startagainaprologue · 2 years
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mareliini · 2 years
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My recent laces!! Been learning funky new things and it's fun. Love just making tiny knots.
The lace on the roll in the middle is a tiny mystery. We only found the pattern, no pics of the finished lace so I'l trying different things with it as I go. Spinning thread to bobbins for it took FOUR DAYS IT WAS NEVER ENDING
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dumplingcatho · 1 year
holy shit it really does get better in ep 3 OKAY AVA
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glass-trash-bab · 2 years
Holy shit I got so much done today actually I think that is incredibly sexy of me
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happeehippie · 5 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his girlfriend evie as they go through his football career.
*this was originally a yn fic but i changed it around*
*face claim is Yasmin Quintana*
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liked by sam_hubbard_, joeyb_9, millyg, and 89,736 others
breezyevie: i’d follow you anywhere jb. 🐯💜
view all 2,363 comments…
user: geaux tigers!
user: king burrow
joeyb_9: i love having you visit, it doesn’t feel like home without you.
> breezyevie: are you saying i’m your home? swoon.
user: your boyfriend is a smoke show
> breezyevie: tell me something i don’t know lol. 🥵
millyg: ohio misses you, come home.
> breezyevie: are you sure it’s just not you that misses me mills?
user: geaux joe joe!
user: pulling for the tigers today!
user: this relationship will last no time outside of that ohio bubble. see ya later.
> breezyevie: i love to see so many people cheering for us.
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liked by breezyevie, hichasestokes, lsufootball, and 28,737 others
joeyb_9: I saw an alligator the other day.
view all 900 comments…
user: okayyyy hottie
user: yeah bro i see you shining
breezyevie: weird flex.
> joeyb_9: ur jealous.
user: marry me?
> user: he’s spoken for! his gf is @breezyevie
user: i love this picture.
user: yes but did you eat it?
> breezyevie: i freaking hope not!
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liked by joeyb_9, sam_hubbard_, lahjay10_, and 95,951 others
breezyevie: @joeyb_9 checking in with me from the field. 👍🏻
view all 845 comments…
user: how could he do my gators like that?
> breezyevie: LSU BABY!
user: #joeforheisman
> breezyevie: 🤞🏼
joeyb_9: i had to make sure you were impressed.
> breezyevie: i’m always impressed. 💗
user: fucking yum!
> breezyevie: he is isn’t he?
lahjay10_: my man
> breezyevie: OUR man.
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, oliviarodrigo, and 357,878 others.
breezyevie: 4 years together and now I’ve been replaced by a hunk of metal. #nattys
view all 1,738 comments…
joeyb_9: I am a Champion.
> breezyevie: no time for losers.
user: #geauxtigers
> breezyevie: 4life
user: so wholesome, i can’t believe you’ve been together for 4 years already!
> breezyevie: luckiest girl in the world. 💗
user: joey b the heisman winner & national champ!
> breezyevie: hell ya he is!
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liked by joey _9, lahjay10_, bengals, and 508,116 others.
breezyevie: i’m so proud of you jb, and i’m grateful to be on this journey with you. the last four years have been the best of my life and i can’t wait to keep cheering you on forever. from the buckeyes, to the tigers, and now onto the bengals! no matter what team you’re on, you’re still my joey. 💗 i love you forever.
lahjay10_: 🐐🐐🐐
user: it’s good to see he has someone from the beginning!
user: just the perfect couple!
bengals: Welcome to the Jungle
> breezyevie: WHO DEY!!!
user: please get married! 😩
user: so happy for joe!
joeyb_9: i’m so lucky to have you. we did the damn thing baby!
> breezyevie: hellll yesssss!
breezyevie’s ig stories:
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anonymous-dentist · 21 days
It's ok!! Cellbit will get Richarlyson back from hell with his husband Roier who is a tiny rat so they can go beat Doied up.
