flockoff · 10 months
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quiet-saint · 2 months
"𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘧𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳"
Pairing: Vergil Sparda/reader, Vergil Sparda/you
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: light/nsfw mention near the end. mdni!
Summary: You had a close relationship with V before he reconnected with Vergil. Not quite a lover, but you were close with V, and you miss him. Vergil misses you too. However, you two rarely speak to each other. That changes when you fall sick and Vergil decides to help.
A/n: First time posting anything I've written, please be kind! Hope this isn't too ooc as I'm still getting the hang of him. Also I wrote this while super sleep deprived lmao but if I don't post it now I never will. Not really proofread.
ִ ࣪𖤐
This is not the first time he has entered your room as you sleep. Despite his quiet and even cold demeanor toward you during the day, he cannot help but take this brief night time visit. He doesn't do this often. Only when he fails to ignore the persistent, foolish worry that you're gone in someway or another. He does it to reassure himself that you are here. Real. Breathing. Safe.
His pale blue gaze trails over your sleeping form. He takes in the sight of you, the hair that covers part of your face as you rest, your lips parted. He watches as your chest rises and falls with deep, even breaths. His fingers itch to brush the hair from your face but he resists.
In the two months since his return to the human world you have been a beacon of familiarity and even comfort, although you two hardly speak. You two barely acknowledge each other on most days and when you do, he feels a twinge in his chest.
When he was split, you and V grew to be rather close. He often replays those memories, the way you pressed yourself flush to V's back, molding your smaller frame against his. He can feel it too, distantly within his mind. Recalls the way you pulled him back against you as you leaned against the armrest of the couch, resting your chin on his shoulder, hands pressed flat over his stomach.
Cute, how you seemed to try and surround him, envelope him with your body, your hands pressed to his stomach, knees bent on either side of him.
He recalls the way your breath fanned over his ear as you rested your chin on his shoulder, listening intently as he read to you. So small and delicate. Fragile. Yet you somehow, oddly enough, managed to make him feel secure. Safe. Wanted.
V is him and he is V. Although he knows you are aware of this, Vergil cannot help but wonder if you care. If you miss him. Vergil takes one last glance at your sleeping form before silently exiting your room.
ִ ࣪𖤐
You wake to a scratchy throat and a faint ache within your skull. The infancy of sickness. Dread, annoyance, bitter realization as you climb out of bed, bare feet on the cold floorboards.
You take a shower and get dressed before heading downstairs, mentally trying to prepare yourself for a long, boring day at the desk answering calls in Dante's absence. Most of which will probably be intended for another business. You'd made a bet with Dante and lost. A rarity. This is the price you pay.
You don't bother getting anything to eat as every swallow is irritating, opting instead for tea that ends up going cool and you don't finish it. It sits on the desk near the phone, half-full. The calls are few and far between as you sit, chin in hand, head aching. You have half a mind to crawl back into bed.
You fall asleep, cheek resting against the back of your hand on the desk as if you were in school again. You wake to the sound of the front door opening, sitting up groggily, stretching your arms above your head.
Your head turns, expecting the joking, laid-back twin but your greeting dies in your throat as your gaze lands on Vergil. Posture perfect, straight. Unlike V's. His eyes, pale blue and calculating, land on you for a moment. The eye contact is brief, his expression indifferent as he enters the office area. You tear your gaze away, resting your elbow on the surface of the desk, slouching as you place your chin in your palm.
"Where is Dante?" Vergil asks, voice low and even. You stiffen a fraction having not expected the question. You glance at him and lean back in the desk chair, shrugging with a sigh.
"Don't know really. Out." You answer, the ache and scratch in your throat comes through, your voice husky. You swallow and irritation follows the movements of your throat.
"Why?" You ask, a slight tilt to your head as you drum your fingers along the cool wooden surface of the desk, pinky finger dragging over a chip in the surface as you avoid his stare.
"I called twice." Your face grows warm.
"Shit." You say, shoulders slumping slightly. "Sorry I—"
"Fell asleep?" Vergil interrupts, a faint lilt in his tone. You question if you heard it correctly. "It's no matter. I took care of it." He finishes as your eyes flicker to him sheepishly, pad of your pinky finger rubbing over that chip repeatedly as Vergil crosses the floor and ascends the stairs, looking regal as ever. Not a wrinkle in his attire nor a hair out of place after his job.
Your ears strain to pick up on the soft click of his bedroom door. When you hear it you sag in the chair with a sigh. How did you not hear the call? That shrill tone? You run a hand over your face, silently hoping you didn't miss any other calls. Your eyes go to the clock. Close enough.
You stand from the chair, stretching, groaning at the ache in your back and head. You make your way upstairs, doing your best to avoid the known creaky spots. Your room is located on the right and down the hall from Vergil's. You shut the door behind you with the heel of your shoe. A shiver runs up your spine, goosebumps blooming along your arms as you change into sleepwear, leaving your previous outfit to pool on the floor by your dresser. The sheets are cool as you climb into bed and curl up on your side, head feeling heavy as it hits the pillow. Sleep falls over you almost immediately.
A welcome relief.
ִ ࣪𖤐
Vergil remembers, yes. He can recall the way your body felt pressed at his back yet the feel isn't exact, always a little distant. Foggy. The sensation more like an echo. Vergil won't say it out loud but he misses it. The way you would slot your fingers together and press a kiss to his knuckles. Sweet, gentle, lavishing him with pure unabashed affection. Warm and intoxicating.
"Here." He says, voice low in the quiet of your room as he hands you pills and a water bottle. This is him returning a bit of care, regardless of how mechanical or awkward it may seem.
You cannot find it in yourself to ask any questions. You pop them into your mouth, swallowing them down, wincing at the lingering taste of the pills. The water bottle is in your other hand as you sit in bed, blanket pooled around your waist. Residue is in your throat burning faintly as the pills nearly got stuck as you swallowed them dry. He pushes the bottom of the plastic bottle to your lips, a silent command that you obey before falling back onto the pillow, head throbbing. A small sound of discomfort emits from your throat as you close your eyes. Again, you can't find it within you to care.
Pitiful, he thinks, though there is the ghost of a smile on his lips.
There are no footsteps to signal his departure. Just the sound of the door opening and closing behind him. A pang of hurt in your heart follows his absence which you attempt to tamp down. Sleep pulls you under shortly after.
Vergil returns sometime later in the night, the door clicking closed behind him. You stir at the soft click and the feel of another presence in your room although you are much too tired and sick to open your eyes. Vergil walks over, brushes strands of hair from your damp forehead before placing his hand flat against it, palm warm as he holds it there for a few seconds. He traces a finger down your temple, curving around your jaw. You lean into his touch just a fraction and he nearly pulls away. Nearly. He cups your cheek, thumb brushing along the area just below your eye.
"Go back to sleep." He murmurs.
You do.
ִ ࣪𖤐
The next day passes in a fog. Your day is spent sleeping or watching the sun set and color your room before it grows dark. Your head is still heavy, though it aches less. Your body is weak, feeling all too light and weighed down simultaneously as you push the blanket off and get out of bed.
A small wave of dizziness washes over you but passes quickly. Tired, so tired despite all your rest. Your feet move on their own, head almost empty as you cross the bedroom floor. Goosebumps bloom along your skin as your fingers wrap around the door handle and pull it open, wincing a little at the slight creak it gives. You step out and don't even bother closing your door.
Your bare feet patter quietly across old floorboards, a slight throbbing behind your eyes. You nearly stagger over the narrow carpet that runs down the middle of the hall, the corner of it folded. You groan softly before continuing toward the end of the hall, finding yourself standing outside Vergil's room. You don't quite know why...
A moment of hesitation on your part. Your hand is raised just a couple inches from the thick wood, ready to knock. You swallow and give a soft, borderline tap. Hardly audible and yet...
"Come in."
Relief floods you as you aren't turned away. You open the door and step into Vergil's room. It's your first time being in his space. His bed is neatly made. There's a small bookshelf near his desk. The light from his bedside table is soft and golden. You close the door behind you.
Vergil is seated in an armchair near the bedroom window, his ankle resting over his knee as he reads. The curtains are drawn almost all the way, leaving just a slight gap. Rain trails and splatters on the glass. You approach him, limbs feeling heavy, your head light and your heart aching. He glances up from the top of his book, pale blue eyes meeting yours.
"May I?" You ask quietly, voice husky and throat sore.
Vergil eyes you for a moment. He sets his foot down, making his lap available. His arms on the armrests, book in one of his hands. “You may.”
You step forward and climb into his lap somewhat clumsily. Your knees on the cushion on either side of his thighs. Immediately you lean your cheek on his shoulder, your arms snaking around his middle. Vergil tenses briefly before relaxing. Hesitantly, he brings a hand to your back, rubbing slowly and soothingly up and down your spine. You practically melt at the feel, eyes closing. Vergil is warm, a different feel than V, wider and sturdier, but they smell the same.
Safe and comforting.
This close, Vergil can smell the heat of your fading fever, the way it seems to amplify your normal scent, sweet and heady. His hand instinctively presses firmly against your back, as if trying to bring you impossibly closer and he fights the urge to shift, to bury his nose in your hair.
You are a warm, addictive, comforting weight and Vergil is all too touch-starved. Heat pools in his lower stomach and he clenches his jaw, brings himself under control with a few measured breaths. Vergil counts the times his hand drags up and down your back until the arousal fades.
Your limbs have gone limp, your breathing is deeper and the corners of Vergil's mouth pull into a small smile. Proud and content, he drinks in this soft moment of vulnerability.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Can you write the DMC boys with the reader in a scenario where she had to be bridal carried by them?
I just rewatched “The Cat returns” and the scene where the MC is exhausted, panting on the stairs when one of the male leads decided to bridal carry her because the antagonist are still in hot pursuit
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(Seriously this Ghibli film is underrated asf, more ppl should know abt it)
In this scenario, the reader could’ve had an injured ankle due to loosing footing or just exhausted from being chased by demons for a long period of time so she just stands there panting, urging them to leave her behind as she’ll catch up later
They boys are like: “no..not on my watch” 😒
So they snatched her up and carry her away while being pursued by loads of demons from behind not so far away
P/S: They’re still in their crushing phase, so the reader is just bashfully and embarrassingly brooding in their arms while trying to avoid eye contact with them bcz of how hot her face is and they’re trying to search her gaze, hoping to find the answer they need within her eyes
Yeah sure, here you go.
Sparda boys + V x Reader bridal carry headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You guys were running up the stairs to a long, winding tower while being chased by a horde of demons.
-Somewhere along the way, you twisted your ankle and fell behind.
-You being the selfless person you are, you urged Dante to leave you there, but he being the stubborn ass he was, he refused.
-Sinc you were pretty much a cripple at this point and the demons were gaining on you, Dante ran up, scooped you into his arms, and carried you up the remaining flights of stairs.
-You never expected something like this to happen and didn't know what to do, so you just remained there, blushing and trying very hard not to show him how red you were.
-Dante was not helping in the slightest; he was staring at you like you held all the secrets to the universe. This whole situa35ion was very awkward, but also cute.
■ Vergil ■
-You and Vergil had been running from demons for hours; you'd grown completely exhausted and were now doubled over and panting heavily on the landing.
-Vergil saw you and sighed. Humans, pathetic, weak creatures with poor stamina.
-You told him to just go and let you fend for yourself, but Vergil knew that if you couldn't even ascend a flight of stairs, you wouldn't stand against all those demons.
-Without a word, he rushed over to you, lifted you into his arms, and began carrying you around bridal-style.
-You were absolutely mortified in this position, evident in your tomato-red face.
-Vergil was only continuing to stare at you, making your embarrassment that much worse.
□ Nero □
-Nero knew you wouldn't be able to keep running up the stairs any longer and he was right.
-There you were, doubled over and panting heavily, your lungs burning with air while a horde of demons and other foul creatures scampered after you.
-You knew this too and tried to get him to leave you, but we all know Nero's a stubborn bastard like his uncle, and that he'd never leave.
-If he didn't get you out of there now, you would be overrun, so Nero hurried on over to you, scooped you up like a sack of potatoes, and bridal carried you up the stairs.
-You were absolutely flabbergasted and felt a powerful blush growing across your face, but you did your best to hide it.
-Nero noticed your furious nervousness and couldn't help but smile. Cute thing like you must have feelings for him, how precious.
● V ●
-Although not a normal human, V's stamina is quite similar to yours.
-Both of you were running from demons, just trying to survive, when he noticed that you weren't huffing and puffing alongside him.
-He turned, looked, and saw that you had twisted your ankle somehow and were now sitting on one of the landing areas, watching the encroaching demons fearfully.
