kiame-sama · 2 days
Dragon headvanon guy here again because a few more dropped into my head (also sorry for the typos, I'm not used to my phones big keyboard yet xD also 100% relate to you on the plushies, I have a big collection on my.own and love them with all my heart)
1. Most if not all Creatures love to be pet, it's common to see children & sometimes young teens being pet by their parents, older siblings or close friends. The older they fet the less likely they get petted tho, older Fae's and long lived Creatures tho remember that Humans would pet anyone who allowed it with great joy.
2. We know that Humans are seen as Peackeepers (or Beast Tamers) but I like to headcanon that they are also a symbol of Loyalty in many Kingdoms. Some older Creatures, like Lilia even remember Humans going through great dangers or sacrificing themself for their Pack.
An old Rumor has it that one of the Great Seven was actually once pack bounded with a human who sacrificed themself for them. (It would be an intresting idea if it was Scar and after he died many mistook the Human Sacrificing themself for him as him killing them & eating them. But you guys can go wild with this one)
3. Angry humans were a raresight to see and most only learned how dangerous humans could be once a Creature attacked a child and had to be send to a hospital after the Parent of said child got their revenge. It's also at that point that many learned how dangerous a human bite can be thanks to the bacteria in their mouth (that information sadly got lost to time though)
4. This is the last one for now, promise xD A lot of Kingdoms who were safe for humans, would have human daycares where they would watch over the Creatures kids. It was something unheard of since a lot of Creatures dont trust their young and rather weak children around others they dont know (and sometimes even close friends & family couldn't get close to the child without nearly being mauled.)
But it was a bit sucess and since it was free, low income familys would adly send their kids there to get food and have a chance at making friends. Some daycares even allowed sleepovers for Creatures who worked during the night, kids who were night active or those who weren't picked up because their parents worked late.
Sadly after humans went extinct these establishments were shutdown.
Ok one last one, this one is for the Fleur City; It's belived that humans created the Bell as a gift to the Rightous Judge who them upon getting this gift enchanted the Bell to ring in a specific tune when a human entred Fleur City.
Legends say that once the last human in Fleur City died and they went extinct as last that the Bell rung in such a sorrowfull way with the Rightous Judges cries that the spirit of the last Human in Fleur Ciry granted him a last gift. The Firelotus, so that any Magical Creature who dares to harm an Innocent Creature will be punished by humanitys judgment.
(No worries about the typos, I'm pretty bad about it too)
I'm down for all of these actually. Absolutely love how some canon things can so easily fall into place with just a little adjustment and work so wonderfully in an AU all its own.
I can see almost all of them wanting to be pet and of course hoping the soft human will pet them. Rook's already been pet by those little Human hands and he is already hooked. I could absolutely see Jack and Ruggie going nuts for petting. Lilia's already made it clear that group grooming is common so petting would likely be too. Maybe that's the Human's way of returning the grooming behavior to make Lilia sleep? Lilia has already petted Grim.
The last Human Lilia met was the surrogate mother of a young fox fae child and he will be forever haunted by how injured she was and still standing, unsure how long she must have fought to keep her young safe. Lilia had arrived near the end of the poor Human's desperate battle, stepping in himself but it was quite too late for the Human mother. He took in the child and raised them himself in Briar Valley, Silver is not the only child the old fae has taken under his wing. Lilia knows the sheer drive humans have to protect those they truly love because he saw it firsthand and he knows better than to mess with little Grim regardless of how much fun it would be. No need to upset the Human.
Humans were quite good at taking care of others young and many had a natural proclivity to protect infants regardless of what species it was. Humans aren't really all too threatening, so many mothers of the more protective species didn't feel that threat to themselves or their young like they did with other species or even their own family. Many are quite manageable as children and almost harmless, meaning the soft Humans could take care of them with no problem.
To make a world of magical creatures tremble in fear is a mighty feat and one only the fire lotus could achieve. After all, so many looked down on humans for their lack of magic, why not suffer the same fate for those who brought Humanity to heel?
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oscconfessions · 3 days
i dont know if mephone ACTUALLY made the contestants or what. this is kinds halfbaked as it doesnt have an explanation on why nobody can remember pre-show
but, in this theory, mphone didnt make the contestants. cobs is a lying liarface and says this to turn the final two against him. knife isnt really gonna believe him, but suitcase- she already hates mephone, she's been growing more and more leaderlike since standing up to nickel way back when, BUT she's consistently been shown to have a lack of confidence in her reality. sees things that arent real, yadda yadda.
cobs SAYS he's been watching the show. presuming how we watch it is how he did, he's seen suitcase's hallucinations. At least, he's seen suitcase TALK about it. overall, heres the theory in a nutshell
cobs is trying to use her derealization/psychosis/unreality issues against her.
this is where things turn into a prediction: she's going to go back (possibly without knife), warn the others, and tell them about the s3 time inconsistency. she's probably going to be freaking out/breaking down in some way too, cause telling someone with unreality struggles that theyre not real is, yk, bad. but shes going to tell the others and baseball is likely going to rally behind her too, cause shes his friend. the others see baseball, previous leader of the group, agree with the time inconsistency AND stick with suitcase, and theyre gonna be like "maybe mephone IS a bad guy" and boom. mephone hated by contestants. I dont think suitcase or the others are gonna bring him to cobs, because cobs is ALSO bad, but my main idea is that theyre gonna distrust him until he does something to get the trust back/save the day.
note here: im not saying mephone or suitcase are bad people! i love both of them and think highly, im just theorizing out here
i dont got any ASIDE FROM the fact that suitcase is shown before/on screen in every noticable case of glitching.
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and from todays episode:
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i ALSO noticed that, in the ii16 act 1 episode, theres a strong emphasis on suitcase's thoughts about things "not being real", or otherwise conveyed such a thing
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anyway um. build on this if you like. im so obsessed woth my girl suitcase i hope she she gets like. closure in some way. i also hope she gets meds for those hallucinations <3 goodbye
wish i could be on anon for this, but im 🧭 so hello!!!
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quadrantadvisor · 10 months
Owl House/Boiling Isles biology headcanons from a fic idea I never wrote:
Witches have a wider range of color vision than humans. A lot of magic puts off infrared light (meaning Luz is missing out on like, half of what spells actually look like).
Humans, however, have a better sense of smell. Witches are better at digesting potentially hazardous materials, but humans have to worry about poisons. Humans are also highly specialized to smell petrichor (via Wikipedia, "able to detect it at concentrations as low as 0.4 parts per billion"), and witches can't smell it at all. (Luz is like, "I miss the rain smells in the human realm so much. On the Boiling Isles the rain just smells like burning :/" and all her friends are like, "what. are you talking about."
Witches don't have an appendix, but they do, coincidentally, also have a random organ that doesn't have much of a purpose and sometimes ruptures and kills you. It's located slightly above the right lung.
Kinda obvious but, ears. Witch ears have a greater curve than human ears and taper into a point. They have some limited mobility, allowing the witch to pinpoint sounds, and they play a part in emotional expression. For a witch, it's not really that strange that human ears are round, it's more that they don't move at all. They're completely stiff, and it makes humans difficult to read. (Luz is lucky she's otherwise very expressive, or else she would come off as nearly emotionless. As it is, sometimes people think she's not being genuine, because her ears don't match the rest of her expression, like when someone smiles without their eyes.)
Humans have slightly denser bones than witches. As a result, humans weigh a bit more on average and put on muscle easier.
Witches can't digest lactose
A high tolerance for most human poisons means that alcohol isn't a popular drug for witches. It technically affects them in a similar way, but their tolerance is such that it's not an effective way to get high. Most of the drugs used recreationally on the Boiling Isles would kill a human instantly.
