#Guardians of the Galazy
tina-aumont · 1 year
Interesting Article from 2021...
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crimsonkingart · 10 months
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Okay, I like genderswap, technically also Rocket is a female, but raccons don't have Dimorphism, so… Uh, you can't see difference 🫠😂😂❤️
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mintycurry · 1 year
// Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Guardians of the Galazy Vol. 3 did something barely any Marvel projects has managed to do.
They made me fully hate the villain.
He didn't need a compelling backstory or any radical (albeit somewhat logical) ideology to feel like a full-fledged character.
I didn't have to emphatize with him at all. He is simply a cruel and obsessed man with a God-complex who has no real reasoning except for the fact that he can. In doing so, they successfully made me hate him. Bravo.
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espresswhore · 19 days
IM GOOD !! how are youuu 🤭 have u watched any more marvel movies since u fell asleep during that one captain america movie ajskdkd
iuhfgujfdjhujff i am...surviving!!! i just finished half of guardians of the galazy hehehe how are you doing today bb?
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yukkoislost · 1 month
I dont rememver a majority of it, i remember the end.
Like it was a girl just fainting and then suddenly she had a flashback where it showed she was, i think a anteater.
She found a baby anteater and then instantly the sky turned orange and they got sucked into the sun???
I think watching half of guardians of the galazy 3 influenced me having a realistic animal dream
HELPPP that sounds kinda silly ngl HDJEHSHD
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batfleckwayne · 1 year
it is a dream come true we finally have someone in charge who loves comics and cares about these characters :)! i really dont get the hate for gunn, cause hes clearly passionate and invested in getting the characters right. feels like people just wanna hate on him for not being snyder. guardians of the galazy, the suicide squad, and peacemaker were amazing so im excited about his stuff. especially superman and the waller show. but im glad the batman gets to keep being its own thing!
I do agree that having someone who loves comics and cares about the characters is a good thing, I'm not at all disputing that. However, I can't speak for other people, and I want to make clear that I'm only speaking for my own opinion here, but my dislike for Gunn is twofold.
First, I don't particularly like his work, the exception being the live-action Scooby Doo movies. His humor and my humor are so far apart that most of his work comes across to me as immature at best, and gross at worst. (Maybe I don't mind it in the Scooby Doo movies because I view those as kid's movies?) Of his DC projects (I haven't seen his Marvel stuff and can't speak to them) I have yet to like one.
Second, I don't like him as a person. I have yet to forget when he said he was "hoping for a Marvel-DC crossover so Tony Stark can 'turn'" Kate Kane, along with several other disgusting comments about female comic book characters, both Marvel and DC. (Here's an article about it, the original blog post has been long taken down. And here's a tumblr post from around that time that includes some more of his quotes.) That’s not my sole reason for disliking him, but it’s the earliest example I can think of. His internet presence, in general, over the years has really put me off to the point where I have him blocked on twitter.
I don't care if other people like him, that's fine, you do you. But I never will, and he definitely isn't losing sleep over it.
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corvidawe · 1 year
Movie's I like List:
Bullet Train
Mr. Right
The Lost City
Love and Monsters
Knives Out
Ready Player One
Galaxy Quest <3
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galazy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Spiderman: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Ant-man and Wasp
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
Black Widow
Shang Chi
Deadpool 2
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Robin Hood
The Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Revolutions
Star Wars 3-6
Shawshank Redemption
Hunt for Red October
The Cell
Indiana Jones 1-3
Blade Runner
Erin Brockovich
The Pelican Brief
The Saint
The Net
Lord of the Rings (all)
Hobbit (all)
Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow
Jumanji 2
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold
Willow <3
Alice in Wonderland (live action & animated) <3
Enola Holmes
Gunpowder Milkshake
The Greatest Showman <3
Into the Woods
Monty python search for holy grail
Men in Black
Robin Hood (live action & animated)
The Craft
Men in Black
Sense and Sensibility
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Last Holiday
Maid in Manhattan
Singing in the Rain
Let's Dance (1950)
I Was a Male War Bride (1949)
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Incorrect Quote #59
Drax: No one has a crush on me
Drax: I am too strong to be crushed
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wicckip · 3 years
What If...? E9 (Finale!) thoughts
I'm SO sorry for not posting this sooner. I was caught up with exams... But without any further ado, here are my thoughts on rewatching!
Spoilers! (Obviously)
Marvel Studios intro: let's go. I cannot tell you how excited I was for this when it first came out.
Batroc???? What's he going to be doing in this one???
Oh it's Captain Carter: The Winter Soldier
And they were best of two female friends✨
I swear this is shot for shot of the movie
Poor Peter...
The Guardians music!
Star Lord T'Challa, leader of the Ravagers and lost prince of Wakanda
Ok, now I'm just mad they didn't show us this timeline this season
Tony stop saying "suit of armour around the world" challenge (Impossible)
Shuri you're like 12-
Why is he recruiting Killmonger isn't he a villain-
LMAO the Ragnarok Welcome to Sakaar screaming callback
Stephen and Thor beer callback
So do T'Challa and Erik recognise each other?
The Six Infinity gum drops
So where did they get the Chinese takeout?
No sign of intelligent life.
Strange's quoting the Ancient One, aww...
They get cool magic armour!
Party pooper!
He duplicated Myuh-myuh!
Shang-Chi dragon?
Omg is that...
Aww she faltered when she saw Vision's face under the armour 🥲
...And he blew her up
Yeah it's Apocalypse Natasha!
