teddybeartoji · 4 months
HEHEEHEHSHSH licking and kissing his dick through his sweats :333 just straight up making out with it :333
I– 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴AND YOU KNOWWW HE'D BE SO FUCKING INTO THAT. he's leaning against the kitchen counter or smth as you drop down to your knees, eyes blown wide as you kiss the tip through the material🥴🥴🥴 he's staring at you so fucking intently that you think he might actually burn you alive. so you don't stop – you palm his balls and lick a stripe up his shaft and he's already bucking his hips into your face. and he loves it if you're being extra dirty – just rubbing your face against his bulge gets him so fuxkibg hard fuuuuckkkkk he's gonna fuck your throat so good he won't be able to hold backk<333333
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sturniqlo · 1 month
Forgive Me- C.S
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summary: chris cannot go to sleep without apologizing to his girlfriend blurb
cw: not tooo angsty?
an: chris saying he can't go to sleep until he apologizes to nick or matt did something to me
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Seven hours, it had been seven hours since both Y/n and Chris have spoken a word to each other. Their argument was at around three and it was now ten. Y/n was getting ready for bed in their shared bathroom while Chris was still in the living room doing who knows what.
Y/n did her last step to her skincare routine and massaged her moisturizer on her face. Then, the detangled her hair and headed for bed. She sighed as she turned off the light and got under the covers. She was missing something- someone.
This was one of their first actual arguments. Yeah, they've had little fights here and there but never like this. She had stormed out, needing some time to herself. She couldn't do it here, not when he was in the house as her. So, she stayed in her car until she was ready to go back in. Now, they're in this position, they've been ignoring each other all afternoon.
For lunch, which Y/n usually makes for both of them, Chris postmated some food and Y/n made herself some lunch. They ate thier meals in different rooms, Chris stayed in the kitchen while Y/n went to the living room. When Chris would enter the living room, Y/m would get up and go to the bathroom, so did Chris when Y/n entered a room he was in.
Y/n turned off her bedside lamp and the room went completely dark. She tossed and turned, until she eventually fell asleep.
It must've been about two hours or more until Chris started to yawn. He contemplated whether or not to sleep in the living room, but he eventually decided he'd sleep in thier room with Y/n. He got ready for bed, changing his clothes and brushing his teeth. When he opened the bedroom door, the light from the hallway lightly lit up the room and he saw Y/n sound asleep facing away from his side of the bed.
He quietly closed the door and got under the covers next to Y/n. He put his phone on his nightstand and tried to go to sleep. However, he couldn't. He laid there with his eyes open staring at the door, the ceiling or when he turned over he started at Y/n's back side. I have to apologize. He thought. "Baby." He propped himself up on one elbow and tapped her shoulder with his free arm. No response. "Babe." He shook her lightly and she moved. "Mm?" She hummed sleepily.
"Are you sleeping?" He asked. What a dumb question. "No shit." Y/n responded, she hated when her sleep got interrupted. Chris let out a breathy laugh. "Can we talk?" He mumbled. "About what?" She finally turned around to face him although she could only see his silhouette. "Our argument from earlier today." He said. "How about in the morning, I'm really tired." She tried to turn back around but he lightly grabbed her shoulder.
"No, now. I- I can't sleep. I have to apologize." Chris spoke softly. "Fine." She finally agreed and turned around to turn her lamp on. Chris finally saw her face. Her eyes were adjusting to the bright light and her hair was slightly on her face. She looked cute. "I'm really sorry about my behavior earlier today. It just that Nick and Matt weren't answering me for our meeting tomorrow and our work and our schedules are all over the place." He bagan. "And- I got easily pressed over something so stupid. I'm sorry, babe. Do you forgive me?" He touched her cheek.
"I do. Everyone has their bad days, you know? I just- I wish you would've told me about what you were going through, maybe I could've helped you or something." She smiled softly. "I- I will next time and all the times after that, okay?" He made a promise and Chris never broke his promises. "Okay."
"Now come here, I wanna cuddle you all night." Y/n giggled at his eagerness so she turned the lamp off and scooted over to Chris.
"I will never try to go to sleep mad at you, it's torture."
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cryptidghostgirl · 8 months
Make You Wish Chapter Two -- Where Is She
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: really super mild versions of cannon violence.
Word count: 2,072
Previous Part: Make You Wish Chapter One -- Seven Years
Master list link:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Make You Wish Master List
A/N I accidentally posted this before I was ready tooo ahhhh!!! it's fine. Everything was already written I just had to format it properly and stuff.
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Alastor had been at the Hazbin Hotel for only a few days and was already enjoying his time there greatly. It was an entertaining place, to say the least, and now that he had his feet under him, he was intent on making it even more so.
Charlie was pacing around the sitting room, stressed beyond belief. She had gone to speak to Adam the previous day to try and get his support for her plan, only to wind up with the news that the next extermination was coming in six moths, rather than the usual twelve. Alastor watched her duress in amusement as he sauntered into the hotel lobby, side stepping Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie to take a seat at the bar.
"It's nothing we can't handle," Charlie was explaining, trying to convince herself as much as anyone else in the room, "just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right? And next time, when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!"
Vaggie got to her feet, grabbing her girlfriend by the shoulders and stopping her from her relentless pacing.
"Yes, we will." she confirmed.
"Oh please," Angel cut in from the couch, his eyes fixed on his phone, "ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now...? Ain' no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is." Charlie turned to him, "We just have to look a little harder for it."
"Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts."
Angel turned his phone to Charlie, showing all the news headlines of terror he'd pulled up.
"People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
He scrolled down to a video of a burning town just as a text notification popped up.
"Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" Charlie asked in confusion, having read the text.
"Ah, heh, nothing." Angel pulled the phone from her line of sigh, trying to come up with a quick lie, "My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah, that is true." Vaggie hummed thoughtfully, a hand to her chin, "Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape extermination?"
"Speaking of sinners," Alastor said, drawing the attention in the room to him as he turned towards Husk who was busying cleaning glasses, "I think it's time I look up my old partner in crime."
"And what do I have to do with that?" the cat demon gruffly replied, not sparing Alastor a glance.
"Your partner in crime?" Charlie asked, taking a step towards the bar, "I always thought you... you know, worked alone?"
Alastor's grin widened.
"Oh never you mind, dear." he replied, throwing her a glance over his shoulder, "Just a lost soul I'm acquainted with is all."
"Yeah. You've been trying to get her to sell you that soul for what, the past seventy years is it now?" Husk scoffed.
Alastor's eye twitched slightly at the implication of his failure.
"If I wanted it, I would have it." he hummed threateningly, and Husk backed down.
"That's great!" Charlie exclaimed, "So she's a friend of yours? Do you think she'd help with the hotel? Oh! Or maybe that she'd want to be a guest?!"
"Charlie-" Vaggie began but Alastor quickly cut her off.
"I don't see a harm in asking." he cheerily replied.
"And you know her, Husk?" Charlie asked.
He looked up as he placed a clean glass on the shelf, shooting Alastor a glance before nodding.
"Do you think she'd be a good fit?"
He sighed, crossing his arms as Husk turned to face Charlie fully.
"She's a sweetheart, I think you'd get along well." he admitted, "But she's trouble, just like him."
Husk gestured towards Alastor and Charlie's smile widened.
"Well, with all Alastor has done for us so far, I think we could probably use more trouble like him."
"Oh you flatter me." Alastor waved her off, looking away in a false show of humility.
