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Happy October!
he's ready bitch! wheres the candy! wheres the cider! wheres the scary movies!
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mybiasisexo · 24 days
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dark-cipher · 2 years
having a huge crush on someone you're around constantly is so,,, like not only am i crushing super hard because you are so often at least nearby, but also you know me so well by now that you probably already know i love you. and then i'm left wondering if they'll say something or not.
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 5 months
might be down horrendous quite frankly
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lightfeltmemories · 10 months
episode one: phantom troupe and romance; headcanons from least toxic, to most toxic
characters include: chrollo, machi, pakunoda, shizuku, uvogin, shalnark, feitan, phinks, bonolenov, kortopi, hisoka, illumi, nobunaga, franklin. (not in order)
tw's: nsfw but nothing explicit, mentions of non-con, spoilers for the deaths of pakunoda, shalnark, kortopi and uvogin, toxic relationships, lovebombing, mentions of torture (not on reader), mentions of cheating, mentions of reader's death,
notes: a completely self indulgent post, you can probably tell who im biased towards by how long certain sections are.
because this contains mentions of nsfw, do not interact if you are under 18, you will be blocked if you do !! also, do not leave negative comments please, they will be deleted :)
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out of everyone, guaranteed, she'll be the best partner out of everyone else, you might even end up shocked that she's apart of the troupe if it ever comes to you finding out.
she's a darling, spoils and cares for you like anyone else, a great listener and partakes in your interests in hobbies, its (almost) like a fairytale by how the relationship is, the troupe knows you but you don't know them! and she wants to keep it that way, of course still she's a murderer, so it would break her if you were to have found out about everything, she vowed to never let you know or even have you close to knowing about what she does, but you just can't help but wonder what she's doing when she's away for long periods of time.
until it comes to her death.
now, you eventually find out that she died from a close friend of hers, but he knows paku doesn't want you to know about the troupe, so, he's a bit vague, and a bit creepy.
personally out of everyone else, i feel like nobunaga would be other most normal when it comes to relationships, but then again, he's an enigma, he doesn't strike me as the type to be the best boyfriend literally ever or very very toxic, i feel like out of everyone else, if you're looking for someone to be in a semi normal relationship with, nobunaga is your best shot, but of course, he's a part of the phantom troupe, and any member apart of it isn't exactly the best partner by default.
he's still a murder and thief, like all members i believe that he would definitely steal things that remind him of you, he'd most definitely kill for you.
unlike someone like feitan or machi, he doesn't exactly have a problem with being vulnerable when you get to know him, he'll tell you about himself, and of course, because he's a criminal he can't exactly tell you what he does for a living, but can't bring himself to lie about it either, he's just hoping that one day, if you know, you won't leave or judge him for it, his childhood isn't exactly all sunshines and lolipops, y'know?
he'll love you from the ends of the earth, but he definitely won't let you walk all over him, quick to put your in your place and won't allow you to manipulate him, he won't lie to you (about trivial things, at least) so why should you? (who knows, maybe you're apart of a criminal organization and is pretty much a wanted criminal yourself :P)
similar to nobunaga i think if you want something that's somewhat normal, bonolenov is also a nice choice! (100% not putting him up so high because we don't really know that much about him it's totally because he would be a decent partner! honest!)
for one, you would definitely be introduced to usual romantic gestures and advances that come from his tribe, he'll tell you all about how things work with him, he'll do dances he learned when they were still here for you to show how much he adores you, and dresses you in garments that resemble such from his tribe, it's pretty cute, honestly!
now, what concerns him a bit is.. how you'll react without his bandages, he's not exactly sexy like chrollo but (to me, TO MEEEEEE) he's not the ugliest thing in the world! he just hopes that eventually if you see him in his true form, you don't scream and run away at the sight of him, its okay if you do! ..... kind of.
and if you don't, oh you'll mean so much to him!
now, here's another one we don't know much about! but i'll try my best either way (i just want to contribute to the lack of attention him and bono get in these spaces.) he's another somewhat normal one, he also doesn't strike me as the type to be the absolute worst, but still is apart of a troupe of murderers and thieves.
similar to everyone else, he'll steal and kill for you (idk if this guy even has a body count but lets pretend he does.) and is a lot more open to being vulnerable than some other members.
now, nine times out of ten you'll be taller than him because this guy is even shorter than feitan, so, he'll definitely be wearing your t-shirts and hoodies, and he ain't complaining about it!
and eventually, he dies, now, honestly, something told you that kortopi seemed... like the odd one out when it came to the troupe, he doesn't seem like the type to be apart of... that! you better hope that hisoka doesn't care about you, or things are gonna turn ugly faster than you can blink.
he's big (as hell), but he's sweeter (you know why they're in bold italics) than the others twice his size.
physically the strongest, you're rather lucky to have him has your partner, if someone won't stop messing with you, they're dead within a millisecond, or at least scared off since you know.. he isn't exactly built like the average guy and having someone that's eight foot fucking two walking up on you not really excited to see you is quite terrifying, depending on his mood they'll sometimes get away.... sometimes.
enough of that, how is it like when it's just the two of you? sitting on the couch or laying in bed watching movies together, his arm around you, it's basically a pillow! a hard ass pillow at that.
not the most vulnerable, he's not some weird incel who see's women as sex toys or anything, he's decently capable of being in a normal relationship, you won't see each other often sadly, but when you do, he'll pay 95% of his attention towards you, he'll even let you know straight up that he won't know when he'll get back, but he will! ... until he doesn't..
ah yes, his death at the hands of kurapika, how will you react? hell, how would kurapika react to your existence? something tells me that kurapika might kill you too, send you right off with him, or, in a rather strange twist of events, he might try to fuck you and take you to the other side, not in the way of barging into your house and straight up non con, nah, more like a get to know you then get in your pants type of way, uvo won't be there to protect you now would he? of course the latter is highly unlikely, but to be honest it's kind of fun to think about.
and now that you think of it... you don't even know what uvo was doing or where he was going, you choose how you want to react to how you found out about his troupe business.
another woman! she's similar to another person right below her! she looks cute, but she's anything but!...... sort of.
she's not the best or worst partner, she's pretty normal, a bit distant but it's not something you can't manage, maybe she just needs some space and you're overwhelming her, but something that really gets to you is her forgetfulness.
at first, she'll forget things such as your birthday or your anniversary, but going further into the relationship, she becomes less and less forgetful (she might even remember things that you don't even remember.)
what exactly do you guys do together? well, she does try to partake in your interests, and does try to get things you like!
he's similar to uvo, he's big, he's actually nicer than he appears.
what makes him so low is.. well to be honest i don't know, i don't feel like he could be high up but not so low, so, this is the perfect spot for him.
for one he does have a bit of an anger problem, not as bad as phinks, but he doesn't mind a slight argument, good thing he wont assault you, and is quick to make up for the argument.
i don't know how to write him, so, please forgive me for how small this passage is. :(
we're starting to get into uh... strange territory, he looks kind, and seems normal, but he's anything but that, he's not the most toxic but he also isn't the most caring and understanding either, similar to nobunaga he's kind of an enigma.
he's a love bomber and very good at manipulating, definitely takes advantage of his rather cute looks, he'll figure out what you're insecure about and compliment those things specifically, i do think he is capable of loving someone genuinely, but he sometimes does things without realizing that they aren't really normal, maybe he's getting his troupe personality mixed up with the one he has with you.