They are just following the supernatural plot
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
mayyybe mayybe all of the ships on qsmp are plattonic but they are queer as hellll. do you know any straight person who acts like these fuckin cubitos do? nope? yeah, theyre queer and gay as hell, even if they aint gay for eachother. (and theyre def not ALL platonic lmao)(lots of sex O_O sex sex gay sex faggot-y sex yes gay sex on qsmp)
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idiopath-fic-smile · 4 months
eposette groundhog day au?!
from the "name an AU and i'll tell you five facts about it" meme here
cosette has become a high school choir teacher in puxatawny, the small town where she grew up. she had a rough couple of teenage years in the foster care system and she has fond memories of how singing in school let her feel free.
eponine made her every career decision to get the fucking hell out of puxatawny. she didn't really expect her journalism degree to lead to a stint as a weatherwoman but fuck, she'll take it
as teenagers, eponine and cosette were briefly in a garage band together. it broke up because neither of them were willing to acknowledge the growing romantic interest—and, okay, simmering lust—they felt for each other.
eponine agreed to do the whole stupid schlocky hometown reunion concept WELL before learning that cosette was still there. jesus. and honestly, how was eponine supposed to guess that not only did cosette never escape small-town pennsylvania but also that cosette's school choir is doing a special groundhog day performance for the news?
i'm not saying that the only way to break the time loop is for eponine and cosette to save the news broadcast (when the scheduled soloist loses her voice) by singing a romantic ballad about how every day feels new when you're in love but i guess i'm also uhh not not-saying that
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OHH SHE TOOK THE EARINGS WITH HER STEALING THEM ok i’m a fool right this makes sense. 
Girl. girl please. “You gotta trust me marinette I’m the only one you can trust” YOU WERE TRYING TO SCAM HER 
Love Fei, the dichotomy of man is so real with her
Damn brother what an intro, and then we snap back to Juleka pretending she is Batman. I hope she is at least enjoying running around on the rooftops she wanted to chapters ago
I genuinely can’t tell if girly has a concussion or not. I am one to be tricked by the narrator so since she’s saying she doesn’t i’m like “Oh ok, i trust you”
Aww cute Alya and Juleka friending it up real style, I like how Alya was begging panthera to find marinette, so real of her. 
Juleka: dont worry i actually do this super often
Alya: be concussed on a rooftop?
Yooo super soulmate tracking activated??
I still find the fact that Marinette said that they “speedran dating” to be hilarious
Fei panicking like this is her first sleepover is so silly style
Like i love girly but damn Fei you did not choose the right person to admit murderous intent to
Like maybe this is good for Fei to be told “hey girl that’s a bit far” but like let the girl get her emotions off her chest before invalidating them LB damn
Cash, my brother, fuck off. Fei, kick him in the balls, I command thee. 
She was being emotionally vulnerable! Let her have her moment! 
Damn brother, Cash really just hit Marinette with the fact that good people can do bad things for reasons they see as good, this will literally break her good people meter.
Panthera where be you
Ricky, ricky when I catch you ricky (me about Cash)
YES GIRL (marinette said screw you, i’m hype)
Oop- Marinette is fighting back, and now she pointed out the obvious (to us, not to Fei) 
Damn brother plot twist (which I forgor) 
Oh dear oh dear oh dear, poor Fei. Girly it’s ok he took advantage of you in a vulnerable state that’s not your fault augh I feel awful for her
Help “what’d her glove do?” his hysterical
She pointed at the little akuma resting on her finger, “Are you gonna eat that?”
“Obviously not! Are you- oh you are. Okay.” ok so. Can marinette eat akumas to purify them?
Hey did Fei just get a real concussion?? Exciting
Who are these random lesbians in my father’s ancient duty cave? I ACTUALLY LOST IT
Oh damn the prodigious have shown up this chapter! Nice. 
Sorry not many comments on this bit i’m too into it to write
Realest reaction to gaining super powers
Wha da hell the renlings are mad. I do not remember them from the shanghai special i just remembered big lion guy
Damn motherfucker this shit bangs
Fei having the time of her life is very fun, it’s also been rather novel to have so much not-Juleka POV lately! Though that tracks with how much you like Fei!
I do wonder if you’re going to have her show up outside of this arc or naw, I guess i shall wait and see >:3
Could these lesbians please focus? HELP FEI STOP BEING SILLY
Damn nobody wants her to kill Cash. except me, Kill him Fei. I demand thee. 
