chappellrroan · 9 months
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ardeidae-e · 10 months
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i was gonna post another drawing but this gave me so much needed serotonin that i want yall to have it too
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iztea · 11 months
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i personally believe chuuya simply DIY-ed a makeshift leg cast with the stuff he found in prison but ended up bridal carrying dazai out anyways because they wouldn't have made it in time at that pace
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zaisamoo · 4 months
more soukoku. ok i swear my next post will be an actual and colored drawing that isnt soukoku
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saltedbiscuiit · 10 days
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Silly 15!skk comic that I sketched awhile ago and dont remember what compelled me to draw this
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unicornpopcorn14 · 3 months
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This screenshot is so damn funny for no reason 😭😭
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sensitiveheartless · 8 months
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Been having a WEEK — so Howl AU doodle time!
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sugarcarnation · 3 months
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little chuuya is absolutely devastating and i can’t help but make it worse by noticing that throughout this entire exchange he remains faceless. he has no real identity of his own he’s being defined by the people around him
and this is paralleled in the scene where he talks to dazai directly after the flashback. we still never see his face
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until he sees dazais face. and stands up
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and we see his face
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absolutely bonkers of them
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zaerxa · 10 months
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shininas-ideals · 11 months
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The meanest meanie
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videogamelover99 · 11 months
Guys Chuuya's feelings toward Dazai must be so absolutely incomprehensible right? Right??
Like, you meet this kid who insults you and acts all intellectually superior and then turns around and defends you in front of your friends. Is like "Let's kill this dude together" after which you demand him explain why he's so gung ho about living suddenly, and seem to be satisfied with his answer?? So you put your life in this asshole kid's hands and he comes through. You did it. You defeated the bad guy.
Then this kid turns about and reveals he was playing you and your friends the whole time, and blackmails you with your friends' lives (friends who stabbed you literally in the back like 10 seconds ago, it was a really shitty day). You join the mafia but you pretend somehow you did it of your own volition and not because of the manipulations of this kid.
Fast forward a year later, you make new genuine friends who die immediately by some French asshole trying to control your life, and the shitty manipulative kid is back, saves you from imploding on yourself and carries you all the way to your dying friends so you could say goodbye, running off before you can stop him. Goes completely AWOL when you need him for your plan to kill the French asshole, shows up AGAIN to the place you'd just been tortured in. You decide the only reasonable way to deal with this is to tie him to a pole and spin him around until he's sick, and he 100% agrees. You come up with a plan to finally beat the French asshole. Oops the plan backfires. Now you gotta trust the shitty manipulative kid with your life so you can save the city and maybe the world. Somehow everything works out.
Oh, not to mention the horrible hallucinations you had of this kid claiming you're just like him.
He caused your friends to abandon you. He plays arcade games with you every Sunday. He is the worst version of yourself. He is a menace. You trust him with your life. He claims to want to brainwash you into being your maid. He drew you into the mafia only to ditch you three years later. How Chuuya doesn't have an aneurysm every time Dazai is mentioned I don't know.
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tasneko · 1 month
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"Nicely done Chibi!!"
Which version do you prefer more? 1 or 2?
Honestly, this is the first time I drew 15 Soukoku with their original outfits, this gave me such nostalgia of season 3 🤧
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ardeidae-e · 4 months
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originalartblog · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!! 🎃 the tiniest are also getting festive!! 👻
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sulliedsorrow · 4 months
i think dazai would hate seeing chuuya in hospitals. he doesn’t like them himself, (the smells, the lights, the unsettling sterility, the bone-deep feeling of being watched) but when it comes to chuuya, chuuya who is larger than life, who is louder than anyone he’s ever known, who screams his feelings and throws them in your face whether or not you want to hear it - seeing him quiet, lying down, not a word coming out of him, his colour pale and drawn, barely breathing? chuuya not responding to anything he says or does, not to him poking his nose or peeling his eyes open or bending his finger backwards or fucking with his hair. not to dazai insulting him or being a nuisance to everyone in the hospital or when he gets all up in his face?
well. dazai doesn’t enjoy that at all.
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calmlb · 4 months
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skk holding their younger selves excuse me while i sob 😭
adding Kyouka under the cut because i love her & she is just too cute 🥺😭
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and here’s the rest of them <333
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