-V stumbled over to you, and despite your protests, decided to pick you up and carry you away, bridal style.
-How he did not collapse into a shambling pile of bones is beyond anyone's guess, though Griffon suspects it was "the power of love" that gave him strength.
-Regardless of how he did it, you found yourself blushing madly at V's noble behavior and try as you might, couldn't hide your huge grin.
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kumakooo · 1 year
Hi this is my first request (if you not taking request now please ignore) I really like your art and your drawing style✨ (especially since requests are open and today is my special birthday🎂) so I worked up the courage to write and request albeit as anon because I'm shy, and I saw your beautiful Devil May Cry art and my fav concept Merman Vergil, nothing I can request Yandere DMC 5 Virgil x Female Reader, draw please if you do not mind 👉👈? (I'm very embarrassed there may be mistakes here and English is not my first language, try to ignore if it somehow violates your rules ot , love ya!✨ Have a good and nice day/night🌟
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Hiii!!💖 and happy belated birthday 🥳🎉
Thanks for all your kind word. I’m glad that you like my art🥹 I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope this little present will make you happy 😊
(and don't worry I think your English is perfectly fine. Actually, I'm not good at English too hahaha)
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bane-amesta · 3 months
Vergil's journey: The true DMC5 Special Edition (?)
First attempt ever at posting fics here, let me know if I made a mistake in any sort of way plz Basically this is my "fuck it I'll do it myself" about Crapcom's custom to make Vergil playable just a copypaste into the og campaign with no story or context at all lmao
Also is a prologue for my longer DMC5 fic (too long to post it here sadly), I'll add the links to AO3 at the end :D Enjoy!
Autoimposed rules while writing this:
1º Using only Vergil's POV 2º Make it work within the game, aka not using scenarios, dialogs, etc from other entries 3º Make sure to add sections that can be interpreted as gameplay, cinematics, and also the trope of obtaining weapons along the way (I excluded bosses since this can be just any random thing from the enemies list lol) 4º Exclude any of my fanfic shenanigans since those are already a creature on its own xD
Nightmares were always with him. It was the only thing that was always with him. And he was on the verge of wishing for death just to see if he could make them dissapear once and for all.
Until suddenly, without any explanation, that endless cycle stopped.
He opened his eyes, looked around him, not knowing where he was. But that was not important. Hell will always be hell.
Something was different, however, the eternal torture that had become part of him was gone.
Finally, he looked at his hands, hoping to see the damn armor that had held him captive for how long? Months, years, centuries?
But no, there was none of that, except his own hands, covered by the usual gloves, and the blue coat was badly damaged, but not destroyed.
This was so unusual that it took him a while to understand. But it was undeniable.
Nelo Angelo was dead. Vergil had been reborn, survived, somehow.
He tried to get up, but he was very weak, in pain. But that pain was only physical, something new, because it told him that his body, even in that state, refused to die yet. He could see faint marks on his skin, as if he were made of clay about to crack. Yet he was still in one piece, alive.
And that was enough for the moment.
Hearing the usual demonic roar in the distance, he rushed to unsheathe his sword, only to realize it was not in his hand. For a brief second horror filled his face. But then his mind brought back the memories that had been taken from him when he was forced to be a puppet of the prince of darkness.
Vergil trying to get the power of Sparda, Dante trying to prevent it. The final battle at the entrance to the underworld, with his father's sword, his hands barely picking up the amulet that was rightfully his before leaping into the void.
Mundus, glaring at him as he charged forward feigning arrogance, despite knowing that this battle could be his last.
Finally, the darkness surrounding him as his sword fell to pieces, engulfed by a sea of blood, before his eyes were covered and his mind closed, to give the last touches at the new toy of the underworld's ruler.
His head kept spinning, all that coming back suddenly was too cruel.
Vergil managed to get up at last, not so much from needing to move, as to focus his thoughts on something else, anything, but it was useless. The memories kept coming back to him.
Trish's creation, Mallet Island, Dante fighting his way with his father's sword instead of his own, and facing Nelo Angelo without knowing who was behind the armor.
What would Dante have thought after that victory, and discovered Vergil behind the creature he just killed?
He put his hand to his neck on reflex, and found only the fabric of his worn clothes. He almost felt like laughing. Even the amulet, now useless, had been taken from him.
Another noise, closer this time, brought him back to reality. This time he had no choice, he must face danger, or flee. But Vergil has never been that kind of person.
Even without his Yamato, he was going to fight somehow.
With enormous effort, he accomplished his goal. About eight bright blue swords appeared around him, creating a constantly rotating shield. A technique created years ago, imbued with the most vivid despair, when he was still a child and there was no one, nothing to protect him.
That idea made him frown. He greatly disliked having to go back to this to survive, but after thinking about it for a moment, none of it mattered anymore.
He has anything to lose, not anymore.
And he could still fight.
He walked in the direction of the noise, which turned out to be a miserable low-grade demon, which didn't last long enough for it to mean anything. At least in this state he could still have that kind of personal satisfaction.
The only thing he regretted was not being able to beat his brother one last time. He had been defeated so many times that he could no longer live or die in peace until he did. A single victory was all he needed.
How to do it was not clear yet, but he was sure that something could be done about it.
Yamato separated the demons from the humans. It was the key to isolate both worlds and separate them completely.
...Why had that particular phrase popped into his mind?
More importantly, did that phrase have a more literal meaning than he ever thought?
There was one thing Vergil had never tried, and which, in the current situation, might as well be his last chance.
Dante's power awakened when Vergil pierced his brother's body with his own sword.
Something that never happened to him.
What would happen to Vergil if he did the same?
The only way to know was to try.
The Yamato was so attached to his being, that he feel capable to even tracking the sword, as soon as he had regained some energy.
That was motivation enough to keep walking.
With effort he disposed of the garbage that crossed his path, even before they knew he was there. The summoned swords turned into spears that he could throw away, saving energy. His body wasn't in the best shape, so he wasn't going to try too hard if he could help it. Vergil was grateful for the distant moment when he received a simple but powerful advice: that disdaining firearms was no excuse for not having an ace up his sleeve, in the form of a long-range attack.
If he had no weapons, he could just try creating some other variation of the same attack, after all, he had plenty of time to experiment. And there were many demons that could give him something interesting after a fight.
The latter was an idea that he would only use in an emergency, since it was nevertheless only one weapon that he really needed. The rest was optional.
He kept walking and slaying demons, avoiding the ones that were too much for his current abilities, for who knows for how long. Time is a concept that have its own rules in the underworld, but something was evident. The Yamato was in the human world. He had to find a way to get back.
Luckily for him, the most powerful demons used to be near the dimensional holes that led to the other side, which they always used to go hunting when they were fed up with the usual garbage.
When he was not fighting for his life, Vergil heard voices, rumors of something coming, an event so strange that some no longer remembered whether it was true or not, but that those who were above the rest knew very well, and were preparing to take advantage of it.
The Qlipoth, the demon tree, was growing again, and it would soon reach the human world. And the demon who managed to eat its fruit would rise as the king, the strongest of all, just like Mundus in his day.
With such an opportunity, no one cared about the poor wretches at the end of the food chain. Something that of course Vergil used for his own purposes. Being ignored, probably for the first time as Sparda's son, deeply offended him, but he couldn't afford it, considering his state. Besides, he had more important things to do.
At this point, he had already managed to create a near-perfect copy of the Force Edge, his father's sword, which he was unable to claim for himself and ended up in Dante's hands. He was still somewhat angry about it, but lamenting was useless. This new version was part of his energy and therefore he would never lose it. That gave him a little more self-confidence.
And perhaps luck was reaching out to him, feeling guilty after ignoring him for so long, because as soon as he set foot in the human world, he knew immediately where to turn.
The city of Fortuna.
Unfortunately, his body was not in tune with his mind, since he also felt that what little strength he had gathered was leaving him again, this time with the certainty that there's no time to waste. A quick glance at the first surface that allowed it, informed Vergil that his face was beginning to crack as well. So the first thing he did in the human world was look for something that would hide his pathetic appearance.
Another unexpected stroke of luck led him to find Beowulf on his way to his destination, at the home of a collector who clearly had no idea of the weapon's true value.
In the eyes of mere humans, that would be considered theft, for Vergil it was nothing more than recovering something long time lost.
But his body grew weaker and weaker; for the same reason, his mind was focused back on that single purpose, dispatching the enemies that appeared as quickly as possible, conveniently forgetting that he had already visited that city once, and that the young man who kindly offered him something to eat might or might not to be more than just a stranger.
Why did he have the Yamato? Why was his appearance so similar to Vergil's?
Those questions disappeared immediately, the boy noticed that something was wrong, and his arm flashed to show him the threat.
That was all that Vergil needed, with what little strength he had left, he tore off the kid's arm without hesitation, and calling the sword, opened a portal, crossing it without looking back, with the certainty that he had won another enemy.
But that didn't matter. His mission was more important, he could not afford to die without achieving it first. And a child was no reason to worry. The end justifies the means, after all.
He went on his way, although this time the correct thing to say would be that he was going back instead of forward. Going back to his childhood's city was not something to take lightly.
Vergil is not the kind of person to look back. He never did it before, it was a waste of time, a useless torture. Right now, however, it was a kind of ritual that needed to be done.
To achieve his goal, severing ties permanently was a prerequisite.
And doing it in the old family home was the most appropriate thing to do.
He looked at the huge portrait of what was once a happy family. It was quite damaged, but the overall image was still somehow recognizable. Mysteriously the mother had been "saved", her features were the only ones clearly visible, while the face of the father and the two children had been lost in the black of combustion.
How ironic, Vergil thought, as he focused on the twins, and it didn't take any effort to tell them apart, it was obvious to him.
His twin brother, the only living relative he had left, the reason he was there, about to abandon everything, hoping to regain his lost honor back, in one last desperate attempt.
Turning his back on the portrait, to his family, he focused on what he had come to do, he didn't know what would come of it all, but again, it didn't matter anymore.
Separating man from demon was his last hope, and along with it, he also took care to cut off everything he considered a weakness, the reasons for his defeat, the nightmares that constantly reminded him that he still had not managed to obtain the power that he had sought so much.
He stabbed himself with the sword while he recited that spell that, to tell the truth, he no longer remembered where he found it.
As pain stalked him again, he felt that his plan had worked, his human side and his nightmares were successfully discarded, and something grew within him, a raw and savage power that grew ever greater.
And so Vergil ceased to exist... for a period of a month, or so.
When V achieved his own goal, and plunged the cane into the demon king to unite the two halves again, the being known as Vergil returned. As he watched the pieces of the illusion fall, the mansion disappearing, he realized that he never predicted this outcome. V had been discarded and his mission was fulfilled at the exact moment of his "birth", but he did not expect that, instead of lying down to die and accepting his fate, that remnant of his would do the opposite.
However, to say that he was upset about it would be a lie.
Because thanks to that, this time he could finally face his old rival in the same conditions, a fair and long-awaited fight, because yes, Urizen had also left his mark on this new Vergil and he remembered his battles, but for some reason, it was not the same.
Perhaps the human side of him was much more complex or important than he ever thought, but Urizen, powerful as he was, was far too… simple. A creature with only one purpose in mind was not what Vergil wished for when he thought of a perfect demon, and his victories were far from truly satisfying.
Vergil didn't have an answer to this question, and he would probably never find it, but that was past.
At this moment, something more interesting was in front of him: Dante, tired, but in the mood for a fight.
Beside him, that boy, Nero, his expression showed with brutal frankness the confusion he felt in this strange situation. He had helped V, but of course he never imagined that V was a part of the individual who stole his arm. Even with V's explanation, he didn't seem to understand why this was absolutely necessary for the brothers, something inevitable.
However, instead of going straight for the attack, Vergil looked to the ground, where was the book that V had taken with him from the first seconds of his existence. Again, he wondered why he had held onto that object so vehemently. It was not a weapon, nor was it a pleasant memory, yet he couldn't help it. Now, as Vergil, he did the same, pick it up, and put it away. Something unusual about him, but there was no time to think, Dante made the first move.
Vergil felt refreshed, this time, stronger than ever thanks to the fruit of the tree, which gifted him with a couple of new skills that he was eager to try, and dispatched Dante almost effortlessly. He even felt the luxury of giving his brother a chance to rest, before the final fight.
For some reason he couldn't understand at the time, he turned around, looking at Nero before disappearing through the portal.
-Thank you, Nero...
