knifewound-13 · 2 months
⚠️Epilepsy Warning⚠️
Bgm: NOMA - Cloud IX
Date:4̑ͩͪ0͢͠4̰ ̥ͩ͠N͙͑͞ö́ť̃͜ ̺̚F͎͑̐o͔ṷ̣n̤̏̈́d̘͖
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holisticblight · 1 month
edolonposting again. while yes i do talk a lot about pre-mora dolo what i am the MOST curious about at all times is this from the "I am that regret." page.
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like Who is that. is that the Holistic Blight? is that dolo pre-mora but post- getting de-heired? if it is edolon and not the HB, what is up with the eyepatch? because he certainly doesn't have any eye problems today (other than the psy-op, but thats a given because hes a purpleblood.)
(and also the bandana? if he was hidden from the public for his entire life, why would he need to hide his face??)
if it was an injury and not a fashion choice it could explain this part of the panel
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with the splatter next to babydolon's head, and him covering his eyes.
also it may have just been a stylistic choice but considering the fact throughout the rest of the panel the executive's skin is the same teal as everyone elses, but here it's the same blood-purple as the splatter, it kind of implies the blood is on his hands (figuratively and literally, considering the blood trail leading toward him.)
anyways all in all. praying on my hands and knees Austin please drop more enthal-vryche lore im STARVING.
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system-terror · 1 month
On Eyepatch Vryche
if it's Holistic Blight
Edolon has seen at least one (1) picture of Holistic Blight
The eye and face covering is because of the rot
Him + young!Edolon haircut twinsies
If it's Edolon
He sustained some injury to his eye/face that has healed, or otherwise isn't visible
It was severe enough he or Clarud wanted it covered
(Or the face covering has another purpose)
Seems like a drastic change in fashion sense? Face injuries wouldn't warrant wearing elbow-length gloves.
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mariacardenas162002 · 3 months
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TFA-HB: Optimus prime conoce a loona ❤️💙🤍💙
El está en la playa distrayendo su mente conociendo cosas nuevas incluso se toma una gaseosa ya que hacía mucho calor de ahí estaba en mini concierto hasta que una chica con el nombre loona se acerca a el para conocerlo pero no quiere nada con ella además deja salir su pequeño secreto y es que el también es el tiene un poder y ser un demonio ❤️💙😈
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Hey Zu! Are you excited for the next episode of Underverse?
Hii Alicia!╰(*´︶`*)╯
Ohhh a lot ♡
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thishazbinamistake · 6 months
I am here to talk about Viv's horrible character designs.
From an animator perspective, they suck.
Here's why
1. The characters have way too much detail
For animation, more lines equal more work. You're going to be drawing them over and over, and it just creates more stress and work for the animators.
For example, I took one of the most egregious designs in HB (Beelzebub) and simplified it to be animation friendly.
(Can't send it here but I'll probably make a post about it or something.)
2. There's too much of 1 color
Especially since they're in a primarily red background, they don't stand out AT ALL.
Like how am I supposed to see them if they blend in to the background??
3. I have no idea what half of them are supposed to be
Charlie is based off a doll?
Alastor is based off of a deer?
Katie Killjoy is based off of a praying mantis?
Angel Dust is based off of a spider?
Beelzebub is supposed to be well... Beelzebub?
When designing characters, they need to be clear on what they're supposed to be! And no, explaining it on Twitter does not count.
4. The animation reference sheets are garbage
No wonder there's so much animation errors. There's no facial expression sheets, lip sync guide, nothing. It's just a 4 angle turnaround sheet where the character is in complex poses all the time.
If you Google Lackadaisy's animation reference sheets and then look at HB's, it's like night and day.
I'm more than willing to send some examples (along with the edit I did) if you want
So yeah, what are your thoughts?
These are all great points! I think you summed up the main problems very well, but I'll elaborate on each of them. I'm no expert at character design or animation by any means, but I'll do my best to explain my points!
First of all, like you said, the character designs are way too complicated. Anyone who knows even the slightest amount about animation knows you want to simplify and streamline your designs as much as possible to make it easier on the animators. Vivzie is way too obsessed with her Deviantart OC lookin'-ass character designs to actually do this, even though it would seriously help to make the animation process way faster and easier. Beelzebub is seriously the best (or worst?) example of this.