he does come off as sweet at first, brings you flowers and takes you on some rather expensive dates (an uncanny feeling creeps up on you about how the waiters act, but you don't pay much attention to it.) and sometimes he's more distant and a little bit aloof, you take this as him needing his space.
he's not abusive, but he isn't the absolute best partner, there's definitely better out there.
his death doesn't hit you as hard as the others but it was still devastating, you best hope hisoka doesn't come for you, and if he does, you hope he swiftly kills you, because you really don't want this murder clown to take an interest to you.
phinks is another one 'that's kind of odd to me, i don't want to judge a book by its cover and say "yeah he's a piece of shit!!" but again, he's a lot better in comparison to anyone below.
he's similar to shalnark in quite a few ways, one, he does things that kind of makes you think he's a bit of an odd ball, he's intimidating to look at and is the second strongest physically in the troupe, so you're lucky to have someone like him if you're looking for protection.
i don't see him as the type to take you out to fancy restaurants and bring you flowers, stuff like that is a bit too sappy for him, he shows other ways like giving you thinks you like or taking you to like carnivals or other fun events.
his main problem is his anger issues, he won't physically harm you especially if you don't use nen, but he's not above arguing with or yelling at you, he doesn't do it often, but he might call you an idiot or a bitch if you take him to that point.
the relationship is somewhat normal besides that.
chrollo is weird, some say he's loving, caring, blah blah blah while some might say he's the exact opposite.
for one he is charming, he's a relatively good looking man, he's intelligent, and is looking for someone who's also intelligent.
i feel like chrollo definitely has a type, he likes people who are elegant, he wants someone that'll make him look good while he's in public, he doesn't care much for how people view the relationship outside of that, he also looks for someone with a personality he doesn't want someone who looks good yes, but is boring to be around, someone he can have a deep conversation with and talk about his interests with.
for one, you will not know about the troupe's existence, until he is 100% ready to tell you, which will definitely take a while, but he's confident that the troupe and himself will protect you from anyone who tries to avenge.
now, what makes him so low on this list? well, he's quite manipulative, a gaslighter, too, what do you mean you saw me with another woman? it's all for business, i'm just trying to steal her nen ability.
he does want to be a good partner, but this relationship is kind of a "too good to be true" type, something is happening behind closed doors and the thought is too persistent to ignore.
this guy is... strange, for one, his beady ass eyes make him look like a bug (affectionately), and section.. his very warped perception of what love even is.
i agree with the fandom that he has a breeding kink no doubt, his intention on dating is marriage, and you will bear his children, no ifs, ands or buts.
you'll meet his family but you'll never meet the troupe, he doesn't want you getting involved in fighting (he might have someone teach you some basic self protection) because he doesn't want you to die, that'll fuck with him... kind of, you're basically trapped in the mansion.
his overprotection is toxic on its own, you don't have that much freedom, you can't go shopping unless he's with you (or if he can't be there, one of his servants will accompany you), you're never truly alone unless he's away, and when he's here, things are no better, he's distant and cold, there's not much to talk about with him, sure, he loves you, but doesn't know how to express it much.
one out of three toxic ass individuals, one of them consists of machi.
lets start off with the fact that she's cold hearted, as hell, if you cry in front of her she'll look at you like you're crazy, if she's really in that mood she'll tell you that you look stupid and you need to suck it up.
not good with physical touch or romance, who knows how the two of you managed to continue the relationship, she does leave flowers for you but won't tell you that they're from her, won't admit that she's the one who got them for you.
i feel like similar to a certain clown, she won't care much for you if you aren't either powerful or capable of protecting yourself in some way.
but all she's really doing is putting up barriers, she's actually caring in her own weird way, she'll still be there for you, patch up your wounds if you managed to get cut or stabbed and would probably mourn your death.
were getting lower, and a certain sadist who loves torture is worse, but somehow, hisoka is slightly better than him in some way or another.
for one, hisoka probably won't be that interested in you if you aren't powerful, it would be worse if you were a regular civilian, he'll take that as an opportunity to take advantage of you sexually, physically, psychologically and mentally, and the relationship will be literal hell..
but, lets say you are pretty powerful, dare i say a troupe member yourself, he won't be as interested in fighting you as much as he would chrollo, but he would be interested in... other ways.
how you managed to get into a relationship with this freak is unclear, but you two one day just.. hooked up, and it all goes downhill from here.
he has no problem killing you if he gets tired of you, he already killed two and plans on killing the rest of the spiders, why not kill another? especially you? or, in an alternate scenario where he does manage to kill off all the spider, you're the only one who's left, this can go two ways, one, he can fuck you one last time then kill you, or, he takes you with him! if you managed to have a lasting impression on him, that is.
outside of sex, he just isn't a good partner, he's probably the only one on this list that's probably willing to cheat on you (don't you dare get back at him, both you and your lover will die) he's manipulative as hell, he doesn't necessarily care about how you feel and he'll provoke you just to get a reaction out of you.
and last but not least, feitan, oh boy, good luck to you for managing to have this man attracted to you. (im a feitan girlie, so this one might be a big longer than the rest)
for one, he'll hate your rotten guts for making him feel this way, for making him feel so weak, so emotional... he might even contemplate on killing you, but when that time comes he can't bring himself to do it.
i don't want to say yandere is his default since he doesn't really know how to properly love, because i do think he has some potential, but it does make sense for him, because there has to be something about you that makes you interested in him, maybe you're his polar opposite? maybe you're also a sadist?
he's not the most romantic partner, he doesn't want to come off as vulnerable, or sappy, so, what considers as a date to him? he's the type to probably take you to a cemetery at night as a form of a date.
he will not allow the troupe to know you or you to know them, for one he's going to be teased from hell and back for finally managing to pull someone and second while it appears that he doesn't care for you much, him protecting you from them is his way of showing you that he cares.
he can't find himself being vulnerable, he might teach you his language if you're up for it, and he might bring you some things he knows you like, but thats kind of it, also he won't force you to see him torture people.. unless you betray him in a way.
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kuethemoon · 9 days
iwtv fanfic friday: lesbianism onto the guys
@oldbutchdaniel I'm joining the fun. it's yuri time
two-headed mother by tisiphones // e, 8.6k
"Poor darling," Armand says, and the condescension in his voice is so awful and so offensive and Lestat wants to curl up in it and never, ever leave. "It's okay to let yourself be taken care of for just one night. You can't help what you need." It's Lestat's last night in Paris. Armand makes it a memorable one.
actually world changing. mommy issues galore it's sooo fun and this fic is part of several that got me into armandstat
super graphic ultra modern girl by armanddelioncourt // e, 0.9k
“I want to watch how you insert your tampon.” “Wha—No, you weirdo,” she glanced around the mercifully-deserted aisle. “You can’t just ask me that in the store!”
yummmmmy period blood fic!!! i love period blood fics sooo much and they're so cute
More than Neither by apoptoses // e, 6.2k
Annoying, how hot it is to see Armand kneeling on the dirty bathroom floor like this. Without her heels to compensate for their height difference she looks small, delicate. Her face is on the level with Daniel’s hips and Daniel knows what’s about to happen. Armand has probably been planning for this since they stepped into the store, she realizes. There’s no way she’d catch Daniel bleeding for the first time and let that go. (Daniel gets her period. Armand helps. Written for the Queens of the Damned prompt butch/femme.)