Why he said that? Those kinds of words weren't his style, always used to getting what he needed on his own. But denying the boy's participation was absurd, even when V didn't hesitate for a moment to use him as a tool to achieve his goal, Nero as well didn't hesitate to help V when he was so close to die.
Vergil opened his eyes again. This time he was at the top of the demon tree, thousands of meters above the city, waiting patiently for Dante, and in that span of time he had done something unbecoming of him: look back, reflect on the past and all the decisions that led to this time and place. It must have been a bad habit inherited from V, who had perhaps become too used to that mental torture, as he searched for the discarded nightmares in a pathetic attempt to confront Urizen.
But that little lapse had come to an end. Dante had arrived, demanding the sword that belonged to him by right, and that this time no one would steal it ever again.
-If you want it, you'll have to take it. But you already knew that.
-I had the feeling you'd say that.
A smile was born from both of them, aware that this time would be the last. Years of conflict and rivalry, condensed into a decisive battle.
One of the two would die here. But even so they smiled, remembering old times and accustomed from their earliest childhood to solving everything that way, their own particular way of relating as a family.
That last word, however, ended up attacking Vergil in an unexpected way, when Dante in the middle of the fight, remarked casually (or perhaps with a well-calculated purpose), that Nero was his son.
-You cutt off your own son's arm for THIS?
-My son…? That means nothing to me!- Vergil replied immediately, without stopping to think about what Dante had meant.
The confrontation continued almost like nothing, but when Vergil was about to be defeated, he stepped aside to throw Dante away, and in that moment, his brain finally made the missing connection.
-Nero is my son?- He asked wearily, unable to hide the disbelief in his voice.
-Yeah, dumbass- Dante answered with a slight laugh as he got up-, You can't remember through that thick skull of yours?
If Vergil stopped to think, yes, it all made sense, and he wondered why he hadn't noticed it before, even that annoying bird hinted at V more than once the same thing. Something that, in those moments of uncertainty, did not matter.
Although it was more correct to say that he deliberately ignored all the clues.
But then, something else passed through his mind, a memory that he had believed dead and forgotten, a woman's face that...
-Well, well, that was a long time ago- he said without further ado, ending that topic.
-I guess you were young once too. As much as I'd love to hear that story, I think it's about time we...
-...Ended this- Vergil answered immediately.
That was too deep of a secret, which he preferred to take to the grave, and would do everything he could to make sure of it.
Dante would never know about that matter. If he already had motives to kill him before, now he must do it at any cost.
Both men drew their weapons, took their most powerful form, ready for one last attack.
They charge at the same time, intending to finish it all in one strike.
The dreaded final slash never happened. Something appeared in front of the brothers, stopping them with a hand on their chest, also holding the hands that wielded both swords at the same time.
A demon with long white hair and blue wings.
They barely had time to recognize Nero, before he threw them away, and gave his own opinion on the matter.
-This ends, right here. I won't let you kill each other. 
Vergil couldn't help but react when Nero in one blow sent Dante flying as he tried to pull the boy to the side, without even looking at him. Maybe the boy was indeed his son after all.
He was aware that Nero was still upset about being called a deadweight, and knew immediately from whom he had inherited that spiteful trait.
Unfortunately, he couldn't celebrate seeing Dante on the ground, because now Nero turned in his direction.
-There are other ways to settle your differences. I'm putting a stop to this sibling rivalry.
Vergil couldn't help but laugh. Nero made it sound so easy.
The situation was so absurd.
A child trying to teach adults a lesson.
-Ah, you came all this way just for that.
-Vergil, V... Whatever you call yourself. Dante won't die here, and neither will you. You have a problem with that?
Okay, now this was unusual. V witnessed in the front row his talent to hold a grudge, how Nero was determined to defeat and eliminate the bastard who cut off his arm. Perhaps knowing now that they were family had made Nero reconsider, despite what Vergil had done to him?
Would he forgive him just for that?
No, of course not, that was not what Nero had in mind. He would not be a descendant of Sparda if he chose the peaceful route.
So this kid wants to fight. Vergil understood his motives, of course, but that was not equivalent to taking him seriously. Having a new power was not enough. Vergil tried to engage Dante, tempt him to fight again and thus pushing Nero aside, but he completely ignored him.
-Whatever, I don't really care, I'm just gonna sit this one out- said the younger twin, laying down on the ground ready to take a nap.
Damn it, Dante.
So it was Vergil vs Nero.
-When this is over, I'll make you submit… Father.
That word sent a chill down his spine. It was strange, unknown, and he immediately knew he would never get used to it.
Again Vergil tried to not engage in the fight.
-This has nothing to do with you. Stand down.
-Nothing to do with me? It has everything to do with me!
He suddenly realized something. It's not just that he has no reason to fight Nero.
Vergil doesn't want to fight Nero.
But why?
It's not fear, no. The boy is stronger now, but he is still too young and inexperienced to compare up to the twins. Or maybe, maybe yes, because Nero wants something very particular out of this fight, and Vergil isn't willing to even think about it.
He just dodged, and launched weak attacks. He really did not want to take the situation to a point of no return, but the boy would not listen to reasons.
-Fuck you!
The kid is angry. Without even seeing him grow up, Vergil knew that he had inherited the method of solving problems with his fists. It brought back memories of those old fights with Dante over anything and everything, but this time the motive was more important, getting Vergil to recognize him as his son.
-You feeling accepting yet?
-…Your existence, or your strength?
-Both you fuckin' asshole!
...If Nero wants recognition from him, then he will have to earn it.
It was time to check the boy's real strength.
Vergil had no choice but to fight seriously, an oversight could send him flying, just like Dante. He wasn't going to let himself be humiliated by the boy, not when he could see Dante out of the corner of his eye, sitting down and enjoying the show. He wanted so badly to kick his ass when it was all over...
The fight ran its course, and to Vergil's disappointment, the youngest was the winner.
-Ahahaha, oh brother, you cut off your son's arm for more power, and you still lost.
-Enough dammit! The underworld is taking over, we need to do something before it's too late.
A trembling proved Nero right.
-He's right, we need to close that portal. Hey, you lost, so you better do what he says.
Vergil wasn't going to admit defeat so easily. He got to his feet as best he could, and for the first time he felt that the weight of his age was upon him.
-I can still fight.- Nero was on guard again. -But if those roots continue to spread through town, it'll just interfere with our business.
Vergil started walking and Dante got up to follow him, leaving Nero behind.
It was not necessary to explain to his brother what they had to do. Without crossing a word they had already agreed.
-Now, that's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say. Better hurry up… We still got a score to settle.
-Wait, where are you going?
Vergil turned to Nero to explain the situation.
-We need to sever the Qliphoth roots from the underworld itself. Then we'll seal the portal with the Yamato.
Nero looked at them both, immediately understanding the situation.
-Hang on, if you do that, you can't come back.
This time Dante answered.
-Why do you think I'm goin'? Somebody's gotta keep an eye on your old man.
The brothers turned their backs on Nero as they walked away.
-You can't just expect me to stay here while you both go-
-It's because you're here we can go-. Dante said suddenly. -We're trusting you with things on this side, capisce?
Vergil didn't stop to watch. Whatever relationship those two had, that moment was the closest thing to a goodbye, and he didn't want to be a part of it. It was better to leave as soon as possible.
-Make haste, Dante.
-Yeah. I know.
Of course, Nero disagreed. There was no need to look him in the face to figure it out.
-Hey, wait!
They both heard him run in his direction, and with that twin instinct, they synchronized to hit the young man and send him flying back, far enough away that he couldn't do anything about it.
-Take care, Nero. Adiós.
Dante left first, clearly intending to give the two of them a moment alone.
Vergil wasn't in the mood for a family reunion, but he couldn't just walk away.
-I won't lose next time.
He looked at the book in his hand, considering that idea that had just occurred to him.
-Hold onto that until then.
There, it was done. He threw the book to the ground, and while he followed the same path as Dante leaving his son behind, he thought that "farewell" wasn't too bad.
Now there was only one problem left: getting rid of Dante.
It was obvious that he would stick to Vergil like a pesky plague while they were in the underworld. They were heading to cut down the demon tree and the younger twin was already talking way too much. Vergil let him be, more out of boredom than anything else. As soon as he managed to defeat Dante, that annoying chat would be a thing of the past.
But again his plans weren't working, and they were already enjoying the fights as a game rather than a death battle.
-Score for Dante! I'm up one.
-Where did you learn to count? We're even.
Dante lay down to rest, as if they weren't in the middle of hell, open to a possible attack.
-You know, I'm starting to think, this is never gonna end.
-Maybe. We have plenty of time.
He couldn't deny that there was some fun, just like the old days. The only problem is that Dante occasionally threw out things about Nero way too casually for Vergil's taste, like nothing.
-By the way, how'd it felt catching up with your kid?
-There's no need for us to "catch up".
-Well, with an attitude like that, you'll never gonna meet your grandkids.
Vergil didn't take a second to put the Yamato on his brother's neck.
-That's enough. I don't want to hear it.
Dante nodded, but his expression made it clear that he wasn't going to shut up about it so easily.
At least Vergil will have plenty of time to try to silence him once and for all...
My AO3 page for those interested
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exoticraven · 1 year
{Vergil x reader} I will always be there...
|I have this idea swimming in my head for Vergil from DMC all day and thought heck why not write it. Also if you are new to fanfiction we sometimes said fuck cannon and rewrite the story. I may not be very good but Tumblr tells me to go for it and if it fails just try again|
{The idea is like Lucrecia mixed with Steven's universe mom. Where She is still alive but in another person}
[I do write in a female pov I am sorry but feel free to change the Pronouns for your liking. I do use a name for my writing it just helps me be I will have a (y/n) beside it so you can change the name to whatever you like Of course, I don't own any of these characters that I am about to write about/with. This is my first attempt at writing for Vergil hope it turns out ok]
The night was cold and wet but there was a strange calmness to it. A woman rocked herself back and forth in a rocking chair rubbing her belly smiling but behind the smile was sadness. She know when her son was born that she could not be with him. All the book on witchcraft was no help either. She wanted to see her son grow up but knew that this form of her couldn't she had to find a way to somehow become someone else but how?
-----Time skip-----
Nero walked around the destroyed town thinking no one was alive when he hear a sheep cry for help then a loud scream of anger or frustration he couldn't tell. He did however could tell where it was coming from of course he had to check it out. He ran as fast as he could to see humans fighting multiple demons while one was hiding behind a broken wall. He Jumped down to help. With Nero's help, they made quick work of the demons. He approached one of the females that seem to be the leader of this little group.
"Is everyone okay?" Nero ask looking around for anyone that was injured.
"Nope I think we're all good" The female helped up on her fellow group members "Whatcha name kid?" She asked Nero
"Nero and yours?" He questions
"I'm Serah, that is Alistro" Points to a guy with a red ponytail, "Abby and her brother Tera their mother thought she was having twin girls" Serah points to a guy with short cut hair that was jet black helping up Abby his sister which he couldn't tell if it was abby or tera. "and that" She looks around "guys where (y/n) Raven?" Serah was looking around for this said, person.
"I'm here" (y/n) Raven said coming out from the broken wall. "exactly where you left me (your pn)" (y/n) Raven Said sheeple.
Serah walks over to (your pn) them and hugs them tightly "This is my baby (sister/brother/PN) (y/n) Raven. I don't know what so special about her that makes every demon drawn to her"
"Maybe she (Your PN) is an Angel!!" Alastor said happily
"Maybe or maybe She (your Pn) is something else?" Tera question
"Whatever she (Your PN) is she still my baby sis nothing going to change that" Serah smiled at (y/n) Raven.
Nero looks at (y/n) Raven seeing a scared girl. (y/n) Raven was playing with her hair timidly not really saying a word to anyone.
"she (Y/PN) is naturally shy so when she (Y/PN) does talk we all try to be supportive and not downing her (Y/PN)" She said looking over at another person in the group Nero has not met yet.
"why are you looking at me for?" he said while cleaning his blade
"That Zack or Zachariah he goes by Zack cause he hates Zachariah" Serah chuckles
"Why do you have to do me like that?" Zack asks frowning at Serah
"Because if you had not put (y/n) Raven down then we all would have been comfortable in a bed by now but no Zack knows everything" Serah scold Zack
"Okay fair that was my bad for losing my temper and taking it out on (y/n) Raven but she should not have run off!" Zack rise his voice almost yelling at Serah which made (y/n) Raven cover her ears Shaking. (y/n) Raven close (y/Pn) she closed her eyes and was taking deep breaths. She (y/Pn) tried to calm herself down.