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I feel so bad for the poor souls who had to animate this. There are just way too many moving parts here, from her multiple arms, her wings, her markings, to her freaking lava lamp hair and tail?? It's just awful. And so many of Viv's designs suffer this problem, I could go on and on.
Like, I think it actually is a nice looking design, as a still image. Maybe not for the demon Beelzebub, but as a general furry OC, I think she's cute. But that's beside the point. I would love to see your redesign of her!
Next, the RED. So, most of the characters we see in Helluva Boss are red-skinned imps, which has been a common depiction of demons for centuries. One big problem I have is that there's little contrast in these designs. Let's look at our three main imps.
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Aside from some white and yellow highlights, they're all mostly red and black. Their color palettes aren't distinct in the slightest! And, I mean, come on. Red accessories against what's almost the exact same shade of red skin? Really? It just doesn't look good. A little contrast here and there goes a long way, like... maybe make Moxxie's bowtie blue? Or Blitz's pendant green? I don't know, anything to help each character stand out, and help give them more visual intrigue.
It doesn't help that most of the backgrounds are primarily shades of red, too. Here's a few screenshots I found that really show this problem.
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Look at all that fucking red. Like you said, there's such little color variation that the characters blend into the background. Now, to be fair, I did specifically choose these screenshots because I think they really highlight the problem, but this really is what so much of the show looks like. Granted, we do have a bit more variety in the different rings of Hell, each with their own main color, but this is still too much red, considering how much the color comprises the main characters' designs.
Next, like you said, Vivzie is really bad at making characters actually look like the things they're supposed to look like. Let's take Alastor as an example!
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Oh boy! More red and black. So, Alastor here is supposed to be a deer. What's the first physical characteristic that comes to mind when you think of a deer?
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Yeah, those big, impressive antlers! So... where are his? Oh, they're those tiny little forks on his head that are almost entirely obscured by his stupid emo hair. Like, come on! Giving him bigger antlers would have made him look so much cooler and more intimidating, and it would have been a great focal point for his design! It's such a missed opportunity. (I know he has bigger antlers in his scarier "demon" form, but you still could have made these a little more impressive.) And don't even get me started on those ears... they look more like fox ears or something. Like you said, a good design shouldn't need to be explained through supplementary material. We should be able to tell what a character is supposed to be just from looking at them!
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Another great example is Angel Dust, who, despite being a spider, lacks so many distinct features we associate with spiders! He only has six legs instead of eight, he doesn't have pedipalps or chelicerae, and he also lacks that big old spider booty, which I think is such a missed opportunity, considering he is supposed to be in the sex industry. He isn't even remotely shaped like a spider, he looks more like a fuzzy stick bug or something.
Part of me feels like Viv is too afraid to make her characters look unique, so she just goes with the same, skinny humanoid design for just about everything. It's such a shame, because I really do think she is a talented artist who can make some really interesting designs. But then again, she also gave us Beelzebub, so... maybe not.
As for the reference sheets, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but I couldn't find any official ones for the main characters, so if you could send those my way I would appreciate it! Though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were bad. I did look up Lackadaisy's and found them pretty easily and...
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This is so freaking comprehensive and detailed, it's incredible! Look at all those poses and facial expressions!
Comparing Vivzie's works to Tracy's feels kind of unfair, since Tracy has been working on Lackadaisy for 17 years, and it really shows. This is leaps and bounds above Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel in quality. Rocky's design is tight; it's detailed, but not overly complicated. There isn't an obnoxious overuse of highly saturated colors, and there's such nice contrast between his fur, his eyes, suit, and tie, making his design very nice to look at. You can also tell so much about his personality and the world he lives in just from his appearance. It's such a good design, and Rocky is just one example from Lackadaisy! All of Tracy's designs are memorable and stand out from one another, unlike so many of Vivzie's characters, whose designs honestly feel interchangable.
So much thought and care has gone into Lackadaisy, and I seriously cannot wait for the full series, as well as all the other amazing indie animated series that have been coming out recently. It's sad that Helluva Boss is seen as the pinnacle of indie animation, when there are so many other series out there that are just.. better! Lackadaisy, obviously, but we've also got Digital Circus, Murder Drones, Monkey Wrench, and so many others that deserve way more appreciation than what Helluva Boss receives. And that's just from an art direction standpoint, we aren't even talking about writing. That's a whole other can of worms.