I mean i think it would permanently scar her, but yknow, character building gotta come from somewhere buddy
Goddamn!! That rocked. Fei kicked his ass, hell yeah. Glad she didn’t kill him though (shush i have layers)
Help the awkward after battle chat with Hawkmoth what is this
Backstory?? For Cash?? Ohhhh its that fucker. Cash is the guy who- oh ok it’s all coming together
I’ve always thought his akuma was sick as fuck
Ok so my suspicion that Adrien will find out has dimmed, but the embers are still there. Maybe he’ll be vaporized. 
Yeah maybe now isn’t the time for impromptu therapy ladies
Hell yeah, Panthera for the emotional intelligence win you go girl
Oh no it went wrong, Fei running away from your problems doesn’t work this is an awful time to do that!
No because Fei literally challenges Marinnettes ideals of a good person, her black and white way of thinking about things has been a (interesting!) source of conflict throughout this but i don’t believe she has ever disagreed with someone in this way that she actually likes. Idk if this makes sense, basically what I’m saying is this could be an interesting way to develop her black and white view on good and evil
I have feelings about it all ok??
“I can’t think about this” YES YOU CAN LB
I’m curious when Juleka will use that power again, also what is it called?
HELP NO i am actually out of breath from how much i laughed at Juleka picking up the phone for Rose WHILE CLIMBING WHATS HIM NAME SHADOW OF THE COLLOSUS STYLE 
Sorry i went mad
In my head when LB was flung off the big guy she pinwheeled through the air silly style
Is. is fei just flying about crying? “A mournful cry” and “red and gold streaked above them” like. As a bird i think that counts as flying about for the fuck of it and sobbing it up real style
It has been. A week maybe more. Sorry got distracted read 1.4 mill for another work got way too invested, we are so back though
And back to Fei’s POV epic crying girl montage qued
“And it was all her fault” girl please, there is a dickhead called HM and I think it’s more his fualt than yours, get over yourself
The renlings are so cool, the dialogue you had them do was mega cool cap
Dragon renling is bad ass, personally i would name them. He is now dubbed; Daniel.
Damn move over Juleka, there’s a new therapist in down, his name is Daniel the Dragon
Oh thank fuck, when Daniel said forgive i was like bitch Cash doesn’t deserve that, but forgiving herself makes so much sense. 
Not Panthera offering to fix her makeup- Juleka is so sweet girl
“We’ve got your back, Fei.” Ladybug exclaimed, “L-Like; If you need a plan, I’ve got one. I’ve got a great plan. I just need a GIANT jug- this made me lose it. What the fuck LB what would a giant jug do pray tell
Sorry, that piece about her dad was lovely and it was awesome to read, it swept me up so i just ended up saying dragon time
Hm how does the dragon speak if it doesn’t have lips (in my head) 
No because ack what is this plan that involves a giant vase. Panthera you go girl don’t let her get eaten by another akuma, the dinosaur was enough. What will they do for Feast if not be eaten though that is the real question
Ya girly Fei just kicked kaiju ass in under 5 minutes because their timers were going off so, current MVP of the series; Fei, followed by Juleka for her metallica moment
Aww Mei Shi is adorable
He's so nice help
Also wonderful break POV, that was a good line
Get his ass gang, cash is a dick
Fei has like 13 friends now. Is there 12 renlings or no i can’t remember
“Ooh sounds yummy.”
“You sounded a lot more professional as a robot guardian guy.”
“I was. Now I’m small and terrible.”
“Joy.” I LOVES HIM SO MUCH HE IS SO BABY!!! If only they returned to Paris with LB and Panthera, he could be friends with plagg.
Juleka now has a favor… 
Oh yeah plagg realised he could leave the ring while Juleka is transformed. That feels like an important detail. 
“OH MY GOD I HAVE PARENTS.” i love marinette. I loved this whole interaction actually, “water under the bridge, forced under the bridge” and all that was really funny
Also the fact that Adrien didn’t know your not allowed to sleep with a concussion has me concerned. 
Oh yay!! Juleka and Fei ‘therapy’ session
“That’s our everyday Ladybug!”
