#HUMAN response to their bullshit
trashycosmos · 1 year
can we talk about the funniest thing of the whole experience was someome who sb me for almost 10 months straight saying they were upset i wasn't nice/distant/cold and didn't apologize for it and when i called out their behavior there was no apology from them they just didn't want to talk anymore lol
#literally laughed out loud reading the message#like one of us wanted was trying to be a murderer without getting blood on their hands (literally) and i'm the asshole bc i had the normal#HUMAN response to their bullshit#honestly they ought to consider themselves lucky i'm much more stable than they are or will ever be#the hilarious cherry on top of the whole fuck sundae is i wasn't even in therapy for at least the last 3 months of it all and they were#which is incredible#also a stark reminder that if (some) people can't be honest with their therapist then why are even you going roflmao#granted ig if you tell them you were actively trying to harm or threaten someone i think they're legally obligated to hold you in a ward#the level of narcissism was u n r e a l#it's not like i pretended to have been a perfect example of how to handle things but! there's! no! rulebook! on handling a sb piece of shit!#the truth shut them down & up so quick it was almost cathartic#kudos to them ig for cutting back on it after but goddess help the next person they try it on and give them the same patience/fortitude#moral of the story (for me) don't lie to your therapist (or another person's) or hide things from them#1) you aren't going to get any better 2) they have spent years learning to read people and they can see you for who you are and 3) you won't#even get the proper medication(s) (if you need it which goddess they need a significant number) for your illness(es)#honestly might explain quite of a bit of their spiral tbh and listen to your therapist when they tell you smoking weed exacerbates paranoia#i'm not saying don't smoke i'm saying smoke intelligently and safely. there's no shame in taking a break to better your mental health first#i've certainly done it#they could always start with why they were yelling about someone oddly specific on different occasions bc you know#it didn't present as suspicious in the least or why they couldn't pay others certain compliments like you're not subtle and again#not to be a broken record but that's what your therapist should be there for!#Falling Apart And Coming Together#i should come up with a label for it for me and when they potentially wanna snoop on my blog again rofl#but to anyone who('s) goes/going through similar i'm so sorry and i hope you refuse to give them the power to influence or control you#it usually comes from a place of them feeling like they have no control over themselves and it shows#i will say the closest i ever got to snapping (meaning yelling) was when they whispered to Nettle they hoped she'd die and manhandled her#several times#accidentally killing a stranger's cat might have awakened something in them but i sure as fuck wouldn't them try intentionally harming mine#or the one's they own#i think they even collected payment still after the incident which is actually sickening
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uncanny-tranny · 16 days
I promise you can speak about and denounce undesirable behaviour without attributing it to some in-born, immutable, unchanging trait that you must "civilize" away.
In this specific instance that inspired this, you really don't need to attribute bad behaviour that's done by a man with unchanging character traits. This isn't even solely about men, because doing this affects everyone, men included.
"Men needed to be civilized out of behaving this way!" Who are you expecting to be doing the civilizing and why? This is just defending the idea that women are responsible for training up men - the millenia-old idea that a man's failings are actually a woman's fault, not his.
As a man, I am responsible for my actions. You don't need to dehumanize me in order to preserve your misogyny and your need to hate a group of men. Don't get me wrong, this rhetoric absolutely is not good for men to face. It especially targets men who have experiences with marginalized identities. If you're on my page, you know that this is something I deal with personally, have personal stakes in that affect my life daily. I just also think we really need to remember that this issue exists in a context where women and other folks will inevitably be punished as a direct result of these ideas as well.
I need to make that last part emphatically clear: even if this rhetoric (somehow) only hurt men, it would still be wrong. It would still be wrong! I want to - as a man - remind people (especially those who already have decided to dehumanize entire groups of people) that nobody is safe from being exempt from punishment due to this rhetoric.