"No really." Charlie insisted, "You-"
"Show yourself, Alastor!" a dramatic call cut Charlie off mid thought.
"Um. Alastor?" Charlie hesitantly began, peeking out from behind his shoulder as she watched the havoc he was wreaking on the snake shaped sinner, "I think he's had enough."
Alastor cackled joyfully, not even watching as his shadows destroyed the air ship.
"Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im." Angle disagreed, enjoying the show immensly.
The shadows tilted the ship forward, dropping Sir Pentious out through the broken windshield. He hit the ground with a thud, right before Alastor's feet. Stopping in his fit of laughter, he looked down at the man, spinning his microphone like a baton.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." he teased as one of the egg creatures fell from the ship, splattering on the ground beside Charlie who took a step away.
"Thank... you..." Sir Pentious began, his voice pained as he raised his head slowly, "for letting your guard down!"
Almost before Alastor could register what was happening, the snake had grabbed onto his coat with his tail and torn a piece from its hem. Alastor took a menacing step forward, his eyes narrowed.
"Oh shit." Pentious' triumphant laughter died out.
Slowly, Alastor sprouted a pair of shadowy horns. With a snap of his finger, the ground under the snake detonated, throwing him up into the air and far away from the hotel with a scream. He watched as Pentious flew away, retracting his horns and standing with a hand behind his back. Once the snake was out of sight, he at last turned to Charlie and Angel, as well as Husk and Vaggie who had come out to join them.
"Well, it looks as thought I need a visit to the tailor." he hummed, "Husk?"
"Yeah?" Husk grunted.
"Where did you say she was again?"
"I didn't."
Husk crossed his arms defensively and Alastor took a step towards him, his smile a little smaller than normal. There was an odd air between the two of them, a tension every one present could feel biting into their skins.
"Whats that?" Alastor asked lowly, his head cocked slightly to the side.
Husk sighed.
"Last I heard she was working for some imp in Pentagram City." Husk reluctantly admitted, looking away, "As an assassin or something, I don't know the details."
"An imp, you say." Alastor thoughtfully replied, his expression unreadable.
"Look, Alastor." Husk turned back to his master, "Don't fuck this up for her. She seemed pretty happy last time I saw her. You disappearing like that wrecked the poor girl."
"Just means she'll be all the more happy to see me."
Alastor turned, beginning to walk away. At the sound of Husk speaking again, he paused, keeping his back to the quartet.
"Alastor, ju-"
Alastor turned his head, shooting Husk a critical look over his shoulder. It shut the cat demon up almost immedeatly.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Wait, you're leaving?" Vaggie exclaimed, taking a step forward.
Irritation prickling beneath his skin, Alastor turned back to them once again. It had been seven years, he didn't know how much longer he could wait. Sure, he'd had time in Hell on his own, nearly twenty years of it. He didn't need her per-say, she just made things more interesting, more enjoyable. It just felt odd for them to be parted.
Sure, when they had first met, he had thought she was just an easy steal of a soul. Young, naive, frankly undeserving in his opinion of eternal damnation. But smart, smarter than she looked. Y/n had refused any and all deals with the man and so, he had taken it as a challenge. What had begun as a game: Alastor trying to gain ownership of Y/n's soul ended up as an after-life long friendship.
Alastor would never admit it to anyone but, in his absence, he had even missed Y/n the smallest bit. She kept things interesting, he told himself, that was all. Always causing discreet mischief, always quick with a joke. A true pleasure to have on the show, as he always used to say.
"Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." Vaggie continued.
"We need a wall." Angel finished for her, gesturing to the portion of the hotel Sir Pentious had destroyed in his attack.
"Of course." Alastor replied, keeping an irritated remark at bay, "Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?"
With a snap of his fingers, minions made of shadows pulled themselves from the ground at his feet. So as not to give anyone another chance to stall him further, he quickly turned on his heel and walked off.
Alastor was a man of image, he kept his pace slow and firm. Couldn't have any of them getting any ideas in their heads about the nature of his relationship with Y/n. That had always been trouble in the old days. The minute people saw the pair together, they started assuming things. He had already decided he was going to be more careful about that this time around and this was the first step.
There was a slight bounce in his step as he headed into the city's center, an odd anticipation fluttering in his chest. Alastor pushed it to the side. It was simply the thrill of being back in his old stomping ground that was to blame. It didn't matter he'd already been back a few days and it should have worn off by now, he should just feel lucky to still be so entertained by this place he'd known longer than he'd even been alive. Right?
Y/n was sitting at Blitzo's desk, reading through paperwork he had neglected to fill out or file correctly. It wasn't like any one in Hell really payed their taxes, but the mess still stressed her out. She let out a sigh, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her eyes in irritation. She had never had to do this type of work before, not since she'd been alive anyways. How the times had changed.
Noise of Blitzo and Moxxie fighting filtered in through the closed door. It wasn't anything special, anything new. The pair were always at one another's throats, she wasn't worried. What would be worrying, was if things were quiet. This was just the way life sounded now: inelegant and brazen. Nothing like it used to.
The buzzing of her phone on the desk beside her pulled Y/n from her reveries and she picked it up. The collar lay heavy around her neck as she read the message. Y/n had made some bad choices along the way, figuring out how to be on her own. She wasn't pleased with them, but it was what she had had to do. Back then, she hadn't had the need to fight for herself in over sixty years. It was the only thing she could think to do.
She double tapped the text, marking it with a thumbs up before shutting her phone off and leaning her head down on the table. There was no point in wishing for things to be different than they were but, it was just that time of year and the text had pushed her over the edge. A few stray tears trickled out of her eyes.
"Goddamnit, Al." she sighed into the empty room, "Where the hell are you."
Silence pressed its hands against her ears, blurring her perception of the world around her. Y/n had a few seconds, a few nearly peaceful moments before, again, her thoughts were interrupted. This time, not by her phone but by Blitzo calling for her from the other room.
"Y/n!" he yelled and she lifted her head off the table.
"Yeah?" she called back through the closed door.
"Get your ass out here!"
"Why? A client? Can't you handle it?"
"Y/n!" he insisted again, a sense of urgency to his voice.
If this was anything less than an absolute emergency, he was never going to hear the end of it. She was not in the mood for his games today.
"Fine." she groaned and pulled herself from the chair, "I'm coming."
Next Part -> Chapter Three -- A Reunion
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cosmiiwrites · 24 days
PLEASE give Adam a makeover!!! I feel like he’d be hesitant BUT the second he sees how happy you are?? He’s fine.
I’m talking bows, makeup, curling his hair-the whole shabang. Maybe you got stood up by ur friends and he’s sad that you look so pretty and got all ready just for them to cancel :(( just an idea!! ILY COSMII 💕🎀
˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ dolled up!
.ೃ࿐ adam x gn!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: you're feeling sad, so adam lets you doll him up <3 cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff, soft adam!! a/n: AAA this request is soo cute!! ILY TOOO @angelicpoison12 🫶 if it wasnt for the way your eyes were glossed over, or the way you pouted ever so slightly, adam surely would've never agreed to this. surely. no, actually, he definitely would. but seeing you so down after prettying yourself up strangely tugged at his heartstrings, and he cursed your 'friends' for making his baby upset in the slightest.
still, he couldnt deny the embarrassment prickling at his scalp when you clipped his hair back, giggling as you reached into your drawer. god, the things he does for you. "you're going to look so pretty after this," adam's expression scrunched up at your words. sure, he's done his guyliner before. but eyeshadow, mascara- was that lipstick? suddenly, adams acutely aware of how whipped he was for you. any other person who dare suggests the mere concept of putting anything on his face would get immediately laughed at.