Serah stop arguing with Zack knowing it was not going anywhere. "we have to move it getting dark and you know how the temperature downs around here" She said holding (y/n) Raven close to her.
Nero agreed and followed them to their hideout. Tera and Abby went to their shared room and stay in there for the rest of the night. Zack headed to the room that he shared with Alastor who just so happens to be brothers Alastor is older by a day. Serah got some food for her, Nero, and (y/n) Raven to eat. While they ate Serah pulled out a syringe filled with a blueish liquid. She injected it into (y/n) Raven's arm which made Raven's (y/n) eyes grow for a short second and then stopped. After they ate Serah lay(y/n) down for bed and tugged her in. Raven (y/n) went right to sleep before Serah could even leave the room. Serah walk out to Nero who was confused about what just happened with the liquid and Raven (y/n).
"you have a question and I have answers," Serah said sitting down grabbing a beer.
"Why did you inject that liquid into her and why did her eyes glow for a short second" Nero questioned
"Well me and the rest of the people here are lab rats. Doctors had their "agents" come and kidnap us from our homes which were orphanages and great places for lab rats cause no one would come looking for them. I and (y/n) Raven were sisters even then people picked on her for no reason she stay to herself and didn't bother anyone. I watched her once play fairy princess once all by herself. She was even now so pure for this fucked up world we lived in that is why I started standing up for her. She needs someone who always had her back. I and (y/n) Raven were walking back to the orphanage cause it was our turn to go buy candy and toys with the money we saved up for doing our chores in the orphanage. That is when they grab us. They separated us it was torture. I could hear (y/n) Raven's screams from where I was in that building. They fucked her up the worst I don't know what they did but it fucked her up. We were 18 when we all escape that lab. but we all were changed for the worst or for the better I don't know but we promised each other we would stay together no matter what. only us lab rats know how to put each other down" Serah said finally taking a sip of her beer.
Nero's mouth hangs open in shock at the story. He did not know what to say. What could you say to a story like that? Nero hears the pitter-patter of bare feet on the tile floor. He looks up to see (y/n) Raven in the doorway of the hallway.
"(y/n) I thought you were asleep already," Serah said confused
(Y/N) Raven walks past Serah and sits in front of Nero. Her eyes widen in awe. "It's...actually you," She said in a somewhat whisper.
Nero was taken aback by the comment and the way her voice sounded. It was (y/n) Raven but wasn't. There was another voice behind (y/n) Raven's voice. She touches his cheek and smiles. "It's really you" Tears fall down her cheek. Somehow (y/n) Raven's touch did not feel like her own. Nero was stunned by (y/n) Raven's actions. "right I look different, sound different and you've never seen me except when you were a little baby" (y/n) Raven said happily
"Who are you and what did u do to my sister?" Serah asks angrily
"She fine Serah she is asleep in a safe place for the time being. My name is not important." The "ghost" that harbors (Y/n) Raven's body Smiles. "My little boy is all grown up into a man now"
"Wait are you saying your my mother!?" Nero asks almost shouting
"yes, I had to...well fall into a deep slumber for you to live on but I found a way to be here to see you and watch you from far away" The "ghost," Said with sadness "I wanted to be there and help you grow up but my physical form could not bear it."
"wait then how are you-" Before Serah finishes her sentence the "ghost" hold up a finger to shush Serah.
"When (y/n) Raven was in that lab she was close to death. She was calling for help. The poor child was scared alone and was about to die so I stepped in to keep her safe. That is why she started to be the scientist's favorite" The "ghost" said
The "ghost" touched Nero's cheek smiling "I am sorry I left you alone in this cruel world" With those words (y/n) Raven's body fell right in Nero's arms. Of course, Nero caught (y/n) Raven's body so it did not hit the floor. (y/n) Raven's eyes flutter open and she leans up looking around. "wasn't I in bed?" She questions
"Yeah well umm see here the thing I think you got possessed by Nero's mother," Serah said with confusion trying to figure out what just happen.
" Um yeah, do u remember anything before you came out here?" Nero asks (y/n) Raven
"I just remember the nightmare that I had which is the same one every night. I was back at the hospital or Alsyum whatever you want to call that place." (y/n) Raven said while thinking
They all seat there in awkward silence for a bit. All three of them processed what happened. Not one could figure out why Nero's mother want to come to him now of all times. All three of them just went straight to bed without another word. (y/n) Raven was the one that could not fall asleep something was bothering her. She felt like she is not alone in her own body. She felt like someone was watching her using her own two eyes. She was scared of her own being. She had to figure out what going on with her. Why Serah and Nero said that Nero's mother came to him through Raven. The only person Raven knew to go find an answer or at least start asking questions was a Gypsy woman known as Alamina Pettigrove. So Raven pack a supply bag and some weapons and set off on her journey. Raven was scared of what answer she would find but was ready to face it.
Serah woke up before everyone else. She usually was the one to wake up first to get breakfast started for everyone in the household. She did not wake Raven due to she wanted her little sister to get some sleep. She walk into the kitchen and made coffee. While that brew she started getting out the tools and food she needed for breakfast. The smell of brewed coffee started waking Serah up a bit which help with getting breakfast done. The first one to wake was Zack then Nero. They sat at the table and talked while Serah was making the food. Nero told Zack about what happened last night with Raven. Which confused Zack too. Abby and Tera came into the kitchen and sat with the other two. They got filled in on what happened last night as well. Alastor came in right before they started talking about last night. Serah set out the food and pour everyone a cup of coffee and took her seat. Serah made her plate then made Raven's plate. She yelled for Raven to come to get breakfast which usually woke her up When Raven did not appear after a few seconds or even the second time Serah yell for her, that was when Serah's stomach flipped. She got up and went into their shared room. She turn on the light and went to Raven's bed which looked like Raven was in bed but when the cover where pulled back to reveal a pillow in place of Raven she knew something was up. She ran back to the Kitchen where everyone was.
"Raven is missing," Serah said
"Are you sure she didn't sneak into Alastor's bed and got comfortable with him" Zack Joked
"I am sure Zack!" Serah said angrily giving him the death stare.
"oh, your serious she actually missing?" Tera said in shock"She could be in her usual hiding-" Serah cut off Tera "I am sure you know she would not use a pillow to hide the fact she is not in bed when she goes there"
"I have a bad feeling about this let's get ready and head out maybe stop by those gypsy sisters. They might know something or saw her?" Abby said getting up to go get ready.
Everyone but Nero left the kitchen and got ready. Nero made a quick to a friend of his for a ride they could all use so they didn't have to go on foot. Nico arrive shortly after the call Nero place to her.
"Well isn't it my favorite asshole" Nico chuckled seeing Nero come out of the hideout he was in.
"Nice to see you too Nico," Nero said
Serah and her group came out behind Nero. "Meet some new friends of mine Nico. Their leader Serah, The two trouble makers Abby and Tera both twins, Zach also known as Zachariah, and his brother Alastor the jester and the jokers." Nero smiles at the group, Serrah like the introduction Nero gave.
"Can people not use Zachariah please I hate that name" Zack said with a bitter tone
Nero opens the door to the van "Why not it funny when you get mad" Alastor said getting into the van. Zach shakes his has and follows his brother into the Van. Abby got in behind Zach and Tera follow suit. Serah took a deep breath and got into the van. All she thinks about is the bad things that could happen to Raven. Serah grabs her necklace and rubs it. Nero got in the passager seat and they seat off.
--Hours before--
Raven walks up to the Gypsy caravan door. She was about to knock when they open the door. "Welcome Raven we've been expecting you for quite some time now." they chuckle.
Raven gulped "You have?" she question
"Oh yes we know that you question who you are" They smile and move to the side to the side to let her in. She went into the caravan and sat on the plush couch. "Now take a sip from this tea" They gave her a cup of tea which she took sips from. " you have a lot of hidden secrets inside you Raven," They said together.
Raven looks at them confused "What do u mean" She took couple more sips from her tea.
"Well for starters you harbor two souls." They chuckle "One is yours and one is someone else's." They look at each other and then back at Raven. "The two souls are starting to come together to form one being."
Raven finishes her tea and set it on the coffee table. One of the sisters grabbed the cup and look at the leaves. "ooh this is some spicy tea" She chuckled "I wonder what he would think of this dear sister" She show her sister the tea leaves.
Raven's Vision start to become blurry. "what was in that tea?" she question as the room started to spin around her.
"oh nothing special." they smile as they Watch Raven trying to stand up. "but there is a mighty fine dollar on you Raven. So they came to us for help" They smiles. Raven reach for her phone to call for help but one of the sisters snatch it away before she could grab it. Raven fell to the floor.
"You sold me?"Raven said angrily as she started to fade in between consciousness.
"Sold is a harsh word but yes. They must find him so you important" Those were the final words Raven heard before she fell unconscious. Two men came in and carried Raven's body away. A nice well dress came in and handed the sister a suitcase of 100 dollars bills.
"Pleasure doing busy with you ladies," He said as he left. Back into a car with tinted black windows.
-hours later-
The group that trying to find Raven arrives at the gypsy sister caravan. Serah and Nero went to the door and went to knock but like before they open up the door before they could. "well well well isn't it Serah the brave knight of Raven." they said mocking her
"you already know why we are here where is my sister," Serah said pushing past the sister into their caravan.
"you just missed her an hour too late," they said turning towards Serah "She wanted an answer that we could not give her just yet so she went on a self-discovery journey" They gave Serah a piece of paper that was a map of sort on where her sister was going. "that should leave you to her. now go on we have other business to attend to the shud Serah out the door closing it and locking it. Both Nero and Serah went back to the van. Alastor ran up to them "Those sisters lie to you."
"What?" Serah said as they came to the van with Zack holding up Raven's supplies bag and phone. "an older gypsy told us that they were paid off by a good dress man." Zack said piss offed.
There were storms of rage in Serah's eyes. AS she spon on her heels and march back to the sister caravan. Nero was about to go after her but Zack stopped him. "She going to get an answer and will karma come to collect," Zack said as Serah punched open the sister's door yelling at them where her sister was.
-an hour later-
Everyone was in the van in silence. Serah still fuming from the gypsy betrayal. Abby was asleep using her brother's lap. She jerked away yelling out Raven's name. Which startled every in the van almost causing Nico to wreck the van.
"What's wrong Abby" Tera was trying to calm her
"I saw Raven she was being swallowed by the darkness she yell for help but I couldn't reach her," Abby said tears streaming down her cheeks.
Serah was mixed with fear and anger. Scared they weren't going make it to Raven in time. Nico and Nero had to make a stop somewhere. Which added another person to the group. {of course, it would not be a DMC fanfiction without} Dante Sparda's climbing into the back with the group which made Abby fan girl from hell. Serah would have if she wasn't so worried about her sister. They got back to driving filling Dante in on what had been happening. Of course, he shooked every one hand but not Serah she was focused on her sister. Once Dante shook Abby's hand she got a vision. Tera was trying to call his sister back and she came back shocked and breathing heavily. "I saw Raven with someone." That made Serah perk up "he had the same hair color as Dante but he was wearing a blue jacket he was shacking asking where someone was."
"well that sounded like my brother," Dante said thinking.
-time skip to the factory-
Nico slams on the brakes jerking everyone in the van. "There is a huge ass creator with a damage Factory in the middle of it."
Serah looks out the window "Let's get out and have a look around and see what we can find."
Every one climbed out and made it down safely into the creator. Dante and Serah were tasked to look into the damaged factory. "so you really care for your sister?" Dante asks Serah
"When I close my eyes I can still hear her scream my name out for help. I can still see the look of her giving up. I can still see her laying on her floor barely moving. I thought she was dead at times. I promised I would protect her whenever we got out of that hell hole. Thanks to the gypsy sister and my friends we all got out we never looked back since then. We were lab rats that know how to kill each other." Serah said looking around.
That hit Dante hard. He had no words to say to Serah after that. They search in silence for clues that Raven was there. They got to this big room with a platform and four pletal stood around it. Serah went onto the platform and dipped her finger in the blood and tasted it. "It's Raven's blood," she told Dante.
"look someone or something was chained over here" he called to her
They hear a gasp for air coming from under the rumble of the ceiling collapse. They started clearing the rumble way to see a barely alive man under the rumble. They got him out and started patching him up.
"they told me I could," the barely alive man said
"what?" Serah said
"Those gypsies told me I could control the beast that lay in the stars."
"you son" Dante had to stop Serah from killing the man
"The beast was too powerful I lost but she shine the brightness and-" the man died before he could finish.