Witches have a different pulse beat from humans, since their hearts are designed differently to accommodate the bile sac (and grimwalkers' pulses are even more unique, since they have a galdorstone. Rather than the thump of blood valves, Grimwalkers have a sort of magic hum that pulses their circulatory system.)
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staryarn · 6 months
curious what you mean by don quixote, hong lu, and ryoushuu's promos? I vaguely remember them and I definitely think there's some elements that. Need to be talked about, but I don't want to miscontrue what you're trying to say about them.
To preface this it's entirely like my own theories and while there definitely could be foreshadowing (in sinclairs he's vaguing demian and Ishmael mentions 'if that bastards really dead than I have nothing left to chase after' (summarizing it) ). This is all a theory a ga-
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I'm just very intrested in Don's because of how she reacts in it. On the actual limbus company site she has delusions of grandeur in hers (under particulars) and I really think that we'll eventually see how shee sees the city and the justice she wants vs how the city actually functions
For Hong Lu and Ryoshu they escape me both because I haven't read their source materials and because (moreso with hong lu) they're hiding themselves (ryoshu has her shure nice to meet you pun at the end of her promo vs Ishmael having something lore related in hers)
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I can guess more about Ryōshū due to knowing the general plot of hell screen but can't say a lot on Hong Lu due to not fully getting tye plot of Dotrc (that and due to reading leviathan I can at least guess her beef with the fingers and how she sees art)
(For other sinners context rodion talks about wishing to undo things as easily as you can earn back lost money and how she just wanted everyone to feel some warmth, and outis talks about her oddest and how despite needing to go back she hasn't been able to take one step)
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fruitalike · 9 months
HIGH REWARD || Elliott x Alex x Harvey
RATING: Explicit, 18+ obviously
PAIRNG: Elliott x Alex, Elliott x Harvey, Alex x Harvey, & Elliott x Alex x Harvey
TAGS: TRANS ELLIOTT, as always, looks like cheating, but isnt, pwp, oral/vaginal/anal sex, no condom, threesome, voyeurism, kinktober 2022 day 31 risk, better tags on AO3 sorry ***part 3 of of course takes place after high risk***
WORDS: 8122
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke. Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
(genital words (elliott): cock, cunt, lips, tits)
Alex, for the first time, found himself in Elliott’s martial bed. Throughout their affair (that’s really what it was wasn’t it?), they’d defaced just about every other surface in the modest apartment, save for the bed. He almost thought that it was the one line Elliott wasn’t willing to cross, but ultimately, he’d weaseled his way into the king sized metaphor all the same.
He found himself in the bed after an exaggerated celebration of his most minor accomplishment: he’d actually managed to successfully complete his first year of college. He lay in the bed of two people who managed to complete this monumental task more than a decade prior and they were several years younger than he was now when they did it. But Elliott made him feel proud.
Deep down, Alex really did feel inadequate next to Elliott, compared to Harvey. But he supposed that those feelings were his own doing—maybe a touch of societal expectations, as well, of course—because Elliott never made him feel that way. Next to Elliott, now, he felt vast and plentiful. In the day that they’d spent together (wholly uninterrupted as the doctor was out of town), he’d pushed his body farther than he had in any gridball game; and as he rested, he desired more.
His desire for Elliott continued to shift as their affair (that’s what it really was, wasn’t it?) went on. Such complicated feelings were always bound to fluidity, Alex was sure, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of them shifting more and more wholesome. Some part of him—most parts of him—desired for Elliott more than sexually. Jealousy still swelled in his chest every time he saw him with his husband, of course, but this was becoming more than just an issue of envy.
Alex wasn’t even sure what this was anymore. Yes, of course, at its core it was an affair. He was sleeping with a married man after all. But he found himself dreaming of Elliott when they were apart. These dreams he had of them, together, were not always strictly sexual, either. They often danced, and wined and dined, and fulfilled all of the wholesome aspects of domestic life. He found himself gazing at Elliott whenever they were together; lost in all that he was, longing to be part of him.
Even now, as they rested together, in Elliott’s marital bed, the room humid with raunch, he found himself studying the redhead, pulling him close when he decided that he must be cold. He was receptive, curling up on his chest. Elliott never seemed oblivious to Alex’s emotions, and he didn’t seem to be off put by them either.
He continued to question Elliott’s marriage to his husband; regardless of the guilt he felt for doing so. Something about it made him feel less and less guilt as time went on, anyways. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to be there, but it seemed that other people were allowed in. Honestly, he felt more jealousy towards the people he thought were being included (why else would they bring Shane home with them at night, multiple times?) than Harvey at this point. Maybe something deep inside of him wanted Harvey to know so that he could spend some time alone with him too? Without it being a problem? He and Elliott were good together. He didn’t want to ruin that, he was sure (and he hadn’t been so sure of that before). Alex twirled Elliott’s hair around his finger and absentmindedly wondered if he could have a place in their marriage. He wondered why he didn’t already.
Elliott hummed and rubbed his face on his chest, breaking him out of his trance. “Tired?”
Alex nods and runs his fingers up and down his spine. “Wish I wasn’t.”
“Oh?” He muses, turning to his stomach and resting on his elbows, leaning forward, and kissing Alex’s neck.
He continues the caress his lover, letting him taste his exhaustion, inhale his desperation. Elliott grabs him by his chin and makes Alex look at him. “I was supposed to fuck you tonight.” He pouts. He’s gentler than he has been in the past; he’s tired too.
“I wanted you to.”
“If only we knew who kept us up this late.” They chuckle and soon, nod off.
Alex wasn’t the heaviest sleeper, but after a night like this, he did find himself in quite a deep sleep. Somehow, his fluffy and domesticated dreams found him here, the only place a wet dream would be more than welcome.
He dreamt of gentleness and wholesome desire, of sharing a bed as affection, instead of arousal; of picnic baskets, blankets, and a light lunch spread out over a summer afternoon; of warmth lingering out of the closeness of lovers, not affair partners; of genuine, all encompassing, love. He dreamt of Elliott in his entirety. His kindness, his deliberate desire, his delicate poetry. He dreamt of the words Elliott would dedicate to him the way he had lovers past and present. The ease at which they would flow from him, as if his love could only burst from the seams. His dreams wondered what his call sign would be—how it would compare to Harvey’s ‘for my favorite doctor,’ or what he was sure was Shane’s ‘to an almost domesticated bear.’
Then, he dreamt in abstract. Of the all-surrounding warmth of another body. Maybe two, actually. Less visuals but more feeling. The feeling of being held. Of being welcomed. He was intertwined there, however many people there were. Still without sight, he would smell the light cologne Elliott always wore; it was green, and fresh, and ever so slightly warm. He could smell Elliott’s body too. His gentle musk and floral hair products, the strong leather on his hands from his notebooks, the sharpness from his ink pens. His sweat was subtly sweet-smelling, and his body was warm and relaxing in his hands.
But there was more than just him there. A stronger, fuller bodied cologne; it almost overwhelmed the senses, but barely avoided it. It was distinctly more masculine, warmer than Elliott’s and sharper still; heavy with tobacco leaves and teakwood, spices he couldn’t place. It felt warm like fall and sophisticated like dinner with extended family. There was an oddly familiar note as well, something particularly sterile and plasticky. Something that told his mind hands. There was a hushed noise. It became more and more consistent. He felt mouths moving. Talking. Someone was talking. Multiple people.
Alex opens his eyes and is still shrouded in darkness. He pauses, hearing voices around him. As he gets used to being awake the voices become clearer and clearer. He hears Elliott say, “You’re home early!” and his entire body tenses up. The voices are far enough away that he feels safe carefully uncovering his eyes, finding himself having been covered up with pillows and blankets, surely in an attempt to hide him from Harvey. He knew it was Harvey that he was being hidden from (instead of the several other people apparently allowed into their marriage) because now that he was able to see, he could see Harvey—mere feet away—embracing his husband. He couldn’t help but watch as they kissed.