"okay, close your eyes now," you command softly, your brush hovering over his face. "yeah, whatever. just get on with it," adam huffed quietly. he'd never admit it, but the feel of the soft brush against his skin was somewhat soothing. your soft breaths hit his face, adam couldnt help but shiver at the sensation. one hand held the side of his face so you could turn his head freely. once you were pleased with your work, you pulled back. a shade of gold that matched his eyes covered his eyelids tugged the corner of your lips upward. "awh, baby, you look so cute!" you squealed. the angel hated the way his heart stuttered at your excitement. "psh, just hurry up. the sooner you're done the sooner i can get this shit off of me." he grumbled, wings bristling in faux annoyance.
"babe, what the fuck is that?" adam squinted his eyes, scrutinizing the piece of metal in your hands. "it's an eyelash curler!" for emphasis, you curled the lashes of your left eye. "see?" adam watched in horror. did chicks really do this? "you're not putting that thing anywhere near me." he simply said. following his statement was a pout. the firmness in his voice made you deflate, and the sight made adam's resolve crumble to dust. "cmon, adam. please? your eyelashes are sooo long!" it was true. this guy's eyelashes were thick and long, sometimes you envied him for it. "shit," he swore under his breath. what have you done to him? "fucking- fine. do whatever you need to do." adam grumbled reluctantly. after ten minutes of adam complaining that you were pinching his eyelids, followed another twenty trying to curl his hair, accessorizing his brown strands with frilly bows. "aaand, done!" your boyfriend's hair was done nicely, eyelashes curled and layered with mascara, gold eyeshadow plated his eyelids, along with sleek black winged eyeliner. adam scowled at his reflection in the mirror, but a part of him couldnt deny that it actually looked good. "jesus..." he turned his face side to side. "are these- did you put fucking bows in my hair?" "mhm!" you chirped, flicking the pink satin. before he could complain, you placed gentle hands over his face, looking down at him. "you look so pretty," you muttered, pressing a soft kiss to his red-tinted lips. adam's heart felt like it was about to explode out of his chest, a subtle shade of pink grazing his cheeks. him? pretty? it wasnt hot or sexy, but, shit, he'd still take it.
adam now thanked your friends for ditching you.
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madrone33 · 25 days
It was SO much better than I anticipated. Like, I knew it'd be amazing to listen to - 'cause practically all of Jorge's stuff is - but I was less attached to Telemachus as a character than Ody, so while I was settled in for a fun time I wasn't as invested as I had been for the previous sagas.
Little. Did. I. Know.
Anyway, now that it's officially out for everyone, here's 1000+ words worth of excited screeching/rambling/word vomit from my immediate reaction to the audio, when it released at midnight for me! (I'm australian, so I got it 15 hours ahead of the americans lol, but also means I hadn't seen the animatics from the Live at this point)
Also, heads up there's a lot of swearing and I wasn't very coherent, 'cause my brain-to-type filter was non-existent at midnight while in the middle of a HYPE adrenaline rush lol
I feel so awake rn, even though it's midnight lol.
Started smiling as soon as I heard him. He sounds so GOOD!! MICO you're knocking it out of the park!
"Come and give me a sign!" Ayyy the Athena motif!!
Ooh they merged MICO's audition way of saying "if you're dead... or just tooo far"!
"Can I do whatever I takes to keep my mum safe?" aww don't worry bebe Athena's coming!
"Where is the man who'll have to wife?" ooh they really did use the Man of the House lines!
And they dropped that it's been 20 years! That's good, a proper timeline needed to be established at this point or newcomers might get confused.
ohhh shit! That growled "Boy!"
(Also, edit from after I watched the Livestream: HE DID NOT JUST THROW A BOWL AT MY BOY OH HELL NO-)
"Why don't you open her room so we can" oh FUCK OFF ANTINOUS!
oh the LINE! The CHAMP line!
"If I fight this monster" THS MONSTER! It changed from those monsters to this monster, because while he might be having fun thinking of conquering distant monsters out in the world, the real monster is living in his home and he needs his father's strength more than ever and AHHH
(Another edit from post Live: he decided to fight for his mum's honour and thought he'd get a beatdown or DIE in the attempt and STILL put his fists up oh my goddd!! And also, HIM STEPPING INTO THE SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER AHHH)
Ok I hate Antinous already. Like, I really love his voice, it's perfect, Ayron did amazing, but Antinous? What the FUCK! FUCK HIM! And I decided I love Telemachus. He sounds so helpless in that last line 🥺 ATHENA STEP IN!
Listening to Little Wolf now! Oh god I'm scared for Tele
"Wanna entertain me?" oh EW Antinous!
I just have a permanent stink face on rn lol
"Wanna entertain me?" Still ew, but also aww he didn't do the growl like in the demo
Clock sound effect! ATHENA!!!
she's giving TE/MO type vocal vibes, more than Act 1 Athena lol
"What's going on here??" lmao he's confused about Quick-Thought, like ody wasn't
"Uppercut him. Now." AYYYY FIGHT ADVICE
she's doing the verse melody but for him!
wait what'd she say? "I've no respect for bullies! Those who [something something] will!"
SHE CALLED HIM A DOG HA! What's a dog to a wolf hey antinous >:)
"One young wolf has a larger heart than all these men combined!" awww Athena <3
"Oooh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard..." lol she's too used to ody who is used to her
oh FUCK OFF antinous!
"Tell me, Athena, why you came to my aid..." wait WAIT HE SUNG THE "what keeps you up so late at night myyy friend?" MELODY??? HOLY SHIT!!
Ok that was awesome. We'll Be Fine time!
awww she regrets <3
omg but her HIGH notes
ooh? 👀 The line changed from "sailed to an island" to "and I didn't die?? What does this mean for HTD's "I heard he's on a diplomatic mission" line?
oh now HIS high notes!!
awww their motifs mixing! <3 <3
(Edit post Live: lmao him trying to lean on her shoulder and accidentally falling through her instead XD)
Well that was nice! Time for LIP... What am I in for bro
AHA I was RIGHT! The music from the cover art reveal IS here at the start of this song!
The "ohhhh" motif from Remember Them!
oh yo! THESE scenes! We called the Sirens, Scylla, and Thunder Bringer on the discord, but the lines that are being used are INTERESTING
(Edit post Live: the animatics are going CRAZY this saga!)
calypso time...
Ooh calypso's voice is much gentler than the snippets! (I'm determined to not let my bias against her character in the Odyssey colour how I feel about her performance, because Wangui is a lovely person, and her voice is beautiful.)
lmao the awkwardly long pause and then "... ANWAYS!" is always funny XD
the electronic elements when she reveals what she is!
"Time can take a heavy toll." uh oh what's that mean
Damn not the "all I hear are screams"-
... holy fuck. Um. My jaw literally dropped what. What. Ok first, her "ody" fuck that. Second, the LEDGE?? Um. UM. I need to rewind please
Oh shit
Oh my goddd JUST LET HIM GO
no him calling for athena! 😭
the slow clock omgggg
... wait I need to rewind wait shit I'm shaking
ok. Pause. That was.