"he was talking about raven I am sure of it," Serah said
Abby came into the room to fetch Dante and Serah. She stopped right on the platform seeing the story of what happened there. Seeing the death the lies and the star. She came back from the vision and ran to Serah. "Raven was here but the person guy who that Dante said must be his Brother took her with him away from a dead beast that was absorbed by Raven."
"She absorbed the best?!?" Serah said
"Yes she did"
-Raven's pov- She awoke in a strange place her head ache. Her body ached and was sore. She lends up in bed looking around the dimly lit room trying to get her bearings. "awake I see" a familiar voice rings out in the room as she looked for the source. Her eyes fell on a person in the corner of the room. "who are you where am I. How did I-" he hold his hand stepping into the light. "You don't remember anything, Raven?"
"How did u-" Raven was cut off again "Lucrecia does that name ring a bell," he asked. Raven's eyes teared up as she covers her mouth. as she remembered what happened. She and Lucrecia had to become one to destroy the monster of the stars. Meaning Lucrecia was gone. "she was your lover Vergil wasn't she?" Raven looked at the man in front of her. He just shook his head yes. "I am sorry I could not save her I-"
Vergil raises his hand "She not gone she is u"
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polarisbibliotheque · 11 months
Updating by writing you guys this huge post. I mean it, it's really long xD
I know, I know, I couldn't keep my Halloween promise T-T
Tha Halloween gods are now shouting at me "HOW COULD YOU?!"
Tumblr media
Die Halloween gods, slowly coming after me - black and white edition
As it has happened before, I'll be posting both Dante and Vergil's part during november. I'm still working on them, so it might take a while. Do apologise.
They will be here, just with a little delay. I do think Halloween should last more than just a few days, so screw it, until Christmas, it's still legal to celebrate Halloween at the Bibliothéque \o/
Now, now, for those who don't like too much talking, I'll be explaining a little bit below why I'm taking so long. Feel free to skip it if you don't want to read it, no worries ;)
(There's a "conclusion and TL;DR for those who don't want to read this whole novel" in pink down there if you want to scroll down to that point!)
As *not* expected, my health took a crazy downturn. I know I say it all the time, but hell, I've no idea what gives this time. I literally stopped everything. I spend most of the day in pain and the rest of it sleeping. That's it.
I have an appointment with my doctor next week, but I'm not too much hopeful. Last exams showed I have two ulcers - which means scarring and bleeding in the stomach - that can be literally anything.
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty worried it can be something worse than I was expecting, although it never even appeared to exist before, but well... My anxiety isn't exactly logic.
Secondly, as you guys might not know, I'm graduated in Law, worked as a lawyer for 5+ years before having a burnout and all those health issues (yeah, yeah, don't do what I've done, all that sort of thing). But something you don't know, and honestly probably only my close family knows and cares about, is that my graduation thesis was "The Conflict of Israel x Palestine and International Law".
I researched it for 3 years before defending my thesis, got a college prize for it, the professor who mentored me made a huge speech on how I proved "we women can do it on academia and research" and that my work was really nice. I'm not saying all this 'cause I'm boasting, I'm just saying I know what I'm talking about (because you know, who has never met a man who thinks their opinion is better than yours "just because" while you have a fucking huge CV on research and graduated with honors on the same matter but, somehow, you can't beat the opinion he just pulls out of his ass?).
All of this to say, I'm devastated by what's going on. This is more than politics to me. This was my thing, you know? I had a dream, stupid ~promising young woman~ dream of doing something with my intelligence to actually help people. To actually stop massacres of happening. I wanted to work at the UN, I wanted to speak with world leaders, to show people how much I can research and how much basic human rights matter so horrid things cannot happen ever again.
When the war broke and the bombings started, I followed the news. And then the news weren't reliable anymore. I started digging to find the truth - and hells, the truth is ugly and bloody. I think that's when all those last shards of dreams came crashing down. I thought I could do something, you know? Actually do something. But in the end, my parents were broke, I had to work to help at home, I kept sending my CV to the UN but I was never enough, and I just wasted my energy and health under the boots of someone who had more power and influence than me to break me and kill my career before it even started.
I felt so horribly powerless. So horribly broken. It seems stupid, but everything that is going on out there fells personal to me, I have history with it. And it broke me. Completely. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't force myself to at least watch the horrible things going on and try to like/share so the algorithm can make it reach other people.
That's all I can do.
You know, I have a lot of Vergil in me. For the things I wrote, I think you all can see I have a thing of "I never want to feel pain again and I want power so no one can never hurt me again" - that's why I think I want to kick his ass every time I see this fucking man being so emotionally constipated and ruthless because of his trauma. It's a way to protect himself, burning every path so he never feels powerless again - and I guess we all HATE to see the parts of our own personalities we hate the most in someone elese
So yeah. I know things took a dark turn on this one, but I decided to be honest with you guys - since I'm owing so many updates: the 2 Halloween fics, Nemesis and Survivor's Blood. I'm not really well currently, and only the gods know how much effort I'm making to keep it together... At least a little bit.
Physically, I'm like V. And I'm not even trying to be funny, every time I see that lil' goth twink I want to yeet him away because, hell, I'm MAD I see myself in him (mind you, I used to be more on Dante's side of the fitness spectre xD) - and not only regarding fitness, but tiredness. Falling apart. It's so... Harrowing. I think that's the word that fits the feeling better.
Mentally, I'm Vergil. I don't want to, I want to beat him with a stick, I want to yell at his face and kick his stupid ass, but damn. I get it. That crippling fear of not wanting to feel powerless again, to have people abuse you? The feeling you're trapped in your own body? The "feelings bring only pain and suffering"? The terrifying dread of discovering you failed at everything even with all your talents and never wanting to admit it? Check all of those. I hate you Vergil, but I get you.
I'm trying, though. I use writing as a coping mechanism and as a way to resolve many things mentally, but the last months have felt SO overwhelming I went back to my paralysed state of not being able to do anything and running away from things that remind me of all THAT.
You guys might be alarmed, but there's no reason to be, though. This is a ~moment~ I'm going through and I just need to sort it all out. I'm starting to get some warning signs of numbness, vivid nightmares of past issues, the paralysis, avoidance - but I've been there before. I just haven't figured out a way to pull myself together and I don't even remember how I did that once, so it might take me some time.
I don't know why, I had some sort of weird ~boost~ while thinking in the shower today, and I might know how to give the small steps to start getting back on track and gaining that momentum I need. This weekend I had to convince my mom to celebrate her birthday 'cause she's my Samwise Gamgee carrying me up Mount Doom and she wasn't in a mood to do so - therefore on monday, I have some things in mind to discuss with her and, hopefully, things will slowly go back to their place.
Conclusion and TL;DR for those who don't want to read this whole novel hahaha
THAT BEING SAID: I'm really sorry I can't deliver everything I wanted to you, guys. I didn't expect life to get so much more fucked up than it already was, but here we are. I just have to get used to the new pace of things, but it might take a while. My output of writing will be slow, but hey, after I can get out of that paralysis phase, I'll probably be writing more and posting more - 'cause I really, really love this. With all my heart.
(also, if you people see me active on my drawing thing, posting a bunch of things, it's 'cause I'm finally getting to look at all the art I've done but never posted and actually updating it and putting my art blog to some use I haven't in a while - I won't be creating new stuff. All old stuff I procrastinated as HELL and those will be some of my small steps to get out of this rut)
Now, as a last thing, I intend to use a video from a guy I always watch on youtube as some sort of guiding light in these trying times hahahaha but seriously, he has some really sound advice and he is so down to earth. Maybe someone who's going through some fucked up times can use his advice as well and unfuck their life too :)
That's it. I felt like I needed some raw honesty today. Like I said, small steps. This is part of it hahahaha
I hope you guys understand. There's nothing I love more than writing, creating something for people - and all of this, everyone I met here and every single person that uses their time, which is the most precious thing we have, to read something I wrote gives me the greatest gift I can be given. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate you and how much I don't want to disappoint you.
So thank you. I will work slowly and I will need some time to get my shit together, but I'll always be here. I'll update everything I need and won't leave you hanging but you know... It's like Dracula Daily. It starts in April and finishes by the end of the year, taking time to put the letters together.
Aaaaand, if you read Lord of the Rings, the whole adventure takes a year. We are very much conditioned to be given content constantly to keep algorithms happy, but I do have a view that humans (and art for that matter) can't keep up with being content.
Zygmunt Bauman said we live in liquid times, and made the theory that everything is liquid nowadays (for people who like sociology and philosophy, I highly recommend his books, I love him with all my heart), so we're not really used to things that are a little more... Constant. Earthy, perhaps. Slow, stable, never leaving.
I try my best to be like that, not like a liquid, inconstant, fleeting presence. I want the things I do to be part of something that will stay, and I like being someone that stays - and doesn't just flow away because everything has to be fast and ever moving nowadays. The Bibliothéque is to be like that, I think, a place that no matter what, you can come back after ten months and you'll still find me here, drinking some tea and writing stuff. And I'll be happy to see you again, for as much as you can or would like to stay :)
kinda like Dante in his lil' shop :')
That's it. Thank you for reading me mumbling nonsensically in order to tell you I will keep updating my fanfiction, even if at a slow pace HAHAHAHAHAHA
Hope you guys have a fine weekend and a good next week! I'll be always lurking around, but the creation process will be a bit slow.
Will still be here to mumble randomly about DMC and scream random things in the void though :D
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*me getting ready to tackle life for the next months, going like "still heeeeeeeeere bitch!!"*
And I'd like to add that I searched for "Obi Wan" on GIFs to find some sassy defying mood too add here and one of the first hits was this:
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I'll leave you guys on this note 'cause I'm still wheezing about it, it's so friggin' on point I can't EVEN
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
There are many who if you ask them will say they aren't quite convinced that Sparda's dead. What is your opinion on the matter? If you believe he's alive, what do you think has been going on with him all of these years?
Even you you believe he's dead, let's just hypothetically say he's making his return after DMC 5. How do you think this will go? What do you think he's been doing? How will he react to this new world and all that's happened? Most importantly, how will other characters react to his return?
Hi, my favouritest bestest nicest anon with the best dmc asks!
Sparda is proooobably long dead, but I really hope he isnt and we could see him return. Many fans are against this, as Spardas return might put in question the accomplishments of his sons, and raise a hellton of questions, and yeah, I want those questions raised and I would love to have answers for them! I am in DMC for the family drama TM and Sparda suddenly returning 36 years late for his sons would be one hell of a family drama.
Both twins carry their daddy issues very close (both living in their fathers shadow, Vergil having tried to live up to it which lead him to catastrophic failure, and Dante hating his father and by extension his demonic heritage for abandoning their family, which became the core of Dantes huge abandonment issues) and I dont think either of them ever worked these through, so they could really use some brotherly beating-the-shit-out of their father cause he deserves it, and theyll never go to therapy, so this is their closest analog. Nero will get another family crisis, also a possible religious crisis? Basically, not a single sparda can figure out their issues until they start hitting them in the face, so Sparda returning will really benefit all of them.
This goes with a huge caveat that Sparda has somehow lost his powers (excluding immortality???), or at least, the twins are more powerful than him at the moment (because theres enough OP silver demons in this series we literally cant have another), AND that he could not have returned sooner/was captured/lost in time/literally any reason he could not have returned to his sons. There is a (you guessed it) ru fanfic called Hapless Eva (Бедная Ева by xenosha @th-xeno ), where this exact scenario is explored. It's one of the best fics for DMC I've read, and affects my opinion on the topic greatly, so its obligatory to mention it here. I completely agree with the author that the twins will be furious with Sparda, and in their anger they wont let him to even try to explain what happened. Nero will be in shock, and the raw amount of hatred he saw from twins will only prolong his confusion and make him concerned about them, his anger at Sparda will come sometime later. Sparda, of course, will be hurt by behavior of his sons, but he and Nero dont have as much issues with each other and will be very mutually curious. So, once again, Nero comes to the rescue of his idiotic family members, and he will be the bridge between generations all of them need.
The ending here is much more ambiguous though. DMC 5 ended with twins cooperating and Vergil giving Nero a very personal item, so all the parties had good intentions for each other, thus their relationships to each other could be mended (through effort, failure, pain and effort again). Sparda going off radar is the starting point of ALL the issues in the franchise, literally all of them can be traced to Sparda missing, and this is a much much worse case than anything else in the series. The ending here depends on Spardas own feelings on his absence and the circumstances of it. Since I want just tons of (hurt/)comfort for all spardas, I will hope they can overcome their issues and accept Sparda back into the family.
