members and some shared right in front of them.
all chilchuck could think about was how soft your hands were with him. they were better than he imagined. and your lips? gods, if he were to die now then he would die happy. he hoped that baby griffin he prayed for didn't show up now.
"do you ever shut up?" chilchuck said as he pulled away from you. he spoke softly, like you would bolt away from him first chance you got.
you pulled him in so that he was sitting in your lap. a smile played on your lips. "yeah, when you take my breath away."
"gods, why did i have to fall in love with you?" sighed chilchuck.
for a moment you wondered if he was being serious. he had that look on his face that you had joking labelled the disappointed dad face (fate must really be laughing at you now, in hindsight). yet you could see the ghost of a smile on his lips. it dawned on you what he said.
"you love me?"
chilchuck gently punched the top of your head. he crossed his arms with an incredulous look. "uh, yeah? do you seriously think i would kiss you if i didn't? if you thought you were anxious about confessing, then i must've been paralysed with fear. i thought that any chance with you was gone after i told everyone about my estranged wife and daughters." he made sure to stress the estranged part.
you pouted, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. his hand came up to your head and stroked it. "i love you too, chilchuck."
the two of you leaned back in for another kiss. all the fears and worries chilchuck had melted away as your lips melted against each other's. just like your mind was filled with images of the future, chilchuck's mind was filled with thoughts of the now. being in your arms was like a dream come true and his heart hadn't stopped racing since he said that you had feelings for him. he didn't think it would stop anytime soon either.
"let's get back to the others," said chilchuck. "i'm sure they're wondering why we've been gone for so long."
he stood up first, dusting the snow off his clothes before he held his out to you. a wide grin on your face, you grabbed it and didn't let go.
"so are we boyfriends now? can we kiss all the time?"
"don't make me regret my decision."
"so when can i meet your daughters?"
chilchuck choked on his soup.
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Can we have T-Dolls/Gryphin staff (Angelia + Kalina) getting a message from the medical bay about their S/O getting injured when test firing a new gun?
It was the recoil. It’s on par with a Nikke’s weapon. They got ragdolled across the firing range.
(GFL/NIKKE) M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, Angelia, Kalina, Rapi, Anis, and Neon's S/O getting injured by recoil
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M16A1 winces at the message received and gives a wry chuckle.
(M16A1) "Oh man, that's gotta hurt..."
It's a good thing they never tried the gun she usually carried in her case, she was pretty sure that would tear a human in half. Not even most T-Dolls could withstand the recoil on that bad boy.
Regardless, she makes her way to the medbay with a lighthearted smile.
(M16A1) "Yo, heard you got knocked on your ass."
(S/O) "Agh, yeah something like that."
(M16A1) "Was the gun at least functional?"
(S/O) "I mean, I guess I did obliterate the training dummy."
(M16A1) "Then good job! You further advanced science, or something like that."
(S/O) "Did you come here just to tease me, Sixteen?"
M16A1 just smiled at that.
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SOPMOD immediately hops off the chair was sitting in and rushes towards the medbay.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "OH NO! S/O was using my guns, weren't they!?"
Those weren't even sanctioned by Griffin, mostly being her own personal test weapons!
A T-Doll couldn't handle them, let alone a human!
SOPMOD opens the door and breathes easy, seeing them thankfully alive.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "S/O! Why did you use my guns- No, wait! Did they work, were they cool?!"
(S/O) "Ack, that was yours?! How do you even lug that around?!"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "I carry it in a REALLY big bag! But how did you even get access to it?"
(S/O) "It was thrown alongside the experimental weapons the Commander wanted tested! Did you mix that pile up with yours?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "...Oops."
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Angelia sighs upon receiving the message on her phone.
(Angelia) "Well, can't say I'm exactly surprised."
She goes to personally see S/O in the medbay, with her leaning against the wall as soon as she entered.
(Angelia) "Told you so."
(S/O) "Ow...! Yeah yeah, you were right, I was going to get hurt."
(Angelia) "Did you at least brace the way I told you to?"
(S/O) "Hah, tried to. Kind of hard to do that when you're flying in the air."
With a little hum of acknowledgement, she turns around and waves a hand.
(Angelia) "Well, you'll live. Just see me when they let you out."
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Kalina can't help but cringe at the news, fingers fidgeting as a slight feeling of guilt washed over her.
It was her idea to go test out the new weapons, so she couldn't help but feel partially responsible.
(Kalina) "Oooh, crap!"
She pokes her head through the medbay door to see a cast over S/O's arm.
(Kalina) "Ouch! How bad is it?"
(S/O) "Just 2 weeks, nothing that broken, just one hell of a bruise...And uh, muscles pulled. Maybe more than a few."
(Kalina) "Sorry, I should've warned you that those weapon tests aren't really kind to us humans!"
(S/O) "Psh, no kidding! Well, we got the results at least but I can't say I'm exactly entirely pleased about it...You're not making me foot the medical bill out my paycheck, are you?"
(Kalina) "C-Come on, would I really do that?"
(S/O) "..."
(Kalina) "Hey, don't go all silent on me!"
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Rapi is of course concerned, but she isn't exactly surprised.
A NIKKE's weapon was extremely powerful, and ordinarily humans shouldn't even be going near them.
But S/O volunteered for weapons testing for the Commander, which led to her sitting next to them in the medbay.
(S/O) "G-Guess I underestimated how easy you guys make it look..."
(Rapi) "We were designed to handle the weapons, S/O. I'm just thankful you aren't hurt more than you are."
(S/O) "That'll teach me to try and help you all fight, hah..."
Rapi squeezes their hand gently, making sure not to hurt S/O further.
(Rapi) "You don't need to do something so dangerous to let me know how you feel, S/O."
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Anis can't help but snicker, at least a little.
I mean, S/O was going to fire a NIKKE weapon, what were they honestly expecting? To take the recoil like a human gun?
She brings some soda for S/O as she plops down on their bed, flashing a cheeky grin.
(Anis) "Soooo, how'd it go?"
(S/O) "You tell me! How do you even fire your launcher without it forcing your entire body back?!"
(Anis) "Psh, what you were handling is a pea shooter compared to mine! You're lucky your arms didn't go flying off!"
Patting their leg she tried to brighten their mood, which thankfully was working.
(Anis) "Next time, leave the weapons testing to Neon? She may be smaller than you, but she can actually take a hit."
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Neon immediately begins panicking at the message.
S/O was test firing her guns?! They were probably in 400 pieces in the medbay right now!
(Neon) "S/O, ARE YOU ALIVE?!"
(S/O) "Somehow...-"
Neon goes in to hug S/O, making them wince in pain.
(S/O) "Ow! Neon!-"
(Neon) "Whoops, s-sorry! Master told me that you were trying to test my weapons! That kind of firepower isn't meant for you to handle!"
(S/O) "I can at least see why you like it so much, the destructive power is insane, and that's just the kickback!"
Neon puffed her chest out a little in pride at their comment.
(Neon) "Well of course! Anything less than that would be an insult to the art!"
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The Copollogism Essays - Part 3: Lester's Reaction
This is a short scene, but a powerful one in my opinion. Let's break it down :3
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“His name is—” “Don’t, Meg,” Josephine warned. “—Commodus,” Meg continued, then frowned. “Why am I not supposed to say his name?” “He pays attention to such things,” I explained. “There’s no point in letting him know we are talking about—” Meg took a deep breath and yelled, “COMMODUS, COMMODUS, COMMODUS! COMMODE CITY, COMMODIANA. COMMODE DAY, MONTH OF COMMODES! COMMODE MAN!” The great hall shook as if the Waystation itself had taken offense. Emmie blanched. Up in their roost, the griffins clucked nervously. Josephine grumbled, “You shouldn’t have done that, hon.” Leo just shrugged. “Well, if Commode Man wasn’t watching this channel before, I think he is now.” “That’s dumb,” Meg said. “Don’t treat him like he’s so powerful. My stepfather—” Her voice caught. “He—he said Commodus is the weakest of the three. We can take him.” Her words struck me in the gut like one of Artemis’s blunted arrows. (And I can assure you, those hurt.) We can take him. The name of my old friend, shouted over and over. - The Dark Prophecy
Apollo calls Commodus his old friend. And while calling your lover your "friend" is usually gay-speak for significant other, in this case...it is referring to Commodus as a friend.
Because that was what they were- before they were even lovers, Apollo and Commodus were friends. Their relationship was that of friends-to-lovers (-to-enemies), and a tragic one at that.
Something small. But something so gut-wrenching too :')
Also amazing how even Apollo's carwreck of a relationship has platonic undertones. hello fandom of the aspecs we just keep winning <3
I staggered to my feet, gagging, my tongue trying to dislodge itself from my throat. “Whoa, Apollo.” Leo rushed to my side. “You okay?” “I—” Another dry retch. I staggered toward the nearest bathroom as a vision engulfed me…bringing me back to the day I committed murder. - The Dark Prophecy
This final line that ends the chapter has always struck me. It preludes to the assassination scene, but this is actually SO FACSINATING because the next chapter has this:
I KNOW WHAT YOU are thinking. But, Apollo! You are divine! You cannot commit murder. Any death you cause is the will of the gods and entirely beyond reproach. It would be an honor if you killed me! I like the way you think, good reader. It’s true I had laid waste to whole cities with my fiery arrows. I had inflicted countless plagues upon humanity. Once Artemis and I slew a family of twelve because their mama said something bad about our mama. The nerve! - The Dark Prophecy
Wait for it.
None of that did I consider murder.
These two lines combined paint SUCH a scene. Apollo at this point is still trying to convince us, the reader, how terrible of a person he is. That's why he's so blasé about the murder of Niobe's children.
That's why he's so distraught over murdering Commodus.
He tells us, straight-laced, that this act, this one act, was unjustifiable.
That is was more unforgiveable than slaughtering thousands of people.
But that's the kicker- we know it was wrong for Niobe's children to be killed, and we know it was right for Apollo to kill Commodus.
Apollo is trying to throw us off the trail. He's trying to make it look like he's okay with child murder/mass murder, but specifically him assassinating a tyrant is unforgiveable.
(hello, therapy? yeah i have a patient for you. yeah he's a piece of work but i have faith in him and also he's babygirl so. <3)
He's trying to be such a dichotomy we don't know what to do or say or think about him.
To bad for him, for the ToA fandom is quite good at catching his tells and slight of hand ;)
You ain't fooling us Apollo, just like you didn't fool Leo and Meg the very next day ;)
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Bridget x Fem! Reader
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"My girlfriend got me a dead rat for my birthday!" Charming proudly puffed up his chest, looking at the group of girls in front of him when they staid quiet for a bit too long.
"She got me a dead rat!"
"She couldn't even go for an alive one!" Hecate burst out laughing, Bridget slapping her arm, along with Ella's.
"Ella! Why would you do that?" The girl shrugged, Charming quickly taking over, again.
"Because she loves me! She's obviously like a cat and is giving me food because she thinks I can't hunt for myself!" They all gaped at him once again, this time Ella did too.
"She's sitting right there..."
