#Grundy: This small death is now Friend
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 314
Danny has discovered something absolutely amazing. While he can’t cook for shit, he can? Actually bake? Really well? Must be those bonding sessions in Long Now with Clockwork making all those cookies and cakes and everything else. 
But? This means he can A, actually make himself food, and B, has somehow befriended several more ghosts, including his rogues. Apparently he gave off bedraggled cat vibes when covered in flour. Or they just enjoyed the cupcakes he’d made to look like them in a sleep deprived ferver. 
But hey, he even has a decent job while he’s in (online due to medical issues, officially) college at one of the local bakery-cafes. Which means he also gets free coffee, so that’s nice too. Just erm, he might’ve gotten in the habit of handing cookies or other baked goods to anyone trying to attack him.
Look, it’s how he befriended his rogues (Apparently Fright Knight, being the ghost of Autumn, enjoys pumpkin spice cookies, who knew?) and they even continue to visit too. 
So really, it’s not his fault that there’s several goonion (honestly Sam will be pleased to learn they’ve got a union) members who are now constantly coming to the bakery. And- okay is that another undead person? Have a cupcake. 
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opalimagines · 2 months
Rick accepts an invitation to the Zarick Swift home. Takes place during the summer/between seasons two and three.
Rick Tyler/gn!reader
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What the hell am I doing here?, Rick thought as he stood on the porch of the Zarick house that evening, his knuckles rapping on the front door.
The Shade had accompanied him as he reburied Grundy earlier in the day, and he'd invited Rick to join the two of you for dinner. Even though Rick said no, the offer was left open. At the time, he had no intention of accepting, but something brought him there anyway, to the house that you and The Shade had been living out of the past few months.
The door swung open, and he was greeted with a big smile from you. "I was hoping you'd show. Come in!" You moved aside and let Rick step in before closing the door behind him.
When your father told you he'd invited Rick to dinner, it made you just a little anxious. Sure, the two of you hung out at The Pit Stop pretty regularly, but this was totally new territory. None of your new friends had been over yet. Still, you couldn't help grinning, because he actually came.
Before The Shade came to town, the Zarick house had been practically abandoned due to their deaths. Things looked a little different now versus the night Rick had first met the both of you. Instead of dark and dusty, it was well lit and clean. Lived in, like a home was supposed to be, even though it wasn't your actual home.
Considering what Rick knew about The Shade, he imagined your home in Opal City to be more on the creepy side, Gothic and full of old Victorian items from his day. Like something out of an old horror film. The Zarick house certainly wasn't that.
Rick followed as you walked over to the kitchen and peeked your head in. "Papa, Rick's here."
He took a look inside as well and spotted your father, who stood at the stove as he stirred something in a pot. He was down to his white dress shirt, an apron over the top and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Seeing the same man who was always dressed so perfectly looking a bit dressed down was just plain weird. But you didn't seem fazed, because to you, it was a normal sight.
"Ah, wonderful," your father said, "Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes."
"Need any more help?"
"I believe I can handle the rest."
"Okay." You turned back to Rick. "Do you want something to drink? We've got water, tea, juice...?"
"Thanks, I'm alright," Rick replied as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets.
"Let me know if you change your mind." You started off down the hallway, beckoning him along. "We can hang out in my room until dinner's ready."
Partway down the hall, you stopped in front of a door with a stop sign on it. "I was running around the junkyard one day and saw a ton of stop signs, so I bought one. Not sure what that was about, but I thought it would make a funny decoration."
"The stop signs were a Thunderbolt thing," Rick said, remembering Mike's story of discovering the genie who was now commanded by Jakeem.
"Really! That actually makes so much sense."
When you opened the door, Rick was expecting to walk into a bedroom, not down stairs that led to the basement. He reached the bottom of the steps and stopped behind you, looking around the room that very much screamed you.
One half of the room was more like an average bedroom, with a full sized bed and a giant beanbag chair, as well as an old school tv with an equally as old school gaming console. Near the chair stood a huge bookcase, and next to it a small table and lamp.
The other half held a full drum set, an electric guitar, and a piano. Along with the instruments, you had a turntable and tape deck, accompanied by shelves full to the brim with cassettes and records. The walls were covered in band posters and weird art, except for an image of a skyline above your bed—which he assumed was Opal City—and a Sonic the Hedgehog poster that hung above your tv.
"Welcome to the Flash Cave!" You threw your arms out as if presenting it to him, hoping he didn't hear the nervous waver in your voice. "When we decided to stay in Blue Valley, I finished the basement and moved all of my things here. Just to make it more like home." You'd been particularly eager to set the place up when you found out that the abandoned mansion you were living in at first had actually belonged to the man who murdered your mother. You never wanted to go near that place again.
"You did all of this?" He'd just assumed that the Zaricks were rich enough to have a fully drywalled and carpeted basement.
"I just read a whole lot of books about it and got it done. Can't remember most of it now, though."
Right. You'd told him before that when you read at superspeed, you couldn't retain information for long. Your powers didn't give you the same advantage in education as they did in other things.
Rick walked further into the room, hands still in his pockets as he looked around. He stopped by the collection of instruments in the corner. "You never mentioned that you play."
"Oh yeah." You appeared at the drumkit and played a simple beat for a few moments. "Papa wanted me to learn piano, so I told him I'd do it if he let me learn to play the guitar. We made the same deal when I wanted to learn the drums. He put me in violin lessons, but those didn't stick. I do like the piano, though." Then you were over at the piano bench, playing a tune he thought might be familiar. "Have you ever played an instrument?"
"No, I haven't."
"Maybe I could teach you sometime." When you thought about it, you could imagine him playing the drums. It was nice to whale on the drums when you were upset and needed a constructive way to let out some anger. That was clearly something that could help him.
"Maybe..." His eyes skimmed the collection of tapes. Most of them had handwritten labels, like mixtapes. They were what you listened to daily, with that old Walkman you always kept on your hip. Your record collection was much bigger, but clearly not portable like the tapes. You had to have had every classic from Abba to ZZ Top, at least everything from before the turn of the century.
You noticed him looking at the record collection and appeared next to him. "Some of these belonged to my mom. She was a real rock and roller. The Kinks, The Stones...stuff like that." You plucked an album from the shelf and sat down on the carpet, patting the spot next to you. With only a moment of hesitation, Rick joined you.
"This was one of her favorites," you said as you showed him the jacket for The Beatles' first album. "At least I think so. I can't remember her much, besides the day she died. But this album was already worn out the first time I tried to play it. It sounds pretty bad, just popping and crackling the whole time. She must have loved it to play it that much."
You imagined that she would drop the needle, then sing and dance to every song. Maybe she even danced with you. You liked to think she did, at least. Sometimes, you dared to think about what it would be like if she were still alive. Would you go to record stores and search through the bins together? Would you and her go to concerts and scream along to the lyrics at the top of your lungs?
It never did any good to think about 'what if', but you couldn't help that sense of longing.
"I don't remember my mom either." Because of Hourman and the JSA, everything seemed to be about his dad. But his mom was equally as loved and missed, and equally as mysterious to him. He knew exactly how you felt, and he knew from experience that nothing he could say would make a difference. "She was an actress. She did plays mostly. A few movies, too. I tried to watch one once, but it wasn't the same."
Rick nearly jumped when you placed a hand on his shoulder and simply looked him in the eye without another word. Instead of pity or awkwardness at this uncomfortable topic, the look you shared with him was full of pure understanding.
As you gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, your father called from the basement door. "Time for dinner, children!"
Rick stood first and helped you to your feet, waiting for you to slip the record back into its proper place. Together, you headed to the bottom of the steps, but you stopped him before going up. "If you ever need to talk about these things, I'm here..."
"Me, too."
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the-firebird69 · 9 days
NEW * Tuesday Afternoon - The Moody Blues {Stereo} 1968 I did find out that where his gross pigs who do not have the math right. No.. I don't know. who he is or what he's doing. No, I know what he's doing and who he is. This is a **** nightmare. What would cost here? What we have caused is a nightmare here. We're not getting anywhere. We're not going anywhere. Thanks. Sure as hell. Know what the max are up to and they can beat us up. They keep saying it And that's what's making people mad. What's also making them mad is This guy says he's winning on Tuesday afternoon because the election. because he lost and he's gonna win or something. And he's counting on him. And it's Tuesday and a friend here says no. That's what Max doing Tuesday and Solomon Grundy as my father Thor and Freya taught me. who taught me about the days of the week They brought it to my attention. More so than most And then I piece together the other code and it's not complicated.. So getting into it and saying you have to understand what they're trying to stop them. You can't. just sit there. and guess and say we have a huge force to everybody and lose all your stuff like Trump is doing. He's an imbecile. So he's a slime ball too. He's just gonna agree and say all sorts of **** **** And now I guess we have to get supreme. court justice out of the way. How he got these chairs and seats. No nose. Yeah, we all just let him. And he's a fake guy and he's not as easy as it looks. Everybody is involved and he doesn't get it. Now here it is They think they know about Tuesday afternoon and they're rejoicing. It's their time to do stuff. And it is not what it is. We see them dying. and they look terrible in public. What they say is horrible This lady on the Florida channel and this idiot Trump are going on and on about how they won something. And our friend says it's the lottery in the 1901 or 1905. and the guy looks like him. 31st of this year. Associated have in reserve, whatever justices of the Supreme Court of Florida. are all in death row. and it looks stupid and governed as Santas is not, and he's small. and weak and purity and has to shut his mouth. and the empire is going around killing them What they're saying and they don't get that but they can't really ever hold their tongue. They're **** people. Can you believe that that he just breeze over that topic? You breeze over the topic that your Supreme Court justices are a death row. How embarrassing. And no, it's not normal at all In your realm, it doesn't happen. It didn't happen for about 1200 years. This kind of **** 1200 years and Trump is only like 300 years old. years ago.  this incessant. This guy is a complete idiot. 
No, we have a lot to do other than talk about this complete idiot. So we're going to begin doing it. We have to tell you, you have lost our attention on every single item we said before. We're saying it again. You're planning on going to war with us. We have to get rid of you. And we are right. now you're having a huge battle over. the stashes and caches. in the Everglades. And you have about 1 or two days to take it out. And you have not done it and you're not even close. But you at least you are battling and you're trying to get there. And if it blows up or or it's going to blow our sun will have to temporarily relocate. all the way up to probably Tampa at least.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
SPIKE: Okay, these two are dead. Why? Rona gets to her feet, annoyed. RONA: ’Cause the black chick always gets it first? BUFFY: What was that, Rona? Reveal BUFFY, MOLLY and KENNEDY watching from a short distance away. As usual, Molly takes constant notes on a small pad RONA: I’m dead because he’s a vampire. I don’t have Slayer strength, Slayer speed… it wasn’t a fair fight. SPIKE: Fine. (to Vi) Do you think I care if it’s a fair fight? VI: No! No, sir. You don’t play by the rules and I have learned a valuable lesson… of some sort.
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How do you feel about Buffy threatening Wood by letting Spike kill him if he tries again? by jdpm1991
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winterwolf0916 · 5 years
{Nightshade} ☆゚.*・。゚
Dick Grayson x Nightshade! Reader
Requested by @palechick: Hi! Can you do a Dick Grayson Fluff for 31 ”You’re Alive!?” on the prompts list you reblogged? I’ve had the idea of the (S/O) being nightshade and disappearing for two years them coming back. I always thought it would be cute if she went missing when he was Robin and then came back to him being Nightwing. I’ve never had the guts to write it though.  This is such a long request sorry. 💕
Warning: Fluff and angst. 
A/n: ooooh! Love the angst requests <3 Forgive me if it isn’t the best or what you hoped. And forgive me that I took a while. I wasn’t too sure if she was a villain or hero, but I went by what I searched up. Hope you enjoy it love. 
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Word count: 1768
“Hey bird brain.” You could tell he was rolling his eyes under the mask.
“What are you doing here?” You shrugged.
“Can’t say, snitches get stitches~”
As you lifted your hand, your powers formed large dark claws, hovering above your fingers.
“Don’t do this.” His hand was hovering over his utility belt. Your smirk grew as you threw your claws towards him.
You were in Gotham’s bank. And why were you there in the first place?
You both snuck out of the Suicide Squad facility for a “little fun.”
And by fun, she meant heading to Gotham’s bank and taking out cash.
Apparently she left you for her sake of escaping and not getting caught.
So here you are now, having a show down with one of the batbrats.
Well… your favorite one at least.
Dick Grayson.
Yep. You knew his identity and he to yours.
A few years ago, you both met at the library. A funny place to meet when he’s a hero and you’re a villian(ish).
You were the new girl and he was your guide that soon became to be your best friend.
That is until night time. That’s when things get intense and slightly (very) flirty.
Until one day, clay face barged into gotham academy because he needed a rich/young hostage to trade for cash.
And as Robin came into the picture, you knew he needed assistance.
It would sure ruin your reputation with the other villians in Gotham. But screw it because you can easily cover your tracks and its just one day.
So you helped/kicked ass.
After clayface was taken away, that’s when you both revealed who’s behind the mask.
“I really don’t want to hurt you, Nightshade.” He twirled his bostaff.
“Aww don’t get too soft with me-*sniff*- shit.”
He frowned before taking a whiff as well, causing his eyes to widen.
“You’ll take the two floors, I get everything above that.” You ordered. Sure you’re a bad guy but you couldn’t lie to yourself that hurting people isn’t your style. Especially infront of your crush. Dick.
Before you could teleport, a hand grabbed onto your forearm.
“Be careful, y/n.” He whispered, making sure no one hears.
“I’ll be back, I promise.” You grinned then left to the top floors.
After the hostages and the people were out of the building, Dick felt something was wrong.
Very Wrong
You weren’t coming out. And the building was in large flames.
As he was about to barge inside to save you, the building exploded.
He was shocked.
And his heart clenched.
After the explosion, he searched for you.
Highs and lows.
He called your name so many times.
And there was no answer
Until he found your costume under a pile of rubble. Torn.
His heart dropped.
You couldn’t be gone.
And he didn’t stop from there.
He searched even more.
At the school, the suicide squad facility, places you both like to talk, your hiding places, even the damn Arkham Asylum.
But so far, he couldn’t find you.
You were wiped off of the face of the Earth.
That’s when he-
He couldn’t believe it.
You were gone.
Oh how his heart broke.
How he blamed himself he couldn’t save you back then.
He grieved.
He deeply regrets from letting you go.
The first couple of months wasn’t easy.
He would sometimes ignore Bruce.
Becoming harsh and violent while being Robin.
Straying away from his friends and family
Locking himself in his room, thinking that he knew he couldn’t save everyone.
But why does it have to be you?
Why couldn’t he save you?
He didn’t care that you were evil.
Because he knows you.
You hate hurting others for fun. You hate using your powers to destroy instead of creating, You hate sitting in your cell, listening to Walker giving you orders, and treated harshly under her care.
You hated being evil and wanted out.
At the end of the year, Bruce fired him.
Dick felt all kinds of emotions as he left to Bludhaven.
And he wasn’t feeling better.
He still felt numb and thinks about you everyday. Thinking of scenarios about having you here.
He would visit your grave in Gotham. Talking to you about his day, how he misses you, and dropping off roses.
In the beginning of the second year he changed his vigilante identity.
From the Robin that witnessed your death to something quite new.
After talking with Superman onto the legend from his birth planet, he figured a new name.
It was perfect as well.
In order to honor your death, he took a part of your vigilante name.
Instead of Nightshade it was Nightwing.
During the second year, he would still visit your grave. Your death still left a scar on him.
As he was leading the Titans, his teammates were quite curious to know who you were. Smiling in the small picture with Dick in your student uniforms infront of Gotham Academy.
They would see the small photo when they would walk into his room and call him for diner or for a meeting.
But Dick just quickly changed the subject and say you were an old friend.
That is until the anniversery of your death came along.
The Titans would be lying if they didn’t notice Dick acting odd.
He was harsh in training and when there was a meeting or the team invited him to join an activity, he rejects it.
Not only that, he was spending most of his time locked in his room. They were concerned about him and sent Raven.
As she placed her hand on his shoulder, she saw the reason why Dick was upset. He have every right to be.
“I’m so sorry.” Raven apologized wiping the tears from her eyes from feeling Dick’s pain.
“What were you doing in my head?”
“We were worried and they thought I could be some assistance to you since you’re upset…but I understand now and…I’m so so sorry for your loss.” Dick just rubbed his temples and let out a sigh.
“Just…I-I need a moment to myself.”
As he left to the city for cool himself off, he decides to go to the library that you both used to visit when you were younger.
It was a place of quiet and where worries don’t exist. He headed up to your favorite book section. As he found your favorite book he began to smile.
Everything was at peace, that is until a shadow was thrown through the large windows and cashed onto tables and chairs.
Dick rushed to the scene to investigate as civilians were rushing out.
He could hear the figure groan in pain and mutter curses.
As he stepped infront to have a better view of who was thrown in to the window, his entire being froze.
He couldn’t believe of what he was seeing.
He thought he was having an illusion but no…. you were there.
As you look up to see the handsome pedestrian, you caught your breath as you recognized who he is.
“Dick…LOOK OUT!” you threw yourself around him and teleported in time before Grundy was about to throw his fists down to crush him.
As you both reappeared outside of the building and letting Dick go, you were about to teleport back inside to stop Grundy until-
“You’re Alive?!”
“Um…Am I not?” You teased hoping he would calm down.
“Don’t joke around on this! I thought you were dead!”
“Well I’m here now aren’t I?” He still couldn’t stand your teasing. He needs answers.
"Cut the shit and tell me what happened."
"Now that's a funny story-"
“Oh I’m sorry! Walter putting me on lock down for a damn year isn’t enough for you? Plus another year of hiding while she’s hot on my tail!”
“Walter caught you?”
