Shiny Thire: Commander, can the Chancellor sign this bill.
Fox, shaking his head: Listen shiny, you'll have to learn to forge that musty meat bag's signature. If you sign it from the start, you'll be able to sign whatever you want, and those bureaucrats we'll never know. Too busy kissing ass to give a flying kriff.
Shiny Thire pulls out a pen: Like so?
Fox: You'll make a fine guard on this polished turd
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randomfanner · 7 months
Spawn Astarion + His Siblings Headcanons
Time for Spawn Astartion, his headcanons are probably going to be the lightest this far, mind you I am writing this before I actual write the headcanons so this is subject to change. Unless of course it doesn't!
When I do Ascended Astarion, there is going to be a lot of warnings but that is Ascended Astarion. We are letting this vampire man be happy five minutes before we go into what happens if his life gets ruined.
There is a mention of the slimmest piece of shit. The rattest of rat bastard: Cazador. Only mentioned.
Discussing Astarion's relationship with sex. Not sex itself, there is nothing safe for work, just how Astarion is most definitely demi-sexual.
This is going to be tooth rotting:
Astarion is trying so fucking hard to be a good boyfriend. Do you have idea how much he is trying? He has no idea what he is doing, he meant that so he tries to figure it out by doing everything he can for you.
This man will wait on you hand and foot and I am serious.
He loves to do it too. You are the first thing to make this man feel safe, loved and wanted in 200 years. You have aided him in getting free from the tadpole in his head, the Absolute nonsense, his past, his tormentor, that ritual and, perhaps most importantly:
"So by all means dear, sit down, relax," he guides you to sit down on the couch. "This is the least you deserve. Besides I do think you have a few friend who would be happy to be lathered in your lovely attention well I make dinner," of course he is referring to Scratch and Owlbear cub. He will give you a kiss on the cheek as he goes to make you dinner.
Of course afterward he is done with dinner, he joins the cuddle pile. giving you kisses and praises... If you are gracious enough to allow him a nibble he certainly will not deny though.
This to be said even after all this time he is not used to receiving affection and positive attention back. Not anything genuine at least and so it can take him... time to get used to receiving your touch.
Oh the man loves it. Do not get it right you make him feel... wanted. He is just not used to that feeling. So sometimes he may flinch away from you when you try to be soft with him. He doesn't want you to feel offended and does assure you "It is in no way you, my beloved, it is all me."
Give him time and he always does come seek out your touch eventually. He does thrive on the warm you make him feel with your softer moments.
Astarion notices he is slowly becoming... good. He hates it. He does like it, but he really hates it
One day he was walking home after getting groceries from the night market and saw someone dropped their wallet, and with out thinking, he returned the wallet. He got thanked and walked away with out even realizing what he did and then he just.
He debates on going back and stealing the wallet back. He can, he knows he can... but he just.... doesn't. He just goes home and isn't sure what he just did and man may have a crisis.
"Don't worry about me, dearest!" if you try check on him. "I just did a good thing with out reason and I am not taking it well- give me a minute. I do want to discuss this!"
He becomes very clear with his emotions and tries not to hide them with you at all. He will tell you what he is thinking, when he is thinking and makes sure you expect complete honesty from him. You have shown him all and more trust in the world.
He did try to kill you at minimum twice and he was fully intent on using you. He still feels... guilty about those things as much as he tries to deny it. And he does talk with you about it when it comes up. Because he trusts you.
He honestly trusts you. It means the world to him that despite how little he deserves it, you showed him trust. And he is so happy you are here with him.
Astarion tends to go hunting a lot in peaceful times. He is still a vampire and even with out the blood lust of hunger he sometimes just... needs to kill something. A predator instinct that is going to be with him as long as he is a vampire.
Not that he minds. Going hunting for animals, sometimes monsters, and any nasties who are stupid enough to try and attack him make him feel excited.