Before she could completely maul the boy, Bridget pulled Ella off of him.
"Let's not kill our boyfriends, all right Ella?" She gritted her teeth, but nodded, a fierce glare fixed upon her boyfriend.
"I mean, I know my strap game is amazing but-?" Bridget all but ran over at her girlfriend, slapping her hand over her mouth and giving her her own glare.
"Don't." Hecate's eyes widened slightly, beforr Bridget felt her smirk.
"You're so hot." Her words were muffled but they did their job of making Bridget flush red just as good.
"Hecate!" The witch pulled her hand off of her mouth and picked her up to kiss her, spinning her around slowly.
"You're so pretty..." she mumbled onto her lips, making the princess giggle.
"Not as pretty as you sweets!" They heard Ella gag, Hecate looked at her and glanced at Charming, arching a brow suggestively at her.
"What did you do for Bridget's birthday though?" Charming asked, quite literally the next day because Ella and Hecate couldn't be in the same toom as each other anymore.
"I gave her pink roses, a new apron, oh! And I got her a few ingredients she has been wanting to. Experiment with for a while.... Don't!" She held her hand up in front of her face when she saw Ella reach for something, which pissed her off because she wasn't even going to throw anything.
"I wasn't even going to throw anything!" She threw a rock at Hecate, not that it could hurt her, but she withdrew and pouted as she sat next to Bridget, who patted her cheek.
"It was so sweet of her, she even helped decorate the cookies.... God knows she should be banned from using kitchens!" She joked, smiling as Ella laughed at it and started mocking Hecate.
"That's so sweet! You wanna know what I did?"
"Not really."
"I gave her a dress! And I asked Bridget to make her a cake!" Hecate glanced at Ella, who shrugged.
"You guys haven't been in a relationship long enough." She declared, Ella stood up and launched another rock, missing Hecate by a few millimeters.
"Ha! Missed-! Hey!" This time she hit, and it got her right in her forehead.
She shuffled closer to Bridget, who shushed her and rubbed her forehead softly.
"You're not bleeding Honey."
"You guys have only been dating for like 2 months longer than we have!" The blue haired girl crossed her arms, the other blue haired girl shot her a glare and shuffled EVEN CLOSER to Bridget.
"Yeah! Go back to your mommy little pussy!" Bridget send her a look and she rolled her eyes, sitting back down.
"But yeah, giving Bridget those ingredients was very nice, including the fact that you had me treat the slashes from those griffins you 'had' to defeat on your way back to get her some of their feathers, scales blah blah." She sneaked in another little detail that she had conveniently forgotten to inform Bridget about, who in turn looked at Hecate, who was still pouting, and quickly stood up.
"Hecate and I are going to have a chat in my dorm... maybe we'll see you at dinner, bye Ella, Charming!" They said their bye's back, and Hecate glared at Ella, who smirked at her.
The only thing keeping Hecate from launching at her and ripping her to shreds was Bridget, who was pissed at her.
"God damn it you are strong." She muttered, rubbing her wrist when Bridget finally let go, but had now pushed her onto her bed and was zipping down her jacket.
"Hey hey! If you wanted to do something you could've just said.... Oh." She sighed in disappointment when she realised that she was not, in fact, about to have sex with her wonderful girlfriend, but instead was probably facing a scolding that ended in the opposite of that, no sex for as long as Bridget was slightly mad at her, which could end up being something around a day and a month.
"How dare you get hurt because of something you wanted to get for me." Bridget grumbled as she poked at the newly developed scars.
"But they look hot?"
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donutwatches · 3 months
MHA Movie 1- Two Heroes (Two Gay Dads) - part 2/3
So they all get dressed up like they are going to prom and everyone is adorable, but screen capping all of them would take up the whole post. BUT I must include this image right here:
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Kirishima packed a suit for his bestie? He really said, 'No worries, bro, I'm not going to let you look stupid at the dance function with your usual tacky grenade hands and baggy pants'.
Is this an extra suit from his closet, or did he BUY a suit for Bakugo? He's giving him a suit with a floral print, with roses on it. King sh!t.
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Melissa made Deku a super useful (if ugly looking) tool to help with his power not breaking his bones. That would have been great to have earlier. Will he only have it for the movie though?
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One criticism I have of the movie is that these villains are very generic and boring. Having All Might tied up with this magically strong rope was a contrived way to keep the focus on the kids. I do not care about the plot much. This movie thrives more when it is giving fun character moments.
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They got so lost they wandered 84 whole stories in the wrong direction, and have no idea villains have even attacked. Good job boys, getting that lost is a talent.
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Why can I hear the James Bond theme playing in the background? They really gave Todoroki the coolest edgy one-liner in this movie. Good for him.
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I am not sure how cannon this movie is, but I love the implications that quirk strengthening technology would get confiscated. The powers that be want to stay in control, and they see anything that messes with the power balance of the hero industry as a threat. Some juicy 'hero-society is not so perfect' material there.
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Love that Dave fell for "You're worried that villains will hurt people? Nooooo waaaaaay." Davey-o you are meant to be a smart guy, but I guess no one is immune to being stupefied by All Might's thick pecs. I too, would turn to villainy to preserve Toshinori's mountain range-esque muscles.
Dave is stupid for going along with this plan, BUT he is was only made stupid by his true love for his old college babe All Might, so I forgive him. I support gay men's rights and wrongs.
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They are shook! I felt genuinely bad for Melissa here. She looks up to her Dad, and her Dad just messed up in the messiest way a mess up can make a mess.
I don't know why Deku looks devastated though, he only knew this guy for 2 minutes. I guess, he is just an empathetic little bean.
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...the image speaks for itself...
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The sad thing is, is that none of this had to happen if All Might didn't keep OFA a secret from Dave. The entire plot of this movie would not have happened if Dave had been informed that All Might's power could be passed to a successor. All Might being secretive causes more problems than it solves.
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Hold up, are the villains going to HURT people, for real? Noooo waaaaaay, who could have seen this coming?!
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Part 3 is here
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goldfades · 1 year
✮ 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬, zegras' have more fun
♡ ─ summary | media day pictures (NOT MINE AND IT'S NOT THE FC) and something makes the jack stans go crazy
♡ ─ warnings | light-hearted flirting/arguing, brief mention of hate crimes (ITS A JOKE THOUGH), hughes bros being dumb (not trev for once LMAO)
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | this lowkey eats I MISSED THIS AU
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stasszegras ann arbor, michigan
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Liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, jackhughes and 9,935 more
stasszegras | media day pics, first (official) fnl + WENT LOWKEY VIRAL ON TIKTOK???? tagged: pchandler68, umichfootball, lucafantilli september 23th, 2022
View all 1,008 comments
briesbagels | my favorite tiktok influencer 🤭
↳ stasszegras stop it. 😐
↳ briesbagels 3 million views on a tiktok IS CRAZYYY
↳ stasszegras it's only cus luke was in the video
↳ lhughes_06 clout chaser 😝
↳ lucafantilli ok this one hurts brie, i thought u were on my side
↳ briesbagels its either u or stass (im choosing my girl)
↳ stasszegras 🤭😏😍
↳ pchandler68 hmmmmm 😏😏
↳ adamfantilli 🥸🥸
↳ stasszegras what's goin on here.... 😥
umichwsoccer | THATS OUR GIRL! 🫡〽️
↳ stasszegras 🤞🏼🤞🏼
jackhughes | wowww okay stassie.. 🤞🏼🤩 woo 😮‍💨😮‍💨
↳ trevorzegras 😟😟 oh no
↳ lhughes_06 since when we callin her stassie????
↳ jackhughes WE?? get ur own nickname lukey 😑😑
↳ stasszegras k y'all let's just stick to stass or little zegras 😶
↳ trevorzegras @/griffinzegras
↳ griffinzegras bffr right now 📸📸📸 aren't you like 30 jack??
↳ jackhughes actually i'm 21 so calm the FUCKK down... and i was just being nice and friendly griff come on now
↳ briesbagels and thats why we wear sunscreen kids 🥴
↳ griffinzegras yea maybe a little too friendly..
↳ stasszegras guys im gonna disable my comments if u keep arguing like 12 year olds
↳ trevorzegras mhm yeah and thats the ONLY REASON why you would wanna disable the comments
lucafantilli | last pic should be considered a hate crime bro how'd u even get that
↳ stasszegras don't ask stupid questions like that luca
↳ adamfantilli 🥸🥸
↳ lucafantilli MY OWN BROTHER?!?!?!
↳ lhughes_06 i guess we are all getting betrayed by our flesh and blood rn 😪
↳ jackhughes be so fr rn lukey
↳ trevorzegras agreed luke
↳ jackhughes 😑😑
↳ pchandler68 interesting.. 📸
quinnhughes | you ate little zegras 🫡
↳ stasszegras thanks quinner 🫶🏼
↳ trevorzegras YEA this is really being friendly @/jackhughes
↳ jackhughes bro. let this go.
↳ quinnhughes leave me the fuck outta this guys, please 😁
lhughes_06 | gonna win us a jr world cup zegras ✊🏼
↳ stasszegras YESSS SIR 🫡🫡〽️〽️ but thats not how it works buddy
↳ lhughes_06 there's no jr world cup????
↳ jackhughes messi is rolling in his grave rn
↳ stasszegras messi is alive????
↳ briesbagels no way bro 😭😭
↳ quinnhughes LMAO PLEASE 😭
↳ lucafantilli count your days chandler
↳ pchandler68 wait no luca im sorry
↳ lucafantilli its ur fault u introduced me and stass and NOW LOOK. all the hoes are gone
↳ stasszegras 😑😑😑
↳ adamfantilli not all of them.....🥯🥯🥯
↳ lucafantilli shut up adam.
↳ pchandler68 wait what??...
adamfantilli future manager AND she plays for our soccer team?? it's perfect 🤞🏼🤞🏼
↳ stasszegras hahaahaha no.
↳ nolan_moyle STASS PLEASE
↳ stasszegras stop harassing me nolan
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Liked by njdevilfan09, briesbagels, zegrasluvr898 and 4,509 more
jhughesnews | jack hughes and anastasia zegras are reportedly going out after he comments a suggestive comment on her most recent post. thoughts???
View all 2,190 comments
fan02 | guys they are just friends, if u guys look at her other posts he makes those kinda jokes all the time
↳ fan03 nah bro did u see trevor and griffin's comments? they obviously know something we don't
↳ fan02 yeah but that's their humor
fan04 | good 😭😭😭 for😭😭😭 them 😭😭😭
fan05 | didn't she go out with luke too 😐
↳ fan06 damn she wants the whole crew
↳ fan07 who can blame her tho??? have u seen them 🤭🤭
↳ fan08 no she didn't lmao, those were also JUST rumors and it's obvious they're just friends
fan09 | guys stop it, these are baseless rumors and REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS TO TAYLOR ALL THE TIME, stass is great just by herself 🫶🏼
↳ fan10 all right girl..