“Didn’t she tell you?!”
Judging by Dick’s silence, y/n figured Walter lied to him about you. Well why wouldn’t she? That old woman could see you getting distracted with Dick and she needs to get rid of it.
"Why didn't you tell me? Or at least see me?" He was hurt. Angry. And confused. But at the same time...He felt relieved, excited, and hopeful because...you're here now.
"I was trying to protect y-" The next thing you know, your back hit the wall and you fell to the floor. And the hit was quite powerful that you blacked out.
Hours later you were on something soft. A bed? It wasn't yours because its always hard and thin back in the suicide squad facility. 
 As you opened your eyes, you were for sure you weren't in your room. And it wasn't the hospital either. 
As you sat up and gazed at the window, you were in a building apart from the city and surrounded by water. It was beautiful and calming to the sight.
"You're awake." You snapped your head to the door to find Dick with a tray of food. He was suprised as well.
"And you're-You're hurt." Your teasing tone shifted into a worried one. There was a bruise on his arm. You threw the sheets off, stumbled trying to walk to him, and trying to ignore painful spots around your body.
That is until your leg let out a hurting sting causing you to fall. But of course, Dick wouldn't allow that to happen. He caught you in time before the rest of your limbs could meet the floor.
"I'm alright. I got you." He knew for you it would be too painful to drag you back to the bed so he slowly helped you down, with you in his arms.
"You're such an idiot. A handsome one but stupidly reckless." You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a tight squeeze. 
Finally Dick let himself go.
He gave a squeeze as well and gave a long kiss to your temple. It was a warm reunion. And the right way to do it instead of bickering behind the library building.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Dick-"
He had enough of it. Enough of the apologizing from different people and he didn't want to hear it from you because it wasn't your fault. A nasty woman was tearing her down and she had to escape and hide. But certainly not with him or else Walter would've destroyed or controlled Dick in a merciless way.
You let out a gasp as his lips pressed onto yours. It was soft at first then it quickly went deeper as you kissed back. You both waited ever so desperately to do this and now you are.
As you both pulled apart slightly heaving, you gave another hug.
Dick burying his face in the crook of your neck, peppering with kisses, while you breathe in his scent.
"I love you." You confessed. Dick froze and pulled back to face you.
"I love you too." He placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing your face with his thumb while smiling softly. You took his hand and kissed it.
"I won't leave you again. And that's a promise I'll keep."
With a pause and a kiss to your forehead he said, "You better."
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Chapter 8- Fury
I do not own D.C Comics, and I only own my OC and my versions of the plots.
"I just don't get it Shay. I mean, I understand that it's Batman and everything, and that he doesn't do emotions and feelings. I completely understand that," I huffed out, trying to finish my set of weights, "but he just totally shut me out. I didn't even do anything!" I said, setting the weights down and shaking my arms out.
It had been about three weeks since out last adventure, one that involved gorillas and me, getting my ass handed to me by a giant missile. I was currently in the gym with Shayera lifting some weights and doing our normal exercises.
"I don't know what you want me to tell you," She said, setting her weights down and grabbing a towel off the shelf. "You seem to be the closest person to him in the group. If you don't know than the rest of us certainly don't."
The last time Bats and I had talked was after he had tucked me into bed at the Watchtower. After that he seemed even more cold and distant than he had since when I first met him, and I didn't think that was possible!
"Look, Evie, you can't beat yourself up over this. You probably didn't do anything wrong and Bats is just having mood swings. He'll warm up to you again eventually. Just give him some time," Shay said wiping down the equipment and getting ready to leave.
I picked my gym bag and water bottle off the ground and followed her out the door. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just overthinking this." I shifted my bag on my shoulder and continued to walk down the hallway. "G.L said he would give me a ride back to Gotham tonight, so I have to go. Thanks for listening to me," I said.
"No problem. It's nice to have some girl time, you know?" Shayera said, giving me a small wave and heading towards her room in the Watchtower. I headed towards the hangar and waited for G.L to give me a lift back to Gotham. About ten minutes later and a lot of grumbling from a Lantern about the importance of punctuality, I was back at my apartment and changing for my round of night duty.
I peeled off my sweaty gym tank top and shorts and changed into my usual outfit of leggings, leotard, and jacket. I threw my hair up in a loose ponytail with some little hairs framing my face, grabbed my staff, and headed to the roof.
It seemed like a fairly quiet night in Gotham. I loved these nights. It actually let me just sit and admire the beautiful city. Sometimes it's full of bad people doing bad things but on nights like these it made me remember the nights my parents would take me out and show me the wonders of Gotham.
I almost jumped off the ledge of the building I was sitting on when the beeping of my earpiece sliced through my peace and quiet.
"Evie, are you there?" Batman asked me. Oh, now he wants to talk.
I pressed the button and responded. "Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?"
"I need your assistance on something. Meet me at the abandoned buildings on Gotham's northern side," he said and he quickly hung up.
"Alright," I said to myself, "Let's go." I stood up, grabbed my staff, and jumped off the building and free dove until about halfway down, then I made my disc and flew to the Northern side. I had gotten a bit better with flying during the past few months. I was able to go faster than before and I could concentrate enough now to make a disc appear even when I was falling, a task that was not easy to do but was definitely useful.
About ten minutes later I was approaching the tallest building and I could see a dark figure standing on the edge, brooding as usual. I took my disc to right above Batman was and I jumped off, did a flip in the air, and landed quietly on my feet.
"Dramatic much?" Bats asked me.
"Says the man standing on the edge of a roof top in a bat costume," I sassed right back. He better not think he can get away with shutting me out for weeks at a time and then act all sarcastic around me.
"Earlier tonight there was a break-in at the Gotham Biotech facilities. Copperhead, Grundy, Shade, Tsukuri, Star Sapphire, and another woman stole a plant from one of the labs. We don't know what it was yet," Bats quickly explained.
I arched an eyebrow. "That's a lot of people to steal a dandelion," I said. "Wait, did you say there was another woman? Who was she?"
"I don't know. But I took this from her after she threw me." He pulled out a gold necklace, one whose design looked very familiar but I couldn't quite place.
"That's gorgeous!" I gasped, gingerly taking the necklace out of his grasp. "This design looks familiar, almost as if I've seen it bef-….wait, did you say after she threw you?" I looked at him, wondering who the hell this chick was and how she threw Batman.
He looked even more pissed off and his voice got even more gravelly, something Bats does only when he's really mad. "Focus," He growled. "I already researched the design. It's ancient Greek. Plus with her strength and apparent dislike for men, there's only one thing I can think of."
My eyes widened as I processed what he just said. "She's Amazonian. Just like Diana." I softly said. But this didn't make sense. Why would an Amazonian come here, beat the crap out of Batman, and then steal a plant?
"We need to talk to her." Batman said, taking the necklace out of my hands and putting it in a compartment of his belt.
"I'm sorry, 'we'?" I said, crossing my arms. "You haven't talked to me in weeks. I believe that you can handle this one on your own."
"Evelyn, we don't have time for this," Batman said, rolling his eyes.
"There you go with this 'we' thing again!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air and turning away.
"Evie! Are you going to help me, or not?" Batman yelled. I stopped to look at him and saw that he didn't look as mad as I thought he would. Instead, he looked like he actually wanted my help.
"Fine," I huffed, "but we are talking about this later." I said, pointing a finger at him. He only rolled his eyes and walked toward his jet.
"Let's go, Diana's in the city."
"Okay Batsey, whatever you say." I said, climbing into his jet. I sat there in the jet thinking about why all of a sudden Batman started to talk to me again. I know this sounds like petty high school drama, but it seriously bothers me. Does he not think I'm good enough because I got hurt? I mean, all of us get hurt but that was a close call. What if he doesn't want me in the League anymore? Could he have me kicked out? I love the League, I don't want to go…
"Evie!" I jumped when Batman grabbed my arm and shook me out of my train of thought.
"Sorry," I whispered. I noticed that we landed in an abandoned alley in the city. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out.
"Are you okay?" Batman asked me, raising his eyebrow.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll wait here, you go get Diana."
Bats walked over to the opening of the alley and waited in the shadows. I heard him call out to her and a minute later she had walked over and was standing in front of us. "Not here. Meet me up on the rooftop." He said and got back in the jet. "I take it you can fly up, right?" He said, brushing past me.
"Yeah, sure." I mumbled, suddenly feeling like Bats didn't actually want me anywhere near him. Diana flew past me after giving me a brief nod and I stepped on a disc and flew up to the roof.
I stood next to Batman and Diana as he talked to her about everything that had happened earlier.
"An Amazon? That's ridiculous." She said, crossing her arms and getting very defensive.
"I don't think so," Bats said, pulling the necklace off of his belt. "I managed to take this off her." He tossed her the necklace and she caught it, examining it closely. "It's an Amazon design, isn't it?"
"Yes, but it could be a forgery. Besides, Amazons don't steal. It's against our code." She threw the necklace back to Bats.
"So is associating with men, yet here you are, working with them every day." I said, examining my nails closely, glancing up only to see the death glare that Diana sent me. She flew away, leaving only Batman and I standing on the rooftop.
"Well, I think she took that well!" I said, with a smile on my face. As mean as it was, I loved proving Diana wrong sometimes, especially when it came to her high and mighty land of Themyscira.
"This isn't funny." Batman said, heading back towards the jet. "I'll have Hawkgirl go to Themyscira and see what she can dig up."
"Well, what about me? I could go." I said, feeling a little put off that Bats didn't want me to go.
"No. You stay here and wait for someone to call you," He said, climbing into the Batjet.
"Seriously? You're ditching me?" I exclaimed, marching over to the jet.
Batman glared at me, a glare he usually reserved for members outside of the team and for people he didn't trust. "Just. Stay. Here." He said through gritted teeth, each word said slowly as if he wanted to make it easier for me to understand.
"Fine," I coldly said, jumping onto a disc and flying into the air. I wanted to say something else, but I was so upset nothing else would come to mind. I didn't even bother looking back before I left.
I flew back to Gotham, figuring that nobody would need me for the rest of the night. I mean, why would they? They have Diana and Shayera to do everything. I like Shay, she's a really close friend of mine, and I hate to think of her any differently. I always feel as if I'm not seen as important as the others on the team. Sure, I have powers but I was never trained with them. I just learned my own style and taught myself. Diana and Shay both had years of formal training.
Is that why Batman was treating me differently now? Maybe he noticed I wasn't as strong as the others and now I wasn't valuable to the team.
For the third time that day I was startled out of my thoughts by a loud police siren. I looked down at the street and noticed that about ten police cars were speeding towards the diamond depository on the edge of the city.
Must be a break-in, I thought to myself. I flew down and followed them before stopping and standing in front of the line of police men.
"Hey, what's going on here?" I asked the Sergeant who was standing near one of the squad cars.
"Robbery. We have a lot of bad guys too. My men are about to get into position." He spoke into his radio next. "I want this whole block sealed off before…"
He never finished his sentence because an earth shattering boom shook the building. Blocks of concrete started falling, and I looked to make sure that no one was in their path before looking back up and seeing who broke into the building.
I immediately recognized the pink shield as Star Sapphires. This must be the group that Bats was talking about earlier. The police started shooting at the shield, but their bullets were only deflected off.
I flew up directly behind the shield and surrounded it with ice, making it much heavier and it started plummeting to the ground. Sapphire must have gotten control over it and she steadied it out. "There's no point in running!" I called out to them, but Shade stepped close to the edge of the shield. He put his staff up, and before I could put an ice shield around myself I was surrounded by blackness. I had no idea which way was up or down, and I lost my concentration and my disc evaporated.
I felt the falling sensation but I couldn't see which way was up or down. After what seemed like forever in the pitch darkness, it disappeared, just in time for me to see the ground was only a few feet away. I turned around in mid-air so that I landed on my back instead of my face.
Pain erupted throughout my body and I immediately arched my back to try and diffuse the pain. After a few minutes I sat up and looked back at the building just in time to see the familiar red cape of Superman entering the hole in the building. "At least I have back up," I muttered.
A minute later an absolutely drop dead gorgeous blonde came jumping out of the hole that Supes had just gone into only a minute before. Why didn't he stop her? I couldn't think about that now, I was more worried about not letting her get away again.
The woman vaulted over all of the police cars and continued running down an alleyway while she was being shot at. I ran after her until I came to the opening of the alleyway and then I stopped. Diana had flew down and landed in front of the blonde, stopping her in her tracks. I heard them both say something, and then the blonde picked up Diana and threw her into the brick wall.
"I'd love to stay and chat, but you might want to look after your friend," The blonde one said, pointing over to the hole in the wall which she jumped out of. I turned to around to see what she was talking about, and I saw Superman still standing there and I immediately knew something was wrong.
Superman pitched forward and fell out of the hole and landed with a loud thud onto the concrete below. Diana immediately flew towards him, but I stayed where I was, watching the blonde for a few seconds. There was no point in me trying to go after her myself, especially since she had taken on Superman singlehandedly.
The blonde ran off down the alley and I watched her until she was out of sight. Once she was gone I ran towards Superman and Diana.
"Superman!" Diana exclaimed after flipping him over onto his back. I ran up the stairs of the building and slid over to where they both were.
"Woah," I whispered. Superman looked sick. His veins had turned blue and were popping out, he was sweating and seemed completely out of it. "What happened?"
Diana looked just as confused as I was, and that worried me a little bit too. There was a loud gust of wind coming behind me, and I knew it could only be one person.
"Hey, what's wrong with the big guy?" Flash asked. Flash and G.L had both responded to the robbery but it seemed they were a little slow in getting here.
"I'm not sure. I found him like this after meeting Aresia," Diana said, propping Superman's head up.
"Who?" Flash asked.
"One of my Amazon sisters."
I quirked my eyebrow up. "So Batman was right?" I asked her.
Diana looked at me quite angrily. Looks like someone doesn't like to admit when their wrong.
"Where is this Aresia?" Lantern asked.
"She got away." Diana said, looking back down at Superman. She stood up, carrying him in her arms. "You track her down while I take Superman back to the Watchtower." And then she flew off.
"So, an Amazon, huh? What now?" Flash asked.
"We look for clues." G.L said.
"Well than, let's split up gang. Shaggy and Scooby, you two can go off by yourselves," I said, putting my arms around the boys' shoulders.
"This isn't funny Evie," Green Lantern said, throwing my arm off of his shoulder.
"You are no fun." I grumbled.
"What are looking for? Fingerprints, matchbooks, self-addressed stamped envelopes?" Flash listed off.
"No. Like this." Lantern had been sweeping the area using his ring and he found an orange patch of dust on the ground. Flash and I went over to get a closer look.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I don't know." Flash said.
"Look, take a sample and get it to the Watchtower," I said. "Maybe J'onn can see what it is."
"What are you going to do?" Flash asked as G.L got a sample of the dust.
"I'll try to contact Batman. With Superman down we'll need all the help we can get," I said forming an ice disc. Will you two be okay?"
"Yeah, we'll be fine," Flash said. "Go find Mr. dark and creepy."
I rolled my eyes and stepped onto the disc. If you guys need anything let me know." Flash gave me a two fingered salute and I flew off.
I waited until I was well above the city to try and contact Batman. "Hey Bats, you there?"
There was silence for a few seconds before he answered. "What?"
"We have a problem, Superman is down and…"
"Yeah, I already know Evie, Diana already told me everything," Batman interrupted. Oh. Well then.
"Oh, alright then."
"Did you not know that Lantern and Flash are down as well?" Bats asked me, sounding really annoyed that I didn't know.
"What? I was just with them a little bit ago," I said looking down onto the city.
"Well you weren't there and now they have whatever Superman has. Why weren't you there?" Okay, now he is sounding a little bit accusing.
"What are you implying there Batsy?" I asked in my dangerously calm voice.
"Evie, he isn't implying anything. Look, meet us in the city and we can talk about it, okay?" A woman's voice said. It must have been Shay.
"Fine, see you in a bit Shay," and I turned off my communicator. I took a deep breath and counted to ten. Bats was pissing me off, G.L and Flash were both down, probably because I didn't do my job right, and I still felt like I was being sidelined. This was so not my day.
I opened my eyes and looked down at the city. A bright orange glow caught my eye as it kept getting bigger. Damn, must be a fire. I flew down and dropped an enormous splash of water right on top, quickly dowsing it and putting it out. I looked around and noticed that all along this block wrecked cars littered the road and people were running every which way.
"What the hell happened?" I whispered. An explosion and the sound of glass breaking pierced the air. I looked down the street and saw a building on fire, the flames soaring towards the sky.
I jumped on a board and rushed over. Looking closer at the building, I saw that inside were at least five different high voltage generators. Great, look at all the things here waiting to explode. Spotting a fire hydrant that wasn't being used, I shattered it using ice and sent the water out and directly on the fire. Some firefighters were still standing around trying to put the flames out. "Go! I got this! Back up in case the fire hits these electric generators," I yelled out to them. They had just started backing away when one of the generators exploded, throwing them all back.
I made sure that a paramedic was going over to help them before I finished trying to put out the fire. The fire was at least under control when I ran out of water in the hydrant. I looked around and noticed that the only people around me were women. As nice as it is to see, I wondered where all the men firefighters were. Usually they jump at a giant building fire like this.
"Evie!" someone yelled. I looked around, then looked up at the top of the building. I saw the silhouette of wings and knew it was Hawkgirl calling me. I jumped on a disk and flew up to the building. There, Batman and Hawkgirl were standing there looking down at the scene below.
"It's like some kind of plague," Hawkgirl said, "But only half the city's got it."
I looked around and realized the city looked even more disastrous from up here. Buildings and cars were burning, people were running around…it looked like a war zone.
"Yes, the male half," Batman said. I followed his gaze and saw a man being looked at by a paramedic. Even from up here I could see the blue veins contrasting on his sickly pale skin, and his eyes were wide open.