He tries to regulate his breathing as his pulse skyrockets. He hopes that he is as hidden as he was before, but he can’t waste time assessing the situation. His cock twitched in his sweats and that’s all his sleep addled brain could focus on. He clenches his jaw tight as he watches them kiss more and more passionately. He flinches when Harvey begins to grope Elliott’s ass. He was so fucked.
Alex holds his breath when he watches Elliott wrap his arms around Harvey’s neck, making it easier for him to lift his legs in the air so that Harvey could pick him up. He forces himself to regain his composure as they move towards the bed. Surely, they’d see him? Well, Elliott already knew he was there, but surely Harvey would see him? Or would notice the smell of sex in the air? The fact that Alex had cum inside of Elliott? Oh god. He’d cum inside of him.
Elliott hit the bed first, and he seemed to make a conscious effort not to look towards Alex. Harvey positioned himself on top of him, kissing him just as he had before. He had no sense of time inside this torture chamber; forced to watch his affair partner get fucked by his husband with baited breath.
His cock twitched as he watched Elliott put his hand down Harvey’s pants, rubbing his cock, getting him hard so he could fuck him. Harvey kissed down his neck, just as Alex had, nipping at Elliott’s delicate skin. He didn’t seem to have any reservation about leaving marks on him, however, unlike Alex. Though that seemed to be a perk of not having an affair.
Harvey pulled away from him only long enough to strip Elliott of his clothes. Relieving him of the oversized t-shirt he had been wearing and his underwear. He returned to his husband as quickly as he’d pulled away; groping his small breasts as they kissed again. Elliott whimpered as he kissed down his neck, rolling his nipples between his forefingers and thumbs until they became erect. Then he dotes on them, gently rubbing them with his thumbs as he kisses down his lover’s chest. He trails his kisses to his left breast, carefully sucking and biting the soft flesh before refocusing on his nipple, delicately licking it with the tip of his tongue and teasing it with his teeth. Elliott squirms.
He repeats this on the other side. Elliott melts in his hands as he gropes one breast and suckles the other. He only continues to squirm around as Harvey remains there, teasing him incessantly. Elliott returns the favor, teasing Harvey’s now hard cock with the same inviting thrusts of his hand. It’s not long before neither of them can take any more. A mumbling between the two is all that preceded Harvey’s moving south.
He’s nipping at his skin all the way down. Tiny bruises forming in his wake, indicative of the doting husband Elliott was so blessed with. He continues around his aching cunt, to his thighs, frustrating him even further. Harvey leaves the same marks there, taking time to indulge in his husband, they hadn’t seen each other in a while. His thighs tremble as he moves to the other thigh, giving it the same treatment, in the opposite direction, now moving towards his cunt. Elliott spreads his legs as far as he can without having to restrain himself, practically begging him to hurry up and desperately inviting him in.
Harvey finally finds himself between his legs, forcing his thighs flat to the mattress with one arm and holding his cunt taught with the other, keeping the head of his little cock exposed. He licks it gently at first, bracing for Elliott’s wanton jerking. He gasps as Harvey continues, manipulating his cock with his tongue and letting it slip under his foreskin to tease him better. He’s forced to put more weight on his arm to hold Elliott still as he begins to suck him properly. Elliott, in turn, has to cover his mouth with both hands, trying to keep himself quiet as Harvey’s onslaught continued. His throat gets hoarse quickly, but not from complaining.
Elliott doesn’t last very long, but he’s not meant to. His orgasm ravages him, but he can’t help but want for more. Harvey continues through his orgasm, melting his husband so that he’s easier to drink. His cunt aches with desire as Harvey again moves south, allowing his tongue to slip inside of him. He continues to tease his cock with his thumb as he feels around inside of him, tasting him and all that he’s gotten up to. He hums. “Again?”
“You’ve been gone for a week.” Elliott pouts.
He slips a finger into Elliott. He thrusts it only enough to tease him, drawing it back out covered in semen as he expected. Harvey allows himself to succumb to the urge to taste it. Whoever it was, either had a particular diet or was preoccupied with the way that he might taste.
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke.
Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
He’s eating him out again, focusing on tasting them together this time. Intending to overstimulate him even more, torturing him before he fucks him. He nods, not that Harvey is paying much attention. “I wanted him to. He made me cum so many times I felt like he deserved it.” Elliott pulls his hair at the root, egging him on.
He’s trembling when he’s done with him, yet still eager for more. He rises from in between his legs, and they kiss desperately, hungry for each other. Elliott wraps his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, inviting his husband in. Harvey reaches between them, jerking his cock a few times before teasing his little cunt, rubbing his tip between his lips. He teases his hole properly, making Elliott gasp, “Yes! Yes!” before he finally thrust into him. Alex’s cum being forced out of him to make way for Harvey.
He throws his head back in ecstasy as his husband finally fucks into him. As overstimulated as he is he’s still desperate for the cock that’s thrusting inside of him. He holds onto his husband for dear life as his thrusts grow deeper and deeper, his aching cunt eager to finally be satiated. Harvey kisses his neck and nips at his ear. “Alex doesn’t fuck you like this does he?”
Elliott shakes his head as he fucks deep into him. He grits his teeth as he tries to hold in another orgasm, desperate for Harvey to keep going. Then again, he doesn’t seem interested in stopping; his pace is getting rougher but remains romantic—knowing his husband inside and out makes it all the easier for Harvey to have Elliott hanging on his every move. Every thrust of his hips calculated so that Elliott might be able to hold himself together a little longer, so that Harvey could enjoy him a little more. He’d certainly missed his husband.
Harvey lets go of Elliott, moving so that he’s more on his knees and puts his hands on his waist instead. He thrusts into him again, getting used to the new position before changing his rhythm. Elliott arches against the bed as he’s pulled down with every thrust of Harvey’s hips. He holds onto his ankles and feet, keeping the tops of his thighs pressed to the mattress, his calves and feet in the air. It becomes harder and harder for Elliott to keep himself composed: Harvey’s deep inside of him, rearranging his very humanity; and he’s in particularly revealing position, folded in half and at the mercy of his husband; and he can certainly feel Alex watching, sometimes he even thinks he can hear him breathing heavily, he passively wonders if he’s touching himself. “He isn’t allowed to fuck you like this is he?”
Elliott shakes his head again as Harvey forces yet another orgasm out of him. He is visibly shaking and overstimulated, every further thrust of his hips causing him to jerk forward in one way or another. Harvey is particularly lucky that he hasn’t been kicked in the head yet, his tendency to tease testing Elliott’s ability to hold the position more than he ought to. Still, he continues, letting his still hard cock slip out of Elliott and rubbing up against his own quivering little cock. Elliott whimpers and finally releases the position, allowing his legs to rest on Harvey’s shoulders, wrapping his thighs around his neck and pulling him down.
Harvey concedes, allowing himself to be pulled down to Elliott. His thighs moving from his neck to his chest so that his arms could replace them instead. He gently kisses him, soothing his husband as he comes down from his orgasm. He pushes their foreheads together and twirls some of Elliott’s hair around his finger. They kiss again and he can feel the wanton desire in the way that Elliott kisses him. He hums as they pull away, brushing hair out of his face, he asks, “Again?”
“Please. I want you to cum in me.”
Harvey kisses up his neck and rises out of his grasp again. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Elliott does what’s asked of him, settling on rolling over and getting up on his knees and propping his chest up with a pillow he held on to, his back starting to become sore. Harvey smacks his ass. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” Elliott groans when Harvey thrusts into his gaping cunt. It doesn’t take him long to adjust, so Harvey quickly sets an eager pace. His balls slapping Elliott’s little cock with every thrust makes him ejaculate within the first minute he’s inside of him. But he keeps going at his request.