another period blood fic pls bartender! if I tip you can add them being freaky in a public toilet? thank you very much I'll take the lot pls!! the way daniel and armand handle being women and lesbians is so well written. dyke stamp of approval. if you're starting to notice a trend don't tell me
she loves me, she loves me not by IguessIllchangeitlater // e, 2.3k
“Sure,” she panted and raised her head, tried to find Armand’s eyes, but kept focusing on her fanged smile instead. “I will wear that fucking skirt.” Push out, push in, push out, push in, Daniela was going to come just from that, she was going to die. “I can’t-ah, I can’t wear my underwear with that, I would look silly.” Push in, push out. “Yes,” Armand agreed. She rested her head on the mattress, next to Daniela’s knee and busied herself with mouthing the blood that was still there. The blood that she drew earlier. “So, what’s the plan, boss?” Daniela managed to raise herself on her elbows. Armand’s beguiled eyes looked like that of a cat in the light of the night. “For the underwear situation?” “You will wear none, of course.”
butch daniel wearing a skirt because armand said so was an idea that bounced around in my head for a whole week so you know how excited I was to read this. hell yeah they're so bad to each other
sweet things for the sea by ulatraviolet_glow // e, 2.6k
Danielle Molloy, a runaway posing as a young man on a trading ship dreams of a better life, but when her dreams find her falling overboard and into the arms of the woman of her dreams, how disturbed will Dani be when she realises that the woman is not human at all, but a creature of the sea?
siren armand do you know how much you mean to meeeeee I lay awake at night thinking of you sinfully. siren armand...
one of your girls by sleepdeprivedsurgeon // m, 4.7k
“I was thinking maybe I’d go with my girlfriend,” Daniel says. Armand sucks in a breath, a familiar blend of excitement and fever rearing its head inside him. This isn’t new— nothing is, after nearly five centuries— but it’s certainly been a while. Louis doesn’t care what he looks like, what he is, just as long as he stays below him. On his knees in the endless confessional. Marius would dress him up sometimes: Helen of Troy, Cassandra, Mary Magdalene. When the painting was finished he’d push his skirts up and take him there in the studio.
technically not yuri but beautiful feminization + crossdressing armand and I had to put it here. special treat!
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farahtissaiamyloves · 4 months
Family Time
Larissa Weems x Reader
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You smiled watching the students leaving your classroom.
Today was a wonderful autumn day and everyone wanted to go to Jericho and have fun.
You were happy too.
This was your last class, meaning that you could spend the rest of the day with Larissa and your five-year-old son.
You prepared your bag with fast but steady movements and pulled it on your shoulder.
Then, you quickly walked to your quarters to find your boy.
You opened the door and threw your bag and keys at the small table nearby.
Then, you walked to the living room and saw the boy laying down reading a book.
You could tell it was Pinocchio from the pictures.
" Darling, I'm here. " You said sitting down next to him.
The boy immediately closed the book and wrapped his hands tightly around your frame. " Mommy ! You are back ! "
You kissed his forehead taking him in your arms while you walked to his room.
" Yes, my love. And now, who wants to pay a visit to Jericho ? " You inquired knowing already the answer.
" Me !!!! " The little boy shouted giggling when you placed him gently on his bed.
" Great. Now help mommy dress you, will ya ? " You told him and started changing his clothes.
He moved his body to help you and then he stood up for the trousers.
The boy was looking at himself through the mirror as you helped him with his jacket when the door opened to reveal the highest person you have ever met.
Your wife.
Larissa smiled at both of you as the boy started jumping up and down feeling immense joy at the sight of her.
You, however, were struggling to zip his jacket from behind.
Larissa bit down a laugh, bending down to kiss her son's forehead; careful not to ruin her lipstick.
Your son relaxed after his mother's kiss and you finally managed to zip his jacket.
" Soooo, who's ready for a little road trip ? " Larissa asked the boy.
" Meeeeee !!!! " The boy screamed running out of the room.
You both laughed at his extraordinary enthusiasm.
" We better get going fast or S/N (son's name) will start complaining. " Larissa told you pulling you toward her.
Your lips pressed against each other's for a couple of moments before breaking apart.
" Love you. " You whispered to her as you walked to your son who was waiting impatiently for the two of you.
After a lovely day outside, mainly spent running behind S/N to make sure that he wouldn't get lost; you returned to Nevermore.
He was so tired that he was already asleep against Larissa's shoulder.
You silently unlocked the door to your quarters and let Larissa with your son in her arms get in first.
When you were all inside the small apartment, you closed and locked the door.
You dropped your keys at their usual spot and ran to your son's room.
Larissa had already pulled his shoes off and was now changing him into his pajamas.
Thinking that she wouldn't need any help and that she looked too cute taking care of him; you rested your weight against the doorframe.
Your eyes were following every and each of her slow, careful but steady movements.
When your wife was finished, she gently placed her son on his little bed and pulled the covers on top of him.
The last thing you both wanted was for your son to catch a cold.
She then turned, and her eyes slightly widened, realizing that you were watching her the whole time.
You simply smiled at her, trying to hold back your giggle at her reaction.
Larissa rolled her eyes at you, kissing his forehead and wishing him a good night and the sweetest of dreams.
Both of you left his room to let him rest (the kid had literally ran the whole Jericho twice only in 6 hours) and entered your shared bedroom.
Larissa closed the door behind her and raised an eyebrow at you.
" May I ask what's so hilarious ? " She questioned, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
You shook your head dismissively, still smiling. " Nothing. I just found it cute. "
At your reply, Larissa's stern eyes softened. " Ohhh. I think that you are cute too when you struggle to dress him. "
" Hey. It's not my fault that he is full of energy and can hardly stay still for a single second. " You fake-pouted at her.
The principal shrugged her shoulders. " He's standing very still when I do it. "
It was your time to cross your arms and wear the stern mask at her. " Yes, because he is most of the time sleeping like today. "
" No, he isn- " Larissa's rejection was intercepted by the attack of your lips.
She kissed you back with the same passion before breaking apart to breathe.
" See ? It's not my fault. " You told her cupping her cheeks.
Larissa titled her head to the side. The kiss had apparently unsettled her. " What isn't your fault ? "
You smirked at her. " And then you are asking me how I win all of our arguments. "
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sea-of-dust · 11 months
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Lyney,Venti,Hu Tao x Gn! Reader
summary: imagine getting spooked on Halloween and then they get spooked by a nightmare.
Notes: lyney...LYNEYYYYYY, I got my ass kicked by @nian-7 for an event. Don't question it please it's a horrible story. Modern au
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Hehe~ FYM HEHE. The amount of TIMES this man has scared the hell out of u during October. Magic tricks, flying shopping lists you name it he's scared you with it.
He adores you don't get him wrong, but it's fun seeing your scared expression, watching you cover your face and quiver its cute! But he does wonder if you do get infuriated
You can tell when he thinks this, only three or two scares on days he doubts, 5 or 4 when he's feeling cheeky, and one because he's either planning a bigger scare that may cause you to verbally scream, or if he just wanted to give you a break.
You can't really get back at him for his antics he just smiles. "My such a small spider for someone as delicate as you to hold" he takes it and kisses your cheek. You tried every scare you knew on him only for him to just turn it into a flirtatious move.
And so your final scare...one you didn't even think would scare him. You got out of bed to get some water stumbling out while he twists and turns in bed searching for you with his eyes closed, when he tries to find you and fails his eyes shoot open. You lean down to get some water hearing heavy steps toward you, stoppping suddenly you notice his distressed face when as soon as he lays his eyes on you he nearly tackles you, not saying a word yet trying to hold back his sniffles. "You alright?" You hug him softly but he hugs you tighter.