All of that being said, it's obvious that a ton of love and hard work went into Helluva Boss, and I hold absolutely nothing against the animators and artists at Spindlehorse. These poor design choices are a hallmark of Vivzie's art style, and they're simply working with what they've got. There is such wasted potential here because it feels like Vivzie is too afraid to step outside her comfort zone and design something that isn't a brightly colored, sharp-toothed twink, or skinny anthro wolf girl.
Anyways, that about wraps up my thoughts. Thanks for the ask, this was fun to delve into! And again, I'd be very interested in seeing you post your redesigns! 👀
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chaifootsteps · 13 days
just me or is the whole 'saying this is like fanfic is homophobia' framing kind of frustrating? like just to list out the tropes that have come up so far in HH/HB:
female character is written as an evil shrew who gets in the way of the m/m pairing
relationship that starts with rape/dubcon rewritten into true love (this one is probably more common in bad BL manga but I'm willing to bet there's some overlap)
character is the child of a mob family
portrayals of rape/sexual assault treated as titillating / used for drama
portrayals of domestic violence/abuse used mainly to get viewers to feel sorry for a character instead of making them sympathetic on their own terms
abusers/rapists being all powerful monsters solely to torture the victim as much as possible
characters are either Good or Bad and writing is heavy handed about driving this point home
writers has one character they stan and baby above all others and not only the writing but the world bends around them as they eat up more and more screentime while the actual main characters are shoved to the side
writer has one character they hate and they hate other people liking them so they derail them in the most obvious way possible
writer has one pairing they despise and go out of their way to make them seem familial to shame the fans who ship it
writer has intended pairings in mind but they just kinda happen regardless of how much work has been put in to give them real chemistry
the plotlines jump all over the place with no consideration given to the differing stakes each create or audience fatigue when too much is introduced at once/too many hanging threads are left, similar to what happens in unplanned serialized fiction. consistency and worldbuilding errors abound. conversations/events that seem like they should change the status quo kinda don't but there's so little way to tell which one is which that audiences cannot gauge the stakes and either stop being invested or just take the show as it comes since there's no point anticipating anything being done with a lot of its characters & plot points
too many characters, often some of whom don't serve much purpose but the writer is way too attached to to ever cut out (looking at you, Andrealphus & Vassago)
characters are rewritten on the fly. due to the lack of planning their arcs start and stop or get quietly dropped when the writer tires of them
pervasive attitude of misogyny - female characters are underwritten, bitches, dumb or accessories to the men. The world revolves around the (usually white) m/m pairing/s
the main premise is dropped in favor of shipping drama or character shilling
There's probably more but those are the big ones - like s1 wasn't perfect but s2 really does feel like it became fanfic of itself. I understand Viv being frustrated if it seems like a broad dismissive brush instead of specific critiques, but there's a couple of problems here:
when people give specific critiques she either misrepresents their points to frame them as bad faith (tacitly encouraging her fans to do the same), complains people keep making the same point or writes defensive threads about how people just don't get it because, for example, the show totally demonstrates Millie has qualities other than Wife and Violent
when people say something 'feels like fanfic' as far as I've seen they aren't immediately using it as shorthand for 'it has LGBT characters'. usually when they expand on their points what they're getting at is a lack of planning and a lack of experience or competency in the writer that gives the whole thing impression of being done by an amateur who's either young or still learning their craft, or both
it's the same lack of experienced hands that resulted in the opening of Hazbin being so amateurish and lacking the sense of having actual episodes until other staff writers were brought in to clean up the mess
like yeah I don't like the implication that 'fanfic=automatically bad' since I've read some good stuff myself and maybe people could be more specific; but usually this critique is coming from people who actually like fanfic, who've read a lot of it and who recognize the tropes from the worst fanfics out there in Viv's work
Viv's little "Um, actually, fanfic is good and queer and so if you use it as an insult towards my shows, you're homophobic" snit is one of the more rancid things she's said. When you lay it all out like this, it really does go to show how her stories embody all the worst, most harmful tropes bad fanfic -- and bad writing in general -- has to offer.