I guess I called correctly, but it turned out to be a BIT of an understatement when I said there'd be an UNEXPRECTED EMOTIONAL MOMENT! What the FUCK. Oh god that was incredible and I teared up and ah fuck wtf fuck who gave him the RIGHT
TIme for God Games. Shit. Am I ready for Beast Mode Zeus??? No. But I'm doing it anyway! :D
ok that was beautiful. Also her calling him "father" was unexpected but welcome
"... Odysseus." commander motif!!
god I love his voice but I hate him
ok I love how he says "AphroDITE!" I'm smiling, I'm getting into this
also, wait why does he say "or" instead of "and" like the snippets did?
The voice teasers! Ah shit I can't believe I'm going to HEAR THEIR VERSES IN A FEW SECONDS WHAT. Also Hera's voice is VERY interesting!
Apollo? YO?? Wait wait I have to go back and actually listen to the words lmao his voice is cool!
oh the sirens??
Huh. I... don't really get that logic? Athena just said "yeah but they had it coming and now they'll know better" and he replied "understandable have a nice day"?
wow what is that accent? Lemme go back and understand lol
damn those went by quick. Also, not what I'd thought their issues would be. Tho I think someone called the sirens one!
ooh wait I've always loved aphrodite's, this is BEAUTIFUL. I need to go back to the start of the song so I can get her full impact after pausing so much.
ohhh she's the first one to reject athena!
"HOLD YOUR TONGUE NOW! HIS SON'S MY FRIEND!"oop you done fucked up ares
oh I LIKE hera's voice! It's kinda airy but still hella powerful!
damn my jaw hurts from smiling
I hear cheering 👀
ohhh THAT'S what he meant by "or"! Athena was supposed to face either the five gods or Zeus?
"You DARE to defy me!" DAMN Zeus! That growl!
lightning bolt to the face lmao
oh? The Wotm motif?
wait. Is the. Is this the "anime character on brink of death thinks of their friends and powers up" moment???
(Edit post Live: shit, zeus. Someone call CPS)
"Let him go..." oh wait that's IT?? NO WHAT SHIT
... lemme hear that end bit again.
WAIT reading through the comments and JORGE'S DAD VOICES HEPHAESTUS?? HOLY SHIT THAT'S EPIC! Now we just need his sister lol.
Oh that's right, I can see the cast now! Brandon McInnis as Apollo, POSEY as Hera, and Mike Rivera as Hephaestus. Nice.
It's 1 am now. Holy shit that was a wild ride. Damn. Hats off to Jorge and all the cast and editors and EVERYONE, that was absolutely incredible!! 💙🙌🏼🎉
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blkkizzat · 1 month
lowkey obsessed with otaku!gojo hes the type to be super clingy needy to bunny esp when hes on business trips so he doesnt become to pent up as much they film and have cute pictures/polaroids and esp he would always suggets new kinky shit to try , probably make bunny watch some porn while they chill together hes such a greenflag too a pervy one tho esp when he talks abt hes fantasies abt her being displayed and making those nerds jealous cause only he can have her!💗😭I LOVE UR WRITING SO MUCH ESP PLUG CHOSO TOOO<3
BABY GET OUT OF MY BRAIIIIN JDHJDHSKJA LOL!!! So I just released an m.list for otaku!gojo and this was close to one of my ideas. I imagined that he'd come back early from a business trip and find you just rubbing one out to some p0rn of his and he's just like holy shiiiit so fucking pumped cause you act like you don't wanna watch the hentai/p0rn he having you watch with him. Even bonus that its femdom and he can finally be your good boy.
But 100%!!! He would need lots of pics and vids while he's away and he would be really annoying about asking for them too.
Gojo: Bunny baby, lemme see how my fav girlie spot is doing 🤤... You:.... You: Toru, where are u rn? Gojo: I'm in a boring ass boardroom meeting my leaky lovely, why? You: GO BACK TO WORK OR I WON'T ANSWER UR FACETIME TN!!! Gojo: 🫡 yes ma'am~
aweeee!! tysm though sweets! im glad you like plug!choso, i have a few more things to write before i come back to him so hopefully that can hold y'all over for a bit <3. more otaku!gojo to come though too! i hope you will like it!!!
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 4) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Another short one for you guys.
Summary: What’s this? You and Wilbur first interaction?
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader
Warning(s): None, just a couple of swearing.
Italics: tweets
my masterlist :)
@wilbursoot you have a great band :)
When Wilbur saw your tweet, tagging him and complimenting the band, he was drinking his bottle of water and almost choked to death. He made a mess everywhere. His desk, the jumper he wore and even the phone on his hand got splattered by the water he spits out.
"Shit. Are you kidding me?" He mumbled to himself.
For a couple of minutes, his phone sat forgotten on the desk while he tried to find something to use to clean everything. With each minutes, his notifications started flooding again like the time when you first mentioned him and with each 'ding' sounds his phone made, Wilbur feels like his head was about to explode. With his desk done and jumper half wet, he moved to his phone, wiping it with a piece of paper he found lying around.
"Alright, there." He smiled at the sight of dry phone. "Now—"
After he balled the wet paper and threw it on the trash can, he returned to Twitter and the first thing he saw was your username with the blue verified checkmark beside it. You had reply to his tweet, the one where he gloats to Tommy about you listening to him. Neither him or Tommy tagged you in their interactions but with the amount of replies it got—about four thousand—he's not surprised if most of them were tagging you.
"Oh, fuck. What am I gonna say?"
His thumbs hovered the keyboard, trying to come up an adequate response only to fall short. All of it, he seemed to think, was either too lame or trying too hard. He had no problem embarrassing himself in front of thousands of people but embarrassing himself in front of you—even if you were in a another country—with thousands of people looking wasn't something he wanted.
"Just be cool. Just be you, Wil." He tried convincing himself. "Yeah, just be you."
hiii there :))
For a moment, he thought he'd done it. But, then as if someone poor ice cold water over him, Wilbur wakes up from whatever state he was in.
"God, I'm a fucking idiot."
It was ridiculous to see what someone wrote online and smiled at it because you thought it's cute. But, that's exactly what happened to you. Smiling like someone had brought you an enormous bouquet of your favourite flowers or your favourite item. The simple hi followed by a smiley face stirred that familiar feeling inside you, the one you get when you felt pure joy.
There's a part of you that hoped he was as nervous as you were and perhaps you're reading too much into it but it kind of looks like he was.
While typing out your reply, you felt quite—a lot—embarrassed by it. It was wishful thinking to think that your fans would see this and thought 'oh, they're only being a friendly' but with the bond you have with them, the same Wilbur has with his watchers, you know damn well that they would know that you're trying to flirt. Sometimes you wonder if telling so much about yourself was beneficial at all.
hiii tooo. hope to see your show one day :))
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lyxvija · 3 months
For lovely Anon! 💚
First, sorry this took me longer, but I couldn't contain myself again and went overboard. The relationship HCs are a bit random since there are so so many to talk about D:
Anywayyy here we go! (It is the middle of the night, I am tired and if I were to proofread it would take me so much longer so: warning for errors)
Infos about the Three One Shots, Relationship HCs and Extra of Big Bug Boyfriend One Shot 2
The three One Shots were inspired by me simping with mutuals and writing:
Getting licked by big bug Mam affectionately
Getting licked by big bug Mam frighteningly
Getting licked by big bug Mam lewdly
Since it still takes some time (Ahhhh wayyy tooo muuuch) to write Mammon in his monster form in Finders Keepers, I decided to write these three little unrelated One Shots with a gender-neutral reader. At first I wanted to make em afab!reader/Mammon, but thought it´s totally possible to write them gender-neutral so everyone not into fem!reader can enjoy some Mam content too.
