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From the People Who Brought You July Break Bingo…
We'd like to welcome all of you to join us for a tiny little event called Halloween Horror Bingo.
The form is over here and you can find a full directory here for the FAQ, Rules, stamps, a link to the Discord and more.
We just want you guys to have fun, to enjoy the season, to relax while filling cards, and to feel inspired. Even if you just want a card for the serotonin, that's okay too.
There’s no time frame for when you have to have your card completed.
Combine at your own free will, pair it with other events, and just have fun with it!
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faithfulcat111 · 1 year
Stonathan Sunday
What's this? Posting the Stonathan Sunday before the Six Sentence Sunday portion? Yeah, I am, what of it? Also, be impressed with how many prompt fills I managed to fit into this one fic:
Stonathan Sundays prompt: "Everyone's staring at us."
Whumptober prompt fill: Alt prompt - Shaking
Slumber Party Bingo: Would you rather... Have a partner who's shy OR who makes you feel shy @slumberpartybingo
Halloween Horror Bingo: Skipping Meals
Fall Flash Slumber Party Bingo: Autumn Aesthetic: Leaves dancing in the breeze ; Would you rather... A cozy sweater OR an oversized flannel
Fandom: Stranger Things
Ship: Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington
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"Everyone's staring at us."
Steve lifted his head to look around the courtyard outside the high school. Very few people still ate outside, it was late enough in the season that most people seemed to value staying warm over the privacy being outside the cafeteria provided. Seeing as Steve no longer went to school, he had been very excited at first that his boyfriend was easily meetable at their lunch breaks, school for him and Family Video for Steve. But as the season stretched on and the last of the leaves danced away in the breeze, Steve was realizing that it would take a considerable amount of effort to convince Jonathan to even think of eating inside.
"No, I don't see anyone staring," Steve responded, glancing over at Jonathan, whose eyes were trained downwards on the sandwich he was picking apart. He looked like he was practically drowning in his oversized sweater, but he was shaking. From cold or panic, Steve couldn't quite tell yet. 
"You sure?" Jonathan was biting at the insides of his cheeks now. Steve longed to lean over and hold both of Jonathan's hands closely, kiss them and his forehead slowly as his cheeks turned red and he ducked his head away with a smile rather than the brimming anxiety that was causing it now. 
But they were still out in public. "I'm sure," Steve forced more confidence into his voice. He was never quite sure how much of his bravado Jonathan could see through and how much he chose to believe for his own mind's sake. He pushed more of the weird onion chips that he always grabbed from their snack bar specifically for Jonathan towards him, "Eat." There was that slight quirk of a smile as Jonathan finally abandoned his sandwich in favour of the chips. 
He looked back up at Jonathan, whose anxiety was finally ebbing slightly causing the shaking to back down to a minimum. Steve couldn't in good conscious make him start taking lunch inside. This was one of the only times he could remind him to eat. Jonathan was usually really good about breakfast. The mundane task of getting food ready for himself and the twins keeping him on task. But the rest of the day is where the struggle came in. Robin and Nancy helped where they could, but there was only so much they could do when Jonathan turned away nearly everything offered. And even Jonathan forcing it made it worse. And with it having been early November, Steve knew there had been more and more meals that just flew by without even an attempt.
But they had past the worst of it and he could see the little bit more Jonathan was managing. And as they finished eating and Steve waved him goodbye, watching as Jonathan slowly made his way back into the high school, he found himself wondering if maybe he could convince Jonathan to teach him how to make something simple tonight. After all, he did have to learn how to cook at some point and the few things he's tried to make have always turned out that much better with his boyfriend there to help him and share it. 
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post eleven
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title: pour me a drink (or two or more)
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48104662
square filled: Pansy Parkinson
ship: hermione granger x pansy parkinson
rating: mature
major tags/warning(s): fluff & first love
summary: Hermione Granger hadn't expected to fall for the Slytherin Princess, Pansy Parkinson, that every guy seemed to favour after. However, the raven-haired Slytherin only had her eyes on one Gryffindor Golden girl. Pansy wanted Hermione and Hermione wanted Pansy. Feelings had started developing for Hermione throughout her fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry but she hadn't started exploring those feelings until straight after the Second Wizarding War when she had spoken at the Ministry trails to keep Pansy and other young Death Eaters children out of Azkaban. Then their eighth year at Hogwarts was when everything properly changed between Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger.
word count: 1,183 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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karasunova · 1 year
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Written for @hermiones-haven Bingo 2023! LoveFest 2023 gift for LionLadyBee. Hermione/Charlie is sort of new to me, but I’m totally here for it. 