He keeps his promise not to attack innocent of course and has saved a few lives by his hunting. Whether it be a child who got lost in the woods at night, or perhaps a foolhardy adventurer. A lot of these you wouldn't have known about if it weren't for the fact the people he has saved have stopped by during the day, bringing by gold or gifts as a reward.
Astarion never expects it but it makes him... happy. It makes him really happy.
Take him shopping when you get to Baldur's Gate. Like, do it, please. Take him to the Facemake Boutique and let him pick out his own, nice clothes and maybe some dye.
Oh the man is more than ecstatic. His appearances matters to him, it makes to him a lot. If you have no, read the description on his clothes: it made me cry.
He does cry about it afterwards . He will just be sitting on his bed at the Elf Song, staring at his old clothing , clothes he struggled to keep nice and now he has nice clothes from someone he cares about that he got to pick out.
It gets and makes you so many gifts. He will go to Halsin, whether you are in a relationship with him or not, and ask him to help him learn how to skin animals and begin using the pelts and leathers of animals he kills. (if you are also dating Halsin, it is a wonderful bonding activity for the two of them).
Man does sew and has been stitching up your clothes during the adventure. Even before he realized he was in love. He noticed a rip on your camp outfit and "Give that here, I will fix it for you."
He fixes your clothes with embroidery. He adds something that reminds you of him to your outfit and just hands it over to you, muttering how you need to be more careful with your clothing. And now he will ask if he can add a bit more flare to your outfits.
Man has a lot of fears that he doesn't realize are fears until they come up again. They were things that he accepted as life and now he doesn't have too, he is terrified of them. Please protect him.
So this is you decided to not kill the vampires. I personally could not kill the vampires:
Knocking on the door is never an expected sound. Most people tended to leave you, Astarion(and Halsin) alone. Especially when it is the middle of the night. But when Astarion answered the door well.
"May... may we come in?"
"What in the bloody hells are you doing here?"
He never expected to see his brother or sisters again after you had convinced him to spare them. And if he did see them again he didn't expect them to show up at his house! He.... debates before he lets them in.
He is on edge about it as he officially introduces you to his family. You all really did not have any time for names or such when Cazador was still alive but now you are. He allows them to stay for dinner.
His siblings wanted to come thank you, officially and more completely than last time. And also get to know whoever the hell managed to give Astarion hope again.
It is extremely awkward at first, there isn't even enough room for them at the dinning table but.... you guys just start chatting about how life has been since things ended.
You hear about the vampires, how they are doing, and you get to meet his siblings. They are all damaged people but they are... nice people. Astarion is... kind of glad that they came.
Perhaps... they can have a relationships. Not forced siblings but... friends.
Willing friends.
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klainegifs · 4 months
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gutiuniverse · 1 month
Wind, during any game: Are you upset you don't get to be on the same team as Malon? Time: Have you ever played a game with Malon? Wind: No. Time: Have you ever gone into a unbreakable cage with a gleeok? Malon, yelling at Sky: FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER!! DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT WORD!? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!
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spookyshooti · 17 days
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They tried drawing each other…
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sirce-ap · 2 years
Lil Raiden Breakdancing
Lil Raiden beating the tutorial boss with his sick moves and even personalized remix.
In collaboration with my bestie who made the remix and editing.
EDIT: We have full mix version! Check my profile where I posted the SoundCloud of this rad mix!
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The very important participation of Jaskier to the battle ☺️
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freckll3 · 4 months
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ash-and-steel · 1 year
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he on him way to banish demons
inspired by this post
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I feel that after Sephiroth took dating advice from Zack and it actually worked, it's only downhill from there
Read at your own risk
Sephiroth now goes to Zack for ALL dating advice, and much life advice.
Zack: Ok, you gotta bring a bow-ket of flor-ets, hehehehehe
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: chicks dig that!
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: remember protection! Don't want a bunch of kiddos running around.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: chocolate is usually a good idea. My favorite is tootsie rolls!