The three OS can be seen as having the same reader or being unrelated. I didn't have any specific background story in mind, so people can insert their own characters better. :3
(It does have potential to become a more lose less plot intense Fanfic, but I am kinda tied to the two Mammon fic, future two Mammon fics, and my stories from other fandoms.)
My HCs about Mammon x Reader (very much the same as FK, but the plot influences the dynamic pretty much, so it takes very long to get to a relationship basis. Tbh it really depends on the backstory of Mammon and Reader, but for BBBf I have chosen a healthy basis.)
Mammon is Aro Ace. Yep! The big spooder boy doesn't crave any romantic bonds nor does he need sex. Mammon likes sex for fun but could go without it for centuries if he is really invested in another project. (Like him inventing the concept of casinos had him hooked for centuries that sex was the last thing on his mind)
So when reader/you came along and at one point fell for you he was more than overwhelmed on what to do. Every approach and interaction would either be kinda out of instinct OR motivated by his Greed to get you to be his.
(Remember: Aro and Ace are a spectrum. It doesn't mean peeps can't have relationships or don´t want sex!)
- Dating Mammon:
It can be either heaven or hell. Depending on how you two get together! If he gets attached to you, he´d become very clingy, show off and you better say goodbye to your personal space. Honestly, he doesn't even realize he is overstepping all the time. He rarely questions why he wants something or why he wants to hold you all the time or fidget with parts of your body with his four greedy hands. Mammon is a ruler of hell, so he doesn't give a shit how people perceive him. As long as it does not impact sales, he couldn't care less.
As long as he doesn't recognize these aching feelings as having a crush on you, he'd never initiate anything similar to dating behavior. The big spooder man would do anything to keep you close, keep others off you, and just follow what his heart tells him to do to keep on having these fluffy feelings in his chest. Maybe you´d have to help him connect the dots.
Mam is not that dumb but misses many things cause his brain is solely focused on chasing the high of his Sin. It is like an addiction. Basically, as soon as he catches feelings for you, his Greed would also get involved and get more intense (worse) over time.
With or without your help, as soon as he is aware that he is infected with what people call “love” he´d start trying to impress you… with his influence, he can create various situations to get you into a “romantic” setting. (whatever he sees as romantic)
Mammon´s love language/ How he shows affection:
Possessiveness. Yes, you read right. Possessing things is the best feeling in the world for him. So getting you into his web would be his number one priority. Doesn't sound very loving or safe, cause it isn't. Greed is a Sin and it WILL influence your relationship. It's destructive. He hates to share you and wants all of you for himself. Depending on how well you are able to maneuver through his manipulation tactics and if you are headstrong as a person, the basis for your relationship would be either your demise or actually have somewhat healthy potential. He'd actually be absolutely excited if you showed you like being his and also the other way around! While he looks like the biggest dom, he´d be down on his knees if you call him yours, give him pet names, and call him your big sweet bug. At some point you could even get him a collar with the words: “Y/N´s property” and he´d not take it off and wear it 24/7 under his Jester suit. You “owning” him is the biggest declaration of love you could make.
Mammon would shower you with gifts as soon as he sees you as his. Owning you means being a part of him, so he´d try and make you happy with getting what you desire. While he´d be a major dick and has no sense of being polite, because he doesn't care about anyone but himself, you could still teach him some manners and social conscience. Good luck though, you will need it.
Breaking up with Mammon or Running away
Lol, we saw how that one would go down. He'd basically hunt you down! In the second one shot you fled, because you thought he was about to kill you off for burning tons of his cash by accident. In this case, he thought you got abducted! He mobilized Greed's whole Mafia to track you down.
If you were to run away since you realized you were indeed not fit to be Greed´s s.o. , he´d be more than desperate to chase you through all of hell to get you back. His actions would range between pleading for you to come back to him cause he can't be without you and going full-on yandere for you. Depending on how toxic you like your Mammon he´d even trap you inside his castle and keep you as a pet, cause he simply could not let you go.
IF you broke up with him he´d be more than salty about it. He´d go through the FOUR STAGES OF GREED: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. Acceptance will never come. XD He will be stuck in an endless cycle of these four stages. The worst ex you can imagine. If it weren't hell, I'd advise you to go into a monastery, since he won´t let anyone else have you. If he was mad at you too when you broke up, it would be a lot easier though. Still, having a Deadly Sin as an ex is still the worst jackpot you could hit.
Healthy relationship HCs:
You'd be in good hands when it comes to health, food, and living conditions. He'd make sure that you get anything you´d desire. What´s the advantage of having THE clown as a bf? HAVING A CLOWN AS A BF. He´d be silly for you. He might not perform anymore, but holy guacamole… if you adore/enjoy his silly little acts, he´d do them just for you. Making you smile would be all the motivation he needs to get up and running for you. Since he is not the best when it comes to talking about emotions(he is outright terrible when it comes to love), he'd try to cheer you up with jokes and smashing pie in his own face. JUST LAUGH AGAIN, PLEEAASEEEE. He hates to see you cry!
He is a silly big spider. Fooling around like in the first chapter is adorable. He might not shower you with sweet words, but he would do these silly little acts to show his absolute devotion. (It makes you laugh so he sees that as an absolute win.)
Touched starved 24/7. His hands are always on you. Never letting you go. He´d be an absolute cuddle bug. Even if you were busy, he'd follow you around like a Pokemon. If you had to do paperwork, he´d even offer you to sit on his lap or between his legs (not like that you pervert) and let you use his luxurious office desk as long as he is allowed to wrap his arms around you, play with his phone and yap about everything and nothing.
The major pro about him being clingy: HE WILL MASSAGE YOU. That man knows how to stroke each muscle to make people comfortable! (Totally not a manipulation technique.) Since his hands are on you all the time and need constant stimulation or else he will explode into confetti, he will randomly start to massage you. Just like that. You will melt into his soft side by his sweet and tender touch.
Okay I think that is enough for now. 😀
Now to the BBBf chap 2 ending:
You needed some time to recover from this horrid week. Mammon would not leave your side. You disappearing without a trace unlocked new fears he didn't even know his heart could feel. Imagine…for hours he was digging through the ruins and with every dead body he and the staff found his heart stopped thinking it could be you. He went crazy. Not prepared to lose what he grew so fond of. You were the first he let get so close to him. Let him discover new feelings that were so alien at first, only to have your sweet little self ripped away from him. The mental image of you suffering a horrible death made him go nuts. He had seen and was also responsible for the death of many hellborn. Mammon couldn't bear the thought of finding your body twisted and crushed between the thick rubble. You, on the other hand, had interpreted his desperate screams as him trying to find and end you. It would take you both MONTHS to recover from this. Mammon is being extra careful and you are so deeply grateful for him loving you so much at this point. You often questioned if you weren't just a plaything for him, but that event had taught you otherwise. In hindsight, you felt absolutely horrible for thinking so badly about him. With his whole focus on you, Mammon would absolutely sense that something is off. (He IS able to read people like an open book as long as his focus is truly on it.) However, you refused to tell him. Mammon would think he´d either done something wrong or that you still suffered from the trauma these goons inflicted on you. At one point he´d blame himself, thinking you didn't feel safe around him anymore since he failed to protect you. You got abducted ON HIS PROPERTY. IN HIS RING. Silly spooder thought he broke the fragile trust you had built up. A Deadly Sin, one of THE most powerful creatures in hell, unable to protect their lover… He´d apologize to you, go down on his knees. In his big form he´d cover before you like a remorseful dog, laying on the ground flat. Congrats, he´d even start to whine and whistle. He couldn't protect what was his. The one demon known for defending what was his failed so miserably and he can never make up for it. So at one point, you had to tell him, to end both of your suffering. While Mammon was relieved to hear you were in no danger at any time (except the explosion) he would be devastated about the real reason.