Another thing Sparda returning would add is LORE. PLEASE. Give me Hell lore, gimme demonic anatomy lore (not in a smutty way, in a biology way if possible), gimme demonic culture, gimme more awesome demon designs, gimme Sparda backstory, gimme Mundus backstory, are they twins too? How the hell was Dante able to beat Mundus in DMC1, but couldn't beat Urizen in DMC5? Was Urizen stronger than Mundus??? Where is the tribe of Cerberuses located, please, I want a three-headed elemental doggo lair location to pet them all
yeeeah, there are a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes in DMC lore and Sparda returning could Hopefully provide some answers.
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dmc-questions-anon · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking asks but I have a thought rotating in my mind right here: what if the next dmc games took the route as bayonetta 3 did approaching the not-that-good-but-old multiverse themes? It would fit the aesthetic of dmc, that once or twice (I'm not quite sure) showed an alternative universe in dmc2 novel? Would the dev team somehow screw it up? Lend me your sincere thoughts!
I'm definitely taking asks! Asks are always welcome, I just can't say for certain how long an answer will take. As you can see here I might take a long time (sorry about that by the way), though I'm hoping not as I am genuinely working on my procrastination issues.
While I'm not into Bayonetta (yet) I do know that whatever it is that Bayonetta 3 did should not be repeated by Devil May Cry, I have never once heard of anybody speak positively about that game.
As for exploring the multiverse, I do think that if handled correctly it could work and be interesting to explore. If handled incorrectly it could obviously be a disaster but if it's done correctly it could be amazing.
Though I don't think I really want them to take that route in a game? I'd be fine if they go that way with a novel or even have it be an anime plot (I think that since that new anime that may or may not be coming out won't be canon they should take an alternate universe route, it could be interesting to just do an au or have Dante, Vergil, and Lady (the only confirmed characters) during DMC 3 time period head over into an alternate reality or maybe have them time travel into the future even or something I don't know), but I feel like a game should keep it's main plot focused in the main reality we've followed throughout the series. Also I need lots of angst if they are multiverse traveling because it just opens up such a wonderful opportunity for it.
Overall I'd say that yes, if handled correctly it could be a good direction, but I don't think they should do it in a game.
Thanks for the ask!
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Can you do a Sparda boys + V about a gn!reader who flinches at everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. There’s an unexpected noise? They jump. Someone blinks? They recoil. Literally nothing has happened but they’re feeling on edge? They flinch at their own thoughts. (Based on me when my anxiety gets bad. It’s embarrassing, I genuinely start tweaking and it’s because someone sneezed two rooms over or smth)
Aw man, that sounds tough. Hope you're doing well. Enjoy.
Sparda Boys + V x Jittery!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante will take advantage of your constant tension by sneaking up on you and going "boo" when you least expect it.
-He knows not to take it too far, though, and stops if you get too frightened or upset.
-He's only trying to lighten the mood, though, and will hurriedly scoop you into his arms, kissing you and squeezing you tight if you get overwhelmed.
-When things go bump in the night, frightening you, he'll be sure to hold you close and occasionally whisper words of comfort to clam you down.
-He might even buy you sound-proof headphones so you don't have to hear weird noises, thus improving your sleep.
-Doesn't shame or make fun of you for it, but he may occasionally pull a minor, lighthearted prank or two. It's just for fun.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil understands how you feel--there was a time in his youth when he was the same way.
-When he sees you react to random sounds, he will put his arm around you and wordlessly pull you close.
-Occasionally, and that means very, very, rarely, Vergil will cradle you like a baby and rock you back and forth, humming so softly you can barely hear it.
-He will read to you at night, especially during a storm or when there's loud winds outside; his gentle voice extremely comforting and easy to focus on.
-Always wraps you up tightly in blankets like a big burrito so you can feel safe at night and not have to worry about any weird noises. Why would you, anyway? If somebody or something does manage to break in, Vergil will JCE and that'll be the end of it.
-He, too, will buy you noise canceling headphones for you to use when silence and focus is needed the most.
□ Nero □
-Nero doesn't really understand what you're going through, but he tries his best to help you.
-When you freak out at things that don't exist, Nero's there to give you a quick hug and a kiss, telling you everything's alright.
-Puts on music to distract you from everything, including your own thoughts, which somehow scare you.
-At night, Nero will sandwich your head in between thick pillows so once again, the sound is muffled.
-If you still somehow get scared, don't worry, Nero's there to hold you till you calm down.
● V ●
-V doesn't understand why you're so jittery all the time, but he does his best to figure out why and devise ways to help you with it.
-His soothing voice is definitely a boon here; hearing him read poetry helps take your mind off of everything.
-Griffon and Shadow help too--Griffon with his jokes that keep you laughing for hours, and Shadow's big warm body is such a comfort.
-When there are storms or other bad and loud weather, V will simply cuddle you, and might even turn on a movie or something.
-Bedtime stories are a common occurrence too, and are perfect for winding down before going to sleep.
-Should you ever become frightened, V will simply shower you with kisses and words of affirmation till your nerves are put at ease and you fall asleep again.
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dandansposts · 2 years
good MORNING more about witches/answering some very good questions from @aloe-vera-ghost below the cut
as it is 6:30 in the morning and i am sitting in the bath tub bc i feel far too nauseous to eat or make myself a cup of coffee, you'll have to forgive any nonsense that may occur in the following paragraphs.... tummy hurty and i am very tired. id go back to bed but i have to work in an hour and a half so that's a bit of a non starter.
are there limits to how many spells can be cast or in use at once?
yes and no? as for casting, bc magic use is all intentions, if you can somehow intend to do two or more different things at once, sure, you can cast multiple spells. as for in use, though, not really.
the big example here is v, and i am directly addressing whether they can cast another spell while using their body as a focus for shadow griffon and nightmare.
the answer to that one is Yes; the tattoos v has are sssssort of like the writings in the grimoire in that they exist to make casting and using whatever spell they're for easier. v's tattoos are what bind the other 3 to them and while it takes a little bit of focus on everyone's part for one of them to manifest, v's adept enough at magic to be able to cast something else with their cane or the grimoire while doing that.
essentially, v's turned their body into a magical artifact in order to keep the 4 of them together; this takes a massive toll on their already very weak human body, but, y'know, desperate times. it helps that all 3 of them but shadow and griffon especially act as mobility aids. the spell binding them to v has already Been Cast and shadow, griffon, and nightmare all have their own abilities and are all also capable of witchcraft individually should their (limited) demonic power not be enoug, so it's not much of a feat for v to, y'know, manifest the other 3 and then do some other magic with their cane. they may refrain from doing this more than is absolutely necessary on the grounds that they are Extremely frail, but they can anyway.
if the other 3 were to use v's body as a focus, and v were to also do that, it's possible that it's work but also equally likely that they'd get wires crossed and fuck things up worse just because they are connected mentally and might confuse themselves. personal experience, tryjng to think when you're cocon with several ppl is just fuckkng miserable.
i hope that makes sense? clarifying questions welcome and encouraged, i'm not always the best explainer.
while some ancient witches might have specialized in different .. we will call it expressions of magic, this would be extremely uncommon, or at least expressed differently in modern/dmc present times just bc there are so few witches. any specialization in ancient times would also be related almost entirely to the demon that's being worshipped; so if your demon god is somehow related to fire, you might be more inclined to use your magic for pyromancy. in modern times, it's a lot more down to what's easiest and most intuitive for the caster.
that being said, there really is no standard spell for anything. u could say like. higgledy piggley and if your intention w that is to set something on fire, you're gonna set something on fire. if your intention is to heal, you'll heal. it'd be easier to learn different ways to use your specialty just because you're more familiar with the feel of the magic and just what exactly you need to do to get it to work correctly.
so. yes? specializing does make it easier to learn new spells in your specialty. not for magic reasons, just for familiarity reasons.
a person might fall into a specialty by accident too like you might just be way better or find it way easier to cast healing spells than combat related spells or whatever.
that is the questions answered i think but youve got me going and now i want to break down what i think each of vergil's alters specializes in.
vergil tends to go for combat specific magic; anyrhing to protect himself, anything to give him an edge, u know how he is. he thinks he's a finess guy but he's actually a brute force guy so his spells are big and showy (think something like a super judgement cut or that fucked up think you can do with beowulf where he just wrecks everyones shit) and deadly but don't tend to be overly complicated.
v tends more towards esoteric shit. they're the real witch here, the one who might pull an eva and try to summon a demon to bargain for more power rather than killing it outright. they're really good at the kind of magic required to create a focus (their cane is entirely their work as is their human body, the yamato was a team effort with vergil when they were still very young). they're adept at getting the grimoire to do what they want it to which essentially means they can cast whatever the fuck they want assuming they have the book, but without that, it's all illusions and self defense and weird shit like weaving symbols into their skin to keep errant alters attached to their body.
griffon, on the off chance he decides he wants to use magic rather than his demonic abilities, tends more towards combat stuff similar to vergil, but he's also got a knack for spells that alter a person's perception; think illusory magic, mainly stuff like calming a target or causing a target to turn on an ally, stuff like that.
shadow, being largely nonverbal, doesn't often use magic but Should She, it's usually combat related.
the same goes for nightmare, though it's also decent at healing spells by necessity. i mean. someones gotta patch up the body after mundus torture hours.
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xopinkroses · 2 years
Oh boy this one is kind of heavy but I'd like to see Sparda men (and maybe some other dmc characters if you want) reaction when their s/o unfortunately get into a situation that the guys have to mercy kill them. You can skip this ask if you don't like
DMC boys Being Forced to Mercy Kill Reader♥
Summary; Something terrible happens to you, leading to Dante, Vergil and Nero having to make the most painful choice of their lives. Warnings; Death, mercy killing, heavy heavy angst, swearing, descriptions of blood and fatal injury.
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How could everything go so horribly wrong in just a few seconds? You're laying in your bed, the one you both share, and you're crying. Short sobs of pure agony as your blood burns like acid through your pulsating, discoloured veins. And all Dante can do is watch. Watch and know that there is nothing he can do for you. Too afraid to even touch you. 
You were infected with something while fighting a demon, too slow to dodge the spray of poison it projected to you. The effects were almost instant, and Dante knew instantly how this was going to end. 
There is no cure. No hope. Sitting by your bedside, he knows what he should do. But he doesn't have the strength to end your suffering. He's a coward, he can't deny it. 
But how can he be expected to do such a thing? To… kill the person he loves most. How is that fair? 
You're not stupid. You know that your chances are nonexistent. "I'm sorry," you cry. "I love you." 
The only thing you could feel other than pain– is guilt. You did something incredibly stupid, and now you were going to have to leave Dante all alone. 
Your words do nothing to comfort your distraught boyfriend, serving only as a sick reminder of what he is about to lose. Somehow making this even harder. 
He rocks back and forth, hugging himself like he's physically trying to hold himself together. "I love you too," He manages to say, voice shaking with the spasms in his chest. "Fuck– I love you so much." 
"Please, can you hold me?" You don't want to die alone, all you want as a last request is to die in the arms of the man you love. 
Dante finds his resolve in the finality of your request, and carefully scoops you up into his arms. The contact hurts, but you cling to him anyway. This is your last moment together. You want to imprint the feeling of him close to you into your memory, something to take with you when you go. 
Dante finally lets his tears fall now that you are unable to see them. He places a kiss to the top of your head, allowing himself to just be here with you as you cry into his chest. His hands brush up your neck to hold the back of your head. You don't see it coming. 
Your body goes limp in his arms. Head lolling unnaturally, swivelling on a broken neck, to fall against his shoulder. He can't look at you, knowing lifeless, hollow eyes will be the thing staring back at him. 
Dante screams, but you don't hear him. You can't. 
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The scream that rings through the clearing has Vergil freezing in his tracks. He turns around just in time to see you suspended in midair– impaled through the abdomen by one of the demon’s clawed tentacles. Time stands still and all he can do is watch as you weakly struggle against the pain, a waterfall of red splashing into puddles below you. 
Then the demon yanks itself free of you, and you come plunging to the ground. Vergil is already moving before his thoughts can even catch up with the events unfolding. He catches you before you make contact with the ground, gently lowering you down as he cradles you in his arms. A numbness has settled inside of him, and he’s grateful for it. There’s no way he can handle this otherwise.
“Hold on,” He says, an uncharacteristically pleading tone to his voice. “I will return for you.”
Stepping away from you, his demeanour is one of ice cold fury, a raging storm that could rip up entire civilisations out of existence. In a haze, he makes quick work of the demon that did this to you. The sound of his own screaming failing to reach his ears– all he hears is an echo of your cries. They only begin to quiet down when the evil being’s insides are splayed out before him. But with it dead, Vergil has no choice but to look at you.