Trying not to show you his face he burries it into your chest. "Lyney?" You wrap your arms around his waist bringing him closer, hearing him take a few small breaths before looking up at you as if that never happened. "Ah my darling y/n! I guarantee nothing is-" "bull" you point at his cheek "your make-ups a bit smudged" rubbing it a bit watching it smear "must have been a nightmare, lemme help you fix it"
You help him wipe off his make up watching him avoid eye contact a few times. "What was it about?" sighing you scoot closer cupping his cheeks, he doesn't answer looking down a few times. "And why do you wear make-up while you- that isn't important whatever it was im sure youll feel better after you sleep" as soon as you finish the small tear drop and put down the brush he mearly tackles you. "Thank you..."
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He's gonna make you wanna rethink your life decisions. "Hey y/n wanna know what month it is" "God please just get him away from me" "hehe"
He likes smaller scares only small kisses or random taps sometimes a whisper behind your ear.
The worst he will use the wind to blow at your ear, and then you turn around and see he's not there only to pop up upfront of you.
Best part for him? He always gets to show affection while bullying you. His two favorite things ever
His favorite activity during this time is dragging you to Haunted houses. "AHHHHHH Y/N ITS SO SCARY LETS LEAVE!!" "We already paid" "BUT THE GHOST IS SO REAL LOOKING AAAA" "you can litterally see the paint chipping" "PROTECT MEEEEEE" you have to give him piggy back rides out still not believing he's scared of a little wooden cut out, atleast he got cuddled by you at home saying something along the lines of "I'll cover your eyes next time don't worry".
Fun fact he "totally" wasn't he had diluc vogue for him horribly. "He just wanted to have an excuse to hug you" "with the way he yelps? That guy's got a problem" "yea..." flawless convincing
He wakes up in the middle of the night because he had a bad dream. Definitely hugs the life outta you. Sometimes they aren't even that scary but he still hugs you he just looks for any excuse for a cuddle
If you ever scared him you might be able to get him to cry. Of course you don't push him to that point unless he deserves it for thinking hiding a realistic spider sticker in the bathroom is funny but that's another story there's always a simple "scary figure in the dark!" Tatic. He's always fallen for it and will get behind you seeing it
The worst scare however will always be...DIONA?? he sees her in his nightmares. Just thinking of sneezing so uncontrollably infront of you, he knows you knew about his allergy but he's just scared of embrassing himself just because of a cat bartender. He already sees her flexing her ability to bring him to his knees trying to show why you shouldn't be like him
Only time he screams when waking up and the only time he dosent cuddle you after a nightmare. He practically shakes you awake about it. "I know there's a bit of cat hair on me" "really?" "No I just wanted you to get so scared you fainted please go to bed" you grab his arm pulling him down "it'll be fine I'll be sure to keep cats away" toying with him a bit pulling him closer. "Please let's just sleep" he hugs you back suddenly softly falling asleep after
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COME HERE!!! she's using that ghost to torture you into staying by her side even more during this time of jumpscarin people.
This is like free ads "what if we use this time to promote the coffins as decor?" "Wouldn't that result in backlash?" "Not if they're of lower quality" she's definitely putting them on sale
She loves this time of year so much she is more into making you shop with her and then scaring you.
Not only with her ghost but also with locations she walks with you to. "It's once said people have come here only to not make it out the other side!" "They're right there tho" you point at the line exiting next to you. "Shush lemme continue my legend"
She also likes you scaring her from behind but also just appearing from normal. "BOO!" "Oldest trick in the- WOUAGH" the ghost busting through her face suddenly as she gives the thing a high five. "Never do that again" "Doin it again!" "No!"
She will resort to using realistic looking monsters and bones. "Watch we'll scare away these kids!" "That's not the point" she shushes you quickly "who knows maybe they'll be too busy running away to even get any candy" "just don't take all the candy for yourself" "I won't after all you'll always be at the bottom of the bucket" you sigh harshly kissing her cheek "I hate your jokes so much"
You don't really try to scare her back knowing you can't top her in this department. So you just took em....even the horrendous petnames.
"Hey pookie" your eyes widen at that nickname. "No." "You know well enough it's dangerous to go alone~" "honey please stop trying to make me join your weird ghost hunting thing" "noooo come on its 50 percent off" "there wasn't a price anyway" you went into the mountains staying straight faced even when some of the scares got you, thank God for your ability to appear as if you don't care.
She goes to sleep at night happy she got to bully you, until that nightmare hit her like a truck, her eyes shoot open as she slowly scoots over to you wrapping her arms around you. "You wouldn't right?" She blows near your ear. "You wouldn't..." she lays as close to you as physically possible
She'd fall asleep soon after and then wake up with a "WOAAOAOAAOAOA" "huh?" "YOU" she covers her face inching away. "I what?" You could feel your eye bags get darker so you turn around and try to go back to sleep, unfortunately she gets all up in your face "you didn't really say you wouldnt love me if i didnt exist" "WHAT?!?" You wake up fully at her statement turning quickly toward her. "YOU DID IN MY DREAM!" "WELL DREAM ME CAN FLY OFF SOMEWHERE AND NEVER COME BACK!!" You hug her tightly "I would love you if you didn't exist, you mean alot to me even if you're horrid this time of year" placing a small kiss on her cheek you go back to sleep rather quickly. Doesn't stop her from clinging onto you like a stuffed toy. She'll be enjoying playing with your hair for the next few minutes before she falls asleep aswell
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lazorbeanz · 5 months
Late Night
Unbreakable Bond
Headcanons and indirect quotes :p #4
🔶 Tails: You ready for tomorrow’s history test?
Sonic: Yea
Tails: What ended in 1896?
Sonic: 1895
Tails: Yea you ready…
🔷 Tails: So, who did ya learn about today?
Sonic: Errr some guy called ‘Martha Luker King Jr.’
Tails: *tryna hold it together* u-uhm okay…and what did he do?
Sonic: *with all confidence* He died for our sins…
Tails: Wait no that’s- *wheeze*
🔶 Sonic singing along the Chorus of Speed Life (he doesn’t know French): 🎶“Something something speed life…SOMEBODY’S WATCHING MEEEEEE”🎶
🔷 Sonic and Tails have this challenge they do at karaoke nights where they attempt to sing a song that’s not in English, which really just ends up as a big laughing fest as they fail miserably. Sonic tries to make up for it by dancing to the music (cuz mind you, it’s catchy) but his legs turn into spaghetti from his fit, and faceplants onto the floor. Tails attempts to help him up but his knees do a funny and falls on top of him, leaving the brothers immobile and gasping for air.
🔶 Sonic: is the pink panther a lion?
Tails: say that again but slower
Sonic: I don’t get??
Tails: he’s the pink PANTHER
Sonic: okay?? But is he a lion?
Tails: 🤦..*grabs the landline phone* hello is this the brain replacement store-
🔷 The brothers have a war going on in their Snapchat stories, where they would steal awkward pics of each other…whether that’s Sonic eating a really messy chilidog or tails after an experiment gone horribly wrong, with the caption being like ‘look at this loser lol’ or something meme related…yes they turn each other into memes
🔶 Sonic would randomly decide to attach tails to a lead every now and then to see his reaction, which at first was pretty vicious, but now he’s just like “rlly bro? -_-” but either one would send Sonic in hysterics
🔷 Tails: hey Sonic, what word starts with “f” and ends with “u c k?”
Tails: it’s firetruck! 😊 uhh sonic?
