skeletalheartattack · 2 months
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sure man
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rottedbrainz · 11 months
Chapter 2! It's finally out baby! Giovanni is so silly! I can't wait to write more of him! Also his relationship with Libb! THEY ARE SO WHOLESOME!! But Libb needs to have that talk with him when it comes to Valerie.
(Not implying that Valerie is a bad kid! Get that out of ur head alr?)
Anyway hope you guys enjoy the fic!
Okay it's fixed! Good to go now!
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stepfordgoth · 2 years
The R. Budd Dwyer Foundation For Political Accountability
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skelswritingcorner · 6 months
Explaining an Organic Phenomena (TFP fic)
I bring forth ANOTHER reader character/Buddy who has endometriosis! This is closer to my own experiences with my still undiagnosed condition, though. I use Buddy in this story, but that's because I still need to finalize this Buddy's name.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Mentioned self harm, mentions of hospital visits, menstrual pain
Story below the cut!
You didn’t expect to end up being involved with an alien’s war, let alone that three of your classmates already knew about them, but you got involved anyway. While you rarely interact with them, preferring to hole yourself up in a small corner to work on assignments, they often pull you into shenanigans anyway. Especially Miko.
The Autobots, as they call themselves, don’t know much about you other than what Jack told them. And he doesn’t know much about you. Most he knows is that at least once a month you end up leaving class early, because it’s the class you have with him that you usually end up leaving for the day, and for the following three days you’re miserable. Jack doesn’t know why either, and you plan on keeping it that way. The only people who get to know about your endometriosis are your family and your doctors.
Well, you at least try. You’ve known them for about two months now, none of them raised an eye at the once-a-monthly absence. Yet. It’s either going to be Ratchet, Optimus, or Smokescreen who will voice any concerns if this happens long enough. Smokescreen, as he’s your Autobot companion assigned to you by Optimus Prime, and Ratchet as he’s a medic.
This is the second period you’ve had since you unwillingly joined them (you blame Miko for this, but also Jack since he’s your neighbor). It was your usual routine during the first day of your period: try to ignore the pain long enough in school, eventually go to the nurse after the pain gets too much for you to focus, then end up being picked up by your mom and brought home.
It was in your class with Miko when you ended up being picked up by your mom. You wrote down something on an index card, giving it to her as you left. She knew what was going on, Miko was the only person outside your immediate family who knew about your condition from you. As you shuffled through to the main entrance, you did see Jack, but ignored him. He was turned away anyway, and you weren’t in the mood to get his attention.
“Where is Buddy? I thought she usually comes with all of you.” Optimus asked. Miko scratched the back of her head before grabbing an index card and showing it to him.
His optics scanned the writing, “I have to leave early, my cramps are getting too much. Tell everyone not to worry about me (especially Ratchet and Smokescreen), I should be there tomorrow.” he read out loud.
“Oh, on the contrary!” Ratchet rebutted, “This happened last month too! And Jack said this happens every single month! Clearly, something’s wrong if this has been happening for years.”
“Well, the only way to confirm if anything’s wrong is to visit her. None of us know where she lives, though.” Raf stated.
“Actually,” Jack countered, “Buddy’s house is right next to mine. Our moms know each other quite well. I don’t think she wants visitors, though. Last time I visited while she was experiencing this she threw something at me, and it hurt.”
Smokescreen entered the room, tilting his head at the lack of his human companion. “Where’s Buddy? I thought she was going to be here.”
“Not here right now,” Miko replied, “she left school early too, needed her mom to pick her up. Girl stuff. I don’t have permission to tell you.”
Smokescreen tilted his head, then turned to Arcee. “Do you know what Miko’s talking about?”
“No, I do not.”
“Then I’m going to find her.” Smokescreen started to walk away, but was stopped by Optimus.
“Smokescreen,” Optimus explained, “I know that you’re concerned for Buddy. However, as Jack is her neighbor, it would draw less suspicion from the Decepticons if he goes to visit her. Jack, do you have Buddy’s contact information?”
“Even better,” Jack pulled out his phone, “I have her mom’s number. Well, I do have Buddy’s number too, but I don’t think she’s going to answer.”
“Excellent. Arcee, go with Jack. Smokescreen, please remain on base, but maintain communications with Arcee.” Optimus ordered. Arcee nodded, and Jack went to grab some of his things before leaving with Arcee.
“Actually, Jackie made a mass displacement machine in case we need to go somewhere that requires someone small.” Bulkhead said, “Arcee might be our smallest member aside from the humans, but I don’t think she can fit through the door of the garage.”
“Absolutely NOT! I believe that would be dangerous. Has Wheeljack even tested it?!” Ratchet turned to Bulkhead, gritting his teeth.
“I’m down to testing it.” Arcee walked to Bulkhead, “Do you know how to operate it?”
“Arcee!” Ratchet exclaimed, “If you really want to do this, I’m going to supervise this.”
This was not a good day. The cramps were especially bad, so all you could do was writhe in pain on your bed, unable to get anything of substance done. Are the Autobots getting suspicious of this now? The Decepticons? Honestly, the thought of Knockout finding you in this state, hell, even Megatron, made shivers go down your spine. It’s a shame too, you wanted to work on that dress for your project. The one that transforms from a vague black silhouette to a bleeding crimson. Too bad that you’re in pain. Mom went out to do some errands, so she won’t be home for a while. And dad? He doesn’t tell you anything about his work, but you know that it has something to do with the alien robots. Why else would the Decepticons kidnap you the day you were released from the psych ward, before you could even cut off the hospital bracelet? Interrogating you about things you don’t know about?