Elliott sinks further down in overstimulation, and Harvey follows, straddling him from above and welcoming himself to a fistful of his hair. He pulls his hair at the root, careful to not actually yank any of his hair out. He keeps the pace and Elliott fully comes undone after yet another desperate orgasm in this position, unable to keep himself quiet and tears welling up in his eyes from overstimulation. He’s still eager to keep going so Harvey sticks a couple of his fingers in his mouth and keeps at it.
He's truly a sight now. He’s drooling around his fingers and properly weeping now, truly desperate for the shared orgasm they’re pursuing. Elliott’s spit and tears stream down his face, neck, and chest, dripping down from his tits and pooling on the mattress, staining the sheets. All his cunt can do is tremble and squeeze Harvey, begging him to hurry up and cum as his hands grip at the sheets, trying to hold onto reality lest he get fucked out of it.
His arms grow weaker so he allows his face to press into a pillow, Harvey removing his fingers from his mouth. He can feel Alex’s eyes on him again in this position and he smirks to himself. The pillow quiets him in addition to comforting him so Harvey lets off of him more, allowing himself to relax. Perhaps for the final time he rises above Elliott, pressing his hands into his spine and smoothing them downward, pushing his husband’s stomach to be nearly flush with his thighs, chest on the mattress. His pace slows as he enjoys Elliott like this, pushing down on his back and leaning forward so that he’d be fully engulfed by his cunt. He’s slower but increasingly erratic, his entire cock slipping in and out of him with each thrust, his balls still taunting his husband’s cock every time he fills his cunt.
Harvey shuts his eyes and grips onto his husband waist again, manipulating his flesh in his hands as he lets his desire alone move his hips. He groans feeling all of Elliott grip onto him, pulling him deeper inside and clenching all around him, daring him to cum. He begins to tremble himself and decides it’s finally time to give in. He pushes down on Elliott as he finally reaches orgasm, moaning in unison with him as he pumps his cum deep inside him. He rides out their shared orgasm, small, rapid thrusts only further overstimulating Elliott. He lets his flaccid cock slip out of his husband, rubbing it against him before leaning down and kissing him lovingly. He kisses his cheek as he finally fully flattens to the bed. “Where is he?”
Wordlessly, Elliott raises a still trembling hand and points towards the mess of pillows and blankets in the bed.
As Harvey begins to uncover him, Alex rushes to attempt to conceal his erection, only then noticing that his cock was fully exposed. Still, he attempts to retain some amount of dignity, quickly pushing his cock down with both hands, as if that’d ever be enough to hide it. With one hand still comforting his spent husband, Harvey uses the other to finally throw the blankets off of the voyeur.
Alex’s cock aches for attention even as he braces for impact, twitching under his hands, hard yet feeling distinctly spent. He doesn’t wonder if he touched himself without noticing; the semen on his hands makes it obvious he had. He only wonders how many times he reached climax and if it was obvious to Elliott and Harvey when he had.
Harvey callously smacks Alex’s hands away, leaving him fully exposed. His cock bounces free, and he can feel cum flicking off of it and onto his stomach. He can feel Elliott’s eyes on him, tracing all over the illicit parts of him despite the thorough fucking he’d already enjoyed. Though Alex keeps his eyes on Harvey instead, watching him strip him of his lounge pants, leaving him completely naked. He grabs him by the ankle and pulls him forward as he gets out of the bed. Alex trembles with anxious desire.
He smacks Elliott’s ass hard enough to make him jump. “Your turn.”
“My turn?” Alex spits out immediately, looking to Elliott then to Harvey and back and forth multiple times. Towering over him, Harvey only nods; expectant.
He looks to Elliott again. “Are you sure?”
Elliott smirks and winks at him. “Of course.”
Alex moves forward in the bed, awkwardly attempting to straddle Elliott before Harvey smacks him in the stomach and grabs him up by the chin. He leers down at him and Alex tries not to find his flaccid cock in his periphery distracting. “Is that any way to treat a gentleman?”
Alex trembles. “No?”
He tightens his grip. “At least taste him first.”
Alex just nods as if it was obvious. He repositions himself in bed to better please Elliott, who did not move at all, except to lift his hips just enough to make his cunt accessible. He lays on his stomach and eats Elliott out from behind. His lips tremble as he tastes his own semen mixed with Harvey’s inside of Elliott; they’re so good together. He licks his little cock and Elliott jumps, overstimulated and desperate. Harvey seems to comfort him as Alex continues. The feeling of being watched makes him feel the need to close his eyes, but Alex can still trace his cunt from memory. He almost feels guilty as he makes Elliott cum, the orgasm that washed over him making him jolt and whimper.
When he moves to straddle Elliott again, he’s dignified with an enthusiastic encouragement, instead. Alex all but lays flat on top of Elliott; his stomach and chest not quite flush with his back, his legs just far enough away from Elliott’s to support his own weight, and he lets his throat fall in the bend of one arm as he supports himself with the other. The position, does however, make it a little difficult for Alex to reach back around and slip into his cunt. But, luckily Harvey’s there to jerk his cock a few times and help him slide into his husband.
He gasps as he slowly pushes himself all the way into Elliott’s tight cunt, his legs nearly give out at the feeling. His cock is big enough to stretch Elliott even after all that he’s already taken so far. Alex’s mouth hangs open long enough that he begins to drool on top of his head. Ever the gentleman, Elliott opens up for him with grace, his battered cunt trembling with every movement Alex makes and his cock throbbing so hard it pulls him in eagerly.
Alex especially realizes that Harvey’s still watching them once he’s staring to thrust in and out of Elliott—the fact that he’s still flaccid starts to irritate him, as if he’s challenging him, as if Alex has anything to prove! he’s the one that’s been fucking his husband! He tries not to let it influence the way he’s fucking Elliott, focusing instead on getting deep inside of him and really stretching him out. He wants to open him up inside so that he can fuck with as much reckless abandon as possible.
Once he has Elliott moaning with every thrust, it becomes easier for Alex to ignore Harvey. That is until the bastard moves some of the pillows in front of Elliott and positions himself in front of him. He jerks his flaccid cock a few times before putting it into Elliott’s mouth. All of the ecstasy that Alex was forcing out of his lips is silenced by Harvey’s cock, instead replaced by the sounds of him sucking off his husband.
Alex keeps after him anyways, undeterred. If Elliott was going to get Harvey hard, it would be because of how Alex was fucking him. He ignores the way that he tenderly brushes Elliott’s hair out of his face, and the jealousy it makes him feel. He starts up a rough pace; getting Elliott used to him thrusting all the way and pulling nearly all the way out before he refocuses, hitting his g-spot dead on every time. He’s all but screaming around Harvey’s cock, lurching forward with every thrust. Harvey is forced to throw his head back and rest it on the headboard, tightening his grip on Elliott’s hair. He grits his teeth and groans, pulling Elliott up and down his stiffening cock with his hair.
He keeps the pace, Elliott’s cunt desperate and squeezing him hard. Alex does not falter, pounding deep into him and making himself at home. Regardless of how he angles his hips, Alex continues obliterating his g-spot all the same. He knows Harvey’s husband inside and out too.
Elliott’s trembling all over now—though especially about the cunt and lips, ever eager to please—and he’s starting to feel his orgasm rise in him, so overstimulated it’s taken a while to ease it out of him. But now he feels unmistakably warm and swollen, his cock bordering numbness from the hours long bombardment of pleasure. He’s still chasing the feeling all the same, no less eager for the waves of electricity to flow through him; the umpteenth orgasm no less earth shattering than the first.
Alex can feel how close Elliott is by the way that his cunt squeezes him desperately, begging him to thrust ever deeper. He’s getting ever closer himself, despite wanting to stay inside Elliott and fuck him until his body can’t go on any more. He does not let up on account of his end drawing near, fucking Elliott even harder.