↳ fan11 its giving "coach is right guys... 😣"
↳ fan12 im crying BYEEE PLEASE 😭😭😭😭
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
I read an article about Geralt's chronic pain in book canon, then I remembered Dr. Joachim von Gratz in Witcher 3 saying he could tell Geralt broke his leg at some point. So I took all that and ran with it for this.
Geralt is in pain.
It's an odd phrase, he thinks as he trudges up the stairs to their room. Like pain is a physical place he could escape if he only knew how.
Vesemir had taught them long ago that pain is simply information. Its message should be acknowledged and the rest discarded as useless sensation. A witcher who can't handle pain is a dead witcher, after all; they were forged in agony.
Geralt can never figure out what all of the pain wants him to know, if anything. Why it flares up like this. It's just outdated information.
They're staying at an inn tonight. What used to be a rare luxury on the Path has become commonplace, at least in Jaskier's company. Good thing, too; an unrelenting spring rainstorm is raging outside. Thunder rumbles a mile away and he can taste electricity in the air, not unlike the pain that zaps through his leg with each step.
Jaskier had called for the tub in their room to be filled, thankfully. Geralt casts Igni on the water until it's almost too hot even for a witcher, and sinks into the bath with a relieved sigh. Warmth dulls the pain somewhat, like a blunted blade beneath his skin, but it's still there.
He eventually must leave the bath, however. Getting himself dressed somehow saps away the last of his energy, and Geralt deposits his aching body onto the bed after, letting his mind drift as much as it can. Jaskier is hovering in his periphery. He's talking, as ever, envigorated by an adoring audience, eyes a little wine-bright. Try as he might, Geralt can't focus on his words. There's a cacophony of sounds around him—rain and Jaskier's heartbeat and drunken revelry downstairs and animals in the forest just beyond the village. But eclipsing it all is the pain.
Years of experience and witcher training allows him to bear it without letting the weakness show. He can live with pain, like he lives with the foul taste of potions and their aftereffects, with teleportation sickness and wearing scratchy doublets to formal occasions. With human cruelty. The blood on his hands.
"Geralt, have you been listening at all?"
"Right. You're not even here right now, I see."
He isn't here. He's not in this room or even this country; he is in pain.
"Move over, then. You're taking up the entire bed and I'm knackered."
Geralt does move. It nearly steals the breath from his lungs. He curls in on himself, instinctively, as if the pain weren't coming from within.
"Something is wrong. What is it?"
Jaskier sounds serious now. Geralt doesn't want to ruin his evening.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"I said I'm fine. Leave it, Jaskier!"
He stands up then as if to prove it, but his treacherous knee refuses to cooperate with the simplest command and buckles under his weight. The pain, which had briefly lodged itself near his hip, suddenly radiates sharply down his leg in nauseating waves. He curses.
"You're hurt, aren't you. I thought I saw you favoring one leg earlier. Was it the griffin? Geralt, you have to tell me these things—"
"No," he grits out. "I'm not injured."
"And I'm not stupid, you know. You can barely walk! Clearly—"
"Old wounds. Just...still troubles me sometimes. All right? Nothing to worry about."
There is a long, uncharacteristic silence following his confession. Geralt fears he may have finally broken him.
"Well," the bard says at last, "You're a fool if you think that will stop me worrying about you."
"I can manage." His arm doesn't hurt much tonight, at least, and he gets to sleep in a real bed. Small mercies.
"Oh, I've no doubt of that, certainly. You're the most stubborn man I've ever known. I also know you rarely permit yourself even the slightest modicum of comfort."
"Does anything help when it gets bad?"
"Potions. Meditation." Jaskier looks hopeful at this, and he feels a little guilty for having to crush those hopes so soon when he adds, "But not this time. I don't have enough potions to waste them like that."
"Meditation, then? I can be as quiet as you need, contrary to popular belief."
"Hurts too much," Geralt admits. Then, maybe to ease Jaskier's concern, he says, "The bath helped a little."
"Good, that's a start. Now, I know what works for me might not work for you, but I've a few remedies. Will you let me try to help?"
"Didn't know you were a priestess of Melitele," he grumbles.
"Sadly the temple refused to accept me for study, can't imagine why, so I had to become a bard instead," he quips.
"I thought you were tired."
Jaskier ignores this comment. He can hear the bard rummaging around in his bag.
"Where is it. This salve saved my life when I was a student at Oxenfurt. They had us practicing the lute for hours and hours; I thought my hands would fall off. My wrists still hurt sometimes. Then there was the— Ah! There. Geralt? Still with me?"
"Yes. What?"
"Normally I prefer to say this under much more pleasant circumstances, but: trousers off, if you please."
He groans. Doesn't Jaskier understand how much work it was to get them on?
It's a slow process, mostly because he refuses any help with it.
"Oh, Geralt," he says softly. The bard touches his knee, gentle as a summer breeze. "It does look swollen here."
In truth, he's strangely glad of that. It's much worse somehow when it hurts and yet appears perfectly normal.
"Are you allergic to any herbs? This has got, uh, let's see. Chamomile, willow bark, ginger, essential oil of—"
"I drink poison on a regular basis, Jaskier. Apply the damn salve already."
He does. Geralt closes his eyes. He isn't sure any simple salve will even be enough to touch the pain, but the way Jaskier massages his leg seems to ease a bit of the tension coiled in his muscles, if nothing else. After a while he starts to relax. He listens to the rain. He breathes.
"'M sorry I snapped at you earlier," Geralt murmurs into the pillow. "Wasn't fair."
"It wasn't. But you're already forgiven. Feeling any better?"
Geralt shrugs, because while it is becoming background noise again, he's still in pain. Pretty much always is. No amount of soft touches or herbs or magic can fix that completely.
Being here in pain with Jaskier, though, is better than being alone.
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
“I made a mistake, Kemp, a huge mistake, in carrying this thing through alone. I have wasted strength, time, opportunities. Alone—it is wonderful how little a man can do alone! To rob a little, to hurt a little, and there is the end. “What I want, Kemp, is a goal-keeper, a helper, and a hiding-place, an arrangement whereby I can sleep and eat and rest in peace, and unsuspected. I must have a confederate. With a confederate, with food and rest—a thousand things are possible. “Hitherto I have gone on vague lines. We have to consider all that invisibility means, all that it does not mean. It means little advantage for eavesdropping and so forth—one makes sounds. It’s of little help—a little help perhaps—in housebreaking and so forth. Once you’ve caught me you could easily imprison me. But on the other hand I am hard to catch. This invisibility, in fact, is only good in two cases: It’s useful in getting away, it’s useful in approaching. It’s particularly useful, therefore, in killing. I can walk round a man, whatever weapon he has, choose my point, strike as I like. Dodge as I like. Escape as I like.” Kemp’s hand went to his moustache. Was that a movement downstairs? “And it is killing we must do, Kemp.” “It is killing we must do,” repeated Kemp. “I’m listening to your plan, Griffin, but I’m not agreeing, mind. Why killing?” “Not wanton killing, but a judicious slaying. The point is, they know there is an Invisible Man—as well as we know there is an Invisible Man. And that Invisible Man, Kemp, must now establish a Reign of Terror. Yes; no doubt it’s startling. But I mean it. A Reign of Terror. He must take some town like your Burdock and terrify and dominate it. He must issue his orders. He can do that in a thousand ways—scraps of paper thrust under doors would suffice. And all who disobey his orders he must kill, and kill all who would defend them.”
There's so much going on in this conversation. First, the obvious irony of Griffin telling Kemp how he understands now that he needs a helper he can trust, while Kemp is trying to ensure he gets caught in the next few minutes. Griffin saying that he will be easily imprisoned once caught but that he's hard to catch, as Kemp frets over whether they will be able to catch him now. That's pretty obvious, and both funny and also sad. It's perfectly understandable for Kemp to want Griffin to be caught even before he talks about this plan, but it sucks that Griffin's sincerity is just completely bouncing off him. Griffin is for the first time trying to make a connection with someone (something that could potentially turn this situation around) but he's been rejected from the start.
But there's also... what is Griffin talking about? This goes from 'yeah, Griffin, you shouldn't be going it alone' to 'no Griffin not like that holy shit' real damn fast. And it's really interesting in the context of the rest of his behavior, because... this really doesn't seem to match it throughout most of the book so far.
Griffin has used plenty of violence before now. He defaults to threats or physical harm when he feels too vulnerable or powerless. But while he's been reckless and careless with it, there has never really been premeditated malice to anything he does. He's not scheming evil upon others. He's mostly reacting, again, often in what seems a kind of panic. When he gets most violent, at least. He has done harmful things with forethought, but those are mostly limited to theft, and are informed by selfishness and a lack of consideration/awareness of potential consequences.
He also has been consistently motivated by curing his invisibility. He wants his resources back, and privacy/freedom to work in order to do just that. He very quickly decided making himself invisible was a shortsighted mistake, as he encountered drawback after drawback in the immediate aftermath. He also wasn't motivated by any particular single goal of seizing power when he made himself invisible. He was deeply depressed and clinging to 'seeing it through', and then panicked when he came into conflict with his landlord. His paranoia about his invention was intense, but that too is linked to him seeking control over his own life, not others' as such.
So then, why this turnaround? Well, last chapter he said this:
"I had one hope. It was a half idea! I have it still. It is a full blown idea now. A way of getting back! Of restoring what I have done. When I choose. When I have done all I mean to do invisibly."
So, now it seems Griffin's motivation has shifted. He no longer wants immediate relief from invisibility. Instead, he wants to do things while invisible first. He wants to establish a Reign of Terror, to take over a town by utilizing his invisibility in the only way he can see it being of practical use: murder and the spreading of fear. But he says that as a 'must' as 'judicious'. So it's still not for the pleasure of it. Then, why?
First, I frankly don't believe Griffin is actually capable of enforcing the kind of siege he describes here. Physically maybe (depending on how unprepared others are), but emotionally I don't think he could keep it up. He'd collapse, he'd succumb to the guilt he clearly does feel at times. When he's not in a constant state of high emotion (largely fear, which with Griffin transitions seamlessly into rage) he wouldn't be able to keep murdering people so coldly and logically. He can of course work himself up over time, and can hold a grudge, which might be enough to get him started enacting this plan, but I don't believe he could see it through all the way. Still enough to do monstrous things, of course, just not enough to be effective at establishing his goal. (And even that shows his typical lack of forethought. Does he think that no one else would help them? That this town would just succumb to him in total isolation?)
But why does he even want it? I think it actually reflects all his same motivations until now. He feels cornered and he reacts badly, lashing out at others. As the rejection builds all around him, as his options dwindle, as his fear and helplessness grow - he consistently reacts by escalating and proving everyone's worst assumptions about him correct. And right now, even though he has found Kemp and thinks he can mostly trust him, it's not enough to make him feel safe. There are lots of people actively hunting him, now. And he can't just stay in Kemp's rooms forever. He would hate the idea, would feel imprisoned. He doesn't think much of stealing from others, but absolutely hates being stolen from (and he has so little, that the loss feels correspondingly huger), especially something like his books which contain the key to freeing him. So being here is a brief reprieve but he's still deeply afraid. And that makes him deeply angry. And so he wants revenge, he wants to punish them (in general, who make him feel afraid - and Marvel in particular, who has 'betrayed' him).