#feminism#politics#when you attribute behaviour to in-born traits you remove a person's agency and ability to make choices#and yes it is dehumanizing. the whole point of being a person is AUTONOMY#i fail to see how this wouldn't also just give shitty people an 'out' for their poor behaviour#you have given everyone a built-in excuse and punishing innocent people who may be affected by those poor decisions#so no i don't accept the In Their Nature argument as a valid or a praxis-led theory#you will ONLY hurt the people you claim to defend. you must start seeing behaviour as a CHOICE if you want to change this#as a man i recognize that i am a human. i MAKE choices. *I* affect the people around me#ME. not this bullshit idea that i must be trained out of in-born unchanging traits that fuel every tiny 'decision' i make#i do NOT need excuses or punishment because i am a 'threat' by being a man. i don't need that patronizing misogynistic bullshit#not to sound too passionate but the women i love in my life do NOT have a responsibility to 'train me'#i love and respect the women in my life too much to degrade them by expecting that from them#and in this case it WOULD be degrading because it relies on Woman As Eternal Caretaker and FORCES them to Train Men Up#because of the character limit in tags this is pretty restrictive but i am not JUST thinking about women in this case#but because this is kind of a tangent i want this to be optional#oddly enough the 'read more' tab is so annoying (i think) on mobile. it's so clunky and i hate using it if i don't NEED to#i'm just so deeply frustrated because i still see this so much and it scares me for many reasons#much of that fear is knowing that other people in my life will also be targeted by this despite Not being men...#but they are nonetheless fully intended to be targets of this rhetoric. they are not collateral damage they are INTENDED to also be affected
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racke7 · 3 months
Sooo... I got bored and started trying to make crossovers happen again.
And basically, I've realized how very close BNHA and Worm are to each other, as far as settings are concerned.
Like, there are underlying differences in the world-building, but:
Powers appeared from an unknown source
Heroes and Villains are a thing
Powers are very unique, but tend to be "thematic" in families
In my opinion, the biggest differences between the settings are:
BNHA takes place in Japan, Worm in the USA
Scion is a well-known "all the powers"-cape, AFO is an unknown "all the powers"-cape
Worm has Endbringers
And... that's pretty much it.
Which lead me to think about "BNHA with Endbringers" and... it sure does fuck with the setting a LOT.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Picturing Tuvok spending every second of the Seven years it takes to get back home going "Melding with T'Pel again will fix me" whenever he notices he's doing or thinking something (he perceives as) out of character, strange, ignominious - and then when he finally gets back and melds with her he realizes that nothing's been fixed per say and is like ":/ Fuck."
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charcubed · 2 months
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ragingtwilight · 8 months
So fucking mad
Zionists should go to hell and never come back
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lerios · 15 days
also its so fun to go from listening to a benny literally 20 minutes ago where brax is constantly like "please, call me irving 🥺👉👈" to gallifrey 6.1 where alt!brax is like
"wtf is an irving?"
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mymarifae · 2 years
only on tumblr do you get people so absorbed in their toxic online echo chambers that they think killing animals is no big deal and that posting about incest and pedophilia and shit is “fine” because it’s all “fictional” and “fiction has no bearing on reality” and “i’m a victim of these things so it’s cool for me to ‘cope’ by consuming this content and i’m totally not normalizing and excusing its existence”
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le-scenariste · 1 year
Okay so here's the thing about the human mind, right ? It's good at pattern recognition even when there aren't meant to patterns. We are always on the lookout even if we aren't aware of it. Seeing faces in the swirl of marble or thinking branches looks like a scary hooded figure etc.
Now when we're told to actually Be On The Lookout for a particular set of patterns, ofc our brain is gonna think even harder about that. Sorta like when someone says "don't think about elephants" (or the stay puft marshmallow man L to Venkman) and now that's all you can think about in your attempt to not think about it. So when Trish tells Rebecca about her "visions" whether she chooses to believe them or not, her brain will be seeking them out regardless.
And with psychics, they always make generalizations that could apply to anyone. It's like with personality quizzes. They're so scarily accurate for many Because they're so vague and broad. (i think there's a name for this technique of guessing shit but I can't remember) It doesn't help that Trish had info because of Rebecca's mother. Things that she shouldn't know in the general right to privacy sense. It helped her even more with being able to apply certain traits to Rebecca which ofc would hopefully (for trish) convince Rebecca she's legit.
All this added up means that Trish's predictions will come true in a sense. And the thing is...it works for the audience too. Because we also wanna know what's gonna happen. Only difference is...we have the benefit of being able to go back and rewatch shit.