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flower-boi16 · 26 days
The defense 'HB would get formulatic and boring if it focused on assassination business' is so funny, bcuz we literally have "Battle for dream island" (another cartoon series on youtube) that has been using the same formula in every single episode for more than 10 years and it *still* manages to be more entertaining than HB could never dare to dream of.
Unlike Viv, the creators actually know what to do with the premise. The plot is always about players partake in a challange, and the losers are put on elemination for the next episode. The characters' different method how to compete is what makes it enjoyable and they also have their own conflicts, arcs and dynamics.
I am not saying BFDI is flawless masterpiece. The creators were 13 when it started, so the earliest episodes can be a mixed bag, but their writing and animation have improved as they grew up. There are errors even in the modern episodes, but they are able to fix them in after-coming episodes, meaning that they actually care about this series being good and listen to criticism.
That defense never made much sense to me because like. Isn't the premise suppoused to be the MAIN APPEAL of the show? There are plenty of creative ways you can utilize the main premise of a show, you can utilize it in a way where it isn't repetitive. Another show I can think of that utilize's it's premise pretty well is Penn Zero: Part Time Hero.
That show utlizes' it's premise incredibly well, creating tons of verity in each episode.
HB should've stuck to it's premise, plain and simple, no Stolitz drama, no Stolass, no nothing, just the premise. And the fandom's defenses for the show abandoing it's premise are laughable at best.
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robotbodies · 11 months
all the welcome home numbered links in order for anyone who’s looking :) i found all of these except number 3 which i figured out trial-and-error by going through letter combos.
and here are all the non-number links i’ve found
https://www.clownillustration.com/a - addition from @eyesteeth
https://www.clownillustration.com/soon - found on this post by @pastelalleycat​
https://www.clownillustration.com/staff-only found on reddit
feel free to reblog with any more!
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
I noticed something when Erin posted the ref sheet of the DHORKS Characters she designed. So starting off Truth Seekers never mentioned the Leader of the DHORKS Agency at all, hell I don't even think that he's even in the wiki page.
And next, two of the characters (the 6th and 3rd DHORKS Agents) were whitewashed, the DHORKS Agent with the Hijab wasn't used, the 5th DHORKS Agent has a lighter skin color, and the 1st DHORKS Agent had so many inconsistencies with his design in the first 10 seconds of the fight it's insane (I didn't feel like posting the images of the first agent, but if you look at the action sequence you'll see the difference in appearance).
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Now, I'm not sure if these are intentional whitewashing or animation errors, I hope it's the latter because the skin tones on the 5th and 6th DHORKS Agents do change and the first DHORKS Agent does have a bright beard, but not the exact colored beard. However this is but another example of the animation errors in Helluva Boss as every single god damn episode including the fucking pilot has animation errors. I get that HB is being animated by freelance animators, but through communication and time the majority of these animation errors could be avoided. This also shows how much of a great artist Erin is. In all honesty, communication is key when it comes to everything so all of these animation errors or changes in skin tone really makes me question the communication Viv has with her workers or how she encourages communication among them.
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hpowellsmith · 2 days
Your writing for this game is flowing so fast and it makes me so happy, cause my anxiety didn't let me wait for RA without checking this form everyday lmao!! It has the potential to be as good as Creme!!
Is chapter 7 the last chapter you'll update before you submit HB to COG?
Thank you, that's incredibly kind 🥹
I'm really pleased that Honor Bound is going so fast and (generally) smoothly, it's been really nice working on it almost full-time. I think Chapter 7 will probably be the last update I put up publicly (it's currently up on Patreon and will go up for everyone on 2nd July).
I'm hoping to write as much of Chapter 11 as I can during June, and hopefully complete the draft in July. Whenever it is completed, what will then happen is:
I will send everything to my editor who will give me notes for Chapters 11-12
I will revise Chapters 11-12
Then at various times, with some overlap the following will happen:
The whole game will be closely reviewed by one of the CoG editors who will send me notes (in the past it's usually been an editor who isn't my main one, so it's fresh for them)
Automatically-generated playthrough seeds will be read by a number of continuity readers who will give me notes about errors, unclear stuff, or sensitivity issues
The beta test for the whole game will happen (usually this is announced publicly and can be signed up for by email - I say usually because a couple of games haven't been organised like that lately and I'm covering all my bases)
Through all that, I'll be editing the game in response to the feedback and putting up updates for the readers and testers.