"That's what Superman looked like," I said. Wait. "Bats, if this is effecting the male population you have to get out of here," I said turning to look at him. And of course, Batman being Batman, he didn't move. "I'm serious Batman, go! Before you end up like them," I said, gesturing to the man lying in the street.
Batman only looked at a building across the street and pulled out a grappling hook. "People need help," is all he said before swinging off our building and crashing through a window of a burning one.
"Is he ever going to listen to me?" I asked, throwing my hands up in the air.
"Probably not. Let's go help him before his cape catches on fire," Hawkgirl said, smirking a little bit.
I rolled my eyes and jumped off the building, and landed on a disk. Hawkgirl and I flew to the building and went inside. I started putting water onto the flames in order to make an easier escape route for Bats.
"Bats, hurry up! I can't last too long in here!" I yelled. Suddenly, Hawkgirl grabbed my arm as she flew out the window. She carried me over to the other side of the street while Batman came out carrying a little kid in his arms.
"Lucky I found this one, but he's not doing well," Batman said. Shay picked him up and held him in her arms.
"I'll get him to a hospital," she said. She turned around and flew off, and both of us watched her go.
"You should go too," I said, putting my hands on my hips. Bats held his hand up to his face and let out a faint grown. "Bats?" I asked, stepping a little closer.
"Batman!" I turned around and saw Diana flying down towards us. "You were right. It was a renegade amazon."
"I know," Batman said.
"Yeah Diana, we knew it earlier. You just didn't want to believe us." I said, raising an eyebrow in her direction.
Diana glared at me but turned back to Batman. "I just couldn't believe that one of my sisters could actually-" She was cut off by the screeching of tires. We all turned around and saw a bus heading directly towards us. Before I could react, Batman had pushed Diana and me aside, and he had landed on top of me.
Before I could process what was happening the weight was lifted off my body. I looked up and saw Batman running after the bus. "Here we go again," I mumbled.
I staggered to my feet and jumped on a disc, chasing after him and the runaway bus. I was right behind him when the bus hit a t.v. broadcasting pole. Seeing Diana behind me, I kept following Batman, figuring she could take care of the falling pole.
We finally caught up to the bus. I threw an ice dagger at the back window at the same time Bats threw a grappling hook. The window shattered and we jumped in. Even from back here I could see that the driver was sick.
Batman ran up and took the wheel, and I followed him. "Bats, that's a car…and there's another car you hit." I said, trying to keep the mood light. Although, I don't know how light you can be when you're driving a runaway bus. I looked up to see that we were heading straight for a group of firefighters who were trying to put out another fire. "Bats…" I said.
He jerked the wheel, causing the bus to flip on its side and slide all the way down the street, hitting a fire truck, and then it stopped. I picked myself up off of the ground and stood up. Water from the truck was raining down on us as we kicked out the windows, and Batman carried the driver out and set him on the ground.
Diana landed a few feet from us. I was going to say something when, suddenly, Bats turned around, stumbling and holding his head. Before he could hit the ground I caught his shoulders and gently lowered both of us in a sitting position.
"Batman!" Diana cried out. I flipped him over and saw the blue veins creeping up towards his mask.
"Of course…" I muttered. "I told him this would happen, but no…nobody listens to me. I'm just Evie, I have no idea what I'm talking about." I bitterly said, still holding onto Batman so he didn't fall onto the ground.
Paramedics and firefighters ran over to us to make sure we were okay. I just looked up, letting the water hit my face, and asked myself why today had to suck so badly.
Diana and I made it back up to the Watchtower with Batman in tow. We handed him off to J'onn and rushed over to the medical bay where Flash, Green Lantern, and Superman were all lying in beds.
"If you can excuse me, I need to run some more tests before I know anything else." J'onn said. He walked back into the med bay and left Diana and I standing outside the doors. Without so much as a glance, Diana walked out and headed towards the kitchen. I shook my head and sank down into a chair that was outside the doors, in typical hospital style.
I put my head in my hands, and must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew, J'onn was waking me up and saying that we could go into the med bay. I walked through the doors and saw all four men laying on the bed, with their blue veins covering their bodies, and sweat pouring down their face. I blushed a bit, seeing that they were all naked from the waist up. Except for Batman and Flash, who still had their masks on. Good lord, these men could be calendar models.
I saw that Diana and Shay were in the room as well. I went to go stand next to Shay and leaned up against the wall. "How are they, J'onn?" Diana asked him.
"Just like the others. Whatever they have, it appears to be an allergen, not a virus. But I can't seem to isolate it." He walked over to one of the microscopes sitting on the table. "Still, every puzzle must have a solution."
"So where do we start?" Shay asks. I push myself off the wall and walk over towards them.
"That's easy. We find Aresia." Diana said.
"Do we have any idea where she is?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"No, but we can find her." Diana said.
"Alright," I said walking towards the door. "I can start prepping the jet."
"You're not going with us."
I stopped and slowly turned around to look at Diana.
"What. Did you say?" I asked.
"You aren't going. Someone needs to stay here."
"J'onn is here!" I yelled, pointing at the green Martian who was awkwardly standing at the microscope. "He can take care of things!"
"If J'onn gets sick then we need someone up here who will still be able to take care of everyone," Diana calmly said. "That person I going to be you."
I looked at Shay to see if she would back me up, but she only glanced down at the ground. I scoffed, "Fine! I'll stay here and play nurse while you two go out and save the world. Just don't ask me for help." I walked over and flopped into a chair sitting by Batman's bed.
The girls exchanged a look and walked out the doors. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot in irritation. J'onn was smart enough to not say anything right now…even a Martian could see that I was pissed off.
"You know, I could use some help up here." He said, gesturing to the men lying on the beds.
I glanced over at them, sighing at the look of pain that was on each of their faces. I decided J'onn was right. "Alright, what do you need me to do?" I asked.
"Try to keep their sweating down. If they get a chill it could develop into an actual sickness."
I walked over to the sink and filled a bowl with warm water and grabbed a towel. I started my way down the line, starting with Flash and ending with Batman. I wiped each of their faces and tried to keep the sweating down as much as possible. They all must have terrible fevers, because no matter what I did, they still looked like they were in pain.
I looked up when I noticed it was abnormally quiet in the room. When I first started I could always here J'onn walking around and fiddling with the machines. Now it was just quiet. "J'onn?" I asked, standing up. I saw him leaning up against the wall.
"J'onn, what are you doing?" I asked, walking closer and setting down the bowl and towel. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned around, blue veins covering his body and a light sheen of sweat covering his forehead. "Oh, for God's sake." I said.
A beep sounded through the room and I saw the monitor come on. "J'onn, I've got a sample of- oh, no." Shay said, seeing me holding J'onn on the ground.
"Yeah, he's got it too." I said, trying to drag J'onn to a bed.
"The allergen—it must have been on Superman's costume, and when I touched it…" he mumbled, trailing off.
I dragged J'onn off the floor and onto a spare bed. "Did you say you had a sample?" I asked, turning around to face the screen. "Bring it up here, I'll see if I can try to use one of the 8 million machines in this tin can to make an antidote."
Shayera just looked at me. "Do you know how to make an antidote?" she asked, the skepticism stinging me a bit.
"I'm sure I can figure it out." I said, sounding a little colder than I meant to. Oh well, hopefully she'll get the message that I'm mad at her.
She only looked at me for a few seconds before responding. "Alright, I'll drop it off really fast, then I have to go help Diana. They have her mother."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise at that, but nodded my head anyway. I cut off the transmission and ran down to the landing deck to get the vial. A few minutes later the jet pulled into the hangar and I ran over to the hatch.
"Here," Shay tossed me the vial. "Maybe you can save the day after all." She said. I only rolled my eyes before she had already closed the hatch and flew back out.
I rushed the vial up to the med bay and put the vial in a holder. "Alright, if I were an antidote machine, where would I be?" I asked myself. I looked around the room and saw a machine with different holes in the top, big enough to put test tubes in.
I read the label and recognized the name from the very few times I went to the laboratories while in the Navy. Putting the vial in a few different tubes, I turned the machine on. The monitor started and I could see different chemical compounds flashing. "Ha!" I yelled, punching the air. "Not bad for a girl who barely passed biology."
"Evie, are you there?" Diana called into my comm.
"Yeah, I just got the antidote started. I'm not sure how long it will take, though," I said, momentarily forgetting about how I was supposed to be mad at Diana.
"Good, we're on our way back now," Diana said.
"Good. What about Aresia?" The silence that followed told me all I needed to know. "Right, well, I'll see you when you get here then," I said, turning off my comm.
The antidote had worked perfectly. Within an hour of it entering the boy's bloodstreams, they were up and about in no time. I left the rest of the medicine to J'onn, and left the med bay.
"Evie!" I turned around and saw Superman following me.
"Hey big guy, you feeling better?" I asked him.
"Much, thanks to you," he said. I felt a little blush creep into my cheeks. "J'onn just finished the antidote and G.L. and I are about to distribute it down to the hospitals. Do you want to come with us? Seeing as it's your antidote anyway."
I thought about it for a minute. "No thanks, but if you're going down, mind if I catch a lift to Gotham? A change of clothes would be great right now." I said, gesturing to my dirty jacket and leotard.
Superman chuckled. "Sure, no problem."
I was back in my apartment twenty minutes later. I wasted no time jumping in the shower and changing into sweatpants, t-shirt, and a jacket. I climbed out my window, onto the fire escape, and made my way onto the roof.
A soft flapping of cloth in the wind alerted me of someone else on the roof.
"We need to talk."
I groaned, looking over at the shadowed Batman on the other side of the roof.
"You look much better," I said.
He only glared at me. "That isn't what I meant."
I crossed my arms. "Well, I'm not in the mood to talk about it." I turned back so that my legs were dangling on the roof and I was facing the city. Footsteps approached, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Batman sit next to me on the roof.
I looked over and raised my eyebrow at him in question. He didn't look at me. Well, if he wanted to have this talk then I guess he was gonna have it.
"Do you think I'm weak?" I asked.
Immediately he responded, "No."
"Then why have you been shutting me out? You haven't talked to me in weeks, and today you barely let me do anything! You relied on Diana and Shay to do it. Just because I got hurt by a missile last time, doesn't mean that I am any less a part of this team! It doesn't mean I'm weak, and it certainly doesn't mean that I can't do any less than what you guys do!" I ranted, stopping only to catch my breath. I lowered my voice, "Look, I know compared to you guys I'm not that special but it still hurts when you treat me like it."
It was silent for a few moments, until Bats broke it. "You don't think you're special?" Well, that wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting something along the lines of 'you're a valued member of the team, you just need to earn your stripes, and blah blah blah'.
"No," I said slowly, "not really."
Bats seemed to ponder this for a few minutes. "Evie, you are an amazing part of this team. You're excellent in combat, your powers are incredibly useful, you're one of the bravest people I've met and you are so selfless. You always put other people before you." He paused for a moment to look at me. "Sometimes you do stupid things, but it's always for the right reason."
"I do not do stupid things!" I interjected.
Batman rolled his eyes. "Evie, you tried to stop a missile by yourself and you were practically crushed by it." Okay, he got me there. "We try and protect you because we all know we can't lose you. Losing you would be catastrophic, not only to the team, but for each of us personally."
Okay, who is this guy and what did he do with Batman? I looked back over the city and what Bats said started to sink in.
"I don't think Diana feels that way. She probably wouldn't mind if I left the team."
"Yeah, she doesn't like you that much…" Bats said, rubbing his neck a bit. Thanks for being sensitive. "But either way, her opinions of you doesn't affect the rest of us and how we think of you."
"I guess you're right." I mumbled, suddenly feeling foolish for how easily I got pissed off at him earlier today.
"There isn't any guessing about it, I'm always right." Batman said with a smirk. Okay, I found Batman again.
"Oh, sure," I said, gently nudging his shoulder. "I am glad to see you doing better though. Although maybe next time you'll listen to me when I tell you that you should leave. It would save us all a lot of trouble," I said, mock glaring at him. Bats chuckled.
"Yeah, I probably should. Being sick is not fun at all."
We sat on the roof in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until a breeze came, causing me to shiver. Of course, Batman noticed it. "Go inside or else you'll be the next sick person around here," he said.
I went to protest until I realized I actually was cold. I stood up and walked towards the edge of the fire escape. I turned around, "Thanks Bats, for the talk. It means a lot."
"Anytime." He said, right before he grappled himself off the roof. I smiled to myself and climbed into my window, ready to not wake up for a good 10 hours.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice League #2 (1987)
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I didn't know Orgazmo was in this comic book.
Once again, I'm surprised by how quickly an old comic book I read years ago gets to some of the stories I think of as major story arcs. These pseudo-Marvel heroes on the cover are the precursor to The Extremists whom I remember as major antagonists to this team. I don't know if The Extremists appear any time soon though. First, the Justice League have to deal with these peaceniks. Only after they've become allies with Blue Jay and Bald Thor and Brown Scarlet Witch do the Extremists finally come to destroy Earth. The issue begins with Kevin Maguire going, "Look at these lips. You like these lips and this mouth. Well, you're gonna get lots of them! Even Maxwell Lord gets some lovely pouty face slugs!"
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I'm sorry for referring to lips as "face slugs."
Batman's main goal is to get to the bottom of how Doctor Light became a member of his League. He'd already hired Black Canary so why would he need another woman in the group? Isn't a ratio of eight men to one woman good enough?! I'm counting Oberon in the number of men just to make it seem even more lopsided. Although Doctor Fate has already ditched (and will become a woman soon anyway, right?!) so, not including Oberon, that makes the ratio six to one! Getting better! Plus add Doctor Light since she was on the cover and has somehow forced her way in, a ratio of six to two! That's three to one if you reduce it! Which is practically one to one if you squint and put your fingers in your ears and go, "Nyah nyah nyah! Everything is already equal! Why are women fighting for more than they already have?!" Anyway, my point was: Fucking Batman. What a monster!
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I wouldn't think a sleeveless vest with a wacky collar layered on top of a turtle neck with elbow length white gloves would look so cool!
I prefer to concentrate on Guy's outfit rather than his misogyny and lack of intelligence and terrible haircut. In this issue is an advert for the all new Dr. Fate four issue mini-series by Giffen and DeMatteis. So that solves the mystery of why he was sort of included in the first issue. He was basically a commercial. Jack Ryder's gossip television show has been trying to portray the new Justice League in a negative light because that's the kind of reporting that gets eyeballs and raises revenue. Maybe if people's lives weren't so boring, they wouldn't eat up all that hot take drama shit from people like Jack Ryder and Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. I suppose I shouldn't wonder how rational people watch that shit because most people, rational or not, are just looking for somebody to repeat their inner views back to them. And Fox News has honed that ability to a razor edge. Sometimes I imagine Sean Hannity doesn't believe the stupid shit he comes up with but then I remember my high school and college friend Soy Rakelson and I think, "Oh yeah. He actually believes that shit."
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I recently found this letter by Soy from our college paper. It's been in my head since 1994 when I could not fucking believe he wrote it. Poor, poor discriminated Soy, self-declared "Defender of Western Civilization."
One small note about Soy: maybe a month or two after Trump became president, he quietly disappeared from Facebook for good. I won't speculate on why but I suppose if I spent some time trying, I'd probably come up with his actual reasoning. After Guy throws another tantrum that has to be quelled by Batman, Doctor Fate gets a scene of his own! I guess he didn't completely disappear from the comic book. At least not yet. Although, if Doctor Fate sticks around for a dozen or more issues, I'm going to feel even more shitty than I already feel about my memory. Doctor Fate visits some purple haired guy who sees everything as gray and warns him to take back up his destiny. I don't know who it is. The only purple haired character I remember is Pariah. But what is his destiny other than to watch worlds burn? Also, he has other selves across the world reaching into people's souls. Is he Jim Corrigan? I have no idea! Meanwhile, Blue Jay, Wandjina, and Silver Sorceress (whose costume is brown), from Earth-Marvel-Parodies (or some other new world, I suppose. In 1987, there was just one Earth left, right?), are busy dismantling Bialya's nuclear arsenal. Bialya is one of DC's evil countries. Sometimes you don't want to write a story that exists in a gray world; you just want pure black and white, good and evil. When that's the case, you have the heroes battle Bialyans! Blue Jay and friends are here to rid the Earth of all their nuclear weapons so as to save it from the fate that befell their homeworld. The leader of Bialya sees an opportunity for mischief and power and the destruction of America, so he greets them with open arms. Rumaan Harjavti, the leader of Bialya, teams up with Blue Jay and Friends to help guide them to other nations who have nuclear weapons that need to be disposed of. The first country he sends them to is Israel. Probably because it's close by and not because he has ulterior racist motives. Guy Gardner hears the news and is thrilled because he gets a boner imagining a world where only Ronald Reagan has control over a nuclear arsenal.
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When he first mentioned Ronnie, I thought it was a mistake. I forgot how old this comic book is!