The ending was very cosy, lots of fun :3
Finito!!!!!!! Amazing chapter Cap, ten out of ten, no a hundred out of ten is more fitting. I look forward to what comes next >:3
DANIEL I’m wheezing
I’m so glad you enjoyed bud! I’m gonna try and keep Fei in her lane for the rest of the fic or else my favoritism will show.
as for Panthera’s “special mode”, that’s called Mass Obliteration!
Plagg leaving the ring while Panthera is transformed is a marker on how much experience she’s had being Panthera.
When characters are transformed, they absorb that Kwami’s power to wear the suit. Then they expend a lots of that magic to use their powers and if they’re young and haven’t used that miraculous much- or don’t have lots of magic in general- then that magic is pretty much depleted to nothing once that power is used and their battery runs out after five minutes.
The Kwami is like the power source to the holder’s battery/charge, with the miraculous being the chord between them. Usually you need them “plugged in” aka in the miraculous at all time when the holder is transformed. However! Panthera’s gotten so used to Plagg’s essence that even if he leaves the ring for a bit, she can stay transformed as she has a bit of his magic to naturally spare. I hope that makes sense I’m babbling. Thank you to my buddy @ghostatjoes for that lore.
The base was in the original Shanghai episode. Ladybug’s plan was to get vored and break the akuma from the inside. It had organs. Mei Shi had organs. I was so disturbed, I didn’t wanna write that— and also I felt like Ladybug overhauling Fei’s fight was wrong. That was HER villain yknow. Wanted Fei to finish it all by herself.
I’m glad you enjoyed! This was def one of my favorite chapters ever to write. I think the size is an obvious indicator. I hope you guys enjoy Season 3! It’s coming I swear. I’m just writing a fun chapter before I drag you all into my hole of hell that I’ve been stewing over for years.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
heyyyyy looking for sp fanfics to read (and waiting for ao3 to return from war) do you have any good au fic recs rn? you seem to be the unofficial monarch of South Park fanfic rn, you’re in every comment section it’s beautiful–
(can be finished or still being uploaded, I kinda love the anticipation of chapters being posted like weekly, thanks!!!!!)
Ayyyy stoked to rec some more fics!!! I got some with various ships, various AU’s, mostly unfinished ones that I’m personally eagerly awaiting updates on to be completely feral in the comments!!! Hopefully you’re down w some my dude!
The Multiversal Virus by BrandonTiems bruhhh so yes there are quite a few TFBW/TSOT crossover stories and there is a REASON this is one of the most popular ones!!! Pretty regularly updated too and soooo easy to get sucked into!
Passing Through The Infinite by Jwink85 ok the first chapter dropped only a few days ago and there’s already 3 chaps!!! The characters are so awesome so far, the plot sucks you in dude, we got SUPERHERO ACTION and the gangs all here, the goth kids in chapter three!!! I’m here for it so hard man the dialogue is so great y’all know i fuck w some jwink
Everything I Thought I Could Never Have by Ultramarine_Skai aight so I’m not usually super down with omegaverse but I’m loving this story! We got rockstar Stan too so hellll yeah
The Good Park by mysticmarnie GUYS OK if you watched the good place, it’s THAT but make it South Park!!!!! The casting is phenomenal on ALL PARTS and another with frequent updates; it doesn’t feel like just a name change rip off of the good place show, it actually feels like a well thought out adaptation hell yeah brother
Heathens by Kenzie2898 yallllll holy shit it finished recently and THIS STORY ATE I actually got sucked in so hard and it’s SUCH a the gangs all here fic the pairings are so kickass we got style creek bunny gregstophe dip, fair warning there’s some DARK subject matter but it’s INCREDIBLE and the mystery and crime solving and I am ACTUALLY in love with Stan in it and the whole whole Kenny of it all is phenomenal too, there’s this WILD plot twist with Tweek’s whole thing, the depravity of Cartman in it is just BRUH and Kyle oh my lorddddd
Don’t Mind The Bruises by OrcaTimes YOU KNOW I LOVE ORCAS STORIES AND THIS ONE!!! Kyle centric, juvenile detention au, it’s HEARTBREAKING so far but seeing Kyle warm up to the others is so great and his whole history and inner turmoil is so well handled!!!