Elliott’s cunt proves resilient in taking Alex at his fastest, deepest, and hardest possible pace, even as he holds him still so that he has a better angle. With Elliott’s neck pressed firmly against his arm in this position, he can feel Harvey’s cock thrusting in and out of his throat. The sensation only makes him want to taunt Harvey more, growing tired of his taunting nature.
As vapid as his intentions may be, Alex continues with the brutal pace, toes curling at Elliott’s desperation. Giving him all that he can finally pays off when the moans he lets out force Harvey to pull his cock out of Elliott’s throat. He’d let him up before, obviously, but only long enough to breathe and go back down. Now, he holds his husbands face in his hands, comforting him again as he gets pounded from behind. He whispers sweet nothings to him before he lets him rest his head on the mattress again. He strokes his hair, soothing him as pleasure racks his body.
Elliott’s own toes curl harshly as he fights harder and harder to keep himself together. His jaw, perhaps a little sore, clenches tightly as Alex rams his g-spot over and over again. His eyes roll back in his head, eyelids shut tight over them as he concentrates on the feeling of being torn in half by Alex. He’s so close.
As Alex’s orgasm approaches closer and closer, his thrusts lose their fine tuning, and he’s taking all of Elliott’s cunt for a spin. It’s finally (or maybe yet again) his turn to be sloppy and desperate as Elliott’s cunt clenches down hard on his cock, only letting up for a second or two at a time, his orgasm forcing Alex’s no matter how hard he tries to hold it in. He can hear Harvey console his husband as he trembles through the aftershocks, again he bites back the jealousy that rises in his chest.
Once he’s ridden out his orgasm, he pulls out of Elliott and rolls over, worried that if he let his full weight rest on him, he’d crush him. He reaches a hand out to Elliott, rubbing his back as best he can without looking. To his surprise, Elliott rises with relative ease—that is to say he’s unsteadied, drenched in sweat, and noticeably trembling but only if you’re looking at him closely (which Alex always is)—and comes to soothe him. Sure, his chest is heaving and he can feel a small scowl on his face, but he hardly needs to be soothed. Elliott wordlessly checks in on him all the same, rubbing his chest and kissing him. The kiss is gentler than those they’d shared when they were alone, but still overwhelmed with desire. He holds onto Elliott a little roughly, squeezing his flesh in his hands as if he were concerned that he’d slip away, as if he were dreaming. As if.
They pull away and Elliott caresses his face. Only then does Alex realize that Harvey has excused himself again. He doesn’t particularly mind (ok, maybe a little, but only a little). He caresses Elliott’s face in turn, and they kiss again. He lets his hands roam up and down his body, covered entirely in sweat and in certain places, covered in his own drool (mostly, the top of his head was Alex’s handiwork).
They reach for each other’s cocks at the same time. Elliott crumples in on himself every time Alex rubs his puny cock with two fingers, curled up on his chest and squeezing Alex’s cock every time he completes a circle. Alex, much to his own surprise, stiffens rather quickly; and of course, Elliott quakes with ease, Alex a more devoted to pleasing him than any field of study.
Elliott pulls away from him again, inviting Alex to resume the position he had been in before. Alex obliges, laying on his back and Elliott crawls on top of him. He’s as handsome as he always is, but he is clearly finally growing a little tired from everything. They kiss a few times, Alex wanting each one to last longer than they did. When they pull away completely, he can feel the semen spilling out of Elliott and on to Alex’s stomach. He’s unfazed.
Harvey returns, still naked, from wherever he was, and the two whisper to one another. Alex doesn’t allow it to get under his skin. Elliott caresses his face and smirks down at him. “Do you still want to try getting fucked?”
Alex nods without a second thought; Elliott smirks again. “What if Harvey fucked you?”
Alex blinks a couple of times, trying to comprehend the offer. Elliott makes it easier for him, “Would you like that? Getting fucked by my husband?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across his lower lip. Alex nods.
“Are you sure?” Harvey beckons from above the two of them, stealing Alex’s attention.
Alex nods again, but can sense that’s not enough for the doctor. “Yes.”
Harvey still looks at him expectantly. He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
Again. “Yes, please.”
Harvey doesn’t push any further, only smiling at him in a slightly condescending way and tapping Elliott’s side so that he’d crawl off of Alex. He settles next to him, in much the same position Harvey had been in before. “I’ll be here the whole time, ok?” Alex nods, admittedly soothed.
He braces himself when Harvey gets into the bed, he’s unsure why he’s wearing gloves or what all he has in his hand. He doesn’t bother to show Alex, either, laying everything on the bed next to him. Alex is still laying somewhat awkwardly in the bed, without much space for Harvey. He smacks his thigh. “Spread your legs, sweetheart. I promise I won’t bite, you’re not ready for that yet.”
Alex huffs and does what he’s told; lifting and spreading his legs so that Harvey could get closer. He lowers them with his guidance, the backs of his thighs resting on the tops of Harvey’s. Otherwise, he’s flat on his back, head on a pillow fluffed for him by Elliott, who’s drawing circles in his chest. He feels spread out and revealed—and a little slutty (but that excites him)—in this position. His cock twitches and, of course, Harvey notices. “Excited?” He’s allowed to just nod in response this time.
Harvey leans over him and squeezes his face with one gloved hand. His eyes are a lot more intense without his glasses on. “Want a kiss?” He taunts, squishing his cheeks so that his lips pucker. Alex nods earnestly and Harvey obliges.
His kisses start out reserved, but once he establishes himself dominant, Harvey gets rougher. Alex rubs his hands up and down his chest, feeling him up. Teasing his nipples makes Harvey groan and deepen the kiss. He feels like Harvey is always a couple steps ahead of him, the doctor evidently considerably more experienced than himself; and unlike his husband, seems to enjoy guiding him more indirectly. Alex isn’t complaining, though. He’s quite enjoying himself.
Feeling safe, the next time Alex’s cock twitches while they’re kissing, he grabs it and strokes it gently, focusing on his head. Harvey notices and he can feel him smirking into the kiss. He pulls away and leaves wet kisses across his cheek, heading for his neck. “You’re so fucking cute.” Alex jerks himself a little faster.
Alex moans as Harvey moves down his neck, kissing and sucking at the skin expertly. He’s expecting him to go back on his word from before and bite him (maybe hoping he will), but he doesn’t. Harvey doesn’t even nip at the skin of his neck, but he can tell that he’s definitely leaving marks all over his neck anyway. He doesn’t mind.
When Harvey pulls away this time, he produces one of the items he’d brought to bed with him, a ring of some kind. He brings it closer and Alex can tell what it is. “Would you like to wear it?” he asks, smirking to himself. “Might help you last longer.”
Alex pouts at the implication, but gives him the go ahead. Harvey hands the cock ring to Elliott and begins lubing up one of his gloves. Elliott puts the ring on Alex as Harvey spreads his legs. “I’m going to start to open you up, ok?” Alex nods. “Try to relax.”
He rubs two gloved fingers up and down Alex’s crack, lubing up the surrounding area before he begins with his hole. Harvey circles his hole with one finger, the taught ring of muscle touch-shy, unintentionally clenching away from his every advance. Elliott soothes an ever so slightly embarrassed Alex, teasing the head of his penis and kissing him deeply; the familiar sensations allowing him to finally relax a little.
Once Alex’s hole is used to his presence, Harvey lets his finger slide into him. He gasps, but because of how good it feels already. He moves the digit gently inside of Alex, allowing him to adjust to the feeling. Harvey pushes in another finger as he desires it.
He pumps the two in unison, slipping in deep but careful not to slide back out of him. Harvey picks up the pace as Alex whimpers for more, reaching deeper inside of him every time. He tries to scissor his two fingers inside of him as he pumps them, attempting to prepare Alex as best he can for the girth of his cock.