Who’s texting you right now? Grabbing your phone, you checked to see who messaged you. It was Jack. Of course it would be him, he’s your neighbor! The message said something you wished you didn’t read: ‘Everyone’s worried about you, Arcee and I are coming to your house. Ratchet’s worried too. Don’t throw a textbook at me like last time.’
You wanted to punch Jack so hard right now. Also, it was not a textbook you threw, it was a book about the history of fashion. Get it right, Darby. Angrily typing on your phone, you sent out a message: ‘I’M FINE.’ You then put your phone on the nightstand, curling into the comfort of your blankets.
It should take Jack and Arcee half an hour to get to your house, if they’re coming from the Autobot base. Hopefully, you can just tell them not to worry and leave quickly. They shouldn’t worry about you. Well, June did warn them about your mental health not being the best given what happened over the summer, but the point stands. As long as you’re not alone with your thoughts for too long, you’ll be alright.
There’s a sound that you now know is the ground bridge, and another notification sounded on your phone. So they went the easy route. You grabbed your phone, seeing two dreaded words, ‘We’re here’. God dammit. A door opened, most likely the garage door.
It’s Jack’s voice that you first heard, “Buddy, where are you? Who am I kidding, you’re going to be in your room.” as he spoke, his voice got closer. “Coming in!” and he opened the door. Whoop-de-doo.
“Are you in there?” he asked. You popped your head out of your blanket pile, preparing a plushie to throw at him if he says anything stupid.
“Your room has a lot of… black.” Arcee said, peeking from the hallway. Honestly? She’s right. Nearly everything in your room is black and pastel purple.
Wait. How is she in your house? She’s three times Jack’s size, how did she get in through the door? Wait, she looks smaller than usual…
“Why is Arcee in here?” you asked, biting back a whimper.
“Oh. Wheeljack made some kind of mass displacement machine and needed someone to test it. Smokescreen tried to have himself test it to see you, but Optimus has him on base for now.”
Right. That totally makes sense. Not weird at all.
“He’s worried about you, you know? If it weren’t for Optimus telling him he couldn’t, Smokescreen would be speeding to get to you.”
That’s weird. You thought he hated you. Smokescreen was always belligerent and grumpy when with you, mostly because you insisted on being in control so he wouldn’t break the speed limit and possibly commit involuntary manslaughter. He despised your personality.
“I think he only does that because I was assigned his human partner. I doubt that he’s actually worried for me.” you grumbled, returning to your blanket burrito with the plushie ready to throw.
“Ratchet is also worried, you know? He is a doctor and a-”
You threw the plushie at Jack, full force. Arcee didn’t even try to catch it, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly. Even when mass displaced, she’d have to crouch to get in.
“Hey! What was that for?” Jack caught the plushie in his hands.
“Well,” Arcee laughed, “Buddy’s up now.”
She’s being sarcastic. You’re still laying on your side, dammit!
Arcee walked into the room, speaking after she knelt in front of you, “Anyway, are you alright? I’m pretty sure Ratchet wants an explanation as to what’s going on, since this is the second time since you’ve joined us that this happened.”
Ough. Eugh. This is going to be difficult. How do you explain menstruation to a robot? They don’t have those parts, at least you think. “Uh,” you winced, not out of pain but out of awkwardness, “It’s very complicated and requires a lesson in human anatomy. June would probably explain it better than I can right now.”
“She’s at work right now, though.” Jack countered. Oh. Right. Hospital stuff.
“...I’ll grab my drawing pad. Just give me a moment to draw some stuff to help explain it.” you got out of your very comfortable blankets, going to your desk to grab your drawing pad, a pen, and a few markers. After finding a blank page, you got to work drawing a basic diagram.
Once you finished drawing, you turned the drawing pad to the two visitors. You pointed the pen to the first drawing; a very badly drawn uterus with a face, “This,” you tapped the drawing, “is the uterus. To the sides are the ovaries, which is where microscopic eggs are held. Every month, usually one egg is released. Before this, a lining grows inside the uterus to prepare for a human baby.”
“An… egg?” Arcee tilted her head.
“Not like the ones you see at the store, those are specifically evolved to grow a baby outside of the mother. These have no shell.”
You shifted your impromptu pointer. If you had your finger ring on, you would be using that to point, “The egg, however, needs to be fertilized in order for a baby to form. This is usually done through… certain acts of pleasure. However, there are treatments in case you can’t get pregnant that way.”
Jack nodded, nonverbally imploring you to continue.
“But this isn’t about how babies are made or grown, this is specifically about what happens when you don’t get pregnant.” You moved the pen to point to another crudely drawn uterus, now with an angry expression and blood coming out from the bottom. “When you don’t get pregnant, then the lining sheds, basically it’s like bleeding. You can’t hold it in, it’s gonna flow whether you want it to or not. This takes several days, and usually causes mild discomfort. This usually starts when reaching teenage years, but I was eleven years old when I first got mine.”
“Wait, you were eleven when that happened?!” Jack’s eyes widened. You just rolled your eyes to continue.
“Sometimes, though, the lining can grow on the outside of the uterus, and end up on other parts of the body,” you tapped the pen on another sketch, with a mess of lines representing the intestines with blobs of red on them, “most often the highest it goes is the intestines, but it can go all the way to the brain. This is called endometriosis, and it causes incredibly painful cramps. I had this confirmed over the summer, after that incident.” you chuckled, “Didn’t even have the chance to get lunch after being discharged before the Decepticons took me.”
“I’m… sorry.” Arcee frowned.
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” you replied.
“It’s not an apology, Buddy, it’s a show of sympathy. I can’t imagine how that feels.” Right. People say sorry sometimes to show sympathy. Something you never got the grasp of. Saying sorry is meant for apologies, is it not?