*cue sonic getting carted away in an ambulance…i think he stopped breathing*
🔶 Since Sonic doesn’t give a toss, tails would somewhat keep an eye out on his brother’s quill care (you could say Amy has talked to Tails about the matter) so after heaps of reasoning and the last resort - the cute fox eyes, Sonic reluctantly gives in to letting his younger brother brush his quills for the first time. It’d go down something like this…
Tails: one~
Sonic: ow-
Tails: two~
Sonic: OWWW…how many of these (brush strokes) do we have to do?!
Tails: like a thousand or something…thre-
🔷 Tails was so sleep deprived that he almost mistook liquid petroleum for coffee one morning (somehow)
🔶 Tails loves planes…in all forms…and THAT INCLUDES the one used to be fed…
Sonic: Tails, you are 8 years old, with an IQ of about 300…and you still want me to do…this?
Tails: b-but…aeroplaneee 🥺
Happy wholesome Wednesday!
Whilst you’re here, we have an Unbreakable Bond Discord server out for all you folks who love the brothers just as much as us! 💙💛 It’s a totally chill place where we can chat, share art or fics, and most importantly, hyperfixate over that hog and fox duo we love so much! (There’s even a place for boops!)
Created by @suzienightsky ✨ If you’re keen on joining, flick her a DM and she’ll give you an invite.
Sorry for the ad lmao
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solarwoniii · 1 year
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fluff, crack, :D
★ my perm taglist ; @hunbun07 @metalchick529 @chewryy @haesunflower @iraa567 !
⋆ -- jiwoong ; natural disaster survival
hes a big big big boomer so hes just confused the whole time
so ofc because youre such a kind s/o you choose a game where random things happen every two seconds and dont tell him at all how it works
tries following you around so he can survive the disasters but every time you purposely lead him to inevitable death
gets all mad and sulky bc ure 'being mean😠😠😠' so u eventually feel bad and help him get a win and hes so excited
every time u guys play roblox together after that he asks to play 'that one game with the tornados and the hurricanes'
⋆ -- zhanghao ; adopt me
scams little kids and refuses to share the pets he gets from it
runs away from u and locks you out of his house 😠😠
finally agrees to give you one of the pets if you give him something else in return
you start a petition on the server and everyone starts reporting him
he gets his account banned for two weeks but he still claims it was worth it
⋆ -- hanbin ; work at a pizza place
awwww what a cute little wholesome couple activity aww
no. absolutely not.
the ENTIRE TIME you both are competing over who is better at each job.
'oh u delivered to that house? well guess what, i delivered to THREE in the time u did one'
'oh u boxed a few pizzas? well guess what, i boxed SIX in the time u did that.'
'oh u served a customer at the drive thru? well guess what, i served THAT ENTIRE LINE in the time u did that.'
he always somehow wins the little competitions and will not refrain from bragging in your face.
⋆ -- matthew ; fashion famous
touched on this here (nsfw post ! minors dont click)
its just the both of you bullying each other and competing like its the hunger games
u guys get so mad when the other person wins
i swear it would be so fun playing together
probably your favourite way to spend time w each other
⋆ -- taerae ; royale high
hes classy what can i say yall
dresses up as an expensive prince and forces you to be his princess
he is somehow so crazy advanced at this game its scary
ofc he does share his riches with you 😍😍 gives you free stuff all the time
the two of you troll people tgt
but hes too nice so he ends up apologising for all the chaos that his s/o caused after a while (yes he blames it all on u)
⋆ -- ricky ; bloxburg
when he asked you to play bloxburg with him, you were excited to show off all your cool houses and how rich you were
. . . and then you saw his houses and his riches
IS SO ANNOYING will not stop flexing to you
takes u on a cute little date to pizza planet . . . and then leaves before paying 🙄
but ofc he was stupid and gave u builder perms on his house
so as payback you hung up photo frames everywhere with this photo
when he finds your damage he screams. literally screams the loudest scream you have ever heard him scream.
changes the double bed he placed in the bedroom for the both of you into two single beds placed on completely opposite sides of the room 😔😔😔 refuses to sleep beside you until u write him a formal apology
⋆ -- gyuvin ; zombie attack
when he finally looks on ur screen and realises YOU'RE the jumpy one hes so mad
the next round he purposely collects each and every zombie and then he goes and makes them all follow you LMFAOOO and then he gets himself killed so he can give you a little taste of your own medicine.
⋆ -- gunwook ; copyrighted artists
also the type to cover your eyes if u guys come across one of those pp drawings..
and yet he always somehow tricks you into voting for his drawings
'oooohh that one is so nice i think it's the original' 'omg the others look so dumb i'm gonna pick to one in the middle' 'the other ones didn't even try this ones clearly the original'
LMFAOOO and he is so good at guessing which ones are yours
the trickster cannot be tricked
when you try and lie he catches it right away
'you always smile like that when you lie' 'i know how you draw stupid'
he knows u a lil too well 🙄🙄
⋆ -- yujin ; arsenal
has u begging for mercy (holds that shit over your head for the rest of your life)
'y/n ure so bad at this' 'SHUT UP I DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT'
he literally does not even try and you're dead.
his team is thriving because of him whilst your team is dying because of you . . . polar opposites
sometimes when you're sad or you're not feeing well he'll let you win on purpose tho :(( and he'll pretend to be all bummed for u when u rub it into his face AAAA
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rinhaler · 7 months
Rin had you sprawled out on the expensive boucle couch he helped you pick out when the house was still being built. He gave mercy on your thighs, his usual iron grip replaced with feathery fingers gently keeping your legs spread, one hand caressing the soft skin of your leg, the other splayed across your mound with a skilled thumb teasing your clit back and forth. Soft, breathy moans bleed from your spit glossed lips, lifting your hips a little of the seat, his head that rests on your other thigh follows the movement.
“Please Rin, pleasepleaseplease, more baby, I want you so bad,” you couldn’t help but to be a pathetic, desperate mess even though he was barely toying with you. It was just already too much and not enough at the same time. You finally had your closest, most dear friend right where you wanted him.
Rin’s so fucking lost in your dripping cunt he can barely make sense of your pleas, but the better, more intuned half of him takes hold of your words and musters a reply. “I know you fucking do, hang on, honey, I’m getting to it.” He chuckles, so damn cocky, and you can’t stop the smile from taking over your face. Any type of laughter he ever grants you is a gift, something he really only reserves for you. His lips place a wet smack near the crevice of your thighs, so close yet still so far away from where you need him the most.
He runs a shaky hand through his hair, before bringing it up to cup the underside of your breasts. “You had me drooling like a fuckin’ dog,” he begins, meanly twisting one of your nipples, trying to catch his breath and not look pathetic, “before I even had your panties off, so I’m gonna make sure you’re begging and crying until I give this pretty little pussy what she wants, you understand me?” Keeping his dominance, he spanks your cunt once, then twice, earning a high pitched whine from you.
You dumbly nod your head, “Yes, sir!!” The words leave you much too quickly for your liking, trying so hard to keep your regular cool composure, but let’s be honest, that went out the fucking window as soon as he gave you the right wrong look.
Hehehehehehehe I’m drunk n high I literally just wrote this in ur ask box lmfaoooo, I love writing under the influence it’s so nice 🤩 question/ statement: I totally think Rin would be a stoner if his gf was, like he can’t NOT participate with you when u get even more giggly and touchy than usual….thoughts? Luv uuuuuuu :D ‼️‼️ 🧋
also the fact that you wrote this in my ask box is making me think of when you'd let a friend doodle on your arm during class 😭😭 so cute
I'm so in love with this man and you're FUELLING ME LIKE CRAAAAZY omg thank you so much for the food.