He also quite likely knows even with his idea it will take an unknown but likely significant amount more time to perfect his cure. So even if all he wanted was to be cured, he would need a safe place to work until then. And the tension is so high right now, his fear of being betrayed is so strong, that I don't think he believes it would be possible to do the necessary work unless he has the town cowed under his invisible heel.
“I don’t agree to this, Griffin,” he said. “Understand me, I don’t agree to this. Why dream of playing a game against the race? How can you hope to gain happiness? Don’t be a lone wolf. Publish your results; take the world—take the nation at least—into your confidence. Think what you might do with a million helpers—”
This line is also key. Kemp urges Griffin to confide in others. All his considerations of the usefulness of invisibility were from the perspective of a lone man against a cruel world. Very selfish and very assuming of a hostile environment. This too is reflected in Griffin's treatment of the few people he has reached out to - Marvel and Kemp. In both cases, he seeks understanding and sympathy. But he also seeks it at metaphorical gunpoint, by threatening them with what he could invisibly do to harm them. It's because as much as he may pour out his heart to Kemp here, he doesn't fully trust him. He doesn't fully trust anyone. By collaborating with them, all he is doing is giving them power over him, and that means they have power to hurt him. So instead he clings to his own power to hurt them first.
In Griffin's eyes, there is no such thing as an equal relationship. There is such thing as trust rewarded, or even given freely. And so in order to ensure his own safety he has to be the one in charge. He has to convince Kemp that they will both reap great rewards, he has to be able to hurt him and get away should anything fall through.
It all ties in perfectly with his backstory of being an outsider (albino, not socially adept at all), and being poor (in many ways powerless). And of course, it is such a self-fulfilling prophecy of terrible outcomes. If you only give violence, you're only getting violence in return. Someone has to let their guard down first, someone has to be willing to trust and be vulnerable for things to ever change. But Griffin is convinced that would be a mistake to ever fully do. And as much as I want to tell him he's wrong, his experiences corroborate that view. Everywhere he goes, he's experienced rejection and hate, or nosiness and distrust at best, no matter how much he tries to be on his best behavior. Every time he even partially lets down his guard or reaches out to others, they turn on him. And of course so much of that is because of the way he never fully relaxes, the way he always keeps a threat hanging over their heads, but he's not gonna see that. All he's gonna see is that he's been right all along. That he truly is in this alone. That he has to be selfish and he has to hit first and hit harder because he is outnumbered and if they catch him he won't be able to get away.
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cleolinda · 6 months
Weekend links, April 7, 2024
My posts
This week feels like it has been a hundred years long (not in a bad way). 
Somehow we joined together to balance the seesaw just right so Ava Gardner and Jean Seberg could both go through in the Hot Vintage Lady polls (percentages rounded). Like, I’m wearing the Ava jersey and even I encouraged people to vote Jean when necessary. Honestly, I just wanted to see if it could be done. And it COULD. 
Round three has begun. It is already horrific. This is the first round that’s really going to hurt because we spent the last one really getting down in the dirt and championing our ladies, or learning about actresses we’d never heard of before and getting attached to them. And now? We are reminded: memento mori. Everyone loses but one. 
(I personally pitched in for Sara Montiel. “BUT JUST LOOK AT--” Yeah, I did, thanks.)
Reblogs of interest
April Fool’s Day: You were here for the Boopening, yes? The whole thing was that you only got badges for giving boops, not receiving them, which is a great way to not reward popularity contests, but also means that every last one of us was out here trying to figure out who to bap with a cat’s paw 1000 times. I said, listen, my notifications are already trash garbage today. I’ll take the bullet. Boop at will.
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The Activity graph isn’t too clear on this point, but it looks like I had something like 65,000--hits? engagements? boops?--that day. Listen, I got the black paw badge too. We all did what we had to do in the Boopening. 
A Shakespearean boop of goodly length: “And, Meowntague, come you this afternoon, to know our further pleasure in this case, to old Food-bowl, our common judgment-place.” 
I had to go lie down awhile after a pun like “The Purrge.”
I had just gotten up from that pun and then I had to go lie down again.
Account security gothic
The Canada griffin
Dinotopia nostalgia
Two pairs of spectacles, one made from slices of emerald, and the other from slices of diamond
An old favorite: Cerberus as a puppy, guarding the gates to heck
I feel like these two posts have the same energy: Time cops will not let you travel back to the Titanic and bloodthirsty gazebos are currently in a dormancy period.
The birds are still troubled
PSA: The best sunscreens for your face
A collection of various American Indian/indigenous American languages, including Navajo, Tlingit, Lakota, Colville Okanagan Salish, Cherokee, Yucatec Maya, Greenlandic, Mohawk, Yup'ik, and Mi'kmawi'simk. 
A trans health-and-wellness fundraiser (Mercury Stardust, Point of Pride, and friends) kept getting banned off Tiktok due to assholes. Here’s how to donate; I saw a few “here’s how they helped me” notes, so it seems like these programs are both legit and effective. 
You think you’re going to sit staring at this video because Chocolate Guy is weaving chocolate. Then you get into it, and it just keeps going.
“Too Sweet” is doing hilariously well on the charts for a song that didn’t even make the album proper. Hozier’s bees would like to thank you for your support.
I know I said that Stevie Nicks would make you sing backup on your own haunting, but late in this 1997 live performance of “Silver Springs,” she makes Lindsey Buckingham, the man she wrote this song about, look her in the eye while she belts it at him. This specific performance was released as a single (I was there, Gandalf) and nominated for a Grammy. Watch the video and you will see why.
The Women Those ‘Evolution Of Beauty’ Videos Leave Out
I don’t really know how to describe this rubberhose-style cartoon of Cab Calloway as a singing nightmare clown. Betty Boop is also there. “You just described it!” No, I really didn’t. 
How movable type worked 1000 years ago, from scratch.
Unrestrained seasonal yak fun
A snowy raven photoshoot
The sacred texts
I don’t know how to explain this double Sacred Text about ominous dreams that comes with its own comic, except to say that they’re so iconic that I first saw both posts in lo-res Pinterest screencaps.
April Fool’s: The ultimate sacred text.
Personal tag of the week
Wet beast Wednesday, which had both a headshake stickflip and bears on a swan boat.
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gucciwins · 2 years
because of me?
Will Harry be able to find his way back to his family?
Word count: 6548
A/N: hi friends! you all wanted a part two so i hope you all read the conclusion to the styles family as they navigate through a hard time. please come tell me what you thought i really enjoyed writing this part even if it took me a month to decide what direction i wanted to go.
Warnings: angst (happy ending)
Part One: why is daddy sad?
After Harry left, Y/N wasn’t sure how to feel. 
A part of her felt guilty for not having done anything sooner, and another felt abandoned because, in three months, he managed to leave them with a goodbye and a kiss to each of them. Saylor, the oldest, understood that Harry wouldn’t be there anymore and that he might be happy for a change. While Lucy understood he was going on a long trip and returning in a few weeks. 
Except, a few weeks turned into two months. The US tour kept getting extended as fans begged for more and more dates. There was an album to release soon, and Y/N knew nothing about it when most times, Harry was excited to share his ideas with her. She was always one of the first to listen, and now this new album, she did not have a single idea of what it was about. 
Harry’s calls were not frequent, but when he did call, he talked to the kids for hours, sometimes draining her phone battery and cutting him off mid-story. Lucy, Y/N noticed, held on to Harry’s every word. Her eyes would widen in amazement when he’d show them the stage and even sitting in Sarah’s seat in front of the drums. While Saylor sat there asking a few questions and listening to his dad. There was a disconnect from Saylor; with Y/N, he was her affectionate and bubbly son, but with Harry, he became silent, almost closed off she wanted to say.
“Yeah, mum.” 
“Do you want to make cookies with me?” 
“Brownies?” He countered. 
Y/N chuckled, having expected the answers. “Yes, baby. I have everything ready.” 
“Can you tie my apron, Mumma?”
Saylor quickly grabbed the apron Y/N leaves hanging in the kitchen for both him and Lucy when they have the sudden urge to help her in the kitchen. Y/N guides Saylor in turning around and makes a knot for him, tight enough it won’t be loose but easy enough for Saylor to tug on and take off when they finish. 
He turns around with a dimpled smile, “ready, Mumma!” 
His apron reads “Chef Saylor,” embroidered in red thread on his chest. It was a gift from Gemma, and she made sure to make one for Lucy, although she prefers sitting on the countertop and munching on fruits and chocolates.
The process of baking goes pretty well. Y/N keeps a watchful eye on Lucy as she plays with the monster trucks her friend Griffin gifted Lucy for her birthday last month. Harry made it back for the party and left soon after, to no one’s surprise. 
“Yes, Mumma,” he answers while staying focused on mixing the ingredients. 
“Are you feeling alright?”
“That’s good. Right now?” 
She hesitated but knew she needed to try because when she was young and hurting, Y/N hated that her parents never knew she was upset or angry that she had to wear a mask all the time. 
“Are you happy all the time?” 
Y/N saw him stop mixing for a second before continuing like nothing had happened. 
“Think it’s finished,” he moved the bowl over to Y/N, who didn’t push him and let him help pour the batter into the pan. She did the final step alone, not wanting Saylor to get burned from the preheated oven. 
“Job well done, Saylor.” 
Saylor stepped off his stool and gave your waist a tight squeeze. 
“Love you, Mumma.” 
“I love you so much, petal. Now go wash up. I’ll clean the dishes.” 
He runs up the steps, and Y/N sighs. It’s hard being a single parent. It’s even harder having no one to talk this out with. She really is all alone in this when Y/N was promised she would never be. 
Dinner and brownies were a success. 
Y/N is in bed reading her book when she hears a small knock on the door and sees it being pushed open. Saylor, in his snug Bluey pajama set, walks towards her. 
“My little love, you alright? Can’t sleep.”
He nods his head. He climbs up on the bed. Y/N giggles as she watches him shake off his slippers from his feet. “Come on, I’ll give you cuddles.”
Saylor gives her a giant smile, hurrying to get tucked under the blankets. He lets out a deep sigh when he’s settled next Y/N. 
“Alright, Mumma was reading. Is it okay if I do that for a little longer, or do you want to sleep?” 
“Can we sleep, please?” 
Y/N grins pushing his hair out of his face to look at his face that resembles every bit of Harry from when he was a child. “Let’s sleep, then.” 
She reaches to turn off the light and slides lower to rest her head on her pillow, letting Saylor adjust himself as he lays his head on her chest. Y/N runs her hand down his back in soothing circles, hoping it will help him sleep. It’s quiet, and she thinks he’s gone down when she finally decides to close her eyes and do the same. 
“Saylor? Are you okay?” 
“Is Daddy coming back?”
“Not for a few weeks. Remember he told you he’s singing for his fans every night.” Y/N doesn't know where the conversation is heading, but she doesn't feel ready. “He’s going to call tomorrow. You can ask him when he's coming home. You know Daddy loves talking to you.”