Why didn't
Father - Ivan vs Daddy - Alexei, so Yondu was right: there really is a difference.
I love this long take of Ultron having his ass handed to him
...And I love this Soul Stone long take too. Reminds me of GoTG vol. 2 intro with Baby Groot
So the same infinity stones from different universes can be used at the same time...
Oh, strange's different demon sides all coming out... the art is amazing
For a moment I thought Gamora was gonna steal all the stones
The iconic Avengers round shot!
I love the sound design in this show...
Natasha called Peggy Cap!!
Who would have thought that Zola would be the one to defeat save them all?
"This one's for you, Clint." 😭😭😭
Hydra (Hive?) tentacles!
No fair. He can just disintegrate and absorb Vibranium like that?
The Wakandan flute instrument coming in... chills.
Zola in comic-form! No one would have thought he would be in the Vision's body...
...So The Watcher had a Dr. Strange moment and knew that Erik would backstab everyone this whole time...
So now The Sorceror Supreme becomes a Watcher... (Please come back in Multiverse of Madness...)
Damn Natasha's attacking us, the viewers
I 100% forgot about this episode lol
Love how Fury isn't freaked out by this
I know a lot of people were clamouring for the Watcher to put Natasha back in the "Sacred Timeline" but that would totally cheapen our-timeline Nat's sacrifice.
...to the eeeeend.
Man they really can't resist bringing Steve to the future, can they?
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winterhalcyon · 5 years
If Endgame happens five years after Infinity War and Far From Home happens sometime after Endgame, does that mean that Peters entire class also got dusted by Thanos and then brought back? Or did half of them stay alive, graduate, and go on to live sad lives until the Avengers invented time travel and brought everybody back? And if so, is there also a group of kids who didn’t get dusted and have been going to school this whole time who now have to share their classrooms with the kids who vanished and now have to keep going to school cause no time has passed for them?
Did the entire academic structure just break down after the snap and its been a free for all educational roller coaster for everybody left in the universe? Who was teaching these kids if half of the population suddenly disappeared and teachers are already in short supply? WHO.
Will we get to meet a new cast of school friends that Peter gets to interact with now that the world has been turned back to the way it was before Thanos won? Do we also get to see these weird hardened by the apocalypse children who were like 11 or 12 when everything went down and have learned to live in a world changed so drastically and quickly by a force they probably never even saw? 
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unirach · 6 years
the call for "Rick & Morty" to be terminated, Guardians of the Galaxy di...
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slutforametalarm · 3 years
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a date- Peter Quill x Reader
warnings: none, just fluff
You and Peter sat together in the Milano, listening to some of his music. Peter danced around the ship, making goofy expression and lip syncing along to the song.
"I can't stop this feeling... deep inside of me," you sand loudly, grinning from ear to ear.
"Girl, you just don't realize what you do to me," Peter sang the next verse. He was smiling as well. He close the distance between you, taking you into his arms. You were best friends, so this wasn't anything unusual, but it sent your heart racing. Lately you'd been feeling differently towards him. Not in a bad way. The complete opposite actually.
"When you hold me in your arms so tight, you let me know everything's alright," you sang, trying to ignore the blush creeping onto your face.
The two of you sang the chorus together. "I, I'm hooked on a feeling! I'm high on believing that you're in love with me!"
You were so busy singing the lyrics tot he sighed that you didn't even notice that Peter had stopped singing and his eyes were on you. He suddenly stopped you, holding a hand over your mouth and looking you in the eye. He slowly pulled his hand away from your mouth and you stayed quiet, unsure as to what was happening.
"Got a bug from you, girl, but I don't need no cure." Peter kept singing the words to the song, slowly inching closer to you. "I'll just stay a victim if I can for sure."
You were completely silent, simply staring at him in shock. He grew quiet as well.
"I really, really like you, Y/N," he said quietly.
You sucked in a sharp breath, wondering where he was going with this.
"Are you going to say something, or are you just going to keep staring at me?" He asked nervously.
You opened your mouth to speak, but for several moments nothing came out. Finally, you managed to find your words. "I like you, Peter." You wouldn't admit it, not even to yourself, but the truth was that you were beginning to fall in love with him.
He gave a relieved smile. "I'm really glad you said that otherwise we would've had a huge problem," he said with a small laugh. "How about we go somewhere nice? We'll be stopping at Xandar in a few days to meet up with the Broker once we get that Orb thing. Maybe we could find a nice place there."
"Like... a date?" You asked. You couldn't picture Peter Quill out on a date. He was more of a fling type of person.
You were surprised when he smiled and gave you a small nod. "A date."
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thebooksanctum · 7 years
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blondehiggs · 6 years
GotG Vol 1 Easter Egg? :
I’m probably wrong but maybe this is Gamora’s hand reaching for the Soul Stone. Or maybe even Nebulas hand, but that just means she knew that Gamora had the location of the Soul Stone????
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dulceringo · 7 years
Let’s start some Coran Angst
I have this idea after watching Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2. What if there is this AU where Coran is a space pirate and kidnapped Lance from Earth cause he is contracted by some all so powerful being living somewhere in the universe. Of course Coran immediately felt a connection to Lance and decided that no, he would not let that beast gets their hands on this child. Not until he knows what is happening to the other children brought to that beast. (Yeah, basically what happened to the whole movie.)
Imagine Coran saying Yondu’s last words to Lance before he died.
“He may be your father...but he was not your Daddy...”
(I made myself cry. Give me some Coran angst!)
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bigonquestions · 6 years
my life, my love, my lady is the sea
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