“Well, I did stab myself to distract from the pain my cramps caused.” you laughed.
Why are Jack and Arcee staring at you like that? They look like they saw a flayed corpse.
Oh. Right. They weren’t told why you were in the hospital. At least June is complying with HIPAA.
“That’s why you were in the hospital?! You stabbed yourself?!” Jack went closer to you, still shocked.
“In two places. And no, I’m not showing the scars. They still look nasty.” It is true though, the stitches might be gone but the scars are still healing. Besides, one of those scars is on your stomach. You’re not showing that to anyone except for medical professionals, or someone you trust enough. The only person that applies is mom.
“Well, at least we now know what’s going on. Is it alright if we tell the others?” Arcee asked.
“Go ahead. Miko already knows, by the way. She even taught me how to pronounce it in Japanese. While there is an actual Japanese word, they just use the loan word.” you answered, “Also, be careful when telling Raf. He’s the youngest of us, I’m sure he’ll be full of questions. I… don’t want him trying to learn more than he should at his age.”
You’ve always felt protective of Rafael. Maybe it’s because deep down you always wanted to feel like a big sister to someone. Another part of you thinks you’re trying to subconsciously manipulate him into your father’s cause. Regardless of why that is, the moment you ended up in cahoots with the Autobots you’ve taken up the role of an older sibling to him. You did your best to not be overbearing or authoritarian, but you tried to help explain certain things to him. He might be a genius, but he’s still the age of a middle schooler. As long as he doesn’t end up behaving like Jack or Miko, he should be okay.
“I assume that you want to stay here, and not go to base.” Jack scratched the back of his head.
You nodded, “I’ll see if I can go tomorrow, depending on how I feel. See y’all tomorrow. Also, don’t tell anyone else the fact that I stabbed myself being why I was in the hospital.”
“I promise. See you tomorrow, Buddy.” Arcee waved, and the both of them left.
After the ground bridge noise was made, you put the drawing stuff away and returned to your blanket burrito after taking some painkillers. Talking with both of them distracted you from the cramps for a good while, surprisingly enough. That’s an achievement.
“Are you saying that this is caused by a regular human bodily function going wrong?!” Ratchet clenched his hands, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“As far as Buddy said, yes.” Arcee confirmed.
“Yikes,” Miko winced, “I thought my cramps were annoying at best. I can’t imagine what level of cramps she experiences every month.”
“That’s why Buddy’s not here right now?” Smokescreen asked Arcee, who nodded.
Smokescreen sulked in a corner, “Why didn’t she tell me? I’m her partner! And she never said anything about this to me!”
“Buddy might have decided not to tell you since it might make you worry. That, and it’s hard to find a comparison for a Cybertronian lifeform for what she experiences. Even I struggle to wrap my head around it.” Optimus said.
“This could be disastrous.” Arcee replied, “Combined with who her father likely is, we might need to keep a close eye on Buddy. Even more than before. Ratchet, have you ever scanned her?”
Ratchet nodded, “Back when we first found her, yes. Is there something you want me to check?”
Jack piped up, “She said she has two scars, they’re very recent. Did those come up on your scans?”
After some typing, a figure that looked like Buddy showed up on the screen. Two points of trauma, one on her right lower arm’s interior, and one on her midsection. Ratchet nodded, “I was wondering what those were. How did that happen?”
“Not allowed to tell you,” Jack said, “it’s a bit… personal to her. It’s probably best if she tells you herself. I’m not breaking her trust.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Ratchet sighed, “Very well. I’ll ask Buddy when she’s no longer in pain.”
“Hopefully she’ll be okay tomorrow. She might not feel comfortable coming to base tomorrow. Besides,” Miko cradled her cheeks in her fists while leaning against the railing, “she told me that she’s working on that dress! You know, the one she’s making that has a lot of red… for her sewing class?” The looks of confusion from the others proved that they had no idea what Miko was talking about.
“Nevermind.” Miko grumbled, walking to the couch and sitting next to Rafael. Next time Buddy goes on base, she’s gonna have so much to explain.
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freakutsk · 12 days
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Hey my name is Michael / Mikhail, but you can call me Micah! I was called Lolumboner but unfortunately fagblr fkn banned me! So follow me and reblog me so I can get my mutuals back lmao. I am 16 y/o my pronouns are he/him and I am well obviously T.C.C, I can speak Russian, Finnish and English ( obviously lmao) but,, I am learning GERMAN so maybe if you’re German you could like,, quiz me on it or something 😭 I’m also looking for my TCC friend Anders so like he’d Norwegian but his family is from Argentinia and his either ex or current bf has a blue hair so yeah… anyways here is my socials if u wanna get in touch!!
DISCORD : urinerigh
INSTAGRAM : joeysmacker88
AIRBUDS : carbine.high
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : True Crime, Commentary YouTubers, First Person Shooters, Violent Video Games, Cryptozoology, Mythology, Folklore, Urban Legends, Psychological + Gory Slasher Movies, Firearms, Knives, Bombs, Tanks, Planes, Cars, History, War, Geography, Flags, music (black, heavy, nü, industrial etc), shock sites, self care, psychology, criminology, sociology, encyclopaedia dramatica, 4chan, Reddit, Lost Media, internet mysteries and lulcowz..
𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 : Eric Harris + Dylan Klebold, Artyom Anoufriev + Nikita Lytkin, Viktor Sayenko + Igor Suprunyuk, Kipland Kinkel, Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof, Brenton Tarrant, Murder Of Bianca Devins, Elliot Roger, Ben Field, Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Cho Seung-Hui, The Zodiac Killer, Jack The Ripper, Manson Family, Ed Gein, Ricky Kasso, The Unabomber, Jihadi John and Andrew Blaze (although not really “killers” I do enjoy reading about the Cases of Ronnie Mcnutt, Shaub Aslam, Gleb Korablev, Rina Palenkova, Christine Chubbuck, Blue Whale Victims and Budd Dwyer)
Soo uh yeah in conclusion follow me as imma very good and funny guy,, feel free to dm me if you want and I’ll update this later but I cba atm lol….
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shushmal · 8 months
Eddie only just was able to get the barman's permission to perform this night, and glad he is for it, as his pockets have weighed lighter than ever before in his life. He'd be pleased to find pay in a tankard or loaf tonight, anything to fill his aching belly.
But he's lucky as the men and women here seem to be in high spirits. The land has long been in war since the king's death, rotten bastard he may have been. Eddie hadn't been sad to see him go, but the chaos that followed had ruined the smallfolk in consequence since their coward prince had fled the scene of his crime. The king had been cruel, but still he'd been their king, and the common people spit on the prince's name still, even when some new royal's been crowned and brought peace with him.
And that kind of ire is what feeds Eddie on nights like this.
"Kingslayer, kingslayer, little Prince Steven has run," he sings, bawdy and loud as the crowd of men around him sing along. "Run up the hills and past the sun, took our king Phillip and gutted him plain, our kingslayer Prince Steven, a coward more than a maid!"
They sing along with him, hooting and hollering all to the end of it, and pay him in copper coins and ale that Eddie takes happily, slurping it down as he rests by the fire.
It's then he sees the table in the corner, the cloaked figures surrounding it, and the woman glaring daggers at him. But more interesting than that is the most beautiful man Eddie's ever seen, smiling at him wearily, eyes bright and interested and a little sad. Eddie's got no fear of a quick tumble with dangerous men, so he takes his gittern and his ale and makes his way quickly to them.
"Fair night, weary travelers," Eddie crows as he wiggles himself between the woman and the beautiful man. "What brings you so far out from the capitol?"
The lot of them regard him with mixed interest, the older man not even looking up and a girl with firey hair treating him with a sign of boredom.
"What business is yours to know, bard?" she says, already turning her nose off to watch the rowdy tavern beyond their table.
"None at all," Eddie says, leaning into the man beside him, slinging an arm over his broad shoulder to feel the heat of him beneath his cloak. "I'm here to do nothing but entertain tonight, and I fear I've bored your table to tears! I do take requests you know, for the right coin."
This he says to the man under his arm, leaning in closer to get a good look at those pretty brown eyes in the dim light of the fire.
"We have no coin for you, sot," says the woman beside them, ire evident in her tone. "Be gone with you—"
"No coin, that's true," says Eddie's beautiful man. He smiles at Eddie now, pearly teeth and pretty lips, and Eddie would sing him any song for nothing more than to keep those eyes on him. "You'll have to forgive us, we're not good company I'm afraid."
"Richer company wouldn't be as sweet as yours, dove," Eddie tells him, watching the pink of his cheeks darken.
There's a gagging sound from across the table, and its then that Eddie realizes he's in the company of striplings. Two girls in men's clothes, both of them are young in the face and barely past their majorities. Yet still they are travel-worn, all five of them: the two girls, the woman and the dour man, and the beautiful budde under Eddie's arm.
Chuckling, he says to Eddie, "A wag you are, bard, with such empty words. Do you flirt so with all poor men you find?"
"None are poorer than me, sweeting, and none are more enchanting than you. It is payment enough just to look at you, and I would sing for an age and fill my empty stomach with just your smile, or your taste if you'd grant me—"
"Gods damned!" the woman Eddie's other side gusts. "I cannot hear another foul word." She stands then, and the two girls follow, one rolling her eyes and the other giggling quitely. The woman leans past Eddie and hisses into her companion's ear, "Be done with this fool swiftly, or I'll leave you to the wolves."
"You'd never," he says back to her, smiling at Eddie, face flushed pretty and dark even as he speaks.
"Hopper would never," she says tilting her head at the remaining dour man still sitting at the table, deep into his cups and paying no mind to any around them. "But I would sell you for tanner and a duck to the first bidder."
"I'm worth at least an ox," he tells her with a cocky grin, and Eddie might want more than just one tumble with this man. "Find a room and I'll find you when I please to."
She huffs and stomps off, the girls on her heels.
"So," Eddie breathes, leaning even further into this beautiful man, until his voice is a secretive whisper, just for the two of them to hear. "Tell me, sweeting, what shall I call you when I write songs of your beauty to sing across the land, until kings beg me to their courts to recount your grace, your smile and your laugh?"
This man, to Eddie's displeasure, seems to wilt, to grow weary once more, even as he smiles and leans close, his words scarcely a breath against the shell of Eddie's ear.
"If it pleases you, and I'm sure that it won't," he confesses. "You can call me Steven."
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Richard Madden born June 18th 1986 in Elderslie.
Richard was raised by his mother, Pat, a classroom assistant and his father, Richard, who worked for the fire service. He also has two sisters, Cara and Lauren.
His parents were “hippies”, he says, and their house was pretty open, with friends always piling in for big vegetarian meals. Madden spent a lot of time outside, in the woods behind their house. He has several injuries: he shows me where he shot his dad’s old air pistol and blew off part of his finger, then managed to wreck the same finger when he nailed a wooden plank to his skateboard, then crashed it, so apart from the Hippie parents it was much like most of our own days as bairns.