“What if he’s not coming home?”
“What if he loves his fans more than us, and he forgets about us?” 
“Saylor, your dad loves you. He tells you every time he calls.” 
“Not like you, not all day.” 
She sighs, “no, not every day.” 
“You love us?”
“More than all the stars in the universe,” she reminds him. 
“Enough, that’s enough,” he whispers. 
Y/N feels her heartbreak, her son is so young, but he picks up on the emotions and dynamics of the relationship really well. This is more than Y/N was prepared for; maybe it’s time for a visit to a therapist because Saylor, from a young age, picked up on Harry’s sadness and now questioning his father’s love and his place in their family is a lot for a child to process and Y/N can only do so much. She needs help, and it’s okay to ask for it.
Maybe it was time Y/N went as well. 
Harry loved being on stage. 
He knew he had to thank his wife for the reason he was back on stage. Harry loved his family, but something was missing as he became a stay-at-home father. He enjoyed the studio time, but he craved being on stage and interacting with the fans who gave him everything. 
Except, it wasn’t the fans who helped him accomplish all his dreams. It was Y/N, a selfless Y/N who always put others above herself, and this time no different. She went above and beyond, and what did Harry do to repay her? He left her alone with their two children. It wouldn’t be easy, but she had a support team around her, and he knew she would be fine. 
At least, that’s what he told himself over and over. The truth is he doesn’t know how to begin to help his wife. It’s a big reason he was glad his team made his first show in America because his therapist, whom he stopped talking to years ago, lives and works there. Harry felt he got to a point in his life where it was no longer necessary, but that isn’t true. He needs it more than ever, especially if he wants to be a better man for his family. 
Change won’t come in a day, and for the time being, he will prove to Y/N and their kids that he’s the father and husband they deserve. 
He’ll go home soon, but when he does, he wants to be his best version. 
Holiday vacations are around the corner, and the kids miss their dad. Lucy talks about him constantly, more than ever, and how he promised to play mermaids with her when he’s home for Christmas. Y/N doesn’t know how much she believes him, but she’s willing to give him a chance to prove himself. While Saylor is doing better. The therapist said it’s normal for Y/N to feel hurt and sad that she couldn’t do more for her child because it means she’s doing the right thing. She put her feelings aside to help her child. 
Y/N began going to therapy herself. She did it when she was younger after her mother passed away unexpectedly but stopped when visits became low and few. Kirsten says it might even be a good idea to bring in Lucy, but Y/N wants to take it step by step, not wanting to overwhelm her children. Saylor says he’s enjoying the sessions because he gets to talk and play with different toys some days, even paint. Y/N is overall relieved that she made the right choice for her family. She knows she should have spoken to Harry, but Y/N, never knowing his exact schedule or how she was doing, felt it was not the right time to discuss with him, especially over the phone. 
Lucy had been complaining about missing Harry, and Saylor also jumped in, stating they missed hearing him sing. Y/N’s never known how to say no to her kids, so with a single text to Jeff, he sent back a confirmation of three plane tickets that would take them to Chicago, where Harry was in town for three days before the next city. 
Packing their bags was easy due to their excitement, but Y/N had a pit of anxiety sitting in her stomach that she could not shake. Sarah assured her that Harry would be happy to see them when Y/N texted her to let her know she was planning a visit. Y/N felt the most nervous because she was surprising Harry when he never asked them to come out and support him since he started touring. It’s something that had always been on her mind. It made her feel as if he was doing his best to keep both sides of his life separate when she thought that Harry would have found his way back to her 
Saylor and Lucy were excellent during the eight-hour flight. Maybe they could sense her nerves or were just as nervous as she was in the moment to see Harry again. There’s a car waiting for them at the airport with a driver. As much as Y/N wanted to drive in the city, it's been too long since she’s driven in America. The car seats for the children are luxurious, and it makes Y/N wonder as she’s buckling in Lucy if they went out of their way to buy them for her children or got them on loan from somewhere. Either way, she’s thankful.
Lucy slept most of the flight, while Saylor slept on and off. She knew the jet lag would hit them hard as they’re not used to traveling, at least not the time change in America. Y/N made sure to take her children on trips through their neighboring countries. Harry would join them all the time, making traveling easier but being alone with two kids under six, she prefers to visit places close to home. 
“Yes, we’ve arrived.” She looks behind her, sighing in relief as her children look out the windows, amazement shown in their eyes. “They’re fine. A bit tired, but we’re going to eat and try to sleep in a few hours if any of us can make it that long. Love you.” Y/N hangs up her phone turning to look at her children once more, “Nana says she loves you so much and that you better take lots of photos to show her when we go home.” 
“Love Na,” Lucy whispers. 
“Nana Anne, miss us?” Saylor asks. 
“So much, says she’s got a surprise for when we go home.” 
“Yay,” both Saylor and Lucy cheer together.
After texting Jeff that they had landed, he told her the driver would be bringing them to the venue where they all were rehearsing for the show tomorrow. Y/N knew that meant it was only a matter of minutes before she was reunited with Harry, and their children would get to spend time with him for longer than ten minutes. 
Jeff waved at them as the car parked in the empty lot, helping Saylor unbuckle while Y/N got Lucy out, who chose to stay in her arms. Saylor rushed over to Y/N to hold her free hand. Jeff promised all their stuff would be taken to their hotel room, and she knew he meant into the room they would be sharing with Harry.
Y/N stayed quiet, listening to Lucy talk Jeff’s ear off about how excited she was to see her Daddy. She missed him so much, and listening to his music was boring when he wasn’t there to dance and sing with her. Y/N realized Saylor was nervous. His hand was sweating, but he didn’t let go of Y/N���s hand. No, his hold on her hand tightened as they were guided to the area where Harry was hanging out with his bandmates. 
“Harry,” Jeff yelled, cutting off all the conversations in the room. “Got some visitors.” He moves out of the way, allowing Y/N to walk into the room. Saylor follows close behind. The room is silent for a few seconds before Lucy starts bouncing in Y/N’s arms, excitedly chanting Daddy. 
“You’re here,” he breathes out. His eyes locked on Y/N first, then shifted to Lucy and Saylor. Their son stayed right by her side while Lucy began reaching forward, begging for Harry to take her in his arms. 
Harry quickly crossed the room and took Lucy from Y/N, spinning her around as her laugh rang loud in the room. Y/N shuffled in closer with Saylor at her side. Sarah came to say hello first; it was her godson, after all. 
“My little Saylor, you’re so big,” Sarah greeted, crouching down to his size. He moved away and jumped into his godmother’s waiting arms. 
“Missed you.” He whispered low enough for only the three of them could hear. 
“He’s been playing that bongo drum. You got him like crazy.” 
Saylor nods his head excitedly, “can I play your drums?” 
Sarah laughs, “I’m sure we can work something out.” 
Y/N knows Harry’s coming back over because Saylor’s hand made its way back into hers. Lucy is now running around, introducing herself to everyone as if they don’t remember who she is. Most of the team here today were there for Y/N and Harry during the early years of their children’s lives. 
“Hi, Saylor,” Harry greets, copying what Sarah did, getting down to be at his level. “I’ve missed you so much. You look so big, soon you might be bigger than Mummy.” 
Saylor giggles, “you think so?” 
“Of course, you might be taller than Mitch, too,” Harry teased. 
“Ha,” Mitch laughed dryly as he let Lucy sit on his lap as she told him about her journey on the plane and how the nice airplane lady gave her apple juice. 
The tension is gone, and it warms her heart to see Harry and Saylor sharing a long embrace. Y/N feels guilty because she’s the reason why her children don’t see their father every day anymore, but she also feels guilty for letting Harry be unhappy for so long. Lost in thought, she doesn’t seem to realize Harry standing in front of her, rocking on his heels as if he’s waiting for permission to touch her. Instead of overthinking what she should do, she does what she wants, which is to give her husband a hug. 
She hears him let out a deep sigh, breathing her in. It's been a long time since she allowed herself to relax, but being here with his arms wrapped tight around her, she knows she belongs here. She just doesn’t know if Harry still thinks she does. 
“Thank you for the surprise,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Glad you liked it.”
“Daddy, Daddy?” Lucy pulls on his jeans, asking for attention. 
Y/N pulls away from him, laughing as Lucy and Saylor wait for Harry to let go of her and pay attention to them. “Duty calls,” she jokes.
“Oi, what are you going to do?” 
“She’ll be in good hands with me,” Sarah interrupts, dropping her hand over Y/N’s shoulder. “Now go. Your children have missed you.” 
Harry gives Y/N one last look, and she nods, assuring him it’s okay. 
Y/N really hopes the trips end well because a big reason she brought them out to visit wasn’t just for Saylor and Lucy but for herself to ask Harry where they stand. It’s important she finds out because she doesn’t want to suffer any more heartbreak.
The night together at the hotel had gone well. Y/N was relieved when Saylor and Lucy settled for bed at eight pm that they even managed to stay awake so long, but she knew it was all because of Harry. Y/N wanted to stay up to talk with Harry and see how he felt because she didn’t want him to feel like she ambushed him, that she wanted to see him, that the kids did. Instead, as she waited for him to exit the bathroom, she fell asleep, the exhaustion of traveling hitting her like a truck now that everything had settled. Y/N swears she felt a kiss on her head and a blanket placed over her as she fell asleep. It’s the safest she’s felt in months. 
Morning came all too soon when Saylor and Lucy jumped into their bed. Y/N and Harry shared a bed for the first time in months, and she was glad they woke her up, not allowing a moment of awkwardness to settle over them. Lucy demanded they feed her while Saylor reminded her to say please. Y/N laughed because she felt like a family, and looking over at Harry showering Saylor in kisses as Lucy sat on her stomach poking at Y/N’s face, she wondered if Harry felt the same.
“Come on, my loves. I’ll let you take a look at the menu and order whatever you want,” Harry coaxed them hoping to call them down.
“Anything?” Lucy shrieked.
Harry’s eyes widened before glancing at Y/N, who did her best to bite back a smile, “I’m afraid I’ve used the wrong word.” 
Y/N shrugs, “make sure you include some fruits in there, but no-”
“Blueberries, Lucy’s allergic,” he finishes for Y/N.
“If I eat blueberries, will I become like the girl in Charlie’s factory?”
“You will not become like Violet, little lady,” Harry chuckles, “but if you did, we’d still love you.” 
“We’ll always love you, Luce. No matter what,” Saylor chimed in, and Y/N felt her heart grow ten times the size. 
There was a lot to discuss with Harry, but today, she’d enjoy the day with her family and feel proud to see Harry on stage doing what he loves. 
The venue was chaotic, and Saylor and Lucy loved it. They saw someone doing something new at every turn, fixing lights or cooking food. It wasn’t until they saw the fans being let in did they gasp that all those people were there for their Daddy. It felt nice to allow them the experience of seeing Harry do what he loves. Y/N told Harry she wanted to walk around. She can’t remember the last time she was backstage at a venue. Y/N had been with Harry for so long that she feels she has visited so many arenas and stadiums, but she will never get over the friendly environment that Harry and their team maintain. Many of these people working backstage are the ones she saw when she first came out to see Harry. He prides himself in working with the people he trusts and has built a relationship with, and Y/N knows he cares for each person on his team. 