Once all the edits are done, the game is polished to my satisfaction, and playtesters have slowed down and aren't finding errors anymore, the game will go up be copyedited. That's the stage at which I twiddle my thumbs and feel at a loose end, and also start thinking in more detail about what I want to make next. It's also the stage at which I'll have a clearer idea of the release date.
Then once the copyediting is finished and I've answered any queries about it, once the release date comes around we're ready to go! (I can't remember the timing for my other games, but for Royal Affairs, it was 4 months from the full draft completion to the release date.) And that's the point where I get jittery and nervous, and panic about self-promotion. But I also try to do something nice to celebrate.
After a couple of weeks I have a reasonable idea of sales and reviews (though I really try not to obsess over either) and can use that to make further decisions about what I do next.
So that's an essay you didn't ask for about what my next few months are going to be like!
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mariacardenas162002 · 2 months
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TFA-HB-SG: Sg optimus prime como loona 💙🤍😳🐺
El imita a loona pero el es un lobo rebelde que no le importa nada hizo algunos retoques con el disfraz lo cual le quedó muy bien 💙🤍🐺😳😏😏😏😏😏😏😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
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nottapossum · 2 months
you think Travis could be redeemed, not like redeemed as in going to Heaven but redeemed as a character?
Travis is pretty much a gross man but atleast he's not as bad as Val, maybe Travis could learn the errors of his ways and somehow apologise to Angel
this cliche I know but love me a good redemption arc X3
I really like redemption arcs. For some reason, I really want to see more redeemed Villans in HB and HH. And I usually hate Villan redemption arcs, lol. (But like it's hazbin so...they should have some.)
I dont usually love them, especially if you don't see their growth, you know. Idk. They're a bit overdone in today's modern movies and shows.
Villan says sorry, and they get over it.
Not really my cup of tea ☕️ and not a proper arc..
But I'd actually like to see Adam and Vox redeemed or Stella. We talked about the possibility of her redemption before. With proper growth and story arcs that we can see throughout.
But Travis?
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That would be interesting.
He seems to love watching people suffer, though. Which is mostly why I hate Valentino.
But like Vox, he mostly just enables Val, and probably because he's scared of him. He's not the one actually doing anything... so if he turns himself around and sees the error of his ways. Could be possible 🤔
Seeing Angel in such a bad situation that he realizes Angel didn't deserve the treatment he received, and so he tries to help him? And apologize for using him?
I think it could happen.
And ngl he'd make a fun edition to the main crew, and if he also belongs to Val. Imagine the drama!
And the support Angel could get if Travis was on their side?
But! On the other hand.
He's still a pretty bad person. We don't know how bad.
He hasn't done anything too horrid I don't think, but it could be worse than we know.
Or not as bad as we think. Idk. 🤷‍♂️
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He reminds me of the bat from great mouse detective. Silly bat that goes along with the bad guy because he thinks its..."fun" or will grant him respect or something...
But those are just my thoughts.
What do you guys think?
And hey, if Travis is in Ittybittysinners, what classification would you guys classify him as?
@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @abby5577 @trophyxtissues2
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xx-slug-xx · 4 months
Hello! It have been a while since i've heard about the controversies of Viv, especially about some of her views
If you want, can you explain about her transphobia, homophobia, racism and antisemitism, pls?
I’m not an expert by any means, but I can explain a little bit. There’s other sources that are more reliable than my word though, especially since I’m not going to go into huge detail lol. I encourage you to do your own research, my word is not law and there’s a good chance I’m misinformed.
I will give a disclaimer that, despite being proship, I do discuss some of the things she depicts in her fictional works on top of things she does irl. Some of which is just my opinions based on observation of the show. But most of this is in regard to stereotypes being portrayed, which is an area of fiction that actively perpetuates bigotry and I don’t really see it as “just fiction”. That’s just me though. There’s some screenshots of how she treats real people too.