He did not break your trust, but you were running away from him because you were afraid of him? Wait… THAT WAS WORSE?! You seriously thought he would kill you! THIS WAS HORRIBLE. He would just stare at you, making you nervous since you had no idea how he was going to react. Would he get mad? Would he throw you out since you lied to him and caused all this mess and put him through so much in the first place? At the same time, you could smack yourself for taking the very same mental path that had led you into this mess in the first place!
Mammon would just remain unmoving. Images flashed through his mind. When he arrived at that rundown ghetto. When he saw you running away from him. How you fled from him, screaming. You never were in some kind of primal survival mode… all this time you were running from him! Covering on the floor, fearing for your life. When he picked you up, you were thrashing around, begging for him to spare you. Never once had you lost your mind, you firmly believed he was there to hurt you. THERE WAS NO TRUST TO BEGIN WITH. It would take Mammon so long to mentally digest that he started to dissociate a little. He somehow had lost you that day... but not in the way he had thought. You see him as a danger… although you two shared so many tender moments together. HE NEVER HAD DONE THAT WITH ANYBODY. Yeah, to you it wasn't much, but to him, this was a big deal! So you had no idea what him doing all those tiny things for you actually meant? What a big deal was that MAMMON was down on his knees for a hellborn? Sharing a bed repeatedly?? Allowing SOMEONE to come close to him. Physically and emotionally. If the other sins saw any of it, they wouldn't believe their eyes. When he got up, turned around, and left with the words “Gimme a minute” you knew how bad it was. Nobody managed to turn the energetic Mammon speechless… him showing no emotions was scary.
Good news: after another talk, you could assure him, you were feeling inferior to him before the event already. Tried to tell him that the enormous gap between status and power had taught you to feel like vermin around a royal. Mammon was not dumb. He was absolutely aware of the harsh hierarchy in hell, but somehow “forgot” about it when it came to you. Not your and his fault then. Couldn't blame you, since he would totally crush any hellborn´s head if they were to displease him in terms of his royal title. Yeah… may he have done that in front of you too…FUCK.
However, the two of you were able to sort it out. The big guy would even make sure to respect your boundaries more. That shit freaked you out. Mammon and not constantly overstepping??! HELP, he is malfunctioning! If he continues, he´ll probably poof into confetti and respawn in his default mode from thousands of years ago!
But psssst! Mammon only causes new fears: “Y/N would run away and leave me when scared” and “As long as they think I am a danger to them, they will never love me and therefore I can never HAVE them.”
If you start becoming more comfortable in showing affection, he´d start being a cheeky bastard again. Don´t worry.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
I think I seen you mention your ex having a swati placement, correct me if I’m wrong! my ex boyfriend was a swati moon and I wanna share my experience. swati men are selfish and obsessed with themselves imo. swati men are cool from a distant but actually being with them is a different story. also they are too hyper for me like while I was dating my swati ex, he had a opinion for everything and criticized a lot of things ( also criticized the things I liked whenever I would share something) He was very much obsessed with material matters and he always wanted his own free time like such as playing games and barelyyyy gave me attention. he also researched random niche stuff up, played games, smoked hella weed and didn’t take care of his well being. he also got mad if I labeled him a certain label. also he was very image based and constantly wanted to look cool infront of other people meanwhile I saw his real side. It didn’t help that I’m an ashwini moon and that relationship was just not it… He also was emotionally abusive and would constantly lie in my face even when I had proof. rahu men and their lies I swear…whenever I caught him in a lie, he would literally gaslight me even when I showed receipts. It drove me insane lmaooo. they straight up lie to your face and don’t caree lol. I don’t wanna generalize swati/rahu men but I yet to meet a green flag rahu man. after breaking up with him, I was like why was I even with him??? Like my mind wasn’t thinking clearly when I was with him and now I see things clearly and breaking up with him was the best thing ever. my days with rahu men are overrr 🤮
Also I did a whole 180 and I’m currently talking to a Vishakha moon man and I never met such a attentive and respectful person like I’m baffled omg because this man is actively courting me 😳👉👈 He’s so sweet tooo like ugh 😭 He has a moon atmakaraka and my darakaraka is my moon so oop 🫣
so happy to hear that you left his ass and now you're with someone better 🫶🏼
I'm revaluating my relationship with my Swati ex, he has a 4h stellium (4h = Cancer= Moon influence) and he has Sun & Mercury in Swati. He was a huge liar. Initially he told me that him & his ex were not exclusively seeing each other, that they did everything couples do but she didn't want to label it as a relationship and all that. It ended because she refused to move to his city. He later said that she cheated on him twice which, ??? how is she cheating if the two of you were never exclusive lol he just lies about random shit and when i confronted him, he'd act like the victim lol in fact when I ended things with him, he told me he's just gotten out of the hospital from a suicide attempt and that he's sorry for everything he did lmfao like mf will lie about?? anything??
he was a video game ass mfer too, always indulged in substances and told me veryyy elaborate lies but OMG being with him was so intoxicating like Rahu's Maya had veiled me completely (doesn't help that we have 8h & 12h, Moon conjunct Rahu synastry) like i was so manic around him 🤮🤮🤧
But the minute I left his ass, the fog has lifted and i see clearly everything that was wrong with him
Thanku so much for sharing your experiences 🥺🥺it's so helpful 🫶🏼 I'll steer clear of Rahu men henceforth 🤧😪😔
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starliights-shining · 2 years
G1 skyfire w short ass cybertonian s/o who has a size kink?
Nsfw/sfw either is fine
Good evening, sorry for the wait. I don't really know Skyfire like that, so i hope I got his personalitly correct! Request again if you'd like. Enjoy :)
I dont think Skyfire will ever admit he has a size kink. He will admit that he thinks you being hella short is cute.
I feel like he'd be really intrested in how you moved in your daily life. Considering every other cybertronian towers over you like nothing. He's just curious how you got so short, his scientist side coming out reallllllll quick.
He'd ask questions far to many, questions like is your spark smaller, how small is your alt mode conpaired to someone else, are your componants small too, do you still have the same stuff as him and the others. This all being the scientists side of him, but his everyday with you side.
He lives for it, likes the idea of being to just scoop you up whenever he wants, his servos baing larger than yours, his optics being larger, his entire being towering over you. There was a high to the idea of being bigger, stronger, larger then you, and he enjoyed every bit of it.
I feel like he enjoys coming behind you and throwing you over his shoulder, and maybe if youre lucky you can get a slap to your ass. That's another thing, he loves your small ass, servos constantly reasting on it when ever you stand near to him.
Ooooh ooooo, since your short as shit, he like to keep you in his lap. placing small kissses on the top of your helm while he either works or does whatever else he was doing.
I like to think he also like to just enjoy kissing your helm, your shortness does cause him to bend down and it makes you happy. He might give a few, "Maybe, if you grew a few more inches." and "Short ass," as he bends down to kiss you.