He promised her he’d take care of Saylor and Lucy, promising he’d agree to everything they asked for, and she knew he was teasing but also wouldn’t put it past him. If Lucy asked him for a pony, Y/N’s sure he’d have it waiting for her as soon as she was back in London. Y/N knew Harry wanted to get Saylor his own drum kit already, but Y/N wasn’t ready for the loud noise that would never end. 
“Take your time, love. I’m in good hands,” he teased. 
“We take care of Daddy, like you taught us,” Saylor promises. 
The show was set to start at nine, with the opener going on at eight, meaning she had roughly an hour and a half before she needed to go back and let Harry get ready without the distraction of two children who had a new question every second. Y/N spent time roaming the green room and speaking with the band, who were all too happy to ask her questions about her job and life in their London home. After excusing herself, she made her way through the hallways until she reached a black curtain allowing herself to take a peek at the fans there tonight. Harry had mentioned it being a sold-out show and that all tickets went to fans. They worked hard on keeping prices fair to fans, no longer allowing platinum tickets to be sold, not at the cost of his fans. 
She stepped out, and the loud chatter of the arena echoed around her. There were many empty seats, as it was early but the pit was as packed as ever. Fans turned around, trying to see who was excited, but no one gave her a second glance. Her relationship with Harry is something they kept quiet about their first year. After Harry accidentally posted a photo of her on his Instagram story with a “happy anniversary” sticker, fans pieced it all together. In an interview with Zane Lowe, he happily shared that he was in love and happy that was all that should matter to his fans. The only posts about their children to this point are each child’s birth; that is how she hopes it stays until they’re older.
Y/N was glad she wasn’t easily recognizable to fans. At least, she thought she wasn’t until she saw someone with a plate of nachos in her hand going to sit against a wall and waving at her. Y/N turned around, wondering if she meant someone else, but once she saw the fan laugh, she sent a small wave back. She took that as her cue to leave in case others started to notice because Y/N’s sure the fan would be quick to spread the word as respectful as she was. 
As she crosses back backstage, she finds Jeff and Tom talking. They stop when they see her, bringing her in for a hug. 
“Hi, taking a tour, I see,” Jeff says, noting where she was coming from.
“Mhmm, was uh getting restless not being able to explore.” 
“Harder with two kids, huh.” Tom comments. 
Y/N laughs, “oh yeah, those two are curious. They got that from Harry. If they could, I’m sure they’d open every door backstage.” 
“Are they with H?” 
“Last I checked, unless he passed them off,” Y/N jokes. 
“Are you kidding? He’s wrapped around those two fingers. The only person he allows to take them is you because you’re his favorite person,” Jeff shares. 
“And their mother,” Tom chimes in.
Y/N is surprised at everything he’s saying because, for the longest time, she didn’t feel like it. She still doesn’t. 
“Honestly, we’re all glad you texted us. This is the happiest we’ve seen him.” Jeff mutters his agreement. 
Y/N frowns, “what do you mean?”
Tom and Jeff share a look before answering. “That he’s happy to be touring and on the road again, but….” 
“Come on, might as well tell me.” 
Tom sighs, “he comes off stage upset or tired and always heads to bed.”
“Are you saying he wants us here?” Y/N questions because it doesn’t make sense to her. 
“The last time he toured, who was the first person he went to after he ran off?” Jeff asked. 
“Me,” she whispered. “But he wanted this.” Y/N gestures to everything around her.
Jeff shrugs, “he did, but not like he was expecting.” 
Y/N sighs, running a hand down her face trying to take in this information. “I’m not uprooting my kids to follow him on tour. We’ve got stability. They’ve got a routine and a lot of family at home.” 
“We know you do,” Tom assures you.  “Harry raves about how amazing of a mother you are. He really feels that he’s failed. He failed you and the kids, but there’s nothing he can do now, not with a sold-out tour.”
“Hmm…he hasn’t told me. Or when we talk, it’s about the kid. I assumed–I don’t know, really. Feels like we lost him or that I did, at least.” Y/N didn’t think she’d share this with anyone other than her therapist, but she’s always trusted them. They’re her friends as well. 
As she walks away to find her children, she doesn’t know Harry is behind her, having heard every last word, having gone to get Lucy and Saylor an ice cream. It’s time to prove to Y/N that he was there for her. 
Harry loved his wife. Without her, he wouldn’t have his two biggest blessings. He wouldn’t know what it’s like to be loved. He wouldn’t have built a beautiful life without her, and he took that for granted. He took her heart and stored it away because he was too weak to ask for help. He left her alone for too long, but he would change that. He had to. There was no way he would lose her, not when he loved her with everything in him, his heart and soul belonged to her. 
The energy for tonight was on a new level; he knew it was because his family was in the audience. He was so happy that he decided to mention it, not allowing cameras to zoom their way because his children were not something he shared with fans or the media, something he and Y/N agreed on from the moment they found out she was pregnant with Saylor.
Harry kept an eye on them the entire night, sending them kisses and dancing their way. The minute he got off stage, an excited Saylor bounded into his sweaty arms while a sleepy Lucy was in Y/N’s arms fighting sleep. 
“Daddy! That was awesome.” Saylor yelled, letting Harry slip off his headphones as Harry settled him on his hip.
“Mhm, awesome,” Lucy mumbled, tucking her head deeper into Y/N’s shoulder. 
Harry laughs, “thank you, my loves.” He pressed a kiss to Saylor’s cheek and then to Lucy’s. “What did Mummy think?” 
“You were wonderful, H. Always a shining star up there,” Y/N leaned in and offered him a kiss on his cheek. Y/N swore she could see a blush on his cheeks as she pulled away. 
“Thank you.” Harry clears his throat, “how about we head to bed, huh?” 
“Please,” Lucy whispered, causing them all to laugh. 
It was the sweetest after-show reunion, and Harry laughed as he noticed cameras pointed in every direction from their team, having captured the special moment. “I’m expecting to see those photos in my messages tomorrow.” 
A course of “yes, boss” rang loud as Y/N and Harry helped their kids settle in their car seats, Lucy slowly falling asleep as they began the drive to the hotel. 
“Y/N?” Harry asked as they each worked on changing their children into their pajamas. Both children fell asleep on their way to the hotel. 
“Thank you.” He starts, “for uh, coming tonight.” 
“Course, they really missed you.” 
“I missed them too.” They fall silent. “I missed you too, Y/N. So much.” 
Y/N flashes him a timid smile. “I missed you too.” 
After settling both children under the covers, Y/N flipped on the small lamp light and walked out, wanting to get undressed and to bed. She saw Harry in the bathroom and decided changing in the room would be better. She saw a shirt on the chair, and she swore it was hers, so she slipped it on and climbed under the covers, sighing as she felt herself sink into the king-sized bed. Y/N shut the lights off and closed her eyes. Y/N’s not sure how long had passed, but she felt Harry slipping in next to her. He scooted close to her but not enough to touch her, and a part of her was screaming at him to get closer, but she remained still. 
“Honey, do you think we can talk?” Harry asked, turning on the small lamp by the bedside. 
“Right now?” She blinked one eye open. Harry was lying on his side, staring at her. He shook his head no.
 “I, uh, was thinking maybe we can have dinner together tomorrow. Jeff offered to watch the kids.”
“Okay, H. That’s fine. I’m sure we can talk and have dinner with the kids too.”
“If you want, but uh,” Harry feels his throat tighten. He’s so nervous, “thought it could be a date.”
Y/N doesn’t do well hiding the surprise on her face. “A date?” 
He nodded, keeping his eyes locked with hers trying to see if he could see what she was feeling, but it was like staring at a wall. She was always so good at hiding her emotions. Harry let her think about it, the silence making his heart race until he saw her offer him the tiniest smile. 
“Okay, Harry. It’s a date.”
“You look pretty, Mummy?” Lucy tells Y/N as she sees her finishing the application of her lipstick. Y/N had to sit Lucy in the sink as she had woken up practically clingy this morning; not that Y/N minded but having to do makeup with a toddler on her hip would not be easy. She was playing with the eyeshadow pallet, swiping it down her arms and gasping when she saw how shimmery it made her arms. 
“Think so?” Y/N presses a kiss to the top of Lucy’s head with nods enthusiastically 
“Promise,” she affirms, although it sounded more like ‘poise’ as Lucy still had not quite mastered her “R’s.”  
“Give me a kiss,” Lucy perked up, carefully turning around to not hurt herself. Y/N leaned down and let Lucy press a peck to Y/N’s lips. 
“Thanks, petal. You’re the sweetest.” Y/N lifts her up and sets Lucy on her hip. “Let’s go find Saylor and Daddy.” 
Lucy sighs, knowing she will say goodbye to her mum for the night. Walking out of the restroom, Y/N finds Harry sitting on the couch, flowers in his lap, with Saylor standing before him, taking his photo. Y/N cooed at the sight because Saylor recently learned to take pictures and took any opportunity to showcase his skills. 
“I see Saylor’s found a new muse,” Y/N laughs when Harry startles, jumping up from the couch, barely catching the flowers in his lap.
“Daddy!” Saylor scolds. 
“Sorry, lovie.” Harry turns to Y/N, his smile widening as he sees his two girls in front of him. “These are for you,” he extends the flowers for Y/N to take, but Lucy accepts them for her. 
Y/N giggles, “very pretty.” 
“Are you ready to head out?” Harry asks as he watches Y/N set down Lucy, who runs to show Jeff the flowers. 
“Mhmm…all good.” 
“Petals, come give Mummy and Daddy a kiss,” Y/N calls for them, kneeling next to Harry to accept the two running toddlers into her open arms. She would have fallen back by the force they rushed into her if Harry didn’t have a hold on her. She shoots him a grateful smile as she presses three kisses each to Saylor and Lucy before passing them over to Harry, who promises to take good care of Mummy. 
Y/N walks out, and together they head down the hall. She feels nervous because this dinner has the power to break her or mend her heart. It was only a matter of time until she finds out.
Harry brought her to a family restaurant. It wasn’t a stuffy, uptight restaurant like she was expecting because Harry knew she never liked those restaurants that gave people food portions so small that it never filled a person up. Y/N grins as he pushes her chair in. She is still recovering from Harry opening her car door and offering her his arm. He’s the gentleman he was for the entirety of their relationship until she lost him. 
The conversation is slow, primarily focused on the tour and their kids. Y/N laughs when she realizes this feels like a first date, this was how nervous she was in Jamaica after he approached her asking for the chance to take her on a date, but she said no because she was on holiday and lucky for her, he was as well. After learning more about him and falling for his charm, she said yes, and she would not change a thing because it brought her back to him.