In regards to Rin smoking I think obviously it depends on the AU or circumstance or whatever but whenever I think of Rin having a girlfriend I like to think he's really possessive and controlling. (This is very specific to me and my desires so please take with a pinch of salt). But I don't think he's a smoker and I think he'd actually be very against it and demand you not to smoke either. I like the idea of him punishing you for disobeying too 😏😏😏 I just think him and Sae are from a quite well to do family and I think he takes his career as a footballer too seriously to dabble in smoking.
Anyway that's just one scenario, obviously skater boy loser boy stoner boy would be way more into it than my iteration!
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Hhmmm what about “Don’t even think about it” or “Do it. I dare you” for the five word prompts??
por que no los dos? (under a cut bc this got long aha)
"Shit!" The van hit a rock and bounced, jostling Meryl in her seat. She'd been driving for hours over the rugged terrain and it was grating on her nerves. Despite the all-wheel drive and the beefy suspension system, she had to be careful negotiating the shale covered slopes. Not only that, but the AC was on the fritz, and the cabin was starting to smell like burning rubber. Normally she'd pull over and pop the hood while Wolfwood hovered and offered smartass comments. But the next town was only a few hours away, and if they stopped now they'd have to stop again and wait out the midday heat, and their afternoon arrival would become early evening.
So she persevered, even as the hot, stifling air in the van started to make her queasy and her leg began to cramp. Just a few more iles. She could do this.
In the back seat Milly and Wolfwood were sprawled out, dead to the world. Wolfwood had his head lolled back, snoring softly, and Milly's was resting on a bunched up blanket squished between her cheek and the window.
Vash rode shotgun. Mostly because he was awake and therefore in motion, and would annoy the hell out of anyone in proximity. He stretched, he twisted in his seat, he made a coin dance in between his fingers until he dropped it and had to bend down and go looking for it in the footwell. He'd sometimes hum and click under his breath, which was cute, but other times he'd crack his joints, which was annoying. In a desperate attempt to keep him occupied she'd once gotten him an activity book filled with logic puzzles at a gas station, but he'd filled it out in fifteen minutes and made paper airplanes out of the pages.
He slumped forward, looking like thirteen elbows. "Meryl," he stage whispered over the growl of the engine. "Meeryyl."
"What?" she said. They didn't need to whisper, the two in the back would sleep through everything short of gunfire at this point.
"I'm booooored," he whispered, big droopy eyes pleading.
She sipped at her canteen. "Sorry, but I've got to keep driving. We should be there in a few hours."
Predictably, he pouted, tears brimming in his eyes. "Why are you so mean to meeeeee?" he whined, lips wobbling.
Accustomed to his theatrics, she ignored him, focusing on the trail in front of her. He blubbered for a little while before realizing she wasn't going to break, then he huffed, sitting back again and crossing his arms.
Meryl had about three minutes of blissful quiet. Honestly, it was the best she could've hoped for.
Bzzt. Bzzt. She looked over to see Vash buzzing the window up and down, up and down, a detached look on his face. Every time he did, hot, gritty air blew into the van.
"Please stop that."
He lolled his head over to her. His expression changed from blank boredom to mischief as a smile crept over his face. Bzzt. Bzzt.
She blew air out of her nose and focused on the road, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. Bzzt. Fine, as long as he was entertained -bzzt- she could - bzzt - deal -bzzt- with - bzzt - "Will you fucking stop?" she snapped, looking away from the road again.
He was grinning in a way that showed all of his teeth, and as she watched, his pupils went huge like a cat that spotted a bird, almost totally eclipsing his irises. Since he was usually so careful to seem normal, she assumed he had no idea that he did this.
A long finger hovered over the window switch.
"Don't even think about it."
Dinner out in the desert was always a simple affair. With all the traveling they did they mostly stuck to preserved rations, not having the means to buy or store anything fresh. Still, between the four of them they could usually make something reasonably tasty. It helped that garlic powder made everything better.
Meryl leaned back against her bed roll, rubbing her hands. Before she could really start to relax, Wolfwood plopped down next to her, grunting and stretching out.
"Thanks for dinner," she said, bumping into him with her shoulder. He smelled like stale sweat and cigarettes, but he was her Wolfwood, and she liked being near him.
"Thanks for drivin'," he replied, taking her hand in his and starting to gently massage it. "Though my offer to take the wheel at any time still stands."
She snorted. "Pssh. I've seen you drive. Not everyone likes getting rattled around at 80 iles per hour."
"Oh like you can talk. You're the worst speed demon I've ever seen, Shortie." His big, warm hands cradled her own, thumbs pressing into her tender palms. "Plus y'managed to hit the only person for iles with your damn car."
She made a pitiful attempt to headbutt him, but all of the tension was bleeding out of her as he worked his fingers over her hands. A cranky little grumble worked its way out of her as she used him as a pillow.
He chuckled. "Y'sound like needle-noggin when he's happy." Gently placing one hand onto her lap, he turned to the other. "Ha, wonder if I could get the two of you goin' at the same time. Get your grumblin' in stereo."
"Fat chance," she yawned. "Practically have to wait for the moons to align to get him to calm down enough. Then you have to trick him into letting himself get treated well. It's a - ooh yeah that's the spot - a whole song and dance." Meryl was turning into goo against Wolfwood's side. Looking up at him, she caught him watching her with affection before hurriedly turning away.
Two whole idiots. "I just don't understand why we can't all say what we want like adults. It would be much easier than trying to guess at everything."
"So lemme get this straight. You wanna just tell needle-noggin what, that you wanna cuddle?"
She huffed. "I'd like to be able to. It's exhausting playing the 'oh I don't want this but actually I do' game." She'd fully melted into him, the long day of driving catching up to her.
"Do it, then."
"Do what?"
Wolfwood's voice rumbled where she had her ear pressed into his side. "Tell him you wanna cuddle. Do it, I dare you."
With monumental effort she straightened up, shifting so she was leaning against him instead of melted into him. "Fine. You both - yes, both -" she said, after he shot her a look, "make everything so complicated when it doesn't have to be." Raising her voice a little, she called "Vash?"
He'd been putting the cooking gear away and perked up when he heard her. His coat trailed behind him as he loped over. "What is it, Meryl?"
She beckoned him closer, and he knelt beside her, head cocked to the side. This close she could see his eyes glowing slightly in the dark.
"Do you want to cuddle?" Let it never be said that Meryl Stryfe was a woman who backed down from a dare.
Vash's eyes got huge. He skipped right over language and made a "Wayeauip?" sound, already pulling back.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd like to." Enough of a request to make him feel wanted, but still giving him an out; she knew how he worked.
"I, I, I, uhm, ahahaha, I mean, yeah, sure, I guess, but, uh...why?" His voice had that artificial cheer that she hated. He hadn't run yet, so she kept pushing.
"Because I like you."
This had Vash shrinking down until only his eyes were visible over the collar of his coat. Huh, maybe that had been too direct. Still, she'd done as Wolfwood dared her, so she counted it as a victory.
Muffled, she barely heard him whisper "Okay." He shuffled forward, almost comically shy. She patted her lap, then guided his head down onto her thighs. He was still staring at her, eyes huge and luminous. His behavior was almost paradoxical: he'd deny that he wanted affection, but as soon as it was offered he couldn't hide how much he was starving for it. Her big idiot.