Title: Between the Pages Rated: General Audiences Square: O4 - Bookshop AU Pairing: Hermione/Charlie Weasley Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining Word Count: 1435 Summary: In his effort to spend time with his family, Charlie volunteers to watch Victoire while Bill and Fleur run errands. What he didn't expect was to run into 'Auntie Mai' and become completely blindsided by the stunning witch before him. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../HHBingo2023/works/44807487
Check out Hermione’s Haven Bingo 2023 Collection over on ao3  
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starrnobella · 1 year
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Title: Far From Damaged Square Filled: B4 - Neck Kissing Pairing: Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin Rating: Genral Audience Major Tags: Time Travel Summary: In doing some research for an eighth year potions project, Hermione takes some time to get to know Professor Lupin. After learning of his heartbreaking past, she takes the past into her own hands to give him a bright memory of a room that only brought him sadness. Word Count: 1902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HHBingo2023/works/46772923
Created for @hermiones-haven
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riddikuluspuff · 2 years
hermione’s haven bingo post one
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title: the comfort of your touch
square filled: viktor krum
ship: hermione granger x viktor krum
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s): love confessions and fluff
summary: Hermione Granger had not seen her first crush, Viktor Krum, since the funeral of Cedric Diggory but the two of them had occasionally kept in touch through the form of letters, but they usually fell one-sided with Hermione writing more than Viktor. However, she couldn't care less. Hermione loved having someone to talk to. Someone that would listen to her problems and her feelings. She couldn't disclose everything to Harry or Ronald, so Viktor was to who she spewed all of her problems. She spoke more of her problems to him than her own parents. Hermione hated to admit it but she missed the comfort of Viktor's touch.
word count: 777 words
created for @hermiones-haven​
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faithfulcat111 · 11 months
Stonathan Sunday
Stonathan Sunday Prompt: "We're going to have to stay here tonight."
Whumptober Day 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.” | Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...”
Post-July Break Bingo Prompt: Huddling for Warmth
Halloween Horror Bingo Alt Fill Prompt: Can't Get Warm
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"We're going to have to stay here tonight."
Steve turned away from the cracked window back towards where Jonathan was lying on the floor. He gave a weak smile at that but didn't respond. Steve frowned. He knew that Jonathan was quiet, almost abnormally so and Steve was just one of many people who kept threatening to put a bell on him because he tended to just suddenly be right there, scaring the shit out of you. Not the best for when you live in an apocalyptic situation.
But there was something noticeably different about the quiet he was now. Steve stepped closer, crouching down beside him to check the tightly wrapped cloth around Jonathan's leg. "It's not too tight right?" Steve kept his voice low, all too aware that the Upside-Down was not the place to attract attention.
Jonathan shook his head and motioned back towards the window. When Steve raised an eyebrow at him, he finally spoke up, barely audible as he whispered, "You need to cover the window."
"I don't think any monster is gonna see us through the curtain, Jonathan. They can't see to begin with, I'm more worried about them smelling us out than that," Steve responded.
"No, not them. The..." Jonathan was cut off by a far too audible clack of his teeth. That was when Steve noticed how he was barely trembling, tense all over. Like he was trying far too hard to keep himself from shaking.
"The cold," Steve finished, feeling like an idiot. He immediately got up, rooting around in the rotting house they were hiding in to try and find anything to cover the window and block the putrid wind from slipping through it. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a lost cause. But, he did find a small inner walk-in closet-like room. It seemed mostly untouched by the Upside-Down's effects, no vines and minimal slime. He came back out to the living room, dreading moving Jonathan into such a small enclosed space. But it gave them an additional layer of protection from monsters finding them, had two doors (which was weird, but Steve wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth), and was away from the window. It was the most ideal place and if he played his cards just right, maybe it would work out.
Steve walked back out into the living room, crouching beside his boyfriend once more. "Hey," he whispered, drawing Jonathan's attention from where it was locked on the window, arms locked tight around himself. "I found somewhere we can hide. But you need to trust me and listen to me, okay?" A flash of fear came across Jonathan's eyes before he could hide it, but Steve knew it wasn't personal. Or at least it was as unpersonal as it could get in the tangled-up mess he knew existed in his boyfriend's brain. Finally, Jonathan gave a quick nod, which was the most Steve knew he was going to get. "Close your eyes and stay close to me," Steve added and waited for Jonathan to close his eyes tight, scrunching up his entire face as he did so. He carefully slid his arms under Jonathan's legs and back, lifting him the best he could into a bridal carry. One of Jonathan's hands immediately latched onto his shirt as he tucked his face in. The shaking was much more obvious now, consistent as the cold of the Upside-Down that they had been stuck in for nearly 12 hours now was starting to seep in.
Steve carefully made his way back through the house and into the closet. "Keep your eyes closed," he whispered, carefully closing the door behind him with his back. He slid down against the wall, his arms relieved as he settled Jonathan in his lap, still tucked tight against him.