Despite growing up wanting to be an actor, Richard was very shy during his childhood. To overcome this, at age 11, he joined Paisley Arts Centre’s youth theatre program. In 1999 he was given the lead role as Sebastian Simpkins in BBC1’s children’s TV comedy series Barmy Aunt Boomerang, that’s him aged 12 in the first pic with co-star Toyah Wilcox.. By 2000, he’d made his feature film debut in the Iain Banks adaptation, Complicity.
After high school he was accepted to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, Scotland and in 2007, he graduated.
Less than two years later, Richard had a recurring role as Dean McKenzie on the 2009 BBC series Hope Springs. Soon after, he landed the role of Ripley in the 2010 movie Chatroom, a film about a group of teenagers who encourage each other’s bad behaviours after meeting online. In the same year, Richard played punk band Theatre of Hate singer Kirk Brandon in Worried About the Boy, a TV film about the life of British singer-songwriter Boy George.
In 2011 Richard landed his breakthrough role as Robb Stark in the HBO fantasy-drama series Game of Thrones. Also in 2011, he played gay paramedic Ashley Greenwick on the short-lived British comedy-drama Sirens. During hiatus from filming Game of Thrones in 2013, Richard was cast to star as Prince Charming in the 2015 Disney film Cinderella.
Richard won his first Screen Actors Guild award in 2014 for the Discovery Channel mini-series, Klondike. He played Bill Haskell, one of two adventurers who travel to Yukon, Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush in the 1890s. He further enhanced his reputation as a good actor when he appeared in the BBC drama Bodyguard in 2018, the following year he played Lieutenant Joseph Blake in the film 2017 and was Elton John’s manager/lover in the biop of the star Rocketman.
In January 2019 Madden won a prestigious Golden Globe for his role as war veteran David Budd in the BBC show Bodyguard. He also appeared in the 2019 war movie 1917.
We last saw Richard in the movie, Eternals, which was okay, but nothing great, he is one of several actors being touted as the next James Bond,
Last year Richard starred in the Amazon Prime series Citadel, I've watcheit and was not really impressed with it,I think he does pull of the American accent well, but I noticed there have been people saying he doesnt, Madden revealed he spoke in the accent for two years straight to prepare for the series. The show has been earmarked for a second series. Richard is set to appear in the feature film Killer Heat next, it is in post production.
In July 2019, Madden received an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. When asked about his personal life during a New York Times interview following speculation about his relationships and sexuality, Madden stated: “I just keep my personal life personal.”
Madden was recently named one of ‘Scotland’s Sexiest Men' following a new study that identifies the most attractive features for men, he has competition though, also in the running are Bathgate’s David Tennant and Glasgow’s James McAvoy,
Richard, quizzed on what he would like to do next he sad “I’d like to do something in comedy. It’s nice to not… I mean we go to work every day and we’re like, ‘You’re gonna die today,’” he said, adding that he wanted to “do something fun for a minute.”
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scfrozenover · 9 months
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It's here, the most wonderful time of year! Curl up with hot chocolate and a warm blanket and these fics! Make sure you leave creators some love!
❄️ Day 1 Reveals ❄️
Unexpected Places
[David/Patrick, M, 11,012 words]
The last thing David expected, or wanted, was for a phone call from his sister to interrupt his viewing of 'The Holiday' and drag him out into the Canadian mountains after her car breaks down. Add to that the worsening snowstorm as he travels further north and Alexis accepting a complete stranger's invitation to wait in his cabin until David can get to her and the day has taken a very different and highly unwelcome turn than the one he was anticipating.
But then he meets the stranger, and perhaps he can forgive Alexis this one. After all, he's seen the film before but Patrick is new.
David Rose and the Gingerbeard Man
[David/Patrick, M, 5,300 words]
David Rose has exceedingly low expectations of the Elmdale Christmas Street Party. After visiting the Kristkindlemarkts of Austria, Germany and Northern France, revelling in artisan wares and unique delicacies, he doubts anything can live up to the festive romance he experienced in his twenties.
Best Budd, Stevie, refuses to let David wallow through his second Christmas in Schitt's Creek.
Lured by the smell of baked goods and a smattering of tasteful stalls, David meets a gingerbeard man who makes him feel gooey inside. But David doesn't like gingerbread....orr gingerbeards. Does he?
Late Fees and Future Dreams
[Patrick & Johnny, G, 2,600 words]
While helping out at the church’s rummage sale, Patrick meets a well dressed man with horrible taste in gifts.
[podfic] Odd Man Rush
[David/Patrick, M, 31:56]
After the game, David intercepted Patrick on Patrick’s way back to the locker room. Stevie snapped photos as Patrick pulled David into a kiss. He held onto his stick in one hand, the wood precariously close to knocking David in the head, and the other pulled David into him by the ass, the glove lost in the blue and white of the jersey David was wearing, the name “BREWER” stamped loud and proud on his back.
Or, David is a hockey BF.
Odd Man Rush: An attacking move where the defense is outnumbered by the opposing team.
CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don’t forget to update your posting date!