BASICALLY, what I'm trying to say is, whether Trish is a real psychic or not (i personally don't think she is), our brains are hardwired to see patterns and we will be making links to what she said. Personally, I think her not being real and Rebecca realizing it was her own mind seeking comfort and shit seems more realistic. Even if Trish is "right", Rebecca coming to the conclusion it wasn't because it was DesTiNy or whatever and it's Rebecca herself who made the decisions that lead her to whatever conclusion we see seems a bit more likely. And I think it just fits the context of the show a lot better.
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boysnberriespie · 4 months
Everybody going to bat for millionaires will always piss me off… like there are millions of millionaires in America… do you NOT think that they are a significant subgroup of people in comparison to the ~800ish billionaires??? (To be clear, billionaires should just die 😐 yes I’m serious)
Like, I think it’s significant that there are millions of millionaires that Don’t Give a FUCK and aren’t doing shit in comparison to millions of people in literal poverty or just living paycheck to paycheck.
Like again, I criticize my own damn peers for their ambivalence, I sure as hell am gonna criticize a piece of shit with millions in the bank who doesn’t want to do FUCK ALL for fear of losing the ability to gain millions more… like, idc if it’s not “speaking out” or donating or going full hog on becoming an activist, it pisses me off.
Inaction is an action, and it is often a violent one.
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qlventingspace · 1 year
did we talk yet about the possibility of Mew being a demi?
because that's where my mind went first when Mew didn't wanna sleep with Top.
i think that lot of our distrust for OF characters and their morals and intentions is influenced by the long wait and manymany theories we managed to come up with in the meantime.
we got swayed by the 'thriller murder vibe' and if we want or not, we expect characters to be much worse than they probably are (p'Jojo defending Mew on twt)
yes Mew might be master manipulator control freak but he might be just a demi who has been on his own and got used to not having to deal with That side of life and now some man made him Feel Things and he's just trying to navigate the situation so he can figure out how to make himself happy and fulfilled without sacrificing smth he's not ready to sacrifice.
our brains got so excited and our (incredibly awesome) theories might led us to believe the series will be different than it is.
because maybe it's not a thriller murder mystery...maybe it's just flawed normal people making flawed decisions and dumb mistakes and facing Unseen Consequences.
(and maybe it IS thriller murder mystery but flawed people making flawed decisions in the meantime still stands)
and as much as I don't Like Mew, he did nothing wrong by far. he acted like a normal person.
and I would Very much like to see a demi character not being villainized for not letting someone have sex with them
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oh i'm sorry, i didn't realize we were taking moral standing points from the asura now. y'know. the race that full-hog experimented and ripped apart sylvari even after knowing they were wholly sapient beings (and it wasn't even inquest! it was regular fucking asura! the arcane council most definitely okayed those experiments! never mind the fact that the council TO THIS DAY fucking openly allows inquest to do as they please so long as they don't cause trouble in rata sum) and have done little to nothing to apologize for that fact to their sylvari allies.
but no, you're right, the humans are the worst race in tyria just by way of existing and trying to find a place for themselves. how could i have ever thought different?