Batman is all, "We're going to stop these peaceniks from making the world a safer place!" Because if there's one story that can't be told enough it's the one where we all learn a lesson about how the ends do not justify the means, no matter how amazing the ends will be and how messy the means are. I suppose the ends justify the means if the means are compassionately thought out and done with respect for all parties' opinions! So maybe sometimes the ends justify the means? Or does the statement not work that way because the point is that you can't just make that blanket statement. Like, do you murder five million people to save one little girl's life? Probably not! Or do I have it completely wrong and everybody thinks the ends do justify the means? Anyway, Batman doesn't think world peace should be achieved through the destruction of other people's dangerous property. It's basically the same story that season one of Stargirl just told. The Injustice Society of America wants to make the world a leftist dreamscape but at the cost of 25 million lives or something. And the Justice Society is all, "Well, we really like your manifesto. We agree with all of these points. But maybe the cost is too high?" So in the end, I was left supporting the Injustice Society of America because I guess I believe the ends do justify the means?! Also, I'm fairly certain I don't like a quarter of the population so good riddance? But also maybe the entire season of Stargirl was some sort of anti-leftist parable about how you have to let people come to their own decisions about saving the world because forcing them to get on board is rude and it's better if climate change destroys the world than to force one person to believe that manmade climate change is an actual thing? I had philosophical whiplash by the end of Stargirl season one. One character is all, "Murder is wrong!" and then goes and murders somebody and another character is all "I need revenge because this monster killed my parents!" and then he gets all merciful and lets Solomon Grundy go so he can kill other parents and the Injustice Society is all, "We'll kill indiscriminately to make the world a better place for our rich white kids!" and then their all, "A lot of rich white people's kids are going to die from our plan but that's okay because they're not ours." Also, the worst part of the show, the part of the show that I cannot forgive, is how they introduced us to Doctor Mid-Nite's sad owl back at the abandoned JSA headquarters and Luke Wilson is all, "Yeah, he's just waiting for Doctor Mid-Nite to return. It's sad, right? He just hangs out here alone super sad." And then Beth becomes the new Doctor Mid-Nite and you keep expecting the owl to befriend her but the owl never appears, ever again. Every episode, when the sad owl didn't appear onscreen, I was reminded of the sad owl. So every minute of every episode, I kept thinking, "Is the owl going to befriend Beth now?" And nothing. The season ends with the sad owl still super sad and all alone and fuck the writers and showrunners for that. I suppose they couldn't afford a CGI owl after ejaculating all of their CGI money on the five minute Solomon Grundy fight. I just digressed so much I need to take a shower.
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Guy and I are in 99.5% agreement about the dismantling of nuclear weapons. That last bit is where he thinks the U.S.A. should get to keep theirs.
Everybody treats Guy Gardner like his argument isn't even worth listening to but they're all wrong! They're just treating him like a dumb jerk! Sure, I agree that the Justice League just can't take it upon themselves to rid the world of all nuclear weapons. I mean, do I?! Hmm. I'm not so sure I do agree with that! If Superman really cared about Earth, shouldn't he martyr himself by becoming the biggest criminal in the history of the entire world by destroying all nuclear weapons against the will of every nation that has them?! There are plenty of other planets in the DCU that he could go live on after becoming a giant Earth menace! Can't he even make that small sacrifice for the safety of his homeworld?! And if his actions cause some kind of horrible repercussions that cause the world to spiral into chaos, he can probably just blame Batman. Silver But Really Brown Sorceress questions if what they're doing is right. Bald Thor says, "In the end they'll thank us. And even if they don't, at least they'll be alive to hate us." See?! That's what I just said about Superman! He should totally take that bullet! That was not a tasteless George Reeves joke and even if somebody read it that way, it's been like a hundred years since his death! Blue Jay and Friends tell each other their origin story as they remember how their world was destroyed by nuclear weapons and how they decided to interfere with everybody else's lives because of it. I think their origin was supposed to make me see their side of things and feel empathy for them but it totally made me rethink their position and now I totally think they need to be stopped. Because I was fine when I thought the argument was "Destroy all nuclear weapons to save Earth." But I dislike the argument, "Something bad happened to me and now I have to make sure it never happens to anybody else no matter how annoying I make myself!" It's like when somebody's dumb kid gets hit by a bus while riding their bike and then they have to get a law passed making it illegal for busses to run over kids and to name the law after their kid and to get politicians who support the law because it doesn't really change anything (being that busses running over kids was probably already frowned upon if not illegal) but it's good press and makes it look like they're doing something. Then after the dumb law is passed, the parents of the dumb kid can say things like, "My baby didn't die in vain!" Even if that's totally untrue and their baby did die in vain and the law never actually makes the world a better place at all. Guy rushes in to stop Blue Jay and Friends all alone but fails because writers can't reward brash arrogant heroes who are mostly just big jerks. It would be unseemly.
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So far, I've liked the bits with Captain Marvel but I'm still weirded out that he's a little boy in a grown man's muscular body.
Blue Jay and Friends fly into Bialyan airspace and the Justice League have to back off. But they'll get another chance to stop Blue Jay and Friends next issue when Blue Jay and Friends try to disarm Russia! Justice League #2 Rating: B+. It gets too complicated when super heroes bump up against the wall of political conflicts. When Batman points out that the Justice League can't chase Blue Jay and Friends into Bialyan airspace without creating an international incident, some readers might start questioning how super heroes can act even within the borders of one specific country! Surely every time they commit their vigilantism, they're creating a domestic incident! Don't make me start asking questions about the fundamental nature of masked people doing whatever the fuck they think is justice without the consent of any kind of laws or political powers, comic book! This is too heady for my tastes! I guess the whole point is to eventually have the Justice League backed by the United Nations so that the reader can think, "Okay, right. So they have the authority to do whatever they want now if I'm willing to believe the United Nations has any real authority at all!" And then the reader goes on to prove the moon landing never happened and that Project Cloverleaf rains human excrement down on our heads on a daily basis for some kind of Nazi experimentation.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
Riverdale 4x07 Recap
Imagine having footage of your families Thanksgiving being used on Riverdale
If they were just gonna have Hiram win unopposed just a few weeks after getting out of jail why not just keep Hermione on as mayor?
Is that Dodger’s mom? She doesn’t look nearly old enough to be his mom
Hiram is probably going to try to use violence to shut down Archie’s community centre but now that he’s mayor all he has to do is change a bylaw or two
Rupert Chipping is quite the name. Chipping was clearly poisoned or drugged before he jumped and if he was an alcoholic then it would be easy to dose his liquor. Most suicide victims don’t leave a note which is something Jughead should know by this point
Jughead just keeps cock blocking himself with his sleuthing
Ah Cheryl you batshit crazy lady you. It is a decent plan to dispose of her Uncle’s body, even if he’s discovered before spring the cold temperatures will make it much harder to pinpoint an accurate time of death
No FP, the mayor cannot just do anything! What kind of power do the writers want us to believe a small town mayor has?
Betty at least close the door
Why exactly does FP want to be Sheriff? He was a gang leader until like 2 years ago
It’s nice that Alice and FP can spend alone time together while their children, who are dating, are spending alone time together at Stonewall
I love that Hiram wears a suit to eat dinner
The dramatic table cloth pull usually looks a lot cooler on other tv shows
I don’t doubt that you do miss Fred but Mary you did divorce him years ago and move to Chicago, you’re not exactly a grieving widow
Quill and Skull... we’ve finally reached our Skull and Bones parody portion of this story line
Why is Pops playing Auld Lang Syne on Thanksgiving??
The horse mask and ax is a fun sight gag
These kids are straight up psychos if they’re writing their own versions of Chipping’s suicide note for fun
You are horrible parents Alice, I’m glad you see that
I gotta give the writers props for actually having these teen characters do actual teen things by getting drunk and playing Never Have I Ever. Did Jughead really think that was gonna work? That they would just admit to being in Quill and Skull to avoid cheating during a game of Never Have I Ever?
Of course Archie has a weapons drawer
Omg a HSMTMTS commercial??
Such a lame ‘I’m Spartacus’’ moment
That was actually a cool fight
RIP the Thanksgiving Turkey
Nothing like the town mayor and Sheriff bringing up each others attempted murders! Hey if Hiram can forgive Hermione for the hit then why not forgive FP?
Yes the smashed bottle move!
I hope Nana Rose lives forever. Just add cannibalism to the list of fucked up things the Blossoms have done. Cheryl serving up some ‘Frey pies’
Yikes, Mr. Chipping was pulling a Mrs. Grundy. Well that’s certainly good blackmail material
The rule is called the fucking law Alice. FP can’t be both Sheriff and gang leader, it’s common sense
Oh good, both Hiram and FP are gonna be lawless criminals who control the town government between them
Murder is easy peasy to get over, don’t worry about it Toni
Don’t like the focus on that doll
Did they not notice the flashing red camera light?
Why would the family take a comatose Dodger? Won’t he die? 
How long until Betty and Jughead head on down to the Coroner’s office to get Chipping’s toxicology report?
Lmao that welcome to Riverdale line was actually really funny
Why did they have Kevin show up just to stand there? And Reggie too?
It is a sweet tribute to Fred and Luke though
A two week break and we come back to the kids getting some much needed therapy
I hope this turns out to be incorrect but someone on r/riverdale posted tonight that the brother of one of their friends got a role in 4x11 as a ‘’tickle fetishist’’ who had a scene with Kevin. I hope to god it’s fake but it’s all to plausible and focusing on Kevin’s sexual activities is an easy way to rope him into the Charles and Chic plot
Interesting that we haven’t gotten any more flash forwards these past couple eps, trying to build suspense or would showing anything more just give it all away? 
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omoghouls · 5 years
Relaxing drive
(Aka: I'm not over Bloodwings death and wanted to write some lowkey Brick/Mordecai)
The gaunts under his eyes ached when his knuckle rubbed over the tender flesh. The sniper adjusted his goggles, fiddling with the strap as he became all too intuned to his surroundings. The murmured voices talked about furthering the mission, hushed as if the room was wire tapped. The constant droning hustle of the town below.
He couldnt stand it anymore.
Mordecai stood up. Catching the attention of the woman across the table.
"Where are you going?"
The sniper glanced at siren before continuing for the door. He lerched back as a hand gripped onto his shoulder.
"We need everyone to stay in headquarters until we get intel from the vault hunter," Roland gave, blankly staring at the lanky man.
Mordecai harshly shrugged him off, freeing himself from the crimson leader's grip.
Mordecai clenched his fist as he swung his entire body around.
"I am not your fucking soldier, I am not apart of this stupid goddamn patrol of yours," Mordecai barked, "So if you excuse me," he added as he stormed out of the room, into the grundy streets of Sanctuary.
"Mordecai, wait!" Lilth called out.
"Let 'em be Lil'," A previously silent voice said.
Lilith looked at Brick with confusion. How could he be so calm? His friend just left.
"He's going for a drive," Brick said, as if reading her mind as they watched the man walked into the small hub of the city.
"A nice relaxing drive."
"Soldier, so God fucking far from the way it is," the man grumbled under his breath as he stomped away from the fast travel.
His vision adjusted as he looked around the wastelands. Empty. For now at least. Mordecai walked over to the florescent sign.
"Catch a riiiiiiiiide~"
Usually the grating, thickly accented voice caused the man to roll his eyes. But, today. Today it was a comfort as he waited for the vehicle to materialize.
Mordecai ran his hand over the metal before climbing into the driver's seat, engine purring as he pulled from the idle spot and onto the pathway.
There was no particular destination in mind.
Anywhere but back there was good.
Occasionally, Mordecai took his eyes off the road, glancing to the side. Nothing but barrenness and remnants of bygone times.
The past. Distant yet still so close.
The sniper sighed, shaking his head while taking a sharp turn to keep his mind from wandering futher than what was meters infront or in back of him.
Back on his home planet, driving was something he loved. The freedom of rolling faster than the local habitat, everything he passed became an uprooted blur. A Nomad of his own town.
The way he had liked it.
Maybe that's why other reason he left, dropped off land, wandering until he got to where he really wanted to be. Even then, he wasn't so sure he would stay rooted for long.
Mordecai swerved around the rocks, the car leaning just slightly too much to the right before smashing back onto the dusty ground.
A smile cracked on his face as he pressed his foot to the ground of the vehicle. The wind, the kicked up dust hit his face as he laughed.
"Just like old times in New Haven, eh gir-" His voice trailed, shoulders dropping when he saw only empty air above him.
The vehicle jerked as it came to an abrupt halt, drifting beneath the shelter of rusted bars.
A nomad without his pasture was just, a displaced man.
His fist slammed against the steering wheel, the searing pain traveled up his arm. He didn't care what damage he was causing to him, or the vehicle.
Frankly, he didn't care about anything; his mind clouded with resurfacing rage and a chest filled with a cold, lowly ache. His blurry vision glared towards the sky, the giant 'H' that loomed over Pandora. The lump in his throat emerged as he let out an angry,anguished cry; echoing off the sun washed billboards.
The sniper's chest heaved, breaths shallow as he rested his cheek against the steering wheel. Relishing in the cold material coming into contact with his burning face.
Exhausted. He was, exhausted; in the physical and emotional sense, he couldn't sleep, sure as hell couldn't drink the exasperation thoughts away. He tried.
But, with it replaying in his mind, he didn't even have to close his eyes to hear her pained screeching. The gurgling cries muffled from the echoes of the detonation. Followed by the hoops of laughter from the tyrannical bastard on Helios.
The sniper roughly rubbed at his tear stained face as he grumbled weakly.
And it wasn't fair.
It just wasn't fair.
Mordecai peeled his face away as he sat back up, silently watching the sun setting behind the mountains. The pink hue mixing with the natural yellows and oranges as the darkest times of twilight slowly emerged. Dim lights of the vehicle blinked on, casting skewed shadows against the boulders. He blinked slowly, wincing as he gripped the wheel once more.
Silence, save for the electric humming from the lights. Mordecai slipped into the headquarters, careful to avoid the few creaky steps as he walked upstairs.
He paused in his motions as he looked to the sleeping bodies. Lilith curled into a small ball, blanket tucked around her securely. Eyes wandered up, spotting the Roland, sleeping upright as he acted as a bed. The sniper held back a gruff chuckle at the two.
A yawn escaped past his lips as he tugged further in, hanging his rifle back up for the night before wandering out onto the porch. The sniper leaned against the guard as he looked past the monochromatic skyline of the town.
Sleep was at a fingers brush away, he finally was going to seize the opportunity.
He clutched his chest when he spun around, face to chest with the berserker.
"Ey, ey, give a man a warning before you do that," Mordecai said, although the tone came off as annoyed, he was glad to see the bigger man, in a sense.
Brick shrugged, "Guess I'm getting better at that sneakin' huh?" He chuckled.
Mordecai gave a lopsided grin, slowly fading when he saw the other man yawn.
"Did I wake you up?"
Brick shook his head, "Was waiting up for you, all were. "
The sniper's stomach knotted with guilt.
"You, you didn't have to do that," he quietly told.
"You went out without sayin' where you were going, of course we all were staying up, make sure you made it back," making a small nudge towards the other sleeping two,"Had half a mind to send one of my boys to find you. But," he paused with a small shrug, "I know you can handle yourself out there. Still though."
The sniper rubbed the back of his neck, he felt as if he were a teenager being caught sneaking home late.
"Fun drive?" The taller man said to fill the awkward air.
"Oh, uh, yeah, I guess," Mordecai said, "Same old shit just at an elevated speed, less dusty boots."
He flinched when the large hand patted his back. Leading the lanky man back inside.
Usually, Mordecai would stay put, not budge from the leading action. Tonight, tonight was an exception to that rule. He leaned into the contact, letting his head drop.
"Not the same without her."
Brick raised a sympathetic brow when he heard the mumbled voice.
"Course it ain't the same, ain't gonna be for a while," he explained, "you two were close, like me and Dusty."
Mordecai chuffed as the two sat on the cot. He didn't have to worry about being psychoanalyzed when it came to heart to heart conversations with Brick.
"Yeah, kinda like that," the sniper gave, letting his body slump onto the mattress. Too tired to further comment.
Brick looked at the man for a moment before standing back up. Mordecai tilited his head up in curiosity.
"Unlike you, I can't wear my shoes to bed, go to sleep, I'll be back in a bit," the berserker said.
Mordecai simply nodded before curling his knees to his chest, he wanted to see what the man was up to but, his body had made claims to the cot and was not leaving. The sniper closed his eyes to a dreamless sleep.
The light of a new dawn shone through the room. Mordecai groggily lifted his head, patting around blindly. He blinked slowly once his goggles were on.
He was the only one in the room.
"How long was I-?" His thoughts were paused when his hand brushed against a box by his head.
The sniper squinted as he held the box in his palm, carefully he tugged at the bow that held the top securely to the box. Mordecai peered in, eye widening as he quickly pulled the object out.
A chain dangled between his thumb and index finger. An all too familiar feather tickled the gap between.
"Oh, you're up."
Mordecai turned his head towards the door, watching as Brick walked in, standing idly by the cot, glancing at the opened box.
"Do you make this, amigo? How, how did you find her feathers?"
Brick smiled with a nod, " 'fore, what happend, when you two came by here she was shedding and dropped a few. Kept them, it ain't much but," the man was cut off when arms wrapped around his sides. Surprised by the sudden fling of affection coming from the scrawny sniper.
"Thank you," Mordecai softly said as he looked up at the bigger man, rolling the chain around his fingers when he moved away from the embrace.
The berserker tugged at his own necklace, the paws clinking together from the jostling.
Mordecai pulled the chain over his head, tucking the feather under his shirt,
"Gotta keep 'em alive somehow." Brick said as he gently patted the sniper's chest.
"I uh, saved you some breakfast, if that's something you wanted to come get right now?"
The man swallowed back the lump in his throat, "Yeah, actually might take you up on that," he said as he walked with the other man down the stairs.
Brick smiled, slinging his arm around Mordecai's small frame. He knew it would be a lengthy process for the sniper to go through, but this, this was a nice step towards that.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of May 1st, 2019
Best of this Week: Deathstroke #43: The Terminus Agenda pt. 4 - Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan, Sergio Davila, Pop Mhan, Jeromy Cox and Willie Schubert
And thus Damian Wayne follows the rest of his family into the pit of despair
The saga between Deathstroke and Damian’s Titans is still a fairly recent one. Starting back when Damian was kidnapped by Deathstroke to lure out Batman, to the Lazarus Agenda when he took Kid Flash’s speed to save his first child, to stealing Kid Flash away from Damian to form his Defiance to team and who can forget the ridiculous gambit that took place in Deathstroke vs. Batman, which called Damian’s blood into question. Damian has many a reason to hate Deathstroke, but his plan to have final confrontation with the assassin might have left him in ruins.