Anyway, antisemitism:
The character Mimzy from HH is a blatant Jewish stereotype. Not only is she someone who’s extremely money hungry, small sharp teeth, short, fat, has a nasally voice, but she’s also got the classic hooked nose that’s seen in antisemitic propaganda, (none are bad things on their own. If it wasn’t for all of them combined, then I wouldn’t think twice about it tbh) On top of that, she’s not a well liked character in the show, being portrayed as annoying, selfish, greedy, and even sleazy to some extent. She’s not a character that has many positive aspects to her
But on top of that the character Rosie is based on the Jewish mother stereotype as well. It’s even in her audition notes.
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But wait! There more! She was a fan of the I-hate-jewce blog here on tumblr, as she followed them and did an art trade with them that depicted Hitler as a Sausage Party character. The excuse she makes was that she didn’t believe in I-hate-jewce’s opinions, but admired their way they voiced their opinions. And that it was a different time when making jokes and stating harmful opinions like these were “more accepted”. Which, to me, is a piss poor excuse for being a bigot in the past and/or present.
Onto transphobia:
This screenshot may be faked, but it also lines up with her pfp at the time the screenshots were taken, as well as other viewpoints she’s lauded to. They are from discord, formatting is wierd bc they were taken in compact mode
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However, she does misgender her trans associates. There’s been an ongoing (to my knowledge) situation and dispute between someone named Ken and Vivzie. Ken uses they/them pronouns. Vivzie has been seen many times referring to Ken using she/her, despite knowing Ken’s identity quite well. Here’s some screenshots from some times they’ve talked together, Vivzie talking about Ken to others, and Ken voicing their concern twards Vivsies views on their gender. (Sorry for bad quality btw)
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In addition to this, Vivzie in the past (when zoophobia was being worked on), has created a character by the name of Jojo who was a direct caricature of a past friend that she clearly didn’t like.
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Here’s the character
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Plus, folks who have worked with Spindlehorse have discussed that transphobia is an issue in the work place. Not really Vivzie’s fault, she can’t control everything. But still, it’s odd and not cool that this continued to be an issue.
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Millie’s trans brother in HB doesn’t have any speaking roles, or even a name. And there was an error in one of the episodes he appears in where his horns indicate that’s he’s cis male instead of being trans (not a huge concern, animation errors happen. I just find it not cool that rep for trans men was overlooked) She also doesn’t credit people who voice the only trans masc character with a speaking part, plus he’s also unnamed. But from the looks of it, his VA is a cis male. Keep in mind the contrast for Sallie Mae being that her VA is a trans woman.
Vivzie has shown a pattern of not respecting trans men as real men. Or any afab person as their gender if it’s something other than cis. It’s a pattern that’s come up that can’t be denied imo. It’s especially obvious when it’s towards people she has some sort of beef with.
Would also like to bring up how her merch sexualizes Sallie Mae. Like, to the same degree that the main characters of HB are. She’s a side character who has minimal speaking parts and appearances. Yet, she’s sexualized to hell and back. I’m all for making trans women feel desirable and beautiful, because they are! I think it’s great! But imo, I find it kinda weird that her trans fem rep is treated like this when she’s not a main character. Plus, her merch doesn’t do that to her trans masc characters. Why do it to one but not the others? But hey, that’s just me and it’s not a rule that everyone has to agree with me on that lmao
Valentino is black coded, and is a blatant black stereotype (violent, black, drug addicted pimp archetype who sexually abuses people). I don’t feel like I need to explain why that’s not a great look.
Alastor is “black coded” (ashy skin and he’s white washed to hell). He uses voodoo, which is a closed practice that black slaves created to empower themselves and have a connection to their roots despite their horrible circumstances. He’s “mixed” Creole from some older depicting of him in notes if I recall.
She has supported Blaire White (she did black face and mocked blm) (look up that whole issue lol, too much there to talk about but I’m putting it here anyway) before back tracking when people realized what was going on. Vivzie back peddles a lot on her past though, never making a true apology or owning up to her past actions.
Any characters that DONT look white washed in the shows are not designed by her. Every poc character that she designs herself is white washed to hell and back. I know they are demons, they don’t look human, that’s a given. But Grim from TGAOBAM is a literal skeleton, but you still know he’s black. There’s better ways to depict bipoc coded characters though, that’s my point. She prides herself on her bipoc representation, when it’s shit representation when she’s the one soully behind it imo. There are really good character designs that depict people of color, but they aren’t Vivzie’s ideas and that credit goes to the character design team!