Harry is the one to steer the conversation bringing up how he’s been doing. He has bad days, but they aren’t awful where he shuts down. He shares about his therapist and how comfortable he feels talking to someone, that he went too long holding in all his feelings. Y/N feels guilty, and Harry knows that. He reminds her it’s not her fault, that she did the best they could by putting their children first. It made him feel safe knowing that Saylor and Lucy were being taken care of by someone who would lay their life down for them. 
“Do–would you be up for couple’s therapy?” 
Y/N gestures for him to explain. 
“Marina says that it’s important we talk about this as a neutral place, and a therapist is a good place to start. We both went through a hard time, and it’s important we talk about everything that happened.”
She agrees, “we can do that.” 
“Good, uh, thank you.”
“Saylor started seeing a therapist.” 
Harry’s eyes widened in surprise, “because of me?”
Y/N grimaces, “he had a hard time seeing you connect more with him and Lucy through a phone, and there was only so much I could do alone.”
She sees him deflate, “H, don’t take all the blame, don’t let it sink you.” 
He sniffles, “I hurt him. I hurt you all.” 
“Saylor’s healing. We all are. You’re making an effort,” she assures him.
“I want to be a better father and partner.”
Y/N nods, but something is nagging at the back of her mind. “Jeff mentioned extending the tour.” 
And he sighs. It’s true. 
“Summer tour. In Europe.”
“Would–” he fumbles, trying to find the words. “I know work is important, and our kids are priority number one but would you be up to joining me in the summer?”
“Summer on tour?” She repeats. 
“The kids aren’t in school, and if you’re able to use some time off with us for even a week or two, uh, I miss you all so much when I’m away.”
“You really want us there?”
“Course I do. Think I played my best show last night having you all there.” It’s what everyone has been telling her that it was his best show since his return. 
“I’m—so– confused.” 
“Of what, lovie?” Harry thought he had put everything out in the open.
“You didn’t ask us to visit you. Or ask us to go on tour with you. You just left, H, and that hurt as much as having you home and ignoring us,” Y/N pours her heart out to him. 
He drops his head, letting out a deep breath. “You’ve always reminded me that you wanted to give Lucy and Saylor stability. Me being selfish to bring you out would have—I thought it would make you think I was careless and only thought about myself.” 
“You put them first.”
“They have always come first. I just honestly got lost. Marina, my therapist, said that after giving up something I’ve known basically all my life, I wasn’t ready to let it go like I said I was. And all my repressed feelings took over.”
“They’re the priority Harry, promise me?” 
Harry agrees, “they’re my priority but so are you.” 
She stays silent for a moment, before nodding. “We can talk to the kids tomorrow and ask them how they feel about touring with you for the summer.”
Harry’s eyes brighten, “just them? 
She shakes her head. “If they’re a yes, so am I,” she tells him.
“Do you still love me?” Harry asks. 
She sighs, “Harry.” 
“I love you, Y/N. I will always love you, and I’m sorry I made you doubt my love but never again. I’ll prove it to you every day. I just need to know if I have a chance.” Harry pleads, and Y/N believes every single word. 
“Of course I do. I’d let you break my heart ten times over if it means I get the chance to love you.” 
Y/N sees his eyes well up with tears and leans close to catch a tear that falls down his face. “You love me?” 
“I love you,” she confirms. 
“I love you, too. Never stopped loving you, just got lost.”
Y/N and Harry settle in comfortable silence. She scoots her chair closer to him, reaching for his hand and intertwining it with hers. Harry squeezes tight before bringing it to his lips and giving her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. 
“Never going to stop. Heart beats for you as much as it does for Saylor and Lucy.” Y/N confessed, needing him to know that it has always been him. 
“I love you, Y/N. I have loved you since our first date in Jamaica, and I’ll never stop reminding you. I know I stopped for some time and made you question me but never again.  It’s always you. It will always be you.” 
And she believed him.
Everything wasn’t perfect, far from it, but there’s a clear path in front of them that Y/N and Harry look forward to taking together.
thank for you reading!!!!
taglist: @pracstyles @theekyliepage @nightskyladylights @daniellef89x @qualitygiantshoepsychic @harrysgoldenbum @swiftmendeshoran @crazygirlinthisworld @loversgothumour @a-strange-familiar @be-with-me-so-happily @babyiamperfectforyou
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signanothername · 1 year
Hi! I love your rescue bots art and I was wondering who your favorite bot was?
Hello!! Thank you sm! <333
Ngl the show’s characters are so amazing that it genuinely is hard to say for sure, but I’d say Heatwave!!
Prepare for a ramble >:)
I already have a soft spot for grumpy characters and he falls into that category, but i genuinely love how the writers balanced his character so well that you don’t hate him for his gruffness, he’s that trope of “asshole with a heart of gold™”
The thing is, Heatwave isn’t fully a jerk either, he respects authoritarian figures, gives people credit where it’s due and has a sporting spirit and you can tell he cares deeply about the people he loves, but loves to put on a front (especially when it comes to kids)
He does have a bit of an ego but he knows when to keep it in check (basically doesn’t let his ego get in the way of his rescue work or uses it as an excuse to hurt people’s feelings)
In fact i’d say outta the rescue bots he’s the one who has faith in his family the most when it comes to knowing they can handle themselves, he’s the only one who doesn’t think Dani’s test pilot work is a big deal and explicitly states she knows her job and can handle herself, not that the others’ worries are out of place, it’s just that, for someone like him who’s overprotective, it’s nice to see him have so much faith
We can also see how much of a worrier he is in the “changes” episode, he doesn’t wanna leave the team cause he’s worried about them (and to me, it seems as tho he really doesn’t wanna seperate from them) but i believe that worry is less about him believing they can’t take care of themselves and more tied to his overprotective nature, he was worried they’d get hurt and he wouldn’t be there to protect them
He takes his job seriously both as a rescue bot and as a leader and takes responsibility for any shortcomings or reckless behavior that could’ve endangered people and i actually respect that a lot, cause most hotheaded characters are written in a way that they always think they’re in the right, which Heatwave doesn’t, his character breaks away from that usual writing and you’re presented with a hothead who actually takes responsibility for his actions which is really refreshing to see
The only times we see Heatwave acting recklessly is when he’s sure no one would get hurt, so it’s really funny to see for a hothead like him, cause he actually stops and thinks twice most of the time
All that aside, I do love when he acts like a jerk at times, they’re usually comedy gold moments, that one scene of him making fun of Blades cause of the scoop claw and when Cody gets upset with him, Heatwave literally tells Boulder and Chase “you guys never know when to stop do you?” Like MY MAN THAT WAS MOSTLY ALL YOU DHHDGDGDHHD (we here at signanothername do not condone bullying, we do however find it hilarious /j)
His character contrasts so well with Kade’s too and the two’s relationship is honestly so amazing aaaahxhdhdh
But what i love the most is the fact you can clearly see he grows as the show goes on, most his moments of him being a jerk are at the beginning of the series, later down the line he’s a lot more considerate and gentle, still acts like a jerk sometimes (cause he’s HW come on) but it’s a lot less than when in the beginning of the series
Not only that but how homesick he is and how Earth and Griffin Rock grow on him overtime, he starts very (and I mean VERY) angry, very not on board with staying, hell, he wants to leave in the first episode, but it’s so nice to see his struggle with accepting earth as his new home, and while I wholeheartedly believe everyone struggled through the same thing, they were prepared to look for their peace in their new home, Heatwave wasn’t at peace and he was very vocal about it
That’s why, the episode “Space Bots” is one of my favorites in the entirety of the series, aside the fact it’s a fun and unique episode, it’s the episode Heatwave finally calls Earth “home” and ngl it actually made me tear up a bit
Just THIS SCENE MAN (I love Blades’ big smile at Heatwave at the end, Blades is so proud of HW chhcc)
Obviously to someone who never watched the show the scene seems mundane at best, but to someone very invested in the story and characters? (Cough me cough) it was such a heartwarming scene, Heatwave finally finding some internal peace and calling it home??? 10/10 crying and screaming
Of course, he still struggles, as we clearly see with the Allspark day episode in S3, he refuses to celebrate it cause he doesn’t see himself as part of the community yet, yes he accepted Earth as his new home but there’s still that dissonance between him and the people in Griffin Rock
So it’s genuinely interesting to see his journey towards finally feeling at peace and finding himself among the community he lives with
I love when the bots finally revealed themselves as aliens rather than robots in S4, Heatwave was very apprehensive about it, really scared to do so even when he’s grown fond of the community, so you can imagine my absolute joy at the absolute shock Heatwave displayed when the people of Griffin rock immediately accepted them and were very excited about it
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And much, much more I can talk about but we’d be here for days hdhxhdhhd
Anyway I’m done rambling have this Heatwave sketch <3
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(GFL Short Fic) "A Scarecrow's emotions"
Author's Note: This was originally in a different prompt before I had a moment of realization and went "Wait a second this is WAAAY too long to just be in a headcanon!" So now it's here, and I hope ya'll enjoy! Word Count: 1.5k
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To say Scarecrow struggled understanding the emotions of others was a colossal understatement.
Before she began working under the Commander and Griffin, she despised sentimentality. Thanks to the Protocol Assimilation however, her hatred of emotions lessened.
This did not help her understand it any better unfortunately, something she continued to struggle with.
It especially didn't help that her only other encounters with emotions was with the Commander (which was fairly recent), and Executioner, who was a loudmouth tomboy of a T-Doll.
And lastly, one human who expressed interest in her, to her complete shock.
Being from Sangvis, she and her comrades were understandably treated coldly at first from Griffin personnel, barring some of the extremely friendly ones.
Scarecrow was quite used to this, considering she barely had any respect from her allies to begin with.
And given that her entire role was scouting and data gathering, she had no need for emotions, or friends.
When Scarecrow had met (Y/N) for the first time, she was honestly annoyed and quite suspicious of them, given how the rest of the humans wouldn't even give her the time of day. (Not that she exactly needed to ask them for it)
Scarecrow walked out of the maintenance bay and into the brightly lit hallways of Griffin's Base, prepared to make her way towards the dorms. Before she could get much further, she was stopped by one of the engineers.
(Y/N) "Scarecrow! Um, how are you feeling?"
She turned towards them, her eyes remaining unchanged as the mask obscured her mouth, showing no visible change in emotion.
(Scarecrow) "I am operational."
Scarecrow replied curtly. She observed their movements and they seemed...relieved?
(Y/N) "Oh, good! I was worried that we may not have gotten your repairs right! I don't think I've ever worked on anyone quite like you before."
(Scarecrow) "Of course. Griffin T-Dolls are far less advanced than Sangvis."
(Y/N) seemed to struggle on how to choose their next words, though it did not seem like her statement was the cause of it.
(Scarecrow) "You are fidgeting an abnormal amount for a human. Are you intimidated by me?"
(Y/N) "...W-Well, kinda, if I'm being honest...!"
They laughed nervously, but it was cut off by Scarecrow's continued deadpan stare at them. They cleared their throat and straightened their back.
(Y/N) "But, really, I was nervous that your repairs might not have gone smoothly. I see I was worrying for nothing."