When Harvey looks up at Alex to check on him, he can barely recognize the jock, the look of ecstasy on his face fitting his features very differently compared to his usual slight scowl. He’s blushing all the way down to his chest and his neck’s covered in hickeys. He’s breathing heavy again and covered in sweat, his own dried cum decorating his stomach and chest. Elliott’s also taking very good care of him, delicately rubbing the tip of his cock with only the tips of his fingers and their gentle kisses only occasionally interrupted by him sucking on Alex’s nipples. Harvey’s cock twitches at the sight. He can’t wait to get inside of him.
He adds a third finger, Alex’s hole showing more resistance this time. Harvey wonders if it’s because he usually only touches himself with two fingers but doesn’t ask, not wanting to deprive him of any more of his pride. He starts out slow again but Alex is eager, relaxing enough for him to begin scissoring his fingers once more.
Harvey looks down at his little pink hole and twitches again, electing to lean forward and spit right into him when he has him spread open, trying to hold himself over. Alex gasps and moans, back arching ever so slightly. Harvey’s warm spit sinks down inside of him, teasing him with ideas of what’s to come.
Once Alex begins to squirm with every movement of Harvey’s fingers, he decides it’s time to stop teasing the jock (and himself). He keeps his fingers inside of Alex, using his other hand to spread the lube all over his cock. He twitches in his own hand with every flick of his wrist, but he still makes sure get himself properly coated. He doesn’t want to hurt Alex at all, he’s not ready for that yet.
He finally pulls his fingers out just as he’s pushing his cock in, unable to keep himself from groaning. He holds onto Alex’s hip tightly as he slides in, his cock desperate to be buried inside of his little virgin hole. Alex whimpers as Harvey sinks into him, Elliott rushing to soothe him again so he doesn’t make too much noise.
Harvey waits for Alex to adjust to his size once he’s fully engulfed in him. His wall’s spasming only invites him further inside. His eyes roll back in his head every time he clamps down on his head, cock aching to fuck the brat. Eventually he relaxes again, his spoiled hole finally ready for Harvey. “Please.” He whimpers around Elliott’s kisses.
Harvey doesn’t make him wait any longer, starting up a slow pace that pushes Alex’s limits but tests his own patience. With each thrust of his hips, it’s quite obvious Alex’s hole is getting fucked for the very first time. His walls give a natural resistance, hardly used to getting fucked into, but Harvey is patient; his thrusts deliberate but kind on the virginal hole of the jock that’s been ‘secretly’ fucking his husband.
Alex looks up at him with wanton desperation, daring him to pick up the pace, practically begging him to fuck him a little harder; but Harvey is smarter than him. Knowing better than to appease every want and desire of the cocky virgin that lay below him. He wishes he could, truthfully, the way he’s squeezing him makes Harvey want to pound him awful hard and make him scream, but again, Alex is hardly there yet.
But Alex certainly thinks he is, whimpering for more stimulation as Harvey continues to fuck him slowly. “Please.”
“You’re not ready yet. You’re way too tight still, I’ll rip you a new one.” He insists, but Alex throws a little fit anyway.
“I need something else, then, please!” he whines, begging for mercy. Harvey looks down at Elliott and they exchange a knowing look. “Blow him, please, dear.” Elliott nods and changes the position he’s in, straddling Alex’s head and leaning over his torso. Alex licks him first and only then dies Elliott start to go down on him, giving his husband a quick kiss first. He does not remove his cock ring.
Elliott sucking him and getting sucked by him shuts Alex up for the time being, allowing Harvey to slowly open him up without further whining. He rolls his hips upwards into Alex—he’s not particularly deep inside him, simply because he barely fits in that far anyways. Harvey’s cock aches for more but his hole’s so fucking tight he barely notices. The couple of inches that does fit in Alex with ease is on cloud nine, his little ring squeezing his tip so hard it could make him cum right now if he let it. But he won’t, he wants to let Alex really have it.
His husband’s ever expanding talents keep Alex hushed but lively, so focused on sixty-nineing Elliott that his asshole actually begins to yield to Harvey’s patient fucking. Soon, he’s opening up like daffodil in spring which is good because he’s quickly approaching the part of the blowjob where he figures out that he still has the cock ring on. Which he needs to be wearing, especially with all his whining, but Harvey is concerned that he’ll tighten back up on him when he does.
Thankfully, his hole finally accepts Harvey’s fat cock deep into him before he’s screaming too hard around Elliott’s cock. The redhead lets off of him once Harvey’s deep inside of him in earnest. He remains on his face however, feeling as though he’s earned yet another orgasm.
Elliott and Harvey kiss as he finally starts a proper pace, his tight hole squeezing him hard as thanks. He trembles beneath them as he gets fucked for the first time, his throat trying to whine for more around Elliott, but his cock muffles him. Once Alex makes him cum, Elliott returns to his side, soothing the whining brat as he begs for more.
Alex’s asshole is finally relaxed enough for Harvey to oblige, thrusting his hips at a pace the two could agree on. Once he gets started, it’s easier on Alex from then on, allowing Harvey to get deeper with every thrust. “Oh, fuck! Please!”
Harvey picks up the pace when Alex wraps his arms around his legs and holds them flat to his chest, taking advantage of the better angle to fuck him harder. The harder Harvey goes, the more Alex begs for, his virgin hole taking cock like he’s used to it.
Harvey is finally able to give in to his own desires, the pace he sets is still gentle (gentler than it could be at least) on Alex, but allows him to really pound into him. He finds himself moaning as he thrusts deep into Alex, going faster every time he begs him to.
Now that he’s bloomed for him, Harvey finds it easier to fulfill Alex’s desires as well. When Alex begs him to thrust deeper into him, he does. When Alex begs him to fuck him harder, he does. When Alex begs him to go even faster, he does. The once cocky jock is now a mess under Harvey, his tight little hole spread wide open for yet another married man.
While he is enjoying himself (quite the understatement), Harvey is far from his climax—maintaining his health as he does in no small part to preserve his sexual endurance. But Alex is not. He can feel the harsh drumming of his heartbeat from inside of him and the desperation in every squeeze of his walls. He will not cum, because of the cock ring, obviously, but Harvey would like to see him orgasm anyway. He’d also quite like to be inside of Alex when he has his very first dry orgasm.
As rough as he’s being on Alex, he’s taking it very well, his back arching against the bed and nothing but encouragement spilling from his mouth. Harvey angles his hips just right and plows into his prostate. He doesn’t make much noise, only gasping as he arched his back even harder, furiously jerking himself off even though it won’t make any difference. He continues to gasp for air as he tries to comprehend an orgasm with no feeling of release.
Harvey is gentle as Alex gathers himself, Elliott moving to soothe him again, straddling his chest running and his fingers through his hair. Alex holds onto Elliott, running his fingers through his hair trying to collect himself. Eventually his brain can comprehend the fact that he’s still hard despite having such an intense orgasm. Elliott caresses his face. “Are you ok, baby?” Alex nods.
He tries to clear his throat a little. “It’s just—so… intense.”
Harvey looks down at Alex, his hole squeezing him quite desperately. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”
“Y-yeah. Please.”
Elliott rubs his chest. “Do you want to put your cock in me?” Alex nods. He rises up on his knees and lets Alex position himself so that he can sink down on his cock, semen spilling out of his cunt and all over his stomach. Harvey unclasps the cock ring before Elliott takes all of Alex in.
Elliott and Harvey start to move at the same time. Elliott rises up and sinks down on Alex’s big cock, while Harvey thrusts in and out of his tiny hole. The jock is in absolute ecstasy, whimpering with every movement.
The feeling of sharing a man with his husband always brings Harvey closer to the edge of his orgasm, and he knows very well that Alex doesn’t have much left in him; neither does Elliott, having cum more times in a few hours than most people do over the course of the month. They both still put their all in pleasing Alex, who feels especially lucky as he looks up at the two of them working together to make him cum.
