#Had a sort of poetry to it
llovely · 8 months
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here's a fake interview about my me & my girlfriend that i transcribed from my head. enjoy!
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fishofthewoods · 11 months
Did I have tasks I was supposed to be doing this evening? yes. Did i black out and write a poem about rabbits instead? yes.
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officially-other · 4 months
My first attempt at writing that's vaguely like poetry: from a dragon
I am not what you think.
I walk around, awkward limbs and flighty mannerisms, and you think I’m strange. You have no idea how strange you would think I am if you only saw what was underneath.
Underneath, I am a creature of the ocean. Something that could never pass as human, and no longer wants to. Saltwater rushes through my veins in secret, silent to everyone but me. To me, it’s a roaring sound of the waves that I have never seen except for within my soul. It yearns to dissolve into the ocean like it could long ago, but for now those days are over and I am hidden underneath skin and muscle.
Underneath, there are wings; fins; antlers. They ache to tear from my back, through my skull. Nonetheless, they stay hidden for me, safe in the silence. Protected like I protected my kin in a lifetime so close to the surface and yet unreachable. Wrapped in a form that no longer coils around them like a serpent, but keeps them hidden from predators well enough I suppose.
I suppose.
I accept my form reluctantly and do what I can to make it mine. I shape it to feel better when I discover my gender, and when I can’t shape it to fit my true self I cover it in things that feel a little more like home. A little more draconic. A little more like the ocean that I never have seen, but feel homesick for anyway.
I do find joy in being in this body, at least. Out there, there are others. Angels working minimum wage, dragons sitting on a park bench, wolves buying groceries. We hide, but we do so to be free. We walk through crowds, and no one notices our scales and fur and feathers. But we do. We see each other, even if from miles away, and we see what’s underneath.
And underneath, none of us are what you think.
(Tags for side commentary/context)
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Hey does anyone else think Lockwood and Lucy were meant to parallel Orpheus and Eurydice? Or am I just going a little crazy?
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hm. im not very big on new years resolutions, they're too much pressure. but... perhaps i can handle new years Desires
this year i want to complete a lil comic, fan-based or otherwise. i'd like to also complete some sort of storyboard/animatic thing. i want to develop a coloring style that i can be proud of. i want to get to a point with my dragons where they can have a coherent story & world to live in. i want to think of so many fun, trivial facts about my characters. i want to post more about them. i want to write and post an original thing, be it 1k words or 10k. i want to finish the rough draft of a book i outlined. i want to be kinder to myself. i want to create more gift art for others. i want to put more effort & care & love into my art. i want to force myself into the world and figure out how to live. i want to make an irl friend. try a new craft - scrapbooking, maybe, or making an enamel pin. i want to finish that last commission and make a new sheet for more. i want to be freer with myself. i want to finish at least three fics. i want to go whale watching again. i want to improve my art, especially in the matter of drawing people. i want to bake something tasty and share it with the neighbors. i want to be content with existing. i want to have more good things in life to list on bad days. i want to build a birdhouse.
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lena-oleanderson · 4 months
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dear followers, today i offer you a weird poem about grief and having a crush on your anatomy professor amongst other things. tomorrow? who knows
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weaselle · 5 months
wake up in the mornin' my mind kind of stormin' i sit 'n' sip delicious brew- no time for mental thunder with the deadlines that i'm under fist grippin' this list to do hip holster full of laughter draggin' this boulder after baby take it to the top of the hill where it's never stayed yet but i place another bet sayin' maybe this time it will
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hella1975 · 1 month
why do you write? what do you think about, what drives you?
passion love grief rage spite confusion loneliness community shame boredom perfectionism fun because i dont know how to stop
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apoeticwasteoofspace · 3 months
Hi Eda!! Here are my suggestions for the random word prompts:
Also, how are you doing? I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night! 😁
hi!!! Thanks for the prompt!!!
I've already done pizza here 😂 but thank you so much anyway!
Crystal/between the meadow and the mountain (I went in a very different direction with this than the original prompt but it kept building on itself)
Between the meadow and the mountain, a flower quietly waits.
To see which one it will climb or fall, while it’s breath softly bates.
Will it go up the mountain, free to be happy and frolic around?