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misskingshit · 2 years
𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘪 summary: He is so sweet, tender and innocent, a man written by a woman in every way. He seems to need help to be respected and you would do anything with him… I mean, for him. Note: So this is my first post, i don't really know what i should write in here, but thanks for reading and give me a chance! if u like this, follow me and ask me anything, again, thanks...and also, english is not my firt lenguage so i'm sorry if i write something wrong. xoxo
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"I know man, I'm just saying, you have to start opening up to women" Morgan says "or you open them up, that would be a better option." Reid showed a confused face "are you assuming that I have a low rate of sexual activity? Besides, it doesn't seem right to me to talk like that about ladies" the characteristic tone of a good boy accompanied by his constant confused face melted you inside. "I already understand why no woman flirt you buddy, you're weird" a guy x whose name was unknown, joined the conversation that the two friends were having. "The girl from the bookstore, she had a very good conversation with me, she asked for my number" the smart boy said, trying to defend his manhood. "That girl, she is a lady at least thirty years older than you and you asked her to be a member of the bookstore. She needed your number to register on the computer." Reid was about to object but the unknown boy's hand interrupted him by lightly hitting his chest, pointing to the elevator. "Now, that, that is a woman" they seemed to look at you, hypnotized. You with your black hair, green eyes, boots with jeans and a blouse, all black. To the young boy it looked like you were walking on a slow face. "Guys I need the files of the case from yesterday, I spoke with some snippets and I have more information that I would like…" you looked up "hey Spence" you smiled coquettishly, slowly approaching the boy, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek, they connected glances for a few seconds and the desire to throw yourself on top of him was not lacking. "Would you take the files to the office as soon as you can?" you asked him, even being close to him. "y-yeah, of course" you smiled at him "Thank you pretty boy." The two men who were there, looked at the scene crazy. You left to continue with your affairs without first saying goodbye. "You lucky son of a bitch." Morgan couldn't help it. "You're an idiot, I can't believe it budd" the unknown agent put his head in his hands. "What are you talking about?" "She loves you brother, the only problem is that she's a big wild wolf and you're a… harmless… bunny" Morgan interjected "but now, you're going to bring her those files and attack, like the lion king that you are…that you will be". Reid nodded, somewhat confused by the examples and animals mentioned, but he would. But one thing was for sure, he would attack.
i'm gonna do part 2 later
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randomly saw a post of yours on my dash and came to say i rly like your url. then i saw boe and went :D and now i must say i rly like boe too :]
wah!!! wahhh!!!!! thank you!!!!! 🌺🌹🍀🌸
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also i'm always short on words whenever it comes to answering asks like these, but it always makes me smile seeing folks liking Boe. makes me :) <- that. but seriously thank you for liking my bloag name too :) i like it myself too.
also take a look at Boe's dog okay? okay? his name is Budd okay? this guy
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kur0m1sblog · 1 year
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“You’ll get them next time love, I promise you..” As the radio plays a sweet tune, you softly say as you stroke your lover’s long ginger hair, Buddy Pine. You had met him a couple of years ago, in the year of 1956. And ever since he asked you to be his girlfriend, and recently his wife, you’ve never been happier than ever. You couldn’t lie about how shocked you were when you found out your boyfriend of 2 years was a villain, but you could agree with his reasons for why he was one, but you never wanted to get in the drama with him and his not so favorite idol anymore, so while he was busy fighting them... you were out getting groceries, going to work, and finishing any house work on another part of the island that was secluded.
Every single day, you’d come home to your lover boy, and all he’d wanted to do was just hold onto you. At times he didn’t like risking his life but, he did what he had to do.
“Yes Buddy.” You continued playing with hair and lifted his chin while looking into his shiny eyes, and sending him a sweet, sweet smile.
He didn’t say anything for a hot second, he was to busy looking at how beautiful you were. Your lashes fluttering, your plump lips shaped upward into a twinkle, your eyes shining in the light from the lamp on your bedside table. He still couldn’t believe he had something so precious like you in his hands, in his possession, just his, only his.
“Love..?” You say stroking his cheek with your available thumb that was holding onto his chin. “Ya’ just gonna stare at me and look dumb, or are you gonna talk honey?” You say chuckling as he snapped out of his trans at that name you’ve never used for him.
“Did you just?-“ You cut him off with a short but sweet kiss before letting him talk again.
“So what were you gonna say baby?”
“I love you so much, y/n.” He says as he’s staring up at you, he still looks a little dumb cause he’s just staring up at you. But he looks cute like that, so you just chuckle at his statement and pepper little kisses all over his face.
“I think it’s time for us to go to bed now, don’t you think Budd?” You say smiling at him. And squishing his cute cheeks together as you look at the freckles sprinkled across his cheeks and nose.
“Yeah, yeah okay..” He says, he seems a little speechless. He turns the light and radio off, and lays back on your chest.
And as you wrap your warm arms around him, the last thing you say to him is, “I love you too Buddy, goodnight and sweet dreams hunny.”
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petalwrites is now IndestructibleHeart
Hi, friends!
As some of you know, I've been through a lot of changes this year... and one of those changes involved a lot of thinky-thoughts about gender and coming to the realization that I'm demi-femme (or genderqueer; I use both terms). I started using she/they pronouns, which I'm really comfy with, but I've been thinking a lot lately about wanting a more gender-neutral name that represents all of me... and this is the safest place for me to explore that.
petal → stevie
As Charlie Spring would tell me, I don't owe anyone an explanation re: my gender or why I'm changing my name, but I actually want to open up a bit. I'm just going to do it under the cut below.
However, the tldr is this: I'm not a girl, but I'm not NOT a girl (hope that helps!!). I'm gonna start going by Stevie in online spaces because it better fits the person I'm becoming. I've changed my URL here, my ao3 username, and my nicknames on Discord. I love each and every one of you for cultivating a space where I can explore what being demi-femme means to me, since I'm not quite in a place to change my inherently feminine government name IRL.
cw for talk about both gender and losing my dad (spoiler alert — I didn't choose Stevie for Stevie Budd, as precious as she is to me):
The name "Petal" being pretty feminine is something that's been on my mind for a while now, and I thought pretty hard about what name felt most like me. When the name Stevie popped into my head, it was because of Schitt's Creek... but something else clicked right after.
It was my dad's name.