"Steve?" That one word held so many questions, but Steve just tightened his hold on Jonathan. Jonathan had always had a tendency to run hot, but there was very little warmth coming from him now. It wouldn't be long before they were both shivering. They had to find a way back across town to the base. Maybe they could get through to Will or El or Joyce and get a portal opened somewhere.
"We gotta stick close," Steve whispered, doing his best to keep his voice soothing. He figured Jonathan saw right through it, but was choosing to listen anyway. He was way too perspectivey for his own good. "We got to stick close to keep warm, so stay right here and don't move."
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faithfulcat111 · 11 months
Stonathan Sundays
Six Sentence Sunday will be out a little later. But I wrote this week's Stonathan Sunday for you guys! I'll try to get last week's done too as soon as possible. I just am finally able to pull out my laptop and write again, so enjoy!
Fills squares "Partner obsessed with recording everything" and "Moving in together" on Halloween Horror Bingo
Fills square "Never have I ever... Made a blanket fort" on Fall Flash Bingo
“How long have you been awake?” Jonathan looked up at his boyfriend, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the living room with a large yawn. He shifted as he looked back down at where he was trying to remember how the cords went from his video camera to the back of the TV. He was pretty sure he was missing one, but he had no idea which of the still unpacked boxes it could possibly be in. “Not sure,” he muttered quietly, shaking hands trying to untangle one of the cords that he didn’t even recognize. Why did he pack so many cords? “Hey, Jonathan,” he just barely suppressed the flinch from Steve’s hand settling on his shoulder. Damn, maybe he had been up too long. “No, I need to see if I got it this time,” Jonathan knew there was an edge to his voice as he finally pulled out the cord he was missing from the stupid tangle.  Steve was quiet for a long moment. Jonathan could feel something start to shrivel up inside of him as he wondered if Steve would start on the same points all over again. That there was no way that there was a ghost haunting their little apartment, that the stress of Jonathan finally moving away from his family was getting to him and making him see things and the sleep deprivation was just making it worse. And, honestly, Jonathan was afraid Steve was right. Some of the things were weird, but if he could just see an explanation for why things seemed to move on their own or why there was frost randomly in the sink in mid-June or why the windows wouldn’t stay shut then maybe he could finally sleep. “Okay.” Jonathan jerked his head up as Steve kept talking, “Okay, get it set up. I’ll make us some hot chocolate, set up a blanket fort or something so we can cuddle. We can watch those videos together. Maybe I can see what you are seeing.” Jonathan’s heart swelled back up. He really knew he shouldn’t have doubted Steve. Steve was cautious, but he wasn’t dismissive. “Do you even know how to build a blanket fort?” “Nope, never have. I’ll figure it out!” With that, Steve pranced back off down to their room and Jonathan could hear a few clatters as blankets were pulled out of the closet and from their bed. He looked back down at the box in his lap, smiling despite the wobbly cords inside it.
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post ten
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title: fire in our hearts (burning brighter than the sun)
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48089161
square filled: Brive-la-Gaillarde, France
ship: hermione granger x draco malfoy
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s): pregnancy
summary: Before the arrival of their firstborn baby, Hermione Granger-Malfoy and Draco Granger-Malfoy decided to go on short trips around Europe, something that they had thought about for so long in their relationship. Finally, they were able to do the trips they had wished about. Explore the places that they had always dreamed of travelling to but had never had the chance to explore because of the business of their work lives. After spending the last few days exploring the streets of Italy and exploring Marina di Carrara with their main adventure being a night-time walk along the beach. The next and final destination of the trip was France, more specifically going to Brive-la-Gaillarde.
word count: 1,003 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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karasunova · 1 year
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Written for @hermiones-haven Bingo 2023! This is also a LoveFest 2023 gift fic for @stilleundregen
I’m pretty sure this is my first Hermione/Tony fic that I’ve written. I really like this ship and I hope I can write them again in the future. 
Title: The Power of a Well-Fitted Cocktail Dress Rated: Mature Pairing: Hermione/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy, One Night Stands Square:  B1 - Tony Stark Word Count: 1650 Summary: Hermione paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. She smacked the slim plastic stick against her palm and grumbled to herself. The one time she decides to relax, have fun, and not take control and this is what happens. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../HHBingo2023/works/45236353
Check out Hermione’s Haven Bingo 2023 Collection over on ao3
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post six
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title: moonlight and love songs
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46633045
square filled: Marina di Carrara, Italy
ship: hermione granger x draco malfoy
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s): pregnant hermione & babymoon fluff
summary: Before the arrival of their firstborn, Hermione Granger-Malfoy and Draco Granger-Malfoy decided to go on short trips around Europe. Explore the places that they had always dreamed of travelling to but had never had the chance to explore because of the business of their work lives. But, with only a few months before the expected arrival of their little bundles of joy, Draco had put himself under leave from his own Potion shop to help with home life and Hermione was already on maternity leave from the Ministry. For the next few days, they were exploring Italy but more specifically exploring Marina di Carrara with a nighttime walk along the beach.