Or will it go down into the meadow, in the shadow of the giant, still waiting on the ground?
Will it fall into the valley?
The narrow little alley
Where the light chooses to leave
And it’s hopes and dreams can never be achieved.
For now, it sits there, roots digging in
While the grasses and the wind and the trees mock it, and it tries to drown out the din.
A lake, clear as crystal, sits beside the little flower, 
who gazes into it, wistful.
The little flower waits, while it’s breath softly bates
The petals dance in the wind, shifting and bending
The grass and the wind and the trees around it wending.
Then something unexpected happens
Another walks in between the meadow and the mountain.
They approach, and say,
“How are you, on this fine day?”
But the flower has no answer, except,
“I know not, for all I can do is wait.”
The other saw that it did not know it’s fate
But they knew that they could help make it great.
“Why don’t you come with me?” they said. “And I can help you see.”
The flower stood there uncertainly.
“But what if the others miss me, or worse, think badly?”
The grasses and the wind and the trees whispered, and the other one saw how badly their words had left the flower bruised and blistered.
“I think I can show you that sometimes you’re okay to be something else. They don’t know how much their mockery with water pelts
The small little fire inside of you.”
The flower looked back one more time, seeing all the others who used to say it couldn’t ever shine.
“I guess that’s my cue,” it said, “that maybe I should go with you.”
And so the other picked up the flower, gently and tenderly,
While the grasses and the wind and the trees watched bitterly.
The other showed the flower the world,
slowly helping it’s leaves and petals to no longer be furled.
They laughed and they cried, they sang and they lied, and the flower discovered that it no longer wanted to hide.
“Thank you,” it said. “You’ve helped me see the truth. None of me was bad, and it was really the others that were making me sad!” “It was a pleasure,” the other said. “The moments you’ve given me I will forever treasure”.
The flower never needed to go up the mountain, or into the meadow, or down in the valley.
Because there are so many ways in life to go that they could never all be tallied.
The important thing to remember is, that you must stay true to yourself.
It does not matter what you have, wether it’s power or stature or wealth.
It can be even more beautiful when you look for what’s underneath.
And wether you’re a flower or the other, or something in between.
It can mean the world
When someone is finally seen.
(I had a lot of fun with this as you can tell)
I'm doing pretty good! What about you? Hope you an amazing day/night as well! :>
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if i am to go,
let me melt by the sun's hand.
if i am to go,
if i am to leave this all behind,
let me depart unplanned.
without thought, without worry.
in no rush and in no hurry.
though everything has its end,
in devastation there is passion.
let me spin the inevitable into a beautiful truth,
if i am to go.
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obsessed with their different reactions to being called starcrossed lovers
#im gonna pretend mattie didnt die and visits them sometimes back in toronto#it's such a cute dynamic they have#the two evil (affectionate) sisters who just loving teasing laura#also one of my favourite things abt this show is the choreographing they do for the static camera#i bet it's so annoying to have to think about but i love watching them all move so coordinatedly through the frame#somehow still making it look natural#also i know laura is the storyteller one and i dont really know enough abt romanticism to make any definitive claims abt carmilla#but having scrolled her blog a bit to figure out her tastes in music and art#i wonder if theres a part of carmilla that kind of enjoys being starcrossed. or doomed in a sense#or maybe she that she wouldnt have CHOSEN this story necessarily but that she has resigned herself to it#on account of her vampire nature#and sees a certain beauty in it#that all her romances are doomed#idk. im still figuring her out#also im reinterpreting that exchange mattie and carmilla have in this scene#carmilla calls mattie a utilitarian which is probably right#mattie then callls her a nihilist and carmilla corrects that to existentialist#and mattie says absurdist at best#but those arent designations like back and forth as i had read it before#it's just carmillas philosophy theyre arguing about. i THINK. or maybe it's both of them#putting a pin in that until ive read more books#also kind of obsessed with how laura and danny and maybe the other humans are so quick to ascribe a morality to the vampires#based just on the 'shes a vampire!!' while obviously by necessity the vampires have spent wayyyyyyyyyy more time thinking abt their ethics#or maybe not by necessity for all of them but to mattie and carmilla it definitely seems like a necessity. or inevitability#they mustve spent countless hours over the centuries talking abt this if they can joke abt it in this way now#and in different states too like i can imagine distraught Im A Monster type conversations but also just sort of academic debates and also#carmilla reading some new book that has come out and mattie being like what newfangled thing are you into now#i guess utilitarianism was also newfangled at some point. theyre both older. but you know#carmilla is a poet. dont know if she writes poetry but she looks at things in a poet's way i think#also dont think shes entirely a romantic but i do think some of her tastes lean more toward the romantic
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enlighten3d · 4 months
@thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls
anygays!!!!!! i have... i have a gift for you.... a poem about jadele... i think its very cool... i did make up some stuff for it but i think thats par for the course now
have !! jadele poem... hehe [: all i will tell you is that its janette pov, you can figure out the rest yourself [:
--- (its under the cut bcs its Long lmao) ---
I'm forced to wonder, if you regret it at all. If us ending up here has changed anything in your mind. I doubt it - I know for a fact it hasn't.