(Well, his name was Steve, anyway.)
And, while we had our differences over the years, he was the first person in my family to wholeheartedly support me when I came out. I told him I was a lesbian and he was literally like, "Cool. You want pizza for dinner, or...?" Yeah. Didn't bat an eye. Especially given that he passed in June, of all months, it feels like a fitting tribute to take his name with me on this journey.
For me, the gender spectrum is complicated. It's a place I'm still learning to navigate... and that's why I'm choosing a name that feels like it suits me wherever I happen to be on the slider at any given time. Having a place where I can make these kinds of changes and do some self-exploration is just... like... I don't have the words to articulate how much that means to me.
This community has been nothing but wonderful every step of the way here. Hell, this community half the reason I felt safe and comfortable enough to start doing all this self-reflection in the first place. So, thank you for that.
I know referring to me by a different name is gonna take some adjustment, but that's okay!
Just like I am both she and they, Petal is a part of me, too... It's just not all of me. I want to introduce myself with a name that fits like a comfy sweater, rather than a dress that I only wear on certain days. Y'know?
(And, really, this is more about me needing a space to safely explore some gender neutrality when I can't IRL than it is my being uncomfortable with the name Petal. So, don't stress about it.)
I hope that makes sense outside of my head... but I guess it's also okay if it doesn't.
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greatwesternway · 1 month
Favorite non-engine exhibit at the IRM?
I'mma give you a runner-up too because I'm not sure most people know about it.
Inside some of the cars in Display Yard 5, there is the Railroad China Collection and other assorted ephemera.
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There's a number of things in there actually, but they've got a large collection of servingware used on various trains and the first time we were there, we were given a very personalized tour from a guy named Ken. Ken was quite opinionated (and correct) about how train stuff should be displayed and explained to normal people. Suffice to say, he understands the value of the story. We're hoping to see Ken again sometime.
Obviously I'm very about the fluting on the Zephyr servingware (you know we love a cohesive theme), but the Santa Fe dishes are also quite cool and have a great design history to go along with them.
My favorite non-engine exhibit though is the Winton 201 prototype engine.
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This is tucked in the back of Barn 9 and is particularly interesting because this is the prototype engine for the one used in the Pioneer Zephyr. Indeed, this one could have been placed in Pioneer if the guys at Winton didn't have the good sense to say no.
This engine (along with a matching twin) was displayed at the Century of Progress in 1933, where Ralph Budd saw them and promptly asked the Winton guys to sell them to him right out of the display.
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They declined, for two reasons. 1. These two engines were currently prototypes and being stress tested at that very moment in their display. And 2., the display they were being tested on was powering the General Motors building. So they kinda needed to keep them around for the moment.
Budd settled for waiting for the non-prototype version and a year later, the Pioneer Zephyr and his new Winton engine joined these guys at the Century of Progress for the 1934 season.
So this is a very important piece of Zephyr history.
But the thing that really makes it my favorite non-engine exhibit at the IRM is that it's probably the best example of them getting a little... editorial with their signage.
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Late in 1987, IRM got a call from the GM Warehouse manager in Willow Run, Michigan. This facility stored all of GM's experimental, prototype, and test models. The person at GM indicated he was planning to retire, and his superiors asked him to find appropriate homes for some of GM's stored treasures before he left. Somehow, he had heard of the IRM and wanted to know if we were interested in a steam car? IRM was intrigued and ask for a picture. It turned out to be a 1969 Pontiac with an experimental steam generator under its big hood. IRM said thanks, but it didn't meet our Museum's mission, which embraces steam, electric and diesel railroad equipment. The man never heard past "electric", and he offered us an electric car. Thinking this might be something more aligned with what we do, we asked for a picture. This one turned out to be another late 60's auto with batteries packed under the hood - their first electric hybrid. Again, IRM politely declined, and reiterated the actual scope of our collection. This time he heard "diesel", and offered us an old engine they had sitting around. We said, "YES, we'd love to have it." It was shipped shortly thereafter and arrived in early 1988. It was promptly put on display on the skid it arrived on.
This was truly the diesel that started it all for EMD. That it exists at all, is astounding, and a significant historical treasure hidden in plain view. (the second prototype has never turned up and is apparently lost to history.)
Very "per my last email".
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silentchamp · 1 month
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NAME?: kyle :D
PRONOUNS?: he/him
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: this one....
RPG CLASS I'D BE: wizard
FAVORITE COLOR: seafoam green
FAVORITE TYPE OF THREAD: slice of life, romance, and adventure
FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY MUSE: His brand of heroism. I like that he has an unstoppable urge to help, even if it doesn't benefit him. He's a genuine do-gooder, nothing more.
HOW YOU LIKE TO RP: I like to throw things at other people, like memes or other random stuff. It's an easy way to break the ice, and after that I tend to reach out to people to ask questions or to see about exploring a specific dynamic. Shoutouts to all my long term RP partners, you're awesome
FAVORITE PLOTS: Threads that explicitly explore world-building. It's why I'm a big fan of events like the Midnight Parade, I like the premise of building cultures exclusive to this universe. I also like explorations surrounding Mt. Silver. Love that mountain to death.
WHERE YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM: Everything. Lots of pointing at random things and going "that's Red!!!" whether it be media, objects or aesthetics, etc.