Meryl got herself comfortable against Wolfwood and combed her fingers through Vash's hair. He stiffened momentarily at her touch, but melted as she ran her fingers over his scalp. Stretched out next to her it was easy to hear the deep rumbling noise, almost like purring, that began when he finally let himself relax. One hand reached up to pet at her arm, and she caught it, kissing his fingertips.
Even in the moonlight, she could see his dark blush.
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el-ly-sha-give-no-f · 2 years
Faith in love
Hakim Ziyech x wife!reader
" Your eyes always made me lose my attention, and I hope those eyes are also the ones who looking for me in a crowded room" "Don't worry love, with my eyes, you are the only person that I'll be searching for"
words ; 1417
warning: none just fluff and translate Dutch
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Hakim shows me what real love means, from the first time we met til we married, he never slightly change the way he loves me, we constantly got lost in each other eyes and that's also the beginning of our love story.
It is not his conversation that keeps me entertained, but rather the way he looks at me and the curve of his lips makes me feel sustained, no words could ever tell him, and no action could express the way I feel about him. With him, my life is blessed
"Schatje! I'm home where are you?" I heard Hakim's voice echo around our house looking for me, no words can describe how exciting washing over me whenever he's back from training or other occasions.
"I'm in the kitchen Hakim!" I reply to his call while stirring soups in the pot that I cook for us.
I feel his pairs of arms snake around my waist and his soft breath behind my ear. "Hello sweetheart, smells good here," he said and kissed my temple.
"you talking about the food or me?" I ask him jokingly.
"oh, of course, the food" Hakim answer my question. I gasp playfully and slap his arm that resting around my waist. "Ouch!" he yelped. "I'm just joking baby, you smell ambrosial like usual y/n"
"yeah sure," I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. "how's your training?" I ask him as I turn off the kitchen stove and turn around only to greet him with his handsome and his gentle eyes.
Hakim smiles softly, "it was great, Mason as usual, made stupid jokes, and we all feel sorry for Ben, you should see his face....-"
Once again I got lost in his eyes, God, what the hell is this man doing to me?
"y/n? do you even listen to me? is there something on my face" he asks me rapid questions
" I just got lost in your eyes, your eyes always made me lose my attention, I hope those eyes are also the ones who looking for me in a crowded room"
"don't worry love, with my eyes, you are the only person that I'll be searching for" He stated and kissed my forehead.
Even though we've been together for many years, we still got flustered by each other words.
"oh baby, you blushing?" he teased me, and this time I slap his shoulder. "ow! stop hitting me, I know I'm a tough man" He laughs.
"shush, why don't you go shower, you smelly' I said while covering my nose.
"Oh, I see where it's going now, well, gonna go shower now, after we eat I want to take you somewhere" He loses the embrace and makes his way to take a shower.
"Where to?"
"that's for me to know and you to find out"
"Hakimmmmmmm tell meeeeee pleaseee" I whine
"Bla bla bla bla bla, I can't hear you" he teases while he put both of his hands on each of his ears.
we'll just wait I guess.
After we finish eating, Hakim insisted on doing the dishes, and he ask me to dress up in something casual. Well, what my man said.
I finish dressing up, just, a white blouse, back jeans and high cut converse. Hakim helps me with tying my shoes, I swear he is so gentleman.
"Okay done, let's go, cmon' up up up" he helps me stand up.
we both walk to Hakim's car, and he helps me open the car door too, as I go in I said thank you, and he replies "my pleasure mjin prinses"
"so where we're going?" I ask him again, hopefully, I got an answer this time.
"as I said earlier, that's for me to know and you to find out"
"hate you.."
"no, you don't baby"
"eyes on the road Ziyech"
"don't pout, you look so cute, I can't focus on the road, all of my attention is on you!" he teases making me blush
"I feel like I couldn't believe my eyes" I turn to look at him
"Why?" he asks and I reply "Hakim Ziyech! you bring me to my favourite place!" I grabbed his hand and bring him inside my favourite bookstore, I can hear him laughing at my excitement.
Well, I can't help myself, the smell of the bookstore just makes the ambience more chilling, I will always catch my eye on classic books, even Hakim knows that classic is my favourite genre of all time.
"Hi Mr and Mrs Ziyech" Mrs Michelle a middle-aged lady that owns this bookstore, she knows me and Hakim cause, we both always come here when I finish my book and If I want to buy a new book, Hakim will wait for me or talk with Michelle while me busy searching for books that I been looking for.
She greeted us and we greeted her back
"Are there any new arrivals for classic books?" I ask her
"Oh yeah, there are, you can check on the new arrivals section sweetheart," she tells me and I giggle and quickly go to the section as l release from Hakim's gripped
"she never changes eh? always energetic" Mrs Michelle said while Hakim sat on the chair beside the cashier counter. Hakim that was on his phone earlier, stop, when he heard Mrs Michelle asking him about his wife.
"of course, she will never change" Hakim smiled softly while thinking about his wife.
silent ringing in Hakim's ears, there were just 3 of them in the bookstore, no other customers besides their two, but y/n was nowhere found anymore.
"How's life son?" she asks Hakim.
"It's great, but the training makes me a little bit tired, but otherwise it's okay" Hakim replied to her question. Of course, Mrs Michelle knows that he is an infamous footballer from the start. So there's no problem between the two of them.
"That's great to hear, but I hope you'll find your wife soon, I don't think she remembers that you're here," she said and we both laughing
"Hello, I'm back" y/n back carrying 4 books in her hand.
"you got a lot this time Schatje" Hakim said quickly standing up from where he sit, and helping y/n carry the books from her hand.
"Those are the only books that caught my eye" y/n replied with a smile drawn on her face
"Whatever you want my love" Hakim put the book on top of the counter and took out his wallet from his pocket jeans. "how much Mrs Michelle?"
"No hakim," y/n told him to not pay for her books
"no, what?" he confusedly looked at his girl.
"I can pay it myself Hakim," y/n said to him while taking out her credit card from her purse.
"No no no no love, I'll pay for it!"
"Hakim! I'll pay for it!"
both of them argue about who's gonna pay for about 5 minutes until...
"Okay, we do this way, how about you guys do rock, paper, scissors?" They both stop arguing and agree on Mrs Michelle's suggestion.
they decided to play 3 rounds, y/n won the first round, the second round Hakim won and the last round.......
y/n lose when hakim decides to defeat y/n with scissors.
"YES! I'll PAY FOR IT WOOHOO!" Hakim celebrates before giving his credit card to Mrs Michelle. But y/n on the other side pouted and caught Hakim's attention before him laughing.
"Don't pout sweetheart!" he said to her and pinch his girl's cheek.
"you guys are so cute," the owner other the bookstore said as she give Hakim's credit card back.
Both of us smile at her. "bye bye Mrs Michelle, see you soon" me and hakim said goodbye to her before exiting the bookstore and going to Hakim's car. Then we decided to go back home.
"Y/n, you need to realize that we are together, we live in the same house, and we're even married, so stop feeling guilty when you spend my money, I don't care, spend how much you want, you know why? cause my money is your money too, understand?"
"but-" y/n doesn't even finish her sentences yet got cut off by her husband.
"I don't accept no, but, why, ifs, maybe" Hakim warn her
"Okay, I understand and Hakim..."
hakim hummed signalling for y/n to continue while his eyes focused on the road.