I know that that glint in your eyes - vicious, vindictive, violent, passionate in all the worst ways - it's the same as it's ever been. It couldn't ever be otherwise.
I search for that spot of regret in myself, sure to be blooming in/on my chest, encroaching on flesh and bone, replacing and ripping and rending. It's not there for me to find.
It settles; the knowledge - that this was inevitable, never less, never more - as I grab your hands, I pull you towards me.
I've found something else blooming there now, in the place that should belong to Regret. It burns, all-consuming, as it rips its way out of me, tearing spitefully as it blocks what I meant to say. I've found no part of me that wishes it were Regret.
I could label what is there as Hatred, as I could many things. It could be that look in your eyes, what love has bloomed into. It's just another thing to call what's been inside me all along.
I hold you tight, as you try to break away from me. There's no want in you, when I give you what you thought you wanted from me. I can't say I've missed the feeling of your lips on mine, after everything.
I share with you, what festers inside me. It's your fault, it's your fault (just as much as it is mine?). I think you deserve it.
It's simple, in the end, watching that which I have no name for other than Revenge, tear its way through you- through me- through us- You can't even leave now. It's worth it, in my eyes.
I smile, a bloody, broken, blasphemous thing, one last time, into your lips. I can't let you go either, now.
I let go.
It burns, and I can't even call it Revenge anymore. It's Pain, Pride, Power, Penance- blue. They're blue. I think they're pretty, these blue flowers. It's almost picturesque, the way they burst out of your eyes, through my skin, into your heart. I think my mother used to like these. I can almost call up a fading memory, of a vase of sapphire-blue flowers, standing proud on the dining table where we never ate. My mother wouldn't be - isn't - proud of me. She's right though, that they're pretty, even when they're covered in blood and gore and flesh and
I settle on a name for it. It's the End.
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mukuharakazui · 2 years
i sound like the youngest boomer on earth whenever i say this but it really was a mistake for baby gays to learn about the term fruit. idk what it is about the internet that makes kids see a derogatory term for a marginalized group they’re part of, or even just adjacent to, which they’ve never been targeted with and decide it’s just their new Special Inside Joke Swear Word. some 16 y/o online calling a picture of a celebrity wearing a gaudy sweater fruity or faggy isn’t “reclamation” it’s just parroting homophobia and not funny in the slightest.
speaking among onesself or close friends is one thing but when it gets to the point (and it has) where people are calling real life people they barely (or don’t) know homophobic terms, it doesn’t matter if the person saying it is gay or not.