You haven’t moved, he notes, looking you over in a detached kind of observation. The colour has drained from your skin, having bled out from the gaping hole in your midsection. The area around you has turned dark crimson with your blood, it seeps into the earth and surrounds you like your very own hellish aura. 
Willfully ignoring the squishing blood-soaked dirt under his knee, he kneels down beside you. His face is grave as he looks you over. Any other person would fail to decipher the emotion on his face, but you know him too well.
Vergil’s heart is actively being cracked open, and it only shatters more with your next few words. Only a few… but enough to haunt him for the rest of his miserable life.
“Vergil, honey,” You croak, coughing. “Please, make it stop.”
Vergil has always been able to compartmentalise his emotions. Tuck certain things away to deal with later, he forces himself to do this now. He agrees to grant your final request. The word ‘yes’ tasting rotten on his tongue. With an unbearable heaviness in his bones, he slowly straightens up to his full height. 
He’s stalling for time as he looks down at Yamato in his clenched fist, skin stretched white over bone. One swipe is all it’ll take, he muses. Just one.
“May we meet in another life, my love.”
He gives you no time to prepare for the blow, making it quick. Your life snuffed out in the blink of an eye– Along with his very soul. You were struck down in the heat of battle, a true warrior's death. Vergil wishes that fact could bring him any comfort. But there is no comfort for people like him, only pain and suffering. For him and the ones he cares about. 
What a sick joke, he thinks as his composure breaks and an anguished sob tears up his throat.
You deserved so much better.
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He’s in a living nightmare. One that he wants nothing more than to wake up from. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t want to do this.
“Please wake up! Please wake up, please!”
His hands are sticky with red, clutching onto your cold, limp figure as he sobs into the crook of your neck. The Red Queen is tossed a good few feet away, blade covered in blood. Your blood.
You remain unresponsive in his arms, but beyond all logical reason; Nero tries to convince himself that you’re just sleeping. You got knocked unconscious during the fight but you’re fine. It’s not your blood– it’s not! But he can’t, because he’s all too painfully aware of the events that just transpired before his very eyes.
He didn’t want to do it. You gave him no choice! 
You were possessed, he later learns. You didn’t want to hurt him either. But right now, all he knows is that his lover launched themself onto the blade of his sword after trying to kill him. Impaling yourself and ensuring you couldn’t hurt him again. He can’t process his thoughts through the panic, the guilt and the begging. Begging for forgiveness, for you to come back, for anything.
This is how his uncle and father find him, screaming and crying hysterically, holding you in a desperate embrace. 
“You’re okay, angel– everything’s gonna be okay–” 
Knowing they can’t leave him there, alone with the corpse of his lover, Dante and Vergil have to pry his hands off your body and drag him away kicking and screaming. He curses at them and pleads for you to answer him. But you don’t. 
You’re dead.
And Nero will never forgive himself.
~ 🖤
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breezey907 · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
Hunter/Hunted - WTNC, Fem!Hunter/Finn (Completed)
Aria Thorne, a renowned Hunter has been sent to the town of Lunaris to investigate a series of murders. Sounds easy-except it isn't.
There's a Vampire Clan, a Lycan and apparently a Demon in town, not to mention the small cult, which only complicates things. The evidence is slim-to-none and she's somehow the only one qualified to figure the mess out.
On top of that she might be falling in love.
Chimeras, Huh? - WTNC, One-shot, Fem!Hunter/Finn
After everything that has happened, Aria has a normal day for once in Lunaris. Well...as normal as you can get in this weird town.
Oh, Your Love Is Sunlight - WTNC, One-shot, Fem!Hunter/Finn
“Though there are other ways to show how much we mean to each other. Less permanent ways that doesn’t involve you being on the verge of death.”
Everytime The Sun Goes Down - WTNC, One-shot Collection
A One Shot collection of all my cut/alternate scenes for Hunter/Hunted, and also the smut that you were probably looking for.
Two Evils - WTNC, Pledge Route, Fem!Hunter (WIP)
In which Aria takes Harry up on his offer, because she'll do anything to protect those she loves.
Even Chaos Needs A Catalyst - Crimson Spires, Erika/August (Completed)
We’ve lost all contact with the outside world. I still have no idea why the large towers appeared, or whether the rest of world fares any better than we do. People tried to leave, of course.
They all died.
I’m the only law enforcement remaining in town. Lucky Me.
Like Adam & Eve - Crimson Spires, Erika/Liam (Completed)
“I’ll do whatever I can to redeem myself. I’ll prove to the town that I’m their friend, not their enemy. Just give me the chance.”
“You wanted me to lock you up!”
Once More Into The Breach - Crimson Spires, New Game Plus Novelization (WIP)
“I am surprised you feel it, too, Agent. What was your name again?”
“We don’t have time for this. We need to get out of here. If you agree with me, lower your weapon. We’ll form a truce, at least until we’re out of Bataille.”
Don't Bet Against the House - Crimson Spires, Erika/Julian Novelization (WIP)
“How can I trust someone who drinks blood and manipulates the thoughts of his victims?”
“The same way you trust humans who cage chickens and pigs like pets, then slaughter them for dinner."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
A Possible Miscalculation - Detroit: Become Human, One-shot OFC/Connor
Detective Camille Carson made a mistake. Now she's has to deal with the fact that she was to stare at a replica of her friend. It looked just like him, but she knew it wasn’t. 
Picking Up Pieces - WKM, OFC/Damien (WIP)
Rowan Spencer has just been made the District Attorney. Life is great. She has a new job, she gets to talk to one of her oldest friends every so often. Then she gets a letter from another old friend. It's a Poker Night Party to celebrate something.
She doesn't even hesitate to go.
Only this night would change everything. For better or worse.
The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To Is The One With You - DMC, OFC/Vergil, One-Shot Collection
"You could have gotten killed!" I pointed out, crossing my arms. Dante opened the door of Devil May Cry and we filed in. "If it weren't for me-"
"-That damn jester would not have escaped." Vergil interrupted, turning around; venom in his pointed words, and the air around him seemed to drop in temperature.
The Wizard & The Watcher - Pillars Of Eternity, Watcher/Aloth, One-Shot Collection
“Not quite how I’d hoped to get to know the neighbors,” He smiled at her. “Thank you for that timely assistance with that…awkward situation.”
She grinned at him. “Don’t mention it.”
Between The Stars - Mass Effect, Shepard/Garrus, One-Shot Collection
A one-shot collection of my Mass Effect writing because that game has a death-grip on me. Focusing mostly on in-between moments and my take on certain scenes.
One Dragon At A Time - Skyrim, Dragonborn/Teldryn Sero, One-shot Collection
A one-shot collection based on my Skyrim gameplay, headcannons and ideas I got while playing.
It's Just Hollywood Nightlife - Red Embrace: Hollywood, Ashe/Markus?
Everyone comes to Hollywood for a reason. Saints, sinners, artists, anti-artists, and all the beautiful people in America. On September 24th, 1996, I became one of those people.
These Bandaged Hands - Touchstarved (Demo) Alchemist Fem MC/Leander
It began with Fogfall; a Spectral mist that bled from the seams where reality wore so thin it split. From that fog emerged monsters, inhuman beings with unnatural powers. Some possessed language and intellect, others were mindless beasts driven by little more than the desire to slaughter. All were dangerous.
As cities fell and unrest spread, humans united in their fear while monsters thrived in the chaos.
Then there was me. I'm not even sure if I'm human. I was born cursed, my hands alter the minds of anyone I touch.
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alighieri-sparda · 4 years
DMC Boys Sucking Male S/O Off
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➤ Masterlist | Rules
Yeah, I know it’s not a request, but I had this idea a month ago and just now I decided to write it out. I took a while to finish it (as usual), but here we go.
I have a lot of Male!Reader stuff prepared to be written. Boys also deserve attention from our handsome devils, right?
Enjoy. :)
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WARNING: Explicit descriptions of oral sex under the cut.
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It is one of his favorite things to do on you. No matter if it’s part of foreplay or just a random blowjob in the office, Dante likes giving you as much as he likes receiving it.
When he wants to have you in his mouth, you can easily catch him staring at you and then sense him behind you. His arms embrace your shoulders as he guides his mouth to your ear and asks you to sit on his chair and let him have some fun.
“I mean… You want it now?”
“Why not? You and I aren’t that busy anyway,” says Dante, trying to run away from his responsibilities.
Even though Dante can take you entirely in his mouth with no difficulties, he usually starts slowly to tease you. He loves when you start to beg him to go deeper with his mouth in a muttered and shaky tone of voice.
Dante is also very much skilled at deepthroating. This teasing devil is aware how much you like it when you can feel the tip of your shaft touching the back of his throat and how difficult it is to keep quiet when he does it, so Dante rather saves it for when you’re close. Thereby, he can make sure he’s going to swallow everything, wasting no drop of your seed.
He’s probably going to touch himself while he has you in his mouth. Not only to please himself but mainly because the grunts and moans he lets out against your sensitive skin make you throb even harder between his lips.
Read his actions while he’s sucking you off. If he’s constantly grabbing your thighs and being too slow, Dante can’t wait to have an opportunity to fuck you. But if his actions are a bit intense and he’s moaning too much against you, it is a not-so-subtle request to get laid. If you’re not sure about what he wants, it’s okay to ask him when you’re both done. 
That’s pretty obvious at this point but it has to be said regardless: Dante has no gag reflex. Don’t be afraid to cum at his throat and neither feel guilty if your mind was too numb to warn you were close. Dante knows when you’re about to come and he always swallows, so that’s no big deal for him.
Oh, if it isn’t a hell of an amazing experience. Nero somehow manages to make you feel that’s the first time you’re feeling his delicious mouth around your flesh. Perhaps the factor that increases his ability is his true desire of doing it since he explicitly prefers to give you head instead of receiving. He likes when you do it on him of course, but if he had to choose, the answer is pretty obvious.
Most of your make-out sessions with Nero will end up with him kneeling before you and teasing you to death. 
Though he doesn’t necessarily want to make you beg for him or whatever, even if he thinks that’s a nice extra. Nero enjoys the sight of you gradually losing your composure, going from a few simple gasps to a bunch of contained groans and desperate hip movements.
“That serious already? Let me take care of it then.”
He’s usually submissive to your commands, so take advantage of it and tug his hair to control his head or thrust against his mouth, moving your hips at the pace you enjoy. When Nero wants to dominate, he’d go for some lazy and controlled handjobs on you.
And yes, he loves when you facefuck him. This is important.
Nero has an average experience. With a bit of effort, he can take your cock entirely in his mouth — and even not so skilled at deepthroat, Nero doesn’t mind choking sometimes. He’s naturally too giving, so he’s constantly trying to take you deeper and make you feel more satisfied at each attempt.
Similar to his uncle, Nero is a damn switch. However, unlike Dante, Nero will always act the same when he’s sucking you off, whether he wants to fuck you or be fucked. What will determine his preference is the sentence he says after swallowing your cum. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” Nero would say before preparing you to be fucked in the nearest safe spot. But if he wants you to fuck him instead, you’d hear something like “Why don’t take care of me now, hm?”
Sudden blowjobs in empty alleyways? It’s more likely than you think.
The lack of experience of Vergil obviously reflects on V. Much likely his complete part, V doesn’t rush his apprenticeship: he acts slowly, repeating what you do on him. He’s more used to submission than Vergil though, so even after learning everything, V can switch between dominating you or just obeying your commands.
During his first attempts, you are completely free to control his head movements or just face-fuck him, but always remember to be gentle to the fragile poet. V can easily choke if you go too hard on him — but the fact that he doesn’t complain about choking makes you think of interesting possibilities.
He likes the idea of swallowing, but you’ll prefer to cum on his lips and face instead of doing it directly on his throat. Eventually, it’s going to become his preference.
V may not be skilled at blowjobs in the beginning, but his devilish hands compensate it all. He’s constantly stroking the part of your shaft he cannot take in his mouth yet and massaging his balls/inner thighs. It helps him a lot since he knows the pace you like when he has his hands on you.
If you want to press his “hornier” button, caress his hair and praise him. Tell V how fast and well he’s learning, and how good his mouth feels around you. Extra points if your voice is trembling due to the pleasure you demonstrate you’re feeling.
Speaking of which, you better don’t hold back a moan because V won’t do it either. This new sensation is so good for him, feeling his mouth so full with your throbbing and wet sex, so he takes his chance to stimulate you even more with the vibrations of his groans around your sensitive skin.