(Scarecrow) "I see."
She gave them a simple nod with her facial expressions not budging an inch.
(Scarecrow) "I recognize you are simply being polite. It is wasted on me, nevertheless I will say 'Thank you'."
(Y/N) "If something's wrong with your systems, don't hesitate to come see me!"
(Scarecrow) "Acknowledged."
Finally she began departing for her dorm, processing the conversation she just had. That was the first time anyone was worried about her wellbeing.
Besides the Commander, (Y/N) had become someone she visited often, though it was mostly because she wanted peace and quiet and did not want anyone to disturb her thinking.
They treated her with respect, despite the fact she was a former adversary.
The fact they were so open to trust a Sangvis Doll was stupid. Humans made no logical sense to her. And yet...something drew her to them, and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn't determine why.
This was the first time that she had interacted with humans and did not want to immediately end their lives, so the change in perspective was unnerving to her. It felt like it went against her base programming.
But she did not hate the feeling. At least, it did not feel that way.
Anytime she spoke with (Y/N), she always had her mask on them, more out of habit since that was her uniform than anything malicious.
And she knew they were always staring at it, and her eyes when they replied. She didn't know why, until a few months into their 'friendship, for lack of a better term, did she know why.
(Y/N) "Hey, Scarecrow?"
(Scarecrow) "What is it?"
Scarecrow replied, her tone muffled and cold as ever.
(Y/N) "If it's not too rude for me to request this, could...I see you without your mask?"
She turned to them, curiosity rising in her digimind, though her face did not portray it.
(Scarecrow) "Why? I do not possess any facial features that can recreate emotion like you can."
(Y/N) "That part doesn't really bother me. I just...want to see you, if that makes any sense."
(Scarecrow) "It does not."
(Y/N) began stuttering, trying to find a better way to phrase what they meant before noticing her irises were changing ever so slightly. They seemed to focus on their face, her hands slowly reaching for the mask and disengaging the locks.
Her lips were surprisingly soft looking, and not as rough or machine-like as (Y/N) was expecting.
(Scarecrow) "However, I will comply with your request."
Her voice was finally unfiltered from her mask, the voice sounding quite soothing to their ears.
(Y/N) "W-Wow..."
(Scarecrow) "What is so fascinating about my lips? You have seen them on other T-Dolls and humans."
(Y/N) "It's not that, it's...you're really pretty is all."
Scarecrow's eyes adjusted once again, though to what emotion it was portraying, (Y/N) couldn't tell. She looked away, staring at the ground.
(Scarecrow) "Are humans that susceptible to be allured by a simple face?"
Scarecrow noticed that they had gotten closer, though she made no move to push them away.
(Y/N) "Maybe? For me I'm...more allured by you than anything."
Scarecrow turned to face them again, her face unmoved by (Y/N)'s words.
(Y/N) "S-Sorry. That must sound stupid."
(Scarecrow) "It is. You are attracted to an android that cannot even reciprocate its feelings on the most basic level."
(Y/N) "...Reciprocate?"
(Y/N)'s shoulders slumped and looked at her, noticing that Scarecrow was staring at her hand moving to theirs. The hand wrapped around theirs, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
(Y/N) froze, and realizing that, Scarecrow moved back to her normal sitting position. She must have mistaken their shock as disgust.
(Scarecrow) "I will depa-"
(Y/N) "Wait!"
(Y/N) took Scarecrow's hands again, holding onto it tightly and not wanting her to leave. Slowly, she looked back at (Y/N)'s face as it closed in.
Their eyes were closed as they leaned in for a quick peck onto her lips, scrambling everything in Scarecrow's digimind.
Her eyes rapidly adjusted themselves as she was trying to process what exactly she was feeling. The sensation of (Y/N)'s lips, their emotions, her own, everything was so overwhelming.
Scarecrow remained still for a couple seconds before looking back up to (Y/N).
(Scarecrow) "...I still do not understand why you feel such attraction for a mere T-Doll-"
(Y/N) "Y-You're not just 'some' T-Doll, Scarecrow! You're just...you."
(Scarecrow) "You have said that twice now, as if I can understand what you mean."
(Y/N) "It means that there's only one of you, Scarecrow. And...!-"
(Y/N) took a deep breath to calm down, trying to defend her existence against herself was riling them up far more than they had anticipated.
(Scarecrow) "I should be exactly what my name implies. Nothing more, and nothing less."
Her reply finally got (Y/N) to steady their breathing, their lips slowly growing into a smile.
(Y/N) "If that's the case, you wouldn't be holding my hand right now. That's an emotion, you know, and I've seen you show it!...W-Well, not directly, anyway."
(Scarecrow) "...I am unable to comprehend your logic, nor can I fully process what information has been given to me."
Scarecrow's grip on (Y/N)'s hand subtly got tighter as her eyes refocused solely on theirs. Their mouth did not tremble, nor did her tone even remotely change, yet (Y/N) could tell there was a sense of hesitation.
(Scarecrow) "...I request that you assist me in understanding emotions, and your faulty logic in putting this kind of faith in me."
(Y/N)'s smile grew even bigger as they leaned into Scarecrow, embracing her gently. At first she did not move, but moved to mimic their actions by raising her arms around their back.
It felt quite awkward, but it was the gesture that mattered to (Y/N). And they hoped that she would understand that.
(Scarecrow) "If I'm careless with my words, I could end up hurting others. So I just need to be a scarecrow – I serve in silence…"
(Y/N) slowly backed off and held her shoulders, her eyes blinking for the first time at them.
(Scarecrow) "But I won't be like that with you, because no matter how I hurt you, you'll always stay close to me, won't you?"
(Y/N) "…As long as you want me, I'll be here with you."
They stayed like that for a few brief moments before Scarecrow stood up without warning, confusing (Y/N). She put on her mask and simply stared back.
(Scarecrow) "Humph, just kidding."
(Y/N) "...W...What...?"
Scarecrow leaned towards (Y/N)'s head, her mask gently bouncing off their forehead. Was that supposed to be her version of a kiss?
(Scarecrow) "That was also a joke. I genuinely meant what I asked, I simply wanted to see your reaction since you can tell when I'm portraying emotions indirectly, apparently."
(Y/N) pouted and muttered something underneath their breath. They swore Scarecrow's eyes slightly raised in amusement.
(Y/N) "Way to ruin a romantic moment..."
Scarecrow offered her hand to (Y/N), her tone unchanged.
(Scarecrow) "Well, it's a good thing you'll be giving more, won't you?"
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 4 *Edited*
I have not seen a single person who requested this buuuuut! I'm doing it anyway! Please reblog any of my works of you like them so my works can get around faster. :) Collaboration with @heaartzforcupid Thanks for the great idea!
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Warnings: murder, Y/N witnesses murder, manipulation, swearing, gore, violence, toxic relationships, yandere shit y know? THEY ARE ALL AGED UP TO 18!!!.
Summary: Y/N witnesses the boys murder Moose. While Vance, Robin, Billy, and Griffin take care of the body, Bruce and Finney manipulate Y/N with their sweet words, soft touches, she's crying so hard, and she's so in shock, she believes them. What she didn't expect was she would take the blame.
I heard a loud crack and saw Robin snap Moose's neck. I screamed loudly and started running quickly out of the alley trying to make it back to my car so I could call the police but someone caught me by waist while someone else caught me by my wrist. Finney had his hands wrapped around my waist and Bruce grabbed my wrist. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I screamed, my knees buckling. I was sobbing and my vision was blurred but I could still see Moose's dead body being hoisted up by Vance and Robin while Griffin and Billy cleaned up the blood. Why was there blood? Did they beat him?
Finney's hand covered my mouth before I could scream again while Bruce whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Finney sat with his back against the alley wall and my back against his chest. He still had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell for help again. Bruce stroked my hair and let me calm down a bit. I stopped crying so I could maybe get a chance to run. Finney slowly removed his hand away. "Are you gonna scream again sweetheart?" Bruce asked me. I shook my head no. "You murdered Moose! You're murderers! All of you!" I said, my voice shaking.
"No no no baby. We did this for you. Moose beat you with a pipe! You should be thanking us, little one." Finney whispered. "I didn't want him to die! I would've reported him to the school!" I said. "He deserved it, didn't he sweetie?" Bruce asked me, still stroking my hair. "No! He didn't deserve to die! It was my fault! I made him mad!" I started to cry again. "You murdered him. All of you had a part in it! I'm calling the police!" Finney's arms wrapped tighter around my abdomen. "Baby, I promise we're good guys. All of us. We did it for you!" Finney said. "He'll never hurt you again, darling. Ever" Bruce added. "We made sure of it."
I cried harder when I saw the rest of them walking over to us. "Oh hun, we did it for you" Griffin said. "Don't cry love." said Billy. I just kept sobbing. So many thoughts were running through my head. What if they get.caught and I get sent to jail? I can't go to jail! "Hey hey hey. Princesa, breath with me. In and out. In and out." After a few minutes of all them whispering to me and Robin helping me take deep breaths, I calmed down. "Ok." I whispered. "Ok what, sweetheart" Bruce asked. "Ok. I won't tell anyone." "You promise?" "Promise" "Good girl" Robin said. "Good job, baby." Finney said.
"Let's take you home, dollface." Vance says. They helped me up and I bolted out of the alley. The last thing I saw was all the boys looking furiously at me.
Y'all really thought I was gonna us that naive? Nope. Let me know if y'all want a part 5! Please please request shit! Love y'all! -Kaylin
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llettucestuff · 11 months
i love the finale of season 3 rb ITS SO GOOD and it hurts my heart but it’s so sweet and RAHH I WILL NEVER GET OVER ITTT
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Like Heatwave gently but firmly telling Chief “With all due respect, sir, it’s not your call to make” AND THEN THEY GO AND BASICALLY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES knowing FULL WELL that they might never recover from this AUGH
Heatwave carries so much respect for Chief Burns and we see that respect form and grow and it all leads up to this point where Heatwave is essentially like “we all care about this family so much, we’d do anything for you guys” and then THEY DO and then we see how upset Cody is and how upset KADE is ohhh don’t get me STARTEDD because I will never stop
It’s the culmination of all the soft moments, all of the rescues and hardships the entire Burns family (including the bots you cowards they ARE family, it’s not “the Burns and the bots” it’s just the Burns at this point so when I say Burns I mean THE HUMAN BURNS AND THE BOTS CAN ANYONE HEAR MEE) has led up to his moment of loyalty and respect and straight up love and it’s so plain for anyone to see it.
And that’s why Frankie putting the unedited video into the time capsule is so important, not just for the future residents of Griffin Rock to see the kind of good people the Burns are, but for the whole world to see the character of the family. It’s also a declaration that these guys, the Bots, are important to us and our family lineage. We have loved them and they have loved us since day one, that’s why we think it’s important to have that notion in the future as well, yk what I mean?
The Burns and the Greenes family are SO IMPORTANT TO ME and the Bots are just as much family as any other human in that fold, and they were prepared and entirely willing to sacrifice themselves for that family, no matter the protest
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