#from beyond the grave#hi i'm going to go fucking feral#I'M NOT EVEN A HUGE HUMAN FAN. i have them and i love the ones i do have! but i greatly prefer sylvari as my playable race.#what the FUCK are you talking about#“did everything they can to push other people off their land” are you talking about pushing charr out???? cus uh.#i don't know how to tell you this but the charr STOLE THAT LAND IN THE FIRST PLACE EVEN BEFORE HUMANS#dont even get me started on their HoT take (the One Expansion that anet gave sylvari before forgetting they exist)#and the icebrood one (the charr should have never been the fucking main focus of the goddamn NORN PLOT ANYWAYS)#the “human interference” in icebrood was literally a fucking BLIP amongst the bullshit of the charr getting involved#don't even fucking talk to me about “humans being lynchpins” for icebrood. it should have had NOTHING but NORN LORE.#it was the NORN PLOT. jormag had always been NORN STORY AND PLOT.#“buhbuhbuh humans” I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. THE CHARR SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE EITHER#it's extremely telling that you don't care that the charr shouldn't have been there either#and only focused on the .0000000000003 seconds that kas helped in anything related to the plot#while also framing crecia and rytlock's relationship problems throughout as “human-looking” squabbling#god forbid rytlock get some character development where he WANTS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for his kid#(even tho it should've happened in a charr-centric story thread and NOT THE FUCKING NORN ONE ANET)#and every charr in the world is like “but why do you care??” because charr society is so incredibly FUCKED re: their kids#“being attentive to the story” my fucking ass. just say you fucking hate humans as a race and move the fuck on.#i didn't mean to rant this much in the tags but the more i stared at the post the more i felt like biting someone#OH. OH SORRY. i just noticed that#the person was like “lol inquest figured out how to harness elder dragon energy before xunlai <3”#JUHGTFJHKDFJHGLKFD ??????#okay for one the inquest are a bunch of literal rat bastards who caused a NUCLEAR REACTOR EXPLOSION in metrica#i'm not going to trust a fucking inquest ANYWHERE NEAR ME let alone praise them for “ethical” dragon energy#the “uhm ACKSUALLY S W E A T Y” tone of voice re: canthan tech vs. asuran is asinine and also annoying as fuck#“all of PoF was about humans :(” IT IS LITERALLY. ABOUT A HUMAN GOD? IT IS *THE* HUMAN XPAC.#IT WAS NOT A SURPRISE FOR IT TO BE HUMAN THEMED? WE KNOW ELONA IS H U M A N S ?#yet again. what the FUCK are you even talking about.#OKAY. jesus christ. i think i'm finally done bitching about this.
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menlove · 1 year
being a ✨historian✨ on the internet is hearing the worst most god awful fucking takes you have ever seen by ppl that have never actually studied history beyond youtube videos and tiktoks and maybe some trending half fiction half conspiracy book and just want to say smth they think is like earth shattering and edgy but is really just completely ahistorical and vaguely offensive but you can't even say anything bc you will get called an elitist and you kind of just
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shivunin · 1 year
More micro stories and prompts?? YAY!
So, let's say.
Starry for Maria
Truth for Elowen
Medicine for Arianwen
Profane for Emma
Initiative for Salshira
… Pick the one(s) that you'd like best of course, no obligation to do them all! ✨
YAY BACK, oh man, you just know what I had to do for "initiative" right? Because now I desperately want a modern AU dnd group with Salshira as the DM. She would make a fantastic DM.
Thank you, Arja! 💗
(Micro-Fic Prompts)
“Lavender’s green, dilly dilly, lavender’s blue,” Maria sang, and motes of light spun from her fingertips, swirling in tiny constellations over the cradle before her. Leander reached for them, cooing, his tiny eyes fixed on the starry whorls above his bed. 
“You must love me, dilly dilly, for I love you.” 
This past few weeks, he’d refused to fall asleep without something to watch when she put him down to sleep. She’d been the same as a child—lights much like these were the first thing she’d ever called from the other side of the Fade—so Hawke would stand by his bed and sing until he dozed off at last. It was just a phase, she’d been assured, and the babe would grow out of it in time. For now, she didn’t much mind the singing, nor the stars.
“Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?” she sang, and smiled when she saw movement in her periphery: pale hair against the shadows, the shift of a shoulder against the doorframe, always watching in case she needed him. Ah, how she loved them both.
“Twas my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so.”
“Tell the truth,” Varric panted between bolts, “it’s the hair, isn’t it?”
Elowen cast him a horrified glance and tossed a fistful of lightning at the bear they were fighting. 
“You want to talk about this now?” she asked, and ducked when a massive paw would have crushed her head. Varric snagged her arm and tugged her out of range while Cassandra swung into the breach. 
“What else could it be?” he asked. “He’s not exactly the most charming guy out there.”
“Varric,” Elowen said, and slammed the butt of her staff on the ground, “no. Stop trying to turn this into a narrative.”
“I’m just saying—” he began, but she gestured sharply. 
“Let it go,” she insisted, and then he had no choice but to let it go, for the first bear had called for a second and there was no longer any breath to talk with.
“The mage sent me with your medicine,” the assassin said, and he was opening the flap of her tent before Tabris could decide if she wanted to pull the blanket over her damaged arm or leave it out in the open. 