The villains in Damian’s secret prison have escaped, thanks to Deathstroke breaking their restraints, and Damian is caught in the crossfire. Damian manages to make his escape underneath the floorboards and gets away WITH Deathstroke’s help, suffering some shrapnel damage in the escape and possibly injuring his eye. Deathstroke confronts him and asks why things are so personal with the kid, before Damian tells him to go to hell. Kid Flash, Crush and Red Arrow are left to deal with the escapees.
Atomic Skull, Black Mask, Gizmo, Onomatopoeia and Brother Blood stood no chance and allowed Kid Flash to go look for Damian and confront him about everything. We learn that despite everything, it really boils down to whatever the issue is between Damian and Batman and how Deathstroke ruffling Damian’s hair at the end of Deathstroke vs. Batman acted as the trigger for it. This Teen Titans relaunch came as a result of Damian, Red Arrow and Kid Flash no longer wanting to do things the way that their mentors did and Damian’s reasoning is never explicitly given, though it appears he wanted to bring back some of the more darker aspects of himself.
Damian is known for being a petulant, petty and ridiculous child, but the amount of fury such a small act causes him is insane. Earlier in the book, we had a flashback of Damian being called worthless during a training session with his mother because he was weak or had too much of his father's heart. As he takes his leave of Kid Flash to find Swerve, another escaped villain, we get another reveal in the form of Swerve realizing that Damian had poisoned all of the villains with a toxin that would kill them after prolonged exposure to outside oxygen, but lacked the will to go through with it. He was trying to stop Deathstroke from killing them because of what he did.
Damian finally confronts Deathstroke on the roof of the team’s base and Deathstroke thinks he has Damian all figured out. Damian, above anything, just wants to feel loved and accepted. He tried Batman’s way and all it left him with was rage and the never ending feeling of weakness and abandonment because Batman’s mission never stops. Deathstroke ruffling his hair was probably the closest thing to affection that Damian’s had in a little while with Batman currently dealing with Bane’s machinations in his series. Damian wanted that feeling again and subconsciously rationalized that if he could become his stronger, more brutal self again, then he might be accepted.
He then levels a gun at Deathstroke, but is unable to pull the trigger. Deathstroke comments that he only tried to fix Damian, but Batman ruined him before taking an arrow to the head and falling into a heap on the ground.
While the above explanation given is only my interpretation, I think it’s a very strong one. Rebirth has not been exactly kind to Damian, not to anyone in the Batfamily for that matter. Damian turned thirteen and was targeted to either die or lead the League of Assassins. He found out that he would be killed in the future by his best friend, Jon Kent. He finds himself at odds with anyone he finds himself on a team with because of his brutal and secretive nature. Hell, he even almost dies again in the pages of Nightwing.
As much as Damian pushes his friends and family away, he still has feelings. He wants friends, he wants his dad to acknowledge him more than just a stern hug every now and again, he wants something that he can hold on to, which is why I think he’s trying his best for Djinn. She too has a horrible history of pain and death, same with Deathstroke, but his path is just getting ever more dark.
Tom King has a penchant for doing the most with very little.
Runner Up: Batman #70 - Tom King, Mikel Janin, Jorge Fornes, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles
Several issues of his Batman story have taken place in one location or even in one single room in some cases, this is one of the former and somehow also mirrors issue #19 of the I Am Bane arc, which saw the titular villain breaking into Arkham in an attempt to get Psycho Pirate back from Batman after he had broken into Santa Prisca to kidnap him.
Batman, waking up from his series of horrible and almost mind breaking nightmares, is furious. Finding the Riddler in front of him, mid-riddle, he knees the idiot in the face and gives him the answer in a sort of punny manner. He passes Calendar Man who offers no resistance, but notes that neither he nor Bane will stop trying to destroy each other and just lays down on the ground.
Batman makes his way through the asylum, having a monologue directed at Bane while taking down Hush, Blight, Mad Hatter, Zsasz and who I hope is a copycat Man-Bat (or his wife). He mocks Bane for thinking that he could take down Batman with nightmares when HE IS THE NIGHTMARE. It’s very edgy and hokey, but I love it.
One thing of note is just how much fun Janin seems to be having with drawing Batman just beating the asses of the villains. He draws Batman with a cold, calculated fury, but still makes him look amazingly cool. He has a penchant for making Batman seem so much larger and more imposing than his foes, even when he’s placed in the background of shots. I also love that he seems to portray Batman as being left-handed, not really a big deal, but Batman throws most of his punches in this issue with his left hand.
Speaking of him being imposing and striking fear into the hearts of the guilty - at some point he confronts Mr. Freeze and makes him think about all of the other times that Freeze has had him at the business end of his Freeze gun. He makes him think about how, no matter what, Batman found a way out. Freeze, likely still traumatized from the events of Cold Days, just allows himself to get punched in the face.
We get a cutaway to Bane talking to Arnold Wesker, The Ventriloquist, and laughing about how Batman is playing right into his schemes and Batman faces off against Scarecrow. Doctor Crane is easily defeated in an amazing few pages tinted with the green of his Fear Gas as Batman appears behind him.
Batman appears to be reaching something of a breaking point as, after defeating Solomon Grundy and Amygdala, he laughs heartily, more than you’d expect or hope. Jorge Fornes takes over the art for the rest of the issue  as Batman threatens Bane through Two Face, telling him that he’ll be back with a crew to take down Bane just like Bane tried to take him down and Maxie Zeus quotes Dante’s Inferno and says “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.” Signaling that Batman has entered his own personal hell in his confrontation with Bane.
This book was stunning and continues to build toward this amazing, one hundred issue story about Bane. Not only is it pushing Batman to the limit even farther than he ever has, it’s driving Bane to be even more calculating, brutal. It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before or will again and with City of Bane coming in five issues and Thomas Wayne trying to convince Bruce to give up being Batman in the intervening issues, we’re in for a good few months of awesome Batman storytelling.
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joanthangroff · 5 years
Hello friends!!!
I was at a Comic Con today! (Can you believe?) And it was probably the most outgoing I have ever been at one of those.
Okay, listen you guys. Not only did I see Osric Chau, I even got to ask him a question. Me being me I did not go for the obvious choice of Supernatural that other people did but asked him what he thought of the concept of Dirk Gently when it was first presented to him (he loved how wild it was). He was really excited that I asked him about it!! Otherwise he told us about what he thinks of Supernatural ending, Kevin’s death (and not-death), about cosplaying and the time he dislocated Jared Padalecki’s arm during a fun wrestling match. He’s very small and funny and easily excited, I love him.
THEN MY FRIENDS! MY PALS! I DID SEE THE ONE AND ONLY FANTASTIC DANIELLE PANABAKER! I’M STILL NOT OVER IT AND I EVEN ASKED HER A QUESTION (what she thinks about Arrow ending since it was the first time we got to see Caitlin on screen) (she said she is sad but also impressed by how far Arrow came). She talked about how excited she is about the episode directed by her airing soon and how she prepared for it, that she loves how she gets to play both a villain and a good guy, that it was her who told the writers to give Cait a break from dating for once and focus on her relationship to Killer Frost - she also said that she thinks that actually Ronnie is THE person for her; the love of her life (I swooned?). Someone asked what she thinks about Snowbarry and she just said that hey, Barry is married to Iris let’s focus on that for now. Anyway, she’s very cute and adorable and taller than you’d think? I talked to a random person who warned me about it beforehand and yet I was shocked.
ALSO HALF THE GOTHAM CAST??? Robin Lord Taylor (Legend), Drew Powell (I love him), Camren Bicondova (tiny), Erin Richards (who is British? I had no idea), SEAN PERTWEE WHO IS AS HOT IN REAL LIFE, Tonya Pinkins and Donal Logue (What a funny dude). God, there was so much happening in that panel I don’t even know where to begin. Some Nygmobblepot cosplayers came up the stage and the Ed literally went and asked a riddle. Nobody knew the answer and it was fun to watch them die over that. Robin’s favourite scene is the “I am the king of Gotham!!!” scene bc he got to yell at New York (where the show is filmed) which has been his home for years and he’s been meaning to prove himself to it. He also said that the one thing he took from set is the letter saying he isn’t insane. It’s up on his wall. Sean took lots of things from Alfred’s wardrobe (like cufflings and other jewelry with his dad’s initials <3) and said how when he was a kid he hated acting bc it was the thing keeping his papa away from him. Erin took lots of clothes too and Drew kept the Grundy shoes (he even wore than today!). There’s no current groupchat between the members of the Gotham cast. According to Donal, the GCPD set was taken to Vancouver so it’s very likely an Arrowverse show is gonna use it (hm I wonder which one it could be). Neither of them would like to reprise their role in another DCTV show, because it would feel weird. According to Drew the tone of the Arrowverse, while the shows are great, wouldn’t fit. I don’t remember much more right now but let it be known I’d die for these people.
And, you know, I didn’t think it could get better but boy did it ever. Because, look, Cody Saintgnue was supposed to come on stage after Danielle but then we sat there and waited and waited... and I was already laughing a little because he has been supposed to stop by at my Con for the past three years or so and always cancelled shortly before, so I wouldn’t even have been surprised if he did the same now- but nope! He was just stuck in traffic! So the panel got cancelled but he was there later and we could go up to his autograph table and talk to him. And I though hey, I’ve waited so long to talk to him and now that we’re finally in the same building I ain’t gonna let this pass me by. So after the Gotham panel I went to his table, determined to ask him something about Brett and to see how he moves for more writing accuracy (you know a writer’s struggle). And there were only eight people in front of me! “Only”, I thought. Turns out they all wanted selfies and autographs (both of which I couldn’t afford) and to talk to him. The group consisting of 5 people was made up of Deaf people so they had to write back and forth, which took a while, so when it was finally my turn the Con has already officially closed lmao. Anyway! I was the last person to talk to him there and he was very lovely about it and kept apologizing about being late (and about having missed the last couple times after I pointed it out to him). I asked him whom he would have liked to have scenes with during Teen Wolf since Brett didn’t have that a big role and he said he would have like Deucalion or Stiles bc they’re both great actors and would have been fun to work with. He also agreed that Theo and Brett would have made a perfect duo (and he laughed when I said they’re both assholes so yeah that fits). We also chatted about Dortmund and what he can do in town and then I asked if I could hug him AND YEAH. GOT THAT SWEET TALBOT HUG. he also proposed that he’d ask if they could arrange a Q&A with him tomorrow to make up for missed opportunities and was sad when I said I won’t be there. But then he also asked about how my day went and if I had fun and wished me a nice weekend and that I get home safe. He’s a real sweetheart and suddenly I wanna write 20 fics about Brett.
SO YEAH THAT WAS MY DAY. I met a girl who exchanged numbers with me just so we could text about the Arrowverse. And lots of people commented on my STAR Labs sweater which was funny because, you know, we literally were at a comic convention. God, I love this business.
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Of Stories and Songs: A Haunted Mansion Fanfic Ch 4
This chapter was getting so long, that I felt like I have no choice but to divide it into two.  30 some odd pages in word, after all, is a little long to be left whole like that.  
Check below the cut for both author notes and the chapter proper.
Authornotes: Despite what the Ghost Host says, he will be making an appearance in the next chapter.
The description of the scarecrow should be familiar.  It is, in fact, a description of Jack Skellington’s alter ego scarecrow disguise.  I wanted to make tiny references to the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay without making a pure crossover, as the plot I’m going with wouldn’t mesh well with the Nightmare characters. So, instead, I’ll just briefly reference it here and there.  Thus, the scarecrow in this fic isn’t actually Jack Skellington (unless you really want to pretend it is, I mean I can’t stop you).  
Solomon Gracey….Oh let me tell you the story about this.  When I was young, and going through the Mansion for the first time, I saw the aging man portrait.  Except, I didn’t know anything about Oscar Wilde or Dorian Gray (I was a kid), so I never made the connection there (even though in retrospect, it seems a little obvious that’s what the Imagineers were going for).  But I DID know about Batman, and through that someone had told me the poem once associated with one of the villains named Solomon Grundy:
Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Grew worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday, That was the end, Of Solomon Grundy.
And you might be wondering “What does this have anything to do with anything?”  You see, as a kid, I misinterpreted the poem and what it meant.  I thought it referred to someone who was born, quickly grew up, lived, and died all within the span of a week. It apparently never occurred to my childlike mind that these things could happen on separate years.  
So when I saw the portrait of the man, and he aged so rapidly, I thought “Oh!  It’s like Solomon Grundy!”
And that’s the story of how the name stuck.
Artwork was drawn by me.
The statue comes from a statue in the Disneyland fast pass for Haunted Mansion
For the Gracey family seal, I used official Disney merchandise for the base.  It is the Master Gracey necklace from the Memento Mori store.   Here is the reference: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/506725395552228282/?autologin=true&lp=true
Here are other photographs and videos used as references for the other art pieces:
I am the one who played the piano and recorded myself.  I used sheet music from the internet for this. Here are the reference links. Please note that I made small edits for the Haunted Mansion piece and  I didn’t follow the original sheet music for John Brown’s Body piece, I just used the same key.
Trigger warnings: ghosts, death concepts/discussions, murder, suicide, abuse, blood, lots of scary stuff (horror), implied sexual abuse, cursing (damn and hell), drug abuse, attempted rape (never completed; in a later chapter).
Table of Contents:
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 ,
Chapter 6 , Chapter 7
Ch 4.  John Brown’s Body
“John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave, His soul is marching on!”
-Traditional Folk Song, John Brown’s Body
“This is all a bad dream.  This is all a bad dream. This is all a bad dream. There’s no such thing as ghosts. This is all a bad dream.  This is all a ba-“
                  “Repetition does not turn a statement to fact.”
“Shut up.” She muttered, shakily walking down the hall towards the door that she could see on the far end; the complete opposite end from the strange stretching room she had come from.  “This is all a bad dream.  This is all a bad drea-“
              “You can chant such trifle prayers to your dying breath, but                      your words will never be any truer five centuries from now than                                they were five moments ago.”
“But it keeps me going,” She muttered again, this time to herself. “And there…there can’t be life after death.  It’s impossible.  There’s no such thing.  Dead is dead.”
              “Care to repeat that to the dead person behind you?”
The creepy feeling of an ice cold hand on her shoulder made her speed up, nearly running towards the door.  
                       “Why not look behind you, hmm?”
“No I won’t I won’t!” The anxiety making her giddy, she gave a little nervous laugh as she made it through and slammed the door.  She leaned against the door and slid to the ground, eyes closed and breathing in deep.
                     “Rather impolite, but no matter….               You can always repeat your statement to the one in front of you.”
This time…This time, her eyes had flung open all without her permission and she screamed.  
She screamed all the while as she crawled backwards.
All the while as she jammed her wrist against a table in her attempt to get under it.
The thing that lay before her.  Whatever it was, it did not follow her, choosing instead to remain swaying side to side in its position.
And she permitted herself to think about what she had just seen: its legs looked like bond stalks, it’s mahogany jacket in tatters.  A figure that seemed stiff at first, its limbs in haphazard directions, as though it’s clothes were stuffed with straw.  But…
…But that couldn’t be; there had to be a person in there because behind the carved smile of its pumpkin head….she could see teeth.  
Human teeth.  
She dared to peek out from under the table, but there was no longer any sign of it.  The scarecrow’s long legs ought to have been in sight, where could it ha-
“I’msorry I’msorry I’msorry!!” She screamed out, her shaking mimicking every jerk of the table.
The pounding stopped.   The table stopped.  
The thunder rolled off in the distance, and the rain pattered against the windows.  
She took an uneasy breath.
“…Why are you doing this to me?”  She said in a small voice.
                                  “Why, whatever do you mean?”
She could hear his tone, the thinly veiled sarcasm, the mirth that made it seem like he was laughing at her.  She tried again.
“What…what exactly do you want with me? What did you say before, that lives have value?? That the raven was useless to you??  What is it about me?”
                        “But lives DO have value.                       Unless, of course, you don’t see value in yours.                        We are certainly capable of removing                         such a heavy weight from your shoulders.                                Or are you more hands on?”
By her side….
….a noose appeared….
Dangling over the sides of the furniture, her safe zone.
She found herself staring at it.  
A good.  Long.  While.
“Are you really trying to kill me?” Her throat constricted, just by having it in her sights.
                     “Would you take comfort in hearing me say ‘no’?”
“At this point….At this point I’m not sure I’d believe you…”
                “Then there’s nothing more to be said, now is there?”
She closed her eyes again.  Even knowing that her “host” might take advantage and shove another creature in her face, it was comforting to pretend that she was back at home, in bed, with her eyes closed and ready for sleep.
But the noose…
“Please….please will you at least take it away?”
A soft whisper of a sound, and wisp of a breeze.
When she dared to peek, bracing herself for the return of the scarecrow or some other terrible thing, she was surprised.
The noose was gone.  And there was no evidence of any new scary entity within her immediate sights.  
“Thank you.”  She mumbled.  
The only response was the low rumbling of a chuckle.
Perhaps because of that, she could not bring herself to leave the relative safety of the furnishing she’d cowered under. The underside of the table was nice and cozy, after all.  
So spent the time to look around instead.
There were instruments.  Karen couldn’t pretend that she knew much about music, but she knew enough to recognize the violin sitting on one of the chairs.  The bigger one sitting in the corner was probably a cello, and there were likely even more instruments hidden from sight in the cases she could observe.  
A piano took up most of the room; the light from the candelabras on its surface glowed in the reflection of the gigantic window behind it.  From beyond the window, she could see the dead trees buckling under the weight of the downpour, their gray limbs looking much like ghosts themselves.  It seemed so deceptively easy to shatter the glass and escape.  