"thank you"
"my pleasure mjin prinses" he smiles softly
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like by Hziyech,MasonMount,AchrafHakimi and 101,576 more
Y/n.Ziyech : bedankt voor alles mijn lieve man, Ik hou van je tot het einde van de lijn <3 @Hziyech
Hziyech: Anything for you wifey
-> Y/n.Ziyech : 🤍
MasonMount: oh so this is why you so rushed earlier @Hziyech?
-> Hziyech : My wife is my number one priority
-> MasonMount : No need to did me like that man...
ZakariaAboukhlal: Glad to see you happy brother
-> Hziyech : Thank you brother, I'm always happy when I'm with @Y/n.Ziyech
-> like by Y/n.Ziyech
Hakim.Y/nFans: Parents :)))
->AchrafHakimi : true
->BenChilwell : true
->MasonMount : Im waiting @Hziyech @Y/n.Ziyech
->Hziyech : ask @Y/n.Ziyech.....
->Y/n.Ziyech : 🤷🏻‍♀️
-> Username : hints
bedankt voor alles mijn lieve man, Ik hou van je tot het einde van de lijn : thank you for everything my dear husband, I love you to the end of the line
mjin prinses : my princess
schatje : sweetheart
first football imagine, tell me what you guys think, leave notes, thank you for reading my fic, want more? send request, my football masterlist/ f1 masterlist
Dedicated to my friend: Zariff
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skyred-blog · 3 months
My headcanon story of the DLC
See people share their headcanon stories of DLC, I wanted to share mine too...Let's me cook, don't stop meeeeee:
The Caelid battle happens because Miquella believed that if the stars moved, he could become a god and fix things in the Lands Between, given his status as an Empyrean destined to become a god
Malenia came to Caelid to fight while Miquella stayed in Haligtree because the tree needed his body and who would bring a child to battle? However, Miquella wanted his sister to be safe, so he appeared as St. Trina in her and her soldiers' dreams to ease their pain from rot just like how she eased the Frenzy Flame
And when Malenia let the Scarlet Aeonia bloom, St. Trina caused her to slumber. Because St. Trina only appeared in dreams, Finlay was still the only one who could help Malenia at that moment. Freyja wasn't cured by Miquella; instead, she was left alone on the battlefield. In a state of desperation because of pain and hunger not Fear and Hunger, she somehow ate the ingredients of Boluses, which is how she got cured truly a Masterchief moment! and that is how we have Boluses. Yes, I'm still very salty about the fact that Miquella appeared in Caelid only to do nothing for his sister or her soldiers. Freyja wanted to revenge for her general so she went to LoS like the cut content of 1.0
Seeing Malenia and Radahn's rot states and remembering his failure to help Godwyn, Miquella became depressed and decided he would do anything to become a god.
Then Miquella got kidnapped by Mohg, but Miquella decided to use his power to activate his trap card. Get rekt, Mohg. Yes, I don't think someone who created a Blood cult and kingdom can be a cute little Omen, right? Anbasch is angry. Cut the body part, leaving only Miquella needing Mohg for the LoS.
Even though he was able to go to the LoS, Miquella is useless even worse than Ranni. So somehow our Tarnished goes around and sees him. FRIENDSHIP! at first. He still charmed the NPCs except Tarnished because you were chosen by Torrent.
Something something happened, god ritual or some shit so Miquella decided to cut himself. Our Tarnished is okay with everything because Miquella said he's okay, but he isn't. Basically, every self-harm act he does in public makes the group of NPCs think he's so determined and hardcore. Suddenly, he became extremely cruel, like killing poor Rot people because he thought they caused Malenia's pain instead of listening to their stories like he used to with other NPCs. We don't know why, but thanks to Tholier's feelings, we discover that he secretly cut St. Trina in the end and threw her away
So, in the end, Miquella becomes a god, but at the cost of becoming an empty vessel for every Outer God to use. He's simultaneously all-powerful and weak, which contrasts with his ability to create Unalloyed Gold, used against Outer Gods. He asks the Tarnished for help, offering the Lord title as a reward.
Seeing Miquella's unstable and pathetic state, we decided to finish him in battle. Miquella would use incantations of every Gods and summons spirits akin to O'Neil. After he was dead, memories flood back of the happy times with his family even before Messmer going to LoS, which means it will include Messmer, Melina, Godwyn, the Carian trio, Malenia, and even glimpses of Morgott and Mohg from afar. All he wanted was to experience happiness like a normal child.
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skynapple · 28 days
In Which Madi Zaynes On Main
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MC being covered in blood in an angsty situation to start the card off is not what I expected.
Overall this card is a really beautiful display of patience, recklessness, and communication! The characters are put in a scenario where we really get to see how well they understand each other without necessarily having to say anything outright all the time.
We ALSO see that the opposite is true! It's not a miscommunication issue, just that there's some consequences to not saying anything.
There's also somewhat of a character flaw in MC that's really cool to see fleshed out because it's a common trait across all her interactions with any LI - and that is her blatant disregard for her own well-being. We know that she does it, but are not entirely sure about her motivations for it. Is it insecurity? Selflessness? Self-righteousness? Does she really just not care? Has growing up so lonely given her a strong sense of dying dutifully and honorably is better than living without purpose, alone? They definitely address it and I appreciate that they hint that the issue isn't going anywhere and won't be fixed overnight, but it's at least brought up.
More Thoughts™️ about the card under cut!
I'm live blogging this so bear with me
MC is so cool! She bravely rescued people but to no one's surprise she didn't think, just leapt forth rashly and got hurt
Zayne is immediately attentive but he must be so worried
Their world really is getting worse :( these disaster wanderer attacks are getting more frequent across all the LI's cards
Zayne's sarcasm will never not send
She's worried that HE'S worried, and they're both trying to comfort each other, but he's immediately SO good at reading her and quelling her fears in such a way only he can (rants about medical reasons he should be the one attending to her adfhjlgd)
He- he keeps making excuses to see her I cannot 😭😭
Even on his break time omg he just wants to take care of herrrrrr
Already inviting her over to his place my god he wants the excuse and of course she catches on
"Uncle Doctor" i'm cryinggggg there's really no such thing in English, it's sending me that they LITERALLY translated the Chinese phrase this way
Omg him softly scolding her finally for scaring him, it's part ways him opening up when he's been holding that in for weeks, but he's so so patient, he'll wait for the right moment, the right tone, but he's gotta say it! And part just like, no she really does keep doing this 💀
Omg I forgot this is the Greyson reveal card, now we have a model AND a voice, it's so cute
Not Greyson ratting Zayne out as usual 😭 absolute rat
No but literally the way they understand each other without words!!!!! She knows he's burying himself in his work for whatever reason and NEEDS this... and he's gonna let her cause he knows she needs this too 🥺
/Madi died for a bit/
O-OH MY GOD? he's not jealous of Greyson I don't think but he's- he's curious???
No but they're communicating 🥲😭 he's always been so clear in his communication with her ahhhh
"I don't want others to tell me that you might be in danger. It would make me feel like an outsider." THROWING MY MISERABLE SELF OFF A FREAKING CLIFF. But lets assume it's happened before!! I'm sure it has!!!! I'm so glad he's speaking up about it but my god 😭 the angst
She's figured out how to answer so it's exactly what he needs to hear, no more quips or dodging, she's not being coy, I mean she's still being roundabout a LITTLE but it's in a way that gets to the same point and I do think it reassures him
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
mickey........stupidturo cumming in your underwear...but he does it while your wearing them, tugging them down a little bit so that when he cums he gets it all over your pussy and in the inside of your panties before pulling them back up...help me....
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