Sir Pentious is based on another ex friend of hers who she used to mock. She didn’t like him, saw him as a joke, etc. He was indigenous American, his hood is ment to look like his hair (which Vivzie mocked extensively). The whole “inventor” aspect of his character is ment to mock the steampunk aesthetic that her ex friend liked. He’s also the butt of a lot of jokes. Overall, I don’t think it’s very cool that Vivzie has repeatedly shown to make caricatures of real like people who belonged to minority groups.
Nifty’s pilot design depicted her skin as yellow. She’s Japanese. This is on top of being a maid and being boy crazy. That’s not a stereotype at all /sar. (She’s one of my favorites and she did get a redesign in the premier. And she got the best jokes in the show so far imo. She’s silly lol but I still wanted to bring it up, despite how much I like her)
She has ignored bipoc fans when they express being uncomfortable with anything relating to how she depicts poc characters. And it’s blatant that she doesn’t care about the voices of concern from her bipoc fans. If you are going to depict bipoc characters in your show, especially cultural depictions, listen to people who are bipoc and who come from those cultures you are depicting! She as a white person needs to listen to bipoc people when they voice their concerns to her about characters that are supposed to represent them!
Also! During her recent trip to Japan, she ate at McDonald’s and KFC despite there being a boycott due to the companies both supporting Israel. Idk how you feel about it, anon, and it’s not something I’ll go into too much detail over since I’m not super knowledgeable on it. But it’s a really important detail about Vivzie to a lot of people out there, and I wanted to bring it up because of that. (I hate all wars and genocides before anyone makes assumptions about my stances)
Not much to say reguarding this other than I found that she favors mlm relationships heavily over wlw relationships. HB isn’t a show that focuses on lesbian relationships because that’s just not the way the show is written, and that’s fine. However, she prides herself on the wlw rep she created due to HH being female focused. The main relationship between Charlie and Vaggie feels pushed away in favor of more mlm relationships. They clearly have been dating for a while, and so, their relationship doesn’t need to be explored as much as some others imo. However, to me the show doesn’t do too much with them and there’s a large focus on the male characters and their relationships as opposed to the female lead and her girlfriend.
I will give her credit on her depictions of gay and bi men, I do like a lot of those and I can’t really find anything terrible to say about that or find evidence of how she treats real gay people. Everyone is free to think whatever they want though. However, queer people are the only minority group that Vivzie actively is in support of from what I’ve seen, which is sad imo.
You could say that Angel Dust is a homophobic stereotype (sex loving, drug addicted, drag queen, sex worker, feminine), but there’s real people in the world who share his experiences and it makes me feel like the people who claim such just don’t take into account of the real people in the queer community who share similarities to him. Like, there’s a lot of queer men who do sex work and are addicted to various substances. It’s a struggle and his character is a testament to that.
Anyway, do your own research, come up with your own conclusions, you can still like her work and characters, and all that! This is stuff off the top of my head that I could think of.
(Any Vivzie stans who try to tell me that this is either all faked or rumors will be ignored btw. I’m tired of dealing with y’all every time I say anything about her that’s even remotely negative. You guys can like what you like, even if your attachment to Vivzie is unhealthy imo and you shouldn’t place anyone on a pedestal. She’s not perfect, nobody is. This is my opinion, and it won’t change. I don’t hate her shows or her work. I just dislike her as a person.)
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critical-hazbin · 4 months
Thoughts on Alastor so far? He’s probably my favorite character in HH, but after the poor writing that came from HB episodes 3 and 4, one part of me is worried the crew will ruin him when Hazbin Hotel eventually starts getting episodes.
(This ask was sent in a long time ago, sorry it took me until now to finally answer.)
Spoilers for Season 1 of Hazbin
I was almost certain they were going to mess up Alastor's character horribly. I did not have much faith in the writing for Hazbin. With Alastor specifically, there is a lot of room for error in terms of characterization, and I found personally that he was the trickiest one of the cast to write correctly and consistently. Between fandom woobifying, conflicting information, and a lack of insight into his motivations, Alastor's character has seen many varying interpretations over the years.