word count: 619 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post three
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title: we’ll meet again
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45824890
square filled: memory loss
ship: hermione granger x draco malfoy
rating: mature
major tags/warning(s): implied torture & implied violence
summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy had survived a Wizarding World on the large amount of love that they held for each other, even with all of the screaming voices of prejudice and abuse that rang around them throughout the war. The love that they held for each other could force them through multiple different timelines together but even though everything that they had stuck together through. Through the thick and thin of a war. It still wasn't enough. Their love wasn't just enough to stop one of the worst things that they could have imagined happening to either one of them. Especially, at the hands of one of their family members. The torture which then would lead to the harsh memory loss of Hermione Jean Granger at the hands of Draco's own aunt, the insane and extremely dangerous Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. Draco's Golden Girl had been forcefully taken away from him and now he had to live with the fact that Hermione no longer recognised who he was. She would never recognise him again. Medical advancements weren't adapted enough yet to help his girl.
word count: 1,410 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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karasunova · 1 year
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Written for @hermiones-haven Bingo! LoveFest 2023 gift for LumosLyra. Romione to warm the heart <3
Title: Keep Finding You Rated: General Audiences Square: G4 - Mirror of Erised Pairing: Hermione/Ron Weasley Tags/Warnings: Light Angst, Second Chances Word Count: 1622 Summary: Hermione and her colleagues from the Museum of History and Preservation are at Hogwarts presenting their traveling exhibit. She was ready for who she might see, but she couldn't help the rapid beating of her heart when she spies her ex-boyfriend Ron walking around the ancient artifacts. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../HHBingo2023/works/44632156
Check out Hermione’s Haven Bingo 2023 Collection over on ao3  
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post eight
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title: checkmate, babe
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47066350
square filled: cormac mclaggen
ship: hermione granger x cormac mclaggen
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s): jealous ron weasley & creepy cormac mclaggen
summary: Hermione Granger was willing to do just about anything to get back at Ronald Weasley, who had been an absolute prick to her this whole year so far. She would do anything to hurt him and that was when Cormac McLaggen's eyes had caught hers from across the table at Slughorn's dinner party. She know that escape would be impossible for her once she had started properly talking with Cormac, but she supposed that was a risk that she was willing to take. Hermione really wanted to hurt Ronald and Cormac wanted to get his hands on Hermione, so it was a win-win for the two of them. However, it seemed that Cormac wanted more in this relationship whereas Hermione only wanted to make Ronald jealous. She was well and truly stuck. Which was then how she ended up at Slughorn's Christmas dinner party with Cormac.
word count: 850 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post five
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title: a silence so loud
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46484200
square filled: muffliato
ship: hermione granger x draco malfoy
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s): secret crush & enemies to friends to lovers
summary: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Slytherin Pureblood Prince and Gryffindor Muggleborn Princess. Sworn enemies since the first time they had set eyes on each other on the Hogwarts Express on their way towards Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, things changed when Hermione had become petrified and Draco instantly felt guilty for the things that he had said about hoping all of the Mudbloods died because of the Slytherin monster causing havoc throughout the castle. They'd struck a secret friendship, on the outside they were still enemies but they knew the truth about their relationship. But, things started changing between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. Feelings had started developing and crushes had blossomed. However, everyone around them still thought that they hated each other.
word count: 730 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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riddikuluspuff · 1 year
hermione’s haven bingo post four
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title: wedding bells ringing
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46465672
square filled: fleur delacour
ship: hermione granger x fleur delacour
rating: teenage and up
major tags/warning(s):unrequited love & light angst
summary: Fleur Delacour was everything Hermione Granger wished that she was. When the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute had travelled over to the Scottish Highlands where Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was located for the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione found herself in awe of the young French veela woman. Fleur had so much power within her reach and Hermione wanted to experience that. Fleur was gorgeous. She was smart, not as ditsy as people presumed. And she had every single boy and even practically every single girl in the palm of her hand as she walked around the courtyards of Hogwarts. Hermione couldn't help it but she was jealous of the blonde. The only thing the two had in common was that Molly Weasley clearly had a hatred of them both. However, that hadn't stopped Fleur from falling in love with the oldest Weasley child, leaving Hermione with her clearly unrequited crush on the veela. She was a pinning idiot, watching on as Fleur married someone that wasn't her.
word count: 447 words
created for @hermiones-haven
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