Harvey leans on Elliott’s back as he thrusts into Alex, wrapping his arms around the front of him and groping his tits. Elliott’s cunt throbs at the feeling, making Alex whimper and squeeze Harvey’s cock. He smirks to himself and invites Alex to play with his tits as well, getting him to roll his nipple between two of his fingers. Elliott’s whimpering as he rides Alex makes it clear how close he is to orgasm, his battered cunt trembling around him.
Elliott picks up the pace and so Harvey follows suit, once again chasing a mutual orgasm, only this time Alex gets to cum too instead of just watching. Harvey guides Alex’s hand down from one of Elliott’s tits down to his cock and winks at him. Alex gently jerks him off as Harvey toys with both of his tits.
Elliott isn’t intending to make any noise as he bounces up and down on Alex’s cock, but he can’t keep himself from gasping at every manipulation of a bundle of nerves on his body (his cock, g-spot, and nipples so overstimulated he’s constantly trembling). The head of Alex’s cock threatens to rub up against his g-pot with every rise and fall of his hips.
Harvey angles his hips one last time and pounds into Alex’s prostate, which makes his hips jerk up into Elliott, hitting his g-spot dead on. Elliott’s orgasm is wanton and desperate, Harvey covers his mouth to keep him from screaming as he squirts for the last time. Alex is forced through another earth shattering orgasm as Elliott’s cunt clamps down on him while he struggles through his own. Harvey finally reaches his second orgasm, pumping cum deep in Alex’s now formerly virgin asshole, his body aches and his cock is tired.
They all end up in a bit of pile together, trying to spread out in the bed a bit to give each other space, but being trembling messes of human beings, they mostly fail. Harvey ends up on one side of Alex, Elliott on the other. They put most of what’s left of their energy to making sure that he’s ok, and admittedly he feels kind of awkward. “Uh… did you know about… y’know?”
“Sweetheart, we’re married. I know everything about my husband.” Harvey insists. They both chuckle and kiss Alex on the cheek. He blushes again.
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haunted-xander · 19 days
The new voice actors for the cast in reload are all doing a fantastic job but it IS a bit funny to hear these characters have different voices when a lot of their original/old voice actors are still in the additional cast lmao
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missazura · 3 months
what's up with old people being the most stubborn people alive
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PLEASE give the gosip on safetypinz i hate their guts
I won't give out any personal details (like accounts or anything) but here are some of what I've seen (although I've never spoken to them, I used to be in servers with them):
They're really fucking weird and gross. Like, constantly posting unsanitary shit untagged. I think they have paraphilias related to that stuff which is the excuse I've seen them use?? But yeah they'd post really gross shit untagged and unprompted, which made a lot of people uncomfortable
I'm not going to immediately jump to "they're a faker!!", but they claim to have self-diagnosed ASPD despite having stated that they fit basically none of the symptoms (I remember them saying something like "I'm an asshole because of my ASPD", so I think that's why they say they have it? because they think all pwASPD are assholes??). I know a couple people who have ASPD and safetypinz shows none of the symptoms they experience, even things as basic as feeling no empathy and having little to no emotion (from what safetypinz has said, they don't fit either of those basic criteria). I won't say they're faking, but... There's definitely something not right going on here (even if it's just as basic as them not understanding what the actual criteria for the disorder is)
They're pro-transnazi, and claim that because they have Jewish ancestry they have the authority on this (even though they're aren't a practicing Jew and don't know anything about the culture nor do they know any other Jewish people and that even a lot of the radqueer community disagrees with transnazis)
Not to mention the constant posting of cutesy emojis with captions like "mother-daughter consang <3333" - not only supporting incest, but also supporting child grooming too. Wow!
And also them claiming that torture and abuse... isn't traumatizing. Which they base off of pseudomemories/exomemories - which were only brought up to say "well actually I went through this and it wasn't traumatizing, so actually if someone says they aren't traumatized then you're a horrible person for disagreeing and wanting them to recover!", outright supporting people being denied help because they "aren't actually traumatized" or because they're in denial about their trauma
They're super pro-c, pro-incest, pro-"race/age/neurotype transitioning", and shit like that. The "kandiqueer" in the tags wasn't lying - they're absolutely awful. They're besties with someone who's "dating" a dog, although idk if safetypinz themselves is a pro-c zoo (considering they have "zeta", a well know pro-c zoo term, in their username... I wouldn't be surprised)
They're one of those "cripplepunk is for physically abled people too" people as well - so even more ableist. I'm pretty sure they even harassed and attacked someone because that person said cripplepunk was only for physically disabled people
There's definitely more that I either haven't seen, was done before I became radqueer, or was done after I left. If anyone has anything they'd like to add, feel free to share!
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blood in the bayou would make SUUUCh a great campy horror movie, its real in my heart, so real.....
#jrwi bitb#jrwi bitb spoilers#jrwi fanart#cw blood#cw gore#cw body horror#EHEHEE YKNOW WHAT I LOVE ABT POSTING ART ON TUMBLR....#I GET TO TAAALK N TALK N TALK YIPPEEE I LOVE TALKIN ABOUT MY ART!! espeeecially WHEN I THINK ALOT ABT IT#SO this is older. i actually drew this right around the time episode 2 came out. but i WAS kinda stupid slow about it#SOO its a lil old and i dont remember aaall the immediate feelings i had about this episode#OHH MY GOD THIS WAS THE EP WHERE THEY FOUND OUT WHAT THE MAP LOOKS LIKE RIGHT???#DUDE I REMEMBER BEING SO GENUINELY FUCKIN C A U G H T BY THAT LIKE WHAT??? WHAT??? IT LOOKS LIKE A WHUT??? HUHN???? NHU????????#OOH ohoh okay okay THE BARRIER right. have yall ever seen annihilation? that kickass movie with that weird dimension? just look it up#in the movie theres a Wall that separates them from the fucked up dimension. its glossy and strange just like a bubble. SOUND FAMILIAR HMMM#THATS what i imagine the wall looked like. gotta draw that at somepoint. i also used that texture for the background color. do ya see it?#i remember when i was first watching it. i thought that maybe it was actually worse outside#like they finally get past the barrier and its the same everywhere else. like the entire earth is already taken.sighh....#CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE KIAN STONE BTW. AINT NO ONE ELSE HAD THER DICK OUT AS MUCH AS THIS KING. HONESTLY IM A KIAN APOLOGIST#KIAN STONE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG EVER. HE FOLLOWS HIS HEART AND THE MUSIC DUUUDEE!!!!! HIS HEART AND THE MUSIC ARE ONE DUUUUDEEE!!!!#ILL HAVE MORE THINGS TO SCREAM ABT KIAN WHEN I POST MY EP 3 DOODLE PAGE. OKAY. IM NOT SOBBING LOUDLY. I LOVE N SUPPORT KIAN#AND RAAAND oh raaaand he loves his momma.... n his momma loves him.... hes suuuuch a sad lil disaster of a man....#i wanna nurse him back to health like an injured little animal#wtf who said that#anyway ROLAN MY SMARTEST BOY IN THE WORLD#I remember listening to the first episode (right at midnight as i was sleeping) n thinkin#dawww rolans so baby :)) hes so baby girl n small and pathetic#and then i saw the official art of him n im like NO WAY#HE LOOKS WAY TOO COOL IN THAT how could this little man ever be that cool AND BOOY DOES IT PROVE ME WRONG. HOLY SHIT. ROLAN. BEAST OF A MAN#OKAAYAY teehee ill share more thoughts later. if u read this far tell me ALL ur thoughts abt bitb ep 2#kk bye guys ill see u within the next rotatiion mwah mwah love u guys baaaiiiii. please survive for me.