Tomorrow Comes Today by tweakystevie YALL WANT A RED DEAD ESQUE AU?!? This shit EATS OK?!? Stan’s gang and Craig’s gang rivalry, the BATTLE CLOSE TO THE END!!! The teamup!!! I’m so excited to see where the rest goes it’s so incredible!
Un Pietenza Per Due, Blackout, Machiavellian Breach, all by courtanie! I know how much I rec a lot from the same authors but mannnnnn these three in particular are some of her ongoing ones that I’m OBSESSED WITH bruhhhhh
That’s what I got right now! Let me know if any of these tickle your fancy and do not be surprised if you see insane pce comments lmfao
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eddiethehunted · 5 months
hell yeah new piercing HELL YEAH
HELLLL YEAH i had to take out my nipple one bc it kept getting snagged on everything and was PISSING ME OFF so now i need to replace it
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3amclothesmonster · 7 months
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fucking explodes you.
(evan with a bubblegum octopus tshirt for self care hellll yeah. he prolly wouldnt like bubblegum octopus but i can dream ok)
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nonbinaryaubrey · 8 months
What are your opinions on me dressing up as Aubrey for Halloween? I even have a fake bat with real nails in it. Might chase someone or something (joking)
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I SAY HELLLL YEASS !!! GO FOR IT >:DDD!!!! become the real nonbinary aubrey >:3 ... thats so cool honestly hell yeah
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Mugman: Did you do some dumb shit? Cuphead: Hell yeah! Mugman: Did you get us both in trouble? Cuphead: Hell yeah! Mugman: Am I still gonna help you because you're my best friend? Cuphead: HELLLL YEAAA!
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theindescribable1 · 11 months
I Bet Luke Summoned A Demon While I Was Gone.
you've probably heard of my cat luke, a certified jerk, and I think he summoned a demon. I left for a 1 week stay at my grandparents house for birthdays and the 4th of july ((in which we did nothing)) when I got back home, the first thing I had to do was deal with the cat's litter boxes. So when I went into the garage to clean the litter boxes, the lights were extremely dull and flickering. First thoughts; "Yeah that's creepy. But also relatively normal.." So I just go to the Cat boxes to clean their filth. I heard loud banging while I was on the second box. Second thoughts; " Okayyy, late 4th Of July fireworks. That's normal" and so I continue to clean the boxes. I felt cold for a second and then really warm, maybe 'cause its 99°F outside. Third thoughts; "Well that's a bit weird, why did it get cold?" That's very odd because there is NO Ac in the garage whatsoever, making it a bit hotter than it is outside, since there us a breeze outside. I just keep cleaning, just a spooky night, I need to do this. I'm on to the fourth litter box now, and Luke, like the sadist he is, just sits next to me and watches me work. Of course I pet him, but then when I was turned around petting him, I saw a face in the window, A FucKiNg FACE! Looking INTO the garage, looking AT ME. Fourth thoughts; "OH HELLLL NO." I ran out of there very fast. I am not an idiot in a horror movie who just stares back like; "Oh do I know this person? Ooo maybe its my neighbor with some cookies to bring me ((AT 8:55PM.)) Maybe I should go say hi, or open the window :D" Hell no, bye bye. Now I'm no ticktocker neither, so I didn't film a tick-tock or bother to take pictures, I called the police. This was barely 2 hours ago btw. They sent an officer over and she inspected the area all around the house. She told me it could've been someone trying to get into the house, or someone played a sick joke on me. But the officer didn't find footprints or fingerprints on the ground or window.
@paranormal-pursuit, I think I'm good. Probably was just someone trying to break in. Don't worry too much.
I can't really get a decent picture of the flickering lights in the garage, it doesn't work that way.
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mightynii · 11 months
HELLLL YEAH! happy birthday, hope you are doing alright 🐣💛 seriously have a good one, do something nice for yourself today okay? something YOU wanna do
tysm anon! I’m doing well, and I hope y’all have a good one too :D
And hell yeah, gonna grab boba and watch the powerpuff girls movie with some friends 😎
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