Well, now that the show is actually airing, I have to say that I don't think they ruined Alastor's character: they actually did a great job with him. I do understand the perspective of those who disagree with me, and miss the pilot characterization. But as a long-time Alastor fan, I feel the writers gave him surprising depth and found his flaws intriguing.
Pilot Alastor (Ed Bosco and Gabriel Brown) was goofier, more lighthearted, chattier, and more openly affectionate. Nothing really seemed to rattle him, and direct signs of his deviousness were minimal. He had more extensive radio sound effects and was truly a product of the thirties (reflected in dialogue through specific phrases), but had a smaller range of emotional expression as a result of his "radio broadcaster" persona. Husk seemed to owe him a favor, as opposed to Alastor owning his soul outright - "I suppose I could cash in a few favors" - and this was a common fan interpretation, not just a misinterpretation on my part.
Series Alastor (Amir Talai) is more temperamental, prideful, openly intimidating, reserved, and less prone to rambling. The radio effects are minimal unless needed for dramatic effect; his smile is sharper and less genuine. We see a wider range of emotions (frustration, anger, fear) from this Alastor, all with the smile still in place. There's a certain coldness about him, from his demeanor towards Husk (whom he keeps as a pet in an abusive soul contract) and his annoyance at others (Charlie, the Egg Bois, Sir Pentious) that contrasts his superficial warmth from the pilot.
It's a subtle but definitely noticeable set of changes for a character many fans had grown attached to. And yet, I found I liked the new version of Alastor, and felt that the writers added depth to a character who could have easily been a flat, all-powerful "Gary Stu" archetype. We see how these character flaws come back to bite him in the finale and how his limitations imposed by his deal set up his character for other, more interesting developments. Him having a breakdown and then immediately returning to the others with a smile on his face like everything is fine? That's the kind of Alastor that I knew was in there, and it was amazing to actually see it on screen. (I always figured he was a mess beneath the mask. That last scene was not shocking for me the way it was for many others.)
This fascinating characterization hasn't stopped other people from saying they "miss the pilot Alastor" and "wish he was still like that". I get that, I really do. If pilot Alastor was how Alastor wanted to be seen by others, series Alastor shows us who he really is. Unsurprisingly, not everyone is going to like that.
Side note: Ed and Gabriel did a perfect job voicing Alastor. Amir is also doing very nice work. I still miss the pilot voices, even though I like the voice he has now.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Old Hazbin Hotel was cringe, but in a charming and cute way. New Hazbin is just cringe, in a "not even "so-bad-its-good" way, its just bad" cringe.
The Hazbin pilot was cringe, due to the cleary inexperience from the producers to make a proyect like this and it had a few problems. But, it gave me the vibes of "first big proyect made by a group of friends of enthusiastic young adults, who you can tell they all had fun making it and expect the proyect to get bigger and keep working together on it". Similar to that feeling of when you see a drawing on deviantart made by a 10yo that isnt perfect (like it has anatomy errors, weird coloring, etc) but you can tell that the kid put a lot of love in their drawing and they have the potential to be better in the future, and that was makes it so charming.
Meanwhile, the new Hazbin is just annoying and hard to enjoy cringe, gaves me the vibes of "pretentious yet souless proyect made by a rich childish asshole that never grew up past the age of 14 and is more obsessed with "proving the haters wrong" than actually making a good show. There is not a single drop of love or care that doesnt come from the Director's fantasies of being famous for it. Everyone in the production couldnt give less of a shit about it they are just there for a quick buck and in a few years they will talk about how they were treated like shit during the production of this show". It reminds me of Santa's INC, that unfunny pretentious show that was a "criticism of misogyny and white privilege" or something like that but its delivered in the most childish way posibly. The creator of the show was salty that people didnt like the show so he ended up saying that everyone who criticised it was a white supremasist on Twitter. Pretty sure Vivzie will do something like that when Hazbon comes out and people are honest with its criticism, seeing she basically did the same with HB, but with HH this will definetely destroy her reputation.
I seriously think we are on the bad timeline and there is another one where Hazin was never picked up by any company and it stayed indie, being directed by someone who isnt Vivzie.
Vivzie trying to comprehend why people liked the pilot and Hunicast more than the final product she ditched it all to make:
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