He has to get one one knee, or "bow" ever now and you love it, hands on his soulders as he does whatever. You'd drop a few "I like you at this height tooo" and "I liked it when you were taller than me." He'd give you a scoff and maybe a few kisses since he's on your level.
I'll leave you with a few NSFW hcs. He likes that he is able to fuck you and hold you with just one servo. He's able to reach everything with ease, kiss you with ease, hold onto your chest or neck with ease, no harsh reaching or pulling.
He LOVES that it can be ease for you do go down on him, at literally anytime of the day. During work, while he's chillin, or during an experiment, he can have you wrapped around his spike in a short amount of time and he doesn't have to worry about you being uncomfortable with certain places, you fit under desks with just a simple crouch and he loves that.
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bluerskiees · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
• Loves doing your hair.
• Buys you food with a flag along with mikey's.
• Probably has a lot of vids and pics of you.
• Adores the way you look so small compared to him.
• Teases you because you're short.
• Teaches you to fight because he doesn't want anything happening to you when he's not around.
• Teaches you some hacks like how to fix your bike etc..
• Would love to carry you on his back.
• Tsundere. Wouldn't let you know he likes you until he actually confesses.
• Hard Dom but likes soft sex.
• Cuddles are a must.
• He takes you and mikey out a lot.
• Did mikey get tooo close to you? Here comes the jealousy.
• Y/N: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
MIKEY: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and they might not even die.
• DRAKEN, looking at the mirror stressed: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
MIKEY, motioning to himself and Y/N: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
• He definitely fucks you in his bike darling. In an open field.
• Would act annoyed everytime you and mikey do some silly shits but would secretly love it.
• Loves your smile more than anything.
• And if he was the cause of it? Baby, you're giving him diabetes. Its too sweet for him to handle.
• You and mikey stole his bike's keys and blackmailed him to walk in heels for a day to get it back.
• He fell. Almost broke his ankle but atleast you both enjoyed.
• Loves you homemade cooking. Since he didn't have a mother who cooks for him growing up, he genuinely loves it.
• Tries his best to not get hurt during fights because he doesn't wanna make you sad.
• Would buy a maid outfit for your bday.
• Loves it when you calls him daddy.
• If he was an emoji, he'd be "🐉"
< a dragon symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, passion,strength, and hidden knowledge. Guess who else posses the same qualities ? DRAKEN. Draken is usually straightforward, not afraid to voice out his opinions yet being sympathetic about others emotion. He's strong yet he needs someone to lay his down on. Draken isn'tafraid to take risks when its about his friends. Just like a dragon, draken too has an unwavering spirit. And honestly, I think there's no other animal that would match his personality other than the majestic, royal dragon >
• Absolutely done with the shits you and mikey do. But what if u get into a problem? Draken is there travelling at a 400mph to get you both out. Yeah u get an hour of scolding from him later buts it's all worth it <3
⤷ ୨🎐୧࿐ @southside-otaku
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ohimsummer · 29 days
ig dancing anon again here. i forgot to add
UGHHH BUT UR RESPONSE IS SO CUTE TOOO, I DON'T WANT IT GO AWAY :((( lemme just ss it and i can cherish our thoughts forever <3
AND YESYESSS, SATORU WOULD DEF DO IT MORE PLAYFULLY AND BE A LITTLE SHIT, MAKING U THINK HE'LL DROP U 😭😭 he's a little silly but if u asked if he could be actually be srs or if he can feel the mood is srs himself, he'll def be more than happy to dance and sway w u ahhhhh <333
SUGUUU, oh the man that u are. he'd slow dance w us all night if he could. he loves the way when he twirls u and u giggle when u come back to his arms ACKKK OOOOO I WANNA KISS HIM SO BADDDD PLSPLSPLS DANCE W ME GETO SUGURU
mad asf because i KNOWWW FOR A FACT i screenshotted that original response right before i deleted it but now i can't it in my gallery ANYWHERE 🤨🤨
BUTTT YEAH satoru is a silly little man but i think he can pick up on the vibes if you wanna dance more seriously, most of the time you don't even need to tell him, he can just pick up on it from the mood/scene/your body language/etc because he is just that observant <33 sometimes he's dipping you too low because he likes how you cling to him when you THINK you're about to fall....and sometimes he dips you like a normal person but then pulls you up into a super loving kiss while slowly spinning the two of you around ehehe :3333
slow dancing with suguru after another at-home dinner date <<3333 the music is playing low in the background and you guys are done eating + were about to watch a movie after. and you're doing something (putting away a dish, putting them in the sink, getting a drink, whatever) and then suddenly suguru slinks up behind you to put his arms around your waist <<333 and he starts rocking you both back n forth and you're laughing and he twirls you around and now you two are dancing half silly/half serious around the kitchen while he leads you to the living room <<3333
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
What books by Vivienne Lorret would you recommend me?
I haven't ready tooo many yet (The Mating Habits of Scoundrels series and her latest), but she has some really strong entries. I'd definitely recommend (and in this order, ideally, because they standalone but fold into each other in a fun way):
The Wrong Marquess. In this one, the heroine has been pining for a LOSER best friend guy who basically promised her when they were younger that once he was done sowing his wild oats he'd settle down and marry her. So she's basically purposefully kept herself on the shelf, waiting, and the time seems Near. Then she meets this other girl and they become fast friends, but the heroine and the girl's older brother hATE each other. Like, just bad impressions all around, they're both super snarky, there are many digs. But of course, as they spend more time together, he becomes fucking OBSESSED. Like, he would drink her bathwater. He watches her eat ice cream and fantasizes about licking the bowl after she's done to like, catch stray saliva or some gross shit. Which, obviously, I love. It's a really good "hero slowly becomes entrapped by his own dumbassery" book, and I also really love a novel wherein there's this other loser guy who's always been like "oh, she's reliable, she's great, I'll get around to her eventually" whereas the hero is wants to climb inside her guts and live in them and shit. Like, that is what should've happened with Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, but whatever.
How to Steal a Scoundrel's Heart. My first Lorret, and I fucking love it. I fucking! Love it! quoth Logan Roy. The heroine in this one is ruined, and in the beginning this marquess who's known for being super cool and a major scoundrel type offers her the position of his mistress. And it is, like, a job--with a strict four-month contract, an allowance, and this sick severance package that will set her up for a good while. Which. HOT. She initially refuses, and unlike Some Romance Heroes he's like "that's all good" because it's not as if he has feelings for her, he's a big Can't Love hero. Then, after realizing she can't hack it, she shows up at his door all "I'm game" and he tells the other lady who was gonna sign the contract "I'm sorry, here's the severance anyway" and makes our heroine his mistress. Obviously, despite him being incapable of love, he is cuddling her while she has her period within like. Two weeks or something.
Never Seduce a Duke. I loooove this one. The heroine (little sister of The Wrong Marquess's hero) is sort of resigned to spinsterhood, and she's gonna make the most of it. So she goes on this big tour of Europe with her spinster aunts (and also! Love that spinsterhood is shown to be this thing that can be fun, actually, and also love that the first half this book is basically spent on vacation, because people did have vacations in the 1800s and I wanna see more). While there, she meets this duke who's super nerdy and wears glasses but is also a MAN y'know, and he's obsessed with this Arthurian cookbook his family has passed down for generations (yes). And then the cookbook goes missing right after they meet, and he thinks SHE stole the cookbook, so he begins pursuing her across the Continent, and she doesn't even know what's going on beyond them being super into each other. And she gets. A major. Souvenir. From her travels.