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lelianaslefthand · 11 months
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exact reenactment of elminster's camp visit
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boyfriendyke · 3 months
there r a lot of things about the myth of psyche and eros that makes me a little insane but one of them has always been the tasks from aphrodite and the unfairness of it. they're not intended to be possible. they're so obviously not meant to be possible, and psyche isn't fucking hercules, you know, she's not a demigod or whatever, she's mortal and these aren't mortal tasks!! it's why psyche has to be helped with each one, fucking by like ants and river gods and shit. and so like. idk. i know ppl see psyche and eros as like a story about love and shit which obviously it is but as a kid psyche and eros always felt like a story about being able to accept help
#in my theoretical adaptation of psyche and eros i'll never write i emphasize this theme#by changing psyche from a princess and youngest daughter to a poorer girl and eldest daughter who is very like. sophie hatter esque#also tbh when i first started thinking about my theoretical adaptation of psyche and eros i was reading hmc LMAO#also also ALSO. as a kid i always felt like the story was soooo deeply about regret and atonement and forgiveness#like YES the story is about love but not about easy love. love is difficult and requires work and sometimes u hurt each other !!!!!#it always struck me as a kid how psyche just. accepts the tasks.#i always read it as like. psyche KNOWS these tasks are unfair and i dont even think she expects to achieve them#but she accepts them anyways because she so deeply regrets what she did to eros and has no idea what else she can do.#am i verbalizing this well or have the worms eating my brain reached an irreversible point#also tbf im pretty sure the version i read as a kid didnt include the multiple times psyche tries to kill herself LMAO.#but we're ignoring that because i love the idea that shes just. so aimless and resigned to the tasks#ALSO on eros' side of things#i dont have like proper analysis about it but as a kid i saw eros hiding his face as like. fear?#like. fear that the person he loves will think he's a monster if he reveals his true self. or somethin. which also. i think is very queer#also very beauty and the beast. for obvious reasons since it was based on psyche and eros lmao#oh also. i already mentioned it but psyche and hercules r so similar.#did something unforgivable to a loved one --> given multiple impossible tasks to atone for it etc etc#i dont have any real analysis abt it i dont remember a lot abt hercules tbh but. yah#ALSO. okay i think retellings of hades and persephone where theyre totally in love and stuff r kinda tired.#BUT. in the theoretical adaptation i always imagined a scene where psyche does the last task where she goes to the underworld#and shes tired shes soso tired#and she goes to persephone and persephone is gentle and motherly which aphrodite has Not been to psyche#and i think if persephone is unkidnapped and truly in love w hades#then i think there could be a fun parallel between persephone and psyche in which like. theyre both in love w ppl#who are seen as monsters. and shit. or whatever#anyways. idk what made me think abt this again. ACTUALLY i do know i might write a twine for the neotwiny game jam#and it might be inspired by psyche and eros#anyways. lmao#jc.txt
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jonny-b-meowborn · 25 days
Being trans and having daddy issues means I will watch Treasure Planet regularly for the most of my life, and whenever I do I become obsessed with it all over again. It's normal and healthy, actually
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sampilled · 6 days
😒😒😒😒 i understand all of the bitter samgirls...
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yousaytomato · 1 month
didn't say Thank You to the Bus driver #passiveaggressive #microaggression #mean #meanie #bitch4lyfe
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dawnleaf37 · 2 months
in honor of the tpot short with the failed debuters (assumedly) being announced soon heres my tierlist of all the tpot debuters most favorite to least
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tags for longer opinions :3
#i dont really hate any of them and avocado is just down there because I kind of enjoy everyone else more . The only I feel like . Any kind+#+of Real negativity at all to are nonexisty and 9ball#nonexisty because fuck off and 9ball because that’s just 8ball but different gimmick . And 8ball is already not the best imo#tpot#happy taggy got in bc they n winner were my favorites . I have my reaction to taggy getting in recorded I love taggy a lot#what can I say im a :3 girl#i like leek because it’s a plant also they put a hatsune miku ref in the episode with the flip phone triple baka#pda is a device which is always awesome forever and it looks like theyr gonna have a role in the short which is :DDDDDD#onigiri is fun because it’s a fun romaji . it would also be funny if they called em jelly donut . but onigiri is cool they look like+#+a rocky clone Maybe or if they’re just mute hey I Really Like Mute Characters So Win. cause I Think they were the only one who didn’t+#+speak in the episode . Don’t take my word for it I haven’t watched tpot 1 in a while lol (I think boom mic didn’t speak either actually)#boom mic; clapboard; and camera I speak as 3 together . Theyre super awesome and it would be fun to see if they have a dynamic . Cuase+#+theyre like . All movie equipment . Idk I remember long back ago i roleplayed em they mean a lot to me#i like tha vhsy a little more because reminds me of that freak from TAOT who i just adore . Also novel rectangular thing also kind of prett#tape friend looks like a menace and I like characters that are menaces I think them and six could be friends#sink I just like the design of lol . also I like the song kitchen sink by tøp#salt lamp is cool because I like salt lamps and they’re pretty colors both on and off#shopping cart is silly . I like wheeled characters#blender is an appliance I like how they did the asset#discy’s prettyyyy colored#battery is small and cute they also might be the mute character idr I haven’t seen them talk personally . Feel free to correct me if any+#+info I say here is wrong btw#Snare drum is small and cool and I like how they look#Anchor is also I like how they look also listen to anchor by caize#shell is like emo and a good shape#rubber spatula; scissors; tax guy I forget their name; and shampoo I think have good designs#avocado im so sorry I just like everyone else more than u im not the biggest fan ever of things like donut mouth#and I already explained the last 2 awesome 👍
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
I never tried the option myself bc it'd probably mean skipping the Reason You Suck speech at the end (fire for speedrunners though) but I Love that you can frame your Phoneys in 3, especially so if you've already killed the previous two. Like yeah couldn't send you off to die so i'll let the goverment do it for me 🧸 like its just Peak evil imo.
#luly talks#i do relinquish in the pain and the agony but dont get me wrong the thought of any of them 3 getting jailed makes me SO sad#rog esp since he's the one im writing about and the biggest nerve wreck#gingi voice they'll be the last one to pick the board game for prison-game-night..........#actually yknow i wonder if rog would end up almost believing it after all when you try to gaslight him for the shits and giggles#(as in: telling HE was victim of the bite of 87 and the like) he tells you to not do that bc his brain is already scrambled or something#so there's a chance perhaps he'd believe it if he had everyone constantly accussing him of it?#not like it'd matter much i have no hopes for the dsaf justice system i know its been 35 years since jack got framed but still#i just remembered when the option popped up i said ''god im really becoming steven 😭''#first time i made the joke too was when i said ''imagine your boss sucks so bad you turn suicidal'' no clue what the context was#OH YEAH JAKE SAYING HE'D RATHER FUCKING DIE THAN KEEP WORKING HERE yeah. poor guy.#anyway im derailing my own post again uhhh. yeah. yeah i dont trust any phoney is avoiding the death sentence#dsaf#roger jones#dsaf roger#btw just for the sake of yapping longer i truly cant decide whether harry or jake would survive better in the enviroment#probably jake to be honest. I mean Harry has a lot of experience inside freddy's but he didnt really live outside it muhc#jake is so confrontational though#hey did you guys watch the hit movie felon? sure that guy wasn't framed but. i feel like jake would end up w that attitude#except for. you know. everything else that happens in the hit movie felon.#hey actually forget about this game go watch the 10/10 movie Felon from 2008 starring Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorff#because its one of my all time fave movies and probably the saddest i've seen#not bc there arent movies that are more tragic but bc no movie was able to break thru my walls of idgaf and make me cry anyway#yeah you thought i couldnt bring up my movie fixations on my different fandom posts well you were WRONG in fact#im gonna go tag my other post i left untagged yesterday bc my ass was Cooking
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