FACT ABOUT YOU: My favorite comfort food is chicken pot pie w/ mashed potatoes. I like it homemade or store-bought, but mrs. budds is the one I like because I grew up with it :)
tagging: anynyan that wants to participate :)
tagged by: cas
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adrianicsea · 2 months
Hello, I just want to say I'm getting most of my film recs from you. And I was wandering, have you seen any fioms that aren't western that you would recommend. I just don't know where to start. Anyways, have a nice day.
hi!!! that means so much to me— i love sharing the movies i’m passionate about, and it means a lot when people tell me that they check out a movie because of me 🥹
by non-western films, i’m assuming that you mean films not from the US or from western european countries— if that’s not the case, please let me know!!
i actually haven’t seen a ton of non-western movies myself, and that’s something i’d like to address!! but as far as non-western films i HAVE seen and enjoyed, here’s some that i’ve recently seen or ones that are still memorable:
promare— japan, anime, action/scifi. follows the adventures of galo, an enthusiastic member of a team of firefighters facing off against a terrorist group of pyromancers known as the mad burnish. as galo learns more about the mysterious leader of the burnish, lio, galo comes to question the way burnish are treated in society and if lio’s actions are truly in the wrong.
perfect blue— japan, anime, horror/thriller. mima, a retired j-pop idol, is being stalked as she pivots to an acting career. she loses her grip on reality as a series of strange, violent events begin to happen around her, including a vision of her own former idol self.
sweet home- japan, horror. when a film documentary crew sets foot in the mansion of a notorious deceased artist to research and create a tv special about his frescoes, they awake a dormant evil. this movie is notable because its tie-in video game was a direct inspiration for the resident evil series!
noroi: the curse— japan, horror. this is kind of a found footage/mockumentary style film that starts as an exploration of a purported “curse” and the strange events surrounding it, and then escalates to become something absolutely wild and ABSOLUTELY terrifying.
beau travail— france/djibouti, drama/thriller. while this film’s director, claire denis, IS french, she grew up in colonial french africa, and this film as well as many of her others explore west african culture and issues. in beau travail, the disgraced french legion sergeant galoup recounts the tale of his fall from grace and his cardinal sin of betraying one of his own, a beautiful, kind, and noble young cadet named sentain. this film is a loose adaptation of herman melville’s story billy budd, and it also explores the ongoing effects of the french legion’s presence in djibouti!
nosferatu— silent film (made in germany), horror. if you’re interested in learning about film history at all, western or otherwise, you can’t NOT look at the german expressionist movement! this is a classic, quintessential vampire story— in fact, nosferatu was made as a dracula ripoff when the director FW murnau was not permitted to make an ACTUAL film adaptation of dracula.
metropolis— silent film (made in germany), scifi. this is another legendary entry in the german expressionist movement! in a far-off, hyperindustrialized future, the richest people in metropolis live high above the ground, oblivious to the constant, dehumanizing labor and miserable conditions that are endured by the workers living down below. a sweet, naive young boy from the upper levels named freder finds his way down into the guts of the city, and he is awakened to the suffering of his fellow man and begins to agitate for a workers’ revolution. the work and effects in this movie are BEYOND impressive, especially for something that’s nearing 100 years old!!!
good manners— brazil, horror/fantasy with some musical elements. in são paulo, a poor nurse named clara manages to secure a job as a house sitter, nurse, and nanny to a rich single soon-to-be mother named ana. as the two of them begin to fall in love, ana recounts the story of her baby’s father, and reveals that both he and her unborn child are werewolves. this is a gorgeous, sensitive, and original take on the werewolf genre, and the creature effects are amazing!
RRR— india, musical/action/epic. this is kind of a fictional “what-if” scenario about the meeting of two real-life indian revolutionaries. bheem is a man from a tribe living traditionally in the jungles of india; raju is living as one of the only indian members of the occupying british forces, a traitor to his own people. by rights, the two should hate each other— but they meet while cooperating to rescue a child and become best friends instead, neither one aware of their true identities or motives.
zindagi na milegi dobra— india, comedy/road trip movie. three childhood friends meet up to go on an adventure before one of them gets married, and along the way, they each find the courage to do something that they’ve always wanted to do, like skydive or run with the bulls in spain!!
monkey man— india, action. an anonymous young man going only by the name Kid undertakes a years-long revenge quest in order to avenge his family and village, long ago destroyed by a fascist quasi-religious leader. this film has a lot of american influences/people working on it, but given that its director and star dev patel has indian heritage and that the film deals so squarely with indian culture and politics, it felt fair to include it here.
flee— denmark/afghanistan, partially animated, drama/biopic. amin, an openly gay man living in denmark, arrived there as an unaccompanied minor from afghanistan when he was a teenager. using a combination of documentary-style interview footage with amin and animated recreations, flee tells the story of his exodus from his home and of his coming to terms with his identity.
i hope that at least one or two of these sounds interesting to you!! and if you meant something different by non-western (ex ANY non-english film, just films that aren’t from the US), please let me know and i might have some alternate recs for you :)
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asraindarkness · 3 months
Hi, hello. I have already blocked BuckTommy and Tevan as ship names for Buck and Tommy, same goes for Buddie for Buck and Eddie... Because I am kind of sick of the ship war and all the posturing both sides are doing to make their ship valid.
Can I ask a favor, please don't go ahead and make more ship names for Buck and Tommy? Because some people aren't using the tags that I have already blocked and the posturing for BuckTommy is grating on my nerves.
As a reference, can you tell me the other BuckTommy ship names so I can block them?
I just want familial content but the tag is flooded with Bucktommy this Tevan that kinkley this kinley that Budde is better and whatnot and I do not care.
Evan Buckley may be the star of the show but the macho reckless white guy is not doing it for me.
Maybe i'll just block the buck tag... don't I? after all all those ship posts use the Buck tag. sorry to waste your time, have a good day I just thought of a solution so that I can never see these horrendous posturing between two ships.
u just used all of the ship names i know. sorry can’t help more. have a nice day
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