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: Hold the door for her! And dress nice, get a nice clean shirt--Angeal says buttons are a must--and your bluest jeans, not ones you use for working.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: if it rains, some old fashioned gals like it if you carry them over puddles or throw your jacket down so they don't get wet, but that's kinda outdated.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: And man, here's the real secret: you gotta, and I mean you GOTTA, flick the bean and lick the lunch meat, if you know what I mean. You'll get her super wet!
Sephiroth: Wait, I thought we were supposed to avoid getting her wet?
Zack: only in the rain, man, only in the rain. 😉
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Later that evening...
*ding dong*
Lazard: *opens the door*
Sephiroth is standing there in a shirt that exposes his belly button and is festooned with buttons, as if it was stolen from an art student's studio after a crazed night before finals where the assignment was to use whatever was at hand and they only had buttons and a bedsheet.
He has also painted a very tasteful strand of DNA next to his belly button in the bluest blue body paint he could find. He removed the harness to accommodate the button shirt, but is still wearing his coat, pants, boots, and yes, pauldrons and gloves.
He is holding a pot full of dirt and...is that a grub? In one hand, and a bouquet of broccoli florets in the other. A plastic bag is dangling from his belt.
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Sephiroth: Hello, Lazard. Would you like to accompany me on our scheduled date?
Lazard: 👁️👁️
Sephiroth: 🐱
Lazard: Certainly. Is that a bouquet?
Sephiroth: Yes, even though Zackary pronounced it incorrectly earlier, I discerned his true meaning.
Lazard: Here, let me put it in water. Feel free to set down your...items...as well.
Sephiroth: I was informed to bring things that chicks would dig, so this is a pot of grubs. I also purchased beans and lunch meat for licking and flicking activities later, and a gift of chocolate. Please hold still. *Takes a slice of lunch meat out of the packet and gently applies it to Lazard's face*
Lazard: I'm sorry, I don't understand...?
Sephiroth: Oh! I was supposed to make you wet if it wasn't raining, and since you're using the sink to fill that vase, this was the next best thing I could think of. Is...is it working? Do you feel adequately wet?
Lazard: goddess yes, but, ah, I don't need the meat, well, not THAT meat, on my face.
Sephiroth: Oh! *Licks it off, has a nice little snack*
Lazard: *trembles*
Sephiroth: Shall we go out then? I'm unsure if the beans are meant to be flicked here or abroad; I was hoping you would advise.
Lazard, leaning against the counter, voice coming out in a squeak: We can stay in!
Sephiroth: Are you certain? While full of protein and with a vegetable, this hardly seems an appropriately fancy meal for someone I am trying to woo.
Lazard, hiding his...area d'oolala...and sweating: No it's fine!
Sephiroth: I can always summon Masamune to ward off children!
Lazard: I don't think that would be necessary either way *panting*
Sephiroth: Well, if we're not going out, I would like to show you what else I learned. *Throws another wet piece of lunch meat on the floor, then his coat on top of it (oh Gaia, the button monstrosity is a tank top that shows his arms), then picks up Lazard and walks over it.* There! You wouldn't be wet if it was raining! At least your feet wouldn't!
Lazard, face to face with the hottest man in Midgar: Take your pants off.
Sephiroth: One last thing! *Grabs the nearest door, which happens to be the bedroom door* *beaming*
Lazard: Are you...holding the door for me?
Sephiroth: Yes!
Lazard: fuck me
Sephiroth: Of course!
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unpretty · 1 year
the inherent comedy of Bruce making a girl swoon and then thinking he’d induced some kind of trauma flashback
he's usually a lot better at telling when he is either scaring or arousing someone but she's really confused the issue by experiencing both, and also getting shot in the head and then crying a lot when he tried to kiss her. he's getting a lot of mixed messages.
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lesdrawsposts · 6 months
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if you're looking for the best mechanic, then don't let him fix your vehicle
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mystories2012 · 3 months
Eisei got first in todays COC😍😍🥳🥳it is getting better and better💪
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duskianfae · 1 year
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Using random objects in self defense. I see a pattern there 😅
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