Zevran hissed between his teeth and crouched beside her, eyeing the burned skin over her wrist and forearm. 
“A nasty wound,” he said, “do you need help with it?”
“No,” Wen said sharply, and winced when she tried to angle her arm closer, “...maybe.”
Zevran made a soft noise, tongue against teeth, and carefully sat beside her. Wen hissed at the sensation of the balm on her tender skin and buried her face in her shoulder. 
“Why did she not come herself?” he asked idly, his fingertips very careful over her skin. 
“I told her to fuck off when she offered,” Wen muttered into her shoulder, flinching when he laughed and traced ointment over the edge of the wound. His fingertips were callused and warm; for some reason, she hadn’t expected that. 
“There—it is done,” he said a moment later, and stood to go. 
“Thank you,” she muttered in response, long after the tent flap had swung shut again and the sound of footsteps had faded away. 
It felt profane to walk here. 
How funny to think so, after all the ruins and temples Emma had explored as a child. But this place—this temple—was different. It felt alive somehow, as if the goddess it revered was still present to watch what she did here. 
“I am sorry,” she told the first statue of Mythal in Elvhen, “I want to help and I will be as careful as I can be, but there are others here who mean this place harm.”
She could hear the others murmuring behind her, feel the weight of Solas’s stare against the back of her neck. He’d been odd since they approached this place, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. 
Didn’t matter. He’d made it clear that her faith was not his, and that was fine. 
“Let’s do these puzzles,” she said after a moment, turning away from the remote expression of the statue. “We have to make this right, however we still can.”
“The high inquisitor rises from her throne, staff in hand, magic spilling from her fingertips,” Salshira said, rising slightly from her chair as she spoke. “‘You have overstepped your bounds and you must pay the price,’ she says, and when she waves her hand every single one of the doors behind you slams shut and locks.”
The six players at the table before her gazed on in various stages of horror, Cassandra’s hands clasped before her, Cullen with one palm over his forehead, Bull grinning broadly and rubbing his hands together. 
“You know what I’m gonna say,” Salshira said, spreading her hands. 
The others groaned and fumbled around for dice, Sera drawing her set from under a paper plate and two grease-stained sheets of paper, Varric from inside a velvet-lined case, and Josephine from the precise line of dice she’d set before her. Salshira waited until all six players held their d20 in hand before grinning and leaning forward. 
“Roll for initiative,” she said, and the fight began.
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"You doin' alright?" Dean asks, watching his friend sway from side to side.
"I'm fine," Cas mumbles as he rapidly blinks the black dots he's seeing away.
"Cas?" Cas' face turns white and his eyes roll back as he collapses on the floor. "Cas!"
Cas wakes up a minute later to a very panicked Dean hovering over him. He's gently tapping Cas' face, he's feeling for a pulse, he's lifting Cas legs so the blood rushes back to his head. "What the fuck was that dude? Scared the shit outta me!"
He's dazed, but answers a small "I don't know."
As if on cue, his stomach makes the loudest rumbling sound a stomach could make.
Dean runs his hand down his face, feeling like a fucking idiot. "When's the last time you ate something?"
"I don't eat."
Eyeroll. "You do now." He helps Cas up and guides him to the kitchen. "Come on."
How convenient of Sam to be away grocery shopping at this moment. Dean stares into the fridge at the little food they had, trying to think of something. "Looks like you're having PB&J."
"What's that?"
Dean smirks. "Oh buddy, are you in for a treat."
Cas has to sit and lean over the counter to keep from passing out again. He watches as Dean hums around the kitchen, gathering ingredients. He gives a small "Thank you" when Dean sets the sandwich down in front of him.
"Just don't pass out in front of me again."
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
We don't trust anyone who says some stupid bullshit like "humans are ~collective~ creatures" or "humans are SOCIAL animals," like if they're such social and collective and accepting animals then why should they be allowed to force us into their norms instead of accepting us as we are? Why wouldn't they use their "collectivism" and "evolutionary traits" to fucking let us EXIST?
Fuck you. Commit an act of arson against an applied behavioral analysis facility with five other people and have the town applaud it in the most popular newspapers to exist, and then maybe we'll fucking believe you.
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