                          “Whatever is the matter, hmm?                              Have you given up on your friend already?                            Shall I leave him my condolences?                              A message?                           The very last thing he’ll ever hear:                               ‘Karen has left you for dead’.”
“No.”  She said flatly.  “No I’m not leaving without him.”
That telltale chuckle again.
                         “That’s exactly what I’m counting on.”
“You’re not going to ever tell us why you’re doing this, are you?  Is it really because you think we’re trespassers?”
                                 “You’ll have to forgive me.”
The piano began to play, a series of mismatched notes creating a discord of ugly sounds.
                       “I was not aware I required a reason.”
She held her breath, watching the keys move across the instrument without any visible fingers to press on them. But there was a shadow that fell across the whole scene that looked oddly…human-esque.   Already, she was too frightened to think too deeply into that.
                 “Shall I play you something light and bright                   to coax you from your crypt?                    The mortal creature does still love a happy harmony                   wrapped up in a major key…correct?                                          And after all                                     wouldn’t you agree                                   that your life would be                           so flat without a sweet melody? ”
And with that announcement, the piano changed to a happier cord.  Was that the Battle Hymn of the Republic?
Listen to the piano part1
Despite her wariness, she did feel herself relax a tinge.  She even went so far as to lean back a bit to rest herself against the wall that bordered her ‘safety table’.   The ruffling of paper at her fingertips snatched at her attention.  
Two papers, actually.
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“Mr. Williams,
I write to you on the matter of the issue you had previously approached me for.  
Thus far, the Atencio Trading Company has remained relatively unchanged despite the change in the Head of the Gracey family.  Indeed, the Atencio Company firmly remains under the ownership of the Graceys, as it always has, despite the remaining echoes of the war and reconstruction. None of the businesses contained within the company have been removed, destroyed, or discarded; if anything, new businesses have been added and not subtracted.
Below is a list that I have compiled, as best as I was able, of the Industries contained therein of the Gracey family’s Atencio Trading Company:
2 Wineries   6 Tanneries 4 Major Textile Production Factories (not containing various minor Textile Refinements involved) 1 Business involved in the Production of Cutlery 2 Beekeeping farms (also involve Honey Refinery) 3 Breweries of Beer and Fine Liquor 9 Livestock farms (not including horses) 5 Horse Ranches 2 Bakeries 7 Farms that variously produce Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Corn, Apples, and Vegetables 1 Metal Production or blacksmith factory whose purpose I could not ascertain
These industries are spread out among several states, regions, and cities. As you know, the Atencio Company regularly transports on the behalf of foreign companies.    Thus, this is in addition to the trading profits the company gets for the transportation and shipping of goods owned by companies not under the control of the Graceys.
This is not including, however, the personal farm and properties therein attached to the Gracey Manor house itself. The production involved there is mostly for the immediate benefit of the family, it’s fellows, and the servant class who board there.  
I am afraid I have still come up empty, sir, in finding the meaning behind the name “Atencio”.  It has apparently been used for ages long past, as long as the Graceys have owned this company.  The only shared name I have ever found in records, was that of a pirate crew that operated in the 1400s, long before the Golden Age of Piracy.  As such, there are only scant records of this crew, and none of them enlightening enough to provide evidence that there is any relation.  
The methods by which the Graceys run their business is still very non-involved.  Like before, it appears that many of the overseers of each company sub-branch are left to manage their own affairs, provided that profits are returned to the family proper.  The Graceys are involved in making final decisions regarding payment distribution, and appear to be very generous with those in their employment.  Especially so with the current Gracey head of family.  As such, exceptional loyalty to both the Atencio Trading Company and the Gracey Family itself is not unheard of, nor should be unexpected.  
It is with this in mind that I send this letter through an unconventional means.
For you see, sir, I am greatly concerned that this letter should be intercepted by them.
-Leslie Harrison”  
And there was a second letter underneath that.  
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At its very top, was a family crest: A carved letter G in the center of the decorative shape, swirling lines jutting on both sides and a devilish head at its very top. The symbol was flanked by Latin: Familia Supra Omnia.
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“Dear Miss Slater,
I am very much distressed at reading your previous missive, which I had received on the fifth of February.  I understand your concerns regarding your status as, and I quote you, “a lowly circus performer”.  But as I have stressed on more than a single previous occasion, I do not care.  
As far as the town is concerned: I, and my estate, are dead to them.  
I have long given up on pleasing the most influential members of the community.  As well you know, Mr. Williams, whom has the town in his purse strings, already hated my father long before even the War of Rebellion, hated him even worse during the war, and has shown even as recent as last week that he finds my methods of running my affairs a contemptable sight in his long list of grievances against my family name.  What the head of the Williams Company says is practically decreed, and, by extension, I am no friend to any member of the upper crust in these parts.  It subsequently gives me the freedom to do merely as I please.  
And it would please me more than anything, Miss Slater, if you allow me to help you.
I have been hearing so many rumors about the financial status of that circus company that you have affiliated yourself with, and even worse rumors about the ringmaster himself.  
Miss Slater, I do not trust that man. He has proven time and again that his humor is morbid, and that his tricks are similarly so.  Many of his acts remark and revolve on death itself, and with such a depressing notion it is surprising that his fortunes did not deplete themselves sooner.  That mishap with the lion and the poor drunkard is simply another suspicious death to add to his collection of mysterious airs.  
I am concerned by some of your wording. You’ve known I have no qualms about reputation.  And you’ve never asked for privacy before, even when you had fallen ill.  Nor have you been forthright with any reasoning, on my part, that has caused you discomfort.  All of these things are suspicious and so very out of ordinary from the past twelve years you have been with these travelers.  Your phrases, too, are upsetting: “A lost cause” “Nothing left for me”, these are not words you have ever previously used to describe yourself. I cannot but be concerned that your ringmaster, or someone else in the company, has harmed you in some way.  
Which is why, at first chance, I will make the journey to fetch you.    
Your daughter is of Gracey blood, if not in name, Miss Slater.  We are family.  And I will make sure nothing lays a finger on either of you.  
Yours in Sincerity,
Solomon Gracey”
As she tried to make sense of the newfound information…Miss Slater.
                                       Mr. Williams.
                                 Solomon Gracey.
…Was suddenly standing.
And not underneath a table at all anymore.
There was a man in front of her, sitting at a desk with a concerned expression.  He had on a fine white shirt, nice trousers, a gray vest, and was that a pocket watch?  It held the uncanny air of a bygone era, especially as he sat, the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up to the elbows, at a desk that had no dust.  
She recognized that desk….and…when he turned and she saw him eye to eye….she recognized him.
This man wasn’t the same angry man from the earlier vision, with the maid and the young boy.  
This man…was from the portrait.  
The portrait that she had seen at the beginning of the house, the one that had aged to death right in front of her eyes. And as the eyes glanced her way, she felt herself back away a step.
To be sure, those eyes were beyond comparison.  Even here, the vividness of their blue felt like they could see straight into her.  
At the same time….she felt…safe.  The other vision had held a sense of terror.  The other man had clearly been antagonistic.  But this man….
                                Please. Let me help you.
She blinked.  For a moment, she had imagined that the man had spoken to her. But that…couldn’t be.  He didn’t even seem to see her, for one, as his eyes had glanced over her without any acknowledgement.  By now, he had gone back to writing….
She peeked over his shoulder.  He was writing…the very letter…she had just recently read..?
Karen stood gob smacked, gaping as he finished it off with a flurry of his signature.  
Was this really some kind of memory from the past.   How….?
                             I just want you to be safe.
She blinked again.  No, those weren’t words spoken aloud.  She finally identified them as a gut feeling.  An aura; something that the scene gave off that somehow she felt compelled to think of those exact words.  She was sure, anyways, that those feelings were mostly for the benefit of the person he wrote to.  
But those thoughts felt good.  The scene felt good. After all the ridiculous stuff that Ghost Host had thrown on her, the scarecrow and spiders and stretching rooms and nooses appearing out of nowhere, this was so relaxing in comparison. Comforting, even.  
Why couldn’t she stay and listen to Solomon?   Would it hurt so badly?  Who could blame her?  
Staying like this, watching him read over and over the letter he had just completed.  He had an intricate ring on his left hand; she could see it as he held his forehead in his hand in thought.  It was a good ring.
What was wrong with staying like this, watching him, forever?
Without worries, without cares.  No broken windows….Or was it reading…?  Law school….Something feels missing….But what does it matter?  None of the horror, just a calm room with a man writing a letter that he’d been struggling hours to find the words for.  Finally. Finally, he had gotten around to writing it out in full.
But…This won’t do at all.
He stood up.  
“Edgar!”  He called out.  “Fetch my coat and get Samuel!  We’re taking a trip to that damned circus.”
Why did he even need the letter?  By God, he’ll just show up unannounced, then he could see for himse-
Karen’s face furrowed in deep thought. What were these thoughts that were now going through her head?
These weren’t…her thoughts. They had nothing to do with her.  So why was it as though her thoughts had begun to turn, turning to mush and then reshaping themselves, and all without her permission? It didn’t hurt.  But.  There was this small sense of mismatch, that something wasn’t quite right….
Thoughts about the ring on his finger….No, this ring didn’t represent marriage…But what was it…Why was she….
…..She was back underneath the table.
There was a brief sense of déjà vu as she tried to catch her bearings; the piano wasn’t helping, as it was now playing a more sinister sounding version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  It only cemented the idea that the dream was over and the nightmare was back.
listen to the piano 2
….She stared back to the letter. Touched it, even brought it up to her nose to sniff it.  It was real.  
Which means….the vision….
She squeezed her eyes shut so that she could gradually open them again.
The piano was still playing.  Didn’t that “Ghost Host” ever get sick of the same song over and over?
She didn’t want to deal with any of this; not him, not that vision-thingy, not this letter.
There was a door to the left.  
She glanced back to the piano.  The Host was still playing, but for how long would he remain distracted?
Getting up on her hind legs, ready to sprint for it, the song still in the air,
The door was in her hand, the handle turned, she slipped on through, into-
                                    “Hmm hmm hmm.”
-the same exact room?
She opened the door behind her again. In the room she left, a piano playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  In the room in front of her, an IDENTICAL piano playing…something else.
listen to the piano 3
Two pianos.  The same chairs.  The same violins.  Even the same table she had taken refuge under.  
Trying not to panic, she ran down to the next door.  Went through it.
                            “HmmHa ha ha Ha HA ha.”
listen to the piano4
The same room.  Again.  
She ran over to the next door. Just to peek.
AGAIN. That piano!  That horrible, wretched sounding piano!  
She stood in the center of the room, carefully avoiding the shadowy figure that seemed to sit at the stool and play away, her eyes bitter and angry as she stared at the instrument.  If she had to burn a hole through the piano with her eyes just to make a statement, so be it.  
                      “Finally facing the music, are we?                 Have you accepted the reality that you need me as a guide                   if you ever hope of getting anywhere?”
“I’ve accepted the reality that you’re a well certified jerk.  Let me out of this room.”
                         “I didn’t hear the magic words.”
“Sure.  How about: ‘Let me out of this room or I break your piano’.”
Laughter radiated from the area of the piano, filling the whole room with the sound of the Ghost Host.  
                     “My how BOLD you’ve become just now.                Whatever happened to that poor, helpless mortal                           I left cowering under the table?”
Karen held her tongue at this part. She didn’t want to risk him retaliating and sapping what little courage she’d managed to muster in her bitterness.
“Take me out of this room now.”  She said, holding her ground with her chin up.
“Please.” She halfheartedly added a moment later.
                     “…Well.  Since you’ve asked so NICELY.”
The door in the middle opened.  As she recalled, that was the door she took to enter the music room to begin with.  
But strangely enough, it didn’t seem to lead out to the same hallway as before.
…Had he been moving her around when she was traversing all the duplicate music rooms?
If so…She opened the door that had led to a duplicate music room, only to find a wall.  He’d completely stripped her of all sense of direction…
She shuddered at the thought, finally relenting to go through the door he’d opened for her.  
“Th-thank you.”  She stammered out.
                   “Hmm hmmm hmm…You’re very welcome.”
The door behind her slammed shut so loud that she jumped.
                   “Come now.  Shriveling up on me, are you?               I was having so much fun with this new version of you…”
“Is that what you call ‘torture’?”  
            “One man’s torture is another’s…entertainment. Hmm hmm hmm.”
“And that’s literally the reason you’re doing all this?  THIS? All of THIS is entertainment to you?  What was all that before about us being trespassers?”
The voice chuckled darkly.
                         “If you must know, I could care less                 whatever foolish reason a mortal comes wandering here for;                                                  trespasser or not.                      So long as they are here, in the flesh,                           I can take my pickings as I please.                  Such a curious creature you are, though, to keep asking about this.                           Most mortals merely accept my deeds                    without questioning my motives so aptly…                         . . . Perhaps this is your ‘gift’ talking…”
“My gift?”
                         “Yes.  Surely you’ve noticed by now                        that you’ve a talent that expands beyond the grave.                        Becoming one with the very essence of human nature,                    and all of the exploits and endeavors,                         good or otherwise, therein.                                 In effect, a psychic.”
“I am NOT a psychic.” She said with a huff as she strode off.  
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He had led her to yet another unfamiliar hallway.  There was an end table with scattered papers, a stairway that lead up (complete with a fancy banister).  Candelabras with intricate weaves of spiderwebs held behind an intricately carved griffin. And a statue was hidden in the alcove.
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A very strange statue.  
And familiar; she could have sworn she saw one like it outside with the gravestones.  
But this one was much larger, human sized, in fact.   And it was strange specifically because she got an odd, prickly feeling as she came close to it.  For all intents and purposes, it LOOKED like any other statue she may have seen in her life.
It was that of a women who appeared to be grieving.  Her dress cut just above her knees, the shawl around her shoulders wrapped up and covered her head.  Her face was positioned to the floor, and one of her hands across her chest placed over to about where her heart would be.  
Karen reached out and touched it, and it even FELT like a statue.  Hard stone that was a little rough along the edges, likely from wear and tear over the years.
But very cold.  Almost ethereally cold.  
What was worse than any of that, was the smell.  Statues didn’t normally smell, but this one reeked.
It reminded her of the time a squirrel had gotten into the electric breaker box of a telephone pole near her house; it had chewed through a few lines and wound up electrocuting itself.  The power workers had tossed the remains by the side of the road, but no animal dared to take a bite of it so it simply sat there rotting.  The smell that always ran to her nostrils every time she had to pass it was an unholy combination of cooked flesh and putrid decay.  
                              “Are you sure you’re not psychic?”  
The voice said, as though mocking the anxiety that the statue seemed to produce in her.
“No, I’m not psychic!  Maybe…Maybe ghosts exist, ok?  But I am definitely NOT psychic!”
                      “Oh?  You admit to the existence of some of the supernatural?                           A nice improvement in your disposition.                          But do you mean to tell me you’ve never feel those moments?                              That prickling on the back of your spine?”
As if in obedience, the goosebumps on her back became more pronounced.
“Stop it.”
                   “That chill that you can so easily feel in the air?”
And in that moment, the area immediately around her dropped a few degrees.
“I said stop it!”  
                  “That feeling of being watched,                    as though there were someone, or something there?                       And all you have to do is look behind y-“
“Shut up.”  She seethed under her breath, trying to avoid glancing behind in case he sent another scarecrow.   “Why don’t you just go back to playing the piano or something?? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
                                       “As you wish.”
The temperature normalized, the goosebumps died down.
                                          “But of course.                         If you so desire it, I am FULLY prepared to leave you.                               In this empty, creaking, dark hallway.                                              By yourself.”
“Or.  You could drop Michael off near me.”
The Host’s laughter was raucous.  
                   “And interrupt all of the exquisite entertainment he’s experiencing?                                  Surely you don’t think me THAT cruel.”
Karen bristled.  “You want to talk about cruelty?!  How about ever-“
                    “But worry not.  You may be alone now,                          but you’ll be joined soon enough.”
                             “The happy haunts have long since received                         your sympathetic vibrations and are beginning to materialize.”
“What. Does. That. Even. Mean?”
                        “They’re assembling for their nightly swinging wake,                        and they’ll be expecting me… I’ll see you a little later.”
There was no indication that the hallway had changed, and, of course, no actual physical sign that a disembodied voice had left the area.  Yet it felt emptier than before.  
“Ghost Host?”  She called out tentatively.
No response.  Only the low sound of thunder that rumbled in the distance. That indescribable feeling that she had experienced up until that point that had indicated his presence ceased to exist anymore.  
The hallway was devoid of its Ghost Host.
And somehow, someway, she knew that.
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xopheliasunflowerx · 7 years
One Mistake May Change An Entire Life (Chapter Four, Archie Andrews Imagine)
Summary: Since you've told your friends, now you have to tell your child's father. Archie Andrews.
Pairing: Archie X Reader
Fandom: Riverdale
Read the previous chapter here
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Rain starts to pour down in the small town of Riverdale.
You hug your coat tighter, trying to catch warmth. You sigh as you quickly run up towards the porch of the Andrews residence. You're about to knock on the door, but your hand is shaking so bad. You felt scared to death, how are you gonna tell him.
Before you knew it the door open to reveal the one you wanted. Archie.
Archie frowns as he looks at you. "Y/N? What are you doing here in the pouring rain?" He asked as
You sigh.
"Archie, we need to talk." You say as he gives you a firm look.
"Come in." Archie opens the door, widely so you can walk in.
You hang your coat on the coat rack as you turn to face Archie.
"Do you want something to drink or to eat?" Archie asked as you shake your head. Archie nods as he walks into the lounge room, you follow him behind. He sits on the couch as you sit on the other one next to him. "My dad's out for awhile. So what did you wanna talk about?" He asked as you sigh.