#succ speaks#also i thought people were only like this online but being at a lac. people really just do this to people they know irl.#like they actually just say things. having to listen to a girl call ross gay 'fruity' in a poetry class and then like a week later...#...a guy who i was kinda friends with but also hung out with a total of like 5 times decided yeah sure i can call the group chat faggots#just......wow. people really live like this. and not even 8th grade gsa attendees who are still learning. young adults in the workforce.#i also think this sort of faux solidarity is why this same demographic desperately tries to express personal parallels to experiences...#...they have never gone through and/or cannot possibly go through. something about slowly losing the ability to listen and needing to talk.#<- also sorry to sound like a psych major but egocentric approaches to social media has done irreversible damage to so many young ppl...#...but at the same time we (young ppl on social media) are to blame because social media platforms are egocentric by design.#being invested in onesself isn't a cause of shitheadedry but a lot of people have really just gotten so dismissive of others it's insane.#also idk pretend i made a solid link between this and The Lost Art Of The Sincere Apology And Taking Accountability#this is just me parroting a convo i had w some friends at lunch 2day btw. posting it online bc someone probably needs to see this.#<- AS IN. ppl have definitely thought the same thing and need to see it articulated not that someone needs to feel called out by it#feeling called out by this would be like. a personal problem to sort out
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childhood birthday party games and the strange magical quality of light (only in the afternoon)
I want to stay in this August limbo
bending over backwards just to keep it together
how far can I bend before I have to break
we'll never find out because nothing has to change
orange sunlight earlier nights golden mornings
no need to say goodbye when the sun is burning us alive
they call this the dog days and I still haven't figured out why
maybe it's the way dogs hate to see people go
maybe it's all that love to give to anyone who will have it
summer is going to end eventually and seasons are gonna change
but right now we're playing limbo
bending under a pole to see how far we can go
and it doesn't have to change just yet
~ L. T.
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
this stupid little man makes me laugh
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mariocki · 1 month
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Fat Man on a Beach (HTV, 1974)
"I'm going to read some more poems now. Erm. It may be that if you want to go and have a cup of tea, this would be a good time. I know that's what you masses are like. The mention of poetry and off you go."
#fat man on a beach#b.s. johnson#classic tv#documentary#htv#michael bakewell#aled vaughan#a frankly incredible and truly unique piece of television. according to Johnson's biographer‚ the novelist Jonathan Coe‚ this film was#described in tv listings at the time as a documentary about Porth Ceiriad‚ a rather beautiful beach on the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales#it.. is not that. i can only imagine the baffled reactions of an idle audience tuning into HTV in 1974. true‚ this is entirely filmed at#Porth Ceiriad‚ but any element of travelogue (or even really of documentary) is dispelled almost immediately: the first lines heard are#those of an unseen narrator who tells us we are about to watch a film about a fat man on a beach. 'Do you really want to watch that?' he#asks incredulously. it's a challenge‚ the first of several from Johnson‚ who spends the next 40 minutes variously pottering about the sands#mugging to the camera‚ reciting poetry (his own and others; literary and dirty) and baring his soul. I've never seen anything quite like it#I'm not sure that much has been made that is quite like it tbh. Johnson was a fiercely original‚ brilliant mind; he was a novelist#a poet‚ a critic and a filmmaker. he was also‚ when this first aired on uk tv‚ dead. a few weeks after completing filming on this‚ his#final work‚ he sadly took his own life. i mention it not as a grim factoid but because it is a vital contextualisation of this film; the#play has been described before (and play is not the right word) as a sort of loose form manifesto from Johnson‚ a laying out of his own#peculiar philosophies and interests in a disjointed manner‚ peppered with asides and distractions and filming mishaps (all kept in the#final product). for me‚ the feeling was inescapable that this was like viewing a suicide note. whether Johnson had already come to some#conclusion on that front or not‚ the fact is that his own obsession with morbidity‚ with the spectre of death and of decay (it runs right#through his work‚ particularly his work in film) transforms this into something almost confessional. there's a section of the film where#the author recalls witnessing the aftermath of a traffic accident‚ a motorcyclist thrown through wire fencing and sliced like cheese#the absurdity of the comparison is lingered on‚ Johnson almost stalls and appears to lose his train of thought (briefly discussing instead#the modern mass production of cheese) but he also seems clearly affected‚ delivering the tale in a halting‚ reverent tone#not that this is all darkness and gloom; it's just as often funny‚ or surreal (the film frequently cuts away to a bunch of bananas‚ only#later explained by one of Johnson's biographical recollections) and includes visual puns‚ bad jokes and a few moments of physical comedy#the writer doesn't seem distressed. rather‚ he seems... if not at peace‚ then as though he has come to terms. confident in his own beliefs#and ideals. but perhaps that's reaching too far‚ or reading in what the viewer wishes to read in. the sad fact is that Johnson took his own#life‚ but he left us with a body of work unlike almost anything else‚ and which is still being celebrated and analysed today. rip bsj
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