Once he learns what to do and gets confident about his skills — which won’t take much longer if you're praising him correctly —, V will realize he prefers to give you oral instead of receiving it. No matter if he’s going to fuck you until you’re both exhausted or if he’s about to be gently pegged by you, V will always kneel before you to at least tease your cock with his mouth.
“It’s not my fault you taste so good, prince.”
At first, you’d avoid asking him to suck you off. Vergil is still pretty inexperienced and you’d be afraid to make him uncomfortable somehow. But Vergil himself will come up with this idea during foreplay, not exactly giving you the chance of objection though. He just knees and hopes you get what he will do.
“Vergil, what are you—”
“Just let me do it.”
His first movements are going to be gentle and almost experimental. It’s not like he has absolutely no clue of what to do because… well, he has a dick himself and you already satisfy him like this very much. He only needs to get used to having his mouth full while he tries to satisfy you.
He tries to imitate what you usually do on him with some variations. Since Vergil cannot take you entirely in his mouth at first, he decides to stroke the part he doesn’t reach. Depending on your reactions, Vergil surely will risk some attempts to take your entire shaft.
Vergil won’t ask for it, but he will be very grateful if you gently guide his head at the pace you prefer — he already enjoys it when you tug his hair while he fucks you anyway. Do not be afraid of giving you some tips and do not contain your reactions: those factors are important for him because that’s how he knows if you’re liking it or not. 
But when he finally learns how to do it properly and what you like, don’t even think about trying to control his movements. Vergil will press you against the mattress and suck you off while he spreads your legs and grips your thighs, preparing you for what will come next.
He doesn’t like the idea of swallowing at his first attempts, so take care not to surprise him and choke the poor devil: warn when you’re close. After some practical lessons, however, you’re always going to feel a low satisfied grunt against your shaft whenever you cum between his soft lips.
It’s also important to say that Vergil won’t deny you a blowjob — woah, never —, but he usually doesn’t offer to do it. So, if you want it, you will have to ask him.
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devilish-miasma · 3 years
Hello! It's me again! I have this idea for a request how about this Dante and Vergil (romantic) and Nero (platonic sibling) with Darling who is a stand user and have Star Platinium (jojo bizarre adventure) It could be possible? Thanks!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I have no idea what any of that is but I conducted as much research as possible, so I sincerely apologize for any inaccuracies I’ve potentially portrayed here. I hope this is adequate.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You met Dante sometime after the events of the first game. You brought him comfort, joy, and you were there for him after believing he killed his brother.
Dante didn’t know about your ability until later in the relationship. The situation grew dire, you were both backed into a corner, and you knew what you needed to do. So you summon your Stand and let it tear the demons apart.
Dante sits there bewildered, watching with wide eyes. He thought you were just a normal human, but it appears he was wrong. Dante himself isn’t ordinary, so he can see your Stand.
He has a ton of questions afterward. What was that? How did you do that? Are there others like you?
You answer all of his questions, watching a spark ignite in his eyes. You inform him you’ve met others like you, and you attempt to educate him on all the classifications for Stands. It confuses him, so you have to explain it for almost two hours before it finally clicks. It's understandable why: he’s never heard of them before.
Dante mimics that stupid noise your Stand makes when fighting demons. One time he did it toward Vergil when they were fighting, only for Vergil to become confused. Dante does it so many times and it drives his brother to the breaking point, “WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT NOISE MEAN DANTE??” You cry with laughter.
Nero has left the building.
“I sleep with a gun.”
“Weak. I sleep with a sword.”
“You’re both pathetic.”
“Oh yeah? What do you sleep with, Dante?”
���(Name) and their Stand.”
Seeing Vergil’s doppelganger inspired you to use your Stand. When you summon it, Vergil freezes, totally unaware of this power of yours. You could only stand back and watch as those demons turn into mince meat. Overkill at its finest.
“What form of power is this?”
You just giggle.
He has questions, but not as many as Dante. Questions like, “How long have you had this power?” Vergil listens the entire time without interruption. You don’t need to explain over and over for Vergil, he’s smart enough to understand.
When you finish explaining, he just pauses. It's probably a lot to take in. When your human lover, who you assumed to be totally normal, suddenly has such an incredibly powerful ability, it would take some time to digest. You had a trump card up your sleeve the entire time and he hadn’t the slightest idea.
Vergil is a little relieved that he doesn’t have to protect you as often, knowing you have such a violent and powerful ability. The noise it makes is somewhat annoying, but that is quickly overlocked due to how efficient the entity is.
One day, you purpose a challenge. Who could win: his doppelganger, or your Stand? When your Stand emerges victorious, he’s incredibly impressed.
Vergil stands there, unsure of what to say, and you raise a curious eyebrow. You can see him working out what to say; his eyes give away many untold stories.
“You’re incredible.” He eventually murmurs.
You just laugh and kiss his face.
Nero (platonic)
You were a Holy Knight with Nero long ago. You kept your ability hidden, fearing the Order of the Sword would attempt to use you as a weapon somehow. Once you defected with Nero from them, you felt comfortable using your Stand again. You two were out on a mission, you just wanted the mission to be over so you summoned your Stand to kick ass.
Afterward, Nero whirled around with big eyes and a huge grin. “That was fucking awesome! How’d you do that?”
You make sure to answer all of your friend’s questions, enjoying how excited he looked. It was the most expression you saw him have ever since losing Credo and betraying the Order. It was… nice.
“Why does it make that sound?”
“I have no idea, buddy.”
Badass duo. You feel safe with each other.
How he introduces you now: “This is (Name). They’re incredibly badass, so I would advise messing with them. You’ll get your face smashed in.”
When Nero gets his Devil Trigger, he challenges you and your Stand. Worst mistake of his life.
“You coulda warned me how powerful it actually was.” He grumbles as you wipe blood from his face.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Read it on AO3 | Rules | Buy this devil a coffee
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Keeping Up With A Himbo: Vergil (I)- Lost In The Sauce
Series Summary: A series of domestically fluffy snippets where the s/o of a Sparda learns just how much of a himbo their lover is.
Work Summary: Vergil tries to cook for you and loses a fight with a salt grinder. 
Tags/Warnings: Gender-Neutral S/O, Domestic Fluff, SFW, Vergil Is A Disaster And We Love Him, Meme References in Title and Story, Implied Touch-Starved! Vergil, 
Vergil always noticed that ever since he moved to your place, he had yet to move a finger when it came to making meals. Usually, it was you who chose to go to the grocery stores and come back home to cook. 
It always brought him good feeling, to sit beside you and have a hot meal with you. However, he soon realized how the scale of responsibilities was becoming lopsided, tipping in his favor. 
You would return exhausted from work, only to cook and clean once more. Vergil was also working at his brother’s shop, slaying demons and all sorts of nasty creatures. 
But he was a subhuman of ungodly stamina, he rarely felt exhaustion as quickly as you did. You knew that. And yet, here you were, still insisting to do most of the cooking. Although it was nice to be pampered, reading a book near the counter as you chopped up ingredients for a hearty lunch or dinner, Vergil knew it was unreciprocated for some time now. 
As of late, your work had become harder, with longer hours and lesser benefits. You found yourself pushing against the clock, having to prepare the evening meal despite the time crunch. You woke up earlier to sleep later. And yet, you staunchly refused to not provide for the two of you. 
He grumbled a bit on the inside, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. His eyes glanced at the clock. You would be home in an hour, at around 9 pm. Much later than you had already been working. 
Humans are easily tired, and it was a Friday. For you to come home and deal with such a chore would be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Vergil cursed himself. He was more than capable of doing some tasks around your shared home. After years of living alone, he was not used to all of this-this bliss. How could he be so foolish to not give back to his beloved? 
With strife, he promptly rolled up his sleeves and grabbed your apron. A bit small around his chest, as he was much more muscular than you. 
Thinking of the sight of your face brightening if you came home to a prepared meal, he set out to prove himself as more than capable in the kitchen. 
And perhaps garner some praise from you. Not like he’d ever admit he wanted it.
He opened the cabinets and fridge. Careful hands took out pasta and tomato sauce, setting it on the counter. Vergil read the instructions for the spaghetti, doing exactly what the box told him. 
It was already his job before to open the cans, and the glass jar popped freely of its lid within seconds. 
He tasted the sauce with a spoon, observing that the sole acrid taste of tomatoes did not sit well with him. 
What did you always add? Obviously salt and pepper. 
He did as such, taking out the old salt grinder. He proceeded to grind the salt into the pan of simmering sauce, bubbling perhaps too rapidly and violently. Somehow, no salt seemed to come out. He tsked and incessantly continued his motions for what seemed like whole minutes. 
When that didn’t work, he changed his clockwise motion to counter, and no avail. It must have been jammed in the inside, he deducted. 
He shook the grinder. 
The lid of the grinder fell into the saucepan, a cup’s worth of salt tumbling in also.
Vergil cursed, trying to take out as much salt as he could before it dissolved in the sauce. 
The hands of the clock comforted him, you were yet to be home for some time. 
The sauce was ruined and it was salty like the sea, ten-folded. 
“What can counteract salt?” Vergil thought to himself.
A dusty lightbulb flickered in his mind, and he reached for the little canister of sugar. 
He poured some sugar into the sauce, hoping to revert it back to normal. Years of consuming demonic flesh would do this to a man’s sense of culinary logic. 
The pasta, which he forgot to strain out earlier, flopped miserably into the pan. Vergil gave his attempt a try.  
As if salt wasn’t bad enough, the sugar combined in it made Vergil actually recoil. How on earth did you cook everyday?! 
More over, how on earth did he derail a simple recipe to this? 
Sauce, burnt, salted, sweetened, and pasta forsaken and soggy, Vergil had officially lost his mind. 
He went to take off your apron in shame, and all the hairs on his body stood up when the door opened, earlier than he presumed. 
You came home to a strange smell, kicking off your shoes and leaving your coat on the rack. 
“I’m home!” You called out wearily, ready to make some dinner. 
You expected to see Vergil sitting in his loveseat. What you got was Vergil standing awkwardly in the kitchen, as if he did something wrong and didn’t want to tell you. 
“He looks like that Robert Pattinson meme?” You half-smiled at your internal monologue.
“Ah! You’re cooking.” You say, making your way over to the stove. 
He murmured grumpily. It appeared he tried to make some noodles in tomato sauce. You went to take a forkful of it, when a strong hand caught your wrist. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
“Why not? You made it!” 
“I don’t want to poison you.” His grip was strong, refusing to let you move your hand to your mouth. 
Instead of putting the pasta to your face, you put your face to the pasta, tricking the devil with your conniving reflexes. He released you with a sigh, his lover Loki-incarnate. 
Vergil expected a look of disgust akin to his own, yet you didn’t allow that reaction to appear on your features. 
“Not bad.” You say with endearment, looking up at him. He scoffs when your eye twitched at the soured taste. 
“You would be a fool to lie to me.” 
“I mean, it’s-it’s something.” You laugh, stirring the very-past-al-dente noodles. 
The fork clinks against something solid in the pot. You fish out the lid of the salt grinder. 
“Oh, oh you really got lost in the sauce.” You deadpan. He stiffens in embarrassment. 
“This was a waste of resources and time. I should’ve been better.” 
“Not to me it’s not. You did do your best. Were you trying to cook for me?” He nodded, refusing to look at you. 
You take another mouthful, noting sweetness. 
“Did you add sugar-” Your answer lies in the half-empty container of sugar. You cover your mouth to laugh. Vergil grumbles again. 
“It’s okay, Vergil!” He still won’t look at you. No matter how much you chant his name, he refuses to turn his head. 
“Hey. Hey.” You try to move his face to look at you. His jaw clenches and he relents his gaze at the wall, opting to be eye-to-eye with his beaming lover. 
“You tried. And that’s all that matters.” 
“And I have failed to make something edible. It’s not fair for me to serve you this after such a toiling week of work-” He glances at the pan with this scorn. 
“But you made something for me. And that’s very thoughtful of you.” You cup his cheek, your boyfriend subtlety leaning to your palm. 
“I’m still not letting you eat the rest-” 
“Oh trust me, I don’t want to.” You butt in, taking out your phone. 
 Takeout?” You offer, pointing to the GrubHub delivery app. 
He agrees, letting you pick out what you think he would like. 
Your grumpy devil sits on his dark blue loveseat, forgoing to untie the apron. You wait for your delivery, sitting in his lap. Your exhaustion from work and the emotional sauce rollercoaster is seeping away from you-
-and into the plush pectorals against your cheek, framed nicely by your usual cooking smock. 
“This man could burn down the kitchen with that apron on and I’d just let him.” You think to yourself. 
He’s lucky he’s cute. 
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