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knbposting · 6 months
i've been trying to avoid this for a long time because i don't want to get hit with the allegations (insane) but hear me out. knb playing bg3 hcs. this is stupid.
kagami - i think kagami would love karlach best and he'd probably play her if he couldn't make a custom character (and if he ever played video games, which he doesn't). i think he loves the fire stuff, loves the barb, loves how badass she is, loves her attitude. he's a stan. but in terms of romancing people, i think he'd romance wyll because wyll is badass AND kind. and he relates A LIIIIITTLEEEEE BITTTTTTTT TOOO MUCH TO DISCUSS WITH ANYONE :) to the Paternal Problems wyll goes through i think. so he becomes a number 1 wyll defender.
kagami doesn't like shadowheart because he finds her secrecy frustrating and he doesn't have time to deal with her. he likes lae'zel because she's practical even if she is kinda brash (he appreciates that). shut up gale. fuck off astarion. halsin is fine, no big emotions either way. he doesn't even know you can recruit minthara until told much later on.
aomine - shadowmancer born and raised baby. he finds her annoying at first but it interests him, and he's like "fuck you i'm going to find out your secrets eventually, bitch" and that's that!!!! he likes lae'zel, thinks karlach is basically kagami so therefore refuses to confirm or deny if he likes her. shut the fuck up gale. shut up astarion, what do you mean you approve of that? oh lmao that was kind of funny actually. ok astarion you're alright. wyll is fine. recruits minthara. shut up halsin.
momoi - babies astarion because he reminds her of aomine in ways she refuses to elaborate on (and which doesn't make sense to the man himself). romances gale because she loves how nerdy he is and how he just knows everything about everything!!! intel KING! doesn't like lae'zel because she's noisy. karlach is fine. shadowheart is fine. wyll is super nice and she felt so bad about dancing with him and then turning him down :( halsin is yummy and she considers leaving gale to be with him. minthara is dead but on the multi-player game she has with aomine, they recruit her and her character romances her and they absolutely SCREAM at the cutscene. you know the one. that cutscene. she's trying to skip through and aomine's keeping the remote out of reach.
kise - astarionmancer and refuses to accept that there's any other way to play this game. that vampire is his MAN and there's nothing more to say on the matter!!!!!! he murders kagha at the grove but also misses out on saving halsin because he was fucking around in act 1 so :/ he doesn't recruit minthara. he loves shadowheart, loves lae'zel, loves wyll, gale is fine. karlach is fine. karlach reminds him of aomine (and he loves her). he and kagami have a multi-player game together and it's chaotic but good aligned. kise convinces kagami to hear astarion out. kise plays a durge in this pt and kagami is so glad he doesnt have to make any of those bloody decisions. he also loved the cute bard idr her name but hes >>:O when she... you know... durges it up.
midorima - he likes gale best but he isn't interested in romancing anyone. astarion is annoying. halsin is extremely annoying. karlach is noisy. lae'zel is not allowed on any missions because he cannot tolerate her. wyll is fine (he's a main). shadowheart can actually die. doesn't recruit minthara, doesn't care about halsin or the druids. he's studying medicine but he doesn't have any interest in the healers... interesting stuff.
takao - his multi-player game with mido is so dry because he just lets mido make all the decisions :/ like OKAY we won't take lae'zel out. FINE. i don't care. he does decide that his character is a druid bc he knows how mido feels about halsin, and insists that his character would want to work with him. midorima allows this. in his personal game tho takao is a rogue who talks a lotttt of shit. he likes astarion and minthara and has a high chaos run just for fun. his character is probably evil aligned bc he's having to be good aligned with mido's pt.
kuroko - loves wyll, stands by him through anything. doesn't like astarion, shadowheart, or gale. he picks lae'zel to follow primarily and essentially plays act 1 like she's the main character and his is just a side character (a... shadow...). he misses out on saving halsin. he doesn't romance anyone in the game. he has a multi with kagami momoi and aomine and it's a complete disaster. kagami wants to steam ahead to get karlach even tho he can't bring her in his party, aomine is making his busty tiefling character wander around in lae'zel's bdsm underwear because it's a "design choice". momoi is info-dumping about gale. kuroko basically doesn't get a word in but leads the group through thick and thin. kise joins when aomine cba that day and things go SO MUCH SMOOTHER.
akashi - starts playing but decides he doesn't like the lack of control he has. what do you mean he can't be a devil? let him be a devil. he wants to coerce people into making DASTARDLY DEALS with him. he is also an atrocious backseat driver with other people's games if he watches and though he mostly doesn't speak, he makes these little "hm." noises of disapproval when the person he's watching makes a choice. just PLAY THE GAME akashi oh my god
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ssaalexblake · 3 years
nobody will ever convince me that part of the reason the master went all mcgenocide on gallifrey Wasn’t because they hurt the doctor But i wish it were blatantly obviously glaringly textually explicit because i’d love to see 13 dealing with an act of horror committed For her. 
How many times has the doctor done something bad to protect somebody they loved? It must feel so horrible to see something terrible that you know somebody did in your name. How would the doctor feel having that happen to Them?
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merlinssassybeard · 3 years
Ex husband gojo
Drunk drabble inspired from an ask which i totally forgot to tag cus im myself tooo drunk to process imma peace out for a while got shit ton of assignments waiting for mee : >
Synopsis: you're drunk af and you call gojo to pick u up you didn't think he'd show up beacuse he's got an overseas mission tomorrow but he's a 6'3 softie so he did anyway:) plus you have a daughter and she's at gojo's parents house
I would totally recommend listening to slowed and reverb songs
Song recommended space song
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Gojo driving his ex wife reader out because she's dead drunk from an office afterparty only for her to panic in the car for no reason and making gojo worried and after getting out of the car and throwing up a lil her forcing gojo to drive to the park near the tokyo tower and gojo being the softie he is inside drives to the park where the ex wifuu reader jumps outta the car and zones out staring at the beautiful tokyo tower lights with light wind blowing only for gojo to joke around and call out to her saying its too cold and she'll get sick but reader being a stubborn woman at heart tease gojo with tongue out and suddenly a light rain starts when the reader's sees she starts dancing flaunting her beautiful luscious hair and dancing with office clothes and heels in the middle of a park at midnight gojo chuckles at the sight and approaches you only to be dragged in by you and forcing him to dance in all awkward movements with you he was going to resist saying that he's got a mission tomorrow but gives in when he sees the most genuine smile in your face and that's it you both randomly start slow dancing as the rain falls on both of your clothed skin he removes his blindfold while dancing and now you're hooked in his ever glowing sky eyes the rikugan indeed never fails to amaze you with all that beauty and power those orbs hold gojo swirls you and then next thing he's holding you with waist creating a perfect fairytale like scene for the strangers the perfect story of a prince and princess with a happily ever after only for you to realise that he's your ex prince as you continue zone out into his eyes he gives a warm smile saying you should rest now and flicking your forehead only for you to wake up in your bed in the morning and finding a note sticking on your forehead which read 'eat up! You're getting thin! And don't forget to pick pumpkin up from mom's house :))'
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The end.
Check out more stupidly cool angsty fluffy stories on my masterlist
Thank you for reading♡♡♡
Ps my stupid drunk clumsy ass forgot to tag these wonderful ppl sorryy😅😅
Tags!- @lovemegood @manhoegojo
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