"That night that we had, I know it wasn't your fault or mine but. That night affected me, and I need you to be here with me, to get through this together." You say as Archie frowns looking at you, confused you can see him.
"What? What are you talking about?" He asked as you bite your lip, Fear hits you but you couldn't let that tackle you down.
"Archie." You take a deep breath, you wanted to tell him so bad but how. The innocent look on his face made you not want to tell him. But it's better if you tell him instead of someone else. "Archie, I'm pregnant." You say all out loud. You close your eyes, not wanting to see the look on his eyes.
"You are?" He asked as you open your eyes to see his face. His face full of confusion and that hits you. "Who's the father?" He asked as you frown, rolling your eyes at him.
"You! You are! You're the father Archie!" You say as Archie's eyes widen in shock.
The look on his face, you couldn't read it. The look on his eyes, you couldn't read them. You couldn't read him, you have no idea what he's thinking and you hated that. This awkward silence is giving you so much pain.
"Y/N. I can't." You hear him, and you knew that this could happen. It breaks you that he couldn't support you but you wanted to know why.
"You can't what? Archie!" You say as Archie frowns.
"I can't be a dad! I'm too young. I want to continue my music career. I want to go throughout high school-"
"What makes you think I don't want to finish high school Archie? I want too, I wanna finish. I'm too young also! So what makes you think that you could-"
"It's because I love someone else." Archie yells as your eyes widen in shock, a lump has form in the back of your throat. "I'm sorry but, I love her. And I can't have that put on her when she's been through so much." He says as you shake your head.
"Archie! That's no excuse! I've been through a lot too! What makes you think that you can do that?!" You yell as Archie looks at the ground.
"Look Y/N. It was an accident, and I don't want anything to do with the baby! I'm happy. I don't want a child now. And that's it!" Archie says as he's standing up as you are too.
You have heard enough, you couldn't believe him. You start storming your way to grab your coat and walk out the door. "You're a dick Andrews! And I hope you live a happy ending with your girlfriend!" You say as you slam the door in front of him.
You continue walking in the rain, replaying the argument in your mind. You couldn't believe him, he basically did this to you and he chosen to leave you to raise this baby by yourself, how mature.
Archie sits on his couch, replaying the sudden argument. He didn't want to be a father, no he's too young and he loves her. He loves his music teacher Miss Grundy.
Even though what he did to Y/N was wrong but, he couldn't handle it.
He felt so guilty, but what was he supposed to do? He knows that he should've helped Y/N but he didn't.
He didn't want it.
He didn't want to be a dad.
You slam the door to your house as you throw your coat on the ground.
You couldn't believe him. That jerk!
You storm your way towards your bedroom, you slam the door behind you as you lay on your bed crying in tears.
What are you suppose to do now?
Next chapter is here
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bughead-ficz · 7 years
Unsafe (Bughead One Shot)
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Summary: Oneshot based off of the Bughead cuddle shown in the 2x04 promo (which I’m super excited for btw). Enjoy!
☾ ☾ ☾ 
It had been weeks since Riverdale's very own black-hooded criminal had taken his first cold-blooded shot. Weeks since Fred Andrews had narrowly escaped death at the fault of the harsh metal bullet. And months since anyone in Riverdale last felt safety in their once-beloved, strawberry milkshake town. The events that had taken place snatched away their hopes of a newfound safety after Betty Cooper's grand speech at the mayor's jubilee. Events like the shooting of Fred Andrews, the killing of Geraldine Grundy and the shooting of Moose and almost, Midge. No one felt safe. Especially Betty Cooper.
Betty laid on the floor of Archie's bedroom, staring up at the blue ceiling which was now darkened by the absence of light. It seemed everywhere had a great absence of light nowadays, literally and metaphorically. Thoughts ran around the blonde's head, trying to escape her cascading, loose strands of dimmed, golden hair, preventing her from sleep. She sighed deeply and turned her head to the side.
Jughead's sleeping face came into her line of view, causing a small smile to stretch onto her strawberry lips. His hat remained glued to his head, as it always did, a few black curls escaping the front. Betty mentally traced his multiple moles in a game of dot-to-dot on the boy's slightly tanned face. She felt Jughead move his arm in his sleep and subconsciously wrap it around the front of his girlfriend's waist, gently pulling her closer to his body. The simple action made Betty's smile stretch even further in affection at Jughead's attachment to her, even during his slumber. However, the smile soon faded as she remembered earlier on in the day, and how she shouldn't feel this way in his embrace. Even with his strong, toned arm around her, keeping her close, she still felt... unsafe. Unsafe of the unknown.
Blinking the thoughts away, Betty looked towards Archie's bed to find her two best friends intertwined with each other. Veronica's shiny black hair splayed across the pillow as her and Archie faced each other. Their limbs were tangled together in a web of comfort and intimacy. Betty felt a sense of happiness inside her heart at the fact that they'd found each other. They'd all found each other. Betty couldn't say for sure if Archie and Veronica were each others soulmates, but she knew Jughead was hers.
They were all sleeping at Archie's house that night, none of them wanting to be alone in the dark. Not after Jughead was jumped at Southside High, or Riverdale's students were all being terrorised by some ruthless killer with a gun, or Betty's receiving of an unnerving message from the killer himself. Granted the higher fraction of those problems were being kept as secrets by Riverdale's sweethearts, they still made them feel unsafe.
It had been earlier that day when Betty had seen the thin brown parcel on her doorstep. She'd seen one almost identical to the present one when the killer sent the letter to her parents to print in their newspaper, along with Fred Andrews' blood-soaked wallet and Miss Grundy's discarded heart-shaped sunglasses. Except this one wasn't labelled 'Cooper' in block capital letters. It was labelled 'Betty'.
Inside the parcel was a single piece of paper. The paper was some sort of message, but she didn't know exactly what the message was. Single numbers and intricate shapes scattered the page, and those formal rows had been haunting her all day.
Betty had sat there for hours in the Blue and Gold office, trying to figure out what it meant, but she couldn't. It wasn't as simple as she'd hoped. Something about the situation sent chills down her spine and made her blood run cold. Somehow, she was at the centre of these killings. Betty could feel it in her bones. Deep down, she knew this was personal. It was like this man was committing these crimes... for her.
All she could think about was the man with the mask, gun in hand, terrorising the people of her town. Terrorising her friends and family. Terrorising her.
The man ran around her brain, jumping from cell to cell. His green eyes burned through her skull, emphasising the holes in the mask. Figures of the code swarmed in the pools of her mind, blurring in and out of her vision. Betty's body shook with fear as the killer reached up and slowly tore his mask away. It revealed a blurry face with a sharp-toothed, taunting grin to match his depersonalised orbs. He stared at her, a predatory gleam radiating from his sockets. Suddenly, he lunged forward and-
Betty shot up, quietly panting in shock, with wide eyes and a confused look on her face. Relieved, she brought her hand up to her chest to try and slow her breathing as she realised she was still in Archie's room with her friends and boyfriend. Speaking of Jughead, he was now also awake from Betty's sudden jolt.
"Hey," he spoke tiredly, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder and sitting up. "You okay, Betty?"
"Um, yeah." Betty gulped, leaning into his touch, "it was just a nightmare. Sorry."
"It's okay. Don't apologise." Jughead began carefully rubbing her back, bringing his other hand to rub across her knee.
Betty grinned a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, continuing to look around. Logically, she knew the killer wasn't here, and that it was just the four of them in that room, and Mr Andrews in his own room. But a part of her, the shivering part, was consumed by fear and the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he'd got in there with them. Jughead noticed this.
Betty felt Jughead remove his hand from her knee and bring it up to her face, cupping the blonde's chin and making her look at him.
"It's okay, I'm here. You're okay. You're safe." He gently whispered, searching her eyes. Betty nodded timidly, giving him a relieved smile as she realised he was right. In that moment, she was safe.
Satisfied, Jughead wrapped his arm around her side and tenderly laid them back down on the mattress.
"Try to get some sleep, okay?" Jughead breathed, bringing them into a spooning position with his arm protectively locked around her. Betty nodded once again, feeling somewhat comforted by the Jones boy's actions this time.
But she couldn't sleep. She knew Jughead would die before he let anything bad happen to her. And that's what she was afraid of. He protected her. And she had to protect him. Which is why he couldn't know about the message. At least, not yet. Betty would keep him safe. She had to.
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kneesheee · 7 years
Sweet Pea’ Sapphire
Sapphire was missing.
No one knew where she was or if she was even okay. She wasn’t answering any phone calls. Which okay, her friends weren’t exactly surprised that she wasn’t answering them.
But it caused a massive freak out when she didn’t answer for FP. Sapphire almost always answers for FP and when she doesn’t, she makes sure to call back.
But she hasn’t, and it’s been almost a week.
The Serpents were going crazy looking for the girl, but nothing could come up. At least until the newest segment from the Black Hood had everyone on their toes.
“People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child-killer and others like him. Now, you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test. And I will be watching you very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again.” –
Sapphire couldn’t see in the small room she was being held up. A blindfold had already been placed over her head. She couldn’t remember much. The last thing she could recall was crying and looking over the river. Someone had walked out from the woods and everything went blank from there.
“Don’t you worry, Kate Keepon. Your fate lies in the hands of Riverdale now.” –
Riverdale was full of idiots. No one except those on the southside seemed to be taking the Black Hood’s words seriously. Until pictures appeared in their newspapers. The Riverdale Register and Southside Segment.
Cleansing Sapphires
By Jughead Jones
What you are about to witness are three twisted tales connected to the tragic and macabre events that befell the town of Riverdale. Known as the “Black Hood murders,” they were all the more tragic because those who bore witness to these terrible things were so young. A seemingly random shooting quickly revealed itself to be the first in a series of gruesome attacks perpetrated by a hooded assailant. These latest chapters began with the discovery if a letter from the Black Hood affixed to the door of Pop Tate’s Chock'lit shoppe.
Unfortunately, for the citizens of Riverdale it did not stop there. Two days later, Pop Tate received a phone call late in the night at his Chock’lit shoppe. It was a call from the Black Hood. The town had failed his test. Everyone was a sinner and the reckoning was amongst them.
Not even a day later, not only did a picture emerge but also a jacket. A Southside Serpent’s jacket. In that picture, lying, bloodied, unconscious and gagged was the Southside’s own Sapphire Maria Stone.
A promise in a note came with the photograph and the jacket. The fate of Riverdale and the livelihood of Sapphire had fallen into their hands. They had failed and now, there was one last test. A chance to be redeemed. The only way to do that was to confess. Confess their sins and Sapphire would be spared. And with her life, so shall Riverdale.
The note had read: To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
“What the fuck,” Fangs growled as he read through the newspaper. “What does this even mean?”
He didn’t receive an answer as Toni and Jughead and Jones’ girlfriend were furiously bent over notes regarding Sapphire trying to figure out everything. Fangs was pretty sure he saw Sapphire’s birth certificate in their piles of paper.
Joaquin sat beside him stressing and worrying about his sister. He was pale and shivering and his hair wasn’t even combed backwards, but he kept his eyes trained onto the stack of papers in in front of their friends.
Sweet Pea had pulled a chair up to the table, but he hadn’t stopped staring at the picture of Sapphire lying lifeless on the ground. He took in her appearance his eyes raking over every bruise that was visible and the blood running down her face. He didn’t know what to think, but all he could really do was blame himself.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
“Fuck,” Sweet Pea growled as he smashed his fist into the table. He was so confused and frustrated. He needed to do something. Anything to save Sapphire.
Anything to get rid of the gloominess across the town. Anything to get rid of the stress and weariness in his mother’s and grandmother’s face. Anything it get rid of the nightmares tormenting his younger brothers.
“The beginning,” Joaquin whispered as if he just had a revelation. “The Black Hood started his attacks here, but where did it really begin? Where did everything start that Sapphire would really know about…”
Toni looked up at Joaquin with her eyes widening in realization. Jughead and the blonde turned to look at her, but she cut her eyes to Sweet Pea and Fangs. The two boys felt their heart stops as the realization came to them. Joaquin nodded his head when the three of them turned back to him.
“Sweetwater River,” they all breathed out. It was as if the temperature dropped. It was as if darkness itself was welcoming them.
Jughead looked between them confused, “The river what? What are you guys talking about?”
Toni turned towards Jughead and Betty, “Everything changed in Riverdale when Jason Blossom died and it all started at the river. We all knew what happened to Jason that day. Sapphire knew what happened to Jason.”
Four out of five of the Serpents looked at each other before Toni and Joaquin were stuffing the papers into their bags and trying to rush out of Pop’s at the same time. Jughead and Betty looked at each other before they too were following behind the serpents. Betty and Jughead sent out a group messages to get everyone down to the river and to bring their parents.
The ride to the river was a quiet one. It was filled with anticipation and dread as they drove through the roads with ease. They barely waited ten minutes before everyone else was pulling up behind them.
To save her from her end, go back to where it all began.
“Betty, what is the meaning of this,” Alice Cooper demanded as she walked closer to her daughter glaring at the Serpents near her. Though before the girl could reply to her mother, a loud gasp was heard, and all eyes turned towards Toni who was staring up at one of the cliffs on the other side of the lake.
Standing there was the Black Hood in all his glory. His head was still covered with that idiotic ski mask, but in his hands blindfolded, bloodied, and gagged was Sapphire Stone. Even from a distance everyone could see how her shirt stuck to her and how pale her skin was making the dried blood on her even more visible.
“Let her go,” Joaquin yelled as he walked forward. His eyes never straying from his sister.
His heart stopped the second the Black Hood aimed a gun to her head and held up a device to his lips.
“The fate of Riverdale and the livelihood of this whore rest in your hands. You failed me once before and now, I am giving you one last chance at redemption. The only way to do that was to confess. Confess to your sins and Sapphire would be spared. And with her life, so shall Riverdale,” he called out. His voice unfamiliar and garbled in a way that suggest he was using a modifier. “The confessing will begin with Archie Andrews.”
Archie stepped forward a little nervously to have all eyes on him, but the desperate look in the Serpents’ eyes made him pause. The desperate and pleading look in Jughead’s eyes steeled his resolve. And, not wanting to be the cause of her death.
“Confess to your sins. For each lie told,” he pulled out the dagger that Fangs’ gave her. “she will suffer the consequences.”
Archie gulped, “I was sleeping with Ms. Grundy before she left Riverdale. I used a fake ID card to buy a gun. Um, I have underage sex? I did jingle jangle. I lied to Sheriff Keller, Principal Wetherbee, and my dad about being on the Southside and waving the gun around. I’ve lied to my friends on occasions because my pride was too strong. I felt murderous and revengeful when my dad was shot going to extreme measures to avenge him. I- “
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Archie Andrews, your sins have been forgiven. Antonia Topaz, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Toni stepped forward nervously, but she kept her eyes trained on Sapphire, “I joined the Southside Serpents which most would consider a gang. I fought people, stolen things, and threatened more people. I’m bisexual and in most people’s eye that is a sin. My camera contains pictures that I could use for blackmail. I have underage sex. I kissed Jughead and made out with Sapphire even when I knew neither were over their exes. I’ve lied to people. I- “
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Toni Topaz, your sins have been forgiven. Veronica Lodge, step forward and confess to your sins.” Veronica stepped forward slowly and took a deep breath. Her mother and father both reached out to grab a hold of her, but ended up standing beside her in a show of comfort.
“I’ve manipulated people for the sake of my amusement. I once kissed Betty and risked our friendship by kissing Archie once. I’ve lied to my parents before. I’ve done drugs and had underage sex. I broke into Ms. Grundy’s car with Betty and helped her seduce Chuck to get him to admit what he had done to me. I helped Betty stalk- “
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Since you have been in Riverdale, you have redeemed yourself of the sins you committed before. Veronica Lodge, your sins have been forgiven. Alice Cooper, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Alice Cooper stepped forward with her head held high. She kept her eyes trained on the Black Hood not paying attention to the girl on the ground. “What do you want to know?”
“You can start with your children,” the Black Hood stated and Alice nearly faltered. She cleared her throat even as her eyes narrowed.
“I had a child out of wedlock with FP Jones in high school. Instead of having an abortion like Hal had wanted, I gave him up for adoption. P-“
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Alice Cooper, your sin has been forgiven. Hal Cooper, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Hal stepped to his wife’s side and she held onto his hand for support. “I’m actually a Blossom by blood and I’ve been lying about it. I tried to convince Alice to get an abortion, and I tried to do the same for my daughter, Polly. I sent her away to keep her and Jason Blossom from being together. I broke into Sheriff’s Keller house and took his papers and all of the evidence so that he wouldn’t make the connection between the Coopers and Blossoms. I-“
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Hal Cooper, your sins have been forgiven. Sierra McCoy, step forward and confess to your sins.” Mayor McCoy stepped forward with her head held high. She didn’t particular want to confess but the only thing she could see as she gazed upon the beautiful and scarred brown skinned teenager in the hands of the Black Hood was Josie. Her precious baby girl.
“I lied to Josie about the extent of the death threats that I had been receiving. I allowed Hermione Lodge to pay me anonymously to make way for the closing and destruction of the Twilight Drive-In. I had the students at Southside High arrested without a warrant from the judge. I-I-I’m having an affair with Tom Keller.”
Gasps of shock and outrage came from both of their children at the news and they both looked to their respective parent. The heartbreak and disbelief were clear on their faces as they took in that fact.
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Sierra McCoy, your sins have been forgiven. Fangs Forgarty, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Fangs took a deep breath before he stepped closer and kept his eyes trained on Sapphire. “I joined the Southside Serpents which most would consider a gang. I fought people, stolen things, and threatened more people. I’ve lied to my friends on occasion and I have underage sex. I had sex with Sapphire even though I knew she wasn’t over Sweet Pea.”
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Fangs Forgarty, your sins have been forgiven. Cheryl Blossom, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Her mother whipped her hand out and stopped her daughter from moving, “She doesn’t have to do anything.”
The Black Hood said nothing as he slashed the knife across Sapphire’s back which brought her into consciousness with a muffled scream.
“Cheryl Blossom, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Though Penelope wasn’t letting her daughter take another step, and in revenge, the Black Hood swiped at Sapphire again before refusing the gag. “I will continue this until you confess.”
To emphasize his point, he slashed her back again and this time everyone could hear her scream of pain. Everyone winced as they could hear the agony in her shriek.
Sweet Pea turned towards Cheryl with a look of complete desperation, “Flower, please. If you don’t do this, she’ll die.”
“Good riddance,” her mother sneered, but Cheryl straightened her spine and walked around her mother.
“I lied about Jay-Jay drowning in the river to cover up the fact that he wanted to run away. I manipulated my way into Sapphire’s friend circle to take away her happiness because I was jealous. I’ve blackmailed people to do my bidding and to make sure I had control over them. I stole Nana Blossom’s ring from my mother and told them that I flushed it down the drain. I took drugs. I burned down our mansion in order to cleanse my family of the hellish nightmare that I had been living. I’ve lied under-“
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “Cheryl Blossom, your sins have been forgiven. Betty Cooper, step forward and confess to your sins.”
“…I drugged Chuck and handcuffed to a rail, then pushed his head into boiling water with my heel and pouring maple syrup on his face. I disrespected the dead by using going to Jason Blossom’s memorial as cover story to break into his room. I pretended to be Polly to Nana Blossom even though she has alzheirmer’s….
“…I went against Jughead’s trust in me and disrespected his wishes by having a surprise part for him. Blackmail. I kept a cover of Clifford Blossom murdering Jason and used it to blackmail Cheryl. I betrayed Kevin and Archie’s trust. I disrespected Archie’s wishes to stay out of his business by pretending to have an “interview” with Ms. Grundy which was really a way for her to get Grundy to admit to her relationship with Archie…”
“…Which was not only disrespectful to our friendship, but also an abuse of power since I lied about using it for the school’s newspaper. I broke into Ms. Grundy’s car. And even though Kevin told me to not worry about his late night jogging around Fox Forest, I still went behind his back and told his dad. I lied to my parents and Sheriff Keller about the letter you sent me…”
“…I broke into Sheriff Keller’s house and went through his things and I coerced Veronica to help me stalk him and I found out that he-“
“That is enough,” the Black Hood stated calmly. “I told you that we were alike, Betty. Your sins have been forgiven. Sweet Pea, step forward and confess to your sins.”
Sapphire jerked back against her bonds. She didn’t want to hear his sins. She hadn’t want to hear any of their sins. Except well Mayor McCoy’s because fuck, that would’ve been some good blackmail.
“It seem our resident Kate Keepon wants to share her sins,” the Black Hood stated.
Who the fuck is Kate Keepon?
“He’s calling her a whore,” Jughead stated. “Kate Keepon was a whore in one of Shakespeare’s plays.”
“Go ahead, Sapphire. Confess to your sins,” the Black Hood continued. He took the blindfold off her face and they watched as her dark brown eyes finally came into view. Her right eye was swollen, but that didn’t stop fierce snarl that over took her features.
When she didn’t answer immediately, the Black Hood sliced her back once again and she screamed out in agony.
“You son of a bitch,” she growled and just for that answer, he made a long swipe from an unmarked part of her back to her stomach. Sapphire cried out loudly and gasp as black spots started to appear in her vision.
“Sapphire Stone, you have pledge guilty to your sins. It is time to face punishment.”
Everyone watched with wide eyes and baited breath as the Black Hood pushed Sapphire off the cliff. The only sound that could be heard was her panic filled screams and the chorus of “Sapphire!” coming from all the Serpents in the area. They were all running forward towards the river right as she hit the water with a loud splash.
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Hyde Park // Jughead Jones
Summary: As Archie’s older sister you return to Riverdale amid the closing of the Jason Blossom murder case when tragedy strikes your life. Traumatized you race home from England to the comfort of your Dad’s arms. To think it tragedy would strike again in the Andrews family just weeks are your return.
Characters: Jughead Jones x Andrews!Reader, Archie Andrews, Fred Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, OFC!Ruth Abbott, and Mary Andrews
Words: 2752
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or the characters. Nor do I own any images, gifs, jokes and lyrics that may appear in this.
Warnings: Swearing, injuries, traumatic event, Riverdale shooting, death (mentioend), fluff and angst
Author: Caitsy
A/N: I really love this one for some reason. Please request more Teen Wolf and Riverdale imagines. Thank you.
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Walking towards your seats near the front of the room in the concert area you giggled with the girl beside you. Both with a closed can of alcohol, thank god for the youngest age limit, you were excited for the concert to begin. It was your first in your new home and to have it with the first person you connected with after the flight you were ecstatic.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe we’re seeing this!” Ruth screamed over the music. It was getting you pumped and hearing Ruth’s accent really set into your mind.
“Best way to end the week and our break begins!” You yelled back as the announcer called out the band.
“I hope your pumped London! Give it up for Machine Gun Kelly!” The entire Hype Park area freaked as he walked on stage.
You weren’t crazy obsessed with him but Ruth was a massive fan so when he announced he would be appearing in the small concert you knew you had to come. Getting cheap tickets was easy when you knew the right people.
“We’re going to start with Bad Things!” MGK called out before it began.
Ruth and you abandoned your empty cans on the ground to dance in your area not caring about anything. You weren’t sure how long it was before someone managed to get on stage.
“GET DOWN!” They screamed before a ear bursting loud boom split the area with grass and dirt flying everywhere. The stage crashed from the force, you didn’t know what was up or down but you knew something was wrong. Someone had spilt their beer on you and the glass had hit you because you hurt so much.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” Ruth screamed trying to shove pass people in a fury to move.
You whimpered when you were pushed on to the ground where panicked feet moved different ways. You blacked out when a shoe slammed into your face.
“Archie come here!” Fred Andrews yelled from the living room. His eyes stuck on the tv screen.
“I’m bu-“
“Archibald! NOW.”
The frenzy nearly had Archie fall down the stairs in his hurry to get to his Dad. Archie hadn’t heard his father yell that before. He was unprepared when he found Fred collapsed into a chair with his hands clasped together in front of his face. On the screen was flashing lights and a newscast speaking with a banner going across the bottom.
A Tragedy Has Struck Westminster, London at Hyde Park.
“What’s going on Dad?”
“Call your sister.”
“Dad I’m sure she’s fine. She’s been busy with school.” Archie nervously said biting his lip, “She broke her phone.”
There wasn’t much the Andrews’ men could do as the information came forth.
“Just four short months after a bomb went off at the Manchester Arena another concert tragedy has occurred. In Hyde Park the musician Machine Gun Kelly had a concert when just shy of half way through a bomb was detonated. No information has come forth on the numbers injured and dead but we have facts to believe it’s in the dozens.”
Archie’s hands shook as he struggled to get his phone out of his pocket to call your emergency contact. Ruth Abbott had taken you under her wing when you decided on going to accept Oxford University in England as your choice of education.
The phone rang before it was angrily picked up.
“This isn’t funny.” The voice was deeper.
“Is Ruth there?”
“No. She’s out and this isn’t funny. Stop calling this number.” The man seethed before the call was cut.
“No answer.” Archie murmured looking up.
“Go to school Archie.” Fred groaned looking back up at the tv. The newscaster glanced behind her before returning her eyes to the camera.

“We have a confirmed attendant by the Y/N Andrews safely in one of the houses taking in people for safety.”

Fred and Archie sighed in relief as they each collapsed into a chair no longer anxious if she was dead. Clapping his hand on his father’s should Archie turned to grab his bag.
“However Y/N’s friend Ruth Abbott has been confirmed to be in critical condition at the nearest hospital. We have no information on the suspect.”
“She must be devastated.” Fred sighed shaking head to turn off the tv, “I should get to work. Y/N will call when she can.”
A few weeks passed by with revelations hitting the small town from FP getting arrested being the most talked about. Ms. Grundy leaving town was another but nothing could match when news broke out about London again.
Clueless Archie had opened his locker to grab his textbook not noticing the looks from everyone. He barely noticed when Betty carefully closed his locker to garner his attention.
“Did you finish the biology homework?” He questioned, “The last question has me.”
“Arch.” Betty softly spoke steering her best friend into the Blue and Gold.
“What’s wrong?” Archie asked looking at her.
“Have you looked at the news?” Betty said sitting on her desk. 
“It’s bad Archie.” Betty sighed, “You haven’t heard from Y/N because she was in hospital.”

“No she’s safe and can’t call. She’s saving money for a phone.” Archie reaffirmed his feelings on the situation just as Jughead, sitting at his desk in the Blue and Gold, turned his screen.
There on the screen was you with your suitcase he had got your for your eighteenth birthday just a few weeks before you left. You had a high IQ with enough credits to bypass your senior year entirely and get into Oxford University with acceptances from Brown university and Yale.
You were alone in an airport staring blankly as you were shadowed by a man in a uniform until you were out the camera view. You were layered in clothing that you wouldn’t have done previously.
“Archie. She was in a coma for a week with no ID or friends to give her a name. Ultimately she was a Jane Doe until she woke up and she stayed another week due to injuries.”
“They should have known it wasn’t her!” Archie screamed furiously rubbing his eyes.
“Common mistaken identity.” Jughead said, “They both had red hair, brown eyes and Archie it was a complete disaster on the event. They couldn’t focus on Y/N.”
You gasped lurching in your seat as your dream cemented in your mind with Ruth front and centre glaring at you. You saw you were still on the plane heading back to Riverdale with the financial help of Mr and Mrs. Abbott and their healthy bank account. You didn’t want to leave Ruth but you were being forced back to America because the Abbott’s knew you needed to be far from London.
“Thank you for flying with us!”
You brushed your hand over your baggy sweater from the healing wounds were on your body. In the words of Natasha Romanoff in the marvel movies, ‘bye-bye bikinis’ because you certainly wouldn’t show them off.
Mrs. Abbott had insisted on paying for the cab you would take from the airport home because you didn’t remember what your family’s number were at all. You had lost your phone during the bombing and didn’t have the money to get a new one. You were relieved when your childhood home came into your line of sight.
“Thank you.” You mumbled shoving a few bills at the cabbie. He grunted as you dragged your bags to the door. You tiptoed until you felt the spare key on the edge of the doorframe.
“Home sweet home.” You murmured to yourself as you walked into your bedroom still painted the colour to had demanded when you were able to get rid of the pink.
You walked into your bathroom to wash your face but when you looked up you saw a bloodied Ruth instead.
“No. No.” You whimpered scrambling to shove your back against the wall curling in on yourself, “It’s not real.”
With your eyes closed you forgot where you were until you opened your eyes to see the Hyde Park clear as day. You could still smell the scent in the air while Ruth slowly turned her eyes to you.
“It’s your fault.”
You screamed before opening your eyes and looking down to see blood on your hands from pressing your nails into your skin. You had a long recovery ahead of you. Not trusting yourself to not remember that day you used the bathroom and came out to your dark room. Grabbing your computer you put on your favourite movie.
Time passed before you heard the front door slam open but you heard the deafening sound from the bomb in the park. Pushing yourself off the bed you crawled underneath waiting for the man in your nightmares to appear. Logically you knew he was dead but emotionally you were sure he was terrorizing you.
“Are you sure?” Your Dad, Fred, asked from downstairs.

“I can’t get a hold of anyone. They’re not sure if she got on the plane.” The sweet familiar voice of your mother replied while keys were dropped on the table.
You whimpered feeling that need to be held by your Dad came back strong as it had since you left Riverdale in the first place. You just wanted to feel protected like you always did in his arms growing up.
“Can Sheriff Keller call someone?”
“Archie, Keller doesn’t have any contacts or jurisdiction.” Another voice chimed in, the same voice that caused your heart to race.
You slowly opened the door to walk to the stairs with a slight limp from your left leg you barely even noticed anymore. It was a struggle getting up the stairs initially but you had managed but getting down them would be another one entirely.
The step slightly creaked when you stepped on it causing the entire house to go still. Fred was the first to come around the wall not yet looking up the stairs.
“Daddy?” You sobbed getting his attention.
“Y/N.” Fred yelled racing up the stairs to pull you into a hug, “My baby.”

“I’m scared.” You whimpered the tears fully running down your cheeks.
“I’m here baby.” Your Dad sighed kissing your head as he pulled you in tighter, “I’m never letting you go again.”
Your Dad swept you into his arms to get down the stairs where the three people stood in silent shock.
“You’re alive.” Archie breathed before almost knocking you on the ground, “I thought you were gone.”
You hadn’t felt safe ever since the accident so when your brother and parents hugged you for the first time in months you finally felt safe again. The family reunion was raw with emotion still high from the unknown of everything. Yet at the same time it was palpable with relief at knowing you were out of harms way.
Adjusting back to life post accident was tough with Riverdale all knowing you were back and spreading rumours on your injuries. It ranged from a minor cut to be ghastly third degree burns and a prosthetic leg.
You banned anyone other than your family into the house, even Jughead, because you were disgusted with everything. You couldn’t be around loud sounds without being mentally transported back to Hyde Park and large crowds made you extremely uncomfortable.
“Y/N?” Your Dad said opening the door up, “You okay?”
“I’m fine Dad.” You shifted on your feet.
“Archie and I are going to Pops for breakfast, do you want to come with us?”
“No thank you. I’m not ready yet."
“I have to go to the construction site later but if you want me to stay I can come back from breakfast.”
“I’ll be fine.” You weakly stated moving towards your open bedroom door, “I’ll have to face the town at some point.”
“Take your time.”
You spent your time alone in the house in the kitchen staring in the abyss you called your fridge currently. You wouldn’t mind food from Pops but at the same time you didn’t want to leave the house and face the looks. You were sure things would never get better because you barely slept with the nightmares and not knowing if Ruth was going to be okay or not didn’t help.
You screamed when the front door slammed open before stomping feet thundered in the entry way.
“Shit sorry. I was trying to balance the trays.” Jughead chuckled before seeing your terrified expression, “Shit.”
“I-I’m fine.” You gasped leaning over closing your eyes tight, “You’re in Riverdale. You’re safe. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry.” Jughead soothed pulling you into his arms. You barely felt the tears falling down your cheeks as you pressed your hands onto his chest to ground yourself.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be the same.” You choked.
“That’s okay.” Jughead murmered into your hair, “I’ll be there when you fall and when you pick yourself up again and again.”
“You shouldn’t. I’m ugly.” You sniffled forcefully pushed back to see his stunned expression.
“You are not ugly.”
“I am. I’m scared physically and emotionally.” You cried trying to escape his warmth.

“So am I.” Jughead sighed, “When the drinking first got bad with Dad he got angry one night. He threw the glass at the wall and I stumbled into it. I’m scarred too.”
“Did he hit you?”
“No.” Jughead quickly shook his head, “My Dad may be an ass but he would never lay a finger on Jellybean or me. Ever.”

“Ruth was excited to see the concert. I was too because I got to see my best friend light up in ways she hadn’t in a long time. When it happened it was blinding both by scent and hearing. I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t hear anything when it went off. I tried to get away but I fell and then its black.”
“You don’t have to talk about it.” Jughead whispered leaning against the counter with you in his arms.
“It was a nice day out and Ruth was yelling. It was like I was underwater with no escape and I just…I was fucking scared.” You whimpered burrowing further into his arms.
“I won’t let anything hurt you anymore.” Jughead murmured into your ear leading you to sit on the couch. You were surprised at how safe you felt in his arms even if you had heard from your brother that Jughead was a serpent following his father’s arrest and the whole Clifford Blossom being Jason’s murderer.
“Thank you.”
The next hour involved him playing with your hands together and taking your mind off of everything by telling you stories about anything and everything. Things changed when Jughead got a call from changed everything for you. Dad had been shot in a robbery at Pops. You didn’t think when you ran for the door shoving your feet into your abandoned shoes and racing out side, you hesitated when you saw that Jughead had a motorcycle.
You didn’t care. You got on after he did and took off to the odd hospital that had strange uniforms that bordered on past decades. You met with Archie’s other friends Betty and Veronica with their parents before you slammed into Archie’s arms not caring of the blood.
“How is he?” You exclaimed running your eyes over the splotchy red marks staining Archie’s cast, lettermen jacket and his skin.
“I-I don’t know.” Archie whimpered as multiple arms surrounded him. You noticed that Hal and Alice were talking to the reception. You were close to collapsing when Archie whispered exactly what happened and you collapse again feeling as if you were back in Hyde Park again.
Jughead led you to a waiting chair when your leg started hurting more and the movement was starting to really hurt. You leaned down in your chair welcoming when Jughead put his arm you and became your support.
In the time you father was in surgery and then resting in the hospital Jughead and you grew even closer to the point where you silently got together. A bad scenario brought out a relationship you should have expected but didn’t see coming and you were very happy. He stayed when your Dad got out of the hospital, when the Abbott’s called to tell you that Ruth had passed away from her injuries. He was there and you loved him for it.
Forever Tag List
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky @harleenq4life @runs-with-sciss0rs @superhero-lover101 @ridingmoxley
Riverdale Taglist
@n0average @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sgarrett49 @jarchiee @casismyguardianangel @supernovares @juggie-sprouse @an-enigmatic-avenger @leah-khaleesi @rax-writes @shameless-danni @rapunzxl @peetapansneverland @peetapansneverland @sebby-staan @katshrev @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1 @semoremohhh @gilly-grantgustin-the-flash-glee @roses-are-bae @jackyfrost01 @cheytheredhead @my-baby-daryldixon @ladyfairenvale
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